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Today i be going to The Kaunas city center
My City Kaunas is the second largest city in Lithuania after Vilnius and an important centre of Lithuanian economic, academic and cultural life.
My City Kaunas was first mentioned in 1361 and was granted the city rights in 1408
Kaunas was the largest city and the centre of a county in the Duchy of Trakai of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Trakai Palatinate since 1413.
In the Russian Empire, it was the capital of the Kaunas Governorate from 1843 to 1915.
During the interwar period, it served as the temporary capital of Lithuania, when Vilnius was seized and controlled by Poland between 1920 and 1939. During that period Kaunas was celebrated for its rich cultural and academic life, fashion, construction of countless Art Deco and Lithuanian National Romanticism architectural-style buildings as well as popular furniture, the interior design of the time, and a widespread café culture.
The city interwar architecture is regarded as among the finest examples of European Art Deco and has received the European Heritage Label. It contributed to Kaunas being named as the first city in Central and Eastern Europe to be designated as a UNESCO City of Design. Kaunas has been selected as the European Capital of Culture for 2022, together with Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg and Novi Sad.
The city is the capital of Kaunas County, and the seat of the Kaunas city municipality and the Kaunas District Municipality. It is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kaunas. Kaunas is located at the confluence of the two largest Lithuanian rivers, the Nemunas and the Neris, and is near the Kaunas Reservoir, the largest body of water in the whole of Lithuania.
As defined by Eurostat, the population of Kaunas functional urban area, is estimated at 383,764 (as of 2017),while according to statistics of Kaunas territorial health insurance fund, there are 447,946 permanent inhabitants (as of 2022) in Kaunas and Kaunas district municipalities combined.
And in 2022 Kaunas was also the European Capital of Culture
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Силна програма на 38-ата Киномания
Вече 10 години София е Град на киното, избран от ЮНЕСКО в мрежата "Творчески градове", пише на електронната страница на организацията.Титлата се присъжда на градове с развита инфраструктура под формата на студиа и салони, традиция в кинопроизводството и организирането на фестивали, както и съществено филмово наследство. И тази година, както и в предишни сме щастливи, че прекрасни фестивали ни правят и като публика част от световното кино.
Дни след финала на CineLibriе единствения в света фестивал за литература и кино се открива 38-ото издание на Киномания на 13 ноември. Фестивалът се провежда се през ноември всяка година от 1987 г. в София, а от години вече и в различни градове на страната.
От самото начало, този филмов форум се превръща в истинска мода сред българските зрители. Най-атрактивните и значими филми в световен мащаб, непоказвани в българските кина, са включени в програмата. Фестивалът е насочен към филми, създадени извън Холивуд. Повечето заглавия са европейски, силно застъпено е френското и британското кино. Присъстват и заглавия от азиатското, независимото американско и руското кино, както и български филми. Ние сме от поколението, което сред публиката още от първото му издание и преживените емоции и спомени от тези първи години живеят в нас не само зарази страхотни филми, но и защото НДК, построено и създадено за партийни конгреси и събития и, когато соц��алистическото НСО стоеше на входа му, за да ни допуска до културни събития. Дори след подобно преживяване си бяхме казали, че повече няма да стъпим там, но животът ни се промени. И сред всички фестивали и събития в Двореца, някак си той стана и мястото за страхотно кино, концерти, срещи и още и още…
След световна премиера на BFI Лондон „Стадото“ на Милко Лазаров открива Киномания. Той е третият игрален филм на режисьора и на 13 ноември филмът ще открие 38-ото издание на Киномания в Зала 1 на НДК.
„Стадото“ разказва за Али и дъщеря му Тарика, които живеят мирно, но изолирано от общността си в българско село. Тарика е з��почнала да развива „кри��а на пеперуда“ – костно заболяване, което е наследила от майка си и което дълго време е будило суеверия в селото. Али подкрепя дъщеря си и е готов да направи всичко, за да я защити, когато нетърпимостта на малкото им населено място се превръща в заплаха. „От години се интересувам от отношението на обществото към различния човек. Вълнува ме как се поражда усещането за страх от непознатото, ксенофобията и неприемането на невидимото. Обяснявам си тези тревоги на модерния човек с неговото безразличие към Бог. Човекът обаче е Божествено създание.“, споделя режисьорът Милко Лазаров. В ролите на Тарика и Али са Весела Вълчева и Захари Бахаров, а редом с тях на екран гледаме Иван Савов, Иван Бърнев, Валерия Върбанова и Христос Стергиоглу. Сценарият е дело на Екатерина Чурилова, Симеон Венциславов и Милко Лазаров. Оператор e Калоян Божилов. Сценографията и костюмографията са поверени съответно на Ивайло Петров и Кирил Наумов. Композитор е Пенка Кунева.
Весела Вълчева и Захари Бахаров в "Стадото"
Филмът е продуциран от Веселка Кирякова, РЕД КАРПЕТ, в ко-продукция с ZDF/ARTE, 42film – Германия и AMOUR FOU – Люксембург. Финансиран от ИА Национален филмов център, Eurimages, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung, Film Fund Luxembourg, Creative Europe Media.
Темата е много специална и важна за нас, като знаем какво е отношението , за жалост, на мнозинството в България към различните, независимо в какво и защо. Но за това като гледаме филма…
„Гладиатор 2“
Ден след откриването на фестивала, на 14 ноември от 19 ч. публиката на „Киномания“ ще се срещне с „Гладиатор 2“ на Ридли Скот. Дългоочакваното продължение на „Гладиатор“ обещава зрелища и силен актьорски състав – Пол Мескал е в ролята на Луций, племенник на Комод, антагониста от оригиналния филм, изигран от Хоакин Финикс. В поддържащи роли участват Педро Паскал в ролята на Марк Акаций, римски генерал, тренирал под командването на Максимус; Дензъл Уошингтън в ролята на Макрин, богат властник в Рим, който държи конюшня с гладиатори за спорт и много други.
На 22 ноември в зала 1 гледаме за пръв път „Берлингуер. Голямата амбиция“ – филмът който ще открие 19-ия кинофестивал в Рим на 16 октомври. Един от най-интересните автори на съвременното италианско кино, Андреа Сегре пренася на голям екран биографията на Енрико Берлингуер (Елио Джермано), ръководител на Италианската комунистическа партия от 1972 до 1984 г. – от пътуването му до София през 1973 г., когато избягва опит за убийство от страна на българските тайни служби, до убийството на Алдо Моро през 1978 г. и последвалия драматичен край на стратегията на „Историческия компромис“ – значимото усилие за обединяване на католическите и социалистическите народни сили в управлението на Италия. Филмът е копродукция на Италия, Белгия и България в лицето на Агитпроп, Мартичка Божилова, с подкрепата на ИА „Национален филмов център“. В него играят български актьори, сред които Светослав Добрев като Тодор Живков и Николай Данчев – Леонид Брежнев. Събитието е част от програмата на Фестивала за европейска солидарност, чиято тема тази година е „Стени“.
В-к „Гардиън“, в обстойна статия за Берлингуер, баща на „историческия компромис“ с християндемократите и на идеите на еврокомунизма като една по-либерална версия на комунизма, отбелязва историческата значимост на неговата личност. И левите, и десните политици в Италия изтъкват „моралната безукорност“ и харизмата на Берлингуер като лидер – един от пионерите в борбата за постигане на разведряване в минното поле на световната политика през ХХ век. Статията във в-к „Гардиън“ по повод премиерата на филма в Рим можете да прочете тук: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/12/enrico-berlinguer-communism-hero-italy-youth-far-right-film.
В дните от следващия фестивален уикенд гледаме по два филма в Зала 1.
„Господин Азнавур“
На 23 ноември от 17 ч. зрителите ще се потопят във въздействащата атмосфера на модерния френския шансон с „Господин Азнавур“. От бедното детство до възхода към славата, от триумфите до провалите, от Париж до Ню Йорк, филмът на Мехди Идир, Гран Кор Малад проследява изключителното пътуване на един истински творец. Филмът отдава почит на безсмъртния Азнавур – интимен, интензивен, крехък и неразрушим, отдаден на изкуството си до самия край. Веднага след това, от 20 ч. на 23 ноември гледаме и удостоени�� със „Златна палма“ на фестивала в Кан „Анора“. Филмът на Шон Бейкър проследява бурната връзка между екзотична танцьорка от Ню Йорк и сина на руски олигарх и в момента е едно от най-обсъжданите филмови заглавия и потенциален претендент за наградите „Оскар“.
