#Archive 81 x reader
dragon-chica · 1 year
A Relationship with Rat/Jacob Lester...
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Podcast: Archive 81
Some people just write for popular/living fandoms...then there's what I'm doing out here with podcasts... This is written a lot differently that I have done before, but I think it fits nicely.
I have not finished Archive81 so may not be fully in character, but I wrote all this at work and was happy with it. Enjoy.
Dan is somewhat of his proudest creation and Rat loves gushing to you about all he can do or might be able to do, or might not. It may get a little repetitive, but you humor him to get to watch his joy in doing so.
Whether you are human or not, Rat is often confused at such emotions and the care he feels towards you, but you also seem to feel the same, and that's very enjoyable. He is happy with you.
If you are one of his creations, oh how wonderful. He is even more helpful to your curiosities to your new self.
The others are very weirded out by his interest then obvious infatuation with you.
First by his eager fascination, whether you're human or not, he's never been quite this "bad" with someone, and Clara and Lou try to guide you away from him at times.
They find his crush very disturbing, and with a shiver down their spines of "at least it's not me" and "oh that poor soul"
Even more horrified that you reciprocate it.
You have been asked if you're okay or if something was Done to you.
But you really are a good match together, even if you don't always understand and can't match his energy, Rat will fit himself to you as well.
If he is cross with someone he usually ends up pouting silently, and will likely come to you for company while he broods.
If he is cross with you, he isn't sure what to do, he does not like being angry with you, and usually goes to you about these things. He gets over it quickly if left alone though.
If you are mad at him he will pout, somewhat cutely (at least to you) and follow you closely like a puppy that got in trouble while you ignore him.
He is definitely very touchy, and affectionate. In his own ways of course.
He knows all the rooms in the outpost and will gladly show you each and every one.
And of course ask you to come exploring with him when new ones appear so you can experience them together.
He knew you were sad and missed music and apologized to you that listening to things are dangerous here, but asked Dan if he found anything safe if you might be able to listen to it too.
He tries humming to you are times.
You once told him his giggles were like music to you and it is the first time anyone has seen him blush.
There are many beautiful things here and he wants to show you them all, and he watches your reactions and finds them even more beautiful.
If you were to leave the company, he would follow you, and if you were to stay, he would be by your side.
If you were to decide on a name you thought would fit him nicely, whether a word or thing or name, it would only be for you to use. Others may call him Rat, you may call him Rat, he is often called many things, but he will remind them that that name is his only to you.
He can be very hyper (minded and physically) and speed off, but quickly backtracks when he realizes you are not beside him to go get you.
If you eat and if you sleep he is very happy to join you while you do so and watch.
It has been so long since he needed to eat and has mostly forgot anything about foods but asks for your favorites and what you think of each meal and he always remembers.
He remembers everything about you and what you tell him, you are very special to him after all.
He would do anything for you, even breaching contract. Even lying.
Rat, for all people think of him, disturbing and unnerving, annoying or creepy, no one would say he is unloyal after watching him with you.
You are his first priority when the Curator starts hunting in the outpost.
If you are one of his creations, despite how proud of you he is and how much he enjoys creating and thinking of his creations, he does not like thinking about your pained screams when you were being made, even though what you were made into is so beautiful.
He would listen to Dan's podcast with you if you were there beforehand, or would gladly take you to listen with him again through patreon, excited to show you how fun it was before.
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matchesarelit · 1 year
Imagine If You Will... (Visser Part 2, Samuel Davenport x reader)
You go to tea with him intending to ask about the meeting but that leaves your mind pretty much immediately.
Warning: Graphic smut, degrading language (lots), choking, drugging, Dub/non-con (the mold is involved once again), character gets ?drugged? ?indoctrinated?, begging, unprotected sex Vibrators, bondage? bdsm? (reader is tied down), preist smut? (glory hole confession booth?), masterbation, rough? man idek im sorry, idk if relevant but like maybe dead dove; do not eat levels??
Part 1
The next forty-eight hours were tedious, from packing the bags at your hotel and checking out, to scouting the streets handing out resumes, and all but begging for jobs to no avail. Yet predictably you found yourself constantly distracted by the temptation of visiting your upstairs neighbor, at first you considered asking for his assistance in unpacking. But No, there was no way you could. He was way above such manual labor. He should be served and serviced as he wishes. WHO ARE YOU to ask him for favors?
wHaT the fuck was that? That thought could not have been yours. What does that even mean?
Shaking your head in an attempt to dissuade the thought you re-settled on the task at hand, dragging the final case, an old trunk you got at a flea market up the stairwell. Inching your way across the stone your skin gained a sheen of sweat, a not to be unexpected side effect of such activity in a musty building such as this one. Your hands, slipping from their grasp on the trunk however was a situation you had not considered or planned for so with an eek you stumbled down the steps before tumbling over the chest and landing on your arse with a thud.
However, you still had your dignity, kind of, truly you had to bribe yourself with a guilty pleasure movie and a well-overdue wank, just to get yourself to stand up and push the crate up the stairs. Finally inching the tunk over the threshold of your apartment, you allowed your knees to buckle as your body collapsed back against the door.
Glaring at the bottle of water sitting high and mighty on the kitchen counter you attempted to lower your heart rate before attempting to stand; shutting out the overwhelming sunlight, you attempted to meditate but upon emptying your mind of everything else you were left with but one thought. It's not your fault if the idea of showing up with a bottle of wine wearing nothing but a robe never went away. Not until you fell out of consciousness at least.
Waking up hours later, warm from the afternoon heat streaming in through the windows, you moved to your kitchen to brew a coffee, standing on aching legs you put your weight on the countertop. Retrieving a short novel and retiring to the comfort of your couch desperate for distraction. what did not help was the plot of the book, however.
"Confessional Love" was an obscenely morally grey novel of erotica, it was, mind you, the only book that wasn't lost, buried deep in the assortment of boxes. The female protagonist; Jocelyn Lovejoy was struggling to find her calling, so in her concern for the future, she fled to the church and found herself nestled into the confession booth. She repented, terrified of the judgment she expected as she reminisced on the deviance of her past, tellings of sexual escapades and encounters. The Priest offered little advice above recommending she devote herself wholly to the lord, at which point the man had stuffed a strained cock through the small window, encouraging her to affirm her commitment to god and to him as her savior. The woman could not hold herself back, immediately her throat engulfed the pertinent member as she began rutting roughly against her own hand. Relishing the grunts traveling through the small window as her own drowned around him, the vibrations pulling a harsh thrust from his hips. Eyes drifting from the page you found yourself placed in the fantasy as the priest pulled back from your mouth, still dazed as he pulled you to your feet by your throat you stumbled and fell to the floor. Looking up through your brows you met his eyes...
Samuel's eyes.
Samuel's face.
Samuel's dick.
Samuel's dick was protruding from his garb red and resolute and all but beckoning you closer as you groveled at his feet. He tugged on himself the rock-hard device splattering drops of his elixir over your face. Leaning forward to lap at the dribbling precum seeping from his cock you blinked yourself back to reality as the images faded from your mind.
You crashed onto your bed, deciding that 6.47 was time enough for sleep. Hoping that the persisting thoughts would fade with a good night's sleep. Sadly however as your eyes closed your dreams took over, coating your eyelids in visions of rutting and railing. The flashes slowed as your mind settled on images of him, Samuel was leaning over you, his hand rummaging roughly through your folds, stretching you open. Ignoring your cries he added more fingers and as his digits are twisted throughout your nethers, his thumb prodding and circling your bud. Your body thrashed below him, unable to break free of his assault on your cunt you found your arms outstretched and bound to the mattress. Similar bounds secured your legs in place and as your grunt of effort fell to his ears he released a chuckle, rescinding his presence from your side.
He ignored your pleas as he stood from the bed and made his way to the door, leaving you squirming as your heartbeat throbbed through your heat in need.
You once again opened your eyes to an empty room, and forced your focus to the door, as expected there was no change from the night before. Except for you, your clothes were gone and your blankets discarded. Slick glazed your nethers, legs, and hips, the breeze from a nearby fan sending a shudder up your spine as it graced your damp skin.
when the sun began to peek past your curtains you finally moved from the bed, settling on a brief shower to refresh and clean yourself up to proceed about your day. You let the flurry of water cool your spirits and soul, knowing deep down it would do nothing to sway the desire that consumed you. You stayed there, relishing in the chill until your fingers pruned and puckered. Taking that as your cue you stepped onto the tile floor, retrieving and donning your towel before inspecting your face in the mirror. The bruise upon your brow bone had turned purple decorating your skin in a way that should have been unsettling, instead, the mark filled you with a type of pride you didn't recognize. You were his at least for a moment, a brief second where he wanted you, needed you around him.
