#Apps for Doctors Sugar Land
homehealthpro · 1 year
Explore the transformative journey of mobile apps in healthcare, empowering medical professionals. Discover how these apps have evolved to enhance patient care, streamline workflows, and revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered.
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scoops404 · 18 days
↻ dream for honestly any part of anagnorosis
↻FLIP FLOP:send me a scene from one of my fics and I’ll describe or write it from another character’s POV!
Under the cut!
He knows before the call comes through that it's not good news. Truthfully, he's had a plane ticket in his cart for the last twenty minutes just ready to push pay while he waits to hear from Sapnap. It's just--there's something wrong. George has been blowing hot and cold, endlessly needy and shameless about it and then closed off and tight lipped, but they've always done well with distance. And this time, the distance has been good for them. They've been talking more in the last two weeks than they have since before they hooked up.
It's been... well, it's been alarming in some ways because Dream sees the parallels to the last time they were like this--the last time in London when George was majorly depressed but wouldn't accept it or talk about it or do anything but the exact directions Dream would give him in order to stay alive: eat, shower, sleep, work.
Maybe he shouldn't have gone to LA. Maybe he should have stayed and forced George to talk to him. But he knows how George gets when he thinks he's cornered. It's one step forward and ten steps back.
"Dream," Sapnap says when he picks up. "Bro, you gotta--it's bad. You gotta come home."
"Nick, what's--what's wrong?" Dream asks, and then a sick feeling comes over him. He can hear a siren in the background and he just knows that it's George. "Did he--did he hurt himself?"
"No," Sapnap says quickly, he sounds a bit distracted. "No, he didn't. He--but he's hurt. I found him in his bathroom unconscious."
"Nick?" Dream says and--oh god, his voice is--he can hear how raw he sounds. He feels like a child again--no control over the situation and on the other side of the country from his--from the love of his life. From George, who needs him.
God, he's been so stupid.
"Come home," Sapnap says with authority in his voice. For once, Dream listens to it. "I'm going with him to the hospital. I'll keep you updated."
"Okay," Dream says and hangs up. He presses purchase and then he pulls up his Uber app. There's no time.
He pays for inflight wifi so that he can get and respond to Sapnap's sporadic texts. Dream also sends his mom over to the hospital, a tearful phone call in the Uber that he hopes no one ever leaks.
Five hours. He has to be on this plane for five hours while George--while George is in pain. Unconscious. What could have caused him to pass out? Dream's brain jumps from undiagnosed brain tumor to cancer to an intruder in their home to low blood sugar from now eating enough. He keeps himself off of reddit, off of webMD because that's--for once he knows that's not helpful. He can't watch any movies, he can't listen to music. He just sits there, rawdogging it, mind spinning over and over and trying to keep the panic at bay.
What would he even do in a world without George?
When the plane lands, Dream's not embarrassed about pushing and shoving to the front of the line to deplane. he has no carryon, no bag to pick up in baggage claim, he's going to sprint to the uber line and then go straight to the hospital.
Panting in the back of the Uber, he finds a text from his mom saying the doctors won't talk to her or Sapnap, but she thinks they'll talk to him. Sapnap told them something that means they'll share info with Dream, and he wants to give Sapnap the biggest hug in the world when he sees him. Fuck, he's a bad liar but his friend comes through when it counts.
"Good luck, man," the Uber driver says when Dream jumps out of the car. Maybe picking someone up at the airport and dropping them at the hospital is a glaring sign that the person in your backseat isn't doing all that well. Dream thanks him perfunctorily.
His mom finds him at the front door and brings him to the nurse station to explain who he is.
"Ah, the father," she says sagely and then starts pulling him into a room.
He turns to ask his mother what the nurse means and her eyes are tearful, a sad smile on her face and he realizes--oh. He's the father.
He's someone's father?
George is here and Dream is a father and that means...
He's never been great at math, not like George, not on tests or theoretical things that don't matter. But this? He can do that math.
"We need to know your son's name," the nurse says in a no nonsense tone and Dream almost blacks out.
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hitthebooksposts · 1 year
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Cinnamon Snail
An @omgzineplease fic preview (Zine releases for free June 5th)...
Ships: Eric "Bitty" Bittle/Jack Zimmerman, Larissa "Lardo" Duan/Shitty Knight
Rating: G
It's ten years since graduation. While looking after Lardo and Shitty's new bundle of joy, Jack starts to wonder what the rest of his life with Bitty might look like.
(Preview under the cut)
“En kop kaffe og en kanelsnegl, tak,” Shitty said as clearly as he could, hoping his American accent didn’t mangle his Danish. The café he’d taken Lardo to was in the center of Copenhagen, and he was getting by on the smattering of Danish he’d picked up from a month of language app study.
While watching Danish crime dramas during late-night feeds with Timmy, he'd become acutely aware of how one part of Denmark pronounced words varied vastly from the other side of the country. In some ways, it made trying to learn Danish through an app a hit-and-miss exercise.
“Am I right that the translation of ‘kanelsnegl’ is literally ‘cinnamon snail’?” Lardo asked as they finished ordering. They were both having the same, though Lardo would be doctoring her coffee with ample spoons of sugar once it arrived.
“You would be,” Shitty replied with a smile. It was twelve hours and counting since they’d landed in Denmark and as he waited for his cinnamon roll and coffee, Shitty tried to ignore the worry attempting to crawl up the back of his spine.
The trip marked their first prolonged absence from Timmy since he’d been born nine months ago. And Timmy was the first anything that Shitty found he couldn’t be completely chill about. I guess that’s what it means to be a parent, Shitty thought as the coffee bean grinder in the corner kicked into gear. Constantly worrying and hoping for the best.
“How do you think Bitty and Jack are doing?” Lardo asked, pushing back her long black hair. The undercut was fresh and only two days old. It wasn’t that Lardo was vain, Shitty had found in their marriage, it was that she liked meeting her preferred sense of style as closely as possible at all times.
Shitty flashed back to a week prior when pureed carrot and sweet potato had become spattered over the suit jacket he had returned home wearing that day.
“I’m sure they’re doing fine.” Shitty looked at his watch and estimated it was just coming up to four in the morning back in Rhode Island. He tried not to think about the jet lag that was still waiting to hit him.
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p21-adrift · 2 months
I don’t mean to overstep, but my doctors think I could have pots. Ima. dancer and i’m super scared because i don’t want to have to quit! Could you share a little bit of your story, and any advice you can give at all?
of course! at first i just thought i had low blood sugar, so i kept eating sweets when i felt dizzy (rookie mistake). i was also drinking energy drinks all the time because i was so tired from school, work and dance. my apple watch finally gave me another use besides texting and playing games in class, and gave me a high hr alert. i downloaded an app which showed my hr was maxing out the apple watch sensors at 210bpm multiple times a night at dance.. we don’t know how high it really got but safe to say it didn’t matter, and the 210 was enough to land me a heart monitor for a week, an echo, and a beta blocker (heart rate slowing meds). i sat out a lot in the beginning to be honest. i would get nausea from my bp dropping and my hr rising. rehersal days were always so hard, and we do rehersals every saturday. i kept ice packs at the studio and ate salty snacks all the time. at comp i would do my dances, and then sometimes just black out after. i would bring blankets and pillows to lay on the floor at comp during down time. make sure you try to wear tight leggings as much as possible. always stay hydrated, and listen to your body. i also wear a medical alert tag on my apple watch to be safe.i take many meds to help manage now, and it has made it sm easier, even through i still have hard days. i can talk more about how i actually got diagnosed, but i thought that wouldn’t be as relevant lol.
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brettsey-two-tts · 2 years
Brettsey Prompts
+ Prompt +  Matt holding onto Sylvie’s hand while she’s in the hospital.
Before Sylvie could even think of opening her eyes, she immediately noticed the pressure on her index finger, the heaviness on her chest, and a familiar grip on her right hand. And then she heard an annoying ringing in her ear combined with a consistent beeping. She had heard the sounds many times before as she often did when she was on the job and had to admit people into Lakeshore or Med.
She was in the hospital.
But, why was she in the hospital?
The last thing she remembered was coming back from a call with Violet. Did something or someone hit their ambulance? No, that’s impossible. She remembers reversing the ambo onto the app floor. She was certain of it, because when she climbed out of the ambo, she remembered hearing Capp and Cruz teasingly ask Severide where he and Stella were going to go for their honeymoon. After that, nothing.
She fought against the heaviness in her eyelids but before she could open them, a small whimper escaped her lips.
Whatever was attached to her hand was alerted to the sound because she felt it twitch and then squeeze.
“Sylvie? Honey?”
The voice was somewhat muffled but when her eyes did finally flutter open, she was happy to see someone she trusted, loved, and found comfort in. Someone familiar.
“Matt?” she asked, still trying to wrap her head around her surroundings.
Yup, she was in the hospital. There was no mistake about it; she saw the EKG machine to her left, the small tv mounted in the corner playing reruns of HGTV (she wondered if that was Matt’s doing), the unique smell of antiseptic combined with artificial scents and soaps, and the pulse oximeter clamped onto her finger.
His worried frown and overly fearful wide eyes immediately met her confused gaze. When he saw her cornflower blue eyes meet his slate blue ones, it was like a wave of relief had washed over him. His shoulders sagged, the crease between his furrowed brows disappeared, and the tight grip on her hand loosened.
“Hey, Babe,” he murmured sweetly. “How are you feeling?”
Sylvie’s eyes continued to scan the room. “I’m… not sure.”
He visibly tensed. “Not sure?”
She blinked a couple times and clarified, “I’m not sure why I’m in the hospital. Was I in an accident or something?” No, that couldn’t be it either. She didn’t feel any pain. She could feel her legs and wiggle her toes, move her arms and feel the scratchy hospital blanket beneath her fingers.
He shook his head. “You collapsed on the app floor.”
Sylvie blinked a few times in disbelief. “Collapsed?”
“Violet rushed you to the hospital. Severide told me what happened when I landed at the airport. I took the taxi straight to Med and the doctors told me you had low blood sugar, dehydration– Violet said you guys were out a lot and she couldn’t remember if you ate anything.”
Sylvie grimaced as she remembered with a slight nod of her head. “I didn’t get to eat much during shift and this morning, and we had a weird call where we had to wait for CPD to give our statements.” She remembered forgetting to bring her water canteen that she usually kept in the cupholder. On top of it all, she had been trying to plan a few things for when Matt visited and also scrambled to grab a reservation at a really good restaurant Foster recommended to her. It all might’ve added to her fatigue.
He was here in Chicago. That’s right. He was visiting and was supposed to land and take a taxi to her apartment.
She whipped her head at the remembrance. “How long have I been out?” she asked. Matt gave her a worried frown when she tried to sit up.
“You were in and out on the way to Med. When Violet brought you here, you slept for a good hour before I got here. It’s been about three hours total maybe.” He held onto her hand a little tighter in some panic when he saw her start to climb out of the hospital bed. “What are you doing?”
“I’m going to ask to get discharged,” she replied simply, but he kept her from moving any more than she should.
“Then I'll go find a doctor so he can reevaluate you,” he replied calmly. He noticed how uncomfortable she looked and how much her brows started to knit together. “Sylvie?”
She confessed her irritation, “I just.. I had all these things planned for your visit. We’re supposed to be half-way to Waterfall Glen right now. And I was going to pack us a lunch to eat there and relax so we could soak up all the time we have together.”
Matt looked puzzled as he jokingly asked, “Why do you make it sound like we’re never going to see each other again?”
He was right; she did sound a little out of sorts. “You don’t visit often and when you do, something always goes wrong. Last time, shift ran late and you had to take a taxi to the firehouse instead of my place. You waited an hour and a half for me to return. Before that, your plane was delayed for five hours. And before that, I caught a cold and you had to take care of me, which was probably not at all what you anticipated when you thought of visiting in the first place. I don’t want to waste your time.”
He sat back down on the chair beside her and held her hand. He laced their fingers together and softly placed his other hand on top of hers. His thumb rubbed soothing circles into the back of hers as he spoke.
“Honey,” he began. He sounded like he was more disappointed that she thought such things affected him in any way. He loved spending time with her, even if it involved cuddling with her in her bed surrounded by used tissues while she fought off a coughing fit. “Setbacks happen. Flight delays, viruses, and obligations to your job - they all happen, and I don’t blame you for any of it. Sure, it sucks when plans don’t go the way you want them to, but that doesn’t mean I regret any of it.”
He saw her disappointment start to dissolve as her conflicted expression softened.
“You don’t?”
“Absolutely not. Any time together is time well spent in my book, even if that means having to endure a screaming baby on the plane for six hours to make it happen.” He laughed at the remembrance of his obvious grumpiness after he landed. His eyes lit up as he finished, “It is all worth it. You’re worth it.” She bashfully looked away at his endearing honesty and felt his lips against the back of her hand. Her heart practically melted at the sweet gesture.
If it were anyone else, maybe even Harrison, she wouldn’t have heard those words. Harrison would’ve made her feel bad for getting sick in the first place and would’ve put salt in the wound by bringing it up for weeks. But, not Matt. Matt was so sweet, selfless, kindhearted, and loving. He knew she had a habit of beating herself up for things out of her control. He never blamed her or even thought of blaming her and instead lifted her spirits in as many ways as possible. How in the world was he her boyfriend? What did she do to deserve him?
“I’m going to go get the doctor and we’re going to get you out of here. And then we’ll get some lunch at your favorite cafe that has all those different kinds of salads you love so much. Sound good?” Matt asked cheerfully, trying to shift her mood a little.
That’s what she both loved and missed about him; she loved his ability to pick up on her little cues that alluded to how she was feeling and she missed how he knew exactly what to say to her to help her feel better.
“That sounds wonderful, Matt.” She was definitely giving him some intense hearteyes. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he replied. He got up from his seat and leaned over to press a lingering kiss to her forehead. “I love you,” he whispered.
She leaned into him as she murmured, “I love you, too.” As soon as he pulled away, he caught her gaze and leaned in to press a chaste kiss to her lips. It was both in greeting and in thankfulness; a greeting that was long overdue and a thanks that she was going to be okay.
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joheun-saram · 4 years
Christmas Under Wraps (ksj)
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Summary- You always wanted to work in a small town, and when you finally got matched to a small hospital in Alaska for your one year sabbatical you never would’ve thought you’d be in a place where everyone believed Santa was real. Mass hysteria or magic? Only time will tell.
word count- 12k
pairing- nurse!Seokjin x doctor!Reader
rating- R
genre- fluff, smut
warnings- very bad puns, me having no knowledge of Alaska, cheating, shitty parents, mentions of the horrendous Mario movie, softdom!Jin, whiny!Jin, explicit sex, oral sex (f and m receiving), edging (kinda), multiple orgasms, too many references to Santa
a.n- Part of @suhdays​ Hallmark Holiday Collab! Please check other beautiful holiday pieces written by some amazing writers. Full disclosure, this fic took me more than a month to write, mostly because I have only seen like three Christmas movies, and one of them was Die Hard and the other was Nightmare before Christmas, so please let me know what you think! Was this Christmasy enough for you? 
s/o to the amazing @namyoongles​ for the banner! ily! 💕
As always feedback appreciated. Send me an ask! 💌
“Mr Henderson, I really need you to watch your carbohydrate intake. Your blood sugar indicates pre-diabetes and with your history of angina, it really is important that you keep this in check. I’m going to need you to do a monthly fasting glucose check for the next three months so we see some results. Okay?”
You look over at the smiling overweight septuagenarian seated in front of you. Mr Henderson was one of your favourite patients, one of the few you knew well enough to remember even his grandchildren’s name. You loved that. Being a doctor in a busy hospital in Manhattan made making a lasting connection with a patient a rare occurrence, and although you were worried about his health, you were happy you the last appointment of your five years of residency was with someone you knew.
“Doc, I’m old. A little dessert never hurt anyone huh?” Mr Henderson joked, as he patted his stomach, the buttons of his shirts working hard to keep it together.
“I’m serious, Mr Henderson,” you speak sternly, looking up from your iPad screen at the man in front of you, just as your attending walks in through the door.
“Well, Mr Henderson you better listen to Dr. Y/L/N. She’s the best we’ve got and she will keep calling you in for appointments even if she isn’t here!” She adjusts her glasses, her hands in the pockets of her lab coat, as the two delve into a conversation about her upcoming retirement. You were sad to see your mentor and friend retire, but if you were being honest, it was that fact that gave you the courage to make your big move. 
Your colleagues and friends were shocked when you announced that you were moving to Alaska. You had always been the top of your program and had an assortment of top specialization programs to choose from. In fact, your father was the most shocked. He expected you to follow his footsteps and specialize in internal medicine from the prestigious program at John Hopkins. He had even spoken to one of his friends on the admission board to ensure your acceptance. 
He almost choked on his dinner when you mentioned that you had accepted the family medicine specialization program in the small town of Elophtron in Alaska. He was livid, having never even heard of the town, let alone the program, deeming it unworthy of his 28 year old prodigy. But that’s the thing. You were twenty eight. There was no way you would let your father, or anyone for that matter, dictate what to do with your career. 
The only person who seemed to support your decision was your long term boyfriend, Jiho, who seemed ecstatic at the news. He was the first person you told. You were nervous when you broke the news, the two of you had been a little distant the past few months, but your worries were assuaged when he pulled you in a tight hug excitedly telling you how proud he was of you. He knew how much you wanted to take a break from the city, and seeing his enthusiastic support made you confident you were making the right move.
Born and raised in New York City, the overcrowded bustle of the city thrummed through your veins. While you did pride yourself on being a true New Yorker, you would be lying if you said that you were happy here. It was easy to be lost here, to be forgotten amongst the millions of faces crossing the streets. As often as the city lights cheered you up, they also suffocated you. 
The city was cold, a criss cross of concrete and beautiful glass towers housing lonely, selfish souls that didn’t mind tripping over the people sleeping in the streets. People here craved to be noticed, craved to live lavishly, and while you were born into what most craved, what you wanted was the solace of a town where everyone knew each other. A town where you could make lasting relationships that didn’t rely on your last name or where you graduated from.  Elopthron, although a terribly sci-fi sounding town name, was your reprieve from the smog filled mundane.
