#Ask An Imam Urdu
mindroastermir2 · 2 years
Namaz men kin baton par sajda sahw karna zaroori he ?
Namaz men kin baton par sajda sahw karna zaroori he ?
Namaz men kin baton par sajda sahw karna zaroori he ? نماز میں سجدہ سہو کیوں، کب اور کیسے کیا جاتا ہے ؟ نماز میں سجدہ سہو کیوں، کب اور کیسے کیا جاتا ہے ؟ #Salat #Namaz #Islam #AskAnImamUrdu
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39mmn · 2 years
i’m a sister, which is why i asked anonymously.
i did ‘aalimiyah’ course at a deobandi mosque and after having studied for 8yrs and finished from there, i now realise majority of what i was taught is completely wrong. my family arent very knowledgeable in such matters and rely on me to guide them and so i dont know which books to read or where to turn to for answers. my core beliefs align with salafiyyah however it is simply superficial knowledge and i want to study deeper bc when i’m asked questions, i just freeze
hope that clears anything up
oh right, okay
sorry, I thought you were a brother.
So the foundations which you have to learn correctly is Aqidah and matters of Aslu Deen. This consists of having knowledge of Tawhid and Shirk.
The Manhaj of the Salaf is known through various athar and works. They affirmed the Athari Aqidah which is correct, however I personally don’t align myself with “salafiyyah” due to many reason, although I do hold the positions of the Athari Aqidah.
As a Deobandi I’m guessing you’re a Hanafi too, that is totally fine as there were many from the Ahnaf that ascribed themselves to such positions too. However, I personally adhere to the Hanabilah for Fiqh.
The fundamental errors of the Deobandi’s lie in the early works of their elders, many which include Kufr and Shirk, they also have ghuluww towards them. Many of them also have the incorrect Aqidah which can often entail Kufr due to beliefs such as Hulūl and Wahdatul Wujūd.
With regards to studying I could suggest you some works from the Salaf and early muhaddithīn, as the ahl al hadith held the correct aqīdah, however quite a lot of their works are quite in depth and it’s better to start of with something a lot simpler.
Therefore, I’d suggest Sh Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab’s books, such as the Three Fundament Principles (Thalathat ul Usool), The Four Rules (Qawaa’id Al Arba), Kitab at Tawhid (Book of Monotheism), The Removal of Doubts (Kashf ash Shubahat) and The Six Principles (Usūl as Sittah). The first title mentioned here should be studied first followed by Kitab at Tawhid, the others aren’t in any particular order.
You could directly read these books as they are readily available and mass translated. However, it would be a lot more beneficial if you could study these under a shaykh. I’m aware that this isn’t as easy to come across as it seems. However, there are some very good recorded lectures on YouTube that you could use, in Arabic, Urdu or English, so please let me know if you’re interested.
After you have gone through these please go through Sh Al Islām Ibn Taymiyyah’s work ‘Aqīdah al Waasitiyah’, this again is readily available, but I personally recommend the explanation of the book by Ibn Uthaymin.
You should also read a small treatise by Imam Ahmad called ‘Usūl us Sunnah’ where he lists the main points of Ahlus-Sunnah
What I have suggested here should give you a good grounding إن شاء الله
This is just the base level understanding, ultimately we must go back to the Salaf and those who followed in their footsteps.
I’ll give you some notable names that you should know or get to know إن شاء الله, these are in no particular order;
Ibn Abi Dawud, Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Ash Shafi’i, Al Tabari, Imam al Bukhari, Al Nawawi, An Nasai, Ibn Hajar, Ibn Kathir, Ibn Majah, Ibn Qudamah, Ibn Rajab, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn al Qayyim, At Tahawi, As Suyuti, Imam Muslim, Imam Malik, Is’haaq Ibn Ruwayhah, Harb al Karmani, Ad Darimi, Ibn Battah, Ibn Abi Dunya and Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Shaybah.
There are countless other examples, many beneficial beginner works too, but it is important to not overwhelm yourself, I hope this information was beneficial. Please do not hesitate to ask again if anything needs to be clarified.
جزاك الله خيرا
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liesexposer · 14 days
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Refutation of Shaikh Muhammad al-Junagarhi (d. 1941 CE) رحمه الله (Urdu Translator of the Meanings of the Quran in Urdu published by KSA) & Ahlul Hadeeth scholars of India, upon the Shirk of the founders of Jamaat Ghuraba (Urdu Book: Zil Muhammadi Pg. 23)
Imam of the Ghuraba & his blind-followers have opened the door to shirk
Gentlemen! A treatise called "Zil Muhammadi" aka "Imamat Muhammadi" has been presented before you. This will make the reality of Imaamate Shariah clear to you and the deception of counterfeit & fake Imams will be opened. And ladies, read & save yourself from fake imams & save others too.
Also, the more dangerous problem is their polytheistic incantations (shirkiya mantra aur jantar) for hocus-pocus sorcery (dam jhaadh). This sect is the follower of Maulvi Abdul Wahhab Sahib Sadri & his son Maulvi Abdul Sattaar (as-Sattaar is not amongst the names of Allah). Maulvi Abdul Wahhab continued to publish it for a long time in his life. Finally died without repentance. After him, his son Maulvi Abdul Sattar also has the same attitude. Therefore, read the words of Maulvi Sahib and his son from their scriptures. He sets up a question & then writes the answer himself as follows:
Q: Is it permissible or not, to use the polytheistic words (shirkiya alfaaz) to cure the bite of snakes & dogs etc.?
A: It is not better, yes, if it is necessary for the well-wishing of a Muslim, there is no harm in it. According to saying (Qawl) the Prophet ﷺ
“من استطاع منکم ان ینفع اخاہ فلیفعل”
(Fath) (Saheefa Month of Ramadan Mubarak, year 45)
The title of this book bears the signature of Maulvi Abdul Wahhab as the owner & the signature of Maulvi Abdul Jalil as the editor. And Maulvi Abdul Sattar's signature as Mufti is as follows. Mufti Abu Muhammad Abd al-Sattar Ghafrullah al-Gaffar al-Muhajiri. In this case, these three men agree & participate in these polytheistic incantations (shirkiya dum jhad).
When this fatwa came before the people to read it, people asked Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab that the Ahle Hadeeth and polytheism? Is it not enough to pray for those who have been bitten by dogs & scorpions and bewitched by the verses of the Holy Qur'an & the prayers of the hadiths? From which this man (Janaab) had to accept the curse of shirk?
On this Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab Sahib went several steps further and said thus:
There is no harm if a non-Muslim or a Muslim (who remembers any ruqyah from the age of Jahiliyyah) cures with polytheistic incantations, the one bitten by poisonous animals such as snakes, scorpions, dogs, etc. But this permissibility is not everywhere at all times, but where other remedies are impossible, i.e. where there is no other Muslim person, or if there is, he does not know the Duaa Mathura, or he knows the Duaa Mathura, but is unable to use the Duaa Mathura. So Surah Fatiha is a cure for every disease. Muawadhatayn is a great ruqyah. But the bewitched person whose charm is buried, until these verses are recited on him, there is no benefit until this buried charm is removed. So when the Messenger of Allah ﷺ was bewitched, the angels sent by Allah came to him & told him that he was bewitched inside such & such things in such & such a well. So he took out that spell & saw that his hair had been taken & knotted. While reciting one verse of Muawadhatayn at a time, Allah Almighty gave him complete healing.
It is worth considering here that at that time, Jibreel (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) told him ﷺ that magic is buried in such & such a place. But today, when Jibreel (peace be upon him) does not come & tell us, inevitably, a magician who is familiar with this work will have to play with him. And now it is obvious that magicians make polytheistic words & shameful actions, and this thing is forbidden. But it is permissible in case of such helplessness & compulsion. (Saheefah Delhi, Month of Jumadi al-Thani year 46)
Gentlemen! You should carefully look at these words of theirs. Muslims & non-Muslims are being allowed polytheistic incantations (Shirkiya Alfaaz se Jhaadh Phook) to be used, while they are denying healing from the Holy Qur'an. Reciting Surah Fatehah (Al-Hamdu Sharif) & Surah al-Falaq & Surah an-Naas are being called useless, he says that there is no benefit from them. (May Allah forgive us)
On the other hand, they are giving the status of Hazrat Jibreel (عَلَيْهِ ٱلسَّلَامُ) to magicians.
When Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab's rebellion reached this extent, these scriptures of Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab were presented to the scholars of Ahl al-Hadith by the Ahl al-Hadith people of Delhi and they were asked what they should say about such a person. Do not these passages of the scriptures open the doors of Shirk Allah? Also, what is your fatwa regarding such a person?
On which the scholars gave the above unanimous fatwa that:
"These words are polytheism & blasphemy. Maulvi Abd al-Wahhab should repent & unite with them, otherwise Muslims should cut ties with them."
The names of the scholars who issued a fatwa regarding them as polytheists are:
Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Sahib, Nubairah Hadhrat Mian Sahib Dehlavi رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Rahman Sahib Mubarakpuri رحمه الله
Maulana Sanaullah Sahib Amritsari رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Wahid Sahib Ghaznavi رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Dawood Sahib Ghaznavi
Maulana Muhammad Ismail Sahib Gujranwala
Maulana Abul Qasim Sahib Banarsi رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Sahib Faizabadi رحمه الله
Maulana Ahmadullah Sahib Muhaddith رحمه الله
Maulana Sharafuddin Sahib Muhaddith رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Younis Sahib Qureshi Dahlavi رحمه الله
Maulana Hafiz Abdullah Sahib Rooparee
Maulana Abdul Tawab Sahib Multani
Maulana Muhammad Sahib Surti رحمه الله Professor Jamia Millia
Maulana Abdul Wahhab Arvi
Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Sahib Ghaznavi رحمه الله
Maulana Muhammad Hussain Sahib Ghaznavi رحمه الله
Maulana Ubaidullah Sahib Attawi رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Hakeem Sahib Muhaddith Naseerabadi رحمه الله
Maulana Abdul Ghani Sahib of Jodhpur رحمه الله
Maulana Hakeem Hafiz Ubaid-ur-Rehman Sahib رحمه الله Umarpuri
And others, numbering a total of 61.
See “Muttafiqah Fatawa Ulama Ahle Hadeeth, published by Army Press, Delhi." (Unanimous Fatawa of Scholars of Ahl-e-Hadith)
But the fatwas of these scholars did not have any effect on Maulvi Abdul Wahhab. And they came down to their Maulavit (Priesthood) & remained adamant on shirk.
امام غرباء اور ان کے مریدوں نے شرک کا دروازہ کھول رکھا ہے
حضرات! آپ کے سامنے رسالہ مقالہ بنام”ظل محمدی” عرف "امامت محمدی” پیش کر دیا گیا ہے۔ اس سے آپ کے سامنے امامت شرعی کی حقیقت واضح ہو جائے گی اور جعلی اور نقلی اماموں کا پول کھل جائے گا۔ اس غور سے کل مرد اور عورتیں پڑھیں اور مصنوعی اماموں سے خود بچیں اور دوسروں کو بھی بچائیں۔
و نیز اس سے بھی خطر ناک مسئلہ ان کا شرکیہ منتروں، جنتروں سے دم جھاڑہ کرنے کا ہے۔ یہ فرقہ اس میں مولوی عبد الوہاب صاحب صدری اور ان کے لڑکے مولوی عبد الستار کا پیرو ہے۔ مولوی عبد الوہاب صاحب اپنی زندگی میں کافی عرصے تک اس کی اشاعت کرتے رہے۔ آخر کار بغیر توبہ فوت ہو گئے۔ ان کے بعد ان کے صاحبزادے مولوی عبد الستار کی بھی یہ ہی روش ہے۔ لہٰذا آپ مولوی صاحب اور ان کے صاحبزادے کے الفاظ مشرکانہ ان کے صحیفہ سے پڑھیں۔ یہ ایک سوال قائم کر کے پھر اس کا جواب خود ہی اس طرح لکھتے ہیں :
س: شرکیہ الفاظ سے سانپ و کتے وغیرہ کے کاٹے ہوئے پر دم کرنا جائز ہے یا نہیں ؟
ج: بہتر تو نہیں ہاں اگر کسی مسلمان کی خیر خواہی کے لئے بوقت مجبوری ضرورت کر بھی دے تو کوئی مضائقہ نہیں۔ لقولہ علیہ السلام من الستطاع ان ینفع اخاہ فلیفعل۔ (فتح) (صحیفہ ماہِ رمضان المبارک سنہ 45)
اس صحیفہ کے ٹائیٹل پر مولوی عبد الوہاب کے دستخط بحیثیت مالک و مولوی عبد الجلیل کے دستخط بحیثیت ایڈیٹر کے ثبت ہیں۔ اور مولوی عبد الستار کے دستخط بحیثیت مفتی کے اس طرح ہیں۔ مفتی ابو محمد عبد الستار غفرلہ الغفار المہاجری۔ اس صورت سے یہ تینوں اس شرکیہ دم جھاڑے پر متفق اور شریک ہیں۔
جب یہ فتویٰ عوام کے سامنے آیا اور لوگوں نے پڑھا تو مولوی عبد الوہاب سے لوگوں نے کہا کہ اہل حدیث اور شرک؟ کیا قرآن مجید کی آیات اور احادیث کی دعائیں اور علاج معالجے سے مار گزیدہ اور کتے اور بچھو کے کاٹے ہوئے اور جادو لگے ہوئے کے لئے دم کرنا کافی نہیں۔ جس سے جناب کو شرک کی لعنت اختیار کرنی پڑی؟
اس پر مولوی عبد ا لوہاب صاحب اس سے بھی اور کئی قدم آگے بڑھ گئے اور اس طرح گویا ہوئے :
سانپ، بچھو،کتے وغیرہ زہریلے جانوروں کے کاٹے ہوئے پر شرکیہ الفاظ سے غیر مسلم یا مسلم (جس کو زمانہ جاہلیتس کوئی رقیہ یاد ہے ) دم جھاڑا کر دے تو کوئی مضائقہ نہیں۔ لیکن یہ جواز ہر جگہ ہر وقت نہیں ہے بلکہ جہاں پہ دیگر علاج ناممکن ہے یعنی جہاں پہ دیگر مسلم شخص نہیں ہے یا ہے تو ادعیہ ماثورہ نہیں جانتا یا ادعیہ ماثورہ بھی جانتا ہے لیکن ادعیہ ماثورہ کے استعمال کرنے سے قاصر ہے۔ چنانچہ سورہ فاتحہ ہر ایک بیماری کے لئے شفا ہے۔ معوذتین بڑا رقیہ ہے۔ لیکن وہ مسحور جس کا سحر مدفون ہے اس پر یہ آیتیں دم کیجئے کچھ فائدہ نہیں جب تک اس دفن کئے ہوئے سحر کو نہ نکالا جائے۔ چنانچہ رسول اللہﷺ پر جب جادو کیا گیا تو آپ کے پاس اللہ تعالیٰ کے بھیجے ہوئے فرشتے آئے اور انہوں نے بتایا کہ فلاں کنوئیں میں فلاں چیزوں کے اندر آپ پر جادو کیا گیا ہے۔ چنانچہ آپ نے وہ جادو نکلوا کر دیکھا تو معلوم ہوا کہ آپ کے بال لے کر ان پر گرہ دی گئی ہے۔ آپ معوذتین کی ادھر ایک ایک آیت پڑھتے ہوئے ادھر ایک ایک گرہ کھولتے ہوئے اللہ تعالیٰ نے آپ کو کلی شفا بخشی۔
غور طلب یہاں پر یہ ہے کہ اس وقت تو جبرائیل علیہ السلام اور آپ کو بتایا کہ فلاں جگہ جادو مدفون ہے۔ لیکن آج جب کہ جبرئیل علیہ السلام آ کر ہمیں نہیں بتاتے تو لامحالہ جادو گر جو اس کام سے واقفیت رکھتا ہے اس سے کھلوانا پڑے گا۔ اور اب یہ ظاہ�� بات ہے کہ جادو گر شرکیہ الفاظ اور شنیعہ افعال کرتے کراتے ہیں اور یہ چیز حرام ہے۔ لیکن ایسی لاچاری و مجبوری کی صورت میں جائز ہے۔ (صحیفہ دہلی، ماہ جمادی الثانی سنہ 46)
حضرات! آپ نے ان کی ان ہفوات کو غور سے ملاحظہ فرمائیں۔ مسلم اور غیر مسلم کا شرکیہ الفاظ سے جھاڑ پھونک کی اجازت دے رہے ہیں ادھر قرآن مجید سے شفا ہونے کا انکار کر رہے ہیں۔ اوپر سے الحمد شریف اور قل اعوذ برب الفلق اور قل اعوذ برب الناس پڑھ کر دم کرنے کو بے فائدہ کہتے ہوئے فرماتے ہیں کہ ان سے کچھ فائدہ نہیں۔ (معاذاللہ)
ادھر جادو گروں کو حضرت جبرائیل علیہ السلام کا رتبہ عطا فرما رہے ہیں۔
جب مولوی عبد الوہاب کا تمرد اس حد تک پہنچ گیا تو دہلی کے اہل حدیثوں کی طرف سے علمائے اہل حدیث کی خدمت میں مولوی عبد الوہاب کے یہ صحیفے پیش کئے گئے اور ان سے دریافت کیا گیا کہ ایسے شخص کے متعلق آپ حضرات فرمائیں کہ کیا صحیفے کی یہ عبارتیں شرک باللہ کے دروازے نہیں کھول رہیں ؟ ونیز ایسے شخص کے متعلق آپ حضرات کا کیا فتویٰ ہے ؟
جس پر علماء نے بالا اتفاق فتویٰ دیا کہ:
"یہ کلمات شرکیہ و کفریہ ہیں مولوی عبد الوہاب کو ان سے توبہ کر کے موحد ہونا چاہیے ورنہ ان سے مسلمان قطع تعلق کر لیں۔ ”
جن علماء نے ان کے متعلق مشرک ہونے کا فتویٰ دیا ان کے نام ہیں :
مولانا سید ابو الحسن صاحب نبیرہ حضرات میاں صاحب دہلوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الرحمٰن صاحب مبارک پوری رحمہ اللہ
