#Appu Series
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romchat · 2 months ago
Favorite QL Characters of 2024
Thanks @thisonelikesaliens for tagging me 🙏🏼 The Great Cdrama Drought of 2024 meant I had more time to catch up on my QLs, even watching a few live and joining the discussion here. (Y'all are so fun and smart!).
In no particular order...
Li Lun (Fangs of Fortune)
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Pretty, homicidal, and tragic--not even the censors could contain this queer icon.
Tae Myung-ha (Love for Love's Sake)
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I adored Cha Yeo-woon and those puppy eyes but watching Tae Myung-ha's story was like experiencing a love letter to one's self.
I hope we can all eventually choose ourselves.
Wei Zhi Yuan (Unknown: The Series)
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The yearning was so palpable. Ugh, I can never get enough of an ML who yearns.
Jiang Tian (The On1y One)
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See above.
Aoyanagi Hajime (BL Dorama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Kuranku Appu Hen)
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Meme-able beyond belief.
Kakei Shiro (What Did You Eat Yesterday?)
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Never have I identified with a character so much as when Shiro complained about "overspending" on shopping.
Shiraishi Yuto (Koi wo Suru nara Nidome ga Joto)
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One of my most used gifs among friends. His bitchiness was unparalleled.
Ko Young (Love In The Big City)
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I only just started this drama but I have a feeling he's going to be taking me on a rollercoaster.
Tagging @fiftysevenacademics @sparks-n-dust @incandescentflower if interested and anyone else willing to share :)
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jackoshadows · 2 years ago
Continuing my adventures with listening to fantasy audio books while getting in my daily exercise. I finally stopped with ASoIaF. While it’s an easy way to get a reread in, Roy Dotrice is simply awful and it does not change for the better. I had already mentioned how terrible Tyrion sounds and yet somehow he makes Gendry sound even worse. Gendrya shippers beware, Dotrice reads Gendry like a cranky old man.
I am now listening to the Graphic Audio books of the Stormlight Archive and it’s simply too good.  Finished with The Way of  Kings and halfway through Words of Radiance. The readers and voices are excellent - except for a few accents here and there like the iffy ‘Appu’ voice - and the background sounds really elevates the telling of the story. The narration of the battle scenes and duels are even more thrilling and yeah, it helps to be excited when one is exercising 😂.
I started with the normal audiobooks for the series and while it’s good and Kate Reading and Michael Kramer are ten times better than Roy Dotrice, Kate Reading’s take on Shallan makes her sound like those automated robo calls, a bit boring and bland. And she’s certainly not that in the books. The Graphic audio version certainly captures the voice of the character better, in the way she’s curious and excited about learning and annoying Kalladan and her internal thoughts.
So yeah, highly recommend these Graphic Audio books. I wish A Song of Ice and Fire and The Wheel of Time had these done, however I can also understand that this is not entirely feasible (Or would be more expensive) given the huge cast of characters in both fantasy series.
And if not Graphic Audio, then I just wish GRRM or whomever is in charge would get someone else to read and offer other options for these ASoIaF audiobooks.
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appuseries-blog1 · 6 years ago
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appuseriesblog · 5 years ago
RHYMES - There definitely are reasons
They chimed throughout your childhood; you cackled away at every funny refrain; you hear children singing and keep up the custom until today... Rhymes are timeless. Appu Series talks about how these verses have come to stay, pulsated through the ages and has been indispensible in the growth children.
The first introduction to any language is action packed. A child learns through onomatopoeic words... What do you make of the words ‘incywincy’ or ‘itsy-bitsy’? When you couple them with the finger-play, viola! Your child has made the first step to build his/her vocabulary, one of words and actions. Appu Series firmly believes in combining the aspects of music and movements for a rich learning experience.
An article on the Merill-Palmer Quarterly, notes that a sound introduction to rhymes kindles language learning in children of age 3 1/3 years and above. The study was conducted for over 15 months and the evidence showed that children who learned rhymes picked up language quicker that those who did not (Francis, July, 1987, p. 255)
Rhymes are not just verbal. They have a lilting rhythm in them. There is a set tempo in everything around us. Driving, biking or just walking in the streets demand a lot of speed-gauging techniques.
