artistsintheclassroom8 ยท 7 years
Positive Feedback From The Arizona Department of Corrections (August 2017)
SFUSD Arts Festival 2017: John Muir & Argonne Performances
SFUSD Arts Festival 2017: Longfellow & Cesar Chavez Performances
SFUSD Arts Festival 2017: Our Experience In Photographs, Mosaic Style :)
SFUSD Arts Festival 2017: Some Of My Favorite Pieces
SFUSD Arts Festival 2017: Collected Letters by Liu Jianhua
SFUSD Arts Festival 2017: A Personal Reflection
"Jakey!! I just had opportunity to view the embedded links. You are an outstanding human being. How wonderfully blessed your students were / are to have you in their lives. Do not under estimate the ripple effect resultant from the moment in time you spent with these children; the positive impact you made will endure through the entirety of their lives. Your the teacher I wished I had as a student and parents hope their children to have. You make a difference. Your presence in these young lives I truly believe changes the world for the good - one child at a time. Thank you for sharing your work, your words and your wisdom. Such a treat and inspiration..." - Operations Director, Arizona Department of Corrections (August 2017)
*My gratitude for permission to post.
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