مولانا ثناء اللہ صاحب امرتسری رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الواحد صاحب غزنوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد داؤد صاحب غزنوی
مولانا محمد اسماعیل صاحب گوجرانوالہ
مولانا ابو الا ابو لاقاسم صاحب بنارسی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد یوسف صاحب فیض آبادی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا احمد اللہ صاحب محدث رحمہ اللہ
مولانا شرف الدین صاحب محدث رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد یونس صاحب قریشی وہلوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا حافظ عبد اللہ صاحب روپڑی
مولانا عبد التواب صاحب ملتانی
مولانا محمد صاحب سورتی رحمہ اللہ پروفیسر جامعہ ملیہ
مولانا عبد الوہاب آروی
مولانا عبد الغفور صاحب غزنوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا محمد حسین صاحب غزنوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبید اللہ صاحب اٹاوی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الحکیم صاحب محدث نصیر آبادی رحمہ اللہ
مولانا عبد الغنی صاحب جودھ پور والے رحمہ اللہ
مولانا حکیم حافظ عبید الرحمٰن صاحب رحمہ اللہ عمر پوری وغیرہ۔ جن کی تعداد 61 ہے۔ ملاحظہ ہو” متفقہ فتاویٰ علمائے اہل حدیث مطبوعہ آرمی پریس دہلی۔
لیکن مولوی عبد الوہاب صاحب پر ان علماء کے فتووں کا کوئی اثر نہ ہو۔ اور اپنی مولویت پر اتر آئے اور برابر شرک پر اڑے رہے۔
Get PDF: https://abuhaneefa.com/2024/09/05/refutation-of-shaikh-muhammad-al-junagarhi-d-1941-ce-%d8%b1%d8%ad%d9%85%d9%87-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%84%d9%87-urdu-translator-of-the-meanings-of-the-quran-in-urdu-published-by-ksa-ahlul-hadeeth-schola/
#Jamiatahlehadithpakistan #ghuraba #jamiatahlehadees
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likewaterfallz · 2 years
Masaib Reference: Masaib from Raza Shirazi from Tehran Maqtal e Hussain
Salam from my side in Urdu and English
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- Salam on the Tahajud prayer in which he cried while missing Rasool Akram (saww) after the prophet had passed away.
(Us namaz e shab per Salam jis men Rasool (saww) k firaq per girya hua Yahan tak k musallah Anson se tar rha)
- Salam on the prostration in which the Dua of Imam Hussain (as) was heard and prophecy of the birth of a son resembling his grandfather was made via a dream.
(Us sajday per Salam jis men Dua e Hussain (as) qubool hue or shabhi e paighambar k paida hone ki basharat hue)
- Salam on the soul which was tormented by Banu Umaiyya
Us qalb per Salam jis ne Banu umaiyya ka jabar Saha.
- Salam on the eyes which witnessed a lance entering the chest of Akbar (as) from his back, a lance entering his body from the front, while a buldgeon hit Akbar's head (all simultaneously)
Un ankhon per Salam jinhon ne jigar e Akbar (as) men pusht se utarti barchi Dekhi or jinhon ne seenay men utarta naiza or sar per parta gurz dekha (aik hi aan men teeno zulm dhae gaye)
- Salam on the lips which cried with voice when they saw that haseen bin numair was twisting the lance in the chest of Akbar, that saw that he twisted and broke the lance in the chest of Akbar (as) so that a broken piece remained stuck in Akbar's chest whilst the lance was being pulled out by Haseen bin numair. The broken piece got stuck in the wound blocking the blood flow and causing immense pain.
Un labon per Salam jo pukar ker roye jab ye manzar dekha k barchi ka phal haseen bin numair Kay neeza ghumanay or phir seenay men naiza ghooma k torne or naiza nikalne men jawan ko buri tarah zakhmi ker gaya, Yahan tak k jawan k jigar men toota hua or phansa hua naiza zakham ko band kergaya Yahan tak k seenay k is zakham se laho na Baha
- Salam on the vision that went blind on witnessing this barbarism
Us binai per Salam jo ye manzar dekh ker Chali gai
- Salam on the heart that stopped with grief and then it best again
Us Dil per Salam jo gham ki halat se sakit hua or phir dharka
- Salam on the palms and knees that got scraped while searching for the wounded Akbar (as)
Un hathlion or ghutno per Salam jo jawan ki lash dhondne maqatal ki rait per ragar khatay the
- Salam on the chest that stumbled and fell and hit the ground of Karbala multiple times while crawling in the battlefield in search of the severely wounded son
Us seenay per Salam jo ghutnion k bal chalne ki wajah se thokar kha ker Karbala per ja lagta tha
- Salam on the ears that heard the painful voice of the fallen son who had a lance stuck in his chest.
Un Kano per Salam jinhon ne pehle betay ka Salam or phir betay ki aahen suni
- Salam on the lips that asked the most beloved son the reason and source of excruciating pain
(Un honton per Salam jinhon ne betay se aahon ki wajah or Dard ka maqam pocha)
- Salam on the hands which pulled the broken lance which was causing excruciating pain and difficulty to the son out from his chest from which a fish of blood emerged
(Un hathon per Salam jinhon ne tooti hua barchi Nikali jis se jawan k jigar se khoon ka fawwara jari hua)
- Salam on the aged shoulders of the father which supported the dead body of his youthful and martyred son
(Un borhay kandhon per Salam jin per jawan ka lasha uthaya gaya)
- Salam on the feeble ageing which lifted the dead body of the son from the battlefield till the tents of mother Laila (as) and Aunt Zainab (as)
(Us zaifi per Salam jis ne mayyat uthai or qatal gah se khayam e laila (sa) or Zainab (sa) ka safar Tay kia)
,- Salam on the father whose youthful asset was killed, due to jealousy and hatred, by making deceit and distraction
(Us baap per Salam jis ka jawan asasa bughz or dushmani k teht makar or faraib ker k chal sazi se Karbala men qatal kia gaya)
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news-venue · 2 years
Ramadan brings one of Delhi's last sehri criers to the streets
Mohammad Raees, like his father, keeps alive tradition of waking Muslims of India's capital for suhoor
As the clock reaches 2.45am, Mohammad Raees embarks on a 90-minute dash through the alleyways of the walled city of Old Delhi, yelling “Hoshiyar” or “be alert” to waken Muslims who observe Ramadan to eat before fasting begins at sunrise.
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He goes to every household, climbing steep staircases, bellowing the names of the residents of Matia Mahal area near Jama Masjid, a 17th-century mosque in the heart of the capital.
“I remember all their names by heart. There must be 400 families, and I make sure that no one is left out,” he told The National.
Mr Raees, 45, is one of the last remaining sehriwallahs, or town criers, in old Delhi, which is home to nearly a quarter of a million Muslims.
