#Aquaculture event In Dubai
agrinextcon · 16 days
Empowering Women in Agriculture: Catalysts for Global Change
For centuries, agriculture has been seen as a male-dominated field, but this narrative is swiftly changing. Women are emerging as key players in the global agricultural landscape, driving food security, economic growth, and sustainable development.
The Vital Role of Women in Agriculture
Women account for about 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing countries, with this figure rising to as much as 70% in some  parts of sub-Saharan Africa. They shoulder essential tasks like planting, weeding, harvesting, and processing crops. Additionally, they manage livestock care, food preservation, and small-scale farms. Despite these significant contributions, women in agriculture face numerous challenges, including limited access to land, credit, training, and technology.
BreakingBarriers:Education and Training
Empowering women through education and training is crucial for enhancing their productivity and ensuring their equal participation in agriculture. Various programs and initiatives have been launched to provide women with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt modern farming practices, improve crop yields, and manage their farms more effectively.
For example, the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA) In India,has trained over 50,000 women farmers, equipping them with modern farming techniques and facilitating access to credit and markets.
Similarly, the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) program has been working to strengthen the research and leadership skills of African women scientists, ensuring they can contribute to the continent’s agricultural growth.
Spotlight on Influential Women in Agriculture
 Dr. Vandana Shiva (India)
Dr. Vandana Shiva has tirelessly advocated for sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty in India, founding    Navdanya,, a national movement to protect indigenous seeds and promote organic farming.Her work has empowered countless women farmers in India to reclaim their rights over seeds and promote organic farming.
Wanjira Mathai (Kenya)
Wanjira Mathai, the daughter of Nobel Laureate Wangari Maathai, continues her mother’s legacy through her work in environmental conservation and sustainable agriculture. As the chair of the Green Belt Movement, she has been instrumental in advocating for agroforestry and empowering women in rural Kenya to plant trees and grow food sustainably. Mathai's work has not only improved food security but also addressed climate change and land degradation. 
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Leah Penniman (United States)
Leah Penniman is the co-founder of Soul Fire Farm, an Afro-Indigenous centred community farm in New York. She is a leader in the food justice movement and has dedicated her life to ending racism in the food system. Penniman’s work focuses on training the next generation of Black and Brown farmers, promoting regenerative farming practices, and advocating for policies that support small-scale farmers of colour.
Fatou Batta (Burkina Faso)
Fatou Batta is a leading advocate for women’s rights in agriculture and a prominent figure in promoting sustainable agriculture in West Africa. As a key partner with Groundswell International, she has dedicated her efforts to empowering rural women through education, access to credit, and the adoption of ecological farming practices. Batta’s work has significantly improved the lives of thousands of women farmers in Burkina Faso and beyond, helping them to increase their agricultural productivity and achieve greater financial independence.
Women’s Cooperatives: A Path to Economic Empowerment
Women's cooperatives have become a powerful tool for economic empowerment in agriculture. By pooling resources, sharing knowledge, and collectively negotiating prices, these cooperatives allow women to overcome the barriers they face individually. Cooperatives also provide a platform for women to participate in decision-making and leadership roles.
In Kenya, the Kilimanjaro Women Coffee Growers Cooperative has transformed the lives of over 500 women, increasing their income by 40% and reinvesting profits into essential community projects like schools and healthcare.
The Future of Women in Agriculture
The future of agriculture, and indeed the sustainability of our planet, depends on the full inclusion of women. As global challenges like climate change, food insecurity, and population growth intensify, women’s participation in agriculture will be pivotal in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. To make this a reality, organizations and governments must prioritize policies that promote gender equality in agriculture. This includes ensuring women have equal access to land and resources, providing tailored agricultural extension services, and creating environments where women can thrive as leaders and innovators.
Women are the backbone of agriculture, yet their contributions often go unrecognized. By breaking down the barriers they face and empowering them with the tools and opportunities they need, we can ensure that women continue to drive agricultural growth and development worldwide. The future of global food security depends on harnessing the full potential of women in agriculture.
Spotlight on Women in Agricultural Technology at AgriNext Awards,Conference & Expo 2024
At the upcoming AgriNext Awards, Conference & Expo 2024, the spotlight will shine on 'Women in Agricultural Technology,' where industry leaders will showcase their groundbreaking innovations that are revolutionizing the future of farming.
Women Leading the Charge in Agri-Tech
AgriNext Awards, Conference & Expo 2024 has curated an impressive lineup of women who are at the forefront of technological advancements in agriculture. 
Meet some of the leaders who are pushing the boundaries in their respective fields and inspiring others through their commitment to innovation and sustainable practices:
Gilwoo Lee (South Korea) - CEO of Zordi
Nadine Benchaffai - Venture Builder Director at Dana Global
Dr. Hansa Shingrakhia (India) - Co-Founder of AgriGuru Online
Dr. Christina Timi Igono (Nigeria) - Founder and CEO of Eight Orbit Urban Farms
The "Women in Agricultural Technology" session at AgriNext 2024 is a testament to the growing influence of women in the agri-tech sector. As Gilwoo Lee, Nadine Benchaffi, and other trailblazers take the stage, they will not only share their groundbreaking work but also pave the way for a future where agriculture is more innovative, inclusive, and sustainable.
