#Aside from Vace
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daydreamdoodles · 2 years ago
I formally apologize if I ever said a mean thing about Rex. He is a bit of a fuckboy, but he such an extremely well natured and kindhearted fuckboy
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theomenroom · 8 months ago
Exocolonist language headcanons
The stratos are all textually established as speaking Esperanto as a first language. There's some conflicting evidence regarding their speaking other languages (Sol has no idea what language Nomi's anime is in, just "is that another language," but Sol can also be a connoisseur of old influencer videos which probably weren't in Esperanto)
I don't think the helios speak Esperanto as a first language. At the very least, the ones who boarded the ship had another primary language, and while it's possible that they close Esperanto as their primary on-ship language, I think it's more likely that they didn't. They're an occupying force. It's unlikely that they'd adapt to the language of their targets before even reaching them.
I think Nomi's the best at languages among them. People don't recognize that as a genuine talent because for the first 15 years of Nomi's life they spent it around the same hundred people who all already had a common language, but Nomi speaks the best Esperanto of anyone on the Helio. They were fluent at landing, and it took them like a month to completely assimilate the dialect differences between their textbooks and the way the stratos talk. They're also conversant in Japanese, but have hardly anyone to speak it with outside of their immediate family, so their dialect is extremely weeby.
@thydungeongal suggested Nomi would speak Toki Pona as well, and yes, absolutely, they would. If they didn't live around the same hundred people, they'd be constantly surprising all their friends with their "oh I can speak that" and would be fluent in at least five languages by fifteen. But they do only live around the same hundred people, so they taught themself Toki Pona. I'd give better than even odds that they can read Tolkein's poetry in the original Elvish, too.
I could see them also dabbling in archeology, and after a decade or so, being the only one who can keep up with Sol about Convergent Domain language (aside from Sym, who speaks it natively. Dys is learning bits and pieces from Sym but the Convergent Domain aren't as interesting to him as the ecosystem)
Rex isn't great at Esperanto, but Nomi made him practice anyway, so his is passable at landing and only gets better once he's fully immersed. Marz also schedules lots of "language practice" sessions between the two of them.
Vace speaks kinda stiffly, at first. He tries because, despite everything about his personality, he knows they have to get along (especially after the heliopause passed through the wormhole), but before landing, he hadn't really tried to learn it so much as he tried to get a good grade in class. Which is why even when he adopts a strato-style name, he still sounds pompous about it. He gets a lot better after practicing with Nem.
I don't have much of a handle on Lum. He clearly speaks it decently enough to parley with the colony on landing (but I could see some of his awkwardness being a language barrier). Maybe when he was shuffled into the paper-pushing corps, he studied a bunch to try to make himself useful as a translator.
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deusexlachina · 1 year ago
Cheeseage Exocolonist: Epilogue
For those wondering Where They Are Now in my perfect world.
Having achieved universal adoration, I get to see the epilogues of all my peers, making the epilogue so long that "The Child You Were," which is five and a half minutes long, ends about halfway into the ending, leaving me to read about my friends' fates in an eerie silence as I contemplate the cost of perfection.
I have given all my loved ones their dream lives, but I can no longer be fully part of those lives, because I lived too many others in search of the golden timeline.
As a high-rebellion governor, I Take The Colony In A New Direction, replacing Council members with younger people who are more in line with my kind of reforms, and the other departments fall in line because I have the security squads firmly on my side. I am quoting this verbatim because there is no way I can spin it to sound more colourfully tyrannical.
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Having reconciled with her twin brother with the power of drugs, my power wife edits people's brains to make them resistant to Bad Thoughts, a marginally less sinister use for her medical expertise than engineering a plague.
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Tangent is also the first person in the planet's history to realize we need a mental health expert who is not a barista. I'm proud of her.
As revenge for stealing her dream job, Marzipan steals my dream girl. Then Tangent dumps Marzipan, because nobody can constrain Tangent.
Thanks to my barista skills breaking up her and Vace, Anemone lives a happy life. She Tears Down This Wall.
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Socks keeps growing, and Cal has to release her, having spent his entire childhood with the worm.
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Marzipan is part second in command, part confidante and part nemesis, which is more glamorous than just assassinating me in my sleep.
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Dys becomes an Animorph. Tangent celebrates this, having finally found common ground with her twin: wanting to leave humanity.
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Rex mends his friendship with Vace, who becomes a better person and then proceeds to fly into a wormhole and is never seen again. Having dreamed of exploring space his whole life, he couldn't stand to be stuck on this planet, though he could've if I'd given him exactly five more cakes. I let him escape the wormhole, because I never can.
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Tammy is finally confident, and advocates for the communal raising of children, presumably because she's grown up around Tang and Dys, who were not communally raised, and look what happened to them. Her epilogue reveals that Antecedent is still Chief Steward until her nineties. Given that I remove all authorities who don't bend to my will, Auntie must have gone along with My Kind of Reforms, which makes sense because she always knows which way the wind is blowing. The snake.
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Nomi becomes a Magical Person who is popular at princess-themed events. With my help, they finish their video game. "Getting a lot of Animorphs vibes from this," thinks woman who read all of the Animorphs books.
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My relationship with Tangent having inevitably fallen out, Sym becomes my annoying roommate.
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My parents do well. My dad cultivates dizzyweed and hops, presumably inspired by his daughter's therapeutic drug empire.
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Even I am impressed with myself, telling myself that "it's not easy to make someone put aside their ego and surrender to a greater power."
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That greater power being me, of course.
Thanks for reading!
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ochamocha · 4 months ago
to start with. tammy and sym. sym is quite possibly one of the best written characters in the game, and if it wasn’t for one scene he’d be very high because i love the way his creepiness is counterbalanced by the fact he’s never seen humans before. however, the scene where he drugs you without your knowledge or consent, and the game then glosses over it by turning it into a mechanic to remove stress while exploring? far, far, far over the line. creeps me out to hell and back so yeah the alien gets the shaft and not in a fun way.