The days leading up to your departure were full of excitement. You packed quickly, your closet surprisingly fitting into two bags that barely avoided the baggage limit. Your friends hosted a cute little going away party, full of champagne and promises to visit, while your parents hosted a cold dinner, full of lectures and judgement. As your flight landed in Juneau, your heart was beating with nerves. This specialization was at the town’s only hospital, the fact that all the town’s medical talent was under one roof had you excited to learn. Not only that, but the program stated that you would get the opportunity to run things and you couldn’t wait to put your leadership skills to the test again - you were the chief resident at your old hospital and you couldn’t say that the role didn’t suit you.
Collecting your bags, albeit with a little struggle, you reach the doors to the arrivals where the hospital had told you to meet the driver. That is another thing about this dream opportunity, they not only ensured you had a ride into town, but even provided you with your own apartment. To your shock, the driver you meet takes you not to a car but another plane, a small little thing that shakes with every gust of wind. 
It makes you nervous, the shaking rattling your heart around your chest, but the view of the snow covered mountains takes your breath away. You were never one to swoon over nature, preferring your apartment to the hiking trips Jiho got excited about, but seeing the fresh untouched snow stirred something in you. It promised fresh starts and unchartered challenges, and that made your heart beat faster in anticipation.
The feeling didn’t subside even when you made yourself comfortable in your new apartment. The warm wooden finishing was a stark contrast to the metal of your home in Manhattan and as you started the fire before hanging your clothes in the small wardrobe in the corner of your room, you couldn’t stop the grin etching across your features. You were finally here.
The apartment was on the first floor of a two storey complex. It was much smaller than your expansive home, but instead of suffocating it felt cozy. The front door opened to a small hallway furnished simply with a cute oak shoe rack and a full length mirror. It led to an open concept kitchen and living room, separated by a breakfast island. The living room had a large fireplace, stack of wood next to it, and a large yellow couch opposite it. Furnishing was minimal, but your bedroom boasted a large queen sized bed, anchored on each side by matching nightstands and a wardrobe in the corner. 
It was everything you didn’t know you craved as you settled in your bed for the night, noting to thank the hospital for even providing the bedding. As you stared at the wooden slats that decorated the ceiling of your bedroom, you felt comforted. It was unlike your home, where the high ceilings made you feel cold and alone, even when Jiho stayed over. Perhaps you needed this new beginning more than you thought.
The morning was not as serene however, as you somehow managed to turn off your alarm without waking up and were running half an hour behind schedule when you realised you didn’t have a coffee maker. Scrambling out into the cold early December weather you pulled your expensive but utterly useless coat around you as you followed your map app to the closest and seemingly only coffee shop on the one strip of shops the town boasted.
Checking the time to see you still had about half an hour till work started, you slowed down a little to take in the surroundings. Quaint did not cover how cute the small town was. The main strip was a large two way street with a row of little independently owned shops on either side with names such as Once Upon a Book, A Nick in Time, and Thorns and Roses. You didn’t know what these shops housed, although you could guess some, and you couldn’t wait to explore. The cutest thing about the shops was how festive everything looked, fairy lights strung everywhere, mistletoe and wreaths in every window. Like you had stepped into the Grinch’s nightmare, and it was barely October. This might possibly be the most fairytale like town you’d ever stepped foot into. 
You easily located the small coffee shop, chuckling at the ostentatious pink board reading Bean There. It seemed more like an 70’s style diner than a coffee shop, filled with small vinyl tables, each with a small Christmas tree on it. Making your way to the counter, you ordered your usual, blond roast coffee with a splash of almond milk.
“Oh sorry hon. We only have normal coffee and cow’s milk,” the older woman standing behind the cash register answered with a jolly laugh, pouring coffee from a pot into a red to-go cup. Before you could say anything, she continued. “Besides, that’s some hippy stuff. We’ve been drinking cow’s milk for generations and our family has never been healthier! I swear these trends are killing the economy!”
And she talked, going on and on about the benefits of milk giving you no time to interrupt as she poured a copious amount of milk into your coffee making it resemble a latte. You were about to give up and forego the coffee this morning till someone behind you decided to speak up.
“Doris! What did we say about forcing the tourists to drink your farm’s milk?” You followed the deep, joyous voice to its owner, blinking a few times as you registered the tall, dark haired man behind you. Oh and what a man he was. 
Dressed in black skinny jeans and a red flannel shirt under a fur-lined denim jacket, your eyes zeroed in on his broad shoulders. The instant attraction you felt to this stranger had heat rising up your neck. Emboldened by the fact that you would probably not see this stranger again, you let your eyes roam his body, biting your lip slightly, till your eyes met his, a small smirk on his lips. Clearing your throat you awkwardly stepped forward.
“It’s okay. No problem, Doris, was it?”
“No no. You want almond milk, you get almond milk! Doris I know for a fact you have it back there!” The stranger stops you from grabbing the drink on the counter, a hand held up.
“Seokjin! I see how it is! Just because a pretty girl wants almond milk, you share but not when Jeremy wanted to try it.” Doris huffs, straightening her bright yellow apron.
“Jeremy was drinking it as a dare, and I’d rather not waste one of the ten cartons that Dosey orders every month on stupidity.”
“Um… Really it’s fine! I’m going to be late for work so… thank you!” You try to escape. As much as your lactose intolerant gut was wincing at the thought of almond milk, you had spent way more time here than you planned.
“Wait, work? Hon you’re not a tourist at all! Where are you working?” It seemed you only made the conversation more interesting as Doris looked at you beaming.
“At the hospital?”
“You’re the new doctor? Oh my! Welcome Doc! We’re so excited to have you here! I suppose you’ll be seeing a lot of Seokjin then!” She slapped the stranger, Seokjin you suppose, on the shoulder as he stares at you with wide eyes before catching himself and clearing his throat.
“Doris! Will you just make the pretty doctor her drink then? Mine too please!” He leans on the counter and you can’t help but steal another glance at him. He really was oddly beautiful.
“Sure hon! Here you go!” Doris chuckled as she placed two coffees on the counter and you’re pleased to see yours looking exactly how you prefer. You take out your wallet before Seokjin stops you.
“Don’t worry about it. Put it on my tab Doris. Here, let me walk you to work.” He guides you out of the little cafe, a hand hovering near the small of your back.
“I’m sure you have better things to do. I’ll be fine.”
“Oh it’s no problem at all. I’m going there myself.” 
“Oh. Are you a resident?” You did not expect that. By his attire you assumed he worked some manual labour, and by his face you assumed he worked as a model. Somehow you couldn’t picture seeing this man living at a library like you had your years of schooling.
“Nope. Head nurse. So Doris is right, you’ll be seeing me a lot.” He grinned at you, his cheeks puffing up in a way that made you want to poke them. What was in the air in this town? You needed to get a grip on yourself.
“Oh nice to meet you then! I’m -”
“Dr. Y/L/N from New York, right?” Seokjin cut you off before you could finish, looking at you over the lip of his cup as he sipped his coffee, casually guiding you down the main street towards the hospital.
“Right… Seokjin?”
“Yup. Kim Seokjin. How are you liking our little town so far?” He seemed genuinely interested and you smiled. It felt oddly comfortable even if you had inklings of butterflies swarming your belly.
“I love it. It’s really beautiful!”
“Oh wow. Didn’t expect a New Yorker to like it here. You know it’s always cold, right?” he smirked, slowing down as you reached a cute little pink house, before stopping completely.
“I can handle the cold. Wait, this is the hospital?” You looked at the house. It looked more like something a grandma would reside in than a hospital. You were used to glass buildings and top of the art hospitals. As you entered, the door opened to a large waiting area with faded vinyl chairs and a reception desk. It was cozy, but you couldn't believe this was the only hospital in town.
“The one and only. The town’s going to be so excited to finally have a doctor 
again!” His words made you sputter, almost choking on your coffee.
“What do you mean, finally? Where are the other doctors?”
“You’re it!” He grinned.
This was not according to plan. You were here to learn. Learn from people much more well-versed in medicine than you were. You did not expect to be the only doctor. Even if the town only had around 2,000 people, it was still outrageous that you would be the only person treating them, and in this small house. Does this place even have any imaging machines?!
As the day went on, your nerves only increased. Seokjin introduced you to the other people who worked at the hospital. There were only three others, two orderly, and another nurse. There were more people in your friend group of residents back home. This was scary, and as you laid in bed that night, all you wanted to do was talk to Jiho and get comforted. He didn't pick up, and you counted the slates on your ceiling to fall asleep, pushing your mind to rest no matter how alone you felt all of a sudden.
Turns out you were not that alone. Within a month you had finally gotten into the groove of things. Your five-person team gelled together pretty fast, and soon you could anticipate each other's moves and even talk without words. Running a hospital, however, was not all you had cracked it up to be in your head. Although you didn't see too many patients daily, the paperwork kept you way past dinner most days. If it weren’t for Seokjin’s insistence to leave at the same time as you, you might as well had moved into your office.
All in all, it was nice. The town had welcomed you with open arms, and it was exactly what you were looking for when you left Manhattan - a place where everyone knew your name and not because of who your family was, where you could walk into a coffee shop and they'd know your order, where you knew your neighbours and attended extravagantly cheesy block parties. Elopthron had its quirks, how almost everyone here put way too much emphasis on Christmas, adults even going as far as pretending Santa Claus was real for the kids all the time. You weren’t kidding, one time a middle aged patient insisted on not ordering the brace he needed because he knew Santa would bring him one on Christmas. When you told Jenny, the other nurse, to do a psych evaluation, she just shook her head in amusement, thinking you were joking. “Of course Santa is real, Dr. Y/L/N. Here in Elophtron, Santa comes every Christmas with presents!” she had insisted, leaving you baffled. This town was absolutely bonkers, but it was starting to feel like home.
The only thing stopping you from feeling fully content was the fact that your parents were still icing you out and somehow regardless of being only four hours out of sync, Jiho and you had barely communicated this month. You would think you were being ghosted if it weren’t for his sporadic one liners.
You sighed as you looked over the budget for the month, the numbers somehow refusing to add up as you looked at your phone, the Instagram notification lighting it up. You could use a break, so you decide to scroll through your feed, only to stop abruptly at Jiho's new post.
Love my baby so much! Happy four months, beautiful.
It was a cute caption, if it weren't for the fact that you and Jiho had been dating for over four years, your anniversary was in March, and that he was kissing a stunning blond that you didn't recognize in the picture.
You looked at the picture again, closing the app and starting it again, just in case it was a glitch. Nope, apparently, Jiho had broken up with you and forgot to tell you. You could feel the tears pricking your eyes, but they weren't because of sadness. Oh no, you were furious. No wonder that fucker was so excited about your move.
You let out a huge groan, throwing your phone across the room, as you stood up and kicked your desk, tears now freely flowing. You couldn't believe the nerve. You hadn't expected this from him. In fact, much like a loser, you were expecting him to propose at Christmas. You thought back at how he had told you he loved you and called you beautiful, much like he was now professing to that new girl and it made your stomach twist. You wanted to break stuff. No, correction, you wanted to break his face.
You didn't realize you were rage pacing until Seokjin appeared in the doorframe, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Everything okay, Y/N?" he asked, stepping in front of you to stop your pacing. In the past month, Seokjin had gotten surprisingly good at reading your moods. It was like he could see a slight change in your micro-expressions and be able to tell whether you need a coffee, a hug, or a walk. You were truly grateful for him, but at this moment you were afraid you were going to take out your anger on him so you tried to calm down. Stopping your pacing, you plastered a smile on your face.
"Yeah. Everything's fine. Don't worry. Why are you still here?" Seokjin, however, didn't buy your flimsy excuse and pulled you in a hug. You felt yourself instantly calm. It was oddly intimate. He had hugged you before, but never like this. His arms were tight around your frame as your face met his chest, enveloping you in his vanilla scent. Your attraction to Seokjin had faded slowly over time, but right now as he tightened his grip around you in an effort to comfort you, your heart skipped a beat.
With your rage fast diminishing, all you had left was your heartbreak as you slowly started to cry in his chest. He didn't question you. His usually talkative personality, giving way to an understanding silence as he slowly rubbed your back.
When it seemed that you had calmed down, Seokjin pulled away, looking at you with concern. Without asking you for details, he suggested going on a drive. You accepted, knowing that if you just went home all you would do is wallow. You let him drive you to a burger joint, picking up your favorites, before getting back in his truck. The two of you drove for what seemed a long time, the food getting cold as soft pop music played in the background.
He never once pushed you to talk, letting you take in the trees lining the highway, as you watched the snow glittering in the moonlight on the banks. Finally, he stopped the truck, getting out before opening the door for you, taking your hand as you stepped down from the height.
The view blew you away. He had driven you to a field of sorts, getting the back of his truck ready with some blankets. But it wasn't the pine-lined field that took your breath away, it was the sky. Above you the navy hues of the night were alight in colour, pinks and greens blooming like waves in the sea. Stars prickled through occasionally as the weave of colours danced slowly, mesmerizing you. You don't know how long you stared at it in awe, but when you turned around, he was already sitting on the back of the truck, under a blanket, your food being taken out of bags.
He speaks for the first time when you settle next to him.
"You want to talk now?"
"I don't know." You shrug, rattling the ice in your cup as you swirl around your drink.
"It's okay if you don't want to. Just... do you need to go back?" He seemed hesitant, almost disappointed, as he asked. It was endearing how much he cared about the town not being left without a doctor.
"No. Definitely not." You said firmly, staring at the sky, missing the way he smiled at you in relief. The last thing you wanted to do right now was go back to Manhattan so your parents could tell you how you failed and accidentally run into Jiho and his blonde. Hoping to deflect the conversation, you looked at Seokjin, his cheeks puffed as he took a big bite of his burger. "Seokjin, can you tell me something about yourself?"
"What do you want to know?" He says, sipping his drink.
"I don't know. Anything."
"Hmm... well I'm a nurse and I’m the most handsome man in the world." He laughed, clapping his hands slowly as if applauding his own wit. You rolled your eyes, unable to fight the smile that made its way to your lips.
"Oh my god, you dork! Tell me something real. Tell me a secret." You bumped him with your shoulder.
"If I tell you a secret, will you tell me what's wrong?" You hummed, eyes wide in anticipation as you munched on your cold fries. "Well. I secretly kind of hate this small-town life."
His answer shocked you. In the month you’ve known Seokjin, he has been this little town’s biggest fan. With the number of people who greet him, and routinely give him presents, you don’t doubt he could easily be elected mayor. In fact, the chief of police even suggested using him as the town’s mascot, for crying out loud. 
“If you hate it why are you here?”
“Did you know I lived in San Francisco for ten years till last year?” You did not. You couldn’t imagine Seokjin amongst those tech snobs, nor could you imagine him in anything not flannel. “Yeah. I loved it. I worked at this amazing hospital and went out to all these clubs. I was kind of a party animal.” He chuckled, looking at his lap fondly as he picked at the blanket.
“Why come back?”
“Well… my family established this town. We were the first ones here and well I promised my dad when he died that I’d help continue the little traditions in this town.” He shrugged, his mouth a lopsided smile. “Promised him I’d raise my kids here. Family comes before fun.”
“That’s… wow. You must really respect your dad, enough to change your life for him,” you spoke softly, leaning into his lap a little to place your hand over his. “It must have been hard to lose him.”
“It was, but I hope I’m making him proud.” He gave you a genuine smile as he squeezed your hand, before tapping it. “Now enough about my emo self! Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
And so you did. You spent probably three hours out in the cold, before calling it a night. You told him about Jiho and how he broke your heart, and he related by telling you about his own ex that had broken their engagement when he suggested the relocation. Spending time with Seokjin was comfortable, it was easy. There was something about him that warms you up, like hot chocolate on a snowy night.
You hadn’t been that vulnerable around anyone in a while. Your life in New York was calculated, you never knew who you could trust, and so you trusted no one. It felt oddly freeing to be able to talk about your heartbreak and insecurities with Seokjin, and after that night under the aurora borealis, you both became closer. Before, you would only see each other at work, but since then you had been hanging out outside of work a lot. Sometimes the two of you would grab dinner at the local diner, or he would pick you up for working, grabbing coffee and flirting with Doris shamelessly for freebies. The more you spent time with Seokjin, the more you realized how different he was from what you had assumed.
When you first got to know Seokjin, you thought he was hardworking and amiable, but now you knew his dorky side. The side that would come up after a glass of wine, when he would start cracking lame dad jokes, clapping his hands, and laughing at himself. The side that got especially shy, ears turning a bright red, every time you complimented him on anything, be it his work ethic, or a nice new shirt he bought. The side that would go on and on about the Mario universe, regaling you with details about why Wario was misunderstood, or why the movie should only be watched when wasted otherwise it was a waste.
To be honest, you never knew there was even a Mario movie, and when you told him such he gasped loudly, grabbing you by your shoulders and excitedly making plans to watch it together. You wouldn't tell anyone but with your newfound friendship with Seokjin, he had also gotten very comfortable touching you. Maybe it was the aftereffect of being so vulnerable around him that one time or the fact that you were trying to get over Jiho, but every time he pulled you into a hug or brushed past you it made your heart skip a beat. You controlled the flush slowly creeping up your neck, as you shrugged his hands off your shoulders and solidified your plans to watch the movie together.
True to his word, Seokjin showed up at your house with a case of beers, a local microbrew full of hops that made your tongue sing. Halfway through the movie, you had no idea what was happening, Mario and Luigi, who had terribly fake accents, by the way, jumping through trying to save the damsel in distress in what looked like an acid trip. The alcohol didn't help as the plot got more convoluted, but that didn't stop Seokjin from excitedly trying to help you decipher it.
You don't know when it happened, but his arm was around you, casually draped where your head met the couch, his fingers lightly caressing your shoulder as he sipped his beer. You took another sip of yours trying to calm yourself. No matter how many times you tried to focus on the colours exploding on the screen, all you could think about was your hammering heart as your skin heated up under his innocent touch. It wasn't when he abruptly pulled his arm away from you that you were broken out of reverie.
"So what did you think?" He asked excitedly, turning on the couch towards you, a leg moving up and under his other. You hadn't even realized the movie ended. Did they save the princess? Or was it their business they were trying to save? What was this movie even about?
"Um... it was something," you commented, hoping that the vague answer would satisfy him, as you chugged the rest of your beer.
