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zemaribeiro · 24 days ago
Com patrocínio do Instituto Cultural Vale, Oficina “Trilhas e Tons” volta a percorrer municípios maranhenses
[release] Certificação em Codó, após oficina realizada no município em edição anterior do projeto – foto: divulgação A Oficina “Trilhas e Tons”, de teoria musical aplicada à música popular, após três anos, volta a percorrer municípios maranhenses levando formação prática a músicos e curiosos em geral. Com patrocínio do Instituto Cultural Vale (ICV), através da Lei Federal de Incentivo à…
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cubojorbr · 25 days ago
Equatorial Maranhão realiza troca de geladeiras e mutirão de serviços em municípios do estado
Ao todo, serão entregues 170 geladeiras novas nos municípios de Balsas, Arari e Passagem Franca
Durante esta semana, os moradores dos municípios de Arari, Balsas e Passagem Franca terão a oportunidade de realizar a troca de suas geladeiras velhas e ineficientes por novas e mais eficientes. A iniciativa faz parte do programa E+ Geladeira Nova, da Equatorial Maranhão, e beneficia famílias cadastradas na Tarifa Social de Baixa Renda. Nesta terça-feira (04) e quarta-feira (05), serão…
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nervousnighttragdies · 1 year ago
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And now she can fight sharks and taste sound
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chefbabyna · 1 year ago
Brazil’s primeira dama de Arari embroiled in viral video scandal
Recent developments in Maranhão, Brazil, have taken an unexpected turn as the Primeira Dama de Arari, Ingrid Andrade Arari, finds herself embroiled in a burgeoning scandal. The emergence of an intimate video, purportedly shared unintentionally on social platforms, has thrust her into the center of controversy, sparking widespread debate and raising questions about its potential impact on her…
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petzemetary · 16 days ago
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my dnd character arari :3
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alukaforyou · 1 month ago
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god i wish that were me,, full pic under da cut lol
아 ㅈㄴ 부끄러워 오빠 얼굴 치워>_<;; 끙-,,
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i was listening to arari by lucia its my faveee song by her, her whole niche is period drama ost-sounding music which is right up my alley, i have a whole sageuk vibe playlist for when im drawing madara & sukuna u kno i need to get in THAT ZONE more on that next time maybe ANYWAYS
this vid popped up in the recommendations and it caught my eye cuz 1. i love da moon, obsessed with 🌙 2. what is that thumbnail haa, i clicked on it and well i kno this song!! its part of the chuno ost oooh this drama is sooooo good, not much pretty ~aesthetic~ here cuz its not palace stuff but man this is a classic
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but ooh lucia's cover of it is sooo good i love the traditional instruments in the bg, i think the original song was with piano and violin? BUT THE THUMBNAIL LOOOOLL its a webtoon called 'moonrise during the day'
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i should try reading webtoons / manhwa some of these kr artists r putting out rly beautiful art idec about the plot tbh im gonna look based on the artstyle only LOL for research & study purposes akjdfnskdfhuvrgf
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this looks rly cute tho i love how its drawn stylistically, i could NOT bring myself to do the pointy upturned nose tho, and the big eyes like i rly dont know how to draw big anime eyes anymore💀
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i feel like he would have a little bump right at the top of the nosebridge idk it just feels right to me 🤷🏻‍♀️ i love nose bumps so thats how im gonna draw him lol also im physically pounding dirt with my bare hands rn cuz i want to be in that girls place soooo bad fawkkkkk tbh i wouldnt even mind swapping places w sukuna lmfao i want a pretty pink haired gf///////// so to summarize. 아이고 머리아프군.
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aquatic-el · 3 months ago
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My character/Oc in @lilbitosunny’s COTL Au!
The whole idea of his character was a trans deer with golden horns, I put together a quick sketch and sunny surprised me with a beautiful design!
He is the cult’s butcher and head chef, for more info check out his toyhouse!
(bloodier Verisons below)
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Arary gives his soul to the cult, why not a heart to the leader?
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portuguesedisaster · 7 months ago
So, Ivana is Tavi's mom. Probably. Fade is the great swordmaster and stuff. Is Tavi's dad the prince? And that's why Fade is always with him? And the King is on it too? Maybe.
