#Anyways she was very fun to draw and it’s nice to start getting revenges knocked out- I was afraid I wouldn’t end up getting to them in tim
fantasykiri5 · 3 months
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My 3rd attack so far on Artfight! This one is a revenge for @/magpieve, of their character Caroline!
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theajaheira · 4 years
(1/2) I saw your ask from yesterday and I'm totally back on the fluff bandwagon. Do you think Giles and Jenny went on many dates other than the ones we see either pre-The Dark Age or between Ted and Innocence? I just imagine that we must miss so much of them hanging out in general with the show being so heavily in Buffy's POV in the school seasons. I think what I’m asking in this ramble is (sorry if you’ve already been asked this) do...
(2/2) ...you have any Jenny/Giles headcanons for dates they went on or how they would hang out in in general if you think it’s more likely they would end up spending more time together in school hours?
oh, i think they went on a LOT of dates. like i was initially going to be like “i don’t know if giles’s watcher schedule would allow for it” and then i remembered that we see him just awkwardly ditching buffy TWICE so that he can go out with jenny on a SCHOOL NIGHT. like, the man’s schedule probably had to do some extremely scary contortion, but jenny’s adorable so he’s willing to make sacrifices. so here are some dates that i definitely think they went on in canon:
opera. jenny maintains that this was revenge for the monster trucks. giles genuinely does like the opera but also, uh, kinda does want revenge for the monster trucks. joke’s on him tho because he gets really into watching the opera and critiquing it and crying at the sad parts, and jenny gets really into watching him because she’s softer than she would like to admit.
museum! jenny talks very loudly about colonization and stolen artifacts and giles -- i hate to say this but we all know it’s true -- is unfortunately the exact type of academic that would go “museums are all about cultural preservation,” so this starts an actual fucking fight where they literally almost break up. the only reason they don’t break up is because jenny finds the corel draw book in giles’s bag when she’s looking for her beeper and realizes that he DOES listen to her, it sometimes just takes a while for him to get used to new ideas.
dancing!!!!!!!! giles is terrified of moving because he’s afraid he’s going to look really stupid in front of jenny, so he tries drinking to loosen up and ends up knocking over a table or something. jenny laughs so hard she almost cries. it’s actually one of their best dates.
they go out to eat at a fancy restaurant but it’s the first time giles has seen jenny dressed up so he just spends the whole time looking at her like she’s a fairy princess. jenny, who is used to dating people that lowkey objectify her when she’s looking nice (because jenny seeks out non-serious relationships and honestly still doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing in this one), has no idea how to respond to this level of positive & appreciative attention. there is absolutely no dinnertime conversation and a heated makeout session in giles’s car that accidentally turns VERY tender & adoring. jenny, who has literally never been in love and is starting to think she might be heading in that direction, goes home and spends like two hours lying on her bed staring at the ceiling going “what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck”
jenny drags giles to some local farmer’s market and he actually loves it. turns out they BOTH think supporting small local businesses is important, and they’re so excited that they have something in common that they get REALLY into shopping together. they stay out till the market closes. giles buys jenny a nice hat. (jenny wears it to school the next day and gets DRESS CODED by snyder because it hits him in the face somehow.)
they drive down the coast one weekend and have a picnic on the beach! jenny is like an absolute manic ball of energy on the weekend (she wants to splash around) and giles is not (he wants to relax by the ocean and read) so they compromise by walking on the shore together and talking about dumb non-supernatural stuff. jenny is terrible so she kicks up water and splashes giles every so often anyway
unfortunately there is definitely a very boring study date that was SUPPOSED to be fun and sweet (jenny genuinely loves hearing giles get all excited about the supernatural stuff he’s researching) but giles fell asleep like thirty seconds in because literally all the dates above this one meant sacrificing a LOT of sleep for jenny’s sake. jenny does all of his supernatural research for him, writes up some notes that he can read to the kids, and drives him home. she refuses to admit that this is definitely the behavior of someone who is pretty seriously committed to another person. this is just casual. all of this is just casual. shut the fuck up.
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warriorlid14 · 4 years
Thank you!!
Yes, Ron totally would! And the twins caught up that something was up, and that Ron was trying harder in his and Harry’s training sessions. When they asked what was wrong, he was just kind of like “I’m just worried about Harry” and they guessed. And pulled him aside and told them that if any of them was going to volunteer it should be one of them because they’re older and stronger. (Though Fred was totally planning on knocking George out during the final goodbyes, so).
