rionebuys · 7 years
Chaos... (Chapter 8)
The wedding was spectacular to Daniel and Annabelle. Daniel was in the moon and wouldn’t change anything about it. He married the love of his life, he now knew what people meant when they said you love someone it hurts, it hurt to love this woman beside him, but he would do it all over again. Meet her, kiss her, marry her. She was his match, his mate and he was the luckiest guy in the world. His entire family could see that. Gone was the brooding Daniel Bowman who suffered a great loss. Here and now was the Daniel Bowman, happy as can be. But it’s all cliche. Falling in love was the easy part, marrying her was the easy part, so what comes next when all is happy?
Laying on the bed, chest to chest, sweating but oh so happy was the newly wedded couple. Daniel never knew what it would be like to have an intimate connection with Belle, he had fantasized about it but it did him no justice. Annabelle was perfect in every way. Sharing this with her was beyond what he thought or expected. She wore him out and he had never felt that way before. It had been a long time coming but he was never prepared, his mind kept playing the moment that happened a few minutes ago and he could feel himself wanting to do it over and over again. He didn’t want to stop, he didn’t want to stop worshiping her body, he had kissed every inch of her body making her feel the love he could not express in words. She had felt it and most of all she had loved it. She never knew what she was missing but was glad to have been with him for the first time. She wasn’t planning on doing anything with another. Daniel completely satisfied her in all aspects. She didn’t think anyone could even compare to Daniel. He had her like putty in his hands. She was all his.
“Wow.” Annabelle said breaking the silence, well not really silence as all you could hear was the gasps and gulps of breath they breathed in and out. Daniel chuckled. This woman knew how to spin his head.
“You could say that again.” He said and kissed her forehead as it laid on his sweaty chest.
“I never thought that it would feel this… addictive.” She said no longer embarrassed of what she would say. Since she met Daniel she had bece a confident and independent woman. She wasn’t afraid to speak her mind or break out of her shell. She became stronger and she glowed while doing so.
“Baby you don’t know the half of it.” Daniel said almost in pain. Annabelle looked at him confused at the tone of his voice, his eyes were closed and he tried to calm his breath. Seeing this Annabelle looked down. Seeing that he was nowhere near tired she shifted so she was sitting on top of him, straddling his waist. He looked up at her with hooded eyes and felt himself more awake than a minute ago. Leaning down, Annabelle kissed his ear before whispering.
“Show me then.”
A few hours later they had arrived in Greece. The warm evening air hit both of them as they descended the plane. Both of them were completely worn out after their activities on the plane but became awake again as they landed. Belle was so excited that she could not stop talking. Now dressed casually, both of them got into the car and drove off to the Bowman villa. All the while Annabelle kept staring out the window. It was absolutely beautiful in Greece, never in her life had her imagination do justice pf the places he took her. If you would have asked her almost a year ago that this would be her life, having a successful music career that was rising by the minute, having a handsome husband whom she loved with all her  heart, being in Greece with him on their honey moon, she would have laughed and looked at herself as pathetic for thinking so. But here she was, living the dream. But dreams do come to an end, and even though she was in a great dream, her mood deflated when she saw a text from her dad trying to reach her. He just didn’t give up, or he didn’t take Daniel’s threat seriously. Either way this could wait until they went home. Right now she wanted to ravel and explore with her husband beside her. And with that last thought she wrapped her arm around Daniel’s and laid her head on his shoulder.
When they got to the villa it was massive house. All white, 3 story, massive yard with an infinity pool overlooking the ocean. Annabelle was in awe and couldn’t find it in her to close her mouth. Chuckling, Daniel brought his mouth to hers and she melted as always. She went to deepen the kiss to get lost in him again when he pulled back and smiled at her. “Come on, lets me show you around.” In a daze she nodded and they got out the car. There were men/ guards if you will, helping them with their baggage. Daniel took her hand and led her in the house. It was spacious and massive, all white and glass. There was a massive all white kitchen and a dining room, a living room and pool table as well as a jacuzzi. Everything stylish and big. Going up the stairs were all rooms filled with beds and a game room, tv room. Taking another flight of stairs was an open space over looking the ocean with one bedroom and open planned en- suite. It was all white and beautiful. Annabelle looked at Daniel and he smiled at her. “Can we go for a swim?” She asked, very excited to try out that infinity pool. Daniel looked at her with hooded eyes and nodded.
“Of course.” He said huskily and walked out of the room giving her some privacy. As he walked to the pool he took off his shirt, then his pants leaving him in his boxer briefs. He didn’t jump in right away but waited for Annabelle, who not long after came down in a white lace bikini. Daniel smiled at her and took her hand pulling her towards him. He kissed her what was supposed to be lightly but she stood on her toes kissing him harder. Daniel pulled back breathless. “I thought you wanted to swim.”
“I do.” She looked at him with her back towards the pool. She took his hands and then fell backwards with him in tow. When they surfaced Daniel pulled her close to him so their chests were touching and her legs wrapped around his hips. “I love you.” She said and he nodded kissing her.
“I love you.” He said and the rest of the night was spent swimming among other things…
Two weeks flew by fast. Before they knew it, their honeymoon was over and it was time to get back to work. Both of them fell in love more with each other and Greece. They spent time laughing, dancing, being silly. They went into town, exploring the city, swimming and most of all ate like it was their life line. Annabelle’s taste buds exploded with all the food they ate and Daniel had loved every bit in spoiling her. But the fun wasn’t over yet. He had arranged to fly back to Cape Town, he had talked to both Jesse and Anne and they had come to an agreement that the two would be spending a week there. He knew how much Annabelle missed them and he could see it in her eyes especially when they came to help with the wedding. So thinking fast he reached out to them and they agreed. Belle had no idea of this, as far as she knew, she was going home to NYC and start work again as soon as they landed.
Annabelle sighed as she looked out at the ocean standing on the deck. She didn’t want to leave. Leaving would include ready various texts from her father who had been on her mind constantly as well as going back to their busy lives. She liked being at peace with Daniel. She liked him all relax and happy for her. She knew going back she would think of everyone she missed like Anne and Jesse as well be busy with the music. Not that she hated her life she just loved this time spent with her husband and no one else.
“Baby girl, you know we can come back anytime, you just say the word.” Daniel said behind her, she turned around to face him and took his face in her hands.
“Daniel, thank you, this has been an incredible two weeks, I love you so much and I really appreciate you spoiling me like this.” In reply Daniel kissed her softly making her sigh in content.
“Anything for my baby girl, I love you so much.” Daniel said softly before kissing her again. This time taking his sweet time. Belle had been feeling extremely aroused by the smallest things he did. She wanted him more than she ever did before, he could stand looking in the mirror and fix his hair and she would want him at the second. She thought that it was probably because she was never used to this. Used to sex. Daniel of course never complained, he never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her. She was so beautiful and sexy and he just couldn’t keep his hands off of her. She turned her head deepening the kiss making him groan and take hold of her hips, pulling her closer. Daniel turned the kiss fierce, every inch of their bodies heating up. Okay one last tumble in the sheets before they leave. Daniel thought and started playing with the strap of her tank top. Kissing her neck she let her head fall backwards giving him more access, that was before she pulled away making Daniel look at her with hazy eyes, still in his element. “W-What’s wrong?” he asked breathlessly.
Before she could reply, she ran to the closest bathroom and threw up. She felt extremely sick and light headed. This was not what she planned. She wanted to look romantic and have him one last time before they took their long flight back. Daniel on the other hand snapped out of his daze and ran towards the bathroom.
“Belle!” Daniel came running. “Belle, what’s wrong, are you sick?” He was very concerned about her. He didn’t want  her to be sick, they had a long flight a head of them and he didn’t want her uncomfortable. She looked up at him and flushed the toilet.
“N-No, I think it was just the chicken from this afternoon, it tasted foul to me.”
Daniel looked at her strangely. He didn’t believe that pretty but fake smile she put on, she was pale and he didn’t feel like taking the long plane ride to Cape Town, he’d rather have Anne and Jesse flown up at his cost to see her.
“Then we’re going straight home, we’ll skip Cape Town.”
Annabelle froze. Did he just say Cape Town? She thought. What the hell were they to do in CT? They were supposed to go home? “Wait, what do you mean Cape Town?” She asked excitedly, her bad feeling suddenly gone she was sure Daniel had something sweet planned up his sleeve and she was interested.
“Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, I booked us a room at one of the greatest hotels, I wanted to take you to Cape Town to see Anne and Jesse for a few days, I know how much you miss them.” As Daniel spoke, still concerned about her, she stared at him in awe. Daniel wanted to take her to see her family, she missed them dearly and loved that Daniel thought of her. Not wanting to waste the opportunity or the money that was already used to book a hotel and everything she agreed.
“No, Daniel we are still going, I want to go to Cape Town.”
But you’re…“ Daniel wasn’t for it but she cut him off before he could argue more.
"I am fine, please?” he looked at her for a moment and the sighed.
“Ok just as you wish baby.” Daniel couldn’t argue with her, if she said she was fine he would believe her but still just keep an eye on her. She squealed As she was so happy and so excited to be going home.
Daniel was in a tumble of emotions and thoughts. He had two women that were starting to give him grey hair. Belle was still a little pale and she was nauseous all the way to Cape Town. Arriving there Anne wasn’t picking up her phone. Driving past the cafe he saw the cafe was closed. The thing that bothered him was that it was in the middle of the day. Barely two o'clock. He took the liberty of calling Jesse in hope that he could shed some light on the matter, he hoped that no one forgot of their coming. Not picking up Daniel looked at Belle beside him, she was looking at the ocean. Not wanting to scare her he asked her to give Anne’s address to him, he said it was merely to surprise their visit. Not thinking much of it she agreed and gave it. The whole time on the way to the house. Annabelle was leaning into Daniel, feeling tired. Daniel didn’t like this. He didn’t like her feeling unwell and he didn’t like the other two ignoring him. He felt something wrong with the whole situation and hoped that it would be bare able.
Arriving at the house Annabelle, all too excited, ran up the house and knocked on the door. Daniel stood beside her and told Travis to wait for them. Yes Travis indeed did follow them around everywhere. He scored a nice vacation in Greece while the lovers were on honeymoon. But back to the matter at hand, Annabelle knocked again. This time she was getting anxious something didn’t feel right, she saw the look on Daniel’s face earlier and could see he was hiding something. She knocked again, this time harder. And then the door swung open.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Her awaiting smile dropped as Megan answered the door. Megan never even came to the house, what was she doing here?
“We’re here to see Anne and Jesse. Where are they? None of them are answering their phones?” Daniel asked looking at her with narrowed eyes. Belle’s heart started beating rapidly as Megan’s face dropped and paled.
“W-What’s wrong?” Annabelle asked carefully, what if something was wrong? Nothing is supposed to happen to them. They were her family.
“She isn’t doing well, you came at the right time, she’s in her room sleeping.” Annabelle wasted no time and ran to Anne’s room, Daniel and Megan hot on her trail. When she looked at Anne, she gasped. Anne was sleeping but she looked dead. She was grey all over, no colour in her face at all. She was breathing slowly. Annabelle’s heart dropped. “This isn’t happening.” She whispered. She had unshed tears in her eyes and turned to Megan. Daniel came and stood next to Belle, putting his arms around her to comfort her, and it worked.
“What happened?” She asked Megan, but even Megan looked down tears falling from her eyes. She had never seen Megan like this. Megan was always distant and in her own bubble, never had any kind of sadness or heartache.
“There was a robbery at the café, she had a heart attack. She’s been like this for the past 4 days.” Megan said pulling her jersey closer to herself. Annabelle sat down next to Anne, taking her hand in hers.
“What about Jesse?” She asked fearing that something happened to him.
“He’s out filing papers for the insurance company. He said he’d call you when he came back.” Megan said. She looked at Belle and Daniel and she had nothing but sympathy for them, she knew they had just had their honeymoon and now they came to see a almost dying Anne. “I’ll make some tea.” She said and went to the kitchen. She hoped that someday she would also meet a nice man like Daniel. She could see that he did good to Annabelle, she was happy even with all the circumstances.
“Thank you.” Annabelle said taking the cup of tea from Megan. Daniel and Jesse were discussing the papers of the insurance that were not correct, knowing the law better, Daniel offered to help leaving the girls alone. They were on their third cup of tea and Annabelle started think that they would need something stronger. Anne hadn’t moved or opened her eyes yet, just a small breathing and her chest rising and falling.
“I’m sorry.” Megan said breaking the silence making Belle look at her confused. “I have always envied you Belle, you have natural beauty, you can look jaw dropping with no make-up and sweats. I have to do all this just to get attention and then it is not even the type attention I want. I was jealous, but I know you care a lot out Anne and I respect you for still coming here even if you have a new life, she loves you a lot.”
Annabelle looked at Megan confused and dumbstruck. “I don’t understand, I have been quiet all my life, I started having social life when I was 18 and started working for Anne, I have no contact with my dad, and my mom died I don’t get why you would envy that.”
That made Megan start laughing. “Have you ever asked yourself why people never paid you attention or ignored you?”
Annabelle let out a small laugh. “Yeah, all the time.”
Megan could see that Belle didn’t see what others did, she didn’t see what Daniel and Megan saw, she was truly oblivious. “It’s because you are different, you are beautiful and don’t need to almost sell yourself for attention, and the fact that you are innocent just made it easy because you believe every ugly word about you when it’s not true. You play amazing music and people, especially me are in awe of you Belle.”
Belle thought about what she said, she still couldn’t understand it but she understood more. She couldn’t see what she saw, but she could try one day. “Not to be rude but you would look much better with a little bit of makeup, not that much, also you don’t need to dress up that bad, a guy is not a real man if he goes for you for the body, he needs to want you for your heart, and funny enough I know you have one.”
Megan let out a small laugh and took Belle’s hand in hers. “Thank you Belle.”
“M-Megan…?” Both of them were interrupted but turned their attention to Anne. She was waking up but there was no change, she was still pale and weak. Megan kneeled on the other side of her taking her hand from Belle en holding Anne’s hand.
“Anne… how are you feeling?” Anne turned her head to the other side and looked at Belle and her face instantly brightened.
“B-Belle… you are here, really here.”
“Yes, she is.” Anne looked at Megan and smiled, Anne could see the girls had a heart to heart and that made her heart swell. The girls were getting along and it was a good thing. But the happy moment was short lived when she started coughing, but what the surprise was, was that she was coughing up blood. Annabelle screamed in alarm as Megan froze. “Daniel! Jesse!” She screamed and both the men came running in. Daniel could see the distress and acted upon instinct. He could not let Anne go. That would be a loss for Belle and he knew what that felt like. He was not planning on letting her go.
