#Ask Vita
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i-am-vita · 9 months ago
Hello Vita!! I absolutely loved your headcanons with a partner from a different culture.
Being Spanish (Andalusian specifically, which is a exaggerated and stereotyped version of Spanish, hahaha), I think you nailed it with a Spanish and a Mexican as a couple. The accents are... aaaaaaaaah I love them, I don't know if you like the Spanish accent, but I really like Latin accents (by the way, did you know that the actor for Sanji is from the Canary Islands and in the Spanish dub he dubbed himself with a Canary Islands accent? so cute...).
And that idea of big families, that feeling of knowing the ingredients in a meal and thinking we control what we're going to eat but then... it's SUPER SPICY aaaaaaah!!!! water!!!!!, hahaha you made me laugh with that.
By the way, the fact of asking if we're pregnant I think is international! You also made me laugh with that!
I totally buy into the idea that Mihawk has a Spanish mom and a Romanian dad. Honestly, when I watched the live action without any prior knowledge of One Piece, I was blown away seeing that handsome character with that Spanish music in the background! The music fits so well with his aesthetics... and the cross on his chest... being Spanish, you may or may not be religious, but we can't deny that crosses are part of our culture.
By the way, I went to a show in France where a Frenchman fell in love with an Andalusian woman in the XVII century (a beautiful story), and the soundtrack was this. Specifically, starting from the minute I've shared with you, that instrumental part totally gives me the vibes of Ghost Rose and Mihawk, I hope you like it and it inspires you to write more about them!
Greetings from Sevilla! :D
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Hello, Jin!! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me 🥰
Yesss, the accents 😚 It's always so much fun to hear all different spanish and latam accents. Ohhh, Taz Skylar's voice was 🫠 I started watching OPLA first on english but I switched to latam spanish pretty soon. Iñaki was sooo cute and they let him talk in mexican (there was a Chapulin Colorado reference!!!) and then ch 5 came and Sanji spoke... My god, his voice is so sexy... It's so rare to have this variety of accents in latam translations, they didn't even gave colombian accents to Encanto 🥺
Big families, salsas not-spicy (lie, they are), medium spicy and totally spicy, a wall full of crosses... That's some of the mexican package 😂 Pro tip: just water don't make the trick, drink milk to get rid of the spicyness in your mouth sooner. Horchata water do it too, there's a reason that's the beverage they would have by default at any restaurant, even street food.
I've been munching for the longest time about Mihawk's heritage with all the little information we have about him and the vibes he gives. If not for the crosses, including Yoru's shape, he would have been more musketeer alike, but the composers definetely felt the spanish vibe too and chose flamenco as his theme because of its intensity and passion. Their video here.
Ohh, I need to see that show and music! But the link is not connecting, like if it's broken or something 😢 Youtube links exclusively are giving me trouble today, share me the title of the play and I will watch it full!!!
I don't know if you were aware (I was told last year) but most of the spanish culture and people that migrated to latam during the colony centuries came from Andalusia! We were fed the most exaggerated and stereotyped version of Spain🤭 and don't make me start with all the MENA influences 🥰
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umi-no-onnanoko · 9 months ago