Sehriwallahs were traditionally given the job of waking residents for sehri, the Urdu word for suhoor, the early morning meal taken before fasting begins.
They were once an essential part of Muslim neighbourhoods, with their torches and lanterns, singing religious songs and beating drums to wake the faithful in times before clocks became common.
Almost every locality had its own criers, who were chosen by the local mosques or had volunteered for the task. Many sehriwallahs would migrate from villages for the month-long tradition. Alarm clocks, smartphones and other modern inventions have made that tradition obsolete.
Mr Raees, who has two daughters, succeeded his father as a sehriwallah.
“After my father’s death, the imam at the mosque gave me his stick and asked me to fulfil the duty. Since that day, I have been doing my work religiously,” he said.
Although many in the market community with its restaurants serving Mughal and Middle-Eastern-inspired delicacies remain awake for dawn, Mr Raees’s role seems critical to ensuring no one sleeps through the time for sehri.
“Whether it is rain or winter or blistering heat, I don’t take a day off. I am devoted to my duties. This is my legacy, and I have to take it forward,” said Mr Raees, a resident of Minto road area near Old Delhi. Wearing worn-out leather sandals, his early morning journey journey takes him along about two kilometres of uneven paths blocked with parked motorcycles and dark, narrow lanes.
At times, he may keep knocking on a door of a family home with his wooden stick until he gets a response, to ensure they have their meal in time.
Children can be heard from windows, demanding he say their names. There could be up to six people in a family but, despite his rush, Mr Raees fulfils their request.
“I don’t feel tired at all even though I fast the whole day. I always feel energetic doing this. It has become my habit.”
“In fact, I enjoy it because people eagerly wait for me. Even small kids, they ask me to take their names,” he said.
For the rest of the year, Mr Raees works at a bangle shop and makes about 8,000 rupees ($105) a month.
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 3 years
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1)"Who is ZAFFAR JINN (r.a) ?
2)"Why he refused to go back in heaven?
3)"What was he doing in Karbala?
Let us analyse the 3 facts about ZAFFAR JINN(As).
We all know Jinns relations with Karbala and Ahlulbayt as some Jinnat descended for the help of Imam Hussain (a.s) but Imam refused their help.
This post is the meeting of Leader of Jinnat ZAFFAR JINN (r.a) with the Poet of AHL-AL-BAIT (a.s)
The famous Marsiya writer and reciter of Hindustan'
Those of you who knows Urdu must be familiar with Mir Anees. He was the greates poet in the history of Urdu language a few centuries ago. If one reads his poetry he/she feel as if Mir Anees is sitting in Karbala and writting. Here's how attained such percise knowledge.
Mir Anees used to teach in a masjid/madressa. Little children would come to his classes and learn Arabic/Quran/Deen etc. One day a young boy came to class who Mir Anees had never seen before. Some thing seemed different about him from the first moment. His homework was always perfect. The boy was very hard working and very unusual.
One day as the children were studying and Mir Anees was thinking of picking a pen (or something of that sort) from a window sil. As he was thinking the same young boy stood up and grabbed it and gave it to his teacher. (Theres conflict among the story here as to what he did. Some scholars say that the boy performed some very heavy duty physical work that attarcted the attention of Mir Anees) What ever the case Mir Anees was now sure that the boy was hiding something. So when all the students were about to leave. He ordered the young boy to stay after school. When the masjid was empty and there was no one except the boy and Mir Anees. Mir Anees aske him who are you?
Where are you from?
You have unhaman characteristics!!
The boy said I am the grandson of Zafar Jinn. Thus I am a Jinn. My family has sent me to gain knowledge from you so I can recite majalis. And help my famil remember the martyrdom of Imam Husain . My grand father is the one who replied to Imam's question for help. So Mir Anees asked him about his granfather?
He replied ever since the tragedy of Karbala my grand father roams in the mountains and had been crying, weeping, for he was unable to help the Imam and saw him get sluaghtered helplessly. The teacher asked his student to ask Zafer to come to the mosque. The young Boy promised him to bring his grand father at night.
Mir Anees was in the masjid alone. A candle was lighted beside him and he was waitting for Zafer jinn. Shortly a shadow appeared in the court yard of the mosque. And soon he saw a very old person entering. He was so old that his eye browse were hanging and blocking his eyes. THey exchanged greetings and Mir Anees asked him to tell the sotry of Karbala from the start.
There is a battle known as the Battle of Bair-Al-Alam. In which Imam Ali fought the Jinns in a deep well to get water. In it thousands of Jinns were killed and many more turned muslims. The evil leader was also killed. I Zafer was chosen the new muslim leader of these Muslim Jinns.
Zaffar Jinn was in Karbala.
When Imam Hussein(as) was alone in the plain of Karbala..after all his Children, brother, nephew and friends were martryed ..he said this famous line "Hal Min Nasirin Yansurna" (Is there among you a friend to help us)..not only once but he said it to 4 corner of the world.
When Imam Zayn Al Abidin(as) heard his father, he quicky raise himself from his bed and said "Labbayk Ya Imam" ( I am comming O Imam, I am coming)..but he was too sick and weak, and Sayyida Zaynab(as) went and urge him to lie back on bed.
The enemies was firm to kill him. No one answered his plea.
and the narations continue with this ..
"When all the angels from heaven heard Master of Paradise, they beg permission from Almighty God to help him. Rows and rows of angels came to help him, just like when His Grandfather Holy Prophet(saww) prayed in Badr. A group of Jinn also heard this plea and they proceed to Karbala. They came and all of them stand to help the Imam"
An army of mankind had surrounded a tent. A lone Man (Imam hussain) stood in the middle giving speeches. They realized who it(as) was and quickly went to Jafar Jinn(ra).
Zafar jinn (ra) sat on his throne, the jinns alerted him, he took off his ornaments and said:
Get ready, we must reach my beloved Master(as). Oh Allah(swt) please ensure that we arrive in time. Take our swords and let us make haste!!!
The army approached the Euphrates and Zafar(ra) said:
With care, this is the body of My Master Ali(sa) son. Oh tragedy, what has befallen the kindred of Ali(sa)?
Then Jafar(ra) saw the Prophets(as)/Messengers(sa), Imams(sa) and close ones of Allah(swt). He saw Imam Hussain(sa) and had a lengthy conversation(Not going to say what). Jafar(ra) was taken with rage and told his army to attack the evil force.
The Imam(sa) stopped them and said: I have the power by this is the time of test. Jafar(ra), my Father(as)'s companion, it is unfair that you fight them whilst they can't see you. They are my Grandfathers(saws) ummah. Then Jafar(ra) went back having been ordered to do mourning and Majlis.
Zaffar(ra) went back, put black in his kingdom and cried. His Mother found out and asked what had happened. She sent him back and told him to help the children in the route of Sham. Then he was sent away because Hazrat Syeda Fatima Al-Zahra(sa) was to come.....
(P.S: 1- Didn't find any book for authentic reference but Shiite scholars narrate his story during their addresses Specially Agha S.Ali Hassan Qumi. 2- Some spell or call Zaffar/ Zafer or Jaffar)
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creepingsharia · 4 years
New York City Islamic foundation’s Arabic-language website calls for the killing of those who insult Muhammad
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The Shi’ite Al-Khoei Foundation describes itself this way: “Headquartered in Jamaica, N.Y., Imam Al-Khoei Benevolent Foundation is an international, religious, charitable institution established in 1989. The center conducts various religious programs in different languages, including Arabic, Urdu, Persian and English. It has a well-stocked reference and lending library, a conference room, a prayer hall and a funeral bath facility.”
On an Arabic-language page, it calls for the killing of those who insult Muhammad. This page is al-khoei.us and the English page is al-khoei.org, but if you click on “English” on the al-khoei.us Arabic page, it takes you to al-khoei.org. It’s the same organization.
“Ninth: Insulting the Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family),” translated from “التاسع : سبّ النبيّ (صلّى الله عليه وآله)” al-Khoei.us:
(Issue 214): Whoever insults the Prophet (may Allah’s prayers be upon him and his family) must be killed on his hearing as long as he does not fear harm to himself, his honor or his property and the like (1), and insulting the imams (peace be upon them) and insulting Fatima al-Zahra (peace be upon her) should be attached to him. (2).