2. nomi nomi. i am curious how much you’ve played overall, because nomi is even more broadly enmeshed than vace. they’re not as involved with the broader plot of the game but part of the point is that unless you follow their arc, they’re a jack of all trades who kinda sucks at EVERYTHING but they never ever seem to get truly insecure or lose their spark because of it, and they’re one of the only people dys seems to find tolerable between both ships. at the bare minimum i know nomi can be found exploring plains, working in robotics, and i believe in a few other non-barracks jobs.
third, rex. he’s definitely a bit one note, but frankly he didn’t feel that way to me because for about 3 or 4 lives straight, i was certain he was a hello spy. surely no one from the helios besides nomi could be so welcoming and full of joy? i was sure befriending him would lead to disaster so i avoided him like the plague, only to find out he’s really just that loving and earnest. also, i’d argue that as a primary companion, he’s still more fleshed out than most other characters, and he’s necessary to give my darling tang her ideal ending so i can’t hate him.
lastly, seedent on the other hand i will circle back around to the earlier points about tammy and sym, because tammy and seedent are high for similar reasons: i just like them. they both would be much higher if they weren’t frustrating to work with, but seedent performs one of the most important jobs in the whole colony, and i’d argue being able to do it without pissing off the helios is a strength rather than a weakness. she’s not exactly a political powerhouse, but she is a cornerstone of both communities. tammy, similarly, is a wonderful wonderful depiction of the fact that even though all the original stratos were volunteers who wanted to come, tammy was born along the way. she didn’t get a choice. tammy is the closest thing we have to a normal person in the colonies. she’s not super smart, or brave, or strong, or skillful, but the point of her character is that much like with seedent, she’s just as important for the broader colony because she helps care for the next generation and helps support the colony with what she can do, even though frankly she’s not suited for frontier life at all. even though the colony needs tangents and cals and dys’s and marzipans, it could never survive without people like seedent and tammy supporting them. also, aside from themes and logistics, i just think tammy is a darling angel. she’s just so sweet. even if she is so stupid it’s literally unironically contagious, she cares so goddamn much about everyone, including the player, and frankly no matter how repetitive and ridiculous it gets, i will always enjoy her silly little game of pretending to want me to share my cake with her.
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objectively correct tier list feel free to ask why i put ppl here bc almost all had specific (if subjective) reasons for their positioning even within their own tiers
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restlessreveries · 2 years ago
Still kinda thinking about that no-therapy/no-peace/not broken up with Nem ending combo I got for Vace.
Spoilers for those conditions I suppose?
I know Vace has an interest in space, that he’s always had it. But in this particular case it feels really... death-seeker-ish?
He fancies himself a hero, but he’s replaced as head of security pretty soon after he gets that position. The entire colony is relieved when he’s no longer in charge of defending them, and he has to know, on some level, that it’s his fault and not just that the colonists are too weak to fight or doesn’t know the stakes.
So he’s lost the ability to be the Hero he wanted to be.
And then you factor in the no-therapy relationship with Nem. Things starts out decently enough, or at least there’s enough of a charade and keeping up appearances that a Sol who is friends with Vace doesn’t notice until Nem takes the kids and leaves in the middle of the night. And people are very much on her side, preventing Vace from getting to her again. From high friendship with Nem we learn that the kiddos end up raised in the creche, so it’s not like Vace gets to be the parent he wants to be (he’s against his kids being in the creche so I doubt it’s a friendly agreement going on).
So he’s not a Hero, and he’s not the Defender and Father he wanted to be.
At this point, the colony’s view of him cannot be anything that even resembles a positive one. Everyone knows how he is. I can’t imagine that he stays ignorant of it either. There are no more second chances. It’s all slipped between his fingers because he honestly cannot help himself, he can’t seem to change. Can’t be who he needs to be to make his dreams reality. So what is left at that point? To face each day being hated and feared until he can’t help but stop caring about anything altogether? Like his father before him? He’s got nobody left to protect, no dreams left to live.
Except one.
So when the opportunity arrives, he takes to space. To grasp one last shred of feeling like a hero by acting out a dangerous mission. To go back out among the stars like he always wanted.
And then he keeps going, because honestly, why not? What does he have left aside from this? The only things left for him on Vertumna are shattered dreams and years of continued self-destruction. He’s no hero, not really a Father. But in space he can at least be something he wanted to be for the rest of his life.
However brief that is.
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okskz · 4 years ago
Family FaceTime.
Elsy + Chan
chan spends christmas eve with elsy and she sees chan’s parents after a long time.
day/23/24 of 25 days of okskz! hope you guys enjoy and please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th Member of Got7]
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“Hey, you.” Chan said as soon as Elsy had opened the door for him. He had a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a gift bag in the other, smiling down at the girl.
Elsy grinned back at him, stepping on her tippy toes as the two went in for a kiss. “Hi.” She said softly. “Come in.”
She stepped aside, Chan entering her apartment. Elsy had planned for the two to spend Christmas Eve together since she had already had an early Christmas dinner with her members, and each of them were doing their own thing.
So now, all she wanted was to spend a nice Christmas with Chan.
“These are for you, of course.” Chan handed her the flowers he had in hand.
“Oh, these are beautiful.” Elsy went into her kitchen to quickly grab a vase from her cabinet and filled it up with water.
After placing the flowers in it, she placed the vace on top of her coffee table that was in her living room. “They look perfect.”
“Now open this.” He smiled, passing her the gift bag he brought as well.
“Eager aren’t we?” Elsy joked.
“Just been wanting to give you this from the moment I purchased it.”
Elsy wasted no time into opening Chan’s gift and when she did, she saw a large black box in there. She took it out, wondering what exactly Chan had gotten her and when she opened it, Elsy let out a small gasp. “Bang Chan.”
She gently took the necklace out, while setting the box down. Elsy couldn’t help but stare and admire the necklace. She felt like she had fallen in love. “This is so- oh my god, it’s so beautiful!” She looked over at it and pouted a little. “I love it so much, thank you.”
Elsy had walked up to Chan, wrapped her arms around him while burying her head against his chest. Chan began to sway Elsy side to side as Elsy cling onto him tightly. “It’s beautiful.” She said again. “Please put it on me.”
“Why of course.”
Chan took the necklace from her as she turned herself around, gently placing the necklace around her neck.
