#Ashton Frey
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jackass-jones · 4 months ago
Something about the way Ashton Frey has horrible self worth issues and constantly feels like he’s a bad friend and letting everyone down by existing wrong but also the way he shows his affection for his friends is by bothering them by invading their personal space crashing on their couch without asking first using stupid nicknames no one likes and like, they genuinely do get annoyed with him for this! But he lacks the social awareness to know where he’s gone wrong and just assumes he’s this horrible presence who inevitably ruins everything for everyone. It’s like he knows he’s annoying but doesn’t know WHY or how to make it stop. Good shit
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pandaheart666 · 2 years ago
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Totally not how Zach feels sometimes
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giu-world · 1 year ago
I accidentally discovered this game on the Play Store, called "The Letter". It's a horror story, which continues through Japanese anime-style character choices.
Although the Ashton x Isabella couple is much more voted and appreciated, I immediately adored the Ashton x Rebecca couple.
The dynamics between Ashton and Rebecca are very similar to those I had with a childhood friend of mine, with whom I was deeply in love but not reciprocated. I thought that, at least in the game, there could be a different ending.
And this helped me let go of a piece of my past. ~ 🖤
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quirkyinuk · 2 years ago
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Ow, my heart.
(Isabella in a coma route, everyone alive.)
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robinfrinjs · 1 year ago
9 Women are competing in the 24H of Daytona next weekend.
#83 (GTD) - Iron Dames: Doriane Pin, Rahel Frey, Sarah Bovy & Michelle Gatting
#66 (GTD) - Sheena Monk, Katherine Legge & Tatiana Calderón
#45 (GTD) - Ashton Harrison
#88 (LMP2) - Lilou Wadoux
This weekend we can already see a preview of what's about to go on with the roar before the 24. Practice has been going on since yesterday, where Katherine Legge topped the times in GTD during the second session.
Today practice continues and tomorrow Qualifying takes places. We won't see Doriane Pin until next week as she competes in F4 UAE this weekend.
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The Daytona 24H is free to watch on IMSA.TV and in the US you can watch the race on Peacock
Also of note Taylor Hagler will be competing in the Michelin Pilot Challenge race. A series she is already a two time champion in.
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comiiical · 5 months ago
Muses I want to write
Andy B
Marcos Jr
(in general any child of superhero that I own)
Any of these muses. Highlighted the loudest though. If I owe you with either of them, as well, let me know because I suck at tracking, both here and on discord. IM me here or on discord for new stuff. Send asks, questions, memes, whatever.
And if you give me:
Gus Kentworthy
Andrew Matarazzo
Froy Gutierrez
Kit Connor
Kj Apa
Oscar Isaac
Any of these fcs, I will forever love you.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year ago
On a different note entirely: My brain has connected a massive dot while watching a Majora's Mask speedrun and I'm still in shock from it. I'm never going to recover from realizing that my Kafei was also Ashton Frey (The Letter). It's weird how things come flying at you years later. - Anju (MM) / Rebecca (TL) #🌙👑🌙
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extrabeurre · 8 months ago
Nouveauté Netflix : BEVERLY HILLS COP: AXEL F de Mark Molloy
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En 1984, Beverly Hills Cop était le plus gros succès de l’année au box-office nord-américain, devançant Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom et Gremlins, entre autres. Comment expliquer un tel phénomène? C’est simple : Eddie Murphy au sommet de sa forme, souvent en roue libre. Son rire à lui seul rendait le film jouissif. Ont suivi une suite inférieure, mais à la réalisation ultra léchée de Tony Scott, puis un troisième film franchement décevant, signé John Landis.
