#Aqua writing soft emotional stuff? Yeah. Yeah i am
gxtrbazxt · 3 years
It’s been a long time since Montgomery joined as the bassist, it’s been mostly the best decision an alligator like himself has ever made. A long day of shows and singing and playing, there’s still eight hours until the pizza-plex closes, and Montgomery is feeling a bit tired, making sure everyone’s all fine and dandy before going into his room, his body feels sore. But it’s worth it, its all very worth it. It’s enough to warrant a nap, hell, he just goes and lays against the wall on the floor and dozes off--
Three hours pass, and they awake to a knock at his door. They wait for a moment, as he turned to realize his curtain’s been open the entire time, his fans watched him idly rest, his chest heave up and down in a soft, calming motion for hours. He looks at them through the window with a tired, teary-eyed smile, giving them a thumbs up. Overwhelmed by happiness, they blink, allowing the tears to drip from his eyes. Thirteen years he’s been on the team with Freddy and the others and it’s the happiest he’s ever been.
One of them mouths that Freddy is at the door, waiting for Montgomery to open it for them. He presses a button on the other side of the wall, allowing Freddy in, as all the other fans are stuck there, waiting and looking at what’s going to happen. The bear gets onto his knees and embraces his dear friend. Monty lets out a shaky sigh, it’s the first time he’s allowed anyone, let alone his fans see him cry, for any reason at all. But these are cries of happiness, of joy--of thanks.
[ “ // Thank you--for letting me be your friend, your band-mate, family, Freddy. // “ ]
Monty chokes out, pushing his head into Freddy’s chest, tears staining it, a soft, darker hue engulfs some spots on the Bear’s chest-fur, and outside of soft sobs, and hiccups in his breathing patterns, the two of them are pretty much silent. His body trembles in the midst of their hug, and Freddy is simply rubbing his friend’s back as they cry onto them. Not even he’s seen the alligator cry, but they’ll be there for him nonetheless. It’s almost been fifteen years since they recruited Montgomery as their bassist. Quite frankly? It’s the best decision the three of them ever agreed upon.
“Hey--Monty. Thanks for allowing me to see you like this. It shows you trust me--us. Whenever you need a shoulder to lay on, or a hug--like we are now? Don’t be afraid to come to us.”
Monty looks up and smiles, big and great, dorky, even, his tears are like a waterfall, eternally flowing, but--it shows he’s happy as can ever be, even if his breathing is shaky, and even if there’s now soft sobs emitting from their throat. It’s..nice to see a much softer side of the Alligator. This isn’t weakness. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s never been a bad thing. It’s just...natural. Maybe it’s for the best he lets all this out here and now. Monty sighs and gives Freddy a weak chuckle. It’s evident he’s exhausted, and crying with such ferocity of emotions, it isn’t exactly helping his case.
[ “ // I’m...thankful that I see you lot as family. Thank you, again, for.. being here. It’s nice, having family again. // “ ]
Montgomery felt so..lost in his life for the longest time. He learned absolutely everything he possibly could from his father, so when they had unexpectedly passed years back? Montgomery well, he was alone, entirely alone. Friends, old-bandmates, but--he finally felt like he had a family in Freddy’s band. And even if he’s still not fully done mourning? It helps to know he has others by his side, a new family, strong in bonds and tight in trust. The alligator shakily sighs, Freddy stands up, his fazwatch beeping over a game of Fazer Blast he gets to play with his subset of fans.
[ “ // I won’t keep you any longer, bud. Go have your fun. I’ll be alright. // “ ]
Freddy looks away for a moment, and then back to Montgomery, giving them a welcoming smile, if they want to join him later on, they’re completely welcome to do so. Monty waves the bear goodbye as the door closes behind them. Laying his head back against the wall, he yawns, wiping the tears from his eyes. A few more hours of a nap won’t hurt, right? Plus he’ll probably feel so much better after he finishes napping. Still, though.. It was refreshing to finally purge oneself of emotions, the good ol’ fashioned healthy way for once. He stares at his hands, with a soft smile, saying one last thing before he dozes back off into deep sleep.
[ “ // I’ll keep on impressing you, father. Even while you’re up there, and I’m down here, you got it? // “ ]
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xandertheundead · 4 years
Reddie for the kiss list #44
Of course!!
...out of lust.
Eddie grit his teeth when Tozier pulled Eddie against him again, only to sigh and let him go with frustration written all over his face. It wasn’t like it was Eddie’s fault he felt weird trying to tango, it was so different compared to ballet and all the closeness with one of the most annoying people in the world didn’t help.
“You need to stop freezing up like that.” Richie complained, moving to grab the remote so he could stop the music from the box. “You’re a dancer, you have had to hold people before for shows, so what is going on here?”
It was so unfair of the company and Bill to write a goddamn show that threw so many styles of dance together. Eddie tugged at his sweatpants, not used to dancing in something with so much extra fabric. The shoes were also different and he missed his flats along with his tights and shorts.
“You’re just...really in my space.”
“That’s the point!”
Richie Tozier had been sought specifically by Bill Denbrough for his skills in the Tango and Waltz as well as some kind of artsy artistic stuff that Bev had done with him apparently. His mother had owned a dance studio and that was it. That’s all he had for experience, unlike Eddie who had worked his ass off to get where he was today. 
Jesus Christ, it made him so mad.
It also made him furious that Richie was insufferable, annoying, teasing, rude, cocky and how even though he was lanky, had a long thin nose, a large mouth and wore thick ass glasses everywhere except on stage…
He was beautiful.
Eddie sighed and ran his hands over his face so he would have to look at the frown on Richie’s face while his long dark curls were up in that pink scrunchie. “I don’t know, okay? I’m just not used to...that.”
