loominggaia · 4 months
Can you tell something about ressurecting the dead?
What do people need to do become divines?
1 ) Do you mean like random trivia? I will say that botching a resurrection spell creates can create ghosts (although some necromancers create ghosts on purpose). Ghosts are the residual energy from a person's corpse which has become corrupted by dark magic. The corpse must be fresh or still decomposing to extract a ghost. A ghost cannot be created from a corpse that has no energy left (meaning it has finished decomposing long ago, like a skeleton or mummy).
This is why it's safer for novice necromancers to practice spells on skeletons rather than fresh corpses. They can still have problems, but ghosts are not one of them. Once a ghost is created it can be very difficult to get rid of it.
2 ) Everyone on Gaia wants to know the answer to this question! Unfortunately no one has found the answer yet. It seems totally random who gets granted divinity. It's not a matter of morals, because there are both good and terrible divines. It doesn't seem to be a matter of rich or poor, species, age, intelligence, or anything else.
What is the common trait that all divines share? They are all peoples. That's it. Otherwise they are all very different from eachother. No one knows why Gaia has blessed them, or if She has even done it consciously. Some people believe that divines have been struck by a magical phenomenon similar to arcane flares; they just happen to be in the exact right place at the exact right time. But as I said, it is still a mystery, so there are only theories for now.
Lore Masterpost
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ghostdrafts · 2 years
Hi Ghost! I would like to request an expansion on Jason Todd (Titans) and the reader listening to ABBA, please.
Thank you.
Jason Todd x ABBA Appreciation
Warnings: Feral Writer that has spent too much time thinking about this
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It started a lot earlier than Jason probably realizes.
His time being bounced around from foster home to foster home was spent being mistreated by almost all of them. Almost.
There was an old woman who would come in to do upkeep in the small estate where Jason was staying.
The couple who had taken him in weren’t terribly rich, but as everyone knows, a little bit of money can get you a long way in Gotham.
They weren’t particularly cruel by Jason’s standards, but he was very aware of the role that he played in whatever game they were trying to win. The onscreen charity type. They only did good deeds when somebody was there to witness, but behind closed doors, they wanted nothing to do with him.
The only attention he was given was used to berate him. They were the type to scold him for things that weren’t his fault, out of his control, and lock the food pantries as a punishment. They’d eat their dinner right in front of him and send him to his room early if he was caught trying to sneak any for himself.
When the old woman would come in to do her job twice a week, Saturday and Sunday mornings while Mr. and Mrs. we’re out on some excursion Jason wasn’t invited to, well. Those days were always his favorite.
She’d wait until it was just the two of them and make him breakfast. He’d sit on the counter and keep her company while she washed the dishes.
He always liked the songs that she would hum under her breath during lulls in the conversation, leaving no room for awkward silences. It was comfortable. Comforting.
This carried over in a lot of ways. In the span of time he’d gotten to know Alfred before his passing and part of the reason Bruce buried him next to Alfred after he died was because Jason got attached from similar nature.
Alfred made him French toast just the way he liked it in the mornings and would always smile with pleasant conversation when Jason stuck around after breakfast.
The old woman would always make sweet comments about how she wished she could take him home with her, how she would have loved to have a son like him. A widow with no children to keep her company, she should have been in a long, happy retirement at her age, but she struggled to make ends meet, just trying to keep the house her husband had built when they were young and in love.
He always wished she would. That she would take him away from a place, where he was under the custody of people who managed to simultaneously neglect him and watch him like some kind of predator stalking its prey, just waiting for him to slip up so they could sink their teeth in and spew their venom.
There was only so much he could take before he ran away.
Sleeping in back alleys and under bridges, until he finally made himself a home above the school auditorium.
He would sit for hours and watch play rehearsals, bad high school renditions of Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It was the end of the spring term, with summer break peeking around the corner that they all took a unanimous vote for their End of the Year Performance.
Mamma Mia.