"It's cause you're not drunk enough! Y/N! I told you, you had to get wasted to like this movie!" He whined, clumsily opening another bottle and handing it to you. You weren't drunk, he was right. You were on the right side of tipsy, just on the edge of jumping into oblivion. Seokjin on the other hand, seemed much more ahead of you as he struggled with the bottle opener.
Chuckling, you reached out and put your hands over his, helping him uncap his bottle. You didn't notice how close you had gotten until he whispered thanks and his breath ghosted the skin of your nose. Looking up, your breath hitched as you saw the look in his eyes. Usually filled with mirth, it was jarring to see him looking at you with want, his long dark hair falling into his eyes as they traced your features. You saw his eyes linger on your lips and all you could do was blink. You knew you should move away, he was coworker and friend, but you froze, the two of you lost in the silence.
He made the first move, bringing his hand to your face tentatively. You leaned into it, sighing a little, and that's when you felt his lips on yours. Soft, plush lips that you had imagined more than a few times this past month, molded around yours. The kiss was shy, a little soft as his thumb caressed your flushing cheek. Your hands still on top of his on the beer tightened as you deepened the kiss, and he followed, grunting slightly, his hand moving to the back of your head, angling it a little. You mewled when his tongue licked at your lip, granting him access as it roamed your mouth, easily taking charge as your heart exploded within your chest. You hadn't been kissed like this before, the balance of gentle and domineering, making your knees weak. You were glad you were seated because otherwise, you'd be on the floor.
You don't know how long you were kissing, but the spell was broken as his phone rang, making him pull away abruptly, lips swollen and face red. It took everything in you to not go in for seconds as your mouth followed his. He didn't oblige you though, as he pulled away, resting his hand on your waist as he reached for his phone.
"It's my mom. I'm sorry," he apologized with a pout that did not help how you were feeling. Finding it hard to speak, you simply nodded as if in a daze. His wide, grateful smile made you turn to putty as he answered, only to frown. Quickly ending the call, he grabbed your face and kissed you again, hard but quick, taking your breath away.
"I have to go. I'm so sorry." He looked at you, his forehead pressed against yours, as you blinked. Standing up from the couch, you straightened your t-shirt, as you walked him to the door. He stopped in front of it, his arms around your waist as he pulled you into a hug, making you smile. You felt like a teenager who got to kiss their crush, it was bizarre. Pecking your lips a few times, he bid you goodbye, waving as he walked off, leaving his truck in your driveway.
Shutting the door, you giggled giddily, forgetting all about your earlier worries of maintaining a professional decorum, as your fingertips grazed your lips, still feeling the touch of his lips. That night he messaged you just once, and you reread the text over and over as you fell asleep.
Thanks for watching that stupid movie with me tonight. Can't wait to continue where we left off ;)
The next day you were extremely excited to go to work, changing your outfit multiple times before settling on a pretty pastel pink dress and leaving your apartment, noticing the truck was no longer in your driveway. Stopping by to grab a cup of coffee, you greeted Doris.
“Hi Doc! Happy last day to send Santa a letter!” she chirped as he poured your order. You shook your head in amusement. This was by far the weirdest aspect of this town. They were all so obsessed with Christmas, grown adults refusing to talk about how Santa doesn’t exist. It would be endearing, charming in a way if it weren’t for the fact that Bean There was the location where they collected these letters to Santa, and it was full of people scrambling to write. You would think it would be mostly kids, but you could spot Mr. Hernandez, a sixty year old retired lumberjack, scribbling away, as well as Molly, the recent college graduate. It seemed the town had no age limit when it came to believing in Christmas miracles. 
“Doris, I don’t know what’s in the air here, but you guys know Santa isn’t real right?” you whispered, not wanting to incite a full out riot, like you accidentally did when you first moved and made the same comment. Either this town was very much into the spirit of things or you were just too late to catch up to the mass group hysteria everyone seemed to be a part of.
“Y/N! You just have to believe, hon. I’m telling you every year, whatever you write on those letters comes through. I mean you can’t ask Santa for love or anything but anything material comes! Always. How else do you explain that?” You frowned as she pushed your coffee towards you. Sure, you didn’t have a logical explanation for that but that doesn’t mean Santa was real. However, you were in a great mood this morning, looking forward to seeing Seokjin, and so you acquiesced to Doris when she waved a piece of paper, writing the first thing that came to your head which was a snowglobe, since the shelves behind the counter was lined with about a thousand. You could use a cute one to put on your desk, if Santa was in fact real.
When you walked into the hospital, coffee in hand and pep in your step, you looked around for the familiar mop of dark hair, half expecting a ho ho ho, or some cheerful Christmas pun Seokjin usually pulled out in the morning, but you were met with an empty lobby. Even his office was empty. It was odd. He was usually the first one in after you. 
Walking into your office you felt your earlier excitement twist into nerves. What if he regretted last night? What if he thought you were unprofessional? But he had texted you, surely he couldn’t regret it too much, could he? Oh! He was so drunk last night. He probably regrets it and now finds it awkward to be around you. Technically he was your subordinate, so were you now one of those creepy bosses they show on television? Inviting your employees to your house to get them drunk and make them kiss you? This was bad. Your thoughts raced through your mind as you tried to focus on today’s schedule in front of you, before, thankfully, Jenny broke through them.
“Hey Y/N. I’ll be taking over Seokjin’s workload while he’s on vacation. Is there anything in particular you need help with today? Otherwise I’m just gonna follow the notes he left behind.” 
“Vacation?” you stammered, clearing your throat and taking another sip of your drink.
“Yeah. He takes the ten days before Christmas off every year. Something about a family obligation.” She shrugged.
“Oh. He didn’t tell me.” You tried your best to not sound disappointed.
“It’s been on the calendar for years, doc.” Jenny chuckled as she walked out of your office, leaving you confused as you went to check the employee calendar and lo and behold, there it was ‘Kim Seokjin on vacation’, staring at you. You were annoyed. You expected at least some notice. Did he think he could just kiss you and then go off to wherever he was. Fuming, you opened your phone to text him.
So when were you going to tell me you were away for the rest of the month?
You waited a few minutes, staring at the screen, but when the message still showed unread you gave up and did what you do best when people piss you off. You worked. And you continued working for the whole week, till you were fed up with Seokjin. He had seemed so caring and then to ghost you out of nowhere? Sure, you can expect that perhaps his vacation slipped his mind, but did he suddenly lose his fingers? He couldn’t do you the courtesy of sending a text when you had left on what you thought were nothing but good terms? “Continue where we left off”, your ass.
It was two days to Christmas and you were bored. You parents had decided that since you were away, they were going to go on a cruise. Sick of scrolling endlessly through social media, envying your friends, you decided to take a walk to the only place open 24 hours in this town, the diner. It was 2 am and you didn’t think you would see anyone other than Mark, the friendly twenty-year old whose family owned the place.
You were enjoying your plate of fries, and a milkshake when the little bell above the door grabbed your attention off your phone and in walked the last person you expected to see - Kim Seokjin. He was dressed casually as always, his black parka over a white hooded sweater and dark jeans. It didn’t seem like he noticed you, waltzing over to the register to order a coffee as he sat on a stool, waiting for the fresh pot to brew.
Seeing his face, made you stupidly angry. You knew rationally that he didn’t owe you anything, you were just friends. Friends who shared a pretty nice kiss, but you were friends, you had no claim over him, but you still found yourself fuming and getting up from your booth to march over to him.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you spoke in a normal volume, but Seokjin jumped high, his eyes widening as he put his hand on his chest, staring at you.
“Y/N! Um… what are you doing here so late?” He asked, his eyes shifting around, looking anywhere but at you.
“That’s all you have to say to me?” You crossed your arms, wanting answers.
“I can explain! I swear it is not what you think!” He jumped up from the stool, arms in front of him as he tried fruitlessly to calm you down.
“What is it, then? Did you lose your phone? Did you lose your head?” You scoffed, fully knowing that your comeback was far from witty, but you could barely think, indignation mapped onto your features.
“It’s not that… it’s just… I don’t know how to tell you. I don’t even know if I can.” He rubbed the back of his head, his ears turning red, as they usually did when he was embarrassed. Seeing his demeanour suddenly made the pieces click in your head. There was only one reason people ghosted each other. It was a rejection. You felt your face heat up at the realization, feeling like you were going to cry. Oh, this was bad. You couldn’t believe you were about to shed tears over a kiss. You needed to get out of here.
“No need. It’s okay. I’m a big girl. I can take a hint.” You said quickly, your voice seemingly calm given the situation as you zipped up your parka and walked out of the diner, ignoring his calls of your name. If he really needed to explain himself, he could have followed you, but you walked the ten minutes to your apartment alone, burying yourself under the covers once inside. You didn’t realize that unwittingly you had been thinking about your future with Seokjin, picturing dates and waking up together when all he had been doing was figuring out a way to gently let you down. You decided to let yourself feel the sting, dampening your pillow cases, finding that somehow this hurt more than what Jiho did. Who knew the kind, wholesome small town boy could hurt you worse than a cold lawyer from New York?
Having no close friends yet in town and not wanting to burden the nice people who invited you to their homes, you decided to pretend that you were going to New York over the holidays. You stocked up on enough groceries to get you through the New Years and decided to hide out in your apartment. You spent your time cleaning your apartment, doing skincare, reading the latest medical journals, and binging the Crown on Netflix. 
On Christmas morning, you decided to treat yourself for brunch, making an obscenely large stack of pancakes, piling it high with fruit and chocolate chips, and drowning it in maple syrup. Foregoing dressing up, you sat on your living room floor in your festive pajamas as you watched the political ongoing of the royal family, and enjoyed your sugar loaded creation. However, before you could truly dig into your pancakes, you were interrupted by a knock on the door.
You didn’t know who would be knocking at your door this early and on Christmas. You weren’t expecting anyone and everyone knew you were supposed to be out of town. Sighing you begrudgingly rise as the tempo of the knocks increased. Huffing you opened the door to be greeted by none other than Kim Seokjin, dressed in the ugliest Christmas sweater you had the misfortune of seeing and jeans, with a campy Santa hat atop his dark hair. The forest green Christmas sweater, adorned with a stuffed Rudolph and what seemed like real mistletoe, also apparently lit up, the twinkling red and green lights on it glowed in the morning sun as little flurries collected in Seokjin’s hair. 
Regardless of the terrible wardrobe choice, you couldn’t deny the sudden pull you felt towards him, your heart skipping a beat at seeing him on your doorstep with a small box wrapped in shiny paper. However, you were nothing if not determined, so you schooled your initial wide eyed expression into a glare as you crossed your arms across your chest and leaned into the door frame.
“What are you doing here?”
“Came to give you your present.” Seokjin smiled as he brought the gift towards you, making you scoff and roll your eyes.
“Seokjin, I don’t want you or your presents.”
“Not gonna lie, that kind of hurts.” He scratches the back of his head nervously, sending his hat askew as he sways a little on his feet, unsure of how to proceed.
“Good,” you say as you move to close the door on his face. Not going to lie, you were pretty proud of your resolve. Before you could fully shut the door, Seokjin put his hand out to stop it, jumping a little when he saw the cold look in your eye. Stepping back sheepishly, he cleared his throat.
“Please Y/N. Just let me explain.”
“Go ahead.” Still holding the door half closed, you stared at him, your resolve melting as he seemingly shivered outside.
“Can I at least come in? It’s kind of cold.” You rolled your eyes again, and acquiesced. Not because you wanted to hear him or be near him, but because he looked kind of pitiful shaking in the cold in a sweater that didn’t seem built for the Alaskan winter. Stepping aside you let him in your hallway, leaning against the wall, your patience at an all time low.  “Okay. So… um… how do I even start this?”
“Seokjin. Just say you don’t like me and go. It’s Christmas. The least you can do is be straightforward.” His stammering was infuriating. It made you want to kick him. However, as the words came out of your mouth, Seokjin looked shocked, his eyebrows disappearing beneath his bangs as his mouth flew open. It was a pretty funny sight, and if you were less angry you would’ve chuckled.
“Why do you think I don’t like you? What?”
“Hmm… Let’s see you got drunk, you kissed me and then you disappeared! Like poof!” You gestured in the air with your hand, trying to make the point more apparent.
“Well that’s what I am trying to explain!” And now he was gesturing, his hand with the box rising in the air.
“Oh my god,” you groaned.
“Just open this. It will help start my explanation.” He took your hand in his and placed the box on top of it. You eyed him suspiciously as you began to unwrap the iridescent paper. Inside the box was a snowglobe, the scene inside showing a field full of flowers with a small truck with two people on the hood. When you shook it, it came alive with glitter and tiny styrofoam flurries. It was very cute and very reminiscent of the night Seokjin and you first became friends. You loved it, but it wouldn’t be you if you weren’t petty enough to hide your true emotions to look at him with disdain.
“A snowglobe? Okay? So?”
“Don’t you wanna know how I knew you wanted this?” He spoke slow, his words and spaced out as he frowned at your scowl.
“I didn’t want this?” You matched his slow pace, enunciating each word as you raised an eyebrow in question. Why did he think you would want a snowglobe of all things? I mean he knew what you really wanted was those cupcakes that Doris only made once a month, you had told him how much you adored them on more than one occasion. If he wanted to be all romantic he could have at least bribed her for some of those!
“But… you asked Santa for it!” he sputtered, jogging your memory to remind you of the throwaway wish you made in the letter to Santa a few days ago.
“So you steal mail now? That’s a federal offence, you know.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“No! No no no. I don’t steal mail. Unless it’s snail mail because it’s easy to catch.” He laughed at his own joke, but seeing your deadpan expression, he backpedaled, nervously running his hands through his hair again. “No? Okay, bad joke. But I didn’t steal it. You sent it to me! I’m Santa!” He was talking more with his hands than his words, waving them around in the air.
“Your excuse is that you’re Santa? How old do you think I am?” you scoffed, moving to push him out of the door, ignoring how solid his bicep felt under that ugly sweater. How was he not getting electrocuted by those stupid lights?
“No please don’t kick me out! I’m telling the truth!” Seokjin planted his feet in the ground turning around and looking at you with wide eyes, the cinnamon depths softening your anger as you sighed. This was so far fetched, the least you could do was hear him out. If nothing else, this would make a great story to share over drinks sometime.
“You have five minutes. And I’m eating my pancakes while you talk.” You let go of him as you walked into your living room, Seokjin close on your heels. You sat on the floor next to the coffee table and he followed suit, sitting much too close to comfort, his thigh grazing yours as he stared at your pile of sugar.
“Oh. Can I have some?” he asked, clearing his throat at your glare as you aggressively cut into a piece before stuffing your face. The nerve... “Sorry! Okay um… so did you think it was weird that the whole town just happened to believe in Santa?”
“I honestly was going to write a paper on mass hysteria, but yes.” You were much more interested now. You always did find the town's dedication to upholding the sanctity of Santa bizarre.
“Well, that’s because for almost a hundred years, people in this town have been getting what they wanted for Christmas, without fail.”
“Because you’re Santa?” You looked at him, waiting for him to explain only to be met with a soft smile as he nodded. His cheeks puffed up with his little smile and it took all of your willpower not to poke at them. Why did he have to be so cute when you were trying to be mad at him. Also, what grown man insists they're Santa? “So where are your elves? Is Rudolph just hiding in your truck?”
“I’ll have you know I’m an elf-made man!” He joked, his pun making you lose control as you let out a light laugh before remembering you were supposed to be mad and trying to hold a neutral expression. Seokjin, on the other hand, made no such effort, a wide grin adorning his features, making his eyes disappear beneath his squishy cheeks. “Hey got you to laugh! But no. No elves. Just me, well, and my family. It’s the family tradition I was talking about. For generations the Kims have been sending people in this town presents on Christmas in secret.”
“Wait how do you even afford this?” This made no sense. How was he buying these expensive presents, and also Santa was Korean? How did his family even hide this for so long? Why were these town people naive enough to believe this? How did he do deliveries? Did he work with Amazon? You had so many questions!
“Um… I’m kind of rich?” he replied sheepishly.
“Kind of? You give 2,000 presents a year!” Your pancakes were forgotten as you swiveled around to face him, your knees touching his thigh, momentarily distracting him as his eyes dropped to where you touched him, before following suit and facing you. The two of you sat cross-legged across from each other as he started what may have been the most useless and longest rant he embarked on since entering your home, talking animatedly as always.
“Yeah… but that’s not the point! The point is the days leading up to Christmas are really hard and this year I had to figure out how to make the drones work and this kid wanted an exact replica of Han Solo’s gun and those are really hard to find and then Mr. Hernadez decided he wanted a rare Amazonian flower. Like where am I supposed to find a flower in December?! And don’t get me started on Doris she-”
“Seokjin. Relax. So you ghosted me because you’re Santa?” You placed your hands on his knees to get him to calm down as his face seemed so red from his rant you were worried you would have to resuscitate him if he didn't take a breath soon. He calmed down exponentially, taking a deep breath and locking his eyes with yours.
“Yeah, and I couldn’t tell you and if I did tell you, you wouldn’t believe me till today anyway. And just… I’m sorry.” He sighed, placing his hand on top of yours on his knee as he held eye contact, and it seemed like you may forever get lost in his irises. He looked at you with such a sorrowful expression, that you weren't sure if the pout of his lips was exaggerated for effect or if it came naturally to him.
“I don’t know what to say… I kind of have regrets” You bit your lip as you gazed back at him with mischief.
“You do? I… I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about the fact that you might not like me back. Oh. I’m an idiot. Okay. I will see you at work. Happy holidays!” He spoke in flurried words as he tried to stand up before you stopped him mid-rise.
“Seokjin wait! That’s not the regret.” You were quick to stop him as he sank back down, a confused look on his face.
“It’s not?”
“No. I regret only asking Santa for a snowglobe! I should’ve asked for a car!” you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
“Oh sure! What kind? I can get you a car.” He did not miss a beat before picking up his phone and scrolling through what you could only imagine being his gift list. Wait, were the Kims part of the mafia? You really should ask him where he gets all this money from someday. Nurses get paid pretty terribly, so it's definitely not that.
“Seokjin. I was kidding!”
“Oh. I knew that.” He put his phone down as he looked at you, blinking slowly a few times.
“So you like me.” You ask, leaning in slightly with a smirk.
“Yes.” He answered resoundingly, a determined look on his face as he leaned in as well. The two of you only a hair breadth apart.