40 ans après l’original, voici que Netflix nous offre un inattendu quatrième épisode, mis en scène par le nouveau venu Mark Molloy. Sans égaler le premier film, Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F est tout au moins beaucoup plus satisfaisant que Beverly Hills Cop III et s’avère un bon divertissement empreint de nostalgie, où se font entendre non seulement la musique iconique de Harold Faltermeyer, mais également plusieurs extraits des trames sonores des deux premiers volets, notamment « The Heat Is On » de Glenn Frey, « Neutron Dance » des Pointer Sisters et « Shakedown » de Bob Seger. Après une séquence d’ouverture à Detroit lors d’un match des Red Wings suivie d’une des multiples poursuites du film, Axel Foley est bien sûr appelé à se rendre à Beverly Hills, pour enquêter de façon non officielle sur une affaire impliquant un cartel de la drogue et des policiers corrompus. L’intrigue est on ne peut plus générique, mais c’est surtout une excuse pour que notre protagoniste improvise des subterfuges pour arriver à ses fins ou se démène pour se sortir de situations fâcheuses. Eddie Murphy fait preuve du charisme qu’on lui connaît, en plus d’être souvent très drôle. Que demander de plus? Certes, il est vrai que Beverly Hill Cop: Axel F est plutôt inégal et complaisant, s’assurant de ramener divers personnages de la franchise comme Rosewood (Judge Reinhold), Taggart (John Ashton), Friedman (Paul Reiser) et Serge (Bronson Pinchot) pour un dernier (?) tour de piste, en plus d’introduire sa fille adulte, Jane (Taylour Paige), qu’il n’a pas vue depuis des années. Mais encore là, les interactions entre Murphy et les autres membres de la distribution (qui inclut également Joseph Gordon-Levitt et Kevin Bacon) sont généralement amusantes. Ajoutez les poursuites susmentionnées et quelques fusillades, et vous avez une comédie policière qui ne réinvente pas le genre, mais qui devrait plaire aux fans de la première heure.
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Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F sera lancé sur Netflix le mercredi 3 juillet.
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monologe030 · 10 months ago
tagesroutine (5) + statusbericht (1) - sonntag
so. es ist sonntag. und gleich 12 uhr mittags.
was ich heute schon getan habe: fitness und yoga basics und diese auch richtig gründlich und ausdauernd, dazu 5 minuten boxen und 15 minuten joggen, dann habe ich bei meinem vater gefrühstückt und zu hause weiter yoga und fitness gemacht.
um 15:00 kommt mein 17-jähriger klient und wir wollen gemeinsam ein wenig fitness und yoga machen und danach einen entspannten film schauen.
ich überlege mir, mit ihm gemeinsam "butterfly effect" mit ashton kutcher in der hauptrolle zu schauen. der film hat mich damals in meiner jugend sehr beeindruckt und dafür gesorgt, dass ich mich stark mit dem "butterfly effect" (und später dann weitergehend mit dem "multiverse") auseinandergesetzt habe. eventuell wäre das auch mal eine gute gelegenheit, mit dem jungen diesen philosophischen aspekt des handelns zu besprechen und wie diese theorie, wenn man sie in die realität umsetzen möchte, achtsames und selbstreflektiertes handeln fördern kann.
wer bin ich und welche auswirkungen haben meine handlungen und mein denken auf meine außenwelt und meine mitmenschen? wie kann ich den "schmetterlingseffekt" positiv in der realität anwenden?
da dies eine der grundlegendsten fragen war und ist, die mich mein leben lang beschäftigt hat und noch immer beschäftigt und mein denken und mein handeln stark geprägt hat, dürfte das sehr interessant werden..
anderes thema: fitness und ernährung.
alter. rastet das grad aus bei mir. ich dokumentiere das ja zum glück ziemlich genau und detailliert, teilweise schon seit jahren. einerseits durch mein kleines fitness-notizheftchen, teilweise durch die medisana waage, mit der über bluetooth meine ganzen körperwerte (fettgehalt, muskelanteil, BMI, etc.) mit einer app synchronisiert werden. und das seit 2016.
und jetzt sauf ich schon seit zwei wochen relativ regelmäßig meinen weightgainer, esse gut und viel oder versuche zumindest darauf zu achten.. und siehe da: in zwei wochen habe ich auf leeren magen bis zu 4 kilogramm gewichtunterschied. bzw: ich hab direkt hart zugenommen. was geil ist, in meinem fall. weil das ja mein ziel ist. obwohl ich vermute, dass das meiste einfach nur im körper zwischengespeichert wird und da vor allen dingen auch viel wasser in die muskeln gepumpt wurde, da ich grad auch wieder täglich kreatin zu mir nehme.
ich bin in zwei wochen von 64 kg auf 68 kg hoch. zumindest ist das schonmal sehr motivierend. auch wenn ich heute locker schon drei mal hart auf toilette war.
