#Assassin's Creed The Templars
dzthenerd490 · 4 months
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SCP: HMF - Group of Interest: Abstergo Industries
inspired by Reddit artist 22tbates's awesome work.
Yeah... I think it's safe to say I'm better at drawing monsters than I am at drawing people. With people the best I can do is either stick figures or detailed stick figures. Oh well, maybe I'll get better as time goes on, or maybe this is the best I'll ever be, don't know and kinda don't mind. Though if you guys can think of criticism or tips that will help I'm aways willing to listen and am always thankful for every bit of info given.
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servethelight · 9 months
Maybe the assassins would beat the templars for once if they stopped serving the light and started serving cunt.
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mythicalvoid787 · 2 months
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The assassin's/templars outfits each
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clingyduoapologist · 10 months
most fucked up part about assassin's creed is that desmond was 25 and literally was at the club… but they ripped that boy out his natural habitat…
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volpestarks · 9 months
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It’s been a decade +1 since I’ve followed the franchise, but Assassins Creed 3 will always have a special place in my heart
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thou-babbling-brook · 10 months
it’s so funny when you play mirage because sometimes you forget Basim is supposed to be like 20 or younger and then he does some stupid shit like introduce himself with his legal name to the Templars and you remember because no Assassin with a fucking developed prefrontal cortex would do some stupid shit like that
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marf244 · 5 months
HAII I saw your requests were open!!! Could you draw Rebecca and Shaun on a date somewhere? They need some relaxation away from all the shit they have to deal with lol
(Love your art and your style so much its giving me literal brainrot <33)
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Their coffee date went a little awry but they still had fun ☕
And thank you so much!! Glad to spread the brainrot >:)))
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gronnulv · 11 months
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wannakryyy · 1 year
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Shay patrick cormac, AC rogue might be the shortest game but i still think its underrated as hell, one of the best ones in my opinion
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lilborealis · 1 year
Assassins Creed Headcanons because I can
-Despite denying it adamantly, Evie still does have a crush on Ezio Auditore (it’s not as much as when she was a girl, but it’s still there)
-the tips of Evie’s ears also blush when she’s embarrassed, Henry finds it adorable
-Jacob somehow hid the fact he got drunk when he and Evie were hunting for the Koh-i-noor
-Ezio’s banged at least one nun in his lifetime
-Connor has a habit of apologizing to people when his large stature startles them
-who among the assassins would listen to Jimmy Buffett and why is it absolutely Edward mf Kenway
-Haytham has fallen off a few roofs by sheer accident and Connor loves to remind him (much to his annoyance)
-Evie actually does have a tattoo, Henry is the only one who knows
-Jack the Ripper is a Sage, and the founder of the Instruments of the First Will (he had associates in Syndicate, remember?)
-Arno 👏 adopted 👏 Léon
-both Jacob and Evie have kids and those kids are the most chaotic cousins alive
-Shay actually hates the color green
-Shay’s middle name actually came from his grandfather (who was named Patrick), his father’s name was Killian
-everyone thinks Evie’s all elegant and graceful but Jacob’s seen her fall off many roofs (more than him, he’s been sworn to secrecy)
-everyone thinks Jacob is the evil twin, (he’s just impulsive) but it’s actually Evie (no one believes him and he wants to scream)
-modern day Altair went through an emo phase
-Arno can walk on his hands
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demigoddessqueens · 6 months
Happy 268th Birthday Ratonhnhaké:ton/Connor!!
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teecupangel · 11 months
Why not just Desmond being an angel.
And it freaks everybody out and everybody thinks he's holy or something and he's just like "all right okay why not"
It had happened by accident.
It had to be an accident, right?
Altaïr had been thrown out of the room and the Templars had unsheathed their weapons. Malik had been focused on protecting his brother, shouting at him to run as he tried to keep all of the Templars busy.
Robert de Sablé didn’t even look back when he walked away after ordering their death.
Malik didn’t know what happened.
He saw Kadar freeze when he neared the scaffolding that would lead to the treasure and Malik swore his eyes glowed gold for the briefest of moments.
Before one of the Templars charged at him.
Kadar snapped out of it and tried to block, his stance unstable enough that he slipped backwards.
Into the scaffolding…
Taking the Templar with him.
The Templar’s sword struck one of the wooden pillars keeping the scaffolding stable and…
Malik didn’t have any explanation for it.
It shouldn’t have happened.
The scaffolding started to crumble, making Kadar and the Templar run away from it as fast as they could.
And then…
The wall next to the scaffolding began to break apart, golden light coming from the cracks before the entire thing fell down.
Together with the treasure and the ark where it had been resting.
The ark broke in half, splitting in the middle to reveal an egg shaped thing made of stone that was around the height of perhaps Malik when he was sitting on the floor.
The treasure fell on top of it, shattering like it was made of glass.
Where the shards fell on the stone, the stone changed and spread.
What had been stone had changed to seemingly three pairs of wings with white feathers that seemed to shine gold all curled together.
The wings twitched…
Before slowly opening, stretching to its full size.
Revealing a young man seemingly sleeping, the three pairs of wings attached to his back. His head was resting on his propped up knees.
No one could speak.
No one could move.
“Altaïr?” Kadar whispered hesitantly and Malik could see why he would call out that fool’s name.
The man looked too much like Altaïr for it to be a coincidence.
Almost as if hearing the name, the man…
The divine being in front of them opened his eyes.
Instead of Altaïr’s golden eyes, his eyes were light brown with specks of gold in them.
