#Araris Valerian
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nervousnighttragdies · 1 year ago
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And now she can fight sharks and taste sound
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friendly-books · 18 days ago
Furies of Calderon
“She leaned in closer to him and the boy felt her slender body mold against his, soft and flower-scented and delightful,” Someone needs to calm down Tavi definitely a teenage boy
“Crows, no I wouldn’t dream of it, academ.” pg. 4 Ok so what I’m getting is ‘crow’ is some kind of god and I’m going to have to pull up translation for Latin
“No,” Fidelias said with a grin. “I love telling that story because I know you hate it.” pg. 4  Ha
“Now, then. My first concern-“
“Question” Amara corrected.
“Question,’ he allowed, ‘is with our cover story.” pg. 4 Ha
“Don’t quote the Codez at me,” Fidelias snapped, annoyed. “I was a Cursor before your mother and father had called their furies.” pg. 6 Ok there’s a codex and a position(?) called cursor and something called furies
“My slave, good master,” pg. 9 Ew slavery 
“Any furycrafter strong enough to be a Knight could command virtually what price he wished for his services.” pg. 10 Ok so a furycrafter is a person who can control furies
“To leave a pretty young girl in a camp full of soldiers.” pg. 14 shudders
“The collar around her neck, even on its smallest sizing, hung loosely.” pg. 14 Boo collar
Amara is terrible at pretending to be a slave
“The last thing she saw was the beautiful watercrafter” pg. 19
“I think this can be safely be considered a failing mark in your graduation exercise.” pg. 21 Ha
“She tried again. And again. Her wind fury never responded. “The dirt,” she said, finally, and closed her eyes. “Earth to counter air. Cirrus can’t hear me.” pg. 21 Ok learning more about the magic system. Earth counters Water
Did the rebels kill Fidelias?
“Traitor,” pg. 26 Oh Fidelias is a traitor
“You pinked me. No one’s done that since Araris Valerian .” He smiled then, wolfish show of teeth. “But you aren’t Araris Valerian.” pg. 32 Ok so Araris is was? a great swordsman
Oh you can use wind crafting to fly cool!
“You’re a fifteen-year-old boy, Tavi. There’s always a girl.” pg. 38 Ha
“It’s not as bad as you think, Tavi. Furies aren’t everything.”
“Says the man with two of them,” pg. 39 Ok so people can have more than one fury
So Tavi either doesn’t have any fury crafting, is a late bloomer, or there’s some shenanigans happening here
“I need to be back before the other Steadholders arrive.” pg. 39 What are steadholders
“He come into any furies yet, or are you finally going to admit what an unless little freak.” pg. 43 Rude
“Rape is a realm offense,” pg. 44 Good that rape is realm offense
“What have you learned this morning?”
“That woman are trouble, sir”
“Oh, lad. That’s about half of the truth.”
“What’s the other half?”
“You want them anyway,” pg. 47 Ha
“Isana looked up from her scrying bowl with a faintly irritated frown.” pg. 48 Ok watercrafters can scry
“Holly bells don’t just miraculously appear, and you know the law about harvesting them.” pg. 51 Why are holly bells important and why is there a law?
Ok so water crafters can tell if a person is lying
Thirty-seven years old, and she was alone. No suitors, naturally.” pg. 53 Thirty seven isn’t that old Isana can get whoever she wants
“All I’m saying,” Kord drawled, “is that if that little slut of yours can’t keep her legs together and men out from between them, it’s your problem, friend. Not mine.” pg. 56 Can I punch Kord
“Well, well,” he said. “What we got here? Another little hold whore standing up for whore Heddy?” pg. 58 Kord is the worst
“Your word Warner,” Isana snapped. “Or I’ll rule against you in the truthfind right here and now.” pg. 59 She wouldn’t right?
Why does Isana have a slave?
“He had a broad, strong build and a face that would have be handsome if it had been less petulant.” pg. 62 Oh time to make my favorite counter, Bi Tavi moment 1
“Bernard’s voice took on a sharp edge of anger and command that Tavi had never heard in his uncle before.” pg. 66 Oh no
Scary bird creature
“There aren’t any Marat in the Calderon Valley, Uncle. The Legions keep them out.” pg. 71 More lore
“He had tied dark feathers into his hair, here and there, and they lent him a savage aspect.” pg. 75 This feels a little xenophobic
“His eyes, Tavi saw, were precisely the same shade of gold as the herdbane’s, inhuman and bright.” pg. 75 Intresting
“Tavi ran for his life.” pg. 78 Oh no
“the river Gaul” pg. 79 I wish I had a map
“Gaius Caria, wife to Gaius Sextus, Alera’s First Lord, seemed young, hardly older than Amara herself.” pg. 81 Is this the first lords first wife?
Why doesn’t Caria want Amara to talk to the first lord?
“Please excuse the First Lady,’ Gaius murmured. “These last three years have not been kind to her.”
