#Arie Deri
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ggukkiedae · 1 year ago
Inside Hannah’s Personal Phone
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for hannah’s personal phone, she has a green iphone 15 plus because green is her favorite color, and she has it in a space themed clear phone case that jisung bought for her
contact names:
(in parentheses indicate the idol it is not part of the contact name)
in got: the legend herself (boa), hyo unnie, seulgi unnie, wendy unnie, minjeongie (winter), rina <3
in superm: baekhyun oppa, jongin oppa, taemin oppa
in nct:
johnny: 영호 아빠,
taeyong: tyong oppa
yuta: お兄ちゃん
kun: 锟 爸爸
doyoung: doie oppa
ten: chittaphon
jaehyun: mr. valentino
winwin: sichengie 哥哥
jungwoo: woojungs
mark: sometimes a big brother ☁️
xiaojun: junie 哥哥
hendery: dery-dery
renjun: 렌준이 ㅋㅋ ☁️
jeno: cat loving muscleman 1 ☁️
haechan: twin flame ☁️
jaemin: cat loving muscleman 2 ☁️
chenle: baby lele ☁️
jisung: baby jwi ☁️
(previous groupmates: taroo, baby channie)
boyfriend(yangyang): boyfriend 🫢
best friend (skz han): hanji
the other girls (bts miya, txt seri, en- ari): kpop royalty, fave kiwi, the baby
current closest friends: best unnie~ (red velvet yeri), freaky giant (txt yeonjun), manhwa boy (txt soobin), jennifer huh? (le sserafim yunjin), wooyoung the demon (ateez wooyoung)
recent conversations:
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taglist: @1-800-enhypennabi @strwberrydinosaur @sunflower-0180 @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @world-full-of-roses @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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girlactionfigure · 1 year ago
🔅Sun night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connect to Israel in Real Time
🔻Today’s peaceful attempts to kill the Jews..
Rockets - Hezbollah - at Even Menachem, Zarit, Shomera, Shtula 
Rockets - Hezbollah - at Hanita
Rockets - Hezbollah - at Sasa, Matat
▪️NETANYAHU SAYS.. “We approved the operation plan for Rafah, including evacuation of the population. We will operate in Rafah, it will take a few weeks.”
▪️ISRAEL CULTURE CONFLICT.. when current discussions over whether to go to hostage negotiations with the extreme  Hamas ran into Shabbat and involved Shas party (charedi) leader Ari Deri, a senior officer made a joke “the hostage team can’t go because it is not Pikuah Nefesh (risk to life) for overriding Shabbat”…
This was IMMEDIATELY reported by the media as “Shas’s Ari Deri says sending the hostage negotiation team shouldn’t happen on Shabbat because it’s not Pikuah Nefesh”.   (Unspoken statement: the charedim care more about Shabbat than about the hostages’ lives.)
Opposition Yesh Atid lead MK Lapid said “if this isn’t Pikuah Nefesh, what is?”
Amit Segel (Ch. 12): it was NOT Ari Deri who said it, it was a senior officer making a joke. And the negotiation team STILL hasn’t received permission to go, showing the delay had nothing to do with Shabbat.
▪️IDF BUILDS.. an observation tower inside Gaza.
▪️HOSTAGE - CEASEFIRE TALKS.. The head of the Mossad will leave for Qatar A political source: "Hamas has climbed high trees, they are preparing to expand the fighting.”
▪️PROTESTS UPDATE.. one of our readers noted that we reported protests in the tens to hundreds by distraught hostage families and supporters, and mainstream publications subsequently reported thousands - as the protests were later taken over by anti-government protestors.  Reader was upset that he understood small protests, and read about bigger ones.  I noted we can only report what’s happening at the time we report - no future news… yet, and that for Israel, this was a small protest vs. when the public is serious about an issue. 
The mainstream media LIVES for maximizing such events - the “if it bleeds it leads” approach. Your nervous eyeballs ARE their business, making them MONEY.  However, recent polls made clear these protests are only slightly supported BUT are being interpreted by our enemies as NATIONAL INSTABILITY, WEAKNESS, INTERNAL DISSENSION.  It is irresponsible and DANGEROUS to play these up.
▪️US CLOUD KOOKOO LAND.. John Kirby, communications for the National Security Council: “We have been watching this very closely and we haven’t seen evidence that Hamas has pilfered off a lot of the humanitarian assistance in a nefarious way. We do not support a major military operation in Rafah without a viable plan to ensure the safety of 1.5 million displaced people.”
▪️NATIONAL REMEMBRANCE DAY CREATED.. 24th of Tishrei aka Oct. 7 will be a national day of remembrance of the massacre, those who were martyred and those who fell defending us all.
