#Apologies if this isn't up to standard :') it's really old
leahnardo-da-veggie · 4 months
The Unwanted Visitor
Part 1 of a new series (actually part 1 of a really old series I found in my wips and dug up again. It's from when I was like 15). Anyways, enjoy!
When I was about 6 years old, my family moved into an old house in the countryside. It was lovely, with 3 storeys and a big garden, but there was one tradeoff.
It was haunted by a spirit.
I'd nicknamed it 'Visitor', as in 'The Unwanted Visitor That Just Wouldn't Go Away'. Visitor terrorised my family constantly, shifting things and mimicking loud screams in the dead of night, whispering our names in dark hallways. It got so bad that we could no longer invite anyone over.
Of course, my parents being my parents, they did absolutely nothing about it. So I grew up with Visitor haunting my house. I'd get woken up at night to see the shadows in the corner of my bedroom, and his whispers followed me wherever I went. Interestingly, the familiarity with him meant I wasn't afraid of him. Instead, I considered him to be a nuisance.
"Put the damn bowl down, Visitor!" I thwacked my spatula against the side of the table. "If you aren't gonna help, get your unwanted ass outta here!"
I felt a breeze drift behind me and knew Visitor had done just that. I turned around, ready to go back to making breakfast, only to come face-to-face with a humanoid creature.
He was a good foot shorter than me, his inky skin a stark contrast to his pale hair, and his eyes glowed red. He was wearing a white t-shirt with the words 'I LOVE BRAINS' written on the front. With his arms crossed, he leaned against the doorway, posture languid.
"Really? Dad's T-shirt? Go put that thing back, Vis," I told him brusquely.
Visitor shrugged. "Why should I? It's comfy."
"Because it's not yours? If you don't put it back, you aren't getting any of the food," I told him.
"Whatever, you're just a control freak." Visitor rolled his eyes, walking over to the stove and taking a piece of bacon. 
I swatted at him with my spatula, missing by an inch. "What did I say? If you aren't helping, don't come in. Now, out."
"But I want some-"
"OUT." I slammed my hand on the tabletop for emphasis. Visitor huffed and disappeared into the hallway.
I finished frying the eggs and sat down at the table. As I ate, Visitor wandered in and sat opposite me, a mug in his hands. I eyed it. It had a cat-tail handle, cat paw prints round the side and a chipped rim.
"That's my coffee mug," I pointed out.
"I know," Visitor smirked, and sipped it.
I glared at him. The trouble with having an evil spirit instead of a sibling was that you couldn't tattle on an evil spirit to your parents. As such, I'd learnt to take matters into my own hands.
I lunged over the table, grabbing my cup with one hand. With the other, I caught a fistful of Visitor's hair.
"Ow!" Visitor yelped. "You bitch! What was that for?"
"This is what you get when you steal," I retorted. "Now give me my cup."
"Never!" Visitor stuck out his tongue.
"You're 600 years old, not 6."
"Shut up." Despite having his head contorted at an awkward angle, Visitor seemed undisturbed.
I yanked his hair again. "Give it."
"Nope." Did the little bugger look smug? Ugh, it made my blood boil.
"GIVE ME THE FUCKING COFFEE MUG OR SO HELP ME, I WILL MAKE YOU REGRET IT!" My voice was loud enough to wake my parents and likely the surrounding wildlife, and it went right into Visitor's ear.
"Fine, fine! You're such a killjoy!" Visitor shoved the cup at me and I released him, sliding back into my chair.
"Asshole," Visitor muttered loudly.
"I heard that," I snapped, channelling my inner schoolmarm. Bizarrely enough, it always worked on him. Something deep within the spirit psyche responded to it, as though they had a genetic phobia of pissed off teachers.
"It's true," he said testily. We had subsided into our usual routine of banter, and I figured it was safe to slide him the plate of eggs. You see, the thing about living with Visitor was that it was a constant tug of war to assert my power. My parents cowered from him because they didn't dare to threaten to smack the ancient spirit. I, on the other hand, had no such reservations, and it earned me his respect. To him (and honestly to everyone else), I was the head of the house, not my parents.
I raised an eyebrow. "You're the asshole who broke the window, remember?"
"It was an accident!" He pouted, but began shovelling food into his mouth.
"Oh, sure, an accident. I believe that. Which is why it's been 'accidentally' broken three times this year." Thankfully, my parents hadn't pinned the blame on me, or else I would have had a great deal of grounding to deal with.
"Whatever." Visitor scowled. He was never good at coming up with witty comebacks when he was hungry.
Taglist under cut:
@coffeeangelinabox, @dorky-pals, @calliecwrites, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @shukei-jiwa
@thewingedbaron, @pluppsauthor, @cowboybrunch, @wylloblr, @possiblyeldritch @ramwritblr, @urnumber1star, @fortunatetragedy, @bigwipscholar, @ratedn
@vampirelover890, @possiblylisle, @illarian-rambling, @the-ellia-west
@finicky-felix, @evilgabe29, @glitched-dawn, @rivenantiqnerd, @dragonhoardesfandoms
@drchenquill, @everythingismadeofchaos, @owldwagitoutofyou (Anyone else who wants to get added can tell me in the comments, pm me, or send me an ask about it!)
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sashaforthewin · 2 years
"Eddie Munson! I didn't think you'd show up!" Tommy H exclaimed, looking shocked as he came over to shake Eddie's hand like they were old friends instead of old enemies.
"How could I miss the twenty year reunion?" He asked.
"You didn't seem to have any trouble missing the ten year reunion," Tommy pointed out.
"Yeah, well, ten years isn't enough time for people to lose their egos. Last time I set foot in Hawkins, people were still hunting me for sport."
"Uh. Yeah. Listen, man, I'm actually really glad you're here. I want to apologize for the way we treated you back then. Not just with Chrissy's death, but in general. We were just dumbass kids."
"Yeah, appreciate that," Eddie recited for the seventh time this night. Whatever. Eddie's life was amazing and all these fuckers looked rough as hell and pretty pathetic, so let them have their little breakthrough moment or whatever this was for them. Eddie didn't lose anything by letting these folks think they had become better people. Maybe they had, who knows, Eddie couldn't care less.
"No, really, I feel so- holy shit, is that Steve Harrington?"
"Oh, yeah, he's with me."
"He's with you? Like, as in…"
"Hmm? Oh, no, we aren't actually gay, we just got stuck playing a really long game of gay chicken. I thought he'd give up by now, it's been twenty years."
"Ha ha, that's a good one. I can't believe Steve Harrington is gay."
"Like I said, he's not. We are both just really competitive. We have three kids and two cats and a really nice house together, he's a great roommate but I know he'll crack first."
Tommy's smile wavered.
"If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself."
"No, I, uh…"
"Anyways," Eddie said, patting him on the shoulder and taking his leave, "I'd love to stay and chat about how great my life is so you don't feel so bad about your past self, but I see other knuckleheads waiting to apologize to me and I'd rather get it over with quickly so I can go fuck my roommate in the school bathroom in the hopes that he finally admits I win."
Tommy stood staring after Eddie, completely baffled. Then he hurried over to his former friends along the wall.
"Babe, why is everyone looking at us weird?"
Eddie glanced around as if he hadn't noticed everyone watching them and shrugged.
"Standard homophobia, probably."
Steve sighed.
"No, I know what homophobia looks like. You did something. What did you do?"
"Hmm? Oh, uh, I might have… told them we were playing gay chicken."
Steve groaned. "Eddie, you didn't! Ugh, this is the elementary school all over again! You know I still have to see those teachers every day at pick up, right? No matter how much I explain you were joking I can tell they don't completely believe me and it's been three years!"
"Yeah, but you don't ever have to see any of these folks again after tonight," Eddie pointed out, face full of mischievous glee.
Steve sighed and rolled his eyes. Any attempt at true anger was pointless in the face of Eddie's playful charm.
"Fine. Let's go grab each other's butts while we slow dance to confuse them more, I guess."
"That's the spirit!"
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babybluebex · 3 months
happy sad confused | joseph quinn blurb
this is a sequel to off menu that i wrote nearly two years ago to the day (wow time flies jfc i wrote that in my mom's hotel room as i was moving lmao), so if you haven't read that yet, pop on over to that link, it'll take like 3 minutes, it's very short :)
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"Do you have strong food tastes?" Josh asked, and you rolled your eyes with a smile.
As opposed to the last podcast about food that Joe was on, you were present for the recording of this one. You remembered that day two years ago, right as everything was changing for you and your beau, when he had texted you asking if you listened to the Off Menu Podcast, and you had had to break James Acaster and Ed Gambles' hearts. Later, you had bumped into James at the BRIT Awards and were able to apologize for such a betrayal, and he had forgiven you, with the caveat that you did a shot with him (which you unfortunately had to decline, seeing as you were about 35 weeks into the standard pregnancy 40, and James accepted an alternate apology in the form of a hug).
Joe cast you a look from his place on the couch, a mortified smile playing at his lips. You knew he was thinking something like "Not this again", and you scoffed out a laugh. He was so funny sometimes that it made you sick, and you watched as Josh added, "Are you like, cilantro must be burned at the stake?"
Joe laughed. "Of all the herbs to bring up," he giggled. "Just, umm, a few weeks ago, my family was in Italy, all of us, my mum and stepdad and sister, the wife and boy, the whole lot, and, y'know, coriander is big over there— or cilantro, whatever you'd like to call it— and we were trying to convince our son, who's just turned a year old, to try something with coriander on it..." Joe paused, ruminating on the meal, and he looked at you, more distinctly and blatantly than before. "Babe? What were we trying to feed him when he wasn't havin' it?"
Your eyes widened, and you gulped as the entire room's attention shifted to you. Where your husband was a natural in front of people and cameras, it didn't come quite as painlessly to you. Especially since Anthony was born, you've been hyper-aware of the way people perceive you. You hoped, for your sake, that the focus was on your words and not you, and that people's eyes instead landed on the little tot standing with you. Little Anthony Quinn was holding both your hands, standing up but balanced on top of your feet, swinging and fidgeting about, waiting for Daddy to be done with work to come for a cuddle. "Just your garden-variety spaghetti," you said. "Not even with meat sauce or anything. The tomato sauce had cilantro, and he was not into it."
"Does he say it tastes like soap?" Josh asked. "'Cause that's some people's complaint."
"Well, he isn't really saying much of anything yet," Joe chuckled. "He's just one, remember. We've got 'Mama' in our arsenal, and 'juice', sometimes 'bankie' when he wants his blanket, but bankie can also mean his pacifier, so his 'binkie'— we haven't quite worked out the difference between bankie and binkie yet, but we're getting there."
"Regardless," Josh laughed. "Not a fan of the herb."
"He is the rest of the time," Joe said. "We do a roast every Sunday, and my wife taps me to do the chicken because she doesn't like handling meat, which I understand and, because I'm a good husband, I handle that for her so she can do the rest of the meal— but I put cilantro on the roast chicken and he eats it every week."
"No complaints?" Josh asked.
"None!" Joe exclaimed. "Eats it, eats the potatos, does the whole bit, and he always wants more! My kid doesn't like cilantro in spaghetti, but will eat a whole chicken by himself— make it make sense!"
"Well, with a baby around, I'm sure there's different food around than before," Josh asked. "My niece is into those, like, Gerber cheese snacks that are essentially Cheetos but not really—"
"Oh, we're familiar with the Lil' Crunchies," Joe nodded smoothly. "The mild cheddar flavor. What my son does is, he'll eat 'em by the fistful, yeah? And he decides to be nice and to share with us, which is very good of him, but he'll hand us a wet cheese puff that's half-disintegrated from the force of his little fist, and me and his mummy have gotta pretend like 'oh, yummy, thank you, Ant'."
“You brought up your girlfriend last time food was discussed,” Josh said, and Anthony stamped his little feet as he clearly wanted to run out to Daddy. “On the Off-Menu Podcast with James and Ed, who are just loads of fun. Is she still the same way, no mushrooms or anything?”
“Well, she’s my old lady now,” Joe chuckled. “We got married a few months after that podcast, just tired of not being married to each other yet, y’know? Plus, we found out that the boy was on his way, so it felt like as good a time as any. She's still picky, but there was a small time during her third trimester where she was eating everything in sight. For a few days there, she was doing popcorn with this, I don't know, novelty salt she bought at some shop in America? Anyway, it was pickle-flavored salt, and my girl... I love her, but pickle-salt popcorn... I have to draw a line somewhere."
"And that's the line," Josh chuckled. "Does she do pickles usually?"
"Um, yeah," Joe replied, and he bit his bottom lip as he smiled. "I guess I oughta get off my high horse, I don't like pickles. I'll eat 'em if they come on a sandwich or whatever, but I don't like it. But she'll take them off my hands and eat them for me; at the deli or whatever and I get one of those spears with my sandwich, and she's eating it for me before we're even out the door."
"Joseph Quinn, you hypocrite!" Josh exclaimed and Joe chortled. "Making fun of picky eaters but not eating pickles! For shame, sir!"
"It's my one flaw!" Joe cried. "Otherwise I'm perfect!"
You couldn't help your snort, and Joe turned to you in a flash. "Oh, do you have something to say, Mrs. Quinn?" he asked. "Something to add?"
"You thinking not eating pickles is your one flaw is very funny," you told him, smoothing your hand down Anthony's hair. "I could talk about the sock situation in our laundry room at the moment, or how your windowsill herb garden has spilled out onto our balcony, or how you always rile up the dog and Ant before bedtime, or—"
"Alright!" Joe whined playfully, and Anthony squealed out a laugh, recognizing Daddy's play-voice. "I get it! Stop the attack, woman, jeez."
"She's got a list," Josh smiled. "Are there any foods that are, like, special to you? Make you think of home or anything like that?"
"Um, yeah," Joe said thoughtfully. "Obviously a roast chicken. Umm, oddly, we have these little biscuits in the U.K., like it's a layer of sponge, then orange jam, then chocolate, but they're small, we have 'em with tea— they're called Jaffa cakes, and I don't have strong opinions on them, but my wife calls me Jaffa Cake when she's being sweet to me."
"Why Jaffa Cake?" Josh wheezed. "Are you just particularly sweet like one of those cookies?"
