#Asking questions
linafoxoficial · 3 days
I absolutely adore your designs but all I can think about is “STOP STARING AT ME WITH THEM BIG OL EYES”
but.... if you are talking about Sun and Moon.... THEY ARE THE CUTEST THINGS....
and well... the only thing that isn't ABSURDLY GIANT ABOUT THEM... are their eyes Ahahjaajajajaj
it's the only small thing on their pizza face
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tremendously-crazy · 1 month
QUICK! What's your favorite Sherlock Holmes story? I'll go first, if i HAVE TO PICK, my favorite is the adventure of the red headed league or the adventure of the priory school
Reblog so more people can answer!! /nf
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bloodrediscream · 1 year
Sometimes I imagine Creator!Wally with a sad expression (like Asgore when he's defeated) and being like, "I want to see my friends and family. I want to see my wife and children."
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It fits this so well lmao- so dramatic
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furiousgoldfish · 11 months
Is it a common experience for abusive parents to not wanna answer simple questions when you're a kid? Like when you're learning basic concepts, like what is the sun, why do people die, what are birds, why can't I eat grass and dirt, when you're just asking for basic clarifications.
I remember knowing very little by the time I started school because nobody would answer my questions or clarify anything, I had to wait to go to school to learn anything. I also often had trouble connecting different information because I had no references to it, I was kept in the dark about as many things as possible.
Did your abusive parents also just call you annoying and make fun of you for being stupid instead of engaging with you and helping you understand the world?
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still thinking about crowley's fall.
That one quote, more specifically. "How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?"
It's very possible I'm overthinking it. But it still reminds me so much of art and censorship, I wrote a poem on it just now, and I just wanted to elaborate on that, on why I said that an answer is judgement but a question is justice.
Back in Ancient Greece, Plato tried to outlaw writers, the storytellers. For millennia, those in power have feared people in arts, because we're not just dealers in aesthetics, we're dealers in ideas. Even in times of war, poverty, censorship, songs were sung, paperbacks exchanged in dark alleyways, stories whispered and walls covered with graffiti.
When stories are created, the writers have to balance both opposing ideas in their head, no matter how vile or repugnant. To prove that the protagonist is strong, you can't have a weak antagonist. The opposing idea has to be as strong as the one that will win for the victory to be meaningful.
Art, and stories, aren't about being right. People say we find answers in art, and maybe for some that's true, but I think what is infinitely more important are the questions it raises.
Because what is braver, what is more shattering to the status quo, than to question it? To dare to ask what if, to present an alternative, to pull an idea up to the witness stand and cross-examine it?
That's why when we see censorship, we need to look deeper. Because if an idea is truly that 'right', it will survive even the most intense of questioning, and even sceptics will have to accept its veracity. Why, then, are people so afraid of stories that question? Maybe it is because deep down, they aren't convinced themselves. They don't believe that their idea will survive the cross-examination. They are trying to keep a lie in power over the truth.
And art isn't about finding that elusive truth, it's about daring to look the lies in their face and say, maybe, maybe you're wrong. I don't know, you don't know, nobody may ever know, but maybe.
Like the Serpent of Eden, whispering, presenting that alternative of dissent to Eve. Not coercing. Not forcing her hand. But telling her that there is an alternative, whether good or bad.
That's why the writers, the artists, the musicians, those from every walk of the arts, are journalists interviewing society. We cannot allow ourselves to be silenced.
It's not about the answers offered, and whether someone agrees with them or not. It's about the questions, and if people fear the questions, maybe think about why that is.
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Is it just me, or does Adam have delicate hands?
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onceuponapuffin · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder how we as a fandom landed on Starmaker when Starchitect was RIGHT THERE.
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diamondzoey · 4 months
*Kicks the door* Surprised more questions for the bug army!