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AgraME 2024 Gears Up For Upcoming Edition
Key Takeaways: AgraME 2024 will be held on 7-8 October 2024 at the Dubai World Trade Centre. The event is aligned with the UAE’s 2030 National Vision for sustainable food production and modern agricultural technologies. Sectors covered include Agriculture, Aquaculture, Horticulture/Vertical Farming, Livestock Health & Nutrition, and Veterinary Equipment & Supplies. The event will feature the…
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go-aqua-blog · 5 years
Join us at International Conference On AQUACULTURE 2020 which is going to be held on 16-17 March at Thailand. Meet and greet the experts in field!! Share and groom your knowledge at the right platform!! For more information: https://aemconferences.com/aqua/
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asagriaqua · 3 years
What Important Things You Should Know About Vertical Farming
Is It the Future of Agriculture?
By 2050, the total populace is relied upon to develop to 9.7 billion individuals, and taking care of it will be a tremendous challenge.1 Due to the modern turn of events and urbanization, we are losing arable terrains consistently. In 2015, researchers revealed that the Earth had lost 33% of its arable grounds over the past 40 years.2
We don't have the foggiest idea of the amount more we will lose in the following 40 years. Expanding food interest because of a developing populace alongside truly diminishing arable grounds presents perhaps the best test confronting us. Many accept that upward cultivating can be the response to this test. Is upward cultivating the eventual fate of horticulture? How about discovering more about Vertical Farming Companies In UAE.    
What Is Vertical Farming?
Vertical cultivating is the act of creating food in an upward direction on slanted surfaces. Rather than cultivating vegetables and different food sources on a solitary level, for example, in a field or a nursery, this technique produces food sources in upward stacked layers ordinarily coordinated into different constructions like a high rise, steel trailer, or repurposed stockroom.
Utilizing Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) innovation, this cutting-edge thought utilizes indoor cultivating procedures. The counterfeit control of temperature, light, moistness, and gases makes delivering food varieties and medication indoors conceivable. In numerous ways, vertical cultivating is like nurseries where metal reflectors and counterfeit lighting expand normal daylight. The essential objective of vertical cultivating is boosting crops yield in a restricted space.
Know More about Vertical Farming in Dubai  by visiting this Link
How Vertical Farming Works
There are four basic regions in seeing how vertical cultivating functions: 1. The actual design, 2. Lighting, 3. Developing medium, and 4. Supportability highlights.
Initially, the essential objective of vertical cultivating is delivering more food varieties per square meter. To achieve this objective, crops are developed in stacked layers in a pinnacle life structure. Besides, an ideal mix of regular and counterfeit lights is utilized to keep up with the ideal light level in the room. Advancements, for example, pivoting beds are utilized to further develop lighting effectiveness.
Thirdly, rather than soil, aeroponic, aquaponic, or aquaculture developing mediums are utilized. Peat greenery or coconut husks and comparative non-soil mediums are exceptionally normal in vertical cultivating. At long last, the upward cultivating technique utilizes different maintainability highlights to counterbalance the energy cost of cultivating. Indeed, vertical cultivating utilizes 95% less water.3
Benefits and Disadvantages of Vertical Farming
Vertical cultivating has a great deal of guarantee and seems like the homestead of things to come. Nonetheless, there are a couple of hindrances to consider prior to surging without holding anything back into vertical cultivating.
It offers an arrangement to deal with future food requests
It permits yields to develop all year
It utilizes altogether less water
Climate doesn't influence the yields
More natural yields can be developed
There is less openness to synthetics and illness
It very well may be exorbitant to assemble and financial plausibility studies haven't yet been finished
Fertilization would be truly challenging and exorbitant
It would include higher work costs
It depends a lot on innovation and one day of force misfortune would be pulverizing
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Benefits of Vertical Farming
Having more noteworthy results from a little development region isn't the main benefit of vertical cultivating. Following are a portion of the significant advantages of vertical cultivating:
The groundwork for the Future: By 2050, around 68% of the total populace is relied upon to live in metropolitan regions, and the developing populace will prompt an expanded interest in food.4 The proficient utilization of vertical cultivating may maybe assume a critical part in planning for such a test.
Expanded And Year-Round Crop Production:
Vertical cultivating permits us to deliver additional yields from a similar area of the developing region. Truth be told, 1 section of land of an indoor region offers comparable creation to something like 4-6 sections of land of outside capacity.5 According to a free gauge, a 30-story working with a basal space of 5 sections of land might conceivably deliver a likeness 2,400 sections of land of ordinary even farming.6 Additionally, all-year crop creation is conceivable in a controlled indoor climate that is totally constrained by vertical cultivating advancements.
Less Use Of Water In Cultivation:
 Vertical cultivating permits us to deliver crops with 70% to 95% less water than needed for ordinary cultivation.
Not Affected By Unfavorable Weather Conditions:
 Crops in a field can be antagonistically impacted by normal catastrophes like heavy rains, twisters, flooding, or serious dry seasons—occasions that are turning out to be progressively normal because of an Earth-wide temperature boost. Indoor vertical ranches are less inclined to feel the brunt of the ominous climate, giving a more prominent conviction of reap yield consistently.
Expanded Production of Organic Crops:
As harvests are delivered in a very much controlled indoor climate without the utilization of substance pesticides, vertical cultivating permits us to develop sans pesticide and natural yields.
Human and Environmentally Friendly: Indoor vertical cultivating can altogether reduce the word-related perils related to conventional cultivating. Ranchers are not presented to risks identified with weighty cultivating hardware, illnesses like jungle fever, noxious synthetic substances, etc. As it doesn't upset creatures and trees in inland regions, it is useful for biodiversity also.
Looking to more about Turmeric farming visit Vertical Turmeric Farming in Dubai.       