aber ja, wie gesagt: sonst wirklich sehr motivierend. man sieht es meinem körper auch direkt an. die körperhaltung, die aufgepumpten muskeln, die körperfülle.. das sieht alles direkt besser aus. gesünder. auch wenn dort noch viel muskeln und fleisch an vielen stellen fehlt und ich noch straight up "dünn" bin.. bin dafür grad mega-definiert.
jetzt brauch ich noch bischen fett und muskelmasse.. und ich seh straight up aus, wie ein junger, osmanischer gott. mal sehen, wann das endlich so weit ist. wenn ich so wie die letzten zwei wochen ein jahr weitermache und mein training noch ein wenig verbssere und weiterentwickle.. wieso nicht? wäre im bereich des möglichen.
ich bin jedenfalls wieder hart im fitness-flow.
als ich heute früh yoga und fitness gemacht hab und auch später, als ich zu meinem vater gejoggt bin.. hab ich mich kurz richtig frei gefühlt. und glücklich. ich war vollkommen fertig, habe aber nicht aufgehört und bin einfach weitergejoggt. das war so ein nices gefühl.
oder auch als ich davor auf dem boden lag und mich hin und hergerollt habe, meine arme, meine beine, meinen rücken durchgestreckt und alle knochen einrasten und knacken lassen habe. dieses ziehen im körper. diese mobilität. das fühlen des eigenen körpers. jeder einzelner finger. die gelenke. die sehnen. das fleisch. die muskeln. das alles zu spüren. einfach nur dieses.. gewächs zu sein.. wie ein pflanze aus fleisch und knochen und sehnen und purer energie, die ihre blätter und wurzeln ausstreckt, in die sonne schaut und ihre energie trinkt.
existenz. identität. yoga. ich bin. all das.
die luft die ich atme. die energie, die ich in die welt setze. das feuer, das in mir brennt. einer sonne gleich.
"eine pflanze, die eine sonne gebiert."
schönes bild. könnte man mal versuchen zu malen.
jedenfalls: ich warte jetzt auf meinen klienten, chill bis dahin hart, ess noch was und werd nach meinem klienten den rest des tages auch hart abhängen. vieleicht mal ich noch ein wenig.
edit (20:31 uhr): war insgesamt ein guter tag. hab noch ein wenig mit der app duolingo türkisch geübt. trainiert habe ich mit meinem klienten auch sehr gut. gegessen habe ich leider nicht so viel, dafür ess ich gleich spaghetti, schieb mir noch 'nen weightgainer rein und werde auch morgen wieder kräftig zulangen.
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nerdymiraclearbiter · 1 year ago
Größentabelle Jerseys Handmade Store Größentabelle
Langärmliges Fußballtrikot
Vintage Icons-Trikot Der Seattle Steelheads
Primal-Bekleidung ist auf höchste Leistung ausgelegt. Für ein weiter sitzendes Trikot bestellen Sie bitte eine Größe größer als die in der Größentabelle angegebene Größe. Die Wahl der richtigen Größe ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Optimierung der Passform Ihrer Artikel und sorgt für Komfort und Leistung. Wir haben einen erweiterten Größenleitfaden entwickelt, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie bei der Bestellung von Artikeln sicher sein können.
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Zum Vergleich der Größen von T-Shirts und Hoodies: Benedict (links) trägt ein T-Shirt in Größe L und Ashton (rechts) trägt einen Pullover in Größe L. Unsere T-Shirts und Hoodies haben lässige Passformen.
Die Wahl der richtigen Größe ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Optimierung der Passform Ihrer Artikel und sorgt für Komfort und Leistung.
Die Größentabelle gilt für Trikots, Lätzchen, Shorts, Windwesten und Rhapsody-Hoodies.
Die Größentabelle gilt für Trikots, Trägerhosen und Shorts.