"Well, my initials," Joe began. "They're J.A.F, and one time a while ago, when we first started dating, we went out and she got very drunk. I ended up bringing her back to my flat because I didn't want her having to get an Uber alone back to her's, and she raided the pantry while I was showering, and she was eating out a packet of Jaffa cakes that my roommate had when I got back, and... I don't know, she was hammered and started laughing and calling me that, and she's never stopped."
You were glad he cut the story off there, because the detail Joe neglected to mention was that he had given you his bed to sleep in, and when you woke up the next morning, you had gotten ill in his bathroom. He had held your hair back and wiped your mouth with a washcloth when you were done, and he had kissed you for the very first time, even after you warned him that he probably didn't want to do that. While it was a very sweet story, you still burned with embarrassment at the memory of how drunk you had gotten that night.
"But yeah," Joe said. "Whenever I'm away from home and missing her, I track down a package of Jaffa cakes, and just even the smell of 'em make me think of my girl."
"Along with a roast chicken," Josh added, and Joe sputtered through his lips.
"Chicken and biscuits, the perfect way to think of my wife," Joe said. "You should come over next time you're in London. I'll roast you a chicken."
"That was... A lot of eye contact just then," Josh laughed. "I'm almost nervous now."
"Nah, don't be," Joe smiled. "I'll roast you a chicken, my son will show you his LEGO collection, we'll have a grand time."
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mt-oe · 6 months
𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝘼𝙧𝙚—bandmate mizu hcs
Hey dears!
I've been listening to an old playlist I made when I still had time to listen to various genres of music and nostalgia hit me in such a good way.
Hope that you will find much fun in these headcanons as much as I had fun writing them <3
Enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warnings: not proofread, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
note/s: manager reader; mizu has a crush on you
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✦ She plays both electric guitar and bass. She'd be sporting a white Epiphone 1961 Les Paul SG Standard, a graduation gift from her step father. Since it had so much sentimental value to her, she never really got around to replacing it. But when she got her first job, she spent the first few months saving up for her bass which was a Fender American Performer Mustang Bass.
You'll never see her in the studio without it. She even keeps it by her side when everyone's taking a small snack break. It's like they're her babies.
One time Taigen tried playing with it while Mizu was in the restroom and everyone was surprised at how fast she came out of the comfort room to smack him on the head with a force so heavy the smack sound echoed around. With that incident, everyone knew not to touch her instruments.
✦ Dresses up either in the typical oversized shirt and baggy pants...or like Kurt Cobain. You cannot change my mind. End of conversation.
✦ Mizu would be the type of member who has argued or fought with every one at least once. It didn't matter how insignificant the issue was. If she didn't like what she saw or what was happening, she doesn't hesitate to speak up about it. This, of course, led to arguments and fights that you often had to mediate.
Why you? It's because she never really listens to anyone else. If anyone else broke up the fight, she'd fight with them as well.
"Mizu," you sighed out, crossing your arms and staring at her with an unamused look.
When you arrived at the studio, Ringo had immediately informed you that Mizu and Akemi were arguing yet again. The atmosphere inside was so thick, you could probably cut it with a knife. This led you to pulling Mizu out of band practice to have a talk with her.
She leaned against the wall, crossing her arms back. Her head was turned towards another direction, not really able to look at you. "It's her damn fault. Her and her old man," she simply replied, making you sigh yet again.
"I know you're annoyed at her dad for interrupting our practice again but you know you can't argue with Akemi all the time," you responded, unfolding your arms and placing a hand on her shoulder. "We need both of you in this band, y'know?"
Her body tensed up slightly when she felt your hand make contact with her shoulder, a blush forming on her cheeks ever so slightly. Fuck you're so cute. She glanced at you before pushing herself off of the wall, rubbing a hand over her face, seemingly annoyed. "Fine, fine. I'll apologize," she grumbled
You smiled at her, making her glance at you again. "Thanks, Mizu."
When both of you returned inside, she immediately apologized to Akemi like a brat who was scolded. But Mizu knew she'd argue with Akemi again the next time her dad barges in the studio. She's just trying to please you for now.
✦ If she isn't playing, she'll be sitting all by herself, researching about where to buy instruments and paraphernalia or watching recordings of another band's recent gig. Ringo would often join her when he spots her. His sudden appearance often makes her jump. At first, it would just be Ringo talking about his day, then what he ate, then the new songs he discovered from the smart shuffle feature of Spotify to which Mizu would either respond by not saying anything or just nodding.
When Ringo spots her looking for better instruments, he'll start talking about second-hand equipment and old but gold repair shops. Although it seems like Mizu isn't listening to him, you'll spot her checking the seller's profile or going to the shop itself on her free time even if she had no intention in buying anything.
✦ Has the most random playlist among everyone in the band. While everyone had a main genre they stuck to, such as Taigen with grunge, Akemi with pop, and Ringo with country, Mizu just listens to whatever. As long as it sounds good, she adds it to her playlist.
And mind you, she just dumps all the songs in ONE playlist.
You tried listening to it once and hearing AC/DC's Back in Black after listening to Twice's TT followed by bouquet by Ichiko Aoba was not something you'd expect to hear in that order.
She gets embarrassed when she finds out you listened to her playlist but doesn't make it obvious. The next time you look at her profile, you'll find a playlist named "you, it's always you" and it's just filled with love songs and songs about having a crush.
✦ Along with the previous, their opponents during battle of the bands competitions often underestimate her. The other competitors would be so confused because why is this dude listening to Tchaikovsky backstage instead of practicing his rifts?
Mizu was simply chilling backstage, earphones in, listening to her random ass playlist again when a shadow looms over her. She looks up and sees Akemi, staring at her and saying something she could not hear.
She removes an earbud, raising an eyebrow at their vocalist in a seemingly annoyed manner. "Your music is too loud. We can hear it from the dressing room," Akemi points out, crossing her arms. She leans forward and looks at Mizu's phone before letting out an amused huff. "Don't you think listening to Hamilton before the competition is a bit weird?" she asks with a smirk.
The other bands sitting around and eavesdropping on the two whispered, glancing at them. Hamilton? Really? Before a battle of the bands competition? Bud is already throwing away his shot, they thought.
The guitarist simply grunts at her, shrugging her shoulders at her. "This is none of your business. Go warm up or something," she replies before putting her earbud back in and closing her eyes as she leaned back against the chair. Akemi rolled her eyes before walking off, probably to find the rest of the band.
When they get up on stage, everybody already thinks the guitarist doesn't know shit. But man, the look on everyone's faces when she starts playing Chopsuey? Goddamn.
✦ Unlike the others members, she doesn't actively try to build connections with other bands. Once the competition is over, everyone except Mizu is out their mingling with other bands. You're out there talking with your fellow managers, Ringo is talking about food with the other bands for some reason, and Taigen is out there attracting the other women which leads to Akemi dragging him by the ear. Mizu is just...there.
She finds interacting with other people unnecessary. She also has her moments when she recognizes and wants to talk to someone from another band but she's too awkward to talk to them. What she'll do is just stare at them from a distance and wait for someone to introduce them to her.
"You're burning a hole through their heads," Taigen comments, sitting down next to Mizu on the equipment crate and propping his leg up. Mizu grunts in acknowledgement of his comment but continues to stare at the other band. "They probably think you're a weirdo," he laughs.
She glares at him for a brief moment before looking at the band at a distance again. "They had a gig in the bar near our studio. Pretty impressive," she explains. Taigen nods, now staring at the band too.
The both of them watch as you approached the band of interest, cheery and bubbly. Almost immediately, you were already chatting it up out there.
A manager's skill probably.
Mid-conversation, you felt someone watching you so you turned around, eyes meeting with the two. Your smile widened, making the two of them stand up, knowing what was about to happen. They watched as you talked with the other band again. Suddenly, they looked at Taigen and Mizu's direction and approached them with you by their side.
"And these are my bandmates!" you introduced, moving over to their side. Just as Mizu was about to shake the vocalist's hands, the vocalist from the other band immediately patted her shoulder. "You're that person from one of our gigs! So how was it?"
The introvert in her was thanking you so much.
✦ She's a lady killer, but she's also very awkward when women approach her. As much as Mizu is pretty, Mizu is undeniably very handsome as well. Let's be honest, who wouldn't be attracted to a tall, well-built guitarist with an aloof aura and the sexiest deep voice you've ever heard?
The problem was, she didn't really know how to interact with them. The moment someone tries to hit on her, she's either frozen stiff or already planning her escape.
Mizu could not do anything but stare at what had landed on her feet.
It was a bra. With someone's number on it.
"Call me! Please!" someone from the audience screamed. She looked around in confusion before looking at the article of underwear by her feet with her eyes narrowed. Slowly, she bent down and picked it up, holding it by the straps.
Holy shit these were big.
What the hell was she supposed to do with this? Throw it back to the owner? Poor Mizu was lost. She continued to hold it up awkwardly, trying to figure out what should she do. If you hadn't told her to toss it you, she'd probably still be staring at it by the next song.
And you'd think people would stop doing that, but no. In fact, the amount of women hitting on her backstage increased. The little incident on stage somehow increased her charm with the ladies. Because holy shit...she plays both guitar and bass, both tall and well-built, looks so fucking good in a relaxed fit, can be both pretty and handsome at the same time, has an aloof and mysterious aura, AND she's awkward?? Sign me up. Sign me the fuck up.
✦ Unintentionally gets good venues for gigs. That's why you always bring her with you when talking to the owner of the venue. None of you really know how she does it, but she does?
"For the last time, I'm telling you. We've already booked enough performers for this month," the owner grumbled, glaring at you and your persistence.
You frowned at him, clasping your hands in front. "Please! We just need a gig to fund a new amplifier," you begged, giving the owner doe eyes. To no avail, the old man wouldn't budge...is what you thought.
Mizu saw your frown and knitted eyebrows and decided that it was a good time to approach you. She looked at you before looking at the owner with narrowed eyes, almost like a glare. "Is there a problem?" she asked, stepping forward and closer to the owner, stopping only once she was almost face-to-face with him. Her sharp blue eyes stared at his, piercing through his soul.
The owner stepped back a bit, looking up at her before shaking his head. "No no, we were only uh...talking about which time slot you wanted next week!" he said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.
Upon hearing this, you immediately perked up and gently pushed Mizu aside. "What? Really?!" you exclaimed, holding on to the guitarist's arm in excitement. The owner nervously glanced back at Mizu, who was still looking at him with the same intimidating stare, before nodding in clear defeat.
After you had negotiated with him, the two of you left with a smile. "That went supeeer well!" you laughed out, looking over at Mizu. "What'd you do anyway?" You grasped her arm, shaking it slightly.
She shrugged, looking anywhere but at you to conceal her blush. "Beats me. I just looked over to see what you were frowning at."
✦ She doesn't like singing even if she sounds pretty good. Everyone in the band, except you, has heard her sing and has tried to convince her to be the lead vocalist for at least one song but is always greeted with a "no" or a "shut the fuck up". She WILL do the back up voice but she feels too insecure about how deep and husky her voice is so it's rare.
You didn't know she didn't like singing though and on one faithful occasion...
You opened the door to the studio and was immediately greeted by the sight of Mizu sitting on the floor with her guitar in hand. The two of you arrived pretty early so the rest weren't there yet. Her guitar was unplugged and it seems like she was looking up songs on her phone.
"Hey..." you greeted her quietly, to which she nodded. "What's up?"
She looked up from her phone before sitting up straight and propping her phone on her thigh, getting ready to play. For a moment, she did not do anything but stare at what was on her phone before looking at you.
"Want to hear me sing?"
You looked at her with wide eyes, a smile slowly tugging on the corner of your lips. Despite her question catching you off guard, it was still a welcomed surprise. You nodded and sat down on the floor next to her, leaning against her slightly.
Her breath hitched upon feeling you so close to her before she slowly relaxed and started strumming on the unplugged guitar. At first, she started strumming a bunch of random chords to calm her nerves. Once you heard the first few chords, you immediately recognized the song.
"If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything..." she sang, strumming on her guitar softly. "I could even learn how to love."
The way she was singing the song so shyly yet so tenderly warmed you up.
Each strum.
Each word.
Each pluck .
It was like she was singing the song with someone special in mind. You leaned closer to her, resting your head against her shoulder, not minding how much it was moving.
She moved her shoulder a bit lower so you could fully rest your head against it, still singing. "Look at you go. I just adore you." She glanced at you for a moment before continuing. "I wish that I knew...what makes you think I'm so special."
A small smile also tugged on her lips as she looked at you. You looked so peaceful. You felt so peaceful. Like you were enjoying your time with her as she continued to sing. "When I see the way you way you look shaken by how long it took, I could do about anything.."
"I could even learn how to love like you"
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spotlightlowlife · 3 months
A helluva sorry-ass trip
This is what apology tour should be called because that's what it was, mindblowingly maniacal and childish at the same time, literally WTF was that? Did two dimensions really collide like the Mandela effect theorist claimed? Have some of us shifted from an old reality of mature outlook and we need to get with it and allow ourselves to be conditioned to be in agreement with the tone of this story? Or are we just being gaslight?
Are we truly suppose to buy that Blitzø has this many exs and all of them believed themselves to be in a serious relationship with him and all of them are this hurt and this large quantity of them are willing to go way out of their way for this party?
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Isn't Blitzø only in his mid to late 30s?
Wasn't he a busy and seemingly decent person living with his family circus for the first 20 or so years of his life?
Since when was Stolas his ex and why does he accept this title? Why did he feel the need to let him know about the anti Blitzø party? Where's his realisation after his sulk in the last episode where he gave Blitzø a choice but not really, the awkwardness at Ozzie's, or how their transactionship started, that this wasn't a thing?
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This would be the perfect time to let us know how out of touch Stolas is, that not so deep down he's that little prince who pointed a stranger out that who he liked, then that stranger was bought to his castle for him to play with.
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Near three decades later he has failed to assess that fond memory and still sees this person as his friend. He's someone who sits at home and learns ideals from dramatic tv shows, a big change from miserable, planned out life he would rather not acknowledge .
But no, that's not what we get.