(1) As for the necessity to kill him – in addition to the fact that there is no dispute concerning it, but there is unanimity on it in two aspects – there are several narrations:
Including: Sahih Hisham bin Salem on the authority of Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him): He was asked about the one who insulted the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family and peace) “So he (peace be upon him) said: The lower authorities shall kill him before he is brought to the imam.” (1)….
The permissibility of killing him does not require permission from the legitimate ruler (1)….
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🥀🕯🥀 Lady Fatima al-Zahra (sa) the Mother of her Father 🥀🕯🥀
Sheikh Mansour Leghaei
🥀🕯🥀 Introduction 🥀🕯🥀
In the Name of God; the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful
Lady Fatima, the lady of light has an elevated status in the eyes of Allah due to her childhood sacrifices and support towards the religion of Islam. She is ‘the mother of her father and is an axis to great qualities. The mutual affection between Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) and her is unique and holds a very prominent position in father-daughter relationship.
Abu-Faraj al-Isfahani in his Isnad narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S) from his father: “Verily, Fatima (S.A) was surnamed ‘Omme Abiha’.”
[Beharul-Anwaar, vol43 p.19 from Maqatelu-Talebin]
‘Omme Abiha’ or ‘The Mother of her Father’ is one of the best-known titles of Lady Fatima (peace be upon her). This title sounds quite peculiar for many people especially those who are less familiar with the Arabic language. This lecture is a humble interpretation of the abovementioned Hadith. I shall by the Will of Allah suggest 10 reasons because of which she enjoyed this unique title.
Fatima was the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), the wife of Imam Ali (A.S), the mother of the only two Masters of the Youth of Paradise- Imam Hasan and Imam Husain- and the mother of the 11 infallible Imams (peace be upon them all). She is the elite of the elite women of the past, present and future. She was an infallible martyr and a human huri. She was the crystallization of piety, chastity and real devotee of the Almighty Allah. Her virtues are so numerous that the Messenger of Allah said about her: “If beauty were a person it would be Fatima, Nay! She is greater. Indeed, Fatima is my daughter and the best of the people of the earth in her origin, dignity and honour.” [Fara`edoh-Samtayn vol.2 p.68]
Fatima had a short life in this world and as her husband Imam Ali (A.S) has described, “She joined her father very soon.” Yet, her life was so rich with abundant blessings so much so that she became al-Kauthar and the fountain of the Prophetic blessings.
🕯 Childhood 🕯
Fatima was born during the Prophetic mission and when the Prophet of Islam had reached his perfection. She was the only child of the house of Prophet Muhammad and Sayyeda Khadija (S.A). Her conception was heavenly blessed with the paradisiacal fruit gifted to her father at the time of his ascension. She was brought up in a house wherein revelation and the words of God were constant. She witnessed the descending and ascending of the angels. Her physical growth accomplished with her mental and spiritual growth and hence she became an infallible lady who enjoyed the sublime virtues of her father, the holy Prophet of Islam.
🕯 After the demise of her mother 🕯
Lady Khadija died 10 years after the Prophet of Islam declared his mission and left her five-year-old daughter an orphan. The richest lady of Quraiysh at the time of her death could not even afford a simple shroud for her burial and hence she requested her daughter to ask her father to shroud her with his own cloak after her death. Fatima was since the only memory of Khadija for the Prophet of Islam. After the painful death of her mother the young Fatima dedicated herself to her father, the Messenger of God. During the hardship of Makka she was not only a supportive daughter but a comrade. After her marriage with Imam Ali in Medina, initially her house was quite a distance from the mosque which would make traveling to the Prophet quite difficult. Thus, the Prophet arranged that the young couple live in the house of Haritha bin No’man whose house was near the house of the Prophet. [ibn Sa’ad, al Tabaqaat vol 8 p14]
🕯 The Female Comrade of the Holy Prophet (S) 🕯
Fatima was not the type of girl who sat at home weaving or sewing with no social responsibility. Her exalted spirit had made her from the very early stages of her life, endeavor for the spread of Islam with her father.
Once, the Prophet of Islam was inviting people to Islam inside the Masjidul Haraam. Abu Jahl made some of his puppets pour rubbish onto the Prophet. Fatima; the female comrade of the Prophet immediately ran towards her father and with her small hands cleaned the head and the shoulders of the Prophet of Islam.
Many a time the infidels of Quraiysh stoned the Messenger of God and the young Fatima was sometimes shielding her father with her own body. Her care and compassion towards the Messenger of God was so motherly and passionate. Every time the Messenger of God came home Fatima was dusting the hair and face of the Prophet. It was due to all this compassionate conduct of Fatima that the Messenger of God had such tremendous love for her.
The role of Fatima in her support and the spread of Islam was so vital that according to Imam Ali (A.S) she was considered the second pillar of Islam. After the martyrdom of Fatima Zahra (S.A) Imam Ali stated, “The messenger of God was the first column of Islam and Fatima was the second and the Islamic Ommah today has lost its second column too.
Fatima During the Islamic Battles
Fatima was a woman and as such jihad was not obligatory on her. Nonetheless, she was an active participant and a supporter of the Muslim warriors along with her father and husband. During battles, Fatima had the responsibility of nursing the wounded soldiers and repairing their artillery. When the rumor about the martyrdom of the Messenger of God was spread in Medina during the battle of Ohud, Fatima mobilized some of the ladies of Medina to the battlefield.
When she saw her father’s, teeth broken and bleeding she was in tears and hugged the Messenger of God. Shia and Sunni historians have narrated that during the severe time of the battle of Ohud whereat blood was flowing from the head and the face of the Prophet, the companions had tried to stop the bleeding of the wounds, to no avail. It was Fatima who then immediately burnt a straw mat and poured its ashes onto the wounds and stopped the blood from flowing. [Safinatul Behar vol.1 p140, Sahihul Bukhari vol.4 p.72]
🕯 Addressing Her Father 🕯
After the battle of Ohud, an Ayah was revealed to the Messenger of God to discipline his companions. It was customary for Arabs to call each other with their names without any title and as such they would only call the Prophet of Islam with his first name, Muhammad, the Messenger of God was also too humble to request them to address him otherwise. It was under these circumstances that the Almighty God revealed,
“Make not the calling of the Messenger among you as you are calling one of another.” 24:63
Upon the revelation of the Ayah, Muslims were commanded to address the Prophet with the title of Messenger of God.
Lady Fatima narrated, “After the revelation of the Ayah, I wondered whether I could still address my father as ‘father’ and thus I called him ‘O Messenger of God’. Upon hearing that my father immediately replied, “My dear Fatima, that rule was not for you, you call me O father for indeed this is more reviving for my heart and more pleasing your Lord.” [Ibn al-Maghazeli, al Manaqeb p367]
Thus, Fatima was the only exception of the above Ayah of which she gained part of her everlasting title ‘The Mother of Her Father`.
Fatima; the Mother of her Father
In the year 5 AH, after the Battle of al-Ahzab a new rule with regards to the wives of the Prophet was revealed.
“The Prophet is closer to the believers than their own selves and his wives are their mothers.” [33:6]
This revelation taught Muslims to respect the wives of the Prophet like their own mothers and that they were forbidden to ever marry them. Thus, none of the wives of the Prophet were ever able to remarry after the demise of the Messenger of God. To this end, every wife of the Prophet was referred to as ‘the mother of the believers’ which means as the believers could not ever marry their mother they could not possibly ever marry any of the wives of the Prophet. After the revelation of the above law, the Messenger of God said to his beloved daughter, “O Fatima. If my wives are the (spiritual) mother of the believers, then you are my (spiritual) mother.”
🕯 Etymology of the term ‘al-Omm' 🕯
The term mother is referred to in Arabic as ‘Omm` whether a direct biological mother or indirect and hence, Eve is also referred to as our ‘mother`. Linguistically, the term ‘mother` is quite similar in all different languages. Omm in Arabic, mum or mother in English, mahdar in Farsi, ma in Urdu and mama in Italian.
The term al-Omm in Arabic is defined by the renowned Arabic linguist al-Raghib “Everything and everyone who is the source of the existence of something or its rearing or reforming.” Therefore, anything that is the origin of the source of something or has a fundamental role in its existence is called al-Omm in Arabic. For instance, in Surah 43 Ayah 4 the Holy Quran is introduced to be in the Mother of the Book,
“And verily, it (this Quran) is in the Mother of the Book with Us, indeed exalted, full of wisdom.” (43:4)
The term ‘the mother of the book` in the above Ayah is meant for al-Lauh al-Mahfuz which is the source of all the divine knowledge and its producer.
