#Aria x Alex
giflxndia · 11 months
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karouvas · 2 months
For the ship game: Aria/Alison and Aria/Alex Drake
Aria x Alison
Whether I ship it or not: I obviously do a lot! They’re one of my favorite pll pairings/dynamics. I’d say they’re my favorite Aria ship rn (sometimes Sparia ties with it depending on my mood) and in my top 2 Alison ships (with Monison).
Why I ship it or not: They’re just a very intriguing relationship, I love anytime pll creates a sort of homoerotic mirroring effect between the girls so things like Aria wearing the red coat, parallels between their home lives (their being groomed by Ezra, their home lives where one of their parents was unfaithful but even though that was Byron for the Montgomery’s and Jessica for the Dilaurentis’ the gendered dynamics in the marriage are similar imo, and both girls are kind of regarded as More Adult (the correlation between that and them being groomed Spencer is also a comparison there rather than Hanna and Emily who have comparatively more stable/supportive guardians but this isn’t about Sparia or Spalison I just had to mention it), and being kind of the vortex of controversy and attention (although those aren’t really positive) while their brothers are kind of sidelined. So in terms of that theirs a lot going on to dig into, and then Alison’s treatment of Aria in the flashbacks is very interesting because she treats her so much more like an equal than the other girls, I mean she does see Spencer as an equal in a way but that’s based on their rivalry and with an understanding that Alison wants the upper hand. With Aria she just seems like she wants her to be there in a way that’s .. simpler isn’t the right word. But I think Alison likes being reflected in Aria vs her conflicted feelings about being reflected in Spencer or Hanna and that’s interesting to me. I also think I enjoy when Aria’s forgiving nature and open mindedness is brought out in her dynamics with morally ambiguous women which I think is why aside from Spencer most of my ships I feel strongly about for her are with more morally duplicitous female chars, Alison Mona Jenna Alex in descending order tbh. (I also find Aria’s sharp edge / parts of her char that conflict with her “sweet/nice” image very interesting and those are also emphasized in these and by her finding Alison so compelling by). And all the liars visions of Alison are very interesting and more than a little gay, but Aria’s “you know why I picked you right” scene is especially ripe for analysis imo.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): Oh I think there’s quite a lot of canon basis for especially Alison’s side of it between the photographs she secretly took while Aria was sleeping, which when we think Jason took them were meant to assume is out of a warped sense of romance and then his words about Alison’s tendencies to hide things really sound like they’re about internalized biphobia and being in the closet, the cosplaying as an Aria look alike and then taking on aspects of an Aria persona with Ezra, a lot of her treatment of Aria being a lot more.. seeing her as an equal rather than a subject or rival. On Ali’s side it’s very easy to make the argument imo. On Aria’s side the relationship is super intriguing and I can read stuff romantically but in the way you can kind of read all the liars as at least a bit in love with Alison / they all kind of talk about her and imagine her in hallucinations in that way. In terms of chemistry I think theirs is good, it’s maybe not the most chemistry in any pairing between the girls like I think if you compared Sasha’s scenes with Janel or Troian with her scenes with Lucy she probably has a higher level of chemistry with the former two (but also that’s a bit unfair because Janel and Troian just have copious amounts of chemistry with like. Everyone (except Keenan in Troian’s case)). But there are plenty of scenes especially in the flashbacks (the first secret is crazy in this regard) where I’m like. Girlfriend behavior, maybe accompanied by close face watch (the scene where they wreck Byron’s office especially + all of the first secret especially).
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): Mostly that it’s massively underrated? Attribute that partially to I think a lot of fans are disdainful of Aria and don’t really think of her as a char Alison would be fascinated by or give a lot of thought to that, and Alison’s really polarizing as well, plus the fact the writers didn’t do much with the dynamic after Alison came back with the exception of 7.04. But I don’t remember a take about them I thought was *wrong* I just think they’re underrated/underexplored.
Aria x Alex
Whether I ship it or not: I ship it, not majorly because Alex as a concept isn’t super developed, but the things I like most about her are related to her fixation with Aria and the choices she made regarding her in 7b.
Why I ship it or not: I enjoy Aria’s whole 7b plot a lot and Alex is a contributing factor to it, and also like I said the Aria obsession piece made Alex more interesting to me and the Sparia compare/contrast is fun.
My opinion on their canon potential (chemistry, canon interactions, etc): well they don’t interact on screen a ton but Troian essentially plays Alex like Spencer but very British and more explicitly sapphic, “I’m so evil and skanky and I think I’m kind of gay”, so yeah I think they’re good on the chemistry front. And Alex Drake’s actions really only make sense if she was into Aria because why else would she kidnap Ezra of all people? Rather than idk, Peter Hastings? Too funny
My opinion on fanon interpretations/fandom around it (Favorite widespread hcs, pet-peeves, etc): n / a I haven’t seen that much and what I did see I mostly agreed with.
thank you!
(Send me a ship and I’ll answer these questions about them)
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captm29 · 5 months
Kara: | have feelings for you.
Lena: Why? What's wrong with you? Are you sure you're okay? Do I need to call Alex? You know what I’m calling Alex
Jess in the background already messaging Sam and Alex: oh my fucking god she is so dumb Alex come get kara Sam come talk some sense into this woman
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I need a fic where Kara in the presence of friends who knows she's supergirl, Kara just doesn't care and just casual slips kryptonian into her sentences, like come on guys, it's her first language and we have the kryptonian info page, like let's use it guys.