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Langärmliges Fußballtrikot
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Monton Sports ist eine Sportbekleidungsmarke, die sich auf Rennrad-Rennbekleidung und -Zubehör konzentriert und 2009 mit Hauptsitz in Guangzhou, China, gegründet wurde. Mit unserer eigenen Fabrik bieten wir auch OEM-, ODM- und kundenspezifische Fahrradbekleidungsdienste für andere große Marken an. Monton Sports ist der exklusive Sponsor hochwertiger Fahrradbekleidung der Tour of China für die Jahre 2016 und 2017 in Folge. Alle Teamtrikots bestehen aus dem leichten OBRE Teamware VAPORTEC 2.0-Gewebe mit Schnelltrocknungstechnologie.
Vintage Icons-Trikot Der Seattle Steelheads
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Nehmen Sie den Gesamtumfang an der breitesten Stelle Ihrer Hüfte vor. Nehmen Sie den Gesamtumfang an der schmalsten Stelle Ihrer Taille vor. Sie fragen sich, welche Größe Sie bestellen sollten? Dadurch erhalten Sie einen Anhaltspunkt für die Größe, die Sie benötigen. Nachfolgend finden Sie einige Referenzhandbücher, die Ihnen helfen, die Passform und Form einiger unserer Artikel zu verstehen. Schicken Sie uns eine E-Mail oder finden Sie uns auf Discord, um Unterstützung bei Ihrer Bestellung zu erhalten!
Der Paper Rex Shop ist der offizielle Merchandise-Shop für das Team Paper Rex und Teil des IMPLS Entertainment-Produktnetzwerks. Nehmen Sie den Gesamtumfang an der breitesten Stelle Ihrer Brust vor. 40 % Rabatt auf die gleiche Größe im gleichen Stil, um Sie wieder auf die Straße zu bringen. Bereit für Ihr schönstes Abenteuer unterwegs? Fühlen Sie sich aktiv https://frey-sport.com/ und attraktiv mit Monton-Sportbekleidung. Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne für Produktunterstützung oder wenn Sie sich über maßgeschneiderte Radsportbekleidung erkundigen möchten.
Trikots fallen etwas passender aus als T-Shirts, bitte beachten Sie die Größentabelle. Zum Größenvergleich trägt Benedict (links) Größe M, während Khalish (rechts) Größe 3XL trägt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Trikot-Passformen eine standardmäßige Knopf- und Reißverschlussanordnung haben.
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jackass-jones · 11 months ago
Ashton Frey is literally so autistic though like it’s got me making organized lists here let’s see
He’s carefully mastered the art of observation and reading people cuz he was so bored as a kid being forced to attend large social gatherings and he isolated himself and just studied the way people interacted with each other to figure out why they behaved the way they did. Despite this, he’s still really bad at understanding social cues (he is never able to tell when Rebecca is upset or what could’ve caused it, he can’t word anything properly, he talks in such a logical way that he comes off as uncaring and he doesn’t notice when it upsets people, etc) and generally doesn’t interact with most people
He’s very intelligent but hated school because the system was structured so horribly. He fell asleep in professor Andrew’s class frequently but once the professor found a way to appeal to his interests he became super committed and passionate
He’s horrible, just absolutely horrible with words and communication lol. He fumbles and stutters and says a lot of mean things on accident. He mostly communicates through his actions and it’s why he comes off as cruel and uncaring to those who don’t pick up on it and kind and considerate to those who do pick up on it (my favorite example is the difference between Rebecca and Isabella’s feelings towards him. Rebecca relies on Ashton to tell her how he feels and because he doesn’t communicate very good verbally, she assumes he doesn’t care about her when he in fact cares a great deal. Isabella on the other hand is able to get on his level a bit more, like understanding that even though he teased her about the letter he still took his day off to help her in the way he thought was best and he gave her ice cream and the charm because he cares, and she is able to see just how loving he really is)
Earning his trust isn’t easy but once you get it he WILL cling to you like crazy and shower you with memes and bad puns and do anything to make you happy
He gets a lot of attention for being hot but he’s usually oblivious to it or finds the attention annoying. He also tends to turn people off with his personality
He fixates so hard on what’s important to him that it’s detrimental to his physical and mental health and he shuts out everything else to pursue his interests
He categorizes his life into boxes and HATES when things slip out of their needed space. He finds himself lying a lot to the people important to him because he’s so desperate to keep them away from the other parts of his life. He is easily transformed by the people in his line of work and finds himself becoming like them. Also he’s kinda gullible in his job and doesn’t realize he’s been manipulated by his boss since day one cuz teehee cops are fucking assholes and he has a naive sense of justice and easily believes everything his boss tells him and it makes him the perfect pawn for some abuse (seriously i hate chief lee so fucking much god I hate him Ashton baby I’m sorry but you’re being manipulated and your boss is a monster and you need to get a better career dude)
