#Armor Aluminium
dergarabedian · 1 year
¿Cuál es el mejor celular?: Galaxy S23 Ultra vs iPhone 14 Pro Max
¿Cuál es el mejor celular? Apple y Samsung se encuentran en la cima de sus respectivos ecosistemas de teléfonos móviles. En el caso de Apple porque es el único ecosistema, lo que significa que se compararán mientras existan. Continue reading Untitled
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freakyslittleshop · 1 year
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“You can’t escape me! BLUE SHELL!”
Everyone was like; omg, I love Lumalee, but not me. I was obsessed with this psychopath! 💙🐢
He took me over 70 hours to make. He’s both a plushie project as well as a cosplay project. I have never made armor out of foam before.😂
He stands approximately 70cm tall (17”). His wings are retractable and his helmet can also be removed.
He’s made out of fleece, foam, aluminium wire and lots of love! 💙
He was definitely my most difficult plushie I’ve ever made and I’m so proud of him!!
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usaarmorshop · 7 months
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Aluminium Hood Chain mail Coif Medieval Reenactment Armor SCA LARP Chain Mail Hood Coif Replica Cosplay Fantasy Costume @uketsyshop.com @anibalworkshop.com
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warningsine · 2 months
But nobody had more secrets–or prowled those gray areas better– than KALINDA SHARMA, the firm’s tough, savvy, leather-wrapped private investigator. For my money, she was not just the most interesting character on the show–over her six year run on the show she was arguably most entertaining and consistently intriguing private eye on American television.
In fact, despite the numerous modern touches (data banks, computer hacking, cellphone taps and the oh-so-modern nods to her ambiguous sexuality), Kalinda is in many ways a throwback to the genre’s roots.
As played by Archie (Bend It like Beckham) Panjabi, she presented a tightly wound professionalism rarely seen in the genre these days, never mind on mainstream television. The leather she sported was not the skin-clinging stuff of adolescent centerfold fantasy (although she certainly wore it well). Rather, she wore it like armor; a thick shell to keep the world at bay.
Her antecedents weren’t nice guys like Jim Rockford or Thomas Magnum. Nope, her roots went back much further, back to a time when private eyes weren’t automatically expected to be warm and cuddly.
Professionally she wasn’t just cold–she was Hammett-cold. Hard and brassy when she had to be. Hell, the way she dispassionately worked her cases, facing down her enemies without flinching,  and standing up to violence and staring it straight in the eye, she could be The Continental Op‘s illegitimate daughter.
But she wasn’t a one-note character, either.
A shrewd and clever investigator, she’d do whatever and go wherever it took (from dumpster diving to infiltrating high school locker rooms to, yes, sleeping with someone to pry information from them) to get what she wanted. She was a breath of fresh air and surprising complexity and moral ambiguity in a television genre that too often treats even major characters as shallow stick figures whose entire essence is delineated by the first commercial break.
The more we’re told about Kalinda, it turns out, the less we actually know.
Like much of the show, it’s not just her loyalty, ethics, allegiances and motives that are ultimately shaded in ambivalence–her personal life is also somewhere in the “don’t ask, don’t tell” area.
Is she a dispassionate hard ass who only lives for the job? Or an anything-goes party girl? Is she a lesbian? Bisexual? Straight as a crooked arrow? Non-binary? Asexual?
During her six years on the show, it was always hard to tell to pin down Kalinda. How much was really her and how much was simply a convenient persona to slip into?
But it was that frostiness, coupled with the murkiness of her background and her hard-boiled professionalism that kept me coming back. In  the first season, it was revealed that she used to work for Peter, but she seemed willing to sell him out to his political enemies. Or was she?
In the second season, however, Kalinda really came into her own, even as the veneer of her personal life oh-so-slowly started to slip. A merger brought Blake (Scott Porter), a professional rival, into the firm, but it was instantly obvious these two were not going to get along, either personally or professionally. And matters were exacerbated when Blake began to taunt Kalinda, dropping hints that he knew all about her past. Lucky him. We sure didn’t.
Suffice it to say she didn’t take it well. Given her buttoned-down aloofness, Kalinda’s hands-on attack on Blake’s unprotected car with a aluminium baseball bat is shocking and unsettling. But even giving into rage she’s still enough of a hard-ass to challenge a witness who stumbles her impulsive act of vandalism in the deserted parking garage. “What the hell are you looking at?” she demands of the awestruck citizen. “Call the police!”
And then, as the citizen scurries off to alert the authorites, she continues to destroy the car.
Now that’s cold.