“Jesse call 911. Jesse!” Daniel yelled. Jesse snapped out of his daze and called an ambulance, Daniel looked at Megan and took her face in his hand. “Look at me, that’s it okay, breath, stay calm, I need you to make sure everything is closed, the windows, back door okay? Hey! Look at me, you need to get everything ready okay? Get the car started.” Megan nodded as Daniel spoke to her and snapped out of her daze as well acting fast. Leaving Belle and a now unconscious Anne in the room. Daniel took hold of Belle, he looked at her as she started hyperventilating. “Baby, baby look at me, come on look at me, look at my eyes.” He said and she looked at him still crying. “Shh baby, everything’s going to be okay, just breath with me okay? Shh breath with me, you need to be strong now okay? For Megan and Jesse and Anne.” She nodded calming herself but she couldn’t stop shaking or stop the tears from falling.
All too soon the ambulance arrived, Megan drive with them and Annabelle, Daniel and Jesse were in the car following them to the hospital. They were nowhere near prepared for what was to come, and this was only the beginning... Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
The I love you's (Chapter 7)
It's been two weeks since the family dinner and things were buzzing with Daniel and Annabelle. Annabelle's career had been picked up massively. One of the best music producers in town found the her on you tube and was starting to make a star out of her. She was working non stop and going to huge gig every night with Daniel by her side of course. When the media saw her they went crazy at the new talent, that was until they saw her with NYC's most eligible bachelor Daniel Bowman. The media went nuclear and can't seem to leave the power couple alone. While Belle was getting famous by the minute, Daniel's business was booming. But that didn't stop him form designing a ring. Yes, the thought was still on his kind and he just started taking matters into his own hands. He was getting the ring made and was patiently waiting for it. While Belle on the other hand was so oblivious towards his plans. Daniel and Belle had been heating up by the minute. Belle refused to have sex with Daniel as she wasn't ready yet and Daniel completely understood since he didn't care about that part. But cuddling at evenings? Check. Kissing? Check. Making out? Check. Moved into one room? Double check. Yes, Belle moved into Daniel's bedroom since neither of them wanted to leave each other's side. Belle was quiet content with it. She did miss Anne and Jesse dearly. They were calling and Skype-ing every single day telling her how they were her number one fan. Things were good and happy. But you can't expect happiness without a little drama.... Belle along with Daniel came through the front door, lips locked together and a lot of giggling happening. They had just come from a red carpet event Belle was invited to and Daniel couldn't keep his hands off of her. She was just absolutely stunning in a skin tight, red, floor length dress. He wanted to touch every inch of her body and memorize it. As they got in the car Daniel desperately placed his lips on her's and never took it off. Stumbling inside, Belle let out a giggle as she wrapped her arms around Daniel, who's hands were on her hips pulling her closer. "You. Looked. Absolutely. Stunning. Tonight." Daniel said in between kisses. In answer Belle let out a tiny moan which made Daniel pick her up bridal style carrying her to the bedroom. Once there Daniel softly and slowly placed her on the bed making her lay on her back. He pulled off his tie and bent down kissing her neck. Belle sighed in content but that was short lived as a ringing noise interrupted them. Daniel groaned, both frustrated and in pain. He was growing in more lengths than one and he was in the middle of worshipping Belle's body when someone had to call. Annabelle let out a giggle as she sat up and got her phone from her purse that was on the ground. As she picked it up, Daniel pulled her back making her sit on his lap as he. Wrapped his arms around her and started to message her shoulders. Sighing in content she answered the phone. "Hello?" "Belle, darling, how are you?" She immediately froze completely, how is it that he found found her? Why now? Annabelle felt like she couldn't breathe, why was he calling? She started to hyperventilate. He didn't want her, he didn't care. So why did he care to call now? How did he even have her number? Daniel felt this and became alarmed in an instant but pulled her more into his chest. "What do you want? Why are you calling?" Daniel's hands started to tick meaning he knew. Daniel hated when people hurt Annabelle, he knew it was her father, it was not that hard to figure out by her short breath and shaking body, all he could do until she put the phone down was hold her close to him and kiss her occasionally on the shoulder letting her know he's there. "I...I miss you sweetheart." Her dad said in a disbelief voice. "You miss me? Really?" She asked in a monotone voice. She was starting to feel angry. She couldn't believe him at all. He gave her away to Anne like she was nothing, he paid for her to get out of the ouse and go to Cape Town. He never cared. "Y...Yes, look I saw you on the television and you look really good especially with your boyfriend. Barbra and I would love to come visit and all you know." Just as he said this something inside Belle snap. She was angry before, but she was furious now. She was boiling. She knew it, he didn't miss her. tears started forming in her eyes and Daniel felt and heard too because he got even more mad and stood up grabbing the phone from me while She sat frozen and in tears trying to comprehend what just happened. "Listen to me you asshole, you leave her alone you hear me? You were never there when she needed you and I am so sick of you hurting her more, if you ever call her again or if I even see you, so help me I will make your life a living hell, starting buy getting you fired!!" He yelled and threw my phone against the wall so it shattered. Daniel was boiling. This reminded him of the women that would try to get his attention. He hated it. Money lovers, he hated the sight of them. He turned back and saw Belle on the floor crying and went to her in an instant. "Baby? Oh my baby girl, its ok, he won't bother you again ok? I am here, you have me and my family, you don't need him." He sat down next to her, lifting her like she weighed nothing and Put her on his lap. He kept whispering sweet nothings in her ear as she cried on his shoulder. "Shhh its ok baby, Cry, let it out baby girl." After the incident Daniel was more than motivated to keep Annabelle safe. He had to, she was going to need him more than ever. He finally felt ready. It was time to ask her. Daniel had texted Annabelle earlier while at work, saying that he wanted to take her out for a nice fancy dinner. He was excited and got everything ready. He had arranged with the best restaurant in town on music and setting and everything he could think of just for her. She was his everything and he knew she felt the same way. He could not see his life without her. She was the light of his life and he was extremely proud of her. Going after her dreams and balancing everything well. He loved that about her. She did everything with passion and elegance. There was nothing more attractive to him. Daniel was already dressed in a black Armani suit ready for the evening, as he walked into the kitchen while Annabelle was getting ready up stairs he took out the little red velvet box and looked at the ring again. It was a teardrop shape diamond on a simple silver band. It was simple yet classic like Belle. She would love it. He quickly put the box in his pants when he heard heels clicking on the stairs as she descended. She had on a A-line, black, floor length, long sleeve dress that had a slit from the thigh all the way down. She had her hair in curls and make up done to perfection. He had black heels on as well and she just looked breath taking. Daniel stared at her and his heartbeat raced. She looked like a dream. She was gorgeous in every aspect and he wouldn't change a thing about her. Daniel breathed in a deep breath and then swallowed hard. "Y-You look beautiful." He said struggling to talk. Annabelle blushed as she looked at the handsome man in front of her. She was beyond lucky to have him in her life. "Thank you, you don't look bad yourself." She said shyly, no matter how long they've been together or how long they've lived together, he would always have that effect on her that made her shy. After the night before, he became her prince, her rock and night in shining armor. She loved him so much it hurt. And it was the good kind of pain. When they got to the restaurant Belle was absolutely speechless at the beauty of the place. It was all glass and stunning. Elegant and glamorous. She would never get used to the places he took her. They sat down and the table was beautifully decorated with rose petals and small chocolate balls. Annabelle stared in awe at the table in front of her. It was just to her liking and absolutely gorgeous. She looked up at Daniel who had already been staring at her with a smile on his face. Before she could say anything he took his glass filled with champagne and lifted it up making her do the same. "A toast to us, may only greater things await us in the future. And you look absolutely stunning, I love." He smiled and kissed her cheek before taking a sip. Belle was flushed and mouthed 'I love you.' To him making him wink at her. "Belle, I am really sorry about last night, how do you feel?"  Her smile instantly faded. The last thing in her mind was her excuse of a father. She didn't want to talk about him but knew that it was another rock in the road both Daniel and her had to figure out together. "I-I don't know how to feel about it, I mean, I always wanted my father to step up and say sorry, but he is the same old pretentions man I know. I feel better knowing I did my best as a daughter, but there is nothing I can do about it. I'd rather just live my life without him in it." Daniel took her hands in his and looked up at her with a sorrowful face. "You don't need him; you have a family here, with me. I won't hurt you or even dream of doing such things to you." Daniel stood up, and kissed her lightly on the lips and then bent down on one knee in front of her. Annabelle froze. Wait... he's on his knee? Why is he on his knee? She kept thinking. Daniel saw her face and he got kore nervous but cleared his throat and continued. "Belle, I thought a lot about us and our future together. You captured me with your voice and when I met you, I knew I fell in love. I know we've only dated a while, but I love you and I do want a future with you, you are all that I've always wanted. You don't need anyone else, I am here and my family accepts you. I wouldn't want anyone else to be mine and be the mother of my children one day. S-So Belle, would you do me the honour of making me happy, becoming my wife, becoming the next Mrs. Bowman?" She froze. He asked her to marry him. He asked her? Was it too soon? Was she going too fast? Was she sure? She rolled her eyes at that question, yes she was sure. She loved Daniel lore than anything. She wanted to be with him so bad. To be only his and his alone. She felt safe with him, she felt happy and most of all, loved. The love she was craving that made her heart race, the love that kept her on her toes, the love that gave her the sparks and cliche butterflies, the toe curling kisses making her float on air leaving her breathless. She had that. All her doubt faded as she came to realize that yes. She wants to marry him. Seeing the wheels in her head turn, Daniel brought her out of it. Belle almost laughed when she saw his face. He looked worried, like he thought I would say no. And he did. He was feeling like an idiot, of course she would say no, it was too fast, she was just getting her life and career on track, there was no reason to marry so soon. Daniel couldn't believe the fool he made out of himself, and in front of so many people in the restaurant who stopped what they were doing and had their eyes on them. "Please say something Belle, I-if you need time I-I can wait. I-I am so sorry, it was probably a bad idea or t-too soon." He went to stand up when Belle stopped him by pulling his neck to her and kissing him passionately. He immediately kissed back, deepening the kiss. All his worries flew out the window the minute her lips met his. Her lips was as soft as ever. She tasted of chocolates and strawberries all at once. Before it could get too heated between the two, She pulled back, breathing hard and whispered to him. "Yes" He instantly smiled and pulled out the little red box. He opened it and Belle's mouth dropped as she saw the most beautiful white teardrop diamond ring. She was in awe. Daniel put it on her finger not wasting time, and it was a perfect fit. Both of them had a huge smile on their faces and everyone around them applaud. Daniel was going to become hers and she was going to be his for good. Taking a picture of both of them smiling brightly and the ring on Belle's finger, Daniel sent it to the family as Belle sent it to Anne and Jesse. Their phones started buzzing with congratulations, They only read one text each before putting the phone off and enjoying the dinner with each other. This was the beginning of the rest of their lives together. The media was blowing up with excitement that the two were getting married, not only that but it made it much harder to plan a private wedding. Both Claire and Sophie were going crazy with ideas, it's the first Bowman wedding fifteen years and it was long over due! Maya was on duty to keep everyone calm and their heads focused on Belle's vision. For the next eight months everything was just crazy. Daniel's company had been buzzing along with trying to plan the wedding with Belle and then escorting her to various events. He had no problem with it as he could always be by her side just where he wanted to be. Annabelle was doing extremely well in and out of work. She had to resign from her job as the music was starting to pick up massive meaning tours and gigs all around town, not to mention planning her wedding and trying to get everything done. The dress was easy, Annabelle fell in love with the first dress she tried on that was a Pnina Tornei dress. With a corset and ball gown. She didn't have to try on anything else. It was beautiful and classy as well as sexy and she knew that Daniel would flip for this dress. "I call hot and sexy and Daniel is going to rip that dress right off of you!" Sophie said going crazy for the dress. With wide eyes all four ladies looked at her and started laughing. Annabelle was glad that Anne could make it to the fitting. The wedding had really brought them all together and happy. She loved spending the planning with Anne and all the girls. "I want to make it down the isle first thanks." Belle said and shook her head, while the rest busied themselves Anne stood up and stood next to Belle looking at her through the mirror. "It's the one." Belle said and Anne nodded. "How do you know?" Anne asked with a knowing smile. "When you know, you know." Annabelle said, repeating the words Anne said to her after her first day spent with Daniel. Anne gave a wide smile and kissed Belle's cheek. The rest was decided that the wedding would be all white, grey and a soft blue. Daniel loved the color as well as Belle did. The guest list was very conservative as they only invited close friends and family on both sides. Food was all taken care of by the caterer as well as music, drinks and the cake. Everything was perfect when the day arrived. Everything was set in a total romantic way, it was beautiful and soft. Daniel was getting on his nerves as time rolled in knowing it would be soon when she would walk down the isle. The guests were seated and both Alec and Don were beside him. Earlier Daniel's mom came up to him and told him how proud his dad would be making Daniel emotional. He looked up and silently sent a prayer hoping his father was watching. Alec and Don both saw this and gave him an encouraging pat on the shoulder just as the music started. Everyone stood up and looked down the isle. Because Belle closed contact with her father she asked both Anne and Jesse to walk her in. Anne shed tears when Belle flew down to see them and ask them which they both agreed to. Walking down the isle first was Sophie and Maya looking gorgeous in their light blue, floor length bridesmaids dresses, then she came. Annabelle. She was breathtaking, the dress looking sexy yet romantic on her, her hair was down in loose curls and her make up was done to perfection. She had a huge smile on her face that Daniel mirrored only Daniel let a few tears slip because of how beautiful she was. And he mouthed that exact word to her when he took her from Anne and Jesse. She blushed and took his arm facing the priest. This is what she has been waiting for, for so long. The chance to be loved and married to your one true love, and Daniel was just that. Her first love, her first kiss, her first everything. She was loved in ways she never thought possible, she loved him back and her heart swelled at every thought and everything about him gave her butterflies. She didn't know so many emotions could be felt all at once, love, happiness, heartache, passion, thrill. She just had every emotion heightened. But she loved him and she wouldn't change the person her was yesterday, the person he is today or the person he'll be tomorrow because to her, he was perfect. "Do you Annabelle Parker, take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poor, to love and to hold from this day forward?" The priest turned and asked her as it was her time to say I do. She looked at Daniel and he had a perfect smile on his perfect face. He was her world, she vowed to do that and more. "I do." She said And they both sealed their love, their promise, their marriage with a kiss. "I love you." She whispered to Daniel when they broke the kiss. "I love you, Mrs. Bowman." He said and she giggled kissing him again. "I'm going to miss you." Belle said as she hugged Anne. She missed her already but was so glad both Jesse and her could make it. "I'm going to