Barely remembering to lock the door, you sped down the hall, you'd convinced yourself you were barely stepping out to get some groceries you found yourself standing at the top of the stairs. You remained there for a time, unable to gain the momentum to step down and begin your descent, raising your foot you began to climb the stairs to his floor. Within moments you stood upon his mat, within the span of a couple of seconds it took to knock on the yellowed paint your mind flashed through a multitude of fantasies of the next few minutes.
After three light raps of your knuckles, you shifted on your feet relaxing your muscles slightly to appear calm and casual. That attempt was doomed as the moment those hazel eyes met your own your knees locked up and you were frozen. It took the gentle touch of his hand that rested itself on your forearm to ignite such a heat that ran through your every nerve and pulled you from the trance.
"Hey, glad you could make it. Come on in, is everything okay?" His tone of concern needed work, it was wholly insincere yet the question put you in a trance regardless. Kaelego had shown Samuel your dreams and visions and urged him to take you for his own within them, to use your own mind against you.
Waving you towards a spot on his couch, he moved towards the kitchen and began making tea. the absence of his arm cloaked you in goosebumps and you itched for its return. Twisting your neck to watch him work from where you sat, he asked about the move and how you were settling in, you couldn't help but watch his frame as you mumbled a generic 'fine, pretty uneventful'. All focus had been pulled from the conversation as you observed him, he was wearing yet another sweater, but this one clung tighter to his torso highlighting the toned muscle beneath. Oh! And his pants... an anything but innocent glance downwards graced your eyes with the shapely cheeks and less than discreet bulge, you clenched your jaw as your mouth watered the images of yesterday's visions flooding your brain. The taut fabric seemed to strain against his stubborn glory.
Clearing your devastatingly empty throat as Samuel came back with the tea, you darted your eyes to examine the books that lay strewn across his coffee table, effigies and temples lay strewn across the pages. Catching his eye as he handed over the mug, you brought the tea to your nose, noting the familiar smell you thoughtlessly sipped the piping-hot concoction. Wincing at the burn you missed the laugh he released as he studied your lips now red hot from the burn. He continued to examine you even after you met his gaze, trailing his focus along every inch of skin available to him, the chosen shirt gave him ample access to study your breasts as well as your skirt leaving most of the length of your legs bare.
Your mouth tingled as the heat faded, gaze locked onto the man sat opposite as his eyes finally rested upon your own. You had barely noted the prolonged silence before he spoke again, "Drink up it's good for you, helps with focus. What do you need to focus on?" his question was pointed as if expecting a specific answer.
Finding a job, "You"
Attempting to get enough to cover rent "Worshiping you"
Devoting myself to my writing"Devoting myself to Kaelego and to you, wholly and without bounds"
You knew this change, you had felt it before, where your throat was stuffed with words that weren't your own, and as recognition flashed through your eyes a wicked grin overtook his features. The familiarity of the smell clicked into place as the memory of the patterned dust in the community room filled your nose. Samuel relished in the underlying terror and confusion tainting your soft smile but the way your form shrunk into the seat darkened his eyes and had him on the edge of his seat.
Reaching across the coffee table, his cup long discarded among the books, a gentle finger pushed the mug to your lips and tilted it until the liquid flooded your mouth. With a rough tug, the mug was ripped from your grasp, the contents spluttering from your mouth as you struggled to swallow, the overflow cascading from your lips, down your neck, and across your chest. Looking down to assess the damage you stood, from the couch gasps interrupted stuttered apologies as you attempted to regain your breath. For a brief moment, your vision went black, head heavy at the sudden movement, you pressed the heel of your palm to your forehead. Samuel had reclined as you choked and now leaned back against the couch hands resting against his hips, legs spread wide as if posed to pull your gaze to his now persistent bulge. Your focus however was harder to garner, you blinked repeatedly yet your eyes blurred every time, your vision growing fuzzy you reached for his knee to steady yourself. You missed and fell to your knees below him, as your consciousness faded you felt your lips perform words that were not your own but were everything you desired. "Take me in any way you want, I exist only to be of use to you, I will do anything to please Kaelego and to pleasure you, Samuel."
The last thing you felt was a knuckle lifting your chin and the gust of air by your ear as his whispered words rang through your ears; "Like you have a choice."
When you awoke a familiar feeling held your wrists in place, spread across the width of the bed as you tugged at the restraints and as the sheet glided against your skin a feeling of vulnerability sent a fever to your gut. Your legs were similarly secured, pulled wide apart as if open and waiting for him, Samuel was nowhere to be seen, but the space smelt of him; wood, iris, and that delectable mold. The thought of it pulsed throughout your mound, the total control it gave to him, and the devotion it graced you with both intoxicating and repulsive. darting your eyes about the space you noted the walls and ceiling, all caked in those same swirls and twists, knowing he had captured you, like a bear to honey, that he wanted to keep you as his, only increased the buzz humming throughout your folds. As your face morphed in pleasure a layer of dried tears and cum fought your muscles, the crust remaining taut on your skin.
Twisting and writhing in place you yearned for any friction, any rough graze or rub as you ground into the mattress. Your breasts shifted as you moved, the skin alight with goosebumps and your nipples painfully hard, at their motion the picture of him gripping and pulling at them as he flooded you with his outpour. Breathing heavily as you continued pulling at your ties, your lungs were left raw and heaving. You would not be able to convince a fence post, however, that you wanted out of your confines, the vulnerability of the situation had you reeling and made you feel more awake than you ever have felt before. It was as if all of your nerves were bare like a single gust of air could set you ablaze with wanton screams and pulses of pleasure. Your enjoyment however was not what Samuel wanted from the bounds, he wanted fear, he wanted to break your spirit and force your submission, so clearly he would have to change his plans.
He touched you before you had a chance to notice him enter the room, a hand trailing from your ankle to your sternum as he held you down, turning your attention to him your attempts to speak came out as incoherent mumblings and moans. His touch was like ice as you burned alive, as he traced his hand grew heavy against you as he began to pull and tug at your flesh.
A whine fell from your lips as he retreated, he stepped back towards his desk and you started to plead as if he had a shred of humanity to reason with. As if you were worth his kindness. "Please Samuel it hurts, I-I can't take it, need to feel you. Want you to fill me up like last time, so full of your cock baby please." For perhaps the first time those words were yours, maybe not entirely, but more so than ever before. There was no way that Samuel was going to let you demand pleasure from him, you didn't deserve his attention and you'd pleasured yourself too much at the thought of him, using his image for your own gratification. No. You were his plaything, his cunt, and tits, and mouth, to defile as he desired. He craved your fear, your confusion, your suffering. You needed to be put in your place; weak and helpless against his intentions, but desperate to please nonetheless. So as he ignored your mewlings he returned to the bed; standing tall at the foot of the mattress, knuckles white as he throttled the shaft of a toy, his other hand forcing your knees down onto the comforter. You muttered thanks at his presence, yet at your words he stabbed the toy into your sex, vibrating aggressively the device set your nerves alight and pulled tears from your eyes. He forced the silicone between your folds time and time again he leaned over your crotch watching your muscles contract from pain.
"Look at you, a pathetic whore begging to be used. Your pleasure means nothing, you are here for me to torture as I see fit. If you survive it is because I spared you. If I want to use you at any time I will. I will fuck you while you scream in pain for mercy begging me to let you go." His eyes linger on your own as he speaks as if to convey his honesty. The pain never left, merely mingling with the beginning of pleasure, his presence alone adding a sweetness to the violent penetration of your threshold. As the inches of rubber started to jab against your cervix your folds greedily inhaled the presence as you yearned for more while the stir in your guts twisted to a peak throwing your muscles into rabid spasm away from the mattress and against your bounds. The now dulling pleasure was accentuated by the remaining soreness that sheathed your body like a straight jacket leaving you still and shivering under him.
You are soon left empty as the device was drawn out at a miserably slow pace, a single digit soon took its place; dipping into your layers and scooping some of your wetness. As he continues the slick-covered digit trails across your breasts, he's now above you on all fours. "tsk tsk, is there anything I could say that wouldn't turn you on slut? what if I said I was going to keep you here, coated in my dried cum, your only purpose to be used by me, fucked as you cry and bleed, as I rip open your tight little holes?" Unable to ignore the pulse his threat sent to your nethers, moans leapt from your chest, this seemed to only anger the man above you as the briefly forgotten toy was thrust deep into your throat, "That'll shut you up, my little fleshlight, can't sob for more with your mouth full can you?" gargled words were trapped in your esophagus as your body strained, hips and shoulders flying from the sheets to meet his own, the still vibrating silicone causing drool to pour from the sides of your mouth to the bedsheets below.
Most of his weight resting on the hand still wrapped around your throat, his knee was free to provoke your slick, the harsh fabric of his pants giving a delicious rub against your sensitive skin as your hips continued to swivel and rut. He pushed the length further past your lips, ignoring your gags as your tongue remained useless trapped between the bottom of your mouth and the unforgiving plastic.
