#Apex Hosting
thishostingrocks · 1 year
Apex Hosting Review - Quality Game Server Hosting
Apex Hosting is a leading provider of high-quality game server hosting services, catering to gamers and enthusiasts worldwide. With a strong focus on performance, reliability, and exceptional customer support, Apex Hosting has established itself as a trusted name in the industry. Whether you’re a Minecraft aficionado, a dedicated ARK: Survival Evolved player, or passionate about other popular…
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muhiuddinalam · 1 year
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ryonello · 9 months
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a shrimp fried this rice :3
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dunmrsims · 10 months
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Eye texture inspired by Catalyst from Apex Legends, because I haven't really made anything since May due to IRL things getting in the way of it all. Sorry it's not any of the projects I started (then abandoned) months ago.
Found in both Face Paint or Left Cheek Scar (there are two files, feel free to delete one if you don't want to use it), for teen-elder. Colors range from normal to not normal and are meant to be cartoonish and not realistic. Shitty PSD included for recoloring, or whatever you wanna do.
feel free to convert to infant/toddler/child because I probably won't (for a while, anyway)
download (sfs) backup download link (direct link)
bonus eye texture for bbgirl crypto included at the end btw
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ketavinsky · 1 year
losing my shit rn over the new nightmare country particularly azazel communicating with the corinthian....... i was really really truly hoping that the new writers would comment on the fact that azazel is stored with the first corinthian and whereas i think it was pretty obvious from like. The Very Fucking Start of the comic that there was going to be some kind of bastardisation arc going on (the return of the all-white fit, the need to be seen, bro’s genuine delight at the premise of being worshipped as a god..........) i am so so so thrilled to finally see him make some concrete steps in the direction of being a complete fuckshit bastard again. like...... yeah... he remembers so clearly being at the cereal convention and being confronted for his ‘failure’ walking the waking world. he remembers the crushing novelty of that feeling, and how his first self was only able to process it as rage. he’s had time to reflect. he’s had time to recognise it as shame, and the significance of that. and yet what snags his attention is a couple. he allows himself to be distracted, and though he announces himself as an emissary who is acting under dream, as he is supposed to, he allows himself to want in front of an entity that is so clearly hostile. azazel doesn’t need to employ trickery to tempt the corinthian- he’s happy to indicate that he’s on the other side and that the second corinthian is undoubtedly defying dream by even hearing him out. but, even so, the memories...
#dellete#I AM SCREAMING..... BACK TO HOSTING TENS UPON THOUSANDS OF BRAINWORMS ABOUT THE CORINTHIAN#i mean i do love the corinthian. the guy of all time. so. did i ever leave#the fact that the couple that distracted him were just.... enjoying each other's company.  just openly smiling at each other.#damn. crazy that azazel spent so long absorbing the first's experiences and then was like ohh yeah. THIS is what will really get to him.#this is what will let him know instantly that something is up#okay not trying to learn too heavily into ' weh weh corinthian just wants to be seen ' here#obviously my guy the apex predator has some innate sense for when some fucked up demonic shit is afoot#ANYWAYS#urrmghhhhhh#i may have missed this in this issue but seeing that azazel is free. thinking about the first corinthian skull#would be interesting if the first corinthian skull over time#absorbed some of azazel's traits namely his intense hatred for dream#it would be very interesting to see a corinthian that has been completely warped and severed from his desire to perform his duty well#a corinthian that is more demon than tool#that has no loyalty to his master and unbridled desire to fulfil his appetites#seeing as the corinthian's appetites are shaped by his purpose and his function i am#I AM SOOO CURIOUS#I AM SO CURIOUS#picture me hammering on the doors on the windows#TYNION IV DO NOT FUCK THIS UP FOR ME PERSONALLY PLEAAASE#anyways im also really sticking to being a first corinthian/azazel truther#sorry. my evil brotp. <3 and so forth#eye teeth nasty nasty creatures. i looove them#okay uhh if anyone has thoughts. on uhh. the corinthian. i would love to hear them. im dying rn#why does this read like a 2015 metapost.... i guess he brings that out in me#spoilers *#I love azazel
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lassieposting · 10 months
Been thinkin about Astarion + vampire biology so have some headcanons and the bits of game lore they're based on
Dialogue establishes that Cazador has been successfully passing himself off as a regular noble for centuries, and Astarion confirms that while he's considered a bit reclusive, he does mingle with the upper class of Baldur's Gate and has a property specifically for hosting fancy events.
Vampires are camouflage predators, whose primary hunting strategy is to blend in with their prey until the perfect time to strike. Their ecological niche is not a particularly safe or stable one - they live hidden in plain sight, usually in sizeable cities, for easy access to prey, but they know that if they are discovered they will be rooted out and killed or driven away. They are rarely able to get away with attacking in public, where city guards might rush to the aid of a screaming victim - they have to isolate their target before killing it. The ability to blend in, to be overlooked by their target, until it is too late is essential.
Cazador is, as far as we know, the only true vampire in Baldur's Gate
This is because true vampires are aggressively territorial. Like most apex predators, they eat a lot, and need substantial territories to support them - even moreso if they have a partner or spawns. Ascendant!Astarion would need to hold onto the entire city, as Cazador did, to be able to feed himself and Tav without raising suspicion.
True vampires are relatively rare, but there are more of them than there are cities, so it's not uncommon for one to set up in an occupied city and try to oust the sitting resident. The challenger usually believes himself to be as strong or stronger than the current tenant: these territorial disputes usually end in at least one death, so they're not to be entered into lightly.
Astarion is very obviously a vampire: his fangs are visible, as are his bite scars; he's so pale multiple people comment on it; his eyes are red, etc.
Astarion is not a healthy vampire.
This is a man who has been kept on the knife's edge of starvation and tortured regularly for 200 years, and to another vampire, that would be clear from the state of him: Astarion is a camouflage predator who is so malnourished he is no longer able to blend in.
Tav will get an up-close look at his transformation over the course of the game and during the years afterwards: the more healthy and well-fed Astarion becomes, as his body catches up on its immense energy deficit and begins to recover, the better he will be able to mimic a living elf. His skin will be able to bleed, or blush, or bruise, none of which he's capable of while actively starving. Hia fangs will retract until he needs them, not invisible but less obvious - having them out all the time is a response to severe deprivation; he's so hungry his body can't risk losing prey to the split second it takes Cazador to snatch a rat back, so he's permanently in bite mode, hyperaware, ready to strike. Some body functions will come online that he didn't even know he had, the ones that are supposed to help him blend in - his eyes will start producing pigment to look darker, less scarlet and more burgundy, to be more easily mistaken for brown; his lungs will make him breathe automatically even though he doesn't need it, he'll start being able to eat normal food without getting sick again, though he still won't get any nourishment from it; he'll heal faster. He'll even be able to get drunk, though he'll burn through it very quickly. As it stands, all those extra systems have been shut down by his starving body - they're useful, but nonessential, and he needs every single bit of energy funnelled into just keeping him alive and functional.
There is probably an intentional bit of psychological warfare against the spawns on Cazador's part here - him starving them strips them of their natural defences, and every time he makes them leave the mansion to hunt, they have to do so knowing that they're poorly hidden and vulnerable. But it's established that true vampires treating their spawn poorly or outright abusing them is A Thing, so it's not the only reason - he sees them as property rather than people, he keeps them weak so they won't plot against him, he's acting out his own trauma from Vellioth on them, he just wants to - but it does feed into it.
Astarion can, at one point, identify old blood as belonging to the player character. He also gets excited at another point if an enemy character runs away, stating, "Now it's a hunt."
He says that "even stale, [he'd] recognise that bouquet anywhere." This confirms a few things for us:
He has a vastly superior sense of smell capable of identifying individuals by scent and - since he can tell who the blood belongs to even after some time has passed - following scent trails.
This confirms that although city-dwelling vampires may primarily hunt via luring a victim to a secondary location before killing it, they still have the "stalk down and chase" predator instinct. Since Astarion can't lure wildlife anywhere, this is almost certainly how he's been hunting to supplement his diet when he's not using the player as his personal caprisun.
The fact that he can scent out prey before killing it means he has this ability all the time - he can smell blood while it's still safely inside the owner's body.
So scent is probably relevant to how vampires process the world. The more time each companion spends with him, the more he gets used to their scent, starts associating it more with safety and camaraderie than with a potential meal, and so he becomes more relaxed around them. As he learns to link the player's scent with love and comfort and trust, the more likely he is to retreat to their tent over his own when he's injured or afraid or having a trauma moment. When he's fond of someone, something of theirs will go conveniently missing - he's moving their scent into his little safe space, it's comforting for him. He can tell when his lover is hurt or aroused or frightened - though not which of the three applies - from a distance, because his sense of smell can pick up the spike of adrenaline rushing into their bloodstream.
But that also means that he can never feel like he's got any distance from Cazador while he's living in the mansion - even if the man isn't in the same room, the entire place reeks of him, and it makes Astarion feel like Cazador is breathing down his neck all the same. Ascendant Astarion would have a really, really hard time sticking it out in that mansion with stale Eau de Cazador all over the place. It means that he's put instantly on edge by the faint scent of one of his siblings as he walks through the lower city - when seven vicious, territorial apex predators are confined to a single small dormitory, several hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, fights are going to be nasty and frequent, and although Cazador wouldn't allow them to kill each other, considering how many of his siblings refer to him as weak or a runt, Astarion probably didn't win them very often. So. Having a highkey advanced sense of smell is a mixed bag.
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elbiotipo · 11 days
Some notes on worldbuilding with carnivorous cultures:
Animals feed more people than you think. You don't kill a cow for just one steak, this is a modern kind of idea since we're removed from the actual animals we eat our meat from. In fact, slaughtering a single cow often means a feast time for possibly dozens of people. Every part of an animal can be used, and you can see this in cultures that live by ranching and transhumance.
Here, you should look at the Mongols and the people of the Eurasian Steppe, the people of the North American Plains, the people of the Pampas (fun fact; Buenos Aires was called the "carnivore city"), European and Asian cultures that practice transhumance, and those of the Arctic circle.
There are many ways to cook meat, but arguably, the most nutritious way to consume meat is in stew, as it allows you to consume all the fats of the animal and add other ingredients. In fact, mutton soup and stew historically was one of the basic meals for the for people in the Eurasian Steppe, who are one of the people with the highest meat consumption in the world.
Of course, meat spoils away easily. Fortunately, from jerky to cured meats, there are ways to prevent this. In pre-industrial and proto-industrial societies, salted meat was the main way of consumption and exporting meat. This makes salt even a more prized good.
Often, certain parts of animals like eyes, the liver, the testicles, the entrails, are considered not only cultural delicacies but as essential for vitamins and nutrients unavailable in environments such as the poles. The Inuit diet is a very strong example.
Pastures and agriculture have often competing dynamics. The lands that are ideal for mass pasture, that is, temperature wet grasslands, are also often ideal for agriculture. So pastoralism has often been in the margins of agrarian societies. This dynamic could be seen in the Americas. After the introduction of cattle and horses, the Pampas hosted semi-nomadic herdsmen, natives and criollo gauchos. The introduction of wire eventually reduced this open territory, converting it into intense agriculture, and traditional ranching was displaced to more "marginal" land less suitable for agriculture. Similar processes have happened all over the world.
This also brings an interesting question to explore. Agriculture is able to feed more people by density. What about species that DON'T do agriculture, because they're completely carnivorous? The use of what human civilization considers prime agricultural land will be different. They will be able to support much higher population densities than pastoralism.
Pastoral human populations have developed lactase persistance to be able to feed on dairy products even in adulthood. This mutation has happened all over the world, presumably with different origins. In any mammalian species that domesticates other mammals such a thing would be very common if not ubiqutous, as it massively expands the diet. Milk provides hydration, and cheese, yogurth and other such products allows long lasting food sources.