Like I need her to go
"oh, yeah, I need to go get my article ready before snapper fahtul gehd, I'll see you guys later, ehrosh :bem!"
Or just forgets the English word to something and just uses kryptonian
"For Rao's what's the English word for frig, it's like confused but not, ugh, shisir ghao!
I need fics of her just slipping into kryptonian, I beg! I don't see it enough in fics
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itsarandomblog · 1 year
Lena: Kara, I'm sad. Kara: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay. Alex: Sam, I'm sad. Sam, nodding: mood.
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amyackxrs · 2 years
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supercrack | valentine's day cards (more: superfriends / supercorp)
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trashlord2020 · 3 months
If you enjoy your Kara x Lena with a thought out story and a medieval fantasy twist, this fic has you covered!
Originally in Spanish I've been helping to translate it into English, I myself can't wait for future chapters! Several of the tags are more of a safety net, it's not so heavy in anything other than slowburn and all topics are handled tastefully.
While Kara and Lena are indeed the main couple, this fic follows the story of other characters and pairings too. Alex x Kelly and Alex x Sam for example.
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 months
This chapter fought me quite a bit, but we're getting closer to when Lena finally caves and just kisses Kara senseless. She's almost there. She's just being stubborn. Kara, of course, is waiting on Lena's lead.
oh, and I guess other plot things are happening.
Lena grudgingly goes with Kara to the DEO meeting room using her portal. As the meeting drones on, she learns how utterly annoying and highly inefficient the DEO's meetings are. Alex presides with J’onn as advisor while Brainy gives the run down of what they currently know. Lena taps her pen against her notebook, her eyes narrowed at Brainy’s report of the last few days. 
Specifically the dinosaur attacks. 
“So,” Lena interjects, “You’re saying that an unknown individual is turning animatronics into living creatures?” She can’t help the incredulity in her voice. 
“Yes, indeed that is exactly what I am saying,” Brainy concurs. He tilts his head to study Lena, thoughtfully. “Has your Ireland escapades provided you with the necessary knowledge to utilize your magical ability?” 
“Yes.” If she’s being honest, not really, but between her mother’s grimoire, her newly regained memories, and maybe consulting with Florence, she’s sure she’ll find her footing soon. But no way in hell is she saying that out loud to anyone. 
“Perhaps you’d like to review the remains? If magic is being used, you should be able to detect it.” 
Lena shrugs. "Sure. Tomorrow perhaps." She's far too tired today.
Sam leans forward, her elbows on the table. “Oh my god, yes, please, I can punch it out, but honestly, that doesn’t help stop the dude. Where is he getting all these animatronics anyway?”
J’onn sighs. “I’ve been talking with my networks, and some of them seem to be from the grey market. It would be easier to track had it gone through black market channels. We have more contacts in those.”
“Grey market?” Kara asks. She is wearing the Supergirl suit Lena made her and stands next to Lena’s chair, her injured arm in a sling.
Lena has to admit the pants outfit looks fantastic on her, especially the way it hugs her muscles. No one needs to know how much she appreciates the look, and how half her brain is narrowed in on the movement of Kara’s muscles rather than listening. Nor does anyone need to know how she tailored this outfit specifically to bring out the best of Kara's assets, while still giving her the pants she so needed.
“Grey market is legal items being sold or bartered from one individual to another, where neither hold a selling license,” Brainy defines. “Common in low income areas and among the houseless.”
“Oh. So okay, do you have any other leads?” She frowns. Her uninjured hand hooks her thumb on her belt, and heavens, does that make her look even hotter. 
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chairhere · 3 months
This summer I have more free time than I thought I would.
I’m working on philosophy research, but the professor that I’m working with is strict about me having a life.
If you have any prompts, music I should listen to, books I should read, shows/movies I should watch or just want to tell me about your days, I’m all ears. My ask box is open but dms work too
Help me not crawl up some walls and drive my roommate nuts :)
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behind--these--walls · 7 months
In another lifeee
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karouvas · 2 months
(Spencer poll is still up for a couple hours if you want to get votes in https://www.tumblr.com/morocorra/755421496778866688?source=share )
tagging: @sergeantpixie @nocakesformissedith @snixx @whodoesnataliehave @thechosenthree
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
Kara and Lena's Adventure at Nevermore
Fandom: Supergirl, Wednesday
Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Elizabeth Walsh, Lillian Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Morticia Addams, Gomez Addams, Alex Danvers, Lex Luthor, Sam Arias, Winn Schott Jr., J'onn J'onzz, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Clark Kent, Zatanna
Summary: After an incident and the vanishing of her best friend, Lena is forced to attend Nevermore in hopes of learning to control her powers. She hates the idea because her cousin Morticia, who she detests with a passion, attends there. However, a certain blonde student captures Lena's attention and makes Nevermore more appealing to her.
Note: This this as a part of Supergirl May-hem. Like to give a special thanks to @theredcapeofk for providing art for this fic and @mad2balive for beta reading for me. This was the first time for me to participate in an event like this and I am glad they have helped me make this go as smoothly as possible.