His hand dragged the toy from your mouth when your movements grow slow and your eyes glaze over, discarding it by your side as his hand smeared your spit and cum over your cheeks as you coughed. Pressing your skull to the side his palm crushed your bruised cheekbone, the strain of your neck nothing in comparison to the burn of your lungs, yet even that faded from your thoughts as his other hand reached for his fly, his body weight resting on your face as he pulled his knee from betwixt your legs. Samuel adored how pitiful you looked as you lay crushed by him, but what he adored more was the glistening patch of slick that drenched the fabric over his knee, not to mention the way your cunt kept leaking even now, staining a large area of his dark sheets.
"Thinking about fucking this sopping mess of a pussy but I can't help but wonder how many men you've let plow this slit since the last time. A whore like you probably takes what? Two a day? Do you beg them to fuck you? Let them use you like I did?" Your enthused denial was smothered by the sheets and the constant struggle for breath. "What?" his tone mocked you a smug smile tugging at his lips "Is my pet fucked out? Haven't even given you my fingers and you're mumbling like a pathetic mess. Who am I kidding? I bet you couldn't get me out of your mind" His hand shifted back to grip your throat, forcing you to look up at him, his eyes were dark looking over the smudges of makeup and juices that coated your face. "So pretty baby, I've already made a mess of you haven't I? Gonna look even better with me stretching your hole wide fucking open. You'd like that wouldn't you, you fucking cockslut? Never get your fill will you, you hungry bitch?"
Your eyes watered as you clenched around nothing at his indecency, the lack of air in your lungs again sending your already hazy mind into oblivion. Ahead of you getting a moment to respond, Samuel speared his prick far into your depths, vision going black as a hearty groan rumbled from his chest. He ground against you as he settled inside you, meeting your eyes once more he raised a brow at the look on your face. Tightening his hand around your neck he slowly slipped out of you, the sight of his violator cloaked in your pleasure shimmering in the setting sun had you rambling in strained syllables in a failed attempt to beg for more.
His return was violent as Samuel crammed his thickness impossibly further into you, setting an obscene pace his hips snapped against yours, receding barely two inches before delving back up to the base of his pelvis. Pummeling into you relentlessly, a gleen of sweat developed between the two of you as he throbbed in your core. "Tight as ever my insatiable little cocksleeve, you don't deserve my dick, so worthless. I should have fucked more than your mouth while you were out cold, should have stuffed you full." His vulgar words elicited a dangerous heat from every nerve in your body and you bucked up towards him, wholly corrupted by the pleasure he was bringing you.
As he continued to burrow himself inside of you his pace grew ravenous, the hand that sat on your throat now by the side of your head supporting the man above you. The perversion lacing his words tightened the knot in your stomach, as images of him driving his monstrous cock into you as you slept using you as the piece of meat you are, filled your mind. "Yes, Samuel. Thank you, Samuel. I am truly unworthy of your divinity, I don't deserve to take you so fully. I am humbly at your service nothing is too much to ask."
His relentless assault on your mound drove you once again to violent orgasm as the building aggression of his movements only confirmed your worthlessness, you were nothing against his power, simply a means to his end. His pace stuttered only momentarily at your cunt choking his length, before resuming his severe speed as he dropped his hands to grope the meat of your chest. Samuel tugged and mashed your flesh all the while using the same hands to hold himself up, the fire in your loins reared its head again, the pressure against your chest just another arousing ache. Quickly building to your third you tried your best to relax avoiding his predatory gaze in an effort to prolong the tension in your gut. His sac throbbed with every thrust, begging for release as it brushed your arse time and time again. The sensitive skin of his balls electrified his joints and pushed a chain of grunts past his lips, "Finally got you trained gonna take it as long as I want you to, aren't you? When I'm done emptying my balls in your gaping holes, I'm going to split you open on three plastic cocks at once and watch you struggle. Making me harder just thinking about you all helpless, cumming over and over as you seize in pain." A ragged growl interrupted his threats briefly before he spat out "Is that getting you off you miserable whore? god, you're so fucking desperate, don't wanna be though do you? Wanna cry for help? Beg to be free? You can't. Your body won't let you. Will it? Your body" thrust "NEEDS" thrust "MY" thrust "COCK" thrust. Hitting that special spot inside of you one final time the two of you came undone together, his rush coating your walls as your clenching pussy drained his balls.
Your vision came in-between flashes of black, he drew back from you, standing back at the end of the bed, eyes leering at your undercarriage, head tilted to the side, a rancidly cocky look in his eye. As everything went black and you fell from consciousness, your focus refused to stray from the feeling of his cum dripping from your abused hole.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 months
Nothin' On you - Frank Castle x Reader
Frank finds himself falling in love with a weak and sickly woman living in the streets
EVERYTHING PERM: @nekoannie-chan @kjs-s @notyourtypicalrose @mistressofallthingsgeeky MARVEL PERM: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @late-to-the-party-81 @capsthot @endlesstwanted @kenzieam
Frank Tags: @hallecarey1
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Tag Set Update
So, what's in the tag set?
I look up blearily from a spreadsheet, making a spluttering noise.
YES, talking about the tag set, not just updating it. I can do that.
Three days into Tags week, the tag set as it is looks like this.
Anime, Manga, Books and Literature!
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Cartons & Comics & Graphic Novels & Celebries & Real People!
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Movies & No Media!
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Other Media & Theatre!
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TV Shows, Uncategorized Fandoms, Video Games!
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That's everything that's been seconded into the tag set.
You want to know everything that's been nominated? Well that is going under a cut because BOY is that a list.
3rd Life | Last Life SMP
Akira (Anime & Manga)
Animator vs. Animation (Short films - Becker)
Archive 81 (Podcast)
Avatar: Legend of Korra
Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Bones (TV)
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Buzzfeed Unsolved (Web Series)
Call of Duty (Video Games)
Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019)
Castle (TV 2009)
Class of '07 (Australia TV 2023)
Cogchamp SMP
Content SMP
Creepypasta - Fandom
Critical Role (Web Series)
Dangan Ronpa Series
DCU (Comics)
Deltarune (Video Game)
Destiny (Video Games)
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
Dimension 20 (Web Series)
Disco Elysium (Video Game)
Doctor Who (2005)
Doki Doki Literature Club! (Visual Novel)
Dream SMP
Eddsworld - All Media Types
Empires SMP
Enola Holmes (Movies)
Evolution SMP
Fallen Hero - Malin Rydén
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Fire Emblem: Engage
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Frozen (Disney Movies)
Hades (Video Game 2018)
Hamlet - Shakespeare
Hannibal (TV)
Harry Potter - J.K Rowling
Hermitcraft SMP
Hetalia: Axis Powers
Horizon (Video Games)
House Builder Gang SMP
House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski
Keeper of the Lost Cities - Shannon Messenger 
Kuroko no Basuke | Kuroko's Basketball 
Lackadaisy (Webcomic)
League of Legends
LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022)
Lifesteal SMP
Lockwood & Co. (TV)
Macbeth - Shakespeare
Marvel Cinematic Universe
McGillicuddy & Murder's Pawn Shop (Podcast)
Mean Girls (2004) 
Minecraft (Video Game)
Night in the Woods (Video Game)
Nikita (TV 2010)
Nurses (TV 2020)
Original Work
Pocahontas (Disney Movies)
Promare (2019)
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Sherlock (BBC)
SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
South Park
St Trinian's (2007 2009)
Star Trek: The Original Series
Star Wars - All Media Types 
Stardew Valley (Video Game)
Stargate - All Media Types
Stranger Things
Supernatural (TV 2005)
Tales from the SMP
Teen Wolf (TV)
Temeraire - Naomi Novik
The 355 (2022)
The Accidental Warlord and His Pack - inexplicifics
The Grisha Trilogy - Leigh Bardugo
The Inheritance Cycle - Christopher Paolini
The Legend of Vox Machina (Cartoon)
The Locked Tomb Series
The Magicians (TV)
The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
The Murderbot Diaries - Martha Wells
The Owl House (Cartoon)
The Pack - YouTube
The Yogscast
Titanic (1997)
Triangle Strategy (Video Game)
Trigun (Anime & Manga 1995-2008)
Trigun Stampede (Anime 2023)
Victorious (TV)
Video Blogging RPF
Voiceteam and Related Fandoms
Warcraft - All Media Types
Welcome to Night Vale
Wiedzmin | The Witcher (All Media Types)
X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)
전지적 독자 시점 - 싱숑 | Omniscient Reader - Sing-Shong
とんがり帽子のアトリエ | Tongari Boushi no Atelier | Witch Hat Atelier (Manga)
二哈和他的白猫师尊 - 肉包不吃肉 | The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat
人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
光が死んだ夏 | Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu | The Summer Hikaru Died (Manga)
原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) 
名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed
天官赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
憂国のモリアーティ | Yuukoku no Moriarty | Moriarty the Patriot (Manga)
逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)
WHOOOOOO (exhausted, but with feeling) EXCHANGES.
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writergirl2011 · 2 years
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I posted 392 times in 2022
That's 86 more posts than 2021!
