ericnyquist · 5 months
 Thank you to those of you that reached out about problems with card payments on my shop. I’ve resolved the issue, and you should be able to pay with several options. Thanks again for the support! 
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28dayslater · 1 year
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me and u
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themoonshoes · 1 year
1-7 for dinjael :)
1. what, specifically, was the catalyst for their physical attraction (if applicable) to the other character? In other words, what in particular had them like “Oh, they’re…hot…”
din: she’s got him pinned with her lightsaber to his neck while she’s trying to train him to fight with the darksaber, and there’s a moment a la princess mononoke when he’s like oh. hm. if he hadn’t been fearing for his life during their first encounter he probably would have noticed her appearance a little more, but at the time he uhhh was too worried about getting his head cut off  :)
jael: shootout on batuu. maybe it’s adrenaline, but she sees his like. over-competence and the way he handles a blaster and can only stand there like 🧍‍♂️ for a sec
2. does this change over time? what things do they find “hot” about their partner after they’ve been together for some time, and have had more time to, well, notice and appreciate?
din: her eyes make him feel like a prey animal (he’s called them jaig eyes before which makes her laugh) and he likes putting little braids in her hair (grogu picks up on this and tries doing it too. its cute) she’s also like Fit and built for fighting Creatures and the like so once he feels like he’s allowed to find her body Hot he super super Does
jael: once she sees his face she pretty much immediately finds that attractive (his eyes are special to her bc not many have gotten to see them the way she has), but she also likes the physicality of him, too. his back. his neck. girl get into it. 
3. by contrast, what was the moment that first made their ~heart~ Soft for the other person? not necessarily a conscious realization of “I love this person,” but a moment that had them like “Oh…I adore them…”
din: he sees how she is with the people in her hive (lore stuff) on Ead, and how much she cares for them, and is kind of immediately drawn to that, but it’s during Batuu Shenanigans where they’re both very much out of their element and in close quarters and have to rely on each other that he sort of has that little mermaid kiss the girl moment and is like wait i think you’re really important to me now. and then she meets grogu and immediately clicks with him and that’s what makes din go wow i think i love her. 
jael: once she got to see a little more of his emotive side—they’re both reserved people outside of their circles, so she knew something had changed between them (again. on batuu) when he opened up to her and was willing to talk to her about his like.. crisis of identity/faith/purpose. she went oh. i think i care you. and when he takes her to tattooine and boba calls her ‘friend’ she goes. we are friends!!!
4. does this change over time? what will always reliably make them melt with how much they adore the other character?
din: what can i say, he’s attracted to conviction in leadership, so idk if it’s attraction or a sense of pride when he sees her being a good leader to her people, but he never gets tired of seeing her be compassionate and competent. ALSO he thinks she’s so incredible bc of what she can do through the force too so like. all around he’s just a big fan LMAO he’s her biggest fan
jael: she is not immune to din with Baby. it’s sweet to her. and when he engages in her planet’s culture and comes alongside her to like give her support she remembers all over again why she fell in love with this dude in the first place. this includes when he tries to engage with force stuff, because she knows he doesn’t get it, but he’s willing to understand (for her, for grogu) and that’s SPECIAL to her bc she hasn’t had someone who wants to Get Her like that before. tee hee
5. how do they consciously realize that they like the other character? does it take them a while?
din: ok so for some story lore they have to act sort of undercover while Doing Stuff on batuu bc of their respective statuses, and they both kind of stick out like a sore thumb even on that planet, so people assume they’re a traveling couple bc why wouldn’t they? and he doesn’t realize how much he sort of enjoys that role until they go back to ead and don’t have to do that anymore. he does not want to confront that btw he has too much goin on!!!
jael: Face Reveal Time. mama it's the vulnerability.
6. how do they react to the realization that they like the other character? is it an “oh my god I’m never going to think about this again” thing, or are they pretty comfortable with it?
din: he is definitely less willing than she is to admit that to himself, but there’s a situation right before they leave batuu for ead where he’s sort of forced to realize he can’t keep her out and still like. have her you know!!!!!
jael: it’s a very new feeling for her since she hasn’t had the.. like luxury, in a way? of a relationship like this before but she feels very strongly (in all aspects tbh) so once she has that little realization moment it’s definitely like a switch was flipped and she starts noticing every little thing he does or every little touch. yearn more, idiot
7. do they (or would they) pursue the other character’s affection, and if so, how? do they tell the other character how they feel? try to earn their admiration? woo them with romantic gestures? flirt with them, skillfully or otherwise?