Rhythm is crucial. Unless you’re in synch with the pulse of traffic, you cannot smoothly get anywhere. In a study conducted by Jessica Phillips-Silver and Laurel. J. Trainor in 2005, they found a close connection between movement and rhythm in the cognitive functions of a child who starts with learning rhymes. (Jessica Phillips-Silver, June 3, 2005)
Rhymes definitely give a child that measured and mathematical acumen to navigate this world. It is fascinating to watch your child go through this journey of making sense of theirs world around. Words, objects, melody, rhythm ALL have a role to play.
Appu Series’ 8 volumes of nursery rhymes have a mixture of riveting traditional rhymes from the most cherished Mother Goose collection. The rhymes are animated for the visually inclined. A feast of colours paints the screen, with words flashing as the song proceeds.
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diasporaenresistencia · 5 years ago
For Immediate Release:
March 23, 2020
Media Contact:
Inarú Meléndez, 413-331-9530, [email protected]
80 Grassroots Organizations Demand Congress Redirect Over 9 Billion Funds for Recovery Efforts in Puerto Rico
San Juan, Puerto Rico -- In response to the current COVID-19 crisis 80 organizations from Puerto Rico came together to demand that Congress direct the Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) to allow the Government of Puerto Rico to use the more than $9 billion in funds destined for debt payments to instead be used to support Puerto Rican families in this moment of crisis.
The signers urge legislators to direct the FOMB to use the 9 billion dollars in resources to provide community driven investments that would ensure free testing and healthcare services; institute a moratorium on evictions, foreclosures, and utility shutoffs; make sure everyone has access to food; provide school children with the tools necessary to continue their education from home and; increase significant investments of clean, local, sustainable energy sources to stabilize service for millions.
Organizations that have signed on to the letter include the Center for Popular Democracy Action, VAMOS4PR, Diáspora en Resistencia, SEIU, Power 4 Puerto Rico, Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora, Make the Road New York, CASA, Taller Salud, Colectiva Feminista en Construcción and Construyamos Otro Acuerdo.
Letter requesting Congress direct the FOMB to release 9 billion dollars in reserve account for recovery CODIV-19 efforts in Puerto Rico.
Dear Member of Congress:
We write to you as organizations in Puerto Rico and stateside that are deeply concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on the island. Given Puerto Rico's crumbling healthcare infrastructure and aging population at greater risk of complications, the spread of this virus could result in an unprecedented human catastrophe. Congress should therefore direct the Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) to allow the Government of Puerto Rico to use the more than $9 billion in funds destined for debt payments to instead be used to support Puerto Rican families in this moment of crisis.
Congress, through the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act (PROMESA), made the FOMB the trustee of the Government of Puerto Rico. Over the last three years, Puerto Rico has been hit by a series of natural disasters--hurricanes Maria and Irma, ongoing earthquakes, and now, the COVID-19 pandemic. These disasters have exacerbated an economic crisis, created by decades of budget cuts and neglect, that had left the island with $129 billion in debt and a crumbling infrastructure.
Over the last three years, the FOMB has forced brutal austerity measures that have further crippled health, educational, and other public infrastructures. These severe cuts created a budget surplus that has ballooned to a staggering $9 billion cash reserve as of February 28, 2020 -- the same size as Puerto Rico's entire operating budget in 2017 -- up from $1.8 billion in December 2018.
The federal government has failed to disburse billions of dollars allocated toward a just recovery to Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. Recent earthquakes have compounded Puerto Rico’s distress. Estimated damages reported by hardest-hit local governments on the island exceed $1.4 billion, and the power authority needs significant investment to rebuild one of its main power plants by this summer in order to stabilize service for millions.
Only two months after the earthquakes, with hundreds still living in tents in the south, the island faces yet another disaster. Today, hundreds of thousands are in their homes, struggling to put food on the table for their families and not knowing when their next paycheck will come. To make matters worse, 20.7% of Puerto Rico’s population is over the age of 65, which means that any response that does not provide the necessary support to the island could result in thousands of deaths.
In accordance with §§ 201(b)(1)(B) and 201(b)(1)(J) of PROMESA, it is the responsibility of the FOMB to account for all government services and capital expenditures that must be provided in order to adequately respond to CODIV-19. This includes providing community driven investments in: (1) ensuring free testing and healthcare services; (2) instituting a moratorium on evictions, foreclosures, and utility shutoffs; (3) making sure everyone has access to food; (4) providing school children with the tools necessary to continue their education from home and; (5) significant investments in clean, local, sustainable energy sources to stabilize service for millions.