Stolas tells us all the things he really want from a relationship and they're things that he could apply to anyone, totally impersonal to Blitzø.
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Stolas sees romcom cliches, he's lonely, he wants what he sees for himself and Blitzø didn't live up to any standard he set, he claimed to atleast want the basics of a companionship, but for Blitzø, since when? The ambush? The few times he made doe eyes when he weren't looking?
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We are supposed to make a judgement based on how pissed and miserable Stolas is and the fact that their are a bunch of like minded others, not taking into account that they all have a different story to tell yet we have plenty of Stolas x Blitzø to look back on to make a fair judgement.
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Stolas is immediately flattered by the first person to make a move on him, infront of Blitzø, and they have fun together, invaldating all that the story tried to push recently. Blitzø could truly be anybody, so who at this point could watch this and still believe that Stolas is hopelessly in love?
The entire episode was yet another attempt to have us forget all we have seem of Stolas being the commanding and powerful presence who holds all the cards. Helped further by not one person giving a hoot that they're in the presence of royalty, yet agin.
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Combined with yet a further attempting to give Blitzø pseudopower by reminding us that he's sexually active and outgoing.
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It's clearly important that Verosika would fail to mention Blitzø stealing off her then leaving her stranded and dumped, clearly this could be a reminder that Blitzø is at the bottom of society and has had to be rutheless and maybe even a user to work his way up, but no, he was simply always 'that guy', that outgoing fun guy everyone just liked, a lowly imp that could make a sucubus fall in love and can even score royalty, but as we know, unfortunately this all now works because dispite lore being established, hierarchy means SFA.
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None of this gives more power to those at the bottom or takes from those at the top, it just tells us that the classing system is a whole lot of nothing even though this also isn't the case at the same time.
The start of the episode was a perfect example of narcissistic coersion and grooming, it should be used in universities worldwide.
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Place side by side the Blitzø x Stolas content from the earlier episodes, where Stolas hit up Blitzø whenever he pleased, spoke so dirty he had even Blitzø cringing, was more interested Blitzø's presence than quality time with his daughter who no longer lives with him and this all started when Stolas cornered Blitzø into sex upon him being caught stealing.
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Remember these things as Stolas now tells Blitzø how inappropriate his regular and unchanged behaviour that was supposedly attractive is, he us sarcastic and gives him the silent treatment, yet will speak up to rant at him though arguments can only go one way.
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Stolas's tantrum is because Blitzø didn't give him whatever answer or reaction he hoped for when he ambushed him in the previous episode with a choice but not really and he wasn't going to stick around to hear anything that didn't suit him, you know, the respectful thing to do.
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Blitzø's every word is wrong, points irrelevant to their fallout are more fuel for this, he isn't heard, respect and his input doesn't matter, so he then goes on to aggressively try and to prove Stolas's criticism wrong by showing how accountable he is by apologising to those he wronged, even when it was arguably unnecessary, firmly letting us know that Blitzø is unspecifically yet definitely in the wrong.
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People, if you see this as a good thing, this isn't the way.
Blitzø's accountability was not of his accord and Stolas as good as rubbed his efforts in his face by taking no notice at every stage and attending the Blitzø sucks party for ex's, which he isn't.
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People, this is narcissistic abuse.
Another annoying thing was the towards the top of the list was Moxxie, but we saw nothing.
Because that would be grounds for a decent portion of time and effort as two leading characters may discuss things pivotal to the plot and their own development? A heart to heart and back to the main story? Nothing to do with sex?
Well, there's no room for all that complexity, so here's a few seconds of extras from a better time, with yuri thrown in, that will make up for all else.
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runningfrom2am · 9 months
the finer things in life // LTPF
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summary: coryo merely tolerates you at the beginning of the series. this, is why.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 4.6k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. underage drinking/drug use (its just weed dw), some suggestive content that's not explicit (that's a first for me woah).
a/n: THIS DROPS SOME MAJOR LORE FOR THIS SERIES LIKE PLS- this is so fun and i hope you guys really like it bc i stepped out of my comfort zone a bit here. anyway, happy new year!! as a treat, have r and coryo getting way too messed up for their own good :)
this is mentioned in one of the parts of s2 (oh god i have no clue which one but trust me.) anyway, here's the night they were talking about.
series masterlist // playlist
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"Hey, Coryo." You smile, sitting yourself down across from him at the lunch table.
"Y/N/N." He nods, hardly looking up from his food.
"So," You him, leaning forward with your elbows on either side of your plate. "Are you coming to Livia's big party this weekend?"
He shrugs, swallowing before looking up at you. "I don't know. Maybe. Feels a little... trivial."
"Ugh," You scoff, playfully rolling your eyes. "Of course it's trivial, Coriolanus. It's a birthday party for a seventeen year old that's probably going to have fireworks and a four tier wedding cake." You laugh. "But I have to go, so you should too."
He smiles at you a little, tilting his head with a raised eyebrow. "A wedding cake?"
"Probably. You saw the invitations." You chuckle. "We can walk together, and I'll see if I can sneak in some posca from our cellar. Please?" You plead.
"Won't your parents be driving you? I wouldn't want to impose." Coryo insists politely.
"Oh, god, no." You laugh. "They're allegedly busy. My father will be working, and my mother will be waiting for him to finish work. Can't tear her away from that. My theory is that they just don't want to go."
"Oh, I see." He replies. Your parents not attending social events wasn't uncommon. Their attention was notoriously hard to attract, and his parents had long since passed, so it was pretty standard for the two of you to either walk together or get your driver to take the two of you places alone.
"Yeah! I think we'll end up walking because my brother has tutoring and god forbid he walk anywhere, but that way there's no dreadful small talk with my family anyway."
"Fine." Coryo agrees. "Only because it's you. Also, I don't think talking to your parents is dreadful, Y/N/N."
"It is. Don't lie." You laugh, taking a bite out of your cookie and waving him off.
You hear the doorbell and run to answer it before anyone else can. "Mom! Coryo's here, I'm leaving now! Bye!"
"You're not going to invite him in?" Your mom asks, cutting you off in the foyer.
"We're already running late, sorry!" You insist, adjusting your hold on the two gift bags in your hands very carefully.
"Alright, well, have fun, dear. Extend our apologies to Livia's parents for us."
"Will do!" You nod, giving her a quick thumbs up before opening the door.
"What do you need a bag for?" She asks and you roll your eyes at your friend standing in front of you before turning to face her again.
"They have a pool, I might need to change." You groan.
"Oh, right." She seems satisfied with that answer. "Hello, Coriolanus, how are you doing tonight?" She asks, turning her attention to him.
"I'm well, Ma'am. Thank you. And you?" He smiles politely.
"We gotta go, Mom, bye!" You shut the door before she can answer.
As soon as you're out of sight from your house, you stop and dig through the tissue paper in one of the gift bags.
"Isn't that for Liv-" Coryo's question is cut off by you holding a bottle of a nondescript liquor out to him.
"This one is for us." You smile, taking another bottle out before shoving the folded-up gift bag into your backpack. "Cheers." You twist the cap off of yours, knocking it against the one he's awkwardly holding before taking a swig.
"Posca? Should we..." He clears his throat. "Should we really be drinking? I feel like we'll get in trouble."
"It's not Posca, it's better. Besides, no trouble if no one knows." You reassure him. "Also, I would bet money that we show up and Festus and Pup are already stumbling."
"You're the most terrible influence, Y/L/N." Coryo shakes his head with a smile on his face, opening the bottle anyway to try it.
"No!" You laugh. "This is good for us. It makes me more... digestible to these stuck-ups."
"Are you not included in that group?"
"Oh, Coriolanus Snow, we are at the top of the list."
The air in the expansive house is as hot and stuffy as it could possibly be. It reminded you so much of your own, but warmer, in a way. Maybe it was just the sheer volume of people inside and the buzz of alcohol in your system.
Livia's parents had been kind enough to leave the whole back garden and pool for you kids to enjoy, and to have your own space free from all of the adults who were also invited.
It was warm out for a May evening when you finally made it outside after saying your 'hello's to all your classmates' parents. Your own parents insisted that you spend a decent amount of time doing so, despite them not being able to make it. Coryo was known to do this as well, so you made your rounds together before thanking the Cardew's for the invitations and they showed you where all the other kids were outside.
Coryo already wanted to leave, and if you did as well, you were good at hiding it. He couldn't tell, blindly following you through the crowded house before making it outside.
"Party's here!" You call out as you step out onto the patio, allowing Coryo to close the door behind you.
"Y/N, you gorgeous girl, finally!" You're quickly greeted by Hilarius Heavensbee, and god, Coryo has never hated him more as the boy is wrapping his arms around you. His attempts at flirting with you are humiliating- Coriolanus doesn't know how he couldn't see that he was embarrassing himself.
"Hilary, you flatter me." You chuckle, gently patting his back with your free hand as you pull away.
"You know I try." He laughs, shrugging as he slides in between the two of you, draping an arm over your shoulder.
"Where's the birthday girl?" You ask, holding up the gift bag. "I need to ditch this."
"That's a good question..." Your classmate says, scanning the groups scattered across the lawn in search of Livia.
"I can carry that, if you'd like." Coryo offers, desperate to remind you of his presence. He wasn't going to let you ditch him- you were the only reason he even attended.
"Oh, no. I've got it. Thank you, though." You wave him off, looking up at the boy whose arm is sitting over your shoulder uncomfortably. "Hilary, could you grab Coryo and I some glasses, please?"
"Uh, yeah, sure." He says, stepping away. "What do you want?"
"Oh, just the glasses please. We brought our own drinks." You wink.
"Alright, but only if you share." He chuckles.
"I'm nothing if not generous." You joke, pushing him in the direction of where you see the beverage table is set up.
"His share is coming out of your bottle." Coryo says once the boy is out of earshot.
"Who do you think I am?" You ask, placing the giftbag on the ground and grabbing your bag off your shoulder, digging through the fabric you used to muffle the sounds of glass bottles rattling against one another. "I brought enough for the class."
"Of course you did." He chuckles, shaking his head slightly as you carefully pull another bottle out of the bag. "Be a doll, go dump this in the punch?" You smile up at him, holding it out to him expectantly.
"No! I'm not spiking anything." He laughs.
"Suit yourself, Boryo Coryo." You sigh with a teasing smile, placing your bags on the ground and walking over to the table at the side of the house, unscrewing the cap as you go.
"Where'd Y/N/N go?" Hilarius asks, returning to Coryo's side. He just nods over to you in response, not tearing his gaze away from your form as you dump the contents of the bottle into the bowl.
"Ah, gotcha." Your classmate laughs, holding an empty glass out for Coryo to take.
Coryo mutters a quiet 'thanks', refocusing himself on inspecting the glass in his hand for any dirt or fingerprints. It was spotless- of course it was.
"So, are you guys like... together? Or what's the deal?"
"Pardon?" Coryo is taken aback by the question, finally looking up at the boy.
"You and Y/N." He gestures toward you as you stir the bowl, simultaneously holding the mostly empty bottle up to your lips to let the last few drops fall onto your tongue. "You're always hovering around each other. Anything more to it? Everyone is wondering, but no one dares ask her."
"Oh. No." Coryo shakes his head, wishing his glass was full of whatever bitter alcohol you'd gifted him so he could down it all in one go.
"Sweet." Hilarius grins to himself, watching you intently.
Coryo raises an eyebrow at Hilarius, perplexed by his reaction. "What's so sweet about it?" he asks, trying to understand the amused grin on Hilarius' face.
Hilarius chuckles, leaning in slightly as if about to share a secret. "If you're not gonna go for her, I will."
Coryo's cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "Be my guest." He spits through gritted teeth. He should have drank more- perhaps it would have made Hilarius's juvenile pursuits more tolerable.
Hilarius nudges him playfully, "Life's too short for missed opportunities, if you ask me." He looks back at you again, not so subtly raking his eyes over your figure and how it fits in your favourite party dress. "And that would be a damn shame of a missed opportunity."
Coryo glances over at you, catching your eye for a brief moment before quickly looking away. He clears his throat awkwardly. "If you say so. I find she's quite... overwhelming, at times."
"That's the best thing about her." Hilarius muses. "Just imagine it... You know what I mean? I bet she's just crazy. In a really good way."
Coryo's brow furrows at the implication, both from offense and intrigue. He knew you were stunning- even a fool could have told him that, but it was to make a mockery of your name to only look at you and see merely the potential of what you could do with your body. To him, you were like morning rain in the springtime; a breath of fresh air when you didn't have to defend yourself at every turn, but Hilarius Heavensbee didn't know the first thing about walking in the rain.
"Don't be vile." Coryo scoffs, giving a slight shake of his head.
As you finish up with the concoction in the bowl, Coryo watches you with a newfound awareness, a subtle curiosity lingering behind his stare.What would it be like? It's not something he has ever considered, or even had the time or desire to look at anyone that way. Especially not you, you were so personal to him it was off limits even in his own head. He didn't understand the seemingly overnight shift a couple years ago now where all the boys in your class started looking at you and the other girls like pieces of meat, but suddenly watching you lick clean the spoon you used to stir the punch, he could see that maybe they had a point. What it would be like to hear you panting into his ear. Tired, loving, even, like he was the only man in the world who could make you feel so, so good. To have your deep red lipstick staining his skin, his shoulders, his neck, possibly lower. The idea of having to explain the stains on the inside of his shirt to Tigris when he pleads with her to somehow get them out has his heartbeat racing... Likely, though, it was just the liquor starting to settle in his veins, is what he decided as he adjusted the front of his dress pants.
Hilarius chuckles at Coryo's reaction, seemingly unfazed by his disapproval. "Relax, man. I'm just saying, life's too short not to appreciate the whole package. Y/N's got the brains, the looks, and that fiery spirit. It's like having your cake and eating it too."
Coryo arches an eyebrow, unconvinced. "I appreciate her for more than just appearances, you know."
Hilarius smirks knowingly. "Of course, of course. I'm just speaking from a purely hypothetical standpoint. No harm in imagining what could be."
Coryo shoots him a skeptical glance, but before he can respond, you join them, empty bottle in hand. "What's the topic?" you ask, catching the tail end of their conversation.