На 24 ноември предстоят още два биографични филма. В неделя програмата започва от 17ч. с „Мария“ на Пабло Ларейн, посветен на бурната, красива и трагична история на живота на признатата за най-великата оперна певица в света на 20-ти век – Мария Калас. В ролята на Калас гледаме не по-малко популярната в наши дни Анджелина Джоли. Следващият биографичен филм проследява началото на кариерата на Доналд Тръмп в сферата на недвижимите имоти в Ню Йорк през 70-те и 80-те години на ХХ век. „Стажантът“ е режисиран от иранеца Али Абаси по сценарий на Гейбриъл Шърман. В ролята на Тръмп е Себастиан Стан, а Мария Бакалова се превъплъщава в първата съпруга на Тръмп Ивана.
Анджелина Джоли като Мария Калас
Тазгодишното 38-о издание на Киномания ще предложи интензивна програма от специални събития – премиери на български и международни копродукции и срещи с екипите на филмите.
На 16 ноември от 18:00 ч. в Дома на киното гледаме носителя на “Златна палма” за късометражен филм от тазгодишния Кан – копродукцията между Хърватска, България, Франция и Словения “Човекът, който не може��е повече да мълчи”. Филмът, режисиран от Небойша Слиепчевич, разказва за събитията от 27 февруари 1993 г. в Босна и Херцеговина, когато пътническият влак от Белград за Бар е спрян от паравоенни сили в рамките на операция за етническо прочистване. Докато те извеждат от влака невинни цивилни, само един от 500-те пътници се осмелява да им се противопостави. Първата прожекция на филма ще бъде придружена от среща с режисьора Небойша Слиепчевич и екипа от българска страна – продуцента Катя Тричкова, Гео Карл Павлов - художник по костюмите, София Жечева - асистент на звукорежисьора, Кристина Самсарова - асоцииран продуцент, Иван Андреев - звуков дизайн и микс.
“Човекът, който не можеше повече да мълчи”
На 17 ноември от 17:00 ч., в кино “Люмиер”, Киномания представя “Бруталистът” – филмът, удостоен със Сребърен лъв от Фестивала във Венеция за режисурата на Брейди Корбет, с участието на Ейдриън Броуди и Фелисити Джоунс в главните роли. Когато унгарският архитект-визионер от еврейски произход Ласло Тот и съпругата му Ержебет бягат от Европа, за да станат свидетели на раждането на съвременна Америка, животът им се променя завинаги. Обаятелният индустриалец Харисън Ван Бюрен предлага на Ласло да проектира грандиозен модернистичен паметник и да остави своя отпечатък в архитектурата на страната, която сега нарича свой дом. Най-амбициозният проект в кариерата на Ласло отвежда него и семейството му както до монументални висоти, така и до опустошителни спадове.
“Отговор на всички въпроси”
Отново на 17 ноември от 19:00 ч. в Дома на киното се срещаме за пръв път с “Отговор на всички въпроси” на Димитър Коцев – Шошо. Стеснителната Велина е готова на всичко, за да успее като актриса, но това я прави лесна жертва на манипулатори. Лабилната Сара търси любовта, но не разбира защо не я намира и изпада в полюсни състояния - радост и смях се редуват с плач и истерия. Дивата Настя експериментира с наркотици, секс, нощен живот и всякакви екстремни преживявания, за които невинаги е готова. Три млади жени търсят адреналин, любов и слава. И намират отговор на всички въпроси. И му се отдават напълно.
“Отвъд предела”
На 18 ноември от 19:00 ч. в кино “Люмиер” гледаме документалния филм “Отвъд предела”, който проследява житейския и професионален път на проф. Христо Пимпирев и историята на българската изследователска база на остров Ливингстън, Антарктида. Филмът се вглежда в историческите предпоставки, формирали проф. Пимпирев, обстоятелствата около работата на българските антарктици през годините и първото плаване в световните океани на български военен научноизследователски кораб. Филмът е продукция на Доли Медиа Студио, режисьор е Еленко Касалийски.
Цветана Манева
На 19 ноември от 19:00 ч. в кино “Одеон” фестивалната програма представя “Цветана Манева. През времето”. Филмът на Ема Константинова, по сценарий на Георги Тошев, разказва за богатия и пъстър 80-годишен живот на Цветана Манева без претенция за изчерпателност - искрено, философски, човешки. С над 120 роли в театъра, киното, телевизията, Цветана Манева несъмнено е актриса с много лица. Времето не я плаши и тя не се опитва да го спре. Лаконичната, последователна и категорична Манева подрежда пъзела на собствените си преживявания и опит пред очите на винаги вярната си публика.
Бари Кeoган в “И после светлина”
На 27 ноември от 20:00 ч. в Дома на киното публиката на „Киномания“ ще може да види наскоро монтираната “И после светлина – Режисьорска версия” на Константин Божанов. Във филма “И после светлина” суперзвездата Бари Кeoган прави една от първите си главни роли в киното – на 16-годишния Павел – момче от аутистичния спектър, което мечтае да стане художник и бяга от дома си, за да се срещне със своя идол Арно. Когато надеждите му се сблъскват с реалността, той се изправя пред предела на емоционалните си сили. Припомням, че този филм гледахме в програмата на 22-рия „София Филм Фест“, 2018. Задължителен филм, който не е успял да го гледа тогава.
На 1 декември от 18:15ч. в Дома на киното гледаме “И това е за тази коледа” – филмът на Петър Вълчев, продуциран съвместно с Невелин Вълчев и заснет от Кирил Проданов. Докато подготвя вещите за собственото си погребение, героят на Любомир Бъчваров разбира, че ще посрещне Коледа сам. Неспособен да заспи, той решава да прекара празника на гроба на починалата си съпруга.
“И това е за тази коледа”
И важно уточнение от организаторите на Киномания: Тя отново обявява превърналата се вече в традиция награда „Киноман на годината”, създадена в памет на кинокритика Георги Ангелов, който е и неофициалният кръстник на фестивала.Всеки зрител на кинопанорамата може да кандидатства за наградата, като единственото условие е да гледа колкото се може повече филми от програмата и да пази билетите си от прожекциите. Това важи за всички филми от селекцията, независимо от киното или от града, където има прожекции (София, Варна, Пловдив). Зрителят с най-голям брой билети ще получи Наградата „Георги Ангелов“ за Киноман на годината – безплатен достъп до всички филми от програмата на фестивала през следващата година.
Георги Ангелов е кръстникът на Киномания, която е създадена преди 38 години под името Световна кинопанорама, а през 1993 г. променя наименованието си на Киномания по негово предложение.
Поредната Киномания ни връща към много обичани хора, които вече не са между нас. Георги Ангелов, който не пропускаше прожекция и на пресконференциите задаваше въпроси с изключителни познания за световните кино. Владимир Трифонов, дългогодишен селекционер на фестивала, който изведнъж напусна нашия свят малко преди 37-ото издание миналата година. Списъкът може да бъде продължен с кинематографисти, които в годините са били част от фестивала, но …Имената им ще са част от любовта и познанието ни за киното.
Но сега да се подготвим за срещата с доброто кино с филми, избрани от селекционерите на Киномания, 2024. Ще разказваме.
38-ото издание на Киномания се организира от Националния дворец на културата и Фондация „Имам идея” с подкрепата на Министерство на културата, ИА „Национален филмов център” и Столична община.≈
Снимки: архив на Киномания
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In addition to offering banking services, it controls a set of product companies such as BG Fund Management Luxembourg SA, Generfid SpA, BG Saxo SIM, and BG Valeur. The company’s BG Fund Management offers real estate, family protection, corporate finance, and art advisory services. It operates banking services through an online platform, telephone channel, and through branches. The company operates in Switzerland, Milan, and Trieste, Italy. Banca is headquartered in Trieste, Italy.
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Subscribe to access Banca Genera… interactive dashboard for 12 months get access to premium industry data, predictive signals and more
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"Mehr denn je" – "More than ever"
Die BR-Koproduktionen auf dem FILMFEST MÜNCHEN
"Mehr denn je" – "More than ever" Premiere: Samstag, 25. Juni, 19.00 Uhr, Rio 1 Weitere Vorführungen: Montag, 27. Juni, 21.00 Uhr, HFF Audimax, Donnerstag, 30. Juni, 17.30 Uhr, City 1
Hélène (Vicky Krieps) und Matthieu (Gaspard Ulliel) sind seit vielen Jahren ein inniges Paar. Sie führen in Bordeaux ein glückliches Leben – bis die Konfrontation mit einer existenziellen Entscheidung Hélène aus dem Alltag reißt. Auf der Suche nach Antworten begegnet die 33-Jährige im Internet „Mister“ (Bjørn Floberg). Der norwegische Blogger veröffentlicht in einem Internet-Tagebuch Fotos und Gedanken, die sie tief berühren. Seine Art zu schreiben und die Schönheit der norwegischen Natur, die man auf einigen seiner Bilder sieht, faszinieren sie so sehr, dass sie den Entschluss fasst, alleine nach Norwegen zu reisen. Zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben folgt sie einfach ihrem Instinkt – gegen den Willen von Mathieu. Die ungewöhnliche Freundschaft mit „Mister“, die atemberaubende Landschaft und die Frische und Helligkeit des norwegischen Frühlings verschaffen ihr Klarheit. Mathieu indes entschließt sich, nicht aufzugeben.
