#Arctic Escape
cyanove · 4 months
(The Layover - Inside the Game Design of Season 8)
Sam Denby: (absolutely ROASTING northern Canada’s infrastructure, talking about how difficult it would be to get out of Canada)
Me, as a Canadian: (crying internally) how DARE you Sam! how DARE you say these things!!!!
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sam-from-wendover · 10 months
I know I'm late because time zones but JET LAG SEASON 8 TRAILER!!!!! This season looks so good omg I can't wait for Ben and Adam to win again
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some-pers0n · 6 months
I think so much about the tragedy of Arctic and Foeslayer. They were both young, newly adults who were sick and tired of living under the oppressive rule of their mother's. They wanted freedom and peace from it. When Foeslayer and Arctic found each other and found common ground with their desires to escape their lives, they fell in love; both with each other and with the idea of running away from their family. That the other was their way out of their pre-determined life. That they had some control and now's the chance to run.
They weren't thinking and were running off of blind admiration and a dream of no longer being bossed around. They didn't know that their actions would bring forth a war. I think when the initial euphoria of being free wore off and the reality of the situation sunk in is when they realized they weren't so much in love with the other as they were with the concept of escaping their miserable lives.
But, here they are together. Dragons are dying because of their impulsive actions. They have two dragonets they have to raise. Each passing day they can't stand each other more and more. It was doomed to fail. A tragedy in every sense of the word
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ilostmyshoe28 · 5 months
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i think they’re might’ve been an alex recent idk though
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whoregaylorenzo · 9 months
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Michelle Khare being a delight on Jet Lag: Arctic Escape
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the-river-of-light · 20 days
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@999week day 3 - Santa's is an arctic fox named Miharu (三陽)!
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herbalnature · 7 months
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A chairlift quietly ascends through a serene, snowy landscape in northern Finland, vanishing into the soft embrace of the clouds above. Below, a frosty forest stands still, bathed in the dreamy light of dusk.
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bandomgay · 2 years
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alex turner + escapism / absence of self / other worlds  - part 1/?
i aint quite were i think i am (2022) by arctic monkeys / star treatment (2018) by arctic monkeys / "I ended up making a world of my own": Alex Turner talks new music | Part 1/3 interview with annie mac (1/2) / by NIKOLAY TOLMACHEV /"I ended up making a world of my own": Alex Turner talks new music | Part 1/3 interview with annie mac (2/2) /  star treatment (2018) by arctic monkeys / one point perspective (2018) / this house is a circus (2007) by arctic monkeys /alex turner quote source: unknown 
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climbdraws · 2 years
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indie-summer · 7 days
found my old ipod touch and the only thing i can think of doing with it is keeping it as an archive of what i used to listen to in 2013. you know, in case of zombie apocalypse
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thebibutterflyao3 · 8 months
You’re-core Pinterest Game!
Rules: search "your name + core" on pinterest, post the first six photos, and tag 6 more people!
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Open tag! This one was fun!
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also, the wolves have to shed somewhat. If someone (especially dr. Berg’s team) were to notice arctic wolf fur, but especially mostly around consumable plants and such (also, no animal carcasses large enough for a pack of wolves showing up after the timber wolves were basically eradicated), especially with human blood around, like if Stacy got ensnared on a black berry vine (actual thing that has happened to me, sometimes those bushes grow like, vines across the ground) and her leg bled because of that, and their was arctic wolf fur around as well. Also, someone had to have noticed that some animals were going towards a cave dangerously close to the fire in book one. And remember when Noah was shot with a tranquilizer dart (I think it was after they got their powers) Stacy sent Basil out to lead the scientists away from the cave? If they had cameras with them (for observation and recording purposes or something like that) and basil had to go up to her full speed? It’s been said in, I think escape to the mesa or expedition on the tundra that Basil could literally outrun a cheetah, if someone watched that footage back, someone would’ve noticed.
Man, this "Dr.-Berg-And-His-Team Knows About The Wolves' Superpowers" theory was meant to be silly but it's becoming more and more plausible by the moment. You make some good points! you definitely know your stuff.
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yerekanescio · 7 months
People who don't understand how a WALRUS is more surprising to see at your door, after knocking, than a FAIRY, regardless of belief, are INSANE to me. How do you not get it. If it's a FAIRY (which I do not believe in) it's like... okay. I guess I have to accept fairies are real. That's fine. If it's a MOTHERFUCKING WALRUS,
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arcticclans · 7 months
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Wow it's been a while, huh
Scene from a side story from after the main plot of Arctic Clans, formatted as if it was an screenshot of a TV show. Click for quailty.
An alt version below the cut
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The tumblr filter options actually make it look kind of good, who would've thought
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whoregaylorenzo · 9 months
not adam being a drunk simp.... should've expected that
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chernobog13 · 2 years
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BBC just announced that they’ve cast the 17th Dr. Who.
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