“Are you going to kiss me again?” You whisper, not wanting to break the sudden shift in the atmosphere, as you looked at his plush lips, before meeting his gaze.
“Do you want me to kiss you again?” His voice was lower, a little strained as he looked at you, his eyes jumping from each feature before settling on your lips.
“Then come sit in Santa’s lap.” He leaned back, patting his lap with a smirk, making you blanch as you pull a disgusted face.
“Okay. I changed my mind.” You leaned back, before he came closer, his hands cupping your face.
“No no! Sorry! I just have always wanted to use Santa puns and you’re the only one outside of my family who knows and I don’t kn-” You cut off his rambling with a kiss, a soft, quick one on his lips that made his breath hitch. He recoiled a little in shock, staring at you before pulling your face to his and crashing your lips together.
This kiss was neither soft, nor short, but a flurry of emotions as you both tried to express what you couldn't in words. His lips were firm against yours as his hands moved down your body to pull you closer by the waist. A soft groan left his lips as you parted yours and he wasted no time starting to explore your mouth, his tongue meeting yours. His plush lips moulded against yours and you couldn’t help the moans that fell out of your mouth. You had missed his mouth against yours, the feeling as refreshing as the crisp sun after a blizzard. He tasted like coffee and you sucked at his tongue with fervour, eliciting a shocked moan from him as his hands left your waist to find your ass, gripping it harshly to pull you into his lap. You wasted no time straddling him, as you grind your core against him, making him groan. He bit your bottom lip as he pulled apart to catch his breath. Staring down at your heaving chest, he traced his hands on your hips, before breaking into a smirk. Gone was the rambling man from earlier, his eyes clouded with lust as he took you in. He leaned closer, his lips on your neck as he kissed from your collarbone peaking through your thin pajama top to your ear.
“Now that you’re finally in Santa’s lap, tell him what you want for Christmas.” He whispered, nipping at your earlobe. Wow, he really was not going to let this go. You groaned in annoyance, cupping his face to pull him away from your ear to face you, ignoring the pout on his face.
“For you to shut up.” You kissed him, tilting his head slightly to give you access, before he pulled away, shaking your hands off his face till they rested on his broad shoulders.
“Come on! Let me have this!” He whined, his pout bigger as he looked at you with puppy eyes. You chuckled at his antics, shaking your head as you leaned in for another kiss, missing the taste of his lips already. His hands moved from your hips to the hem of your shirt, slowly moving up under it, tracing over your ribs, just below the swell of your breasts, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
Moaning gently, but not one to be outdone, you mirrored his movements, moving your hands down his built chest, feeling the soft material, and groaning in annoyance as you reached the stupid stuffed toy stitched to the centre. You reached the bottom of his sweater, but before you reached under it you pulled away, Seokjin chasing your lips.
“Will this dumb sweater shock me if I put my hands under it?” You huffed and played with the hem of his sweater as he smiled goofily, as if realizing he was wearing it for the first time. The goofy smile didn’t last for long as he moved his hands to cup your chest, massaging gently as he leaned in kissing your sternum, visible from the top button that had somehow loosened during your makeout. 
“The only shock you’ll get is how loud you’ll be screaming my name when you cum.” He pulled on your nipples, making you mewl as you involuntarily arched your back, rolling your hips on his. You felt breathless, and you couldn’t believe his stupid wordplay was making you this wet.
“Big talk for someone whining about Christmas puns.” You moaned out as he tugged harder on your nipples in reprimand, his hands pushing against the fabric, as he bit the sensitive skin of your neck. Forgetting your earlier concerns, your hands go under his shirt, feeling his soft skin, the tiny hair on his abs tickling your fingertip, as you push the sweater as high it would go revealing his golden skin.
“Yule be sorry for doubting me.” He finally gives your sore nipples a rest, as his hands move to pull his sweater off, momentarily getting tangled up in, making you chuckle, which he mistakes for praise aimed at his puns, wiggling his eyebrows as he emerges from the monstrosity. If you weren’t so whipped for him, you would have made him leave. You didn’t know if this was a one off, if he really wanted things to progress or he just wanted sex but all thoughts fell out of your head as his lips reattached to your neck, his hands on your hips making you grind against him as the two of you made out like teenagers at prom.
“I will literally murder you if you make another pun.” You moaned out, losing yourself in his touch, his lips leaving behind blooms on your skin. If he kept moving your hips like this you were going to cum. You grabbed on to his hair as you moaned at the sensation your body lit as your clit grazed his length through the layers of clothing. Your legs shook as the feeling in your stomach tightened and Seokjin chuckled against your neck.
“Yeah murder me with that pussy.” You could feel his grin but all your annoyance was forgotten as you felt yourself let go, mewling his name, your orgasm washing over you in waves, your grip on his hair tightening. 
He kissed you as you came down from your high, his erection solid against you as his tongue explored your mouth. When he pulled away he looked almost crazed, the lust in his half lidded gaze mirroring yours as his hands moved to your top, slowly unbuttoning it. “Fuck that was so hot. Let me unwrap you, baby.” 
He wiggled his eyebrows again as he looked at you. How could this man be this sexy and this dorky was beyond you. Wanting to see him writhe over you, you started kissing his neck, moving to his chest, leaning him back as you inched closer to the waistband of his jeans.
“You first!” You exclaimed, wasting no time to unbutton his jeans as he sighed in relief, moving to remove them completely before you reached for his boxers. You were a little taken aback when his cock popped out. It was bigger than you thought, head red as a bead of precum glistened in the late morning sun pouring in from your windows. Your mouth watered at the sight and without thinking you licked up his length, his groans egging you on as you bent over him.
“Shit so perfect! So good to me,” he moaned out as you looked at him. His head lolled back as he leaned against his hands behind him, his wide chest rising heavily due to your ministrations. He let out a loud moan, resembling almost a whine, as you wrapped your mouth around his head, sucking softly. You loved that moan, wanted more of it as you took him deeper, his hand coming to rest on your hair. He panted loudly, his moans filling your room, your mind, as you gazed at him looking at you with awe. “This look soots you.”
He really had to make another dumbass joke, didn’t he? You pulled off his length, sitting back as your hand replaced your mouth, slowly stroking him as you scowled at him. God, you wanted him to beg you so bad.
“That better be suit with a u-i or I swear I’m not gonna let you cum.” You gripped him harder, twisting your wrist as your panties get wetter with power. He mewled a little, twitching in your hand as you grinned. His head lolled to the side and suddenly he looked at you, his eyes sparkling with challenge as your words finally processed in his mind. 
Before you could react, he was on you. One hand gripping your wrist and other behind your head as he leaned you over till your back was on the cold hardwood floor and he hovered over you. He smirked at you before he leaned in to kiss you sloppily, making you lose all senses.
“Aw sweetheart, it’s cute you think you’re in charge.” He cooed, as his forearms trapped your head, his kisses becoming softer, reminiscent of the first time he kissed you a week ago. He took his time, his weight a comforting presence on top of you as you melted into the floor. He looked at you with adoration when you broke apart, his nose touching yours and a soft smile on his face.  
“But seriously, Y/N. I didn’t come here for this. I want this so bad but I want to take you out, I want to hold your hand, drink a milkshake with two straws together. I don’t know! I wanna spoil you!” His voice was low, but his words were fast, like he just couldn’t hold them in any longer. You giggled in disbelief, caressing his back. This man really was going to be the death of you.
“Seokjin you’re naked and you want to hold my hand?” you chuckled as he nodded, his eyes glinting and smiling wide. He reached out to hold your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he leaned in to kiss your cheek sweetly, an oddly saccharine contrast to the way he was devouring you moments ago.
“I mean I also want to rail you hard, but yeah I don’t want it to be just sex.” You felt your heart flutter at his words, your face heating up more than it already was and you leaned up to kiss him.
“Me neither.” Your grip on his hand tightened and his cock twitched against your thigh, bringing your lust back to the forefront of your mind as you kissed him again, much more hungrier this time. “So come on get on with it. Choo choo!”
He leaned away looking at you with wide eyed surprise before breaking into a shit eating grin.
“Was that a rail- fuck! You’re perfect!” He gushed as he kissed his way down your body, unbuttoning your shirt as he went. He lapped at your nipples, hardening them under his tongue as his hand pulled your pajama shorts off, your panties following quickly after. You wanted to throw another quick witted remark at him, but all thoughts disappeared at his sudden enthusiasm as his mouth made its way to your core. He began to kiss down your slit, light feathery kisses that had you desperate for more, mewling as he continued.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long, it’s really taken a mistletoe-ll on me.” He grinned, his breath warm against your folds. Your retort was forgotten when he slid his tongue inside you, flicking against your sensitive walls before he was sucking at your clit. The pleasure was unbearable and you shook under him, thanking yourself for forgoing carpeting the floors. He put his arm over your hips to hold you down as you chanted his name. You were dripping, your heart beating loudly in your chest as he ate you like a man starved, pushing you closer and closer to your high. You walls clenched around his tongue as you moaned louder, your hands in his hair, pulling him closer. 
“I’m so close!” you whined expecting Seokjin to speed up to guide you through your high. He, however, slowed down, the pressure in your belly ebbing slowly away as you whined his name. “Why did you stop?!”
“Tell me my puns are funny.” He looked up at you grinning as you yelped when two fingers entered you. His fingers curled inside you making your back arch as you moaned his name. “Come on admit it, Dr. Y/L/N”
“No… they’re… stupid...” you breathed out as his pace increased and decreased keeping you firmly on the edge, your walls fluttering, your eyes squeezed shut as you refused to beg. He kept up his taunting till you thought you would lose your mind, every nerve in your body on fire as your legs quivered. He was insane! Not being able to take it anymore, you conceded. “Fuck… please! Please Seokjin! Your puns are hilarious. I give! Please…” 
“Good girl. Knew you were on the nice list.” he exclaimed as his mouth latched on to your clit and before you knew it you were screaming, your body shaking as you had one of the most powerful orgasms of your life, your arousal gushing out of you as Seokjin gleefully lapped it up. You felt a buzzing in your ears, your vision spotty as he coaxed you slowly through your high.
Seokjin kissed his way up your trembling body, and slotting his mouth against yours, he caressed your sides as you tried to catch your breath. When you opened your eyes he was smiling at you, lying next to you on the floor.
“Told you not to doubt me, baby,” he said lowly as his nose bumped yours gently.
“No pun this time?”
“I was gonna say mistletoe-ld but I already used that one.” He grinned.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, facepalming. “Why do I still want to fuck you?”
“Because I’m a sex god.” He wiggled his eyebrows. You stood up, a little shakily, at his comment, looking down at his alarmed face before walking away to your bedroom. Before you reached the door, you looked back at him. Seokjin was still in the same position, looking at you dumbfounded, probably wondering what he did wrong. You rolled your eyes at him as you gestured towards your room.
“Come on Santa, don’t you wanna climb up my chimney?” You laughed at the speed he stood up, his hard erection bouncing funnily as he ran towards you with a dopey smile, placing his arms around you in a back hug as you walked into your room.
“Stop being funny or I’ll fall in love with you,” he whined, rutting against you petulantly, making you giggle. You guided him to your bed, making him sit with his back to the headboard as you grabbed a condom from your bedside table, stroking him to gently roll it over his length. His breath hitched as you climbed over him, your knees on the bed next to his thighs. Seemingly unable to wait anymore, he put his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hungry kiss, a flurry of tongue and teeth.
You rise, your hands on his shoulders as you slowly descend on his, his girth a soothing pain as your walls stretch around him. The two of you moan into each other’s mouths as you stare at each other, face red and eyes blown from lust. For the first time, there was silence between the two of you, your staredown intense as you slowly started riding him. It felt delicious and it took all of your strength not to close your eyes in pleasure.
Your pace increased as Seokjin’s hands were placed firmly on your hips, pulling your hips higher so he could thrust into you. You kissed him at that, no longer able to take his intense stare and he groaned, increasing his speed. His cock rammed into you and you saw stars, clinging on his shoulders as waves of pleasure flowed through you. He kisses and bites your neck, his lips leaving blooms of petals in their trail, as his movements become sloppy. 
He leans back a little, grabbing your hand to guide it to your clit, rubbing your fingers on it. The added friction to your bud paired with his wild thrusts has you coming undone in seconds. Your toes curl as his name stretches around your moan and you still in his arms, your vision hazy. He cums shortly after, thrusting in you a few times chanting your name before falling lax against the headboard, pulling you against him.
The two of you sat there for a while, till he softened enough to slip out of you, the feeling sending shudders through the two of you. Placing a hand on your chin, he brought your lips to his, before looking at you with a soft smile, his eyes sparkling.
“So… Merry Christmas?” He shrugged making you giggle, as you rolled off him and sat next to him.
“Who knew I’d be a ho ho ho for Santa?” Seokjin laughed, clapping as he squealed with glee, before calming down enough to put his arms around you, cuddling you close, and grabbing one of your hands in his. He played with your fingers as he smiled.
“I’m sorry I ghosted you. I promise I’ll never do that again.” He kissed your temple, tightening his arms around you.
“It’s okay. You made up for it.”
The two of you spend Christmas morning together. You made more pancakes, dressed in only his horrendous sweater as he belted out Mariah Carey in his underwear. Your heart swelled when he placed gentle kisses on your shoulder as the two of you swayed to the music, barefoot on the kitchen floor. You knew you made the right decision when you moved to Alaska, it just took you this moment to realize how right.
I hope you liked this fluffy Christmasy piece, for more fics of mine check out my masterlist
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kurosukii · 3 years
PURRR so basically i’ve been getting a lil….Unhinged™️ the past year so i got onto dating apps and eventually landed on a sugar dating platform. and lemme tell u it was tough to not find any gross, rat looking Uncles who werent looking for sex. i wasn’t comfortable with sex cuz i’m a virgin and was hoping someone would just pay me for ✨ Companionship ✨
keyword: was
so i come across this guy…he’s unfortunately Not a dilf bUT he’s 15 years older than me…….(and thankfully he is Into It) i’m still studying and he’s like. running clinics, seeing patients, programming and handling biz operations n all that.
idk why but i decided to talk to him and we meet on New Year’s Eve. let’s just say….i wasnt expecting my first ever make out session to be with a guy who’s tALLER THAN ME EVEN WHEN I’M IN HEELS (im 175cm, 185cm in heels) in a fricking DOCTOR’S CONSULTATION ROOM????? like i wasnt expecting to find myself half naked with a dude i just met it was like a fever dream. on NYE TOO PLSSSJQJDKWJSMQ
N BEST OF ALL he made sure to feed me after and dropped me off in his Tesla with cash in my takeaway fast food paperbag……i have so much more details but idk if this suffices IQKDKWJSJQJ
— 🤨 anon
i’m seeing doctors’s in a diff light bc damn...anyway wtf 😭😭😭 ur living the life i want to live 😭😭
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jawritter · 4 years
When The Lights Go Out
Chapter 6
Summary: Life hasn’t been your best friend lately, you lost your job, and are on the verge of losing your apartment. Who knew when you decided to join a Sugar Daddy app that your best friend suggested ina last ditch effort to save your apartment, and not end up on the street, your first and only client would turn your whole world upside down.
Pairing: Mobster!Dean Winchester x Virgin! Reader
Word Count: 2203
Series Warnings: Mob level violence, injured Dean, description of injury, creepy Godfather John Winchester, John is pretty much a douche bag, escort services, virgin reader, lose of virginity and all the insecurities and fun stuff that come with it, age gap (23 year old reader; 40 year old Dean), angst, unrequited/requited love?, language, smut, unprotected smut.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, Fighting, Hurt!Dean, description of injury, blood, swearing, John is a dick, regret. I think that’s it. 
A/N: Beta’d by @deanwanddamons! Thanks so much love!! Please don’t copy my work!! Feedback is golden! Hope you all enjoy this one!! It’s gonna be a little bit of a slow burn y’all, but just hang in there!
(This fic is based on this request: Could you do a Dean x reader where she is 23 and lives alone in her apartment, she gets fired and can loose her house, her friend tells her about a sugar daddy app, she makes a profile and Dean 40, contacts her, she is virgin and don’t offers sex, Dean is billionaire business man and needs a girl for his business parties,the reader is really shy, blushes a lot, they fall in love, he takes her to a trip and makes love to her on a private island, could it be a series?)
Want more? Check out my masterlist!!
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Sitting in the chair that was facing the window that looked out on the dark lawn below from Dean’s room, you shove the peppermint tea that Jess had brought up to you a little further away. She was just trying to make you better, and you knew that, but you didn’t think there was anything anyone could do to make you feel better. Especially when none of them knew what was really wrong with you. They all thought that you were just nervous about Dean’s job today, but that was so far from the truth.
Dean’s little revelation before he disappeared in the bathroom was the last thing he’d  said to you last night, and when you finally cried yourself to sleep, you were pretty sure he’d just chosen to sleep in the bathroom and not come out to talk to you. 
He was so angry that you were scared to go and try to talk to him, and when you woke up this morning, Dean and John were already long gone. 
A knock on the door and Jess’ entry pulled you from your thoughts as she made her way to sit down on the chair next to you. 
“Hey you. How are you holding up?”
You shook your head and tried to stop the stinging tears that threatened to spill over the surface from falling.
“I’m okay, just stressed.” you lied, pulling your blanket up to your neck like it could hide your shame. If something happened to Dean today, you’d never forgive yourself. He’d done and given so much to keep you safe, and you pretty much told him last night that you hoped he died. God how you wanted to take it all back, do it all different. 
“John and Dean will be just fine. High table meetings are always stressful and dangerous, because the Campbells will be there, and they like to cause problems with John.They still blame him for Dean and Sam’s mom’s death in that house fire, but this isn’t like it’s something they haven’t dealt with before, and by tonight he will be here, safe and sound.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat you nod your head. You hoped with everything in you that she was right, and that they would make it home. You didn't understand all of this stuff, but you knew that if you became John’s you were probably fucked in ever since of the word, if you even lived through the guilt of never giving Dean the chance he deserved. 
You made a promise to yourself, that if he lived through this, and everything worked out okay, you’d give him that chance. Let yourself fall for him like you were doing before you were forced to move in here. Maybe even get to be happy with him.
Jess put a comforting hand on our shoulder and stood from her seat. 
“Sam and I are about to have a Friends marathon in the living area. Want to join us?” she asked, and you forced a smile in return.