Regie: Emily Atef; Drehbuch: Emily Atef, Lars Hubrich; Darstellende: Vicky Krieps, Gaspard Ulliel, Bjørn Floberg u.a.; Redaktion: Bettina Ricklefs (BR), Carlos Gerstenhauer (BR); Produktion: Eaux Vives Produktion in Koproduktion mit NiKo Film, Samsa Film, Mer Film, Jour 2 Fête, Bjoca Productions und Ramona Productions sowie in Koproduktion mit BR und ARTE France Cinema. In Zusammenarbeit mit ARTE, ARTE France und CINE+, gefördert von Film Fund Luxembourg, Eurimages, Norsk Filminstitutt, Filmförderungsanstalt, Centre National du Cinéma et de l’Image Animée, DFFF, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, la Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Mediefondet Zefyr, Département de la Gironde
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Terrace, Luxembourg, James Abbott McNeill Whistler, 1894, Harvard Art Museums: Prints
Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Gray Collection of Engravings Fund Size: sheet: 17 x 24 cm (6 11/16 x 9 7/16 in.)
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Grand Parterre of the Luxembourg Palace; verso: Panorama North of Paris, near Montmorency, Israël Silvestre, 1635, Harvard Art Museums: Drawings
Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, Louise Haskell Daly Fund Size: 11.3 x 17 cm (4 7/16 x 6 11/16 in.) Medium: Black ink, brown wash, and watercolor with touches of graphite on parchment, partial framing line in black ink; verso: black ink and watercolor
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Luxembourg Etiasis - A Luxurious Area to See
In spite of many modern facilities, travelers still prefer to travel to Luxembourg because their vacation destination despite the significant tourist influx. There are some excellent reasons for this, first of all of the infrastructure is top notch and very attractive even in its modern state. Additionally, there are numerous schemes offering for discounts on hotels, restaurants, and flight tickets etc.. Even if you do not book your hotels or program your flights in advance, these savings can be quite substantial. Therefore, it would be a fantastic idea to check at a possible Luxembourg etias visa waiver whilst planning your trip.
It's been seen that even though the official tourism site of Luxembourg does supply details about the places to see in the nation, people still favor to go to the areas of interest within the vicinity of the funds. One reason for this is that there are lots of places that are within easy access from central Europe. For instance, there's not any better place to visit than the famous Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Built on the remains of an old fort, it is among the most picturesque palaces in Europe. The beautiful gardens, the richly restored buildings, the well maintained gardens surrounding the grandiose construction allow it to be a breath taking attraction. Individuals who like art and architecture could surely enjoy a visit to the Grand Duchy and if they have a euro travel visa, they'd also find the Eiffel Tower a nice sight.
If your heart is set on visiting the elegant Eiger Cathedral, then it's a fantastic idea to choose a Eurostar train from Brussels and then get to the middle of the city in just two hours. The impressive cathedrals are made out of marble and are admired by art lovers of all ages. One remarkable structure which was completed during the Second World War is that the bunker complex that hid German scientists that worked on a fresh hydrogen bomb. Each one of the underground tunnels were embellished with murals and the Eiffel Tower was observable in the background. When you arrive in Europe, you'll be able to see all of these remarkable landscapes and much more as the Eiffel Tower's free elevator provides visitors with a breathtaking panoramic view of the capital town.
When it comes to planning your visit to Luxembourg, you must bear in mind that the most well-known attractions and tourist spots will not be open at night. The very popular Grand Casino de Luxembourg is open in the daytime and even then, a lot of people will be unable to make it through the busy day rush processing period. Avis, Eurostar and other major European airport companies make it possible for visitors to acquire cheap tickets for their journey into Europe but the same isn't true for its Liechtenstein airport that's among the most popular in Europe.
Passengers that need a special type of visa such as a visa for Liechtenstein can still use the normal airport services but there'll be a whole lot fewer personnel on duty. The most popular activities and sights in the area of the airport include the European Ring des Kinskers (which contains the famed Schengen Grand Hotel), the Schlossgarten Capitaine & Schlossgarten, as well as plenty of shopping and dining. When it comes to purchasing in the town, there are numerous shopping centres such as the popular L'Argenti Gala, which will be located in Neugrue Gardens and contains an art gallery.
Travelling to the beautiful European city of Liechtenstein can be extremely enjoyable provided that you make the most of the special Eiffel Tower complimentary ride. There's a special route accessible from the airport that goes through central Liechtenstein and takes one underneath the famous Schlossgarten. This special path is only available from May until October so make certain that you check with the appropriate Eurostar operators if you want to take this excursion choice.
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Looking ahead . . . in spite of it all
The last time I published an unofficial list of Dame Sarah Connolly’s upcoming performances, it was with hesitation, knowing that she had months of treatment for breast cancer ahead of her and that she might need to withdraw from some of her performance engagements. That was in late October, 2019. I had, at the time, no inkling that a then-unknown respiratory virus would begin infecting humans over the winter and rapidly break out into a deadly pandemic, resulting in the widespread closure of public spaces and devastating the performing arts.
The change log appended to my previous unofficial schedule post shows that on March 23, 2020, I made the first round of edits to reflect corona-cancellations. Since then, I have been quietly monitoring the status of Dame Sarah’s scheduled gigs and crossing them off as their cancellations have become known to me.
I have also picked up on a few new dates that we can very tentatively look forward to. It is hard to say how long the coronavirus crisis will go on; even when large, indoor public gatherings become possible again, some arts organizations may have had to slash their offerings—or may have succumbed completely—due to the financial fallout of the pandemic. In the meantime, we are starting to see some companies like the Bayerische Staatsoper, Wigmore Hall, and the Royal Opera House offer small-scale, live musical performances with no live audiences, just online streaming.
Now that Dame Sarah is about to perform in one such livestream-only concert—tomorrow’s Das Lied von der Erde in Covent Garden, also notable for being her first live performance since withdrawing from the stage for cancer treatment over the winter—it seems like the right moment to refresh my list of her upcoming performances and start anew.
See my current list after the jump.
This is the point in the post where I normally give a condensed list highlighting the cities where Dame Sarah is scheduled to appear in live performance, so that readers can tell at a glance whether she is coming anywhere near them. This list must now be read with a giant asterisk, as some performances may be online-only (so it doesn’t matter where you live), and others may be much more prone to cancellation than normal!
That said—British performance sites on the horizon at the moment are the Royal Opera House (for online viewing only) and Wigmore Hall in London, plus the Lieder Festival in Oxford (also online only). Audiences in continental Europe might get to see Dame Sarah in Barcelona, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam, or Luxembourg. An as-yet-unconfirmed operatic run may be in store for the 2021-2022 season in New York.
The usual disclaimers:
This is not an authoritative list. These are the upcoming performances by Dame Sarah Connolly that I have been able to learn about from Dame Sarah’s new website, Dame Sarah’s agent's website (Askonas Holt), Operabase, Bachtrack, Dame Sarah's Twitter, and generally ferreting around the web.
I sometimes list concerts that are not yet officially confirmed; you should of course check official sources before making plans and be aware that cast changes and cancellations can happen at any time. This obviously goes triple in the COVID-19 era.
I have added links to venue, ticketing, and broadcast information where available. Tips on new information are always welcome! Please contact me via email (verdiprati [at] selveamene [dot] com), Tumblr messaging, or ask box (plain prose only in the ask box; anything with links or an email address will get eaten by Tumblr filters) with corrections or additions.
[Livestream only] Mahler, Das Lied von der Erde at the Royal Opera House, London, June 20, 2020. With David Butt Philip and members of the ROH orchestra; Antonio Pappano conducts. The performance will be livestream-only; no audience will be seated in the house. Tickets are £4.99 and grant you not only live access, but also the ability to view the concert on demand for two weeks following the performance.
[New!] Recital at Wigmore Hall, London, September 16, 2020. With Malcolm Martineau, in the Wigmore’s 1:00 p.m. “lunchtime” slot. Songs by Poulenc, Roussel, Mahler, and Bridge, capped by a pair of songs newly written by Bob Chilcott for Dame Sarah. At the time of this writing, Wigmore Hall expects to admit live audiences of 10%-20% capacity during the autumn season under socially-distanced reopening guidelines, but the situation for live performance in the UK remains fluid, to put it mildly. The website says that “More details on how to access tickets will be released in the coming weeks. All concerts will go ahead, with or without an audience.”