miss you too sweetie. No don't hold back, you show that man what you got and love it out of him." She whispered to Belle making Belle flush. Anne kissed her cheek and then Daniel's as both her and Jesse left the wedding to catch a plane flight. Daniel looked at a flushing Belle and and whispered in her ear. "What did she say to you?" Daniel asked confused and Belle took a deep breath contemplating how this should come out. "Just that I should show you, how I love you and ruin you for me." She said with a slight smirk. Daniel gulped and looked at her with hooded eyes. He kissed her with so much passion she let out a small moan and Daniel groaned pulling back slowly. "Show me then." He said and she winked at him. They said their goodbyes making Daniel excited as well as Belle. This was it, she was going to be with a guy for the first time, not just any guy, with her husband, with the love of her life her first love. She was more than ready. She was waiting for this moment for so long and she was ready. Arriving at the airport Annabelle looked at Daniel confused, he just kissed her cheek taking her hand to follow him. They were on his private jet getting seated while Belle kept looking at Daniel for an answer. He didn't give her one, instead the captain did. "Mr and Mrs. Bowman, welcome on your flight, please be seated and put your belts on as we take off for Greece." Annabelle looked at Daniel with an open mouth smile and wide eyes. Daniel smirked at her and winked. "Greece?!" Annabelle asked looking for any sign of a joke, there were none. "Happy honey moon baby." He said and kissed her. She melted. She pulled back and squealed making both of them burst out in laughter. Daniel took her hand and kissed it. "No way! What did she say?" Daniel laughed as Belle told him about how Jesse told Anne that he was gay. Anne always thought he was just too shy and needed help. He never acted gay and in all honesty it took a lot to see that he actually was gay. "Anne was so shocked she didn't know what to say, so she smacked his head and said that he just needed a good lay. She never took him seriously up until he brought a boy home she just gave up." Both of them burst out laughing. "That sounds like something my mom would do." Daniel said and before any of them could say anything the captain spoke again. "Mr and Mrs Bowman, we are safety on our way, you may take off your seat belts and stretch your legs or take a nap." Daniel and Annabelle looked at each other and smiled. "Let me show you around yeah?" Daniel said and Annabelle nodded biting her lip. She took Daniel's hand as they walked to the back where there was a kitchen, small but beautiful, there was two other doors, both leading to a room, they only entered one that was a bedroom, very beautifully decorated with an an-suite she saw two of their suitcases already in the room and turned to look at Daniel who had closed the door behind him. They were both still in their wedding outfits and Annabelle knew where things were heading form this point. Daniel started to walk towards her but she stopped him, panicking slightly. She just needed a minute. "I'll be right back." She said and went into the bathroom leaving a confused Daniel behind. As she shut the door she took a deep breath and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was flushed. She wanted this, she wanted Daniel. This is what she's been waiting for. And why not do it on the plane, Sophie and Maya would freak of they knew, not to mention Jesse. Losing her virginity in air, that was amazing. With that last thought, Annabelle took her wedding dress of with a little bit of struggle, underneath her dress Sophie made her wear a Victoria secret piece she bought for her. It was a white corset/bra set with matching white panties, and white stockings. All made out of white. Annabelle kept her white heels on and took some of her hair pins out roughing up her hair. When she was satisfied she took a deep breath and opened the door. Walking back into the room she saw Daniel with his back towards her, he turned around after hearing the voice and Belle's mouth hung open. She stared at Daniel's body and was in awe. She had never seen him without a shirt and she loved it. He was so defined. His shirt was open and unbuttoned, his tie loose around his neck. When she met his eyes saw gasped. His eyes were hooded as he looked at her. Daniel's breath was blown away, she was as pure as an angel and she looked sexy playing one. It's been years since he'd seen or even been with a woman but he wouldn't want anyone except for her. His body was reacting to her, he started walking towards her and kissed her passionately. Pulling back he looked at her and whispered against her neck. "You're so damn beautiful." She let out a soft moan that did wonders to him. He took hold of her thighs picking her up making her gasp. "Are you sure, I can wait." He said and she shook her head pulling her body more closer to his while in his arms. "I want this. I want you. All of you. I love you." She said and Daniel groaned putting her on the bed, softly kissing her neck. Their bodies joined together bringing both of them passion, love and a satisfaction they both craved. Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
Family reunion (Chapter 6)
"He wants you to what?!" Jesse said. Belle had taken the liberty of talking to both Anne and Jesse about the bomb Daniel dropped on her three days ago. Yes, she was overthinking and debating on her own for three days. Having enough of her own fears getting in the way she decided to consult Anne and Jesse on the matter. Anne was surprised and had a look of pure shock on her face while Jesse held nothing back. He was freaking out and Belle almost thought she had to dial 911. "He's moving there end of this month, he wants me to go with him. He said that if I didn't want to stay with him that he would buy me a place but I'd rather stay with him then be a charity and take his money. I could also transfer and start school there at ACA to finish my degree as well as get a job." Belle said pointing everything out. Anne looked at Belle with a knowing look while Jesse looked like he was going to faint. "Jess you okay there?" She asked concerned but he just nodded with wide eyes. "Okay, that's totally not a scary face." Belle mumbled and before he could say anything, Anne spoke up. "Why does it sound like you are all for it but still trying to convince yourself sweetie?" Anne knew this was what she wanted, her dream was to go to NYC and make a name for herself. Belle had always talked about it and would plan everything out since she was a child. She knew Belle was unsure of leaving Anne and Jesse on their own but this was her dream and Anne wanted her to follow it, especially with Daniel beside her she would be safe. He loved her and Anne could see that very clearly. "I-I... I just.." Belle trailed off not knowing how to say it. "You're worried for us. Don't be. This has been your dream, you've wanted this since you were a child and letting Daniel go won't be an option. Sweetie there is something more than just attraction between the two of you and you know it. This could be a good thing. And if it fails then it does. It's your life honey, start living it." Anne said as she took Belle's hands in hers. "What?! You never gave me that speech when I wanted to go to Australia." Jesse said to Anne offended. A few months back he wanted to travel to Australia for a guy he hadn't even met and Anne stopped him. "Please Jesse, you weren't going to make it, you would have been deported within a week of bad behavior." Anne said tolling her eyes. Jesse took a minute to think about it and nodded laughing. "Yeah, that's so true." He said shaking his head in memory. Turning back to Belle, Anne and Jesse looked at her with a smile and she felt better about consoling them. "You know what to do." Anne said and kissed her on the cheek. Before all three of them left to go home, Belle took out her phone and texted Daniel. This was her choice and her life. She could live it and become great, become a person both mothers would e proud of or she could live in her fear and become her father. Knowing her choice she made it official. 'I'm in. -B' It's been three months since that text and Belle was happy. No she was glowing. NYC has really brought out the fun side of her she never knew she had. She missed Anne and Jesse and the goodbyes were the worst. But she Skype-ed them every night making sure to tell them a lot. School was school. She didn't have friends, only acquaintances. Everyone was nice to her and very accepting which shocked her. Daniel bought a pent house with three rooms making her have her own. She was very grateful towards Daniel and thanked him everyday which made him crazy but he accepted it like everyday. Belle had told him that she would stay with him until otherwise but that she would not accept anymore from him. She found herself a job at the local library, books were her second favorite and she loved being surrounded by them, getting a job there was easy and she liked the silence and the old exterior of the place. Daniel was not happy and wanted something more for her but saw she was happy with it and let it go. Living with Daniel has really grown on her, it started different but now it is actually amazing for her. It was a lot to get used to, they had each divided the chores in certain ways making Daniel do whatever is expected of the guy to do and Belle everything that is expected of the woman. It worked out great and since only Belle could cool, she made dinner on occasion as She and Daniel both started having dinner with his family. His family was very accepting and loved her. Sophie made sure to spend as much time as possible with her future sister in law while Daniel's mother fought her for Belle's time. Claire could also see her son change, he was warming up, he was becoming the son she remembered and for that she owed Annabelle everything. She could see the love the two had for each other and everyday it would just bloom more and more. Despite everything Daniel and Belle both got used to the living and being together. They were living as a married couple only minus the sharing bed, the ring part. Daniel had given her time to adjust in living in NYC before he asked her officially to be his girlfriend. While studying and working, Belle had started making a name for herself. She would occasionally have a gig all around and people loved her voice. Media had yet to know about their love blooming. Not wanting to scare her off he kept them quiet until she was ready for it. Daniel and Belle have grown a lot closer. She could feel herself fall for him more and more. The cliche butterflies were there and the toe curling kiss. Yes you heard right, kiss. Belle was lucky enough to have had shared her first kiss with Daniel on their first official date. But since then they never kissed again. It wasn't that they didn't want to. Daniel still kissed her, on her cheek, forehead, hands. But he was saving the best for last. They had in all honesty become so busy that it was natural to kiss each other's cheek. Daniel had really became het all. She was complete with him in her life and vise versa. Belle walked down the stairs of the penthouse that was very big and spacious , and came to a stop in front of Daniel who gave her a smile and was about to kiss her on the lips this time when her phone rang making him kiss her cheek instead as she turned her head. Daniel frowned, clearly this was not what he planned. She mouthed 'Sorry' to him as she answered. "Hello?" "Belle?"  "Jesse! How are you? I've missed you." Belle said when she heard his voice.  Daniel frowned at her not looking happy at all so she leaned up and kissed his cheek. He went to the dining table and put the breakfast on the table for them while she stood next to the piano talking to Jesse. They both missed each other dearly and Jesse just couldn't wait to tell her about the guy he has a crush on. Belle wished that she could have been there to see it and be there for him but she was glad that he indeed found someone. "So listen Belle, I'll talk to you later; have to go but it was nice catching up with you." "Thank you Jesse, same, bye." Belle put her phone in her purse and sat across from Daniel at the table. Looking up she saw him looking irritated at her. "So, Jesse called?" he asked trying to look like he is not fazed by anything. "Yes, he's in love with me." She teased starting to eat her breakfast. Daniel of course choked on his toast. "What?!" Daniel couldn't believe this, last he heard the guy was gay. What the hell happened in three months time? "Daniel, I'm kidding, he has a boyfriend, sort of. You don't have to worry, no competition whatsoever." Belle said winking at him. Daniel visibly relaxed, the last thing he wanted was fight a gay to keep away from his girl. Belle found his possessiveness very charming, she loved that he was protective but still gave her the space she needed. It was hard to get used to in the beginning. The whole being cared for in a different way. She never thought she would experience it but she was glad she did. She saw what love was meant to be like between two people. As they spoke and enjoyed each other's company, Daniel reminded Belle of the family dinner thrown at his mother's house. Alec was in town and it was time to have one big family meal as well since Donovan was also back from his two week trip to Dubai. Belle had almost forgotten but was so excited, she truly fell in love with Daniel's family over the past months and was always delighted to see them again. She was glad Don made it back safely, Sophie wouldn't stop talking about how she missed him for one second. Matthew on the other hand was head over heels in love with Annabelle. After he first met her he fainted, he couldn't believe that his uncle Danny was dating his favorite musician and you tube star. She was gorgeous to him like an angel and spent as much time with her as he could. It made everyone in the family laugh at his craziness but Belle was flattered and made sure to put Matt on a few videos with her. After breakfast Daniel kissed Belle goodbye as they separated ways to go to work. Belle was off to the library and then the studio as she was working on her first debut album while Daniel made his way to the office. Daniel's company had been doing so much better since he was back. All the troublemakers were fired and Daniel had to work hard to pull some investors back into the company. It wasn't that hard but the first few weeks back he had to stay long hours. As for now things were running smoothly on both his side and Alec's side of the business. Speaking off... It was around lunch time when Alec decided to make himself present in Daniel's office. "What is up big bro, I have big news!" he said sitting down across from Daniel. Alec was the playboy of the family and the fun one. Fun being partying, always happy and giddy. Alec loved his family but loved women more. He thought of them as a gift from the gods, but behind it all, Alec was a softy and more importantly a romantic. He waited for the right one as well just in his own way. Alec and Daniel were always close to each other and were the first to come to another if in danger or just about anything. "Hey, what is the news?" Daniel asked getting a drink for both him and Alec. He had missed his brother and missed the time they spent together he was also amazed at how time went by and they were grown up. "I like a girl, and I am thinking of bringing her to dinner tonight." Alec said proudly. Even though Alec played around, he never brought a girl home. For that Daniel was very glad. Their mother never knew of his games and they never saw the need to tell her. It was his life after all. Daniel looked at him with his mouth hung open. Alec has never said this to him before, about anyone. If he was saying this, he meant it. "Wait, what?" "Yeah well, it's just you and Belle are so perfect and it made me realize that I need to get my life together, I need to settle down you know?" Alec said as he took the glass of whiskey from Daniel's hand and took a sip. This is what he wanted, he wanted the family to meet the girl who stole his heart even though they already knew her. Daniel stood the and looked at him surprised. "Bro you are not serious are you?"  "Yes, in fact I am, speaking of, when are you going to make things official and ask Belle to marry you?" Alec asked changing the subject. He didn't want to give too much away and wanted the family to meet her later and then vent for themselves. Daniel thought about Alec's question. He had been thinking about that lately but didn't want to tell anyone. The last thing he wants to do is scare her off. He fell in love with her instantly and he wanted to tell her. He wanted to make her his for good and spend the rest of his life with her. He felt as though it would be too much for her. He feared it. Alec could see the wheels turning behind Daniel's head. This was always happening to him. Daniel was known to overthink things when he was passionate about it. He didn't want to ruin anything. So Alec decided to stop his ranting in his head. "Bro you are over thinking again, Belle loves you and you love her, she will say yes no doubt, just ask her." And with that Alec decided to leave his brother in peace and went back to his woman. Only Daniel was left with 'what if'. Returning Daniel had a cloud over his head. He couldn't stop thinking about what Alec had said. Everything pointed to right but it also pointed to wrong, not about her but the timing. Closing the front door behind him Daniel was brought back to earth as he heard and saw Belle running downstairs at the sound of his return. "Daniel, do I look ok?" Belle asked as she came running down the stairs. They only had an hour to get ready and to his parents house. If Daniel was to say no she would be in big trouble. She looked radiant and beautiful wearing a silk, emerald green, floor length dress with her hair in a fishtail braid. Minimal make up and jewels. Belle didn't think it was too much but it wasn't plain either. She was glad that the Bowmen family liked dressing up. She felt like a little girl again and she loved it. "You look absolutely stunning baby girl." Daniel said and he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was stunning and he couldn't stop the next words flying out of his mouth. It was like he was in a trance and it just slipped. "I love you." He said and Belle's smile dropped. "Whats?" She asked softly and blushing. She couldn't believe her ears. Daniel said those three words she longed to hear. She was speechless as she saw him snap back to her. "I mean it. I love you Annabelle, I'm pretty wire I loved you the moment I saw you. I'm sorry it's not romantic or anything but, I love you." He said and she blushed a bright red. Her heart swelled and she felt dizzy but it was a good dizzy feeling. "I love you." She said and kissed him on the lips. She felt like she was floating. She felt high up in the sky but also warm as Daniel wrapped his arms around her waist. He pulled her close so their bodies were flushed against each other. Annabelle deepened the kiss as she turned her head sideways making Daniel groan. Now they both remembered why the didn't kiss each other a lot. They were irresistible towards each other and they were both as drug to each other. Before things could get too heated Annabelle pulled away, both breathless, both holding a look between desire and love for each other. "W-We should get going." Belle said shaking slightly from the kiss. Daniel only nodded not making any move to let her go. Soon enough both of them were ready to go. Belle still looking as gorgeous the way Daniel found her and Daniel freshly showered and dressed in an Armani suit. The family was buzzing and happy to be reunited with each other. Claire, Sophie and Daniel were both surprised, shocked and happy to learn that Maya, Alec's date, was his childhood friend from long ago. Belle was getting along good with Maya, and so was the whole family. She was a real great girl and she made Alec happy, which wasn't hard to see. The couple gave each other the same look that both Daniel and Don gave their significant other. Everyone was gathered in the lounge talking and laughing but all Daniel did was stare at the beauty next to him. Belle, she is everything that Daniel has always wanted and He wanted her to be his so bad, was Alec right? Could he ask her and she would say yes? Is it too soon? Claire saw his internal battle with himself and pulled him away from everyone and into the kitchen. "Daniel, what is bothering you? Are you and Belle not happy?" She asked concerned, the last thing she wanted was for them to split. She was good to him and vise versa, she loved Belle and was very happy having her part of the family. "No mom, it's nothing like that,. I was just thinking." "What about dear?" She asked with a smile and Daniel stared at her for a while before answering. "Do you think it would be crazy asking Belle to marry me? Is it too soon?" As he asked this, Claire looked at her son with such happy eyes and smiled while answering me. "No, no it is not too soon. I believe you two are meant for each other. I was wondering when we'd have this talk. Belle has been so good to you, she brought back my son that was always working and had no time for family, you and Belle are perfect together, just look how happy Alec is, even he found who I believe is his future wife. Don't waste time in waiting, you know what you want, now go get it." She kissed him on the cheek and walked back to the party with her glass of red wine. Daniel took in what she had said. She was right, but he had only said 'I love you' to Belle less than three hours ago. Was it too crazy to prepare for a proposal? Daniel sighed and left that thought for another night. As he looked towards Belle, he saw her smiling at him before returning to laugh with Maya. Yes, she was perfect... Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
The meeting (chapter 3)
"Sir we've landed." A voice awoke Daniel from his nap on the plane. He opened his eyes and looked out the window, it was still light. He had arrived in Cape Town, in time for the recital. It's been years since he had a nap or any proper sleep for that matter. But at this very moment Daniel felt very much awake. He looked up and made contact with Travis. Nodding he stood up. "Thank you Travis." Daniel said as he exited his private jet. As he started walking down the plane's steps, he took a deep breath of the salty but refreshing air. He loved the beach, ever since he was a kid, the beach was just calming. Much like music, you could leave your problems there and just fade. Travis opened the door for Daniel to his SUV and Daniel got settled in the back seat. As they drove Daniel couldn't help but keep his eyes on the horizon where the sun was closing in to meet the ocean. It was a truly beautiful sight to see. His phone pinged and buzzed but he paid no attention, this was breath taking, the ocean was beautiful and calm today. Arriving at the hotel, both Daniel and Travis exited the car, took their bags and went inside the hotel. It was not your typical glitz and clam hotel. It was just an ordinary four star hotel that looked extremely comfy and homey. All browns and white but beautifully decorated. Daniel made his was to reception, Travis following his every step. "Hi, two rooms under Bowman please." The receptionist nodded her head getting their room keys along with papers to sign. Daniel checked it taking the keys from her with a friendly smile. Walking towards Travis he handed him his key. "I want to take a quick shower and I'm sure you do as well. Let's meet back here in twenty minutes?" Daniel asked Travis. Travis nodded. "Yes sir." Daniel nodded taking his suitcase and walking towards the elevator, pressing the button for the second floor. Stepping out of the elevator as soon as the doors open on the second floor, Daniel walked down the hallways in search for his room. Opening the door to room 215, he stepped in closing the door behind him. The room itself was very beautiful, all a dark brown wood color, wooden floors, white couches in front of a TV, kitchen on your right open planned and same color as the floors, to your right you get the one bed room with an- suite. On the left side of his bed was a small balcony. Daniel immediately opened the doors and looked at the view. It was perfect, a view of both the city and ocean. Daniel  took a few minutes just to observe before retreating to the bathroom getting ready. Daniel couldn't help but wonder where his future laid. Would he also have a loving family like his sister has? Would he find a beautiful wife whom he could call his own? Would it be soon? Or maybe in the next five years? Oh he hoped not that long. Daniel shook his head and let out a dry laugh as he fixed his tie in the mirror. He was dressed to impress, a black Armani suit with a white dress shirt and elegant black tie, his light brown hair was perfectly styled as a comb over. For a last touch he put on his favorite cologne, Jimmy Choo for men. With one last look in the mirror, Daniel was ready and out the door. Arriving at the theatre, Travis looked at Daniel after he closed the door. "Mrs. Call sir?" Travis asked, he knew exactly who and what she was and he didn't like her one bit. She had no self respect and definitely didn't have it for others. Travis didn't even think she had a heart to begin with. But luckily for Daniel, the two men created a signal for when she became too much, Travis would dispose of her quickly. Sometimes Travis would signal Daniel telling him he wanted to leave which always made Daniel laugh. Daniel confided in Travis, he was his confident and friend, he trusted him with his life. "I'll take care of her but be ready for the signal." Daniel said making Travis chuckle. "Always sir." The theatre had a red carpet and paparazzi ready when Daniel stepped towards the theater, Daniel wanted to roll his eyes as Mrs. Call's attempt to get seen with him in public but let it slide. After taking a few photos for the public, Daniel entered the Theatre. He was astounded by how beautiful it was in there, glass and reds where all over the place, it reminded him of a typical old school theatre. "Wait until you see the office Mr. Bowman." A voice whispered in his ear making him turn around abruptly. Daniel sighed, clenching his jaw. "Mrs. Call. What a... Surprise. You look elegant." He really tried to be polite, she was wearing a yellow dress, so tight it looked like a second skin, not that it sounded bad but let's just say, some woman shouldn't be wearing something like that. "Oh well thank you, and you could call me Charlotte, please I insist." She said bashing her  at him. "Mrs. Call." He said giving her n tight smile making her smirk drop a little. "Excuse me." He said and without waiting for a reply, he left. Seeing his face, Travis walked towards him handing Daniel a Gentleman Jack with two ice. Much relieved Daniel smiled and nodded at him taking a gulp. "Just what I needed, thank you." After he took the last sip, Daniel and Travis made their way through to the actual theatre, only to be stopped by Daniel's phone ringing. Travis looked at Daniel with a questionable face. "Go ahead Travis, it's just Sophie." Daniel said looking at the caller ID. Standing just outside the doors so he could still see inside he answered the phone. "Sophie? Something you need?"  He asked conceded, not knowing what this could be about. As she replied he heard the audience applaud in the background. "Hello to you too brother, miss you too. Doing good? Same here." Was Sophie's reply. She had just as much sass as Claire did, and that made Daniel roll his eyes at her. Always so childish. "Sophie, I'm at an event, can you hurry this up please?" He heard her snort and rolled his eyes at her. What's a good day without any family bickering? "Fine, look I just want to make sure you remembered about Tuesday's plans with Donovan and Matt." After long silence Sophie groaned. Daniel totally forgot that her husband and son had a bonding day arranged with him. "Daniel, how are we related? Look just say yes and spend the day with them okay? Please? Both of them need guy time and Matt misses you a lot." "I'm sorry I forgot, I didn't mean to. Look if it makes you happy I will put it on my phone's calendar right now." Daniel felt a little guilty, he hasn't seen them in three months and he missed Matt and Don very much. He just could not help himself, he didn't know how to act in front of them, he was very distant and busy with work. The family hated him being like this but nothing would change him especially since it's been like this for thirteen years. But He could make a day out of Don and Matt. It should be fun. "Perfect!" She squealed. "So I was th-" Sophie was cut of by Daniel the minute she wanted to keep talking. This woman could talk your ear off if he didn't stop her she never would. "I got to go, bye." And with that he hung up. Ever since his Father's death, Daniel struggled to say I love you. He wasn't able to say it to his father when he died, but now, try as he may it just won't come out. Heading back into the theatre, he took his seat next to Travis and Mrs. Call as a boy kept singing. The night passed very slowly for Daniel. Fifteen students had preformed already including a ten min break, from guitar to xylophone were played. He was very impressed with their progress and the way they were learning. This school was one of his loudest investments and he was happy to have been a founder. "Thank you Egan." Mrs. Call said as the boy finished and the audience applaud. "Now, last but not least, Annabelle Parker. Belle has been at this school for the last three years and have been growing profoundly. As we end this year, she steps into her last year at this school and we could not have been more proud and honours to have had her as a student. Please welcome to the stage, twenty two year old, Annabelle Parker, gracing us with her piano and beautiful vocals. " Daniel alongside everyone else in the auditorium gave a warm applause as Annabelle made her way onto the stage. She took a seat at the piano and and started playing. Daniel checked his watch and saw that it was past nine pm. His mind was on it's way to mentally go over work files when she started singing. It was a familiar tune she was singing and playing, it was to the point of perfection on every single note. Daniel looked up in awe, and for the first time, he saw her. It was like a door had opened. She had so much grace and passion in her performance. He sat up straighter in his seat. Her fingers moved effortlessly on the piano keys, her face making a frown as she experienced the raw pain of the song, her eyes was closed as if she saw it all in her mind. And that right there was the most beautiful picture he had ever seen. His mouth was dry, his eyes burning from the lack of blinking and yet, he refused to look away, to even move. He didn't want the song to stop, he didn't want her to leave. He needed her, the music she was playing, he needed it all. But like all good things it must come to an end. As the audience applaud, Daniel took hold of Mrs. Call's arm before she could go upstairs. For a moment Charlotte thought this was it, this was her day. He was going to notice her, to ask her to dinner. He was going to- "I want to meet her." He said and her face fell. "Annabelle, I would like you to meet Mr. Daniel Bowman, our other founder. Daniel, Belle." Mrs. Call said. After the whole recital, there was a nice snack and coffee bar where everyone, students and parents as well as teachers got together. Mrs. Call decided against her better judgement and brought the two of them together. As they were shaking hands she heard someone call for her. "Alice!" She exclaimed and walked away, leaving the two alone. "Annabelle." Daniel said politely. Her name was very angelic much like her. He took this time to properly gaze at her and was in awe. She was beautiful in all aspects. She was breath taking and he could we that she didn't even know she was. "Mr. Bowman, it's nice to meet you."  She gave him a sweet smile which he returned. "That was a beautiful piece, have you always been fond of opera and classical?"  Daniel asked her too curious to get to know this angel. "Yes, I love any classical piece, Bach mostly. Since I was a little girl that piece had just brought me happiness in some form. I don't know what it is, the notes synchronizing just..." "... Gives you emotions you long to feel." He finished her sentence. She looked at him with wonder in her eyes and surprise. "Yes. Music has always been my escape, now it's my reality." She was extraordinary he thought, he liked her presence it was as if she calmed him some how. He wanted to get to know her. But he was more than surprised as he recognized her from the you tube video. "I must say I am impressed as well as with you videos you make on you tube."  As soon as he said it she flushed. "Shoot, you saw that?" Daniel laughed at her reaction, she was being cute without noticing it. "Yes, but your piece of Bach's Prelude was by far my favorite." "Well thank you." Annabelle looked down at her watch and saw it was almost ten pm. Her eyes widen and she looked at Daniel with a guilty face. "I'm so sorry Mr. Bowman, but I have to get home. It was lovely meeting you." She said in a rush and collected her things making a run for it. Panicking Daniel followed her out. "Wait Annabelle, are you free tomorrow? I would like to get to know you more." Annabelle stopped dead in her tracks turning around slowly to meet his eyes seeing that their genuine. Daniel had no idea what was happening to him. All he knew was that, she couldn't leave him like Cinderella left the Prince. He wanted to get to know her before going home tomorrow evening. "I- Y- Why?" "You intrigue me, please just one afternoon. That's all I'm asking for." Daniel frikking  Bowman just begged. Daniel wasn't a begged but right now he was feeling all kinds of vulnerable. Something inside him told him that his angel right here in front of him could be his saving grace. What if he could find happiness in her? Even as a friend? She was the only girl he ever met that looked at him and continued talking about music, his other passion. He could see the wheels in her head spinning. She bit her lip playfully and tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. That made him break out in a smile. "Okay, tomorrow, Anne's café, noon sharp. Not a second later." She said with a playful dominant voice. "Or a second sooner." She gave him a all  trying to suppress a blush and nodded, getting into Jesse's car and driving off, leaving the Prince on the side walk. Daniel smiled to himself, biting his lip he did a 'breakfast club' fist pump. For the first time in a while he felt happy and giddy. Smiling to himself while humming a tune he went back inside. Cinderella left her Prince after all, at least this time, she left him with an excited heart in hopes of seeing her tomorrow. Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
Plot twist... (Chapter 9)
Shaking. That was all that the four of them were doing. Surrounded by plastic chairs, the smell of medicine, the feel of cold and death surrounding them as they waited in the white and blue waiting room. No one said a word. Megan and Jesse were sitting close together for comfort, the newly weds close to them with Belle on Daniel's lap. His hands wrapped around her protectively, her head in his neck praying to the one above to help them and save Anne. 
This isn't real, this didn't happen...
 It was all that was chanting through Annabelle's head. She couldn't lose a person she loved, not her mother, her other mother. She barely knew the one, would life be so cruel as to take her away? Annabelle was shaking and Daniel was becoming concerned beyond measure. She already felt unwell when they arrived and now she was looking pale and shaking. Daniel knew that as soon as things calmed down he needed to take Annabelle to a doctor. Annabelle would refuse at this point, this much he knew. He hoped that Anne was going to recover, Belle losing another person dear to her heart will destroy her emotionally. He knew it would not be pretty, he saw it first hand. It was not something to be repeated.
 Daniel left Annabelle and Megan for a while and took Jesse with to get coffee for everyone. Standing at the counter, pouring in the sugar Daniel looked at a torn Jesse.
 "She's all family that both Belle and I have left." Jesse said as if seeing Daniel's expression.
