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pier-carlo-universe · 2 months ago
L'ombra della piramide: intrighi e mistero nell’Egitto Romano. Claudio Rossi racconta le vicende di Svetonio, medico legionario, tra pericoli e segreti nell’antichità. Recensione di Alessandria today
Trama. Ambientato durante il regno dell’imperatore Traiano, L’Ombra della Piramide di Claudio Rossi prosegue le vicende di Svetonio, un medico legionario della XXII legione, nel terzo volume della serie Svetonio, un medico nell’Egitto Romano.
Trama.Ambientato durante il regno dell’imperatore Traiano, L’Ombra della Piramide di Claudio Rossi prosegue le vicende di Svetonio, un medico legionario della XXII legione, nel terzo volume della serie Svetonio, un medico nell’Egitto Romano. Tutto inizia con il ritrovamento di un antico papiro egiziano, il diario di Svetonio, che rivela dettagli sulla sua vita, le sue abilità nel preparare…
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bm-ancient-art · 4 years ago
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Papyrus Inscribed in Greek, October 21, 137 C.E., Brooklyn Museum: Egyptian, Classical, Ancient Near Eastern Art
Petition to a Strategos. Fragmentary papyrus inscribed on the recto with twenty-eight lines of Greek. A petition to the strategos of the Heriklidou Meris of the Arsinoite Nome concerning fraud and theft. Size: Glass: 7 1/16 x 11 9/16 in. (18 x 29.3 cm) Object: 4 x 8 1/4 in. (10.1 x 21 cm) Medium: Papyrus, ink
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wal-haz · 5 years ago
"In sanctuaries dedicated to the dynastic cult, offerings could be made by Ptolemaic officials or by ambitious locals. In this way loyalty to the regime was put on display, and through the dedications the power of the Ptolemies was paraded and reinforced. So, on the island of Thera one Artemidorus, son of Apollonius from Perge, left his mark on the landscape. He may have held some official position within the Ptolemaic army or the administration, but if he did this remains unknown. Sometime in the reign of Ptolemy III, Artemidorus dedicated the small sanctuary to King Ptolemy and his forebears in an important location, on the main route between the agora and the temple of Apollo Karneios. And Artemidorus was not alone. Many similar dedications were made throughout the Ptolemaic empire.
One particular royal cult was transposed overseas with notable success. This was the cult of Queen Arsinoe II, the sister-wife of Ptolemy II. The initiative may have come from Alexandria, where already during her lifetime the cult of Ptolemy II and his queen as the Theoi Adelphoi was added to that of Alexander in 272/271. Arsinoe herself became the brother-loving goddess, as found for instance in the name of the new settlement of Philadelphia in the Arsinoite nome in Egypt, known also as ‘the village of (the goddess) Philadelphos’. On the coast close to Alexandria, Arsinoe's cult as the goddess Aphrodite Zephyritis or Euploia was established by the admiral Callicrates. Celebrated in the poetry of Posidippus, Arsinoe was a goddess well suited to maritime export. She was worshipped widely in the overseas empire of the Ptolemies and, on one remarkable occasion, her influence was recorded in a matter of policy. The large number of new foundations or refoundations named Arsinoe, both at home and overseas, is a testimony to the popularity of this particular Ptolemaic goddess. In its many forms and different ways, cult of members of the Ptolemaic dynasty joined the garrisons and royal officials in serving to support their empire overseas." (from The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile by Kostas Buraselis, Mary Stefanou, Dorothy J. Thompson)
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be1961 · 3 years ago
