#Ask dbd sherry
ask--dbd--wesker · 2 years
🍪? (@ask-sherry-dbd)
„I do not know if I’m the right person to ask for, but I think I can try my best and help you do them, how does that sound?“
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A young woman wandered near where Leon was sitting. "Leon? Is that you?" @ask-sherry-dbd
He looked up having heard someone say his name. He looked a little confused at the woman, tilting his head just a little with a small frown. "Sorry, do I know you?"
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ask-dbd-adawong · 2 years
A young woman would shyly walk towards where Ada was relaxing. "Hey Ms Ada? My first Trial is over." She mummbed. @ask-sherry-dbd
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“Oh, really? Well don’t keep me waiting for too long, the suspense is killing me. How did it go?”
( @ask-sherry-dbd )
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ask-sherry-dbd · 1 year
OOC: sorry for just disappearing life has been busy, I'll be on and off on this blog
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ask--dbd--wesker · 2 years
she looked around the grand building, anxiety spiking as she rounded a corner. Into a mysterious office "Wesker? Is that you?" She asked, confused. @ask-sherry-dbd
"Sherry? Yes it's me, Wesker. What are you doing here? How did you get here? This is not a place for you, you shouldn't even be here" he says and quickly takes off his sunglasses and gets closer to her. "We have to get you out of here"
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ask-sherry-dbd · 1 year
OOC: sorry for just disappearing life has been busy, I'll be on and off on this blog
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ask-sherry-dbd · 2 years
👀 Do the mun and you get along? 
- @howls-from-wolfe
She giggled "we get along pretty well, we occasionally get into small fights but other then that, I'd say we're good friends!"
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ask-sherry-dbd · 2 years
Her first trial went quite interesting. She didn't recognize the killer, not quite a shocker, due to her only talking to two people so far. The generators on the other hand were one of the most confusing things she's ever seen but she figured them out eventually. She didn't recognize any of the survivors but she could tell they had a strategy.
they all made it out alive, thank goodness, but she wondered. What if she didn't make it out next time?
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ask-sherry-dbd · 2 years
OOC: time to write about what happened in Sherry's trial.
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ask-sherry-dbd · 2 years
“Sherry, right? Seems like you’ve been dragged into this too. It really is a Raccoon City reunion.” - @ask-dbd-adawong
She looked up in surprise. "Yeah, my name is Sherry, I believe yours was Ada. And yeah, from what I got from Wesker, it really is a giant reunion of sorts."
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ask-sherry-dbd · 2 years
"A young woman, bored on a plane, gets up and roams her way to the bathroom when she is led astray by a thick, black fog."
(OOC: this was just a random thought, "what if sherry was in DBD and here we are. Asks are open.)
Mun uses They/Them
Mun is 18+
SFW / suggestive asks allowed. No full out NSFW.
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