▪️BIDEN ANGRY.. (NBC) From “sources”: Biden became angry after receiving low results in public opinion polls in Michigan and Georgia due to the nature in which he is conducting the war in Gaza.
▪️FLOOD WARNING.. danger due to the rainy weather expected in the next two days starting from Monday afternoon until Tuesday 18-19 March, in the southern region. Stay away from stream beds, flood zones, etc.
▪️ECONOMY MINISTER, WAR PROFITEERS.. Puts out a black list of food companies that raised prices during wartime and calls on the Israeli public not to buy products from companies that appear on the blacklist: Strauss, Osem, Wizkosky, Yachin, Zuglobitz, Beit Shita, Achuva, Shistubitz.
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1:    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y    34/36    (24/26)    (10/10)
2:    00 04 05 08 10 12 13 15 16 17 21 24 25 28 31 33 35 36 39 41 42 43 44 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 63 68 69 71 75 77 79 80 82 83 84 87 89 90 92 93 94 98 ac ag ai al an ap ar as at ay ba be bi bo bp bs bu ca ce ch ci cl co ct da de di ds du dv ea eb ec ed ee ei el em en ep er es et ev ex fa fi fo fr ga ge gh gi gl go gs ha he hi ho ic id ig ik im in io ir is it iv ke ki le lf li ll lo ls lu ly ma mb me mi mo mp ms mu my nd ne ng no ns nt ny ob od of og om on oo or os ot ou ow pa pe pl po pp ps pu qu ra rc rd re ri rm ro rr rs rt sb se sh si so sp sq ss st ta te th ti tl to tp ts tu tw ua ub ud ug us ut va vd ve vi wa wh wi wo xc xe xp ye yo yt yw    217/1296    (167/676)    (50/360)
3:    000 056 087 104 105 108 128 131 136 152 179 212 213 256 283 313 315 392 421 433 443 482 483 493 516 550 569 639 680 715 775 824 835 843 900 941 989 ach aga ain alf all als and ant any app are ari ars art asi aso ati bas bee bei bel bin bob bpa bsp bsq but cal cen cha cis clu com cte ded der din div dua dvd eac ear eas ebo ece ect een ein ele elo emi ent epa era erc ere eri erm ese esp esq est ete ets eva exc exe exp fal fir for fro gai geb gep ges get gin gle goo hal har hat hem her hes hin his hit hos hou how ica idu igi ike ime ind ine ing int ion iou irr irs ise ite ith iti itl itp its ive ivi kin les let lev lik lin lit lly low lse lso lud man mbi men mes min moo mpl mut nda nde ndi ned nes nge ngs not nte nts nyw obp obs ogl omb omp ond one ong ons ood oog ord ori orm ose osi ost oth oug ous out pan pea pec per ple pon pos ppe put qua ral rci rde rds reb rec rel rem rep res rig rim rin rio rms rmu rom rre rst sbo sea see shi sic sit son spo squ ssp ssq ste tat ted ter tha the thi tho tim tio tit tiv tle ton tpo tps tsb tss tub two ual uar ube udi ugh uta utu van var ves vid way wha wit wor xcl xer xpe yea you ytp ywa    285/46656    (248/17576)    (37/12960)
4:    1056 1087 2131 2569 3136 3152 4212 4824 4835 6392 agai ally alse also ants anyw appe areb arep ares ario asic ason atio basi been bein belo bine bobp bobs bpan bspo bsqu call cent char cise clud comb comp cted deri ding divi dual each ears easo ebob ecen ecte eing elev elow emin epan eral erci eres erim erin ermu espo esqu este evan excl exer expe fals firs form from gain gebo gepa gesq gets goog half hart here hese hing hitp hits hose houg ical idua igin imen imes inda inde indi ined ines ings inte ions ious irre irst iter ithi itio itiv itle itpo ives ivid kind lete leva like line lite ludi many mbin ment mind mood mple muta nded nder ndiv ngeb ngep nges nter ntsb ntss nywa obpa obsp obsq ogle ombi ompl onde onge oogl orde ords orig orms osit othe ough outu pant pear pect peri perm plet pond pong posi post ppea quar rall rcis rder rebo rece rele remi repa resp rest rigi rime ring riou rmut rrel sbob seas shit sica siti spon squa sspo ssqu sted tati tera tere that them ther thes thin this thos thou time tion titl tive tles tpos tsbo tssp tssq tube uare udin utat utub vant vari vidu what with word xclu xerc xpec xper year yout ytps yway    231/1679616    (221/456976)    (10/466560)