100 domande curiose
1. Libro preferito?
2. Autore preferito?
3. Poesia preferita?
4. Ti piace scrivere?
5. Ti piace leggere?
6. Disegni?
7. Ti piace l'arte?
8. Sei mai stato/a ad un museo?
9. Artista preferito?
10. Film preferito?
11. Attore/attrice preferito/a?
12. Regista preferito?
13. Colonna sonora preferita?
14. Saga preferita?
15. Personaggio preferito di Harry Potter?
16. Personaggio preferito di un libro?
17. Personaggio preferito di un film?
18. Serie tv preferita?
19. Canzone preferita?
20. Cantante preferito/a?
21. Band preferita?
22. Hai mai scritto una canzone?
23. Hai mai scritto una lettera a mano?
24. Hai mai ricevuto una lettera scritta a mano?
25. La pazzia più grande che hai fatto?
26. Ti piacciono le sorprese?
27. La sorpresa migliore che hai ricevuto?
28. La sorpresa più bella che hai fatto?
29. Quale pianeta visiteresti?
30. Preferiresti essere una sirena o una fata?
31. Quale decade preferisci?
32. Sei una persona creativa?
33. Quale lavoro vorresti esistesse?
34. Quali animali vorresti si unisserero per dare vita ad una nuova specie?
35. Pic nic al mare o in montagna?
36. Ti piace il teatro?
37. Hai mai visto un balletto?
38. Sei mai stato/a ad un concerto?
39. Hai mai cantato in pubblico?
40. Hai mai ballato in pubblico?
41. Adotteresti un bambino?
42. Adotteresti un animale?
43. Moto o auto?
44. Preferisci nuotare o volare?
45. Quale personaggio Disney pensi di essere?
46. Quale villain Disney ti rappresenta?
47. Quale cultura ti affascina?
48. Se potessi condividere un senso (tatto, vista,olfatto, gusto,udito) con la tua anima gemella quale condivideresti?
49. Vampiro o licantropo?
50. Credi nella fiamma gemella?
51. Temporale o arcobaleno?
52. Musica classica o rock?
53. Ti piace recitare?
54. Hai mai suonato in pubblico?
55. Hai mai recitato in pubblico?
56. Sai leggere i silenzi?
57. Sai rispettare i silenzi?
58. Soffri il solletico?
59. Riesci a fare ridere gli altri?
60. Sai ascoltare?
61. Ti fidi?
62. Ti piace fare foto?
63. Sei fotogenico/a?
64. Musica in streaming, Spotify, CD o vinile?
65. Anime preferito?
66. Manga preferito?
67. Meglio i manga/anime di ieri o quelli di oggi?
68. Cartone animato preferito?
69. Il tuo cavallo di battaglia in cucina?
70. Il piatto che proprio non ti riesce?
71. Quale colore non sopporti?
72. Cosa non può mancare in casa tua?
73. Quale tua caratteristica vorresti avessero anche gli altri?
74. Cosa "rubesti" da un altra persona?
75. Come organizzeresti il primo appuntamento?
76. Come vorresti fosse il tuo prima appuntamento?
77. Faresti il primo passo?
78. Amicizia uno a uno o gruppo di amici?
79. Le parole che vorresti sentirti dire?
80. Cosa vorresti dire agli altri?
81. Credi nel destino?
82. Credi nella fortuna?
83. Pratichi la gratitudine?
84. Ti senti cambiato rispetto a 10 anni fa?
85. Cosa cambieresti di questi ultimi 10 anni?
86. Come ti vedi tra 10 anni?
87. La famiglia è solo quella di sangue?
88. Gli amici sono una seconda famiglia?
89. Si deve sempre perdonare chi si ama?
90. Cosa non ti perdoni?
91. Vorresti tornare bambino/a o diventare adulto/a?
92. Vorresti essere del sesso contrario al tuo?
93. Balletto preferito?
94. Ballerino/a preferito?
95. Conosci il messaggio dei fiori?
96. Giorno o notte ?
97. Alba o tramonto?
98. Freddo o caldo?
99. Sole o pioggia?
100. Scegli tu questa domanda
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pensieri-inlacrime · 6 months ago
Questo o quello?
(mandami un numero)
1. Cani o gatti?
2. Dolce o salato?
3. iOS o android?