What about hunting? Early humans were apex predators and we are still ones today. However, humans can eat plants, which somewhat reduces the hunting pressure on fauna (though not the pressure of agrarian expansion which can be even worse). An exclusively carnivorous species (for example some kind of cat people) would have to develop very rigid and very complex cultural behavior of managing hunting, or else they would go extinct from hunger before even managing domestication. These cultural views towards hunting have also arosen in people all over the world, so you can get a sense of them by researching it.
It is possible for pastoral nomadic people, without any agriculture, to have cities? Of course. All nomadic peoples had amazing cultures and in Eurasia, they famously built empires. But they traded and entered conflicts with agrarian societies, too. They weren't isolated. Most of nomadic societies were defined by trade with settled ones.
The origin of human civilization and agriculture is still debated. It would be probably completely different for a non-human carnivorous society. One possible spark would be ritual meeting points (such as the historical Gobleki Tepe) or trade markets growing into permanent cities. But in general, pastoralism, hunting and ranching favors low-density populations that would be quite different.
Fishing, on the other hand, is a reliable source of protein and promotes settled cities. One can imagine acquaculture would be developed very early by a civilization hungry for protein.
Other possibilities of course are the raising of insects and mushrooms, both very uncommonly explored in fiction besides passing mentions.
Of course, most carnivorous species have some limited consumption of plant matter and many herbivores are oportunistic predators. The main thing to ask here is what the daily meal is here. For most human agrarian cultures, it's actually grain (this is where the word meal comes from). What about species that cannot live with a grain-based diet? You will find that many things people take for granted in agrarian society would be completely different.
As I always say: the most important question you can ask is "where does the food comes from?"
I hope you found these comments interesting and useful! I would love to do a better post once I'm able to replace my PC (yes, I wrote this all in a phone and I almost went insane). If you like what I write and would love to see more worldbuilding tips, consider tipping my ko-fi and checking my other posts. More elaborate posts on this and other subjects are coming.
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seuonji · 1 year
彡on a variety show w your svt bf!
๑ idol!svt x idol!yn secret relationship series! no storyline, just fun.
one ๑ two ๑ three ๑ four ๑ five ๑ six ๑ seven #mlist
notes ๑ variety show 'my alcohol diary' has mentions of drinking & getting drunk.
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your group plays esports (valorant, leave of legends, apex, etc) against svt as a hybe special!
wonwoo gives you a look when you both sit at the end of your respective tables, you on the right, him on the left making you two sort of beside each other.
as you both play, the host points out that your skills are extremely good. your group member brings up the fact that recently you’ve been spending a lot more time gaming in your free time to which wonwoo rests his head on his hand to cover his smile knowing that he’s the reason you’ve been gaming more. the host adds on that your play style is a bit similar to wonwoo giving both groups chills. “perhaps it’s what’s adapted after a long time of playing,” you calmly respond.
on the other hand with soonyoung— he keeps messing up, at one point he shot one of his members, “the keyboard isn’t following what i want to do.” and you’d fr just face palm yourself. the host mentions, “even yn is getting tired of your antics.” “what antics!? im really trying.” you hope he can make it when technology evolves further. after filming you meet up with him. “wasn’t i cool earlier?” he asks. “i think my baby cousin can beat you.”
jeonghan would be such a menace in this scenario cause omg he would target you. like if he spots you he will not stop shooting and chasing until he gets you— your group member watching all of this go down would try to shoot jeonghan yet somehow he’s dodging and still hunting you down— “let me breathe!?” jeonghan shouts at your member. “you’re not letting ME breathe?” you shout back.
random play dance! (random song is played and you have to dance the correct choreography)
beforehand you'd ask seungkwan to help you with the dances but he was not about to help you out while you were in a different group! until in one of the rounds where you looked lost, seungkwan comes to the front and dances clearly as a way to help you. "you're helping the other groups! get to the back," competitive seungcheol would shout. "sorry i got excited," seungkwan laughs it off. being fr tho how does that man know that many choreographies.
i imagine seokmin/mingyu would whisper to you, "i got you, just follow me," and then he would be one of the first to be eliminated.
vernon keeps on looking at you and copying your dance— you can’t help but laugh at his facial expressions when he doesn’t know the dance but also somehow he’s surviving.
wherever you are in the arena, chan always ends up beside you.
youngji's program 'my alcohol diary'
you’d go alone to promote your groups album. your episode was relatively short— they covered it up with 'yn got drunk super fast' but actually, whether you have a high tolerance or not, in the end when you got drunk, you just kept on gushing about your boyfriend. (bf can be any member)
when youngji asked you to teach her the dance of your song you went through it step by step until a certain part, “oh soonyoung choreographed this part and i gave it as a suggestion and it made the cut to the official choreo,” you said with a big smile. // “my boyfriend likes this part,” you danced the bit then nonchalantly continued to teach youngji but she’s standing, there still in shock of everything she’s heard.
after filming, your boyfriend would pick you up and take care of you till you sober up.
the next day youngji would message and reveal something to you.
yn: im so sorry for the short episode run-
youngji: if it makes you feel better, seungcheol/soonyoung/mingyu/minghao talked about you way more than you did about them.
chinese whisper game as a mini game (there’s a given word/phrase and the word is passed on through all players, last players needs to shout it out word for word)
you’re standing in front of jeonghan/minghao and he keeps on blowing into your ear before he starts actually saying the given phrase—
but if it was the noise cancellation version (have to read lips or body actions to get the word/phrase)
seungcheol pouted at you when you couldn’t understand what he was saying which a lot of viewers found weird since he would usually only do that with his members.
you almost hug jeonghan/joshua/wonwoo when he got the word correct—
jun/wonwoo/jihoon keeps on giving you high-fives every round.
you consider choking soonyoung when he can’t get the word correct for shit.
you and minghao/chan kept on bickering over the way he would execute the word. the staff and your members would be more interested on how you guys fight rather than the word being finally passed over to the last person.
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felassan · 2 months
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Post on the Dragon Age website:
"Journal #2 The Voices of the Veilguard Get acquainted with some of the voice actors and join us for our upcoming character panel at SDCC! --- Hey everyone, We're packing our bags and heading down to SDCC this week and alongside that comes more Dragon Age: The Veilguard reveals! Today, we're excited to reveal some of the voice actors who bring our characters to life - a few of whom will be joining us for our character-focused panel at the convention. ICYMI, our SDCC panel "Dragon Age - Meet The Heroic Companions of Thedas” will feature Creative Director John Epler and Creative Performance Director Ashley Barlow as they discuss bringing the cast of Dragon Age: The Veilguard to life. Moderated by Lucy James, host and video producer at GameSpot, panel attendees will hear from Neve, Emmrich, Harding, and Lucanis’ voice actors as they discuss their motivations and inspirations that have lit up the personalities and uniqueness of each companion. The panel will be held on Friday, July 26 from 3:15PM - 4:15PM in Room 6BCF.  If the panel isn't enough to satisfy your Dragon Age cravings and you'll be at SDCC in person, join us at the Dark Horse Comics booth (#2615) where we will have swag to give away as well as talent & developer signings. Keep an eye on our social channels for more information on this. Discord members who drop by the booth and show us that they're a part of the server will receive a Romancer pin while supplies last. For those of you who will be keeping an eye on SDCC coverage from home, we'll have the full panel video available at a later date. Stay tuned. With that said, let’s get into our cast."
"Four Rooks are Better than One Featuring the most comprehensive character creator in Dragon Age yet, your character, nicknamed Rook, debuts with four different voice overs to make this story truly your own. Rook is Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s leader in the making who has to bring the Veilguard together to take down the threats on Thedas. Immerse yourself even further by picking your voice, with two options from US/North American personalities and two from the United Kingdom/EU.  Rook’s voices have been provided by iconic television, film and video game personalities Alex Jordan (Cyberpunk 2077, The Amazing World of Gumball), Bryony Corrigan (Baldur’s Gate 3, Good Omens), Erika Ishii (Apex Legends, Destiny 2), and Jeff Berg (Battlefield 1, NCIS). What even is Dragon Age: The Veilguard without the Veilguard? These 7 companions stand ready to join the fight to restore order to Thedas. We're happy to announce that our cast of companions includes: - Ali Hillis (Mass Effect 3, Naruto), returns to the fray as Harding, the dwarven scout, a Dragon Age: Inquisition hero with a big heart, a positive outlook, and a ready bow – as well as unexpected magical powers. - Ike Amadi (Mass Effect 3, Halo 5: Guardians, Insomniac's Spider-Man) as Davrin, a bold and charming Grey Warden who has made a name for himself as a monster hunter. - Jee Young Han (Perry Mason, Unprisoned) as Bellara, a creative and romantic Veil Jumper obsessed with uncovering ancient secrets. - Jessica Clark (True Blood, Pocket Listing) as Neve, a cynic fighting for a better future, both as a private detective and a member of Tevinter's rebellious Shadow Dragons.  - Jin Maley (Star Trek: Picard, Silicon Valley) as Taash, a dragon hunter allied with the Lords of Fortune who lives for adventure and doesn't mind taking risks.  - Nick Boraine (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Black Sails) as Emmrich, a necromancer of Nevarra's Mourn Watch who comes complete with a skeletal assistant, Manfred, voiced by Matthew Mercer (Critical Role, Fallout 4). - Zach Mendez (Horizon Forbidden West, Married Alive) as Lucanis, a poised & pragmatic assassin who descends from the bloodline of the House of Crows, a criminal organization renowned throughout Thedas.  Last but not least, we’re excited to let you know Gareth David-Lloyd is returning as Solas, and Brian Bloom as Varric. We have so many more people to introduce you to, including some returning characters, but we’re not quite ready to reveal all those yet, because of you know - story spoilers.  While that’s all we have for now, we’re eager to meet those of you attending SDCC and to continue our summer filled with reveals from Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Talk soon. — The Dragon Age Team"
[source] [Twitter post]
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seisrkvs · 11 days
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gn reader i think, suggestive, not specifically angst or fluff idk, brother's best friend trope, mentions of fighting/bruises, alcohol consumption, age gap (2yrs) but both are adults. implied smashing. ahaha.
english is not my first language, so there may be grammatical mistakes. i don't care enough to fix them lol
WC 2.6k.
ten rules to follow when your best friend has a cool older brother.
AUTHOR'S NOTE :: this was so draining; never writing again
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your best friend's brother, choso. two, years older than you but he's always seemed oh-so-mature with his serious, unsmiling face. (he makes an exception for you and yuji, though, and you think he's so, so sweet and so, so perfect.) a scar across it, over the bridge of his nose — in your opinion, it makes him ten times more attractive.
you start liking him aged twelve or thirteen, you're not sure, really. he wears cute sweaters and buttonups and doesn't really hang out with the boys in his class. he's shy and introverted and he's like fifteen and you just want him to be your boyfriend. oh, well, nothing ever works out the way you want it to, and he leaves for college when you're seventeen.
he never really mentions what happens in college, but choso is an entirely different person when he comes back. gone are the soft schoolboy clothes; now he's really in his element. the choso you know now is loose band tees and baggy jeans, rings stacked on his hands and nails painted black. and the best/worst part is that he looks good in it, and he knows he looks good in it.
nowadays, there are rumors about him. about how he drinks and smokes and gets into fights. but surely that's all just talk, right? besides, he says it's not true, so you don't believe them.
still, his taped up, bruised knuckles and bandaged hands still nag at the back of your mind.
why are you here? no, really, why are you here? this is way out of your comfort zone, and you know like, one person here. two, including choso. so where are you, exactly? well...
choso'd never been the type to host parties before he left for college. now is a different story, though. and a pool part at his place right at the apex of summer seems too good of an opportunity to refuse. especially when he lives next door and personally invites you over.
thick muscular arms hang over your side of the fence as he stares at you, chin propped up on top of it. "so 's that a yes or no?"
you shrug again, shrivelling inwardly under the overwhelming pressure of his gaze. and then his lips curl up into a slow, self-satisfied smile, as if he knows what you're thinking, and it almost has your knees buckling. heat spreads across your face, pools in your cheeks. you hope the blinding glare of the sun makes it difficult to see.