5:    again antsb antss anywa appea arebo arepa aresp ariou asica ation basic being below bined bobpa bobsp bobsq bpant bspon bsqua cally chart cludi combi compl derin divid eason ecent ected eleva emind epant erall ercis erest erime ering ermut espon esqua ested evant exclu exerc expec exper false first forms gebob gepan gesqu googl hings hitpo hough icall idual iment inded indiv inter irrel itera ithin ition itive itles itpos ividu kinda levan lines liter ludin mbine minde mplet mutat nderi ndivi ngebo ngepa ngesq ntere ntsbo ntssp ntssq nyway obpan obspo obsqu ombin omple onder ongeb ongep onges oogle order origi ositi other outub pants pears pecte perim permu plete ponde ponge posit ppear quare rally rcise rderi rebob recen relev remin repan respo reste rigin rimen rious rmuta rrele seaso shitp sical sitio sitiv spong squar sspon ssqua tatio teral teres these thing those thoug times tions title tives tpost tsbob tsspo tssqu uareb uarep uares uding utati utube vario vidua withi words xclud xerci xpect xperi years youtu    172/60466176    (172/11881376)
6:    antsbo antssp antssq anyway appear arebob arepan arespo arious asical ations basica bobpan bobspo bobsqu bpants bspong bsquar cludin combin comple dering dividu elevan eminde epants erally ercise ereste erimen ermuta espong esquar exclud exerci expect experi gepant gesqua google hitpos ically indivi intere irrele iteral itions itives itpost ividua levant litera luding mbined minded mplete mutati nderin ndivid ngebob ngepan ngesqu nteres ntsbob ntsspo ntssqu obpant obspon obsqua ombine omplet onderi ongebo ongepa ongesq orderi origin ositio ositiv outube pantsb pantss pected perime permut ponder pongeb pongep ponges positi ppears quareb quarep quares rderin recent releva remind repant respon rested riment rmutat rrelev season shitpo sicall sition sitive sponge square sspong ssquar tation terall terest things though titles tsspon tssqua uarebo uarepa uaresp utatio variou vidual within xcludi xercis xpecte xperim youtub    133/2176782336    (133/308915776)
7:    antsbob antsspo antssqu appears arepant arespon asicall basical bobpant bobspon bobsqua bsponge bsquare cluding combine complet dividua elevant eminded erested eriment ermutat esponge esquare excludi exercis expecte experim gepants gesquar hitpost individ interes irrelev iterall ividual literal mutatio ndering ndividu ngepant ngesqua nterest ntsspon ntssqua obpants obspong obsquar ombined omplete onderin ongebob ongepan ongesqu orderin osition ositive pantsbo pantssp pantssq perimen permuta ponderi pongebo pongepa pongesq positio positiv quarebo quarepa quaresp rdering relevan reminde repants respong rmutati rreleva shitpos sically sitions sitives spongeb spongep sponges squareb squarep squares ssponge ssquare tations terally tereste tsspong tssquar uarebob uarepan uarespo utation various xcludin xercise xpected xperime youtube    105/78364164096    (105/8031810176)
8:    antsspon antssqua arepants arespong asically basicall bobpants bobspong bobsquar combined complete dividual ermutati excludin exercise expected experime gesquare individu interest irreleva iterally literall mutation ndividua ngepants ngesquar ntereste ntsspong ntssquar obsponge obsquare ondering ongepant ongesqua ordering ositions ositives pantsbob pantsspo pantssqu periment permutat ponderin pongebob pongepan pongesqu position positive quarebob quarepan quarespo relevant reminded responge rmutatio rrelevan shitpost spongebo spongepa spongesq squarebo squarepa squaresp terested tssponge tssquare uarepant uarespon utations xcluding xperimen    72/2821109907456    (72/208827064576)