“How does it look on me?” She questioned when facing Chan again.
“Looks great. You look great.” He said cupping her face and bringing her in for a kiss. “So great.” He kissed her once more.
Elsy giggled when Chan pulled away. “Someone’s obsessed with me.”
“Can you blame me though?”
“Mm, i guess not.” Elsy shrugged, kissing Chan on the cheek.
She walked over to her Christmas tree, taking out Chan’s present for him to open up. “And this here is for you.”
“I’ll be honest though.” Elsy said sadly. “I don’t think I got you enough so I just go things that reminded me of you-“
“Elsy, baby, don’t even stress it. I love everything, you don’t ever have to spend a lot on me. I’d be fine with a chocolate bar or something.” He joked, trying to reassure her. Which made Elsy began to smile a little.
He opened the gift bag and brought out a black hoodie that happened to be Supreme. It was folded up nicely and inside was the cologne Elsy had got for him. He chuckled just a bit when he saw it. “Ah, you know me so well. I needed a refill too.”
The two were about to go in for another kiss until Chan’s phone began to ring, having an incoming call. He whipped it out his pocket, seeing his mother was calling him on facetime.
“Oh my god, your mom!” Elsy exclaimed. “Answer. And lets surprise her.”
“Sounds like a plan, she asked about you not too long ago.” He answered the phone and Chan’s mother popped up on screen.
The boy smiled at his mother. “Hello, mother. And hello, father.” He chuckled once seeing his father pop into the FaceTime call as well.
Elsy stayed silent as she had a smile plastered on her face. She definitely loved the relationship Chan had with his parents because it reminded her so much of her’s with her parents.
It’s been quite awhile since she’s last spoken with his parents though. She’s known them since trainee days with Chan and had also met them for the first time around that time as well.
Not to mention her parents had also met them and ever since then the two had became close with each other just like Chan and Elsy. She loved that the bond was still going strong even after ten years.
“Where are you?” Chan’s mother questioned. “That doesn’t look like the dorms.”
“Well that’s because I’m with someone right now.” He laughed, looking at Elsy. “I have a surprise.”
“Oh?” His father said. “And what could that be.”
Chan motioned for Elsy to come into view and the girl did as she was told, yelling out “surprise!”
The two let out a loud gasp. “Elsy!”
“Hi!” Elsy exclaimed. “It’s me!”
“Yes, it’s you! Oh my goodness, Elsy.” Chan’s mother chuckled. “I was just asking about you the other day with Chan. We’ve definitely missed you so much, but we know you’re probably so busy.”
“Oh, I’ve missed you guys too! Really, it’s been quite awhile.” Elsy said. “Wish I could see you guys again.”
“How are your parents?”
“They’re doing great!” Both her and Chan were tired of standing so they plopped themselves down on the couch. “They’re just there.” She chuckled.
“Are you and Channie spending Christmas Eve together?”
“Yes.” The two said together. “I already did something with my members not too long ago and I know Chan will be spending tomorrow with his members.”
“Oh that’s good to see, seeing you two together and still so close as friends after many years.” Chan’s mother awed.
“We’re as closer as we’ll ever be now.” Chan chuckled, Elsy knowing what he exactly meant. He looked over at Elsy to make sure if she was okay for what he was about to say next. The girl smiled and nodded at him to continue. “We’re actually quite more than friends now.”
“A couple?” Chan’s father questioned.
Elsy and Chan nodded their heads yes. Which made his mother gasp even louder. “No way!”
“This is just perfect, Channie. There’s no other person I have ever wanted but Elsy to be with you.” She chuckled. “I just know she’ll take good care of you.”
“And Elsy, I hope you know you’ve always been someone so special in our lives too from right moment we met you. We will always love you.”
Elsy began grinning brightly at Chan’s mother. And from hearing her words, Chan felt happy too knowing how close his parents and Elsy were and that they adored her as if she was their own child.
“Thank you for your kind words.” Elsy grinned. “And trust me when I say, Chan is in good hands with me.”
“Oh this is so exciting! Now I can’t wait to see you two again soon.” Chan’s mother cheered. “But for now I’ll let you two go back to whatever you two were doing.”
“We’ll talk again soon then.” Elsy said. “Enjoy your Christmas as well.”
“Same to you!”
After saying their goodbyes, Chan had hung up the call and Elsy rested her head on his shoulder. “That was nice. Your mom definitely loves me.”
“I know.” Chan chuckled. “She always has.”
Elsy looked up at Chan to give him a kiss. “Now that means you definitely can’t leave me.”
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hirokiyuu · 2 years ago
#everything w/nem is just like........ it's really........... hhhhhhhhh#i dont write much nem meta but ive seen a few ppl call her fash and im like.#do you know what trauma does. do u kno how it feels#do you kno how children react when they lose their favorite caretaker + sense of safety#do u kno how bad that fucks someones brain up#do you realize its not abt Oooh Vace or Oooh Helio its abt nem desperately trying to regain a sense of safety#and protect the people around her at the same time#bc if kom the best of EVERYONE could die then like#couldnt all her friends. couldnt everyone she loved. couldnt sol even#like. god
continuing on from this part ^ like. this is part of why i find hte dichotomy between her and cal so interesting like. theyre both right! they're both right abt it. on the one hand cal is right! the animals were here first, the colony put itself right in the middle of things w/o thinking of the consequences, and just because they did it to escape their own terrible situation is that fair? should they be killing the animals in retaliation?
but also at the same time. the colony IS being attacked. like. that's the reality of hte situation, and aside from dys adn sometimes sol, literally no one knows why or what they want. like. rhett and nem are right. SOMEONE has to defend the colony nad acting like you can just Refuse to fight even to save your own life is like...... shortsighted u kno. there's an enemy with purpose and intention gunning straight for everyone and everything you love, so what are you meant to do, lie down adn die about it? the actual Lived Reality is that no matter what you do, even if you try your very hardest, kom dies. like. inescapably. there's no way to get around it and acting like nem doesnt have a point is just kind of silly imo
i lov nem a lot im just thinking abt her.......... traumatized girls always end up being highkey faves of mine so like, no wonder
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ddtriohub · 7 years ago
Misplaced Memories
Closed AU tweak starter for @knights-queen
||Tan(60)=√3|| Shugarl felt this massive throbbing pain in his head. Opening his eyes slowly, he winced as the bright lights that were bouncing off the white walls of the room was blinding him. 