Three years since she married you, my lord, Amara thought” pg. 84 Ha
“An old man. An old man married to a willful and politically convenient child.” pg. 86 Ah
“What they taught at the Academy” pg. 87 Cool that the academy is gender equal
“And it was where the Marat killed your son, milord.” pg. 88 Interesting so the heir to the kingdom was killed fifteen years ago and Tavi is fifteen and it’s in the same place I’ve connected the dots! (Mostly joking)
“Fidelias hated flying” pg. 91 Too bad flying sounds cool
“He could have turned over power to a nominal heir a decade ago,” pg. 93 What’s a nominal heir
“His love was for Alara” pg. 94 Paternal right?
“Fidelias had been forced to this
It was necessary.
It had to be done.” pg. 95 No it’s not necessary no one forced you
“Gargoyles?’ he breathed. “All of them?” pg. 98 Oh interesting
“The only man who has ever matched me in battle was Araris Valerian himself.” Teeth shone white in Aldrick’s smile. “And you aren’t Araris.” pg. 109 Cool and again with Araris Valerian what happened to him?
“At dawn, you leave for the Calderon Valley.” pg. 111 Party at Calderon Valley it seems
“No slave in her right mind would have been anything less than anxious in that room.” pg. 112 I hope there’s a slave revolt
Slives are scary
“Tavi let out a panicked scream, his light baritone cracking into a child’s higher pitch as he did.” pg. 116 Shouldn’t Tavi have gone through puberty already or at least started puberty by this point
“Salt?” she shouted, through the storm. “You have salt?” pg. 119 How would salt help?
Bittan is the worst
“Bittan was working a firecrafting on the room, sending out a subtle apprehension to almost every person in it heightening their fears and drawing their anxieties to the forefront of their thoughts.” pg. 132 Oh no
“Isana lifted her head, eyes sweeping around in a sudden panic. She struggled to speak, but couldn’t, her throat unable to expel a breath- or, she realized a moment later, to draw it in.” pg. 132 Oh no
“Your brother. He’s gone.” pg. 139 Oh no I liked him :(
“His face was thin-feathered, stark, handsome, and his expression peaceful, sleeping.” pg. 146 Bi Tavi 2
“This is the mound on the Field of Tears. The Princeps died here, fighting the Marat, before I was born.” pg. 147 Ah this is where the heir died
Yay Bernard is alive!
“when she drew her hand out she saw the mud dappled with bright scarlet.” pg. 158 Oh no that’ll led to infection
“Marat? The savages hadn’t given the Realm any trouble since the incident on this very site, fifteen or sixteen years ago.” pg.  Characters keep mentioning this event
“No. Too coincidental for mere chance. Something larger is underway.” pg.  Something is a foot
“But Marat didn’t often take more than one beast as . . . what sufficed to describe the term? Mate? Companion? Blood-sibling? She shook her head with a sliver. The savages’ ways were still alien to her, something fantastic from a tale rather than the businesslike  reality she had learned from classes in the Academy.”  Xenophobia is rampant. I hope the Marat don’t actually mate with their beasts please just be xenophobic lies and propaganda.
“But what would a Marat hoardmaster be doing in the Calderon Valley?
Invading” pg.  Or they could be running away from someone or something or maybe they want to live here now I’m just saying there are other reasons the Marat could be here
“The boy had courage, even if he lacked some more life-perspectiving common sense.” pg. Ha and I see a pattern with Butcher protagonists
“Something else tugged at her attention, but she pushed it firmly away.” pg. No don’t, listen to your instincts
“Someone’s grumpy boy this morning.” pg.  Ha
“Then the Marat turned toward Fidelias with his face set in a flat, murderous rage and flung himself at the former Cursor.” pg. 179 Oh no
“And that’s what happened,” Tavi said. “It all started with that one little lie. And all I wanted to do was to get those sheep back.” pg. 187 Well I’d say it all started when you went and got those holly bells
“Or you could be a Cursor.”
Tavi wrinkled up his nose and snorted. “And spend my life delivering mail? How exciting could that be?” I’m going to take a truly wild guess that Tavi ends up as a Cursor truly a crack pot theory
“She kissed me, and my brain melted and dribbled out of my ears.” Ha
“But if you are a runaway, and I don’t do something about it, the law could come back and hurt my uncle.” Boo
“Even when he’d given Tavi a whipping” What
“He had lost his uncle’s respect” Oh no :(
“If the wounds were as serious as the boy had described, it would have taken an extremely talented watercrafter to have had Bernard on his feet again, and Amara didn’t think that anyone that skilled would live so far from one of the major cities of the Realm.” Maybe Isana doesn't like city life, maybe she’s hiding out, maybe her family lived here, there are options to consider
“Imprisonment, blinding, and crucitfition were some of the gentler sentences she could expect from such a trial.” Fun :/
“Not as bad as it could be. You used crafting to keep your foot warm.” Can slaves use fury’s?
I think Amara is attracted to Bernard and is in denial
Amara might get more info if she told Bernard who she actually was
“Apparently you fell along the blade of a sharp sword.” Not your greatest lie there Amara
“That’s right, Steadholder,” said Fidelias” Oh no
“I remember setting out with him yesterday, but beyond that. . . nothing” Oh memory loss
“Without changing his expression, he moved a bit more to block her view with his body” Ha
“It’s happening isn’t it” Oh
“What about Tavi? He should know.”