4. Fotografare o farsi fotografare?
5. Alcolico o analcolico?
6. Pizza o sushi?
7. Coca-Cola o Pepsi?
8. Frutta o verdura?
9. Patatine o popcorn?
10. Ciliegie o fragole?
11. Film o serie TV?
12. Rock o pop?
13. Pianoforte o violino?
14. Vacanze in Italia o vacanze all'estero?
15. Letto o divano?
16. Pallavolo o basket?
17. Europa o America?
18. Pari o dispari?
19. Amicizia o amore?
20. Papà o mamma?
21. Telecinesi o telepatia?
22. Saper volare o invisibilità?
23. Baciare o essere baciati?
24. Sesso o amore?
25. Nero o bianco?
26. Rosso o blu?
27. Tacchi o scarpe da ginnastica?
28. Estate o inverno?
29. Tè caldo o tè freddo?
30. Tè al limone o tè alla pesca?
31. Sole o luna?
32. Spazio cosmico o profondità marine?
33. Mori o biondi?
34. Occhi chiari o scuri?
35. Ricci o lisci?
36. Doccia o vasca?
37. Acqua liscia o gassata?
38. Automobile o moto?
39. Aereo o treno?
40. Mareno montagna?
41. Pulire casa o cucinare?
42. Appartamento o villetta?
43. Figli maschi o figlie femmine?
44. Aglio o cipolla?
45. Medicina o omeopatia?
46. Italiano o matematica?
47. Inglese o spagnolo?
48. Bellezza o simpatía?
49. Cuore o cervello?
50. Walt Disney o Pixar?
51. Jasmine o Belle?
52. Laura Pausini o Elisa?
53. Tiziano Ferro o Marco Mengoni?
54. Cinema o teatro?
55. Cuffiette o cuffione?
56. Gonne o pantaloni?
57. Cravatta o papillon?
58. Instagram o Tik Tok?
59. Vaniglia o cioccolato?
60. Birra o vino?
61. Baci o abbracci?
62. Barba o pizzetto?
63. Condizionatore o ventilatore?
64. Stufa o termosifone?
65. Eurospin o Carrefour?
66. Nord o sud?
67. Est o ovest?
68. Pesce o carne?
69. Caffè dolce o amaro?
70. Cono o coppetta?
71. Capelli tinti o naturali?
72. Slip o boxer?
73. Penna o matita?
74. Ballo o canto?
75. Scrivere o disegnare?
76. Neve o pioggia?
77. Affitto o mutuo?
78. Cina o Giappone?
79. Sashimi o Carpaccio?
80. Tiramisù o profiteroles?
81. Casual o elegante?
82. Ristorante o fast food?
83. Pasta corta o lunga?
84. Harry Potter o LOTR?
85. Hunger games o Divergent?
86. Francia o Spagna?
87. Contanti o bancomat?
88. McDonald's o burger King?
89. Scacchi o dama?
90. Videogiochi o giochi in scatola?
91. Sport singoli o di squadra?
92. Ketchup o maionese?
93. Soldi o amore?
94. Batman o Superman?
95. Iron man o Captain America?
96. Bicicletta o monopattino?
97. Ansia o paura?
98. Sabato o domenica?
99. Bridgerton o stranger things?
100. _____ o _____? (Scegli tu)
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fanofthelamb · 1 month ago
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Not apart of lamb harassment campaign (but your lamb is on The List). They are harassing ME and WONT LEAVE MY HEAD!!! But every moment is blessing. @aychama
“You know what? Fuck you.” *puts horse armor on local menace and rides him towards you*
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moeblob · 14 days ago
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(softly) I forgot Freedom Wars Remastered was today I'm so sorry...
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not-obsessed-with-jinx · 4 months ago
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IM NOT DEAD, I swear yall... work, life, events have me so busy I barely have time to even relax. but I'll always come back!
we have season 2 of Arcane coming out, tons of new merch that was "leaked", even a desk?... I WANT MOOOOOOOOORE.
I'd like to thank @soap_ai for the fantastic cake topper as always 😭😭😭 I literally can't 😭😭😭we don't deserve our lightcannon president 😭😭😭
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e17omm · 14 days ago
You know what I find so fascinating? The true reason Vita is so dangerous isn't that she's a deity, it is that she's never forgiven herself. She believes she can never, never atone, so she'll continue to behave as a villain. She's self-deprecating and cynical and it acts as a shell for her to hide behind so she can keep doing whatever she wants and feel awful about it.
