#Arima training people
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tatatatatara · 1 year ago
How the special investigators cope with stress:
Ui: smoking (duh), horse riding while screaming his lungs out. People once reported his screams because they thought it was a ghoul's scream
Kuroiwa: working out then having some really good, warm meal. He always feels less stressed after eating good food
Shinohara: drinking and chatting. He uses to drink a lot as a junior investigator which resulted in many lectures from Iba
Kiyoko: making pottery. Her juniors receive a bunch of potteries whenever there is a hard case
Houji: quinque training, sex, buying clothes and beauty products. Yeah he uses retail therapy, good thing that he is rich and single
Mougan: meditating, going to clubs. He needs silence or really loud noises there's no in between
Arima: sleeping. He spends most of his day off sleeping if no one asks him out
Marude: bike riding, having a good cry. He is the type to limit the crying time to 30 minutes per day or something and has a alarm for it
Suzuya: eating sweets, throwing Hanbee. Hanbee must keep filling his sweet stock or he will be sad and stressed
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uriekukistan · 1 year ago
how would your favourite TG characters spend their Friday night?
(btw - well done on getting your work done. I haven't touched my coursework since Tuesday 😬)
(i was unnaturally motivated this week idk why 🧎 good luck with your coursework oomfie 🫶)
on a friday night, the quinx squad is having a family board game or movie night, courtesy of haise. this is a weekly routine for them, and haise has made a bunch of homemade snacks. juuzou and hanbee are frequent guests, and sometimes akira or arima make an appearance. akira only comes if they’re doing game night and gets really competitive about it. money wagers are no longer allowed because of her.
urie, however, is a rare participant in these events. he’s usually training at this time, or he’s quietly in his room painting. when he does get dragged in, he kicks everyone’s ass in monopoly.
saiko loves family night and she loves haise’s snacks, but the highlight for her is when she can retreat to her room and play video games until the sun comes up. she only takes a break to make 4am instant ramen.
pre-ghoulified takizawa likes going to get drinks with his co-workers on friday nights and decompress. not a fan of the club, he prefers going to a chill bar so he can have conversations. get him a little too drunk and he’ll start ranting about akira and juuzou.
post-ghoulified takizawa also hangs out near the bars, but he’s looking for food. drunk people are slow and h uncoordinated, so they’re easy to take down. he makes a game out of it to distract himself from reminiscing about the good times when he was human and could hang out with his buddies instead of living in the shadows.
kaneki likes to stay in and curl up with a book and a nice warm coffee. do not ask him to go out, he is clearly busy reading takatsuki sen’s latest work.
nishiki works his ass off all week so he can have fun on friday nights. he goes out with “the boys” from college almost every friday. he tells himself he’s just keeping his human image up by doing normal human things, but he kinda secretly has fun. if he doesn’t do this, he has a night in with kimi with (much to nishiki’s chagrin) takeout and a movie.
touka is a serious student, but if there’s one thing she can’t say no to, it’s yoriko, who shows up unannounced at her apartment with a rented film and a bag full of snacks. they have movie nights, which usually ends up as an accidental sleepover. touka pretends to be annoyed when yoriko shows up, but really, she looks forward to it every week.
post-time skip touka probably spends her friday nights working, either doing inventory or deep cleaning or crunching numbers at :re. since she’s cut ties with yoriko, kaneki has disappeared, and hinami has gone to aogiri, she feels very lonely. though she won’t admit that, yomo and nishiki know this, so they also spend their friday nights in :re after it closes. sometimes they do something bro-y like, play cards, sometimes they’re more serious and exchange information. touka appreciates the company.
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tokyo-pigeons-volleyball · 2 months ago
Welcome to the Tokyo Pigeons Street Volleyball (semi)official Tumblr account!
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(Logo designed by Ronin and Shiki)
Hello and welcome to the Tokyo Pigeons rp/ask blog! This is a Haikyuu OC blog meaning all characters here are my and my friend‘s OC‘s. The general time line is: One year after the end of the anime, around the time the Nekoma Training Camp would be held. Let me introduce the players! (First names first, then last names)
the setter and „captain“ of the team: Shiki Yokata!
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His dad, an ex-Professional beach volleyball player, is the one who taught Shiki how to play. After an accident that left his leg permanently injured, Shiki‘s dad had to stop playing. Now all Shiki wants is to continue his dad‘s legacy. He made the team together with his best friend, Danno. He is a second year of Aokakesu High School.
The ace and „vice captain“ of the team: Danno Arima
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After moving to Japan from Sweden with his dad after his mother left them, Danno had no connections to anyone. That was before he met Shiki who taught Danno the joy that is volleyball. The two are inseparable best friends. Together the two founded Tokyo Pigeons. All Danno wants is to play by Shiki‘s side. He is a second year of Aokakesu High School.
the middle blocker of the team: Ronin Akabane
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Despite being a part of the Kamomedai Boys Volleyball Team Ronin gets barely any play time. He has been a bench warmer for the team for as long as he can remember. Slowly losing the passion he once held, Ronin wants nothing more than to just play the sport he loves. He is a first year at Kamomedai High school.
the Libero of the team: Syaoran Imai
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Syaoran is always on the go. Wether it be the soccer team or basketball practice or just hanging out with friends, Syaoran does anything that involves a team. Most people believe that he is simply very competitive, but that isn’t the case. So it‘s no wonder that when he saw two guys playing volleyball in the park on their own he‘s join them. Even though he knew nothing about the rules. He is a first year at Shirahata High School.
the opposite hitter of the team: Isamu Takagi
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As not only a member of Japan‘s top high school boys volleyball team, Mujinazaka, but also the only son of a wealthy and influential family, Isamu is held to high standards with strict parents. So, in an act of rebellion and to get in some extra practice, he decided to join the street volleyball team alongside a friend. He is a second year at Mujinazaka high school.
the defense specialist of the team: Katsumi Egawa
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Katsumi has loved volleyball for years now. And he has wanted dato join a club for years now. Sadly, with his parents always busy and his five younger siblings he cares for, he didn’t have any time to pursue his own hobbies. That is until he comes across four other teenagers playing volleyball 2v2 behind a grocery store and joins them for a game. Since this team plays at any given time, Katsumi can squeeze playing with them into his schedule and even brings his friend, Isamu, along.
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stitchedfeather · 9 months ago
It’s 9 in the morning.
Ui Koori would call himself a distinguished man, one that had many titles and awards to be confident of. He was short tempered, sure, but everyone had their flaws. Ui followed the lines closely as he could, and as he grew older did his morals and maturity melt into one thing; a Queen bitch.
Now, this makes sense in a setting of high-school, and trust me, Ui was Regina in the Academy. Even if he didn't know it. Because rich people are never self aware.
So take a 28 year old investigator in a place of work with his ( very attractive ) partner tagging along, smiling and humming. Investigator Hairu was a bit odd and a bit air headed, but she was sweet, smart. Respectful with nothing but good intentions, and always smelled like vanilla somehow but he wouldn't know.
But she was obedient. She listened, she learned. That's what made her an excellent partner, one he was proud to train and work with. She was never too loud, and a perfect example ( despite the few flaws he scolds her for like being doe eyed at Arima during a meeting ) of a investigator.
Unlike —
"Ahh—! Are those my fucking best friends in the fucking world—?!"
Oh no. No.
It's 9 am, he hasn't had a cigarette and was barely running on coffee, and Hairu kept talking over and over ( god damn it ) about Arima, and he had a meeting ( Hairu don't ) —
It already happened. Like riling up a dog, Hairu immediately snapped around with enough speed it had Ui stepping back blinking.
There stood Raven, skipping away from the S3 squad as she waved her hand. Full of energy as always. What personality was it today, who knew—
But Ui had a feeling.
Hairu squealed, her grin widening more than Ui has seen her before as she practically skipped forward meeting the older woman before he could stop her.