“Look Spaghetti,” Richie sighed and that was another thing that Eddie just couldn’t stand. The CONSTANT nicknames. “If you can’t get this right they’re going to have to give your role to someone else and as much as I love Vic and his weird ass scowl and creepy eyes, I would much rather dance with you.”
Eddie frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Really?”
“Well, yeah.” Richie replied easily and Eddie for a moment thought maybe they could do this before Richie had to keep going. “I mean, you’re a way hotter piece of ass than Vic.”
Eddie resisted the urge to bludgeon the fucker to death with his water bottle.
“God, just...let’s try again.” Eddie bit out and moved back into his starting position.
Try again. Fail.
Try again. Fail.
Try and try and try again.
Eddie let out a yell of frustration when Richie again pulled away with a groan and walked back over to the music box. They had been here for hours, Eddie was getting hungry because he’d missed lunch to practice this stupid thing and he was sweating heavily.
“What was wrong now?” He barked, the wooden footed room carrying his voice and the anger in it all around. “I was doing every step! The footwork I have been practicing none fucking stop, so what the fuck is the problem?!”
“God, I’m going to sound like my mom…” Richie sighed and then turned to look at Eddie sharply. “Fine, you want to know why this isn’t working? Because it’s like I’m dancing with a broom.”
“Excuse me?!”
“A broom who looks great and moves well, but there is nothing there because it’s just a broom.”
Eddie was ready to slap him. “What does that even mean?”
“You have no emotion!” Richie yelled back. “You like a fucking robot when you dance.”
“I am not.” Eddie replied evenly, his temper just about to boil over and ruin this entire thing. He had not trained since he was three to be told he had no feeling in his dancing by some ass wipe who didn’t know how to shut up. “I have plenty of fucking emotions so you take that back.”
“No.” Richie replied quickly. “Not until you fucking show them to me when we’re dancing.”
Eddie had options right then, he could have thrown things at Richie and walked out, told Bill that it wasn’t worth it and be once again not given the lead. He could murder Richie right now and claim it was in self defense because no one told Edward Kaspbrak that he was fucking emotionless.
Or he could make Richie eat those words.
Eddie licked his lips, taking a deep breath to make sure he didn’t explode and instead tried to channel that anger and fury another way. 
“Play the music.”
“Play the fucking music, Tozier.”
Eddie moves back into the start, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes and took another deep breath. I’ll show you emotion he thought and opened his eyes when the first note started to play. This time, when Richie grabbed his arm and pulled him close, Eddie thought of it almost like a fight and instead of freezing pushed close as well.
Their chest pressed tightly together, Eddie turned his head to the side so Richie could run his nose along Eddie’s cheek softly. Eddie felt Richie’s lips brush the very bottom of his ear lobe and the words were just barely a whisper.
“Show me, Eddie.”
Richie moved then and Eddie followed quickly, the steps different but not any faster than he had learned in ballet. He kept up and then instead of just following and trying not to flinch or jump every time Richie put his hands somewhere, he leaned into it.
He wanted this man. He also wanted to kill him sometimes.
It was frustrating. It was infuriating.
Eddie wanted to fuck him so bad.
He threw his head back, arching his neck and pushed out his chest when Richie dipped him low, the need to actually want to moan when Richie ran his hand across him. Warm large hand from his neck down over his chest to his stomach before he was pulled up quickly and stepping again.
The wound around each other like snakes, each in each other’s space as they moved across the floor in sync. The more Richie clung, the bolder Eddie felt, making more of a show with his hips like when he and Bev just danced for fun. When Richie spun him around, pressing his chest to Eddie’s back, Eddie reached up behind to wrap his arms around Richie’s neck.
The shared a soft moment of Richie running his hands along Eddie’s torso when the music slowed before the music popped back into rhythm. Richie grabbed Eddie’s hips and Eddie made sure to keep his posture perfect and hang on as Richie dragged him across the room with large sweeping steps. When they had reached the mark Eddie quickly loosened his grip and Richie spun him around quickly.
Spinning had never been an issue for Eddie.
The song was coming to an end as the did their last few steps and Eddie acted like he made to leave, Richie’s hand grabbing his arm again to give him one last twirl before sinking to his knees and wrapping his arms around Eddie’s hips.
Richie rested his head on Eddie’s stomach just as the last note hit and soon the room was filled with nothing but their heavy breathing and panting. After a few seconds Richie dropped his arms and looked up at him with such a beaming smile that Eddie couldn’t help it.
He sank down to his knees as well and grabbed Richie by the collar of that stupid Aqua Teen Hunger Force t-shirt and kissed him roughly. Richie let out a sound of surprise, but it was lost on Eddie’s lips and soon Eddie felt a hand wind into his hair before Richie started to kiss back.
After making out for a good thirty minutes on the cold wood floor, they both lay on their backs staring at the ceiling and Eddie blinked when Richie started to laugh.
Richie chuckled and shook his head. “Now that I know the feeling of wanting to get in each other’s pants is mutual it’s going to real hard for me not to pop a boner on stage when I got you against me like that.”
“Oh my god. You are so gross.” Eddie replied, trying to sound disgusted but he started to laugh as well.
Send me a number and a pair!
Taglist: @tinyarmedtrex @oldguybones @queen-sock @constantreaderfool @all-beef-no-derry @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @recycle-byn @s-s-georgie @mars-14 @inthebreadbinwrites @yikesitsrylee @thorn-harvester-ven @appojoos @photoboothreddie @moonlightrichie @madi-main @nancynwheeler @edstozler @stylesmelon @reddieforlove @lifesucksheres20bucks @marsisaplanetyall @trashmouthnick @girasol-eddie @s-onora @rebecca-the-queen @purplepoisonedgem @darkobsidianquill
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