The first Surah of the Quran is also called ‘Ommul Kitab’ the mother of the book for its seven Ayaat contain the summary of the entire teachings of the holy Quran and hence is the root and the origin of the rest of the Quran.
Ommah in Arabic is a community which has a common religious and spiritual goal.
In short, Omm is either a biological mother which is not gained but physically or a spiritual mother which is a title given due to some spiritual privileges and characteristics and carries similar parental rights. It is to this meaning that the Messenger of God introduced himself along with Imam Ali as the two fathers of the Muslim Ommah (community).
🕯 Fatima; the Axis 🕯
In the following I shall share with you ten reasons because of which Lady Fatima enjoyed the divine medal of ‘The Mother of Her Father’ by the Messenger of God.
We will learn that she is the symmetrical axis between Prophet-hood and Imamat.
🕯 1. The Axis of Creation
Numerous prophetic traditions state that the Messenger of God is the final cause of the creation. The Almighty God in a holy hadith says, “Had it not been because of you I would have not created the creation.” This is a well-established principle in Islamic philosophy and mysticism since the Messenger of God is the most perfect creation of God and the creation is aimed at the peak of its perfection. It is due to this fact that Fatima is the axis of creation for without her the generation of the most perfect human i.e. the Messenger of God would cease to continue. Similarly, spiritually the existence of Fatima was the cause of the continuation of Islam until the day of Judgment as I shall explain.
🕯 2. The Axis of Imamat
Fatima was the symmetrical axis joining Prophet-hood to Imamat. It was through Fatima that the blessed light of Prophet-hood was transmitted to eleven infallible Imams. I’m in awe! She is the mother of 11 infallible Imams! If the holy Mary begot one Jesus, and hence she became a truthful female, the holy Fatima begot 11 pure Imams, behind the last of whom Prophet Jesus shall pray.
🕯 3. The Axis of Ahlul-Bayt
The story of the Hadith of the Cloak is narrated by numerous Shia and Sunni narrators. Jabbir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari narrated that the Messenger of God went to the house of Fatima while he was not feeling well. Fatima received him and covered him with his Yemenese cloak for warmth and comfort. Then the Prophet of Islam brings Hasan, Husain and then Imam Ali and Fatima under his cloak with him. It was then that the angel Gibreel brought Ayah 33 of Surah 33,
“Verily, Allah willed but to purify you Ahlul-bayt….”33:33
Lady Fatima is the symmetrical axis in this story so much so that when the archangel Gibreel aims at introducing those who are under the cloak to the heavenly creatures, he states, “They are Fatima and her father and her husband and her children.”
🕯 4. The Axis of Infallibility
Since Fatima is the axis of Ahlul-Bayt she is also the axis of infallibility as indicated in Ayah 33 of Surah 33. She was the mother and the spiritual coach of all the Imams of Ahlul-bait. The infallibility, bravery and guidance of all the Imams of Ahlul-bait were inherited from their mother, holy Lady Fatima. When Khadija (S.A) was pregnant with Fatima she used to speak with her. One day when the Prophet of Islam heard his wife talking to her baby he said to her, “Gibreel has given me the glad tiding that she is going to be a baby girl and her generation will be blessed and pure and indeed the Almighty God will continue my generation from her offspring and will make them the Imams and the vicegerents of God on earth after revelation has ceased to continue.” [Rodhatul Wa’ezin vol.1 p.143]
🕯 5. The Axis of Al Mubahilah
In the last year of the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) a deputation of 60 high ranked Christians of Najran headed by Abdul Masih their chief monk-priest came and discussed with the Holy Prophet about the personality of Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus). When they refused to accept the logical reasoning of the Prophet of Islam, the Messenger of Allah by revelation invited them to a cursing challenge called ‘al-Mubahila`.
“Then whoever disputes with you concerning him (Jesus) after all this knowledge that has come to you, say: Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves, then we pray and invoke the Curse of Allah upon those who lie.” [3:61]
The only people the Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.W) chose to take to this vital challenge were: Imam Ali, Fatima al-Zahra, (Imam) Hasan and (Imam) Husain peace be upon them. In this challenge Fatima was the example of the child of the Prophet in ‘our sons`, the woman in ‘our women’. She was also the example of the soul of the Prophet in ‘ourselves` for the Messenger of God had said about her: “She is part of me as she is my soul in my heart.”
Of the significance of this selection the renowned Sunni scholar al-Qandoozi narrated from the holy Prophet (S.A.W.W): “Had the Almighty Allah knew more honourable people on earth than Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain he would have commanded me to challenge the Christians with them. But He ordered me to enter the Mubahila with them (Ahlul-Bayt) for they are the best creatures.” [Yanabi’ul-Mawaddah, p.131]
🕯 6. The Axis of Imams of Ahlulbayt (as)
The Almighty God gave the glad tidings to Fatima (S.A) that 11 infallible Imams will emerge from her offspring. Thus, she was called ‘the Mother of the Imams’ and ‘the Mother of the Blossoms of Islam’ and ‘the Mother of the Light of the Imams’. It is therefore narrated from the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W): “I am the tree and Fatima is its fruit-bearing and Ali is its pollen and Hasan and Husain are its fruits.” [Ihqaqul-Haq, vol.9 p.157]
Similarly, when Lady Fatima (S.A) delivered her eloquent sermon in the Masjidul-Nabi, Imam Ali (A.S) addressed her with the title of: “O the remaining of the Prophet-hood.” [Beharul-Anwar, vol.43 p.148]
Most importantly, the holy Fatima was the bearer and the depository of the divine secret, i.e. Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance).
🕯 7. The Axis of Faith
The Lady Fatima (S.A) is the axis of faith. It is narrated from the Imams of Ahlul-bayt (A.S) that on the Day of Judgment “she will be the scale of measuring the deeds of our lovers and our enemies.” [ al-Kharazmi, Maqtalul-Husain, p.107] Thus, she is the scale of measuring the lovers and the enemies of Ahlul-Bayt.
🕯 8. The Axis of the Sayyyeds
The holy Fatima was ‘al-Kouthar’ meaning abundant blessings. The generation of the last Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W) has spread world-wide through his daughter Fatima. She is the mother of Millions of offspring of the Prophet from the linage of Imam Ali, Imam Hasan, Imam Husain, Imam Redha, and Imam Kadhem (peace be upon them). They are related to the Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.W) through Fatima.
🕯 9. The Axis of Intercession
The holy Fatima is the axis of intercession on the Day of Judgment to rescue the sinners from the Hell-fire. Indeed, she is called Fatima for Allah has safeguarded her and her followers from the Hell-fire. Numerous Prophetic saying indicated that she is called Fatima for Allah has prevented her and her lovers and followers from the Hell-fire. [See Beharul-Anwar, vol.43 pp.4 -18]
Jabir; the distinguished companion of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.W) who lived long enough to visit Imam Baqir (A.S) asked the Imam to inform him of the status of his grandmother; the lady Fatima (S.A). Part of the Hadith reads:
“On the Day of Judgment people will be ordered: Bend your heads down and lower your gaze for indeed this is Fatima proceeding to Paradise. She then will ask the Almighty: O my Lord! I would like my status to be known in this Day. Thus, the Almighty Allah addresses her: O daughter of My beloved! Look back and find whoever there is a love in their heart for you or for any of your offspring to take their hands and enter them into Paradise. It is on that Day the she will be as selective as a chicken selects the good seeds over the spoiled ones. Then the Almighty Allah will address those who loved the holy Fatima (S.A): Look back and find whoever loved you for the love of Fatima, whoever fed you for the love of Fatima, whoever clothed you for the love of Fatima, whoever offered you a drink for the love of Fatima… then take their hands and enter them into Paradise. Imam Baqir (A.S) then added: On that Day none will be left, save the one who has been doubtful (about the status of Fatima), or the one who has been Kafir or hypocrite.” [Beharul-Anwar, vol.8 p.51]
🕯 10. The Axis of Granting Wishes
Although all the fourteen infallibles are the gates through whom the Almighty God grants our invocations, the Lady Fatima has a pivotal role in the granting of our wishes. Even the Imams of Ahlul-bayt when they invoked to the Almighty, they asked Allah in the virtuous name of their mother Fatima. Thus, the name of Fatima is again the central core in the recommended supplication for our needs.