din: he’s blunt, so once he comes to his senses, yes he tells her (he tells her first!!!) but even before that he finds her a new kyber crystal to replace the one he evaporates :) he does flirt, in his awkward way, but only whenever it’s the two of them. i think there’s probably a part of him, too, that sees her ability as a leader and tries to live up to that, like he’d be a little less reckless because he knows it would upset her etc etc
jael: she likes to fluster him, but she’s also like not mean about it. oh she does clean his armor for him in the Before times which like. in his eyes was as much as a marriage proposal. and while she’s not doing it for din’s benefit, she does give grogu some force training (not jedi training. that was some guy named luke’s job and he fumbled the bag.) and is by extension another guardian figure for him, which does endear her to din in a big way!!!!
this was long winded i apologize!!!!!!
character development questions for couples
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⛵ Is there a place you’d like to visit in game? Level-wise I would have loved the scrapped Dunwall clocktower/parliment map. Every time I see it in the game I want to go there and climb. For settings, it would have been fun to see a city in Morley or Tyvia, but I don't really have a preference. I'd have likely enjoyed any new locations and getting a deeper look into how life is in the Isles. 💬 Favorite character or NPC line? This took me so long to decide. I love all the little quips from the protagonists in 2 and DOTO. Billie especially is hilarious, her deposit comment at Michaels Bank is great. The Outsider has some great speeches in 1 too. So many NPCs have great character building in the small number of lines they get. If I had to pick right now, probably this from the Daud DLC: "When Billie Lurk was eight she wanted to be the captain of a ship. From the moment she met you, all she wanted was to be a killer." I've been thinking a lot about her since finishing DOTO again. ❌ Any unpopular opinions? I'm not entirely up to date on popular opinions, but I guess I don't think DH2 is necessarily "worse" because it is designed to allow multiple playstyles. DH1's rigidity in what you can and can't do can be good, but I think both have their ups and downs. Oh, also I think Martin is fine but I don't really "get" his hype? He's got some stuff going on but so does half the cast so him being such a favourite was surprising to me.
📜 Is there anything you wished you could have seen from the series, or anything you think it could have done better? I would have loved more focus on Emily and Luca's similarities in her route. She has something of an arc but the game could honestly commit so much more. Perhaps also seeing evidence of Delilah make more efforts to rule well before giving in and going straight to forcing a perfect world (though if the Abbey knew about her magic early I doubt that would go well). I also hoped, before DH2 came out, that we would get both protagonists available through the whole game, rather than being separate playthroughs. This didn't happen but I like to think about an alternate DH2 where it did and we got to see more family interaction. We might even have gotten better links between their two playthroughs and themes?
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@purlturtle tagged me in this, thank you! <3
15 Questions for 15 Friends
Not my first name, but my mom got my middle name (Melissa) from a coworker she really admired.
Ooh...I think it was a couple weeks ago while I was watching the Fantasy High episode where they find the corpses of *SPOILERS* and Kristen does a ritual to free their spirits. I just found that scene very beautiful and touching.
Nope! I'm very excited to be a gay auntie to any of my friends' future kids. And B and I have our dolls (see @saintalectoshomeforwaywardgirls).
I rode horses from ages 8-16 (had to stop bc school got too overwhelming). I toy with the idea of getting back into it as an adult sometimes, because I do miss it.
I don't know the meaning of the word. (I know this joke doesn't really work but I couldn't resist)
This is a weirdly difficult question - I am hilariously non-observant at times and have had to ask more people than I should if they recently got their hair cut/styled differently. I guess maybe their way of speaking? Not necessarily accent but the cadence and pitch of their voice. Physically I guess it's just their general bulk and/or the way they take up space in the world.
Light brown.
Depends on my mood honestly! I am dipping my toe into horror films (I generally prefer audio dramas or books/short stories) but sometimes I want a good creepy time. I think generally I will go for happy endings most of the time, but I like horror as a container for my anxiety to go into.
Writing, I'd like to think! I'm also reasonably good at drawing (mostly animals) and I'm a speedreader. Nothing that's any good for a talent show unfortunately.
In a suburb of Seattle, which happens to have a tiny airport they use to fly in celebrities who come in for the local ComiCon (which is very embarrassing, because that means like, Gwendoline Christie has seen a lot of my shitty hometown).
Cosplay, general fandom bullshit (affectionate), reading, writing, and I think my Warrior cats spreadsheets count as a hobby by themselves at this point lmao.
Not yet - we'd like to get cats but shit keeps happening to put it off lol. We love our friends' and parents' animals though!
5'3", which I recently found out - I have been saying I'm 5'2" for like a decade and this revelation was kind of destabilizing.
I think I should be one of the guys making up shitty puns for children's valentines, because I'm way better at coming up with them than the stuff I see every year in stores.
Tagging @toriasimmons @swiftzeldas @jenny-dreadful @emmaswanned @theomenroom @dannypinot @amidalleia @zenithofdork @ben-g99 @areax @dollsome-does-tumblr @mrdistracted @nerdfaerie @afterword @thydungeongal only if you wanna! (also if you see this and you wanna do it count yourself tagged!)