Hilarius grins, shrugging. "Oh, just discussing the finer things in life. You know, like cake."
You raise an eyebrow, sharing a confused glance with Coryo. "Cake? Really? Are we eight?"
Coryo rolls his eyes. "Apparently, it's a metaphor for appreciating the whole package."
You raise an eyebrow, but neither of them care to elaborate. "Well, I hope you both appreciate this 'whole package' of a potion I just whipped up. It should be interesting." You nod back toward the table, taking one of the glasses from your classmate to pour the remainder of your bottle out for the three of you.
By the time your unknowing classmates started to loosen up, you were sitting in a circle in a corner of the yard with a few others.
"I have a present for everyone." You state in a pause of conversation, and Coryo watches as you reach into the front of your dress, into your bra, and pull out a small paper bag.
"Uhm- what is that?" Clemensia asks, leaning back as if the bag would explode.
"Weed!" You laugh, looking around at the suddenly silent group of kids you're sitting with as you peel the bag open, the smell wafting through the air making some of your friends scrunch up their noses in disgust. "Oh my god- have none of you ever seen weed before?" You knew they hadn't, you hadn't really, either, but it was fun to tease them.
They all share confused and embarrassed glances. "Guys, come on..." You chuckle.
"I don't think we should..." Festus mumbles, clearing his throat. Of course he was going to be a baby about it.
"It's harmless! It's a plant, how much could something that grows out of the ground really hurt you?"
"Have you ever heard of poison ivy? Or that stuff poor people in the Districts burn to clean their houses or whatever?" Arachne spits, side-eying the bag on the ground.
"Sage isn't poisonous." Sejanus grumbles, hardly audible next to you.
"Okay, yes, but this is just weed. It's fun. Trust me." You plead, looking around at your friends, eyes locking on Coryo to your left.
"Okay, big shot, have you done it?" Clemensia asks, clearly already knowing the answer.
"Well... No, but there's a first time for everything, isn't there?" You smile. "Coryo, come on." You point him out in particular and he curses himself because he knows he can't say no to you.
"Okay... what do we do with it?" He questions quietly.
You squeal, the alcohol really showing as you lean into him, hugging him excitedly. "That's my boy! We smoke it."
"Alright, how?" Hilarius cuts in, forcing you to look at him instead of Coryo as you furrow your brow.
"Uh... that's a good question. I brought matches, though."
Sejanus sighs. "Anyone have an apple?" he speaks drawing everyone's attention, confused looks now focused on him.
"An apple?" Someone inquires about specifics, but you're busy making yourself comfortable closer to Coryo, leaning your head on his shoulder. When he realizes you're there to stay, he quickly reaches for the bottle at his side to take another swig. He's far too sober to have you all over him like this, he wonders if you could feel his heartbeat the way he could.
"To make a pipe." Sejanus explains, like it's obvious.
You smile, nodding at him. "You heard the boy- someone find him an apple!"
"And a pen." He adds.
"And a pen!"
It doesn't take long for the supplies to be acquired and passed over to him as you sit in a circle on the grass, watching Sejanus carefully as he uses the pen to dig into the core of the apple. You wanted to remember how, but the alcohol in your system was making it difficult to focus. You had to completely block out anything else happening around you.
"Y/N." You blink at your friend as he drops the pen into his lap, holding his free hand out to you.
"The weed." He shakes his hand for you to pass him the bag.
"Oh! Right!" You giggle, reaching out for the bag and handing it to him as he pries it open.
"What are you doing?" Livia's voice comes from above you and you swivel your head, quickly getting dizzy from the movement.
"Y/N brought weed." Hilarius answers for him, smiling wide. "Isn't she just the coolest?"
Coryo stares at him, moving his arm tighter around your oblivious form so your classmates could better see his hold on you.
"I- um..." The birthday girl is caught off guard, and quickly looks over her shoulder up at the house. "Can you not do that here? Take it to the park across the street."
"Oh- Oh! Of course, yes." You nod, scrambling to get up, immediately pulling her into a hug. "I should have asked, I'm sorry." You slur, not noticing how tense she is under your hold.
"Are you... drunk?"
"Maybe." You giggle, holding a finger to your lips as you pull away. "Happy birthday, by the way! I brought a gift for you, 'is over there." You point over to the table you placed the bag under, swaying slightly.
"Yeah... I already opened it, remember?"
"Oh, shit. Right! Well, I hope you like it, Liv. You're just the best..." You hum, hugging her again as she gives a panicked look to your classmates behind you, who just laugh.
"Alright, let's get you out of here. We're gonna go to the park, okay Y/N/N?" Coryo says, prying you off of Livia and giving her an apologetic look.
"Right!" You giggle, turning so fast you almost lose your balance. "Who's coming?"
"I'll come." Hilarius nods, quickly getting up alongside Sejanus, but no one else moves or says a word.
"You guys are babies!" You laugh.
"And Y/N is a drunk at sixteen. We all have flaws." Persephone speaks up, smug smile on her face as she walks up behind Livia.
Immediately, Coryo is bracing you from swinging at her as your smile drops within an instant and you try and throw yourself at her, manicured hands open and grasping for her hair which you just miss as he holds you back.
"Yeah, that's enough." Coryo grunts, trying to hold you back without hurting you. "We should probably go."
"Coryo, let me go, she-" You hiss, trying to pry him off of you. You didn't know when he got so much bigger or stronger than you.
"Like I said, a drunk." Persephone chuckles, chewing every syllable as it comes out of her mouth.
"That's precious coming from a damn cannibal!" You spit, still trying to get through him as your classmate stares at you in shock. "Yeah- did you even know what your parents were feeding you? 'Cause I do! You probably liked it, you vulture!"
Hilarius holds back a laugh, coming up behind you and pulling you back, taking you from Coryo's grip and hoisting you up over his shoulder to carry you away as you hit at his back, screaming to be let down.
"That's our cue." Sejanus mutters, patting Coryo's shoulder and brushing past him to follow after you and your friend. "Thanks for having us, Livia!"
Coryo is fuming as he watches your classmate carry you away, but he still really can't pinpoint why. It must be the amount of alcohol- he's never drank this much before, but he has heard anger is a symptom. He's seen it in your father. Now, he's seen it in you; but it's not like that kind of outburst was abnormal coming from you. He's probably mad at Persephone for bringing that out of you. It's her fault, honestly.
He silently grabs your backpack and your bottles, half-hazardly throwing them in before swinging it over his shoulder and following after Sejanus without another word.
"So," Arachne states once he's out of earshot, taking a sip out of her glass as she remains on the ground. "Are we betting on Heavensbee or Snow to lose their virginity to her tonight?"
The group very quickly became a hung jury.
"Listen, I know the truth, okay, guys, hear me out." Clemensia speaks up over her arguing classmates. "Tonight, specifically, it'll be Hilarius." She holds her hand up to stop anyone who started arguing. "Coriolanus will probably wait until they're married or something, but trust me when I tell you that he will marry her."
"Marry her? We're sixteen, aren't you getting ahead of yourself, Clemmie?" Festus laughs, shaking his head.
"Obviously he doesn't know it yet, he's denser than over stirred cake batter, but he just follows her around like a lost puppy. That will never change, also, he's the only one that she's never had a problem with! And she'll fight with anyone!" Clemensia states, nodding with the finality of her statement. "That's all I have to say."
"Wait, you're telling me Coriolanus and Y/N aren't together?" Pup asks, just joining the conversation after sitting there confused for the last few minutes.
"My point exactly."
"Sejanus, you wizard, show us the ways." You giggle, plopping down on the ground where Hilarius carefully let you back onto your feet once you reached the park, previous argument completely forgotten.
"Okay." He laughs, sitting down next to you. "There's three holes in the apple. You hold it on the side like this, then you put the weed on the very top hole..." He explains as he's doing it, and you watch intently. "Then you hold the match up until it's burning, and you'll put your thumb over this hole here once you inhale it through the last one..." His voice trails off as he holds the apple up to your lips, doing all the work but letting you just breathe in the smoke.
You try, eyes closed as the three boys watch you until you pull away quickly to cough it all out as the smoke burned into your throat. "Oh my god..." You laugh, eyes watering as you continue to cough. "Your turn."
"You okay?" Hilarius asks with a slight chuckle, rubbing gentle circles into your back.
"Fine." You nod, quickly wiping your eyes.
"Here." Sejanus holds the apple out to the boy next to you. He takes it, and Coryo feels like he can finally breathe now that Hilarius doesn't have his hands on you.
"Where'd you learn this?" He asks Sejanus, ignoring your classmate following the same routine you did.
"Guess." Sejanus answers, looking over at him. "I don't smoke, but lots of my friends parents did. Back in Two."
"Right." The fact that they smoked around children didn't shock Coryo. Not one bit.
"Coryo, loosen up, man, you look like you're sitting with a stick up your ass." Hilarius offers it to him now, and he looks over at you. As if somehow you would tell him what to say.
"Try it!" You urge him on, shifting over so you're kneeling in front of him, taking the apple from Hilarius for him. "I'll light for you."
"Uh, okay, yeah." He swallows thickly, subconsciously leaning back a little bit at your closer proximity.
He takes the fruit from your hand, watching as your strike up a new match. "Tell me when you're ready..." You hum, moving even closer as he lifts the apple to his lips.
"Ready." He says quietly, and before you put the flames to the flowers, you're reaching up with your other hand to push his hair out of his face and hold it back for him so it doesn't somehow light.
He doesn't last long, looking into your eyes and trying to inhale the thick, abrasive smoke; it's only a second before he's pulling back quickly, coughing his lungs out as the other two boys laugh at him.
"It takes some getting used to, that's okay..." You smile, taking another hit while the flower was still burning.
You exhale, and it's smoother this time. "I did it!" You grin, choking only slightly over your words.
"Good job, Y/N/N." Sejanus laughs.
"You okay?" You ask Coryo and he nods, recovering from the coughing fit now as the weed really starts to take affect in your system.
You feel like your world is swaying as you kneel in front of him. "Did it work? Can you feel it?" You ask, and he shakes his head.
"It's the second hit." You determine, feeling bold as you straddle yourself over his lap. "I've got an idea. Do you trust me?" You whisper and he nods quickly, leaning back on his palms. Once again, not nearly drunk enough for this.
"Yeah, you know what, I've gotta get back. My parents are heading out pretty quick, here..." Hilarius makes an excuse, but you can hardly even hear him now. "Sejanus, you coming?"
Clearly getting the message he nods, standing up and dusting off his pants. "Have fun, you two. Get home safe."
"Bye!" You giggle, waving to them with your free hand.
The silence that surrounds you is deafening, particularly for poor Coryo, who is fighting for his life to not move. Not that he doesn't want you this close, apparently he does; if his body and his mind racing with thoughts are any indicator, the biggest problem is that he wants to touch you. He knows he shouldn't.
"I've got an idea." You say again, attention returned to him. "But you have to trust me."
"I trust you." He mumbles with a slight nod.
"Good." You smile, taking yet another pull from the apple, holding it carefully the way Sejanus told you to.
You painfully hold your breath, feeling the drug cloud your mind as you put it down gently on the ground next to you. Coryo starts to panic as you lean in closer, closer than you've ever been to him before, and god, did he hate and love where this was going.
You stop, lips brushing against his as you let the smoke out of your lungs, and all he has to do is breathe. Why is that suddenly so hard? He manages, somehow, feeling the smoke from your lungs flood into his own.
Once you move back, settling yourself on his lap and tilting your head at him, he turns to breathe it all out away from you. He doesn't know if he can look back.
You smile, settling your arms around his neck and subconsciously playing with the ends of his hair. "How does it feel?"
"Good." He says quietly, finally gaining the courage to look up at you.
"Good?" You hum with a slight nod, letting yourself get closer to him again as he rests a hand on your waist.
"Really good." He confirms, looking into your eyes; glazed over from the substances you so carelessly consume. "Y/N/N?"
"Yes, my dear Coryo?" You answer, already getting giggly.
He doesn't say anything more.
Fuck it.
With his free hand he's grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you closer, crashing his lips against yours.
"Y/N, hey." Coryo greets you, catching up to you just as you get to the front doors of the academy. He hasn't seen you since Saturday night- since he walked you home after you spent nearly an hour kissing him absolutely senseless at the park across from Livia's home. He couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Coryo, hi." You smile, textbooks tucked into your arms as you join him walking into the front doors of the academy on Monday morning. "How are you feeling?"
"Me? Fine." He shrugs, failing to mention the crippling hangover he was nursing for all of the day prior.
"What?" You laugh, sighing with fake disappointment. "That's not fair. I was dying yesterday. Literally, when I woke up I thought I had died and gone to hell. I don't even remember how I got home."
"You don't?" He chuckles nervously.
"No. I don't remember a thing." You laugh. "That's how you know it was a good night, so I've heard."
"Really? Nothing at all?" He asks, nervousness and disappointment flashing behind his eyes.
"Well, I remember spiking the punch." You laugh. "Why, did I do something bad?" Your laugh is replaced with anxiety as your voice lowers so only he can hear, catching the look in his eye.
Coryo clears his throat, avoiding your gaze as he shakes his head. "No, well... You did call Persephone a cannibal. Tried to fight her."
"Oh, well, that's standard." You shrug. "No big deal, then."
"Yeah. No big deal."
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taglist:@totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @klplynn , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @gloryekaterina , @andrewgarfieldsbitch , @queenofspades6 , @pepperonipastas , @ladybug0095 , @lunamothwrites , @sbrewer21 , @mus-tbe-a-weasley , @splxtscreen , @unclecrunkle , @karmaswitch , @coconut-dreamz , @nekee-lilac02 , @ooooglymoooogly , @riddlerloveb0t , @lovedbalances , @notyourwildestdream , @snowlandson-top , @too-lit-for-fanfic , @utopiakys , @deafeningballoonnacho , @roosterschanelslut , @chmpgneprblem , @cosmoetik , , @urvampgfsworld , @carolanns-world@nan-nie , @shakespearseclipse , @iovemoonyy , @notyoursweetheart-honey ,  @xyzstar , @eatpizzasass, @slytherinholland , @queenofshinigamis , @elodiebeau , @soulessjourney
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An Undeserved Punishment
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pairing: hyunjin x reader
warnings: dom reader, sub hyunjin, dumbification (kinda?), objectification (again, kinda?), oral sex (both the reader and jinnie receiving, the reader's gender isn't specified at all), jinnie's called puppy a few times, jealousy,
wc: 5k
a/n: this was literally one of the first fics that i ever wrote that i found half-done in my drafts, kinda rewrote, kinda just finished it-do with that information what you will~
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It’s been a little under a week since Hyunjin has last cum.