So there’s this thread where I went into more detail over this AU, but here are some of the basics (as I can remember because I haven’t touched this in years):
Harry’s parents died in an “accident” when he was a toddler and he was then placed with the Dursleys. Ron and Harry met in school and became bff’s and all that.
Harry being chosen was planned and though there’s usually volunteers in D1, they were ordered not to have volunteers that year. Harry and Ron suspected this from the start, which is why Ron secretly planned to volunteer. The twins knew he’d be up to something, so they decided one of them would volunteer instead, but Ron beat them to it.
During the opening ceremonies, the stylists dress them in beautiful gowns with diamonds on them cuz ya know, D1 is the jewel district. Ron is pissed because these gowns could feed his family for a year (Weasleys are still poor, though there isn’t as much poverty in D1 as in other districts). But he has to play nice. Also, his prep team gives Daphne a tiara and him a crown which earns him the nickname “The King”. His interview with Flickerman reinforces the title.
Ron gets an 8 in his training score because in D1′s version of P.E everyone gets some basic survival training. And also because Harry dragged him along to train with him since before the first reaping in preparation for when he’d be reaped.
Mad-eye Moody is mentor. He tells Ron not to let his friendship with Harry be known because that would draw more attention to them both. And not the kind that’d get him sponsors, but the kind that would put them both in more danger.
Ron denies that he’s friends with Harry during the interview, which makes him feel horribly guilty (and hurts Harry off-screen), but it’s the safest bet for them both
The arena is a maze. All the tributes are separated and placed along the edges. The maze is made up of tall, metal walls, and it’s pitch dark at night. They’re all given a knife. Everyone is a little relieved because that means there’s no bloodbath BUT
A few hours later, the walls start to shift and Ron runs away to avoid being crushed and finds himself trapped within four walls with another tribute. The walls start to shift again and this time there’s no way to escape being crushed. Except. The other tribute gets it half a second before Ron does, and while Ron was trying to figure out a way to get out, the tribute attacks. A fight ensues. Ron is hurt, but kills the other tribute and the walls shift to let him out. (The walls will only stop when someone is killed, if not they’re both killed)
On the second day he meets Lavender, and they become allies when they help each other out of a sticky situation. They instantly hit it off. And maybe if they were out of the arena, they wouldn’t be well-suited for each other. But they’re scared and probably going to die and seeking comfort and so they joke around and make out a bit because it’s fun, damnit.
Outside of the Games, Harry has used up all his money to sponsor Ron. On top of other sponsors, Mad-eye is able to give Ron one of the most expensive gifts in this arena: night-vision goggles (and a feast). Ron and Lavender are very excited because the chances that one of them will make out have increased tenfold with the glasses. And that night, well-fed and hopeful, they genuinely laugh for the first time since they stepped onto the tribute train.
But the next day they run into the D2 tribute and he kills Lavender. Ron kills him half in self-defense half in revenge.
He runs into the other careers then. There’s now four left. Ron doesn’t want to join, but he’s expected to, and he knows he’ll be targeted if he doesn’t, so he relents. He doesn’t tell them about the glasses.
Turns out, there was a cornucopia this entire time, but it was in the center of the maze and the careers had found it. Ron picks up a sword.
By that night, there’s only one other non-career person alive. So they decide to split up to find them. Ron reluctantly goes with Daphne, planning to ditch her when he can.
But it’s night, and it’s dark, and they’re walking blindly. Or Daphne is at least. It’s so dark that she doesn’t see him slide on his night-vision goggles. And he knows it’d be a perfect chance to kill her, but he can’t bring himself to kill her unprovoked. Especially because she’s his district partner and D1 would hate him. So he’ll ditch her.
But just then, a giant spider silently crawls up in front of them. And he can see it of course. And he panics and yells and runs away. Daphne hears him and runs after him, not sure why, but follows anyway.
They escape (or think they do), but Daphne is now suspicious and figures out that he has the goggles and attacks him. Ron manages to injure her just when the spider shows up again. In a calculated, panicked mode that he’ll regret later, he leaves her and escapes the spider.
Meanwhile the other two found the last tribute and killed her. Ron stumbles upon them just when the D2 girl attacks the D4 boy and ever the strategist, and now a little colder, Ron stands back to let them kill each other. The D2 girl wins, but she’s injured. Ron swoops in for the kill and wins
After the games is when it gets fuzzy, because these are the 69th games and our HG trilogy starts with the 74th.