I mean, does she want to forgive herself? She seems to enjoy it just fine doing whatever she wants and looking out for herself first and foremost.
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Why does the mimic always look like he just told a horrible joke
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c28hunter · 10 months ago
First thing I see in the morning and I'm already dead
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From Vita's IG story
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v-extreme-diminuendo · 9 months ago
Tiny hug!
Oh, the kid...
Hello there. Uh, it’s not V, currently.
I’m 2.
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i-am-vita · 3 months ago
Hello Vita!! How are you? I wanted to tell you that the other day I was listening to a super classic song... a bolero, I think, and while I was dancing to it at home, I thought of Ghost Rose <3 !! I think she could dance to it with her handsome noir husband. What do you think?
I also found a version sung by a famous Spanish flamenco singer, in case she wants to dance to it with her OTHER husband :P
Lots of love!!
Hello, Jin!!! Ohhh, thank you so much for thinking of us!!! I love them!!! 😚
Indeed, I can't heard certain rithms anymore without thinking of Ghost Rose with either Bo or Mihawk 💃🕺
Boleros or danzones??? Total Noir Husband.
Flamenco??? Bring me Goth Husband.
One of these days I'll make that essay about my Ghost Rose playlist 🤭
I've been very distracted with my new job and some classes. It didn't help that it took me less than two weeks to get sick 😷 I did manage to write a couple of times, but I'm stuck 🫠
Maybe some dancing scenes would help 👀
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I wish elysia was a villain so badly, i hate her with how she turned out. Also I guess technically Mei was a terrorist for a while, however they unfortunately did not expand much on that. Honestly I am beginning to see that despite how much I love and owe to KiaMei, VitaSeele is basically KiaMei if the writers actually took risks and the criticisms you have towards kiamei are reflections of your praises of vitaseele. I also noticed that your 'kiamei hate' comes across less as 'i hate kiamei' and more 'i really wish i liked kiamei but the writers refuse to take risks.'
Villain!Elysia would’ve been so good. I’ve made my peace with how Ely turned out but boy was I pissed about it at the time hahaha. Vita feels a little similar so that healed me a bit.
You are absolutely correct on my overall view of Kiamei! I tagged it as “kiamei hate” because it seemed like the generic tag kiamei enjoyers would filter out for things they don’t want to see, but I don’t actually hate them, I just wish I could enjoy it like the game wants me to. I end up missing out :T but no can do if I don’t vibe with it.
I also like Fuki a lot because they had a lot of bonding time together and strong moments, like Hua saving Kiana from suicide hello? Let them talk again Mihoyo. So it's not like they were incapable of developing a relationship as writers or anything like that.
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herrscherofmagic · 5 months ago
any fellow honkai 3rd fans kindly willing to help me catch up on one of the story arcs I skipped? i just have a couple questions about Vita specifically.
Since I skipped most of the Fu Hua arc in Part 1.5 (I only did the first chapter, up to the point that Fu Hua discovers the cryopod) I don't really know what Vita actually did in the rest of that arc.
I know that the Big Bad Evil Sa got defeated, and apparently Vita helped w/ that, and I know Vita was also taking care of the mini-Vitas. I also recall seeing a screenshot that showed Misteln standing w/ Vita at one point.
So, what did Vita actually do? how do the rest of the cast (and especially Misteln) view Vita now? and is still still a fairly sus character, or is it clear to the audience that Vita is trustworthy even if the other characters in-game don't trust her?
I don't really intend on finishing the Fu Hua arc anytime soon, since it's sooooooOooOoO long and I don't want to spend like 5+ hours listening to winding monologues and philosophical dialogues x-x
but i still want the context about Vita specifically since she's clearly still relevant in Part 2, and I also really like her character so I want to know more about her role in the story ^.^
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dailyarturiartfgo · 1 year ago
I hope you know every time you draw Oberon (and especially blanca) I ascend into the stratosphere. I want to put your art into a blender and drink it. Congrats on getting the moth NP5!! I'm still hoping we might get a costume for his 3A summer.