A little under a week because of loads of things.
Because you’ve been busy with work. Because he’s been busy with work. Because neither of you have just had time and whenever you did, it seemed that you were never really in the right mood: wanting to spend quality time with him and cuddle and coddle him-with clothes on.
And he supposed he could respect that.
But only because he loved you.
He hadn’t cum in a few weeks because of those things. Normal things, y’know?
Oh, and there was also one more tiny little reason, that wasn’t all that important. Because Hyunjin had apologized and felt bad and grovelled, and well, he still got a punishment out of it-but it wasn’t a huge deal.
No, of course not.
It had a little to do with a few things. Y’know, tons of things, loads of things he could barely control, that honestly didn’t deserve this kind of punishment. 
Y'know, you were in a bad mood when you gave him this sort of punishment because now you’d surely be level-headed enough to realize that really, he didn’t deserve this.
Surely, you’d been more angry than normal because you were pent up too, after not getting to ruin your pretty little good boy after so long, or maybe it was that asshole at work that you’d complained about a few times, or maybe you were just stressed.
Or maybe it was because of you, a small voice in his head that sounded eerily similar to you reminded him, of exactly what he did to get in his situation.
How you’d invited him to an important work event, with a bunch of important executives and other people, it was all a snooze, really. 
Boring old people that could drop a thousand dollar bill on the floor and not be bothered to pick it up; rich assholes with sticks up their asses and snotty looks on their faces, somehow thinking that they deserved to look you up and down like you were a piece of meat and not someone with a heart and feelings and a high enough position that could probably fire them.
There was also your stupid boss that kept pulling you away from Hyunjin, glaring at him as if he were the dirt under his ridiculously expensive shoes.
All in all, Hyunjin had millions of reasons to act out.
But you’d told him to behave, to be respectful because your boss was there and a few other higher ups that weren’t very many but could essentially could ruin your whole career and that were all easily offended enough to do it with the slightest thing not to their standard.
And yes, of course he cared about all of those things-of course he did, how could he not? Your career was greatly important to you. And if something was important to you, it was absolutely important to him.
But…wasn’t he important to you too?
Your sweet, pretty, perfect boy? Your Jinnie?
Wasn’t he important to you?
Because on that very day, when he was getting out of the shower-the one that he was taking for your very super special job event, you’d teased him and by doing that-I mean, you were just asking for him to act out at this thing.
He’d come out of the bathroom, steam rising out of the doorframe, a towel hanging haphazardly and low on his hips, you seemingly couldn’t control yourself.
So really, who’s fault was it really?
Your's Hyunjin, that annoying little voice reminded him once again.
You’d eyed him up and down, nearly drooling at the sight of him, hands aching to touch him; after all-it had been so long, hadn’t it? 
How were you supposed to keep your hands off him?
When he came out of that bathroom looking so very, very sexy? Water dripping from his hair and down his lithe body. His smooth skin just begging to be marked and claimed by you and that damn towel. 
Jesus Christ, that towel.
Really, how were you supposed resist?
And he certainly wasn’t complaining as he was shoved down onto your bed, your tongue already down his throat, hands already pushing away that towel by the time his body hit the mattress.
You heard no protests.
Not a single peep, only muffled groans and needy whines between kisses, egging you on further to run your hands all over his body, relishing in the way he shivered and moaned so wantonly, so desperately.
You’d kissed him breathless, kissed him raw and deep and hard, like you were starved and he was salvation. 
You kissed him until his breath ran out and yours did too and he began to feel lightheaded.
His lungs screamed for air as he panted, trying to catch up with his thrumming heart until he jolted at the feel of your lips on his chest.
“Lay back baby, let me take care of you,” was all you said, trailing lower and lower down his abdomen, tracing a trail of water that had made its way all the way down. 
Lower and lower still, licking over his v-line, smirking as his hands came to grasp at your hair-not controlling-you’d never allow that but simply resting against your scalp.
He’d whimpered and writhed, begged for more-for anything more as you swirled your tongue around his tip, hand pumping along the base of his dick.
“Such a needy little thing for me, aren’t you, baby?”
Yes, he wanted to scream. Yes, for you. 
His tongue numb in his mouth, his hands frozen and tense, trying their very best not to shove his cock down your throat.
You’d looked up at him with such a tantalizing look in your eye, promising pleasure or pain or a little bit of both that he would gladly welcome in return for your touch.
Your smile was sly as you took him into your mouth again and again, pulling off right as he was on the brink, driving him certifiably and definitely, maddeningly insane.
“Aww, you’re so cute. So adorable when you’re all dumb for me.”
As per your words, he’d nodded dumbly, how could he not? Because really, in the end, that’s all he was. All he wanted to be. Only a little thing that got so hot and bother by being dumbed down to little more than a mindless toy for you.
Only a slave to the pleasure. An obedient little dog to the commands, chasing and performing and granting every order and whisper for the chance at a treat.
While his hands twitched in your hair, while his dick throbbed in your mouth, while only an endless stream on moans and pleads fell from his mouth.
“So close, p-please, ah! So-so fucking cl-close.”
“Don-don’t stop, pl-please don’t stop, nngh!”
And what had you done?
You’d only smiled, so sweetly, so cruelly, crooning about how cute he was all blushy and red. 
Then you’d gotten up and patted his bare chest, thumb swiping over his nipple too teasingly, lingering for a touch too long for it to be anything but purposeful.
He whimpered, trying to push up into your touch, maybe entice you to stay for just a little bit longer…just enough longer for him to cum and you to cum and perhaps a quick round two?
You hadn’t risen to the bait though, in fact, his neediness just seemed to make you more eager to deny him.
Reaching down and grabbing the towel that you had thrown there, picking it up and tossing it over his chest before crossing the room, feeling his gaze on your back all the while.
He pouted as you had found your place back at your vanity, assessing yourself in the mirror like you hadn’t almost just made him come in your mouth.
“We’re leaving in a half hour Jinnie,” Your eyes had trailed over his bare body in the mirror, eyes darkening for a moment as you practically devoured every inch of skin before just as quickly looking away, messing with your hair a little, making sure every strand misplaced in your endeavour had been fixed back into place. “So I suggest that you start getting ready.”
Hyunjin was hard and needy still throbbing for your touch, certainly less than excited to go to this event. Less than excited to have to tolerate a bunch of egotistical assholes that acted as if they were better than him.
“-Hyunjin.” The bratty whine in his tone hardened the last of the lust that was in your eyes, leaving behind a kind of sterness that only made him twitch and bite back the moan ready on his lips. 
“Get ready.” You’d turned and walked back over to him, allowing him the last of your kindness with a gentle touch to his face, cupping his cheek and kissing his forehead. “And be a good boy tonight.” You moved on just as quickly, passing him on to go into the bathroom. “Be a good boy and perhaps I’ll give you a treat tonight, okay baby?”
In some world, your words, your promise might’ve been enough for him to adhere to what you told him to do. To be a good boy.
In some world knowing that if he was good, you’d reward him for it later on. Just a little puppy eager at the chance-oh it was almost enough for him to listen. For him to behave.
But he can’t help it. Can’t help the want pooling deep in his tummy, the need to let you have your way with him just as you were doing before. He didn’t care at this point anymore. 
You could edge him for hours, overstimulate him to tears, tie him up and tell him what a bad mutt he was. As long as you’d look at him with that dark predatory look in your eye, as long as you’d coo at him as if he were nothing more than a dumb puppy.
Anything at this point could satiate him.
And he had a growing problem underneath his fancy dress pants, steadily making things such as even sitting here even harder.
You voice snapped him out of it, looking up and out the window of the car to see that you were there. 
Already? So soon?
His eyes flickered to the time, seeing that you were fairly early, technically speaking, you didn’t have to be there for at least another half hour before you’d be seen as tardy.
“Nope.” You cut him off before he could even finish the word, seeming to somehow read his mind.
“Hyunjin. I said no.” Your voice was stern as you assessed your reflection in the mirror one last time, leaving any possibility until after the party only a fantasy he’d replay over and over to keep him sane throughout the night.
One of the things Hyunjin has always loved about you was how you were able to keep up with him, even maybe surpass him with your sexual desires, able to take everything he gave in stride and give some of your own as well.
Most often you were open to anything he wanted to do, seeing most things as ‘you only live once, might as well make the most of it.’ And you’d never before had any issues doing anything risky regarding the publicity of the act but he could tell you were serious this time.
If only you putting your foot down, talking to him in such a steely manner didn’t make him twitch in his pants.
“Okay.” You finally pushed your hair back, looking to him. “You ready?”
He wasn't ready.
He was anything but ready to be here. Around these people, shifting uncomfortably under the heavy weight of their judging gazes.
They all thought they were better than him, he knew. It was impossible not to know. Impossible to ignore with way they scrutinized him and looked him over, over his expensive clothes he bought with your money-with their boss’s money.
Hyunjin knew they were criticizing him, the way his posture was slightly slouched, the way his hair was windswept and messy because he’d decided to stick his head out the car window on the way over, wanting to feel the cool air glide over his face.
He hated this place. Hated these people.
Hated whatever image of him they had in their mind and wished that they would look at him as if he were actually a person or at least not look at him at all.
But this was for you. For the job that you loved, that you’d tell him about at the end of the day with a spark in your eye, for the pride at the work that you did. 
It was important to you. And if it was important to you, then it was important to him.
Even if he did want to rip his hair out of his own skull just to give himself some kind of sensation other than the intruding kind of eyes on him. At least you were here with him. 
He clung to you like his only lifeline in this place, his arm threaded through yours, your gentle words pointing out the most important people here, the people you needed to impress and the ones it would be best for both of you to avoid tonight. The ones that would try to make a scene and the ones that would rather not waste their precious breath.
To be honest, he wasn’t listening much to the exact words but your voice comforted him beyond belief, gave him some relief in this kind of personal hell he seemed to be trapped in.
It was him and you. You and him. Facing this together.
Until it wasn’t.
Until you were being swept away by your boss, making it very clear with the way he directly asked you, not even looking in his direction as he wondered if he could ‘borrow you for a second?’ like Hyunjin or you for that matter really had a say in the matter.
And quickly, he was left alone. 
Alone with the weight of the stares on his back, the whispers that he heard hushed whenever he turned his head. 
Really-what did you expect him to do? 
It wasn’t his fault that you’d left him all alone in this place.
Hyunjin walked over to the bar, pulling out his phone to send you a quick text on where he was before ordering something ‘strong’.
Every few minutes he’d check the time, waiting for you to come back to him. Waiting for a time that it would be appropriate to leave an event like this. 
He was a few drinks in, a bit tipsy, nothing more, when someone finally approached him.
Arms wrapped around his shoulders, warm breath pressed close against his skin.
“Hey there,”
He stiffened, a kind of wrongness filling him with unease.
Not you.
He turned to see a woman holding onto him, clinging to his shoulders, very obviously drunk.
She pulled away and slunk onto the stool next to him, eyes travelling the length of his body.
“Don’t think I’ve seen you around here before, what’s your name?”
Drunken confidence or perhaps she was some other rich socialite that normally acted like this, she let a finger run slowly from his bicep to his wrist, smiling in a way that seemed to be seductive but only made that anxious knot inside of him tighten.
“Hyunjin-I, um, I’m here with-“
She shushed him, calling the bartender for another drink before turning back to him. “I don’t really care who you’re here with pretty boy.”
Her voice was slurred, her body slightly swaying as she fell into his chest, making him nearly jump out of his seat.
She was warm against him-abnormally warm like she was a living furnace. She smelled like alcohol and strong artificial perfume, making his head spin in the worst way.
From across the room Hyunjin caught your eye, you glanced from him to the woman pressed up against his chest, arms loosely thrown around his shoulders.
He watched the question in your eye turn into something colder as she nuzzled closer to him, whispering something he couldn’t hear over the roar in his ears.
‘What the hell are you doing?’, is what he got from you mouthing it from a distance. You looked kinda angry-he thought at least, still tipsy, still distracted from this woman who now asked him lazily if he wanted to dance with her.
Well he shouldn’t.
Any other time he wouldn’t.
But you look positively pissed as he takes her hand in his and helps her sit upright.
You look like you’re about to stomp across the room and press him over the bar counter right now.
In front of everyone.
In front of your rich asshole coworkers, in front of your stupid boss, in front of this woman who clings to him.
And he doesn’t think that he’d mind, or maybe that was the alcohol talking,
But all he wanted was for you to touch him-shove your fingers down his throat
You look jealous and hot and he twitches under his dress pants, his cloudy mind coming up with a bright idea he’d know if he were sober is stupid and probably childish.
But in the moment it’s his brightest idea.
His hands find their way to interlock with the woman’s, she smiles at him and he wishes it were your’s. Wishes that he wouldn’t have to go to this length for you to pay attention to him.
“Would you like to dance, milady?” She swoons at that, nodding along with a smile that makes his stomach churn uncomfortably.
She giggles as he raises an eyebrow, trying his best to smile back at her. “I would!”
And so he dances, he twirls her in his arms, he dips her and pretends she’s you, glad that this isn’t the type of outing that includes dances with any kind of grinding. Glad for once that the rich have some kind of class.
He watches you out of the corner of his eye, sneaking small looks over her shoulder as she rambles on about something or other.
You’re in a conversation with your boss and someone else he can’t identify but you’re not listening, you’re not talking or even acknowledging them.
You’re watching him.
And his heart soars at the attention.
The only attention he’s wanted all night. 
The only eyes on him that he hasn’t felt uncomfortable with. Even if it’s paired with a hot glare, burning through his skin.
If looks could kill he would be six feet under the ground.