      Raising a hand, he covered his eyes, grimacing. What happened? Where was he? No, before all of that? Who-- was he? Slowly letting his eyes adjust to the light, he looked around, trying to find something that looked familiar, but he couldn’t find anything. 
      Not even the face staring back at him in the reflection of the metallic vace placed next to him. All he knew for a fact was that his head hurt. Aside from that, nothing was coming to mind. His name, age, or even his favorite color-- out the door. His mind was vacant, but it felt fuzzy. His mind was a jumbled mess from him being disoriented from whatever landed him in the hospital. 
            “Where am I?” 
      He was asking no one in particular, not expecting to get an answer. He didn’t notice the person who was sitting right next to him. 
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glumnet-blog · 6 years ago
via Vace
correct me if im wrong but i dont think u ever had to experience the mandatory joys of hebrew school. maybe u did i forget i dont want to make you too jealous here but  i went to hebrew school on thursdays and sundays from 7-14 years old.  hebrew school lasted for just a couple of hours but it felt excruciatingly longer than that.  hebrew school was just like going to school, on top of goin to regular, grade school during the week. that is a ratio of 2 schools to every 1 week!  only a generous masochist would send their child to 2 different schools right?   i think it was worse than regular school though, bc i simply didn't have friends there.  the only vivid encounter i remember with a peer before 5th grade was with Lucas in the second grade, whom my mom delicately tried to pair us together in order to have our conversational sparks ignite, over a luigi video game, like she was trying to start a fire in the wilderness out of uninterested rock and twig.  lucas had a 7 year old mullet and had a lot of confidence.  i didn't like either of those things.  especially the mullet shit bc i was a rat tail or die kind of 7 year old.  after my mom literally accompanied me to hebrew school for awhile and the other kids thought i had special needs, she tried the opposite approach.  she hired the UC berkeley student hebrew school teacher to come tutor me once a week for an hour. this was pretty fucking weird.  my hebrew school was pretty lax and progressive.  in retrospect i realize the institution of the temple sinai hebrew school is much more about socializing with other jewish kids and pretending to memorize the va'haf'tah (or actually memorizing it if you're hannah sternberg and like to impress the rabbi) then to actually embed the jewish youth into intense and arduous jewish centered academia.  so having hairy 21 year old Noam awkwardly sit next to me at my kitchen table and timidly correct my mispronunciations of hebrew words was all a wash if you will.  but my mom was a stubborn mom who wanted her son to carry on the 'teachings of our ancestors' a forcefully sentimental phrase that makes you feel like a melodramatic bible scholar whenever u say it out loud.  thankfully these at home sessions didn't last long because of Noam's scheduling problems.  so for the rest of the fourth grade i was free of hebrew school.  but sooner or later fifth grade rolled around and my parents threatened me with no screen time for a month if i didn't go in. no screen time was a punishment way worse than death so i relented.    
i think it was at this first day of fifth grade hebrew school that shit changed.  2 things changed specifically. 1) i made nate laugh and 2) i made julia laugh.  when i wrote earlier i didn't have any friends in hebrew school i mean like i didn't even have acquaintances.  like i lethargically walked into class, pretended to be invisible for 2 hours, hid the bathroom during break times and waited impatiently after class on the sidewalk scouring the downtown oakland avenues for the plain yet angelic white of my moms 1995 honda oddesey.  i had made people laugh before at regular school i guess .  but there was something different about making hebrew school people laugh... i had somehow broken the social engima of this institution i had distain for, for so long.  not only that... it was a different kind of laugh ... at least coming from nate. i didnt just make nate laugh i made that motherfucker crack up.  watching him laugh was like watching a firecracker go off. like i got him in trouble from the teacher he was laughing so hard and uncontrollably.  making julia laugh was different.  she didnt crack up like nate.  but her laughter was genuine nonetheless and just as euphoric. it felt like whatever i imagine heroin to be everytime i saw her begin to open her mouth and smile and vibrate her whole head because of something i had said.  within the space of 2 hours i had acquired my first hebrew school friend and first hebrew school crush.  i was a fucking social millionaire....i would call this period of time, 5th grade, the golden age.   i could make nate laugh consistently and julia was a similarly consistent vessel to validate my 5th grade ego.  i was closer with nate bc we were both boys , and julia already had a very insular and exclusive trio which was not accepting new members.  herself, hannah, and arielle (who demanded to be called ari which i always was irritated by  she was a fake ari.  her real name was arielle! she was a fraud, imposter! my full name is ari.  i am the real ari.  stupid aside)....time pushed forward and 6th grade began.  several important dynamics changed in 6th grade.  the friends of nate who went to his real, 5 day a week school (st pauls) had been assigned to our 6th grade class.  additionally, puberty was pretty vivaciously in affect and thus social hierarchies were further matured as well as a recognition of elementary sexual thoughts and feelings.  i continued to make nate laugh but i felt like my secret companion was bein taken away by his St paul friends.  in order to combat this i tried to befriend all his friends.  something i learned then and throughout my life almost never works.... attempting to pass as an insider in a group where u are and always be an outsider.   i could make nates friend laugh a little bit but they were much more fond of making each other laugh.  also because they went to school with each other nathaniel (different than my friend nate) and jackson had an air of superiority and seniorirty over me.  even in the 6th grade i think i could detect this kind of unspoken social heirachy at play.  and with julia other guys were starting to make her laugh at hebrew school.  if you want to talk about social heirarchy she was definetly the queen of our class.   as puberty progressed the less cool i became.   bc my only claim to fame socially was humor , but i didnt understand all the other shit.  like dressing cool, talking cool, walking cool., etc.   that otther shit became important in middle school if not the rest of my life... because of this, and the fact im just a fucking shmuck at the end of the day , made julia talk to me less.  and with less talking came less laughing.  nate and julia's laugh was to special to me during this time just less frequent... and therefore more rare.  so when i did get it  from them it felt all that much better.