She shook her head. “No. Now more than ever, no. He doesn’t need that on his head.” Oh secrets
“To say nothing of other reasons” pg. What?? I want to know
“Bernard lived simply: He had, ever since Cassea the girls had died.” pg. So Bernard is a widower and lost his kids :(
“The slippers had been a birthday gift for Cassea.” pg. Ohh
“Have you come for the boy?” Asked Isana asked. “Are you here to take him?” pg. Why would anyone take Tavi?
“Keep a cup in your hands, and drink in the cup. I’ll hear.” pg. Clever
“Fidelias watched him and waited until the Stealholder had left the hall to glance at the staircase himself. Interesting.” pg. Stop being smart
“He’s furyless, sir.” pg. Beritte you don’t go around telling people that
Why is Isana washing Fidelias feet? Watercrafting?
“Kill them” pg. Oh no
“But you’re a girl.” pg. So girls can be Cursors too
“I faked passing out and I listened in on all the talk up here.” pg. That worked?!
Oh come on let Fade come it’ll be a road trip
Nice use of the horses panic
“Tavi,” Isana screamed. “Tavi, run! Run!” pg.  Oh no
“Fade’s expression barely moved but Tavi thought he detected a sense of deep, slow pain there nonetheless.” pg. 247 Poor Fade
“Bitten of Kordbolt” pg. 249 Ugh to this guy. Can Tavi stab him? Please
Oh no Fade :(
“an ugly smile twisting his handsome face” pg. 249 Bi Tavi 3
“Didn’t figure they’d send the freak and the idiot.” pg. 249 Rude
“Maybe that bitch died trying to save to him.” pg. 250 Rude
“realized that it was very probable that she was about to die.” pg. I hope Amara doesn’t die I like her
“Amara looked down to find the arrow’s shaft wrapped around her wrist” pg. 255 Oh no
“Where is the boy? Bernard snarled. “If you’ve hurt that boy, I’ll kill you.” pg. 255 Papa wolf Bernard
“Air and fire-“
“Fire” Amara blurted” pg. 260 I take fire crafters are dangerous
Cool fight between Kord and Bernard
Bitten starting a forest fire what would smoky the bear say
“You leave him alone!” pg. Yes protect Fade
“Tavi saw his uncle draw back his fist and ram it hard into Kord’s neck” pg. Let’s go!
Nice job using your emotions to get the better of the water witch (I forget her name)
“One hand seized the woman by her hair, and the other raked abruptly across her face.” pg. 269 Go Isana!
“My river” pg. 269 So cool!
“You barren witch” pg. 269 Bitten is so rude
“Get through the woods” pg. 269 Aren’t they currently on fire?!
“She leaned into him and pressed a kiss against his forehead. “I’m sorry, Tavi, so sorry.  There’s no time for questions now. You must trust me. I love you.”
“I love you too.” pg. 270 Aww
“Without expression, the tallest of the Marat stepped closer. He put his foot on Tavi’s shoulder and rested the tip of his spear against the hollow of Tavi’s throat.” pg. 274 Oh no
“Clever, getting his shoes like that. She been planning on the boy running, and on hampering pursuit.” Smart
“They did, in rapid order, proving more than anything else that the flood had been a deliberate crafting rather than a natural event.” pg.  Isana is so cool and powerful
“Turns into the Wax Forest” pg. 278 What? Surely it’s not an actual wax forest
“We’ve lost the horses in the flood” pg. 280 Oh no the poor horses :(
“Do you own many slaves?”
Bernard shook his head. ‘I used to buy them sometimes, give them the chance to earn their freedom. Lot of the families on the steadholt started that way.” pg. 285 Boo
“He moved then, his hand sliding from her shoulder. He stretched out on his side, his chest against her shoulders, so that she lay between him and the fire. “Lay back against me,” he said, quiet. “Just until you get warm.” pg. 286 Cuddling!
“she felt herself arch into the kiss, slow and sweet. He kissed her back, gently, but she could feel the faint traces of heat in it, feel the way his mouth pushed hungrily at hers, and it made her heart race even more swiftly.” pg. 287 Yay!
“I’m not going to take advantage of that.” pg.  Good
“Crows. The cawing crows. The cawing of thousands of crows.” pg. Oh no
“She was prisoner at Kord’s steadholt.” Oh no
Odiana’s backstory is terrible :(
“Being captured, Tavi thought, was a twofold evil.  It was both uncomfortable and boring.” Ha
Oh good Fade is ok
“Fade stared vacantly for a moment and then frowned. “Marat eat Alerans.” Surely they don’t actually eat people
“Maybe they like hot dinner,” Fade said, darkly. “Raw dinner.”
Tavi stared at him for a minute. “That’s enough help, Fade.” Ha
“You are the enemy of Marat, and we will partake of your strength.”
Fade whimpered in his throat and clutched at Tavi’s arm hard enough to make it go numb.