Maybe it would’ve encouraged him to stop if it didn’t make him feel so hot. 
You’d ruin him tonight. 
You’d make him regret every little second of letting her run her hands all over his body. Every word he’d used to sweet-talk her. You’d touch him and tease him and torture him until he’d be little more than an incoherent slut for you.
And he’d love every second of it.
He’d get high off of it, drink it in like a drug. Like an addiction, a craving that he could never even fathom breaking. 
Not when it would render him so much more useless than any alcohol would. 
Not when it felt like ecstasy and euphoria in his veins. 
Not when he was so completely and utterly obsessed that he’d sink to levels this low to get you to look at him.
Someone said something. Someone close. Oh. Her. He’d nearly forgotten about her.
He hummed, tearing away from you to look down to her. “Hmm?”
She smiled somewhat awkwardly. “You’re a good dancer, you know?”
Hyunjin smiled, taking the compliment. “Thank you-and you as well.” He hadn’t forgotten all his manners after all.
“Why thank you! You know-“
“Hyunjin.” A voice snapped, cutting her off. An involuntary shiver ran down his body and he thought to be ashamed for a second before he realized that he didn’t really care.
You smiled at her, then at him, trying to seem pleasant. Trying to keep up that facade you’d been wearing all night. “I’m sorry,” you didn’t sound sorry as you gripped his arm, nails digging through the fancy fabric of his shirt. “But would it be alright of I borrowed your dance partner for a bit?”
You didn’t even wait for her reply, pulling him off of her and off the dance floor before the words were even out.
Your voice was a hiss into his ear. The sound like music to his ears. “You’re fucking dead-do you hear me Hwang Hyunjin.” 
It wasn’t a question, no, not in the slightest. No. It was a threat.
“Do you have anything to defend yourself?”
He was on his knees in front of you. Your hand in his hair, tugging his head up to look at you, it aches. It hurts and it feels like heaven, it’s where he belongs. 
“I’m sorry.”
He isn’t.
“Just wanted your attention.” It could be pitiful the way he says it. Voice shaking, trembling slightly. But that’s not the case.
Because his eyes are alight with glee, relentless triumph that tells you the brat got exactly what he fucking wanted.
This is what you love about him though. The push and the pull. The back and forth. It’s something new everyday. It’s a challenge and it’s fucking hot.
But not tonight.
Tonight was important. Tonight was the one night that you didn’t want this. And you’ll make him pay hell for it.
“Bull-fucking-shit, sweetheart.” Your tone is bitter, cold and there’s no taking the words any other way. 
He doesn’t want to take the words any other way. 
Your cold tone and the fury in his eyes only proves one thing-he got his way. “You wanted me to punish you-right darling?” He can’t even keep himself from nodding, admitting it all, completely transparent. 
You laugh, mean and malicious, promising him pain and pleasure and everything in between. “And guess what?” He closes his eyes as you lean down and brush a hand down his dress pants, pressing the heel of your palm against the hard-on he’s been sporting for half the night. “You’re getting exactly what you wanted.”
You suddenly tug him up by his hair and he follows like an obedient dog as you press him back, the counter of the sink digging into his back in a way that would be uncomfortable.
But he can’t think of that.
Not when you press your lips against his, quips and bratty remarks, smartass responses getting buried into the very back of his mind.
This kiss was different. Not gentle and certainly not soft. Hungry and rough, ravenous and demanding and hard. Practically devouring him, eating him alive, all tongue and teeth and lips.
You let yourself get lost in the process. In the movements. In nothing but pure unfiltered yearning and longing. 
And just for a second, only a second, you forget about tonight. Forget about the woman and your boss and these rich assholes you hate almost as much as Hyunjin but can’t do anything about.
You think about how busy you’ve been. How much you want him, how much you’ve needed him. How much you love him.
A feeling you could never begin to put into words so you pour it all into this. Into nipping and biting and turning his brain into mush.
Exactly as he wants.
For a second that’s all there is, not an ounce of anger, filled only with scorching desire.
"I want you,” he whines, hands pressing against your hips, pulling you closer, pulling you into him as you let him slide his tongue into your mouth. “I want you so bad.”
He can’t breathe. He can’t breathe and his head spins and drool is covering his chin and he can’t get enough.
Of you and your lips and your touch. It’s bliss and it’s so, so much, so overwhelming. He can hardly think straight. 
You hiss out when his hands dig into your hips so hard you’re sure that it’ll leave marks. He pushes himself against you and sobs out, lips trembling, legs shaking. “Miss you-please, miss you so much.” 
You press his hair back, tucking your thumb just under his shirt, running it over his skin to soothe him, hushing him and holding him close.
He shakes, gripping onto you for dear life, burying his head into your chest like if he were to let go, like if he were to not feel you against him you’d disappear.
He mutters something you can’t hear. Low and unintelligible.
“Speak up.” You pull him back, look him in the eye.
Hyunjin looks shy, that desperate look in his eyes, his uneven breathing becoming apparent in heavy pants as he works himself up even further against your thigh. “C-can I make you feel good?”
He’d do about anything for you in this moment. He’d hang the stars in the sky and make a trip to the moon just for a little extra to see you smile. He’d do anything-anything at all, anything you wanted.
You cup his face in your hand and watch as he nuzzles into it, dumb and desperate and focused solely on you. “Only if you want to.” 
He nods and you give him the room to drop to his knees, onto the dirty public bathroom floor, where people still roam about outside.
When you turn and take up his previously place against the counter, pulling down your pants and underwear in one go he whines, a moan rumbling in the back of his throat. 
You look so good, so pretty, he nearly cums in his pants from this alone. 
Who knew you’d look so good standing above him like this? Legs spread open wide, beckoning him closer with a single finger. He flushes and scoots closer, resting his chin against your stomach. “C’mon, don’t get shy on me now Jinnie.”
That’s all the permission he needs as his hands grab at your skin, no hesitation or teasing before he’s pulling you into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you.
Your moan bounces off the four walls of the venues tiled walls, echoing and leaving you glad you had locked the door when you came in.
"Shit!" You curse sharply as his tongue flicks against you.
You’d forgotten how good he is with his mouth when he’s using it for something other than trying to piss you off.
The tongue on him is like no other and you know he knows that as he licks up and down, knowing exactly where to suck and exactly where the spot is that makes you throw your head back with a groan, gasping for air.
Your thighs squeeze around his head as you groan, knuckles turning white as you grab onto the counter. “Fuck!”
He murmurs something against you that you can’t hear, something that vibrates deliciously against your sensitive skin. 
“So good, such a good boy~” You praise him and you know it does something to his head, know that it affects him when he whines, slurping obscenely before shifting closer and pulling one leg over his shoulder. 
Your other hand finds its purchase in his silky hair, digging your fingers almost painfully into his scalp, thrusting into his mouth while name after name falls from your lips.
You don’t even know what you’re saying, too absorbed in the pleasure, but he hears each one.
Hears you call him a slut and a pretty boy, your angel and your little whore, your toy, your puppy. His head swirls, as does his tongue and he knows you’re getting closer, with the way your voice grows more frantic and your hand in his hair pulls harder.
He groans and he whines and he whimpers, throbbing, so very close but he can’t touch. He won’t touch. He’s going to listen. Going to be a good boy and wait.
Not give into the urge to fuck his cock into his fist like his hand is itching to do or start thrusting against your calf like his hips are aching to.
He’s a good boy.
A good puppy.
He can listen.
And in this very moment if all you want to do is use his face like a toy, that’s all he wants to be. 
A perfect brainless toy, pleasing you, ignoring the way his body craves your touch and aching for any kind of stimulation.
All that matters are your moans, the way that you call out him name. The way that you let out a cry as you see white, thighs trembling before they clench tightly around his head, holding him in place as you pet him like he’s your favourite dog.
He better be your favourite.
You look down at him, eyes hazed, smile lazy. 
This is what he is here for. To make you feel good. To be a good puppy for you.
You let him go but he doesn’t move, clinging to your leg, pressing his forehead against your knee as he makes sure to lick up every bit of you.
“Good boy~” He shivers.
You reach down and put a single finger under his chin, pushing his face to look up at you.
His blood runs cold when he recognizes that look in your eye. 
“You were so good for me puppy, too bad,” you muse, to yourself really as you smirk down at him. “Too bad my good puppy can’t cum for another two weeks, as per his punishment.”
His eyes go wide.
He’s fucked up. 
You look sadistic, sweaty hair sticking out in odd directions but still the hottest person on the planet to him. 
“I don’t let other people play with my toys.”
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taglist is open here: @lino-jagiyaa, @missrobyn81, @shincode, @laylasbunbunny, @hahagay, @d7dream, @hobihearteu, @imsolovelylovely, @lemonhongjoong, @abcdefgiwsmcty, @xcookiemonsteer
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deadlyashesart · 6 months
Alastor's disappearance (Part 3)
I'm so sorry I was late to post this, I went through writers block and couldn't write anything for hours LOL. I hope you like this part, even if Alastor is a bit of an ass. The comfort comes soon, I swear. I didn't have enough time to look this over, so if there are any mistakes I do apologize.
Part 2
7 years. It had been 7 years since she last saw him. What was she to say now that he was back? Rosie spent hours, days, weeks, worrying herself to sickness, and now he just sat next to her like he hadn't been gone at all. When did he return? Why didn't he come to her? Why didn't he talk to her before he left all those years ago?
Rosie turned her head to him, hoping he’d look back at her when her gaze was caught by a cute little egg boy on the ground. Out of habit, she smiled widely at him, and the egg scurried off in fear. Rosie had always been known for having a friendly and inviting smile, so this took her by surprise.
When she looked back up from the ground, her eyes locked with Alastor’s, who was smiling brightly at her. Rosie didn't know how to feel. She was beyond overjoyed that Alastor had returned safe and alive, but she couldn't help but feel anger and resentment towards him for leaving without so much as a goodbye.
Rosie smiled back anyway, although incredibly strained— at least to Rosie standards. Alastor seemed to take notice of this, as his permanent smile faltered ever so slightly. This isn't how she wanted their reunion to go.
“Welcome, Hell’s sovereign overlords.” Carmilla Carmine walked up to the front of the table, elegant as always. “I’ve invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new Extermination schedule.” She pounded the table with her fist. “We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest.”
Rosie was glad to see the other overlords wanting to do something about the extermination as she'd hoped, but she would be lying if she said that was what she was focused on right now. Despite her better judgment, she could only stare at Alastor as her feelings continued to fester.
“Alastor?” Camilla called out in slight surprise.
“Yes, I know I've been absent for quite some time, I’m sure you've all been wondering!” Alastor replied. Rosie’s eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly. Yeah, no kidding.
“Not really…” Camilla paused. “But welcome back in any case.”
The meeting was ended abruptly by Carmilla, and the rest of the overlords began to leave. Rosie noticed Alastor fall behind, staying in the office for an extra moment to talk to the little egg boy she saw earlier. She waited for him by the elevators, and by the time he left, the rest of the overlords were gone.
“Rosie! What a pleasure to see you!” He exclaimed happily, making his way towards her with open arms. “It's been quite a while, hasn't it, old friend?”
Rosie crossed her arms. “Quite,” she mumbled coldly. What was she doing? She had rehearsed this a thousand times in her head; This isn't how she wanted it to go at all. Her emotions were too much to contain now that they were finally talking face to face.
Alastor looked taken aback, his eyes widening. That was not the greeting he had expected from her. “Is something the matter, my dear?”
Rosie struggled to find the words, she wasn't sure how to lay it down gently, so she didn't. “I- You… Where were you, Alastor..?” she asked, her breath quivering. “You were gone for so long! Where were you?”
Alastor chuckled dismissively, obviously not wanting to speak of this subject. “Ahh, well, I just took a well-deserved sabbatical! It's truly no big deal.”
Rosie uncrossed her arms, clenching her fists as her emotions became harder and harder to contain. “No big deal..? Y-you left without a word! Not to me, not to anyone! Alastor, I was worried sick!”
Rosie was usually a very calm, friendly, and patient person, she was rarely—if ever—upset. Seeing her lost in a sea of emotions was something unfamiliar to her, and to Alastor.
“My dear Rosie, I do not understand why you are so emotional. I’m here now! Isn't that what matters?” His cheery tone made Rosie want to rip that smile off his face, is that really all he had to say to her?
Rosie took a few breaths, fighting back tears as they threatened to spill. “How long have you been back?”
Alastor hummed in thought. “Well, I’ve been back for a few weeks now!” He smiled, trying to bring the mood up.
“A… A few weeks? How come I only see you now, then?! You disappear for years and you can't even be bothered to tell me you came back? I thought you were dead!” Rosie yelled, resting a hand on her chest.
“I’ve been preoccupied with something important, my dear,” he answered. Seeing Rosie in this state made him uncomfortable, he didn't know what to say to her. “I've been… Helping with a project.”
Her anger slowly faded, being replaced with an intense sadness. “You couldn't have visited at all..? Not even a letter..?”
Alastor’s ears flattened against his head. “It— It seemed to have slipped my mind.” Alastor took a step closer; Rosie took two steps back. “Don't be like that, my dear…”
Rosie took a deep, shaky breath, bringing herself back to a calm expression, but refusing to look at Alastor. “I should've expected this from you,” she mumbled. “You've never been remorseful for your actions, no matter who you hurt.” She paused, gently hugging herself in search of comfort.
“I just thought that maybe…” Rosie stopped herself from saying any more. “Have a good day.” She turned on her heel and entered the elevator. Alastor watched in a confused daze as she left.
The filter on his voice crackled as he felt the guilt start to set in. “Shit…”
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 5 Part 2
Continuing from chapter 33!
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This seems out of continuity. Why is Falin an adult, but ambrosia is still incomplete? Regardless, a blessed image.
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Did you know Marcille is 50 years old? Somehow, this information makes me more confused as to her relative age.
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I don't know how to feel about the fact that they can express emotions like that. Also, why so sexy? Mimicry isn't exactly their MO.
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I mean, if fish-men were a gray area despite being fish, than surely a plant is fine. That's not even close.
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I love how the male dryads are feminine and the female dryads are masculine, purely so Kui could put silly man faces on the fruit.