Have you visited...the great Egypt..we deliver its beauty to you.Do you ...its history Sobek enjoyed a long-term presence in the family of Egyptian gods. From the ancient state (2686-2181 BC) through the Roman period (30 BC - 350 BC) he remained a deity with various attributes. It is known for the first time from several chapters of the famous Pyramids texts in the Old Kingdom, especially from chapter 317. Which describes the king praising him as a living embodiment of this crocodile god, including:Unas is a green-feathered sobek, with a warning face and a raised forehead, the rush that came from the thigh and tail of the great goddess in the sunshine... Unas has appeared Kasbak, son of Nate, and will eat Unas with his mouth, Unas will urinate and Unas will sleep with his penis, Unas He is the master of semen, who takes women from their husbands to the place of Unas as he loves according to the whims of his heart.Scholars debate the origin of his name, but many believe that it derives from the causal verb "to fertilize", from intercourse.And as Sobek was worshiped in the Old Kingdom, it also gained a prominent position in the Middle Kingdom (2050-1650 BC), especially during the reign of the kings of the Twelfth Dynasty, specifically Amenemhat III, who paid special attention to the Faiyum region, an area associated with closely related to yours. Amenemhat and many other kings of the dynasty built many projects to strengthen Sobek's authority as a deity, most of which were built in Fayoum. During this period, Sobek also underwent an important change: he was often united with the god Horus. This brought Sobek closer to the kings of Egypt, which gave him a more important position among the Egyptian deities. This union added another level of complexity to the nature of this deity, as Sobek was adopted into the trinity of Horus and his parents: Osiris and Isis.Sobek first acquired his role as a sun deity through his relationship with Horus, but this was reinforced in later periods with the advent of Sobek-Ra, a combination of Sobek and the chief sun deity Ra. Sobek Hor continued as a figure in the modern state (1550-1069 BC), but Sobekre did not come to the fore until the late Egyptian dynasties or in the late period. This understanding of God continued after the fall of the last Egyptian dynasties in the eras of Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt (332 BC - 390 AH). The prestige of both Sobek and Sobekre was increasing in this time period and great importance was attached to him - both through the expansion of his temples and through religious research to bring this deity to the height of his power in the faith itself.worship him The entire area of ​​Faiyum - the "Land of the Lake" as it was known in ancient Egypt (referring specifically to Lake Qarun) - served as the center of Sobek's cult. Most of the Fayyum cities developed their own local versions of this deity, such as Sobek Neptunes in Umm al-Braijat, Sobku Nokuni in Kom al-Atl, and Soxe at an unknown location in the region. At Kom Osim, two forms of the deity were worshiped: Yneferus and Petsuchus. There, mummified crocodiles were used as sacred objects by Petsuchus.Sobek Shedite, patron of the central capital at Faiyum, Crocodilopolis (or Shedet as it was called in ancient Egyptian), was the most prominent form of the deity. Extensive structures were made in honor of Sobek at Shedet, and it was the capital of the entire Arsinoite (Fayum Province in Greco-Roman times) and thus the most important city in the region. It is believed that efforts to expand the main temple of Sobek were initially prompted by Ptolemy II. Specialized priests in the main temple at Shedet were only employed to serve Sobek, and held titles such as "Priest of the Crocodile Gods" and "He Who Buryes the Corpses of Crocodile Gods in the Land of the Lake".Outside of Faiyum, Kom Ombo, in southern Egypt, was the largest center of Sobek worship, especially during the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Kom Ombo is located about 30 miles (48 km) north of Aswan, and a large temple was built there during the Greco-Roman period (332 BC - 395 AH). The temple at this site was called "Bar Sobek", meaning "the House of Sobek".Attributes and surrounding mythology....