"ah, well, see ya then," he says with a chuckle when there's no sign of a response from you. it simultaneously irks and pleases you to know that he knows you well enough to know your answer. when you're sure he's gone, you rush to your room and scream into the pillow.
the air is hot, humid and permeated with sweat and human activity. a concerningly high number of people are stuffed into choso and yuji's home, and you can't even hear yourself think over the bass of the music.
navigating through the mass of sweaty dancing people is humiliatingly nerve-wracking, not to mention annoying. you somehow manage to get lost in a house you've known all your life, and it takes you a quarter of an hour to venture out into the backyard. when you finally find it, that is.
and as if he's somehow aware of your presence, choso picks that exact moment to — very slowly — pull off the skintight black t-shirt that's clinging to his sculpted body. time moves in slow motion for you; your eyes drag over the expanse of his infuriatingly divine torse, unable to look away. and then he turns around, looks straight at you, and smirks. your stomach physical twists and you don't even know how you're alive right now, if you're being honest.
you don't even notice how close you've moved to him until he whistles in your direction and tosses the t-shirt into your hands. you're left holding it awkwardly as he dives into the pool, leaving you alone amidst the crowds all over again. he resurfaces a moment later, and over the din of the speakers and people you hear him yell something out to you.
"keep it if you want!"
fucking mind reader.
you are sprawled out on your lawn with a book in hand, not-so-discreetly staring at choso on the other side of the fence when you lock eyes with him. your first instinct is to look away, but then he flashes you a knowing grin and holds out his beer towards you. "want a drink?"
it's barely four in the afternoon. who even drinks at this time? other than choso, apparently. you don't want to seem too eager, so you sit up and pretend to think. "but i'm reading."
he leans back on his deckchair, yawning. "no one says you can't read here."
"okay," you huff, getting up and brushing off your shorts with one hand. your other hand's thumb is tucked into the book to mark your page — not that you've gotten very far today, courtesy of him.
there's a cooler beside him that you hadn't noticed before; if you're being honest you hadn't even thought of the drinks beforehand, just choso. he hands you a bottle, laughing when you almost drop it because of the cold surface, and your fingers brush when you finally take it from him. it's nothing that significant, but it's akso enough to set butterflies free inside your stomach.
choso's dark hair is tied up today, spiky twin buns on either side of his head. you're not sure how he pulls it off, but he does. he's wearing a loose tank top and shorts, and he looks even better up close. maybe this was a bad idea; now he'll definitely notice if you dare to look.
"something wrong?" his low voice startles you out of your panic-slash-daydream, and you turn to look at him awkwardly from where you're sat on the second deckchair by the pool.
"it's just warm outside, i guess." it's the first reply that comes to mind; a flimsy excuse, considering you'd been doing just fine in your own lawn. he hums in acknowledgement, taking a final swig of his drink before tossing it expertly into the trashcan at the other end of the yard.
"inside's always an option." he rubs his jaw, arm flexing involuntarily. you are graced with a concerning amount of inappropriate, unholy thoughts.
stupid, stupid, stupid. you are extremely, undeniably stupid. you must be, because no normal, sane, self-respecting person should ever be finding themself in this position. specifically, half-drunk on your best friend's couch (while he's not at home) and staring shamelessly at his older brother's lips (he is in turn staring at yours).
okay, wait, rewind. let's review: half past four, he's leading you in through the back door. by six the beer is almost finished and you're half-drunk and giggling and reminiscing about past memories.
i had the biggest crush on you when i was little, you laugh. you're not sure why you say it; you regret it immediately — this was truly stupid — but there's nothing that can be done about this except to try and keep it in the past tense now. he laughs with you. then: i know, me too. still do.
at first you laugh again, a little awkwardly because you'd thought you'd been discreet this whole time. then the second part of his sentence finally registers. "wait, what?"
he smiles lazily, swirling what's left at the bottom of his bottle. "didn't stutter now, did i?"
you shake your head, then proceed to be even more stupid than before.
"me too," you blurt out. "i still like you too."
"i know," he repeats, and nothing comes of it... in the next hour or so, at least. but now you're much closer to each other than you were before, and he's all but giving you unabashed bedroom eyes at fucking eight pm. you want to kiss him.
"oh, really?" an unfamiliar cheshire-cat smile is shot at you, and you realise with rising horror that you've said it out loud.
"on a scale of one to ten..." he trails off, and a thumb barely grazes your lower lip. "on a scale of one to ten, how bad do you want to kiss me?"
your answer is immediate and reckless. "like a twelve?"
the answer seems to satisfy him well enough, and one of his large hands cups your face. you instinctively lean into his touch as he leans in towards you. his rings are cold metal against your cheek; you suck in a breath nervously, simultaneously excited, and scared of what's to come.
"sweetheart," choso breathes against your lips, and you think you might spontaneously combust on the spot. "sweetheart, i'd love to indulge you, but neither of us are sober right now."
and he pulls away. you're definitely going to cry about this when you get home.
"i think there's been enough drinking, i'll walk you to your door." there's a small smile on his face, albeit a sad one as he helps you stand up. "but if you're really serious about it, you'll come back tomorrow and we can have a repeat of this conversation while not drunk."
he presses a soft kiss your forehead at the door; suddenly, you see the choso you'd liked when you were younger. the one who'd looked out for you over everything else, always. not that this version is any less attractive, but sometimes it feels like you don't really know the
"you don't have to do anything you're not okay with," he tells you. "you are always the first priority. if you don't feel like coming back tomorrow, don't. i'll be here for the rest of the summer anyways. and if you don't feel like coming back at all—" he cuts himself off with a short laugh. "then don't, i'll respect your decision."
you're nervous as fuck the next day; this presents itself in your actions. from almost brushing your teeth with hand soap to eating acrylic paint, you've done it all. you pull out the first presentable pieces of clothing — a black shirt, somewhat unfamiliar, which is weird — and jean shorts to wear. by noon you're all but vibrating with anxiety, waiting for an okay time to go over to his place. wait, what is an okay time to go visit, anyways?
oh well, now's as good a time as any, you decide.
"you're wearing my shirt," he tells you as soon as he opens the door. there is an amused lilt to his voice and you just want to sink down into the ground and die of mortification.
"shit, sorry," you begin, but he waves your concerns away with a laugh.
"calm down, it's okay." choso steps away from the door to let you walk in, gently closing it behind you. "besides, you look good in it, so i'm not complaining."
the undisguised flirting, the way he compliments you so easily throws you off, twists around your lungs and wrings the breath out of them. you clear your throat uncomfortably. "so, about last night."
"what do you want, exactly?"
he hums, a low, noncommittal sound. "you're a clever girl, i'm sure you can guess."
oh god. holy fuck. your hands ball into tight fists at your sides and your stare burns holes into the carpet. you don't respond.
"surely you didn't forget what we mentioned last night?"
you shake your head silently. of course not— how could you? he laughs, but you know he's nervous too. "cute. well, all i have to say is that i've wanted you for a long while now, and if you reciprocate—"
cute. cute, he thinks you're cute. holy fuck, he likes you back. you haven't thought about what to do this far out; you didn't even think it'd happen. your brain is running on overdrive, and you don't even realise you're standing up until everything comes back into focus and you blurt out, "i do! reciprocate, i mean."
the bemusement on his face morphs into a broad grin. "yeah?"
"uh... yeah."
he stands up too, comes closer. "we should do something about that, shouldn't we?"
"we should."
"pretty girl." choso brushes some of your hair away from your face gently; his gaze is so lovesick it leaves you speechless. the most surprising part of this is that it hasn't changed one bit from before — it's just that you're only starting to notice it now. but his fingers encircle your wrist softly, and his eyes flick down to your lips, then back up. his other hand runs nervously through his hair, now let down.
"so what now?"
"what now?" you echo.
the corners of his lips tilt up. i could kiss you, if you want?"
oh, holy shit. you hadn't expected that one. it's a split second decision, no hesitation as you nod.
it's everything you've expected and yearned for and imagined and more. you're flying, you're floating, you're falling, and choso catches you and it's the most intoxicating thing you've ever experienced. you are drunk off the way he kisses you, almost animalistic, like he's waited for this his entire life. maybe he has.
his hand slips under your shirt — "this okay?" you say yes, of course you do — and you're pushed up against the wall of his living room, broad daylight where anyone could walk in. you don't really care, though.
leg hooked over his hip, fingers tangled into his hair, you really can't care less right now. he lets out a breathy, appreciative moan when you tug lightly; he kisses you harder & as if his life depends on it.
this is worrying, he is addicted. addicted enough that he finds himself craving your lips, your touch, you every conscious second. even in the half-minute spent rushing to his room, even though you're going hand-in-hand, he still wants more, craves for more.
he pulls away to look at you, splayed out so prettily on his sheets, breathless, just long enough to pant out three small words. "stay the night?"
"mm, yeah," you respond, equally out of breath, gazing up at him with stars in your eyes.
your lips are swollen, hair unkempt. his shirt is a bit too big for you, revealing your collarbones — and the bruises littered across it. you are so fucking beautiful, and it makes him grin down at you wildly before he drops his head down to kiss you again.
"go out with me." large hands skim over your body, as if memorising every part of you. choso's lithe fingers trace lightly down your ribs to your stomach, and then they drop, fitting into place like puzzle pieces and leaving you wrapped loosely in his embrace.
"little too late for that," you laugh hoarsely, leaning back into his touch. you can still feel his warmth through the shirt — his shirt, again, as the first rays of light begin to filter through the blinds.
he laughs with you, nuzzling into your hair. his words come out muffled when he finally speaks. "so we're dating."
"yeah, we are."
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© seisrkvs 2024 do not repost translate or plagiarise.
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10 More Words Related to Medieval Art & Architecture
to include in your poem/story
1. Monstrance: A vessel created to display the consecrated Host, the body of Christ. They were first created in response to the Feast of Corpus Christ established in 1263 that enabled the faithful to see and venerate the consecrated Host on a crescent moon-shaped mount. Monstrances were used in liturgical processions, especially on feast days, and were also placed on the altar.
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2. Ogee Arch or Ogive: An arch with a pointed apex, formed by the intersection of two S curves usually confined to decoration and not used in arcade arches. Ogee arches were used only in the late Gothic period.
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3. Pediment: A triangular space above a window or entrance. Originally, the triangular space was formed by the end of a gable roof and later was used decoratively.
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4. Quatrefoil: An ornamental form which has four lobes or foils. It may resemble a four-petaled flower.
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5. Refectory: Dining room in a monastery.
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Refectory at Mont-Saint-Michael, France
6. Scriptorium: Area in a monastery where books and documents were written, copied, and illuminated.
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7. Trefoil: An ornamental form which has three lobes or foils.
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8. Trumeau Figure: Statue decorating a trumeau (i.e., vertical architectural member between the leaves of a doorway. Trumenus were often highly decorated). Usually this was a human figure, usually a religious personage.
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9. Tympanum (plural, tympana): The semicircular area enclosed by the arch above the lintel of an arched entranceway. This area is often decorated with sculpture in the Romanesque and Gothic periods.
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10. West End: The area of the church opposite the east end. The west end usually functions as the main entrance to the church. When one enters a church from the west end, the left side is the north side, and the right is the south side.
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If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
Words Related to Medieval Art & Architecture (pt. 1)
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muhiuddinalam · 1 year
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The long, bloody lineage of private equity's looting
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Tomorrow (June 3) at 1:30PM, I’m in Edinburgh for the Cymera Festival on a panel with Nina Allen and Ian McDonald.