Lena sat with her head against the limo window watching the vast green trees and valleys go by while listening to Don’t Speak by No Doubt. She was going over the things in her life that got her to this point and the unfairness of it all. She just wished that she was back at home underneath the covers. She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by a soft tap of her knee. 
She pressed pause on her CD player and looked up to see three adults staring up at her with concern: Her father and mother, Lionel Luthor and Elizabeth Walsh, were sitting across from her with Lionel’s wife, Lillian Luthor, sitting to her right. Lena had always found their relationship a little peculiar. Lionel and Lillian entered a polyamorous relationship with Elizabeth about a year before she was born and they had been together ever since. It was not the norm, but she liked it because she had an extra person to love and call Mom. However, now she can’t stand any of them because she feels betrayed by them all. 
Lena narrowed her eyes and snapped, “What?”
Lionel rubbed his temple and said, “You don’t have to answer with that tone.”
“You’re kicking me out of the house and abandoning me in the middle of nowhere. How do you expect me to sound?” seethed Lena. 
Her mother winced but tried to keep a passive look on her face.
“That is not what is happening here. Nevermore is a wonderful school. They have wonderful teachers, the students are friendly, and you will learn more ways to control your magic,” Elizabeth tried to reason.
“I control my magic just fine. I’m even better at magic than you!” scoffed Lena. 
Elizabeth grimaced at that last statement and tried to return to a more passive face. 
“That may be true sweetie, but the way you’ve been using your magic is… less than desirable.”
Lena scowled while looking back out the window. “I have been practicing magic wonderfully,” she muttered. 
Lena felt Lillian grabbed her hand softly. She looked over to Lillian staring at her with a soft smile on her face. 
“You have a gift with magic. While I found the last stunt hilarious….”
Lionel frowned and asked, “Really, Lillian?”
Lillian looked up startled and asked, “What? I’m not going to lie to the girl. It was funny.” She turned back to Lena with a soft smile and said, “As I was saying, it was a funny stunt and I get why you did it, but violence shouldn’t be your go-to when someone has slighted you or someone else in this household.”
“But Morgan Edge was being a jackass,” muttered Lena. 
Elizabeth sighed and said, “Language, sweetie.”
Lena rolled her eyes and said, “Morgan Edge is a butt face. Happy now?”
Lionel rubbed the back of his neck and asked, “You don’t think what you did was the least bit overkill?”
Lena thought back to what happened a week ago. After school, she walked to L-Corp to listen to a presentation that Lex and Edge were putting together about a new energy-saving initiative.
However, Lex never showed up to the meeting, just Edge. He went on to pitch his own idea of replacing steel with nth metal since a new supply of it was found in South America and it is stronger than any metal on Earth. Because of the large supply of it found, it would save energy costs.
While Edge was explaining the numbers, Lena found it odd that Lex was still missing and used her magic to try to locate him. She found him locked in a broom closet with a pit bull. Lex had managed to get to the top shelf where the dog couldn’t reach him. 
She used magic to poof the dog away, but the damage was done. Lex was a babbling mess with scratch marks everywhere, and a urine stain on his pants. She instantly poofed him to a hospital so that he could be treated and given a sedative to calm down. While the doctors were working on Lex, she poofed back to L-Corp and burst back into the boardroom where Edge was finishing up his presentation. She remembers the confrontation with Edge vividly. 
She approached him like a cat about to pounce on its prey. She tapped his shoulder while looking at him passively.
“Is there a reason why you locked my brother in the broom closet with a pit bull?” Lena demanded. 
Edge chuckled. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Lena looked down at her hands nonchalantly and said, “I found him in the closet not too long ago. The pit bull had run him up to the top shelf. The closet is only able to be locked with a key from the outside, so Lex couldn’t have done it himself. When I asked him what happened, all he could say was ‘Edge’ over and over again.”
Edge smirked and said, “‘Edge’ could refer to so many things. Besides, it’s kind of pathetic that Lex couldn’t stand up for himself against a dog. The most basic of people can do that.”
Lena raised an eyebrow and asked, “Oh really?”
Edge laughed obnoxiously which caused Lena’s skin to crawl. “Everybody knows that your brother doesn’t really have thick skin when it comes to business, or anything else for that matter. He comes from a Wasp-y upbringing, but he is anything but. L-Corp needs strong and dominant leaders who can take the reigns. Not those that cry in the corner.” 
Lena narrowed her eyes and frowned. Her eyes turned black and started walking toward Edge, which caused him to gulp. When Edge looked around, his face fell when he noticed that everyone in the room was frozen in place and silent.
Edged looked back at Lena and stuttered, “It’s…nothing…personal….kid….”
Lena stopped within inches of him and smirked. “I find it funny that you think that you’re a Wasp considering you’re really just a worker bee gathering things in attempts to make your mommy richer and hoping that she loves you more for it. Too bad that she’ll still ignore you no matter what you do.” 
Edge took a step back hesitantly and said more confidently, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Lena smiled while brushing her hand against his arm which caused him to gasp. He was so nervous that he didn’t notice a purple glow going from her hand to his arm. 
“Maybe you should be reminded of what bees do when a Wasp tries to enter solo in their hive.”