“You mean,” Tavi asked, after a moment’s silence, “that you’re going to eat us” What they actually eat people?! I thought that was just xenophobic and propaganda
“To Tavi’s astonishment, the women wore nothing more than the men, and lean, muscular legs, naked, strong shoulders and arms, and other things a proper Aleran boy was not supposed to see (but wanted to anyway)” Ha
“Quiet Tavi,” Fade whispered back. “Do not move.” Listen to Fade
“Valleyboy, you have agreed to a Trial of Wits with Kitai. The victor in the trial will be considered to hold the favor of The One on the question you raised.” At least it’s a trial of wits
“Tavi,” Fade said. “You must not do this. Let me face the trial.”
Tavi blinked. “Uh. Fade. It’s a Trial of Wits, remember? Fade shook his head. “Valley of Trees. Remember that.” The boy frowned, turning to Fade. “What do you remember?”
“It is what the Marat call the Wax Forest.” Fade looked past Tavi to the retreating Hashat, his scarred face haunted. “One of you will surely die.” pg. 322 Cheery and why am I getting the vibe that Fade is smarter than what he lets on? And again I ask surely it’s not an actual wax forest made of actual wax right?
“Fidelias blinked. “My. So you’re off to warn Garrison of trouble?” pg. 325 Oh no
“You’re about my height, aren’t you?” pg. 326 Oh no
“Aldrick wiped the blood from his blade and said, “You could at least wait until he’s dead.” pg. 326 Boo
“I’m not sure that was necessary,” pg. 326 It wasn’t necessary :(
“Kord forced Isana to watch what they did to Odiana.” pg. 327 KORD CAN GO DIE >:( he better die by the end of the book
“She’s a woman, Kord. A person. She’s not an animal to be broken.” pg. 327 Facts!
“He struck her with a closed fist.” pg. 328 Hiss
Aric you can do better than this family
“Odiana’s expression changed. The hardness vanished from her eyes, and her mouth dropped open in an expression of something close to horror.” pg. 330 Oh no why what is it?
“It’s called a discipline collar,” pg. 331 That doesn’t sound good
“The way he’s left her, anyone can tell her anything and she’ll keep feeling good as long as she does it. She tries to resist and she’ll . . .  and it will hurt her.”
“That’s inhumane” pg. 336 That’s horrible
“It wasn’t Bitten that was with Heddy. It was you, Aric.”
He didn’t look at her. He didn’t speak.
“It was you. That’s why she was trying to draw her father back from juri macto with yours. She wasn’t raped.” pg. 337 Ohhh
“I wouldn’t leave any woman here, Aric” pg. 338 Good
“That’s right. And so is my brother. Bernard will call him to juris macto.” And he’ll win, too.” pg. 338 Is Isana not a Citizen? Can she call a juris macto? I think she could win.
“His partner leered. “I suppose we could always take off those breeches and find out.” pg. 344 Ew
“Bernard’s face flushed. “They might be spoiled cities boys, but they’re Legion, by the furies. They should treat women with more respect.” pg. 345 Preach
“Amara smiled, but didn’t say anything. Bernard flushed even brighter and coughed, looking away.” pg. 345 Ha
“She almost didn’t see through the veil.” pg. 351 Oh
“He went down at once, without so much as a cry or a gasp of pain, and lay still.” pg. 353 Oh no
“Arrest these two and take them to the cells on charges of murder and treason against the Crown!” pg. 354 Oh no
“Snow’s starting up again.” pg. 359 Why is this important? Is the roof going to collapse? Can Isana use the snow? Is the snow going to cool down the smokehouse? Can they drink the snow? Will they melt the snow into water?
“Water” pg. 361 Yes!
“I had a family. My mother and my father. My older brother and two younger sisters. Gaius Sextus destroyed them.” pg. 370 Oh no
“You’re eating them alive?” demanded Aldrick
“Pure,” corrected Aldrick.” pg. 373 Ahhh creepy
“The girl looked around, frantic, her eyes red with tears, body shaking in the cold, her lips blue. “Please,” she gasped, toward Fidelias. “Please, sir. Pleas help me.” pg. 373 Poor girl
“Then he broke her neck.” pg. 375 :(
“Kitai. Your son.” pg. 379 Did I miss something I don’t remember anyone saying if Kitai had a gender or not
“From the ones you call the Icemen.” pg. 384 There are Icemen?
“Fade’s eyes glittered with something like good humor, and ruffled Tavi’s hair with one hand. “Tavi smart. There. Bag of tricks. Be smart, Tavi. Important.” pg. 385 Aww
“Tavi stared up at him in confusion. Until the other boy drew his knife, reached across to the rope that held Tavi thirty feet over the floor of the bizarre forest below and, with an answering smile, used the dark, glassy knife to begin swiftly slicing through Tavi’s rope.” pg. 387 Oh no
“A wax spider. A Keeper of Silence.” pg. 394 Horrifying
“Tavi felt the understanding between them without words needing to be said: truce.” pg. 395 Good
“I am not a child,” Tavi hissed furiously. “I’m older than you. What are you, twelve years old? Thirteen?”