Later on that season an old lover, Donna (brilliantly played by Lili Tyler), also shows up, with an unspecified axe to grind, although it has something to do with Kalinda not being “domestic” enough–whatever that means.
Alas, in the last few years of her run on the show, Kalinda’s screen time was severely reduced (she below), and she became just another great character in a show full of them.
Those last few years were particularly disappointing, but even then, Kalinda was always absolutely riveting to watch, the held-in-check ambivalence and ambiguity a facet of her evolving character; not a cookie cutter substitute for actual depth.
Imagine! An old fashioned gumshoe, actually working cases on behalf of a client. No ghostly visitors providing convenient clues, no psychic baloney, no CSI voodoo, no burned spies, no OC cases, no human lie detectors, no personal agendas on every single case – just a hard-boiled dick who gets hired to investigate and actually works cases.
How long has it been since we’ve seen THAT?
Her much trumpeted farewell, with Kalinda betraying a violent drug dealer in an attempt to protect her friends, ends with her facing off against the dealer’s slimy toad of a lawyer, who realizes what a ruthless piece of work she is. He asks her, almost in desperation–his own days may be numbered– if she’s consider teaming up with him.
“No, I’m good,” she says, her last lines of a six-year run.
No, she was great.
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pesoglav · 1 year
People flapping their gums about Eastern European (Slavic can be used interchangeably in this case) armies not being competent or intelligent enough to use western weapons systems are the same ones that don't understand the whole Warsaw pact and USSR battle doctrine was, nuke everything first then potentially mop up whats left of the west's armies. The BMP is not resistant to 50cal fire to the sides and the BMD is a zinc coffin on tracks with its aluminium aloy armor ranging from 7mm to 33mm depending on which iteration in the family you are looking at.
Effective training and changing of doctrine need time to take hold, and especially you need to consider the fact that modern weapon systems and gear require a little bit more maintenance than their Warsaw pact counterparts.
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makahimetenshi · 1 year
Addicted to Chems - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor Fanfic
-Why do you keep consuming that stuff you know that’s junk for your body, even your druggie friends says the same
-Come on you know I only do it for fights
Thing is they where constantly fighting.
After menacing elder Maxson to kill himself if anything happens to Danse, both were spared, well, one exiled, the other one on watch but technically spared. The ex-Paladin had a very delicate situation explaining to himself and the world why he feeled so alone and abandoned and…to make him understand that his life was worthy because there was people that loved him and would cry for his loss Nate took the chance to confess when the opportunity arrived, yes, maybe he wouldn’t confess in the middle of a existencial crisis but it was a right chance to give the man something after loosing everything.
And also his head had been crazy looking for chances to have something with the Paladin. Nate had a growing feeling in his chest since the moment he decided to make the Paladin his companion. Never, never, never had fallen in love or thought about romance with another man, never even feeled attracted but…Danse hit him differently, unexpected.
Nate didn’t thought about being this close with anybody after…what happened to his wife, he promised himself that his only worries would be Shaun and the vengeance of Nora but…it was stronger than him, love is strong, love hits you like a rock in the head and you cant avoid how it makes you feel.
Sometimes, he felt guilty, for betraying Nora like this, he saw her die in front of his eyes not so long ago, a few months in his eyes, Shaun, the gift Nora gave him was now somekind of monster and he didn’t resolve that situation yet , not even a year later he find a new romance and it feels…awfull…Nora was the love of his life and having a growing feeling for another person so…fast…really messed up with his head in guilt and desesperation.
It wasn’t loneliness, Nate managed that well, fighting and looking and learning and doing everything to survive and found Saun, it was something else, he was convinced it was pure love, the kind of love you don’t expect to happened and it just too perfect how it became true. Never think himself with a man and…one day he cant stop thinking on how much he missed just walking with Danse.
The Paladin was great, intelligent, strong, resistant, had a great determination to work…Nate appreciated how the man wasn’t a burden, they were at the same level, he did care and worry about Danse but clearly the Paladin was strong and smart, and that was so reliefing considering how difficult and aggressive his…schedule is day by day.
Some other days, when they were together, Nate found himself looking at Danse and thinking on how handsome it was, even when he never looked a man like that.
Of course, he would confess in another moment, more appropriate for both, but he was happy it happened anyway, and that Danse accepted his feelings in such a personal moment. Clearly the man was willing to make a new life now that his previous one was flipped up.
-You are taking buffout now to be more strong and carry more junk
-Well I want to repair my power-armor and i need this aluminium so…
-Let me carry it! I can help you! Offered you many times!
