#Arcturus Black and Melania McMillan are the parents of Lucretia and Orion Black
nothelena21 · 5 months
22:30 - Le Château Noir. (Alternate Universe)
Arcturus: -intense and hypocritical conversation about values, loyalty, politics and work-
Orion: -50 years old... already quite old and tired of being told what to do and how to live-
Melania: -noticing the tension in the atmosphere- Orion! Your sister told me that you tidied up the garden a little...
Orion: Yes, it was a fun activity...
Arcturus: Gardening is for women.
Orion: ...and I also got a dog.
Melania: A dog? You never liked dogs.
Orion: But this one is very pretty and noble... his name is Padfoot. Do you want to see it? He's not usually far from home.
-They walk to the exit of the house-
Orion: There is!
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Melania: -scared- it's... it's very nice.
Orion: Do you want me to call him?
Arcturus: No.
Minutes after the Black-McMillan couple leaves:
Sirius: So... they were scared?
Orion: You have no idea how much.
Sirius: Brilliant.
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