The fiscal plan should be revised to reflect these expenditures instead of ever-increasing austerity measures. We must prioritize these critical investments in the public health and safety of Puerto Ricans over debt repayments. Continuing to prioritize austerity measures for the sake of debt repayment will undoubtedly result in preventable deaths. Upon certification of a revised fiscal plan, these funds must be made readily available through any necessary legal and budgetary actions.
For all of these reasons, we believe that Congress should direct the Fiscal Management Oversight Board to allow the Government of Puerto Rico to use more than $9 billion in funds destined for debt payments to be used to support Puertto Rican families in this moment of crisis. Not doing so could spell disaster for hundreds of thousands.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Action NC
Alianza Por Puerto Rico - Massachusetts
Alianza Americas
Alianza for Progress
Asociación Nacional de Escuelas de Trabajo Social de Puerto Rico
Asociación Puertorriqueña de Profesores Universitarios (APPU)
Ayuda Legal
Boricuas de Corazón Inc
Boricuas Unidos en la Diáspora
Cancel the Debt
Central American Resource Center
Centro Para Una Nueva Gobernanza
Central State Latino Caucus
Center for Popular Democracy Action
Chelsea Rising/ LEAPS
Chicago Puerto Rican Agenda
Churches United For Fair Housing
Code Pink
Construyamos Otro Acuerdo
Colectiva Feminista en Construcción
Colectivo Ilé
Colegio de Profesionales del Trabajo Social de Puerto Rico
Comuna Caribe
Concilio de Iglesias de Puerto Rico (CIPR)
Defend Puerto Rico
Democratic Socialist of America
Democratic Socialist of America Palm Beach County
Diáspora en Acción
Diaspora en Resistencia
DSA Boricua Socialist Diaspora Caucus
Hedge Clippers
Instituto para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades y SIEMPREVIVAS.
El Puente-ELAC
Espacios Abiertos
Federación de Maestros de Puerto Rico
Fideicomiso para el Desarrollo de Río Piedras
Frente Ciudadano para la Auditoría de la Deuda
La Clara
LatinoJustice PRLDEF
Make the Road CT
Make the Road NJ
Make the Road NV
Make the Road NY
Make the Road PA
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice
Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana
Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres
Mujeres de Islas
National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN)
National Puerto Rican Agenda
New York Communities for Change
Northwest Boricua Resistance
Organize Florida & Pa'lante por Mas
Organización Puertorriqueña de la Mujer Trabajadora (OPMT)
Our Revolution Puerto Rico
Philly Boricuas
Philadelphia Chapter of the National Puerto Rican Agenda
Power 4 Puerto Rico
Proyecto Matria
Public Accountability Initiative
Puerto Ricans In Action
Puerto Rico Me Llama
Sembrando Sentido
SEIU Local 1
SPT SEIU Local 1996
Strong Economy For All Coalition
Taller Salud
Taller Puertorriqueño
UAW Region 9A
Urbe Apie
VAMOS y VAMOS en la Diáspora
Women’s March Florida
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letslearngrammar · 8 years ago
Everyday Idioms - made easy
Everyday Idioms – made easy
Idioms! Big ideas in a nutshell… Of course not in the literal sense! Idioms are the most refined expressions in any language. It requires a good deal of practice and exposure to incorporate them into your everyday conversations… Here are some examples under the title Everyday Idioms Made Easy, from Appu Series. All of these phrases are worked into some fun contexts! Watch, learn and grow!
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serialgossipindia · 2 years ago
Nazar and Nagin 4 Episode and Written Updates
Nazar and Nagin both are very top-rated supernatural TV serials that got huge attention from people. The storytelling and the presentation of supernatural power keep viewers glued to the TV screen. If you miss the latest episodes of Nazar and Nagin 4, here are the updates for you.
With the help of Madhu, Palak comes back to the house. But, house members still doubt Madhu. She discovers that Appu is a Davansh, and Madhu wants to kill Appu to become a super witch. To expose Madhu, Palak makes a plan with the pandit on Holi festival. But, she does not get success because Appu gets into trouble, and Palak rescues him first, abandoning the plan. Now, Madhu plans to kill Palak first by using the evil shape of a chameleon. Whenever Madhu attacks Palak in different shapes of a chameleon, Appu saves Palak unknowingly. Chameleon mistakenly kidnaps Appu, and everyone gets worried about Appu’s missing. Palak gets clues about the Chameleon’s presence behind the kidnap.