-What? No way! Im not gonna bother you with this cans, it wouldn’t be appropriate, besides you talk like I have a problem with chems
-You do have a problem with chems
-Im so sorry for being the druggie boyfriend –Danse rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed- come on! Its only for practical purposes! I don’t do mentats for example! That ones are for loosers that cant talk to a girl!
It was true, Nate only takes chems for certains situations, like a fight, or to escape from a situation, to avoid radiation and be stronger, to have more endurance…to carry more weight…
-Well you don’t need them! None of this crap!
-Hey when I get addicted as soon as I can we go to a doctor to fix it, even in the Brotherhood it was normal to do chems according to Knight Cade
-Well it wasn’t exactly a good thing for him to make you know that…
-If people thinks that doing chems is normal and not that bad it would cost personal and resources to the Brotherhood, interfiering with the day by day chores…
-Come on even at the Institute they do chems, once even pay me with it–Danse looked at him bad- Look I was in the military too, before you small youngling –the man laughted, loved when Nate do that joke about their ages- we didn’t do drugs back then, there where a lot of test anti-dopping and the consequences for being positive where so severe –Oh no, the pond of memorys was always a down for Nate, but he constantly will be remembering old memories…it didn’t past that much for him after all- I left drugs at early age, when I enter the military, because I was a very patriot man with a lot of sense of responsibility in the army and…I take chems here…in the commonwealth…after the appocalipse –Nate bit his lip, feeling a bitter taste coming from that subject…
-Im worried about you, I know that not being open to the subject is a mistake because humans have natural tools to process drugs, it’s a very natural thing, but once you killed a granny by giving her the chems she was asking –once Danse mentioned that about Mama Murphy a hand went to cover his face, he often tries to forget that episode.
-I was desesperate for answers and that woman was right about everything…-by that time, he was in the search of Kellogg. Of course it wasn’t a necessary sacrifice, it was something he would like to forget for the rest of his life and his mind wouldn’t let him, an error, a terrible error, paid with the life of a woman that only helped him, it was a dark chapter for him.
-Im not judging you, just to remind you on first hand how this stuff is, even the ghoul mayor friend of yours do concern
-You know, back there, when I was young in the university we had this stuff that was white dust…-Danse looked at him bad, again, clearly tired of the subject- again babe, sorry for being the dopped boyfriend –the ex-Paladin started to walk away from that useless attempt to save his boyfriend health, and Nate followed him, getting on front and hugging him by the neck, the height differences between them when one was with the power armor and the other not were huge, but still he managed to hug him and make the ex-Paladin stop on his runaway-heyhey…do I tell you enought how much I love your hair? –Nate started to caress his perfect black and shiny Pompadour.
-Gosh you are high –despite being annoyed, he liked the feeling of his hands over his scalp
-Buffout doesn’t cause allucinations or a state of conscious, this thing is back from my days small youngling, I fucking meant what I say about your hair –Nate laughted at see him blush –im so relieved that you didn’t find yet where I hid that awfull hat…
-I swear to you if this nonsense of hiding my cap continues any longer…
-Come on is just a hat not a helmet, I refuse to spend another day without that perfect hairstyle –he didn’t remember being this happy, this dreamy talking, this overjoyed with just being around someone you love  before…that broadcast on the television before everything change forever.
Turning a man who always considered himself straight to bi was a challenge, it started with feelings, definitely some feelings, their connection was so natural and the air betweem them was so confortable that a…flirting joke not so joke would pass away…right? But when Danse reacted so cute to that…confession not confession it definetly turned down the table for him.
And them at each encounter Danse looked more and more and more handsome, despite not changing anything about his aspect, and not even pass many hours between the last time they see each other.
God he fall in love so hard.
Danse smiled with tenderness –Lets reach Jamaica Plain to fix that power armor, I don’t like being out of the settlement, this is the area of the gunner brigadiers and theres a lot around this settlement, we only went out because you said you were…out of trash…
-Well not a lot of caravans move to this sides…so I cant be…out of cash –Danse silly laughted, and Nate had a bright smile after seeing him enjoy that joke –speaking of which we can make a little stop before going to the settlement to…-that silence give Danse al the information he needed
-What? Absolutely not
-Why not? I can show you how im not affected at all
-If you take buffout the effect is going to last for 3 days at least, just like any other druggie you cant keep it hard the whole thing –Nate now feeled insulted, especially when Danse started to walk away faster
-Well I can still suck you dick to make you cum! –how dare Danse speak to him about that, damn switch.
-Then you will be unable to cum because of the chems and spend all that grumpy –when the ex-Paladin make that statement, Nate turned ashamed, yep, it was true, not gonna lie –Also I don’t like the sex with you being high, is like…taking advantage…
Oh…sweet boy…well of course it was like that but he had full confidence in Danse and allowed him to do that in that circunstances, also he enjoyed the overstimulation caused by some chems…like jet…and never practiced before in sex…
Nate took his big metal armored hand, walking with him.