Monday (June 5) at 7:15PM, I’m in London at the British Library with my novel Red Team Blues, hosted by Baroness Martha Lane Fox.
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Fans of the Sopranos will remember the “bust out” as a mob tactic in which a business is taken over, loaded up with debt, and driven into the ground, wrecking the lives of the business’s workers, customers and suppliers. When the mafia does this, we call it a bust out; when Wall Street does it, we call it “private equity.”
It used to be that we rarely heard about private equity, but then, as national chains and iconic companies started to vanish, this mysterious financial arrangement popped up with increasing frequency. When a finance bro’s presentation on why Olive Garden needed to be re-orged when viral, there was a lot off snickering about the decline of a tacky business whose value prop was unlimited carbs. But the bro was working for Starboard Value, a hedge fund that specialized in buhying out and killing off companies, pocketing billions while destroying profitable businesses.
Starboard Value’s game was straightforward: buy a business, load it with debt, sell off its physical plant — the buildings it did business out of — pay itself, and then have the business lease back the buildings, bleeding out money until it collapsed. They pulled it with Red Lobster,and the point of the viral Olive Garden dis track was to soften up the company for its own bust out.
The bust out tactic wasn’t limited to mocking middlebrow family restaurants. For years, the crooks who ran these ops did a brisk trade in blaming the internet. Why did Sears tank? Everyone knows that the 19th century business was an antique, incapable of mounting a challenge in the age of e-commerce. That was a great smokescreen for an old-fashioned bust out that saw corporate looters make off with hundreds of millions, leaving behind empty storefronts and emptier pension accounts for the workers who built the wealth the looters stole:
Same goes for Toys R Us: it wasn’t Amazon that killed the iconic toy retailer — it was the PE bosses who extracted $200m from the chain, then walked away, hands in pockets and whistling, while the businesses collapsed and the workers got zero severance:
It’s a good racket — for the racketeers. Private equity has grown from a finance sideshow to Wall Street’s apex predator, and it’s devouring the real economy through a string of audactious bust outs, each more consequential and depraved than the last.
As PE shows that it can turn profitable businesses gigantic windfalls, sticking the rest of us with the job of sorting out the smoking craters they leave behind, more and more investors are piling in. Today, the PE sector loves a rollup, which is when they buy several related businesses and merge them into one firm. The nominal business-case for a rollup is that the new, bigger firm is more “efficient.” In reality, a rollup’s strength is in eliminating competition. When all the pet groomers, or funeral homes, or urgent care clinics for ten miles share the same owner, they can raise prices, lower wages, and fuck over suppliers.
They can also borrow. A quirk of the credit markets is that a standalone small business is valued at about 3–5x its annual revenues. But if that business is part of a large firm, it is valued at 10–20x annual turnover. That means that when a private equity company rolls up a comedy club, ad agency or water bottler (all businesses presently experiencing PE rollup), with $1m in annual revenues, it shows up on the PE company’s balance sheet as an asset worth $10–20m. That’s $10–20m worth of collateral the PE fund can stake for loans that let it buy and roll up more small businesses.
2.9 million Boomer-owned businesses, employing 32m people, are expected to sell in the next couple years as their owners retire. Most of these businesses will sell to PE firms, who can afford to pay more for them as a prelude to a bust out than anyone intending to operate them as a productive business could ever pay:
PE’s most ghastly impact is felt in the health care sector. Whole towns’ worth of emergency rooms, family practices, labs and other health firms have been scooped up by PE, which has spent more than $1t since 2012 on health acquisitions:
Once a health care company is owned by PE, it is significantly more likely to commit medicare fraud. It also cuts wages and staffing for doctors and nurses. PE-owned facilities do more unnecessary and often dangerous procedures. Appointments get shorter. The companies get embroiled in kickback scandals. PE-backed dentists hack away at children’s mouths, filling them full of root-canals.
The Healthcare Private Equity Association boasts that its members are poised to spend more than $3t to create “the future of healthcare.”
As bad as PE is for healthcare, it’s worse for long-term care. PE-owned nursing homes are charnel houses, and there’s a particularly nasty PE scam where elderly patients are tricked into signing up for palliative care, which is never delivered (and isn’t needed, because the patients aren’t dying!). These fake “hospices” get huge payouts from medicare — and the patient is made permanently ineligible for future medicare, because they are recorded being in their final decline:
Every part of the health care sector is being busted out by PE. Another ugly PE trick, the “club deal,” is devouring the medical supply business. Club deals were huge in the 2000s, destroying rent-controlled housing, energy companies, Mervyn’s department stores, Harrah’s, and Old Country Joe. Now it’s doing the same to medical supplies:
Private equity is behind the mass rollup of single-family homes across America. Wall Street landlords are the worst landlords in America, who load up your rent with junk fees, leave your home in a state of dangerous disrepair, and evict you at the drop of a hat:
As these houses decay through neglect, private equity makes a bundle from tenants and even more borrowing against the houses. In a few short years, much of America’s desperately undersupplied housing stock will be beyond repair. It’s a bust out.
You know all those exploding trains filled with dangerous chemicals that poison entire towns? Private equity bust outs:
Where did PE come from? How can these people look themselves in the mirror? Why do we let them get away with it? How do we stop them?
Today in The American Prospect, Maureen Tkacik reviews two new books that try to answer all four of these questions, but really only manage to answer the first three:
The first of these books is These Are the Plunderers: How Private Equity Runs — and Wrecks — America by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner:
The second is Plunder: Private Equity’s Plan to Pillage America, by Brendan Ballou:
Both books describe the bust out from the inside. For example, PetSmart — looted for $30 billion by RaymondSvider and his PE fund BC Partners — is a slaughterhouse for animals. The company systematically neglects animals — failing to pay workers to come in and feed them, say, or refusing to provide backup power to run during power outages, letting animals freeze or roast to death. Though PetSmart has its own vet clinics, the company doesn’t want to pay its vets to nurse the animals it damages, so it denies them care. But the company is also too cheap to euthanize those animals, so it lets them starve to death. PetSmart is also too cheap to cremate the animals, so its traumatized staff are ordered to smuggle the dead, rotting animals into random dumpsters.
All this happened while PetSmart’s sales increased by 60%, matched by growth in the company’s gross margins. All that money went to the bust out.
Tkacik says these books show that we’re finally getting wise to PE. Back in the Clinton years, the PE critique painted the perps as sharp operators who reduced quality and jacked up prices. Today, books like these paint these “investors” as the monsters they are — crooks whose bust ups are crimes, not clever finance hacks.
Take the Carlyle Group, which pioneered nursing home rollups. As Carlyle slashed wages, its workers suffered — but its elderly patients suffered more. Thousands of Carlyle “customers” died of “dehydration, gangrenous bedsores, and preventable falls” in the pre-covid years.
KKR, another PE monster, bought a second-hand chain of homes for mentally disabled adults from another PE company, then squeezed it for the last drops of blood left in the corpse. KKR cut wages to $8/hour and increased shifts to 36 hours, then threatened to have workers who went home early arrested and charged with “patient abandonment.” Many of these homes were often left with no staff at all, with patients left to starve and stew in their own waste.
PE loves to pick on people who can’t fight back: kids, sick people, disabled people, old people. No surprise, then, that PE loves prisons — the ultimate captive audience. HIG Capital is a $55b fund that owns TKC Holdings, who got the contract to feed the prisoners at 400 institutions. They got the contract after the prisons fired Aramark, owned by PE giant Warburg Pincus, whose food was so inedible that it provoked riots. TKC got a million bucks extra to take over the food at Michigan’s Kinross Correctional Facility, then, incredibly, made the food worse. A chef who refused to serve 100 bags of rotten potatoes (“the most disgusting thing I’ve seen in my life”) was fired:
TKC doesn’t just operate prison kitchens — it operates prison commissaries, where it gouges prisoners on junk food to replace the inedible slop it serves in the cafeteria. The prisoners buy this food with money they make working in the prison workshops, for $0.10–0.25/hour. Those workshops are also run by TKC.
Tkacic traces private equity back to the “corporate raiders” of the 1950s and 1960s, who “stealthily borrowed money to buy up enough shares in a small or midsized company to control its biggest bloc of votes, then force a stock swap and install himself as CEO.”
The most famous of these raiders was Eli Black, who took over United Fruit with this gambit — a company that had a long association with the CIA, who had obligingly toppled democratically elected governments and installed dictators friendly to United’s interests (this is where the term “banana republic” comes from).
Eli Black’s son is Leon Black, a notorious PE predator. Leon Black got his start working for the junk-bonds kingpin Michael Milken, optimizing Milken’s operation, which was the most terrifying bust out machine of its day, buying, debt-loading and wrecking a string of beloved American businesses. Milken bought 2,000 companies and put 200 of them through bankruptcy, leaving the survivors in a brittle, weakened state.
It got so bad that the Business Roundtable complained about the practice to Congress, calling Milken, Black, et al, “a small group is systematically extracting the equity from corporations and replacing it with debt, and incidentally accumulating major wealth.”
Black stabbed Milken in the back and tanked his business, then set out on his own. Among the businesses he destroyed was Samsonite, “a bankrupt-but-healthy company he subjected to 12 humiliating years of repeated fee extractions, debt-funded dividend payments, brutal plant closings, and hideous schemes to induce employees to buy its worthless stock.”
The money to buy Samsonite — and many other businesses — came through a shadowy deal between Black and John Garamendi, then a California insurance commissioner, now a California congressman. Garamendi helped Black buy a $6b portfolio of junk bonds from an insurance company in a wildly shady deal. Garamendi wrote down the bonds by $3.9b, stealing money “from innocent people who needed the money to pay for loved ones’ funerals, irreparable injuries, etc.”
Black ended up getting all kinds of favors from powerful politicians — including former Connecticut governor John Rowland and Donald Trump. He also wired $188m to Jeffrey Epstein for reasons that remain opaque.
Black’s shady deals are a marked contrast with the exalted political circles he travels in. Despite private equity’s obviously shady conduct, it is the preferred partner for cities and states, who buy everything from ambulance services to infrastructure from PE-owned companies, with disastrous results. Federal agencies turn a blind eye to their ripoffs, or even abet them. 38 state houses passed legislation immunizing nursing homes from liability during the start of the covid crisis.
PE barons are shameless about presenting themselves as upstanding cits, unfairly maligned. When Obama made an empty promise to tax billionaires in 2010, Blackstone founder SteveS chwarzman declared, “It’s a war. It’s like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.”
Since we’re on the subject of Hitler, this is a good spot to bring up Monowitz, a private-sector satellite of Auschwitz operated by IG Farben as a slave labor camp to make rubber and other materiel it supplied at a substantial markup to the wermacht. I’d never heard of Monowitz, but Tkacik’s description of the camp is chilling, even in comparison to Auschwitz itself.
Farben used slave laborers from Auschwitz to work at its rubber plant, but was frustrated by the logistics of moving those slaves down the 4.5m stretch of road to the facility. So the company bought 25,000 slaves — preferring children, who were cheaper — and installed them in a co-located death-camp called Monowitz:
Monowitz was — incredibly — worse than Auschwitz. It was so bad, the SS guards who worked at it complained to Berlin about the conditions. The SS demanded more hospitals for the workers who dropped from beatings and overwork — Farben refused, citing the cost. The factory never produced a steady supply of rubber, but thanks to its gouging and the brutal treatment of its slaves, the camp was still profitable and returned large dividends to Farben’s investors.
Apologists for slavery sometimes claim that slavers are at least incentivized to maintain the health of their captive workforce. This was definitely not true of Farben. Monowitz slaves died on average after three months in the camp. And Farben’s subsidiary, Degesch, made the special Zyklon B formulation used in Auschwitz’s gas chambers.