Three days into rehearsals and two weeks after Jason had stopped shivering at night when the chill settled around the old building, the darkness grew shorter and the sun shined longer, he settled into a place where he felt comfortable. A place, in some strange way, he had made his own.
It was when they started rehearsing their songs that he recognized it. I Have A Dream. That was it. Unmistakable. He’d heard it dozens of times before, on the quiet mornings of the weekends when it was just the two of them. The way she’d hum, she captured the melody in its likeness.
That was the exact second Jason fell in love with ABBA.
He still thinks of the old woman from time to time. He’d thought about writing her letters, paying her a visit. He could never convince himself to take that final step.
But if a mysterious, unsigned envelope with more than enough money to close the mortgage on her house mysteriously showed up at her door one day, that’s nobody’s business.
He always thinks of her when he begins to hum Thank You For the Music. When he’s tired or stressed. Or just downright sentimental. He starts humming it under his breath before he even realizes he’s doing it.
Jason has two moods when it comes to playing music. When he’s blasting it as loud as it can go, because he needs to drown out his thoughts and maybe, if someone hears it. If they pay attention and listen, they’ll understand what he’s feeling. They’ll see him. Or alternatively, when he just needs the quiet comfort of not falling victim to the silence, when the soft melody barely above a hum from across the room is the only thing keeping him tethered without overwhelming him too much.
He puts a vinyl on every night before he falls asleep. If he doesn’t, then his mind starts reeling and he’ll jump on high alert at every sound he hears. Or his mind will trick him into thinking he heard something. This has resulted in him almost kicking the shit out of Gar on more than one occasion when he’s just trying to get a midnight snack.
Whether it’s the heightened sensitivity of his animal instincts and he just happens to overhear it or Jason confides in him in a lapse of vulnerability, Gar is probably the only person that knows about Jason’s full appreciation of ABBA. He keeps it a secret, but if anyone, at any point, brings it up, Jason will threaten them with death and/or dismemberment.
It’s when he meets that special person that he doesn’t mind not keeping it a secret. If they know about all the things he’s done, and they’re still there. They still love and accept him for some god forsaken reason, he doesn’t feel the need to hide anything. He’s silly and romantic and in the quiet hours of the morning, when everything’s warm and peaceful, sunlight peaking through the curtains and casting a soft glow across his faintly freckled skin, he’d press his lips against their neck and sing the words under his breath, whispered and a little raspy.
Still, as strange as it seems to be. It’s truly new to me. That affection. I don’t know what you do, you make me think that you will change my life forever. You thrill me, you delight me. You please me, you excite me. You’re all that I’ve been yearning for. I love you, I adore you. I lay my life before you.
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varietywritings · 5 years
Solace-Draco Malfoy x OC (In Progress)
So, life has been just lovely. I’m sorry for the delay on this fic. I had a first chapter but that is now scrapped. I am currently working on the new and improved first chapter and will post it as soon as it is finished. I can’t wait to introduce you to Esme Prewett.
Solace Summary
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ghost5 · 6 years
I'm very interested about it... You ship Firetimeshipping (Acronix x Kai). But, what do you think about a Firetimeshipping with Krux? xD
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  hey my friend.*:・゚✧*:・゚✧Yes, i ship Kai x Acronix! One of my favorite OTP :DNahr, Kai x Krux seems to be nice but it is nothing for me./ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
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citrineghost · 4 years
you’ve come to terms w your sexuality and realized you’re gay? asking bc i saw you saying some nonsense abt bisexuality in a post’s notes.
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I don’t know where you were going with that, Anon, an I’m not sure I want to. 
Anyway, I ID as gay because I’m a nonbinary man who’s primarily interested in men and nonbinary people who are more on the neutral, masculine, or Other side of things. 
I ID’d as bi for a while because I’m attracted to more than one gender, but I feel that because I ID as both nonbinary and male, and those are both important parts of who I am, that being attracted to people who are nonbinary and/or male, which I share, can be considered gay regardless of being more than one gender. It’s complicated.