9:    antsspong antssquar aresponge basically bobsponge bobsquare ermutatio excluding experimen individua intereste irrelevan literally mutations ndividual ngesquare nterested ntssponge ntssquare ongepants ongesquar pantsspon pantssqua permutati pondering pongepant pongesqua positions positives quarepant quarespon rmutation rrelevant spongebob spongepan spongesqu squarebob squarepan squarespo uarepants uarespong xperiment    42/101559956668416    (42/5429503678976)
10:    antssponge antssquare ermutation experiment individual interested irrelevant ongesquare pantsspong pantssquar permutatio pongepants pongesquar quarepants quarespong rmutations spongepant spongesqua squarepant squarespon uaresponge    21/3656158440062976    (21/141167095653376)
11:    ermutations pantssponge pantssquare permutation pongesquare quaresponge spongepants spongesquar squarepants squarespong    10/131621703842267136    (10/3670344486987776)
12:    permutations spongesquare squaresponge    3/4738381338321616896    (3/95428956661682176)
anyway that put me in a Mood, and combined with my other recent post it reminded me of an experiment I’ve been pondering for years
google hits for the various permutations of ordering the individual words within ‘Spongebob Squarepants’:
Spongebob Squarepants - 35,900,000 but that one’s kinda expected, not what I’m interested in. Squarepants Spongebob - 843,000 but see below Bobpants Spongesquare - 3,680 Spongepants Squarebob - 2,550 Squarebob Spongepants - 989 Spongesquare Bobpants - 516 Bobsponge Squarepants - 443 Bobsponge Pantssquare - 433 Bobsquare Spongepants - 128 Bobpants Squaresponge - 104 Pantssquare Bobsponge - 83 Squaresponge Bobpants - 55 Pantsbob Squaresponge - 54 Spongepants Bobsquare - 53 Bobsquare Pantssponge - 36 Pantsbob Spongesquare - 33 Spongebob Pantssquare - 10 Spongesquare Pantsbob - 7 Squaresponge Pantsbob - 6 Squarepants Bobsponge - 5 Pantssquare Spongebob - 5 Pantssponge Bobsquare - 3 Squarebob Pantssponge - 1 Pantssponge Squarebob - 1
Squarepants Spongebob gets a ton of false positives from things like The Origin of SpongeBob SquarePants. SpongeBob SquarePants: The Complete First Season (DVD)
also literally like half of these are the titles of YTPs or other forms of youtube shitpost
here’s a chart of all the positions and how many times each word appears in them though (again, excluding those first two lines for being basically irrelevant to this exercise):
1 2 3 4 Sponge 3136 941 4835 283 Bob 4824 1087 715 2569 Square 1056 775 3152 4212 Pants 179 6392 493 2131
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Esercito Israele in campi profughi a centro della Striscia
Reparti di terra dell’esercito israeliano sono entrati ”all’alba di oggi nei campi profughi nel settore centrale” della Striscia di Gaza. Lo ha affermato alla Knesset un membro del gabinetto di guerra israeliano, il leader del partito ortodosso ‘Shas’ Arie Deri. ”Nel nord della Striscia più o meno abbiamo conseguito una affermazione militare. Nel sud si trovano molte forze dell’esercito.…
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444names · 2 years ago
the entire article on the 1st annual australian international jazz festival from wikipedia + american forenames BUT ending with "is"
Aacyclis Aarris Adavis Aderiquis Aftois Agarlesis Alandris Aldraquis Aldris Alenris Alis Allaredis Allettis Allis Allois Althris Alvis Amberris Ameris Ancis Anclis Andaris Andris Anis Annorecis Anouis Appeatris Appeavis Apperris Ardarcis Aris Arlis Aromis Arris Artis Asmis Athis Auris Bannouis Baris Befforis Beillis Beliseris Benris Berbaris Berennis Bergencis Beris Bermaris Berris Bertris Bettis Beturis Beulis Beunicis Billis Bilteris Bobbilis Bougelvis Bouis Brallis Bris Brolis Byrolois Callis Caluis Caris Carjois Carris Casselis Cassis Caturis Chanis Channis Checolvis