Tkacik’s point is that the Nazis killed for ideology and were unimaginably cruel. Farben killed for money — and they were even worse. The banality of evil gets even more banal when it’s done in service to maximizing shareholder value.
As Farben historian Joseph Borkin wrote, the company “reduced slave labor to a consumable raw material, a human ore from which the mineral of life was systematically extracted”:
Farben’s connection to the Nazis was a the subject of Germany’s Master Plan: The Story of Industrial Offensive, a 1943 bestseller by Borkin, who was also an antitrust lawyer. It described how Farben had manipulated global commodities markets in order to create shortages that “guaranteed Hitler’s early victories.”
Master Plan became a rallying point in the movement to shatter corporate power. But large US firms like Dow Chemical and Standard Oil waged war on the book, demanding that it be retracted. Borkin was forced into resignation and obscurity in 1945.
Meanwhile, in Nuremberg, 24 Farben executives were tried for their war crimes, and they cited their obligations to their shareholders in their defense. All but five were acquitted on this basis.
Seen in that light, the plunderers of today’s PE firms are part of a long and dishonorable tradition, one that puts profit ahead of every other priority or consideration. It’s a defense that wowed the judges at Nuremberg, so should we be surprised that it still plays in 2023?
Tkacik is frustrated that neither of these books have much to offer by way of solutions, but she understands why that would be. After all, if we can’t even close the carried interest tax loophole, how can we hope to do anything meaningful?
“Carried interest” comes up in every election cycle. Most of us assume it has something to do with “interest payments,” but that’s not true. The carried interest loophole relates to the “interest” that 16th-century sea captains had in their cargo. It’s a 600-year-old tax loophole that private equity bosses use to pay little or no tax on their billions. The fact that it’s still on the books tells you everything you need to know about whether our political class wants to do anything about PE’s plundering.
Notwithstanding Tkacik’s (entirely justified) skepticism of the weaksauce remedies proposed in these books, there is some hope of meaningful action. Private equity’s rollups are only possible because they skate under the $101m threshold for merger scrutiny. However, there is good — but unenforced — law that allows antitrust enforcers to block these mergers. This is the “incipiency standard” — Sec 7 of the Clayton Act — the idea that a relatively small merger might not be big enough to trigger enforcement action on its own, but regulators can still act to block it if it creates an incipient monopoly.
The US has a new crop of aggressive — fearless — top antitrust enforcers and they’ve been systematically reviving these old laws to go after monopolies.
That’s long overdue. Markets are machines for eroding our moral values: “In comparison to non-market decisions, moral standards are significantly lower if people participate in markets.”
The crimes that monsters commit in the name of ideology pale in comparison to the crimes the wealthy commit for money.
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Edinburgh, London, and Berlin!
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: An overgrown graveyard, rendered in silver nitrate monochrome. A green-tinted businessman  with a moneybag in place of a head looms up from behind a gravestone. The right side of the image is spattered in blood.]
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fayes-fics · 1 year
Lessons in Breeding
Lessons Masterpost PREV | NEXT
Pairings: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader, Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader (threesome)
Summary: Fifth story in the Regency Lessons series and it's time-jump time. Things have progressed with our throuple and the Bridgerton Bros are in a race to impregnate their lady…
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Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI, MMF threesome, BREEDING KINK off the bloody charts, pregnancy kink, dirty talk, oral sex (m to f), light bondage, filthy baby-making vaginal sex, dom/sub dynamics. Emotions, talk of marriages, established throuple dynamics.
Word Count: 5.4k
Authors Note: This is set in Lessons universe, but at least a year after the previous instalment. If pregnancy or babymaking isn't your thing, please don't read this. This is a very belated birthday request fill for @iboopedyournose. I hope you like the way I've interpreted your request for breeding kink threesome with bondage. Thanks to @colettebronte and @chaoticcalzoneranchsports for betaing. Enjoy! <3
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You pause in front of the portrait of a naked pregnant woman, taking a sip of your champagne. The intimate parts of her are mostly obscured behind translucent silks. Her pregnant belly is bare as she cradles it proudly, her skin glowing; everything about her looks almost ethereal yet so earthy and powerful. It is such a provocative piece you can understand why it is only being shown at private parties such as this one, hosted by Mr Granville.
“Like what you see?” the dusky voice suddenly at your right ear asks.
You inhale sharply, instantly responding to the mere sound of his voice, something very Pavlovian in it. “Yes, I think she looks beautiful,” you reply quietly, tamping down your need to throw yourself into him, begging for his fingers in your mouth.
“She does indeed,” he is standing so close behind you can feel the heat radiating off him through his shirt. “Would you like to look like that? Swollen so beautifully with a baby?”
It's not something you have thought about much beyond the abstract idea that you wish for children someday. But then, so many things in your life are about to change, and this could be one.
“Maybe,” you deflect.
Large hands encircle your waist. “Mmm, just imagine,” he begins, his chest pressing warm on your spine. “How beautiful you would look, your belly all rounded,” his hands slide up and cup your chest as you moan lightly. “Your breasts so full, and oh gosh,” one hand slides down to the apex of your thighs, cradling it through your dress, “the smell and taste of you, so ripe, so juicy. You would be divine,” he assures.
“Stop,” you scold gently, but it's too breathy, the carnal images he so easily paints with his words haunting you as you rock in his arms.
“Would you like me to impregnate you, my darling?” he murmurs, his teeth pulling at your earlobe. “I could fuck you so hard and deep and leave my seed inside you. Over and over. And you know my brother would do the same in a heartbeat.”
Your breath quickens at the thought. They have always been careful to ensure they do not release inside you; it's a strict pact you have in place that they have always respected and obeyed. But perhaps that may change with what is impending.
“My husband-to-be, you mean,” your eyes cut sideways, and he stiffens.
“Yes, of course, I sometimes forget you are soon to be the Viscountess,” he bows his head, a flare of something in his eyes you know is jealousy.
“Benedict…” you sigh, sensing he needs reassurance; you pull him into a quiet alcove. “You know this is the only way the three of us can be together, for always. I love you just as much,” you vow quietly, touching his cheek. “But you know well I cannot marry you both, at least not in the eyes of the law. There would be many questions if Anthony were to remain unwed much longer. You know it is much easier for you to live with us as an apparent bachelor at Aubrey Hall than any other arrangement.”
All the facts you lay out, well known to you both, don’t stop the imploring look he gives you. 
“I will marry you symbolically in a ceremony in the woods, down by the lake,” you whisper, appealing to his bohemian romantic side. “I will wear your ring proudly, too,” you promise. “I am as much yours as I am his. And always will be. I cannot be without either of you.”
He beams and crowds into you, sliding his lips down your neck.
“And yes, I will bear your children, my love,” you sigh as his actions make you pliant in his hands, as they always do. You grab his face to ensure he meets your gaze, his eyes dancing. “Nothing would make me prouder than bearing both of your babies, so yes, my love, the answer is yes.”
You moan gently as he kisses fire across your skin, and your eyes drift back to the painting, the idea of being fertile, ripe, burgeoning with life somehow suddenly so alluring. 
“Anthony…” you call, but he does not respond; he probably cannot hear you above the whirlwind of activity around him. “ANTHONY!” you repeat, raising your voice, and suddenly, the hubbub of movement and noise in the room ceases.
His eyes meet yours and flash. “Everyone leave the room at once,” he orders to the hordes of people doing god knows what, “my fiancee wishes to speak with me.”
You watch as all the people scurry from the room as if burned.
“There was no need to send them away quite so abruptly, my love,” you state gently.
“Is this not an occasion where you wish me to throw you upon my desk and rut you so hard you scream?” he flirts outrageously.
“For once,” you respond airily, “it is not.”
“Tis a pity,” he smirks, then perches against the desk, crossing his legs and arms. “Then what can I do for you, my love?”
“I want you to make me with child,” you just go straight to the point. He usually appreciates bluntness.
He drops the heavy accounts ledger he is holding, and it slams to the ground with an echoing thump.
“Correction, I want you AND Benedict to make me with child,” you amend.
“What on earth brought this on?” his tone warm but intrigued, ignoring the ledger completely.
“That art party we went to last night?” you offer casually. “There was a scandalous but beautiful portrait of a pregnant naked woman.”
“Did he fuck you in front of it and give you some ideas?” Anthony sighs with fond exasperation.
“No,” you giggle, “for once, he did not.”
“But Tuesday is your night alone together?” Anthony frowns. “Don’t tell me he shirked his duty? I am his older brother. I can have words….”
“Oh, he more than performed his duty, just not in front of the painting,” you clarify.
“In front of one of his paintings, then?” Anthony guesses.
And you giggle again. “Carriage, on the way home.”
“Figures,” Anthony rolls his eyes, “does he ever do it in a bed?”
“Not if he can help it,” you wink, and he laughs.
Then schools his face more serious. “So you want a baby?”
“I want both of your babies. I’d certainly be open to us all getting some good practice in tomorrow,” you shrug playfully.
“I have absolutely no problem with that,” his voice drops low as he raises a sultry eyebrow. “And the desk offer still stands if you want a warm-up?” he concludes, breaking into a handsome smirk.
“It’s Wednesday, our rest day; I have dinner plans with my dear friend Lady Eleanor,” you shake your head fondly. “Plus, I cannot give you a head start, darling; that wouldn’t be fair to Benedict,” you tease. “You can sort it out between yourselves for tomorrow.”
“Why do we have a rest day?” he pouts.
“You know full well, with three people, it is much easier to schedule around six days. I can go one day without either of you, you know,” rolling your eyes lovingly.
“Such a pity,” he sighs in mock annoyance.
“It is just for today, darling, and tomorrow you may complete inside me, so there’s that to look forward to…” and you breeze out of the room, blowing him a kiss.
Thursday night is one of your two nights a week with both of your wonderful men. 
You spend the early evening bathing in luxury soaps with your favourite scents, readying yourself for a night of untold pleasures. Sometimes you all meet in the bedroom, sometimes in the blue room, and other times, like tonight, you agree to al fresco. You cannot wait to play by the lake under the mid-summer moonlight.
You slip on an ivory silk robe and nothing else except the lariat body chains they each gave you. Dainty gold chains with their initials that wrap around your waist, the A and B matching charms hanging low over your belly, grazing your thatch of hair below—a secret you wear every day unseen beneath your usual clothing.
It’s a balmy evening as you approach the water's edge. There is already a soft blanket laid out and a decanter of brandy with three glasses—Anthony has ensured the staff have prepared for the evening. But neither man is to be seen yet. You settle on the blanket and pour yourself a snifter, enjoying the gentle roar of oil lantern flames dancing in the breeze set out on surrounding stakes.
This evening will be a first, letting them both leave their seed within you. Even though you have been together as a threesome for more than a year and done countless wonderful sensual things together, this is a huge step towards something new. You don’t expect to get pregnant on this first attempt, but the idea is beguiling nonetheless.
You pull open your robe and massage your as-yet-empty belly. Running your hands in swirls, imagining what it might be like to watch it grow and swell with a child—the ability to bring life into the world something so elemental and heavenly all at once. To sustain life through the wonder of your body swirls in your mind as you untie your robe and grab your breasts. 
“I see someone started the party already, brother,” a familiar silky voice rings out, and your eyes pop open to see both of them standing there, watching you lasciviously. They are shirtless and only wear britches slung low around their hips, acres of lithe muscle and supple skin.
“Is that not our job, darling?” Anthony chimes in after his brother, already unbuttoning.
“Not that we aren’t enjoying the show,” Benedict adds pointedly, nudging Anthony as if to shut him up, and follows suit, removing his trousers.
When they both let their britches fall to the ground, you moan, seeing them both in all their resplendent naked glory, already half hard and looking so utterly delicious part of you wants to get on your knees and take them into your mouths. You go to crawl towards them, but Antony holds up a halting hand. 