1. How would they found out that jemma is a demon and how would they react after learning that?
2. How would they react if they saw Timmy get his head stuck in a bucket?
3. If jemma were to gift them a shiny object like a rock or shiny how would they react
4. Okay this one is a little angsty if they were to met Jemma’s biological grandparents (the ones who put her mother in a lab) what would they say to them
@willowve01 @aspenm00n @proxdragon @asmrbrainrot @rozeliyawashereyall @iistxrmyskyii @astralbulldragon13 @kaiamtt @insignificant-anarchy @rustycopper4use @piffany666 @dreamyshape @idontevenknow7878 @littlesiren79 @lunaritychuwolf @castbracelet240 @tiefling-chaos @strayharmony943 @stxph-artist @fangsshadow @keyaartz @fennaboysenberry @wilderrorcard @threeweekinsomnia
A/n: hopefully it tagged everyone and won’t let me tag two people T-T
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I was wondering: if we're asking tons of questions about what happened in those final fifteen minutes, don't you think Crowley will too, once the shock is gone?
He's the one who invented asking questions, after all.
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lovelywetdreamer · 7 months
What everyone weird crush? My is Pennywise. Before you judge me, let me explain. The man have sharp teeth to bite me, nice long tongue, tall, and no kids. He can also dance.
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linafoxoficial · 12 days
I saw Friendly Face the human-faced cat in the box for the FNAF books on that table of your fave FNAF characters.
I wondered if Sun would like a pet like that? Maybe an animal companion would help with his anxiety
ok, i will do something about it...
its not ready yet
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littlesiren79 · 4 months
*crashes through the window* so since everyone else is giving out questions so I'll do mine
1. How did the bugs react when they met the twins Vincent and Victor
2. How would bugs react when they get a secret gift from Victor as a sign for friendship and trust
3. How would bugs react when they get a fresh tamale from Vincent and Victor as a gift from them
@willowve01 @astralbulldragon13 @aspenm00n @rozeliyawashereyall @proxdragon @kaiamtt @dreamyshape @rozeliyawashereyall @idontevenknow7878 @castbracelet240 @insignificant-anarchy @stxph-artist @strayharmony943 @fennaboysenberry @keyaartz @threeweekinsomnia @wilderrorcard @redacted @iistxrmyskyii @asmrbrainrot @lunaritychuwolf
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bennet-angle-demon · 10 months
*bites Caine then teleports away* XD
It's said ( *bites Caine then teleports away* XD)
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Bro just why? Can do nothing to you
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bloodrediscream · 1 year
Based on the bit about him being slightly narcissistic, I'd be distrustful towards Reboot!Wally and I'd tell him so to his face. Like, is he the kinda guy who's allergic to accountability? Is he the kinda guy who would purposefully hurt someone for no good reason? Is he the kinda guy who's impossible to please?
(The term "narcissist" leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.)
It's purely not to hurt anyone. it's more like "My job is to do better than you. so I am better." in a way... but it's more because of a slightly hurt ego/ pride. he likes to tell himself he's great because he fears that he isn't. Genuinely, he's really nice and helpful. but he's only snooty and snarky to those he doesn't like or if someone seems off to him. In this case, it's towards OG Wally out of misunderstanding.
maybe I shouldn't have used the word "Narcissist" and more of "Prideful" Yea... I just think that fits more lol!
if I were to describe it. he's just blunt and straightforward. slightly playful and teases light-heartedly. slightly Cunning and Charismatic...
bitter and sour if annoyed or angry, but he would just brush it off and try to ignore it. if not then he's being sarcastic.
with a big smile on his face too. He would still help you out if he liked you or not- "Love thy Neighbor"
(the truth is that there is no better Wally! He's just a sour patch kid lmao! I hope that helps answered and made since idk I'm sorry!...)
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eelhound · 8 months
"It doesn’t have to be the way it is is a playful statement, made in the context of fiction, with no claim to 'being real.' Yet it is a subversive statement.
Subversion doesn’t suit people who, feeling their adjustment to life has been successful, want things to go on just as they are, or people who need support from authority assuring them that things are as they have to be. Fantasy not only asks 'What if things didn’t go on just as they do?' but demonstrates what they might be like if they went otherwise — thus gnawing at the very foundation of the belief that things have to be the way they are.
