#Application modernization in United Kingdom
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teqrox · 1 year
Next-Level Application Modernization Solutions for Your Enterprise
An Interactive digital marketing in UK co-op is an organization that has practical experience in refreshing and improving obsolete or heritage programming applications to make them more productive, secure, and viable with present-day advancements. These suppliers offer a wide range of administrations including programming modernization, application movement, application re-engineering, and application coordination.
They work intimately with organizations to grasp their interesting needs, evaluate their ongoing innovation foundation, and foster a far-reaching plan to modernize their applications. This might include revising code, removing obsolete parts, refreshing information bases, or moving applications to the cloud.
The essential objective of an application modernization specialist co-op is to assist organizations with changing their heritage frameworks into current, smart, and responsive applications that can fulfill the needs of the rapidly changing advanced scene. By utilizing the most recent advances and industry best practices, these suppliers can assist organizations with expanding efficiency, decreasing costs, and further developing consumer loyalty.
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techtimechronicles24 · 5 months
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🇬🇧 Immerse yourself in the captivating world of computing through the Sinclair ZX Spectrum—a groundbreaking microcomputer that captured the imagination of an entire generation!
🌟 In 1980, the visionary British entrepreneur and scientist, Sir Clive Sinclair, entered the home computer market with the ZX80 priced at £99.95, marking the era's most affordable personal computer in the United Kingdom. A year later, the ZX81 hit the high street, introducing home computing to a generation, with over 1.5 million units sold.
💻 Released in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd., the Sinclair ZX Spectrum swiftly became one of the most iconic home computers of its time. It dominated the UK's computer sales market, fiercely competing against Commodore and Amstrad. This compact and budget-friendly machine brought computing into countless households.
🕹️ Powered by the Zilog Z80A CPU running at 3.5 MHz and equipped with either 16 KB or 48 KB of RAM, the ZX Spectrum sported a sleek, compact design resembling a keyboard with rubber keys, making it innovative and approachable. Its graphics and sound capabilities were ahead of their time, enabling vibrant games and applications.
⌨️ One of the ZX Spectrum's standout features was its vast library of games. From classics like "Manic Miner" and "Jet Set Willy" to innovative titles developed by enthusiasts, the Spectrum's game collection remains a cherished part of gaming history. The computer's BASIC programming language also inspired users to create their own software.
🖥 Despite modest hardware specifications, the ZX Spectrum nurtured a lively community of developers and enthusiasts, serving as a gateway into the world of programming and digital creativity.
🚀 Over its lifespan, the ZX Spectrum evolved with new models, including the ZX Spectrum+, ZX Spectrum 128, and ZX Spectrum +2, each offering enhanced performance and features while retaining the beloved design.
📺 The ZX Spectrum's impact extended beyond its hardware, playing a pivotal role in the British computing scene, inspiring future generations of programmers and entrepreneurs. Its legacy resonates in modern computing and gaming through emulators and remakes that keep its spirit alive.
📊 At the peak of its success and largely inspired by the Japanese Fifth Generation Computer program, the company established the "MetaLab" research centre at Milton Hall near Cambridge to pursue advanced projects like artificial intelligence, wafer-scale integration, and formal verification.
💔 Financial difficulties in 1985, brought on by the failures of the Sinclair QL computer and the TV80 pocket television, led Sinclair to sell the rights to its computer products and brand name to Amstrad in 1986. Sinclair Research Ltd continued as a one-man company, marketing Clive Sinclair's inventions until his passing in September 2021.
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Peerages & Titles: everything you need to know
[A heavily researched 6.5k+ hyperfocus from my Google docs, to help your fanfics]
Sources are not consistent. You’d think they would be. They are not. I’ve corralled several reliable websites and books into something that I think makes sense, is accessible, and fits [largely] with portrayals in Bridgerton/modern media.
That being said, Bridgerton/modern media make mistakes. You might notice in reading through all this that there is something different to how it is portrayed in media. Feel free to discuss with me, I could very well be wrong, but also know that you are consuming fiction and this is intended to be fact.
However, whilst trying to be correct, many sources are modern and it is difficult to confirm how titling and forms of address may have changed in the past 200–300 years. Though, I imagine not greatly given the peerage and aristocracy still exists.
Where possible, I have used Bridgerton characters as the examples so that it is easier to make sense/contextualise it. Names in red are not characters, just placeholder names. Hence I have reduced, reused, recycled these names.
On the note of using names from within the Bridgerverse, the Marquess of Ashdown was not married when we met him. I’d also like to know what Julia Quinn has against Earls and Marquesses, Marquesses especially.
Second note of using names in the Bridgerverse, I refuse to use Baron of Kent because it is a factual/historical disaster. More on that here.
This only applies to aristocracy of Britain/UK [minimally Ireland, read here], if I do more of Europe/anywhere else I will link it below but let me know if you want that.
All of these posts may be edited/expanded at any time as my research continues.
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Further posts:
General info, start here!