Chelillis Chelis Cheris Chis Chrianis Clarlowis Clenjacis Clis Cluis Coliannis Comolis Comptis Conis Cotheris Couis Craquis Cris Crogeris Custerris Dais Daiseanis Danis Danistis Daris Deanis Debonis Dedis Deris Dertiolis Dicaris Dinestis Ditis Dixis Dooris Dormarris Dortis Douis Dremaxis Dris Duadris Ducis Duris Dusabris Dwillais Dwis Eanis Ebecis Elilvis Elis Elvis Emarviris Enniquis Eris Ernouis Erris Evanis Everis Evis Exis Fais Feris Ferlois Filillis Flois Folvis Foris Frais Freenris Frenis Frennis Gaberis Gannelis Garis Garlais Gelis Gerais Gerenewis Geris Glais Gorethris Goris Graquis Grenris Grephis Grevis Guanis Gwenris Haelixis Haelois Hangenris Hanis Hannis Haris Harrewis Harris Heillis Helanis Helis Hellbouis Henris Herinaris Heris Herris Hillis Hiris Hisonatis Holicis Homis Houris Imonevis Iressis Irivis Ividalis Jachricis Jacoris Jacquis Jais Jannis Jarris Javicelis Javis Jeacis Jealillis Jearis Jeavis Jefolgais Jenatris Jentoris Jerberris Jestophis Joaris Jodoris Joelis Johnnis Jointis Jois Joisertis Jonis Jorais Jorempris Joris Jormaudis Jorris Joselicis Juathris Judelis Julannis Juliamis Julis Junis Karennis Karis Karleoris Karmarris Karris Katis Katois Kelbecis Kelis Kellis Kellois Kelmatis Kennis Kentis Kris Kuris Kurtis Lais Lanoris Laris Larris Laulis Lernis Lixis Localis Loctoris Lodis Lodoris Loperis Loris Lormaxis Lorossis Lotheoris Louistris Lowillis Lowis Lucis Ludianis Lulis Luzannis Lyntonnis Mamberis Mamindis Mancilis Manicis Maninalis Manis Mannis Mantoris Marairis Marcuris Mardrecis Maressis Maris Marris Martis Martris Maurenris Maxis Mayedris Mcdalis Melis Melvis Menis Mennis Mertris Micis Milais Milvis Minis Miricis Monalis Monis Morannis Mortis Mosheavis Muelivis Musis Nielis Nienteris Niewis Nifforis Niteris Noris Nornis Norris Nouis Olais Olestis Olis Ollis Ophis Oris Ostonis Ostoris Ouis Ovis Owarricis Palis Palmaris Pamaxis Papris Patethris Patheris Pathis Patis Patris Paudennis Paudicis Paulicis Pauris Peanis Pederis Pedonnis Percis Perephis Peris Pernis Phapris Phis Piandris Pricis Pris Progais Promicis Prostis Quelis Quelvis Quis Raquis Recis Reckiris Reheris Remis Renris Rephis Riamelis Rianis Riquis Rivalis Roaris Roberris Rolis Romicis Romis Ronis Rottedis Sabobelis Sabonnis Sabris Salis Sandris Sanis Saturis Scis Setwellis Sharis Sheavis Sherris Shis Shouis Shuris Shurthris Sillynnis Sittis Sonis Sophis Staleoris Stemis Sticis Stis Stris Swighadis Swis Talis Taris Tarris Tenris Teris Teristis Thearis Thelais Theris This Thlis Thris Timpris Tois Tollannis Tolynnis Tonis Toris Tramis Triquis Tris Turis Twencis Twestis Tworis Uniquis Unis Vauris Viellis Vincis Vindis Vinnis Violgais Vistis Wannis Waris Warlis Warsis Warvis Whis Whouis Willeitis Willis Woristis Zabenris
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izraelinfo · 2 years ago
A Deri-törvény valódi tétje
A Deri-törvény valódi tétje
A “Deri-törvény” kísérleti léggömb, de hőlégballonná lesz, mellyel Netanjahu menekül majd fenyegető ítéletétől. Ha a bűzlő kísérlet sikerült, akkor annak fő alanya, Benjamin Netanjahu is belekapaszkodhat. Noha hazugsággyára továbbra is azt a hamis narratívát terjeszti, hogy “összeomlóban vannak a Netanjahu-akták”, várhatóan a vádlott bűnösségét beismerő vádalkut fog kötni. Ben Kaszpit írása a…
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deryuj · 2 years ago
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Me drawing my scrunkly instead of watching the season 2 because I'm simply not prepared
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grafea · 8 years ago
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New Grafea leather backpack www.grafea.com
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maaarine · 5 years ago
MBTI & Science: academics, philosophers, educators, etc.