“Maybe in a little bit. I think I’m gonna try and take a shower, see if I can scald away some of this stress.” you tell her, and she gives you a warm smile before leaving you to your thoughts. 
Unwrapping yourself from your cocoon of blankets, you wander your way to the bathroom. You didn’t even have time to start the shower, when you heard a blood curdling  scream from the down stairs part of the house. 
Your heart stopped in your chest, and you ran towards the staircase, coming to the landing just in time to see John and Sam hauling a very bloody Dean through the front door, and towards what they called the medical area of the house. 
For just a moment you were rooted in your spot, unable to make your feet move, as absolute horror gripped you.
You don’t even know really what made feet move, but you numbly made your way towards the yelling, not even really paying attention to what they were saying or the man in a suit that ran past you toward him, though you did note that they were calling him Nick.
When you entered the room the horror that greeted you made the bile rise in your throat. 
They had Dean stretched out on a table, his shirt ripped open, blood pouring from his stomach in a way that you couldn’t really even see the injury, but you knew it was bad. Nick circled the table, yelling commands at Sam that you didn’t even hear over the ringing in your ears.
Nick's British accent was cut off by John’s deep voice, bringing you back to your senses.
Your attention snapped from the long, deep gash in Dean’s stomach, to the green eyes that were boring into yours. 
Violence isn't something you were accustomed to. You had never seen anyone hurt that bad in real life, but aside from the blood, and the gore of the cut, it was the hurt in his eyes that made your heart shatter. 
He was staring at you, his eyes almost as red as his stomach, the piercing green duller than normal, eyes wet as if he wanted to cry, but wouldn’t allow himself to. 
You staggered a step towards him, and Dean lifted his hand shakily in our direction. That just made it all hurt worse. 
Grabbing his hand in yours, you card your fingers through his hair, keep your eyes locked on his, as Nick and Sam move around behind you, keeping your back to the wound on Dean’s stomach, and focusing on his face, John standing over your shoulder, watching everything closely. 
“Dean, oh my God, I’m so, sorry.” you said in almost a whisper, shock evident in your voice. 
Dean didn’t answer, just gritted his teeth, and closed his eyes against the pain radiating through his body.
“Gonna have to stitch him up here John. He’s not going to make it to a hospital, but it doesn’t look like anything internal was damaged.” Nick said, and John just nodded above you. 
“You...You’re not going to put him to sleep?” you ask as Nick and Sam prepared needles full of brown liquid.
“Can’t do that. He’s lost too much blood, but don’t worry sweetheart, we’re gonna numb him up real good.” Nick said, Jess made her way to the other side of Dean’s head across the table. 
“Nick’s the family doctor of shorts. Everything’s gonna be fine.” she tries to assure you. 
You try and keep the horror and trembling under control. Focusing on Dean’s eyes, you see one large tear roll down his face as Nick and Sam move closer to his wound. His grip tightens on your hand, but he didn’t scream at what surely was the unbearable pain of the needles entering his wound before the numbing medicine could spread. Sam worked at putting an IV in his free arm next to Jess. 
Once the shots were done it seemed like it took them forever to stitch up him, and Dean’s eyes were getting heavy.  Nick assured you it was just the morphine, and not the blood loss. 
“What went wrong out there?” Sam asked, helping Nick wrap his brother’s wound once the stitching was done with thick antibiotic ointments, and gauze 
“Believe it or not, that didn’t happen at the meeting. We stopped to get gas at a station just outside of town, and some of Sammual’s boys jumped him. They weren't all that happy about the high tables approval of Y/N here, and they thought they’d take it out on Dean.”
Sam gritted his teeth and nodded his head. 
“Don’t worry son this isn’t over, they will pay for this.” John assured him, and Jess put her hand on his shoulder to calm him. 
“You on the other hand,” John said, leering at you as Nick finished up Dean’s wound, “clean up my son! Make sure he’s taken care of! He is your responsibility. If something happens to him, I swear to God your next.” 
John left the room his heavy footsteps echoing as Nick and Sam lifted Dean carefully in front of the table they’d been working on him on. Making their way up the stairs, and into your shared room they laid him down carefully on the bed, before Nick hooked up the bags of fluid and a bag of antibiotics to his IV.
Dean barely moved, or acknowledged what they were doing to him, which scared you, but no one else seemed concerned. 
“I’ll be back in four hours to give him another round of Morphine. I’ll go grab some Ambian to help him stay asleep. He needs the rest. Don’t worry sweetheart, he’s going to be just fine.” Nick said, giving you a pat on the back before disappearing to go and get the sleeping aid he’d referred to, returning only long enough to give it to him, and leave. 
Crawling carefully in the bed next to you, you carded your fingers through Dean’s tousled hair, his green eyes fluttering open to look at you. 
“I’m sorry Dean, this is all my fault, and I’ve treated you horribly. I wish I could take it all back.” you tell him, tears falling freely down your face as his hand reaches for you like a scared child that has been hurt, looking for comfort. 
“S’Okay, I shouldn’t have snapped at you last night. This hasn’t been easy for you, I know that. I’m just glad I didn’t die before I got to see you again.” he mumbled, his eyes heavy as he fought against the medication.
Carefully as possible, you slip your arm around his head, pulling him close to you as he loses the battle against consciousness. 
You had a second chance with Dean, and you were determined not to fuck it up this time, this time you would be everything he deserved. 
The sound of your bedroom door opening caught your attention as light flooded the dark room where Dean and yourself were laying. Sam’s overly tall figure slipped inside, and shut the door behind him before making his way to the bed with the small desk chair in tow, sitting it next to his brother's side of the bed, before flopping down in it. 
Dean was not a small man by any means, but next to his “little” brother, he looked so small, especially laying on the bed with his stomach sewn shut, and an IV leading from his arm. 
“Did you finish getting him undressed?” Sam asked, and you suddenly felt stupid. You didn't even think about his slacks and shoes that were still on his feet. 
“Oh God, I didn’t think about that.” You said, ripping the cover off of him as gently as you could, and working to take his shoes off as Sam stood and help you undo his slacks, slipping them down his long bowed legs, leaving him just in his tight, black boxers before the two of you covered him back up, and you settle back down next to him.
“You know, John catches you in here, it's my ass. You heard what he said.” you tell Sam in a hushed whisper, and Sam chuckled darkly. 
“Don’t worry about John. He better not tell me shit about coming to check on my brother.” Sam said darkly, and that for some reason was laced with a promise more lethal than anything John had said downstairs. 
“Why did they do this Sam, why do they hate him so much.” you ask, watching as Dean shifted closer to you in his sleep, unconsciously  seeking comfort from you, even through all the drugs they had him on. 
“Because Samual Cambell is a narcissistic dick who can’t let the past go.” Sam said darkly.
“He still blames your dad for your mom’s death?” you ask, settling Dean’s head back on your shoulder. 
“Yep, that’s some of it. Some of it is  he’s just a heartless dick, who wants to have all the power. He hated my dad even when my mom was alive from what I’m told. I don’t really remember as she died when I was just a baby. I can tell you this, no man in his right mind would put a death order on his own fucking grandson, much less the son of John Winchester. He will pay for this Y/N, I promise you. Just worry about getting Dean better. We will take care of the rest.” Sam said, standing up from his chair, and making his way towards the door, stopping just short of opening it.
“You know, Dean really does love you, I’ve never seen him like this before. I just feel like you needed to hear that.” Sam said, before disappearing into the hallway. 
God, you hoped he was telling the truth, because right now, you were pretty sure you had fallen from him the moment you climbed out of his SUV, and you were too big of a coward to admit it to yourself, until you almost lost him.
Forever Tag List: @lyarr24​ @amandamdiehl​ @love-jackles-37-blog​ @miraclesoflove​ @waywardsistershy​ @emoryhemsworth​ @dean-winchesters-gardian-angel​  @tatted-trina6​ @deanwanddamons​  @rvgrsbrns​ @bi-danvers0​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @i-love-superhero​ @akshi8278​ @lyss-dw79​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624​ @busy-bee-angel-misska​ @justanotherwinchester​ @brilovesdeanwinchester​ @idksupernatural​
Series Tag List: 
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kinkykinard · 3 years
If (and **only** if) you’re still taking drabble prompts, could I request Doctor!Lucifer with either blood or whimper? Dealer’s choice :) and only if these strike your fancy!!
I’m sorry this took me 27.5 years to get to, but here it is!
“How about Thai?  I could go for something spicy.”
           You turned your head in the direction of the bedroom, listening to Lucifer’s voice reverberate off the walls as you scrolled through a food delivery app on your phone.  You considered his words for a moment and nodded, pulling up the menu for Lucifer’s favorite Thai restaurant.  You punched in his usual order and then perused the listed items until you found something to your liking.  With everything accounted for, you completed the order and set down your phone.
           You decided to fix yourself a drink while you waited for Lucifer to freshen up after work.  You scanned the offerings on the wall across the bar counter you were seated at, your eyes landing on a bottle of whiskey.  FIguring it was as good as anything, you slipped off your stool and landed unsteadily, your head spinning as the room felt like it was shifting around you.  A soft whimper escaped your lips at the suddenness of the vertigo and you clutched the counter for support.
           “Are you alright?”
           Lucifer’s voice from directly behind you startled you badly and you sucked in a sharp breath, nearly toppling over in your shock.  His arms wrapped around you, swift and sure, and he held you to his chest as you found your footing.  It still amazed you how quickly he could move.
           “F-fine,” you said shakily, your head still spinning.  “Just a little dizzy.”
           “Right,” Lucifer said lightly, not believing you for a second.  “Let’s get you off your feet, hmm?”
           You yelped as he scooped you up, wrapping your arms around his neck as he strode in the direction of the bedroom.  His feet were noiseless on the floor and you were somewhat distantly awed by his ethereal grace even as it did nothing to cushion the slight bumping with every step he took.  You shut your eyes firmly, trying to keep your breathing even as a bit of nausea washed over you.
           “Here we are,” Lucifer said by way of warning as he carefully extricated you from his arms, setting you down on the bed.  He gently ran a hand over your head, stroking your hair reassuringly as you let it fall back onto the pillow to rest.  Perching at your side, Lucifer’s gaze swept your face, searching your expression.
           “Does this happen often?”  He asked.
           You shrugged a little, averting your gaze as you plucked absentmindedly at the blanket beneath you.
           “Not usually,” you replied.  “But it’s been happening more lately.”
           Lucifer hummed, his expression thoughtful.  He reached out, pressing a hand to your forehead to feel for any signs of a fever.  Finding none, he cupped your cheek, stroking his thumb over it.
           “Have you had any other symptoms?”
           “No,” you murmured, your heartbeat accelerating a little bit as you watched Lucifer slip into doctor mode.  The last thing you wanted was to be examined, especially since you were legitimately worried that there might be something amiss.  It sounded paradoxical even in your own head but you couldn’t help it; the anxiety was so much stronger than the self-preservation instinct.
           “Let’s have a look at you, then, shall we?”
           You bit your lip to repress another whimper.  The first one had landed you in your predicament in the first place and you didn’t need another one worrying Lucifer even more.  You wanted to resist, you really did, but the weight of Lucifer’s presence next to you pressed in on you and you nodded your head.  You weren’t ready for him to press if you protested, so you knew that relenting was the path of least resistance, even if it did put you on edge.
           “Lovely, I’ll be right back.”
           You could hear the approval in Lucifer’s tone.  You knew he was used to getting his way, and usually you didn’t mind indulging him, but being taken care of like this was a boundary you weren’t entirely ready to have him cross.  You trusted him, of course, but that trust did little to soothe your frayed nerves.
           You turned your head to watch Lucifer as he returned, setting a sleek black leather bag on the bed next to you.  It was polished and professional and in stark contrast to his lounge pants and henley.  Underdressed as he was for the occasion, he still oozed authority, and while it was intense, something about his stoicism and the way he took charge was also reassuring.  You knew you were in good hands.
           “Your wrist, please.”
           You hesitated a moment before lifting your hand, offering it to Lucifer.  His fingers encircled your wrist easily, fingertips finding your pulse point without any trouble at all.  He glanced at his watch as he counted your heart rate and you chewed the inside of your cheek as you felt your too-fast pulse reverberating off his fingers.  
           If he was concerned about your heart rate, he certainly didn’t show it as he moved on, reaching into his bag for a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff.  He paused as he unraveled the tubing, giving you a soft smile and giving your arm a gentle squeeze.  You flashed him a weak smile of your own and resigned yourself to his ministrations and he wrapped the cuff around your bicep.  You wrinkled your nose at the rasping of velcro as he secured it into place.
           “Be gentle, please,” you murmured quickly as he slipped on his stethoscope.  “I hate this part.”
           Lucifer’s entire demeanor softened at your plea.  He smiled softly, sincerity and apology flickering in his eyes.
           “I’ll make this as easy on you as I can,” Lucifer assured you.  “Just close your eyes and relax.”
           You did as you were told, turning your head in an attempt to distance yourself from Lucifer’s ministrations even more.  You gritted your teeth as the cuff tightened around your arm, trying to keep as relaxed as possible, and before long you felt it loosening again.  It wasn’t as bad as you’d made it out to be in your head, but it was definitely still unpleasant.
           A touch at your neckline made you jump.  Turning to face Lucifer once more, you opened your eyes to see him leaning over you with his stethoscope on, his fingertips carefully pulling aside the neck of your shirt.  He paused a moment, giving you the chance to protest if you were truly uncomfortable, before continuing.  He pressed the stethoscope to your chest, smiling encouragingly down at you.
           “Just keep breathing, my love,” he instructed.
           You chewed your lip a little as he listened intently to your heart and lungs, sagging back against the mattress when he finished.  He hung the stethoscope around his neck as he straightened and you felt a little thrill in your chest; even through the anxiety his examination had wrought, you could still admit he looked handsome.
           “I don’t suppose you would agree to letting me check your blood sugar,” Lucifer said wryly; a statement, not a question.
           You shook your head.
           “As I thought,” he said with a nod.  “No matter.  I don’t think the dizziness is anything serious.  Your vital signs are a little outside the normal range, but I’m sure they’ll settle.  How are you feeling now?”
           “Better,” you admitted.
           Lucifer smiled with a nod.  He took a moment to return his equipment to his bag before setting it aside, out of sight and out of mind.  Turning to look at you again, he stood and held out a hand to help you up.  You allowed him to slowly guide you to your feet and were pleasantly surprised that the dizziness did not return as strongly as it had onset earlier.
           “What do you say we get you some water while we wait for dinner?”  Lucifer asked.
           You smiled and nodded, looping your arm through his and leaning into him for support.  As intimidating and nerve-wracking as it was having a doctor for a boyfriend sometimes, you were glad for him.  Giving up all pretense that you were fine, you allowed him to lead you into the living room where he could dote on you to his heart’s content.
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jackiekashian · 4 years
Dork Forest 2011-2020 Cheat Sheet
The votes are in for 2020! 
This is a list of Episode Numbers - Guest Name - Dorkdom.  I take votes for faves of the year and then add a couple for variety of topics that I really thought were fun. ALL THE EPS have something for someone and are great but here is a starter list if you’re thinking to start listening to TDF and are not a numerologist completest.
