simplybbh-blog · 6 years
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Sehun’s moments during ‘Tempo’ comeback showcase
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
◈ Chocolate┆ Sehun
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✦ Genre: Soulmate!au
✦ Summary: You and Sehun hated eachother, but neither of you have found your soulmates.
✦ Word Count : 710
✦ A/N : guess who’s back with literal trash writing but ok i just liked the idea of this oneshot??/ scenario thing also this one’s rather short!!!
✦ Masterlist
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Listen you would never say you hate someone except for Oh Sehun, you don’t know who chose for you two to have the same group of friends but it was a terrible idea. He would actively tease you about anything and everything. Genuinely you just disliked his personality you don’t exactly know why, but something was very unattractive about it.
Though your friends thought it was a good idea to go camping, listen going camping sounded terrible for you because you’d have no internet access what so ever. But guess what Sehun was going too.
‘‘Lily, listen I don’t want to go there especially since Sehun is gonna be there’‘ you frown at her, watching her pack.
She almost laughs at your statement ‘’If you were gonna say that to anyone else that isn’t me they would’ve probably thought you were actually dating him’’
‘‘LILY PLEASE I DON’T WANT TO GO!!!!’‘ your voice went like 10 octaves higher at that point.
Sadly, you were forced to go anyways mostly because you were guilt tripped to going. When she was packing she randomly mentioned ‘’What if Sehun was your soulmate wouldn’t that be so funny’’ you swear you were gonna throw hands at her.
The day of your suffering has finally came - you were going camping. You were panicking because you didn’t even know how to build a tent you kept scrunching your nose every two minutes while reading the instructions. You wanted to ask for help but like would Sehun even help you? Most likely not.
But you decided to ask anyway, because hey it’s always worth a shot ‘‘Sehun can you help me’‘ you ask him.
‘‘sEhUn cAn yOu HeLp mE’‘ he mocked you, you already knew the answer was a no.
You huffed, he’s really too full of himself to actually help you huh. ‘’Hey can you seriously help us though’’ Lily just took the matter in her own hands and asked him.
Funny if how one of your friends asks him something he’d respond nicely but if you would he’d contemplate murder. that’s probably how much you two hate each other.
At least he helped.. right?
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At midnight, we decided to talk about random topics that might concern us someone brought up a talk about soulmates. Almost everyone had found theirs and you sometimes worried that you’re not gonna find yours and you hoped that your soulmate was a good person.
‘‘To be honest I like eating tomatoes’‘ Sehun admits everyone around him looks disgusted, but I was more.. confused.
I was looking at my wrist and the same sentence that Sehun said was tattooed onto my wrist but the weird part about it was that it stinged then disappeared, you just ran and started screaming.
No way in hell that Sehun was your soulmate. It must’ve been the universe playing tricks because seriously who thought it was a good idea for you two to be soulmates.
Lily comes looking for you ‘’What’s wrong y/n?’’ she asks you clearly concerned.
‘‘I really think you jinxed it to be honest, because I think Sehun is my soulmate’‘ you were actually shaking.
‘‘Oh sweetie, I thought it was something serious’‘ she chuckled.
You were so offended by her sentence ‘’It is serious, you just don’t understand!’’ you hissed at her.
‘‘Should I call Sehun here?’‘ you knew she was having SO much fun in this situation meanwhile you were on the edge of a mental breakdown. You got over it soon enough.
When going back to your tent you saw Sehun standing there. 
‘‘You really hate the idea of us being soulmates huh?’‘ he says in  a rather angry voice.
You started coughing very loudly ‘’I mean if you didn’t hate me so much maybe I wouldn’t hate the idea of being soulmates with you, think about it’’
He huffs ‘’I only teased you, I never said I hated you’’ I mean you did kind of just assume that and start hating him.
Scratching the back of your head ‘’I-I uh.. i’m sorry I guess’’ you cough again ‘’could we start over then?’’ you could see his face lit up.
‘‘i’d love to’‘ he smiled to you, and his smiles was one of the brightest one’s you’ve seen.
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
◈ Cherry┆ Chanyeol
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✦ Genre: Fluff
✦ Summary: You were a little bit afraid when your dog started eating less so you went to the vet as fast as you could. 
