"If it can be written or thought, it can be filmed". Emery ("Em") Montgomery Shaw (nee Gardener) 21 | | Film and Media Studies | | President of Alpha Gamma Sigma | | Dancer at Mouthful
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emery-shaw via 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓶:
It’s with both excitement and sadness that I make this post. Ryder @rydvr has been offered an exciting opportunity to start his NFL career early so we’re packing our bags and moving interstate so that he can fully embrace this once-in-a-lifetime offer. The exciting news doesn’t end there, though! It will actually be a couple of months before I join Ryder in our new home because after my work on Addison’s tour; I’ve been offered an opportunity to help make a behind-the-scenes documentary for another very talented musician (whose name I can’t reveal just yet but trust me, it’s going to be incredible!). We’re both really thrilled with the new opportunities that life has presented us but it’s definitely hard to be leaving the wonderful little family that we’ve built at Monarch University. Thank you to everyone that has made this chapter of our life so damn brilliant, we’ll miss you all but fully expect to stay in touch -- no excuses!
❤️ liked by ardenoliver, loveybuchanan and 1043 others
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Dear Lupita, @lupitamarie
This is a very obvious statement but I’m going to miss you a hell of a lot! I’m so glad that you made the brave decision to move to Monarch University to get a fresh start because it gave me the opportunity to know and love you. There’s no doubt in my mind that our friendship will survive even after I pack all my bags and leave -- there’s no way that I’m going to let communication die out now.
-- Emery xx
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Dear Thatch, @averyophelia
I hate that we’re saying goodbye so soon as you arrived at Monarch University but I know that you’d kick my ass if I even considered turning down the offer and staying.
That’s basically you in a nutshell, really. You’ve always been one of my biggest supports, someone that I knew that I could count on; no matter how messy everything else in my life was. You’re also one of the few people that I always felt like I could be truly, authentically myself around; even during those years in high school where I insisted on living a lie to prevent the fallout in my family. I don’t think you know just how important that was to me, Thatch, but it meant the world to me.
Most of the time, I feel like I was unfortunate to be born into the Gardener family but then I remember you, my dearest cousin, and remember that I really am one of the luckiest people in the world.
See you soon, Thatch.
Love, Em xx
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Dear Rebekah, @rebekahxmorgan
Thank you for not only being a good friend to me but being such a good girlfriend to Arden. As her best friend, it’s been horrible to see her date people that treated her so poorly so I’m both happy and relieved to see that she’s finally found someone that’s so well-suited to her. The fact that I also genuinely like said person has just been the icing on the cake.
I’m going to miss both of you but I know that we’ll stay in contact. I hate to break it to you but you’re kind of stuck with me now.
-- Emery xx
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Bryce, @brycecortez
I know I’m not your favorite person right now, which is kind of understandable, but I didn’t want to leave without saying some sort of goodbye.
Despite what you may think, I don’t hate you. I’m just very protective of the people that I care about.
That being said, please take care of yourself and look out for Thatch for me.
-- Emery.
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Dear Ryan, @ryanmillermu
This is a really hard goodbye for me, even though I know that it won’t be a permanent one because there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be in my life always.
First of all, I want you to know that my departure has nothing to do with what happened recently. I was offered this opportunity a while ago now but after finding you in your apartment, I delayed accepting the offer for as long as possible so that I could be there for you when you really needed me. I wish that I could stay longer but if I don’t go now, I’ll likely lose this position entirely and I don’t want to waste such an opportunity -- especially when it’s so rare for something like this to be offered to a novice.
Now that’s out of the way, I want you to know that I genuinely consider you family and there’s very little that I wouldn’t do for you. You’ve got such a huge heart and you give so much of yourself to the people you care about; which is an amazing quality. I’m also so proud of you for recognizing that you can still be a caring, compassionate and loving person whilst also prioritizing your own health and wellbeing. I know that wasn’t an easy realization for you to come to so I thought you should know that I’m incredibly proud of you for that. Thank you for always having my back no matter what; for forgiving me on the occasions in which I was a total jerk; and for always seeing the best in me. Our friendship is truly going to last a lifetime, even if we aren’t physically in the same place.
That being said, I’ll definitely be visiting often and I fully expect you to visit me too. We’re also still going to run our baking page together because we can’t let our adoring fan base down -- we’ll just have to get a little bit more creative about how we record the projects.
Love always,
Em xx
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Dear Hannah, @hannahcallaghanmu
I’ve never told you this before but I’ve always been weirdly flattered that I seem to be one of the few people at MU that you can actually tolerate. I don’t know how I managed to trick you into liking me but I’m glad that I did -- underneath your slightly prickly exterior, you’ve proven yourself to be a good friend and I’m going to miss you.
Once Ryder and I have gotten settled, I really hope that you’ll come to visit us. We’ve got enough frequent flier miles saved that you won’t have to worry about the cost.
-- Emery xx
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Dear Violet, @thevioletquinn
I know that I drove you insane a lot of the time, mainly because I was a little too overprotective for your liking. I did try to reign it in but I guess being that type of friend just wasn’t my strong suit. I am sorry for all the times in which you probably wanted to strangle me.
The ironic thing is that I know you can take care of yourself. You’ve always been one of the strongest and most independent people that I’ve ever met; which is yet another reason why my over-protectiveness was a little ridiculous. I guess I thought that just because you could take care of yourself, it didn’t mean that you should always have to deal with things alone.
That being said, I’m always just a text message or phone call away if you ever need me -- although I’m sure that’s not an offer that you’ll use often, it would be nice to hear from you from time to time, at least to hear how you’ve been going. After all, I’ve always considered you a pretty great friend and I’m definitely going to miss all those nights that we walked home together after work.