“Stay right where you are, lay back; tonight is about your pleasure, darling,” he practically purrs. 
Your eyes flash with desire, and you do as told, removing your robe and laying back again, fully nude, running fingertips down the centre line of your torso, fingers playing with their jewelled charms that rest atop your lower belly.
“Then get down here,” you exhale, knowing their gaze is locked on your fingers as you slip them between your thighs.
They drop onto the blanket with you, the light breeze ruffling their chestnut locks. Both are so achingly beautiful with those strong Bridgerton genes. You can’t wait to bear a baby, babies, that look just like them.
They exchange a glance, and it’s their shorthand again—where they silently communicate how they will destroy you masterfully moment by moment. Benedict surges up and captures your lips in a passionate all-consuming kiss as Anthony slips between your legs, pulling your hand away and throwing your feet over his shoulders. Forcing your legs out wide, he laps a determined, deep plough of tongue all the way from the base of your slit up to your pulsing clit. It has you calling loudly into his brother's mouth.
“You taste fertile, my darling wife-to-be,” Anthony groans lewdly and pointedly, and you can’t help but giggle across Benedict’s lips. 
“I am certain he is right,” Benedict smiles affectionately, swallowing your noises. “I swear I can smell the difference when you are ripe for us. Your scent is just a little headier, muskier; it makes my cock even harder than normal,” he ponders, kissing across your face as he utters his trademark filth. He knows just a few choice words can have you ready for him—every single damn time. 
Anthony’s hand strays up to play with your belly charms as his tongue unfurls its magic. It doesn’t matter that you are with these two men, individually and together, multiple times a week; they never fail to arouse you to the point of aching with just a few expertly deployed moves. Their tongues, whether talking dirty or teasing your body, are your favourite part of them. Benedict shuffles lower and sucks one of your nipples into his mouth. Oh god, yes, it’s definitely their tongues. 
“Darling, are we playing tonight, or are we just us?” Benedict asks, looking up from your chest with gentle eyes. Sometimes you like to play with your power dynamic and use your titles, other times since you have grown closer, you are just yourselves, no masks, no games, just you, Ant and Ben, your affectionate shortened names for them.
You stop Anthony’s ministrations between your legs with a tap on his shoulder, wanting his full attention on this question that Benedict poses.
“What would you prefer, my loves?” You ask them, ruffling Benedict's hair, enjoying the feel of its thickness running between your fingers and squeezing Anthony’s shoulder lovingly.
“I want to be Ben, just your husband-to-be,” Benedict says quietly, and you can’t help the little smile that breaks out. “This is where we will get married,” he asserts, looking around, “under the stars, just like this.”
“Yes, my darling,” you confirm happily, “I want that.”
“How about you, Ant, my love? Would you like to be you, or perhaps my lord or my beautiful boy?” you inquire.
“I want to be Ant, your fiancé,” he nods in agreement with Benedict’s idea. “Tonight, my darling wife-to-be, the only lesson is how to breed you like the wondrous Bridgerton you are about to become.”
“Breed me?” You inhale, wanting to be insulted by the term but finding it makes your clit burn hot.
“Oh yes,” Benedict chimes in, “we are going to breed you, darling. You will sire a whole house of Bridgertons. You will never be without our seed—it will be dripping from you every day.”
“Ben,” you stutter, grabbing his bicep as your whole cunt is suddenly slick and pulsing at his crude language. “Tell me more.” 
His responding grin is predatory as Anthony chuckles and slinks back between your legs.
“Do you know how many bedrooms there are in Aubrey Hall?” Benedict’s voice is a gentle tease as his nose runs teasing patterns over the swell of your breast.
“I don’t,” you admit, honestly.
“Twenty-four,” Anthony answers for you from between your thighs as he sucks a line down from your inner knee.
“Even with all of our siblings and their future children visiting, that still leaves at least, hmm, twelve bedrooms just going to waste. Until we fill them with our little brood.” 
“Benedict, I am not birthing twelve children,” you gasp, half in shock at the very thought, half because Anthony’s tongue curls rough around your clit. 
“Maybe not,” he admits, kissing across to your other breast, “but I think we should at least try….”
“Six each, brother?” Anthony chuckles, joining in,  lifting his head and resting his chin on your pubic hair, shooting a killer smile.
“Get back there. Have you not heard that female pleasure aids conception?” you challenge, raising an eyebrow.
“Then we will have to make you come at least twice tonight; ‘tis the most prudent path to double our chances,” Anthony retorts with a wink sinking down with a devilish look on his face before his tongue makes you cry out, and Benedict's teeth graze over your nipple, making you cant up into his mouth.
“You’ll have to carry me all the way back to the house if I have many more than that, remember,” you warn, bemused.
“Darling, I would carry you to the ends of the earth and back,” Benedict pledges, the romantic poetry just pouring from him as he surges up and kisses your lips, plundering your mouth with his tongue. “You have bewitched me. Since that very first day in my brother's study, I have been yours.”
Benedict is always more emotional and partial to declarations of love than his brother, whose feelings run just as deep but does not effuse about it so openly—preferring to express his adoration privately and through beautiful, thoughtful gifts.
“Save it for your individual days, brother,” Anthony hums drolly over your flesh. “We have a very special job to do tonight.”
“Indeed we do,” Benedict concurs, picking up one of your hands and entwining your fingers with his.
Then their efforts become more focussed as Anthony sucks your engorged nub deep into his mouth, moans vibrating your sensitive bud as Benedict bites your nipple in just that way you like—an insistent suckling hold that pulls your skin taunt and is a line right down to your throbbing clit being so utterly wrecked by Anthony.
It always stuns you how quickly these two, working in tandem, can rocket you so high, so dizzyingly fast. You are vaguely aware your hands are in both of their hair as you climb so high. Eyes screwed shut as they both mouth filthy encouragements into your skin.
“Come on, darling,” Anthony pleads, “I want to feel you drench my face.”
“Do not stop,” you chant repeatedly, twisting luscious strands of chestnut locks around your fingers.
Benedict’s lips are hot on your ear, biting the lobe as he senses you are so close. “Break for him,” he breathes, “come on, my love, give him that sweet nectar to drink.” 
The filthy poet never fails to give you that extra nudge, and sure enough, with a staccato of breaths, they have to hold you down as you fight to buck against the convulsions deep inside.
Anthony growls at you to stay still, even though you know he loves it when you writhe over his face, his jaw clamped hard between your spasming thighs.
“Does that feel so good?” Benedict’s silky voice vibrates your ear.
“Yes, oh god, I need one of you inside me, please,” you twist to look into his face as beseeching as you can, still flushed and mindless from your orgasm. “But please tie my hands first,” you stutter breathlessly, offering your wrists up to him, pressed together. “Above my head.”
“I thought we were not playing tonight?” Anthony says quietly as he lands on the blanket beside you, his face shining with your juices.
“Please, just, please,” you beg, turning to him, “I need it. Use your chains.”
As they flank your body, both of them make a low noise at the idea of binding your hands with your golden chains that bear their initials. 
Benedict’s large hand slides down your dewy torso and into your thatch of hair. Then slowly, while you pant lightly and keep your eyes locked on Anthony’s intense stare, Benefict unhooks one chain and tugs it gently from around the dip of your waist.
“Your turn,” he says quietly to Anthony, and you realise they are removing their own chains. Somehow that choice makes you burn even hotter for them, squirming slightly. 
Anthony’s hand follows the same path as you breath heavy and hold Benedict’s gaze this time as Anthony unhooks the chain with the A charm and drags it up along your skin, a corner of the letter scraping gently over your flesh, catching your nipple as you gasp.
Then they take an arm each, raising them above your head. Both then bind your wrists as your gaze flits between them, watching their handsome faces.
“Thank you,” your murmur reverential, testing the hold and feeling the precious metal bite into your flesh as they both dive in for a heated kiss, Anthony reaching you first and Benedict settling on your neck until they can swap positions. It’s a deep kiss that is musky and sweet with the taste and scent of your climax.
“Who gets the privilege of being first, my love?” Benedict asks silkily.
“You do, Ben,” you whisper, and his whole face lights up. So often used to being second.
You turn to Anthony as Benedict shifts to lay between your legs. “Thank you, my darling Ant, for my wonderful orgasm,” you compliment and watch as his face turns boyish with pride.
You cry out as Benedict spears into you, splitting your open, causing the gentle ripples of your orgasm to flare again, and he drops his head onto your breastbone.
“Christ, there is nothing like your little fluttering cunt is there?” he groans into your flesh.
“Give it to me, Ben,” you twist from kissing Anthony to declare. Then turn back, desperate for more hot kisses.
His tip feels somehow harsher than normal, a hot spike as he begins to move, your walls clinging to him almost vice-like. It feels so good your eyes roll, and your mouth goes slack against Anthony’s. 
He brushes a gentle hand through your hair, watching you through hooded eyes, gently murmuring praise and compliments as you take Benedict's hard thrusts.
“We will plant our seeds, darling, deep in here,” Anthony breathes, a hand sliding down to your belly just above where Benedict’s body meets yours as he surges into you. “Do you want that?”
“Yess,” you hiss, mesmerised, fingers twirling in your own hair, “please.”
“Oh, our perfect little broodmare,” Anthony exhales shakily, surging his leaking cock against the hip he holds open for his little brother, who now curls down over you, biting a nipple. “Do you know how proud we will be? Making your beautiful body swell, your breasts growing so large and sensitive, your belly growing round. With our baby. A little Bridgerton. Or maybe more. We want to plant you with two babies right now, one for me and one for my little brother. Can you do that, darling, for us? Take our seed so good?”
“Yes, Anthony,” you pant, utterly enthralled by his filthy talk. That is usually the expertise of the man now biting your nipples and growling as he fucks you so harshly that your body jerks on the cotton blanket you lay on.
“Let him,” Anthony continues with slightly gritted teeth, “let him fuck you harder than he ever has before.”
“Yes, my lord,” you answer, under his spell, and his nostrils flare as you use the title you call him in play.
He curses, then grabs one of your chain-bound wrists above your head, fingers sliding possessively between yours and forcing the back of your hand down onto the ground. 
“Yes, that's it, do as you are told, little one,” he growls through clenched teeth. 
And you feel a frisson of something frantic, like you all need something with a little edge. A gust of breeze flutters over your skin and leaves quiver on the trees around you. 
“Fuck her harder, brother,” Anthony orders into your clavicle, and you feel it buzz into your bones.
Benedict growls in response and hooks the leg, not being held by Anthony over his flexed forearm. Pulling you open more, feeling so vulnerable, your hands bound, your legs held obscenely wide open by each. 
Suddenly the moment feels charged as Benedict snaps his hips so forcefully that you whimper on every stroke, revelling in the sweat splashing from his damp forehead curls onto your breasts. Anthony is sucking on your neck with almost painful intensity as Benedict drops down and bites your flesh over your tricep, making you writhe and call his name. The gold chains binding your wrists dig into your flesh as you move, bringing an edge that just pushes you higher.
You encourage him, calling him sir, begging for more, squeezing his cock with your pelvic muscles as he pounds into you mercilessly. And that constriction is the catalyst he needs. He curses long and low, feeling huge as he spears so deep he nudges your hilt, and you sense a change in him that usually signals his withdrawal. This time his eyes fly open, pupils blown, and expression wild as he grabs your jaw firmly.
“Are you ready?” He barks possessively. 
“Yes,” you hiss, realising he is going to climax without waiting for you.
His last few hot desperate thrusts are so harsh your whole insides feel rearranged. Then he stills, and for the first time, you hear that guttural groan right into your ear as he begins to spill inside you, a hot wave that blooms deep inside, feeling like so much more than he has ever come before. It’s a new sensation and feels just wonderful.