✦ Word Count : 1,299
✦ A/N : I’m really trash at writing I tried to make this hella fluffy tho mdasnhghsnjmk,,,,,,
✦ Masterlist
Chanyeol was a veterinarian he loved animals since he was little and he finally made his passion of helping animals in need a job. Meanwhile you were panicking at home.
Since your dog Kiwi started eating less and less each day some days she didn’t eat anything at all. Needless to say it put a shock to you because of how much you loved your dog.
Finally, you decided on just going to a vet they’re probably gonna be more help than a google search on what to do if your dog doesn’t eat anything at all. For all you know it could really be something serious.
Kiwi really doesn’t enjoy going to the vet she kept crying about it the whole ride to me. I mean, it was her own fault anyways she could’ve just ate and we would have been happily at home. But no!! she just!! had to!! make me!! worry for!! her!!
When we got there I needed to wait like 30 minutes because this is how busy the vet is. You thought to yourself ‘’I’m really gonna spend a fortune’’ but a lot of people gave very positive reviews about this place. You really can’t doubt them since you’re not really a professional yourself and have no common knowledge on what could be wrong with your dog.
They called out your name and you and Kiwi entered the office. 
‘‘Hello’‘ I said the veterinarian was very tall so I felt a little intimidated.
He looked up from his desk and said ‘’What’s wrong?’’
‘‘Well my dog - Kiwi started to eat less and less and now it’s gotten to the point he doesn’t eat at all’‘ I sigh ‘’that’s why I thought there might be a problem with something and chose to come here’‘
‘‘You can wait outside if you want to I’m gonna run some tests on Kiwi’‘ He smiled at me.
I went outside and hoped for the best because you really wouldn’t take it if there was a really serious illness going on.
Thirty minutes or so later they called your name back to the office.
‘‘Is it something serious?’‘ you ask with hope that he was just picky.
He picked up the test results ‘’well It’s not that serious but you should come up for a check-up every now and then’’
You felt happy that it wasn’t anything serious you couldn’t have let anything happen to a dog that you love so much. But after that you visited almost every week for your dogs safety and because you found the veterinarian attractive.
Today was the last day of your every-week-visits to the vet. To be honest you felt really sad knowing you probably won’t see that damn attractive veterinarian ever again.
But the world played tricks on you since somehow you shared fellow mutual friends you got to hang out together, which later resulted in you being friends with him. You started to go with him to the park with your dogs which you started to call ‘’dog dates’’ honestly you couldn’t believe a man with this great of a personality existed.
Too bad you were that type of person who would never confess your feelings to anyone because of how your anxiety would come over you, at the most random times and really you could just really only imagine him having feelings for you.
Once you went out to your dog date again you felt that you were gonna explode because this man is so damn fluffy like please stop for gods sake don’t make me fall for you even more. 
The dog date ended, to your surprise he actually asked you on a date, which was like wow?? you really just did that?? when he did ask you out he was so shy and you wanted to cup his cheeks.
When the day had come when you’re finally having your date with him you literally waited so badly for this day, but guess this once it came you actually felt scared because self confidence doesn’t exist in your dictionary.
Someone had knocked on the door you were betting - that it was probably Chanyeol.
‘‘You look great’‘ He smiled at you with the most warm smile you’ve ever seen on a person before you swear your heart almost jumped out.
Your heart beating rapidly you just say ‘’Thank you!!!!!’’
 It was actually great, the date was amazing and he asked you on another one which of course you said yes to!! 
A few months later of officially dating™ you were annoying the living crap out of your friends that were still single because they saw you both acting very soft with each other. Chanyeol was often busy with his work though but it didn’t stop you literally going out of your way to somehow budge into his work because, he often forgot to eat and you weren’t gonna let that happen.
You were sneaking to his office with the lunch you prepared opening the door and literally surprising him ‘’you should’ve told me you were coming’’ he said while trying to not panic.
‘‘I need to take care of you since you don’t take care of yourself, also did you almost fall down there I swear I should’ve gotten it on video’‘ you chuckle, meanwhile he glares at you.