76 posts created (19%)
316 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 309 of my posts in 2022
Only 21% of my posts had no tags
#jaime lannister - 79 posts
#brienne of tarth - 77 posts
#jaime x brienne - 77 posts
#dee writes things - 57 posts
#fanfiction - 51 posts
#diamond in the rough - 48 posts
#the baseball story - 45 posts
#yo ho yo ho - 30 posts
#it's the writer's life for me - 17 posts
#it’s the writer’s life for me - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i can’t help but wonder if what i’ve considered burnout after the last two big fic exchanges isn’t burnout but sadness
My Top Posts in 2022:
The latest chapter of the baseball story has posted!!  ⚾️⚾️⚾️
19 notes - Posted May 21, 2022
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HEY!! What did I do to get called out like this????
19 notes - Posted December 1, 2022
My contributions for J/B Week 2022 will be little one-shots from the universe of my first fic exchange story, Average Ordinary Everyday Superhero
Day 1: Water.  Brienne comes home after a very difficult evening. Jaime provides her with comfort.
21 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
"Diamond in the Rough" Contest!!!
Now that my baseball story is nearing the home stretch, I thought I'd give all the wonderful readers (and anyone else who might be interested) an opportunity to weigh in on what songs they think are playing when each player steps to the plate--or when the relievers enter the game!! Do you think Jaime goes with "Roar"? That Thoros Myr enters the game to "Fireball"? What song would Cleos choose, anyway? I'd love to know what you guys think, so please send me all your suggestions and some of them may be used in the story at some point!
But Dee, you say, didn't you mention a contest? Why, yes, yes I did. See, I've had Brienne's walk-up music picked out almost from the beginning, and it will make an appearance in the story. If you successfully guess what the song is before then, I will happily write a story for you based on whatever you choose!
In case you needed a quick refresher, here's the current Royals roster:
25 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So. Book!Jaime and book!Brienne or show!Jaime and show!Brienne. Not as a couple or their relationship (per se) but as separate characters. :)
Book!Jaime and Book!Brienne, by a thousand miles. Warning: I'm in full on rant mode.
We may have gotten glimpses of book Jaime in the show, but as time has gone on, I've realized more and more that we never truly got book Jaime, and it's mostly because Dumb and Dumber hated Jaime as a character. Take, for example, Jaime's iconic line, "The things I do for love" just before he shoves Bran out the tower window. In the book, this scene is told through Bran's POV and he hears Jaime say it with loathing. On the show, Jaime tosses out the line as if to say, "oh well" and probably went back to screwing Cersei. It was just the first step of their assassination of Jaime.
Book!Jaime is a man who struggles to figure out what he's going to do with his life when the one thing that defined him was gone. He's smarter than many give him credit for--including his own siblings--and he shows this throughout his journey in the Riverlands in AFFC. He's figuring out what kind of man he wants to be, and we get a chance to see him in the company of people who like and appreciate him in spite of him being the reviled "Kingslayer." Most importantly, book!Jaime is a man of agency--he names Oathkeeper when he gives it to Brienne, he turns Cersei down when she comes to the White Sword Tower to seduce him into killing Tyrion, and he figures out the best way to bring peace to the Riverlands.
Show!Jaime has almost none, with Dumb and Dumber having decided to make him little more than Cersei's faithful lapdog who came running every time she wanted him. And during the brief times he was with Brienne after their trip through the Riverlands, it felt like the good things he did were at her suggestion--including his decision join the North in the fight against the Others after she told him to "fuck loyalty." It was, quite frankly, their worst interpretation of any character on the show. I don't see how someone can read Jaime's POV from his return to King's Landing in ASOS through his one chapter in ADWD and portray him the way they did. Only possible explanation? They hated Jaime as a character and decided to treat him as such. One of them even referred to Jaime as a "monster" in the season 2 episode where he kills his cousin. The only monstrous thing Jaime does in the entire series to this point is shoving Bran out that window, which don't get me wrong, IS A VERY BAD THING TO DO but...really? "Monster?" No.
The changes made to Brienne from book to show happened, in good part, because they aged her up and took away her AFFC storyline, replacing it instead with her staring at a window until the convenient moment when she decided to take vengeance on Stannis right as Sansa needed her to be there. Book!Brienne is an innocent, noble, idealistic girl who joined the war for love of Renly. She's never even killed anyone and cried when her master-at-arms, Goodwin, had her kill piglets to get a mere idea of what it would be like.
Show!Brienne is older, has seen more of the world, and killing clearly doesn't bother her (especially when you remember the scene where she kills the three Stark men, the last one slowly). She still retains some of Brienne's idealism and has a very strong sense of honor and is definitely stubborn, but book!Brienne wants to be both a lady and a knight. Show!Brienne is forever telling people she's not a lady. The softness that made me fall in love with book!Brienne is missing in her show counterpart. Yes, show!Brienne falls apart when Renly dies and when Jaime leaves her in the Winterfell courtyard, but we see her calm and composed soon after each event. Book!Brienne was near inconsolable after the loss of Renly and after learning of Catelyn's death.
Overall, however, I don't think they did near as much damage to Brienne as a character as they did to Jaime, which is why her show counterpart doesn't anger me as much as his. One of my favorite pieces of fanart has the book versions meeting their show versions. Book!Brienne is startled to meet show!Brienne, who stares up at her in awe. Meanwhile, book!Jaime gives show!Jaime a golden bitch slap. Kinda sums up my feelings.
83 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dragon-chica · 1 year
Bodily Fluids & More Relationship Headcanons - Rat/Jacob Lester
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Podcast: Archive 81
Back again with more on my favorite A81 character, give me this unhinged little scientist.
Rat is always readily willing to offer up his bodily fluids, any of them (as he has multiple) and means it innocently enough.
But your dirty mind had to jump in on part of it and ask how he might give you each of them.
It took him a moment to understand your insinuation, but he thought it was very funny.
You may also take any of his fluids however you like :)
Getting rather irritated and at times defensive at how often Rat is referred to as a thing or creature or abomination in a derogatory sense.
Rat may an inhuman creature like no other you've ever seen, but he is your oddity of a being. So fuck off.
Rat felt very fuzzy inside after you said so and defended him, and told you as much. He is not at all bothered by the things he is called, but to see you to protective over him and his feelings! Oh how wonderful.
Suit is very untrusting and weary of you once she starts to come back, you may have been kind to her in her state but she doesn't forgive you for associating with Rat.
She refuses your help as much as she can, even after she gives up her fingers and will only give you looks of disdain and a cold shoulder.
Dan is your friend, he's a nice guy, and a tiny celebrity. At least it feels like it when you meet him after listening to all his podcast episodes again with Rat upon his arrival.
You also give him some extra credit for being friendly to Rat still once he settled down. And he likes having another friend besides his tentative talks with Lou and Clara.
When Melody goes to send Rat home, he is given a choice. In an instant, for an eternity, paused to decide to go to his god and his choir, or somewhere else, to that which meant to much to him before or stay with what means so much to him now. A choice he never imagines he would need to make.
He knew instantly, he considered for lengths. He should have asked you if you would want this, to meet Samuel and to sing. But he did not, he did not know to.
Maybe one day he would receive this offer and boon again, but in this time he stays by your side instead.
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matchesarelit · 1 year
MatchesAreLit Masterlist
Bridgerton Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Firefly Masterlist Squid Game Masterlist Smosh Masterlist
*= suggestive (minors dni) ** = smut (minors dni) Tiny imagine <150w Small imagine <1000w Imagine >1000w
Dark Matter
The Bridge* (small imagine)
Meeting back up with the crew of the Raza but with their new crew members there’s only one bed left at the end of the night.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lars Pinfield
Just us
Lars has invited you over to the lab before, so why is it awkward today?
Scientists of an Absurd Field
You visit the lab and as always the air is full of condescending words and unspoken compliments.
Workplace Attire (small imagine)
In the aftermath of Garraka Lars makes his way back to the lab... You are just a little amused at the state he's in.
The only thing left for the day was feeding the ghosts their dinner... Lars is there and ready to help, help keep you company that is.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Oscar’s hotel
Oscar’s Protégé (tiny imagine)
Capabilities (tiny imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Rusty Lake
Jakob\Mr Owl
The Gardening Job (small imagine)
Research (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Friday Night Dinner
Adam’s Bestie*
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Lucifer Morningstar
Back With A Badge, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, (INDEFINATE HIATUS)
Detective Hatch is reunited with a friend when she is transferred to LA but what will happen when she gets ‘acquainted’ with the Devil.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Dick Grayson 
The Mysteries Of Dick Grayson*
“Now as far as I know this rooftop is neither yours nor in a city you have sworn to protect. So what, pray tell is a little birdie doing up here in the dead of night?”
Felicity Smoak
Proposal (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Dorian Gray
The Newest Fad 
A new club has Dorian’s empty and he is furious... until hes not. I mean how could he be with that familiar voice in his ear.