-You win, don’t worry about me, I know what im doing…
-Every druggie says that –says Dance with a really dark voice.
Nate was a first hand fighther since the day he trow rockets, misils, fatmans and granades like crazy after finding a Behemot by accident sleeping in a lake in the middle of Boston, that day, he won a super weapon, a weapon that Danse considered an abomination but…god dammit Nate loved it. The GRA was a robot arm with a piece of concrete and some bars attached, really really poor desing, obviously improvised and not secure at all but god damn it hitted well.
Danse see how Nate exploded supermutants heads with just that fist, it was crazy how the weight of a piece of concrete was so dense and barbaric…
And it worked.
But because of that Nate take a lot of chems, Jet, Psyco, Buffout, Med-X, Stempacks, he needed the adrenaline to lift that weapon, he needed his muscles to forget how to set an alarm of “hey this is so much more than we can handle”, he needed his spine to work much more than its limitations, he needed the inhibition to go forward his target and kill it at once.
It was destructive, for Nate and everyone in front of him defying him.
Yeah, it was an effective weapon, but at what cost.
It was crazy how that thinn man in a vault suit, with just a military armor scavenged from gunner brigadiers and military ghouls goes all high straight up to battle with a fucking concrete fist and wins.
I mean Danse didn’t discuss the results but…
It was dangerous, extremely dangerous, god he now gets something important in his life and despite being…indestructible at sight…it was so scary, Nate moved in such a scary way that it makes him comtemplate all the possible ways of dying horrible, it makes Danse stomach falls to the ground everytime he sees Nate pulling out that damn fist.
How can a piece of concrete can be more trilling than a laser rifle? Nate managed to do that work.
At least ghouls didn’t have a chance.
The vault suited man can receive a hit by a supermutant hammer and not being annoyed at all.
A fucking Deathclaw can throw him into the ground like a kid with a toy and if he is in Psyco it would just shake his head a bit and nothing more.
Raiders with a minigun? No problem, some Med-X and gotta gofastfastgaster to the objective and blow up his brain.
Gosh so risky.
Still, so brave.
And full of energy, and anger, agony, desire of vengeance and resentment.
A lot of negative emotions drive Nate to fist supermutant in the face and make it explode.
Making it something that really amazed Danse.
Nate was a dangerous man, that will do everything to complete his goals, but he didn’t feel threatened by him.
But such a strong determination make Danse the chance to develop more deeping feelings than just admiration…
When Nate flirted with him the first time and Danse responded that he was surprised but he would take the time to think about it…he meant it serious.
But yeah, the vault suited man sometimes get on his nerves, he was still, to rigid from what he was told his entire existence, about rules and things worked in the Brotherhood. It was a process, a transformation, he often correct himself to say things he would say…if he was still in the Brotherhood…better left that chapter go slowly…
-To make you the point that im not so ruined like a raider I tell you something, when I was in the military I saved enough money for my wife to not work, have a baby and be at home with our newborn for a lot of time, as I was retired like a veteran, and despite having all that money I didn’t do drugs, god, there was money in this country, so much money, so much growing and progress…-despite that anecdotes weren’t a reliave font of data for a search or manuscript, it was so interesting hearing Nate talk about Pre-War, obviously Danse had a lot of Brotherhood transcripted data with their vision of the world still, but it was pretty similar with Nate point of view of how he lived that ages.
-Don’t worry, ill cover your ass when your agility is compromised by some chem and take you to the closest doctor as possible
-Love you, althought im the one that cover your ass if you know what I mean…-and Danse hits on his head with his laser rifle, god, buffouts doesn’t really makes you high?
-You are unbereable like this.
-Leave it all to the chemmy boyfriend
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retro-friki · 2 months
GunPla Review: SDWH Gundam Aerial Onmitsu
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I got the ninja Aerial and it was a satisfying build. Since it's an SD kit, it's beginner friendly, it doesn't need nippers nor any particular tool to build it and it can be easily completed in one afternoon. Mostly, the hardest part of the build is to apply all the color correction stickers included in the kit.
The final result is good looking, although it's quite obvious that even with all the stickers, the kit would need some paint job to reach its full potential. This is quite noticeable particularily on the kit's backside, as you can see in the pics:
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The accesories and some details of the armour lack color, making it look incomplete in some parts. On the other hand, the kirahagane parts and the aluminium stickers gives the kit a more detailed look than most of the SD kits lack. Surely it needs to get painted to look better, but it will still look pretty decent out of the box, because it's more detailed and pretty than the normal SDEX kits.