He’s very insecure and scared of rejection and beats himself up for minor flaws. He also has trouble understanding his feelings and expressing them he tries to logic his way out of feeling and only cries when he’s hit absolute rock bottom and is like. Told that he needs to cry because he’s clearly not holding up well and only then is he able to
He’s got a damn good memory and remembers every obscure thing about his friends
He’s very attached to objects and gives them names (Shirley and Ophelia my beloved)
#the letter#the letter visual novel#ashton frey#i also got similar shit for marianne shes sooooo autistic coded its unreal#but yeah i just love the way this manifests in all the relationships like i said here the contrast between rebecca and isabella#it really shows the compatibility of the characters like i mean they all struggle with communicating a bit#but with ashton and rebecca they got the classic problem of rebecca getting upset because she thinks ashton doesnt care#because he expresses his feelings through his actions but never says the right words shes looking for#so then she gets mad when he doesnt notice shes upset with him because she never tells him whats wrong#and he can be kinda oblivious to her being upset and he says things that make it worse#its just a fucking mess they are not on the same level at all they fight constantly and with rebecca in particular shes just never satisfied#isabella on the other hand she feels frustrated with ashton too because he teases her a lot and she takes it very literally#but theyre able to find a middle ground like ashton takes responsibility and apologizes for the times hes upset her#and Isabella is able to notice how ashton has been showing his feelings through his actions like she realizes he spent his day off trying to#help her and he took her to the ice cream place cuz he noticed it and thought of her and he paid for her despite being a scrooge#and he gave her the charm even though he doesnt believe in curses because he knows she does and shed maybe feel protected with it#and its really cute cuz once she realizes this you can just see the exact moment she Gets It BAD for him#they are so fucking aaaaaaaa so good for each other i love them they are everything
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boowhumps · 1 year ago
Whumptober 2023
Day 5
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Death
~ Mentions of Suicide
~ Mentions of Torture
My eyes snap open as I gasp for air, eyes darting around in desperation.
I look straight up ahead to see flames burning down the support beams of the ceiling.
I try to lift myself up only to find I can't. Burnt wood pieces pin me down to the floor. My head falls back as I breathe heavily.
I couldn't remember what happened..
I close my eyes, coughing as I inhale the smoke. I look back up to see the beams coming loose, threatening to fall on me.
I grasp at the wood on top of me and try to move them, but I have no strength.
My breath quickens as I watch the beams loosening even more.
I keep trying to push off the debris, managing to move a small piece, but not enough for me to move.
My eyes dart from the debris to the beams. Back and forth..
My breath gets caught in my throat as I watch one beam fall, barely missing me.
I grunt in frustration as I try to free myself. The flames spread quickly, not giving me a chance.
I push away another piece of debris only to fall back from exhaustion. My eyes slowly adjust to the beams, which are hanging by a thread.
I close my eyes, feeling a surge of tears behind them.
This is it.
It's the end.
I fought.. but I wasn't strong enough.
I never really was..
My thoughts wander..
My family.. what will happen to them once I'm gone..?
My husband.. my children..
I hear the beams snap, and brace.
The impact never comes.
I open my eyes to see the beams above me in mid air. They float above me. I suck in a breath, eyes wide.
The beams are thrown to the side, out of view. I find my eyes closing again, but the open as I feel the pressure of the debris on me fade.
The debris is discarded along with the beams, and I turn my head to the side, as a half smile forms on my lips.
"..you came.." I manage to whisper.
The figure approaches me, and kneels down next to me.
"You called." It says.
I'm lifted off the floor, and soon the flames are far behind us.
I walk slowly, an arm around me to support me.
"Years later and your close-death experiences still surprise me." Silas says, eyes staring straight ahead.
I laugh a bit despite the pain in my ribs. "..years later and you're still saving my ass.."