Also stealing purlturtle's genius idea to include this at the end of the post - a version for easy copy-pasting!
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bryoria · 8 months
tagged by @nsewell to shuffle my on repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people 🎵
1. Abstract (Psychopomp) - Hozier
2. Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival
3. Down by the Water - Abigail Lapell
4. Don’t Let’s Start - They Might Be Giants
5. Once a Bomb, Always a Bomb - Erin McKeown
6. Blue Ridge Mountains - Fleet Foxes
7. Francis Forever - Mitski
8. Tianchi Lake - The Mountain Goats
9. Tangerine - Glass Animals
10. Rock’n Me - Steve Miller Band
tagging @werebutch @voynichs @karthonic @hoziersgirlfiend @astrovagrant @wiccanb0y @soapstore @obesitycore @pinkfey @ct-7567 @areax
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evilponds · 6 months
song poem challenge
tagged by @omgkalyppso !
“Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. Then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of!” soooo here we go
i'm watching from my window the curtain coming down fingers moving in a certain pattern walking up to me expecting yeah, i'm a midnight rider the berth surrounding my body, crushing every bit of bone aren't you tired of fighting? of all the money that e'er i had remember when our songs were just like praying? if you want me to stay, i'll stay darkness falls at night
i'm on my way by rhiannon giddens; redwood tree by jamie drake; dance yrself clean by ms mr; nightflyer by allison russell; bottom of the deep blue sea by missio; howl by kaye; the parting glass by hozier; the stable song by gregory alan isakov; i'm your dog by mackandgold; and moonrise by anne buckle
this felt a little incoherent tbh! but the more i look at it i think id say.. solveig probably.
shmanyways i tag @bastardwordsmith @areax @astrovagrant @moominminded @themoonshoes And You Also.
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loveofdetail · 1 year
was tagged by @cetra to take this quiz as my OC :D I have a tendency not to develop my OCs quite as granularly as most people BUT I decided to use Vuei who is my bg3 oathbreaker paladin, 2 sad 2 serious, lost in life and recovering(?) from a bout of really catastrophic nihilism, and this quiz was a pretty fun way to check in with how I view Vuei's whole deal:
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well my lack of pop culture knowledge is hampering me here but that seems like Quite The List lol
I will tag... @mightymizora @rowanisawriter @smoreofbabylon @areax @transgaledekarios. Really anyone who wants to can say I tagged them, I'm running late for a thing so I just pulled a handful of names off the top of my head :P
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
Viserys was right in saying “The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion.” he was 100% right. Lucerys died because he couldn’t control Areax and the dragon got scared and blew fire and Vhagar and Vhagar wouldn’t listen to Aemon when he told her no and went ahead and killed Arrax. They’re beasts with their own minds and strong wills, if they want something they’ll take it, it doesn’t matter how.
And a part of me hates all these big moments being a mistake - Alicent hearing Viserys' rambling and now Aemond.
But I'm just not ready for blood & Cheese..this show is going to kill me
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areax · 1 year
blows my mind how you can reblog posts that are all positive and inclusionist about a variety of sexualities while you're panphobic. how does ur brain cope with the cognitive dissonance. like wow, i see you're still a massive hypocrite, you hateful fuck
based on you saying “you’re still a massive hypocrite” (emphasis mine) i’d guess that you probably keep regularly checking my blog and i don’t think it’s healthy for you to do that if it’s going to make you this mad. for my thoughts on pansexualty read this post: https://www.tumblr.com/areax/647218700693504001
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your-dietician · 2 years
Kevin Hart gets serious about financial inclusion at Disrupt
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/kevin-hart-gets-serious-about-financial-inclusion-at-disrupt/
Kevin Hart gets serious about financial inclusion at Disrupt
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Hollywood powerhouse, comedian and entrepreneur Kevin Hart makes the world laugh both onstage and on camera. But behind the scenes, he’s a serious entrepreneur building a multiplatform media empire. He is also the founder and managing partner of HartBeat Ventures, an early-stage VC firm with a focus on lifestyle, media and technology.
What’s more, Hart’s investment company seems to accomplish this while maintaining a focus on inclusion — financial inclusion specifically. These are just some of the reasons why we’re thrilled that Kevin Hart; his venture firm’s president and co-founder, Robert Roman; and Michael Elanjian, J.P. Morgan’s head of digital investment banking and digital private markets, will join us onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt on October 18–20 in San Francisco.
Venture funding inequity remains a big issue. Forbes reports that while companies with white founders receive 77% of VC dollars, less than 10% go to women founders and less than 1% to Black founders. Ensuring financial inclusion is complicated. It requires a multifaceted approach to fight against homogeneous networks, deceptive warm intros and the basic need for more fluency across different demographics. Hart and Roman will discuss these complexities, and Elanjian will give us a look at how institutions are breaking down barriers.