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(The Aerial multiverse!)
For comparison, here's how the SDEX standard looks. It's less detailed and it also needs a ton of color correction stickers to look more series accurate (although it'll never look as good as the HG Aerial). Personally I think that the SDEX kits are great for practicing customization, since they aren't expensive and you can use them to practice painting your kits (this is why I didn't put color correction stickers on the Aerial). However, if you want a cute little kit that can be displayed without much customization, I would recommend this one, even if it's more expensive than the SDEX.
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As I mentioned, this one comes with a lot of accesories and details. I like the design which retained the characteristics from both the original SD Onmitsu and Aerial. I also think it's pretty cool how they integrated the gund-bits to Aerial's armor. (They can also be used as a weapon).
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Onmitsu Aerial's lore looks interesting. According to this, Aerial is a young shinobi leader with great agility but with a laid back personality. Apparently they're also besties with Musha (RX-78-2) and in fact, some elements like the monocle and the shisa can also be used as accessories for the Musha kit. I would like to know more about this AU, it really looks fun.
Anyway, in conclusion, this is a good kit if you want something that's easy to build but still looks good. It's also a great version of Aerial, so I wholeheartedly recommend it.
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ameleco05 · 2 months
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In stock (30 units), ready to be shipped!
1 1/4 inch Iberville Two Screw Fitting (Cast Aluminium Body and Clamp)
Copper-free aluminum construction.
- Suitable for for armored cable with or without PVC jacket.
- For use in dry location only.
- CSA certified.
One Stop Electrical Supplier - Since 2010 
Vancouver Breakers Depot.   LED  Warehouse Sales
Burnaby office:
4012 Myrtle street, Burnaby, BC. V5C 4G2
Tel: (604) 570-0867
Fax: (604) 570-0807
Website:   http://www.ameleco.com
Richmond branch:
Unit 3~4, 12331 Bridgeport road, Richmond, BC. V6V 1J4
Tel: (778) 296-2570
Port Coquitlam branch:
Unit 420, 1952 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC. V3C 6C2
Tel: (778) 285-3999
Mon.~Fri.: 7:00am~5:00pm
Sat.: 8:00am~2:00pm
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Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 có thiết kế Khung nhôm Armor Aluminium tăng cường độ bền và khả năng chịu lực. Chất liệu này không chỉ giúp thiết bị nhẹ nhàng hơn mà còn mang lại sự cứng cáp. Xem thêm Màu sắc Galaxy Z Fold 6 tại đây
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happyphone · 2 months
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 có thiết kế Khung nhôm Armor Aluminium tăng cường độ bền và khả năng chịu lực. Chất liệu này không chỉ giúp thiết bị nhẹ nhàng hơn mà còn mang lại sự cứng cáp. Xem thêm Màu sắc Galaxy Z Fold 6 tại đây
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acp-sheet-design · 3 months
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External Vs. Internal ACP Panels: Understanding the difference
Knowing the difference between external and internal ACP panels is vital to selecting the right materials for your project.
External ACP Panels:
Durability: Thicker aluminium sheets and durable coatings resist weathering and scratches
Fire Resistance: Enhanced core materials provide fire resistance, with ratings up to Class A2.
Versatility: Available in various colours, textures, and finishes suitable for diverse architectural styles
Applications: Ideal for exterior cladding, signage, and enhancing building facades.
Internal ACP Panels:
Cost-Effective: Thinner aluminium sheets and cost-effective coatings make these panels more affordable
Creating a germ-free home: ACP sheets like AG+, VI-secure, and Armor series protect homes from insects, germs, and bacteria, to make healthy and safe home
Ease of Installation: A simple installation process can be handled within a few days
Applications: Perfect for false ceilings, partition walls, cupboards, and interior decor
Key Considerations:
Location and Exposure Need of Maintenance Read More https://blogs.aludecor.com/external-acp-panels-vs-internal-acp-panels-what-you-need-to-know/
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siddhgiri · 4 months
Aluminium Alloy 7075 Sheets & Plates Manufacturers
Aluminium alloys have revolutionized various industries with their remarkable properties, and among these, Aluminium Alloy 7075 stands out. Renowned for its exceptional strength and durability, 7075 alloy sheets and plates are indispensable in sectors requiring robust and reliable materials. At Siddhgiri Tubes, we take pride in offering premium-quality Aluminium Alloy 7075 sheets and plates, meeting the diverse needs of our clients.
 What Makes Aluminium Alloy 7075 Unique?