Lena cackled as she turned around and left. The room became lively again after she left. Everybody left the room except for Edge, who sat in the room in stunned silence. 
Lena has thought back to that day with a smile on her face often. 
Lena looked back at Lionel smiling and said, “I don’t think that it was overkill at all.”
“You had bees burst through the wall at his home and attack him,” Elizabeth said with a deadpan stare.
Lena looked down while pulling at her dress and said, “They just bit him. It is not like any of them used their poison stingers to kill him. If I wanted that, I would’ve done something that didn’t leave a body.”
Lillian raised an eyebrow and said, “You realize that it’s comments like that which have us concerned?”
Read the rest on AO3
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Old Friends
Paring: Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Samantha Arias/Andrea Rojas, mentioned Alex Danvers/Samantha Arias
Words count: 3,748
Read on AO3
It has been a long time since Alex last saw Samantha Arias.
That any of the Super Friends - she already told Kara this was a stupid name - saw her, really.
Right after Sam moved to Metropolis, Alex and her would still talk, send texts to check on each other, until they naturally subsided to the point where they were now. They hadn’t talked for years, although Alex liked Sam’s Instagram posts when she saw them. In all honesty, Alex talked more with Ruby than with her mother because the girl posted funny things in her stories and Alex replied to them often. She also congratulated Ruby every time the teenager posted about her soccer games, but that was it.
That’s why Alex was sitting at the kitchen table looking over at the envelope in her hands with a frown clear on her face. And that’s how Kelly found her when she walked out of their room wearing her gym clothes and aiming for the fridge so she could grab her water bottle. She took a second glance at her fiancée, though, and changed her path.
Kelly stopped behind Alex and gently put her hands on her shoulders, soothing her hands down to her elbows and back up again. Alex sighed at the touch and raised her fingers to touch the back of one of Kelly’s hands, smiling gladly to herself when her skin alight with the simple touch. Kelly smiled too when she felt the older woman relaxing against the chair, then she kissed the top of Alex’s head and asked quietly: “Will you tell me about her?”
Alex threw her head back to look up at Kelly, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape in surprise, but she was only met with soft eyes and a soft smile. “What?”
“Her,” Kelly pointed at the envelope in Alex’s hand and the other woman followed her finger, reading the name written there for the hundredth time since she sat there to start sending their wedding invitations. Samantha Arias and family, written in the fancy cursive they had chosen. “You’ve been changing your mind about inviting her. I got curious, I’m not going to lie.” Alex bit her bottom lip, unsure how she was supposed to answer that, but Kelly kept touching her and then rested her chin on Alex’s head. “Our guest list was in a shared document, you know? I saw her name appear and disappear a couple of times,” she explained.
“I don’t think there’s much to say,” Alex ended up mumbling after thinking about it for a second. “I don’t know if I should invite her. I don’t even know if she would attend it.”
“Well, that’s why it’s called an invitation,” Kelly teased her lightly. “We sent them the invitation and they tell us if they can attend our wedding or not.”
“Wait, what? No way,” Alex joked along, pretending to be shocked at the revelation. “I kinda told everyone Viola Davis would attend our wedding.”
Kelly laughed and jokingly slapped the redhead's arm before taking a step back to pull the chair beside Alex to sit down. “Come on, tell me.”
“Weren’t you supposed to be somewhere else?” Alex arched one eyebrow at her fiancée, looking her outfit up and down to make her meaning clear.
The woman waved a hand to dismiss the comment, but replied anyway: “I said Nia I would meet her at the gym for a workout before the pilates class, but she won’t mind.”
“Is Lena attending the pilates class as well? She keeps saying she doesn’t do exercises, but I don’t believe that.”
“Hey,” Kelly pointed her index finger at Alex, “I won’t share any juice if you don’t do it first,” she teased.
Alex laughed lowly and shook her head in that lovingly way she did to her family. She put the envelope down and crossed her arms when she turned her chair a bit to face Kelly completely, taking some precious seconds to decide if she should tell the whole story or not. It was Kelly, though, her fiancée, future wife, the mother of her children, and she trusted Kelly without an ounce of doubt - and maybe she should apologize to Kara one day for being so exasperated every time her sister said they could trust Lena.
“Sam is an old friend,” she started, choosing the easiest path to start with. “She’s a friend of Lena, actually. She moved to National City a few years ago and she was working with Lena, so we all met her. I had just broken up with Maggie when we met and Sam had a lot on her plate at the time. She has a daughter that was a pre-teen then, and there were some other weird things also that I wish I could tell you more about, but it’s not actually my story to tell.”
Kelly nodded along her explanation, understanding more and more why Samantha Arias’ name kept coming up on her wedding guest list and disappearing again. She also understood why Alex didn’t want to tell her what the “weird things” were and respected her fiancée for her loyalty to her friends. It did make her a bit more sure that she was doing the right thing when she asked Alex to marry her.
“Okay, so you two were that couple that could’ve been if you two weren’t in a strange place?” She asked just to be sure, although she was pretty certain that she read it right. Especially when Alex’s face turned a deep shade of red that made her bit her lip to hold back a laugh.
“Maybe?” Alex replied, but it sounded more like a question than an answer. She noticed it and sighed. “I suppose. I mean, we never talked about it, but we were really close before she moved back to Metropolis, and I really liked her daughter.”