Restrictions of Vertical Farming
Vertical cultivating has two advantages and disadvantages. Once in a while, the geniuses of vertical cultivating are featured and not the cons. Following are the significant restrictions of vertical cultivating:
No Established Economics:
The monetary practicality of this new cultivating strategy stays unsure. The monetary circumstance is evolving, be that as it may, as the business develops and innovations improve. For instance, New Jersey-based indoor-cultivating startup Bowery declared in December 2018 that it had brought $90 million up in crisp subsidizing. In 2017, Plenty, a West Coast vertical producer, declared a $200 million speculation from Softbank.
Challenges with Pollination:
Vertical cultivating happens in a controlled climate without the presence of bugs. Thusly, the fertilization cycle should be done physically, which will be work escalated and exorbitant.
Work Costs: As high as energy costs are in vertical cultivating, work expenses can be considerably higher because of their fixation in metropolitan communities where wages are higher, just as the requirement for more gifted work. Mechanization in vertical homesteads, be that as it may, may prompt the requirement for fewer laborers. Manual fertilization might become one of the more work serious capacities in vertical homesteads.
A lot of Dependency on Technology:
The improvement of better advances can generally expand productivity and decrease costs. However, the whole upward cultivating is amazingly subject to different innovations for lighting, keeping up with temperature, and moistness. Losing power for simply a solitary day can demonstrate expensive for an upward ranch. Many accept the advances being used today are not prepared for mass reception.
Vertical Farming in the United States
The upward cultivating area is filling quickly in the U.S., at a CAGR of over 24% between 2018-2024, when it is relied upon to reach $3 billion annually.8 By examination, the all-out U.S. products of the soil business was worth more than $104.7 billion in 2016.9 According to one record, "Customers would now be able to observe produce developed inside by in excess of 23 enormous vertical homesteads in excess of 20 general store chains in virtually every significant metropolitan region in the country."
The business remains exceptionally utilized, notwithstanding, starting worries for its suitability, when endurance relies upon development, and extension is so capital concentrated. As indicated by a similar source, "While industry pioneers say scaling offers the best expect productivity around here, numerous upward homesteads have experienced issues when they started intending to add extra creation offices."
Vertical cultivating advances are still generally new. Organizations are yet to effectively create crops at scale and make it financially plausible to satisfy the developing food need. The exhibition of homesteads like AS Agri Aqua will decide how significant a job vertical cultivating will play in the future to confront the test of developing food interest.
It is actually significant, nonetheless, that innovations created for vertical homesteads are additionally being taken on by different fragments of the indoor cultivating area, for example, nurseries, which can use regular daylight, but require substantially more land and longer courses to showcase.
If need more Detailed information about Verticle Framing you can contact AS Agri Aqua the Leading Verticle framing and Aquafarming Company in UAE, US, and India for more details Visit Vertical Turmeric Farming in UAE    
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arcticmountdubai · 3 years
Basic Principles Of HVAC Systems
HVAC cooling systems can be integrated with HVAC heating systems or these can be installed separately depending on the HVAC design. The main purpose of the HVAC system is to provide clean and filtered air in the production area where proper air control is required. It controls the temperature, air quality and humidity of the room you are in. The HVAC system also works at industry level to keep equipment running at room temperature / hall / room installation. HVAC water chillers are essential in any field for their various needs. The system works on the principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. HVAC services in Dubai have heavy responsibilities in terms of installation, repair and repair of AC units.
There are four main types of HVAC system used in the industry are following :
Split HVAC system
Hybrid HVAC system
Duct free HVAC system
Packaged heating and air system.
The HVAC system is not only about air heating and cooling but also about maintaining indoor air quality (IAQ). Air heating is usually done in winter and similar cooling is done during the summer. All of these sectors are involved in various aspects of HVAC. The IAQ is altered by the installation or pollution of gases and the transfer of power and control of power.
HVAC systems are used for heating and cooling and air conditioning in homes, construction, industry, automobiles, aquaculture and much more. Over time the use of HVAC is increasing and more research is ongoing in this field. The HVAC business is also growing at the same rate as the increasing application field.
The HVAC water chiller produces frozen water that is distributed throughout the building or space of the cooling coils in the air handling units. Blowers carry air to cooling coils and are then distributed to various parts of the space or building to provide comfort or storage of goods / materials according to HVAC design.
The air is still distributed through the supply pipes and the return air is collected in the air handling units with the help of return pipes.
HVAC Valves are also installed in various locations in the pipelines to facilitate. Air heating can be done with the help of an HVAC heat pump, hot water generator or by fire alone. Some industrial chillers also act as winter heaters. Heat coils replace cooling coils in the event of heating mode.
The purpose of the HVAC system is to create favorable weather conditions in a particular industry or room.The HVAC system is much needed and operates in the pharmaceutical and food industries. In the pharmaceutical and food industry many products require certain atmospheric conditions in the production stage where a certain temperature and relative humidity is required to maintain the quality of the product. Instead of a few products, every product intended for human consumption requires fresh air that can meet the production areas.
The cost of an HVAC system can vary for different applications as the temperature and environment vary. Seeking HVAC providers can involve little research and otherwise you will be wasting millions of dollars on choosing the wrong designer and HVAC contractor. The best HVAC maintenance company in Dubai is ready to take care of all installation, repair and repair of AC units. However, if you care enough to remember these tips and tricks, you can extend your air conditioner life for many years.
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Solar Pumps Market Outlook, Trends, Forecast of Top Countries 2019-2029
Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2019-2029
Future Market Insights has recently published a latest report on the Solar Pumps Market that includes global industry analysis 2014-2018 & forecast 2019-2029, and it offers a comprehensive assessment of the most market dynamics. After conducting a thorough research on the historic as well as current growth parameters of the solar pumps market, growth prospects of the market are obtained with maximum precision.