Aluminium Alloy 7075 is part of the 7000 series, which primarily includes zinc as the primary alloying element. This composition gives 7075 its distinct characteristics:
1. High Strength: One of the highest strength aluminum alloys available, 7075 is often compared to many steels in terms of tensile strength.
2. Excellent Fatigue Resistance: This property makes it ideal for high-stress applications.
3. Good Ductility: Despite its strength, 7075 maintains a reasonable amount of ductility.
4. Corrosion Resistance: While not as corrosion-resistant as some other aluminum alloys, 7075 performs well with proper treatment.
5. Machinability: The alloy can be machined effectively, making it suitable for precision components.
 Applications of Aluminium Alloy 7075 Sheets and Plates
Due to its exceptional properties, Aluminium Alloy 7075 is used in a variety of high-performance applications:
- Aerospace: The high strength-to-weight ratio makes it perfect for aircraft structures and components.
- Automotive: Used in performance vehicles, including racing cars and motorcycles.
- Marine: Ideal for high-stress structural applications in boats and ships.
- Military: Frequently used in armor plating and other critical components.
- Industrial Machinery: Utilized in manufacturing high-stress parts and equipment.
 Why Choose Siddhgiri Tubes for Aluminium Alloy 7075?
At Siddhgiri Tubes, we are committed to providing the highest quality aluminium products. Here’s why you should choose us for your Aluminium Alloy 7075 sheets and plates:
1. Quality Assurance: Our products meet stringent quality standards, ensuring reliability and performance.
2. Customization: We offer customized sizes and specifications to meet your specific requirements.
3. Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, we provide expert advice and solutions.
4. Competitive Pricing: We offer competitive prices without compromising on quality.
5. Timely Delivery: Our efficient logistics ensure that you receive your products on time, every time.
Aluminium Alloy 7075 sheets and plates are critical in applications demanding high strength and durability. At Siddhgiri Tubes, we are dedicated to delivering top-notch 7075 alloy products that meet your exact needs. Trust us for your next project and experience the unmatched quality and service that define Siddhgiri Tubes.
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seriously-mike · 5 months
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I wandered into a section of AliExpress I've never been to before and... well, fuck.
("Rising Tide" starts playing in the background)
Did I mention that I once bought an aluminium briefcase for shits and giggles, because I intended to use it in the intro for one of my livestreams but couldn't get people to shoot the actual footage? Well, I have a gift for recreating and reworking things, be it machinery, military decorations, post-apocalyptic armor, wargaming miniatures, money, court documents, heavy metal songs, give me enough time and supplies and you're gonna get something interesting. I could stuff those folders with piles of photos, maps, reports, personnel files and so on, designed by hand and optionally polished using AI (for example to get mugshots of people who don't exist, it's less controversial that way).
I think I added more stuff to favorites going through the scrapbooking section of AliExpress than anywhere else, or at least I did so faster. Even after blowing $60 or so on tacky goffick bling and Soviet medal ribbons.
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bluesky0341 · 6 months
Silicon Carbide Ceramics Main Applications
Main Applications of Silicon Carbide Ceramics
Silicon carbide ceramics are increasingly being utilized for mechanically demanding applications. Being non-oxide ceramics, they are hard enough to withstand rapid temperature shifts without cracking under stress.
They can withstand erosion, corrosion, acids and high temperatures making them ideal for use as burner tubes and nozzles in metalworking, while they're also frequently employed as high-temperature furniture materials in platesetters and roller kilns. Refractory Materials
Silicon Carbide (SiC) is widely utilized as both an abrasive and refractory material due to its combination of properties: high hardness, resistance to heat and thermal expansion as well as ceramic matrix composites using it as reinforcement material. SiC can also be found lining Whiting furnaces and porcelain kilns due to these excellent properties. Its versatility also lends it a place among other refractories used today such as polymeric ceramics (PC).
Refractory products are essential components for many high-temperature industrial processes worldwide, providing equipment such as furnaces and kilns protection from thermal, mechanical and chemical stressors.
Saint-Gobain Performance Ceramics & Refractories offers various grades of porous silicon carbide castables made of various raw materials - such as nitride bonded, reaction bonded and sintered SiC. These porous castables can be used to line refractory crucibles as well as to reline steel, glass, cement, nonferrous metals alumina melting vessels relining of existing vessels as well as lightweight kiln furniture such as girders pusher slabs and firing rings. Abrasive Materials
Since 1893, silicon carbide (commonly referred to as black sic or carborundum) has been manufactured primarily as an abrasive. As one of only known naturally occurring materials consisting of carbon and silicon in tetrahedral bonding structures, black sic is widely used as an abrasive on metals, glass, ceramics and stone products such as grinding wheels, abrasive cloth and sandpaper to grind surfaces such as metal, glass ceramics and stone surfaces while it can also remove rust from metal surfaces as well as smooth wood flooring surfaces.