“Yes, take it all, my darling girl,” he shudders, and that gravelly tone pulls you over a small edge, you clamping down on his spurting cock as he groans and spasms into you some more, hipbones digging into your inner thighs. His weight is almost crushing as he becomes motionless, your thighs burning from the stretch.
“That’s it,” Anthony whispers against your temple, “lay still and open, darling, let his seed into your womb.” 
Those words echo drowsily in your head as you feel Benedict’s cock gradually soften inside you, and he slips out slowly with a slick tide of juices that run down over your bottom cheeks.
“Fucking babies into you is my new favourite thing. Do you have any idea how exquisite it is to come inside you? Fill you up? I never want to come anywhere else ever again.” Benedict gusts as he falls to one side of you, still breathing heavily, and you realise it's a novel experience for him too. “God, I love you,” he admits shakily, landing a kiss on your cheek.
“I love you too. Thank you for my baby Benedict,” you nuzzle his face and kiss him sweetly as his body relaxes, utterly spent.
You twist to look at Anthony, and his eyes sparkle as he climbs between your legs, his cock hard, glistening, and leaking in his fist. “Are you ready?” 
“Yes, my lord,” you answer.
He thrusts into your soaking cunt, still leaking profusely from Benedict. He feels even larger and harsher somehow too, and on reflex, you clench around the invasion, feeling the verdant earth beneath your bottom and shoulder blades softened slightly by the blanket.
“My darling girl,” his voice ragged, broken. “You are so exquisitely puffy and swollen. That was quite the mounting you got, wasn’t it? Are you ready for more?”
You croak your assent, and then he begins to move. He isn’t slow. In fact, he starts pounding so hard you gasp, the sensation almost too much, and Benedict's hand slides into your hair, over your bound hands, and you clutch it as he rolls closer, nuzzling your face.
“Feel it all, my darling girl,” Benedict rumbles.
“I am, sir,” you nod and bite your lip. “I can even feel your seed inside me still,” you add with a moan, the chains on your wrist abraiding your skin, leaving marks.
“Good,” he gusts drowsily and warmly in your ear, a hand swirling patterns on your hip. “Let it in, darling, all the way in.”
As a cloud clears the moon, the atmosphere feels softer again, the frantic moment of before ebbing into something more profound; even as Anthony takes you hard, it’s more in an undulating wave, hitting your hilt with a rhythm that feels hypnotic, your cunt clinging to him like a glove, as Benedict's sonorous voice is back at your ear.
“That’s right, get ready, darling girl. We need you to keep this line going. In your belly, you will grow the next viscount. You will bare the heirs of this family. Just you, my wonderful wife-to-be.”
“I want all of your babies too, Benedict,” you breathe as Anthony ploughs on. “I want to give the world more like you. Talented creative, empathetic, loving souls who bring joy to every room.”
His eyes mist over as you declare your truth. “I love you so much it hurts,” he murmurs into your cheek, voice thick with emotion.
“I love you too,” you want to grab his face but can’t; instead, you seal your pact with a sweet, almost chaste kiss filled with affection; even as Anthony takes you towards a big blissful moment, you hope you will hit together.
“Now declare your love to him too,” Benedict orders softly, “you know he needs to hear it, maybe even more than me.”
You nod and turn all of your attention and heart to the Viscount. Still holding Benedict’s hand tangled in your hair, not wanting either to feel left out on this momentous night.
“Viscount Anthony Bridgerton,” you use his title and full name, your pleading tone making his eyes bore into yours. “I love you so much, my lord, my husband,” you state categorically.
He groans and falls over your body, covering you, his scent and heat all-encompassing.
“Darling darling wife, my Viscountess,” he exhales over your lips, his thrusts turning slow and languid, his hands grasping your thighs and pulling your legs up and out, utterly under his command, pinned. “I love you so much,” he sounds almost choked with emotion, and part of you wishes you had your hands to hold him to you.
“Do you want to be freed, my love?” Benedict asks softly, always seemingly able to intuit your needs before you even articulate them.
“Please,” you request, turning to give him a grateful peck as he reaches up and loosens both chains, leaving one delicately but loosely wrapped around each forearm, your wrists pulsing mildly as they are freed.
Instantly you move your arms, wrapping one around Anthony’s back, your nails and the gold chain scraping down his skin as your other hand rounds Benedict's shoulder and into his hair, stroking and petting.
Your hand sliding down, mapping his contours, over the swell of his muscular bottom makes Anthony groan and bite your neck, spearing deep into you as your nails dig in, tilting your pelvis and rocking him deeper into you until you feel that ache so far inside. 
Then he pushes up onto his hands and thrusts hard, setting a punishing pace. Every fibre of your being wants this, ratcheting high and fast as each stroke crushes your clit into your frame. Unable to form words except to curse and babble mindlessly. You feel your whole body tense, a release so imminent you grit your teeth and chase it hard.
“That’s it darling, come for me, milk me,” Antony commands, flicking a thumb over your clit, and you are gone.
Yelling and screaming as his cock is the solid mass you convulse around, your entire being spasming, and you feel Benedict’s firm grip, holding you down with a knee and large hands. Making you orgasm hard, entirely still, unable to writhe, all the sensation concentrated on where Anthony’s cock spears you open.
As the blood rushes in your ears, his teeth are biting on the cord of your neck, and with a few pumps, he releases with a throaty whine, pushing the deepest he has ever been, feeling like he piercing through your hilt.
He curses long, low guttural and again there is that bloom of viscous heat inside as he spills all his seed.
“Yes, my darling girl,” he slurs, “stay down, take it all,”
You cry out, and your instinct is to move, but both of them hold you down, so your fingers dig into flesh, and your toes curl as your body is thwarted from its shakes and shudders. Anthony’s weight is upon you as he recovers his breath, feeling even heavier than Benedict as he slumps,, panting into your neck.
“I understand what you mean now, brother,” his tone almost wonderous. “I do not wish to leave my seed anywhere else either, dear god; that was exquisite.” Delicately he pulls backwards so his softening cock slips out of your body, and you groan at the sensation, flopping your head blissfully on the blanket as he falls to your other side. 
The gentle sounds of nocturnal nature around you fill your ears as it is just your joint breathing, soothing hands running over you, soft kisses and little intimate moments where you whisper to both of your boys.
“We may have made a baby tonight, my darling husbands,” you murmur.
The look they both give you is brimming with love and appreciation as you curl into both, taking a hand from each of them and placing them over your heart as you drift to sleep, cocooned in their safe embrace.
Your boys. Forever, your boys.
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Anthony & Benedict taglists: @makaylan @foreverlonginguniverse @iboopedyournose @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @margofiore @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @bridgertontess @queenofmean14 @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @angels17324 @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @lilithseve @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @elizah99 @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @debheart @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @amanda08319 @panhoeofmanyfandoms
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2K notes · View notes
the perfect gentleman ; 18+
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requested by ; anonymous (kinktober entry)
word count ; 1544
content ; sexually explicit content, loss of virginity, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, prominent sadism (alastor) and masochism (reader), power imbalance
fandom ; hazbin hotel
pairing ; alastor x cis female reader
read also on ; ao3
note ; potentially shaky characterisation as i had to juggle alastor’s likely sadism with trying to be accommodating for someone’s first time, which was quite the challenge.
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked!!!
Alastor was a great many things to a great many people, but above all else he was a gentleman — and a very traditional one at that. The type who would do the expected chivalrous things like hold open doors for you even when he was just passing by, or lending you his tailcoat if you complained of the cold, but his gentlemanliness also extended to the more intimate side of your relationship (which shouldn’t be as surprising as it was, but seeing as you were both in hell you couldn’t help but be even more appreciative of how he approached things like that).
And even now that you’d finally made yourself open to being sexually intimate he was still treating you with a degree of gentleness that made your undead heart flutter. Though you supposed that was mostly because you’d disclosed your inexperience to him quite early on in your relationship — after all he was a self described sadist so you’d been expecting a bit more roughness once he got you in bed with him.
Not that you minded much, of course…
Despite being in such a vulnerable position you felt completely at ease beneath him, fully giving yourself to him however you could and however he wanted you to: not flinching away when he used the sharpened tips of his black tinged claws to impatiently, yet delicately, tear your undergarments off of your body; letting him reposition your body so that you were sat on his lap with your bare back right against his slender clothed chest without complaint; spreading your legs wider, almost on impulse, when he started to trail those cold hands up your thighs and towards your wet pussy; complying immediately and removing your hands from your mouth when he scolded you for trying to hide yourself from him, letting your arms fall limply to your sides as you started to anxiously pick at the bedsheets on either side of his crossed legs, whole body trembling in anticipation as he inches closer and closer to the apex of your thighs. And despite all of your mental preparation you still couldn’t help but jump when he first made contact with your slit, earning you a crackling radio-host chuckle against your ear as he repeated the same motion again to help you adjust to it; slowly and gently running a single fingertip along your slit from the hood of your clit to your dripping hole and back again.
He asked you if you wanted him to stop, calling you ‘dear’ in that polite drawl of his, but you pushed through your anxiety and confirmed that you were okay. So Alastor pushed forwards by just a bit; letting one of his fingertips dip mere millimetres into your entrance before immediately removing it and continuing to trace the length of your soaked puffy lips, mindful to not cut you with his nails as he went (he had clipped them beforehand but there’s only so much a demon can do to change his form, you know). Then he did it again, going a fraction deeper and staying a second longer, before pulling out again — going further and further with every go around and clearly delighting in your flustered frustration and anxiety as he continued to tease you and help you adjust to what was to come.
But, so very impatient despite your initial anxiety, you only lasted long enough for him to get the second knuckle of his middle finger into your gushing entrance before you tapped out and begged him to stop ‘treating me like I’m made of glass, Al,’ because you’re ‘a demon too, goddamn it’. And Alastor, ever the perfect gentleman, laughed heartily at your outburst before withdrawing his hands from your body and putting his finger in front of your lips and asking you to ‘be a doll’ and clean him up first.
So, tentatively, and with a half-heartedly defiant roll of your eyes, you parted your lips and allowed him to push his slick covered digit into your mouth. Tasting yourself on his skin as you obediently cleaned him, humming almost thoughtfully at the flavour, until he suddenly popped it back out of your mouth and unceremoniously (and quite roughly) flipped you onto your back so that you were laying flat on the bed with him looming over you, body positioned snugly between your legs.
Once again he asked if you wanted him to continue, voice crackling like static and eyes glowing that intrusive streetlight yellow as he stared down at you with his usual sharp grin on his face. And, once again, you glared up at him and huffed and reaffirmed that you knew what you wanted — and that you didn’t want him holding back like he was before.
And it seemed that that was all the encouragement that the radio demon needed to make your first time as memorable as possible.
You felt like his prey, trapped and completely at his mercy, but you couldn't help but love it: those needle-like teeth digging in to the sensitive skin of your throat, piercing just deep enough to draw blood and make you gasp before he withdrew and licked the wound clean, moaning in satisfaction at your flavour; those talon like fingers clawing at your bare waist and hips and thighs, keeping you in place and stopping you from squirming away from him as he fucked into your soaking wet pussy, slick mixing with blood as it pooled beneath you on the bed; that long slender cock slipping effortlessly inside of you, tip brushing dangerously against your g-spot every few thrusts and coaxing more moans and groans and whines from your lips as he went, all of which Alastor clearly revelled in. He was so much stronger than you, so much larger than you, that there was no chance of you escaping — leaving you well and truly at the mercy of your demonic deer-like lover — and the thought only made you wetter.
In fact, everything he did or said to you made you wet, which might have embarrassed you if you weren't already in hell.
Every staticky laugh and chuckle that reverberated against the pulse point of your neck or the swell of your chest. Deep, rough sounds that sent waves of gooseflesh erupting across your body and that were usually followed by another playful bite or nip.