A brief history of the peerages/titles
The different peerages [England, Great Britain, United Kingdom, Scotland, Ireland]
How royal titles work
Peerage applications and functions in the modern day
Privileges of the peerage
How titles apply to the child of peers
Rank and precedence within the peerage
Titling rules for non peers
Other roles and titles I can give address information for
Female inheritance of titles
Territorial designations, and when the surname differs from the title name
Haven’t decided if I will do a post on grammar rules when writing peers because despite studying etiquette and titles for over a decade, and linguistics and grammar for seven years, the grammar/capitalisation rules of writing peers broke my final straw of sanity. Let me know how much you want it, or just drop any specific questions.
Put any questions about any of this in my ask :)
–GW xo
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cyndaquillt · 2 months
please give the rant bestie 🤲
Sorry it took me a while to get to this cause I was turning the rant into a mildly coherent essay. (This is very long, I'm sorry :/)
TL;DR : India is a modern nation state that will face the challenge of falling apart if each indigenous group is indeed given sovereignity over their land, culture, and language so its easier to instead perpetrate the myth of an ethnically united Indian people with common language(s), religion, culture, etc to if the priority is to maintain a united, big country regardless of your political stance.
To preface this discussion, I want to point out that settler colonialism in South Asia predates the global modern perception of colonialism which comes largely from a European colonial lens. The subcontinent itself being a victim of modern European colonialism means a South Asian's default understanding of colonialism through lived experiences comes largely from a situation where we are the victims of colonization, not the perpetrators. This means there are deep rooted nuances and systemic privileges that the average Indian gets, that are easy to miss entirely if one is not actively looking for dogwhistles or watching out for propaganda, especially because the way Indians get introduced to colonialism is through the independence movement where there is a clear foreign entity that hasn't clearly assimilated into South Asian societies and whose parent country still exists. Then things get more complicated when the interplay between conquest and colonization comes in because the timeline of South Asian settler colonialism has heavy overlap with conquests where, for better or worse, stable monarchies were established with kingdoms where rulers that generally assimilated with the populace and were even well received by the people they were ruling over. Also note that I am going to be writing this from an Indian lens. There may be bias when I make general sweeping statements applicable to all of South Asia, because I am Indian and know Indian society best (at least macroscopically).
South Asian settler colonialism goes wayy wayy back, to the establishment of a Brahmanical Aryan society and benefits to being an upper caste Aryans over everyone else is very evident even in Ancient India. Let's take the Arthashastra as an example. In his 1987 translation of Kautilya's Arthashastra, political economist L. N. Rangarajan notes that not only being an Aryan had benefits in a Kautilyan society, but falsely posing as an Aryan to avail those benefits had grave consequences. You can find this translation in its entirety here. In the introductory section titled 'Kautilyan State and Society', the translator compiles points on not only the treatment of Non-Aryans, but details the consequences for interactions between Aryans and Non-aryans and even the difference in treatment each demographic gets. Eg: An Aryan man in a relationship with a Svapaka (dog-breeder, non-aryan) woman was branded and exiled, whereas a Svapaka man in a relationship with an Aryan woman was to be executed. Banished, an aryan man still lives. But if you cross the same line as a non-aryan man, you die.
The translation also has details on how to settle a 'virgin land' in Part IV of the text. While the general advice is to leave native 'jungle tribes' alone, the reason for this isn't granting territorial sovereignty, but to avoid being attacked by them. Granting indigenous groups territorial sovereignty is also bad for monarchic control so instead, non-aryans are given tasks and a place in the society as guards, labourers, slaves, etc (note that Arthashastra is very clear that aryans cannot be enslaved and slave labour must come from outside of Aryan social structure/outside of the Varna system).
The reason I bring up the Arthashastra here is due to a couple reasons. Arthashastra, to my knowledge, is one of the earliest known complete socio-economic treaty, dated either 4th Century BCE or 2nd Century BCE (contingent on if Kautilya is indeed Chanakya). It is exceptionally thorough and while it is uncertain whether what's detailed in the Arthashastra was reality or simply an ideal kingdom according to Kautilya, it does address and often disagrees with its contemporary or preceding socio-economic schools of thoughts, providing a multidimensional and ideologically diverse image of politics of the times, something revisionist history born out of nationalism wants to ignore. The other major reason I chose to bring up Arthashastra here is also to point out the revision of the perception and image of Kautilya to fit post-colonial, nationalist idea of the earliest historical entity to kickstart the subcontinent's unification, as opposed what it actually must have been, which is simply establishing a nation state through tactful conquest and settlement of lands. (Mauryan settler politics is also a separate rant btw, hmu if you want that too but that would be a digression here).
Settler colonialism of people present in the land before Aryan migration into the subcontinent of course, predates Arthashatra and Mauryan rule. But we are going to move forward in time instead and talk a bit about the medieval times. By the time European colonialism reached South Asia, our lands were hosting a myriad of communities, ethnicities, religious beliefs, etc. Foreign perception of 'the land beyond the Indus', the Greek 'India' or the Arabic 'Hind' and its people the uniform 'Hindu' is convenient for a west centric perspective trying to build a colony or a nation state out of South Asia. But the reality was not that homogenous and ethnic divides were rife in the subcontinent. Eg : Shivaji's rivalry against Aurangzeb was not a religious issue, it was born out of the sovereign claim of Marathas and Shivaji over Bijapur (source). While religious divide is most certainly present in the medieval India around the same time (eg: Guru Gobind Singh's establishment of the Khalsa and resistance against Aurangzeb), I believe ethnic divide was equally important.