Silicon carbide ceramics have an exceptional chemical stability and high temperature resistance, making them suitable for many industrial applications. Their thermal conductivity, low coefficient of expansion and hardness can be tailored through doping to meet a wide variety of specifications for any given application. Silicon carbide ceramics have become one of the premier bulletproofing materials, as their lightweight protective armor has proven capable of countering both conventional and emerging ballistic threats in various military vehicles, civilian safes and cash carriers alike. Thermal Insulation Materials
Silicon carbide boasts high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Due to its chemical stability and strength, low density specific gravity, excellent wear resistance properties and corrosion resistant qualities, and excellent wear resistance characteristics it makes an excellent material choice for industrial furnaces, chemical machinery and equipment, electrical power generation plants, aerospace & defense applications.
At high temperatures, its excellent resistance to creep and thermal shock makes it suitable for high-temperature refractory applications such as burner nozzles, aluminium crucibles for aluminium smelting and flue gas desulphurization tubes. Furthermore, its corrosion and oxidation resistance and mechanical strength makes it useful in shed boards used in ceramic product firing kilns, vertical cylinder distillation furnace lining for zinc smelting, as well as steel and aluminum electrolytic cells.
Boron addition produces porous silicon carbide with superior electrical and thermal conductivity as well as flexural strengths, when nitrogen-sintered. When doped with various amounts of beryllium doping, some of it entrained within crystal grains serves as an acceptor and converts these crystals to p-type semiconductors. Foam Materials
Silicon carbide foam ceramics are ideal for demanding applications due to their combination of physical properties, including corrosion resistance, temperature stability, liquid permeability and high young modulus. They are currently utilized in combustion burners, sensors, molten metal filters and catalyst supports as well as pipeline systems and erosion protection applications.
Foaming of SiC is generally accomplished via gel-casting, wherein a colloidal ceramic suspension containing water-soluble monomers and a foaming agent is polymerized by decomposing them into gasses and solids (Figure 3). As shown, bubbles form, creating an enormous surface area per volume while still maintaining high mechanical strength (as depicted). This approach makes possible an extremely low bulk density while still maintaining strong mechanical integrity (as illustrated).
Rheological measurement methods are available to analyze the flow behavior and material properties of these slurries, as well as create foams of various recipes with different porosities; Duocel(r) foam boasts superior thermal conductivity due to its large free surface area compared with its volume.
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asap-tent · 6 months
Custom Canopy Tent Packages - Pop-Up Event Booths
Custom Pop-Up Tents | Professional-Grade | Made in USA High-quality custom canopy tents at affordable prices. Pick one of our pop-up tent packages to fit your budget and needs from our wide array of options.
Think of ASAP CANOPY as armor for the great outdoors—designed and designed to protect your brand, team and investment. Best of all, the all-aluminum submersible dive model is built for a lifetime of use and is backed by a lifetime warranty.
Customizable Tent WHATS IN THE KIT:
10′ x 15′ Deluxe – 40mm Hexagonal Aluminium Canopy Frame
10′ x 15′ Dye Sublimated Print Canopy Top
2pcs 10′ x 3′ Dye Sublimated Print Canopy side skirts
Light Weight  Ground Stakes & Ropes
Portable 600D polyester Heavy Duty Wheel Bag 
(4) Velcro Loop Added To Inside Of Valance Edge (Easy To Connect Full Walls)
Horizontal Pop Up Banner Medium
Half Walls Comes With Support Bar
Complete Flag Kit: Includes 2pcs 13 FT fully Double-Sided Printed Flag, Flag Poles,X-Base,Carrying bag, And 2pcs Hexagonal Canopy Flag Holders (for free as a gift)
✅600D Polyester Material
✅Unlimited Sublimation Printing
✅Print on all peaks and 17’valances
✅100% Waterproof/fireproof Canopy
✅Commercial grade aluminum frame
✅Free design visuals
✅12 month no fade UV guarantee.
✅Portable 600D polyester roller bag
✅UPF 50+ UV protection
✅Fast production
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govindhtech · 9 months
Dive into the Best Notepad 2023 Tablet here Now!
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Top Notepad 2023 Tablet
Top note-taking tablet here.
Tablets are for games, movies, and the online, but you may take notes. Professionals, artists, and students may quickly take notes to recall crucial information.