Ron is being threatened by Snow, so he never joins the rebellion (at least at first)
Harry will be reaped for the 71st HG
He may or may not join the rebellion before, but definitely joins after
this may or may not lead to someone being killed
Hermione is a capitolite. she wants to be a journalist and explain to the capitol why the games are so bad. she doesn’t really get the nuances yet, though. like, she doesn’t understand why the districts don’t just rebel. Ron helps her understand it better and also tells her that she needs to be more careful
If I ever do write it, it’ll probably be similar to this in format, just a bunch of bullet points to explain what happens because it’s a huuuge project. Just gotta figure out what happens first.
Thanks for the ask!
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Secret enemy
I was going to make this a fic last year but I forgot about it until now so uh anyway:
It’s pretty rare that South Carolina has snow. It’s even more rare when it piles up enough to play in the snow
So of course when the foxes woke up to a mountain of snow it was only natural that they do a snow ball fight
After the great snow disaster of the year before during their trip to a ski lodge however, some rules had to be put in place
This is when Nicky’s stupid amazing idea comes into play
The way it works is that everybody would put a slip of paper with their name on it in a hat and everyone would draw out a name. Whoever’s name you got would be your target. From there you could only hit that person with snowballs and if you hit someone else, or whoever had your name hit you, you would get a point. Person with the least amount of points wins
Nicky dubbed it Secret enemy because It was kinda like secret Santa but instead of presents you just got pelted with snow.
Everyone goes along with it even Aaron, mostly just because Katelyn was joining, but he joined all the same. He’ll wish he didn’t though
Everyone gathered up slips of papers and a hat and proceeded to draw names out until everyone had one
Andrew’s face was neutral like usual and Renee, Kevin, and Katelyn seemed ok with there’s. Aaron didn’t really mind who he got either.
Allison and Nicky looked extremely pleased with whoever they got, Dan had a deep grimace on her face, and Neil... Neil looked like he was a kid in a candy store
Not long after they all headed down stairs and went to a nice little place on campus that had plenty of room and cover for the game
It was decided that Renee would be the one to call out when they started and all the foxes waited in anticipation. As soon as Renee yelled start all hell broke loose
Allison showed no mercy as she pelted Matt with snowball after snowball and Nicky showed Allison the same amount of ruthlessness
Katelyn was trying to hit Renee but within minutes of the match starting she found the task to be next to impossible
Renee was playing it nice and had only hit Dan a couple of times and Dan was mostly just taking cover. It looked like her secret enemy was Andrew and she wasn’t going to try to hit him with a snowball because she valued her life
Aaron managed to get Nicky a couple of times and he had to admit hearing Nicky complain each time he got hit was pretty funny
Kevin wasn’t really playing, not seeing the point or at least he wasn’t until Andrew upheaved a bucket of snow down his jacket. Andrew soon retreated back to the dorm after that. Kevin actually did throw some snowballs at Katelyn after that and his cometitive drive kept him playing
Aaron would never admit it but he was actually having a lot of fun
Was having a lot of fun
It didn’t occur to him that Neil had gone missing since the beginning of the game and that Aaron hadn’t been hit with a single snow ball until Neil came bursting out of the trees like a bat out of hell with a shit ton of ammo near his feet and his eyes set on Aaron
Aaron got hit with snow ball after snow ball and even after taking cover Neil would find a way around to get in more hits
At this point Aaron didn’t care about the rules and he tried to hurl a couple snowballs at Neil but Neil was like a fucking whack a mole, you never knew where he’d pop up next
The end of the game came fast and by that point Aaron was soaked and pissed
He had been able to get a couple of good hits in on Neil but the pleased smirk on Neil’s face made it seem like nothing touched him the whole game
Aaron was going to kill him
The foxes all went inside for the rest of the day and Aaron took a quick shower before burrowing under a mountain of blankets
At the very least it was over and he didn’t have to worry about Neil and the stupid snowball game anymore
Or so he thought
The next couple of days after, as Aaron went to his different classes, met Katelyn for dates, or went to practice he would be hit with at least one snow ball by one piece of shit Neil Josten
Aaron would have snapped his neck if it weren’t for Andrew
After complaining to Katelyn about it and wanting to get revenge she talked him out of doing anything rash. Also with the snow melting fast it’s not like Aaron had a way to retaliate without down right killing Neil
At the very least Neil couldn’t hit Aaron if there was no snow on the ground. The crisis was avoided
It was maybe mid Febuary and Aaron had mostly forgot about the whole secret enemy thing
There was a big biology test coming up and he went to the library to study with Katelyn when it happened