The reason I bring up the dichotomy of religious and ethnic divides is because I believe division in terms of religion benefitted British control of India a lot more than ethnic division did. To that end, the British fanned the flames of the religious divide to break up ethnic solidarity. A good portion of South Asian kingdom split was by ethnicities (Marathas once again a good example of it). If ethnicities unite, they can come together to claim an independent nation state. But religious unity with multiple ethnicities doesn't work as a good model for a rebellion because ethnic divide is so dominant and not to mention, even a single South Asian religion was never that united to begin with, especially the blanket religion of Hinduism with its caste heirarchy, untouchability, non-aryan tribal politics, etc, etc. A religious divide would aide British control. A united Bengali front could ask back for an independent nation state of Bengal but a divided Bengal based on religion is a good way to cultivate infighting so that we may never unite against the oppressor.
200 years of fanning the religious divide flame required as strong of a uniting front if the British were to be thrown out and the freedom movement, especially the one born out of Gandhian efforts provided just that. Caste, ethnic, and religious unity were always a front for Gandhian politics and they served their purpose well against a common eenemy. But what after the common enemy is gone? Modern South Asian society then ended up with the same old ethnic and religious tensions, though at this point in time, religious divide is far stronger than it has ever been. Though no division of a multireligious ethnicity could be clean, and considering that ethnic unity has been a glue far stronger than religious unity before now, the Indo-Pak partition that broke that glue of ethnic unity and was so bloody that our scars from then bleed to this day.
However, in my experience, the modern Indian who has never seen a time where ethnic unity overpowered religious unity or isn't part of an indigenous community whose land has been taken by the modern nation state, finds religious claim to the land ideologically easier to comprehend than indigenous claim to the land. The Kashmir issue is a great example of this. Azad Kashmir has its own self governing body with its own PM and President, albeit being under the administration of Pakistan. I am not Kashmiri, do not live in Azad Kashmir, and have no direct experience of the Kashmir conflict but from what I know, on paper Azad Kashmir is a sovereign piece of land inhabited by various ethnic groups from Punjab, Jammu, Kashmir valley and the Pothohar plateau. However, as an Indian, this region was introduced to me as Pakistan occupied Kashmir and the map of India I was taught includes this as a 'rightful' part of India. A third option of an independent Kashmir is never introduced to us by formal channels. The only two options we get are either Indian or Pakistani control and if you are Indian, there is a supposed right answer that is very wrong on multiple levels. J&K's handover to India was messy because the land was sold to Gulab Singh by the British when the British had no indigenous claim to the land. Kashmir issue is an issue of indigenous sovereignty spun around as an issue of religious divide. The Kashmir Valley didn't get independence with India because its authority went from European colonizers to a vassal princely state to a newly formed nation state, making the said newly formed nation state of India its new settler colonizer. Just like Tibet did not get independence when Nehru ceded it to China when he had no right to. Kashmir didn't become a part of India like Goa did either, where the Indian army fought a second war of independence against the Portuguese, though it is unclear to me if this was/is a move the native populace was okay with (did we make Goa India's Hawaii? Something I need to read up more on). At the very least, in case of Goa, it seems the colonial rule was overthrown in line with the native Goan Liberation Movement's sentiments (source but it is a govt website), though the Indian army fully intended to annex Goa regardless of local resistance. But the Kashmir Valley was ceded to India by someone who had no right to do so. This would have been wrong regardless of the majority religion in the Kashmir Valley, but because religious extremism and violence did happen in the valley and the post-independence territorial India/Pakistan issue was indeed a religious one, the Kashmir issue is best understood by the average Indian as an issue of religious divide and not an issue of indigenous sovereignty when it very much is so. This also means any nationwide Kashmiri liberation movement does not get any traction and the small pockets it exists in can be relabeled as militancy or terrorism.
Modern nation state of India discredits any indigenous movement by flipping it into an issue of religious divide, when it can. It's even more evident post-2014 when religious polarization has been consistently used as a tool to deflect from various policies and national issues that the government should be held accountable for. Changing Gurgaon to Gurugram along with a wave of name changes like Allahabad -> Prayagraj or Mughalsarai -> Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Nagar as a statement of 'reclamation' and decolonization like Bombay -> Mumbai or Calcutta -> Kolkata were, is an example of this. If we are to even admit that all Islamic rule in South Asia was foreign colonialism and ignore the fact that Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay had no claim to the land of Mughalsarai before it was named Mughalsarai, the switch from Gurgaon to Gurugram in 2016 was blatantly discrediting indigenous languages spoken in the region in an attempt to make its Sanskritic and Vedic associations more accessible to those not native to the region.