thhere was a point there end of 5th grade start of 6th grade i looked forward to hebrew school. i looked  forward to sitting down in the creaky, plastic black chairs in room 04 and whispering to nate about how ugly our teacher was.  i looked forward to playing tic tac toe with julia in the art room instead of drawing menorahs, and arguing with her about who had the ineferior tic tac toe skills (she did i got XXX like almost everytime ok) .  i even started to like  the fucking moldy, bookish smell of the temple because i associated it with having good times with julia and nate.
in the 7th grade my connections with nate and julia fell apart uninterestingly and sharply .  my friendships were fading with nate and julia before the year even started ....but of course with 7th grade we entered mid'rasha.  mid'rasha is just hebrew school for teenagers, explained my mom on teh car  ride over to my first mid rasha class.  that may be true for my mom but for me mid rasha was a new world.  a world i did not want to reside in.  midrasha was different in many ways, it was at night, it lumped in loud, sparkly 17 year olds with unsure, gangly 13 year olds in the same room, it was a different bigger campus, it was off.  clqiues were formed immiedatly and it was obvious i was not in the st pauls group.  the group nate was in.  i didnt even see julia at all i think she was   being ultra extroverted befriending the royalty that was 17 year olds who wore sean john and listened to MGMT before it was cool ( this was 2007) .  i went to naybe 5 or 6 mid rashas but i understood the jig was up.  i was no longer a funny person in the room nevermind the funniest in the room.  the teachers were young  attractive college students who you couldnt fun of at all for being ugly.  i wasnt even in the same elective as nate anymore so i couldnt whisper ' ruby is ugly' even if i wanted to.   1 time i did have an art class with Julia.  but now as an ambitious and earnest 13 year old she tackled the assignment sincerely.  i saw her drawing these detailed portraits i thought were gross because they reeked of being  a try-hard.  i just wanted to play tic tac toe.
i stopped going to mid rasha and i didnt see nate or julia again for a while. i didnt see nate until i was a junior in HS and i took the SATs at the high school nate attended.  when we were all getting checked in i saw him at a circular lunch table with his st paul friends.  i walked by him to say hello.  we gave each other a stoic and cold ' whats up dude '  .
the next time i saw julia was at my high school school sponsored dance.  at the time i was nervous as shit bc i did not know how much i would have to dance with my then girlfirend, what kind of dance i would have to do, if i should get mad at other guys dancing with her etc.  a bunch of high school dance inspired neuroses were blossoming in my head.   i was suprised as a motherfucker when i walked into the high school lobby and saw julia sitting a dinky plastic table checking students in.   i remember my brain being blank with confusion.  i walked up to her to get checked in.  she said hi ari with a smile.  the kind of trained smile a social butterfly has deployed many a time.  it was an impersonal smile.  it was warm and cold at the same time.  i said hello took my ticket and left without any small talk or acknowledgement of our hebrew school connection.   i went on to dance with my girlfriend a little but to mostly stand around and pep talk boris into making a move on yael.
i have not  seen either of them since.  i had a dream last night i was in hebrew school in the 6th grade.  julia was sitting across the class room.  she was mad i was looking at her and mouthed for me to stop.  nate was sitting next to me like he normally did in the 5th and 6th grade.  but he wasnt trying to exchange goofy remarks with me about all the flaws of the teacher.  instead he was listening attentively.  i leaned into to whisper somthing but he waved his hand faintly.  he was not to be disturbed
in sophmore year of high school my 'mentor' relayed to me that she was getting reports from teachers that i was exhibiting disturbing and unproductive behavior. disturbing and unproduvtive behavior? i thought.   i was just tryna get motherfuckers to laugh.  i was trying to chase the high of the first time i made nate cry.  i was trying to recreate the time julia was so approving of whatever joke i had made she rubbed my leg as an appreciating gesture and said youre soooo funny.  i never was able to recreate those highs in high school.  that kind of blind temporary euphoria stayed untapped, stored in my memories of hebrew school. my mentor said it was problematic that i was so loud and disruptive in class.  she understood i liked to horse around but she argued ' thats not the real you ari.  we both know you are better than that.  the real you is working hard , studying hard, respectful of teachers and avoiding distrations in class.  this class clown act you put on isnt the real you'  
that kind of pep talk , even at the time , felt weird to me.  who are you , some distant authoratative figure i meet with twice a month , to tell me who i am and who i am not.  and much more importantly beyond that, you tell me my true identity is attached to some golden scholar who wouldnt dare partake in the low life humor of classroom banter.  everything about academia makes me ripe with disgust and disinterest.  the only reason why school has been bareable at all is the social aspect.  making people laugh
during junior year of high school i went through my first break up , i cut friends off , friends cut me off, i went to my first funeral, i had an anxiety attack in jerasulem (symbolic of my relationship with judaism....in my opinoin) i felt increasingly alienated from my wealthy and narrow minded private school brethren, started smoking weed every night before bed and so on .  my mood was bad all the time, i was tired, and the last last last thign i wanted to do was to go to school.  this i now realize is my first bouts of Depression (dun dun duuunnnn).  
it is senior year of highh school now.  the students check in for the first time with their mentors.  my mentor relays to me personal behavioral report -  teachers now view me as quiet and respectful.    teachers are somewhat cognizant of my general apathy towards what is in front of me, but complimentary of my willingness  to put my head down and do the school work given to me.  my mentor is smiling and exclaiming ' see ari you did it!  this is the real you.  this is the hard working and respectful guy i know you have always been.  you dont have time for distractions you have higher priorities now' .  i just wanted the meeting to be over so i nodded my head rapidly in agreement.  however in my mind i thought the current version of myself teachers are describing could not  be further from the real  me.  the real me is still at temple sinai room 04 sitting in those cheap, creaky black chairs.  the real me is shaking nate's arm bc i just thought of a joke about the how ugly the spoken version of hebrew sounds to a non native speaker.   the real me is singing stronger by kanye in an obnxious robotic way , parodying the chorus in order to get julia to chuckle.  the real me has not been seen for or heard from for a while.  the new me is content with surviving the day without any interaction with peers.  the new me doesnt want to be seen.  the real me is still poking julia's shoulder, waiting for her to turn her head
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articlemustard · 8 years ago
Hp structure dv6000 without remote
Hi companions, starting with one minute then onto the next this portable workstation was left without remote, the remote power catch is dynamic and nothing, in hardwaee it is as though it existed, the symbol does not show up underneath, just the lan shows up, and reinstall everything of manufacturing plant And still has visual perception. However, in the event that you reinstall production line and don't return it implies that it is equipment? What arrangement would you satisfy
 Much obliged to you
 Made 9 years back,
 74Proposed arrangements
computer repair houston near me
 The Device Manager might be set to Disabled. I would prescribe calling HP support to get you situated, as I comprehend the DV6000 arrangement gear is under guarantee for being a current model.