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See? Laios has standards. He (almost) draws the line at eating babies.
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Depending on the spear, it can be a makeshift chopper. Or just grab a halberd and split the difference.
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Gotta love how the moment Marcille acquiesces to semi-cannibalism, she discovers her new favorite dungeon food.
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Technically it works. Those two are young adults, and you two... are not.
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An important image.
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Daw, it's the same spell Marcille showed her back in the day.
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I know I've said I head-canon Laios as aroace, but I would find it really funny if he was aroace, but really had a thing for ears for some reason. He even mentioned elf ears when backpedaling with Zon.
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She's beauty, she's grace, she will punch you in the face.
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Look Marcille, if you had met Asivia, you'd probably agree.
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Don't worry, it's cool. You can just draw as much power as you want, and nothing lives there to yell at you. Probably.
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You know you're in some shit when the boss comes with a dark souls style title card.
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Don't worry, he'll always be with you in spirit.
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An important panel.
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As seen in that one Izutsumi extra, Senshi's greatest fear is getting crushed by a pickling weight.
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What are they doing? Their best.
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Clearly, if you use a different weight, it won't work.
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Which of these idiots came up with "Big Ears". Also, you can tell Laios respects him the most since he settles for just a lil' poke.
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Hm... I noticed one in the grave yard but didn't think much of it. But here is another winged lion statue with horns. Eh, I'm sure it's nothing.
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You know how it is. You get called cute once, and suddenly it's your favorite outfit.
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Wait, it took them a whole week to catch up with the Touden party?
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I was going to complain more, but this is actually pretty interesting.
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One day, you too could generate the gametes to make an idiot like Laios.
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Look on the bright side! With all your practical experience, you could write the new definitive guide!
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Just imagine how many frog suits you could buy with that sort of money.
And another volume is complete! See you guys next time for volume 6!
(Also, I apologize for making an inaccurate joke in my chapter 0 post. Izutsumi arrives in chapter 40, not 42. I hope you can forgive this error.)
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innocent-cat · 1 year
I like your headcanons. Can I be self-indulgent and ask for headcanons of married life with Soldier 76? (I'd like male!reader, but idk if the gender will even really come up much in this topic lol)
thanks<3 This is the last fic of the night. I've been trying to clear my asks lololol. The last one in there is vex vax and percy, so if thats not your's, i have politely rejected your idea. Sorry, i love you for asking anyway!!<3
Soldier 76 x Reader
Warnings - none
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"Husband76", Soldier 76 x Reader
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshh
As a worker of overwatch, you were usually scheduled with him for missions when you two first met
When they realized you two worked well together, you were paired up VERY often
to the point where there was teasing towards the both of you
"You sure that's not your 'honey munchkin scurdel'?"
they would say anything to embarrass him its crazy
that implies that they totally knew he had heart eyes for you from the start
he didn't even tell them is the worst part
he just follows you around like a lost puppy
BUT enough of that
MARRIED life??
so so sweet.
yeah you guys are totally old working in an army
but the moments alone at home?
it makes an eternity seem like bliss
he really likes to hug you from behind and bury his face into the nook of your neck
so expect to feel his bristle beard a LOT
his voice is still totally dead, but the words that glide of that tongue? pure sugar.
"Are you okay, dear?"
"You always look amazing. Your beauty never left you from the day I first laid eyes on you."
"Did you need something?"
All of that was said with a smile on his face.
A pure, sappy, genuine smile
he literally smiles whenever he sees you
you are his SUN
you go out, he goes out
At headquarters, the teasing died down, but the sound of the younger overwatch members cooing at you got 10x louder
"Aww it's 76 and 77 again! How are you two?"
just smile and wave
You two are definitely called relationship goals constantly
"I wish my boyfriend treated me like that."
(^said after Jack literally does anything romantically standard to you)
They all have low standards
(Save them)
He'd buy you anything you looked at.
Saw something in a window you pointed out?
whatever holiday is closest, he buys it for your gift.
even if it's just april fools.
"April fools!"
"Jack this isn't what you get someone for April fools."
it followed with a laughing fit between the two of you and you thanked him for whatever you pointed out
(he does it just to see you smile)
Sleeping in the same bed will always be the right kind of warm
summer or winter he is holding you
very closely
what if someone steals you in his sleep man??
If it's too hot he turns on the AC just to hold you
hes lowkey crazy for it
old age is getting to him
maybe both of you
Expect many dates
no matter how old the two of you are, he wont ever stop being romantic to you
if you guys ever get into an argument??
He is immediately working it out with you
"Love, what's upsetting you?"
Apologizes for whatever it is
and get this
he LISTENS bro
one time he asked you if he could pick you up
and you said yes
and he legit carried you around everywhere bridal style for a week
hes crazy strong
romantically strong
he'd die for you before he could even think twice
which is why the two of you WILL be together until the end of the world
holds your hand CONSTANTLY.
its like the fucker is glued to you
he has really rough hands
you made him start using lotion though
not as rough anymore!!!
thank god
oh my gosh he loves u sm bro
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About you last post, I think a reason why the show took such a weird and concerning direction of Adrien having this therapy role, I don‘t really believe that the writers take Marinette‘s PTSD serious (at least outside of derision). The whole show her „weirdness“ was played off as comedy (TA said so himself in a tweet a while back) and the phone call scene you were describing also had vibes of making Mari look quirky like „haha look she still can‘t be normal about her bf“.
The worst part is that I feel like the writers could actually write good mental health representation but only when the plot demands it. Adrien being visibly depressed in s4? Makes for good drama. Adrien forgetting all his problems after he gets with Mari? Well duh love solves everything. Marinette having a panic attack? Makes the scene where she looses the miraculous more intense. Almost every other instant of her panicking? Hehe funny.
The whole show her "weirdness“ was played off as comedy (TA said so himself in a tweet a while back)
Oh, her weirdness was absolutely supposed to be read as comedic pre-Derision. I never consider those jokes funny, but they were very clearly jokes. In fact, it always weirded me out when people took her actions seriously because those people never applied that logic to the other absurdist humor used in the show.
My go-to example is Party Crasher. If you're up in arms about Marinette being a "stalker", but aren't equally or even more concerned by a bunch of adult men just randomly showing up to hang out with a group of 14-year-olds, then maybe you're holding the teenage girl to an unreasonable standard and ignoring the fact that she's written by a bunch of adult men who clearly think that teenage girls act like fangirls around their real-life crushes.
Marinette is not a real person. She's a character in an absurdist romantic comedy aimed at kids. Her actions have to be judged in that light if you want to make any sort of good-faith analysis.
The problem is Derision and the choice to make all of Marinette's Adrien-based-behavior a PTSD response. Once you go that route, the absurdist humor excuse is dead in the water.
Absurdist humor is all about making things so ridiculous that you can't take them seriously. For example, Marinette having Adrien's schedule for the next week isn't absurd because that schedule exists. She could absolutely get her hands on it! Her having his schedule for the next 3 years? That's absurd. You can't take it seriously because it's impossible for her to have a schedule that goes that far into the future. It would have, at most, a handful of events because you just don't schedule most things that far in advance.
But if you have Marinette do a big, dramatic confession where she shows Adrien the schedule and apologizes for it? Then none of that matters. the absurdist nature of it goes away because you have treated it seriously and absurdist humor is all about not treating the absurd too seriously. Derision was the equivalent of that big dramatic confession. You can no longer use absurdist humor to justify anything Marinette does and, notably, they don't. She's massively toned down post Derision and things are being taken more seriously with her and Adrien actively working on her behavior, which is a problem because this is also true:
I don‘t really believe that the writers take Marinette‘s PTSD serious
They've given her a serious issue, they're taking it seriously enough to have Adrien and Marinette address it, but they're not being serious about how you'd treat PTSD and that is the worst possible way to approach this issue. I'd be happier if they just flat out ignored it or used magic love to heal it with a kiss and never addressed it again.
When writing comedy aimed at kids, there's a thing that I like to call The Seat Belt Principle. If you've ever seen a show where a kid character was about to launch themself off in a rocket, only to fasten their seat belt first, then you've seen this principle in action. It's the idea that, in a kids show, you can have wild things happen so long as it's something that a kid can't emulate. If a kid can emulate it, then you have to take it more seriously. This is why kid characters always fasten their seat belts even if it's pointless because the child audience needs to see seat belts as cool and a thing that you always use.
The Seat Belt Principle applies to more than physically dangerous situations. If you are portraying any serious, real-life issue in a kids show, then you need to handle it differently than something that a kid will never face. To put it another way, Ladybug can have ignorant parents, Marinette cannot. Sabine and Tom not knowing that their daughter is a superhero? Not a problem, superheroes aren't real. Sabine and Tom not knowing that their daughter is experiencing horrific bullying or even straight up ignoring it? Big problem, bullies are very real.
This is where we get to the mental health stuff. A lot of media treats mental health issues as something that can be solved via romance and nothing could be further from the truth. Romantic partners can make the fight easier, but they shouldn't be your whole army if you can help it. The show doesn't seem to get this.
As you pointed out, the show keeps giving the characters metal health issues for drama and then hand waving those issues away via romantic relationships and that's a big yikes for me. You don't have to introduce mental health issues into your romantic comedy, but once you do, you have a responsibility to portray them accurately. They clearly don't want to do that and that's why season five's love square romance is a hard pass for me. There's a world of difference between bad jokes and bad mental health rep. I can overlook one, the other is a personal pet peeve and I've seen the negative consequences in action first hand. I think we all have! Who isn't familiar with the concept of a person being confused that "X is still depressed? But they got that new job/have a new SO/got engaged/etc."
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frukmerunning · 1 year
How do you reconcile the Nazi-apologia aspects of Hetalia as a Jewish fan (I presume you are Jewish because you made a Passover headcanon, if you are not, apologies). I don't mean this as a callout or accusation or anything, I'm asking for advice. I'm also Jewish, and I want to enjoy Hetalia, like, I stumbled on this fandom and this anime and I want to enjoy it! But I can't get the guilt and shame out of the back of my head.
I don't think Himaru intentionally meant Hetalia to be anti-Semetic. I'm not accusing anyone of being a Holocaust denier for engaging in this fandom. But it doesn't change the fact that this anime is about the Axis Powers during WWII and they're portrayed as good guys. Like, you can't even argue they're villain protagonists or anything they're just straight up lil cinnamon rolls. And it is fucking adorable, but it makes me feel so dirty! Like, its not intentional but when I'm watching any WWII episode or reading one of the WWII strips I'm watching it feels like Nazi apologia. And when these characters' fascist uniforms are their standard designs, when the imagery of fascism is used without context, it unintentionally erases the real, extremely fucked up, and personally traumatizing, history.
So how do you personally find a balance? Like how do you engage in a way you feel like doesn't cause further harm? How do you reconcile canon, history, and your own thoughts on these characters? And do you have any advice on how I can?
I've thought a lot about this question since I got it, and I have a lot of thoughts but I don't know if I can organize them very well. (also yes I am Jewish you assumed right)
So I guess the first thing I'll tackle is that my own thoughts on the characters trump everything in canon, especially with Germany. For an American, I have a pretty strong connection with Germany. I've had a German penpal since I was 13, I've visited Germany, one of my favorite professors was German, and right before I started typing this I spent almost 3 hours talking with the German students that come to the music camp I work at. I've met a LOT of Germans in my relatively short life, so I have that personal connection to influence my thoughts on the Hetalia character. And I've completely separated my view on the German people from my view on that time in their history. I think then it was easy for me to separate the character Germany from that time in history.
Bouncing off from that, Hetalia isn't REALLY about WW2. Yes, the catalyst for Germany, Italy, and Japan being friends is WW2, but there's nothing in the anime that is explicitly WW2. The "battle" scenes take place on a deserted island, their "war meetings" amount to nothing, and no specific dates or events are really mentioned when WW2 is involved. Now in the manga, however, I kinda just steer clear of the specific WW2 stuff?? But even then the only example of Hima explicitly mentioning something that happened in WW2 I can actually recall is an old strip about the Anschluss. That strip is from very early Hetalia though and Hima has definitely shifted his focus to other aspects of world history and culture.
Another thing about Hetalia is that pretty much everyone is a "good guy". There are no real antagonists or villains. There are literally only protagonists, with the main protagonists being the axis powers.
From your ask I kinda gather that you're very new to Hetalia and maybe you have the wrong impression of the anime and fandom from people who hate it. But honestly, Hetalia is not inherently antisemetic or even about WW2 when you really get down to the meat of it. Hetalia is a comedy anime and it doesn't take itself or the things it's presenting seriously (with some exceptions). Hima doesn't really doesn't delve too deeply into ANY of the history he potrays, so it would be a little out of place to see him addressing the very serious war crimes committed by those countries.
Also idk where to fit this in, but the countries in Hetalia are not representative of their government, but their people. Which I think is how Hima avoids talking about serious war crimes committed by governments. He's more interested in talking about culture, rather than history. Or he uses historical settings to talk about fun facts or culture.
I understand feeling guilty though. Personally, I avoid the historical hetalia side of the fandom, just so I never run the risk of seeing something weird (not saying that people regularly write that kind of stuff). In my own art and thoughts about the show, I'm more interested in portraying the characters as real, modern people, based on my own experiences with people from those countries. I also do a lot with my favorite character Austria, who is jewish coded. My favorite characters in the series are the axis affiliated ones, countries I've visited and met people from and built a connection with. But I've also been in the fandom for 10+ years at this point, so it's much easier for me to entirely change Hima's characters and morph them into something that fits what I want.
I'm really tired because I've been working a music camp all week, so I hope this makes sense. I definitely have more thoughts and I'd love to talk to you more about this, please feel free to dm me here and we can exchange discords or something. I always like talking to other jewish hetalia fans, and I think it's nice to have these kinds of conversations so we can help each other.
But to answer your question in a short way - I just don't think about it. Maybe that makes me a bad person but it's what I have to do at this point, because I can't not like hetalia
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
Since we're at the end of Pride I thought I'd post an angsty queer history-themed IceMav concept that I've been toying with.