When you’re at home he’s always so cuddly especially when you two are watching movies. You LOVED horror movies, he was scared but he pretended he wasn’t even though you could literally feel him shaking.
‘‘Pffftttt you think me, Park Chanyeol would be scared of a horror movie?? I would never’‘ he crossed his arms.
‘‘Well then let’s watch a horror movie!!!!!’‘ you were really enthusiastic about it and saw Chanyeol’s face change for a bit. Anyways, mr. tough guy ended up shaking for almost the whole movie. The movie wasn’t even that scary to be honest.
But anyways, never forget the dog dates!! 
You still went on them a lot, because that means you spend time with Chanyeol and those two cuties and you can’t blame me since I love dogs a lot. 
‘‘Chanyeol let’s go to the park PRETTY PLEASE’‘ you begged him.
He sighs ‘’Let me guess you want a dog date, again?’’ you looked at him with puppy eyes ‘’Fine!!!’’ he says, but you knew he enjoys going on them just as much as you.
 But honestly you loved him so much and never wanted to let him go of your sight and you hoped he felt the same way as you which he probably did considering how much you two loved each other.
Even though you did have conflicts sometimes but it was about the most stupid and random things, you two would always apologize to each other like three seconds later. 
‘‘Chanyeol where the fuck did you put my damn toothbrush???’‘ you asked him in an annoyed voice cause you couldn’t find it anywhere.
He stared at you for a bit and just said ‘’I don’t know look where you put it’’ and you being the moody person you were, you literally got angry at him and he was confused.
Dramatically you walked out of the room, and then came back 10 seconds later to apologize to Chanyeol because you found your toothbrush just where you left it the last time.
You thanked the universe that you could date someone as amazing as Chanyeol he’s a person that could make you feel like the most precious person in the world and you would love that.
To be honest you would never want to let him go of your sight and you hope that  he would feel the same way as you, which he probably did considering how much you two loved each other.
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
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Gamer BBH highlights #6 ✧ 181025 SM Super Idol League (PUBG) ↳ (tr: x x x x)
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
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[181025 sᴍ sᴜᴘᴇʀ ɪᴅᴏʟ ʟᴇᴀɢᴜᴇ] - baekhyun’s punishment
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
I missed yixing so much oh my jsdhhfjkld
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ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍᴇss ᴜᴘ ᴍʏ ᴛᴇᴍᴘᴏ - yixing teaser // smile on my face
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
◈ Peaches ┆ Baekhyun
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✦ Genre: Soulmate!au, Fluff
✦ Summary: You rebel against the idea of having a soulmate. But when he comes into your life what are you gonna do?
✦ Word Count : 1,833 ✦ A/N : Honestly idk if i’ll make a part two and also this is like my ‘’try’’ at writing so don’t judge me too badly
✦ Masterlist 
I packed up my stuff because I was getting ready to move out and go to college tomorrow. It’s really a big step if you think about it. The college I was going to was very far away from home that meaning I wouldn’t see my family which was new to me and I swear I almost broke down thinking about that. But it was for the best.
When thinking about it on why I didn’t chose a college closer to me there’s actually two reasons. First being that I really wanted a better education and that the college’s near me couldn’t provide that. The second is well, I didn’t want to meet my soulmate.
Some may ask ‘’Why?’’ but I never give an answer back to that question I’m afraid someone might call my reasoning childish.
But I do have a reason behind my thinking. Ever since I was little I enjoyed writing something on my arm knowing that another person might see it. My quote-on-quote soulmate never replied to me though yeah, I was a little heartbroken but I got over it in a few hours.
A new chapter in my life − I started going to high school. It was strange at first. But it was also one of the time periods in my life when my soulmate started  to write on his arm. 
I probably know what you’re thinking already ‘’Oh it was something cute!!’’ no, he literally wrote every time he changed his girlfriends and that made me assume he’s some kind of play boy and to be honest he probably was judging by the fact he kept dating someone new every week.
I stopped believing in soulmates after that. Genuinely I never wanted to meet him either and if he tried to get in my life i’ll make sure to push him out of it.
The day has come when I moved to a whole different city and don’t know anyone around here. Since I have a roommate I really hoped that me and the person would get along.