Kitai narrowed his eyes “fifteen” pg. 396 Oh they’re the same age
“Where had Fade got something like that? Tavi wondered. Why had the slave had this pack stored with such efficiency inside his chambers, presumably ready to go at a moment’s notice? He had returned with the pack so quickly that he could not have packed it. It had to been ready to go.” pg. 397 Interesting
“Fire leapt up from the depression in the croach, as high as Tavi’s chest.” pg. 401 Now Tavi is starting a forest fire. Smoky the bear would be disappointed
“You’re a girl.” pg. 402 Ohhh
“I don’t want to lead a girl into that kind of danger.”
The Marat girl scowled. “As if I am any less able to defeat you now than a few moments ago.”
Tavi shook his head, “No, no, it isn’t that.”
“Then what is it?”
He shrugged beneath the blanket. “I can’t explain it. We just - we don’t treat our women the same way we treat our men.”
“That’s stupid” pg. 404 Preach!
“By the One yes, That was his plan all along.” pg. 406 Doroga is smart and yay teamwork
“And the shadowy shape within the mound abruptly shuddered. And moved.” pg. 412 Creepy
“Fire leapt up from the tree in a blaze.” pg. 413 MORE FOREST FIRE! At this rate they’re going to burden down the whole wax forest
“Kitai had saved his life.
She had trusted his plan to get them both out of the chasm alive.
He was the only one who could help her.
Tavi let go of the rope.” pg. 415 LET’S GO!!!
“Oh crows, Tavi thought. It knows. It knows I’m going for the ropes.” pg. Oh no 417
Doroga is strong threw that boulder
Kitai better not die
“It took Tavi a frozen, endless moment to separate the beating of his own heart, the rush of blood in his own ears, from hers. They  beat together, perfectly in time.” pg. 420 Cool
“Oh no,” Kitai whispered” pg.  420 Why what’s wrong?
“Y-you…you crafted on me.
“I know,” Bernard said, face flushing bright red. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.”
“You earthcrafted me.”
“I’m sorry” pg. 430 So can earthcrafters induce lust?
“Bernard,” said Harger cheerfully. “I was just asking Pluvus here if we shouldn’t let you out and he said yes’” Harger seized Pluvus’s hair and vigorously rocked his head back and forth. “See? The boy can’t handle his drink, I’m afraid.” pg. 432 Ha
“I’m counting how many ways I’ll be executed, Your Ladyship.” pg. 436 Ha
“There’s a hoard out there. And about ten thousand of them are coming right behind me.” pg.  446 Oh no
“They came without warning. The Marat surged forward, thousands of screaming throats with one voice,” pg. 451 Scary
“The legionaries fought with ruthless efficiency.” pg. 452 Go legionaries
“Let the surgeons see to the men that are hurt” Pirellus said, his tone firm. “Get yourself some water, too centurion.” pg. 457 Good for Pirellus for being a good leader
“Something’s occurred to me,” Amara said. “This doesn’t make any sense.” pg. 457 Oh
Sky battle very cool
“Crows and furies, are you alright? Where are they coming in?”
“The gate,” Amara gasped. “The firepots. Get them off the  gate. Hurry.” pg. 465 Oh no
“In answer, the firepots, a waiting on the walls besides the firecrafters now pinned down by the gale winds above them, exploded into blinding flame.” pg. 466 Oh no
“She could only watch in horror as the Marat, howling like madmen, hauled the gates of Garrison to kindling before her eyes, and began to pour into the fortress.” pg. 467 Oh no
“Scalping me,” Amara thought. “They’re taking my hair.” pg. 470 Oh no
“Bravely done, girl. Shamed those city boys into the fight into the fight at last.” pg. 471  Yay
“Gram looked from Amara to Harger, then back again. “Fear,” he said. “Fire.” pg. 475 So firecrafting induces fear
Good work Gram and Amara with the touch that was some powerfull firecrafting all the Marat scattered
“Thousand upon thousands of Marat” pg. 481 Oh no
“The Marat got into the Valley yesterday. Sometime last night. They attacked Aldoholt and burned it down. As far as we can tell, no one made it out.” pg. 484 Oh no :(
“We heard you were having company and thought we’d invite ourselves over to help entertain them.” pg. 488 Ha
“Really? Women better than a Legion watercrafter” pg. 490 Yes, why is that such a surprise? I know why misogyny
“He embraced her, hugged hard, and lifting her up off the ground.” pg. 491 Aww
“These walls are made of layers of interlocking strata girl” pg. 493 Rude
Oh no Kord’s here
“There’s a very limited amount of trouble the women can make in any case.” pg. 497 I wouldn’t be too sure of that
“And then, with a screeching of breaking earth they began to grow” pg. 503 So cool that they were able to make the walls higher
“Pirellus nodded to her. “You were right last night,” he’s said. “I was wrong” pg. Takes a big man to admit they were wrong
“They’re in the east warehouse, and it’s already been secured.”
“Already been secured,” Giraldi growled. “How do you know?”