He shakes his head with a smile. "I had to. That was a suicide mission what you just did in there."
"..suicide mission or not.. I still failed.. he got away.." I mumble, my memories coming back to me.
"..not exactly. We've got a tracker on him. He won't get far.." Silas tells me.
"..We.?" I ask.
"Yes, we. You're not alone in this. We're all still here." He says, turning to me.
"..how did you find me..?" I ask slowly.
"Freyja helped with that." He responds.
I stop, turning to him. "Frey..ja?"
He smiles at me. "Yes, that Freyja."
I shake my head. "..don't fuck with me like that Si-"
He stops me. "It's her, Karyme. She's alive."
I stare in shock. "..how-?"
"Turns out not all hope was lost with her." He starts explaining. "Selyna managed to revive her, although it was risky.." He sighs. "Her health is quite delicate.. but she's gotten stronger through the years."
I let out a quivering breath. "And she remembers..?"
"She does." Silas says. "..she doesn't hate you, Karyme.."
"How could she not..? I'm the reason she-" I stop myself, sighing. "..there's no way she's just.. fine after that."
"I never said she was." He sighs. "..she's been through a lot.. but it's not on you.. it was on David."
"I told him-" I say as he shushes me.
"He tortured you, Karyme. He fucked with you, and he might of won, but it's because he played dirty."
"..I sold her out-"
"And thank Selyna you did. Either way, he would've found out, and you both would've been killed then."
"I still died.."
"..you did. But, you died a.. good person.."
"..i guess I did, didn't I?"
"..would you look at that? You actually listened to me.. you really have gotten older.."
"..im not sure if that was meant as a compliment or not.."
"Take it as one. It means you've matured.. changed for the better.."
"..still stubborn though.."
"I had a feeling you still were. Can't be Karyme without the stubbornness."
I laugh, holding my ribs. "..so how's life been in Celestial.?"
He hums. "Not sure, haven't been there for a while."
I give him a look. "What do you mean.?"
"I was revived a bit after you were, Karyme."
"But you said-"
"I know.. but I thought to give life another chance."
I chuckle a bit. "..looks like you've matured too."
"Hm.. real funny, Karyme."
I look at him. "Then what have you been up to.?"
"I had a life for a while.. and I lost it. Made some good choices.. and some bad ones." He says softly.
"Oh.." I reply. "I'm.. sorry things didn't work out for you.."
"Don't be." He says, holding a hand up. "Sometimes things just aren't meant to be."
We stop walking for a minute, turning to each other.
"Tell me about you now. What's Mrs. Karyme been up to these last 21 years?" He asks with a smile.
I shake my head playfully. "It's Mrs. Santaro to you, I'm married."
He nods. "To him, right?"
"Yep, have been for 15 years now.."
"Well weren't you in a rush?"
"Oh hush.."
He laughs. "Anything else? I can't imagine you anywhere beyond marriage."
"Jokes on you, I went beyond that." I reply.
He raises an eyebrow. "Oh really now?"
"Believe it or not."
"I doubt it."
"..two!? I didn't even expect one.."
I smile a bit. "Best things to ever happen to me.."
"I'm sure they are.."
My smile fades. "..I guess we've both had our ups and downs, huh.?"
"Seems so.." Silas answers.
"..none of this makes sense.." I mumble. "..why after so long.. why target my kids.?"
Silas places a hand on my shoulder. "Attachment is everyone's worst weakness. It's an easy thing to mess with.."
I let out a quivering breath. "..They want something from us.."
Silas frowns. "You feel it too, huh?"
I nod. "For some time now. I brushed it off until-.. well until my son was affected by it.."
Silas sighs. "There's a reason we met again, and I wish I could say it's a good thing.."
I look over to him. "It's a trap, isn't it.?"
He says nothing, just gives me a small nod.
I turn away from him, facing the harsh winds that have picked up.
"..we can't let them win.." I whisper.
A hand rest on my shoulder. "They won't."
I look over to Silas again.
"We're all here.. we can beat them again."
I sigh. "We'll need help."
"It might be a necessity." He replies, scanning the area.
I think of allies, my mind only coming to the thing I'm trying to avoid.
I frown. "..i wish I didn't.. but I know some people.."