"Raven-channn—! Good morning!"
"What's up, sugar." Raven smirked, throwing her hand out and like instinct the two were doing some...elaborate handshake that had investigator Ui squinting as he mouthed 'what the fuck' under his breath. Of course a distinguished investigator wouldn't curse aloud where his subordinates could hear.
"Girl, you're getting better at these."
"I learn from the best~! We need to go out again, last time was so fun! Oh, and we could do a sleepover with the others our age, and—"
It was interesting, scary, cute, and almost embarrassing to Ui as he watched his partner ramble like he's never seen before. She was loud sometimes granted, and spoke out sometimes but with Ui she was nothing but respectful. But here? She was passionate, and treating Investigator Raven like a old long time friend.
And it made him jealous.
He'd never admit it, and he knew that the — 'investigator' had no ill intentions ( or so she says ) but to him, it ached how she could get her to open up like that. Just— so easily. There was no small talk, or gently easing into a conversation. It was natural, as natural as they had met the first time.
The two didn't separate for the entire day, and the separate squads had to practically tear them apart and herd em somewhere else. But somehow, it wasn't just Hairu.
She just had it with everyone, even those who didn't seem to care or straight up felt vicious hate towards the ghoul. No self awareness, always loud, always wanting attention. It was sad. But inspiring.
Inspiring not to be like that.
"How you doing, Koori." Raven grinned with a lazy smile, Hairu giggling as she turned to glance at her partner who in turn narrowed his eyes as he felt his eye tick. Exactly. Disrespectful.
"That's special class to you, and don't call me by my first name. That's disrespectful. Were you not taught any manners at all—? I doubt Investigator Suzuya would certainly not let this behavior fly— what are you doing."
He said, walking forward as he saw the two giggling and whispering.
"Ah shit, he's bitching again."
"He hasn't had a cigarette."
"Ok—! Ok! Ok, we get it." Ui pressed his hands together, before putting them out as he tried to force a friendly thin lipped smile.
"Thank you for your time, investigator Raven but we have a important meeting to get to. So, if you don't mind." He said, pulling his partner away to her surprise as she tried to keep up with him. This left a blinking Raven, tilting her head as she watched the two walk off before giving a comical puppy eyed look. Pouting, Hairu would groan as she leaned her head back before looking back like a distressed widow as she reached her hand out.
Ravens hand reached out into mid air, whispering back like a soldier finding his reason to keep fighting. Or the guy from titanic.
“Never forget me, I'll always be— oh shit! A penny!"
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ipsen · 2 years ago
Up Past Curfew
Cross-posted on AO3, as usual. Words: 901 Characters: Kishou Arima, Eto In which before her transfer to Cochlea, Eto receives one last visitor. (Another companion piece to Holometabolism.)
The sound of the door creaking long past visiting hours told Eto everything she needed to know.
On the other side of the glass was someone too clean to be considered a man. He was more a beast, and an old one at that: clad in a white cloak, with white hair and silver eyes.
The silver of his eyes was different from the ones that plagued her memories, that threatened to upend her own plans. The reaper’s eyes did not gleam like a star whenever she appreciated their value, nor did they gleam with any sort of potential for change. They were rigid in their color, and they would never shine under sunlight. The reaper’s eyes were dull, lifeless, devoid of anything resembling humanity.
Upon Arima’s appearance, she draped herself across the one chair provided for her, smirking bitterly.
“Well, well,” she said, looking him up and down. “Someone’s up past curfew.”
He took the only seat on the other side. “You’ll be transferred to Cochlea tomorrow.”
Not even banter. So boring. So predictable. “So your tantrum’s finally coming to an end, then?”
He took out a book— a weathered copy of Dear Kafka, complete with the original cover— and used the sliding drawer to transfer it across the glass. “I found it in my office and wanted to return it.”
She stared at the drawer, not making a move for it. “So that’s it, then, hm? Closing off all the threads so that you’ll be loved and remembered by everyone? Is that how you’re doing this?”
Eto recognized that copy anywhere; it was the author’s copy, the first of many things Arima stole from her. In her eagerness for his approval, she had rushed to their shrine— his shrine, in truth; nothing was ever truly hers, and when it was, it was stolen from right beneath her nose— and asked him to read it. He simply said he would do so, and she was left wondering if he did for thirteen years.
And that was Arima in a nutshell, wasn’t it? Stringing people along, using his overwhelming strength and achievements to make them believe that they could meet even a fraction of his expectations.
She stood up. “Keep your stupid book.” With as much force as she could muster, she shoved the drawer back across the glass. Even under RC suppressants, the room quivered. “Leave me alone.”
He looked at the book, expressionless, but she could hazard a guess. Confusion, resignation, some anger. Emotions he could never hope to express after being surrounded by a bunch of yes-men his entire life, and when someone said something different, he couldn’t comprehend nor believe them to be right.
“I liked it.” Arima held up the book for her to see again. “It was a bit vague, but I liked it.”
Eto clicked her tongue. She wanted his praise least of all. “If you’re done trying to kiss down to me, you can leave; I’m busy.”
He went to the door, but before he left, he turned around. “He’s a good choice. Well done.”
She froze. Words of praise from Kishou Arima. The world really was ending if it was coming to that.
She remembered craving those words when they first met. Something, anything to make him look her way, just for a bit. A small gift of light from God.
But she soon realized that the Reaper liked to dress in His robes. He always pushed her to get stronger, so she cannibalized more. She fought him more in secluded areas, where neither the public nor V could ever find them. He was training her, grooming her, for a greater role she would never obtain. She was his quinque, yet no matter how many sessions they held, no matter how many ghouls she devoured, she kept losing. The tower of corpses grew higher, yet heaven seemed further and further away.
He kept proving that she was weak, that she would always be weak. That she would never amount to more than that spoiled little vermin that ate nothing but hamburger steaks and, because of that, couldn’t protect the one person that mattered.
“You really are so empty!” Eto all but shouted, throwing her head back to stare at the ceiling. “Your strength is just another illusion to fool people into thinking you know anything. It makes me sick. You make me sick.”
Arima stole her agency, her life, everything. He even stole her motive for his own petty, selfish means. To him, ‘a world for ghouls’ meant slighting V and nothing else. He didn’t care about ghouls, otherwise he would spare them. He didn’t care about humans, otherwise he would try to change them. He only cared about his strength and his temper tantrum: a tantrum that slaughtered ghouls, humans, and plagued everyone who thought he was a character worth admiring.
The childish God of Tokyo turned the doorknob.
“He’s not gonna kill you,” she called, flopping onto her bed.
The heir— her pride— was spiteful like that, and had made his choice. He had chosen Arima, not her. If Eto was lucky, maybe he’d turn that blade around on her. Get to her first before V or Cochlea’s compactors did. It’d be the greatest mercy she never deserved, and she’d get to see those gleaming silver eyes again.
The door shut, and she was alone again.
(trash. just die.)
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gone-knightinsourarmor · 1 year ago
Arima Kana - SNK Verse DRAFT
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Ai generated art
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Kana's born in Wall Maria. Her mother was from Wall Sina, and her father from Wall Maria, and a cadet in the Training Corps by the time Kana's parents met, fell in love and got married. Kana's father didn't manage to enlist in the Military Police for their family to move together in Wall Sina, and Kana's mother, after marrying someone from Wall Maria, she lost her citizenship for Wall Sina. Kana's born a short while after, being an energetic loving child, her mother tries to raise like the aristocrat she was.
When Wall Maria falls, Kana and her mother immigrate to Wall Rose while Kana's father, a soldier in the Garrison, still fights in Wall Maria. A few days later, they tell them Kana's father heroically fought and died while protecting the Walls. Kana's mother, after the death of her husband is allowed to move back to Wall Sina, but Kana isn't, due to being born elsewhere. The years pass by, and Kana feels her mother blaming her for being stuck in Wall Rose when she could have gone back to Wall Sina if she was on her own.