Daniel's heart tugged at it. He was always prepared for the worst so if push came to shove, he would prefer to buy a house for both Megan and Jesse so they could both be near Belle. She was going to need them most. But Daniel didn't want to think like that. He wanted to stay positive and be strong.
 "She's going to be okay. She's strong." Daniel said patting Jesse's shoulder. 
"She's all I have." Belle said in a whisper but Megan caught it. She stood up and sat in the seat Jesse sat in previously. Holding Belle's hand she talked in a soft comforting voice. 
 "Shh. Hey look, Anne is a fighter. She'll make it." Annabelle nodded, tears still trailing down her face. Wiping it furiously she looked at Megan. 
 "I'm so sorry, here I am going on about myself when you are in the same boat as I am." 
Megan shook her head letting out a soft laugh. "It's okay, let's face it, I am the strongest between the two of us." 
Annabelle gave her a weak smile and looked past her shoulders as the men came back with coffee. Taking the cup Jesse held out, Megan thanked him and took her cup while Belle did the same with Daniel, but the minute the smell reached her nose she was nauseous, trying not to tell Daniel she waved it off as 'hot' temp. Annabelle was getting on edge. They have been waiting for 2 hours to hear from the doctor what was wrong with Anne but nothing came. Daniel took Belle in his arms and kissed the top of her head whispering sweet nothings in her ear. 
 "Family of Anne Lockport?" A deep voice broke their silence; they all immediately looked up and saw the doctor, Megan and Belle were on their feet in no second and in front of him. "Anne is going to be ok, she had a multi-function in her lungs, some bleeding, nothing serious, we did our best but I believe she is going to be ok."
 Hearing this they all sighed in relief, Megan hugged Jesse with tears as Belle leaned into Daniel sighing.
 "May I see her?" Megan asked.
 "Of course." The doctor replied before disappearing.
 "Belle, you coming?" she asked when she looked back. Megan wanted to see Anne desperately but she was afraid to go alone. Right now she wanted Belle with her, afraid she might not handle it. She was strong but there was a limit everyone reached at some point. If Anne had to go, Megan would be lost. It was never like her parents cared enough about her to let her come home. They would start complaining about how she wasn't living right or that she should have been married by now. She couldn't deal with this. Anne gave her a bigger purpose, she gave her hope for her future and contentment when it came to her lifestyle. She knew someday things would turn out this way. But same as Belle, they both wished that they still had time.
 "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." Belle told her. Daniel came and hugged her, he kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear.
"She is going to be fine baby girl; it's going to be ok. No need to worry anymore." Daniel wasn't sure, he wasn't a doctor but his gut told him enough not to assume or be oblivious to the inevitable. He had to be here for Belle and he was happy that she also had Megan and Jesse by her side. Looking at Jesse he could see a boy who needed comfort. More than what Belle needed. Belle had him and Megan who were in the same boat as he was. Jesse on the other hand, he could see that Jesse was conflicted. He wanted to be strong for the girls but also had no idea how to stop crying. Daniel could help, shed some light and all that stuff. Giving him a tight hug, Belle took a deep breath.
 She heard and listened to what the doctors had said, yet she felt as if something bad was about to happen and she could see Daniel felt it too. And for some unknown reason she couldn't shake the feeling off. She started feeling dizzy again and nearly fainted, Daniel saw this and reacted quickly, catching her in time and called a nurse.
 "Daniel I'm ok." Belle argued, no matter how bad she felt, she wanted to see Anne.
 "No. Nurse help her." Daniel said as the nurse arrived, ignoring Belle's protests. 
After much arguing between the couple the nurse took her to a room and looked at her eyes, smiling as she knew what was wrong. 
 "It is alright sweetie, you are just dehydrated, after you finish that water you can go see your friend, I think all this stress was just piling up." She said giving Belle a cup of water.
 "Thank you. Yeah we just came from Greece and then found her in a bad state." The nurse nodded giving her a reassuring smile. Belle thanked her again and went to see Anne. Belle rolled her eyes at Daniel's worry, she knew it wasn't that serious.
 Anne looked sick, and not just sick, she looked very thin and that only in a matter of hours. She was tied to machines, lots of them, she had pipes in her nostrils for oxygen and a heart monitor attached to her as well as a IV with fluid. Belle tried not to gasp but she was beyond worried now. Anxious if all. Looking at Anne's face she was smiling at something Megan said, Megan was seated next to her, holding her hand, Jesse was behind Megan, hands on her shoulders for comfort. She could feel Daniel standing behind her by the door waiting for her move. 
 "Belle, you came." Anne said as she saw Annabelle, taking a deep breath Belle walked to her and gave her a hug, tears falling down her cheek slowly.
 "Anne, I was so worried, how do you feel?" Annabelle asked taking her other hand in hers, Daniel came and still stood behind her, he was ready for anything at this point.
 "Good, a little sore, nothing a little bit of meds can't fix. Oh dear why are you wasting your precious tears like this?" Anne asked as her own tears formed by the look on Belle's face. She didn't want any of them to worry. She was going to be okay.
 "I was just so scared Anne, I've never seen you like this." Belle said trying hard not to let a sob out.
 Daniel saw this and took hold of her waist from behind and with one hand, he slowly let it trail up and down her arm soothingly.
 "Oh my dear, I am going to be just fine." Anne said and looked at all of them. Seeing the desperate look in Anne's eyes, Daniel brought up Greece, distracting everyone from the sad moment. It was as if Anne's eye lit up, hearing about Greece and the beach, the wine and olive testings they did, the trips around the island and small shops they went to. Everyone laughed as Daniel told them embarrassing stories of how Annabelle thought a guy was stalking her in Greece only to find out he was blind and just happened to love the cafe they went to. Anne was happy that Belle found a charmer. Someone she could hold on to forever. Someone that would stay matter what. Who loved her beyond measure, she was in peace,
 Megan and Jesse grew close and Anne could see it, Gay my ass Anne thought, she knew they would be close and there for each other as well for Belle. She took a deep breath and then she felt it. 
 Belle was still talking about the food in Greece all the time holding Anne's hand, when all of a sudden Anne's heart monitor went off beeping. Everyone looked at the machine, they saw enough movies to know her heat stopped. Megan froze and Jesse took her out as the doctors came running in. Try as he may, Daniel struggled to get Belle out there who held Anne tightly. She shook her holding her face in her hands. 
"Anne? Anne wake up!" Doctors came in rushing and tried to push them out of the room, Daniel got the message and tried to take hold of Belle but she struggled.
 "No! Mom! Mom! No Daniel let go! Daniel no! Stop it! Let go!" She kept yelling and thrashing in his arms, this broke his heart too much but not as much as her next words.
 "Daniel stop!! I hate you! Let me go! Let me go!" She kept yelling but Daniel held on tighter taking her in his arms pulling them out of the room. Daniel turned her around and held her face in his chest, she kept pounding her fists against him but he held on.
 "No! No! No!" She yelled and Daniel tried not to cry as well.
 Annabelle cried until she was exhausted of crying. She slumped in Daniel's arms and he picked her up carrying her to the waiting room. What he just saw scared him, he knew she didn't mean a word but it still tugged at his heart, he had the same reaction towards his family when his father passed and it all just brought up memories. Daniel cleared his throat, he wasn't going to break, not yet. 
 They sat in the waiting room waiting for what felt like hours, Belle was cuddled in Daniel's arms while she held Megan's hand who was in Jesse's arms, none of them said a word, too scared to talk. An hour went by when the doctor came out. They all rushed to their feet. Megan was being held tight by Jesse as she began to frantically ask him questions.
 "Where is she? Is she ok? What is going on?" Like every cliche film, the doctor looked sad and down before looking at all of them. 
"I-I am so sorry for your loss, we did everything we could." 
 Megan turned in Jesse's arms and cried, grabbing the collar of his shirt and cried frantically in his neck. Jesse grabbed her tightly around the waist and joined in her grief. Daniel moved and turned a frozen Annabelle around to face him. 
She was shaking, her world stopped and everything started to turn grey. Anne was g-gone. She wasn't coming back. Belle had lost her only mother, she lost the one person who meant everything to her besides Daniel. She couldn't comprehend what she just heard, she was lost, she never should have left, she should have stayed. She needed time, she wanted more time! As her world started to come back to life she heard Megan hysterically started crying, she couldn't feel her legs, she started slipping out of Daniel's hold as he stood there trying to talk to her, he was kneeling with her as she fell on to her knees and just sobbed. Daniel's voice was zoned out. How was she to deal with all of this?
 Few hours later back at Anne’s house, Megan was calling everyone she possibly could on the phone, beginning to arrange the funeral, she had been on to it non-stop. All she did was arrange the funeral that she wanted done tomorrow; she said she just wanted it over and done with... Megan was in denial, in disbelief, she was making herself crazy but she couldn't help it. She needed to stay focused, Jesse already tried talking her out of it but it didn't work, so they decided to let her be and do what she had to.
 "Ok so the priest check, guests check, coffee and tea will be here at the house, the caterers are on point and then all we need is to get dresses and suits and we're good to go." Megan said scribbling in her note book. 
Jesse nodded, humoring her while Daniel gave a short nod, holding Belle, and Belle, she looked at Megan dumbfounded.
 "Don't give me that look Belle, I know what you're thinking, you think it is too soon and all, well it's not, I need to bury her and get a move on, she isn't coming back." She looked down with a sad face and then turned to walk away.
 Everyone was quiet, no one knew what to say, it was like their little light had faded. Daniel took Belle in his arms and held her, taking her bridal style to bed. Daniel put her on the bed and started dressing both of them in their pajamas. When he was done he sat down beside her.
 "I didn't mean it, what I said in the hospital. Daniel I don't hate you. I-" Daniel cut her off with a kiss to the lips, he pulled back and let both of them lay down on the bed, her body pressed against his.
 "I know baby girl." He said and kissed her head softly.
 "I love you Daniel." 
 The next morning all four of them were getting dressed and ready for the funeral. After a restless night, no one sleeping a wink, they just gave up and started preparing everything early in the morning. Megan and Jesse was already at the cemetery and Daniel was standing behind Belle zipping up her dress.
 "It's going to be ok, I know you miss her, but I am here for you." Daniel said softly.
 "I know" She whispered. She turned and he kissed her softly before they left and were on their way to the funeral. Megan and Jesse were both letting out silent tears as they greeted everyone, there were people who she didn't recognize, and Daniel was in the corner with Belle as well.
 Megan took a hand full of ground and threw it in the whole were Anne's casket laid. Everyone was heading home already for the whole 'I'm sorry for your loss, thanks for the tea' party. Annabelle wasn't feeling up to it at all... 
 "Come, let's go home baby girl." Daniel took her in his arms as she silently cried. It was cold and dull around them. Annabelle couldn't believe this would happen. She was never going to come back. Anne was gone, for good and she felt the whole return her heart. She stepped forward and put the red rose down on the already there tombstone. 
 "Goodbye Anne..." She said and turned around to be met with Jesse.
 She ran to him and held him tight. In the time of Belle knowing Jesse, she knew he loved Anne like a mother as well. She was a mother to all of them.
 "I am so sorry Belle, if I can do something I would." Jesse said. Megan was next to him and also joined the hug. 
 "Don't, I can't accept it yet." She said in a sob and Jesse kissed her forehead, they all pulled back and Jesse went with Megan to the house meanwhile Daniel said that they should go home. Not being able to take all this, Annabelle agreed to go back to NYC. 
"Are you two going to be okay?" She asked Megan and Jesse, bags packed and ready to go, they all stood outside next to the car as they said their final goodbyes. 
 "We'll be fine, I'll call you as soon as all the paperwork is done and we'll see you in New York yeah?" Jesse asked.
 He and Daniel already talked. Daniel had already told them that he would arrange for them to start a new life in New York with Belle. They agreed but had to stay for a while to sell the cafe and house. Belle nodded and hugged both of them before Daniel greeted them as well. They said their final goodbyes and flew back to New York.
 "Belle, my dear I am so sorry to hear about Anne." Daniel's mother gave her a big hug as they walked through the door. 
Daniel and Belle was to live with his mom in the mansion while he waited for his own house to be bought. He had the penthouse ready for Jesse and Megan, but he wanted a family home for him and Belle. Annabelle barely hugged Claire back all she wanted was to just be alone. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Daniel giving his mom a sign not to say stuff like that and she gave him a small smile.
 "I am tired, I think I am going for a nap." She told them and went up the stairs. 
"Mother, I told you on the phone not to do something rash, she's been through a lot." Daniel said to his mom. 
His mom nodded. She knew it was already too much for Belle. This girl had been through so many of life's curve balls. It was only a while before she would break. Daniel didn't know what to say to his wife, he did know that he could try every bit to be there for her, but he knew how she felt. Belle went to lie down on the bed and started to sob again. She couldn't help it, she just cried and cried until she eventually fell asleep.
 And this was routine for them. Belle wouldn't eat, she would just cry and sleep. It's been like this for the past five days. Daniel busied himself when she was asleep, he had things working faster for Jesse and Megan, as soon as he can get them here, the sooner Belle would be better. These past five days were torture to see the love of his life so torn apart. What was he to do? He showered her with love everyday and she would give a weak smile but he knew she was hurting. 
 That night, Belle woke up in the middle of the night, startled. She looked at the night stand and saw it was 3 o'clock in the morning, sighing she fell down on her pillow, she looked to her right and saw Daniel fast asleep. She felt like the worst wife in the world, being so distant from him. She did appreciate everything he did for her. She knew she was not the same Belle that was celebrating her honeymoon at Greece. She was pale and very thin, she didn't feel the need to eat at all, her once baby soft skin was now like sand, rough to the touch. She knew she had to do something to show Daniel that she was still inside there, that the Belle he knew was still within her, that she was just hurt. She began thinking of something when all of a sudden she felt a burning/stabbing feeling in her lower abdomen. She couldn't control the scream that escaped her lips. It hurt so fucking bad. She had been feeling very sick the last few days but blew Daniel off when she was asked about it. She didn't know what was wrong, she thought it was just something her body was reacting to after the shock. Daniel woke up with a jump and looked at Belle with an alarmed look. 
"Belle? What's wrong baby girl?" He asked as he sat straight up.
 "D-Daniel, it hurts." He stood up and rushed to her side of the bed switching on the bed lamp light. When there was light all they saw was blood between her legs. Belle's eyes widen, this can't be happening. Daniel looked at it and then back at Belle. He didn't know what to think.
 "Belle? Are you on your period baby?" He asked confused, the numbers didn't make sense, Daniel knew her dates and she was not on her normal date. Annabelle looked at him fearfully and shook her head. Daniel's eyes stretched. He started counting and then he gasped. She wasn't on her period, in fact she was late. Acting fast he picked her up bridal style as she cried out in pain, running out the room he yelled for his mother. 
