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I'm still working on the final chapter of Solo Missions, but in the meantime enjoy this piece inspired by a moment of peace between our two boys at the end of chapter 8/beginning of chapter 10. I actually tried to do a background for this one and am really happy with how it came out!
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noi-fanart · 1 year
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So i hope you like this drawing @writesandwrongsfics
I know her face mark starts under her eyes, but it felt better this way in my style .
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artyc-stan-of-tsp · 11 months
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Scrappy my beloved 🤲🧡
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Had to draw Artie with one of my favorite fan kids @sha-biest's Ammi. Artie is a Cumberland Slider and they are known for liking to sleep or sun on the backs of other turtles! I feel like Artie and Ammi would get along great with their bright and sunshine personalities.
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Another illustration, this time from the end of chapter 11 in Solo Missions Not Recommended! Artie and her new best friend finally getting some well deserved rest. At some point I will learn to draw backgrounds. That point is not now. 
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I wanted to redo the first drawing I did of Artie and update it with her current design and make it a bit more dynamic. This is also supposed to be the picture that Leo shows Usagi in Chapter 8!
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I’m still working on Rescue Missions Not Recommended but I’m spending some extra time trying to get everything just how I want it so it may be a bit longer. That said there will be a bit of a time skip in Rescue Missions and Artie will be around 3 years old and I figured this would be a good opportunity to share more about her! What questions do you have for Artie or about the AU?
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A sweet scene from early in Chapter 11. Artie filling her dad in on the silly games his family comes up with when he’s not there.
Leo can’t actually understand what Artie is saying as the the chirps really just convey general feelings/emotions rather than any complex thoughts.
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After two long (blame Zelda) months, it is finally here! I hope you all love it as much as I do.
I will be continuing this series with a sequel called Rescue Missions. I have so many ideas and would love to chat if anyone has questions.
Thank you for all the love and support on this fic. I couldn't have done it without your likes, comments, and support.
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Your art refs for your fic hand em over🤌
So I can make fanart u///u
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Here is the official reference sheet for Ms. Artemisia! I was planning on waiting until Solo Missions was done to post this, but since you asked so nicely! I'm so excited to get to share more of her character with you all!
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Everything. Everything is going to happen to Donnie 😈.
In all honesty though Rescue Missions is going to be very Donnie centric. Artie will definitely play an important role but most of the fic will be from Donnie’s POV!
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Rescue Missions Not Recommended
So I’m ironing out some of the final plot details of the sequel Rescue Missions Not Recommended. Rescue Missions is going to be very different yet very similar to Solo Missions. It is still at its heart fluff, but in order to arrive at said fluff there will be some serious angst. With that being said, what do y’all think will happen in Rescue Missions or what things would you like to see? What would you like to know about it right now? Please send me your questions and thoughts 💜
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Do you mind fanarts? of Artie i mean. (she is adorable)
And on a somewhat related note the color of vibrant peachy red, i hadn't found it on the internet, like vibrant peach is a thing but vibrant peachy red? No. but i have mixed vibrant peach and red and that color came out, so... your name for the color was pretty much on point. (Yes i have google-d the colors for reference ) . and what i also noticed is that her head is a hexagon or resembles one which is a nice detail, is that the shape she is based on? also that how you drew her plastron flat -ish 'cuz she is a girl turtle is cool as well!
I hope you don't mind rambles and you don't have to answer anything else odre then the first question (also please excuse any mistake i might have English it's not my first language)
I would LOVE fanart of my girl!
Her head shape is somewhat based on Leo's but I tried to soften it a bit as well so maybe that's where that comes from? And her plastron is flat for now but will change as she gets older. The few screenshots and pictures we have of the turtle tots they start off with completely flat plastrons that become more detailed the older they get so the same will be true of her.
Thanks for the love!
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You're making me the dust of ye old Tumblr blog for this lol. This is all in reference to Artie's ref sheet btw.
Look at your girl, all grown up! I like the design of her plastron a lot, especially that elegant swirl on the upper chest. She’s angular like her father, but there is a hint of softness to her. Good choice of mask color too, it's a bright, vibrant almost fuchsia pink that compliments her father's blue.
I also like that her gear reflects Leo's pre-ninpo design, like her leg brace thingies. She's got his fanny pack too, which I'm willing to bet has a first aid kit in it. I can imagine Leo fussing over her having enough medical supplies on hand, because what if she gets hurt? Her father won't always be around to protect her, but having the kit means he'll always be there to patch her up.
What made you decide to give her a kunai as a weapon? Is it because it is a bladed weapon, but different from that of her father's/ uncles? A kunai is pretty versatile since it's both a dagger and a projectile. I wonder what her nimpo will be, and how she can use her kunai with it.
Kid-Artie and her little bunny ear hat are too cute. I wonder where she got that fashion statement from, especially with that blue hair tie…. hmm…
Ok, I'm done brain-rotting. This fic is sugary sweet and your art is just as wonderful. Keep on doing the thing!
This fic has revived both my AO3 and Tumblr accounts so I totally get it! I think the last time I was on Tumblr was in 2018 or so? That seems so long ago now!
I had a lot of fun designing Artie's future aesthetics. I was originally going to go with light pink for her mask but the more I got to know her character the more I realized she was far too extroverted for a more subtle color.
I decided on the kunai as her weapon early on when I was first playing around with ideas for her ninpo. Her ninpo has since changed as I've continued to develop the story and mess around with new elements, but the kunai just felt right for her. One thing I will say about future Artie is she is a huge history nerd and wants to know everything about (both) her dad's cultures.
I love the angst this fandom creates but I wanted something that was purely sweet too which is where all this came from. The sequel will be more hurt/comfort than just straight comfort, especially the early chapters, but still a lot of fluff in the future. I don't want to give too much away just yet, but I can say it will take about 3 years after the events of Solo Missions, so we will have a chance to see more of her personality. I'm also working on a 5+1 fic that may be even sweeter than Solo Missions so there is that to balance it out too!
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So I’ve been working on references for Artie and several other top secret characters 🤫 but now those are done i can start working on other scenes from the fic! What scenes or moments would like to see illustrated? I’m also happy to answer questions about Artie and the rest of this AU
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noi-fanart · 1 year
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Too @writesandwrongsfics because she ^ just couldn't leave my mind alone ♡
And at least i did end up drawing thanks to her.
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