#Ars Bael
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chimeride · 5 months ago
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𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔅𝔞𝔢𝔩
"The first Principal Spirit is a King ruling in the East, called Bael. He maketh thee to go Invisible. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Infernal Spirits. He appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat, sometimes like a Toad, and sometimes like a Man, and sometimes all these forms at once. He speaketh hoarsely.
Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis. The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King
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dee-daa · 4 months ago
do you think asmodeus doesn't shower because his natural scent is an aphrodisiac and it being more smelly makes it more effective?
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rann-poisoncage · 2 years ago
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sec-heriablangel · 3 months ago
"Hello Vassago..."
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rileylfox · 7 days ago
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Court of Oriens Bathin, Agares, Foras, and Crocell
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indragonsaur · 1 year ago
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Halloween 2023 from mammon and Bael
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partikron · 1 year ago
Gundam Bael and Demonology - Iron Blooded Orphans Spoilers:
All of the 72 Gundam frames in Iron Blooded Orphans are named after demons found in various grimoires and demonological texts, most famously the Ars Goetia in the Lesser Key of Solomon. The Gundam Bael is especially important to McGillis Fareed's master plan in Season 2, but who is Bael in the Lesser Key and elsewhere?
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The name "Bael" clearly connects the demon to the Canaanite deity Ba'al (an honorific term meaning something like "lord" usually used for the rain, fertility and storm deity Hadad), a deity that was something of a cultural and cultic rival to the worshippers of Yahweh in the area, a rivalry that's easy to pick up on if you read the Old Testament or stumble on fundamentalist conspiracy theories. Like many deities that were competing against Yahweh for followers, Ba'al became a demon in Judeo-Christian mythology and demonology.
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In the Lesser Key of Solomon, Bael is said to appear as a man, cat, toad, or even a combo of such, and the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum of Johann Weyer says he will appear with the heads of all three (as you can see above in an illustration found in the Dictionnaire Infernal, another grimoire of note). Bael is said to have 66 legions of spirits under his command, and is often described as a "hoarsely-voiced king" with the power to make men invisible, etc.
Personally, I think IBO made a huge mistake by not making the Bael Gundam frame three-headed and grotesque, but that's just me.
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bradsmindbrain · 2 years ago
What 1,500 Years on Estrogen does to a MF
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tenshiharmonia · 2 years ago
With the "new" episode introducing Bee(lzebub) as Vortex' girlfriend, there seems to be a trend among the top dogs of Hell (no pun intended) of being rather chill and down-to-earth individuals who ultimately don't really care about the etiquette that comes with their status (for the most part, at least). I mean, in a way, it's quite logical. After all, they preside over earthly desires. But it's quite amusing when compared to the elite that sits right under them in the infernal hierarchy. Those like Paimon or Stella, who always appear hellbent (once again, no pun intended) on reminding everyone around them of their own nobility. Like, remember when Stella was berating Stolas for thinking about fucking an imp in a motel ? Maybe you should revise your standards, honey (no. pun. intended !).
(Also, the sigil that appears on the title card and during the musical number seems to confirm that, in the HB universe, Bael - the demon king mentioned in the Ars Goetia - and Beelzebub - the patron demon of Gluttony - are indeed one and the same. Which isn't that surprising, considering the intertwined origins of the two figures. In fact, were they to appear in the show, I was myself contemplating the possibility for those two to have some form of connection, although my personal guess would have been for Bael to be the nasty patriarch of the Goetia family, and for Beelzebub to be his impossibly powerful daughter who rose even higher than him... Still, the show's decision to conflate the two is pretty hilarious when one remember what Bael is said to look like in the book. XD )
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magonianstampcollecting · 7 months ago
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All hail our once, present, and future king!
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spookysugarlove · 1 year ago
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marthalmary · 18 days ago
Night is not for sleeping
it's for making weird shit like this
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sec-heriablangel · 4 months ago
King Bael and King President Zagan (My HB Versions or HB OCs)
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1. King Bael (The first king of Ars Goetia)
2. King President Zagan (The King President of Ars Goetia and Zestial's older cousin figure)
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stephansombra · 4 months ago
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indragonsaur · 1 year ago
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Demontober 2023 Day 6: King Bael
Bael is ranked as the first of the Ars Goetia and principal king of Hell, ruling over the East along with being the head of the infernal powers. Bael is the first of the 72 Spirits of King Solomon and governs 66 to 250 legions of demons and spirits.
While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull, the demon Bael was in grimoire tradition said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof with the appearance of a king or soldier or with the heads of the three creatures onto a set of spider legs. He is able to make his conjurer invisible.
Bael was amongst the order of high angels that joined the ranks of Lucifer during the War in Heaven only to be cast out alongside his fallen cohorts into the abyss which was then formed into and established as Hell. His activities in Heaven were unknown but according to the Zohar, Baal was equal in rank to the archangel Raphael.
After the governing system was set, Bael became a Duke of Hell, with 66 legions of demons under his command. Bael was originally prominent King of Hell before being overtaken by Belial. In the Livre des Esperitz, Bael is described as a king ruled by Orient (Oriens), still possessing the power of invisibility, as well as the power to garner the favor of others, but ruling over only six legions of demons.
Sloane MS 3824 mentions Baal, in "Of the Demon Rulers," as a king ruled by Oriens, attributed with teaching science, granting invisibility, and controlling 250 legions of spirits. Bael appears in later editions of the Grimoire of Pope Honorius, under Astaroth, as a prince whose powers include (again) invisibility and popularity. According to Rudd, Bael is opposed by the Shemhamphorasch angel Vehuiah. It is also believed in the Grand Grimoire that he is a direct subordinate of Lucifuge.
He was an agricultural and fertility deity of Canaan. Many minor deities of ancient Syria and Persia carried the name Baal, which means “the lord.”
According to the Canaanites, Baal was the son of El, the High God of Canaan. He was the lord of life and ruled the death-rebirth cycle. He engaged in a battle with Mot (death) and was slain and sent to the underworld. The crops withered, until Baal’s sister, Anat, the maiden goddess of love, found his body and gave it proper burial. The Canaanites worshipped Baal by sacrificing children by burning.
The term "Baal" is used in various ways in the Old Testament, with the usual meaning of master, or owner. It came to sometimes mean the local pagan god of a particular people, and at the same time all of the idols of the land. The name is drawn from the Canaanite deity Baal mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as the primary god of the Phoenicians.
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somemushroomguy · 1 year ago
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