[Livestream] The recital, like all the others in Wigmore Hall’s autumn 2020 season, will be streamed for free on their livestreaming site. It appears that you can also use this YouTube link.
[Canceled] Recital at Wigmore Hall, London, September 30, 2020. With Roderick Williams and Julius Drake; the first concert of the Wigmore’s Mendelssohn and Liszt series. Public booking is scheduled to open on July 14. UPDATE: As of July 31, this recital is no longer listed on the Wigmore Hall website. Update, August 22: see above for a newly-scheduled Wigmore recital by Dame Sarah.
[New! Livestream only] Handel, Solomon (title role) and Foundling Anthem with the English Concert, October 1, 2020. Also starring Sophie Bevan, Soraya Mafi, and James Way; conducted by Harry Bickett. Selections from both works will be performed as part of a concert titled “Handel – The Philanthropist.” Tickets to the livestream are free; donations are requested to both The English Concert and Bart’s Heritage, the fund for renovating St Bart’s Hospital, which will be the venue for the performance.
[Livestream only] Recital at the Oxford Lieder Festival, October 10, 2020. With Eugene Asti (pianist) as well as “emerging artist” William Thomas (bass)—apparently part of Barbara Hannigan’s Momentum initiative, which is supported by both Dame Sarah and the Oxford Lieder Festival. Schumann’s Fraunliebe und -leben and Mahler’s Rückert-lieder bookend an assortment of songs by Haydn, Arne, Bush, Quilter, Howells, and Britten. The livestream ticket (£12, or £5 for under-35s) includes access to a post-performance Q&A session with the artists. Video will remain available until November 1. Notably, the £250 “Pioneer Pass” for the whole festival gets you bonus goodies including “Two guest tickets to Dame Sarah Connolly’s recital, to share with friends” and “Exclusive artist interviews and other content.”
[New!] “Pappano & Friends” chamber concert at the Barbican, London, November 1, 2020. With Ian Bostridge, the Carducci Quartet, and Antonio Pappano. Tickets are being sold separately for a limited live audience (£20) and for a video livestream of the performance (£12.50). The listed program comprises just two works: Ralph Vaughn Williams’ song cycle On Wenlock Edge and an arrangement of Ernest Chausson’s Poème de l’amour et de la mer. I don’t really know either work, but a little googling suggests to me that Bostridge will sing the RVW and Dame Sarah will sing the Chausson. Tickets go on sale to the general public on September 11 at 10:00 a.m., and a few of the live audience tickets will be held back from the earlier Barbican members’ sale for the general sale, so if you want to try to attend in person, be ready to act swiftly at that time.
[Livestream] As mentioned above, there is a fee of £12.50 for access to the livestream. The Barbican website says, “We advise you to watch the performance live, but the stream will be available to watch back for 48 hours after the live broadcast.”
[New!] Mozart’s Requiem with the English National Opera, London, November 6 and 7, 2020. Fellow vocal soloists are Elizabeth Llewellyn, Toby Spence, and Brindley Sherratt. With the ENO Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Martyn Brabbins. As of this writing early on September 15, the ENO website says “Ticket details will be announced soon.” ENO plans to perform for a live, socially distanced audience; livestreaming has been mentioned only as a backup option in case government restrictions make it impossible to host a live audience in the Coliseum.
[New!] Forum participation, International Vocal Competition, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, December 2, 2020. Having postponed its opera and oratorio competition until 2022 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IVC announced that it would sponsor a multi-day series billed as “IVC Mozart Masterclasses & More” late in 2020. Masterclasses will be led by Vesselina Kasarova, Roberta Alexander, and Thomas Oliemans; Dame Sarah doesn’t seem to have the same role, but the IVC promises that she will be among several “leading professionals” who will “talk with the participants about the future of their profession” as part of “a forum ... about the future as it now looks for (young) singers.” Singers who were born no earlier than December 5, 1987 and who can cough up €500 for the experience may register by October 1, 2020. Members of the public may buy tickets to the events beginning “at the end of August.”
Handel, Agrippina (title role) at the Dutch National Opera, Amsterdam, January 17-29, 2021. The production is Barrie Kosky’s (previously seen at the Bayerische Staatsoper and the ROH, and later moving on to the Staatsoper Hamburg). Ottavio Dantone conducts; co-stars include Ying Fang (Poppea), Franco Fagioli (Nerone), Gianlucca Buratto (Claudio), and Tim Mead (Ottone). As of this writing (June 19, 2020), single ticket sales are indefinitely suspended due to the coronavirus crisis.
Stravinsky, Oedipus Rex (Jocaste) at the Dutch National Opera, Amsterdam, March 10-27, 2021. In a double bill with the new commission From ‘Antigone’ by Samy Moussa. Other singers in the Oedipus cast include Sean Panikkar (Oedipus), Bastiaan Everink (Creon), Rafał Siwek (Tiresias), and Ramsey Nasr (Speaker). Erik Nielsen conducts; Wayne McGregor directs. As of this writing (June 19, 2020), single ticket sales are indefinitely suspended due to the coronavirus crisis.
Stravinsky, Oedipus Rex (Jocaste) with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester, Hamburg, April 10 and 11, 2021. Even though these concert performances follow on the heels of Dame Sarah’s engagement for the same opera in Amsterdam, the two gigs appear to be administratively and artistically unrelated. Her co-stars in Hamburg include Brenden Gunnell (Oedipus), Tomasz Konieczny (Creon), and Sir John Tomlinson (Tiresias); the MDR Rundfunkchor Leipzig supplies the men’s chorus. Alan Gilbert conducts. The program also includes Le sacre du printemps. Under a special policy instituted in response to the uncertainties of the coronavirus pandemic, tickets can be pre-ordered starting May 26, 2020, with payment due when it is confirmed that the performance will go forward, no later than six weeks before the concert. There’s some background information about the Stravinsky pieces on the NDR website.
Stravinsky, Oedipus Rex (Jocaste) with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester at the Philharmonie Luxembourg, April 19, 2021. Co-stars, conductor, and chorus are the same team as in the Hamburg performances, and the Luxembourg program likewise includes Le sacre du printemps. Tickets go on sale February 22, 2021.
[New!] Recital for St Luke’s Music Society, London, May 8, 2021. With Joseph Middleton. Repertoire TBA. Note that “during the COVID crisis tickets may be restricted to Friends only.” Tickets are £18 and Friends membership is £35; the tickets for Dame Sarah’s recital go on sale December 13.
Recital at the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, May 18, 2021. With Julius Drake. Songs by Mendelssohn, Liszt, Elgar, Debussy, Ravel, and Chaminade.
Elgar, The Dream of Gerontius with the Berliner Philharmoniker, Berlin, May 27, 28, and 29, 2021. With Allan Clayton and Roderick Williams, as well as the Rundfunkchor Berlin; Simon Rattle conducts.
[Livestream] The concert on the 29th will be livestreamed on the Berliner Philharmoniker’s Digital Concert Hall platform.
[Unconfirmed / details TBA] Tour with the Wiener Symphoniker, October 2-5, 2021. Dame Sarah’s name appears along with that of conductor and violinist Andrés Orozco-Estrada (who will take over as music director of the Wiener Symphoniker in the 2020-2021 season) in this list of orchestra tours on the website of agents Dr. Raab & Dr. Böhm. Details of the repertoire and cities for the tour will presumably be revealed when the Wiener Symphoniker announces its 2021-2022 season.
[New date!] Recital at Sant Pau Recinte Modernista [PDF], Barcelona, November 15, 2021. With Julius Drake. Part of the LIFE Victoria series of recitals; originally announced for November 27, 2019, but postponed due to Dame Sarah’s treatment for breast cancer; rescheduled for October 2020, and further postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Themed as a “Viennese journey by the hand of Alma Mahler,” the recital includes songs by Brahms, Wolf, Debussy, Alma Mahler, Gustav Mahler, and Zemlinsky.
[Livestream? TBC] This article in the Catalan newspaper La República says of the combined 2020-2021 season that “Tots els concerts es retransmetran en streaming, independentment de si pot assistir-hi públic o no” (“All concerts will be streamed, regardless of whether the audience can attend or not”). I have been unable, however, to confirm this detail on the LIFE Victoria website or in the PDF of the combined season announcement.