Hannah ARENDT (philosophy) Jocelyn BELL BURNELL (physics) Tim BERNERS-LEE (computer science) David DEUTSCH (physics) René DESCARTES (philosophy) Esther DUFLO (economics) Albert EINSTEIN (physics) Karl FRISTON (neuroscience) David GRAEBER (anthropology) Demis HASSABIS (artificial intelligence) Katalin KARIKO (biochemistry) Alan LIGHTMAN (physics) Marvin MINSKY (artificial intelligence) Isaac NEWTON (physics) Steven PINKER (cognitive linguistics) Jean-Paul SARTRE (philosophy) Nate SILVER (mathematics) Baruch SPINOZA (philosophy) Bjarne STROUSTRUP (computer science) Terence TAO (mathematics) Nikola TESLA (engineering) Karen UHLENBECK (mathematics) Cédric VILLANI (mathematics) Timothy WILLIAMSON (philosophy) Ludwig WITTGENSTEIN (philosophy)
Dan ARIELY (psychology) André BRAHIC (physics) Agnes CALLARD (philosophy) Leonardo DA VINCI Neil DEGRASSE TYSON (physics) Richard FEYNMAN (physics) Milton FRIEDMAN (economics) Scott GALLOWAY (marketing) Michio KAKU (physics) Lawrence KRAUSS (physics) Janna LEVIN (physics) Katie MACK (physics) Bill NYE (science educator) Jordan PETERSON (psychology) Bertrand RUSSELL (philosophy) John SEARLE (philosophy) Michelle THALLER (physics)
Judith BUTLER (philosophy) Jane GOODALL (biology) Søren KIERKEGAARD (philosophy) May-Britt MOSER (neuroscience) Oliver SACKS (psychiatry) Simone WEIL (philosophy) Mithuna YOGANATHAN (physics)
Edward FRENKEL (mathematics) Cornel WEST (philosophy) Slavoj ŽIŽEK (philosophy)
Yoshua BENGIO (artificial intelligence) Pierre BOURDIEU (sociology) John DEWEY (philosophy) Francis DUPUIS-DERI (political science) Anthony FAUCI (medicine) Lex FRIDMAN (artificial intelligence) Étienne KLEIN (physics) Yuval Noah HARARI (history) William JAMES (philosophy) Karl MARX (economics) John Stuart MILL (philosophy) Siddhartha MUKHERJEE (medicine) Jesse PRINZ (philosophy) Jonas SALK (medicine) Roger SCRUTON (philosophy) Timothy SNYDER (history) Giulio TONONI (neuroscience) Yanis VAROUFAKIS (economics)
Frances ARNOLD (chemistry) Lisa FELDMAN BARRETT (psychology) Shafi GOLDWASSER (computer science) Andrew HUBERMAN (neuroscience) Charles ISBELL (artificial intelligence) Donna STRICKLAND (physics)
Marcus AURELIUS (philosophy) Nicholas HUMPHREY (psychology) Carl JUNG (psychiatry) George LAKOFF (cognitive linguistics) Gabor MATE (medicine) Humberto MATURANA (biology) Friedrich NIETZSCHE (philosophy) David OLUSOGA (history) Daniel SIEGEL (psychiatry) Francisco VARELA (biology) Alan WATTS (philosophy)
Mary BEARD (history) Brené BROWN (social work) Susan DAVID (psychology) Ramani DURVASULA (psychology) Alison GOPNIK (psychology) Martha NUSSBAUM (philosophy) Arlie RUSSELL HOCHSHILD (sociology)
Neil ARMSTRONG (engineering) Ayn RAND (philosophy)
See also: writers of non-fiction in #MBTIwrinonfic
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saifbaghdadroleplay · 5 years ago
Biografia di Ayreh Deri
Aryeh Deri (ebraico: אַרְיֵה מַכְלוּף דֶּרְעִי, arabo: أريه مخلوف درعي), anche Arie Deri, Arye Deri o Arieh Deri (nato il 17 febbraio 1959), è un politico israeliano. È uno dei fondatori di Shas,  e agisce per suo conto come Ministro degli Interni, Ministro dello Sviluppo del Negev e della Galilea e membro del Gabinetto di Sicurezza di Israele. In precedenza ha ricoperto il ruolo di Ministro dell'Economia. Nel 1999, Deri fu condannato per corruzione, frode e violazione della fiducia e fu condannato a tre anni di reclusione. Alla fine del 2012, in vista delle elezioni per la diciannovesima Knesset, è tornato a guidare il partito Shas. È stato posto in seconda posizione ed è stato rieletto alla Knesset. Nel maggio 2013, è stato ricollocato nel ruolo di presidente di Shas.
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pact-valkyrie · 4 years ago
🦋, 🔮,🌳 for anyone!!!
🦋 - For Mesmers. How does your OC use their magic? How do they view illusion?
my only canon mesmer is Thaïs and honestly she doesn’t use her magic all that much since she’s not in combat all that often. if anything she’s just gonna use illusions to fix her eyebrows when she doesn’t feel like doing them for real.