Once i got there I started unpacking my roommate was nowhere to be seen though. ‘’Strange’’ I thought to myself but hey maybe they actually have a social life. 
So I just came up with an idea that I should finally go outside and explore the area which is not really smart cause I could get lost or something but do I care? Most definitely not.
I saw a cafe down the street so I went there because I wanted coffee very badly. When I got there I saw that they were looking for a part time worker. So after thinking about my depressing life I just went along with it because hey I can actually make extra money and since life isn’t sunshine and rainbows I desperately needed that money.
Completely forgetting to order coffee because I’m smart I asked ‘’Hello, are you still searching for part time workers?’’
‘’You’re in’‘ without even interviewing me the owner says.
If only getting a job was this easy. Though later he told me the work schedule and I’ll probably get no sleep and drop out of college later in my life.
‘‘Also, call me Minseok’‘ he blurted out.
‘‘Okay Minseok, I hope we get along well’‘ you smiled at him.
With that you went back home. 
‘‘Hello?’‘ came a voice behind you.
If I said I didn’t get scared I’d be lying. But you managed to not look that intimidated by their presence. 
‘‘Hello, I think you’re my roommate?’‘ I said.
God you were still so scared what if you and your roommate wouldn’t get along you were really that kind of person to get very critical about your personality. That’s probably why at school you only had one friend. 
‘‘Oh yeah, I forgot that I was expecting someone here’‘ she scratches her neck.
‘‘I hope we can get along.. oh wait what’s your name?’‘ I stare at her.
‘‘My name is Emilia what about you?’’ she smiles at me.
I cleared my throat ‘‘I’m Y/N’‘.
‘‘Have you met anyone around here yet?’‘ she questions.
‘‘Not yet actually i’m kind of looking forward to though’‘
Okay if that’s not the biggest lie I told right now I’m only looking forward to sleep in my bed right now and cover myself with a ton of blankets because it’s so cold.
‘‘You should actually come with me to a party!!’‘ she says.
Oh no, if one thing you know is that you’ve never been invited to a party or even been to one. Second thing you know is that parties don’t end well.
‘‘Haha, sure I can come’‘ I said trying to smile.
‘‘You can come along with me but make sure to dress up nicely’‘ she smiles.
All I know is that this is most likely not gonna end up well. 
Well I was right once me and Emilia actually got to the party the music was blasting loudly that I think I was gonna go deaf. My roommate saw someone in the crowd and said ‘’oh my god i’m so sorry I need to go say hi to them’’.
I was left alone in the crowd of people dancing and drinking. To be honest all I could think about is my home. 
But I saw something that would lighten up my mood at least a little bit. I just went near the food and started eating. 
I felt someone glancing at me and I started to feel like they’re judging me which they probably most likely were because I was at a party and I should be like dancing and getting drunk and here I was literally eating I’d judge myself too if I was another person.
Emilia came over with a guy they were up in each other’s faces which I found gross but they can do whatever they want. 
As she keeps smiling she says ‘’Y/N this is Baekhyun’’ 
Politely you shake hands with him and he says ‘’Hello’’
‘‘Hello’‘ you mumble.
To be honest something didn’t feel right shaking hands with it but you just brushed it off because the sooner you get out of here the better.
Emilia was like.. really drunk and you were panicking since you’re roommates you’ll have to take care of her.
‘‘I’ll go to the bathroom’‘ she said, anyone could tell she was intoxicated.
You felt awkward because she left you with a person you don’t even know and didn’t want to start a small talk with.
‘‘So..’‘ he says.
‘‘Is Emilia your soulmate?’‘ you said since you were very curious.
‘‘No, I haven’t met my soulmate yet’‘ he sighed.
I decided to ask him one more question related to soulmates. ‘’Do you believe in soulmates?’’
‘‘I mean yeah I probably do have a soulmate out there’‘ he said.
‘‘Oh I just found it strange that you’re with someone else’‘ I blurted out.
‘‘Well, since I didn’t find my soulmate yet I just want to fill in the void you know?’‘ he said and you noticed that sudden sadness in his voice. ‘‘But what about you, do you believe in soulmates?’‘ curiously he gazes in your direction.