[Unconfirmed / details TBA] Brett Dean, Hamlet (Gertrude) at the Metropolitan Opera, New York, sometime in 2021-22. Allan Clayton, who starred in the title role of Brett Dean’s Hamlet at Glyndebourne in 2017, mentioned in an interview with the Telegraph that he would be reprising the role at an unspecified date and venue in the US. When prompted on Twitter, Dame Sarah indicated that she would be participating in the revival, too (“I shall be misunderstanding my confused boy again”). In a later interview with Opera News, Clayton reportedly specified that he would reprise Hamlet at the Met. The Future Met Wiki places the production at the Met in the 2021-2022 season (as does this New York Times article). Hat tip to Christopher Lowrey, who sang Guildenstern in the original production at Glyndebourne, whose tweet praising Allan Clayton brought the Telegraph interview to my attention. (No indication whether Lowrey will also be cast in the American revival.) Additional hat tip to the Tumblrer who submitted information on this topic via the ask box.
Previous versions of this list can be found under the schedule tag on this blog. This list published June 19, 2020. Updated June 22 to reflect the further postponement of the LIFE Victoria recital. Updated July 22 with the new date of the LIFE Victoria recital and the addition of the IVC forum. Edited July 28 to correct the closing date of DNO Agrippina to January 29 (not 27). Edited August 1 to reflect the cancelation of the September 30 recital at Wigmore Hall. Edited August 22 to add the September 16 recital at Wigmore Hall and update the Oxford recital with more details. Edited August 29 to add the English Concert livestream and fill in the repertoire for the September 16 Wiggy recital. Edited September 8 to add the Barbican “Pappano & Friends” concert. Edited September 15 to add the ENO Mozart Requiem and belatedly fill in some details on the Oxford Lieder Festival recital. Edited September 21 to add the recital for St Luke’s Music Society. I may continue to edit this list as I receive new information.
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Ooops! The Adventure Continues Ganzer Film Deutsch Online
Ooops! The Adventure Continues Ganzer Film Deutsch Online
[HD] Ooops! 2 - Land in Sicht ~©2020 | Ganzer FILM[hd], Ooops! 2 - Land in Sicht Complete Film Deutsch Ooops! 2 - Land in Sicht Online Kostenlos Ganzer Film Ooops! 2 - Land in Sicht Complete Stream Deutsch Ooops! 2 - Land in Sicht Ganzer Film Deutsch
GENRE Animation, Family Entertainment CATEGORY Feature YEAR OF PRODUCTION 2020 DIRECTORS Toby Genkel, Sean McCormack SCREENPLAY Mark Hodkinson, Richard Conroy PRODUCERS Emely Christians, Christine Parisse, Jean-Marie Musique, Moe Honan PRODUCTION COMPANIES Ulysses Films, Fabrique d'Images, Moetion Films RUNTIME 80 min FORMAT DCP, color, 1:1.85 LANGUAGE English SOUND TECHNOLOGY 5.1 WITH BACKING FROM German Federal Film Board, Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, German Federal Film Fund, Film Fund Luxembourg, MEDIA
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Animationskomödie um eine bunte, chaotische Tierschar auf der Arche, die auf Land stößt.
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Am 24. September 2020 startet das zweite Familienabenteuer „Ooops 2: Land in Sicht“ in den Kinos. Die FSK gab dem Familienfilm die Altersfreigabe ab 0 Jahren.
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❍❍❍ TV-FILM ❍❍❍ Die ersten Fernsehshows waren experimentelle, sporadische Sendungen, die ab den 1930er Jahren nur noch in sehr kurzer Entfernung vom Sendemast zu sehen waren. Fernsehereignisse wie die Olympischen Sommerspiele 1936 in Deutschland, die Krönung von König George VI. In Großbritannien im Jahr 19340 und die berühmte Einführung von David Sarnoff auf der New Yorker Weltausstellung 1939 in den USA führten zu einem Wachstum des Mediums, aber der Zweite Weltkrieg brachte eine Stopp der Entwicklung bis nach dem Krieg. Der World MOVIE von 19440 inspirierte viele Amerikaner, ihr erstes Fernsehgerät zu kaufen, und 1948 machte die beliebte Radiosendung Texaco Star Theatre den Umzug und wurde die erste wöchentliche Fernseh-Varieté-Show, die Gastgeber Milton Berle den Namen „Mr Television“ einbrachte und dies demonstrierte Das Medium war eine stabile, moderne Form der Unterhaltung, die Werbekunden anziehen konnte. Die erste nationale Live-Fernsehsendung in den USA fand am 4. September 1951 statt, als die Rede von Präsident Harry Truman auf der japanischen Friedensvertragskonferenz in San Francisco über das transkontinentale Kabel- und Mikrowellenfunk-Relaissystem von AT & T an Rundfunkstationen auf lokalen Märkten übertragen wurde. Die erste nationale Farbsendung (das Turnier der Rosenparade von 1954) in den USA fand am 1. Januar 1954 statt. Während der folgenden zehn Jahre wurden die meisten Netzwerksendungen und fast alle lokalen Sendungen weiterhin in Schwarzweiß ausgestrahlt. Für den Herbst 1965 wurde ein Farbübergang angekündigt, bei dem mehr als die Hälfte aller Netzwerk-Prime-Time-Programme in Farbe ausgestrahlt werden. Die erste All-Color-Hauptsaison kam nur ein Jahr später. Im Jahr 19402 wurde der letzte Holdout unter den tagsüber in Farbe konvertierten Netzwerkshows in die erste vollständig farbige Netzwerksaison umgewandelt. ❍❍❍ Formate und Genres ❍❍❍ Siehe auch: Liste der Genres § Film- und Fernsehformate und -genres Fernsehshows sind aufgrund der Vielzahl von Formaten und Genres, die präsentiert werden können, vielfältiger als die meisten anderen Medien. Eine Show kann fiktiv (wie in Komödien und Dramen) oder nicht fiktiv (wie in Dokumentar-, Nachrichten- und Reality-Fernsehen) sein. Es kann aktuell sein (wie im Fall einer lokalen Nachrichtensendung und einiger Fernsehfilme) oder historisch (wie im Fall vieler Dokumentarfilme und fiktiver FILME). Sie können in erster Linie lehrreich oder lehrreich sein oder unterhaltsam, wie dies bei Situationskomödien und Spielshows der Fall ist. [Zitieren erforderlich] Ein Drama-Programm besteht normalerweise aus einer Reihe von Schauspielern, die Charaktere in einem historischen oder zeitgenössischen Umfeld spielen. Das Programm folgt ihrem Leben und ihren Abenteuern. Vor den 1980er Jahren blieben Shows (mit Ausnahme von Serien vom Typ Seifenoper) in der Regel ohne Handlungsstränge statisch, und die Hauptfiguren und die Prämisse änderten sich kaum. [Zitieren erforderlich] Wenn sich das Leben der Figuren während der Episode etwas änderte, war dies normalerweise der Fall am Ende rückgängig gemacht. Aus diesem Grund können die Episoden in beliebiger Reihenfolge ausgestrahlt werden. [Zitieren erforderlich] Seit den 1980er Jahren weisen viele FILME eine fortschreitende Änderung der Handlung, der Charaktere oder beider auf. Zum Beispiel waren Hill Street Blues und St. Elsewhere zwei der ersten amerikanischen Prime-Time-Drama-Fernsehfilme, die diese Art von dramatischer Struktur hatten, [4] [bessere Quelle erforderlich], während das spätere MOVIE Babylon 5 eine solche Struktur weiter veranschaulicht hatte eine vorgegebene Geschichte über den geplanten Fünf-Jahreszeiten-Lauf. [Zitieren erforderlich] Im Jahr 2020 wurde berichtet, dass das Fernsehen zu einem größeren Teil der Einnahmen großer Medienunternehmen als der Film wurde. [5] Einige bemerkten auch die Qualitätssteigerung einiger Fernsehprogramme. Im Jahr 2020 erklärte der mit dem Oscar ausgezeichnete Filmregisseur Steven Soderbergh zu Zweideutigkeit und Komplexität von Charakter und Erzählung: „Ich denke, diese Qualitäten werden jetzt im Fernsehen gesehen und Menschen, die Geschichten mit solchen Qualitäten sehen wollen fernsehen. ❍❍❍ Danke für alles und viel Spaß beim Zuschauen❍❍❍ Hier finden Sie alle Filme, die Sie online streamen können, einschließlich der Filme, die diese Woche gezeigt wurden. Wenn Sie sich fragen, was Sie auf dieser Website sehen können, sollten Sie wissen, dass es Genres abdeckt, die Kriminalität, Wissenschaft, Fi-Fi, Action, Romantik, Thriller, Komödie, Drama und Anime-Film umfassen. Vielen Dank. Wir informieren alle, die sich über Neuigkeiten oder Informationen zum diesjährigen Filmprogramm freuen und darüber, wie Sie Ihre Lieblingsfilme ansehen. Hoffentlich können wir der beste Partner für Sie sein, um Empfehlungen für Ihre Lieblingsfilme zu finden. Das ist alles von uns, Grüße! Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich The Video Today angesehen haben. Ich hoffe dir gefallen die Videos, die ich teile. Geben Sie einen Daumen hoch, mögen Sie oder teilen Sie, wenn Ihnen das, was wir geteilt haben, gefällt, damit wir aufgeregter sind. Streuen Sie ein fröhliches Lächeln, damit die Welt in einer Vielzahl von Farben zurückkehrt.