🔮 - For Asuras. What does your OC think of the Eternal Alchemy? How do they view the world? oh dude I actually have an asura oc now! this is Sjunni, she’s relatively new
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She’s always felt really distant from the whole academic culture of the Asura, since she’s not exactly book-smart and has a tough time focusing and learning traditionally. The eternal alchemy has always interested her though, and she really likes having an explanation of how things are connected
🌳 - For Sylvaris. What is your OC’s opinion of the Dream? How do they find purpose? gonna answer this for Ariyuma, since her relationship with the Dream is probably the most complicated out of my sylvari ocs Ari’s dream and wyld hunt got massively fucked up when Deri and Ilfyn split, since her purpose was linked to the sapling they were supposed to be. She woke up too early and with bad headaches instead of any memory of what her hunt was supposed to be, making her resent the Dream and the Pale Tree and leading to her joining the nightmare court
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littlesyabina · 5 years ago
Nama Anak
Kalau baca daftar hadir anak-anak di sekolah, utamanya di tempatku yang merupakan islamic boarding school, aku sih punya keseruan sendiri. Namanya bagus-bagus cuy! Anak generasi tahun 2000an rata-rata namanya udah bernuansa era modern Islamic gitu sih ya (istilah dari mana bin nuansa era modern islamic? wkwk), tapi alhamdulillah sih anak-anak yang sekarang di tingkar SMP dan SMA namanya masih menggunakan ejaan dan penulisan yang sewajarnya, ga kayak nama anak tahun 2015an kesini yang ejannya semakin sulit untuk dibaca-.- entah huruf (a) nya yang dijadiin mad tabi’i, entah huruf (i) yang penulisannya jadi huruf e double, entah huruf konsonan yang dijajarkan banyakan. Kadang suka kasihan aja sama anaknya, takut nanti orang susah buat ngeja namanya. Eh maaf-maaf nih buibu, no offense yak. Ini pendapat pribadi aja. 
Selain itu, hal seru yang ditemui ketika menganalisis nama anak-anak yaitu adanya beberapa keluarga yang memiliki tema khusus dalam pemberian nama anak-anak mereka.
Contohnya aja nama anak-anak Aa Gym, seluruh nama anak-anaknya (dan bahkan cucunya!) memiliki inisial G, karena beliau sendiri berinisial G, Gymnastiar. Coba kita tengok satu-satu daftar nama anak-anak beliau (siapa tau bisa jadi referensi yakan): Ghaida Tsurayya, Ghazi Al Ghifari, Ghina Roudlotul Jannah, Ghaitsa Zahira Shofa, Ghefira Nur Fathimah, Ghaza Al Ghazali, Gheriyya Rahimah,   Muhammad Ghaisan Dhiyya Addin. Sedangkan nama cucu-cucu beliau: Gherisa Hanifa, si kembar Ghaziran Hanafi dan Ghazirin Hanafi, Ghazlina Qalbi Hanifa (anak dari Teh Ghaida); Muhammad Ghazain Alghifari (anak deri A Ghazi); Ghilman, Gheziya Naura Khadija, Ghaisani Haura Maryam (anak dari teh Ghaitsa); ....dan lain-lain (masih belum terjamah semua pencairannya hoho).
Nama anak-anak artis juga banyak yang bertema inisial sama, kayak nama anaknya Zaskia Adya Mecca, anak-anaknya kesultanan huruf K semua kalau ga salah: Kana, Kala, Kaba, Kata, dan new K yang benar lagi realese.
Juga guru ngajiku yang beliau dan suaminya sama-sama berinisial G, sedangkan kelima anaknya semuanya berinisial H: Himam, Hamid, Hilmina, Hafshah, dan Haris. Mungkin nanti cucu-cucunya akan berinisial I. Diferensiasi alfabet kali ya hehe
Ada lagi keluarganya dosen di kampusku, nama panggilan anak-anaknya adalah: uto, uti, ute, dan uta. Eits. Nama panggilan bukan semabarang nama panggilan, tapi karena “nama panggilan” tersebut memang benar-benar terselip dalam nama lengkap mereka, contohnya yang ku kenal adalah Kak Uti yang bernama lengkap Mutia Prawitasari dan Kak Ute yang bernama Sutera apaagitu (ga tau lengkapnya sih haha). Kok bisa ya merencanakan dan pas pas gitu.
Dan ada juga nih yang sempet viral kemarin-kemarin, anak bungsunya Elon Musk!  X Æ A-Xii  (sampe sekarang gatau itu gimana cara bacanya haha) Mungkin Elon Musk sebagai bapak udah ga mikir gimana nanti anaknya  ngisi bulatan nama di lembar jawab komputer (LJK) ketika ikutan ujian SBMPTN, pertama karena mungkin di masa depan udah ga ada SBMPTN, kedua, mungkin anaknya ga bakalan sekolah formal dan tau-tau udah jadi CEO Tesla Motors. Who knows kan yaa..
Kan lain jaman lain kejadian, kalau dulu waktu ngasih nama Syabina Aghni Mufida, bapakku mikir berkali-kali, karena harusnya penulisannya itu: Sya’bina Aghni Mufida, tapi karena bapakku sampe mikir ujian nasional, ujian saringan masuk perguruan tinggi, hilang deh itu si tanda apostof!