So here imagination and fundamentalism come into conflict.
A fully created imaginary world is a mental construct similar in many respects to a religious or other cosmology. This similarity, if noticed, can be deeply disturbing to the orthodox mind.
When a fundamental belief is threatened the response is likely to be angry or dismissive — either 'Abomination!' or 'Nonsense!' Fantasy gets the abomination treatment from religious fundamentalists, whose rigid reality-constructs shudder at contact with question, and the nonsense treatment from pragmatic fundamentalists, who want to restrict reality to the immediately perceptible and the immediately profitable. All fundamentalisms set strict limits to the uses of imagination, outside which the fundamentalist’s imagination itself runs riot, fancying dreadful deserts where God and Reason and the capitalist way of life are lost, forests of the night where tigers hang from trees by the tail, lighting the way to madness with their bright burning.
Those who dismiss fantasy less fiercely, from a less absolutist stance, usually call it dreaming, or escapism.
Dream and fantastic literature are related only on a very deep, usually inaccessible level of the mind. Dream is free of intellectual control; its narratives are irrational and unstable, and its aesthetic value is mostly accidental. Fantastic literature, like all the verbal arts, must satisfy the intellectual as well as the aesthetic faculty. Fantasy, odd as it sounds to say so, is a perfectly rational undertaking.
As for the charge of escapism, what does 'escape' mean? Escape from real life, responsibility, order, duty, piety, is what the charge implies. But nobody, except the most criminally irresponsible or pitifully incompetent, escapes to jail. The direction of escape is toward freedom. So what is 'escapism' an accusation of?
'Why are things as they are? Must they be as they are? What might they be like if they were otherwise?' To ask these questions is to admit the contingency of reality, or at least to allow that our perception of reality may be incomplete, our interpretation of it arbitrary or mistaken.
I know that to philosophers what I’m saying is childishly naive, but my mind cannot or will not follow philosophical argument, so I must remain naive. To an ordinary mind not trained in philosophy, the question — do things have to be the way they are / the way they are here and now / the way I’ve been told they are? — may be an important one. To open a door that has been kept closed is an important act.
Upholders and defenders of a status quo, political, social, economic, religious, or literary, may denigrate or diabolize or dismiss imaginative literature, because it is — more than any other kind of writing — subversive by nature. It has proved, over many centuries, a useful instrument of resistance to oppression.
Yet as Chesterton pointed out, fantasy stops short of nihilist violence, of destroying all the laws and burning all the boats. (Like Tolkien, Chesterton was an imaginative writer and a practicing Catholic, and thus perhaps particularly aware of tensions and boundaries.) Two and one make three. Two of the brothers fail the quest, the third carries it through. Action is met with reaction. Fate, Luck, Necessity are as inexorable in Middle-earth as in Colonus or South Dakota. The fantasy tale begins here and ends there (or back here), where the subtle and ineluctable obligations and responsibilities of narrative art have taken it. Down on the bedrock, things are as they have to be. It’s only everywhere above the bedrock that nothing has to be the way it is.
There really is nothing to fear in fantasy unless you are afraid of the freedom of uncertainty. This is why it’s hard for me to imagine that anyone who likes science can dislike fantasy. Both are based so profoundly on the admission of uncertainty, the welcoming acceptance of unanswered questions. Of course the scientist seeks to ask how things are the way they are, not to imagine how they might be otherwise. But are the two operations opposed, or related? We can’t question reality directly, only by questioning our conventions, our belief, our orthodoxy, our construction of reality. All Galileo said, all Darwin said, was, 'It doesn’t have to be the way we thought it was.'"
- Ursula K. Le Guin, from her blog entry "It Doesn’t Have To Be the Way It Is," June 2011.
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Should I do Part 3 of Sub Stepbrother FTM! Kaeya X Dom Stepbrother! Male Reader?
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