 You can likewise endeavor to associate physically from Start> Control Panel> Network and Sharing Center
 In the Left Pane, go to Manage Network Connections.
 This opens a screen like the one in Win XP. There you right tap on the remote and select Connect, if all is well, you should demonstrate the rundown of accessible systems and prepared.
 "You can not get distinctive outcomes by continually doing likewise"
 (Somebody exceptionally popular)
 Made 9 years back
computer repair houston near me
 All that I have attempted, yet the gadget does not show up in the remote system, the incapacitate and re-arm and I battled again yet there are vaces that the remote system is lost once more, (does not identify the gadget) as though it was reaching , My inquiry would be the place the remote equipment is so as to have the capacity to incapacitate it and see that it is not being hurt or has something incorrectly. Somebody can help me with a realistic or something.
 Much obliged to you
 Made 9 years prior
 Lamentably I have no pictures, I just specify that on the base of the PC, it has 2 screws that stop the cover that covers the remote card, near the opening where the RAM is. The card has 2 connectors to which 2 links are for the reception apparatus, you should expel the 2 links, the card has 2 screws holding it, evacuate them and you can take out the remote card.
 I trust and that will enable you to find it.
 "You can not get distinctive outcomes by continually doing likewise"
 (Somebody exceptionally acclaimed)
 Made 9 years back
 HOla, I could locate the remote card, however I have changed a similar issue and that same card I attempted on another portable PC of a similar model and functions admirably, now the inquiry is, the place do I go now? for sure?
 I expectation and you can help me
 Much obliged to you
 Made 9 years prior
 Pepeloco73 composed:
 Hi companions, starting with one minute then onto the next this portable PC was left without remote, the remote power catch is dynamic and nothing, in hardwaee it is as though it existed, the symbol does not show up beneath, just the lan shows up, and reinstall everything of industrial facility And still has vision. However, in the event that you reinstall production line and don't return it implies that it is equipment? What arrangement would you satisfy
 Much obliged to you
 Hello there, how are you, until the point when I at last find (lamentably) somebody with an indistinguishable issue from me. For reasons unknown a similar thing transpires, starting with one minute then onto the next the remote just quit working. I work in a college and every once in a while I take it, and in one of those I run the remote impeccably, I backpedal to my home and I dialed off on either side, restart it and get lost once more, I don't believe Is an equipment issue, but instead a product issue.
 The issue is that since it doesn't accompany the establishment circle of Win Vista it is unrealistic to design it totally and to roll out the improvement to XP is a show. The remote aide does not work, the gadget director does not distinguish it. This is very baffling. I will keep on investigating individually to check whether there is any arrangement. I would be appreciative in the event that you would do likewise to take care of this basic however irritating issue.
 P. Question for the individual with a similar issue, at what time did the remote quit working, would it say it was introducing or uninstalling any download administrator or any application in firefox?
 Made 9 years prior
 Hey, old buddy, if it's all insane, I've had a go at changing the card and a similar issue, now I've incapacitated it and I've understood the opening where the card is put, however I can not attempt it, since the level going from the plate to the Panel were coming up short me and I'm sitting tight for them to come to attempt.
 My email is [email protected] anything you know let me know
 Much obliged to you
 Made 9 years prior
 Hey, how are you.
 All things considered, mysteriously ... with no reason, and I pull. I was with a few companions and I turned on my PC and demonstrated a message on the taskbar that said "the broadcom gadget driver has been accurately introduced". I genuinely did not trust it but rather it works. I have not by any means moved anything. Just and attempt to refresh the norton on the grounds that it continues stamping mistakes so I'll uninstall it.
 I will keep on looking for this since it confirms my hypothesis that it is not equipment but rather programming, frequently HP in that sense have issues with the motherboard, in the part that runs with the show (as I have seen).
 I prescribe that you better not move the equipment, the parts are in great condition, since I read it in your posts and attempted it in another and in the event that it works. At that point attempt to check whether any program is doing impact, or if the disastrous norton is doing theirs (I imagine that is it).
 Incidentally, I have not rebooted haha, I'm anxious it won't work once more.
 Made 9 years back
 I felt that everything was great and I would not have issues again but rather my greatest dread worked out ... it doesn't serve once more, simply restart to check whether it was dynamic yet no, worth cheddar.
 Despite everything I don't comprehend that it could be
 Made 9 years back
 Post weno, I joined the Hp bolster talk and there I was informed that it is important to design the PC and reinstall it. Really offending that answer. At long last, it is prudent to move down all that you have, make the view plates and organization.
 Made 9 years prior
 Greetings, old buddy, I disclose to you that I reinstall every one of the windows of the processing plant since that model brings that choice however regardless I have a similar issue, unless the thought is to introduce another windows.
 Tell me how it goes
 Made 9 years back
 Hi, it's the same with a structure dv2104eu !!!
 Configuration, with recuperation circles, and it works ... hours ... presently it happens once more, I had raised the card, however I see that it is most certainly not. I trust somebody solvente.Es not distinguished neither Disconnecting !!
 Made 9 years prior
 Well young men, I let you know, the thing is less programming, in light of the fact that my machine is a structure dv6000, and it has linings and Linux, in the two OS the remote is lost, the issue is that the equipment is not, it resembles If the card is harmed, or the profiles will square it.