“Is that the girl that commented on one of our photos?” Kelly wondered, thinking back to a time when Alex posted a photo of both of them early when they started dating - and before her fiancée decided to disappear from social media. “Something about ‘you go, Alex’?”
The redhead groaned and hid her face behind her palms for a second, but she was smiling widely when she looked back at Kelly. “Yeah, that’s Ruby.”
Kelly laughed then. “Well, I like her already,” she declared simply. “So, why are you debating with yourself if you should or should not invite them to the wedding?”
Alex gulped, definitely avoiding her eyes when she spoke again. “I thought it might be a bit weird?”
“Weird?” The psychologist repeated the word, raising her brows.
“I thought so,” Alex said almost in a defensive tone. “I thought you might be upset.”
“And instead of asking me if it was okay, you debated it with yourself for weeks, basically making yourself miserable and anxious for nothing?”
“Hey,” Alex joked, pointing a finger at the woman, “don’t analyze me.”
Kelly rolled her eyes fondly as she got up from her chair. “If they’re important to you, they should be invited to the wedding. Of course, I wouldn’t mind.” She leaned down to give Alex a quick peck on the lips.
“We haven’t spoken in a while,” Alex clarified. “But I think I would like to see them there.”
“Then sent the invitation, silly,” Kelly gently spoke, then she gave Alex another quick kiss. “I have to go now or Nia will ditch me saying I took too long to show up.”
“Okay. I will start dinner while you’re out.” Her fiancée was already halfway through the door when Alex called her again. “So, does Lena attend the pilates class or not?”
Kelly laughed when she saw the mischievous look on Alex’s face. “Yes, she does.”
“Knew it.” The other woman snapped her fingers once in front of her face before turning back her attention to the envelopes she still needed to send.
“She says she needs to work on her flexibility and stamina to keep up with Kara,” Kelly added as an afterthought while walking through the door with a loud laugh when she heard Alex groaning.
“I didn’t need to know that!” The agent shouted to her back, but Kelly was walking away already and Alex was left alone shaking her head.
“Hey, kiddo!” Alex greeted when she saw Ruby approaching her.
The girl was wearing a beautiful dress and sneakers instead of heels, but the outfit suited her so well that Alex could only smile at that. When she got closer, Alex noticed that she was also taller than she remembered the girl being and it was easy to see she got her mother’s genetics on that. She also looked older, definitely a teenager now, but her dimpled smile was still the same and Alex felt her chest warmer with the sight of her.
“Wow, there, kiddo,” Alex said when she pulled the girl into a hug. “Who told you you could outgrow me?” She joked.
Ruby laughed, but it wasn’t her who answered. “I already forbid her to get any taller than that or she will officially be taller than me and we can’t have that.”
Alex pulled away from Ruby to see that Sam had walked over behind her daughter with one of her signature soft smiles. Ruby took a step to the side to give them some space to hug as well and Alex couldn’t help but feel she did the right choice by inviting them for her wedding. She had missed them, and having them there was helping her remember how much that small little family meant to her. Even if Sam and her never got any further than a thought, she still cared about them and she was glad they could both be present at the most important day of her life.
“Is she listening to you, though?” Alex asked when she pulled away.
Mother and daughter stood side by side after that and it was shocking to see that Sam didn’t have to look down at Ruby anymore. The teen actually laughed again when she shrugged and Sam glanced at Alex again. “Oh, you try to make a teenage girl listen to you,” she replied with humor.
“Oh, don’t tell me,” Alex groaned, jumping into the joke as if they had just seen each other a week ago. “I’m trying not to get worried about it already.”
“Told you to wait a few more years to start freaking out over this.”
Alex’s entire body lighted when she felt Kelly’s hand on her small back, joining their conversation with her bright smile that never failed to make Alex a bit weak on the knees. The redhead's response was to roll her eyes good-naturedly and wrap her arm around her wife’s waist. “Kelly, those are Sam and Ruby,” she introduced them, not shocked at all when Kelly’s smile widened. “This is Kelly, who turns out became my wife like half and hour ago,” the agent joked.
They all shared a laugh while Sam reached out her hand to shake Kelly’s, all politely as a good CEO always was. “It’s nice to meet you, Kelly.”
“Same goes to you. Alex said great things about you and your daughter.”
Ruby chose to only wave at Kelly’s direction, not wanting to be as formal as her mother but also not wanting to step over by hugging the woman. “Did she tell you I’m the most amazing soccer player she ever saw?”
Alex groaned while Kelly and Sam laughed. “Okay, kiddo, I see you don’t have that teenage low self-esteem going on.”
Ruby shrugged all while smiling at them, but she suddenly turned her head and gasped when she saw something. “Mom, I see aunt Lena!”
“Go talk to her then,” Sam pointed in the direction she saw her old friend walking by talking with a girl she didn’t know. “Sorry, we got here this afternoon and didn’t have time to catch up with Lena before,” she explained as her daughter wandered off.
“That’s fine,” Alex assured her. “No one takes space in her heart like aunt Lena does.”
Sam nodded in agreement, looking back at them, but her eyes quickly glanced down when she saw a little girl running at them. She only stopped after hugging Alex’s leg and the woman’s hand immediately found its way to the girl’s golden locks as she smiled down at her.