And Malik wondered how he could see them from where he was standing, a few meters away from the winged being.
The divine being looked around and blinked.
His eyes met Malik and his lips parted.
“It’s an angel!”
Before he could speak, the Templars all knelt and began to pray.
The Templar who had attacked Kadar took off his helmet and…
It was a woman.
A woman who was praying fervently at the divine being who…
… looked at Malik with wide confused eyes.
Unorganized Notes… I mean… sorta notes?:
Desmond is surprised for a few seconds then he goes “Be not afraid” and tried to sound super impressive “Ye are in the presence of…………… the will of God.” and he’s just bullshiting his way to uuhhh. He has no plans.
He glanced at Malik and Kadar and oh yeah, alright.
“Ye shall not harm these… men of justice for they are… under my protection…?”
At that point, Desmond knows he is ffuuuccckkeedd. Malik is obviously onto him. Kadar is super confused and just keeps staring at his face. Then…
Maria, of all people, agree and even goes as pledge her sword to him which is super weird and Desmond’s just “???”
In the end, Desmond accidentally takes the Templars about to kill Malik and Kadar with him as he leaves the temple with Malik and Kadar. It’s a very awkward journey and Desmond has no idea what else to do other than…
Oh wait… there were other Templars stationed nearby and they all saw him leave with his ‘entourage’.
Before he could try to say anything, Maria speaks for him, calling the messenger of God and that he had been sleeping in the Ark of the Covenant which sounded like a super big deal (and he can’t even whisper to Malik to ask what the hell she was talking about because the Farm was never religious and the only time Desmond even heard of the Ark of the Covenant was from Indiana Jones) and…
… why does it feel like Maria was converting people into becoming his personal army???
Oh god… Was this…
Was he going to take his own army to Masyaf???
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temeyes · 14 days
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[OC] mission success (maybe?)
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tenebrare · 11 months
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Assassins Creed / Inktober remixed Here I just added a singular colour layer to the inktober doodle - without changing anything else. The Inktober original :
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isa-belle1367 · 3 days
Every single time I replay assassins creed 3, I am absolutely baffled at how Bill let the words "what is the matter with you Desmond?" Escape from him mouth.
This is the same Desmond who looks like he's on the verge of collapsing 24/7 and is one inconvenience away from a breakdown. ALSO bill was getting day by day emails of Lucy begging Bill to get Desmond some help because he seemed to be getting worse. SHE KEPT HIM IN THE LOOP THE ENTIRE TIME AND HE STILL ASKED THAT QUESTION???
Like at some point, you just gotta admit that Bill is a fucking idiot. Like yeah, he's a shitty father, but you gotta be a specific flavor of STUPID to ask that kind of question.
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blackflash9 · 4 months
How AC3 Depicted the Minority Struggle
A common theme throughout AC3 comes from its iteration of the Templars - The Colonial Rite. The narrative was a lot more charitable and sympathetic to the Templar ideology - so much to the point that you'll often get some of those in the community who have become utterly convinced by their rhetoric to the extent that they've been deceived into believing that they were noble and righteous all along despite evidence to the contrary. Do you know who isn't convinced by them? Connor. The protagonist whom some still pretend was some bubbling deer-in-the-headlights who couldn't comprehend how "right" they were. In fact, Connor didn't think any target he killed was right. He even explicitly questions and poses counterarguments. And how do they respond? They just... call him naive instead of properly answering him. Johnson was killing the Natives who opposed him acquiring their land. His argument was that he could protect the Natives when the British or the Colonists came for them. But when Natives ask him if he is really concerned about their protection then he should give them muskets. To which he replies "War is not the answer". Easy for him to say, he wasn't getting driven off of his land. Not taking up for the Patriots, mind you, because they were honestly no different when it came to Native Americans, but Pitcairn's idea of peace was "better we hold the strings than another". When Connor questions that logic, he gets told he's being naive. Hickey? He brags about how Haytham and Connor are chasing lofty goals while his only goals were tits and gold.
Church was chased down by both Haytham and Connor for stealing supplies from the Continental Army. He was a just greedy hedonist who was trying to justify his actions. Connor counters every point Haytham makes while fighting him at Fort George. Sure, he thought if they helped the patriots they'll probably be on their side (but if Juno was right, the Templars were gonna seize his village's land anyway so there was no way he'd have been able to rescue his people), when Connor asks Haytham what makes Templars so special that they know how everything should be, all Haytham offers are excuses.
And he was in no delusion as to what the Patriots are. He points out Sam Adams' hypocrisy of fighting for freedom while owning a slave, he tells off the Sons of Liberty that they mistake him for one of their own before Achilles mentions Pitcairn. He thought Washington was a good guy before he learned he burnt his village, but in Forsaken Haytham lets go of the grudge he held against Washington because he came to see him as a great leader and better tempered than Charles Lee. So it's not like Connor was completely naive as everyone portrays him to be.
Everyone dismisses Connor as this naive kid who doesn't know "how the world works", but no one seems to give a convincing answer to the questions Connor asks. Whenever he asks the people in power (or who seek power, like the Templars) what makes them so special that everyone should obey them, they don't have an answer either. What Connor goes through in the game, is what every oppressed group has gone through. They're always told to wait, always told to liberate themselves at the convenience of their oppressors, their grievances are used as bait by those who seek power but they'll forget the same oppressed people who helped them the second they attain power. But their liberation never comes. The only people who can truly liberate are themselves. That's what the deleted monologue was about. His Creed.
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