Adding Sanskrit as the second the state language of Uttarakhand after Hindi in 2010 by its then CM is another such move. Note that this is pre-2014 but the CM of the time who made the addition, Ramesh Pokhriyal, is a member of the BJP. Also note that there are no Sanskrit speakers in the region. Though, Kumaoni and Garhwali, the most spoken regional languages as per the 2011 census are not currently one of the 22 languages recognized in the constitution and there is an ongoing motion for both to be included in the constitution as one of the 38 additional languages. A genuine push to preserve indigeneity of the ethnic groups in Uttarakhand in 2010 shouldn't have been making Sanskrit its official language but for inclusion of Kumaoni and Garhwali in the constitution and giving them the status of official languages of the state that they so rightfully deserve.
Undermining local languages and bestowing superiority to a blanket language isn't a rare tactic when it comes to colonialism of any kind. Both Hindi and Urdu serve this purpose in modern South Asia and Sanskrit serves the same purpose in revisionist history in hopes of peddling the front of a united nation state with credible historicity. The myth of 'we are one people and always have been' is propagated so that it can be used to bind a nation state that was fundamentally never together. While the imposition of language as a way of control is more evident in the South, especially with anti-Hindi sentiments coalescing into full fledged movements, even the idea of 'The Hindi Belt' and a uniform North India are a result of this. The Gangetic plains where the Hindi Belt is supposed to be, isn't linguistically uniform. But barely any language from the region is recognized in the constitution. Take Bihar for instance. A state with some of the most underprivileged population in the country often victim of nationwide elitism and classism, it is very conveniently drafted into the Hindi belt and any recognition of linguistic diversity it gets is derogatory, be it mocking Bihari Hindi or mocking Bhojpuri. However, despite Bihar's national image of a supposedly Bhojpuri speaking state, Bhojpuri isn't one of the languages recognized in the constitution. What's even more interesting is that the Bhojpur region is split between Bihar and UP and is by no means the only language native to the state. There are multiple linguistic spheres in the state and there is active dispute and infighting on what's a language and what's a dialect. Take this map for instance (English added by me) -
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If you can read Hindi, notice that Chhapariya and Bhojpuri are labeled as dialects of Hindi. But are they though? Hindi/Urdu or Hindustani/Urdu were born out of a need for a lingua franca in the Delhi region and include vocabulary from northern languages that broke out of Shauraseni Prakrit (like Awadhi, Brij Bhasha, Khariboli) as well as Persian, Arabic, and Chagatai. Meanwhile, languages of Bihar broke out of Magadhi Prakrit, an entirely different dialect than Shauraseni Prakrit with its own quirks and features. Bhojpuri's split from Magadhi Prakrit likely started happening in the 7th Century CE, independent and in parallel to formation of Hindustani as a language (7th to 13th century CE). How can a language be a dialect of another language if their histories, linguistic progression, and demographics are all different? Well, if you never acknowledge that it was dialects of Prakrit that Indic languages come from and not Sanskrit, then you may be more successful in enforcing cultural homogeneity instead of retention of indigenous diversity. One could argue that this map may be an isolated case of the issue but the fact that linguistic diversity of culturally northern states is erased when speaking about establishment of an ideal national identity modelled after the strawman people of the Ganges-Yamuna region (The 'Hindi Belt') is a mark of settler erasure to ensure a united front for the nation state of India.
Homogeneity is easy to control/unite. A religious ethnostate is one way to get that homogeneity but sovereign governance for indigenous groups isn't something the center or the left is keen on either, and it won't ever be on the national agenda because it shakes the very foundation of a united Indian nation state. Indian nationalist propaganda relabels and creates a strawman/ideal 'Indian' identity (uniformity in religion, language, looks, etc). Language in particular is an interesting case of this and even the so called 'Hindi belt' is not homogenous and the languages in the said Hindi belt are barely even recognized in the constitution. No recognition of official languages means there will be no official records or means of propagating the language beyond informal familial and community structure which eventually erodes linguistic diversity, a phenomena that has already started happening in cities in particularly upper and upper middle class urban families, who are leading this change by either only teaching their children English in the name of 'progression' or only Hindi for assimilation. The elite, classist left will not suddenly abandon English and the right wing will take up Sanskrit or Hindi as opposed to their ethnicities' native languages. Mockery, microaggression, exoticism of different ethnicities and indigenous groups is also going to stay and any movement for claims of landback will be subject to allegations of dwindling patriotism at best and militancy at worst. Even if a Hindu nationalist sentiment is eradicated, settler colonialism will continue in India for the foreseeable future.
I hope this was somewhat coherent and apologies again for it being so long....
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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BAE Systems will improve GPS technology in the Eurofighter Typhoon
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/17/2023 - 14:00 in Military
After successful activities to demonstrate functional compatibility and feasibility of physical installation, BAE Systems' Digital Anti-jam GPS Receiver (DIGAR) was selected to continue in the next phase of the Phase 4 Improvements (P4E) capability program on the Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft.
DIGAR will increase the protection of the aircraft against GPS signal interference, falsification and radio frequency (RF) interference, so that pilots can perform their missions in the most contested RF environments.
DIGAR uses advanced electronic antenna, high-performance signal processing and digital beam formation for significantly improved GPS signal reception and superior interference immunity. These capabilities considerably increase the level of protection against GPS interference and are critical for combat aircraft while maneuvering in a contested battle space.