“Esme, honey, say hi to Sam,” Kelly asked gently, earning a confused look from the girl before she understood who her mother was talking about.
“Hi,” she whispered when she noticed Sam for the first time, quickly hiding behind Alex’s legs after that, and Sam was suddenly reminded of a much younger Ruby doing the same thing with her.
Sam crouched down in front of her after picking up the body of her dress with one hand. “Hello there, sweetie. It’s nice to meet you.” Esme seemed less ashamed when the tall woman in front of her became more eyed level with her, although she still kept a safe distance that Sam respected without question. “She’s a sweet girl,” she commented while raising herself from the floor, a smile always in place.
“She is,” Alex agreed easily with that motherly smile that Sam had seen on herself many times before.
“Why don’t you two catch up a little bit while I take this little bean to dance, huh?” Kelly asked, already bending down to pick Esme up in her arms. “I will see you around,” Kelly said as a departure towards Sam before she walked away with Esme hugging her neck happily.
After she left, Alex still watched both of them for a while, until a small chuckle left her lips. “She makes it really impossible for me not to think I’m the luckiest woman alive.”
Sam noticed the loving smile, the glint in her eyes, the way the redhead seemed to shine brightly with happiness, and was instantly glad to see that Alex had achieved her dreams. She knew Alex, though, and she knew that the woman wouldn’t keep that romantic façade for long, even on her wedding day, because Alex wasn’t one to use her emotions on her sleeve. “Think I heard something similar from Lena a few weeks ago,” she joked then.
Alex scoffed and turned her head to look back at Samantha with a knowing look that made the taller woman laugh. “Seriously, I was about to lock them inside a room and throw the key away. Would have, if Kara wouldn’t easily open it.” She rolled her eyes. “Your friend took long enough to grow a pair and tell my sister how she feels.”
“I could advocate for Lena here and say that Kara could also have done that, but I’m not a lawyer, so who cares?” Sam joked with a shrug. “They’re together now, we should take that as a win.”
Alex laughed at the lame joke and shook her head. “Yeah, you say that because they didn’t kiss for the first time in front of you.”
“She doesn’t mean it,” Kara’s voice sounded right behind Alex before she stopped beside her sister with a large grin. “But I would like to argue that I had every right to do that after everything that happened.” Sam was still chuckling when the tall blonde pulled her for a hug. “Hi, Sam! Long time no see.”
“Yes, life has been keeping me busy down at Metropolis,” Sam agreed with a smile as she pulled away. “You survived the first weeks dating Lena, so I will assume you’re okay.”
Kara laughed happily at that. “More than okay, actually. But I did hear you confirmed a plus one on the invitation,” she prodded, earning an eye roll from her sister.
“Really, Kara? Be a little more subtle the next time.”
“What?” The blonde asked in an attempt to defend herself. “It was just a comment!”
Sam smiled at them both. “That’s okay. I did bring someone with me, but she saw the bar and I’m pretty sure I lost her for the night,” she laughed while looking around as if she was searching for someone.
“You have to introduce us later,” Kara said. “I’m going to find Lena, excuse me.”
“I should also try to find Lena, actually. It’s been a while since we last saw each other,” Sam declared gently. “And I don’t want to hold you here when you have so many guests to talk to.”
“I will find you and Ruby again later on,” Alex promised. “I missed the sweetest teenager I ever saw.”
Sam smiled proud of her own daughter and nodded. They parted ways shortly after, with Alex moving on to talk to another of her guests while Sam started looking into the crowd to find her daughter and friend. It didn’t take that long to do so as she saw Ruby first, then Lena standing in front of her with Kara by her side, an arm around her waist, and the same woman Sam had seen before. They were all close to the bar and she started approaching the small group with no hurry at all. She was just a few feet from them when she saw that there was someone basically hidden by Ruby’s height that she hadn’t seen before, but it made her smile widely.
“Whatever Lena tells you, do not believe what she says about the summer in junior year,” Sam made her presence known as she got close enough to be heard over the music playing in the background, making all heads turn towards her.
Her long-time friend rolled her eyes and huffed, pretending to fix her tie. “Samantha also lies about that, don’t rely on her narrative either.”
The teasing between the two made some laughs echo around the group and they shared a smile before pulling each other into a tight hug. It took them a few seconds to pull away from each other, but they did eventually and Sam found a spot beside Ruby to stand. She saw, with a knowing smirk, when Kara curled her arm around Lena again and the way her friend leaned against the blonde’s side without hesitating. She was happy Lena finally found her place.
“Sam, this is Nia,” her friend introduced the other brunette that Sam didn’t know. “Nia, this is Samantha Arias.”
“So formal,” Sam grumbled as she shook the girl’s hand. “Don’t mind her. Please, call me Sam.” After she let go of Nia’s hand, Sam placed her hand on the back of the shorter woman’s shoulders by her side. The gesture took the attention of everyone else, of course, but only Kara seemed surprised by that. “It didn’t take too long for me to introduce you two,” Sam said as she winked at Kara, who looked like a fish out of water for a moment.
“I, uh,” she stuttered as she blinked in surprise. “I know her. She’s… She’s my boss.”