Market Segmentation
The global solar pumps market is segmented in detail to cover every aspect of the market and present a complete market intelligence approach in front of the reader.
By Product Type
By Application
Swimming Pool
Pond Management
National Parks
Industry Water Treatment
Report Chapters
Chapter 01 – Executive Summary
The report commences with the executive summary of the solar pumps market, which includes a summary of the key findings and statistics of the market. It also includes the global market outlook, supply-side as well as demand-side trends, and recommendations, etc.
Chapter 02 – Market Overview
In this chapter, readers can find the definition and detailed taxonomy of the solar pumps market, which will help understand the basic information about the solar pumps market. This section also highlights the inclusions and exclusions, which help readers understand the scope of the solar pumps market report.
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Chapter 03 – Key Market Trends
The report provides key market trends that are expected to significantly impact the market growth during the forecast period. Detailed industry trends are provided in this section, along with product innovations and key market development.
Chapter 04 – Key Success Factors
This section includes the key inclusions of the report. It includes key developments of the solar pumps market, strategic collaborations, and long-term partnerships.
Chapter 05 – Global Solar Pumps Market Demand (Volume) Analysis 2014-2018 and Forecast 2019-2029
This section explains the global market volume analysis and forecast for the solar pumps market between the forecast periods of 2014-2029.
Chapter 06 – Global Solar Pumps Market Pricing Analysis
This section highlights the price of solar pumps in several regions throughout the globe. The pricing benchmark for manufacturer level pricing and distributor level pricing is analyzed in this section.
Chapter 07 – Global Solar Pumps Market Size (Value in US$ Mn) Analysis 2014-2018 and Forecast 2019-2029
This section explains the global market volume analysis and forecast for the solar pumps market between the forecast periods of 2019-2029. This chapter includes the detailed analysis of the historical solar pumps market, along with an opportunity analysis of the future. Readers can also find the absolute $ opportunity for the current year (2014 – 2018), and an incremental $ opportunity for the forecast period (2019 – 2029).
Chapter 08 – Market Background
This chapter explains the key macro-economic factors that are expected to influence the growth of the solar pumps market over the forecast period. Along with the macroeconomic factors, this section also highlights the opportunity analysis for the solar pumps market. This chapter also highlights the key market dynamics of the solar pumps market, such as drivers, restraints, trends, and opportunities. Moreover, readers will understand the value chain analysis, automotive industry overview, forecast factors, etc.
Chapter 09 – Global Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029, by Capacity
Based on the capacity, the solar pumps market is segmented into below 4 HP, 4-6 HP, 6-8 HP, and above 8 HP. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the solar pumps market and market attractiveness analysis based on the capacity.
Chapter 10 – Global Industrial Robot Motors Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029, by Robot Type
Based on the robot type, the solar pumps market is segmented into submersible and surface. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the solar pumps market and market attractiveness analysis based on the robot type.
Chapter 11 – Global Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029, by Application
Based on the application, the solar pumps market is segmented into farming, residential, commercial, national parks, and industry water treatment. In this chapter, readers can find information about the key trends and developments in the solar pumps market and market attractiveness analysis based on the application.
Chapter 12 – Global Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029, by Region
This chapter explains how the solar pumps market will grow across several geographic regions, such as the North America, Latin America, Europe, South Asia, East Asia, Oceania, and Middle East & Africa (EMEA).
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Chapter 13 – North America Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the North America solar pumps market, along with a country-wise assessment that includes, the U.S. and Canada. Readers can also find regional trends, regulations, and market growth based on the technology and countries in North America.
Chapter 14 – Latin America Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 – 2029
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the Latin America solar pumps market, along with a country-wise assessment that includes Brazil, Mexico, and the Rest of Latin America. Readers can also find regional trends, regulations, and market growth based on the technology and countries in Latin America.
Chapter 15 – Europe Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 – 2029
This chapter includes a detailed analysis of the growth of the Europe solar pumps market, along with a country-wise assessment that includes Germany, UK, Spain, France, Italy, BENELUX, and the Rest of Europe. Readers can also find regional trends, regulations, and market growth based on the technology and countries in Europe.
Chapter 16 – South Asia Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 – 2029
India, ASEAN, Bangladesh, and the Rest of South Asia are prominent countries in the South Asia region. India and the ASEAN region, are the prime subjects of assessment to obtain growth prospects of the South Asia solar pumps market in this chapter. Readers can find detailed information about the growth parameters of South Asia, India, and the ASEAN solar pumps market during the forecast period of 2019-2029.
Chapter 17 – East Asia Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 – 2029
This chapter provides information about how the solar pumps market will grow in major countries of East Asia, such as China, Japan, and South Korea during the forecast period of 2019-2029.
Chapter 18 – Oceania Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029
This chapter provides information about how the solar pumps market will grow in countries of Oceania, such as Australia and New Zealand during the forecast period of 2019-2029.
Chapter 19 – Middle East & Africa (MEA) Solar Pumps Market Analysis 2014 - 2018 & Forecast 2019 - 2029
This chapter provides information about how the solar pumps market will grow in countries of Middle East & Africa (MEA), such as Morocco, Kenya, Ethiopia, GCC Countries, South Africa, and the Rest of MEA during the forecast period of 2019-2029.
Chapter 20 – Market Structure
In this chapter, readers can find detailed information about the tier analysis and market concentration of key players in the solar pumpsmarket, along with their market presence analysis by region and product portfolio.