The point is, I feel more at home in the gay label and have a hard time relating to bi culture because it doesn’t feel right for me, personally.
I don’t know what comment in what notes you’re talking about, so I can’t really comment on what I said, but if it was something regarding bisexuality being the attraction to 2 or more genders or that bisexuality includes trans and nonbinary people, I stand by that. 
Also I respect you changing your mind for fear of starting shit, so if you see this and don’t want to respond, that’s fine.
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frozen-soldier · 7 years
I like your star wars drawings
Welcome to my blog dear Yes-ellie-love  ꒰・◡・๑꒱ I will do my best to draw more and to upload  more Star Wars Stuff in the next time
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justsome-ghost · 8 years
9, 13, and 14 for the ask meme!!
Ah thank you Anon! 
9. tattoos i want : I Want to get one for my grandmother and sister along with a bunch of nerdy ones 
13. life goal(s):   No Dying it up there ..kind of 
14. piercings i want: I want to get my septum pierced and maybe another lip one  
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scourgefrontiers · 8 years
Beware I am the askghost
..places hand on thermos
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loominggaia · 2 years
How do ghost work in Gaia exactly? Cause the affliction article states their a person dematerialized body with a trapped soul? How does this happen and what inspired you to go this route rather then it being the dead persons soul?
The current ghost lore is outdated. I've been working on a new one for a while but it isn't finished. In the meantime, I did answer this older ask which touches on the updated lore a bit.
Lore Masterpost
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ghostdrafts · 2 years
Hi Ghost, I hope you feel better soon!
If it's okay I'd like to request (I'm not sure if requests are open, feel free to ignore or put on the backburner if not!) Hank Hall x Reader where Reader starts wearing Hank's shirts to bed (because they are big and comfy and if Reader is wearing them Hank isn't so all good reasons) and Hank didn't *think* he had a thing for this but is quickly realising he very much *does* and Reader maybe teases him with it a little ;D
a/n: Oh, anon. First of all, I love you for this. Secondly, I apologize that it took me so long, but I hope you enjoy! <3
Hank Hall x Reader
Requests Open
The first time it happens, he doesn't get the chance to think about it very much one way or the other. It wasn't intentional or thought through on your part, but after things got heavy and left you both naked, eventually falling asleep wrapped around each other, you woke up in the middle of the night to get some water. Hank's shirt was the closest thing you happened to grab, and there wasn't much sense in taking it off when you climbed back into bed with him.
He'd open his eyes and give up a gruff good morning but it isn't until he starts sliding his hand up your side that he realizes you're wearing his shirt.
Oh, so we're at that stage now where you're just gonna steal all my clothes?
As much as it sounds like a complaint, he says it with a grin on his face.
Hank has a habit of leaving his clothes laying around everywhere. And I mean everywhere. It's kind of a problem, but it makes for easy access. When you get out of the shower, hair still a little damp, in nothing but his shirt, he stops what he’s doing and takes the time to rake his eyes over you.
One sultry sweep up and down before he’s crossing the distance, right into your space, hands sliding up the hem to rest on the bare curve of your hips, slowly hauling you toward him.
As much as he loves having you all to himself, half naked, in his shirt, that in turn tends to keep him half naked as well, it’s when you start wearing them out that it drives him to the brink of the sweetest kind of insanity.
He’s watching you like a hawk (yes, I did this on purpose), making conversation, talking and laughing around your shared group of friends. Wearing his goddamn shirt.
Everyone knows it’s his and that makes you his too. Everyone gets to see that you belong to him and you have every part of him in return. Everything he has to offer. Straight down to the shirt off his back.
He smothers the simmer slowly boiling away at his resolve in a beer bottle, watching the way you moved, the way it was sizes too big for you and swayed in a pool of fabric around your body.
His knuckles went white around the neck of his drink and Dick feigned friendly concern in the place of heartfelt caution. There were a couple of (several) occasions when they’d gotten to drinking and the mood just didn’t sit right with Hank. Those usually resulted in him and Dick taking a couple of swings at each other.