Note: show’s been going since 2006 but I’ve only been surveying since 2011.  The show is on all the platforms. Pandora, Spotify, YouTube. Start here if you like: www.dorkforest.com . Standup info and other podcast is at www.jackiekashian.com
2020 TDF EP 562 - Guy Branum - Mitford Sisters TDF EP 568 - Maria Bamford - Canadian Reality Shows TDF EP 599 - Jen Kirkman - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 565 - Darla Kashian – COOKING TDF EP 598 - Russ Kashian - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 549 - Tig Notaro – Veganism TDF EP 581 - Jenny Yang - Comfort Food TDF EP 591 - Amber Preston - Church Cookbooks TDF EP 574 - Ron Funches - Call of Duty and Animal Crossing TDF EP 577 - Barbara Holiday - Escape Rooms TDF EP 558 - Sarah Mowrey - Fleetwood Mac TDF EP566 - Matt Kirshen/Myq Kaplan - Advice Columns  TDF EP 595 - Kristin Key - Mad Libs TDF EP 576 - Robert Jenkins - Guns and Safety TDF EP 588 - Sofiya Alexandra - Wheel of Time books TDF EP 570- Jim Woster – Columbo TDF EP 573 - Robert Hurt - Babylon 5  TDF EP 550 - Danielle Perez - Mariah Carey TDF EP 583 - Dar Vendegna  - PIckleball  TDF SPOILER 3 - Andy & Jackie - Rise of Skywalker 
 2019 TDF EP 523 Lydia Popovich Dolly Parton TDF EP 511 Auggie Smith Dead Comedians TDF EP 535 Christopher Titus Prince TDF EP 530 Phil Kashian Hitchhiking TDF EP 532 Brian Posehn Heavy Metal TDF EP 549 Tig Notaro Veganism SP1 Endgame Spoiler Dork Out TDF EP 503 Wynter Spears Public Restrooms TDF EP 524 Sara Benincasa Frederick Law Olmstead TDF EP 529 Caitlin Gill Murder She Wrote TDF EP 545 Mary Becquet Chinese Ghosts Vampires TDF EP 525 Matt Oswalt Taking Pictures TDF EP 510 Gary Anthony Williams Birds TDF EP 531 Robert Hurt DS9 TDF EP 547 Thom Tran The Flash TDF EP 540 Brian Jacobovitz Cthulu RPGs TDF EP 515 Judith Stephen CosPlay TDF EP 528 Justin Hermann Heroscape TDF EP 538 Dave Ross Zelda and LINK TDF EP 544 Sharon Houston Netflix British Reality Shows TDF EP 505 Kat Burdick Next Generation TDF EP 509 Michelle Biloon NYT Crossowords
2018  TDF EP 487 Amy Miller - Dolly Parton TDF EP 471 Emma Arnold - BEES TDF EP 499 - Erin Foley - Hallmark Christmas Movies TDF EP 481 - Cheryl Jones - Maritime History TDF EP 471 - Andy Ashcraft - GenCon TDF EP 482 - Nato Green - Union Organizing TDF EP 473 - Tamra Brown - Tiki Bars TDF EP 493 - Nina Manni - Air and Hotel Points TDF EP 446 - Carlos Delgado - Great British Bakeoff TDF EP 495 - Alice Wetterlund - Sharks TDF EP 487 - Mark Waid - Superman TDF EP 454 - Open Mike Eagle - Wrestling  TDF EP 457 - Jean Grea - Ikea  TDF EP 447 - Gariana Abeyta - All Genres have Great Movies
2017 TDF EP 390 - Phil Kashian - LOTR and MY BROTHER TDF EP 422 - Steve Agee  - John Hughes Movies. Weird Science TDF EP 426 - Sara Schaefer - Cross Stitch  TDF EP 431 - Jenny Jaffe - Planners. Calendars. Stickers. All the things. TDF EP 405 - Rebecca Sugar - Musicals  TDF EP 438 - Jen Briney - freaking CONGRESS TDF EP 423 - Karen Rontowski - Moth Man TDF EP 401 - Jason Hatrick - Scuba diving  TDF EP 429 - Kyle Clark - Halloween Theme Parks TDF EP 417 - Nat Towsen - Speed Racer TDF EP 402 - Tyler Hinman - Escape Rooms TDF EP 428 - Solomon Georgio - Black Sitcoms TDF EP 403 - Hal Lublin - Saturday Night Live TDF EP 408 - Al Madrigal - Jack Reacher NOVELS TDF EP 435 - Wyatt Gray - HP Lovecraft TDF EP 442 - Doug Stanhope - getting naked and Leisure Suits TDF EP 404 - Julie Dixson Jackson - Geneology  TDF EP 427 - Lisa Allard – Quilting
2016 TDF EP 336 Jim Stewart Allen - Oregon Trail  TDF EP 383 Jenny Chalikian – Xena TDF EP 387 Caitlin Gill - Roald Dahl  TDF EP 358 Wil Anderson - Cricket TDF EP 359 Heather Simmons - Alice in Wonderland. TDF EP 340 Barbara Holm - Buffy the Vampire Slayer TDF EP 380 Beverly D’Angelo - things that Change your Life - Music, Places TDF EP 366 Karen Rontowski - Tarot Cards TDF EP 373 Stu Goldsmith - Boardgames with a STORY  TDF EP 364 Maria Bamford LIVE at JFL Montreal (Bandcamp)  2016 I really liked: TDF EP 385 Jenny Zigrino - Authentic Historical Costuming  TDF EP 347 Riley Silverman - The Potato. Mostly Frozen.  TDF EP 355 Ivan Van Norman/Andy Ashcraft - Zombies & pen/paper games TDF EP 341 Cathy Ladman - Knitting  TDF EP 349 Moon Zappa - The BIG questions TDF EP 368 Martha Kelly - Law and Order SVU TDF EP 367 Phil Johnson - Pirates TDF EP 362 Rory Scovel - Golf (quietly clap) TDF EP 339 Sovereign Syre - Spanish Invasion of Florida.  TDF EP 348 Dash Kwiatkowski - Superman TDF EP 338 TJ Chambers - Chess TDF EP 379 Michelle Thaller – SPACE! LIVE DC Drafthouse (Bandcamp)
2015 TDF EP 303 Matt Saxe – all Vice Presidents. TDF EP 298 Jason Klamm – Vice Presidents and Lego! TDF EP 312 Greg Proops at LA Podfest – 70s Movies TDF EP 320 Wil Wheaton – BEER and Boardgames TDF EP 287 Michelle McNamara – Robert Durst and more True Crime TDF EP 294 Retta – Purses. Handbags TDF EP 323 Chez Amanda – Xfiles. Finally. TDF EP 310 David Koechner – History dork! TDF EP 268 Tammy Pescatelli – Thrift stores and Vampires TDF EP 279 Brian Kiley – Presidential Biographic Minutia TDF EP 285 Ian Abramson – McDonald’s Land TDF EP 316 Breanna Conley – Old time Photo Booth collecting 2015 another 12 that I picked: TDF EP 329 Robert Hurt – Space Ships TDF EP 321 Ryan Stout – Injustice. AS USUAL. TDF EP 324 Suzy Soro – Ghosts. TDF EP 313 Danielle Radford – great “bad” movies TDF EP 305 Murray Valeriano & Monty Franklin – Surfin. TDF EP 269 Christian Brown, Roselle Hurley and Andy Ashcraft - LARPing TDF EP 271 Bridget Everett - Barry Manilow, Richard Simmons & Rudy TDF EP 273 Sean Crespo – DUNE TDF EP 284 Brian Upton - history and aesthetics of gaming TDF EP 293 Live at Bridgetown Branum, Kilgariff and Preston (Bandcamp) TDF EP 300 Amy Shira Teitel – SPACE TDF EP 325 Gail Carriger Live in SF – Anglophile. (Bandcamp)
2014 TDF EP 259 – Laraine Newman - Dubstep TDF EP 245 – Brittnee Braun - Cosplay TDF EP 249 – Brian Regan – Line Mentality TDF EP 215 – Robert Hack – Doctor Who TDF EP 264 – Joseph Scrimshaw – Star War Prequels TDF EP 227 – Emily Gordon – Breakfast around the world TDF EP 239 – Rhea Butcher – Back to the Future Movies TDF EP 260 – Jimmy Pardo – Chicago (the band) TDF EP210 – Corey Olsen – Tolkien TDF EP 258 – Emily Heller – ESM & HS Debate
2013 TDF EP 177 - Greg Proops - Ancient History TDF EP 172 – Janeane/Bamford - Beading/SuzeOrman TDF EP198 – Live Podfest w Kilgariff/Bamford/Anthony/Valeriano - Salad TDF EP 189 – Moshe Kasher - Religion TDF EP 199 – Michelle McNamara - True Crime TDF EP 203 – Ryan Stout - Traffic Court
TDF EP 150 – Gina Yashere - Ghosts/Elevators TDF EP 151 – Craig Shoemaker - Wizard of Oz TDF EP 207 –  Matt Mira - James Bond TDF EP 167 – David Huntsberger - Horses TDF EP 200 –  Andy Peters/Mike Schmidt - Wrestling TDF EP 190 –  Cameron Esposito - Lesbians TDF EP 202 –  Matt Weinhold/Dana Gould/ Shawn Sheridan - Halloween
2012 TDF EP 129 – Live with Michelle McNamara (True Crime) TDF EP 111 – Jim Gaffigan (obscure news personality) TDF EP 117 – Corey Olsen (TolkienProf) TDF EP 142 – Live with Retta, Rajskub, Kilmartin and Scovel TDF EP 94 – Mary Jo Pehl (reading and writing and more reading) TDF EP 133 – Kira Soltonovich (Korean Spas) TDF EP 113 – Jesse Schell and Andy Ashcraft (oh. Video Games) TDF EP 98 – Henry Phillips and Mike Phirman (Guitar Comedy and Music) TDF EP 139 – Joel Hodgson (ventriloquism) TDF EP 93 – Live with Ernie Cline (the 80s and Ready Player One) TDF EP 102 – Dan Telfer (Dinosaurs and science in general) TDF EP 108 – Al Madrigal (Sales and Cartoons) TDF EP 148 – Guy Branum - Canada TDF EP 95 – Live with Kevin Eastman (ninja turtles) TDF EP 97 – Rose Abdoo and John Matta (tiny tiny ART! And The Thing) TDF EP 99 – Asterios Kokkinos (Pokemon) TDF EP 100 – PF Wilson – (history of the various football leagues)  TDF EP 103 – Live with Andy Kindler (“indie” comic books) TDF EP 104 – Merrill Markoe (I feel like we talked dogs mostly)  TDF EP 110 – Patrick Brady (animation)   TDF EP 120 – Erin Foley (NY Giants) TDF EP 121 – Tom Franck (Art) TDF EP 130 – Lois McMaster Bujold (I dork out AT her. She talks writing) TDF EP 138 – Michael Everson (coding fonts for obscure languages)
2011 # 55 Greg Proops – Making Baseball interesting            # 67 Hardwick/Palascak – Harry Potter                       # 37 Karen Kilgariff  - Sandra Bullock                          # 16 Dana Gould – Planet of the Apes                         # 48 Aisha Tyler – girl on girl fandom                          # 24 Jen Kirkman/ Karen Rontowksi – ghosts/UFO                 # 49 Dana/James - HOLLYWOOD                                # 40 April/Vargus – TRIP TO MIDDLE EAST                                                   # 3 Madigan/Kilmartin – the KENNEDY’S  #42 Maile Flanagan/Yuri Lowenthal - Animation #50 Michelle McNamara – True Crime #30 Ed Brubaker / Kermet Apio – Comics #14 Thrilling Adventure Hour – so many things Origin Story – #69 Andy Origin Story - #71 Maria #73 Rich Sommer – Mad Men and Boardgames #77 Matt Weinhold/Ken Daly – Horror Movies #82 Chad Daniels/David Huntsberger – just hilarious #80 Bengt Washburn – Fine art #51 Andrew Solmssen - IT #28 Eric Drysdale - VIEWMASTER #58 Bees – uh, BEES #63 Perfume – and, PERFUME #44 Jim Coughlin – A4 Paper #91 Trains!    
NOTE Premium eps w/o iTunes:  Here’s how to download albums from Bandcamp:
1.    Download the .zip file from Bandcamp. 2.    Unzip the file to your Music folder. 3.    Rescan your Music folder. 4.    Open the music app and listen to your tunes.
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homehealthpro · 1 year
Make your practice more efficient with our comprehensive suite of medical apps for doctors in Sugar Land, TX. Our apps help you stay up-to-date with the latest information, track patient data, and provide better care for your patients. Get started today
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2/21/2021 DAB Chronological Transcription
Leviticus 24-25
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological. I’m Jill. It’s the 21st day of February. It's a brand new week. It's a brand new day, it's a brand new translation, and it's a brand new mercy, all for the taking. So you have permission to freely partake of all of it without guilt, without shame, and so we're going to do that together. We're reading in Leviticus chapters twenty four and twenty five today. And our brand new translation for this week is the New Living translation. Leviticus 24. 
We are just a couple of days away from starting a new book of the Bible. So we are just finishing out the very end of Leviticus and the law. I think we can see in today's reading the implementation of the importance of rest by implementing a Sabbath year on year seven after six years of crops where the land is getting complete rest. And then we have a further whole year of Jubilee on the fiftieth year after seven sets of seven, where a whole year of rest from the crops and everything takes place. Rest has to be important to God to implement this. Here's the thing about rest, we often think that rest is inactive, that nothing is being done, right? And why do we feel so guilty when we're resting? Because we have so much that needs our attention that we need to do. Here's something really important. Rest is an important part of restoration. Rest is the root word of restoration. Rest is active. It is restoring, rejuvenating, renewing. All of those things happen during rest, recovery, rest. It's like when you're playing with toddlers who are like Energizer bunnies, give them sugar, wind them up and let them go. And what do we say? I just need to catch my breath. How do you catch your breath? You stop, you rest and you breathe. So it's very interesting, very fascinating that God even wants the land to rest. After six years of working the land, maintaining the land, producing off of the land, he commands a rest period and then even on the fiftieth year, rest from the crops, rest from the work, and they can even return to the land of their ancestors. So that sounds like a down home family reunion to me. And I'd like to just know if they had potato salad, because it's just, it's not a reunion without a really good potato salad. Anyways. Rest, rest, rest, rest is important. This is why when you are hurt, when you are injured, when you have surgery, when you are recovering, the doctor says rest, rest, rest is so important. Rest is active recovery. It is important to God. We learned this today. It is important to us. It should be important to us if it is important to God.
So Father, thank you. Thank you for permission to rest. Thank you for the reminder of the Sabbath to keep it holy. Holy meaning, dedicated, consecrated, sacred. And forgive us God for just not slowing down enough to rest, to remember, to pause, to make intentional time with you. It's important and we're starting to see the importance to our physical, or emotional, or spiritual beings to make intentional time to rest. Thank you that you are there with us in the stillness present, with us in our being and not our doing. And we thank you for this important reminder today to stop, to rest. But it's an important part of restoration. And you are restoring and renewing day by day, minute by minute, second by second. We pray this in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Announcements: 
Daily audio bible, that is the app, that's the Web page, if you'd like to take a look around at any of the resources that we have provided in the store to enhance your journey through the Bible, you can do that on the Web page. If you would like to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, we thank you so much for your partnership. You can give by hitting the give icon of the top right hand corner of your phone or your tablet or on the Web page. Just look for the give icon and hit that. We are so, so, so grateful for your partnership. Literally, literally could not do it without you. If you have a prayer request or if you're calling in to pray for somebody else that has already called in with a prayer request, you can do that by hitting the red button up at the top of the right hand corner of your app. Or you can call eight hundred five eight three two one six four. If you are calling on the phone line, let me just remind you that there is a two minute allotment for phone calls on that prayer line. If you're calling in, we want you to be able to be heard in the given time. So thank you for your cooperation and support with that. Hey, happy Sabbath. I really hope you just find some time of rest before a brand new week gets underway. We all know the demands of life, the craziness of a schedule, all that we have to accomplish in a week. And I hope that you just take a moment to breathe before it hits you tomorrow. That's it for me today. I'm Jill. I love you. We'll turn the page together tomorrow. Until then. Love one another.
Community Prayer Line:
Hello family, this is Sarah from Ohio calling in with an update. I had called in early December last year asking for a prayer for my father in law who had Parkinson's and delirium, and also for my husband, who was very stressed out and it was affecting his health. I just want to thank Joy from Mexico and Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania for and everyone else who prayed for that situation. Shortly after I called in, we found out that my father in law had covid. And according to his neurologist, delirium is not an uncommon symptom. He was asymptomatic otherwise and he's since recovered. But we were caring for him. And then we got covid and anyway, we had mild cases and we just throughout the whole process, even though it was a lot of uncertainty about what kind of symptoms we were gonna experience, God gave us this overwhelming, overwhelming feeling of well-being. So I know everyone's prayers had many things to do with that. Thank you. And finally, I just wanted to pray for Melody from Canada. You had called in in late January talking about how you're doubting and disqualifying yourself to be a mother of many children. And I want you to know that my husband and I are also about to enter into fertility treatment. We're way past the age of childbearing and haven't had any success. So I feel I can relate to your feelings. I am praying for you and. Yeah. I know that God will provide and he always keeps his promises. Hi DABC. This is Bethany, House of God. I just realized like just now that I called in a few weeks ago about one of my puppies and I was like, he seems kind of sick. And I remember that, like, he was literally sick for two days or something. And he got just totally better, I just thought about it and I was like, oh, my gosh, like, you just totally like, you know healed just this little puppy....thinking about it. I thought about it weeks later, I was like, oh my gosh, that's so crazy. I wasn't even thinking about what God did for my family and I even, you know, so beautiful and I also thank God thank him and I also want to talk to Joyous Janice, I really just heard you call in and I wanted to say I cannot say that I understand what you're going through, but I say that I understand...[inaudible] Jesus is coming soon, and one day you're going to have eternity in heaven with the Lord. And he loves you and I love you even though we've never met. Everybody in DABC loves you. We are praying for you. And just know that throughout all of this God loves you. He's holding you close. He loves you and I wanted to say that. Praise God. Yeah, have a blessed day guys. Love you.
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ecto-american · 5 years
Broken Ectoplasm C14
DannyMay themed story don’t bully me at it being FEBRUARY i’m trying my best
Ectoplasm | Broken | Glass | Theory | Community | Eavesdropping | Worldbuilding | Accident | History | Shape shift | Puppet | Ink | Hands | Or Read on FFN or AO3. |
Day 21: Anniversary
Finally, a chance to get some real answers. Though they wouldn't likely come until later that day, something that pained Jack to his core. Those possible answers were the only thing Jack could think about as they prepared for bed, ignoring that it was nearly seven in the morning. Jack had already put his pajamas on and brushed his teeth, curled up into bed and was simply waiting for Maddie to join him. For now, he idly played an app game on his phone. A simple crossword puzzle game, to get his mind off things. He could hear the sink running as she was doing her normal bedtime routine.
"Did you know that Tucker and Sam knew?" Maddie's voice suddenly asked. Jack glanced up. He could see the vague outline of Maddie in her pajamas, washing her face.
"...Yeah. Jazz said that Danny told her that they were there when it happened," he replied somberly. He continued his game quietly before giving up, putting his phone on the nightstand.
This wasn't right. Neither one of them should be at home, preparing for bed. They should be there, with Danny. Right now he was all alone in the hospital room. But they were asked to leave and return later, due to the Guys in White arriving for questioning. They couldn't talk themselves into staying.
"Sorry, but we'd only be allowed to let family stay." That statement still echoed and hurt his heart.
"Do you think Danny will be okay?" Jack asked. "Alone? With the Guys in White? What if they hurt him? What if they just, what if." A looming dread filled him, and he began to get out of bed. "I'm going to get him."
"Jack, don't," Maddie peeked her head out of the bathroom, giving him a frown. She looked exhausted, and Jack felt sorry for her. He and Jazz had managed to take a short nap after Ohmer had to go home for the night. Maddie had yet to sleep. "We have to play it by ear. We can't just take him. It'll only make things worse and make everybody suspicious."
Jack still remained sitting up, his feet on the ground and already slipped into his slippers. But he didn't move anymore. Just yet anyway.
"Our son's alone in there," his voice was quiet. Maddie's lower lip quivered, and she walked to him, immediately wrapping her arms around him.
"No, Ohmer assured us that they can't take him, and that she would be with him that entire questioning," she reminded him. "It'll be okay. We'll get some rest, take a shower, and go back refreshed."
He knew she was right. It was likely already so suspicious to the hospital how emotionally involved they were getting. Especially the light switch flip of them barely interested in doing anything other than dropping Phantom off to immediately requesting to see him at every opportunity. They really had no proper, rational reasoning that they could say to explain it, no logical sense as to why a ghost hunter would suddenly care so deeply about a ghost. Not even if they confessed the truth, that they were Danny Phantom's parents and had a right to see their child. They'd likely be under immediate investigation for child abuse. Ohmer's words about how the Guys in White would take Phantom from them under the reasoning for child abuse echoed in his mind.
"We should go first thing," Jack said slowly. "After some sleep." Maddie smiled sadly, and she kissed his temple. She returned to the restroom to finish getting ready, and Jack reluctantly tucked himself back under the covers.
Nobody in the Fenton household slept well.