Tablet selection might be challenging with so many options. A portable Notepad 2023 Tablet with an ergonomic design and responsive stylus pen is optimal.
Choose a Notepad 2023 Tablet that balances affordability and performance for most tasks. A long-lasting battery is important if you use your tablet regularly.
Will have chosen the best laptop-replacement note-taking tablets to help you pick.Compared battery life, display size, weight, and other features from various manufacturers to help you select. Guidelines will be updated as we add information.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 provides premium features for the best Notepad 2023 Tablet .
The Tab S9’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 CPU running Android 13 should handle gaming and photo editing.
An 11-inch Dynamic AMOLED 2X screen with a 120Hz refresh rate and Vision Booster improves vision in harsh sunlight.
With its 1.65-pound weight and good screen visibility, it should be easy to carry and use when hiking or traveling. The S Pen also makes sketching and taking notes easy.
The Tab S9’s refined Armor Aluminium finish and ultra-slim bezels help you focus and provide durability in case of bumps or drops, making it ideal for seniors and children. See the best elder tablet for more options.
It also boasts a 12MP ultra-wide front and 13MP back camera for photo and video aficionados, which should provide quality photos and videos for meetings and conferences. The 45W fast charger charges the battery quickly, enabling you to work longer with minimal downtime.
The tablet is a terrific deal since it supports WiFi 6E and 5G cellular networks for fast streaming and downloads, has quad speakers with Dolby Atmos for immersive sound, and can be used with a keyboard and DeX Mode to expedite processes. It must be purchased separately and may cost more. See our best keyboard-equipped Notepad 2023 Tablet for more options.
The reMarkable Bundle 2 lets you quickly take notes and read and review papers on a tablet that feels like paper.
The digital tablet is tiny and lightweight at 4.7 mm (0.19 in). It’s lightweight and portable, so extended sessions won’t weary your hands or wrists. Linux eliminates pop-ups and alarms, improving focus.
The kit includes a 10.3-inch 1872 x 1404 LCD screen. No lighting or glare makes reading notes, eBooks, or PDFs for hours easier on this Notepad 2023 Tablet .  Additionally, the Marker Plus pen with a built-in eraser lets you scribble notes or drafts and use advanced features like undo, erase, and resize for a paperless and digital experience.
8GB of internal storage should be plenty for notes, to-dos, and sketches. The 12-month Connect subscription provides unlimited Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive cloud storage and device protection, solving storage and security issues.
The maker claims two weeks of usage each charge, therefore this device must be charged twice a month. Batteries function differently depending on application, ambient temperature, and more.
The mobile and desktop apps let you write, edit, and revise notes on any device, including a phone or laptop, keeping you on track.
This Notepad 2023 Tablet contains a USB-A to C charger and 9x additional marker tips for extended usage. The characteristics and specifications of this tablet make it the best for handwritten notes.
A powerful MediaTek octa-core CPU and 4GB RAM are its first features. It should handle multitasking, casual gaming, and streaming. The model’s 128GB of storage should be enough to store files, programs, and other stuff without clearing other things.
Display is 11.5 inches Full HD with 2K resolution. This means clear, vivid images and movies and a terrific gaming or streaming experience. See our top large-screen tablets guide for more options.
4G, WiFi, and Bluetooth should be enough to connect peripherals and keep things running if one fails. USB-C allows fast charging and headset compatibility.
Use may diminish or prolong the manufacturer’s 7700 mAh battery’s 10-hour life. The tablet’s 8MP front and 13MP rear cameras should be plenty for conference calls, casual video chats, and random images and videos.
This tablet includes quad Dolby Atmos speakers for better movie and gaming experiences. Finally, the Lenovo Tab p11’s keyboard and pen make it ideal for mobile work and casual pleasures. See our best keyboard-equipped tablets for more options.
The tablet’s intended function may restrict your options. A low- to mid-range tablet should suffice for casual schooling. Professional designers choose high-end tablets with powerful processing and storage. Choose a Notepad 2023 Tablet purchase goal to reduce clutter and research.
Your Notepad 2023 Tablet ‘s battery life depends on its use. Leisurely surfing or reading may prolong battery life. Playing games may need recharging it a few hours before the manufacturer’s time. Consider these considerations, but buy a device with a large battery capacity to maximize your chances.
Tablet screens matter. While an inexpensive screen can display images and do basic tasks, your pen or fingers won’t glide as smoothly. Some scrape readily. Consider the tablet’s display and choose one with a great display within your budget.
Extra Features
Extra features are great since you get more for the same money. In the short and long term, keyboard, pen, and other peripheral support and interoperability with cloud services like Google Drive are essential.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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