richestsoftweb · 10 months
5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Mobile App Developer
Review of Neglected Portfolio
mistake: Not giving a developer's portfolio a close look.
Why? Because portfolios highlight experience, variety of projects, and practical applications.
Neglecting Industry Significance
mistake: Ignoring knowledge specific to the industry.
Why: App effectiveness is increased by developers who are familiar with your industry and its particular requirements.
Lack of Communication Skills
Mistake: Failure to assess communication abilities.
Why is effective communication so important for project updates, problem resolution, and overall collaboration?
Testing Procedures Are Underestimated
Error: Ignoring to prioritize testing and quality assurance.
Why Thorough testing guarantees a smooth user experience and a bug-free app.
Ignoring Post-Launch Assistance
Error: Forgetting to talk about maintenance and support after launch.
Why: To keep the app updated and to address issues, ongoing support is essential.
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premayogan · 6 years
6 Mistakes To Avoid When Building An App For Your Business
Okay, so you want to build an app for your business. You think you have an idea that can be very successful and you are ready to go to any length to turn into a reality. There are plenty of things that you can start from but here are 6 things that many fail to consider which has resulted in them crashing and burning without traces.
Not Doing Market Research
Every entrepreneurship app business starts with an idea. It is almost impossible to come up with an idea that is unique and perfect in every way. However, the key always lies with doing enough research. Market research can help you understand your customers and their needs. It would also help you to understand the gaps that other similar apps aren’t filling in and your idea in its own way can bridge that gap. The most important question that needs to be answered is, whether your idea is trying to fix a problem that is not existent. In other words, don’t try to solve a problem that is not there. Market research can help you know the answer to this question.
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Not Doing Market Research Before you build an application do a thorough research. It is advisable to seek professional help to do the research. It is more likely to yield results that will help you align your app more with the market trends and needs.
Not Studying Your Competitors
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” ― Otto von Bismarck As mentioned earlier it is near to impossible to come up with an idea that is unique and perfect in every way. There are very few instances where people have succeeded. For every idea that was ever conceived, there are probably many similar ideas that were already tried and tested with varying degrees of success.
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Studying Your Competitors Studying your competitors should be one of the most important things on your to-do list. This study should include your competitors who have succeeded and the ones that have failed. Understanding the reasons behind their success, why are they so popular? why do users love it? are some of the questions you need to find the answers for. Similarly, you need to find out the reasons for a competitor’s failure.
Not Having a Business Plan
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Have a Business Plan So you have done all the research necessary for your idea. You know your market and your competitors in and out. The next important thing is to have a business plan. Not having a business plan can cause many undesired results. While business plans can help you get a direction, set goals and plan for possible bumps along the road, always sticking to a plan can also be a problem. Every market tends to evolve and change continuously. A business plan can sometimes become outdated within days. So devising a plan that helps your company in the long run, being flexible and improvising as you go are always key things to consider before you begin.
Not Doing a Proper Development
So you have done your market research, studied your competitors and have come up with the perfect business plan for your app company. The next step would be to build the app launch it. But it may not be as simple as it looks. Ideally, anyone would like to develop an app on multiple platforms. It can help you reach more customers, more downloads and more revenue. In reality, developing an app for many platforms at once can be very difficult. Any app that is built has to undergo countless modifications quite frequently. Apps are modified based on user behavior and concentrating all your resources on a single platform at a time yields better results. Considering the pros and cons of all platforms is inherent.
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After building an app, not testing it enough can often be disastrous. Ensuring the app goes through enough beta testing is essential before launch.
Not Marketing Enough
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Marketing Plan All apps whether they are great or average need marketing. Marketing can either make or break your app. A good app can be innovative and add value to the customer but to convince a customer to download your app is not a cake walk. A good marketing plan should know its market and target audience. It is also important that your app as a brand is more accessible to customers. Whether you decide to charge your customer for downloading or monetize your app while giving it for free is up to you. However, allowing customers to use it on a trial basis can help you grow your customer base.
Not Focusing On Customer Base
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Customer Base Retention has always been a problem with every industry and the mobile app industry is no different. While growing the customer base is important for any app developer, retaining them is more important. In an era where the attention span of humans is shorter than goldfish, attracting customers is nothing short of climbing a mountain. Consequently retaining the customers is entirely a different level of hardship. Engaging with the customers enough and acknowledging them are very important. App personalization needs to happen on a regular basis and customer inputs and suggestions should be considered at every turn. It is vital to understand the reasons behind customers’ decision to leave your app or continue using it. With more retention comes more downloads.