“Allahuma inni asaloka be haqe fatimata wa abiha wa ba’leha wa baniha wa sirril musta’da’efi ha an to salle’a ala muhammadin wa ale muhammad. Wa an tafalla be ma anta ahlo wa an taqthia hawa`iji”
“O Allah verily I ask You by the right of Fatima and her father and her husband and her sons and the hidden secret entrusted in her (Imam Mahdi A.J) that You may Mohammad and his family and that You may do for me what You are anticipated to do and that You grant my requests.”
🕯 Mutual Affection 🕯
The affection between Fatima and her father was mutual. That means, as much as the holy Prophet of Islam loved his daughter Fatima, she also loved her father the Prophet. Thus, the demise of the Prophet of God did not have but an enormous effect on Fatima. During her short time after the demise of her father, she cried so much that according to the words of Imam Sadiq (A.S) she became one of the five most weeping people in history of mankind. Prophet Adam (A.S) after his fall wept so much that stains marks appeared on his cheeks.
Prophet Yaqoub (A.S) wept so much in the absence of his son Yusuf that he lost his eye sight. Prophet Yusuf in return also cried so much in missing his father that his fellow prisoners requested that he should cry either at night or day. Imam Sajjad (A.S) wept for the last thirty-five years of his life for the tragedy of Karbala and finally the holy Fatima wept her life away in the absence of her father the holy Messenger of God. She wept so much that Imam Ali (A.S) had to build an isolated hut for her worshipping and weeping called ‘the House of Grieves'.
The weeping of Fatima however, was not only for the physical departure of the Messenger of God from this world, she wept also for the catastrophic deviation that occurred after the Prophet passed. Her weeping was in fact a cry opposition to awaken the Islamic Ummah of the evil consequences of their wrongdoing. Fatima was fully aware that the deviation that occurred in Saqifeh would lead to the massacre of Karbala.
“As salamu alayk O you oppressed lady whose right has been usurped and her rib was broken, the one who was beaten, the lady who was truthful and martyred.”
The enemies of Islam and Ahlul-bait could not stand her opposition. According to al-Mas’oodi; the renowned historian, she witnessed that the party of Abu Bakr forced Imam Ali to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr whilst Imam Ali was refusing. [Ithbatul-Wasiya p262]
Eventually, the enemies threatened to set the house of Fatima on fire should Ali continue to refuse allegiance. Omar ibn Kattab along with his men approached the house of Ahlul-bait. He threatened that should Ali still refuse he would burn the house down and the household. Omar was reminded that Fatima was also in that house, his only reply was, “Even so…”
I would like to end my speech by narrating the tragic event of the martyrdom of the holy Lady Fatima (s.a); the part of the heart of the Prophet and the beloved mother of her father with her own heartbreaking description of the scene,
“they placed firewood at the gate of my house and then they brought fire and torched it to burn us all. I was standing behind the front door. I pleaded with them by the name of Allah and my father the Messenger of Allah to leave us alone or help us. But Omar grabbed the whip of Qunfuz; the slave of Abu Bakr and whipped my arm so hard that it bruised and marked like a bracelet. He then kicked the door against me while I was pregnant, and I fell to the floor all the while the fire was blazing in front of me and its heat was burning my face. He then slapped me so hard on my face that my earring tore my ear then I felt the pain of labor and lost my innocent baby.
🕯 sources 🕯
Baitul ahzan (p. 97)
al-Ehtejaj (vol 1 from p. 203)
Sharh ibn Abil Haddid (vol 2, p. 21)
The History of Tabari (vol 2, p. 234)
Al Imamah & Al Siyasah (vol 1, p. 12)
Morujo Thahab (vol 2, p. 302)
Al Kafi (vol 8, p. 343)
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younusalgoharsvoice · 5 years
Sayyidi Younus AlGohar answers a question from a viewer who asked whether it was necessary to respect the Syeds (Descendants of Prophet Mohammad). ( https://youtu.be/cPLOhkGxuDo )
- We should respect the Sadaat. However, there is no caste system in Islam. The Sadaat are the Progeny of Prophet Mohammad and the people who are not from the Sadaat are also descendants of a Prophet: Adam the Eminent One. Then whom did God create hellfire for? This is when God’s laws are implemented.
- If God grants someone spiritual immunity and declares them to be part of the Progeny of a Prophet, he makes sure that the person will stand by the Prophet and uphold God’s name. God has a law according to which if someone is given respect on behalf of God then God will make sure that that individual becomes completely worthy of respect.
God said in the Koran 33:33 that he intends to purify the Progeny of Prophet Mohammad of all types of impurity.
- It is well known that Prophet Mohammad included Salman Farsi, a man from Iran, in his Progeny. So this act of Prophet Mohammad proves that it is not necessary to be a blood relative in order to be included in the Progeny of Prophet Mohammad. So then how did Prophet Mohammad include him in his nation? Abdul Qadir Jilani gave the answer when he said, ‘Every Mutakee (Pure One) is part of Prophet Mohammad's Progeny.’
- Prophet Mohammad said during the Last Sermon. He said, 'No Arab is greater than a non-Arab. No non-Arab is inferior to an Arab. According to God, the standard for respect is piety.' The more pious one is, the more respectable he will be in the eyes of God. A Sufi will say that you will only become a Mutakee (Pure One) when you rid your heart and body of the Devil and bring God in.
- His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said, 'Take the Opening of the Spiritual Heart (Zikr-e-Qalb). When divine energy enters your bloodstream and reaches every vein in your body, then at that time, you will be at the Station of Divine Energy.’ This is when you are at the same station as the Progeny of Prophet Mohammad.
- Imam Abu Hanifa obtained knowledge from Imam Jafar Sadiq, who was from the Progeny of Prophet Mohammad. And then he surpassed Imam Jafar Sadiq, so much so that he managed to see God himself 99 times. God blessed him and Prophet Mohammad declared him to be the Imam-e-Azam. When Imam Abu Hanifa surpassed the progeny, why don’t you test your fate too?
- Through spirituality and the teachings of His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi, do you have any idea what you could become? His Divine Eminence Gohar Shahi said that according to a Hadith-e-Qudsi, there comes a point in proximity to God where God becomes yours hands with which you hold things, your legs with which you walk and the tongue with which you will speak. You have the knowledge available through which you can become God and God can become you.
- Bulleh Shah was a Syed who lived about 400 yeas ago. In the era, he went to a saint of God, Inayat Hussain, to learn spirituality. Inayat Hussain was an Arayan. The Syeds in Bulleh Shah's era had nothing, that is why Bulleh Shah bowed his head at the feet of an Arayan. The divine energy the Seeds were born with stayed with them for seven generations, then it diminished. Now there is no difference between a Syed and a common man.
_________ . . ❓Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726 or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv
Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.YounusAlGohar.com
Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/YounusAlGohar
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mindroastermir2 · 2 years
Choty bachon k sath maoon ki namaz kesy hoti he ?
Choty bachon k sath maoon ki namaz kesy hoti he ?
Choty bachon k sath maoon ki namaz kesy hoti he ? چھوٹے بچوں کے ساتھ ماوں کی نماز کیسے ہوتی ہے؟ چھوٹے بچوں کے ساتھ ماوں کی نماز کیسے ہوتی ہے؟ #Salat #Motherhood #بچوں_کیساتھ_نماز #AskAnImamUrdu
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supernews · 2 years
5 Pune mosques say no to DJ music during upcoming Eid festival
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In the wake of a controversy over the use of loudspeakers at religious places, authorities of five mosques in Pune and some other senior Muslim community members here have decided to shun DJ music during the upcoming Eid celebration and utilise funds collected for it to help the poor and needy people.
They also appealed to youth from the community not to play loud DJ music during the Eid al-Fitr celebration on May 2.
Everyone knows the ill-effects of such loud DJ music, which is not good for sick people and those with a weak heart, said Maulana Mohsin Raza, the imam of the Bhartiya Anjuman Qadariya Mosque in Lohiya Nagar area here in Maharashtra.
"So, we formed a core committee of five mosques in the area and convened a meeting of their imams and functionaries along with other senior members of the community and decided not to have DJ music during the Eid celebration," he told PTI.
The funds usually collected to procure the DJ music system during the celebration will be used to provide aid to the needy and poor people in the area, he said.
Asked about the row over use of loudspeakers atop the mosques, he claimed all five mosques in the locality here follow the Supreme Court's guidelines on noise pollution and the volume during 'azaan' is always kept low.