The fighter will also receive the new GEMVII-6 airborne digital GPS receiver from BAE Systems which, when coupled to the electronic unit of the DIGAR antenna, allows the platform to conduct high-capacity digital beam formation anti-jamming.
“Modern fighters require accurate positioning and navigation data for mission success in GPS-contested environments,” said Luke Bishop, director of Navigation Systems and Sensors at BAE Systems. "Our DIGAR antenna electronic components and GEM VII GPS receivers are reliable to protect these vital platforms in GPS-challenged environments to support mission success."
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The Eurofighter Typhoon is the backbone of the combat to air defense of the United Kingdom and several of its main European and international allies. Serving nine nations, it provides 24/7 air security, 365 days a year and is in frontline operations, including NATO's ongoing air policing throughout Eastern Europe.
BAE Systems, as part of the Eurofighter consortium of four countries behind the aircraft, is continuously investing in the Typhoon jet to maintain its cutting-edge military capability.
In addition to the Typhoon, DIGAR is also installed on the F-16, F-15 and other special-purpose aircraft in the U.S., such as air interdiction and force protection platforms, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.
Leveraging more than 40 years of GPS experience, BAE Systems' GPS product family offers suitable size, weight and power characteristics for a variety of applications, including portable electronics, precision guided ammunition, unmanned aerial vehicles, vehicles and aircraft.
The work at DIGAR and GEMVII takes place at BAE Systems' facilities in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where the company invested in a state-of-the-art engineering and production center with 25,800 square meters.
Tags: Military AviationBAE SystemsEurofighter TyphoonGPS
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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classicquid · 3 months
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bopinion · 5 months
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2024 / 18
Aperçu of the Week
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
Bad News of the Week
It was Earth Overshoot Day for Germany. This means that on May 2, we have already used up our national share of global natural resources for the whole of 2024. In other words, we would need three Earths to maintain our current lifestyle. And we are not even the biggest "consumers" - in the USA, for example, Earth Overshoot Day was already on March 14 this year, according to figures from the Global Footprint Network.
So humanity is living off the land. Which, logically, cannot go on for long. What's more, we haven't just been doing this since yesterday and every reserve is limited. This is simply madness. The whole thing has hardly anything to do with climate change, but it all goes back to the same basic problem: "man-made". For the first time in the history of the earth, a species is not adapting to environmental conditions, but wants to adapt them to itself. But nature will not go along with this. It has lost its balance, so the imminent tipping points can be taken quite literally.
It is not yet too late. Humanity just needs to realize that it has to fundamentally change its way of life. From parasitism to symbiosis. A simple and simplified example: humans need oxygen to survive. Which they convert into carbon dioxide. The tree needs carbon dioxide to survive. Which it converts into oxygen. So it works perfectly well in a peaceful coexistence. However, if humans kill the tree by cutting it down, burning it or draining its water, they are depriving themselves of the basis of life. Pretty stupid, actually. And actually pretty easy to understand.
Good News of the Week
Preparations have begun in the UK for the controversial deportations to Rwanda. The police have arrested several people who entered the country illegally. Nationwide operations are underway, according to the Home Office. The first deportation flights are due to take place in July. The relevant law allows the deportation of asylum seekers to the East African country if they have arrived in the UK without permission. The origin of the migrants is irrelevant. The deportations can take place without the asylum applications even being examined in the UK.
Is this supposed to be worthy of a democracy and in line with European values? Certainly not. It is therefore not surprising that the High Court in London has declared the plans unlawful. The judges have doubts that the people in Rwanda will receive a fair asylum procedure. No wonder, because according to Amnesty International, the country has enormous deficits in practically all human rights. And in this ailing state, which is barely larger than Wales, the United Kingdom wants to set up a final dump for asylum seekers. A bad joke.
This joke fits in seamlessly with the Tories' government actions, which since Boris Johnson can only be described as a bad joke in general. They have now been punished for this and more in the local elections. And it is so severe that there is already talk of a "Conservative collapse". And Prime Minister Rishi Sunak may even have to face a vote of no confidence. The loss of half (!) of the seats that the Conservatives had to defend shows crystal clear that the party's shift to the right is not convincing voters either. Nigel Farage's right-wing populist Reform UK is now the real winner in third place.
And the outlook also looks bleak. According to a nationwide survey by the opinion research institute Yougov, only 18% want to vote for Tory in the general election at the beginning of next year. And 44% Labour. The Labour Party, which was significantly realigned by former Prime Minister Tony Blair at the turn of the millennium (catchwords "New Labour", "modern social democracy" and "third way"), have positioned themselves as social democrats with moderation and a middle ground. With Labor, the inhumane Rwanda deal would not have happened. Nor the protection of the rich elite. And no Brexit either. I look forward to the UK showing a human face again soon.
I couldn't care less...
...that Donald Jessica Trump continues to languish in court instead of running a classic election campaign. Even though both actually look the same: he knows everything better, he has never done anything wrong in his life, he is unstoppable, his persecution is politically motivated, unjust and the biggest scandal in history. Give me a break.
It's fine with me...