Chapter 21 – Competition Analysis
In this chapter, readers can find a comprehensive list of all the prominent stakeholders in the solar pumpsmarket, along with detailed information about each company, which includes the company overview, revenue shares, strategic overview, and recent company developments. Some of the market players featured in the solar pumps report are KSB SE & Co. KGaA, Kirloskar Brothers Limited, Grundfos, Franklin Electric, BW Solar (Waterboy), Shakti Pumps (India) Ltd., Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., Glynncorp Electrical, Bernt Lorentz GmbH & Co. KG, C.R.I. Pumps Private Limited, and Mono Pumps (NOV), Solar Mill, among others.
Chapter 22 – Assumptions and Acronyms
This chapter includes a list of acronyms and assumptions that provides a base to the information and statistics included in the solar pumps market report.
Chapter 23 – Research Methodology
This chapter help readers understand the research methodology followed to obtain various conclusions as well as important qualitative and quantitative information about the solar pumps market.
About FMI
Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI’s latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
Mr. Abhishek Budholiya Unit No: AU-01-H Gold Tower (AU), Plot No: JLT-PH1-I3A, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates MARKET ACCESS DMCC Initiative For Sales Enquiries: [email protected] For Media Enquiries: [email protected] Website: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com
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samantawill74 · 3 years
Tilapia Market Trends 2021| Segmentation, Outlook, Industry Report to 2030
The global tilapia market is projected to expand at 10.5 % CAGR for the forecast period of 2021-2031. Government stimulation towards tilapia production is creative attractive growth opportunities. With the implementation of cutting-edge technologies for production of high quality tilapias, promising growth is on card for the market.
Tilapia and tilapia extracts are increasingly used in medicine, personal care and cosmetics industries. Food industry however remains the leading end user, finds ESOMAR-certified consulting firm Future Market Insights (FMI) in the study.
According to the study, penetration of Chinese cuisine in Europe and North America led to surge in demand of Nile tilapias. While this trend is expected to continue, unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19 might result in a few logistical challenges. Nonetheless, the increase in demand of convenience food will boost the demand for processed and frozen tilapias in the coming years.
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"Competition among countries towards self-reliance in terms of production and need of sustainable production without environmental loss have created a favorable environment for tilapia market growth," remarks the FMI analyst.
Key Takeaways
The U.S. is forecast to experience impressive growth on the back of booming packaged and processed food industries and demand from restaurant.
Heavy investment by Egyptian government to develop the fish farming infrastructure and promoting cheaper export rates will create opportunity for market expansion.
Asia leads the global market, accounting for maximum production of tilapia. With setting up of new farms in China and India, the market growth is expected to quadruple by the end of 2030.
Adoption of modern techniques and internet of things by Singapore to increase productivity and become self-reliant will boost market growth.
Establishment of regulatory committee and precise guidelines in India to increase the yielding capacity will increase the market growth.
Prominent Drivers
Rising consumption of high protein foods along with high nutritional value of tilapia is expected to aid the tilapia market growth.
Growing consumption and demand of organic tilapia in restaurants is expected to boost the market demand.
Establishment of aquaculture farms in developing nations to enhance the production will bolster the market growth.
Discover more about the tilapia market with figures and data tables, along with the table of contents. You will also find detailed market segmentation on https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-13108
Key Restraints
Spread of Tilapia lake virus in cultured as well as wild tilapias hampers the market sales.
Lack of availability of effective and affordable vaccine for the virus restricts the market growth.
Sustainability issues regarding the production of organic tilapias to meet the rising demands hinder the market growth.
Competitive Landscape
Leading players profiled by FMI operating in tilapia market include A.O.Kingdom International Co., Ltd Nova Sea Foods, Hebei Zhongjie Tilapia Breeding Co. Ltd, Baiyang Aquatic Group, Guangdong Evergreen Conglomerate Co., Ltd., Hainan Sky-Blue Ocean Foods Co, Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Inc., Hainan Xiangtai Fishery Co, Amyco Group Limited., Regal Spring among others. According to FMI, Leading players are working towards waste utilization generated from tilapia processing. Filleting by-products are found to have exceptional medical use. Tilapia nurseries are by set up by small market players and heavy investment is done towards creating optimum breading conditions of tilapia. One such instance is Blue Ridge Aquaculture invested US$ 2.5Mn in November 2020 to boost the farming facilities and remove dependence on third party for quality and supply chain management.
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More Insights on FMI's Tilapia Market
The latest market study on global tilapia market by Future Market Insights gives a detailed segmentation for the forecast period of 2021-2031. In order to gain a better perspective of the global market potential, its growth, trends, and opportunities, the market is segmented on the basis of source (organic tilapia, conventional tilapia), Species (Nile tilapia, blue tilapia, Mozambique tilapia, Wami tilapia), form (fresh tilapia, processed tilapia), sales channel (direct, retail) and across major regions (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Japan, Oceania, and Middle East & Africa).
Explore FMI's Extensive Coverage on Food and Beverage Domain
Canned seafood market: The global canned seafood market report by FMI gives an in-depth insight on the future expansion prospects, trends and challenges that market is likely to face in the upcoming decade. Key statistics regarding key segments have been presented across prominent geographies, along with a detailed assessment of the market's competitive landscape.
Meat, poultry, and seafood market: Future Market Insights gives a detailed segmentation on the global meat, poultry and seafood market market with upcoming market trends, challenges and future growth dynamics across key geographies and prominent segments. The report provides a holistic approach, mapping the competitive landscape with detailed analysis on established players, new entrants, and opportunities likely to prevail across the 2021-2031 decade.
Food certification market: The food certification market study published by FMI offers a comprehensive analysis and focused views on major trends expected to provide shape to future growth prospects. The report provides detailed analysis of the significant drivers, trends, challenges and opportunities prevailing for the forthcoming decade across key geographies along with competitive landscape of the upcoming decade.