 "Daniel? What is going on?" His mother asked as she emerged from the kitchen downstairs, meeting him halfway. She saw the blood and her eyes widen. This was not happening. 
 "Mom get the car, Belle is hurt. Now! Hurry!" He yelled when she froze, snapping out of her daze she gasped and got the keys. 
Both her and Daniel rushed outside towards the car, she climbed behind the wheel and Daniel in the back seat with Belle on his lap, gripping his t-shirt hard. 
"Mom, I'm going to need you to speed the hell out of this car." He said and she looked at him through the rear view mirror. 
 "Don't worry Daniel, I remember how to drive." She said putting the Bentley in gear and speeding off. 
 As they arrived at the hospital, Belle was near to pass out. "Stay with me baby, come on. Stay with me, keep those gorgeous eyes open. Help!" He said and then yelled as he entered the ER. 
His mother stayed behind talking to the cops who were hot on their trail. Claire had used her speed racer skills and as she did, she caught the attention of the cops, but this was her daughter in law, she had to do what she could. Daniel was freaking out, he tried to stay calm as the nurses took Annabelle from him and moved her away leaving him drenched in blood in the waiting room. Claire came behind her son and held him tight.
 "The cops?" Daniel asked her and she shook her head.
 "They understood." She said and took her son's hands in his. "She's going to be okay." Claire said and Daniel let a tear slip.
 "I-I didn't know. Mom none of us knew. What if... what if.." Daniel couldn't even finish his sentence as he shook, crying and held his mom close to him. She comforted him until he calmed down. 
He was almost asleep in one of the waiting room chairs. Claire looked at her son and she felt her heart pain. She had seen her son like this thirteen years ago, with her husbands death. She knew how much he wanted the child. But she couldn't change fate. She just prayed that Annabelle was alive and okay.
 Picking up the phone, seeing it was four o'clock she called Sophie. Alec was still in Chicago and she would call him after Sophie. They were closer and Daniel could use the support. All of them could. 
 "Mom? What's wrong?" Sophie groaned tiredly in the phone.
 "Hello sweetheart, listen we're at the hospital, think you and Don could come? Daniel needs you guys." 
 Suddenly awake, Sophie sat up and shook Don awake who looked at her confused but sat up. "Mom, what's going on?"
"It's Annabelle sweetie, we think that she's having a miscarriage." 
 Sophie and Don, along with a sleepy Matt came running into the hospital. Daniel saw them and looked confused, seeing his mother's expression he knew she did this. He gave her a thankful smile as he hugged Sophie and Don. Matt did a lazy wave making himself comfortable on the chair, instantly falling asleep. Sophie shook her head and turned back to Daniel. "What happened?"
 "I don't know, we were in Greece and she started feeling bad but she said it was the chicken we ate. I let it go but when Anne died she started getting worse, I thought that it was because of the grief and pain she was feeling. Then all of a sudden she woke me and... there was blood everywhere Soph. She has pain and the doctors took her but I-I don't know.... I-I didn't-" Daniel broke off crying and Don patted his back. Sophie hugged him and whispered reassuring words in his ear. 
 Fifteen minutes later the doctor came out, blood spots here and there on his shirt. Daniel along with the family, except for a sleeping Matt, stood up alarmed. "What happened? Is my wife going to be ok?"
 The doctor looked at Daniel for long and his mom gripped his hand. "Your wife is fine, she will be ok in no time." 
Daniel sighed a sigh of relief and looked at his mother, smiled big at her and kissed her forehead.
 "However, I am sorry to say that she lost the baby. There was nothing we could do, it was a natural miscarriage." Daniel along with everyone froze. No no no. This was not happening. Not another loss, why their baby? Daniel tried to form words but the doctor just patted him on the shoulder, telling him he could go see her and then left.
 "We j-just came from our honeymoon. We were happy, we-" Daniel whispered with tears in his eyes his voice cracking.
 He would have loved the baby, the both of them would have. The baby would have been happy. Would it have been a boy or a girl? Would he/she grow up loving music or business? Daniel's head started spinning but his mom took hold of him.
 "Daniel? She needs you Daniel." His mom hugged him as he cried. She was right. Annabelle would need him now more than ever.
 "Baby girl? You awake?" He asked softly walking into Belle's room, she looked ok from this angle but as he walked closer to her and she gave a soft smile. 
"What did the doctor say? Am I ok?" she asked. 
She passed out before they could do anything. It was probably just a fail in her body from the stress. She saw tears formed in Daniel's eyes and she hoped that she wasn't dying. Daniel took her hand in his and kissed her hand. He looked up in her eyes and she looked at him confused. 
"What is it Daniel?"
 "T-The doctor said you are going to be ok." He said, how was he going to tell her this, she was going to break more than ever. 
 "Then why are you crying?" She asked with a smile on her face, she felt okay, sore but okay. 
She didn't feel sick anymore and nor did she feel nauseous. But as Daniel let out a sob her smile faded. 
 "Y-You had a miscarriage, we lost the baby." And she froze. 
Repeating the word in her head the whole time. Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Letting out a gasp/sob she put her hand over her mouth looking at Daniel as she started shaking and tears ran freely down her face. 
 "Baby? I was pregnant?" She asked after a long silence of just us trying to figure it out a softly crying she whispered. "I-I am so sorry Daniel, it's all my fault. I swear I didn't know. Daniel I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, please forgive me." She started hyperventilating and crying hysterically and Daniel saw this self blame, not what he was expecting. 
 "No, shh shh shh, it is not your fault, these things happen. Baby look at me, I love you okay we can... we can always try again okay?" Belle nodded but kept crying, how could she not blame herself? This was her fault, she couldn't even carry his child. She was a failure, she was cursed, first Anne and then the baby. She could see the look in Daniel's eyes. He was devastated. 
He moved so he could lay next to her on the bed, he held her until she fell asleep. This was just too much. He knew they could work through it. He just didn't know how or what to do. He just prayed to the big guy up there that everything will be okay. That they would be okay... 
 Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
'I'm in...' (Chapter 5)
Annabelle Parker. She was constantly on Daniel's mind. She was beautiful, yet she was shy and innocent. Daniel liked that, he didn't know how innocent but it was clear that she was more focused on her career than anything else. He loved her ambition, her passion and most of all he loved her talent. Being in Cape Town and spending time with her really showed him a different side of women. She wasn't like the rest, she was a gem, she was golden and he liked that about her. She didn't think the way other girls did and she didn't dress like them either, she stood out above all of them and he was glad he had the eyes to see her. Daniel just landed at O.R. Tambo international airport, he was back in Johannesburg and he already missed her. He got a text timed last night at 10pm from Donovan. 'Hey bro, both Matt and I landed and arrived safety at your condo. Matt is still heavy jet lagged but we're looking forward to seeing you.' Daniel smiled slightly as he read it, he missed Donovan and Matt, he could imagine the fourteen year old being passed out and his bed being ruined. Ever since Matthew was born he had formed a close with his uncle Danny. If there were sleepovers Matt always insisted on sleeping next to his uncle or at least taking his uncle's bed. Daniel never minded, Matt could be his son for all he cared, he loved that little guy so much. Sometimes when he got visits like this or went back to New York he would feel guilty for being so distant at times with his family, but he couldn't help it, there was a hole in his heart and no one could fill it. Except Belle. He thought, too soon? Speaking of, Daniel saw it was past midnight, he wondered if he should call her and tel her he's safe. Mmm maybe she won't care, or she's asleep. Debating this Daniel decided to just send her a text. 'Just landed and now on my way home. I miss you already. -D' He locked his iPhone and looked out the window as he took the sight of the city again. Being back in JHB was good but he wished that Belle was here with him. He could imagine going to visit her on a daily basis, bringing her flowers, having dinner with her, just not having to rush an or cut their time together short. The way her hair danced with wind on the beach, her content smile playing on her lips as her eyes closed, facing the sun and listening to the waves. Daniel took a mental picture of her that way and it was the only way she replayed in his head. 'Glad you're safe. I miss you too. Sleep tight. X -B' Daniel had a bright smile on his face, he thought she would be asleep by now. Was she busy with studies? Maybe she waited for his text? No she was probably studying. The look of her text told him that she was tired and going to bed. 'Sweet dreams xx -D' Just as Daniel sent the text, Travis pulled up at his penthouse and he took a deep breath. He wasn't as tired as he should be, after Belle's text he was more awake, but he knew he had to sleep and get rest, especially with a fourteen year old in the house. Walking into his penthouse he put his keys down in the bowl by his front door and bid Travis goodnight. The house was quiet telling him they were both asleep. Daniel went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, taking it with him upstairs to his room. Entering his room he saw Matthew passed out, lucky for him the bed was king size so there was enough space for him. Daniel took a minute to look at him. He had the same light hair as his father and the same jaw. He had grown taller in the last three months that he hasn't seen the little guy. Daniel smirked as he knew soon Matt was going to break hearts. Daniel took a shower and got dressed in pajama pants and a white shirt. Slipping into bed next to his nephew, his head hit the pillow and he fell asleep with one thing on his mind. Annabelle Parker. "Waaaaaake upppp!!!" Daniel heard a voice trying to sound like Batman? Smirking Daniel groaned pretending to be asleep. "Noo!! Come on uncle Danny, wake up! You have to spend the day with me!" He was doing his whiny voice knowing Daniel's walls would crumble, it always did. Turning around Daniel looked at Matthew with one open eye. "Happy now?" He grumbled and Matt shook his head shaking Daniel's shoulders. "Okay okay I'm up!" Daniel said in defeat, making Matt attack him with a hug. "I'm so glad we've been reunited Uncle D, the forces has kept me long enough, I almost didn't make it, but I survived." Matt said dramatically, ever since he was little Daniel and him had this hidden game world they lived in, the family tried to understand them but gave up after failing. "I would sure hope so. I can't afford to loose my best soldier to Dr. Evil." Daniel said making Matt's eyes widen. "Her sir, but in battle I think I got infected, not sure but I'll need the antidote." Matt said 'scratching' his chin. That was code for pancakes, the boys' favorite breakfast that they only ate when together. Pretending to be thinking Daniel stood up and put both arms behind him staring down at Matt. "Well soldier, I heard the doctor was in town, just to be sure we would advice you to clean up before further examination." "Yes sir!" Matt said excitedly saluting Daniel before running and giving Daniel a bone crushing hug that he returned. "I missed you uncle D." Daniel's heart swelled at this boy, he loved this kid so much and was happy to have them visit for a while. "I missed you more Matty. Go get dressed and all, I'll make us some pancakes." Matt nodded a left. After Daniel took a shower and got dressed he started on the pancakes. It was the only thing he knew how to make. Throwing choc chips in, he mixed it all together and started making them in the pan. Matt and Don both made their way downstairs just in time as Daniel placed the last pancake on the plate filled with a tower of pancakes. "Smells great! Hello brother." Don said as both him and Daniel gave each other wide smiles and a bro hug. The rest of the day was spent with the three of them doing tons of things, Daniel took them to the zoo and go-cart racing. Daniel felt home again as he had boys time with his boys, Matt was in heaven having his uncle with him and telling him all about the school and girls. Don and Daniel both caught on with the businesses and their lives. All the while Daniel kept texting Belle, he wished they could meet her, they would love her. But Daniel knew that somehow he had to get her here. It was late afternoon, all three of the boys were sitting on Daniel's pent house balcony drinking a cold one. Yes the men drank a beer while Matt drank his beer. They were looking at the sunset out on the city. Taking a deep breath all three of them took a sip of their drinks in sync. "Okay, who is she?" Don asked the question he had been waiting to ask. Matt looked at them and smirked, he was happy at the idea that his uncle found someone. "What are you talking about?" "You've been hooked on your phone as well as had a goofy smile for at least all day not to mention you are not your usual distant self. I was like that once, when I met Sophie, so who is she?" Dan asked smirking. "Annabelle, her name is Annabelle Parker." As he said it in memory of her, they heard a glass broke, both of them looked to their right at Matt who dropped his glass and stared open mouth at them. "A-A- Annabelle Parker? As in you tube singer, gorgeous girl, love of my life Annabelle Parker?" Both raised an eyebrow at him and Daniel nodded. "How dare you break bro code uncle Danny? I had dibs on her first. Is she hot? Like on the videos or better?" Matt asked, Daniel turned his head to Don who only shrugged and drank his beer. Turning back to Matt he answered. "Yes the one and only. She's beautiful, inside and out, she has this sort of elegance and beauty to her that I can't explain. She's like a siren, she hypnotized me with her music and her voice." Daniel said thinking back to their time in Cape Town. "How did you find her?" Matt asked breaking his trance. "She found me. After I saw the link you send me, I was invited to one of ACA's recitals in Cape Town. She is a student there, on her last year. She just preformed and I was lost. I asked her to coffee the next day and she agreed. We had lunch and went to the beach just in each other's company and she stole my heart. Everything about her is so pure and innocent." Don looked at Daniel as he spoke, he had a grin on his face, he couldn't believe it. Daniel actually found his match. The look in his eye, the smile on his face, the way he spoke about her, was all signs of at Don did and looked like when he found Sophie. He thought the exact thought about her. She was his everything the minute they met. He wanted her and he got her. He'll admit he was persistent but how else? "Let me tell you man, when it comes to the ladies, you let them come to you, you know what I'm saying?" This came from Matt and it made both men look at him with an raised eyebrow. Matt just shrugged his shoulders and kept drinking his coke. Shaking his head, Don turned towards Daniel. "So what's the problem?" Daniel looked at him confused, as Don saw this he sat up a little straighter and continued. "There is always a problem. Something keeping you from being with her. Mine was that she was a few years younger than me and still in high school." As he said this both Daniel and Don chuckled. Daniel remembered this, he was fourteen when Sophie told their parents that she had met a guy and that they were in love. Everyone was fine with it until twenty two year old Donovan Shepard stepped through the door. He was a colleague of Conrad, still a college student but on his way to success. Conrad was not too fond of the idea that his seventeen year old daughter fell for this guy and made it almost impossible for them to see each other. At the end of the day Conrad saw the love and devotion in his eyes and gave them his blessing. Sophie was twenty one when they got married. A year later she gave birth to Matt and a year after that, Conrad was no longer. "I remember, dad made it impossible, always sitting between the two of you in a movie and spoiling your time together with work problems." Daniel said as he laughed at the memory, it felt good to laugh with Don again. "Why do you think I took another job at the next opportunity?" Both shook their head and let out a laugh. "So you see, problems, which is yours?" "A few days ago, before I went to Cape Town, I got a call from Jeremy." Don frowned at this. "Your right hand at the company Jeremy?" Daniel nodded taking a sip of his beer. "Yeah, he told me that some things weren't going as well in New York and that it would be wise to relocate." "Relocate? Does that mean you're moving back home? To New York?" Don was excited, he missed having Daniel there, everyone did. Him moving back would be great. Nodding Daniel replied. "Yeah, but Annabelle is here, in South Africa, she's still studying." Don sighed taking a sip of his beer before turning to Daniel. "So what? Get her to move with you." Daniel's face was frowning and Don continued. "ACA is also in New York. She can finish her studies there, as for being too soon, when you know, you know. Sophie and I officially dated a week before moving in, she was fresh out of high school and we got a place together, close to college and work." "What if she says no?" "Then she says no, and you wait until she's ready. Sophie turned me down four times before we did move in together." Daniel chuckled and the rest of the night they went out for dinner and spent the rest of the night together. It's been about a month since Don and Matt came to visit. A lot were on Daniel's mind, the work, what Don said about asking her to move in, Annabelle. She was constantly clouding his mind. They talked everyday, morning, evening and sometimes even through lunch hour. Daniel was falling for her everyday and he knew she was too. He had to move to New York soon, his time was running out. So he thought it smart to go back to Cape Town and discuss this with her in person. Or so his mother advised him. So with a heart beating towards the sky, he entered Anne's cafe. The place was it's usual busy self. He looked around, in search for Belle but couldn't see her, neither could he see Anne. "Hi handsome, what can I do for you?" A voice broke him from his search. He looked to his left and found a girl with blonde dyed hair, a top showing too much and make up that was just as much. Very unprofessional. Daniel thought. "Hi, I'm looking for Annabelle." He said polite. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him from top to bottom. Recognition crossed her eyes and her face fell. "You must be Daniel then? The guy from last time, also the guy she won't shut up about." She said mumbling the last part. That made Daniel smile, he was glad that he wasn't the only one to constantly talk about her. "She's at the back with Anne, I'll go get ." she said and walked away. Daniel waited patiently for her to come back with Belle while having a smile on his face. The smile widen once he heard a loud 'What?!' Coming from the back. It was Belle, and the next thing he knew, she came running out with a look of disbelief. "Daniel?" She whispered and when he nodded she ran to him, giving him a big hug he returned. "What are you doing here?" She asked shocked but so happy. Daniel pulled back still holding her hips as he sighed. It was now or never. "We need to talk." He said and her smile dropped. The couple were seated on the deck at the cafe, both having coffee in the hands, both admiring each others looks while in a serious conversation. "So you're moving to New York?" Belle asked, her tone deflating. She just found him and now he had to leave? Was the universe against both of them? Daniel felt like crap seeing her face fall. He didn't want to leave without her. He needed her, she was his light among other things. He was happy with her around. Daniel  his mug down and grabbed a hold of her soft hand. "I have to yes, Jeremy says that people are going crazy without the authority in the offices. But the reason why I'm here doing it in person is, I want you to come with me. I know it's a big step and that we've only known each other a little while but, you don't have to stay with me, I can get you your own place, you can transfer to ACA in New York. This could work." "Wow you've really thought this through. I-I just need time to think please." Daniel nodded his head in understanding, he was worried that she would say no, what was he to do then? The rest of the day Daniel spent with Belle forgetting the awkward encounter earlier. He had a great time with her but had to say  goodbye since he had to go back to work and to JHB. He was getting anxious, it's been three days since they talked about NY. Daniel didn't bring it up in their phone call and neither did she. He didn't want to push her but his time was running out, he already started packing and getting things done to leave in a few weeks. Daniel was busy at the office, it was already past eight at night and he had a few files that needed his attention. As he typed away on his computer his phone buzzed signaling a text message. He checked it and saw it was from Belle. The text made him smile , it  him excited. 'I'm in. -B.' Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
Knowing each other... (Chapter 4)
"Let me get this straight. You went to the recital and met the founder of the school we study at, who by the way was hot for heels and then you scored a date with him this afternoon just by playing a simple piece of music? How you hypnotize people, I am in awe of you!" Jesse said dramatically, wishing he could get a man that easy. Annabelle and Anne both rolled their eyes at each other. Annabelle was busy cleaning up after her last customer left, making sure everything was neat and tidy before Megan took over her shift. Megan being Anne's niece. Megan and Annabelle never got off on the right foot. Megan had always been a little insecure when it came to her, Annabelle didn't need to go on diets nor did she need make up or extensions. She was beautiful the way she was and got a lot of attention for it, but Annabelle being Annabelle was obviously oblivious to this and that annoyed Megan. She thought she deserved the attention since she works hard in getting it. Annabelle wasn't bothered to be honest, especially when it came to all the insults and jealous snarks. Lucky for her she had Jesse in her life who made her toughen up every now and then. Megan was just a harmless insecure little girl who never got attention or love at home except when it came from Anne. She had a lot more in common with Annabelle than she thought, if they took the time to get to know each other, they'd see that they were both just misunderstood. Annabelle let out a dry laugh as she saw Jesse's expression, she didn't think this would be his reaction, then again it was Jesse and you can never be too sure what you are getting into. He had mood swings like a girl. Annabelle shrugged it off, it was just coffee with a founder who thought her performance was good, nothing more. But deep inside she hoped... "You're crazy, it's just coffee." Annabelle said putting the salt and pepper back on the table she just wiped. "Is he rich? I hope so. Jesse you see this? Take notes son." Anne said as she laughed at both Jesse and Belle's open mouths. Megan on the other had made her appearance know by snorting. "Or he is going to complain about how she lacks confidence and her music sucks." Megan said standing a few feet from them. Deep down it stung Annabelle, music was the one thing she never wanted to screw up. It was her baby and her confidence. There was no way she could allow herself to mess up. Keeping her head high she turned to Megan with a comeback. "I thought that was your job." Megan's mouth hung open as she turned and walked to the kitchen while Jesse took the opportunity and burst in loud laughter. Annabelle's proud face fell once Megan left and guilt instantly stepped in. Jesse saw this and his smile dropped as well. "Oh no, I know this look. Don't you dare think about it, you did good." He held up his hand so she could high five him and she shook her head walking to her locker at the back. As she retreated Anne looked at a smiling Jesse. She stood up and smacked his head following Annabelle. "You're starting to become a real mean lady Anne!" Jesse yelled after her making her smirk to herself. "Belle? Sweetie?" Anne called for her as she entered the back room. She saw Annabelle with her back against her, facing the locker. "Yeah." Annabelle said nervously as she turned to face her. She had a pair of blue jean shorts in her hand along with a flowy, purple, strapless top. Her nude sandals were on the ground next to her feet. "I-I'm so sorry Anne, I didn't mea-" Anne could see her guilt was evident. She didn't feel the need to become protective or scold her. She was merely standing up for herself. Yes Anne loved her niece but it wasn't her fight to meddle in. "Sweetie, it's okay. I know you didn't mean it. I'm just glad you're standing up for yourself." Anne said walking to stand in front of her, putting a strand of hair behind Belle's ear. "But she's your niece. And I'm... I'm not this person who cuss of speak bad about or to people. She just gets under my skin especially when it comes to my music." Anne gave her a bright smile as she pulled Annabelle into a hug. "Belle, honey. There is no reason to apologize, yes she's my niece but she could learn a few things from you, besides I did raise a beautiful and intelligent daughter. Annabelle's eyes lit up at this and she hugged Anne. Biologically or not, Anne was her mother and she was blessed to have someone as sweet and wonderful. Anne knew her like the back of her hand, she knew what to say at the right time. Even before Annabelle knew it she loved Anne the way a daughter should love a mother. "Thank you mom." Annabelle said for the first time ever. It wasn't forced nor was it an accident, it was perfect and Anne's heart swelled. Anne hugged Belle with so much love and before either one of them knew it, they burst out in tears. But Anne broke the moment. "No tears." She said and they mother chuckled. "Let's get you dressed and do you make up okay?" Annabelle nodded and they started with light make up. Twenty minutes later they were done. Annabelle was at the desk in front talking to a customer who wanted a reservation for the evening, while Megan waited tables, Anne was talking to an old couple and Jesse was having coffee at the counter where Belle was. Just as she was about to put the phone down Jesse chocked on his coffee making Belle look his way. "You okay?" She asked and he nodded not taking his eyes off the one handsome man in front of them that Annabelle didn't even notice. Annabelle turned her head following his eyes and her eyes widen at the sight of Daniel Bowman. "Hello, Annabelle." Both Megan and Jesse was gaping at him with open mouths, Anne gave a knowing smile while Annabelle stood there with a dry throat. She cleared her throat, licking her lips before replying. "Hello Mr. Bowman." He gave a chuckle. "Daniel is fine. You ready?" He asked so casual, his entire aura was casual. He was standing in front of Belle in what was as normal as you could get, khaki shorts with a v-neck white T-shirt and black vans. His hair was just left so it hung over his forehead making him look her age. Annabelle nodded and took her satchel, exiting the cafe with Daniel right behind her. "Where would you like to go?" She asked him as they walked along the side walk. "How about we get lunch at a restaurant here and then we walk the beach?" He asked her walking calmly alongside her with his hands in his pockets. She nodded and they were off. "When you said restaurant I didn't expect something so... fancy." Annabelle said as they sat down. The whole restaurant was light with windows everywhere. They sat outside on the deck looking out at the ocean. Daniel gave a smile and looked at her. "This is one of my favorites to come to, I'm sorry did you want to go somewhere else?" He asked unsure of what he was to do. "No! Oh my gosh, no this is perfect." She said and much to her relief he relaxed. Daniel let out a laugh and nodded. "So tell me about yourself." She started and so they kept talking, jumping from topic to topic. Eating, laughing, relaxing. Annabelle had to admit it was a nice change to be talking to someone other than Jesse and surprisingly she enjoyed his presence and company. She was at peace, it almost felt like home. They were on the beach two hours later, sitting on the sand watching the waves. Everything about this man excited her, his scent, his character, his beauty and his voice. The time she took to know him was not long but she was in awe of this man, he was smiling and laughing but she could see sorrow behind his beautiful blue eyes. She noticed how he didn't mention his family, neither did she. They were passionate about so many things and they had a lot in common. She forgot the world around her, the children yelling and playing, the people around them tanning and playing on the beach, it was just her, Daniel and the ocean. The waves in the background calming her. "Tell me about you family." Annabelle said. She could see it was a touch subject and like a child, she wanted to see how much he would tell her. What surprised her was that he looked at her and told her without so much a hesitation. "My dad died when I was around your age, he had a heart attack in his sleep and never woke up. We had an argument before he went to take a nap. It still eats me inside thirteen years later. Alec, my brother, is doing somewhat part of my dad's business while I do most. He lives oversea, I occasionally go to New York since my mother lives there with Sophie, my sister. Sophie is a teacher at a primary school, her husband, Donovan, he's an investor. Their son, Matthew, he's fourteen and in high school. I run my father's business full out and few other things like ACA. So I'm always working between JHB, here and New York. My mom she doesn't do much except throw parties. She doesn't have to do much, my dad left her with a good share of money. We're all very separate despite where we live, it's mostly emotional. I just... I don't feel ready yet." Annabelle nodded her head in understanding, she could understand where he came from. "What about you?" He asked her and she cleared her throat. "Well, my mom died when I was three, cancer, and my father didn't take it too well. He hired Anne to take care of me. I don't have siblings so it was easy for him, when I was about fourteen he started bringing his women home but there was just one woman that stuck. Barbra. She hates me and the feeling is mutual, she takes advantage of my dad. Not like he cares, he didn't even care when I moved here. Anne became my mom and Jesse my brother. Their my family now. Music was my only defense and distraction throughout high school and so on. Now when I finish at ACA I want to pursue my dream and sing. I've just always had a passion for it." Daniel listened intently and felt a sort of rage against her father. Abandoning your daughter, that was disgusting. Both experienced the loss of her mother, he didn't need to make her feel more shit about being on this earth alone than he already did. "I'm so sorry to hear. You didn't deserve that." Annabelle shrugged at his sincere sympathy. "I had Jesse and Anne, what about you? Was you girlfriend there when you dad... died?" She asked, she was nervous about what answer she would get. She didn't want him to have someone waiting for him to return in JHB but then again she barely knew him, she shouldn't be thinking that way. "There is no girlfriend. Not then and not now. No wife, child, nothing. I've always seen myself married by now but my future... it looks pretty bleak." He said looking ahead at the ocean. Annabelle looked at him and her heart pulled for him. She knew what he was feeling, she could relate. She was in the same boat as he was. "Just because I have money doesn't mean I'm happy. The whole in my heart is still not filled and it's big." As he said this Annabelle thought about her whole in her heart, it was strangely hard to find in the presence of this man, this beautiful, magnificent man. Everything about him made her forget even that little detail about herself. As they walked back to the cafe after getting Ice cream, both of them were laughing and smiling all the way. The sun was setting and the beach looked breath taking. They were both sticky after their ice cream fight. They couldn't get enough of each other, people would gaze and see a beautiful couple. They made a perfect match. The more they were together, the more their feelings grew. They didn't know it yet but the both of them were feeling chemistry very strongly. As they walked, Daniel took hold of her small hand in his big one. It was done subconsciously but both of them enjoyed the feeling. Heat filling Annabelle's core. She felt a warmth she longed for. As he held tight neither of them wanted to let go. Both of them turned to each other as they stopped in front of the cafe, smiling and not breaking eye contact. "I had the most wonderful day Annabelle. I would like to do this again." As he said this Annabelle's heart fluttered and she smiled brightly. "I had a great time too." "I have to fly back to Johannesburg this evening, may I take your number with me? I would like to keep in touch." She nodded and handed him her phone and he handed his, they exchanged numbers and all too slowly both of them started feeling dull knowing it was goodbye time. Her face fell knowing he won't be near in any way when they bid each other good bye. He must have seen it because he touched her cheek softly with his hand. "I'll be back. I promise." He said and she believed him. Nodding he kissed her forehead. Cue the cliche butterflies. Annabelle stood there staring as his car pulled away from the side walk and off into the night. She let out a deep breath she didn't realized she was holding. She would miss him and his presence. Chuckling at herself for sounding lovestruck she turned around only to gasp as she didn't notice Anne standing there. "Sorry dear. When you know, you know." Was all Anne said as she walked back into the cafe. Looking back one more time where he had been standing, she sighed following Anne. Locking the cafe up Annabelle was interrupted as her phone buzzed signaling a text. She pulled her phone out, smiling like every other idiot that was in love. 'I miss your company already xx -D' Copyright © 2015
0 notes
rionebuys · 7 years
The wallflower (Chapter 2)
Annabelle Parker, a twenty two year old music student at the Academy of Creative Arts in Cape Town. Annabelle has always been a bright kid, but she never had it easy. See Annabelle’s mother died when she was merely three years old of cancer. To say Mr. Parker was devastated was an understatement, he was broken apart at the loss of his beloved. How was he to raise a daughter alone without the feminine touch a mother brings? Not to mention to keep the bills under control. Having no other choice he hired a nanny. He had good intentions wen it came to his daughter he just didn’t know how to express it. So Annabelle was raised at the hands of Anne, she was basically her mother a only parent role she had.
