#Artfight hitlist 2025
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lavenderin2manyfandoms · 2 months ago
Lav’s Artfight Hitlist 2025
most likely to get drawn are ferals and humanoids, tho i will try anything else!
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cyphrgrey · 3 days ago
Made an AF interaction Hitlist because I cannot stop thinking about ArtFight guys
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razzberry6 · 26 days ago
Hey guys I made my 2025 artfight hitlist if you wanna get in early~
Here be the link
Hope you have a good day!!!!
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afmediocore · 7 months ago
Blog for reblogging artfightdramaconfessions so they don't clog up my likes. if you kknow my main don't share it please
ALSO I AM NOT A BOT, im keeping my icon the default on purpose
Tags (updated sometimes):
[tba] - anything before my tag sorting or i couldn't come up with a tag for it
[replies] - anything the blog directly responded to. does not include tag responses.
[positive] - anything that has a generally positive tone, generally praising something about artfight.
[tsed] - the starting early debate. anything pertaining to that.
[tfd] - the fetish debate. anything pertaining to kink/fetish art and mining, most relevant to the fetish rule change. includes things such as gore rule mentions.
[cbc] - stands for character-based character, and is my catch all tag for afdc's dekudog debate, as well as anything relating to cbcs as a whole
[characters] - stuff relevant to characters specifically, not necessarily art/attacks
[art and attacks] - anything pertaining to art (styles, etc) and attacks (including revenges sometimes)
[revenges] - when the ask is specifically about revenges/revenge chains
[scores and points] - stuff about how points and such work.
[site and staff] - anything relating to site changes and staff drama. includes site downtime. initially included rules talk.
[rules] - the new tag for said rules talk
[silly] - stuff that isn't submitted to be anything serious
[not afdc] - not artfightdramaconfessions. generally will still be related to artfight tho.
[seafoam stardust] - anything relating to team talk/the 2024 art fight season. includes team speculation for that year
[vampires werewolves] - see seafoam stardust. assume that there will be one for the 2025 event too
[hitlist] - all about talk of hitlists
[discord] - anything pertaining to the artfight discord which is its own mess most of the time tbh
[comments] - mostly relating to the thank you debate which at the time didn't have a tag on afdc, but anything relating to commenting
[advice] - tips and tricks for artfight and art in general
[cleanup] - any asks tagged 'old ask cleanup'.
[aft] - anything related to art farming
[fox] - probably the biggest art farmer of all lol
[spy] - anything pertaining to the unknownspy situation in 2022 (mass attack of design me a character with characters unlabelled and no one knowing which belonged to who)
[ratings and filters] - anything pertaining to the ratings and filters on artfight
[mme] - mass mod exodus, an event that happened in the middle of vampires and werewolves (2023) - tagged on afdc as 'the great af doom or whatever'
[tgqnp] - the great questionable newspost, part of mme but post fight
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lavenderin2manyfandoms · 5 months ago
finally doing an intro post yay!!
you can call me Mickey or Lav/Lavender, I don’t really care :)
I AM A MINOR, please no weird stuff as it makes me very uncomfortable.
i go by any pronouns and am bi!
COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN!! (It’s a link btw)
some of my hobbies include: reading, writing, drawing, and sleeping
my asks are open and greatly appreciated <3
expect LOTS of reposts! :P
I’m probably mostly going to post PJO stuff cuz it has taken over my life atp
you can find my yt acc @ LavenderDoesStuf or my animation alt acc @ Kitten_Animations :)
oc blog: @lavenders-ocs
here’s MOST of the fandoms I’m in (the ones I’m more active in at the moment are blue)
-Warrior Cats
-Wings of Fire
-The Owl House
-Marvel Cinematic Universe
-Dear Evan Hansen
-Mean Girls
-The Dragon Prince
-The Umbrella Academy
-Percy Jackson / Riordanverse
-Epic the Musical
-Nimona (go watch it! I’m not asking)
-The D!ckheads
-Helluva Boss
-Be More Chill
-Wicked (musical, haven’t seen movie yet)
im sure there are more I’ll edit them in as I remember :)
Want to watch list here
tata for now peoples!
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