#Ash what have you done!! now i am thinking about them!!!/Lh
laugtherhyena · 2 years
No because even tho Mayura and Hina didn't went through the trauma of going to hell and meeting with the darkness devil the event still negatively affected them both.
Hina was upset she wasn't there to be remembered as someone who went to hell and came back alive, tho she also wanted to have been able to help them there.
But Mayura was the one who was affected the most because Bean died and they were close friends and like,, Mayura's never had friends before meeting Hina and Joining the devil hunters, so she had never lost anyone either and it was the worst feeling ever for her :(
She also had no idea how to cope and ended up blaming Denji for what happened, since Beam always saw him as a hero and "he should have protected him since he was his idol" (she also never really cared for denji that much to begin with, since she expected more from the so called "hero of hell"). But she never actually lashed out at him or anything because i don't think they see him again after Hina gets hospitalized
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peace-coast-island · 7 years
#ChoicesCreates: Any Disney song
Title: Aubade (TF, ES, RoE, THoBM, LH, TRR) Summary: Aubade - song or poem appropriate to or greeting the dawn. A compilation of short pieces. I did my best to keep with the melody. Since it’s a lengthy piece I only did 4 verses for each song. Enjoy! 
Can You Feel the Love Tonight (TRR) - Enid x Hana
Go the Distance (#LH) - Julie and her dreams
I See the Light (THoBM) - Aminta moving on after events of the story
Reflection (RoE) - Rose has doubts about herself
When Will My Life Begin (RoE) - How Lotty starts out her days
Part of Your World (RoE) - Clare considers about her future
I Won’t Say I’m in Love (RoE) - Ash x Elena
A Whole New World (ES) - Kieran x Jake
Two Worlds (TF) - Acacia is torn between the city and her hometown
@hollyashton @mermaidwarriorqueen
Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Enid Zuberi - The Royal Romance, MC x Hana)
Can you feel the love tonight? The way that time slows for us Just the two of us, right where we’re supposed to be Locked in love’s embrace
Thoughts running through my mind Those feelings that I can’t hide But am I willing to take a chance? I don’t know If only she’d open up to me
Behind her smile, she hides But still, I can see her shine Why can’t the world see her as who she is? A blossom blooming in the night?
Can you feel the love tonight? The night has set us free We can fly and aim for the shining stars Love will guide us there
Go the Distance (Julie Nagarkar - #LoveHacks)
I’d lie awake at night, deep in my thoughts Questioning what is waiting for me Sometimes I’d wonder, if there’s something more Wherever I go, ambition will take me far
It’ll take some time, I can go the distance Who knows how far? There’s no way to tell For every up and down, every pain and smile I’d search high and low to find where I belong
I’ve traveled near and far, searching left and right I’m a floating fragment wading into the unknown And what remains long after I’m dead and gone? I don’t want to leave this world with nothing to give
I’m breaking away, I can go the distance Every step I take, I’ll be taking charge Along the way, I’ll be making history And I’ll keep on writing my story ‘till the end
I See the Light (Aminta Beaumont - The Haunting of Braidwood Manor)
Far too long I buried myself alone All those secrets, not mine to bear Until now I didn’t even realize I forgot to live What it’s like, to live without worries? Now I’m free, what do I do? Somehow it doesn’t feel right In time I’ll find my way
And at last I see the light For once I look to tomorrow And at last I see the light There’s so much I want to do And now I can chase my dreams Nothing’s stopping me from reaching All I ask is to hold on to this moment So I know it’s real
Sleepless nights, haunted by nightmares All those years, wasted away A part of my life ridden with pain Years I can’t take back All I have are these memories A reminder of my past Without them I wouldn’t be here Now I know it’s real
And at last I see the light The world becomes more lively And at last I see the light This is where I want to be All my dreams in front of me I know they’ll be coming true All I ask is to hold on to this moment It’s my time to soar
Reflection (Rose Emmerdale - Rules of Engagement)
Look at her, is this how I want the world to see me? Is this what I show them? All my life I fall into this routine I wonder what happens if I were to disappear? Would anyone notice at all?
What do I want out of life? Is there more that I can’t see? When will my reflection show who I am inside?
Standing here Letting someone else’s wishes guide my heart Do I really want this? But maybe if I take a chance, I’ll find happiness What’s lost won’t matter to me
What lies beyond my view? Am I more than just this? Is my reflection a plain deception? Is she nothing but a lie? A pretty face to hide behind? When will my reflection show who I am inside?
When Will My Life Begin (Lotty Emmerdale - Rules of Engagement)
I start out each day knowing what to do Begin my routine, not a step out of place Organization’s my motto it’s precise and clear Checking off my long list of things to do
Everything is planned, there is a time and place Why should I sit around when I can get on top? I have ambitions more than I can count but I wonder when will my life begin?
Starting this year I plan to break out of my slumber Taking on big chances and falling in love Dancing and singing and traveling the world Then I’ll start to dream big And maybe change the world
Still there’s plans but with room for spontaneity And now my routine dances to it’s own drumbeat There’s so many ambitions to keep track So much I can reach the stars It seems like a lifetime ago when I asked myself When will my life begin?
Part of Your World (Clare Emmerdale - Rules of Engagement)
Check out this place, fun times and more Partying all night without a care Looking around you’d think It sounds like a wild ride
I’ve lost myself to the music and more Got my heart broken so many times You want wild stories? I got hundreds But what else? Is there more? I have none
I wanna take charge of my life I wanna have ambitions Settle down and find something like I don’t know, a career? Running around all day and night It’s hard to keep up, I’m falling behind It’s time to think about What is it? Adulthood
Now I can see my future prospects I know someday I’ll find my dream Now I can see, someday I’ll be Part of that world
I Won’t Say I’m in Love (Ash Emmerdale - Rules of Engagement, Brother x Elena)
I never thought it would be like this But of course nothing ever works out For all I know it could be mixed signals What makes you think I’d have a chance with her?
No chance, no way Who’d believe such a thing? She’s too good for me Why bother thinking it? It’s too cliche I won’t say I’m in love
I always told myself it’s nothing We’re just trying to get things done Just a charade to get by Did we end up taking to way too far?
No chance, no way I won’t say it It’s just a thought I won’t say it Why am I scared? I guess I’m in love Oh, at least out loud I won’t say I’m in love
A Whole New World (Kieran Akiyama - Endless Summer, MC x Jake)
I have opened my eyes Broadened my horizons I can’t remember living life without adventure You’ve given me your heart In return I gave you mine No matter what happens I’ll be flying by your side
A whole new world There’s nowhere else I’d rather be Nothing but the blue seas The crystal skies With you I’m never alone
Can you feel the sunshine? Hear the rumbling thunder? Who knows what danger lies there The mysteries of this land?
A whole new world There’s so much we don’t know Is all this nothing more but a dream? Look beyond the horizons Look how we’ve come so far I can’t stop now Let me explore this whole new world with you
Two Worlds (Acacia Lim - The Freshman)
Her heart doesn’t know what it wants Bustle of the city or The comforts of a small town life
Changing quickly, there’s no time to slow down Two worlds, one life to live Times have gone It’s time to move on And keep the memories close
In a small town beside the creek There lives the forest and the trees When she flies off, where will she land?
Before she knows it, she’s drifting away Two worlds, one fading fast She’s moving on She’s leaving home Her heart now takes the lead
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