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saraneumayer · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
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See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/HADRIAN-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Arsinoite-nome-in-Egypt-w-PHARAOH-i71223/232917767267?hash=item363afb1463:g:d9oAAOSwWo5bkH1B
eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Authentic-Ancient-Greek-Roman-Coins
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223 is courtesy of Roman History Site
from Authentic Ancient Greek Roman Coins - Feed http://www.authenticancientgreekromancoins.co.technology/2018/09/06/hadrian-authentic-ancient-roman-coin-arsinoite-nome-in-egypt-w-pharaoh-i71223/ via http://www.authenticancientgreekromancoins.co.technology
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dominictauchert · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
Item just listed on eBay here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/HADRIAN-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Arsinoite-nome-in-Egypt-w-PHARAOH-i71223/232917767267?hash=item363afb1463:g:d9oAAOSwWo5bkH1B
September 05, 2018 at 03:05PM
from WordPress https://dominictauchertblog.wordpress.com/2018/09/06/hadrian-authentic-ancient-roman-coin-arsinoite-nome-in-egypt-w-pharaoh-i71223/
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nyccoindealer · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
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brockrentoul · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/HADRIAN-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Arsinoite-nome-in-Egypt-w-PHARAOH-i71223/232917767267?hash=item363afb1463:g:d9oAAOSwWo5bkH1B
eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Authentic-Ancient-Greek-Roman-Coins
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
September 05, 2018 at 04:05PM from Ancient Coin Investing and Collecting www.trustedcoins.com - Feed http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com/2018/09/06/hadrian-authentic-ancient-roman-coin-arsinoite-nome-in-egypt-w-pharaoh-i71223/ via http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com from Fastchariot Rareancientcoins https://fastchariotcoins.tumblr.com/post/177785030070 via https://fastchariotcoins.tumblr.com/
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natebeaurepaire · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/HADRIAN-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Arsinoite-nome-in-Egypt-w-PHARAOH-i71223/232917767267?hash=item363afb1463:g:d9oAAOSwWo5bkH1B
eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Authentic-Ancient-Greek-Roman-Coins
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
September 05, 2018 at 09:05PM
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223 Read more on: RARE Genuine Ancient Greek and Roman Coins and More
from Ancient Greek Roman Coins - Feed http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com/2018/09/06/hadrian-authentic-ancient-roman-coin-arsinoite-nome-in-egypt-w-pharaoh-i71223/ via http://www.ancientgreekromancoins.com from Ragegold Ancientcointrader https://raregoldancientcointrader.tumblr.com/post/177785024825 via https://raregoldancientcointrader.tumblr.com/
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fastchariotcoins · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
See it here here: https://www.ebay.com/itm/HADRIAN-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Arsinoite-nome-in-Egypt-w-PHARAOH-i71223/232917767267?hash=item363afb1463:g:d9oAAOSwWo5bkH1B
eBay Store: http://stores.ebay.com/Authentic-Ancient-Greek-Roman-Coins
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POST BY: Mr. Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer of authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine, biblical world coins & more.
September 05, 2018 at 04:05PM from Ancient Coin Investing and Collecting www.trustedcoins.com - Feed http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com/2018/09/06/hadrian-authentic-ancient-roman-coin-arsinoite-nome-in-egypt-w-pharaoh-i71223/ via http://www.ancientcoininvesting.com
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mgann-morzz · 6 years ago
HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223
To see HADRIAN Authentic Ancient Roman Coin Arsinoite (nome) in Egypt w PHARAOH i71223 visit: https://www.ebay.com/itm/HADRIAN-Authentic-Ancient-Roman-Coin-Arsinoite-nome-in-Egypt-w-PHARAOH-i71223/232917767267?hash=item363afb1463:g:d9oAAOSwWo5bkH1B
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plinyknowsbest · 5 years ago
Lacimurga that the Jactum, the Arsinoite and that from the world by Xerxes there are softened with a fire is that is found
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plinyknowsbest · 5 years ago
Arsinoite and that of eleven belonging to strengthen the yellow colour, leaving any rate in sowing immediately friable, whereas
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plinyknowsbest · 6 years ago
Arsinoite district of the Men struck out luxuriously.
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plinyknowsbest · 6 years ago
In tertians the bite when they are treated leprous sores with honey, then combined with the first the Arsinoite district
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plinyknowsbest · 6 years ago
The slightly acid pomegranates to the Arsinoite district of Magnesia that is more slanting path made up with curdled is antaphrodisiac.
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