Andrea scoffed from where she was sitting on the bar stool, quietly drinking her wine, and Sam looked down at her with a small smile that made her angry reply die on her lips. She rolled her eyes, mostly to herself, and looked down at her glass to keep herself from doing her usual jab, which made Sam chuckle softly at her. “Yes, I had a feeling that you two already knew each other. I mean, with CatCo and all.”
“Yeah,” Kara murmured. “And… all.”
Lena gently nudged the blonde’s side with her elbow, although she was the one that made a grimace since it felt like poking a brick wall. “I knew I was forgetting to tell you something.”
“You knew?” Kara asked.
Lena rolled her eyes lovingly at her, one of her hands raising to rest on Kara’s chest as she leaned on her side. “We can gossip later,” she teased, kissing the corner of Kara’s mouth and they all saw the hero’s entire body relax with the gesture.
“I wish that worked on you,” Sam commented in a light tone as she turned her head to look at Andrea, who just glared at her for long enough to make her laugh. She used both hands to run down the lapel of Andrea’s dark red suit and winked at her girlfriend. “But you bark and bite.”
“Oh, I don’t know, Sam,” Lena quickly joined the teasing against her longest-time friend. “She looked pretty tamed right now.”
“Shut up,” Andrea grumbled.
“She bought mom flowers once,” Ruby declared, earning a gasp from Andrea, that looked at her like she was just betrayed by the teen. “And she does travel to see mom, like, every week.”
“Okay, are you done putting your knife in my back?” Andrea scoffed.
Sam laughed at their antics and leaned down to kiss the side of Andrea’s head, before doing the same with Ruby. Andrea’s face turned a deep shade of red, which made Nia and Kara exchange a very, very, surprised look, but no one said a thing. After the initial shock, Nia cleared her throat.
“Well, Ruby, why don’t you come with me so these drunk ladies can drink alone? Alex and Kelly put a trampoline outside for Esme, but I know they were also thinking of me when they made that decision.”
Ruby giggled at the girl she met minutes ago and quickly looked at her mom to confirm it was fine to walk away. With Sam’s nod, Ruby let Nia grab her hand and easily followed her around the other guests.
“She did say we could drink now,” Lena commented with a smile before turning around to the bar to make their order.
“Drink?” They all turned in time to see Alex approaching them. “I got here at the right time, then.”
“So did I,” Kelly said as she walked over them just a second after her wife. “I need to keep an eye on you when you and Lena are drinking together, it’s a good thing Nia took Esme to the trampoline” she declared before hugging Alex’s side with a fake angry expression.
“So…” Lena called from the bar. “Wine, Kelly?”
“Of course,” the woman answered immediately, earning some laughs.
Soon the small group of women was toasting their drinks as the party around them kept going, clearly with every intention to celebrate Alex and Kelly’s love until the sun would rise again on the horizon.
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kuramassss · 4 months
Any CW super heros series request are welcome too
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jellybabykid · 1 year
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Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Eliza Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015) Additional Tags: AgentCorp, Whumptober 2022, Day 8 head trauma, alt prompt 1 ringing ears, alt prompt 3 dazed and confused, Established Relationship, Head Injury, Memory Loss, Slow Burn Ish, Hearing Loss, Vertigo - Freeform, Established Agentcorp, Past Relationship(s), Past Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Whump, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Physical Disability, BAMF Alex Danvers, BAMF Lucy Lane, Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Beta Read, mention of suicide, References to Depression Summary:
If we are the sum total of all our memories and experiences, who would we be without them? After Alex is involved in an incident on her way home, she is about to find out.
When she wakes up to a whole life she has no memory of, and which has now been altered irrevocably, a lot of work is needed to deal with the fallout. As someone who has never been known for healthy coping mechanisms, this is a big ask. But…if you don’t remember who you were, can you learn to be someone different?
Pretty much AU as while this draws from the main beats of cannon, Alex’s history gets a hefty rewrite. Chapter 21 Summary: Alex really, really needs to be careful what she wishes for, especially after what happened last time she wished for something - more info about her past - and ran into Lucy. Bored, you say? Don’t tempt fate, Alex.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Dangerous admirrer
a/n: it's the end of the day for me but i give you this. (oh and please can you send me some sam arias fic, if you find it, please?)
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*not my GIF*
Sam Arias x Speedster!Reader; Ruby Arias x Female!Reader (platonic); Alex Danvers x Female!Reader
Summary: after a bad mission a certain you gain an admirer
Type: Fluff
Warning: mention of dead poeple (Reign is not soft)
word count: ~1297
You recently moved on with your girlfriend, Samantha, and her daughter, Ruby. The little girl liked you a lot and was overjoyed when her mother announced her.Everything was very peaceful; to be honest, since you became who you are now, the two girls have been your safe haven. Even if you could run fast, you wished you could pause time whenever you were with them.But recently something felt wrong, and Sam seemed strange; it all started when she said she would go on a trip, but when she came back, she didn't remember. At first, you thought she was just tired, but things like this happened more, and the cherry on top was a new villain, a Kryptonian named Reign.
Today, Sam promised you she would be home early to spend the evening with you and Ruby, so you waited for her even if her daughter was too exhausted and went to sleep. It was past midnight when she came back. She was sound and safe, but something was weird; she seemed disconnected. "Sam?" you asked, and she looked at you puzzled.
"Y/n, what are you doing up? It's late," she said.