Palak tries to rescue Appu from the clutches of Chameleon, and her divine power appears without being unaware of it. Mashu also goes for rescuing Appu because she wants to sacrifice Appu to become more powerful in the witch world. Do Palak and Appu get free from the clutches of the chameleon? The episode ends with very interesting notes. For more details and updates, you can visit us.
Nagin 4:
Another most popular and interesting TV serial is Nagin. Every series entices viewers with an engaging story. The new series of Nagin is not disappointing at all. The earlier episode shows that Jay appoints Bani in his restaurant. Bani’s first day of work fills with the arrangements for Singhania’s private party, and she deals with Veer also. Veer is unaware of his father’s involvement in Girl’s trafficking, and he searches for Adhi Nagin to kill her. He thought Naina is Adhi Nagin. But, Naina is a anagin, but she knows Bani is the adhinagin. Naina decides to visit Jay’s restaurant to meet Bani and tells her the truth.
The upcoming episode will show you that Naina will get kidnapped by Veer’s cousin. Naina is also the witness to Noor’s murder. Naina’s blindfold gets dropped. Veer appears and asks his father, cousin, and Shukla what they are doing outside instead of enjoying the party. Balwant has kept a bomb in a van where Naina gets kidnapped. Now, the episode will end with so many questions. Can Veer save Naina? Does he discover his father's illegal business? Watch Nagin 4 and get answers to your all questions.
If you have missed the recent episodes of your favorite serials, you can visit SerialGossip to catch all updates on episodes.
For more information, visit our site: https://serialgossip.in/
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soliti · 6 years ago
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Appu Jasu (The New Tigers)
Nick T asked me for the highlights of 2918, so here we go:
How much can happen in 900 years, and what will remain after 900 years? If you think of 1118, within many aspects it’s still quite much presumptions or even hearsay, with some writings, books and paintings remaining of course. Buildings from 1100 AD are sparse. Nowadays there’s internet and new ways of storing sound and images, but you never know the kind of turmoils that can suddenly swipe over whole civilisations.
Considering the time span of human generations and the average height of family trees they’re nothing compared to 900 years. But in Buffy The Vampire Slayer there is for example a vampire called Angel (Angelus) who’s over 200 years old, which takes us to a whole nother speed of time. So according to existing information vampires can at least in theory live forever, therefore some current vampires could be there still then to tell us what are the highlights of 2918.
But vampires do need human blood to survive. Even if the changes in the conditions of the earth caused by global warming wouldn’t be a direct threat to them, the extinction of humans would be their end (some sources say they can consume the blood of other animals too, but the same extinction threat applies there). According to Buffyverse there is another dimension called Pylea where Angel visits in his spinoff series Angel, where vampires can withstand the light of the sun and where they are holding humans controlled like cattle, using them just as their food. This doesn’t seem like a very sustainable model, humans create huge amounts of co2!
I wonder what part of the blood is it that vampires need, could there be a way to create it scientifically, ”pulled blood” or something? It might be that vampires are not very good with science as they are soulless creatures formed from the worst fears and desires of the bitten human turned maximally evil. Watcher Duncan Fillworthe has described them having a ”hunger for life that’s been damned to never be satisfied.”
So my guess is that the highlights of 2918 will be either:
a) celebration of the history of vampires getting a hold of the big picture, getting a control over their primitive urges and destructive structures and not feasting on humans but having some sort of sustainable food process instead
b) some sort of doomsday-like (from human’s point of view) scenery where there is no vampires nor humans in sight but just overheated cycles causing massive upheavals, chemical elements reacting to each other in violent ways, lifeforms probably diminishing and developing towards very simple organisms to survive in any form or just turning to dust.