She was fourth four when she took the job at the Parkers. Anne was newly divorced after she told her husband that she could never conceive, he felt enraged and demanded a divorce. Anne was heartbroken he was her first and only love. Her now ex husband thought it would be generous to leave her with a few hundred rand so she could take care of herself while he find himself a new wife. Anne didn’t want the money but felt as though she could use it someday for good use. She thought she would never love again after the big heartbreak. That was until she saw sweet little four year old Annabelle. She fell in love with the tiny brunette the minute she saw her and vise versa.
Mr. Parker took it as an opening to work long hours, his intentions was good but one night that changed everything. Staying late at the office late one night instead of going home to celebrate little Belle’s six birthday, evolved in him being seduced by his secretary. Finally he found a way to deal with the pain. With the pain gone, guilt stepped in. This started to become a regular routine for Annabelle except now he brought his secretary to the house. She was as fake as her name, Barbra. She hated Annabelle and the feeling was mutual. Try as she may, Belle’s father wouldn’t listen to her pleas of leaving this woman. So Belle did what every teenager did at the age of fourteen. She found a distraction. She found music.
Seeing this Anne decided to take Belle out to her favorite little music shop, there she bought Belle a piano with some of the money her ex left her. Since there wasn’t money for music lessons Belle used her brains and started teaching herself as well as joint the school’s music classes. Anne would sit for hours working with her and helping her. This was her perfect distraction, taking her away from the pain, abandonment, emptiness just everything really.
Anabelle was never really bullied at school she just kept to herself, she didn’t feel the need to dress up and act like the other girls, she was unique and she was going to embrace it. She liked the silence and just being on her own, but that all changed in her second year of high school. Jesse Addams arrived, new school transfer, new fly half and hottie of the school. The minute he laid eyes on her he knew she was special, she on the other hand wanted to run away from him. It was not that he liked her, he was secretly gay, but he could see a lifelong friendship with this wallflower.
“Flower, why so lonely?” He asked her smirking, Belle just glared at him. “I’m not your flower Pugsley.” Belle said what was supposed to be insulting, however Jesse burst out in laughter at her referral to the Addams family values film character. Belle couldn’t help but laugh as well and ever since that day, the brunette and blonde became the best of friends.
They were each other’s family along with Anne. After high school Anne, Jesse and Belle decided to move from Durban to Cape Town together. They all wanted and needed a fresh start, Anne used her money that she saved over the years to buy a three bedroom apartment as well as opening her own café right across the beach. Jesse didn’t have a family so moving was no problem and as for Belle, her father didn’t care. It worked perfectly especially since both Jesse and Belle had a scholarship at ACA. Jesse was convinced that one day they would start a band and become famous, known as the Wolven. Jesse’s imagination was just too big to mention.
As of present, Belle was busy cleaning tables at the café, she started working to Anne part time to keep her busy on days that she doesn’t have class. She stopped cleaning and looked across the street at the little children on the beach with their parents, laughing and smiling. Belle gave a sad smile as she watched them play. “That’s going to be us one day.” A familiar voice said behind her, she rolled her eyes playfully at Jesse.
“You’re gay Pugsley, don’t make me regret having sleepovers with you.”
Jesse fake gasped standing in front of her view. “How else was I to see you flower.” He winked at her making her laugh loud.
“Oh gosh please stop.” She said once she calmed down, turning serious she gave Jesse a sad look. “Married with kids? I wish, I wasn’t born into a family, I was rescued and put with you guys as a family, asking for my own would be selfish.” She said and walked to the counter starting to clean it. The café was a 500x600 square meter space, all brown and antique with bits of turquoise and green to add colour. There was a little stage with a piano at the end of the room and a counter on the other side at the entrance where the cashier stood with menus as wells as a door behind the counter heading to the back where the kitchen, bathroom and office were, the rest of the space was filled with tables and chairs.
“You deserve it Belle, we all do, we didn’t go through shit to be kept in the dark.” Both Belle and Jesse wanted a family of their own, Belle wanted to feel complete and utter love. The cliché flutters in her stomach, toe curling kisses the love letter and evening cuddles. But nothing ever happened. She has never been kissed nor has she ever had a boyfriend. She didn’t know what to do, she just read Debbie Macober and hoped that, that type of love existed. So far she was unlucky, after everything she’s been through, was it too much to ask for more?
Snapping back in reality Belle shook her head and wiped the counter more thoroughly. “Don’t shook your head at me flower, you know I’m right and that the right one will come.” He said putting is elbows on the counter with a satisfied smile. His smile quickly dropped at the sight of Belle’s glare. He immediately took his elbows off and stood up straight. Belle gave him a slight smile back and continued her cleaning.
“Jess, those things are meant for people who are successful and has something to offer.” She put the cleaning supplies away and took off her apron. Fixing her shirt she ran a hand through her long brown hair. She was a very beautiful girl and Jesse didn’t know how she could degrade herself like that, she had perfect ivory skin with long hair to match her curvy body. Beautiful blue green eyes, Lily Collins style eyebrows with pink plumb lips, she was really pretty. If Jesse was straight, he’d date her without question.
“But Bell-”
“No Jess, enough silly talk. I need to get ready for tonight.” She said kissing his cheek and going to the back. Annabelle sang every night one song on the little stage in the café the people loved it and she could practice more. Little did she know that because of her voice, the cafe was packed every night. It was always packed to the point where people had to stand.
“Belle sweetie you ready?” Anne called her when it was show time. Seeing Belle made her think of the first time she saw the girl. Belle was her daughter, biologically or not she loved her and would do anything to make her happy. Annabelle turned around smiling at Anne. She loved this woman with all her heart, this was a always will be her mother, there was one good thing her father did for her in her entire life, he hired Anne and she was beyond blessed because of it.
“Yes, I’m all set to go.” She kissed Anne’s cheek and walked to the piano taking her seat. She started off with tickling the ivories then she full blown started playing and singing. Playing piano and singing has always brought emotions out of Annabelle that she never knew she had or wanted. Music was her comfort and her muse, she was content in the presence of it. Yet she still had a whole in her heart, she wondered if that whole would ever be filled.
Finishing up for the evening all there of them made their way to the apartment. Jesse was first to say goodnight while Anne made Belle tea before retreating to her room, leaving Annabelle in her room, sitting on the windowsill, sipping her tea while looking at the stars. She started to sing the words that had been formed in her mind the last few days.
‘There is more beyond the stars, I wonder who you are, I am lost in this world, come find me… ’
Copyright © 2015
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rionebuys · 7 years
Introducing Daniel... (Chapter 1)
Family: noun A group consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit.
You get two types of people in this world the lone wolf, and the family man. One who is comforted by the touch and presence of another.
Daniel Bowman was always labeled as a lone wolf, having never been seen with a girl or even labeled married. Being thirty three and not having a partner in life, people started to talk, though that never kept the woman from falling to his feet. Whether it was for the money or the Bowman name, they could care less if he was gay or not. Reason enough why he never dated. He was raised into a big family and he wanted one of his own but not the kind of family who loves the riches and run for the hills once it’s gone. Running multi billion companies, he never thought he had time nor did he think he deserved a family. His time was running out but there was just one problem, he didn’t want any girl. He wanted the one. The right one for him, the one who’s heartbeat matches his, the one who’s his rock and shoulder to cry on. The one who can light up his world with a simple smile. That’s the one, but he would never admit this. Why would he? He has and empire to run and a reputation to up hold. Some say he’s scared other’s say he’s too busy. Truth be told it’s a little of both. Busy he was, scared because of the money, oh yes. Money is the root of all evil and Daniel knew that like the back of his hand. He has experienced it first hand, he could easily be one of those cliche CEO’s, flashing their money and sports cars. But not even all the money in the world could fill the whole in his heart. In a world like this it is impossible finding the right one, but it is in the word itself. Possible.
Daniel was sitting in his office one faithful Sunday evening. Not that it counted as a weekend or restful day. To him it was just another day spent at his usual hang out, seven days a week, twenty four hours a day. His office. The 500x500 square meter space, all white and grey completely described Daniel. A big white desk near the window over looking the beautiful city of Johannesburg, two white chairs in front of his desk. On both the left and right, the walls were covered with tones of books and music plates as well as a gramophone, every inch of that office was more comforting than his childhood home itself.
It was not that he hated home, just seeing his sister Sophie, happy with her husband and son, he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t feeling envious. What was he to do? He loved his nephew and he loved his entire family, but being successful with riches and work, he wished that he could have been successful when it came to love as well. But his father did leave him with a big chip on his shoulders, the business. Since Alec nor Sophie wanted to be that invested in the business , Daniel took it upon himself to make his father proud and raise the business higher. Working made him feel connected to his father. Somehow he would always wait for his father’s approval that didn’t come any more.
Daniel took it much harder when Conrad Bowman passed away. Conrad was very much like Daniel, hard worker, disappointment just wasn’t an option and they always gave their 110%. Daniel would do his work to the point of perfection and wait for his to come and give him a pat on the shoulder saying ‘Well done my son.’ and 'I am proud.’ and it made his day when it indeed happened. Not anymore. Conrad was gone along with his line of approval. But he was proud, of both his sons and daughter. He was the happiest man when he was alive and died with a smile on his face knowing his beloved and children would be perfectly fine. But were they really? Alec and Sophie continued on a positive note, or as positive as you can get for Alec since he found it comforting in numerous women’s beds. Sophie confided his her husband and son, treasuring every single moment with them. Claire Bowman had been left with riches and a big mansion, every ounce of that place haunting her with the spear image of her late husband. She lost her one true love but for the children’s sake she had to keep her head held high.
As for Daniel, he had struggled putting foot back into his parent’s house. The memories in that house was just too painful and Daniel did the most mundane thing, threw himself into work. But that wasn’t all, he found music. Sweet sweet music, like Bach and Mozart. It was strange for a soul so sad and broken to be listening to something so sweet but it gave him a sense of emotion he craved. One thing that attracted people towards him was no matter how broken and sad he was, he could never be rude or cold towards others. Why should he? To burden them with his problems? No. They had their own to deal with.
Daniel took a break from work sighing, something that never happened. It was always strictly work, but at that moment Daniel was just exhausted. It was already past midnight and the office was dark except for little lamp on his desk, the only light in the office. Taking a sip of water he opened his email seeing his nephew sent him a link to one of his you-tubers as he called it. Matthew always said that Daniel needed to check her out. Apparently she had incredible talent along with passion and beauty. Daniel debated but eventually did it since he loved the 14 year old.
The video started off with the beautiful girl introducing herself as Annabelle Parker. She started talking about a new cover she has been working on and then sat in front of her piano. Daniel immediately recognized the song, it was Prelude and Fugue in C major by Johann Sebastian Bach. One of Daniel’s favorite pieces. And in an instant Daniel’s attention was captured. He loved the way she played. The she moved as the music spoke to her. He just knew one thing. He needed to know her. But how? He could track her down but then he would look like a stalker. No he couldn’t do that. He could however subscribe her video and just keep watching her. No that sounded more ridiculous. He shook his head running a hand through his hair. He was being ridiculous it was just a girl and music. Yes she was like a siren, her music and he could bet her voice would and could just hypnotize every single inch of him. The brunette just clued herself to his thoughts.
Shaking his thoughts away he saw the next email that almost made him shrink. Seeing it was from the Academy of Creative Arts. Daniel owns half of the shares of this college and he was more than willing to invest in it especially because it was the arts. The reason he was conflicted of this email was because of a vivid woman. Mrs. Call. Mrs. Call is the owner of the other shares and she is also more involved as she is headmistress of the school. That annoyed Daniel as he gets constant emails a day from her with no relevant reason towards the school. It was always to accompany her somewhere, sure it doesn’t sound that bad, only once when Daniel did say yes however, he was shocked at the married and very flirtatious woman who tried to seduce him. Daniel made it clear he was not interested. She misunderstood and divorced r husband two weeks later hoping Daniel would take notice in her, unfortunately for her, he never changed his mind. So she got married for the third time six months later. Daniel was much relieved and felt sorry for her current husband as he was too in love to notice her getting around.
He chose to ignore his inner battle and opened the email not knowing that it would change his whole life.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Date: 2 November 2016 Time: 22:30pm
Dear Mr. Bowman,
I would like to inform you of our third year students yearly recital this coming week. Inviting all their family and friends to listen and watch their progress and give us feedback on satisfaction etc. This year’s event will take place at our Theatre on the Bay in Camps Bay, Cape Town. We would appreciate it if you could attended seeing as you are our other founder. The event will take place on the 5th November 2016 at 19:00 pm.
Please RSVP as soon as possible. With love
Charlotte Call Headmistress, founder and owner of the Academy of Creative Arts.
Daniel only now saw the email was sent three nights ago, how could he not see the email. Oh right, it was in the spam box. His bad. Since it was technically already the day of the recital he had to reply fast. Lucky for him he lived in Johannesburg, meaning it would be merely a few hours flight from there to Cape Town.
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Date: 5 November 2016 Time: 00:30am
Greeting Mrs.Call,
I do apologize for the delay. I kindly accept your invitation.
Regards Daniel Bowman Owner, founder and CEO of Bowman industries.
Daniel shut his laptop and decided that it would be wise to head home, being in his office was now starting to suffocate him. Daniel packed his laptop in his suitcase and made his way to his office door. Locking it behind him he walked towards the elevator, pressing the button to the lobby. As he rode the elevator too many things clouded his mind. His father, work and Mrs. Call. He sighed and shook his head, that woman was repulsive he thought. She would leave her husband, the man who worshiped at her feet for a fling with Daniel. That disgusted him. When you marry you make a life long commitment, that person becomes your other half and more. She was reason enough why Daniel was scared. Woman wanted him for the wrong reasons and for that he felt cursed.
The elevator dinged, breaking his train of thoughts, signalling that he had arrived on the ground floor. Daniel stepped out giving a nod in greeting to the janitor. Always treat the janitor with the same respect you receive. His father told him when he was entering the business as a teenager. Exiting the building Daniel greeted his driver/ bodyguard Travis and got into the car. 
“Where to sir?” Travis asked his boss.
 “Home please Travis.” Daniel said rubbing his eyes. Daniel leaned his head back closing is eyes. It was just to relax but instead he fell into a deep slumber.
Copyright © 2015
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