-- Emery xx
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Dear Mina, @theminafournier
Thank you for being such a good friend to me, even if our ridiculously busy schedules often made it hard for us to see each other as much as we would have liked. We’re definitely going to have to work on our scheduling now that I’m moving away so that we can still stay in contact -- which is something that I insist needs to happen.
I’m going to miss you but I hope that you continue to have an absolute blast at MU for the both of us!
-- Emery xx
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Dear Arden and Lovey, @ourardenoliver, @loveybuchanan
This is definitely the hardest goodbye for me, even though I know that we’re going to be close for the rest of our lives; no matter how many miles there are between us. We might have to rely on texting, social media and FaceTime calls for the next couple of months whilst I’m on tour but as soon as I’m settled in the new house, I’m fully expecting both of you to come and visit me.
The two of you have genuinely become family to me, especially after all of the shit that happened with my parents. You have both shown me unconditional love and acceptance, which is something that I really needed. I was never authentically myself during high school so to finally be myself when I moved to Monarch University and be rewarded with the connections that I share with the two of you... it legitimately means the world to me.
I’m a very lucky man to have two intelligent, witty, fiery, stubborn, loyal and beautiful (inside and out) best friends. You’ve been my biggest supporters; and helped me through both the best and worst times in my life. You have both made my life better and I will spend the rest of my life being truly grateful that I get to love you; and be loved by you in return.
Love always,
Your Ron xx
P.S. I made two vegan cakes because your sisters are vultures and I know that one cake just wouldn’t suffice.
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Dear Amber-Jade, @amberjade-rhodes
I’m really glad to have gotten to know you through the student newspaper club. I loved the new energy that you brought to our little team and I genuinely think that you made us stronger.
I know that your time at Monarch University is really only just beginning so I hope it gives you just as much love, happiness and exciting adventures as I’ve had at this place.
-- Emery x
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Dear Noah, @noahfynn
I know that you always brag that “special” brownies are one of the few things that you know how to make well so I thought this was a fitting way to say goodbye.
When I first met you, I just thought you were Ryder’s annoying best friend but it didn’t take me long to realize that you’ve got a hidden heart of gold. I know that you’re going to miss us (Ryder more than me, obviously) but you should know that this definitely isn’t goodbye. After all, our new house has a spare bedroom with your name on it so we’re already preparing for your first visit.
I know that I don’t even have to ask this really but please look out for Arden and Lovey -- and don’t ever tell them that I made this request, otherwise they might actually tear me apart.
-- Emery x
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Dear Lola and Ollie, @lolafields @olliexjames
First and foremost, congratulations on your engagement! I’m so happy for you both and there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re going to have a beautiful and wonderful future together. Anyone who spends more than five minutes with the two of you can tell how well-suited and crazily in love you are; and I’m definitely expecting an invite to the wedding.
Second of all, this won’t be the last time that I see either of you, but I am moving away from Monarch University to embark on an exciting new adventure. I’m going to miss both of you but I know that we’ll stay in touch.
Lola, you were one of my first and dearest friends when I first moved to MU. I’ve seen you grow so much over the course of our friendship and I’m so proud of the person you are today. You’ve taken everything that life has thrown at you in stride and turned those shitty experiences into genuine compassion and love for the people around you. Being part of your life has been a true highlight of my time at MU.
Ollie, I couldn’t have picked a better guy for someone that means so much to me. Thank you for making her so happy, she certainly deserves it after everything that she’s been through. I’m also glad that I’ve been able to genuinely call you a friend; not just someone that happens to be dating a person that I really care about.
I’ll see you both soon, I’m sure of it.
Love, Emery xx
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Dear Charlie, @fckchxrlie
I know that we haven’t seen all that much of each other recently, not with your disappearing acts, but it’s now my turn to leave and it didn’t feel right to do that without saying goodbye.
Take care of yourself and try not to get into too much trouble.
-- Emery.
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Dear Elijah and Robyn, @elijah-abbott @robyn-abbott
Considering the two of you live together half the tine, I thought I’d bake you something that the two of you could share. I hope you enjoy the cake, although please be careful about how much you eat in one sitting -- I’m fairly sure that this thing could create diabetes.
Elijah -- I know that you were originally more Ryder’s friend and I was always so happy that my husband had such a caring, loyal person in his life. The more time that I spent around you, the luckier that I felt as you quickly expanded that same energy to me. I know that this won’t be the end of our friendship... something tells me that we might even end up working on projects together in the future!
Robyn -- I haven’t known you for long but in that short time, I’ve come to love the fact that you’re a fellow creative spirit. I have no doubt that you’re going to go far in life and I really hope that Monarch University opens so many doors for you.
Love, Emery xx
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Dear Allison, @heyallisongrace
I’m very grateful that you chose to pledge Theta Phi Kappa because getting to know you has been a genuine pleasure.
I only know a small portion of what you’ve been through but that’s made me all the more appreciative of your kindness and your warmth. I know that I’m not the only person that considers it a legitimate privilege to be part of your life.
Please take care of yourself and don’t be a stranger!
Love, Emery xx
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Dear Adrian, @adricnwais
We’ve certainly had a bit of a rocky friendship at times but I’m glad that we’re leaving on a strong note. Underneath that carefree attitude, I think that you’re a wonderful person with a really warm heart; and you have a lot to offer the people that you care about. I’m glad that Lily and Aria are on that list, please take good care of them.
-- Emery.
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