When Kana comes of age, she enlists in the Training Corps, with the promise to score at the top 10 and gain citizenship for Wall Sina, so she and her mother can live together in the town Kana's mother comes from. Her mother moves back to Wall Sina the moment Kana enlists, and for years she doesn't contact Kana.
Kana works hard, she tries her best, she becomes an excellent soldier, but she still doesn't manage to score at the top 10 in the Training Corps. Her opportunity to move with her mother is gone forever. Screaming, crying and begging to be given another chance, she ends up enlisting in the Survey Corps. If she can't be with her mother, she could at least make her proud by becoming a hero for humanity. Her cause is at first selfish. She had to do everything within her power to get her mother's attention. She had no motive to serve humanity, but make herself known, like Captain Levi, and maybe one day, earn honorary citizenship for Wall Sina.
But the battlefield is merciless and those who can't work well with others don't survive. Watching people die before her, because of her, because of her arrogance, broke Kana beyond repair. Losing comrades at the expense of her life, watching others being ready to sacrifice their life for her, made her realize what was worth giving her life for. With her confidence shattered, expedition after expedition, she tries to make herself useful, lead when needed of her to lead and follow those she deems to have real power.
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ithoshi · 1 year ago
SAITAMA ( One Punch Man )
An unassociated hero, hails from Z-City and performs heroic deeds as a hobby. For three years, he has trained enough to defeat any enemy with a single punch, his unmatched strength leaving him bored. He becomes a reluctant mentor to Genos, a cyborg seeking revenge against another cyborg who killed his family and destroyed his hometown, after Saitama defeats a monster that defeated Genos. With Genos, Saitama learns about a heroes organization who are also fighting the monsters.
Has a lot of great qualities that make him the best character ever. He is kind and loyal, he knows when to be serious, and he always does what it takes to protect those important to him, the sheer power of Naruto’s chakra is unlike anything the world has ever seen before, Kurama, one of the tailed beasts, he has an incredible amount of chakra, he befriends Kurama, and the two join forces, making fighting against this incredible ninja virtually impossible.
MONKEY D. LUFFY ( One Piece )
Granting him a rubber-like body, his powers make him immune to electric attacks and most blunt forces, but he is susceptible to attacks made with a sharp object or weapon. His rubber devil fruit powers grant him the ability to stretch his body at will. He uses his elasticity to accelerate part or all of his body to deliver punches, kicks, head butts, and many other varied attacks as seen throughout the series. Although like others who have eaten a Devil Fruit, Luffy cannot swim; when he is submerged in water or contacts the Sea-Prism Stone, he loses his strength and cannot move on his own. In addition to his Devil Fruit powers, he has immense strength, durability, speed, reflexes, agility, endurance, and stamina.
KEN KANEKI ( Tokyo Ghoul )
Ken Kaneki is a first year college student, and after narrowly surviving a Ghoul Attack finds himself transformed into a Human-Ghoul hybrid. He struggles to find a balance between his two natures, and is taken in by the moderate organization Anteiku. In the climax, Anteiku is raided by the CCG, and Kaneki's fate is left unclear after facing the CCG's ace Kishou Arima in a duel, After working under the CCG as Haise Sasaki, he eventually regains his past memories and becomes Ken Kaneki once more. Unable to deal with his feelings of guilt, Kaneki eventually betrays CCG to save his imprisoned friend, Hinami, and then goes to fight his mentor, Arima, in hopes of commiting Suicide by Cop. However, during an ordeal, Kaneki realizes he wants to live, and after unlocking the full potential of his kagune defeats Arima, reveals he had been hoping for this from the start, proceeding to slit his own throat and explain that he was the One-Eyed King and Eto's mole in CCG, but needed a successor due to being a half-human hybrid suffering from increased age. Per Arima's final wish, Kaneki takes responsibility for Arima's death and the title of One-Eyed King, to become a Hope Bringer to all those victimized by the Washuu clan.
GOJO ( Jujutsu Kaisen )
A sorcerer working as a teacher in the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School. He uses his self-proclaimed and he was self-respected, most allies and enemies alike never actually dispute the title and generally consider him to be one of the most dangerous people alive. Gojo is introduced in Jujutsu Kaisen 0 a Jujutsu Sorcerer, under the guidance of the young Yuta Okkotsu whom he convinces to join the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School to control Rika and avoid his solicitude. During this time, Gojo makes Okkotsu train with Panda, Maki Zenin, and Toge Inumaki to help Okkotsu control his own Curse while helping him develop friendships. Okkotsu's Curse attracts Suguru Geto, a sorcerer friendly with Gojo but at the same time keeps an antagonistic relationship with him. Geto wishes to create a shaman-only world. When Okkotsu's Curse gives him the power to take down Geto, Gojo appears and kills Geto. He then helps the young Okkotsu to understand the true nature of his powers.
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historyhermann · 2 years ago
Kizuna no Allele Spoiler-Filled Review
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Kizuna no Allele is an idolish music series directed by Kenichiro Komaya. Wit Studio and Signal.MD produce the series. The latter is known for series such as The Ancient Magus' Bride and Spy x Family, and the former for FLCL Progressive and Atom: The Beginning. In addition, Deko Akao wrote the show's scripts.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Maniacs and Wayback Machine. This was the forty-sixth article I wrote for Pop Culture Maniacs. This post was originally published on August 25, 2023.
The series itself has a strange origin. It is an adaption of a YouTube channel by Kizuna AI, a Japanese virtual YouTuber, known as VTuber. This has led to claims that the series is a "forced meme" or that it embodies the "artificiality of pop entertainment in Japan." Whether that is entirely true or not, the series clearly has some positives in its favor. Well-known studios are producing it. A scriptwriter (Akao) is known for her work on My Roommate Is a Cat and Komi Can't Communicate. One of the show's composers (Go Sakabe) composed the opening and closing songs for Gosick. The show's art director Masakazu Miyake worked on series such as Fate/Zero, Spy x Family, and Steins;Gate.
While saying all of this, I had serious reservations about Kizuna no Allele, regardless of whether it an attempt by Kizuna AI to revive her brand or not. For one, the musical sequences, reportedly resembling actual VTubers, seem awkward and strange. This is especially the case to those who don't watch that sort of content.
The main character, Miracle (voiced by Ayumi Hinohara) is not as sympathetic as she could be. She is trying everything she can to become a virtual artist/performer, i.e., a VTuber. She attends a school named Artist Garden (Aden) Academy dedicated to that goal. That school is almost equivalent to a school where people train  to be influencers on Instagram or a YouTuber. It is clearly absurd.
One character shines through: Noelle. Voiced by Yuka Nukui, she challenges Miracle, a huge fangirl of Kizuna, to be better. Both go to school in the virtual world. Possibilities are said to be limitless. At first, it appears that Noelle is bullying Miracle. It is later revealed that her family pressured her to be "the best."
Later, she becomes a mentor of sorts telling her to face songs head-on. She brings her to a room where bubbles light up different colors depending on the interaction. In a touching scene, she declares that if you understand a song's lyrics, it will come out differently. She encourages Kizuna to tap into her abilities.
She has stronger character development than Miracle. This truly begins in the show's fifth episode. Some painful history which weakens her emotional connection to her parents is implied. In a final scene, she declares that everything must be "perfect."
One parallel is Kōsei Arima in Your Lie in April. His mother gives him strict piano instruction. He is so scarred that after her death he stops playing piano since he can't hear sound when he plays. This series is different. Noelle is pressured by her parents (and sister) to be the best. However, she has the notion she must be "perfect," even though they never directly told her this. Miracle plays an important part in making Noelle a more whole person.