 We talk
 Made 9 years back
 Well young men, I let you know, the thing is less programming, in light of the fact that my machine is a structure dv6000, and it has linings and Linux, in the two OS the remote is lost, the issue is that the equipment is not, it resembles If the card is harmed, or the profiles will square it.
 We talk
 Made 9 years back
 I have a similar issue with my HP Dv6000. I have no clue what happens eh introduced every one of the drivers aside from some that I don't know where to discover them ... the case is that my Wireless additionally quits working for some time ... days ... once in a while it takes a couple of minutes and when I don't give myself Account never again works.
 Does anybody truly know the response to this puzzle ??
 The last time I saw my Wireless went ahead I worked, it was that by botch I uninstalled the Driver from:
 HDAUDIO Soft Data Fax Modem Whit SmartCP
 I reinstalled it ... also, still my remote .. still is not rebooted but rather I think when I do, my remote will backpedal to its impermanent demise.
 So please on the off chance that somebody comprehends what to do to get an answer reach me, bless your heart.
 Made 9 years back
 I have reached hp and they disclose to me that the issue is in the profiles variant, so you need to download a document from the HP page and introduce it, a few people this has been the conclusive arrangement yet for other individuals the Problem as it is my case, it is just important to keep holding up to see which arrangement is figured out how to give the issue.
 Made 9 years prior
 Great companeroo which is the driver that you have downloaded or which is the one that ought to be downloaded to understand this. On the off chance that somebody can just by encouraging the connection, interface, or the correct name of the driver/driver required so attempt in the event that I tackle or have a ton of fun each time the remote is cleared out
 Made 9 years prior
 Howdy, salutation, I had one issue toward the beginning of today. My portable workstation has a similar issue. It's a HpPavillonVd6000. The Wirless worked yesterday. Extremely well. Until the point when the night I understood that she didn't cruise. Check the accessible systems. She can not recognize me. What I Did It Was To Restore It To Your State Of Failure, But It Still Has No Detect Me Any Network As If The Device Did Not Exist Or Was Not Installed, I Still Do not Call Hp, But rather If It Is Frustrating That I Detect Nothing The Wirless Focus Is In Orange .. Try not to turn blue .. I trust you have an answer, .. Respects ..
 Made 9 years prior
 I likewise have a similar issue with my dv2225nr portable PC, I as of now called the HP specialized administration yet subsequent to giving me many strides that did not work by any means, they revealed to me that I was endeavoring to reestablish it to the manufacturing plant highlights. I have not yet done as such on the grounds that I need to first secure all my data. Won't it be an equipment issue? Somebody officially attempted to evacuate the remote card and place it on another PC to check whether it serves. I would prefer not to reinstall everything so that at last it won't offer assistance.
 Made 9 years back
 In past posts one individual did that
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theomenroom · 7 months ago
other people have talked about exocolonist's augmentations and the eugenic connotations of all of that, and how the prejudice against the unaugmented plays into it (and it's prejudice even if sol can benefit from it by getting extra kudos because people have low expectations of them), but one thing i'm thinking of is how that lack of coherent views on the stratos' practices means they can't talk about the eugenics that the heliopause practices.
which, like, they most assuredly do. even setting aside the fact that various strato characters call the helio regime fascists, there's everything about vace and lum's assumption of superiority, and in particular vace's "of course i'm good at this, i was born for it" attitude.
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deusexlachina · 1 year ago
Do you have more iwate tips ? :D
At this point I can probably give advice on almost all of the game, to a pretty high degree of detail. If you have any specific questions, ask away!
The only areas I'm less sure on are the romances, since I'm not big on video game romances, and Vace, since he's both pretty unpleasant and difficult to befriend.
A big general tip is that some skills are worth vastly more than others, depending on what you want: (Guide to the best skills and equipment below, cut for length)
A good deck
Organizing 100 is the only way you can avoid adding cards to your deck (aside from save scumming to avoid events that give bad cards, which is incredibly unfun and can lock you into bad choices). The sooner you max out that skill, the better your deck is, so my first priority is getting Toughness 10 and then applying to deliver supplies until I've maxed out Organization. There are some nuances to this - you might want to boost other skills a bit if you're going for specific time-sensitive events - but not a lot.
Good exploration
Delivering supplies is also an early way to boost Perception - Perception 100 lets you free roam in exploration, picking and choosing whatever events you want instead of being blocked. That's also incredibly powerful and convenient. Mostly, you get Perception from the numerous exploration events that give +1. Since Heroic status gives you +1 to each physical stat increase, you can level Perception very fast if you can explore right after being a hero in Glow.
Good relationships
Creativity 100 lets you give gifts once per month instead of per season, tripling your chances to boost friendship that way. Since gifts are the main way of increasing friendship, Creativity 100 is vital if you want to max out multiple characters' friendship. It also prevents you from accidentally giving people presents in the same month as their birthday - birthday presents get double friendship, which is really helpful! Figure out what gifts are people's favourites, which are disliked, and when people's birthdays by trial and error, or you can use a guide.
Good Equipment
The right gear at the right time makes a huge difference - I save most of my money for buying the best gear, and the remainder for the Spa (a card-removal shop unlocked in Quarters at Empathy 33).
Engineering 66 gives you access to the two most busted gear in the game, the Vintage Focus Device and the Brain Trainer. The former lets a deck that's mostly mental easily win all challenges. The latter lets you access all sorts of skill checks more easily. Between those two, it's relatively easy to get all the favourable dialogue options and then win the checks for them.
Combat 33 doesn't give anything comparable - the Drone Rifle gives +50 combat, but there's very few combat checks and they're mostly pretty easy to qualify for. Creativity 33 gives you two useful items - the coat and the Emojiproji - but Marz sells you the former at a discount as a friendship event, and she lets you steal the latter as a Supply Depot event. (And you can't legitimately get multiple copies of any gear).
Animals allows you to get the Hopeye and Vriki from various events. The Vriki increases your skill boosts from winning, which is extremely good. The Hopeye reduces all stress increases, which is also very useful, especially when exploring, where you get numerous sources of stress in quick succession.
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions!
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deusexlachina · 4 months ago
These are pretty solid rationales! Thanks for sharing.