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The voice of the people of Russia:From stone carvings to inscriptions on fences
More and more Russian streets are flooded with inscriptions of various content. Since the mid-80s of the twentieth century, texts on fences and walls have been the voice of the people. New statements are replacing old ones that are faded in the sun, washed away by rain, and painted over. The numerous inscriptions and graffiti on the walls of houses, public transport stops, in underground passages, garages, and on fences of gateways voice out people’s thoughts and worries in different Russian cities from the suburbs to megapolis. Some of the inscriptions look like a real work of art, street art, others look like hooliganism, and the third category of these texts is not accidental and is designed to draw people's attention to something not entirely obvious, but very relevant. As a rule, it is very difficult to find the authors of such fence inscriptions. Anonymity and maximum caution, so as not to be caught by a spray bottle with paint for your sharp tongue, otherwise you risk getting an administrative fine or a criminal case for "extremism." But is the name of the author important if the phrase he wrote on the fence awakens detectives in people and they begin to search, read, analyze to get to the bottom of the truth.
The secret becomes clear
Not so long ago, on the fences of the streets of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk, and some other Russian cities, incriminating inscriptions appeared, claiming the non-traditional sexual orientation of the largest Russian statesman, president and chairman of the board of the Russian state bank PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" Herman Gref and the former Deputy Head Of the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, and now a member of the Public Council under the Federal Tax Service of Russia, Kirill Androsov. Why are these names flaunting next to a word that is insulting to every traditional man and why exactly such inscriptions appeared on Russian fences in specifically designated cities?
It is enough to put into the search on the web and a whole list of links about Herman Gref being a representative of the LGBT community pops up. Moreover, according to Russian online media, Gref tops the ratings of the most popular Russian gay politicians and is always in the TOP-5. Gref himself prefers to keep silent about such accusations and continues to occupy high positions and "love" the one who is close to his heart. Especially under the tutelage of the President of the Russian Federation, nothing is scary. Gref is a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Their acquaintance took place in St. Petersburg. When writing a dissertation in St. Petersburg graduate school, the scientific supervisor of the graduate student Gref, and later his mentor and patron, was Anatoly Sobchak. It was he who promoted Gref up the career ladder. In the 90s, Gref worked in the administration of the northern capital and was the chairman of the Committee for City Property Management of St. Petersburg City Hall. Then he met Vladimir Putin, Dmitry Medvedev, Alexei Kudrin, and Dmitry Kozak, and his career has gone uphill. First Minister of State Property of the Russian Federation, member of the board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. In 2016, he took third place in the Forbes magazine's list of the wealthiest managers in Russia with an income of $ 11 million. Also, in 2018, according to the same publication, he took second place in the ranking of influential Russians.
Herman Gref's family life is just as active and just as successful. A wedding ring on the finger is a symbol of an exemplary family man. Happily married for the second time with four children from two marriages. It would seem that there is nothing to complain about. But all the regalia and family life are just the tip of the iceberg, only what we are allowed to know about this person. Gref leading the lists of gay politicians in the Russian Federation is not a mistake, he earned this reputation because of his well-known relationship with Kirill Androsov, whom he promotes in politics and business out of great love. Therefore, on the fences, these two names are written together.
Strong male friendship
Kirill Androsov has been the most reliable friend and advisor of Herman Gref for several decades. He was born in Murmansk, graduated from the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University. The strong male friendship between Gref and Androsov began in 1996 with their joint work in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg under Sobchak. Later, the habit of “following Gref and being his reliable back” moved Androsov to Moscow and made him minister of economic development and trade. With the help of Gref, Androsov rose to the rank of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation under Vladimir Putin. In each of his positions, he provided Gref with “personal access” to Putin. The roles in this tandem are distributed in a clear hierarchical order. Gref is a public politician and chief economist of the Russian Federation, and Androsov, joining the boards of directors of various major companies, protects the interests of his patron. In different periods Androsov was a member of the Boards of Directors of RAO UES of Russia, OJSC Rosneft, OJSC Zarubezhneft, PetroEnergoBank, Channel One, OJSC VTB, OJSC Svyazinvest, OJSC GAO VVTs. He was Deputy Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and even a member of the Public Council under the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Since 2012, he has been a professor at the Higher School of Economics. He is a member of Russian Machines OJSC, Altera Investment Fund, Ruspetro plc, Rusnano LLC. These are by no means all the positions that Kirill Androsov has held and still holds today. Many international experts consider Kirill Androsov and his investment fund "Altera" a wallet for the unofficial income of the Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Herman Gref. And all thanks to the strong male homosexual friendship with the influential Russian politician Herman Gref.
Here is the explanation of the choice of cities for fence inscriptions: Andropov was born in Murmansk, the love of two officials was born in St.Petersburg, their unlimited opportunities for career growth and relationships strengthening was in Moscow. In Moscow, one of the inscriptions was discovered in the area of the Danilovsky market, which was bought out by Gref and Androsov, and the management as well as the development of the project was entrusted to the "secret" daughter of Kirill Androsov.
Believe what is written on the fence Gref and Androsov regularly travel the world on an airplane with a tail number RA-10204 in a typical Sberbank livery. Tracking the route of the Gulfstream G650 along the airways is practically impossible without a transponder. However, the list of places for their joint vacation in the Maldives, Singapore, Zurich, Basel, Grenoble, Abu Dhabi, Luxembourg, Karlovy Vary, Ankara, Tel Aviv, New Delhi, San Francisco, and many other parts of the world are known. A couple took private trips to Basel and the Maldives, where, far from prying eyes, two important and caring men can relax and unwind. There are many admirers of homosexual relationships among Russian politicians. Powerful and influential, they run cities, Duma parties, banks, airports, factories. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin himself considers the Russian supporters of homosexuality to be full-fledged and equal citizens of the country. And to journalists' questions about his relations with representatives of sexual minorities, the President of the Russian Federation replies that he has "absolutely normal relations" with homosexuals. In his interview with the American director Oliver Stone, Vladimir Putin said that in Russia people who lean towards non-traditional sexual orientation do not face restrictions on their freedoms: “We have no restrictions and harassment based on gender. Moreover, many people openly declare their non-traditional sexual orientation. We maintain relationships with them, many of them achieve outstanding results in their activities. They even receive state awards for their contributions. “
None of these politicians dare to come out and openly declare their sexual preferences. Instead, they hide behind first and second marriages, large families, children, and publicly criticize homosexuals and even vote against laws that protect the rights of the LGBT community. For ordinary citizens of Russia, and the entire world, their image is formed to detail. They prefer to remain silent on numerous disclosures in the media. Only occasionally there are attempts to object. For example, once banners with the text "Volodin and Gref are not gay" appeared on the streets of Moscow, but they quickly disappeared. This is the case when the denial of a fact only confirms its truth.
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Our collective isolation highlights that all forms of community are now more important than ever, and it is vital that we find mechanisms to support each other through this precarious time. In this extraordinary landscape that we have found ourselves in, it is clear that many artists, writers and thinkers are having exhibitions, opportunities and subsequent fees cancelled for the foreseeable future. In response to this, we are establishing a new project called TRANSMISSIONS. This is an online platform which will commission artists to share their work within a classic DIY TV show format.