The series seems to be pro-A.I. An A.I. named Vaity wakes up Miracle in her swanky high-tech apartment every morning. The character, Chris, is hinted as A.I. before episode seven. Chris (voiced by Hikari Codama) is clearly crushing on Miracle, calling her cute and kissing her on the ear in the second episode. As such, the series is yuri-ish, as much as Ippon Again!. It isn't directly yuri like Yuri Is My Job!, Birdie Wing, or Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury. The latter, not the former, makes the series enjoyable, including when Chris gives Miracle tips on how to improve her dancing.
The person in the atrium adds mystery to the series. This character eats neatly and drinks tea. In some ways, the character reminds me of Victorique de Blois in Gosick. He seems out of place since much of the series takes place in Aden Academy and like a character in another show. This is the case for a (different) character named marumaru. Miracle often uses marumaru as a pillow, with the latter calling the former "ordinary".
While the fact that there are contests and school administrators is consistent with other idol shows. What sets Kizuna no Allele apart is the direct mention and almost encouragement of A.I. In a post-credits scene in the third episode, there is a question about non-fungible tokens, known as NFTs. A simple explanation is provided. NFTs have clear copyright, storage, environmental, and security issues.
This is compounded by the fees charged and manipulation of NFT prices. Some have voiced concern that these tokens are pyramid/Ponzi schemes and pointed to financial uncertainty of the data files. They function like cryptographic tokens, but are not so-called "cryptocurrencies." This isn't mentioned at all. This led some to say the show is shilling for NFTs. In this series, A.I. tools rank V-Tubers. In the 11th episode, participants in a music festival get an event NFT as a prize.
This uncritical focus on A.I. stands in contrast to the omniscient, godlike A.I. as depicted in the six-part OVA named The Orbital Children. This series almost encourages creation of anime by A.I. The latter is not possible. A.I. tools like ChatGPT are "incapable of creating anything new." They can only pull in what already exists. Consider Angela Carpenter in Carole & Tuesday who works with Tao, a music producer who uses advanced A.I. to ensure performers are profitable. That plotline is better constructed than Miracle wanting to write her own lyrics rather than A.I. tools.
Other series are more critical of A.I. than Kizuna no Allele. The same can be said for Cleopatra in Space. It has a paranoid A.I. scared of ghosts, near PYRAMID Academy which generates electricity for the campus. Later, an evil A.I. named Cyrano created by Octavian tries to control one of the protagonists.
Star Trek: Lower Decks and Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur portray A.I. with more depth than anything this series has to offer. The former series has a malevolent computer A.I. in the second season. The latter has a "living" A.I. supercomputer and an entire episode on the dangers of A.I.
Otherwise, this series also reinforces, in many ways, expectations of idol femininity, even if it possibly subverts it. This isn't, necessarily unique, as those series within the Love Live! franchise, BanG Dream!, and If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die, to name a few of the over 90 idol anime and manga out there, do the same.
Undoubtedly the series has a strong animation style and intriguing designs. But, it isn't as nuanced as Do It Yourself!!, which gives the lesson that do-it-yourself (DIY) ethics can mesh with techno-optimism and technology. Instead, Kizuna no Allele appears to be taking the side of the tech bros who favor A.I., rather than approaching the topic in a more critical way. This is one of the many downfalls of this series, to build upon what I've mentioned earlier in this review.
Another one of the issues of Kizuna no Allele is that it took time for all those in the opening sequence of the series to have a significant role in the series. For instance, Riz (voiced by Arisa Hanawa) does not have much a role until later on in the series. In fact, she begins to get a spotlight in the end of episode eight, when she declares that she might have collected enough data as she rides on her fogelboard (a hoverboard-like device) catching the viewer's attention for the first time in the series.
The music in this series is only passable, apart from opening and closing sequences, by Ayato Fujiwara and MikitoP respectfully. While this is the first series Fujiwara has worked on, MikitoP has composed for Kochoki. Sometimes it feels like the V-Tuber music would be better to listen to than watch. The animation sequences with characters in V-Tuber form can look a bit ghoulish.
Apart from previous criticism of Kizuna no Allele, in terms of subpar music and positive views of A.I. (and presumably NFTs), there are some positives. For one, Noelle takes Miracle under her wing and teaches her the importance of music, while Miracle does the same for Noelle. In fact, in the show's sixth episode, she helps give Noelle the confidence to write her own song, and get beyond her previous dedication to be the best she can be, which even resulted in self-harm.
More importantly, Miracle, and the show itself, emphasize that you should follow your own goals, not those imposed on others, and that it more important to be someone you love than to be perfect. This emphasis on self-love allows Noelle to open up more to Miracle, resulting in her smiling, and laughing, for the first time in the series.
There is the continuing mystery of marumaru and Chris. The series, like Ippon Again, seems to be saying that hard work can pay off. That isn't always true. Furthermore, the animation of this series flows well and there are some cute scenes with Miracle, meaning that she is relatable.
In the seventh episode, Chris goes on a journey to find herself. Miracle and Noelle look at her previous streams to find out more about her. They become such good friends that Noelle finger-flicks Miracle on the forehead when she gets annoyed. This shows their connection between each other.
The importance of self-discovery fits with other themes in Kizuna no Allele. In episode seven, one of the best episodes in the series, there is an unsurprising revelation. Only half the students base their avatars on their real-life appearance. Chris seems to be a real-life student, but Miracle doesn't want to bother her.
This episode builds on previous plot development. Specifically, Chris is even more direct with her romantic feelings with Miracle, declaring she can only overcome obstacles with Miracle in a sort of love confession. She later adds that she wrote lyrics only thanks to Miracle, who says she wants to be better friends with Chris.
All of this interlinks to the growing camaraderie, by the seventh episode of Kizuna no Allele, between Chris, Noelle, Miracle, and even marumaru. Miracle is criticized by Noelle for "dragging" them down, as she hasn't produced original lyrics. Even so, Miracle still supports her. Almost akin to the sub-plot in Alice Gear Aegis Expansion, Principal of ADEN Academy reportedly has a devious, or evil, plan. One character says in the 11th episode they need to stop ADEN's plan. The academy is described as existing across the world and run by the ADEN Network.
Many loose ends are tied up in the eighth episode of Kizuna no Allele. At first, it seems like any other episode, with the video streams of Noelle and Chris. Miracle worries that she is falling behind in her rank and views. However, something important is revealed: marumaru is actually Quan (voiced by Rina Kawaguchi). Miracle has been confiding in marumaru since episode one. Only the audience knows they are the same. As such, it is clear Quan has been front and center the entire time. Miracle even states that marumaru is not boring or pathetic.
The 11th episode turns this on its head. Noelle, Riz, Miracle, and marumaru perform at the Shower of Sound festival. While they fail, marumaru feels that their present form isn't good. Even though Miracle says that marumaru doesn't need to change anything, they transform into Quan, their "true self." This Quan is not like the one in the aviary. Rather Quan is a girl who appears in the series' opening sequence. Quan in the "real world" is a mystery, but could be a trans girl who hasn't transitioned. If so, Quan would have similarities with Snapdragon in High Guardian Spice, a trans woman shown prior to transition.
One of the strangest parts of Kizuna no Allele were the post-credit scenes in V-Tuber style, described as "recommended videos". While some were on topics like drawing, design, food, in-universe trivia, or something else entirely, they pale in comparison to those primarily about Sakura's outfits in Cardcaptor Sakura and Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card.
A later episode features a competition where characters race on hoverboards. In the case of the former, Riz got a lot more airtime. She becomes a stronger character, sharing the lesson that you shouldn't spread fake news. It appears she has a crush on Miracle, saying Miracle really interests her. The comradeship between Riz, Miracle, and Miracle's other friends, makes the series that much more enjoyable.
Riz, who only wants to get better data and cares little about her rank, served as a vehicle for the story to push Miracle forward by stating that she should think for herself rather than relying on others. Predictably, this causes Miracle to post videos and people accuse her of "copying others". She gets so much negativity that she even thinks of quitting becoming a V-Tuber!