Ambrose Spellman
Old ‘Friends’
You visit the home of two women who are practically family, but so much has changed in the last 70 years since you lost your best friend. what will it be like to see him again.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Tin Can Bros
Hands up (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Anti-Grimm (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
11th Regeneration
“Sorry”* (small imagine)
Make out sesh (small imagine)
10th Regeneration
Two Hearts (small imagine)
Clara Ozwald
“Best Friends” ... sure (small imagine)
Rory Williams
A Hunky Nurse
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Stranger Things
Robin or Steve
Heading to Hawkins P1
While staying with the Hendersons you meet someone new.
P2 Robin x F!Reader
P2 Steve x F!Reader
P2 Steve x NonF!Reader
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Curious Creations of Christine McConnell
Christine + Norman x reader
Poly (small imagine)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Jurassic Park
Ian Malcolm
Cuddling Him (HCs)
Au pairs and attacks
Last Moments?**
injuries getting in the way? quite the opposite
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Evan Peters
An Interesting Rest
During a week or so break off of filming you and some friends go on a trip, that results in a new friend who looks strikingly familiar.  But will this friendship tear apart another?
Fp Jones
Picnic (small imagine)
Tommy Shelby
An Easy Target
Samuel Davenport Archive 81
Visser P2 **
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caplanbuckybarnes · 1 month
Last Name (wolverine x reader)
I guess i write for Wolverine now?/ lol, so I added him to my tag list!
EVERYTHING PERM: @nekoannie-chan @kjs-s @notyourtypicalrose @mistressofallthingsgeeky MARVEL PERM: @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @late-to-the-party-81 @capsthot @endlesstwanted @kenzieam
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centrumlumina · 4 years
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As part of the AO3 Ship Stats project, this list shows the 100 most-posted pairing tags on Archive Of Our Own in the period 24 July 2019 - 2 August 2020. This list was created by comparing the current number of fics with data gathered for the 2019 AO3 Ship Stats.
There are 71 M/M pairings on the list, 15 F/M, 3 F/F, 8 Gen and 3 Other. (Please note that on AO3, ‘Name & Name’ indicates platonic or familial ‘Gen’ relationships, while ‘Name/Name’ is used for romantic and sexual pairings.)
Of the 200 names on the list, 23 are women and 3 are characters of ambiguous gender, down from 28 and 3 in the 2019 list. 92 are POC, and 7 are racially ambiguous, compared with 64 and 11 two years ago.
For more information about the AO3 Ship Stats project, please check out the accompanying FAQs. You might also be interested in the All-Time Top 100 Pairings and the Femslash Top 100 list. These stats are also available on AO3.
ETA: Fixed the Change value for Merlin/Arthur Pendragon.
ETA 2: Fixed Race categorisation for Michael Guerin/Alex Manes.
A text-only version of this data is given below the cut.
Rank   Change   Pairing   Fandom   New Works   Total   Type   Race 1   15   Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)   Good Omens (TV)   20298   28726   M/M   White 2   72   Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn   魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù   10671   13130   M/M   POC 3   8   Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   9076   21306   F/M   White 4   28   Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier   IT (Movies – Muschietti)   8441   12227   M/M   White 5   N   Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion   The Witcher (TV)   7573   7573   M/M   White 6   1   Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   7239   40312   M/M   White 7   5   Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   7070   16824   M/M   POC 8   0   Peter Parker & Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   6807   17366   Gen   White 9   -7   James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers   Captain America (Movies)   6262   49659   M/M   White 10   4   Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   6141   15375   M/M   POC 11   -5   Steve Rogers/Tony Stark   The Avengers (Marvel Movies)   5613   36264   M/M   White 12   68   Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens)   Good Omens (TV)   5503   7928   Gen   White 13   -8   Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V   Bangtan Boys | BTS   5254   23339   M/M   POC 14   5   Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug   Miraculous Ladybug   5183   19631   F/M   Whi/POC 15   5   Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   5001   14073   M/M   POC 16   -13   Castiel/Dean Winchester   Supernatural   4927   84563   M/M   White 17   1   Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   4596   17867   M/M   POC 18   N   Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)   9-1-1 (TV)   3716   3716   M/M   Whi/POC 19   5   Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor   Supergirl (TV 2015)   3614   13048   F/F   White 20   -16   Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood   Shadowhunters (TV)   3599   24787   M/M   Whi/POC 21   2   Pepper Potts/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   3569   17384   F/M   White 22   14   Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   3565   7325   M/M   POC 23   N   Adora/Catra (She-Ra)   She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)   3538   4919   F/F   Whi/POC 24   15   Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs)   文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs   3512   8768   M/M   POC 25   N   Wang Yi Bo/Xiao Zhan   陈情令 | The Untamed (TV) RPF   3446   3446   M/M   POC 26   -12   Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski   Teen Wolf (TV)   3249   59286   M/M   White 27   10   Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)   Merlin (TV)   3157   18688   M/M   White 28   -11   Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   3155   16682   M/M   POC 29   66   Ayanga/Zhèng Yúnlóng   声入人心 | Super-Vocal (TV)   3111   5285   M/M   POC 30   -21   Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   3026   19851   M/M   POC 31   -3   Sirius Black/Remus Lupin   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2958   17686   M/M   White 32   N   Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist   The Magnus Archives (Podcast)   2917   3367   M/M   Ambig 33   60   Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2672   5023   Gen   POC 34   12   Peter Parker/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   2623   6160   M/M   White 35   N   Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio   Haikyuu!!   2601   10485   M/M   POC 36   22   Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2583   10171   F/M   Whi/Amb 37   -8   Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2507   9891   M/M   POC 38   -37   Keith/Lance (Voltron)   Voltron: Legendary Defender   2480   30317   M/M   Amb/POC 39   20   Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington   Stranger Things (TV 2016)   2438   5338   M/M   White 40   N   Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou   Haikyuu!!   2387   7629   M/M   POC 41   N   Patrick Brewer/David Rose   Schitt's Creek   2363   3150   M/M   White 42   5   Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee   NCT (Band)   2331   5854   M/M   POC 43   8   Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   2304   6506   Gen   White 44   N   Dabi/Takami Keigo | Hawks   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2294   2930   M/M   POC 45   N   Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru   Haikyuu!!   2272   11155   M/M   POC 46   -24   Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2259   12668   M/M   POC 47   N   Felix Hugo Fraldarius/Sylvain Jose Gautier   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   2218   2218   M/M   White 48   28   Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth   Game of Thrones (TV)   2186   7063   F/M   White 49   19   Bakugou Katsuki/Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   2169   4991   M/M   POC 50   N   Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh   IT (Movies – Muschietti)   2163   3116   F/M   White 51   3   Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2128   11699   F/M   Whi/Amb 52   -31   Sherlock Holmes/John Watson   Sherlock (TV)   2121   61544   M/M   White 53   -5   James Potter/Lily Evans Potter   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   2110   10125   F/M   White 54   -28   Jeon Jungkook/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   2074   9498   M/M   POC 55   N   Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén   魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù   2073   2494   M/M   POC 56   -25   Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter   Hannibal (TV)   2064   17257   M/M   White 57   N   Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro   JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure   1964   3580   M/M   POC 58   N   Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1896   3983   F/M   POC 59   -46   Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov   Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)   1843   24332   M/M   Whi/POC 60   15   Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   1838   9269   F/M   White 61   N   Poe Dameron/Finn   Star Wars Sequel Trilogy   1806   7238   M/M   POC 62   N   Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1791   2732   M/M   POC 63   -38   Dan Howell/Phil Lester   Phandom/The Fantastic Foursome (YouTube RPF)   1782   17316   M/M   White 64   -54   Keith/Shiro (Voltron)   Voltron: Legendary Defender   1764   13925   M/M   Amb/POC 65   31   Anxiety | Virgil Sanders/Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders   Sanders Sides (Web Series)   1720   3917   M/M   White 66   N   Tyrannus Basilton "Baz" Pitch/Simon Snow   Carry On Series - Rainbow Rowell   1707   4803   M/M   Whi/POC 67=   -33   Kim Taehyung | V/Min Yoongi | Suga   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1651   7176   M/M   POC 67=   N   Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/My Unit | Byleth   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   1651   1651   Other   White 69   N   Michelle Jones/Peter Parker   Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)   1639   3692   F/M   Whi/POC 70   N   Michael Guerin/Alex Manes   Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019)   1635   2746   M/M   Whi/POC 71   28   Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto   Naruto   1625   7705   M/M   POC 72   N   Bakugou Katsuki/Uraraka Ochako   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1617   3776   F/M   POC 73   -30   James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1559   7456   M/M   White 74   -39   James "Bucky" Barnes/Reader   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1544   7724   Other   Whi/Amb 75   9   Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed   Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)   1534   3921   M/M   White 76   N   Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort   Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling   1511   6308   M/M   White 77   N   Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1505   3911   M/M   POC 78   N   Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson   Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan   1501   6017   F/M   White 79   N   Edelgard von Hresvelg/My Unit | Byleth   Fire Emblem: Three Houses   1495   1495   Other   White 80   N   Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester   Supernatural   1493   8791   Gen   White 81   N   Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1487   2200   Gen   POC 82   -37   Tony Stark/Stephen Strange   Marvel Cinematic Universe   1460   4912   M/M   White 83   N   Akechi Goro/Persona 5 Protagonist   Persona 5   1447   3285   M/M   POC 84   N   Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou   Haikyuu!!   