Basically, I remembered reading somewhere that during the early days of the AIDS pandemic, the military personnel with HIV were prosecuted for sodomy, discharged without medical coverage, and in at least one instance made to live in a special barracks wing. And this got me imagining the fallout if someone at Top Gun was discovered to have it.
I see it as a few months after the first movie, Ice and Mav are instructors, they've been hooking up since shortly after Mav ended things with Charlie, but it's strictly a friends with benefits thing. The key points are:
Someone at Top Gun is discovered to have AIDS, the Navy panics, closes off the base, no leave, no visitors, but because of the logistics and politics of it all (the White House and Pentagon really want to keep it quiet that the gay plague was discovered at such an elite symbol of US military strength) it's hard for the Navy to decide what to do next.
When the patient's name and photo come out, both Ice and Mav panic because he might've been an old hookup but neither is sure, neither ever bothered asking for names, they never felt the need for another night until each other (neither is ready to think too hard about that)
They were aware of the disease, but both have internalized homophobia where they think of AIDS as something that affects the freaks, weirdos and other non-conformist queers, not more masculine presenting ones like them.
With leadership paralyzed by red tape, everyone starts to get paranoid. They start second guessing how exactly it's transmitted. Asking for a test is taboo because it's seen as admitting you did something (had sex with another man) that would make you worried you have it.
Ice and Mav cut off all contact cold turkey.
After a week Mav shows up at Ice's because he can't take the loneliness and the isolation, and he realized that with Goose gone, Ice is his closest friend. Ice hesitates but lets him in.
Instead of their usual hookup, they just talk. They both admit they're worried they have it, and how afraid they are of losing everything. That leads to a discussion of their backgrounds, their daddy issues, childhoods, etc. They start to understand each other better.
They eventually undress the other, ostensibly to check for Kaposi sarcoma, but really to share some physical intimacy that isn't sexual. After they finish exploring the other's body they fall asleep.
Slider finds them the next morning when he bursts in, ready to tell Ice off for cutting him out for the last week.
"Oh for Christs sake Tom, I knew you were a homo. I don't care, long as you keep your personal life to yourself and don't start dessin' up like Judy Garland we'll be fine. But Damnit Tom, HIM!?!"
(This is enough to qualify Ron as a decent ally by 1980s military man standards)
"Yeah, him. Look Ron, I didn't expect it to happen, but he's stuck around and he's probably, no, he's definitely gonna be here for a while... At least if he wants to."
"I do" (this is the first time they acknowledge they feel more than physical attraction to the other, and the first time either has done that to another man.)
That is how their relationship develops past just sex
They still have a lot of work to do, a lot of internal homophobia to unlearn, and a lot of external obstacles (including more homophobia, fun!) to face, but this is where it really started.
Years later they'll acknowledge the cruel irony of finding something so beautiful in such a terrible situation and admit they weren't really the heroes in this particular chapter of history. But they'll never apologize for finding each other, in whatever way fate had planned for them.
Obviously, neither of them tests positive. The Navy finally mandates it for everyone on base after a couple weeks.
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rocketbirdie · 1 month
i absolutely love your zakkura aus so I wanted to share mine with you ^^
so instead of joining the infantry, after Cloud fails to get into SOLDIER, the Turks decide to recruit him instead of just shoving him into the infantry, and so he hardly gets involved with the Nibelheim incident at all, (he obviously finds out and gets super shaken up that his hometown got blown up but that's all he learns of it at first, he wasn't sent there to do Secret Turk Stuff at all because Shinra thought seeing what had happened to his hometown might make him angry at them) and the few times he meets Zack are in passing. Zack manages to survive running away after Hojo experiments all on him, and joins AVALANCHE in Cloud's place. the story progresses as it does in canon until just before the battle with Rufus after his old man gets turned into a kebab by Jenova-Sephiroth, in which Cloud is first encountered trying to prevent Zack from fighting Rufus on the roof, and feels oddly familiar to Zack (who saw him when he was trying to join Soldier) and the fact that his weapon of choice is a standard issue Buster sword like Zack's is uncanny to him. With the Turk-Cloud not being all Makoed up Zack beats him quite handily and escapes on the motorbike, and each time Zack encounters Cloud doing Turk Stuff (and Tifa gets this feeling too) he gets more and more sure that he's seen this dude before, and they can tell Cloud is genuinely nice deep down and isn't nearly as amoral as the other Turks (what he's heard of the Nibelheim incident continues to fuck with his head. He was really shaken up when he heard about it and can't get it out of his head.) and Zack and Tifa being, well, Zack and Tifa, want to find out who he is and possibly save him/ convince him to defect to their side. Cloud notices this, and he really considers what Zack says, and, y'know, gets a little attached to him, only fighting halfheartedly when he needs to and sometimes just leaving rather than engaging in confrontation with them.
I don't have particular details thought out for the ending. I'm toying with the idea of Shinra discovering his "thought crime" because he's genuinely pondering what AVALANCHE has told him, and deciding to execute him, and then Zack saves him and discovers who he is and the two get together proper, or possibly he continues to work with Shinra until he is injured after Shinra's building gets hit by Diamond Weapon's attack after the poor thing got hit by the Sister Ray and Zack and Tifa end up saving him from the rubble and then he either runs away as not to face his feelings or joins them then. I'm also lightly toying with the idea of him wearing a sort of mask over either his whole face (not his distinctive hair though) or over just his eyes before The Big Reveal (in both potential endings) and him also possibly losing his arm and needing a robot arm after it gets crushed in the rubble (in the second possible ending.) But I'm not sure of a lot of things in this Turk!Cloud AU- it's fairly new...
Anyway, my apologies for such a long ask, but I absolutely love your AUs and this thing has been bouncing around like a Chocobo on crack in my head since I formulated it and I felt like you might like it!
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unluckyxse7en · 10 months
So I've been sitting on this thought for a bit but. I want to make an informal propaganda post for Gaiaonline! It's a site that's got its pros and its cons, but I feel like it'd really appeal to some of the tumblr crowd, and also I just like to gush about things I like and Gaia is one of those things
So: What is Gaiaonline?
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Gaiaonline is essentially a social/avi dressup site, with a lot of love poured into the site's setting! The big draw of course is having an avatar to personalize and plenty of items to dress them up in, but there's other features as well:
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Such as numerous minigames (more on one of those later), and even manga featuring backstory and escapades of the site's npcs (don't let the cool panel crops fool you though - a lot of it is silly gag bits lol)
There's also a few options for socializing, as well - you can of course dm people, but there's also forums, profile comments, and statuses. The forum even has semi-recently gained the option for night mode! The site also has their own selection of emojis, some standard and some... not so much xD
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Speaking of profile - you can have a decently customizable profile! Gaia provides options in-site, but if none of those are your cup of tea then you can use an external url (or photobucket, but they both watermark nowadays and also are switching to pay-only accounts so I don't recommend that option) - you can add images on the profile, and a background, and have multiple text boxes that can be customized for various uses! Gaia also has aquariums that can display on your profile, but I don't use those anymore so I can't say much on them.
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So your avi isn't the only thing you can stylize! Speaking of which... How about those avis?
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You can get a wide array of items, and with the right inventory the world is your oyster! There's even a slew of franchise/fandom-inspired items, either from old promotions or just designs made as homages!
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(Example Adventure Time-inspired item on the marketplace - Many users sell their items there, so it's wise to check in from time to time!)
Gaia also historically turns to its userbase for item inspiration, and sells the winning designs from the contests it hosts in the shops, so you could show off your own design tastes if you feel like they're lacking your dream item.
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^ Example store - complete with a storefront where you can see other user's avatars out front if they're shopping there! The screencap of Moira the NPC is from the middle of the Halloween event they host yearly, hence her dialogue box and Harley Quinn Cosplay.
Don't have money? Not to worry! Gaia offers "Daily Chance" items and money, sometimes including random chance mini-events that can give you some sweet loot AND a fun time.
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Still, maybe you want something more... Interactive? Not to worry!!
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Allow me to introduce.... zOMG! A flash game - yes you heard that right, FLASH game - where you can run around and kill things, take on quests from npcs, and earn more gold, make friends and more! As stated, it's a flash game, so they had to come up with some workarounds - but they offer suggestions on-site that work with some success in my experience! The drawback is it can be a bit laggy, but sometimes it's just fun having an excuse to see your avatar run around and shoot things. Or slash things. or fling flaming meteors at things. You know how it is.
All in all, it's a very silly site, but one that I find holds a lot of charm and a place in my heart even now. I can't recommend it enough, and hope this appeals to someone reading. :)
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This post is already too long so I put cons (and some general disclaimers) under the cut, feel free to read at your discretion:
So as much as I like to gush, there are some notable cons to Gaia, which feel noteworthy to share. I only spend my time in the areas of the site covered above, so apologies if there's anything I fail to mention:
The economy. Good Lord, the Economy. It got so bad Gaia literally had to change from Gaia gold to Gaia platinum because the inflation got so bad - and then they never properly addressed the setup that led to this in the first place. If you buy from the Gcash stores or from the regular storefronts, it's nbd - but the marketplace with its auctions and its user-established prices can get downright brutal. Gaia has also taken recently to flooding the daily chance items with high-quality items from days past - which may not be the worst (especially not for new users) but I do strongly suspect it isn't helping the economy front much.
GCash - Personally I find this a drawback, but a lot of Gaia's push, especially of late, is GCash. This makes sense - there aren't a lot of users left atm, so no point in hosting events, but it does get a little old removing announcements for items only available for real money sometimes. This is something I hope would see a change though, if enough people decide to join.
Filters - there are unfortunately some curses and the like banned to keep the site 'friendly' to younger ages which. Sometimes backfires on their own announcements or npc dialogue. You can type and send the word, iirc, but it will get automatically filtered accordingly. That said, avatar items can get exceedingly raunchy, or have curse words in their displays even, so the bar is.... Nebulous, here.
Flash Player - Gaia has been around for a long time, since 2003. A lot of functions are defunct or buggy, or in the case of zOMG! as mentioned above, require an outside party tool to help it run smoothly. They do what they can do address it but it has impacted things and probably will continue to do so.
Social media - I would say this site doesn't quite qualify as such, as the ability to share media is middling at best. You can post writing, or art, using the forums or the journal function, but it's far from ideal. Other aspects, like profile comments, can be clunky for communication purposes, so while Gaia has some decent options, it's not up to speed with the big giants in social sites nowadays.
Mobile app? - there IS an app for phones. But at the moment, it's only for dressing up your avatar - none of the other functions are available. If you use this site for avi dressup, this is no big deal, but it could be better.
There's other cons, but these feel like the big ones to mention.
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Lastly, unrelated but disclaimer: Most of these pictures are my own screenshots, avis, etc, with some minor exceptions - I tried to stick to my own content and accounts (yes I have Several accounts) for showcasing here, when not using official resources. If anyone recognizes themselves or a friend in here and wants it removed/changed/blacked out/etc just give me a shout.
Also, shoutout to @shyyren who features in a few of the screenshots, edited the economy meme, and is my current gaia buddy who encouraged me to make this post lmao
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upthewitchypunx · 10 months
You all seemed very confused about my last post, trust me, I'm just as confused about the casting a spell that binds someone's sexuality, but I guess that's where we are.
Look, I try to be a compassionate person, but sometimes when you reconnect with someone who was close to you over 20 years ago and invite them to live in your home it doesn't always go well.
I don't like talking about other people's stories, especially online, but this has affected our life and our home and brought chaos into our space. So, this is my story.
This old friend seems to have it together, paid rent early and had a job lined up before they got here. It seemed they were having a bit of trouble adjusting. After a few months it was clear they were going through a mental health thing for the 3rd time in 2 months and making wild accusations and doing hurtful things like smoking cigarettes and massive amounts of weed when they know they have a lung problem and abandoning cats with no food or water or not paying all their rent or giving 30 days notice before they leave town, you just have to cut ties.
This was the last straw. The one before was 2 weeks ago when I was accused of thinking they wanted to use magic to steal my partner and that somehow because I knew stuff they didn't I was making them feel bad about it and that they think I think they just want to steal all my ideas.
I was compassionate. I stayed calm. I said I was confused, asked if she was okay. A few days later she came down crying to apologize, said she wasn't okay. We talked. I told her about the Oregon Health Plan and how she could get some help. She seemed grateful and she did and had an appointment lined up.
Then last week we left for Astoria for a night and she was there at 4 pm to bring a package in but by 1pm the next day when we got home most of her things were gone except furniture that wouldn't fit in her car. We didn't really notice the things gone at first and thought maybe she had gone on a little trip because the cats were still here so we fed them and got them water, then messaged her after a few days. She claims she had a medical issue and called an ambulance. Then her family came here and towed her home. The time line doesn't make sense. Her family is a 12 hour drive away. How long was she in the hospital? How long did it take to pack her car? Why did she leave the cats? Why didn't she tell us on her own about the medical emergency?
I'm a pretty forgiving person, especially if the person is honest and isn't trying to take advantage of me. It often bites me in the ass, but at least I know I can sleep at night and treat people to my own ethical standard until I hit a point.
Last night we got more confusing messages declaring we actually wanted her cats all along and the whole binding her sexuality thing. We decided that it wasn't worth putting effort into this relationship, she's with her family now, we aren't getting blood from a stone, and that we had done as much as we could, calmly said we were confused and hurt and will find new homes for the cats, and blocked her.
I don't usually air someone's personal issues online, but this is someone you will never know, they probably won't see this, I don't really care if they do, and this is my blog and this is an incredibly frustrating, emotionally laborious, and financially unexpected experience we are going through right now and I just need to vent.
I've already contacted a cat rescue about the cute nice cat and the hissing mean cat that won't come out of the closet. Now I need to get rid of a brand new IKEA bed frame, a couch, a big clothing rack, 2 poorly constructed book shelves, a TV, a bunch of clothes and shoes, a record player that doesn't work, a giant stack of new age books, and a bunch of other random shit.
Oh, and cleanse the house of that nonsense before finding a new housemate, which a friend of a friend is interested in.
All of this while we are working to make the shop on the first floor browsable.
Please do not make disparaging comments about someone who is seriously going through something. I don't need to hear it. It won't be helpful or have a point. I'm not mad, just annoyed and wishing people had better communication.
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