...that Venice's lagoon Disneyland now charges admission to day tourists when they are already flooding the city. Because when I'm there, I'm firstly an overnight guest who explores the city when the day tourists have gone. And secondly, I'm there for the contemporary art (Biennale di Venezia) and am not queuing in front of the Dojen Palace. And thirdly, the city needs the money to preserve its historical status. After all, if an ice cream parlor sells overpriced bad goods, hardly anything will stick for the community.
As I write this...
...it has come true: there is no longer an "imminent famine" in Gaza. Because, according to UNICEF, the "imminent" must now unfortunately be deleted. And once again, the victims are almost exclusively civilians, more than half of them children. I can't remember the concept of self-defense ever being so strained.
Post Scriptum
Freedom of the press, or rather freedom of the media, is a very valuable asset for me. Because only unhindered access to neutral information can form the basis of a sound opinion. In addition, journalism also assumes a certain control function when it observes carefully, analyzes profoundly and argues logically. It is not for nothing that many call the (reputable) media the "fourth power in the state" alongside the legislative, executive and judicial branches. Therefore, for me, an attack on media freedom is an attack on democracy.
According to Reporters Without Borders on World Press Freedom Day last Friday, 36 countries will be in the category of lowest (or non-existent) press freedom in 2023. There haven't been that many in 10 years, including, unsurprisingly, Eritrea, Syria and Afghanistan. Germany is in 10th place behind the Scandinavian countries, as there were 41 verified attacks on journalists. They tend to be associated with conspiracy theorists and the extreme right. Of course, because after all, they think the least of media freedom.
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paydayquid · 1 year
Short Term Loans UK - Instant Cash Assistance for People with Wages
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Martell’s stans pretending that they’re representatives of Global South in ASOIAF where instead they’re a region who’s constantly in clash with their neighbours cause they can’t stop looting and raiding the Stormlands and the Reach.
*EDITED* (11/5/23)
I haven't come across a Martell stan yet, in all my 7-month life here on Tumblr. But I already wrote a post on why the Martells aren't exactly PoCs (because race, as Americans and modern peoples know the thing, doesn't exist in this fictional universe) so much as "Others" are seen as ethnically different but not enough for there to be concern over "miscegenation" or "dirtying the blood" or losing actual social privileges the Martells still had like other "white", nonDornish nobles.
Ethnicity doesn't equal race, and "people of color" denotes "non-white" people, and "white"/"PoC" are racial terms.
Nationality also does not equal race, nor does it equal ethnicity, though in some racial hierarchies it def gives whatever racial meaning of black/poc the society in question has. "Race"--as in just the practical applications of their real modern realities and economic and social structures as a result--is not accurate or a paltry thing the further you go back in time. There were definitely racializations, racial & ethnic biases, and ethnic & racial tensions/violence, but religion and/or language more often defined a person's belonging and identity within a different hegemony until maybe the late 14th to 15th centuries.
The Rhoynish would definitely be considered PoC in our modern American & British racial categorization; in the world itself, yes they were a "foreign" and literally foreign people and a different ethnicity from First Men and Andal.
However, ONE -- Dorne is not progressive in terms of class, not at all, and TWO -- these two are both Essosi in origin while several of their original cultural aspects [the Faith, the symbols, chivalry, court culture, oaths, the kin slaying taboo, the importance placed on swords, guest rights, etc.] still exist in the main events of ASoIaF right now. These didn't change or get lost upon their arrival to the Westerosi continent.
Dorne, by virtue of the fact that their succession customs are equal gender, will inevitably be Othered and thus they have that sense of "not white-ness" but this doesn't really pin them down as "PoC" bc the emphasis of why the Dornish are Othered is much more about there being less misogyny than religion, region, etc. and the Martells still independently/non-coercively share Andal cultural aspects then they do Rhoynish. Because, how can the whites (nonDornishmen) racialize a region based on skin color or principles of "purity" seen through the outside (as this has been used to create current racial categories) with people with different skin colors?
The First Men are not Andals, the Andals and FM fought several times in past history, come from different regions of Essos, have different religions and both typically have paler skin. Both have misogynist practices and are more stringent about male primogeniture and able-bodiedness mattering to leadership.
The "salty" Martells and other Dornish--even those who are "sandy" or "stony" as Daeron I categorized them--are more analogues of both Welsh vs. the Anglo-Saxons or Normans (all "racially white" ) because of their constant wars with Reach people and Stormlanders. AND Spaniards (European people, so racially white) because Spain has a history of Moor, Hebrew/Jew, and pre-Moor Spaniards having intermarriages and other types of exchange or interaction LONG before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled the Jewish and Muslim peoples. Even then, she and her King husband were not at first the rulers of all of "Spain", but of the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile freshly uniting these to develop and become what we know as "Spain". Like how England used to be Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex, Wessex, the Welsh peoples (a Celtic people) before the Normans arrived (Northmen/Scandinavian/Swedish/Danish/Viking originated) and conquered the English islands.
Once again, do we consider Spain a "white" country, or not?
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Application Modernization Services
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whitepolaris · 2 years
Cosmic Thrills at Rosicrucian Park
The brochure reads, “The Rosicrucian Order is a worldwide philosophical and initiatic tradition that offers time-tested techniques for re-discovering the wisdom, compassion, strength, and inner peace that already reside within each human being.”