1444   4932   M/M   POC 85   N   Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know   Stray Kids (Band)   1440   3091   M/M   POC 86   -33   Byun Baekhyun/Park Chanyeol   EXO (Band)   1431   6629   M/M   POC 87   -45   Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester   Supernatural   1416   27696   M/M   White 88   N   Leone Abbacchio/Bruno Buccellati   JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure   1415   2237   M/M   White 89   N   Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar   Lucifer (TV)   1413   4165   F/M   White 90   N   Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier   IT - Stephen King   1396   2268   Gen   White 91   N   Neil Josten/Andrew Minyard   All For The Game - Nora Sakavic   1392   4681   M/M   White 92   N   Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long   RWBY   1390   4358   F/F   POC 93   N   Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto   Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia   1378   2887   Gen   POC 94   N   Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader   Star Wars - All Media Types   1369   4112   F/M   White 95=   -8   Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin   Bangtan Boys | BTS   1365   4728   M/M   POC 95=   N   Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)   Avatar: The Last Airbender   1365   1828   M/M   POC 97   N   Lee Jeno/Na Jaemin   NCT (Band)   1360   3266   M/M   POC 98   N   Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier   X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies)   1333   14736   M/M   White 99   -72   Loki/Thor (Marvel)   Thor (Movies)   1330   12863   M/M   White 100   N   Logic | Logan Sanders/Morality | Patton Sanders   Sanders Sides (Web Series)   1327   3132   M/M   White
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A post Frozen II multichapter novel (created by @bigfrozenfan​ (writer) in close cooperation with HeinrichvSA (betareader))
Rating: M over all 🔞 Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply UPDATE 11/2023:  Choose Not to Use Archive Warnings (please see chapter overview) Category: Multi Fandom: Frozen Relationships: Anna/Elsa, Anna/Kristoff, Kristoff/Ryder, Mattias/Halima, Honeymaren/Elsa Characters: please see character list (LINK) Additional Tags: Family, Friendhip, Frohana, Angst, Drama, Frozen II AU, Dark AU, Frozen III, Elsamaren Language: English Stats: Words: 168K/?, Chapters: 48/52 or more Status: still in working process, story written and finished soon UPDATE 11/2023: now  378 K/? words and 76/x chapters, will be finished beginning of 2024 UPDATE 06/2024: 429 K words in 81 chapters incl. epilogue, finished Important note for new readers: many chapters have content for adults! I marked them in my chapter overview with 🔞
Introduction and credits
Summary: Elsa hadn't been in Arendelle for a while and Queen Anna is starting to worry about her. She decides to visit her sister at the Northuldra camp and makes a horrible discovery. Elsa was found half dead on the Dark Sea beach, deprived of all her powers and memories. No one knows what exactly happened and even the Northuldra themselves are shocked, because other disconcerting things are happening at the same time. The lives of everyone there are threatened, especially Anna and her sister are in mortal danger without knowing it. And also Arendelle itself faces an imminent danger, because the Northuldra have an old secret, of which hardly anyone knows. But there's an ancient prophecy that has to be found and without it there will be no hope.
The story takes place about one year after the unity scene in Frozen II. It's late summer/beginning of autumn.
I want to thank the following people for their help with my fanfic in the beginning: @fericita-s​ for beta reading the first two chapters back then, @the-spaztic-fantastic​ for the support and encouraging words in some longer posts, Athenagoddessofwar7 on reddit for his proofreading on chapter three. A special thanks goes to my friend HeinrichvSA on Twitter who is my English speaking proof- and betareader since chapter four. Since I write everything in my native language German first and only translate the story into English afterwards, he is the one who makes sure that the grammar and word and phrase choices are correct. I can say without understatement that he is the biggest fan of my story and our discussions on Twitter for over one year could fill entire books.
He has helped in the development of the plot of my story and often pointed out mistakes. The idea of using music videos to support the mood of the story came from him and he chose all the tracks. The conversation in the last paragraph of chapter 17 was his creation, and I just reworded it a bit with him together afterwards. Thanks a lot to @catastrofic-julia​ for her fanart she made for me voluntarily basis for the prologue because she likes my story so much. I love this fanart! Big thanks also to HARU (@ xlayers) on Patreon for the incredible good work, which HeinrichvSA commissioned for me!
Notes: All my chapters contain carefully selected music tracks. It's your own decision if you want to use them or not while reading. The purpose is to musically support the respective mood of the parts as well for the recreation of the story passages. If you can please use a browser for reading (not the Tumblr app) due to the text formatting.
It all started with an idea and a small 1.7K ficlet back then in May 2020 and some additional thoughts before, because I was convinced, and still I am, that Frozen II opened up many possibilities for a third movie. My story began with a rating T (Teen And Up Audiences) but soon it developed to a rating M (for Mature Audience). So be warned that some chapters contains violent and passionate scenes. The story is divided into four books.
Now I am about to restart the story with rewritten and edited the early chapters plus many additions, like music tracks, edits and commissioned fanart. In contrast to the rushed FII movie which happens during barely five days plus epilogue. My story spans over several weeks. All the characters in my story have been given their space to develop freely. In the process, many parallel storylines have emerged, but they always find each other again later.
For a better understanding and to get not lost I made some additional posts for you: a character list (LINK), a newly created map of Arendelle with all the locations (LINK) and a weekly growing overview of all written chapters so far, including word count and chapter titles with references (LINK).
If you want to be informed as soon I post a new chapter I can tag you in the coming posts and you never would miss what happens next! For the restart I created a new blog for a better reading experience with a special text formatting. This is unfortunately NOT displayed inside the Tumblr app, but in any browser on smartphones or tablets.
Follow me now on an epic journey during the following 52+ weeks with my Frozen III story. A new tale you never would have thought of, full of suspense, fear, love, courage, action and hate, as well as many surprising twists and turns!
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Tagging: Additional to the mentioned friends I want to tag a few of my fellow readers of the first chapters back then, which are @the-sky-is-awake​, @lovewillthaw-j​, @gigidisney​, @all-is-found​, @umadatalien​, @lelitachay​ and there are some more. I want to especially mention my new friends on the Agduna Discord server which know me there as agduna-central (AKA: AC) who also have a Tumblr account meanwhile: @catastrofic-julia​, @itsmecollington​, @karma26​, @king-ofarendelle​, @thedayirippedmypants​, @queen-iduna-of-arendelle​, @dewarnadalr​, @samanthaspixiedust​.
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a-stars-muse · 4 years
What’s up?! Requests are open!
Please only request x readers, cuz that’s all I’m doing right now. I’ll do any pronouns for the reader though. If you want a character that isn’t on my list, go ahead and ask me if I’ll write it. I might look into the fandom and start writing for that character! I also tend to stick to the story, but I’ll see what I can do. (Only writing for male characters at the moment, just so I can get back into writing)
I accept criticism, either in the comments of the story or in my dm’s, whichever you prefer. All I ask is that we respect each other’s opinions
This list is constantly being updated and changed by the way! Make sure to come back and check for updates
Bishop (Aliens movies)
David 8 (Aliens movies)
Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park)
Emmett Brown (Back to the Future)
Hans Gruber (Die Hard)
Simon Peter Gruber (Die Hard With a Vengeance)
Jareth (Labyrinth)
Ivo Robotnik (Sonic Live action)
Hannibal Lecter (Hannibal TV)
Phantom/Erik Destler (Phantom of the Opera 2004)
Leonard “Bones” McCoy (TOS & AOS)
James Tiberius Kirk (AOS)
Martin Blank (Grosse Pointe Blank)
Vladislaus Dracula (Van Helsing 2004)
Michael (The Good Place)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Wadsworth/Boddy (Clue)
Egon Spengler (Ghostbusters)
Daniel Atlas (Now You See Me)
Loki (Marvel)
Otto Octavius (Spider-Man)
Janson (The Maze Runner)
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher)
Nolan Sorrento (Ready Player One)
Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Lord Henry Blackwood (Sherlock Holmes)
Merlin (Kingsman)
Ardeth Bay (The Mummy)
Carlos Oliveria (Resident Evil)
Wheatley (Portal 2)
Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
Edward Nygma (Gotham)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things)
Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil 2021)
Sinister Strange (Marvel)
Silco (Arcane)
Viktor (Arcane)
Viggo Grimborn (How to Train Your Dragon: Race to the Edge)
Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Dan Turner (Archive 81)
Donald Na (Weak Hero)
Wolf Keum (Weak Hero)
Handsome Jack (Borderlands)
Rhys Strongfork (Borderlands)
Obake (Big Hero 6 series)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
Crowley (Supernatural)
No pregnancy
No yandere
No pedophilia
Nothing underaged
No incest
Adding more later on!