Balik lagi ke tema nama anak-anak, ada juga beberapa temanku yang ngasih tema ke nama anaknya itu nature gitu. Bukan, bukan yang debat antara ngasih nama senja dan pengen agak islami jadi bakda ashar itu, bukaaan. Temanku itu ngasih nama anaknya Biru Langit, terus nanti mungkin adiknya namanya Jingga Senja, atau Jamrud Khatulistiwa (?) 
Juga ada nama anak dari kakaknya temanku yang ambil tema gunung karena dia dan suaminya sama-sama anak gunung. Nama anaknya: Rinjani dan Mahameru! Wow!
Terus kemarin juga sempat baca postingan seorang teman yang bahas nama anak via story instagram, yang aku tangkap dari postingannya sih dia lebih prefer menggunakan nama internasional daripada nama islami buat nama anaknya, terlepas dari hal-hal bahwa nama anak adalah doa dan kemudahan kita untuk bepergian keluar negeri jika memiliki nama yang internasioal ketimbang nama yang islami, aku sih lebih berpendapat ya nama anak mah terserah bapak-ibu-dan-serengrengan-keluarga-besar-nya-aja-lah!
Bebaz bebaz aja brosist, kecuali kalau kita orang dukcapil yang tugasnya ngetik nama anak buat dijadiin akte kelahiran, boleh dah protes tipis-tipis kalau nama anak yang didaftarinya aneh, karena kemungkinan typo (dan diprotes) nya besar, haha 
Apalagi ya. Masih banyak sih sebenernya yang seru dan unik-unik kalau bahas tentang nama anak, yang ga perlu jauh-jauh sebetulnya, ada di lingkunganku sendiri. Sekarang disudahi dulu, udah panjang banget ternyata. Besok-besok kalau ada temuan yang mengasyikan kita lanjut lagi.
Mmmm btw, udah sibuk ngobrolin nama anak aja nih bin, nama calon bapaknya begimana? hahaha skip sodara-sodara!
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theflyingdesk · 5 years ago
A tag game??? 👀
Rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know more (thanks @redgoldblue for tagging me!)
Top 3 ships: oooohhh crap. Uh... I have too many so let’s just do Stragan (the black tapes podcast), Ineffable Husbands (good omens), and since this is my mash sideblog I feel obligated to put hunnihawk/punnihawk. (I’m one of those multishippers so don’t come for my life please I just had to pick one)
Last song: Video by India Arie (a fucking self-love BOP to jam out to in the car!)
Lipstick or Chapstick: I usually put on chapstick and then lipstick lmao. I like to wear red lipstick almost every day but also have the nervous habit of biting/picking my lips so they’re always horrendous and need chapstick)
Last movie: aaaa I’ve mostly been watching tv lately!! I think it might have been Meet Me In St Louis which was a month ago
Currently reading: I haven’t had much time to read lately because of school but I’ve been making my way through Born To Be Posthumous: The Eccentric Life And Mysterious Genius Of Edward Gorey by Mark Dery. I also recently got How To Write Art History by Anne D’Alleva
Okay tags: (you can totally just ignore this if you were tagged! I usually do! I’m bad at these things and tagging usernames that come to mind!) @horaetio @brings-on-many-changes @hunnihawknirvana @blueefanta @disasterbihawkeye @holy-toledo-4077 @dont-bother-meme @oklahoma2019 @elswiththetubularbells2
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twistedyoungsoul · 5 years ago
what about aries?
Gjerat do ecin mire per ty edhe pse deri tani cdo gje te esht dukur mbrapsht. Karma po punon ne anen tende, whoever did you wrong is getting what they deserve. You'll also get what you deserve for all the love you put out there💕💕
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izraelinfo · 4 years ago
Deri: Sasz Netanjahut javasolja a kormányalakításra, és felszólítja Szaárt és Bennettet a csatlakozásra
Deri: Sasz Netanjahut javasolja a kormányalakításra, és felszólítja Szaárt és Bennettet a csatlakozásra
A Sasz elnöke elmondta, hogy pártja egy Netanjahu által vezetett kormány kialakításán dolgozik, és felszólította a Jamina és a Tikva Hadasa vezetőit, hogy “lépjenek túl minden más szemponton” és csatlakozzanak hozzá. A Sasz párt elnöke, Arie Deri miniszter hétfőn bejelentette, hogy pártja Benjamin Netanjahut fogja javasolni az elnöknél, hogy őt bízza meg a következő kormány megalakításával,…
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deryuj · 5 years ago
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Baby boy, that is all
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