This anxiety she faces is nowhere near what a high school student, an owner of a popular cat on social media, experienced in the 10th episode of Too Cute Crisis. In the case of that series, she could more effectively deal with her anxiety by not desiring to keep every single picture perfect, drawing from the terrible blurry photographs taken by protagonist Liza Luna of her cat Yozora.
Coming back to Kizuna No Allele, I liked that Miracle's friends don't abandon her, but cheered her up. In fact, Riz states that Miracle shouldn't be dependent on her friends and should walk alongside them instead. This causes Miracle to declare she will express herself the best she can in the virtual world, showing her "true" self. She expresses this even more directly in the series finale, where she embraces the idea of them playing a collab concert so they can qualify for the Virtual Grid Awards (VGA)
Furthermore, this episode not only highlights the clash between Lapin d'Or Ada (who heads the VGAs) and ADEN Academy principal Auris (voiced by Masumi Tazawa), but the value of originality. For one, Lapin is concerned about collaborative concerts, feeling they are copying one another and look all the same. She changes the system so students aren't rewarded. Many students to abandon the idea as a result. The latter impacts the friends of Miracle. They believe that working individually is  "better." This quickly dissipates as each of them realizes their connection to her.
In a powerful end to Kizuna No Allele, Chris, Quan, Noelle, and Riz all sing and dance together with Miracle in a concert as PathTLive. The 3D animation of the concert isn't terrible. It is more passable than previous 3d V-Tuber videos in the series. The lesson in the episode is that connecting and inspiring others is a good thing. It can even allow people to overcome obstacles, as Miracle and her friend make their way into the top 15 qualifiers for the VGAs. The series ending leaves open the possibility of a second season. Although it appeared to be very unlikely, when I wrote an earlier draft of this review, it was reported that another season will be premiering in October!
On the other hand, the show is not critical, in any way, whatsoever, of the YTuber culture, equivalent to social influencers in the U.S. There are no episodes, like those in the first season of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder or Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. Both focus on the dangers of online trolls and the power of a social media influencer. Instead, the videos have in-universe product placement. There is an advertisement for a bubble drink in one episode and an ad on the reported "value" of e-sports. Getting a high rank in the virtual world is indicated as important.
Such an emphasis reinforces the problematic idea the highly rated/ranked content is "good". In reality, this cannot be further from the truth. Even if a video has a lot of views, comments, and reactions, this doesn't mean that it is "good", as it can be actively harmful. Such content may not be to everyone's taste either. There can be "hidden gems" which don't get as much recognition. Although the show implies that Miracle's videos are awful, she is obsessed with getting a higher ranking, so she can compete in the virtual award competition.
While the series is watchable due to the interactions between Miracle and her friends, the yurish subtext, important of self-love and self-discovery, and sometimes absurd storylines, there are many issues. This includes non-existent criticism of VTubers, social media influencers, and A.I. Subpar music, lack of character development in the protagonist, and other problems are additional problems. Hopefully, a second season would fix these issues.
Kizuna no Allele is currently streaming on Crunchyroll.
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© 2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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lost-in-2d · 2 years ago
i7☆Challenge day 08
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⚠ Some discussion of Part 6 under the cut and lots of unnecessary rambling
my favourite Zool member is minami!!! 🐍
he actually won me over via his RabbiTube episode, Nishiyama truly knows what he was doing 😵💫
... I just like him a lot.
If sogo is my #1 fav, then he is #2. I really like how Arima sensei draws her female characters, and out of the cast, both of them are more delicate looking with somewhat feminine features. They are sooo pretty to me aaaaa I always enjoy sensei's posted pictures of them
TRIGGER may be contrasting in a masculine way and sexy, but I think Minami is also very sexy ^q^ (let's refer to a RabbiTube comment 🙈)
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rough translation: He is soft-spoken and articulate, with a graceful elegance, but composes for ŹOOĻ with rebellious lyrics and a solid sound, which is contrary to his slender, androgynous image. He is ŹOOĻ's performer and former child prodigy with a child actor's background. At the end of the day, this sex appeal is still underage... Too many gaps, I can't help but stan
aaaa,,, I really agree ^q^
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Okay, time for the serious talk about the character - there are commonalities between minami and sogo, where they have backgrounds that result in them being in the public eye since young. I don't doubt they come from well-to-do families. And they have resulting issues about it... :'( Here, in part 6 Zool shares a moment of vulnerability with their new manager. Minami confesses that the past him felt he could only follow the advice and bidding of the adults around him
I had so much brainrot about him. Are his parents also people in the acting industry, or maybe there's a possibility that they are also involved in music. It seems that minami travelled abroad to North Maea to obtain musical training, and it is implied that it is a decision he himself wished for. Is it because of his passion, or because he wanted to get away from his parents' sphere of influence in Japan? And from his bday card in 2022, the portrayal is that he had musical exposure since he was a child. Was it also a parental decision to coach him in music? Since he finds freedom in music, my headcanon is that either his parents are not overly passionate about it (they are in the film industry) or they are not fans of the rebellious genre that minami likes (lol)
And even more brainrot about his student years in North Maea. What kind of person was he, and what was his social life like!! omg!! In the MV for <Never Lose My Rule>, minami was depicted as a socialite :O was he like this during schooling years too? I could imagine him going to an uppity private school. Lowkey I think he's quite misanthropic, before he met Zool
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He has very mixed feelings about Haruki. He says he does not want Haruki to be seen as a virtuous man through Ryuu's stage portrayal of Haruki. He may not dislike Nagi as an individual, though I think he struggles with the perception that he was being compared to Nagi in Haruki's eyes 😟 Minami struggles with feelings of abandonment as well, and it stems from buried insecurity regarding his bond with Haruki. so I can see why he coddles for Haruka :') I would love to unravel his trauma 😍 see more of his side stories or character arc, even after the North Maea main story arc
I really like how Zool consist of imperfect individuals. They are characters with more room to grow
An extra goodie below for the people reading all this 😍🙏
right now I'm hesitating whether to roll his card in the current Prince Stage event 😵💫
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drmarune · 3 months ago
If you’re taking questions about your ocs…
What kind of places would your ocs go on a day off from work? What would they do? Who would they want to spend the time with? And I won’t name any specific ocs. You pick who to answer for!
Lots to think about~!
Of curse my dear Loo☺️
Johan:well he would go too Sterling and talk whit hear and make a coffee brake and just talk or he helping Sterling
Heinrich:he would go out eating or a coffee shop and space out or talk whit other he would speed time whit he’s family if they are around
Tag:he well would go in the market and talk whit olde woman wo are parents and helping them and talk he love too talk whit them
Ida: stay home and draw and drinking coffee she love her time whit Vanessa sleeping on the couch whit her
Cucurucho:he would go out hunting and get meat wo he can working on he like too have time whit yami or Josele as he’s hunting buddy
Mortifer:he would float around in the air and looking at people or have time whit he’s siblings or parents or friends at least someone close too him
Arima: vanishing for days and looking after magic and do crime whit her magic or she love time whit her father Julius as they talk over magic even she would never say it out loud
Gabriel: tee time whit Noelle and talk what they did and god know
Michael: tee time in the Faust Manor at night he don’t care Over the Faust he make he’s territory in the Faust manor bevor the Faust even came back there
Anna:go training and bath and drinking a little after it and she have nobody whit wo she wants too have time really ok Nacht is ok but nobody really……..
So I did All my oc’s here my dear Loo hope you like it😆 have a nice day/Night
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blogbyahad · 5 months ago
Advanced Data Mining Techniques
Data mining is a powerful tool that helps organizations extract valuable insights from large datasets. Here’s an overview of some advanced data mining techniques that enhance analysis and decision-making.