That all sounds good, but the message would seem a lot more serious if there wasn’t a statue of a saggy breasted hippopotamus in a pharaoh’s hat outside the doorway to this establishment of enlightenment in San Jose. 
One does not need to be searching for mystical, spiritual, or scientific answers to enjoy the serenity of the Rosicrucian Park, though the Rosicrucian Order does claim it can help you on those quests. The park takes up a full city block, and the combination of Egyptian and Moorish architecture and landscaping is undeniably both mysterious and striking. 
Sphinxes, pyramids, planetariums, and grand temples all seen strangely out of place on Naglee Avenue, but once you are inside the grounds of Rosicrucian Park, modern San Jose suddenly feels out of place. 
In 1915, businessman and occultist Harve Spencer Lewis announced to the world that Pharaoh Akhenaton’s secret society was now taking applications. The society was known as the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC), or the Rosicrucians. Lewis was its imperator, or head. 
AMORC claimed to have been founded by the ancient Egyptian ruler Akhenaton, generally credited as the first monotheistic sovereign. From there, it worked through Western history in 108-year cycles of public and private activity, making an especially strong splash in the Renaissance, when the followers of the legendary Christian Rosenkreuz antagonized the Catholic Church with their faith in reason, personal enlightenment, and a coming new age. Many great men in history have allegedly been members of the secret society. With the twentieth century under way, the group had apparently decided it was once again time to resurface. 
There were already several Rosicrucian groups in existence in 1915, and many of them disputed Lewis’s group’s claims to antiquity and authenticity. AMORC did well, nevertheless, dispensing its “ages-old wisdom” by mail to dues-paying members. Their ads still appear in countless magazines, promising the secrets of “cosmic consciousness” to sincere seekers. 
AMORC’s international headquarters occupies the city-block-size compound in San Jose. All the buildings have been designed to look like Old Kingdom shrines and temples, reflecting the Rosicrucian love of things ancient Egyptian. The park’s elaborate fountains, tiled walkaways, gardens, and statues also faithfully evoke the Land of the Pharaohs. Not surprisingly, the park’s biggest attraction is the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, the largest collection of ancient Egyptian relics in the western United States. The museum displays relics, mummies, and a life-size replica of a rock tomb, along with several multimedia exhibits depicting daily life in ancient Egypt. 
Next door the planetarium presents AMORC’s vision of the universe and the future. It contains a “star projector” that can project over 2,100 stars, plants, and other extraterrestrial wonders. It has the ability to modify the sky forward or backward in time 13,000 years. There is also a Foucault Pendulum inside, and everyone loves a Foucault Pendulum, Especially Foucault. 
Closed to public eyes, there are other grand Egyptian-style buildings. There’s the Research Library, which houses thousands of rare books on mysticism. Rose-Croix University is here as well, along with the massive, secretive Supreme Temple. 
The Rosicrucians do not claim to be a religion, but rather a mystical association. If that sounds to you like they sell literature and accept a “small fee” from students, then you are already well on the path to metaphysical oneness. (A sophisticated Web portal at www.amorc.org points to Internet surfers to Rosicrucian readings, activities, and merchandise.) But don’t let the hint of commercialism prevent you from enjoying the park. It really is an interesting and peaceful place. 
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Peerages & Titles: applications and functions in the modern day
[Full list of disclaimers is in the master post but tl;dr is that sources for this information are not consistent, sources may be modern, and this may be edited/expanded at anytime as my research continues.]
No hereditary peerages have been created, outside the royal family, since the 1980’s. Instead, new peers are life peers.
Since 2014, peers may resign from the House of Lords but retain their title and style.
Since 1963, a hereditary peer may fully disclaim from their peerage. This must be done within one year of inheriting the peerage, or before their 22nd birthday if they are under 21 when they inherit. Anyone who disclaims a peerage loses their title, rights and privileges (as does their spouse) and is ineligible to receive any other hereditary peerages, though they may receive a life peerage. The peerage becomes dormant until their death, and is then passed on in the usual manner.
Male inheritance primogeniture was discontinued for royals in 2012.
Male inheritance primogeniture still exists within the peerage, despite repeated attempts at abolition and reform.
Women were unable to sit in the House of Lords, even if they held a peerage in their own right, until 1963.
The automatic right of hereditary peers to sit in the House of Lords disappeared in 1999.
Most peers currently in the House of Lords are life peers, and a sovereign may create unlimited life peers.
Despite same sex marriage being legal in the United Kingdom since 2013, same sex spouses are still unable to gain the privileges or titles of being married to a peer.
Peerages generally do not have landholdings because of their peerage anymore. The only remaining Duchy’s in the United Kingdom are the Duchy of Lancaster and the Duchy of Cornwall.
Adopted children of peers are not able to inherit any peerage, however, since 2004 they have been equally and automatically entitled to the same styles and courtesy titles as peers biological children.