Maddie was still fast asleep when Jack woke up. He groggily checked the time. It was only a bit past noon, and the bright shining of the sun confirmed it. He closed his eyes to ignore it, trying to process what he was going to do.
The entire previous day? Several hours? It felt like a fake blur, a terrible dream, despite being painfully aware that it all happened. His son's bed was covered in his own blood, hospitalized for a badly broken jaw, and, oh yeah, was Danny Phantom. The Danny Phantom, public enemy number one. A ghost Jack considered his arch enemy.
Quietly, Jack began to slip out of bed. He couldn't just lay there anymore. Being in bed, doing nothing but thinking. He got his phone and quietly left the room as to not disturb Maddie.
Downstairs, he could smell coffee being brewed. Jazz was awake? Already?
Indeed, he came around the corner to see his daughter at the kitchen table, scrolling on her phone. The coffee brewer actually was off but the pot was full of freshly made coffee. Jazz had a cup poured for her in front of her. Jack couldn't help but take note of how some of the ectoplasm in the kitchen had been cleaned up, and that there was a faint smell of a cleaning solution with the undertone of a sea salt like scent. His eyes landed on the partly-filled sink, with ectoplasm-soaked cleaning cloths and a sponge in the water. Jazz had tried to clean up a bit.
The teen glanced up at him with a soft smile.
"Hey, do you want some coffee?" she asked.
"Desperately," Jack tried to lightly joke. He moved to grab a cup and the pot, careful to avoid stepping in...essentially his own son's ghost-blood. It was hard to keep his mind off of as he poured his cup, adding in a small bit of sugar. "I can see that you tried to clean up a bit." He hesitated a bit. "Thank you."
"I couldn't sleep," Jazz confessed. "Figured I'd get a small head start on it. I know how it can stain."
"Yeah," was all Jack could bring himself to say.
"It's such a pain," Jazz continued, her tone whining a bit. "I don't know how Danny's always been able to get it all out." Jack tried to ignore that, sipping his coffee as he moved to sit with her. "I tried to mix the solution like he'd tell me to, yaknow? Water and laundry detergent, with about a cup of salt and a cup of baking powder, mixed really well, and then scrub with a magic eraser. I'm starting to think he's pulling my foot. He's always been able to clean the lab and stuff so much quicker than me."
A bit of relief washed over him, and he took a larger drink. In all of this, he had nearly forgotten how much Danny cleaned the lab. It was one of his main chores. Of course he'd know how to clean it fairly well, he's done it for years. But it still slowly ate away at him.
"...How often has Danny had this kind of...bleed out in the house? Has it ever?" Jack had to ask.
"I don't know," Jazz lightly shrugged her shoulders. "I can't answer that. Your best bet is to honestly? Start making a list of questions. And wait until you and Danny can talk about it."
Jack scratched the back of his head with a depressed sigh. Those doctors said he'd be wired shut for months. He couldn't bear the thought of waiting months to get answers. Especially when there was a chance Danny may never-no, no, no. He wasn't going to entertain that idea. It made him sick. Jack refused to let Danny be taken from him.
The doorbell rang, and Jazz jumped from her seat, with an oddly cheerful "I'll get it!" as she exited the kitchen. Jack rubbed his eyes as he forced himself to take another sip of coffee.
"Jazz, what's going on, where's Danny?" Sam's voice was clearly heard, and Jack hated that reminder. He hated knowing that Danny was so afraid of him and his mother that he seemingly only put his trust into his friends.
"Something happened," Tucker's voice was there too, and his voice was accusatory and concerned. "It was a ghost, wasn't it?"
"...Sorta...Come into the kitchen," Jazz told them, and soon she reappeared. His son's friends froze when they saw him, staring at him with wide eyes.
"O-oh, hi Mr. Fenton!" Tucker squeaked. Jack could only stare at them, a bit disheartened. All the lies they probably told him to cover for Danny, because of…
"Um, we heard Danny was gone, and we wanted to come and-" Sam began, but Jack cut her off. The last thing he wanted to hear right now was another lie.
"I know everything," he told her. The goth looked at him, a bit puzzled. Tucker mirrored the look, but after a glance at Jazz, seemed to have caught on.
"...How much is everything?" Tucker asked.
"I know Danny's Phantom," Jack clarified. Tucker visibly swallowed nervously, and Sam's face fell. She took a step forward, jerking a chair out so she could sit. The goth was visibly shaking.
"It must be bad," Sam's voice croaked out. "Jazz, please. What happened?"
Tucker slipped into a seat, as well as Jazz into the final one. And she began to tell them. Jack talked as well early on into the story, but as she got to her coming home, he fell silent and simply listened as well. Danny's friends were surprisingly quiet as well, even though with the more they spoke, the more horrified and pale both grew. Sam had begun to tear up near the end, and she had resorted to grabbing a paper towel to clutch in her hand. Tucker had hung his head at some point, staring at the table instead of anybody.
And soon, she finished, but nobody said anything. An uncomfortably painful silence washed over, and Jack shifted in his seat. He took another drink of coffee, if nothing, just for something to do.
"I'm terrible," Tucker finally confessed. "I went to bed. I heard my phone ringing, but I ignored it. It wasn't Danny's ringtone, so I assumed it was spam…"
"At least you were asleep," Sam croaked out. "My phone died because you know what I was distracted by? A fucking video game. Danny got hurt, and I didn't even really know because I was so wrapped up in a video game."
"I knew something was wrong though," Tucker replied, and Jack could tell instantly that guilt was eating at him. "My mom asked me if I had seen Danny, because Mr. Fenton called and asked about where he was. And I just assumed it was a normal routine ghost thing and thought nothing more of it. I should have known, I should have checked."
"No, it's nobody's fault," Jack interrupted. The kids stared at him, and he felt a pang at the hypocrisy of his own words. It was, in all honesty, his fault at the end of the day. But for now, he just needed these poor kids to be relieved of guilt that they weren't responsible for. "No matter what any of you could have done, no matter when you showed up, what happened or anything, it wouldn't have changed much. Mads and I just...we couldn't help him." They were helpless to do anything for him, and it somehow felt much more different than when Jazz had to go to the hospital for breaking her leg when she tried to jump off a tree swing, or when Danny was taken into the ER after crashing his bike into a tree.
"He would have needed professional help. There was no way we could have repaired his jaw. This kind of thing was inevitable." Jack swallowed hard. In reality, he was lucky that it was just a broken jaw that finally made his son go to the hospital. Ghost fights were often, in his viewings of them, violent and dangerous. "It's just…" Would it have been better for Danny to go as Fenton, where Jack and Maddie could be there for him the entire time, yet investigated for all the terrible injuries that could only have come from another person? Or for Danny to go as Phantom, where he was alone and at risk of being arrested but ultimately could be discharged and come home?
Jazz seemed to have followed his train of thought, and she nodded.
"It was bound to happen one day," she said slowly. "But everything leading up to this is a moot point. It happened. We can't change it. We need to focus on how we're going to get out of this."
Another black tear ran down Sam's cheek, but she quickly wiped it away with a sniffle.
"No, no, you're right," she reluctantly agreed. "Tucker and I will go visit him and-"
"No," Jazz replied firmly.
"What do you mean no?" Tucker frowned. "We're going to go see him. He's our best friend."
"It's too suspicious for you to just waltz in and request to see Phantom," Jazz protested. "Nobody but us, the hospital, Vlad and the Guys in White know. This is a tightly kept secret. They'll want to know why and how you know." Sam shot her a nasty look.
"So? I'll find some kind of an excuse!" she tried to argue.
"Sam, Jazz is right," Jack cut in. Sam's face fell, and her lip quivered again. "I know you want to see him. Both of you." He gestured to the two of them. "But it's already raising a few red flags that Mads and I are becoming so involved. We have a somewhat reason, because we're ghost hunters and Danny…" Jack didn't want to say it. Nobody else said it either. "Jazz tagging along is...reasonable enough only because she's our kid."
"But you guys are so connected with Danny," Jazz continued. The friends stared at her in disheartened anger. "People will connect the dots, or at least be suspicious. Especially if you're showing up without Danny."
"So what? I just have to sit quietly on the sidelines and wait?" Sam asked. With every word she grew more hysterical and upset. Tucker lightly nudged her, and she calmed a bit, but still stood up. "I'm not going to do that! I'm visiting Danny!"
"Sam, Jazz may be right," Tucker spoke up. His thumbs twiddled anxiously as the goth stared at him in absolute disbelief. "Look, we both care about Danny. And the best thing we can really do is just, help him lay low. His presence is already so hot, and the Guys in White are super involved, we just...we need to just provide support from the sidelines this time."
"There has to be some way-" Sam began to protest, only to be accidentally cut off.
"What's going on?" Maddie's sleepy voice called out.
Everybody glanced to see the huntress coming downstairs, dressed in her traditional blue jumpsuit with heavy bags under her eyes, a small box on her hip. She scanned the room, and when she saw her son's friends, her face fell a bit. While by now, they knew that they knew, but it was still a reality neither parent was ready for.
"We're just...trying to figure out what to do," Jack said slowly. Maddie just gave a short nod. A cell phone rang out. Everybody glanced to check, and Maddie stared at her phone. She pressed to let the unfamiliar number go to voicemail.
"Kids, would you give Mr. Fenton and I a moment?" Maddie requested. The teens all shared a glance, and they nodded.
The chairs rustled and creaked as the trio got up, and they went into the living room. Almost immediately, there was a conversation, though Jack couldn't make out those details. Maddie set the box on the table, sighing softly as she leaned over to lightly peck Jack's temple.
"Happy anniversary," she said quietly. Jack felt his heart drop. For the first time in twenty years, he had actually remembered. He had a gift that Jazz had allowed him to keep hidden and wrapped in her room, and they had actual plans. Of course, right now, Maddie was supposed to be hours away at the college tour, though a huge perk of working from home was that they could, and had planned, on going away when she got back. A fun week long trip to investigate a haunted abandoned town the next state over, camping and exploring.
But with all of this...he had completely forgotten.
"Happy anniversary," he replied. Maddie slipped into the newly free seat next to him. He scooted his cup to her. "Do you want some coffee?" She simply nodded, taking a long sip from his cup. They always enjoyed their coffee the same way. It was kind of nice.
"I had Danny hide it in his room for me," she told him. The huntress glanced down at her hands. "It was in his closet. Along with all those weapons we thought we lost." Maddie sniffled, rubbing her eyes. "I was going to call him and have him give it to you today but…"
"We're not leaving," Jack stated the obvious. Maddie nodded immediately. Her cell phone rang again, and again she sent it to voicemail.
"Of course not," she replied. She rested her chin in the palm of her hands as she scooted closer to the table. Jack knew her deep-thinking look. "I just...How could we not know? Not notice? Or even suspect. It's no wonder Phan-no wonder Danny would just get whatever he pleased. He knows all the pass codes."
"We're not the only ones who didn't see it," Jack reminded her and himself. Maddie frowned.
"But we're his parents. We're supposed to know these things," she whispered. The phone rang, and Maddie ignored it once more almost immediately. "We see him every day. He was supposed to be able to tell us."
Jack didn't really have any answers for her. He simply shrugged half-heartedly. Why would Danny tell them? Why would he tell his parents the ghost hunters that said parents hurt him so badly, hurt him so often? Despite them both loving him with every fiber of their being, the love got lost in the worst translation and caused Danny to truly doubt if they'd love him. Of course they would. But it hurt that he didn't believe that.
"Do you think he can forgive us?" Maddie questioned.
Jack tried to think, but it was interrupted as Sam skidded into their kitchen.
"The hospital's on the news," she told them. "Ghost attack."
Maddie's eyes widened, and she looked at her missed calls. The same number, constantly leaving voicemails. The number called again, but this time, Maddie accepted.
"Hello?" Maddie greeted hesitantly. Jack strained to hear what was said, but he could only hear that it was a feminine voice. His wife stood, and Jack copied her actions as he watched her closely. "Oh, yes. Yes, we'll be right there! Immediately! I'm so sorry, we're on our way."
Maddie hung up, putting the phone in its pocket on her jumpsuit belt.
"That was the hospital, there's a ghost attack," she said. Jack knew the drill. In a flash, they had their weapons of choice and were out the door. There was no time to lose and a lot of work to be done.
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kimvvantae · 5 years
feel better; (1)
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➜ being with jimin is hot but cold at the same time. sweet but painful, exciting but sad, intimate but distant - and you don’t know if getting too close is worth the risk.
pairing: daddy!jimin x (f) reader
genre: smut (in future chapters), angst, fluff 
warnings: language, non-explicit mentions of sex
word count: 2k
A/N: this is an introduction of what i plan to do. if you guys like it i might update. also, i know that daddy kink is cringey, but 190105 jimin awakened the sub bitch inside of me and i had to write it. i’m not sorry.
➜ check out masterlist in bio for more of my works!
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It's one of those days when you're sure the Universe hates you.
Whenever you think everything is fine, whenever you think you're about to have a nice day for once, whatever creatures that control the world probably look at you and say hm, I don't think so, bitch.
You close your eyes tightly and embrace your own body, heavy blankets covering you. The bedroom is considerably dark, but it's probably already noon and the world outside must be looking beautiful. It's summer, after all - and you're in one of the nicest places in the planet to enjoy summer: Rio de Janeiro.
You still don't know exactly how you ended up here. Jimin simply texted you some nights ago, asking if you wanted to "escape" from work. Of course you said yes, but you didn't expect that Jimin meant "escape" literally and would take you to fucking Brazil. 
You don't know him very well, but one thing you've learned about Park Jimin in these six months is that he's a very surprising man.
When you started with the whole sugar daddy thing, you didn't expect it to turn out to be good - because at the beginning, it really wasn't. You just started it because the idea of earning money easily was nice and you were desperate, so when you found out there was an app to find daddies (yes, there are apps about it), you downloaded it quickly. Let's just give it a try.
You did not meet anyone at first: you just sent nudes and some videos to your "clients", always covering your face and identity to protect yourself, and the experience was humiliating to say the very least. You kept doing it because the "clients" actually did pay for it and, again, you needed the money. Many of them said they'd pay more if you met them in person. You always refused. If just sending them some nudes made you feel that bad, then meeting in person or maybe having sex with them would be terrible.
That is… until you met Jimin.
You still don't know why the fuck he was using that app. Let's be honest, Park Jimin is not the type of man that needs to pay for sex. He sent you a message, though, and for some time you just sent him nudes as usual. Jimin was doing it anonymously - as most of the "clients" do - so you had no idea he was young. That is, until he started to ask for your private number. You got worried at first; he wasn't the first one to ask this, and you'd always refuse any kind of personal contact with the "clients". You're not stupid. You know that most of those old men are searching for a dumb girl or boy to use them in ugly ways. You considered blocking him…
Until you woke up to one thousand dollars in your bank account.
No one has ever paid that much.
All that because he wanted your private number.
Well, you gave him. If anything became strange, you could just block him and get rid of this number, right?
However, things took an unexpected route when the first thing Jimin sent was a video of himself masturbating for you.
You couldn't believe it. It could be a fake video, right? Are you telling me this beautiful man was on an app that only old men use? It took hours for you to reply - both because of your suspicion, your shock, and the fact that the video was mesmerizing. 
The man on the video was ridiculously hot. He was biting his bottom lip (such plump lips!) and moaning in a way that made your legs feel like jelly. And his cock - wow. Just wow.
You got wet and texted him back.
It was the first time someone made you come with texts.
You used to make fun of your friends when they talked about sexting, but sexting with this man was something out of this world. He was good with words and, before you noticed, you were sending more and more videos and nudes of yourself - and he'd constantly send videos of himself, too, what made you come to the conclusion that it wasn't fake. You've reached a point where you were doing it because of how hot it was, and not because of the money.
But then, Jimin thought that just sexting wasn't enough and asked to meet you in real life.
You still hesitated. You knew nothing about him. He could be a rapist, a psycho, a murderer. Jimin didn't force you into meeting him, though, what was unexpectedly nice of him (sugar daddies usually are not that nice), but he would ask from time to time if you'd like to meet.
A certain day, curiosity took the best of you and you said yes - as long as you'd meet in a public place.
Jimin choose a mall downtown.
It was a shocking moment.
One thing was seeing photos or videos of him. Another thing was seeing him in person.
His beautiful, plump lips. His cat-like eyes. Pitch black hair, flawless skin. He's not that tall, but his body proportions are balanced and perfect. The way he carries himself with confidence and pride, the way he looks at people with his piercing gaze…
When his eyes landed on you, you felt like being shot.
You promised yourself you wouldn't have sex with him, but ended up fucking the whole night.
The. Whole. Night.
Jimin was seductive. He was strong and flexible and had great stamina. Rough but  slow, deep and intoxicating, breath-takingly intense. He wasn't focusing only on his pleasure but on yours, too - and he didn't stop until he saw you begging desperately for release, dripping wet, toes curling, a moaning mess.
Jimin is that good.
After that night, you started fucking constantly. He started paying you higher, too - you soon found out Jimin is actually very rich and he doesn't mind buying you ridiculously expensive stuff. He even bought you a car. You're being so well paid that it's getting hard to hide your "secret life"; people are starting to notice you don't seem to struggle that much financially, which is strange, considering you work as a secretary with an average salary and has a university loan to pay (well, had; Jimin paid it for you).
You two are not close in the slightest, though. You don't know anything about Jimin's life other than the fact that he's super rich, his family owns Korea considering the amount of business they have in the country, and that he fucks good. Your relationship is strictly sexual. You don't ask about his life, he doesn't ask about yours. Jimin also made clear that he doesn't mind if you have a boyfriend or not and that you can end your "business" with him whenever you want. That's what surprises you: he seems to be a nice guy. Jimin doesn't force you to do anything, he constantly asks if you're liking it or not when you're fucking. His sex might be rough, but his actions and words are not. He never screamed at you, never spanked too strongly, never roped you too tightly, never offended you. Jimin doesn't think he can do whatever he wants with you just because he's paying for it.
Does it make you feel less bad? No. You know that what you're doing is prostitution. Sure, Jimin is the only person you have sex with, but it doesn't change the fact that you're being paid. You still need the money anyways - and you won't finish it all until you get what you need.
Jimin being so nice and fucking so good makes you consider staying a little longer sometimes.