Every time he called you 'my dear' or 'pet' or 'dearest' in that transatlantic accent of his, terms of affection that would usually make you swoon now left to punctuate the little things he did to make you see stars on the ceiling of your crumbling hotel room. His sweet words a stark contrast to the utter sin that he was performing between your thighs.
Every sharp sting of his nails being dug into your hips and dragged down a few tantalising centimetres, leaving deep red trails in your skin  in their wake that the small, distant, coherent part of you knew would ache terribly the next day. But now, with his lips on your throat and his cock in your cunt, you couldn't bring yourself to care about the consequences you'd face, you just needed him to do it again... and again... and again. He could leave every inch of you bruised and bleeding and you still wouldn't care so long as he kept making you feel this good — hell, the pain only made the pleasure feel more real, more intense, so you almost hoped that he didn't stop.
Every collision of his hips with yours, angled just right so the tip of his length would hit that delicate spongey-spot within you, that had you throwing your head back and repeating his name like a mantra or prayer (rather ironic given your current place of residence).
All of these new overwhelming sensations pushed you closer and closer to the edge of release until finally something snapped and you were sent spiralling into a climax so intense your vision completely whited out. Every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire and yet you still felt like you were floating, adrift in an ocean of burning hot pleasure that drowned out your thoughts and left you only with the sharp stinging pain of his teeth and nails to anchor you through the storm. Even your own voice sounded distant and incomprehensible to you, like your ears were stuffed with cotton or your head was underwater, leaving only the pounding of your heart audible to you as you were fucked through your climax.
It was intense and felt almost endless, like you were kept in that state of heightened sensation and white hot pleasure for an eternity. Floating in that white, teary void with only your own overwhelming pleasure and distant, dull sparks of pain to keep you company as you rode out the most powerful orgasm of your life. Only able to mindlessly hope that it would be the first of many that you’d have with Alastor, and that some day you’d be able to make him feel just as good as you did now.
Just maybe not today; you were much too worn out for that… but there’s always tomorrow, right?
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ladybyakuya · 2 months
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+cw. — advisor!Tasuku Tsubakino x fem!singer!reader, musical au,band au, bofurin as band, mention of show pub ougi bar so manga spoilers, first meeting, usage of some canonical elements, rockstar!umemiya hajime, angst,hurt, misunderstanding ( ? ), confession, smut, mature content ahead. title based on song brazil by Declan McKenna
+wc. — 2k
+syn.— Tsubaki likes you while you know that he loves umemiya hajime and that is where jealousy comes into play but when it does it always turns the world upside down.
+notes. — this is a collab piece via wind breaker server ( the bofurin brothel ) hosted by our beloved mel ( @gimme-hiragi ). i used tsubaki instead of tsubakino because that's how he likes to be addressed. he is one of my favs >:)). dividers by cafekitsune | redirect to blog navigation.
+tags. — @stunie @prettyiwa
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The stage curtains are drawn out granting a manageable access for the sunlight to pour into the empty stage. The pebble bar lights are not alive. There is no need for those but only during nights. Tsubaki is staring at the stage with a daze in his eyes as you connect the chords, set the microphone, and grab the headphones. For someone who can ignite the dormant rhythm in people’s hearts with the melody of your voice, you are an eerily silent soul. You clean the headphones with your handkerchief before putting it on. The only sound that could be heard was breathing: one was even like a pond while the other was uneven like a mountain range. Despite how quiet you are, Tsubaki can still pick up the rhythm of your body and soul: the footsteps, the breathing, Tsubaki watches as you take the stance of singing in front of the microphone.  He always does. He comes every Friday morning to watch you practice and as for you, you practice singing without any instruments or gadgets every morning, when the entire bar is in deep slumber. Clearing your throat, you start to sing but at first, just with wordless tunes, scaling your voice.
The lyrics:
{ heard he lives down a river somewhere
With six cars and a grizzly bear
He's got eyes, but he can't see
Well, he talks like an angel, but he looks like me
Oh, Lord
Oh, Lord }
Tsubaki rests his chin in between the slit of his index finger and thumb, elbow fixed on the table beside the glass of a strawberry milkshake. His eyes straw away due to the jingle of the bell coming from afar that is located at the apex of the back door. Someone is here. Tsubaki can not see them until they step into the main arena. Maybe they are from the staff section he consoles himself. He looks at you to check if you are expecting someone’s arrival at this time of the day but he finds you immersed in your voice. With those headphones on he doubts you could barely hear anything.
The thing is your Friday mornings solely belong to Tsubaki so anyone else is just noise to him but you do not know that. You know that every Friday morning he turns up sharp at 9 o clock without his twin bodyguards. He murmurs under his breath, “The music you play in bars is more real than what I play in stadiums.” and sips the strawberry milkshake through the pink straw.
You cover the microphone with your palm; moving your head away from it a little you retort tartly. “Oh? That’s new. Are you mocking bofurin?”
Tsubaki's red lips have a tinge of the pinkish milkshake he just sipped. He could not even gulp it down. Azure eyes go static, a palm over his mouth. Awkward. Waiting. 
“That’s what I thought. You could never,” you chime with a smile plastered on your face that you often maneuver during interaction of any sort with customers. He finally gulps down the strawberry milkshake. It feels stale and does not help with either the heat or the bubbling tension amongst his chest ribs. The moment you were about to sing again, your eyes switched to the entrance of the bar lounge.
Tsubaki’s sky lake eyes follow as he murmurs, “Umemiya-kun. . .?” it sparkles as if the sun shone upon him after a cloudy day.
Your mouth fell open ajar. How courageous of Umemiya to roam as free as a bird carrying all the fame and fortune on his back. “I hope you’re not looking for a place to hide, Haji.” you quipped gaining the attention of pair of eyes in the room.
Umemiya swigs his palm in front of his face exclaiming with zest, “No. No. Not at all.” He walks towards the stage and stands in front of you. Now, you can see both: Tsubaki and Umemiya. “Can’t I come visit an old friend?”
That would be unusual for a rockstar of his status. He has just started new heights. Recklessness sure follows wherever there is popularity and financial prosperity. Even with all that, it is unusual for him to pay an unscheduled visit for him. Could it be he is out in the wild, hinting at his muse? 
“you’re stuck.” Umemiya’s gigantic smile disappears instantly. Oh! That must be it. He is stuck with his music. “Bingo.” 
“Hmmm. That's what I thought. I mean you can’t afford to pay a visit like this unless you need me.”You pull his leg a little as Tasuku fidgets with the hem of his dress revealing a fair amount of this thigh. How tactless! Or could be intentional? There is a bleak prospect of that so for the better or worse you do not follow the trail of that thought. It's your jealousy wrapped with anger trying to stretch your heartstrings and release it, snapping the string and rewarding you with a bleeding heart.
You excuse yourself for a minute because it truly feels like someone is already tugging at your heartstrings and it's none other than Tsubaki. The way he acts around Umemiya bothers you. The way he acts around you clams your heart but you can not run after that tranquility. Never. Not in this life.
By the time, you come back Tsubaki has already left and Umemiya is sitting, waiting for you by the window side. He spends nearly half an hour trying to schedule a time with you and you can not lie to him. You can not lie to him even if you want to because you have to appease Tsubaki. So, if you agree with him, help him with whatever problem he is facing. 
It was decided that after a gig, the next weekend his staff would come and pick you up from your house and drop you at his house. And, when the work is done his staff will drop you back to your house.
The next morning strikes with a devastation deadlier than death. 
There is a photo of you and Umemiya on the front page. It is blurred just a little enough to not recognize your face but people around you can tell easily that it’s you. Tsubaki certainly can. That’s the only thing that matters, not the contents of the photo or how ambiguous it is. You and Umemiya are standing close to each other, closer than normal people. He is touching your earring and the angle of the photo makes it seem that he is touching your cheek. Damn! These paparazzi. You try not to call any of the Bofurin members because by now the must be busy handling the situation, especially Tsubaki being Umemiya’s sole advisor. It is almost mid-day. You throw the paper in the dustbin and pour liquor before burning it. Sure, you are jealous of Umemiya but you do not pray for his down fall. It makes you feel horrible to even think such a case. If this the price of love you have to pay, you would rather fall out of love. As if you can afford to do that. You can perhaps but not now. You have your reputation to protect.
A few nights later, after your first show when you walk back to your green room you find Tsubaki waiting in your green room without the lights on in the dark Your green room is nothing out of the ordinary except for him. He is like a cilantro in dessert. He does not belong here, in the world of booze and cheap bar lights. 
“What’re you doing here?” you try to sound angry, even annoyed but it is the shock that he hears the most, maybe a fear hidden underneath your voice. So, he does not leave the chair but rather folds his legs, one over the other. The taut and toned muscles of his legs are on vivid display making it even harder for you to focus. 
 “It was easy. I sneaked in.” He responds with so much detest in his heart that it makes you think he is mad about the photo. But he has no right to be, you remind yourself. After all, he is the one to choose to turn a blind eye to your feelings.
“Well, I have another performance so you have to wait.” you tartly spoke walking towards the mirror for some touch-up. Tsubaki watches you as you put lipstick on your lips.
“Why do you think I’m here?”
“Let me answer you with a question.” You turn your face to him, your hand still being kept on the wooden skin of the dressing table. “Why do you think I didn’t join Bodurin?”
“So, it's true. The rumors are true.” This guy . . . 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” The opened lipstick clatters among the cosmetics separating the maroon part from the lipstick case as you throw it away. Tsubaki does not say a word; just spares a glance at the smudged part of your lips, must have happened when you swatted it away.
“All this time, I thought you . . .you liked him. You liked him.”  Tsubaki exclaims in a low voice leaving his seat and coming close to you. “So, I restrained myself. I kept reminding myself—” his fingers linger on your chin. “ That you are not mine to own.” Right! How could you not think of this? Tsubaki the smudged part of the lipstick and you let him. “Now, i don’t have to do that.” he whispers against your lips. You gulp. He still has not let go of your chin. You don’t think he is going to  . . . kiss you, right? He chins your face up a little expanding a little more access towards your collar bones. Tsubaki jocks down, kisses on your exposed collarbone. Just a peck. “That will do for now. Will quiet down the rumors too.” Tsubaki smiles. You look at the mirror to check your reflection. There it is the lipstick mark, as bright as a diamond. You do not dare to wipe it off. You don’t want to. 
Tsubaki stands behind you as you watch yourself in all glory. He moves aside the fall of your hair onto your left shoulder. You tilt your head, eyes glistening as you look at him through the mirror. There is hope. Want. Lust. Desire. . . Tsubaki wet his lips seeing you inviting him but he can not do that, not here. You have a show to host, and people to entertain. So, he unzips your dress exposing your skin. You must either be wearing a backless bra or nipple pads. If not none, you are getting an earful from him later but for now, he proceeds to place a trail of kisses, slow and full all over your back. It is frustrating how you can not see his face or the lipstick marks he left on your back.
Tsubaki stands up after kissing you till the dress would allow him. He zips it up as he stands. “I’ll wait for your show to be over. Then, after the show we are going home.” He whispers into your ear but he is too close so you shrink feeling ticklish all over your body. A few days ago he felt light years away, so out of your reach and now he is standing behind you, as close as he can get for now. 
“I’ll hurry after the show if .  .  .” you can finally find your voice now. Wait, can you sing properly? Of course, you can; you reassure yourself. 
“Oh don’t worry.” Tsubaki interrupts. “ I’ll make sure we will make up for all the time we have lost love.” He holds your hand assuring you that it's okay; he is not running anymore; he is not. If anything, he feels repentance for suffering all these years regretting his feelings for you but now that bitter feeling has sublimed he is so full of love that it feels like his heart will burst at the seams. It's not suffocating anymore. It’s liberating. Love is liberating. OH DEAR! What blind fool he has been to not to see the love you have for him in those galactic eyes.
@underratedcharactercorner @interstellar-inn
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