I’m fine. He wanted to rip that shirt off of you.
It was sometime after dinner when you finally relented under his stares.
Am I being punished for something?
The question caught you off guard into laughing, but it was cut short when he caught you by the waist, leaning down to your level, so his nose brushed against yours and his lips were close enough for you to feel what he had to say next. It was then that you noticed how dark his gaze was.
Because I swear, y/n. You’re going to be the death of me. Can’t say I mind when I’d be going out with a bang
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varietywritings · 5 years
This is the first look at Chapter One of Solace (Draco Malfoy x OC//Esme Prewett). This is part of the first draft. Hope you enjoy!
“A canary? On the train, really?” The three boys weren’t surprised when she barged in. Sebastian, who had previously been lying on Lee’s lap, jumped onto the back of the bench and then onto Esme’s shoulders; this was one of his favorite spots as she was quite tall and he liked to be up high.
“We’re going to plant our portable swamp in the Slytherin Carriage next,” Fred smirked.
“Wouldn’t you rather a bigger audience?” She asked. The tabby was nudging his head on Esme’s hoping she would pet him.
“The whole school?” George suggested with raised eyebrows and a gleam in his eyes. Lee and Fred’s faces lit up.
“Precisely. Not to mention, you would probably drown the entire train.” Esme reasoned. 
“Where have you been, anyway?” Lee asked. 
“I had to attend the Prefect meeting and now I’m patrolling the train. I’ll be back soon. Please, no more major pranks while I’m on duty.” Esme carefully picked Sebastian up off her shoulders and handed him to George.
“Not even slipping Crabbe and Goyle some puking pastilles?” Fred begged.
“The entire train will smell of vomit.” Esme paused for a moment to think. “Fainting fancies wouldn’t be too bad.”
A/N: Tags are still open! Just let us know if you would like to be tagged.
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ghost5 · 6 years
Hello Ghost! What's your favorite band? My is Skillet... do u like Ledger album? I love her song Iconic :D who is the most beautiful of u in this Skillet? I love Jen Ledger and John Cooper... ♡
Hey dear Anon!♡ Hell yes, Skillet is my drug ;D next to Panic!At the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Three Days Grace, Set it Off, Thousand Foot Kruch, Fame on Fire, The Cab, Pvris, I Prevail, Red, Linkin Park, The Score and moooore~I’m the worst fan everI did not know that she released an album :D but now i am listening to it on spotify.  But yes i love her and John Copper too!♡/ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
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ghostwolfgeek · 11 years
Do you play animal crossing, harvest moon, rune factory?? (BY THE WAY REALLY GOOD GAMING CHOICES UNF)
No, NO and never herd of that one! 
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loominggaia · 3 years
How common are ghosts in looming Gaia? And does an equivalent of the ghostbusters exist using exorcism?
I need to rewrite the lore on ghosts because it’s really outdated, but basically they are the result of failed necromancy spells. When a necromancer tries to raise the dead, sometimes they fail to raise the body and raise the remaining energy instead. That energy manifests as a ghost, a lost and confused consciousness that is harmless at first, but can become a dangerous poltergeist with time if it’s not exorcised.
That’s where our “ghostbusters” come in. Exorcists are experienced necromancers who know how to dispel this energy, effectively destroying the ghost.
Ghosts are quite common in places where necromancy is practiced. The Unseelie Court and the surrounding area have a pretty bad ghost problem. They’re also common in the swamps of Waterwalk, where rogue mages practice magic outlawed by Mogdir Kingdom.
Places like Evangeline Kingdom don’t really have ghosts because magic hasn’t been practiced there for centuries. If there’s a haunted area in this kingdom, it’s been haunted since magic was legal. Everybody’s just stayed clear of it ever since, because exorcists practice magic and therefore aren’t allowed in this kingdom. If it’s really bad, law enforcement might make a one-time exception to deal with it.