"The locality has a mixed population and so far, no one from the Hindu community has complained of any disturbance due to the playing of 'azaan'. In fact, the communities here celebrate all the festivals in harmony," Raza said.
Yunus Salim Shaikh, a local Urdu teacher who is part of this core committee, said the formation of such a panel is a good step towards dealing with social issues.
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likewaterfallz · 3 years
Crying for Imam Hussain (as) is sunnah. As mentioned in the book Hussain (as) Az Zuban Hussain (as) (Hussain from the words of Hussain), the author quotes Imam himself when he described an event from his childhood. For reference I am attaching the image but translating whats written from urdu to english.
"It happened many times that the Prophet SAWW ask my father Ali to take me (Imam Hussain) in his lap. He would take me in his arms kiss me and cry. Once I (Imam Hussain) asked the Prophet SAWW the reason why he weeped. He said, 'My son, I am kissing the parts of your body that would be struck by swords."
This hadith crealy shows that crying over Hussain (as) is the act performed by Prophet SAWW himself.
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sgybabar · 3 years
@younusalgoharsvoice In episode 11 of the Pehchan e Mehdi course, Sufi Master Younus AlGohar provides us with food for thought and reveals the answer to a commonly asked question, ‘Is Imam Mehdi equivalent to a Prophet?’. Sufi Master extensively explains how Imam Mehdi will render his spiritual grace to humanity and how he is above all prophets and messengers. https://youtu.be/51yNGMj70xE
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qamer · 3 years
@younusalgoharsvoice In episode 11 of the Pehchan e Mehdi course, Sufi Master Younus AlGohar provides us with food for thought and reveals the answer to a commonly asked question, ‘Is Imam Mehdi equivalent to a Prophet?’. Sufi Master extensively explains how Imam Mehdi will render his spiritual grace to humanity and how he is above all prophets and messengers. https://youtu.be/51yNGMj70xE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ✅Get the latest updates from ALRA TV on Telegram Messenger. Download Telegram Messenger from the AppStore or Google PlayStore and subscribe to: https://t.me/official_alratv ❓ Question Sufi Master Younus AlGohar directly! Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447472540642 or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv For Izn e Zikr-e-Qalb (Permission for Awakening of the Spiritual Heart) call Shaykh Amjad Gohar on this number +44 (0) 740 1855 568 via WhatsApp. #imammehdi #anbiya #afzal #ALRATV #islamicquote #quotes #ummah #GoharShahi #quranquotes #islamicposts #urdu #islampost #urdupoetry #YounusAlGohar #prophet #islami #prayer #hadith #loveislam #kuran #hajj #islamquotes #dawah #pray #bismillah #quranverses #hijrah https://www.instagram.com/p/CXJdNl6lJLZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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goharshahi · 5 years
New Video: Rouh e Muhammad (saw) Ki Haqeeqat | ALRA TV | By His Holiness @younusalgohar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToEoFbAR6yw
Sayyidi Younus AlGohar reveals the origins of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s soul while explaining how God created the souls of the Sabiqoon (Foremost Ones) and common people.
- God created souls in two episodes. In the first episode of creation, God created the Sabiqoon (Foremost Ones, as mentioned in Koran 56:10) - those in his proximity, love and manifestation. In the second episode, he created souls with the Command 'Be'.
- God asked the souls created with Command 'Be', 'Am I not your Lord?' (Koran 7:172) and it was affirmed. These souls were divided into three groups according to their fates: the paradise-bound souls, hell-bound souls and those with indecisive fates.
- Spiritual guides, saints and prophets come from the first batch of creation (the Sabiqoon). Their purpose was to teach the religions to souls from the second batch who were paradise-bound. Rabia Basri was from among the Sabiqoon.
- Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is not Bashar (a human being). His soul is not from the Sabiqoon or second episode of creation. His soul is the divine energy that took form when God looked somewhere with love. At the very lowest point of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)'s reality, he is not a creation of God in the technical sense, but the expression of God's love.
- Just as Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the expression of God's love, Iblis (The Devil) is the expression of God's anger. His soul took form when God looked somewhere with anger. He will not enter hellfire because he is not technically 'creation' either.
- Only a small percentage of the Sabiqoon have been sent into the world. The rest will be sent in the era of Imam Mehdi. His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi said, 'I have come to transform people into saints of God.'
- Considering Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) to be a human being is Shirk (appointing a partner with God) after learning this knowledge. When his soul came into being, nothing else had been created yet.
'First of all, God created my divine energy.' - Prophetic Tradition
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younusalgoharsvoice · 5 years
Sayyidi Younus AlGohar explains why it is nearly impossible in this day and age to recognise Imam Mehdi in light of the Prophetic Traditions. He reveals the role of God’s signs. ( http://tiny.cc/kne3az )
- There is a huge question mark about the authenticity of Prophetic Traditions. There are over 73 sects in Islam and each carries its own set of Prophetic Traditions. The public doesn't know which Prophetic Traditions have been removed and which have been published in the books compiled by the religious scholars.
- Some Wahhabis do not believe in the concept of Imam Mehdi; they say that there is no mention of Him in the Prophetic Traditions. They rather state that there would be an end-times caliph. Other religious scholars are convinced of Imam Mehdi’s advent and they cite various Prophetic Traditions when talking about Imam Mehdi. The Sunnis and Barelvis have a concept of Imam Mehdi but they do not emphasise it. The concept of Imam Mehdi is very important in Shiism.
- The common factor in all of these sects is that not a single one of them has access to spiritual knowledge. There were some people among the Sunnis who accepted spiritual knowledge, however, the campaign run by Tahir ul Qadri and his organisation, Minhaj ul Quran, destroyed their faith.
- In the beginning, Tahir ul Qadri spoke about spirituality, Faqr (Spiritual Poverty), Dhikr (invocation) and Dhikr-e-Qalb (The Opening of the Spiritual Heart). But people started to ask him to help them become saints of God. He did not have sainthood, so in order to save face, he started to project a definition of sainthood which was confined to exoteric knowledge, outer worship and Sharia. He destroyed the philosophy of how one becomes a true disciple of Ghous Pak (Abdul Qadir Jilani). He a severe blasphemer of Ghous Pak and Imam Mehdi. He misguided people when he saw that His Divine Eminence Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi's fame was spreading.
- In jealousy and fear, he made up dreams and told people them. He claimed that Imam Mehdi's advent would take place after 800 years. Then when he did not manage to turn people against HDE Gohar Shahi, he claimed that he had a  dream in which he saw Imam Mehdi before him and he saw Jesus descend from the sky. And in his dream, Imam Mehdi told him that all the current and future members of his organisation would be included among the followers of Imam Mehdi. If people living 800 years before Imam Mehdi's advent could become followers of Imam Mehdi, then people living 1000 years before His advent can also be Imam Mehdi's followers. Then why did Moula Ali said he would have spent his entire life in Imam Mehdi’s servitude if he was born in Imam Mehdi’s era?
- Imam Jafar Sadiq was very strict in regards to the authenticity of Prophetic Traditions. He said, ‘Check to see if the Prophetic Tradition that contradicts the Koran; if it does, throw it against the wall because it cannot be a saying of Prophet Mohammad.’ There are so many Prophetic Traditions; you will never be able to recognise Imam Mehdi in light of these Prophetic Traditions. How would you recognise Imam Mehdi when you haven’t been able to become Devout Believers in light of the Koran and Prophetic Traditions?
- HDE Gohar Shahi said, ‘When the Prophetic Traditions became subject to adulteration and it becomes almost impossible for the world to recognise the truth in light of the Prophetic Traditions then God manifested his signs [so they could recognise the truth].' Then HDE Imam Mehdi Gohar Shahi said that when a sign from God is freshly manifested, then it has upper hand over the Koran and Prophetic Traditions in the similitude of Martial Law. The signs manifested by God are free from human interference and are beyond their access. The images of HDE Gohar Shahi on the Moon, Sun and Mars have been manifested by God; HDE Gohar Shahi did not manifest them. They are God’s Miracles and God’s Miracles are eternal.
_________ . . ❓Have a question for Younus AlGohar? Text your questions to us on WhatsApp: +447380315726 or Facebook messenger: http://m.me/alratv
Watch the live recordings of these lectures every day at 22:00 GMT at: http://www.YounusAlGohar.com
Listen to this speech on the go with SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/YounusAlGohar
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