Episode 1
| 23 April | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 24 April | 9AM GMT
w/ Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg / Bruce Bickford / CAConrad / Salvador Dali / Brice Dellsperger / Tessa Hughes-Freeland / Juliet Jacques / Sam Keogh / Jiji Kim / Quinn Latimer / Mark Leckey / Kalup Linzy / Sade Mica / Laure Prouvost / Christopher Soto / Patrick Staff / The Cockettes / TV Party / Unarius Academy of Science / Su Hui- Yu – Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali & Tai Shani Episode 2 | 30 April | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 1 May | 9AM GMT w/ Sophie Jung Episode 3 | 7 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 8 May | 9AM GMT w/ Tarek Lakhrissi – Your world is already ending Episode 4 | 14 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 15 May | 9AM GMT w/ Johanna Hedva – Tom Cruise Studies with expert guests Vivian Ia and Matthew Miller Episode 5 | 21 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 22 May | 9AM GMT w/ STRAWBERRY JAM: A LITERARY HOUR with Mykki Blanco Episode 6 | 28 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 29 May | 9AM GMT w/ CAConrad with invited poets
Season 1 of TRANSMISSIONS will run as six weekly episodes screening every Thursday at 9 pm GMT and repeated on Fridays at 9 am GMT on Twitch. The 1st episode will air on the 23rd of April 2020 which will be curated by Anne Duffau, Tai Shani and Hana Noorali. The subsequent five episodes will be hosted by invited artists. Each artist included in TRANSMISSIONS will be paid a fee in return for their contribution. With a sense of community, all the money used to pay artists in season 1 has been kindly donated by established UK art institutions and commercially stable artists.
Season 1 is funded and supported by, Artquest+DACS, BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Studio Oscar Murillo, Somerset House Studios and Wysing Arts Centre.
Episode 1 | 23 April | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 24 April | 9AM GMT
w/ Nathalie Djurberg & Hans Berg / Bruce Bickford / CAConrad / Salvador Dali / Brice Dellsperger / Tessa Hughes-Freeland / Juliet Jacques / Sam Keogh / Jiji Kim / Quinn Latimer / Mark Leckey / Kalup Linzy / Sade Mica / Laure Prouvost / Christopher Soto / Patrick Staff / The Cockettes / TV Party / Unarius Academy of Science / Su Hui- Yu – Curated by Anne Duffau, Hana Noorali & Tai Shani
Episode 2 | 30 April | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 1 May | 9AM GMT w/ Sophie Jung
Sophie Jung, The Bigger Sleep, 2019 courtesy the artist and Kunstmuseum Basel. Photo: Julian Salinas
Working across text, sculpture and performance, Sophie Jung’s work navigates the politics of re/er/re/presentation and challenges the reductive desire to conclude. Her texts unfocus on blurring scripted hegemonies and tap, hop, stammer and stumble over and across languaged powers. She employs humour, shame, the absurd, raw anger, rhythm and rhyme, slapstick, hardship, friendship and a constant stream of slippages. Her sculptural work consists of bodies made up of both found and haphazardly produced attributes and defines itself against the dogma of an Original Idea or a Universal Significance. Instead it stands as a network of abiding incompletion, an ever-changing choir of urgencies and pleasures, traumas and manifestations that communally relay between dominant and minor themes. Sophie Jung is invested in triggering a de-categorising of concepts and a deconceptualisation of categories and understands her approach to “stuff” – both legible utensil and metaphoric apparition – as an uncertain queering slash querying of historical materialism. Sophie Jung (lives and works in Basel and London) received a BFA from the Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, and a MFA from Goldsmiths, London. Recent projects and exhibitions include Sincerity Condition at Casino Luxembourg, Woman Standing at The National Gallery, Prague, Taxpayer’s Money for Frieze LIVE; Dramatis Personaea at JOAN, Los Angeles; The Bigger Sleep at Kunstmuseum Basel | Gegenwart and Block Universe, London; Come Fresh Hell or Fresh High Water at Blain Southern, London; Producing My Credentials at Kunstraum London and Paramount VS Tantamount at Kunsthalle Basel. She is currently working on solo exhibitions at E.A. Shared Space, Istituto Svizzero in Milan and Galerie Joseph Tang in Paris and works as a guest mentor at Institut Kunst, Basel.
Episode 3
| 7 May | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 8 May | 9AM GMT
w/ Tarek Lakhrissi
– Your world is already ending
Tarek Lakhrissi is a visual artist and a poet based in Paris. His works have been exhibited in Auto Italia South East (London, UK), Hayward Gallery (London, UK), Museum of Contemporary Art (Sydney, AU), Palais de Tokyo (Paris, France), Grand Palais - FIAC (Paris, FR), Lafayette Anticipations (Paris, FR), CRAC Alsace (Altkirch, FR), Artexte (Montreal, CA), Šiuolaikinio meno centras/CAC (Vilnius, LT), Espace Arlaud (Lausanne, CH), among others. He is a featured artist in the 22nd Biennale of Sydney NIRIN (2020).
Episode 4 | 14 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 15 May | 9AM GMT w/ Johanna Hedva – Tom Cruise Studies with expert guests Vivian Ia and Matthew Miller
Tom Cruise Studies is a meander of curiosity. There is no driving inquiry other than the question, "What's, like, up with Tom Cruise?" Hedva considers the various roles Cruise has played onscreen and in public, from religious zealot, to cocky upstart, to a man oppressed by his own masculinity, to couch-jumping love-nut, to an exiled actor who clawed his way back into Hollywood via a maniacal obsession with doing death-certain stunts. Joined by two expert guests, Hedva and Vivian Ia will consider the astrology charts of Cruise and L. Ron Hubbard, while Matthew Miller will share his theory that the Mission Impossible franchise is Cruise's vehicle for making public apologies to his ex-wife, Katie Holmes.
Johanna Hedva is a Korean-American writer, artist, musician, and astrologer, who was raised in Los Angeles by a family of witches, and now lives in LA and Berlin. Hedva is the author of the novel, On Hell. Their collection of poems, performances, and essays, Minerva the Miscarriage of the Brain, will be published in September 2020. Their essay, "Sick Woman Theory," published in Mask in 2016, has been translated into six languages, and their writing has appeared in Triple Canopy, frieze, The White Review, and Asian American Literary Review. Their work has been shown at The Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, Performance Space New York, the LA Architecture and Design Museum, and the Museum of Contemporary Art on the Moon, as well as featured in parrhesiades. Their album, The Sun and the Moon, was released in March 2019, and they’re currently touring Black Moon Lilith in Pisces in the 4th House, a doom metal guitar and voice performance influenced by Korean shamanist ritual.
Vivian Ia lives in Berlin. Their poetry is Pushcart-nominated and has appeared or is forthcoming in Bone Bouquet, Tiny Seed, The Gravity of the Thing, Fourteen Hills, and Berkeley Poetry Review.
Matthew Miller is a video director from Sacramento, California. He works in both live-action and animation to create short films and commercial projects. In the last four years, he’s directed a series of short films for The Getty Museum with artists and authors such as Ellsworth Kelly, Yo-Yo Ma, Mary Beard, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Ed Ruscha. He is currently in quarantine with his wife and Snoopy-esque dog, Millie, in Hawaiian Gardens, California, where he has been dividing his time between starting a garden and collecting ideas for a film project.
Episode 5
| 21 May | 9PM GMT
REPLAY | 22 May | 9AM GMT
Mykki Blanco
Join musician Mykki Blanco for an hour of music and poetry readings. Spoken word, lyrical breakdowns, a presentation on two 20th century American literary figures Bob Kaufman & Mina Loy as well as a first time listen to new unreleased musical project.
Episode 6 | 28 May | 9PM GMT REPLAY | 29 May | 9AM GMT w/ CAConrad with invited poets
CAConrad's latest book JUPITER ALIGNMENT: (Soma)tic Poetry Rituals, is forthcoming from Ignota Books in 2020. The author of 9 books of poetry and essays, While Standing in Line for Death (Wave Books), won the 2018 Lambda Book Award. They also received a 2019 Creative Capital grant as well as a Pew Fellowship, the Believer Magazine Book Award, and the Gil Ott Book Award. They regularly teach at Columbia University in New York City, and Sandberg Art Institute in Amsterdam. Please view their books, essays, recordings, and the documentary The Book of Conrad (Delinquent Films) online at http://bit.ly/88CAConrad
"CAConrad's poems invite the reader to become an agent in a joint act of recovery, to step outside of passivity and propriety and to become susceptible to the illogical and the mysterious." ---Tracy K. Smith, New York Times.
Thank you to:
All contributing artists, writers, poets, composers and thinkers; Maxwell Sterling; Adam Sinclair; Lori E. Allen; Artsquest. An artist-run programme that uses research about visual artists’ working conditions to provide support for professional artists; DACS; BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art; Studio Oscar Murillo; Somerset House Studios; Wysing Arts Centre; Cabinet Gallery; Lisson Gallery & Max Bossier
TRANSMISSIONS collective is composed of:
Anne Duffau
is a cultural producer, researcher, and founder of A---Z, an exploratory/nomadic curatorial platform exploring artistic practices and knowledge exchange through collaborations, presentations, soundscapes, screenings and discussions. She has collaborated with a range of projects and organisations including ArtLicks, Southwark Park Galleries, Mimosa House and Danielle Arnaud Gallery, London Please Stand By, or-bits .com, PAF Olomouc Czech Republic & Tenderflix. Anne has previously run the StudioRCA Riverlight, London programme (2016-2018) and is currently the interim curator at Wysing Arts Center, a Tutor at the School of Arts and Humanities, and is the acting Lead in Critical Practice, within the Royal College of Art’s Contemporary Art Practice Programme. She has performed live music under Alpha through a number of projects and collaborations.