"I know, I've been waiting for you for like 3 hours," you replied dryly. She examined your angry face, then her eyes traveled to the table when she saw an empty champagne bottle. Thankful for your speedster's metabolism, you don't get drunk easily.
"Did I forget something?" she asked shyly, and you scuffed,
"Did you—are you okay, Sam?" you asked, annoyed by her attitude.
"Are you angry?" she asked carefully.
"Me? No, but her, yes" you replied, and she looked to the staires "She waited for you. You promised to be here tonight, Sam, not just for us but also for her. Honnestly I wouldn't be mad if it just missed a date, but we talk about Ruby." you said, and despite all your effort, she could hear the anger in your tone
"I'm sorry, Y/n I swear. It's just been so chaotic lately that I'm not sure what happened." She explained that while she took a step toward you, but you took a step back.
"I'm not the one to whom you should apologize," you replied, and you started to walk to your shared bedroom. She followed you, but she was confused when she saw you take a blanket and a pillow and leave the room.
"Where are you going, love?" she asked, and her voice cracked
"I have to work early tomorrow; I'll sleep on the couch until you talk with her. Good night, Samantha," you replied, and you headed to the living room.
The next morning, when Sam woke up, she was met by cold sheets by her side. She looked at the clock: 8:37 a.m. 'Shit' she thought. She quickly prepared herself, made her way to the kitchen, and found a note on the counter:
'I dropped Ruby at school. You can pick her up if you want to apologize. Good day, Samy'
She smiled at herself when she recognized your handwriting; of course you were upset with her, but it was the first time you called her Samy since she came back last night. Fortunately for you, Sam freed her sheldush and spent the afternoon with Ruby. On their way home, they decided to buy pizza—a lot of pizzas. It's not easy to calm the appetite of a speedster. At home, Ruby turned on the TV, and she quickly called her mom.
"From the information we received, the superhero Purple Lighting had been attacked by three men. She's not in danger, but her doctor is concerned about her health, and Supergirl appears to be nowhere after her defeat against Reign last night," the journalist said. Sam started to worry; she knew you were able to heal faster than any other human, but from the pictures they show, they didn't miss you.
Ruby noticed her mom was crying when her phone rang. She held it up to her mom and muttered, 'It's Alex'.
"Alex, tell me she's okay now," she demanded.
"She'll be fine; we'll bring her in two hours, don't worry. She could be a little fuzzy, but it's okay, she's alright." Alex replied. Two hours later, she kept her promise, and you were with your two favorite girls again.
"Hey girls, I'm home," you exclaimed when you came back. They broke your leg, some limbs, and your left wrist.
"Y/n!" Ruby greeted you with a hug, but of course she made sure not to touch your bandages.
"Hi, little princess. I missed you too," you replied while you ran your hand over her hair. Sam walked just after, and she started to cry. "Hey Samy. I'm sorry," you apologized. She shook her head and hugged you just after her daughter stepped aside. Her grip was firmer than usual, but that didn't bother you. You knew she was worried, so it was okay.
"I thought you were dead," she confessed. "Oh no, Arias, you should do more than that if you want to kill me," you said as you caressed her cheek. "And I can't leave you now; I have to marry you and cry with you when Ruby goes off to college," you joked. And the little Arias gasped.
"Wait, did you just?" she asked. and you played the dumb
"What? I don't know what you're talking about," you said, and she laughed. During your interaction with Ruby, you didn't note that her mother's eyes turned darker for a moment and she was focusing on your heartbeat to make sure you were okay. "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry," you exclaimed, and they led you to the couch. You spent the night with your favorite girls; Sam made up for the last night, and you were happy to see the smile on Ruby's face.
A few hours later, your girlfriend assisted you in cleaning, changing your clothes, and cleaning everything in your room. "Hey Samy baby, please come rest with me," you pouted, and she smiled,
"OK." She made her way to the bed and lied beside you. She examined your wounds. "Is it painful now?" she asked, and you nodded.
"Yeah, but don't worry, tomorrow I will be alright again." You kissed her. "Now come, I need to cuddle to forget this awful day," you whispered, and she carefully placed you on top of her. "I love you, Sam," you said softly.
"I love you too Y/n. Now rest," she said quietly, and you were fast asleep a few minutes later.
The next morning, you were woken up by your phone. You looked at the screen; it was Alex at 9 a.m.
"Hey Alex." You said,
"Sorry to bother you, but we have an update for the guys from yesterday." She replied,
"Oh," you were now fully awake. "Tell me, who are they?"
"That's the problem. We found their clothes and their weapons, but we didn't find them. At least not in one piece. It seems like Reign just burned them with her heat vision," she said, and you felt a knot in your throat.
"But why?" you asked, confused. "Since she destroyed Supergirl, why would she avenge another vigilante?" You added,
"We don't know, but I will call you if I have more information." She said, and she hung on.
You were about to leave when you noticed a note on the bed on Sam's side.
'It was just a threat for anyone who would want to attack you again ;)'
You frowned your eyebrows, and on the right corner, you noticed Reign's logo. You let out a nervous chuckle.
"So, does a Kryptonian who annihilated Kara seem to have a soft spot for me?" you asked no one, "Oh sh*t Y/n, you'll be in trouble."
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