About Future Market Insights (FMI)
Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, and has delivery centers in the UK, U.S. and India. FMI's latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
Contact Abhishek Budholiya Future Market Insights, 1602-6 Jumeirah Bay X2 Tower, Plot No: JLT-PH2-X2A, Jumeirah Lakes Towers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates For Sales Enquiries: [email protected] For Media Enquiries: [email protected]
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expomahal-blog · 5 years
Dubai Derma - Dubai World Dermatology & Laser Conference & Exhibition 2019 at United Arab Emirates(Dubai) 2019-March
tractors contact links, trailers companies contacts, transport Meetings, seeders contact list, soil-working equipment B2B Opportunities, fertilizers companies contacts, spreaders Shows, sprayers business, harvesting & post-harvesting equipment Trade Shows, handling Trade Fairs, haymaking Meetings, silage Expos, landscaping & forestry companies list, spare parts & components network, irrigation & pumps business opportunities, intensive farming technologies contacts list, plant protection business opportunities, fertilizer & soil additives Trade Fairs, petroleum products Meetings, bags & plastic film business opportunities, packaging business, horticulture technology & supplies business contacts, horticultural seeders and planters network, fruit & vegetable harvesting machines business ideas, horticultural sorting & packaging machines business ideas, greenhouses & film tunnel structures companies contacts, greenhouse covering material Exhibitors Directory, irrigational & fertilization technology contact list, fertilizers & soil conditioners Trade Fairs, insecticides Business events, herbicides & fungicides directory, heating & air conditioning equipment Business events, seeds & nursery materials B2C opportunities, horticultural supplies business, floriculture technologies & supplies info, gardening equipment Exhibitors Directory, animal husbandry & stock breeding events, breeding animals & breeding programs Shows, hatchery technology and equipment Fairs, reproduction technology Expos, live animal trading of semen & embryos Exhibitions, animal feed & additives B2B Opportunities, feed preparation & distributing equip. Meetings, health directory, hygiene &veterinary technology events, pollution and animal wastes treatment Exhibitors Directory, livestock building & monitoring equipment Exhibitors, animal enclosures Meetings, fasteners contacts list, flooring etc. companies, incubators directory, egg grading & packaging contact info, egg & poultry processing technologies B2C opportunities, milking Business events, milk storage & processing Trade Fairs, poultry feeders contact links, cages companies contacts, hatcheries Exhibitors, etc. contacts list, animal feed production technologies network, aquaculture technology & supplies. B2C opportunities, union of farmers of kazakhstan B2C ideas, u.s. department of commerce certified trade fair business contacts, kazakhstan union of poultry farmers. Business events 2019, March, Japan, Chiba
Japan Drone 2019 at Japan(Chiba) 2019-March
Japan Drone 2019 trade show event mainly focuses on:
tractors business contacts, trailers contact list, transport Expos, seeders contacts list, soil-working equipment Exhibitions, fertilizers business ideas, spreaders business ideas, sprayers Fairs, harvesting & post-harvesting equipment business ideas, handling Shows, haymaking business ideas, silage contact list, landscaping & forestry companies, spare parts & components Expos, irrigation & pumps network, intensive farming technologies contact info, plant protection events, fertilizer & soil additives contacts list, petroleum products Trade Fairs, bags & plastic film contact list, packaging contact info, horticulture technology & supplies B2B Opportunities, horticultural seeders and planters companies contacts, fruit & vegetable harvesting machines Meetings, horticultural sorting & packaging machines Fairs, greenhouses & film tunnel structures info, greenhouse covering material contact links, irrigational & fertilization technology Exhibitors, fertilizers & soil conditioners B2B ideas, insecticides contact info, herbicides & fungicides Trade Shows, heating & air conditioning equipment contact list, seeds & nursery materials Expos, horticultural supplies Exhibitors, floriculture technologies & supplies info, gardening equipment network, animal husbandry & stock breeding Exhibitors, breeding animals & breeding programs companies, hatchery technology and equipment events, reproduction technology Trade Shows, live animal trading of semen & embryos contact list, animal feed & additives Business events, feed preparation & distributing equip. B2C ideas, health Meetings, hygiene &veterinary technology events, pollution and animal wastes treatment business, livestock building & monitoring equipment Exhibitors, animal enclosures companies contacts, fasteners contacts list, flooring etc. Trade Shows, incubators Expos, egg grading & packaging Exhibitors, egg & poultry processing technologies contact info, milking Fairs, milk storage & processing business opportunities, poultry feeders events, cages Meetings, hatcheries companies, etc. events, animal feed production technologies Events, aquaculture technology & supplies. contact links, union of farmers of kazakhstan Exhibitors, u.s. department of commerce certified trade fair info, kazakhstan union of poultry farmers. B2B Opportunities
related products/services/industry/business. This trade show opens top business opportunities to exhibit products and services from tractors B2C opportunities, trailers Exhibitors, transport Shows, seeders B2C opportunities, soil-working equipment B2B ideas, fertilizers Expos, spreaders Exhibitions, sprayers Trade Shows, harvesting & post-harvesting equipment B2C ideas, handling Trade Fairs, haymaking companies contacts, silage contact list, landscaping & forestry Business events, spare parts & components B2C ideas, irrigation & pumps companies list, intensive farming technologies Exhibitors, plant protection Meetings, fertilizer & soil additives companies, petroleum products events, bags & plastic film B2C ideas, packaging Exhibitors, horticulture technology & supplies Meetings, horticultural seeders and planters B2B Opportunities, fruit & vegetable harvesting machines contact links, horticultural sorting & packaging machines B2C ideas, greenhouses & film tunnel structures Trade Shows, greenhouse covering material events, irrigational & fertilization technology Trade Fairs, fertilizers & soil conditioners contact info, insecticides Trade Shows, herbicides & fungicides Events, heating & air conditioning equipment Events, seeds & nursery materials contact info, horticultural supplies Exhibitions, floriculture technologies & supplies directory, gardening equipment business opportunities, animal husbandry & stock breeding companies list, breeding animals & breeding programs contact links, hatchery technology and equipment Events, reproduction technology Exhibitors, live animal trading of semen & embryos business, animal feed & additives Shows, feed preparation & distributing equip. Shows, health Meetings, hygiene &veterinary technology contact list, pollution and animal wastes treatment Events, livestock building & monitoring equipment contacts list, animal enclosures Exhibitors, fasteners directory, flooring etc. Fairs, incubators B2C ideas, egg grading & packaging network, egg & poultry processing technologies companies, milking Exhibitors Directory, milk storage & processing events, poultry feeders B2B ideas, cages Shows, hatcheries B2B ideas, etc. Events, animal feed production technologies B2C ideas, aquaculture technology & supplies. B2B ideas, union of farmers of kazakhstan B2C ideas, u.s. department of commerce certified trade fair Shows, kazakhstan union of poultry farmers. events industry.