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rosardhara · 4 years ago
Nizhal Full Movie, Appu Bhattathiri’s Directorial Debut ft. Superstar Nayantara & Kunchacko Boban in lead roles Download Nizhal (2021) 480p in 250MB & 720p in 1GB & 1080p in 2GB. http://whatnextweb.com The Best Website/Platform For Bollywood And Hollywood HD Movies/series. We Provide Fully Working Download Links For Fast And Secure Downloading. Just Click On Download Button And Follow Steps To…
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thefinalanime · 4 years ago
Mutant Turtles: Choujin Densetsu-hen - [Opening] Power Up Turtles
Mutant Turtles: Choujin Densetsu-hen – [Opening] Power Up Turtles
Artista: Kageyama HironobuTemporada: Primavera 1996Ficha de la serie: Mutant Turtles: Choujin Densetsu-henDescripción: Opening Versión TV Versión Completa Kyodai na nazo ga uzumaku Yami no naka he Makikomarete mo ore-tachi Tamerawanai Genkai shirazu no yuuki to Densetsu yaburi no FAITO ga Koura ni afureruze Go! Go! TAATORUZU PAWAA APPU no henshin de Go! Go! TAATORUZU Aku no gundan…
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rx6topsoftwaresstore · 5 years ago
Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X File Format: exe Uploader: Appu Download Type: http File Name: compaq c795tu driver File Size: 23 Mb Date Added: 27 October, 2019 Price: Free Downloads: 7216 File Version: 115181700
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News: - Fixes hang-up during testing with 512MB*2=1GB SDRAM installed.(compaq c795tu driver installed.) - Fixes(compaq c795tu driver Fixes) Atom N280 CPU frequency incorrect in Windows 7It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available. - Fixed(compaq c795tu driver Fixed) the issue that after performing the endurance test, camera would stop uploading snapshots to SMB when periodic trigger is set. - Fixed Nvidia GTX 680 hang when runing with UEFI driver. - Fixed IPv6 related issues- Fixed quick internet setup UI issues when setup the router by wireless client. - Fixed a bug where RMM could not be enabled while RAID 6 is configured. - Improved(compaq c795tu driver Improved) Android OS stability- Fixed Romanian mistranslationsIt is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available. - Fixed RAID function abnormal. - Fixed the problem where the system fails the diagnostic test of Intel 865G Graphics Controller Diagnostic Utility. - Fixes abnormal display issue with snow dot for ATI discrete VGA. Users content: - This component corrects a data integrity issue which can occur in a TCP Offload Engine (TOE) enabled system in a high stress environment. Tomb Raider – TombRaider. The Self-Extracting window appears and prompts you to extract or unzip to C:\DELL\DRIVERS\R242640. Microsoft Windows XP ACPIIt is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available. Improve Scrapbook function. Notes when updating the firmware: Please make sure that the machine you are going to update the firmware is not busy. Beeps sometimes may not work. The display no longer become white when resuming from an S4 state. Be able to enable/disable USB and VGA IRQ.# Spread spectrum set to be ON by default. Add default IP (IP for default if it cannot get DHCP).- Microsoft Silverlight compatibility. http://loiniceprogramsweblog.guildwork.com/forum/threads/5e6ca9af881c5909aed33c64-download-hp-deskjet-d2360-series-printer-driver Supported OS: Notebook 8.1/8/7 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (64-bit) Windows Server 2003 32-bit Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Windows Server 2016 Windows 8 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows 7 32-bit Windows Server 2012 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (64-bit) Windows XP 64-bit Windows 10 Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit) Windows 8.1/8/7/Vista 32-bit Windows 8.1 Windows Vista 32-bit Windows Vista 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit) Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise (32-bit) Windows Server 2008 Windows 7 64-bit Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (64-bit) Windows Server 2003 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8.1 (64-bit) Windows XP 32-bit Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit) Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Windows Server 2012 R2 Searches: compaq c795tu driver for Windows Server 2016; compaq c795tu A06s; compaq c795tu driver for Microsoft Windows 8 Pro (32-bit); compaq c795tu driver for Notebook 8.1/8/7 64-bit; compaq c795tu driver for Windows Vista 32-bit; compaq c795tu A AQ069-0; compaq c795tu Asx069-sxq; compaq c795tu AQ0691; compaq c795tu AQWOY0691; c795tu compaq driver; compaq c795tu driver for Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro (32-bit) Compatible Devices: Android; Gadget; Videocard; Wifi router; Samsung; Laptop To ensure the integrity of your download, please verify the checksum value. MD5: eee20754ed3b0c3713d9414e6c1a1215 SHA1: 0e7bb79821da434ab31f31b8a99d31c90db11216 SHA-256: 6c7c51c7f42487af55194a87abf0a1a9923c319ccd433dd1af836ef758907c53
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serialgossipindia · 2 years ago
Nazar and Nagin 4 Episode and Written Updates
Nazar and Nagin both are very top-rated supernatural TV serials that got huge attention from people. The storytelling and the presentation of supernatural power keep viewers glued to the TV screen. If you miss the latest episodes of Nazar and Nagin 4, here are the updates for you.