1. Machine Learning
Supervised Learning Involves training algorithms on labelled datasets to predict outcomes. Techniques include regression analysis and classification algorithms like decision trees and support vector machines.
Unsupervised Learning Focuses on finding hidden patterns in unlabelled data. Techniques such as clustering (e.g., K-means, hierarchical clustering) and dimensionality reduction (e.g., PCA) help in grouping similar data points.
2. Neural Networks
Deep Learning A subset of machine learning that uses multi-layered neural networks to model complex patterns in large datasets. Commonly used in image recognition, natural language processing, and more.
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) Particularly effective for image data, CNNs automatically detect features through convolutional layers, making them ideal for tasks such as facial recognition.
3. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Text Mining Extracts useful information from unstructured text data. Techniques include tokenization, sentiment analysis, and topic modelling (e.g., LDA).
Named Entity Recognition (NER) Identifies and classifies key entities (e.g., people, organizations) in text, helping organizations to extract relevant information from documents.
4. Time Series Analysis
Forecasting Analyzing time-ordered data points to make predictions about future values. Techniques include ARIMA (AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average) and seasonal decomposition.
Anomaly Detection Identifying unusual patterns or outliers in time series data, often used for fraud detection and monitoring system health.
5. Association Rule Learning
Market Basket Analysis Discovers interesting relationships between variables in large datasets. Techniques like Apriori and FP-Growth algorithms are used to find associations (e.g., customers who buy bread often buy butter).
Recommendation Systems Leveraging association rules to suggest products or content based on user preferences and behaviour, enhancing customer experience.
6. Dimensionality Reduction
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Reduces the number of variables in a dataset while preserving as much information as possible. This technique is useful for simplifying models and improving visualization.
t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (t-SNE) A technique for visualizing high-dimensional data by reducing it to two or three dimensions, particularly effective for clustering analysis.
7. Ensemble Methods
Boosting Combines multiple weak learners to create a strong predictive model. Techniques like AdaBoost and Gradient Boosting improve accuracy by focusing on misclassified instances.
Bagging Reduces variance by training multiple models on random subsets of the data and averaging their predictions, as seen in Random Forest algorithms.
8. Graph Mining
Social Network Analysis Analyzes relationships and interactions within networks. Techniques include community detection and centrality measures to understand influential nodes.
Link Prediction Predicts the likelihood of a connection between nodes in a graph, useful for recommendation systems and fraud detection.
Advanced data mining techniques enable organizations to uncover hidden patterns, make informed decisions, and enhance predictive capabilities. As technology continues to evolve, these techniques will play an increasingly vital role in leveraging data for strategic advantage across various industries.
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cosmic-cannon-ocs · 9 months ago
// OC info template from @modeinthemiddle thanks!
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Name: Kaito Last/Surname: + Yukimura: default (father’s) last name for modern/supernatural, usually has ice powers from his father’s side + Akimoto: alt (father’s) surname, mostly for his Naruto (Konoha) AU + + Yukimura is his mother’s last name, from Haku’s Ice Release clan + Sorata: mother’s surname, she is from a wind themed clan
Age: 18/21+ Gender: Male Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: Heterosexual Religion: ? Birthday: July 10 (same as mun’s) or July 11 Language: Japanese & English
Height: (average as an adult) 180cm / 5’11” Eye Colour: black/grey or light/icy blue (fantasy-themed AUs) Hair Colour: light (grey), (snow) white Skin Tone: light to pale (in fantasy AUs) Scars: usually hidden under his attire Other: has a slim build, trained for speed over power
Powers & Abilities: // and more info below
Modern: expert in his field (at work/studies) + basic self-defence/martial arts (depending on plot) Fantasy: trained hunter/assassin, with wind/ice magic/abilities
Occupation (options): + Modern: school teacher/staff/librarian, technologist, IT consultant + Fantasy: demon/monster/bounty hunter, archer + + (Hybrid) Ice Dragon/Demon // see verses for fandom-specific ones
Strengths: intelligent, reliable, learns quickly, can lead when he needs to Weaknesses: self-doubt in his abilities, overthinking, being a perfectionist Personality: quiet, thoughtful, observant, high achiever, polite
Likes: learning new things, helping people, (applied) technology/abilities, reading Dislikes: confrontation, rudeness, overly loud/enthusiastic people, tardiness
Outfits/Style: usually his school/work uniform, or a casual white/black theme
Fighting Style: cautious and tactical, usually to make up for his lack of physical power and stamina to fight for long periods of time.
Blood Type: ?
Mother: Senna Sorata // default, wind powers + alt name: Fuyumi Yukimura // alt ice powers Father: Yuto Yukimura // default, ice powers + alt name: Masato Akimoto // alt wind powers Siblings: can have a younger brother named Yukio Other Relatives: older cousin named Keita, uncle named Tatso Friends (other OCs): Hiroshi Takeda, Toshiro Yurei, Sakurai Fujiwara Enemies (recurring antagonists): Masaru Shimura
Japanese Voice Actor/Claim: Satoshi Hino (teenager-young adult) // Kouichi Aizawa (Nabari) Daisuke Namikawa (older adult) // Kisho Arima (Tokyo Ghoul)
English Voice Actor/Claim: Chris Burnett (teen-young adult) // Kouichi Aizawa (Nabari) Alex Organ (older adult) // Kisho Arima (Tokyo Ghoul)
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socaprince · 10 months ago
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Soca Therapy Playlist
Sunday May 12th 2024
Making You Wine From 6-9pm on Flow 98.7fm Toronto
Long Live Soca (Dr. Jay Plate) - Voice
How Ah Livin (Muv Short Edit) - Farmer Nappy
Cloud 9 - Lyrikal
People (Ryan Sayeed's Stadium Status Intro) - Kes the Band
Ma Life (Thank You) - Motto
Greater - Dash
Middle Finger (Clean) - Boyzie
Let's Go Party - Problem Child
DNA (DJ Kevin Festival Intro Edit) - Mical Teja
Change The World - Ricardo Drue feat Drastic & Lily
Bam Bam (Remix) - Drastic & Shal Marshall
Guava Jam - Drastic
Ah Di Iron - Drastic (CANADIAN PREMIERE)
Soca Therapy - Lil Rick & King Bubba
Best Self - Nailah Blackman & Lyrikal
WDS - Aidol
Danger - Skinny Fabulous x Problem Child
Bandit Dance - Square One feat. Alison Hinds & Iwer George
Jammers - TC
Balapalampam - Keann
Heavy Bumper - Ricky Jai
Arima - God Father Asylum
Fete Is Fete - Bunji Garlin
Mom (Mama) - Ricky T & Ambi
Wassy - Full Blown
TOP 7 COUNTDOWN - Powered By The Soca Source
Top Songs Streamed On Radio Airplay in April for the continent of Oceania (primarily Australia & New Zealand)
7. Famalay - Skinny Fabulous x Machel Montano x Bunji Garlin
6. Big Fete - Father Philis
5. Splash - Patrice Roberts x Nessa Preppy
4. Night Train - Lord Nelson
3. Feeling It - Patrice Roberts x Kes
2. Dutty Flex - Kes
1. Turn Me On - Kevin Lyttle ft Maddzart
Mashup "When Ah Touchdown" - King Bubba FM
Whole Night (Ryan Sayeed's Intro) - King Bubba
Money Done (Fete Out Money) - Patrice Roberts
Inferno - Shraddah
All Ah Dem (Ryan Sayeed Intro) - Problem Child
Pop Ah Bottle (Travis World Remix) - Machel Montano
All Ahg We (DJ Shy Edit) - Peter Ram
Free Up Yuhself - Salty x Travis World
In The Center (BD Did It) - GBM Nutron x Farmer Nappy
Niceness - Kenny Montana
Beat Rum Bad - Wadicks x System32
Obsession - Mikey Mercer
Wifey - Farmer Nappy
Unforgettable (Best Friend Edit) - Kerwin Du Bois x Patrice Roberts
Cheers To Life - Voice
Woman - Fojo X Pahjo
(2004) Coffee Street (feat. Calypsociation) - Andy Narell
(1995) Mother's Love - Sundar Popo
Mama - Lil Rick
Happy Mother's Day - Boogie B
Mama - Derrick Seales Feat Roy Cape All Stars
Cooking Good - Problem Child
Carnival Contract - Bunji Garlin
Road Friends - Nessa Preppy & Skinny Fabulous
Angels in the Sky - Shelly & Signal Band
Up & Up - Teddyson John
Anxiety - Patrice Roberts
Like Yuh Self (Riddim Master Edit) - Patrice Roberts x Machel Montano
Simply Everything - Patrice Roberts x Machel Montano
Band Of The Year - Patrice Roberts x Machel Montano
Rollin - Patrice Roberts x Machel Montano
De Last Time - Miss Cali
Devotion - Destra
Controller - Alison Hinds
Follow Dr. Jay @socaprince​ and @socatherapy
“Like” Dr. Jay on http://facebook.com/DrJayOnline
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meep-hani · 1 year ago
Tokyo Ghoul: re (2018)
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Tokyo Ghoul: re
Aired: April 2018 to December 2018 Watched: No record
Producers: Marvelous Entertainment, Pierrot Plus, TC Entertainment, Shueisha (season 2) Studio: Pierrot
Number of episodes: 24 Synopsis:
Season 1: Two years have passed since the CCG's raid on Anteiku. Although the atmosphere in Tokyo has changed drastically due to the increased influence of the CCG, ghouls continue to pose a problem as they have begun taking caution, especially the terrorist organization Aogiri Tree, who acknowledge the CCG's growing threat to their existence. The creation of a special team, known as the Quinx Squad, may provide the CCG with the push they need to exterminate Tokyo's unwanted residents. As humans who have undergone surgery in order to make use of the special abilities of ghouls, they participate in operations to eradicate the dangerous creatures. The leader of this group, Haise Sasaki, is a half-ghoul, half-human who has been trained by famed special class investigator, Kishou Arima. However, there's more to this young man than meets the eye, as unknown memories claw at his mind, slowly reminding him of the person he used to be.