Find More Details about Japan Drone 2019 event...
We help you to grow your business by providing the required contact details of all companies participating in this event and you can download the same data in excel format using the above links. Location of the Event:Japan(Chiba) Year-Month:2019-March Official Website:Event Website source https://www.expomahal.com/2019/04/dubai-derma-dubai-world-dermatology.html
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asagriaqua · 3 years
What You Should Know About Vertical Farming
By 2050, the total populace is required to develop to 9.7 billion individuals, and taking care of it will be an enormous challenge. Due to mechanical turn of events and urbanization, we are losing arable terrains consistently. In 2015, Vertical Farming Companies announced that the Earth had lost 33% of its arable terrains over the past 40 years.
 We don't have the foggiest idea the much more we will lose in the following 40 years. Expanding food interest because of a developing populace alongside truly diminishing arable grounds presents perhaps the best test confronting us. Many accept that upward cultivating can be the response to this test. Is upward cultivating the eventual fate of farming? How about we discover it!
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 What Is Vertical Farming? 
Vertical Farming In UK is the act of delivering food in an upward direction slanted surface. Rather than cultivating vegetables and different food varieties on a solitary level, for example, in a field or a nursery, this technique produces food varieties in an upward direction stacked layers normally incorporated into different designs like a high rise, steel trailer or repurposed distribution center. 
Utilizing Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) innovation, this cutting edge thought utilizes indoor cultivation methods. The counterfeit control of temperature, light, dampness, and gases makes delivering food sources and medication indoor conceivable. From multiple points of view, vertical cultivating is like nurseries where metal reflectors and fake lighting increase common daylight. The essential objective of vertical cultivating is boosting crops yield in a restricted space.
How Vertical Farming Works 
There are four basic regions in seeing how Vertical Farming Investment UK works: 1. Actual format, 2. Lighting, 3. Developing medium, and 4. Maintainability highlights. 
Right off the bat, the essential objective of Vertical Farming In Dubai  is delivering more food varieties per square meter. To achieve this objective, crops are developed in stacked layers in a pinnacle life structure. Besides, an ideal blend of regular and counterfeit lights is utilized to keep up the ideal light level in the room. Advances, for example, turning beds are utilized to improve lighting productivity. 
Thirdly, rather than soil, aeroponic, aquaponic or tank-farming developing mediums are utilized. Peat greenery or coconut husks and comparable non-soil mediums are extremely basic Aquaculture in India. At long last, the upward cultivating strategy utilizes different supportability highlights to balance the energy cost of cultivating. Truth be told, vertical cultivating utilizes 95% less water.
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Benefits and Disadvantages of Vertical Farming 
Vertical Farming Companies In UAE has a great deal of guarantee and seems like the rancher of things to come. Be that as it may, there are a couple hindrances to consider prior to hurrying pedal the metal into vertical cultivating. 
It offers an arrangement to deal with future food requests 
It permits yields to develop all year 
It utilizes altogether less water 
Climate doesn't influence the harvests 
More natural harvests can be developed 
There is less openness to synthetic compounds and illness 
It very well may be expensive to fabricate and monetary attainability considers haven't yet been finished 
Fertilization would be troublesome and exorbitant 
It would include higher work costs 
It depends a lot on innovation and one day of force misfortune would be obliterating
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asagriaqua · 3 years
4 Advantages Of Urban Farming VS Traditional Farming
It's been a couple of years now, since Urban cultivating (developing food in metropolitan zones), turned into an overall pattern. Furthermore, consistently the measure of individuals like Vertical Farming Companies As Agri n Aqua are attempting it and continuously developing and developing.
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We as a whole realize that it looks quite trendy at homes, cutting edge structures and city rooftops. What's more, field specialists accept metropolitan cultivating is the fate of food creation…
In any case, what is it actually that improves it such a huge amount than customary cultivating?
1. Creation
Metropolitan cultivating utilizing aquaculture can deliver as much as multiple times more food than ordinary cultivating per square foot. This is conceivable to a limited extent as a result of the vertical plan by Vertical Farming In UK that tank-farming frameworks permit. That makes simpler to create on whatever number levels as would be prudent by square foot. This implies that on the off chance that you have 2 square feet of free space in your home or loft you can have a pleasant looking indoor vertical nursery framework with lettuce, kale, tomatoes and different spices and veggies filling in racks, rather than having a corner loaded with soil, which can obliterate your dividers. Furthermore, the best thing about this sort of metropolitan cultivating utilizing tank-farming frameworks: you can develop new food throughout the entire year, without stressing over the climate!