“Doors was locked” pg. 508 So Isana and Kord are in the east warehouse
“Here they come” pg. 508 Alright second round here we come
“Each man loosened an arrow five or six breaths.” pg. 510 Impressive
“Giraldi abruptly seized her shoulder and dragged her back from the edge. “Not without a helmet,” he growled.” pg. 512 Thank you Giradi for enforcing safety
“H-hiding” Pluvus stuttered. “I found them hiding under their father’s bunks in the barracks.” pg. 513 Aw
“Amara who began to turn, felt splitters of wood flickering against her cheek” pg.  Close too close
“She lifted her eyes to the barracks and saw Fadelias.” pg. Oh no
Poor Pirellus :( he was growing on me
“There,” Giradi said, pointing. An arrow shattered on his shield, and he didn’t flinch.” pg. Cool
“was the signet dagger of an Aleran High Lord” pg. The guy just let him have it?! It’s damning evidence that Aquitaine is plotting against the First Lord
“Out on the plain, beyond the savage hoard of Marat below, there had come another hoard” pg. 521 Oh no
“Then he turned to her, slipping an arm around her waist, and kissed her” pg. 525 Yay!
“Uncle Bernard! Uncle Bernard!” he shouted, pointing to Doroga. “He followed me home! Can we keep him?” pg. 528 Ha and my boy is back!
Nice job using the globe Isana
Nice job tracking Kord with watercrafting
Yay Isana won the fight now can we please remove the collar on Odiana
“Tavi,” Bernard said, and engulfed the boy in a rib-cracking embrace.” pg. 539 Aw :)
“Isana, unmistakably his aunt, even if he didn’t see her, wrap her arms around him and hugged him.” pg. 539 Aw :)
“Are they betting on the fight?” Amara asked incredulous
Tavi nodded. “Yeah they do that. Doroga won his daughter betting on me.”
“Shhhhh.” pg. 543 Ha
“Five silver bulls on Doroga,” pg. Tavi responded
“You’re on” pg. 544 Ha
“He tricked him!” Tavi said, gleefully
“Hush” said Amara
“He’s got him now” Bernard said.” pg. 544   Ha
“He’s got the dagger! Kill the boy” pg. 548 Run Tavi Run
“They’re trying to kill you!”
“I can’t tell you how glad I am that you’re here to tell me that” pg. 551 Ha
“Frederic stepped forward, in front of Tavi” pg. 551 Go Frederic!
“Damn you, Fidelias!” pg. 559 Boo Fidelias
“We’re trapped” pg. 559 Oh no
Oh no Bernard
“If Araris Valerian himself was here, he couldn’t beat me. And you aren’t Araris.” pg. 563 If Araris could show up at any minute now that’d be great
“Fade stood over Tavi,” pg. 563 Go Fade!
“Fade’s sword whipped toward Aldrick’s face, and split  the white scar there open anew, blood flowing.” pg. 563 Ohh
“Aldrick dropped back into a guard position, watching Fade, his eyes wide, his redden face going pale. “No,” he said. “No” pg. 563 He’s freaking out
“You aren’t,” Aldrick snarled. “You can’t be. You’re dead.” pg. 564 I take it Fade is actually Araris
“Aldrick has always thought in lines. So I thought in curves.” pg. 566 So cool
“Then, in one swift motion, she drew back the knife and flicked it at Fidelias back.” pg.  567 Yea let’s go!
“Tavi cried quietly, until the darkness swallowed him.” pg. 568 Poor Tavi
“The cries within Garrison were joined by others - the screams of terrified children.” pg. 571 Oh no
Go Isana!
“You could have killed me at Kordholt. Or simply left me behind. You did neither. You could have given me to the Cursor girl. You did not. It deserved a reply. This is mine.” pg. 576 Glad that Odiana helped
“Then…” Isana closed her eyes. “Then we go home.” 577 Yay
“Tavi let out a glad cry and threw himself across the space of beds at his uncle, hugging him tightly.” pg. 582 Aw :)
“You’re a hero”
Tavi blinked “Uh. I am?” pg. 583 Yes you are!
“Bernard grinned and leaned forward giving Isana a kiss on the forehead.” pg. 584 Aw :)
“She laughed and kissed his forehead” pg. 585  Aw :)
“Doomed, young warrior. Doomed. But her mother and I  started off that way.
Tavi blinked. “What?”
“We will see another again.” Doroga turned to go
“What?” Tavi said again. “Her mother what? Doroga wait” pg. 587 Ha and Doroga is a shipper
“The stranger smiled. “My name is Gaius Sextus.” pg. 589 Ohh it’s Gaius, Tavi’s maybe probably  grandpa
“After that, everything got just sort of…”
“Got complicated” Gaius suggested”
“Tavi  flushed and nodded. “Exactly” pg. 589 Ha
“Then I want you to help the holders who got hurt, and families of those who were killed. Winter’s coming on, and it’s going to be hard for all of us.” pg. 590 Aw that’s nice of Tavi
“I believe you can. Then if you will accept it will be done. I will give you patronage for attendance at the Academy and assist you in your fields of study.” pg. 590 Yay!