Anyway like I said, ghosts aren’t really dangerous because they can’t actually hurt anyone. All they can do is scare the shit out of you. But after a few centuries they’ll become poltergeists, and those are the things you have the worry about, because they can actually posses people and affect the physical world around them.
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ghostdrafts · 2 years
Okay okay I’ve got one
Titans movie night
What would that be like?
Oh, there’s so much to unpack with this one. Titans movie nights are always eventful. The whole purpose of it is to catch up on a little r&r time, but it’s anything but that.
It takes an hour alone just to decide what take out they’re ordering. And then another hour after that arguing over pizza toppings
Hank is very adamant about pineapple and jalapeño
Rachel and Dick feel very strongly about why that’s disgusting
Gar doesn’t actually care as long as there’s no meat on it
Which sparks another heated debate between him and Hank about how a pizza needs meat that ends abruptly when Gar briefly distorts his face into tiger-like features. Hank doesn’t know what to say from there.
In the end, they each get their own individual pizza.
Pepperoni for Rachel, cheese for Gar, Chicago deep dish for Dick, the abominable pineapple and jalapeño for Hank, margarita pizza for Dawn, Kory is still figuring out what she likes so she manages to one up Hank with pickles and bacon.
Conner copies Gar because it seems like a safe option and Jason copies Dick, because obviously.
Once the pizza is squared away, the next argument ensues.
What they’re going to watch.
The choices rapid fire between sci-fi, horror, action, and Disney
Rachel wins by vote that gets everyone else outnumbered when she explains the entire premise of Lilo & Stitch to Conner and Kory. And Dawn would rather watch a Disney movie over Hellraiser or Mission Impossible.
Rachel exclusively watches cartoons and Dick doesn’t mind that much.
Jason gets hit in the back of the head several times when he complains.
Whether it comes from Dick or Kory, he can’t tell after awhile.
Hank falls asleep with Krypto, Conner and Kory both tear up by the end. Gar is just happy to be there.
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varietywritings · 5 years
Esme and Draco’s Playlist
Yes, three posts in one night. We’re trying.
This one is a tad bit depressing, but it’s the perfect playlist for Esme Prewett (my OC in Solace) and Draco Malfoy. 
Just Once by James Ingram | Biggest Part of Me by Ambrosia | Making Love Out of Nothing at all by Air Supply | Save Me by Queen | Hard to Say I’m Sorry by Chicago | Let It Be by The Beatles | Love of My Life by Queen | Woman by John Lennon | How Deep is Your Love by Bee Gees | Even the Nights Are Better by Air Supply | More Than I Can Say by Leo Sayer | Can’t Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon | What’s Love Got to Do with It by Tina Turner | Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship | Open Arms by Journey | Now I’m Here by Queen | Listen to Your Heart by Roxette | Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Taylor | Say You, Say Me by Lionel Richie | I Want to Hold You in My Dreams Tonight by Stella Parton | You’re My Best Friend by Queen | Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper | I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner | Glory of Love by Peter Cetera | I Was Born to Love You by Queen | Right Here Waiting by Richard Marx | Put Your Head on My Shoulder by Paul Anka | You’re the Inspiration by Chicago | Alone by Heart | Somebody to Love by Queen | Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley | Yesterday by the Beatles | Dedicated to the One I Love by The Mamas & The Papas | Faith by George Michael | Faithfully by Journey | Unforgettable by Nat King Cole | Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John | The Times They Are A-Changin’ by Bob Dylan | I Want to Hold Your Hand by the Beatles | The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson | A Teenager in Love by Dion & The Belmonts | Ain’t No Mountain by Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell | Mr. Lonely by Bobby Vinton | The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra | You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles | I Like The Way You Love Me by Brenton Wood | When I Need You by Leo Sayer | Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel | Don’t Give Up On Us by David Soul | Doing All Right by Smile | Baby It’s You by The Beatles | There’s A Place by The Beatles | The Things We Do For Love by 10cc
Again, sorry we suck, but more content will be coming your way soon. We promise.
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