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strawwritesfic · 3 years
Harry Potter Challenge Prompts and Schedule
Feel free to ask for Harry Potter characters and/or types of readers you’d like to see! I’ll put them in when I find a prompt I like for it. Or you can request something like that for a specific prompt, but please be aware that I do these in order, so if you ask for something for prompt 80, you’re going to be waiting for awhile.
Please note that, until further notice, I am not writing any more one shots about adult Harry Potter characters comforting child readers of any age.
Current Challenge: “115 Words” by BonitaWolfSpirit on Lunaescence Archives.
20. Red [Charlie Weasley] 26. Images [Ron Weasley x Slytherin!Reader -- Part 2]* 33. Sleep [Severus Snape x Death Eater!Reader -- Part 4]* 45. Breathe [Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader -- Part 4]*
50. Freedom [Severus Snape x Death Eater!Reader -- End]* 51. Fight 52. Candle 53. Chalk 54. Sun 55. Clouds 56. Storm 57. Escape 58. Chase 59. Snow 60. Hopscotch 61. Jump-rope 62. Cheer 63. Hills 64. Grass 65. Rocks/Stones/Pebbles 66. Pond/Lake 67. Gone 68. Deceive 69. Childhood 70. Innocence 71. Leave 72. Give Up 73. Run 74. Cemetery 75. Grave 76. Flowers 77. Vase 78. Hold On 79. Thank You 80. Afraid/Unafraid 81. Truth 82. Can You Hear Me? 83. Feel 84. Safe 85. Comfort 86. Sweet 87. Dark 88. One Day 89. Light 90. Fragile 91. Spiral 92. Sunset 93. Twilight 94. Sunrise 95. End 96. Strength 97. Reason 98. Time 99. I Don’t Want It 100. Chance 101. Tear Apart 102. Sacrifice 103. Life 104. Frozen 105. Numb 106. All That I Got 107. Hate 108. Anger 109. Understand 110. Never Forget 111. Back Down 112. At What Cost? 113. Together 114. Unlimited 115. Trust Me
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sensitivityreaders · 4 years
sensitivity reader
name: darian
pronouns: they/them
age: 18+
reads for: i am white, queer (asexual, panromantic / omniromantic, butch, polyamorous, diamoric), nonbinary/trans (trans-neutral, tme), hard of hearing (asl signer with pulsatile tinnitus), disabled with chronic leg pain in both legs (i use mobility devices like my cane, crutches, and walker), neurodivergent: autistic (diagnosed/documented), psychotic (schizophrenia), c-ptsd, bpd, depression, and anxiety. i'm agnostic and don't really feel comfortable reading for and/or answering questions about faith. i am currently a volunteer (unpaid) sensitivity reader with regards to queer and disabled characters/stories and language used to describe queer and disabled people in stories (including works of nonfiction)
sensitivity reading:
general questions and discussion: yes in-depth discussion of plots and characters: yes partial read (relevant sections): yes full read: yes
willing to read: original work, fanfiction (the adventure zone, star wars, archive 81, the penumbra podcast, the magnus archives, hunter x hunter, naruto, fullmetal alchemist, soul eater, and other podcast/anime fandoms), erotica/nsfw/explicit scenes
unwilling to read: available upon request
rates: free but tips via ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/dairydraws) of $3 (usd) or more are, though optional, greatly appreciated
contact: @starblaster​, robot rights activist#8368 (discord), [email protected]
additional notes: i am a very busy person and a writer, myself, so i only ask for patience in getting back to individuals about their writing projects!
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ask-the-layers · 4 years
Master post for like, rules and characters!
(It's quite long)
- i do not accept nsfw questions for the tiny gang under any circumstances
- Rp is allowed and even encouraged ! But please if it doesn't go your way dont get mad and lets work it out in dms !
- If you are less than 18 it's fine, I'll tag everything apropriately, the rest is at your charge
- This blog is LGBTQ+ friendly, assume every character is bisexual to start with and are all asexual to a certain degree
-All these characters are self insert, so I'm sorry for the lack of inclusivity when it comes to impaired people, poc, or body types. I just think it'd be weird as a white guy to make a self insert that's not my skin color or suffer from smthg i know nothing about
The characters you can interact with ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Tiny gang (under 18) 35/89
Carillon (layer #0 any world)
Clover/ Myrrh Zogratis (layer #6 Black Clover)
Far/Marie Seed (layer #8 Fc5)
Shynnie/ Margot Lumin (layer #10 Radiant)
Dolly/Kira (layer #12 Dolly Kill Kill)
Stud/Julia (layer #14 Assassination Classroom)
Sni/Evelyn Barrow (layer #15 Hogwarts Mysteries)
Blue/Kamilia Light (layer #20 Blue Exorcist)*
Alch/Dalia Mustang (layer #23 FMAB)
Wat/Amy (layer #24 Overwatch)
Tah/Lallys (layer #31 Witch Hat Atelier)
Ùll (layer #34 Helsing Ultimate)
Ava (layer #37 ATLA)
Isch (layer #42 God Of Highschool)
Myr (layer #46 La passe miroir)
Bas Soma (layer #48 Fruit Basket)
Ise Heisenberg (layer #50bis RE8)
Iruko Romm (layer #52 Mieruko chan)
Elzy/Nemuri Kanzaki (layer #53 Beelzebub)
Tem (layer #56 Team Fortress)
Ress (layer #56 bis)
Pako Mcgraw (layer #61 Oksa Polock)
Dee (layer #64 The walking dead)*
Aby Soma (layer #66 Gakuen Babysitter)
Sham (layer #69 Shaman King)
Bale (layer #70 Bleach)
Lif (layer #71 Fantasy Life)
Pine (layer #73 Perfect Crime)
Oden Agriche (layer #74 The way to save the female lead's older brother)
Nina (layer #78 Saint Seiya)*
Theva (layer #80 Ever Oasis)
Dan (layer #81 Danganronpa)
Sonia Allen (layer #82 Professor Layton)
Lou (layer #83 Tokyo Ghoul)
Tear (Layer #84 Kingdom Hearts)
Tanya Archangelo (layer #86 Gangsta)
Ellie/Eli (layers #87 Pokemon)
Amber (layer #88 Ember Knight)
Misty (layer #90 The Misterious cities of gold)
Fanny (layer #91 Spy x Family)
----- layer #94 The Owl House----
Petra Jung (layer #98 Omniscient Reader Viewpoint)
The adults/young adults 54/89
Léanne Lenoir (layer #99 ATSV)
Cob Volaju (layer #102 Cowboy Bebop)
Ollie (layer #103 Percy Jackson)
Zain (layer #104 Hazbin Hotel)
Hugo (layer #105 Dungeon Meshi)
First/Alice Meyer (layer #1)
Sass/Kelly Miles (layer #2 assassin's creed)
Helpy/Dilthen Lòth Greenleaf (layer #3 TLOTR/The hobbit)*
Pandora Baskerville (layer #4 Pandora Hearts)
Rain/Lilia Barnes (layer #4 MCU)*
Cry/Camille (layer #7 Fc5)
Ghost (layer 8bis)
Detroit/Clarice Anderson(layer #9 D:BH)
Wanda Grindewald (layer #11 Harry Potter)*
Rim (layer #13 Skyrim)
Blay Kavar (layer #13 bis Oblivion)*
Games/Lyssia Stark (layer #16 GoT)*
Seas/Galia (layer #17 Story Of Season)
Hero/Kiho Aizawa (layer #18 BNHA)
Shin/Axel (layer #19 Black Butler)
Icy/Torvi (layer #21 God of War)
Mons (layer #22 Undertale)
Vic (layer #25 VampYr)
//Layilus layer #26 undertale au//
Dun (layer #27 D&D)
Red/Læticia Mildred Sinclair (layer #28 Red dead Redemption)*
Odd/Aude (layer #29 American Gods)
West (layer #30 WestWorld)
Nat (layer #32 Supernatural)*
Nev (layer #33 The Promised Neverland)
Cas (layer #35 Castlevania the show)
Lev (layer #36 Solo Leveling)
Serk (layer #38 Berserk)
Ven (layer #39 Seven Deadly Sins)
Ary (layer #40 Marie's Grave)
Etho (layer #41 Sweet Home)
Pwetty/Célemence Monaghan (layer #43 Death Stranding)
Erf (layer #44 The Witcher)
Orwho (layer #45 Doctor Who)
Hunter (layer #47 HxH)
Edi/Lacie Afton (layer #49 FNaF)*
Evi/Fey (layer #50 Resident Evil)
Cana Morgasdotir (layer #51 The Arcana visual novel)
Eym Marian ( layer #54 D-Grey Man)
Rea (Layer #55 Great Priest Imophtept)
Mag (layer #57 The Magnus Archives)
Easter (Layer #58 I'm The Grim Reaper)
Deam (Layer #59 Ava's Demons)
Cath (Layer #60 Call of Cthlhu)
Noce (Layer#62 The second coming of Gluttony)
Neo Dracule (Layer#63 One Piece)*
Ace Armando (layer #65 Ace Attorney)
Juju Sukuna (layer #67 Jujutsu Kaisen)*
Van Em Moire (layer #68 The case study of Vanitas)
Tai (layer #69 bis, worldless)
Sai (layer #72 Doctor Stone)
Echo (layer #75 Records of Ragnarock)
Marcie Lombardie (layer #76 I'll be the matriatch in this life)
Dia (layer #77 Tomb Raider King)
Tally (layer #79 Fairy Tail)
Taka (layer #85 SNK)
Durian of the Sand (layer #89 Naruto)
Fuka (layer #92 Wakfu)
Amaris (layer #93 Candy Love)
Syllas (layer #95 Style Boutique)
Mashi (layer #96 Chainsaw Man)
Mother, the creator
Azurre (layer #97 Star Wars)*
Caïn (layer #101 Winx Club)
Even More !!