With the help of Madhu, Palak comes back to the house. But, house members still doubt Madhu. She discovers that Appu is a Davansh, and Madhu wants to kill Appu to become a super witch. To expose Madhu, Palak makes a plan with the pandit on Holi festival. But, she does not get success because Appu gets into trouble, and Palak rescues him first, abandoning the plan. Now, Madhu plans to kill Palak first by using the evil shape of a chameleon. Whenever Madhu attacks Palak in different shapes of a chameleon, Appu saves Palak unknowingly. Chameleon mistakenly kidnaps Appu, and everyone gets worried about Appu’s missing. Palak gets clues about the Chameleon’s presence behind the kidnap.
Palak tries to rescue Appu from the clutches of Chameleon, and her divine power appears without being unaware of it. Mashu also goes for rescuing Appu because she wants to sacrifice Appu to become more powerful in the witch world. Do Palak and Appu get free from the clutches of the chameleon? The episode ends with very interesting notes. For more details and updates, you can visit us.
Nagin 4:
Another most popular and interesting TV serial is Nagin. Every series entices viewers with an engaging story. The new series of Nagin is not disappointing at all. The earlier episode shows that Jay appoints Bani in his restaurant. Bani’s first day of work fills with the arrangements for Singhania’s private party, and she deals with Veer also. Veer is unaware of his father’s involvement in Girl’s trafficking, and he searches for Adhi Nagin to kill her. He thought Naina is Adhi Nagin. But, Naina is a anagin, but she knows Bani is the adhinagin. Naina decides to visit Jay’s restaurant to meet Bani and tells her the truth.
The upcoming episode will show you that Naina will get kidnapped by Veer’s cousin. Naina is also the witness to Noor’s murder. Naina’s blindfold gets dropped. Veer appears and asks his father, cousin, and Shukla what they are doing outside instead of enjoying the party. Balwant has kept a bomb in a van where Naina gets kidnapped. Now, the episode will end with so many questions. Can Veer save Naina? Does he discover his father's illegal business? Watch Nagin 4 and get answers to your all questions.
If you have missed the recent episodes of your favorite serials, you can visit SerialGossip to catch all updates on episodes.
For more information, visit our site: https://serialgossip.in/
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File Version: 718161693 File Size: 23 Mb Date Added: 22 September, 2019 Download Type: http Uploader: Appu File Name: scr331 mac driver Price: Free File Format: exe Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 8591
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graceentertainment · 5 years ago
Sheezan Mohd reveals an amusing insight into his Character in Nazar 2
Sheezan Mohd is back on TV with the sequel of Popular Series Nazar as “Appu”, in the lead role.
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gameridernews · 7 years ago
Rider Gashat: Kamen Rider Build
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Kamen Rider Build Gashat (仮面ライダービルドガシャット / Kamen Raidā Birudo Gashatto)
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Kamen Rider Build (2017-???) is the 19th entry in the Heisei era of Kamen Rider, and overall 28th Kamen Rider show. 
The series takes place 10 years after Pandora's Box is found on Mars, and causes the Skywall to split Japan into three separate regions. Sento Kiryu, a young physicist, secretly fights the Smash, experimental monsters that are created by the mysterious organization who caused his amnesia. 
The Gamer Driver displays a red image of Kamen Rider Build.
This Rider Gashat uses the same voice as the Build Driver, Kamen Rider Build’s transformation belt. 
Japanese: レッツライド!めっちゃライド!むっちゃライド!ワッチャライド!アイムア仮面ライダー!
Romaji: Rettsu raido! Meccha raido! Muccha raido! Waccha raido! Aimu a Kamen Raidā!
English: Let’s ride! Totes ride! Hella ride! Whatcha ride?! I’m a Kamen Rider!
Japanese: レベルアップ!ラビットターンク!ウサギと戦車!ベストベストマーッチ!イエイ!
Romaji: Reberu Appu! RabittoTānku! Usagi to sensha! Besuto Besuto Mātchi! Iei!
English: Level Up! RabbitTank! Rabbits and tanks! Best-Best Match, yeahhh! 
Plays to the tune of Level 2 Mighty Action X.
When inserted into the Kimewaza Slot Holder, it triggers the Rider Critical Strike. When inserted into a weapon, it triggers the Rider Critical Finish. 
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dawnlindse-blog · 7 years ago
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The Dog and the Bone - Appu Series | Children's Fiction |625692020
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