And, this year vacation's theme is...CLASSIC FANTASY!
Really enjoying Furies of Calderon
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moradadabeleza · 2 years ago
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Luiz Braga
Mulher na janela, Cachoeira do Arari, 2013.
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manusuchus · 2 years ago
Dreams about crocodiles
I'm used to dreaming really weird shit. Like REALLY weird. Among all these dreams it's not uncommon for crocodiles to appear in some form or another, and while I usually don't usually remember them, some have stuck in my mind so much that I've taken them to art.
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I call this one "Hold Araripesuchus gentle, as an arepa" (Arari, Arepa… get it?… nevermind). The context and why a genus of notosuchus from the Cretaceous of Gondwana had ended up in what appeared to be a wildlife recovery center in South Africa (The environment was savannah and there were other animals such as rhinos, giraffes, zebras…) is unknown. These little critters were running like lizards all over the place until I managed to grab one and hold it like in the picture. I swear they looked so real that at no time did I question their existence (Although I suspect my mind used Paleosuchus to fill in the blanks and make them more believable).
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The second is somewhat more recurring. In it, I work on a crocodile farm in Northern Australia. While feeding the freshies (Crocodylus johnsoni , the Australian freshwater crocodiles) a huge male scrambles up and rips off half of my rigth hand. Ironic that in a place with saltwater crocodiles it is a freshie who tries to kill me, but that's life I guess.
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easel-eisel · 4 months ago
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my mhwilds hunter arary
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cubojorbr · 2 months ago
Polícia Civil investiga pornografia infantil em Arari e apreende materiais eletrônicos
Três adolescentes estão sendo investigados sob suspeita de envolvimento na produção e possível divulgação de imagens
A Polícia Civil do Maranhão cumpriu, na última quarta-feira (18), mandados de busca e apreensão em residências situadas no bairro Cruzeiro, em Arari. A operação teve como alvo endereços ligados a investigados por atos infracionais análogos à pornografia infantil. De acordo com o delegado Henrique Tanaka, titular da Delegacia de Polícia de Arari, três adolescentes estão sendo investigados sob…
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gamz-kins · 1 year ago
fettuccine cookie id pack
[crk && fem // neu ]
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NAMES : fettu , brie , capri , munster , orla , queso , rico , bleu , fetta , cam , panela , aura , cairns , havilah , innes , freya , nio / niolo , mahon , durrus , blue , leon / leonora , moz , serena , havarti , grana , zom , mu , band / bandage , wrap
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PRNS : cheese / cheeses , fettu / fettuccine , cine / cines , dai / dairy , fetta / fettas , brie /bries , cara / caravane , che / chechil , ara / arari , hall / halloumi , susu / susus , chhur / chhurpi , mond / mondseer , liv / livno , bos / bosnian , sire / sirene , dim /dimsi , dan /danbo , es / esrom , fyn / fynbo , saga / sagas , ty / tybo , lap / lappi , mal / malaka , or / orda , bun /bundz , lili / liliput , ser / serpa , ca / caş , kor /korall , pu / pule , moh / mohant , sy / syr , vur /vurda , bu /budz , ru / rumi , mi /mish , hel / hellim , edi / edirne , ob / obruk , say / sayas , oka / okas , mummy / mummies , mu / mus , ban / band , bandage / bandages
note : most of these are just diffrent types of cheese- hope theyre okay tho :o3
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friendswithclay · 2 years ago
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“A jar found in the water of Lake Arary”
From: “The lower Amazon; a narrative of explorations in the little known regions of the state of Pará, on the lower Amazon” by Lange, Algot; 1914.
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ryokoutsunomiya · 2 years ago
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Hitel ARARI 京都 ウォールアート
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gazetadoleste · 9 days ago
Homem é preso por tentativa de homicídio qualificado em Arari
prisão O criminoso disparou inúmeras vezes contra o próprio vizinho, no Povoado Bamburral, zona rural de Arari. Reprodução Por: Da Redação 19 de Fevereiro de 2025 Nesta terça-feira (18), a Polícia Civil do Maranhão deu cumprimento ao mandado de prisão preventiva contra um homem, suspeito de envolvimento em uma tentativa de homicídio qualificado na cidade de Arari. De acordo com o inquérito…
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