2. Manageability
In contrast to conventional cultivating and some different techniques, metropolitan cultivating utilizing aqua-farming utilize 90% less water and much less space. This makes this kind of indoor cultivating an undeniably more manageable food developing technique. Likewise, since it can utilize no compound pesticides or herbicides and require less force, this aquaculture strategies for horticulture are helping decline dry spell, soil disintegration and comparative issues related with ordinary enormous cultivating creations. Presently, that is the main reality about supportability: each time individuals like Vertical Farming Companies In UAE change their food creation to metropolitan cultivating, they are assisting save the climate.
3. Effortlessness
In the event that you haven't attempted it effectively, metropolitan cultivating is truly simple to do. You needn't bother with a gigantic financial plan or the planting abilities and extraordinary information important to keep an entire nursery. With the Vios Hydroponic Growing System we have supplanted each one of those fundamental abilities and exertion with innovation. No compelling reason to utilize get filthy. Simply plant the seeds in the framework, fill the tank with water, add the normal developing equation, work the framework through cell phone application and you are all set!
4. Abatement "food miles".
Developing your own food inside metropolitan territories by Vertical Farming In Dubai not just gives you the freshest produce you can get (talk about homestead to table) yet it additionally saves a great deal of food miles, in this way diminishing tainting because of transportation, bundling and the entire coordinations related with monstrous food creation in rustic zones. So not exclusively is all the more harmless to the ecosystem, yet being nearby and really new, it likewise energizes individuals doing metropolitan cultivating to eat better and in season.
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asagriaqua · 4 years
Have you seen those vertical mainstays of the metro connect in Pune or perhaps in Delhi, Bangalore? The green and new plants on the divider clean the air and increment the stylish excellence of the city. 
This is just a single utilization of vertical farming. Essentially, Vertical farming is much the same as would be expected farming however in it, you need to develop plants in vertical plates or layers. Through these lines, one can grow an extraordinary number of plants on only a couple square feets of land. 
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For what reason does vertical farming seem like the ideal farming path for right now? 
Similarly as with the expansion in populace, one will see urban communities, towns and streets loaded with individuals, houses and enterprises. We just have restricted space left for farming and it calls for something under which we can get significant returns on a little land parcel. Vertical Farming in Poly House lets us do the very same thing. It illuminates our space issue as well as accompanies some free advantages like- 
As, If we go for Vertical Turmeric Farming in UK then we don't need to devastate the woodland and common propensities for widely varied vegetation which will help in biodiversity protection. 
Indeed, even we can do vertical farming through different strategies which will assist us with developing certain plants throughout the year. 
Let you set aside the additional cash by limiting the use of work and transportation since it requires less labor force and you can set up a vertical ranch close to the market. 
Vertical ranches require less water, pesticides and manures. 
A few focuses about which you should know
There are a few faults of Vertical farming which require your anxiety, so let simply examine them. 
In the event that you are considering vertical farming business farming, at that point you ought to be in a condition of doing a huge speculation. Since it requires bunches of cash to set up a vertical ranch. 
Vertical Turmeric Farming in Dubai , the energy gracefully is significant. As it's redundant that you will get the good climate conditions and the proper measure of light to every single sapling then you should be prepared with energy back up. 
Natural contamination can likewise be one of the issues if energy needs are fulfilled by non-sustainable wellsprings of energy. 
We can't differ with the way that common things are in every case best and dependable. Disappointment of a fake climate will prompt undesirable aggravation underway. 
In the wake of seeing the two sides of vertical farming one may have inquiries regarding it yet one thing which can assist you with emerging from this quandary is 'appropriate system and the executives '.Opt for a legitimate technique and the board plan for vertical farming as indicated by your inclinations and needs then no one but you can make its best.
Oxygen Vertical farms would improve air quality in urban environments. They would also reduce transportation requirements and lead to fresher produce.
Less land Farmers can maximize output from an area of land. Hydroponics has been able to produce crop yields that surpass traditional methods. They allow farmers to supply crops with water and nutrients at a much higher efficiency. Stacking plants vertically also reduces land requirements.
More natural land available Some argue that Vertical Turmeric Farming in UAE would allow current farmland to return to its natural state of forest and marshland. However, no consideration has been given to the landowners.
Environmental impact of construction Even eco-friendly buildings have an environmental impact.
Fewer chemicals and a sealed environment would also give farmers the potential to better control the environment, meaning fewer pests and diseases, and less need for chemicals.
Clean water Plants can be used to clean wastewater and their respiration can be collected as clean, drinkable water.
24 hours of growth Although it may seem illogical to use artificial lighting to grow plants. Artificial lighting would mean that, in some stages of growth, plants could have 24 hours of light, speeding up growth time. It would also increase potential food production in locations where natural light is scarce or days are short.
A S AGRI AND AQUA LLP is a group of professional and experienced people joined together with one common goal of farming and aquaculture promising the world's best Hi-Tech Agriculture and Aquaculture. There are many Vertical Agriculture in UK , we promise to give effective and best results with timely delivery.
Understudying the need for vertical farming is important. Therefore, we provide training programs and workshops. We understand the need for vertical agriculture. The requirements and equipment are managed and processed by the current Indian market trends.
We provide excellent services which also includes Turmeric vertical farming under poly-house. Product quality is the area of focus along with on-time supply and transportation of cultivated vegetables and mints. We use the latest Hi-technology and assure securing sustainability for urban areas with no environmental damage or harmful effects on human health and the environment.
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