Final Thoughts
Mobile app development is a powerful tool to grow your business and reach your customers better. Avoiding these common mistakes can make your business leap forward ahead of competitors. Read the full article
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premayogan · 6 years
6 Mistakes To Avoid When Building An App For Your Business
Okay, so you want to build an app for your business. You think you have an idea that can be very successful and you are ready to go to any length to turn into a reality. There are plenty of things that you can start from but here are 6 things that many fail to consider which has resulted in them crashing and burning without traces.
Not Doing Market Research
Every entrepreneurship app business starts with an idea. It is almost impossible to come up with an idea that is unique and perfect in every way. However, the key always lies with doing enough research. Market research can help you understand your customers and their needs. It would also help you to understand the gaps that other similar apps aren’t filling in and your idea in its own way can bridge that gap. The most important question that needs to be answered is, whether your idea is trying to fix a problem that is not existent. In other words, don’t try to solve a problem that is not there. Market research can help you know the answer to this question.
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Not Doing Market Research Before you build an application do a thorough research. It is advisable to seek professional help to do the research. It is more likely to yield results that will help you align your app more with the market trends and needs.
Not Studying Your Competitors
“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” ― Otto von Bismarck As mentioned earlier it is near to impossible to come up with an idea that is unique and perfect in every way. There are very few instances where people have succeeded. For every idea that was ever conceived, there are probably many similar ideas that were already tried and tested with varying degrees of success.
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Studying Your Competitors Studying your competitors should be one of the most important things on your to-do list. This study should include your competitors who have succeeded and the ones that have failed. Understanding the reasons behind their success, why are they so popular? why do users love it? are some of the questions you need to find the answers for. Similarly, you need to find out the reasons for a competitor’s failure.
Not Having a Business Plan
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Have a Business Plan So you have done all the research necessary for your idea. You know your market and your competitors in and out. The next important thing is to have a business plan. Not having a business plan can cause many undesired results. While business plans can help you get a direction, set goals and plan for possible bumps along the road, always sticking to a plan can also be a problem. Every market tends to evolve and change continuously. A business plan can sometimes become outdated within days. So devising a plan that helps your company in the long run, being flexible and improvising as you go are always key things to consider before you begin.
Not Doing a Proper Development
So you have done your market research, studied your competitors and have come up with the perfect business plan for your app company. The next step would be to build the app launch it. But it may not be as simple as it looks. Ideally, anyone would like to develop an app on multiple platforms. It can help you reach more customers, more downloads and more revenue. In reality, developing an app for many platforms at once can be very difficult. Any app that is built has to undergo countless modifications quite frequently. Apps are modified based on user behavior and concentrating all your resources on a single platform at a time yields better results. Considering the pros and cons of all platforms is inherent.
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After building an app, not testing it enough can often be disastrous. Ensuring the app goes through enough beta testing is essential before launch.
Not Marketing Enough
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Marketing Plan All apps whether they are great or average need marketing. Marketing can either make or break your app. A good app can be innovative and add value to the customer but to convince a customer to download your app is not a cake walk. A good marketing plan should know its market and target audience. It is also important that your app as a brand is more accessible to customers. Whether you decide to charge your customer for downloading or monetize your app while giving it for free is up to you. However, allowing customers to use it on a trial basis can help you grow your customer base.
Not Focusing On Customer Base
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Customer Base Retention has always been a problem with every industry and the mobile app industry is no different. While growing the customer base is important for any app developer, retaining them is more important. In an era where the attention span of humans is shorter than goldfish, attracting customers is nothing short of climbing a mountain. Consequently retaining the customers is entirely a different level of hardship. Engaging with the customers enough and acknowledging them are very important. App personalization needs to happen on a regular basis and customer inputs and suggestions should be considered at every turn. It is vital to understand the reasons behind customers’ decision to leave your app or continue using it. With more retention comes more downloads.
Final Thoughts
Mobile app development is a powerful tool to grow your business and reach your customers better. Avoiding these common mistakes can make your business leap forward ahead of competitors. Read the full article
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