Silas turns back to me. "..let me guess.. it's your.. friends."
"They're a large group. Trained and brave.. they may be of help.. That is if-"
"-We can convince them." We both say at the same time, making us both groan.
"Let's just go talk to them.. I can't wait to see the reason for that day-"
"..of course.. I knew you couldn't have changed that much.."
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playlistjunkie · 1 year ago
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Kevin’s Picks - Spotify Playlist
Curated by Kevin Costner
November 2021
Without You by Luke Combs
Heavy Like the Rain by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Feathered Indians by Tyler Childers
Sleeping on the Blacktop by Colter Wall
What Are You Listening To? by Chris Stapleton
Hippies and Cowboys by Cody Jinks
Follow You to Virgie by Tyler Childers
Only Thing That’s Gone by Morgan Wallen
Skeletons by Brothers Osborne
no body, no crime by Taylor Swift
Long White Line by Sturgill Simpson
Tabasco & Sweet Tea by The Cadillac Three
Six Feet Apart by Luke Combs
Crazyland by Eric Church
Trailer We Call Home by Whiskey Myers
The Killer by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Bluebird by Miranda Lambert
Southside of Heaven by Ryan Bingham
Like Jesus Does by Eric Church
Country Squire by Tyler Childers
All the Makin's of a Saturday Night by The Cadillac Three
Strong Enough by Ray LaMontagne
Ain’t Always the Cowboy by Jon Pardi
Where Rainbows Never Die by The SteelDrivers
Angel From Montgomery by Bonnie Raitt and John Prine
Mistakes by Lake Street Dive
Long Haul by Ian Munsick
Heaven's Gate by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Starting Over by Chris Stapleton
Must Be the Whiskey by Cody Jinks
Frogman by Whiskey Myers
Last of My Kind by Jason Isbell
Nose on the Grindstone by Tyler Childers
Take This Heart of Gold by Watchhouse
Letting Me Down by Margo Price
Poison in My Heart by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Arkansas by Chris Stapleton
Through My Ray-Bans by Eric Church
Heading South by Zach Bryan
Cover Me Up by Morgan Wallen
On the River by Whiskey Myers
Count On Me by The Lone Bellow
Feeling Like the Last Time by Kevin Costner & Modern West
Straight Up Sideways by Lainey Wilson
Take The Highway by Blackberry Smoke
Worry B Gone by Chris Stapleton
To Hell & Back by Maren Morris
Make It a Good One by Brothers Osborne
November Air by Zach Bryan
Hell of a View by Eric Church
The Man I Am by Kevin Costner
Like a Wrecking Ball by Eric Church
Ain’t a Train by Cody Jinks
Same Devil by Brandy Clark
Dreamsicle by Jason Isbell
I Don’t Mind by Sturgill Simpson
Whiskey’d My Way by Morgan Wallen
Outlaw by Morgan Wallen
Fuss & Fight by Koe Wetzel
Till the Wheels Fall Off by Blackberry Smoke
Glitter Ain’t Gold by Whiskey Myers
Wilder Days by Morgan Wade
Away From The Mire by Billy Strings
Some People Do by Old Dominion
Horses in Heaven by Kylie Frey
Paradise by Sturgill Simpson
Saint by Maggie Rose
Younger Me by Brothers Osborne
Runs in the Family by Alex Hall
A Little Dive Bar in Dahlonega by Ashley McBryde
Martha Divine by Ashley McBryde
Heavyweight by Kassi Ashton
Villain in Me by Tenille Townes
'Til You Can't by Cody Johnson
Red Dirt Clouds by HIXTAPE
Thank God It's Raining by Josh Grider
Trouble by Sophie & The Broken Things
When You Feel It by Sam Outlaw
Doin' This by Luke Combs
Mercy by Cody Jinks
Hurt You by Cody Jinks
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kin-one-kin-all · 1 year ago
Can I get a pendulum reading for if I'm Ashton Frey kin from The Letter?
Always remember that you yourself know best who you are, only accept what resonates.
Ashton Frey - yes
0 notes
theoceanowl · 2 years ago
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💌 The Letter
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pandaheart666 · 3 years ago
Is there a fandom for The Letter? No idea, but
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Here’s my contribution xD
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