Link to the master post, drop any questions in my ask :)
–GW xo
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sitespeedsmooth · 2 years
Shimejis that interact with each other
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The two would play in Pink's garden until she was finally given a colony. If you like this application deku death tabs, please leave your feedback. As you can see, there's a mischievous file and a calm file ignore the shimejipythonconverterhere, which file to download is up to you. For people confused about how to obtain the Baku shimeji file, just put a 0 into the price window and clic on pay ahah. You can download the original program here. This Ochako Uraraka Uravity shimeji created by superevey from the shimeji pack My Hero Academia will move around on your screen and interacts with your browser windows while you browsing the web. High quality Uraraka Ochako gifts and merchandise. Nonetheless, Hinata persevered and from her observation of Naruto Uzumaki especially, Hinata found an example to follow. His hair appears differently in different depictions, but in the original Haunted Dark Bridal depiction it is a dark plum purple which fades lighter towards. Note that the quality of these goodies is not verified. Our team is constantly working on bigger and better projects-any generous contributions or merchandise sales will go right towards making our future games more awesome!. Aug 14, - Comment lui dire? Papa, j'ai une question. Explore semi-semii Tumblr blog with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience - she her a blog about all things 2D Tumgir. Kokichi Oma was a normal talentless high school boy who participated in the 53rd Season of. JavaScript is required to view this site.Deku Shimeji Anime-Loads. Too many questions!! Honda data link connector pinout What will they have to say to each other? I wonder how Shigaraki will interact with his grandmother. But your past bully jumping without second thoughts to save you? This and few previous scenes. You can barely sit, even their softest of slaps leaves red marks for hours. Your ass is just too inviting to stay away from. Is my dick scrambling those pretty little brains of yours? Good, let daddy take care of it all from now on. Your fucked-out look is so cute! He likes to get all up in your business and sniff like a dog, groaning and humping against the sheets the whole time. Where would you be without him?ĭead in a ditch in his mind. Any little scrap of autonomous action or thought is quickly snuffed out. Midoriya has much more patience, but is somehow more condescending? He truly believes you to be too dumb and naive to take care of yourself. Well that and thank u for requesting! I take most of my inspiration for the types of yandere they are from yanderenightmare. Can you do somethig like that? Thank youuu. Hello its me again I hope I don't bother you I just wonder how Bakugou and the others react if Midoriya has a gf that look exacly like Bakugou.Īnd maybe even their quirk is something boom boom. AN: Hello! This is another discord prompt! This month was a Royal AU and I had so much fun writing this! There are no spoilers through! The marriage is simply to unite your two kingdoms but not long after, you find yourself falling for the stoic king.
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rockinroleplay · 4 days
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👑♟️ KNOW ME NOW♟️👑
The Winston family, a modern echo of political royalty, stands as an iconic emblem of American legacy and privilege. At its helm is the venerable patriarch and former President of the United States. Much like the Kennedy family, the Winstons are an enduring symbol of wealth and influence, ever ready for their close-up on the grand stage of American politics and high society. 
In the opulent world of New York City’s elite, where fortunes are built and dynasties are solidified over generations, the hidden struggles behind the façade of wealth and privilege are bursting at the seems. Fourteen prominent families hold the keys to the kingdom, each with their own unique and storied legacy of accumulating vast wealth and influence within different industries while simultaneously grappling with the shadows that lurk within their gilded lives. As the elder generations of these families age and relinquish control, the younger heirs step into positions of power, bringing with them a wave of new conflicts and alliances. Against a backdrop of family feuds, legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions, and even murder accusations, the glittering exterior of their opulent lives conceals a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals.
Welcome to KNOW ME NOW! We are a semi-private, 18+, canon only real life roleplay set in New York, New York, following fourteen elite families within high society. With over 225 canons available, we feature a linear plot following our fourteen canon families as they clamor for success, making and breaking alliances with one another, and creating a roleplay space focused on weaving intricate stories with one another in a safe and collaborative environment.
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allthingsroleplay · 8 days
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👑♟️ KNOW ME NOW♟️👑
The Winston family, a modern echo of political royalty, stands as an iconic emblem of American legacy and privilege. At its helm is the venerable patriarch and former President of the United States. Much like the Kennedy family, the Winstons are an enduring symbol of wealth and influence, ever ready for their close-up on the grand stage of American politics and high society. Today is the last day to join before our six-month celebration begins!!!
In the opulent world of New York City’s elite, where fortunes are built and dynasties are solidified over generations, the hidden struggles behind the façade of wealth and privilege are bursting at the seems. Fourteen prominent families hold the keys to the kingdom, each with their own unique and storied legacy of accumulating vast wealth and influence within different industries while simultaneously grappling with the shadows that lurk within their gilded lives. As the elder generations of these families age and relinquish control, the younger heirs step into positions of power, bringing with them a wave of new conflicts and alliances. Against a backdrop of family feuds, legal battles over trust funds, sham adoptions, and even murder accusations, the glittering exterior of their opulent lives conceals a labyrinth of secrets and betrayals.
Welcome to KNOW ME NOW! We are a semi-private, 18+, canon only real life roleplay set in New York, New York, following fourteen elite families within high society. With over 225 canons available, we feature a linear plot following our fourteen canon families as they clamor for success, making and breaking alliances with one another, and creating a roleplay space focused on weaving intricate stories with one another in a safe and collaborative environment.
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