‘‘Honestly I don’t and I don’t think i’ll ever be able to actually believe in soulmates’‘ you sigh ‘’It’s because in a way my soulmate broke my heart before-’‘ Emilia comes back cutting you off of finishing your sentence.
‘‘Are you okay Emilia?’‘ you said.
‘‘Y/N could we go back to our dorm.. I feel very nauseous’‘ with that you thought that god finally gave you an excuse to actually go back home.
‘‘Okay let’s go then don’t vomit on me on the way back to our dorm though’‘ you jokingly say. ‘’Also Baekhyun bye, let’s meet again’’ you smile and wave to him.
He waves back at you and you let Emilia cling onto you on the way back to the dorm.
To be honest once you think about it you did feel some kind of attraction to Baekhyun well yeah, he was handsome but you weren’t the type of person to feel attracted to someone just because they looked ‘’good’’ in your head you wondered ‘’What if he was my soulmate?’’
But you scrapped that thought out of your head because if he was you weren’t gonna fall for him and you hoped you wouldn’t contradict your own words.
Next day, Emilia had a hangover so she didn’t even bother to go to classes meanwhile I was probably the earliest one there. Yeah i’m not well off so i’m trying to get at least something from college.
What you noticed was that you share a lot of classes with Baekhyun. He also tried to sit with you in most of those classes and when girls glanced at you with jealousy when you were sitting with the one and only Baekhyun. Yeah they treated him like some sort of royalty because of his looks. 
Which I found childish but I didn’t care for the most part because i’m here to study.
Our professor gave us a project with a surprise we’re doing it with a partner. Well I got paired up with Baekhyun it felt okay since I actually knew him and talked to him yesterday. 
He coughs ‘’You can come to my house after school so we can do the project together’’ which I replied to with a simple ‘’Okay’’.
Classes ended and you walked with Baekhyun to his house. Yeah he didn’t live in a dorm and to be honest his house was quite big.
You wanted to get finished with the project as soon as possible. Once you entered his room it strangely smelled like peaches. 
‘‘Should we start?’‘ you asked.
To which he replied ‘’Sure’’
You finished the project fairly quickly but he didn’t let you go home yet since he begged you to watch a movie with him.
Basically you’re gonna use this as a chance to ask him even more questions because you had a strong belief that he was in fact your soulmate.
‘’Can I ask you something?’‘ you look at him and say. He replies with ‘‘Go ahead’‘
‘‘Do you want to find your soulmate?’‘ with curiosity in your voice you ask him.
‘‘To be honest, yeah who wouldn’t you can spend all the time with them knowing you’ll love them with your whole heart once you see them’‘ he says.
‘‘I don’t know if i’ll change my mind if I find my soulmate though I’d find it difficult after I got heart broken’‘ you mumble the last part ‘‘I mean, I think I did act like a child but it’s because I believed that he’d at least write to me, or when he did he could’ve done that normally’‘
You felt Baekhyun’s gaze on you ‘’How did he write to you?’’ he asks.
‘‘Well once a week, he got a new girlfriend and he’d write all about them which made me sad most of the days so I don’t know how i’d feel about him if I ever did meet him’‘ you say. ‘‘But I can’t deny that since he would be my soulmate i’d definitely feel some kind of attraction’‘
He didn’t reply.
Baekhyun muttered ‘’I think i’m your soulmate’’
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simplybbh-blog · 6 years
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Hello welcome to my masterlist! I’ll only be writing for EXO.
Finished ✔ | Ongoing … | Fluff 🍭| Angst 🍬
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❀ Peaches↬ 1 |  🍭/ 🍬
      Summary :  You rebel against the idea of having a soulmate. But when he comes into your life what are you gonna do?
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❀ Cherry↬  1 | 🍭  ✔
     Summary :  You were a little bit afraid when your dog started eating less so you went to the vet as fast as you could. You met a person that stood out to you there.
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❀ None yet       ↬
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❀ None yet       ↬
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❀ None yet       ↬
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❀ None yet       ↬
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❀ None yet       ↬
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❀ Chocolate↬  1 | 🍭 ✔
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❀ None yet       ↬
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