“Lady Aquitaine smiled. Then she stepped around the tub and let silk robe from her shoulders. She slide into the water with Fidelias and wrapped her arms around the man’s shoulders.” pg. 592 Whoa there
“Fidelias watched as Gaius Caria, First Lady of Alera, wrapped her arms around Lord Aquitaine and drew him closer to her.” pg. 593 Ohhh the scandal
“He stood up and looked down at her eyes, smiling. “Amara. Well done.” pg. 594 Yay!
“For courage, loyalty, and resourcefulness in the face of enemies of the Realm, Frederic of Brenardholt, I do hereby dub thee a Knight of the Realm” pg. 595 Yay!
“By the authority of the Crown, I do hereby dub thee Bernard, Court of Calderon.” pg. 596 Yay!
“Gaius laughed, the sound rich and rolling. “I look young for my age.” pg. 596 Ha
“You be good to him. Or you and I will have words.” pg. 597 Ha I love that Doroga threatens Gaius
“Pluvus Pentius, who had saved a handful of children from a wounded herdbane by clubbing it to death with his accounts ledger.” pg. 597 Cool!
“Amara saw something cold there, something defiant, and she blinked at the old woman” pg. 598 Oh add that to my suspicions
“Gaius drew in a slow breath and nodded.
“The boy. Your-“
“Nephew, sire”
“Nephew. Of course.” Gaius glanced aside at Amara.” pg. 598 More suspicions
“Tavi of Bernardholt, please step forward
There was an eager murmur from the crowd.
But no one stepped forward.
Amara frowned. “Tavi of Bernardholt. Please step forward.”
Still, no one did” pg. 599 Ha
“He, um. He seems to be rather independently minded sire.” pg. 599 Ha
“And so the First Lord of Alera, surrounded by subjects, Citizens, and Knights of the Realm watched in silence while Tavi drove home Dodger’s little flock of ewes and lambs, the shaggy haired Fade loping along beside him.” pg. 600 Nice ending
Final thoughts
I enjoyed the book. I liked most of the characters (looking at you Kord). I liked magic systems. I liked the fights. I’m still trying to piece together what happened with Kitai. Something happened and they seem connected? I’m still on the Gaius is related to Tavi, maybe his grandfather Isana and Gaius talk was suspicious. We have 3 Bi Tavi moments. I should look and see how Amara describes Bernard and see if 
Onto Cursor’s Fury
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nautical-language · 7 years ago
Septimus’ and Attis’ letters
-“My insides are whole again”  f a m .?
-Aquitainus Attis, Antillus Raucus, and Gaius Septimus were bros (which, first of all, wtf happened Attis? Y u like this? ...Although maybe he didn’t know about Isana and Tavi...? And if Attis is absolved, that makes Invidia even more of a vile bitch) and were gonna go fuck up Rhodes’ and Kalare’s shit
-Gaius Sextus was planning to have Invidia marry Septimus, and she was pissed when that didn’t happen
-“I’m not sure [Invidia’s] entirely sane.”
-“little snow crow” SHIT THAT’S MAX ���has he set anything on fire yet” boi just u wait “when do I get to meet him and his mother” SEPTIMUS SUPPORTED THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RAUCUS AND MAX’S MOTHER
-“If the house of Gaius can’t defend and protect its own child...then how can it do so for the people of the realm?” Attis was furious that Gaius’ arrogance led to Septimus’ death. He knew the realm was doomed without an heir (and he didn’t know about Tavi!), so he took matters into his own hands and began maneuvering to overthrow Gaius and take his place.
-ATTIS UNWITTINGLY MARRIED THE WOMAN WHO ORCHESTRATED THE MURDER OF HIS BEST FRIEND (bc let’s not pretend Kalare and Rhodes were smart enough to actually pull that shit off themselves, like sorry but No.)
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arwenatreides · 7 years ago
Aaaand I’ve gone again and fallen head over heels in love with a character, whom I’m pretty sure isn’t going to make it through the last two books of the series, crows take it. 😑
I have a thing for slightly older men in books with swords (literal ones, don’t be gross) and highly protective (without being overbearing or patronizing) natures. ⚔️
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in-an-ecotone · 5 years ago
tagged by: @voidistooshortforausername
rules: name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things and then tag 10 people
1: Felix Hugo Fraldarius from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (my current obsession)
2: Ling & Greed (sorry i can't just choose one) from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
3: Zuko from Avatar: the Last Airbender
4: Donna Noble from Doctor Who
5: Five from The Umbrella Academy
6: Araris Valerian from The Codex Alera (this is a great book series, go check it out!)
7: Ban from the Seven Deadly Sins
8: Spiderman/Peter Parker from the MCU
9: Undyne from Undertale
10: Crowley from Good Omens
tagging: @asexual-shepard-roronoa @stillebesat @a-very-real-human @themanwiththesuitcaseofflies @ricebattt @leannedirewolflover
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dangermousie · 5 years ago
I am rereading Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera, which I adore as much as ever and not only do I love how the series makes the insane Roman Empire x Pokémon set-up work and the crazy amount of plot twists that somehow all make sense but ooooh boy, my thing for Fade/Araris Valerian is as strong as ever. He is just everything I crush on tbh and so glad he and Isana are endgame.