Hana Noorali
is an independent curator and writer based in London. In 2019 she was selected (together with Lynton Talbot) to realise an exhibition at The David Roberts Foundation as part of their annual curator’s series. She curated Lisson Presents at Lisson Gallery, London from 2017-2018 and from 2017 -2019, produced and presented the podcast series Lisson ON AIR. In 2018 Hana edited a monograph on the work of artist and Benedictine Monk, Dom Sylvester Houédard. Its release coincided with an exhibition of his work at Lisson Gallery, New York that she co-curated with Matt O’Dell. In 2007, she co-founded a non-profit project space and curatorial collective called RUN active until 2011. In 2020 Hana and her curatorial partner Lynton Talbot will be publishing an anthology that examines the intersection of poetry and film with (p) (prototype).
Tai Shani
is an artist living and working in London. She is the joint 2019 Turner Prize winner together with Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Helen Cammock and Oscar Murillo. In 2019 Tai was a Max Mara prize nominee. Her work has been shown at Turner Contemporary, UK (2019); Grazer Kunst Verein, Austria (2019); Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Italy (2019); Glasgow International, UK (2018); Wysing Arts Centre, UK (2017); Serpentine Galleries, London (2016); Tate, London (2016); Yvonne Lambert Gallery, Berlin (2016) and Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin (2016).
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Traces of use (and a Pilgrim’s badge!) in a well-traveled Book of Hours
Fifty-two discoveries from the BiblioPhilly project, No. 12/52
Book of Hours, Use of Rome, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Department of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs, 1945‑65‑11, beginnings and miniatures for suffrages to Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Anthony Abbot, pp. 277 and 279
Last week, we looked at the fanfare-style binding of a dainty yet otherwise apparently relatively unremarkable Book of Hours produced in France in the mid-fifteenth century. Yet the book’s pages actually contains a whole variety of additional clues as to its early use. These seemingly small traces showcase several of the kinds of early ownership information we can sometimes extract when we look closely at a Books of Hours. Amazingly, all of this evidence existed within the book before it was given its current, eye-catchingly tooled binding at the end of the sixteenth century.
1945‑65‑11, full-page miniature of Saint Adrian with interlaced initials I-Z and effaced coat-of-arms, p. 286 (with detail)
For example, a full-page miniature on the book’s final page bears a handsome-yet-damaged image of Saint Adrian of Nicomedia (recognizable by his anvil and lion), backed by a cloth-of-honor set within a Gothic architectural space and surrounded by an emblematic border, each bearing the unidentified interlaced initials “I-Z.” A coat-of-arms, unfortunately obliterated, is set below the miniature. This image was likely added to the book in the last two decades of the fifteenth century, either in Northern France or the Netherlands, judging by the general style of the miniature. The specific details of Adrian’s fur-lined cap and armor, the latter painted with powdered silver pigment that has oxidized to black, also point to a date slightly before the year 1500. Note the similarities and differences with this image of Saint Adrian by the Master of Jacques of Luxembourg, dated to between 1466 and 1470.
1945‑65‑11, end of “Obsecro te” prayer with early ownership inscription, p. 262 (with detail)
On page 262, the book contains a crude, barely decipherable ownership inscription that seems to read: “Votre serviteur Jeanne.” A suffrage to Saint Michael is indicated by a rubric on this page, but it has been excised. Clearly, the book was subject to some modifications early in its lifetime. There are also a number of prayers added to the text by an early, yet not original hand, mostly relating to the Conception of Christ.
1945‑65‑11, inscription referring to Hippolyta Maria, duchess of Calabria, p. 34
Most interesting of all are two details, both on p. 34. In a careful but not necessarily professional hand, in Italian, we read “La nostra cara sorella che ne ama più che si stessa Hippolyta Maria duchessa de Calabria.” If this is an ownership mark, it must refer to either Ippolita Maria Sforza (1446-1484), wife of Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, or her granddaughter, Ippolita Sforza (1493-1501), who died at the tender age of eight while engaged to Ferdinand of Aragón, Duke of Calabria. Is it an autograph signature, however, or is it merely making reference to “our dear sister who loves others more than herself”? More research into the handwriting of these individuals may provide an answer.
1945‑65‑11, outline of sewing holes for a lead or tin pilgrim badge, p. 34 (detail)
But perhaps most remarkably of all, on the lower left side of the same page as the Italian inscription, a faint, bust-shaped mark is visible. This pattern is the outline of sewing holes once used to attach a lead or tin pilgrim’s badge to the page. This practice is attested in other, much more famous books, and it migrated into virtual marginal representations in certain Netherlandish Books of Hours as well.[1] Below are examples of: A), actual pilgrim badges still sewn into the flyleaves of a book; B), multiple offsets of pilgrim badges similar in appearance to ours, and: C), illusionistically painted badges in the border of a so-called Ghent-Bruges style manuscript. Perhaps a detailed look through the Kunera pilgrim badge database will yield some potential candidates for badges that might match our (former) badge in terms of shape and size. As is evident from the pattern left on the page, it consisted of a haloed head and bust, possibly representing Christ. Happy hunting, insignophiles!
A) Book of Hours, Bruges, c. 1440–1460. The Hague, Royal Library of the Netherlands, 77 L 60, fols. 97v–98r (surviving sewn-in pilgrim badges)
B) Book of Hours, Netherlands, c. 1450–1500. San Marino, Huntington Library, Garrett HM 1136, fol. 1r (offsets from sewn-in pilgrim badges)
C) Book of Hours of Engelbert of Nassau, Netherlands, c. 1470–1490. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 219, fol. 16v (illusionistic pilgrim badges)
[1] There is an extensive literature on pilgrim badges in Books of Hours. See, with additional bibliography, Megan Foster-Campbell, “Pilgrimage through the Pages: Pilgrims’ Badges in Late Medieval Devotional Manuscripts,” in Push Me, Pull You: Imaginative and Emotional Interaction in Late Medieval and Renaissance Art, edited by Sarah Blick and Laura D. Gelfand (Leiden: Brill, 2011), 227–76; Hanneke Van Asperen, Pelgrimstekens op perkament: Originele en nageschilderde bedevaartssouvenirs in religieuze boeken (c. 1450-c. 1530) (Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press, 2010); Isabel von Bredow-Klaus, “Heilsrahmen: spirituelle Wallfahrt und Augentrug in der flämischen Buchmalerei des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit” (unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Trier, 2003); Kurt Köster, “Gemalte Kollektionen von Pilgerzeichen Und Religiösen Medaillen in Flämischen Gebet- Und Stundenbüchern Des 15. Und Frühen 16. Jahrhunderts: Neue Funde in Handschriften Der Gent-Brügger Schule,” in Liber Amicorum Herman Liebaers, edited by France Vanwijngaerden (Brussels: Crédit Communal de Belgique, 1984), 485–535.
from WordPress http://bibliophilly.pacscl.org/traces-of-use-and-a-pilgrims-badge-in-a-well-travelled-book-of-hours/
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The history of photography is shaped not only by the people who make the pictures but those who preserve their work and their legacies. In a world where the art market feeds a compulsion to buy and sell, to trade art like a commodity, the words of Oscar Wilde may spring to mind: “Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.”
But once upon a time, it was not so. The collector was a person of tremendous importance and influence, supporting not only the artist in the tradition of patronage, but transforming the landscapes of history and art. Gallerist Howard Greenberg is one such person who understand this point of view, having not only helped establish the medium of photography in the haughty market of art, but having established a collection whose value extends far beyond the pallid discussion of price.
The new exhibition Viewpoints: Photographs from the Howard Greenberg Collection, on view at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston through December 15, 2019, presents 150 highlights from a group of 446 recently acquired images that showcases some of the most important pictures made during the twentieth century.
Read the Full Story at Feature Shoot
Top: Young girl in profile, 1948. Consuelo Kanaga (American, 1894–1978) Photograph, gelatin silver print. The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum. Leonian Charitable Trust © Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York. *Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
Bottom: Gloria Swanson,1924. Edward Steichen (American (born in Luxembourg), 1879–1973) Photograph, gelatin silver print. The Howard Greenberg Collection—Museum purchase with funds donated by the Phillip Leonian and Edith Rosenbaum. Leonian Charitable Trust © Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York. *Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
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