Aaron had sat down at a table and started to look around for Katelyn when out of the corner of his eye he saw what looked like red hair
Aaron turned to fully face the person approaching him to get a face full of ice and the last glimpse of Neil josten as he left the library in a hurry
This was the last straw
Aaron gathered up his stuff, texted Katelyn that he would be late, and hauled ass across campus to get back to the dorm
He climbed the stairs and made his way to Neil’s room before knocking violently
When the door opened he was ready to wrap his hands around Neil’s neck but he quickly realized that Andrew was the one who opened the door
He quilled his anger enough to ask where Neil is and not push his way past
Andrew gave him a bored look before letting Aaron in and to his surprise a fucking snow cone machine was planted on the counter
Aaron turned to Andrew to ask what the fuck that was about but he finally noticed Andrew’s bowl of snow cone with a shit ton of flavored syrup and it clicked
Neil got a snow cone machine to not only continuously torture him but also at the same time have it be justified by giving Andrew something to eat
No one would question why Neil got the machine because they would assume he got it as a present for Andrew. The little shit
Aaron glared at the machine before turning to Andrew again and asking where Neil is
Andrew stuck another couple of spoonfuls of the mostly syrup mess in his mouth before gesturing toward a board that was on the wall. On it was Neil’s school schedule
Aaron took a picture of Neil’s schedule and slipped out of the room. It was time to plan
Fast forward to Wednesday after Andrew and Aaron’s joint session
Andrew was suppose to stay after with bee to talk about something but bee got an emergence call and had to leave early so Andrew left with Aaron
As soon as they enter the building Neil rounds the corner and throws a snow ball
At first Neil kept his smug face but it morphed into horror as he realized that he hit Andrew square in the fucking face
Aaron doesn’t think he’s ever seen Neil turn tail and run faster than in this moment
Andrew has the same expression on his face but he turns to Aaron and says “be at the dorm at 2 am,” before heading to the changing rooms
Aaron follows suit but the thought of what Andrew would want from him that late sticks in the back of his mind
It isn’t until Aaron enters the room at 2:02 and that Aaron understands what Andrew wanted from him
Looks like he wouldn’t need to make a plan after all
Full bags of ice are scattered on the ground near a large tub that’s waiting to be filled
Andrew opens the freezer to get the last bag and hands it to Aaron
The two work in silence until the tub is full and then they each bend down to grab a side
It was a bit heavy but Aaron didn’t mind so long as he got his revenge
Andrew opened the door and led Aaron to Neil who was curled up on Andrew’s bed fast asleep and with a slight heave they uplifted the whole tub of ice on top of Neil
Neil startled awake and quickly assessed his surrounds only to see Andrew’s apathetic stare and a shit eating grin on Aaron’s face
Suffice to say, Aaron spent the rest of the semester snowball free and if when he goes over to Andrew’s dorm he notices that the freezer is always stocked with Andrew’s favorite ice cream he doesn’t mention it
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timeisacephalopod · 6 years
This is a no power AU with Stephen in his usual surgeon role, and Tony as his usual engineer/ CEO self. This is quite Stephen-centric and follows him though a bad day at work with some Tony at the end. Somewhat inspired by that one Grey’s Anatomy episode where Bailey get stuck doing surgery on that Nazi asshole. (Also, as always when I write him Stephen is Nepali).
Stephen hates working in the ER but Christine insists that he pull some hours there. Truthfully he only does it out of respect for Christine, but respect for her doesn’t mean that he has to like it. Nick comes running up and Stephen rolls his eyes, prepared for yet another wrong diagnoses that he will have to fix when he stops in front of him, huffing. “There’s been a nasty accident not far from here. We’re about to get flooded so I suggest making sure there are OR rooms free,” he says. 
“I already know which ones are free,” Steven tells him. “Because unlike some people I do my job,” he adds under his breath. Nicky gives him an annoyed look but says nothing as Stephen goes to make sure the supplies they will need will be within easy reach and, true to Nick’s word, the hospital is flooded less than fifteen minutes later. He works mostly methodically, most wounds are superficial in nature, but when Christine calls him over to work on someone else he’s relieved. If she’s called him over than she’s got something more his speed and he’s damn tired of stitching whining people.
When he gets there though Christine looks right irritated. He raises an eyebrow and she makes an annoyed noise, “he wants a guy- his spine is a mess and he won’t let me treat him because I’m a woman.” Her distaste and disgust is clear and frankly Stephen is surprised. Hospitals don’t tend to be places where people care about that kind of thing- the sick don’t get the luxury of deeply held prejudice but this guy is apparently steadfast clinging to his.