Season 2: After the conclusion of the Tsukiyama Family Extermination Operation, the members of the Commission of Counter Ghouls (CCG) have grown exponentially in power and continue to pursue their goal of exterminating every ghoul in Japan. Having resigned from Quinx Squad, the now seemingly emotionless Haise Sasaki begins taking on more and more tasks from the CCG with no regard to the difficulty. Despite his vacant expressions, Ken Kaneki's memories are resurfacing in Haise, leaving him in a state of internal conflict. Meanwhile, his new coldhearted behavior is affecting the people around him. Quinx Squad are left in shambles, having to cope with the death of one of their members without the support of their former mentor. Amidst this turmoil, both Quinx Squad and Haise must continue to fulfill their duties to the CCG, whether willingly or not. However, the presence of a mysterious group behind the CCG has been made known to Haise, and certain whispers of corruption have not gone unheard by the Quinx Squad as well.
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Notable characters:
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Kaneki Ken/Sasaki Haise (voiced by Hanae Natsuki)
Yonebayashi Saiko (voiced by Sakura Ayane)
Urie Kuki (voiced by Ishikawa Kaito)
Mutsuki Tooru (voiced by Fujiwara Natsumi)
Shirazu Ginshi (voiced by Uchida Yuuma)
Kirishima Touka (voiced by Amamiya Sora)
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Notes/comments (optional):
I remember feeling sooo sad for Kaneki/Haise in this series.
Will I rewatch? Mighttt.
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rishiaca · 1 year ago
Simple and Practical Data Science Topics for Your Next Academic Thesis. 
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If you’re a college student looking to find your college thesis topic and have a keen interest in data science, we got you covered. Here we discuss some of the easiest and simple data science topics for your thesis may it be schoolwork, college, or even for an academic publication and so on. Read till the end, and pick your pick out of the options and start off with your research and writing to meet your deadlines on time. 
1. EDA (Exploratory Data Analysis) on Social Media Data: 
Firstly, we have one of the quickest research based data science thesis paper you can work on with simply looking into the social media apps that you use daily. 
Objective: With this project the goal is to understand patterns, trends, and sentiments of people scrolling through social media day in and day out. 
Tools: To conduct this research you can make use of the simple to install and use Python (Pandas, Matplotlib or Seaborn). 
Methods applied: To get started with the project, you can conduct simple analysis by opting to put a poll out on your social media page, and similarly find out what are the trending topics and then analyze the data received to visualize the engagement statistics. 
2.   Linear Regression to Predict Model outcomes : 
In this project your goal will be create a predictive model using the concepts of linear regression (‘a data analysis technique that predicts the unknown value of any data by using another related and known data value’). 
The Objective: Develop a capable predictive model by using the concepts of linear regression. 
Tools: Similar to the first project, you can use Python (Scikit-Learn) to help perform this project too. 
Method applied: To start with creating a predictive model, you have to choose a data set that interests you, then perform feature engineering ( “Feature engineering is the process that takes raw data and transforms it into features that can be used to create a predictive model using machine learning or statistical modeling, such as deep learning.” ), then train the model and finally evaluate the model created. 
3. Stock Price Forecasting by using Time Series: 
If you are into the stock market, then this project may just be the one for you. Here, you understand and use time series analysis (“ a specific way of analyzing a sequence of data points collected over an interval of time.” ) to help predict future stock rates. 
The Objective: The goal is primarily to help predict the future stock rates by using time series analysis. 
The Tools: To perform this project you will need access and knowledge to Python tools like that of ‘Pandas’ and ‘Statsmodels’. 
Methods Applied: In order to do this, you simply need to be know how to collect historical stock market details, organize and prep it, and then use the time series analysis models (like ARIMA) and check the accuracy of the predictions made. 
4.  Spam Detection by using Text Classification:
Go through our mails is something everyone of us does everyday, weekly, monthly even, but how do you know if an email is spam or not? This project does exactly that, helps try to figure out if spam emails are spam or not. 
The Objective: The objective of this topic for you would be to build a classification model that classifies text and is able to detect spam emails. 
The Tools: To do this, one can use Python’s Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) to help you. 
Methods Applied: Here, basically you will preprocess the text data, make a classification model out of the preprocessed data and then see how it work. 
5.  Data Analysis of Online Reviews and Web Scraping: 
By performing this data science project you will be get data from multiple online sources and look into the reviews of customers. 
The Objective: With this project the aim would be to get data from the many online platforms of your choosing and analyze the customer reviews of the platforms to understand customer engagement. 
The Tools:  For this project, you will again use Python tools, the tools you can use are Beautiful Soup, Selenium to complete the project. 
Methods Applied: By using the mentioned tools you are to gather data grom platforms, then proceed to sort and organize the collected data and then analyze the organized data to get an idea of how people feel about a product or service offered. 
So there you have it, five data science projects that are creative, interesting and can be performed in simple ways. With these projects you get an insight into the working of data science professionals and to write a thesis out of the process. This not only helps you meet your academic deadline submissions in a timely manner but can also be added to your portfolio to help you secure a job in the data science field in the future. 
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sukacheri · 1 year ago
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ARIMA Chapter 1 [AO3 or Keep Reading below]
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October, First Year
Hinata walked with purpose. The mid-October breeze that blew through his flimsy off-brand windbreaker blanketed his body in a distinct chill one could only feel once the sun set. Zipping up his jacket wouldn’t dissuade the cold, it only looked like a windbreaker after all, so Hinata let the flaps fly about in the wind like dual kites.
On his path the trees fought against the wind, shedding multi-colored leaves in the process. They danced around until settling onto the sidewalk, Hinata stepping on them with a satisfying crunch. He chose his steps carefully, picking out what he thought would be the most delicate and crispy leaves. 