He is so nice that he brought you to Rio with him after all. You know he's a busy man, having some free days to travel was probably hard for him. You should be rewarding him. You wanted to make him feel good, to enjoy the sun and the sea, to wear that pretty bikini he bought for you. Shit, you two should be fucking out there in the beach.
But here you are. Locked in the bedroom under the covers.
Fever, headache, vomiting everything you eat. The doctor said it's a virus or something. You were already feeling bad even before you got in the plane, and now you feel bad for not telling him, because you could've taken some medicine and you'd be feeling better now. 
Instead of a sexy bikini, you're wearing one of your ugly (but comfy) pajamas, far from the nightgowns Jimin likes. Your hair is a mess, you're not wearing any makeup. What if Jimin gets disappointed with you bare face? Everything about this trip is wrong. 
When you hear Jimin's steps and the door opening, you close your eyes again.
He sits down by your side and put his hand on your forehead.
"How are you feeling?" He asks softly. You open your eyes and see the stunning man in front of you: he's wearing simple black shorts and a white cotton shirt. It's amazing how he can look good in such a simple outfit.
"Like crap," you say, raspy voice, and Jimin giggles. "I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing, baby? No one gets sick on purpose." It's one of the rare moments when Jimin is not talking with any type of sexual connotation, which is surprising. You expected him to be mad or disappointed, but he looks… concerned? The way his eyebrows are furrowed and he analyzes your face look like concern, at least. "I think the medicine is working. If you feel worse, I'll call the doctor again, okay?"
You nod weakly while Jimin caresses your hair. "I wish things were different."
"It's alright. This house is mine, we can come back whenever we want." You don't know why you still get shocked when Jimin says stuff like I own a mansion in a private beach so naturally, as if it's not a big deal. "We can visit Copacabana next time… and the Christ statue, if you want to, but that place is always too crowded. There is a city near here called Paraty, I think you'd love it, too…"
You lay there in silence as Jimin speaks. Okay, that is unexpected. You thought he just wanted to fuck in a cool beach, you didn't expect Jimin wanted to take you to touristic places. It almost felt like…
A couple?
You brush this idea off as soon as it crosses your mind. You know Jimin doesn't feel anything but sexual attraction for you - and it's the other way around. You're not stupid enough to fall for him. This is a man that pays to have you. He surely has some obsessive issues. You think that he wouldn't be a nice boyfriend at all, your relationship just works because you're as detached as him.
The idea of being in an actual relationship with him is… well…
"Rest now and you'll feel better soon." He says reassuringly, a small smile on his lips. Again, you search for any hint of annoyance on his expression - nothing.
The discomfort eases a little.
That is, until you see Jimin getting under the covers with you.
"What are you doing?!" You ask, surprised. Jimin's not going to initiate anything sexual, right? He's seeing you're sick!
"I'm not a doctor, but… one thing I know is that cuddling helps a lot in the healing process."
You feel Jimin's arms wrapping around your waist, your back touching his chest. He snuggles closer to you in a warm, cozy hug.
Your heart races. 
"Sleep now, baby." He whispers on your ear and kisses your neck tenderly. "Don't feel bad. I'm not mad at you."
As unexpected (and weird) as it is, you smile softly. It's been a long time since you've been so close to someone like this - no second intentions involved. It feels good. Although you're very aware of what your thing with Jimin is and you agreed with it in the first place, not being treated like a sexual toy feels good.
It's the first time you touch each other like this.
It feels more intimate than any sex you've ever had.
"And…" Jimin whispers in a raspy, low voice. "We'll have enough time later for you to pay for what we lost here, baby."
This makes you shiver. You love it when Jimin talks like that.
Your stomach twirls in excitement just imagining what Jimin will do to you in the future.
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geektech713 · 4 years
My Bipolar life & Struggles
My Testimony! living with bipolar & healed of bipolar in 2017 about my 2008 story I am disabled by federal government and state because of my bipolar disorder .  I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after I started my business outside of high school ..I been fighting for my life since 2001 when I was diagnosed ..I started Digitalrao dba on december 15th 2001 and then I was diagnosed by doctor in  March I was on medication . I was only 18 or 19 when I started my business straight out high school I was about about to start find funding and everything ..but High school friends and bullies at school were making making me fight for get be left alone ..I was throw in ISS most the school year and everything I  eventually left I went to Private Christian school in my town to get school . I am always learning because of my disorder makes me hard to concrete . I am not the violent type of bipolar you hear about ..I like to take care of my issue ASAP before it gets worse , find the doctors to help .I am forced to take medication for my survival and I won’t be able to destroy my life or online rep . For all those who don’t know my testimony . Bipolar Disorder is Mental Illness , I believe it because I gave up on life with my Bullied bad  in high school and standed up against them . I was in school for almost 4 -5 years because of other issues  and then Private I tried to finish early but  I took college Computer Networking class at another High School in our District for extra credit an Air Force ROTC  . I flew once behind the control of small plane too . I have decided to follow Jesus with everything after finding an youth group called Portico at Old lakewood church campus before the moved into stadium ..Lakewood church ..Joel Osteen before that was John Osteen before he went up to the lord . well I was fighting to get my life on the straight path because I was fighting things unseen I don’t want to talk about it was battle over my soul after I got out the hospital and doctor visits and court from trans passing at my high school I  went too   .after couple months of dealing with State over my condition they dismissed my charged I was set free and I came running to God/Jesus because .I know medication and doctors wouldn’t be able to heal me . Bipolar disorder was called Manic Depression . yes I suffer from depression I haven’t been depressed in couple of months It is getting better.  Bipolar is very serious mental condition . it destroys life’s left and right ..I am restart my life after relapse  2 years and took me 2 years of Hard work to get back where I am now but  I had to fight for my life in everything I believe in and test my thinking and mindset and friends . I do my business because it is my dream and It is accident in 2001 Google came out and was just a start up and I heard about I google how to start a business and researched how to get into it ..I am just dba doing business as One day I will have enough money to Corporate it and just watch it grow and let some Jesus let MBA older person lead the company  .well i was saying  .                                                                              I was starting to building up on my own feet with no partnerships or anything I am boot stamping Digital Rao right now But I have partnership with Business Remedy my first independent contract . well one with my story  I was engaged to some girl that I though would be the one well I thought she was real christian and changed but I was wrong ..short story she left me after one of my business owner friends told me she was using me or cheating on me . I was heart Broken . I tried to get computers jobs to keep afloat I was working at Kroger and moved up 3 positions in 9 months of being their from sacker to dairy department but I was asked to be Kroger Department manager because I am career driven  . I told other store manager NO because some off the wall . my X fiance parents and her was telling to say NO to the offer because some stupid reason . but my  personal reason was because I wanted to be in computers not retail environment I left to Truckstop to work the cashiers and learn to run a store at night ..well I was working on my business running , taking calls and going to work at night 10-6am and then I would take calls from my ad’s in yellow pages and online and talk with vendors and so on …Lets say I almost had it but then how my story gets sad and depressing ..well I said my X fiance  . I wanted to go Trade conference in Dallas,TX  an Technology conference I was invited to go as local business I was so happy and my fiance wasn’t I was preparing to go a room at hotel some far to save on gas and food and all expenses just getting ready and then bam . I wanted to go San Antonio or Round Rock,TX aka HQ of DELL ,  I looked at my checking and asked her if wanted to go micro-vacation she told me NO . I said I need to get away from all the stress I am under and get new prospective I was trying to find my balance because I felt unbalanced and drained  . we kissed each other bye and I made to San Antonio and to get some gas and food and my personal checking account bounced on me , came back on me I was denied it was 2 hours after that i got to San Antonio from Houston area . I was at McDonald’s and realized I was broke I was cleaned out ..I had credit balance 500 dollars or more on my personal side and i tried every credit card I had I think .. receive well my other story began I ran out of gas just under the under pass at one dell way under the highway I stalled their and one dell employee put 10 or 20 dollars in my tank I was thankful but after driving short distance wasn't enough to get me to back home I went to find the Dell Diamond ..then I ran out of gas at night by some homes  ..and then I started to walk like Jesus and find someone to help me  . I was desperate I went to walking to 7-11 and asked for job application I wanted to work In Round Rock to get some money . I had crazy idea’s  after failed attempts I talked couple what  happened to me and everything and I went walking to church for help just stay the night or anything it was Sunday night as I was about step on the crosswalk of the church the Round Rock Police pulled nearly arrested me . i told them what happen with me and took me my Chevy Tahoe  , and the mental people checked me out for the County and said you are good to go not going Jail for the Night since you are small business owner from not our area . I was thankful the round rock county took me to Red Roof Inn and then  I tried to call parents and KSBJ to let them pray for me I used Google 411 to make calls out area because it was source to talk to KSBJ prayer volunteer to for my safe return home I was KSBJ Special events volunteer and Share-A-Thon they knew me if i emailed them or anything well long story short I lost everything my Chevy Tahoe and nearly my business nearly went bankrupt but I am fighting that I want to share more but I need to write a book I am looking for someone to tell my whole story about my life , I was in mediation and i heard a voice say Write a book . I meditate every now and then I  have found an Android app to help enter in God so close to hear loud as thunder and everything I know what his voice sounds like   ..I want to finish this up  my ending but I need to do other stuff  . well  my ending I had bitter-heart and nearly went back into the world and go back into all the wrong stuff , not drugs or anything just wrong people and everything . I tried to go back to church but it didn’t work . I ended up asking Jesus/God to break me down until the bare bone which I asked God to make life hell for me and He did because I asked  I need to be broken so I can return back back my where , I had find my bottom my valley ..well 4 months ago I am God Broke me down I had no friends and everything was hell I was broke ..no Job or computer jobs or 2nd jobs to get by ….I had one of my medications Lithium nearly kill me  . .it had poisoned my blood steam I was very sick , so sick ..after I realized it was medication I called my doctor told what was happening, throwing up ,stomach pains ,extreme migraines and it was hell . I was depressed and lonely and out of hope and grace I felt but I wasn’t God was close or nearby I didn’t see him or anything but something snapped in my brain I heard his voice say Fight for you life or Come back one of the two it isn’t your time yet I am not done with you yet i believe  . I said OK lets fight for my life and I live with my parents at 29 because I lost everything I asked my dad to take me to the  hospital he didn’t I begged and pleaded with him I was in no condition to drive to my Hospital ER in Sugar land for treatment I didn’t think of 911 and deal wit the police and EMS people and causing the whole street getting blocked off because of sickness I was dealing with   ..so I went to bed and fought my demons and sickness and asked God to help me get out of sickness I was tired of being sick for 3 to 5 months at all at once .. well I asked I asked God in my room after listening to KSBJ.org I was doing anything to try to get back to God after 2 years being in the wildness I am back to God I am getting praise and thanksgiving every second I have with God .. God and Jesus and Holy Spirit  ..I know the trinity .God is Love and God is grace and God is restore and many things ..I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.. Not by might nor by power my but my by spirit says the the lord Almighty .. I have many verses on my heart they will come to me  …. 2012 update here is my update I dated the wrong girlfriend she wasn’t Christian then i fell from grace after that months later I got Baptist at The 429 and made friends with wrong people and left church for awhile i didn’t even realize  i was blind and isolated to the point I didn’t have any friends to say ..in the process i lost everything again my grandma’s car broke down and won’t turn over and i lost my 2nd business Digitalrao Solutions . A couple days ago i went to see one of my Christian friends at her Christian resale shop called by Faith and she was in bad shape but had positive outlook on where she was going and had faith of mustard seed i see God flowing out when we were talking , she said alot of things i been dealing with myself one thing i said i had doubt , then slowly God started to turn on the heat on me to point i was crying and asking for forgiveness and then i got invited couple weeks ago before that Go back to church with old jr high school friend and God was talking to me thru sunday and service . I did fall from Grace ..i wasn’t the best example but I have turn from my old ways . Got right with him .. well to continue my story i was getting hell from church members calling my business line at the time i just was start up with Digitalrao Solutions,dba maybe my 3 year as start up and then Dealing with G-watts BBQ Pit  i was doing all kind programming and setup Comcast Business internet for him  and then they got the wrong tablet for square i told them go get ipad they did i did more programming even paid for fake charities he had too ..one time  i found the owner coming out of BBQ pit with red eyes he was doing some kind of drugs i caught him even partner too .. i asked do you gamble too then Micka forgot to pay my invoices they're protesting my invoices when i did 2 free jobs and then almost 3rd one ..then they hire a The Church volunteer member was volunteering lot with him i was made MVP once during winter times no one else couldn't handle Texas blue Norther's like me  so i was only one doing traffic and setting up stuff to get attention of drivers then i was dealing dealing FBI/CIA/NSA even caught Spy Satellite in the sky on my horizon then falling off into distance because I called Obama out on what he is doing and i said i know what your planning to do ..i think you know who i am on twitter ..so i was being then i got a call from mexican women not saying where that they're going to kidnap me this was Mexican drug cartels after me too then my dad started to get bitter about me approved for cars left and right but kicked to the road and walking took me off insurance he just had big anger issue since i was apart of GOP Harris county Liberty Freedom Caucus he refused to take me GOP events or go so they fired me  , then one of the Rosenberg Cops told me ya ur getting watched by cartels we see cars driving by i am not giving locations of cameras lol anyway then 2 days later i had panic mode fearing from everything around me that they might shoot up the place but then did something stupid ..later realized it was setting up for Success when i got to Group home my dad wouldnt let me come home , anyways i was in group home for 3 months then i didn't start to go back to Church of Living Waters until 6 or 8 th month because i was afraid of church who i would run into or accuse me again sometimes i run into accusers at Church of living waters they dont say anything to me . i am am slowly going back to Church of Living waters Darren Frank seen what i been thru sometimes i txt him too much ,  or quit  anyways , Jimn Kyles had nothing to do with me but Pastor Darren Frank took me under his wings and protected me and even prophecy saying i will have no friends ya that is where i am at now  . back the story I was going around town causing chaos when one time i went Mexican restaurant saying i did Youtube video of this place y'all are made here but they called the Police on me Kicked me out  anyways the most famous restaurant located by the place now they're up for sale   back to story i was saying Rosenberg Police Sargent called me criminal over my bipolar i finally gave up my secret i was one filing FBI IC3 reports they didn't know who it was ..then Assistant Police Chief got caught now facing charges anyways .. now i am giving member of Church of Living waters in Rosenberg ..i don’t give to buy out God i give to because i am generous giver, I got healed of Bipolar disorder in July ,2017 still going thru process dealing with Therapist and Family doctors that don't understand what happen to me . 2020 update my Pdoc at Texana took myself off Deproke , i haven’t had depression in 3 years so i am off my depression med , just taking 1 medication If Technical side like my Businesses use [email protected] until i can buy back my domains back !  i do need money to live ...I want to  INC up ASAP  .
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What Did The Research On Fitness Trackers Find?
3rd a refiliable system may be cheaper but every time you add soap in you are allowing air to get trapped inbetween the layers of soap and bacteria will grow and feed off of it. REMEMBER always get your doctor's permission before taking any vitamin supplements. In fact, red wine may even lower uric acid levels! But Golden, who is based in northern Arizona, added that the season may simply be kicking into gear a little later than usual. The FDA must approve this report, which is made available to all health professionals who prescribe or sell the drug. ] or medicines which doctors refuse to prescribe for patients, as all patients treated under the National Health Service pay either a low flat price or nothing for prescribed medicine and medical equipment. 1. Lowest prices and the best service guaranteed. Another type of service dog that is becoming more useful is the dog that is trained to sniff out low blood sugar in a diabetic human. A few more "hellos" are exchanged, interrupted by beeps signaling late arrivals: Bill from Columbus, Barbara from Philadelphia, Jim from California and a dozen or so others. Keep these guidelines in thoughts to help you spend less on claw enhance, no matter if you try to buy less making your own enhance go more time or if you simply want to discover bargains on claw enhance. It is especially critical to take this prescription precisely as coordinated by the specialist. They will slither away if threatened, but won't go far, it will turn and take the standard striking pose, raising its head high, ready to bite. Serums are designed to work in conjunction with moisturizers and some will be for nighttime use only, others will be twice daily. Measuring heart rate gives a quick measure of the amount of work the heart is under. Adults need to focus their attention in order to complete their daily tasks. Plcaing your order for tramaadol online takes a simmple process of selectimng your required medicatiions; then you will complete a questionnaire and place your order by submitting. I will conclude by stating that these are only conjectures, based on limited data, and all possible causes considered (including some not mentioned) are possible. Continuing my quest on homemade beauty products that will really make a difference not just to your pocket but your skin too, I came upon the idea of an anti-aging serum. 2.Very cheap price offerings on featured medications can be a warning sign that the products could be fake or counterfeit. Acute kidney failure, coma and death can occur in severe or untreated cases. Well anyone who knows me well knows I tend to research things to death. During police custody, the suspect Holmes did not appear to present any threat to police, who were able to converse with him in a normal manner. THE IDEA OF A GROUP OF PEOPLE CONVINCED THEY ARE TARGETED BY WEAPONS that can invade their minds has become a cultural joke, shorthanded by the image of solitary lunatics wearing tinfoil hats to deflect invisible mind beams. Nonetheless, Moore still believes the voices in his head are the result of mind control and that the U.S. As long as you are mindful of the laws and culture you should encounter nothing but sunshine and fun! Nearly 54% of seniors reported they are “likely or very likely” to use online pharmacies. Some of all 100:s of drugs online are not real certified medication stores. In addition to carrying a wide selection of products, The Online Drugstore also offers some of the most affordable prices online or in stores. 4.50 CAD each and you can probably expect prices in that range wherever you shop. This is pretty fascinating when you consider these dogs can tell that a person's blood sugar is getting lower BEFORE a blood test can detect it. The composition of almost any food item can be looked up in official books or searched online. Retirement Living asked survey respondents about six different modern technologies: medical alert systems, grocery and food delivery services, ride-sharing apps, activity monitoring systems, online pharmacies and stair lifts. Fear of downward motion, such as during the landing of an airplane, canadian pharmaceuticals online suggests a need for this remedy. Had he ever been enrolled in a clinical trial of an experimental drug? Ruth, Thanks for visiting and voting up. Thanks for the info. The focus of this article is on the former but let's briefly touch on the latter. People prone to gout tend to have high uric acid levels in their blood. Prescribed is not needed -- Many websites do not ask for a prescription, which means that the customer does not have to go through the costly and uncomfortable procedure of a physicians visit.
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