Slayer, the annoying 'uncle'
Helg Odinson (God of War oc)
Mun - Me !
* these layers have alternates. If not specified, i'll assume you're talking to the main one
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bobbiejelly · 4 years
Link to the list itself, on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25033117/chapters/60630871
 Author’s Note:
Wait, but this isn’t the next chapter of the story, is it!?
Umm, no, not yet. Apologies.
That was all just a teaser for this.
But more on that in the final author’s notes.
Enjoy this!
    An Ongoing Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery Fanfiction Location List  
  This is a list so far of places to find MerAdd & meddison content. Contribute in the comments if you know of more. Thanks!
 Chapter 1: July 2, 2020, so far!
  Thank you to many other authors/readers who have made this all possible!
 In no particular order…
Ao3, Archive Of Our Own:
 Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery, sexual/romantic/more tag:
 Meredith Grey & Addison Montgomery, platonic tag:
 Addison Montgomery, Meredith Grey in Grey’s Anatomy, filtered to include both characters and all ratings.
 [Addison Montgomery + Meredith Grey], in Grey’s Anatomy, filtered to include both characters as a pairing with all ratings, and to exclude MerDer as a pairing:
 Meddison community:
 MerAdd tag:
 Meddison tag:
 Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery tag:
 GA-Fanfic with the Meredith/Addison shipper, from the most recent:
 GA-Fanfic with the Meredith/Addison shipper, from the oldest:
pp-fic with the Meredith/Addison shipper:
 Grey’s Girlslash (they don’t have ship tags yet so this is a whole lot of everything):
 Grey’s 100 (also no ship tags, so good luck…):
 Okay, so I really didn’t want to shout out individual authors but I don’t know how to navigate this site better than that… So here are a few that I know.
 Meddison tag:
 MerAdd tag:
 Meredith x Addison tag:
 Addison x Meredith tag:
 Umm, so if you use the search bar it’s pretty easy to DIY and you can save tags as favorites, so I’ll leave you all to that one on your own now…
 Search Tag: Addison Montgomery
 There’s a MerAdd work on there in Russian I swear.
 Or just search it yourself in indexed searching through ficbook fanfiction:
   Ralst/Passion & Perfection:
 All the GA stories are here, all F/F parirings, and there are a bunch of MerAdds, notably “The Domino Effect” by The Raven.
   Realm Of The Shadow:
 Umm, okay so there’s actually no current Grey’s Anatomy fanfiction on here heads up. 
But there could be someday, or maybe you like another fandom too, so here goes:
 Searched tag, MerAdd:
 Searched tag, Meddison:
 Searched tag, Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery:
 Okay, so as this is similar to Tumblr, I’m gonna leave you to your own searching now.
 Okay, so that’s all I got for the moment!
 It took me over a year to learn all the intricacies of all these sites and I still have not mastered any, much less all, of them and I’m sure there are more.
 Shoutout in particular to LordOfLezzies and waltzmatildah who I specifically have asked for more sources of MerAdd fanfiction, and whom have been able to help me out over the past little while, and also LarisUSB, Luthorslena, for the Twitter hashtag tweets and ThatWinchesterGirl for some Tumblr chats. Plus a whole bunch of other fanfic authors/writers/comments who have made my day recently! There would be eons of shoutout but I just don’t want to leave people out. So there you have it. If you were tagged in this on Ao3, you’ve personally gotten me into Grey’s/PP femslash and I thank you for that.
 So, dear readers, I hope that was semi-helpful and maybe you learned something!
 If you have more sources please cite them in the comments it would be appreciated!
Potentially more of the “   Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery: A Learning Library” story to come, and potentially also an interview AMA with yours truly, bobbiejelly, in another chapter if you’re interested in that.
 See you around in the comments, folks!
  Have a good one,
Also, yeah I'm still working at Lost & Found , Bubble , and Falling Apart, Barely Breathing, albeit extremely slowly. Oops!
  Okay, pps. If you wanted more from me in particular, bobbiejelly, here's my current list of places to read my fanfictions:
 Hello from bobbiejelly :D.
MerAdd. meddison. F/F. Grey's Anatomy Fan !!! Writing mostly for Meredith Grey/Addison Montgomery on Grey's Anatomy & Private Practice, as well as Station 19. Have also written for: Killing Eve, Orange Is The New Black, 13 Reasons Why & Weeds. Taking Prompt Requests :)
 Ao3: bobbiejelly
 Wattpad: Bobbiejelly https://www.wattpad.com/user/Bobbiejelly
 Fanfiction. net: bobbiejelly https://www.fanfiction.net/u/7410749/
 Tumblr: bobbiejelly https://bobbiejelly.tumblr.com/
 LiveJournal: bobbiejelly https://bobbiejelly.livejournal.com/profile
 Dreamwidth: bobbiejelly https://bobbiejelly.dreamwidth.org/
 Twitter: bobbiejelly1 https://twitter.com/bobbiejelly1
 Ficbook: bobbiejelly1 https://ficbook.net/authors/4474694
  Alright, well, that's it for now folks!
 As a special request, please if you want to participte, post your 6 of favorite fanfictions in the comments, with an example of the following! Feel free to overlap or not. Or just post as little or as many MerAdd fanfictions as you want so we all feel the meddison joy. The only restriction is that the fanfiction has to actually contain Meredith Grey and Addison Montgomery...
 1. Your favorite "Recent" fanfiction (ie. in the past little while, and the author is still active probly):
 2. Your favorite "Legacy" fanfiction (ie. from any time period especially if you think it's one of those WIP's that will never ever be updated or maybe it's complete):
 3. One of your "Best of All Time's" (ie. if you high-key might have a favorite, or maybe even just a favorite author):
 4. A shoutout because you want to congratulate the author (ie. because we all like to do that!)
 5. If you have any, and if you want to, shamelessly promote your favorite of your own Meredith/Addison works. Because we all wanna read that. And it's fun to see what the author's actual favorite is!
 6. A rare find other people might not have seen yet.
 Have fun with that I can't wait! Another rule is no bashing other people's choices! You can say thanks and chat about favorites all you want, but I don't want this to be about competition or harsh feelings or about complains. We want this to be great!
  Here's bobbiejelly's first crack at it, but I might DIY this again and again in the comments :D.
 1. Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now, by lespians, on Ao3
 2. Sex & Caring in Seattle, by Bluefall, on Ao3:
 3. MerAdd One-Shots by LezBeDaizy, on Wattpad:
 4. A Lot Can Happen In A City, by iamkellylouise, on Fanfiction:
 5. Falling Apart, Barely Breathing, bobbiejelly, on Ao3, Fanfiction, & Wattpad, and first chapter on LiveJournal & Dreamwidth & Tumblr:
 6. Not What You Came Here For, by flipflop_diva, for safertohateher, on LiveJournal
  See you all in the comments!
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dragon-chica · 2 years
Hello! I write fanfic and rescue cats, feel free to ask about either!
I have no masterlist, but everything is tagged (character) x reader, I have some random fics but I have written X-Men, Marvel, Z Nation, Hellboy, Wednesday and Michael Langdon.
Currently writing for!
Critical Role (Campaigns 2 & 3)
Tales from the Gas Station
Archive 81 (podcast)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Batboys (Back on my bullshit)
Teen Wolf
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus (I am planning to reread)
I accept headcanon and preference (one scenario with multiple characters) requests!
If you like my content and feel like leaving a tip or buy any supplies off my amazon wishlist, it would be greatly appreciated, any money will go to caring for rescue cats.
I take in, nurse back to health, and rehome abandoned cats and kittens frequently, I post about them occasionally and am always open to any questions or giving updates!
Many times shelters wont accept animals because "they're full" or preparing/in "kitten season" which in the end means "tough luck, find someone else (or let them die)"
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