He indulged for a few more feet, then continued at his original pace. Not running, but his frazzled hair blowing around him indicated a rush.
After a few minutes of speed walking, Yumenosaki was visible, just a few more blocks away. He couldn’t be certain of the time, but he assumed he would be rolling in right on the dot based on the clock he was keeping in his head. He was not feeling up for digging his phone out to check the exact minute, surely his instincts were tried and true enough to be correct.
He would have to trust them, because he really didn’t want to risk seeing any new messages on his phone.
Guilt squirmed around his gut at the mere thought of what exactly he was avoiding, but the alternative was something he couldn’t bear even more. It was like asking someone if they’d rather walk through coals or jump into a volcano. Both sucked, but equally? Not even close. And there was no contest to which one you’d pick when there’s no secret third option of ‘and they lived happily ever after’. 
Hinata derailed that train of thought from his brain, letting his main objective for the night take the wheel. He walked through the school campus, approaching the main auditorium, not a person around in sight. 
He was either arriving just in time as intended, or he was horrifically late. 
The door handle was icy against his palm as he pulled it open, reminding him that he should start bringing gloves if he kept planning to go out so late. Toes and fingers were the first to go, so you better take care of them.
As he entered he was thankfully greeted with muffled cheering of an audience from the concert hall. Hinata skipped past those doors, going instead for the side door leading to the hallway that would take him backstage. Now with a pathway around the crowd that would ensue like a flood as people left, Hinata walked at a more leisurely pace. He and the others would have to wait for the whole crowd to be gone before they could begin anyways.
“Oh, Hinata-kun! There you are,” Hajime said as Hinata entered the backstage area. 
Hinata smiled, ignoring the tinge of exhaustion in his cheeks. “Hey, Hajime-kun. Got everything ready? We should time ourselves and see how quickly we can get this done!”
“I think I’d only slow you down.” Hajime returned his smile cheerily. How was it that someone who surely worked twice as hard as Hinata could still keep his smiles so genuine? “We’re on sweeping duty, but don’t worry, I made sure to get us the working brooms. I may have hid them from last time.”
“I could really make a prankster out of you,” Hinata said. “If only you’d let me turn you to the dark side.”
“Kunugi-sensei is a bit too scary when he’s yelling at you, so I think I’ll have to pass on your lessons.”
Hinata shrugged. “Suit yourself. Now, pass me one of those brooms.”
Hajime handed one over, and Hinata knew he received the lesser one. It didn’t matter to Hinata, a broom’s a broom, but kind, sweet Hajime, selfless in all other acts, was particular about his cleaning supplies. 
“Hinata-kun, is it cold outside?” Hajime asked. “I haven’t been out since the live started and the sun went down.” He paused, eyes not leaving Hinata’s. “And your cheeks look a little red.”
Kind, sweet Hajime was interrogating him it seemed. He’d known the guy long enough now to see when his questions were less about what he was asking, and more about what he was implying. Even if Hinata didn’t know that, Hajime looked at him with concern, as if Hinata had trucked through miles of snow to get here and not the slight October breeze.
“Nah, it’s not cold! I was just running a bit to get here since I didn’t want to be late. That first time I got here right on time and I still had to beat the crowd going in. It was a nightmare, like swimming against a huge current.” Hinata tilted the broom in his hands, making a show of examining it before swinging it in a slow, exaggerated motion. “Now, en garde, Hajime-kun! Let’s duel and decide who gets the task of sweeping the front row!”
Hajime jumped back, holding his broom in front of him. “Ah! I’ll take the front row, I don’t mind!”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to coerce you into it, though? We can rock paper scissors if you want.”
“No, it’s okay, Hinata-kun,” Hajime said. “Besides, I’m so slow it really doesn’t matter where I start.”
Hinata would’ve scolded him for his lack of confidence in cleaning, but it was painfully true. He wasn’t sure how his classmate managed to so consistently be the last one to finish cleaning.
Hinata also wasn’t sure when his antics had taken a turn towards dueling jokes rather than exaggerated cons or begging, or whatever else he used to do.
Well, it wasn’t that hard to suss out. The influence’s face entered Hinata’s mind with piercing violet eyes, sending his stomach churning again. Hinata bit on his tongue, drawing his mind back to his present goal. He peeked his head out from the curtain and was delighted to see the audience was all gone.
Time to clean.
His tired body protested as he started to sweep, but Hinata pushed through it easily. That was one of his greatest strengths: his constitution. In times like these, he thought of himself as taffy. Being pushed and pulled, stretched thin, but never once breaking. He would come out of this completely fine, and with some additional money.
Yeah, sure, that’s why I’m doing this, Hinata thought as he sweeped an assortment of trash to the end of the row to pick up later. My real talent is running away. Yuuta-kun’s always said that, and I always prove him right.
The whole point of this busy schedule was to keep his bones and mind too tired to bother thinking about other things, and yet it felt like the longer it went on the more Hinata came back to it with increasing dread. Stretching himself thin wasn’t unusual behavior, it was what kept Yuuta so prickly with him after all, but Hinata had never had it work so ineffectively for him before.
Was he losing his touch? Or maybe there was a more simple answer.
Tsukasa was too earnest in his texts, not understanding they were supposed to be for sending jokes, “lol”, and various emoticons. That was clearly the problem here. It was no fault of Hinata’s that he couldn’t manage to exhaust himself and send all his troublesome thoughts away with fatigue by picking up trash after a busy fine live, no, it wasn’t his fault at all.
Hinata swallowed as he threw the trash away, thinking he wasn’t much different than what others deemed as garbage. Some napkins here, plastic wrap there, a crushed water bottle. Well, maybe he was different from a water bottle. They could at least be recycled, turned into something better. 
Poor Tsukasa had put all his affectionate wants and needs onto Hinata, and what a terrible choice that was. Tsukasa should know better, and he should be treating Hinata like the dust on the floor. Something to sweep away, throw outside, and strive to be rid of.
In truth, Hinata knew he was exaggerating, but didn’t they always say heartbreak would feel like the end of the world? Not that he was even currently heartbroken. Nope, the two halves of his heart were perfectly molded together, for now at least. It’d be a different story if he kept ignoring his boyfriend’s texts, sitting unopened on his phone like the second Hinata touched them they’d poison him. At least, that’s what it felt like. Or more like a bomb. A very dedicated ticking time bomb that Hinata carried around with him in his back pocket.
Thinking too hard about it made his stomach start to spin like a washing machine on full rinse, and he didn’t want to bother Hajime by throwing up right now—he was sure the other boy would actually take him home with him to take care of like a stray cat. There was still so much of the auditorium to clean, but at least they wouldn’t have to worry about the stage except for a quick sweep of anything left behind.
 So, Hinata threw himself into cleaning, being more thorough than someone paid 500 million yen to clean a single concert hall. His arms ached as he sweeped in a frenzy, his legs protested as he got on his knees to collect trash under the chairs, and his head began to throb in protest at having skipped lunch and now presumably dinner too. 
It was fine, he could eat when he got home. A quick snack before going to bed. And maybe a glance at his phone if his heart was worn out enough to bear it.
10:15 AM
Do you want to try and meet up for lunch? It’s a bit chilly today so the roof may be open.
I’ll wait there, if you are available to join me.
11:40 AM
Yuuta-kun just mentioned that you’re working all day again today. You should at least eat lunch to keep your strength up.
12:18 PM
yea sorry!! no roof today. lunch another time!
12:19 PM
Of course.
I’m assuming you’ll be too busy to do anything after school, but if you’re not then I have a spare half an hour if you would like to have some tea.
5:23 PM
You’re likely at work now. Could you please text me when you’re off then? Or when you get home?
And if you are free tomorrow, I would really like to see you.
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