I agree that Sym is very creepy. I usually rank characters by how interesting they are, and honestly I tend to prefer characters with at least a streak of creepiness - Cole and Merrill in Dragon Age, (Slay) The Princess, Ophelia in Dragon Commander, and of course everyone's favourite Genetic Plague Maker. If creepiness gives a low score, Sym being lower than Tammy definitely makes sense.
With Nomi, I've played I think 3 runs (not counting the inevitable reloading), and they're one of the characters I've interacted with more since I always get drawn to the techy jobs. I agree that Vace isn't much more important, aside from that one ending where you fight the Gardeners. I just don't like any of the Helios; the Strato children, with the exception of Tammy, were designed first and it really shows. Utopia is the most unambigously heroic of the trans characters, often standing up against the Helios and being the first to speak out against Lum's regime. So it's not that I particularly dislike Nomi, it's more that I particularly like Utopia.
I do like the idea of Rex being a spy or something. If he had a dark side, that would absolutely make him more interesting. But I'd settle for a character arc. His bar (and the Golden Tang Ending) is a very persuasive argument, well-tailored to the audience.
With Antecedent, the big thing for me is how much she follows which way the wind is blowing, being the sole character to change votes purely because other people did. And her looking the other way with Vace abusing Nem never really reaches a dramatic head (like Instance's relationship with Tang or even Cal's defence of Socks). Evil can be compelling, spineless generally isn't. Her affection towards Sol is a point in her favour, though I wish she treated Nem as well.
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objectively correct tier list feel free to ask why i put ppl here bc almost all had specific (if subjective) reasons for their positioning even within their own tiers
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privateerings · 7 years ago
Vace deeply regrets doing work for the First Order. In part he just wanted free movement in the Outer Rim and an easy source of money, much like the people of Canto Bight. He hung out there for quite a while after being banished from his home, finding it an easy place to drown one’s sorrows and feel like a winner, despite that being what got him into trouble in the first place. It brought even more trouble when he learned from associates in Canto Bight that there was indeed good and easy money to aid FO subsidiaries. He wasn’t an arms dealer, a manufacturer, nor a smuggler, but he could easily figure out who was and pick off unwary non-FO-affiliated transports. Aside from money, he was granted authorization to do these very illegal things, his crimes would be pardoned and forgotten once the order gained control of the galaxy. The promise was enough for him, as he didn’t think that they would actually destroy the Hosnian System and most of the Resistance. He still can’t fathom how that has happened, especially after their Starkiller Base was destroyed. Vace feels personally responsible for the snowball of events even though there are more powerful influences on the war than him.
He uses his authorization to get around still, but he certainly doesn’t provide aid to them anymore. For a time, he doesn’t really do anything, falling into a deep depression and grief over the death of his mother. After that, he gets angry. It’s a bit closer to espionage what he does post-TFA, raiding and pillaging contraband from neutral parties. If he gives stuff to Resistance groups, he makes sure to be as low key about it as possible and does so infrequently in order to evade detection. Vace doesn’t exactly know what he’s fighting for, there’s no real goal anymore, he doesn’t care about trying to return home when it could possibly be taken over by emotionally unstable space boys. He just wants to live long enough to figure himself out.
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privateerings · 8 years ago
Vace had his ears pierced when he was 3 years old. He received his first piercings of one on each earlobe, and he went a long time just with the pair, mostly wearing to look like the decorated doll of his prestigious family–either by choice or some will of his mother and father. 
He received a third on his left helix in his early teenage years, probably 13 or 14. This one he wouldn’t wear as often but when he did it was often on its own like a simple garnishing. 
oh shit this got long
Around the time that he started his philandering and gambling that, he decided to get another earlobe piercing similar to the ones he got as a toddler. He gained an interest in having even more and managed to set aside some of “his” money for that. He would have to take them out when he came home so that nobody would notice and rat him out. He especially made sure to take out and hide the ones that resembled what exotic dancers and prostitutes wore on the job–because that’s exactly where he got the inspiration from. Ironically, despite having no interest in actually being in a lower class, he really liked some of the body jewelry he saw on others and often asked them where he could purchase some. He thought he looked good in them, and hoped to experiment with new styles over time. While the piercings remained, he ended up giving up many of them in a lost bet, his favorite being a “Bajoran”-style earring. He also sold quite a few pieces of jewelry for credits to gamble on the spot. He definitely regretted this later. He felt like he was trash without his stuff.
After he ran away from home was thrown out out the Asteris House, he started to wear earrings more prominently and all of them at once–when he could afford to buy some at his leisure. This was much later, however, more like recent times–like current times. After his relative downward spiral. 
He feels as though wearing jewelry reclaims his status as someone important, someone that matters like his family members do. He is pretty self conscious about how he used to be and his failures still drag him and his image down from time to time. There’s a sense of empowerment in displaying body piercings around others because he thinks it shows his status as someone with money, even though he doesn’t have much of it at this point in time. He looks like he has his shit together even if he doesn’t and that’s enough for him.
 Walking around in public with his piercings has a tendency to make him look like a pompous asshole and i recognize many muses observe him to be such but he really doesn’t see himself as being a true asshole showoff. it makes him think “yeah, I’m not the addiction-ridden garbage can that ruined my life. im better now. i can do this. i am golden.” looking good and looking regal makes him feel good about himself. a lot of his personal primping comes from wanting to feel liberated even to a sexual extent. He's an adult and free to do whatever he wants, for real, not that freedom he thought he had while being controlled by his parents who wanted him their way.
He really wants a tongue ring. Like really badly. He thinks he’d be like. An extra good kisser with one. And that he’d be more desirable. (I don’t know Vace your fetishes are weird.) But tongue piercings are painful and he’s worried about the side effects until he’s healed up. He’s more likely to go for a nose piercing first and decide later. 
Sooo he’s got... five or six at the moment and decides which he wants to wear on any given day. He doesn’t usually wear them when working/in combat, or when he has to wear his helmet. A sure sign he’s about to do something reckless is when he starts taking them out. bcos the last thing he needs is to tear up his skin due to one of them being ripped out.
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