PS this whole series really is fantasy take on Octavian Augustus coming into power which is A++++
PPS: crushes in this series are: Tavi, Bernard, Fade, Max - that is a lotttt of crushes heh.
PPPS: my favorite ladies are Kitai, Amara and Isana.
PPPPS: I would have totally loved to read a prequel about Isana as a young woman and her doomed romance with Gaius Septimus and how Araris Valerian became her bodyguard and all that stuff...that’s actually the only love triangle I’ve ever liked probably and it’s all in the past of the main story.
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usuallypleasantprince · 7 years ago
Read Captain's Fury (Codex Alera #4)(15) online free by Jim Butcher
Captain's Fury (Codex Alera #4)(15) Author: Jim Butcher
"Habit, sire," Amara said. "His men think new grass sprouts up in his boot-prints and flowers bloom where he spits. They'd never stand for his removal."
Gaius made a thoughtful sound. "Really? He's that highly regarded?"
"I watched three brawls last night between legionares from the Senatorial
Guard and those of the First Aleran. Every one was started by commentary about Scipio."
"How'd his men do?"
"They won three times." Amara shook her head. "They're a tough group, sire."
"After two years out here alone, they'd have to be," Gaius murmured. "I wanted to send them more help, but the pressures elsewhere were just too great. Especially with the increased pressure on the Shieldwall."
Amara glanced around them, making sure no one was immediately nearby. "And it kept Scipio isolated from the rest of the Realm."
Gaius gave her a sharp look.
Amara shrugged. "There are rumors, sire."
"Rumors," Gaius said.
"About Scipio. About who his father might have been." Amara drew in a deep breath. "The rumors say that he bears a remarkable likeness to Princeps Septimus, sire. And they say that a man named Araris-a man who might be Araris Valerian himself-is his personal singulare."
"Rumors, Countess," Gaius said.
"I thought so, too," she said. "Until I saw Captain Miles's face, when T- When Scipio walked in." She looked up at the First Lord. "It was like he'd seen a ghost."
Gaius's voice hardened slightly. "Rumors, Countess."
"Rumors you wanted to strengthen," she said quietly. "That's why you held the meeting here instead... Read full: Read Captain's Fury (Codex Alera #4)(15) online free by Jim Butcher
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robindragonryder · 10 years ago
Codex Alera thoughts
Araris Valerian
Scarred on half his face and name sounds very similar to Garrus Vakarian, also scarred on half his face (as of ME2).
Both are my favorite character in their respective series.
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jesatria · 10 years ago
taimproblem replied to your post “Without you [Raucus] & Attis, I think I'd have lost my bloody mind...”
I KNOW RIGHT OMFG WHERE IS ALL THE FIC You know, sometimes fandom would be a lot easier if we could just... care about the same shit as everybody else. Like Tavi & Kitai's babies. *rollf off the edge of the world*
Haha yes it would! Kitavi (idk if that's the official ship name--I'm using it anyway) is perfect & adorable, but I'm not really inclined to read fic about them. We get enough in canon. Same reason why I don't usually read Phèdre/Joscelin fic.
I'm honestly shocked there's no Septimus/Araris fic on AO3, since that seems like a really obvious slash pairing. & Attis arriving in Calderon too late to save Septimus & then finding what was left of him is the perfect opportunity for some delicious angst.
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bookwyrmpendragon · 12 years ago
Cursor's Fury
Just wanted to say, the first part of the epilogue of Cursor's Fury is one of the most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever read.
Tumblr media
Good job, Mr. Butcher.
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nautical-language · 7 years ago
Isana: Time for girl talk! Kitai: What does that mean? Isana: It’s when we tell each other what we’re really thinking without having to worry about what’s appropriate Kitai: F I N A L L Y
If I was artistically inclined I’d follow this up with a sketch of Kitai approaching Araris —
Kitai: You are much more agreeable since you began bedding Isana. I approve of your relationship, but I know from my experiences with Tavi that Alerans are not taught the ways of lovemaking. I would be happy to provide my own insight in how to please Isana if y- Araris: ISA NA H EL P M  E
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nautical-language · 8 years ago
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nautical-language · 8 years ago
Araris and Isana deserve all the happiness
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nautical-language · 8 years ago
“Seems kind of odd, old Fade would be out at your Steadholt all those years, and I never saw him use so much as a knife. Figured all those scars on his arms were from working his smithy. Then tonight he just went through those maniacs like they was made of cobwebs. Sort of makes a body wonder who he is…” Insana folded her arms, one finger tapping in slight impatience, and said nothing. “Heh,” Giraldi said, limping out. “The plot thickens…
-Giraldi to Isana, Cursor’s Fury, Codex Alera book 3 by Jim Butcher
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jesatria · 10 years ago
"Without you [Raucus] & Attis, I think I'd have lost my bloody mind after Seven Hills."
-Gaius Septimus, Princeps' Fury
I have so many feelings about the Septimus/Attis/Raucus/Araris BFFs OT4. Why isn't there fic of them? Where's the fic of them paling around at the Academy? Or how about angstfic after Septimus's death?
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