In addition, we’re curious about Hart’s brand and how it’s expanded over the years. We’d also like to hear where, with all its different business, he plans to take his company moving forward.
Just part of Kevin Hart’s impressive Hollywood CV includes eleven No. 1 box office films that have grossed more than $4.23 billion in global revenue. A successful entrepreneur and chairman of HartBeat, a global, multiplatform media company creating entertainment at the intersection of comedy and culture, Hart’s on a mission to keep the world laughing together.
As the founder of HartBeat Ventures, Hart has partnered with or invested in various companies, including Gran Coramino tequila; plant-based, quick-serve restaurant Hart House; Fabletics Men; JPMorgan Chase; Hydrow; Nutrabolt; Sam’s Club; Old Spice, Brüush; Tommy John; and Therabody.
Hart continues to develop, star in and produce feature films, television shows and podcasts via HartBeat for his various partners, such as Netflix, Peacock, Sirius XM and Audible. He is currently touring nationally with his eighth hour of stand-up material entitled “The Reality Check Tour.”
Over the years, Robert Roman, president and co-founder of HartBeat Ventures, has invested in notable companies such as Airbnb, Hydrow and Beyond Meat. A leading financial advisor in the entertainment and sports industries, Roman focuses his holistic service model on creating and maintaining efficiencies within his clients’ finances.
Roman has more than 20 years of experience in wealth management, providing financial services to families through multigenerational, forward-thinking solutions. In 2011 he founded Legacy Private Client Group, where he built a platform that facilitated holistic solutions. Legacy PCG quickly became one of the fastest growing wealth management firms in California and the U.S.
Michael Elanjian builds new digital businesses and capabilities for JPMorgan’s clients. He is also the founder of Capital Connect, a platform that provides fundraising, networking and data to founders and investors. Acquired by JPMorgan in 2022, Global Shares, which offers cap table and share plan services, is also part of Elanjian’s organization.
Elanjian previously served as the head of digital innovation for the corporate and investment bank where he drove the digital strategy, fintech investments and acquisitions, and he created JPMorgan’s product incubation effort, AreaX.
Before joining JPMorgan, Elanjian spent nine years at Goldman Sachs, where his team led the strategy development and implementation for market structure and financial technology investments.
TechCrunch Disrupt takes place on October 18–20 in San Francisco. Buy your pass today and find out why Disrupt is the place where startups go to grow.
Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at TechCrunch Disrupt 2022? Contact our sponsorship sales team by filling out this form.
Read full article here
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themoonshoes · 2 years
♫ + 💀
TEE HEE.. ok the world ender by lord huron for obvious reasonf BUT LIKE.. AM I WRONG
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send me a 🎵 + a character or ship and i'll give you one song that reminds me of them!
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shenzhiheng · 7 months
Have you seen "1899". Honestly, I don't recommend it - they canceled it before wrapping up even a single thing --- but friend, they have got the SOGGIEST man, let me tell you
Oops. Should have included an example, couldn't find exactly the gif set I was thinking of, but here's an overview of this wet little guy https://www.tumblr.com/areax/701764606019944448/aneurin-barnard-as-daniel-solace-in-1899-2022?source=share
what do i spy there 👀👀 a very soggy specimen!! you're right he's perfect, he needs to be part of the collection! i hadn't heard of this at all, thank youu ❤️
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tagged by @amidalleia <3
Last song: in the middle of Janelle Monae's Dirty Computer rn so uhhh I Got the Juice?
Favorite color: purple, which has been true since I learned how to identify colors
Currently Watching/Reading:
B and I are doing Xena rn! We are only like 4 episodes in but having a blast
Also watching Fantasy High: Junior Year on Thursday mornings, very hyped for the new ep
I am like 1/4 of the way into Four Aunties and a Wedding by Jesse Q. Sutanto, which is the sequel to Dial A For Aunties, a super delightful romcom disguised as a murder coverup story. This one has the pairing from the last book getting married, BUT it turns out their wedding planner's family is literally the mafia and that they know about the murder from the last book and are threatening our heroine to keep her mouth shut!
Relationship status: gay married <3
Sweet/savory/spicy: savory, but actually mostly I prefer salty
Current obsessions: well the Warrior cats part of my brain has been very loud bc the new book just came out. I have also been intending to write a fic where Karen Page is a DM and the Defenders are her party and Colleen Wing is gay about her and I finally started actually writing that today, so fingers crossed that motivation holds.
Last thing you googled: "Deborah Ann Woll" because I needed to look at her face for gay purposes (the aforementioned fic but also generally gay purposes)
Tagging (no pressure at all) @swashbucklery @areax @jenny-dreadful @theomenroom @dannypinot @zenithofdork
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