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Thank you very much!!! And he actually got a skin??? He's so edgy I can't, I feel like getting back to 2010
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legitseele · 3 months ago
happy birthday, you have changed my existence for the better -love Vita
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seele just helped with forging that path! it is up to vita's decision to go forth with the path seele has given you!
if YOU, vita, think you've changed your existence for the better, then seele is proud of you! and seele is glad to have you as a friend.
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diesvitae · 3 months ago
once you're finished the game could you share your elgarook Thoughts? as i fellow villain fucker i also want him but i cant think of a plot that makes sense for rook and him to get together in any way shape or form akdbsj
OH HI!!! In truth now that I'm done with the game I still have to rework some points in my Elgarook timeline. But in case of Nadir and Elgar'nan... (POSSIBLE SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT)
1) Their first (solo) meeting is an attempted assassination from my lil Rook, who was probably also kinda drunk, since he attacks with a normal dagger which is... kinda useless against a god. Elgar'nan in game seems pretty chill, offering "mercy" more than once so I doubt he would be pissed at Nadir for trying. 2) Words are exchanged, Nadir is trapped and probably panicking a bit once he understands the situation he got into, he's able to flee, but there is some sort of curiosity between the two: Elgar'nan can easily sense Nadir is a mage (and a powerful one) but my lil Rook never uses magic, especially the offensive one. That's a mystery he's curious about considering it makes no sense to him (one who's obsessed with power) Nadir refuses to use his natural gifts. And this fear to use magic makes him a perfect pawn to be manipulated and guided to become someone like him. Plus it would be a nice little revenge against Solas, to steal Rook away. Nadir, while looking like this cute smug creature, is pretty insecure, he hates using magic due to hurting people by mistake each time he tried to control it. He hates acting like a hero because he can't see himself as a good person, just a cursed one. But around Elgar'nan he doesn't have to pretend to be perfect, to be controlled. Elgar'nan is the enemy, who cares about his opinion after all? And somehow that lack of care becomes a sense of freedom. So for a while they seek each other out, to learn, to test boundaries, it's a little game neither give much importance. Elgar'nan needs a hobby beyond conquering the world and Nadir needs time away from responsibilities.
That being said, despite starting a literal affair with the enemy, my Rook is beyond loyal to the team, and makes it clear he won't divulge anything which could hurt his friends or help the evanuris. Another part of their dynamic is what they gain from each other. Nadir is quite the atheist, he recognizes Elgar'nan can be considered a god, but he doesn't feel the need to worship anything or anyone. Which makes him see Elgar as a person. He's close to him not to gain godly favor, power or whatever. He simply enjoys his company and the parts of Elgar'nan which can be considered... human (wrong word XD) A person who's built empires using only his power would end up with nothing if that power were to disappear. But Nadir? He would stay. So Elgar'nan gains what it feels to get real unconditional love. On the other hand Nadir gets to be free from his fears. He doesn't have to be scared about using magic around the evanuris because he literally can't hurt them, and even if he were to... it's enemies! Technically he would be doing good by hurting them XD Plus Elly is training him! He doesn't have to act like a hero amonst his enemies. He doesn't have to act like a leader since that's a role Elgar'nan won't leave to anyone. There is also the affection which builds over time which is always nice XD (and the fucks are real good too.) In the end I want them to be like two jigsaw puzzle pieces which lock with each other perfectly despite being completely different. (And yes, Nadir is still going to kill him at the end, in a tragic and painful scene.) As for you, it depends what kind of dynamic you want! You can have your rook act as a spy, joining his side to gather his secrets only to fall for him. Or you can have Rook kidnapped only to have Elgar'nan treating them courteously. Honestly it depends on your tastes!
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