“You know I can hear you, right?” the patient tells presumably Christine but its Stephen who responds.
“Something tells me she doesn’t give a damn,” Stephen says, coming up behind the patient and examining what Christine had called a mess and frankly that was being polite about it. “I’m assuming you were in one of the cars closest to the initial crash, then?” he asks. Nasty pile of cars after one spun out and hit another, they think, but the results are bloody nonetheless.
“Yeah,” the guy mumbles.
“Unlucky,” Stephen murmurs more to himself than the patient and in the chaos his comment gets lost anyways. He asks a few more routine questions, figuring out the best course of action, before he cuts the man’s shirt carefully to get a better look at the damage. When he catches the snatch of ink its not really unusual- tattoos are especially popular for young people- but something makes him cut a little higher than he needs to.
His eyebrows fly up and across the room its like Christine knows to look up because they make eye contact. He jerks his head, gesturing for her to come over and she does, reluctantly. When she sees the tattoo her jaw drops and Stephen snickers a little. Fucking idiot has no idea that Stephen isn’t white- he came up from behind and thanks to his deep voice and lack of an accent this moron had assumed he was white. Or at least given the rather large swastika on his shoulder he assumes the patient thinks he’s white.
“If you’re not comfortable-” Christine starts but Stephen shakes his head.
“Are you kidding me?” he hisses, “this idiot has no idea I’m not white, this is hilarious.” Christine looks confused, very confused, but Stephen has always delighted in making a fool out of people with stupid, pseudoscientific beliefs and this is no exception. So he’ll continue to do as much work as possible before his patient catches on to the fact that Stephen is very much Asian.
Christine shakes his head at him and walks off. “Uh, everything alright back there?” the patient asks and Stephen snorts. Not even remotely, the fact that this guy isn’t dead or even unstable momentarily is a god damn miracle. Or, more likely, indicative that something else is wrong and he can’t see it yet.
“Nice tattoo,” Stephen says in a pleasant tone that his idiot patient assumes is approval if his response is any indication.
“Oh I... wouldn’t have figured someone here would understand,” he says eventually.
Stephen lets out a small laugh, stepping around the bed and into the patient’s view. “Oh I can’t say I understand,” he says, pleasant smirk on his face. The patient jerks and Stephen almost winces for him given the circumstances but its his own racist opinions that did that to him. Stephen would lower the dosage of his pain killers too if not for a potential malpractice suit. He’s sure it wouldn’t matter in the end, Tony has the best lawyers money can buy and he’s hardly short on cash himself, but he figures its best to play this right. “If you’d like I can grab a white man,” he says, same pleasant tone in his voice and the patient looks damn confused but Stephen knows exactly what Nick will think of this. The man doesn’t work well when uncomfortable- a bad trait for a doctor.
He goes off to fetch Nick, sending him over to the Nazi while he goes back to stitching patients who are whining more than usual. Ugh. If only he could be a doctor without the whole ‘dealing with people’ thing. Christine says its impossible but Stephen firmly believes in medicine without people. Let robots gather their symptoms, he can deal with them after they’re knocked out.
“Stephen,” Nick says from behind him and he turns, dropping his tools in the small tray sitting beside him. “I can’t... that guy... he’s a Nazi Stephen, I can’t work on that.”
He raises an eyebrow, “and you’re talking to me because?” he asks even though he knows where this is going.
Nick sighs, looks away with a clearly conflicted look on his face before he turns back. “I know this is profoundly selfish to ask but...” his words cut off and he looks away again.
Stephen gets the point anyways. “Fine then, I’d appreciate you in the operating room though. I’m not certain Christine will be able to resist killing the man and someone should keep her from doing so,” he says, walking swiftly away.
Its almost twenty seven hours later when he finally gets done with the surgery. He’d been right about not seeing everything that was wrong, the guy almost died four times, but Stephen managed to save his ass while both Nick and Christine watched in utter confusion as he did his best to save a Nazi’s life.
Tony meets him outside and he all but collapses onto him, which probably isn’t fair since he’s nearly a foot taller than the poor man but he handles it well. “I am ready to die,” Stephen mumbles into the top of Tony’s head.
“Yeah,” Tony says from underneath him, “I kind of got that memo. Guess surgery went badly?” he asks, hedging his bets Stephen guessed. He’s never taken surgeries gone wrong well, not that they happened often, but this isn’t that.
“Oh it went fine. The patient almost died four times but he’s fine. That’s not what’s on my mind though,” he says, pulling away to stop squishing his poor partner. Tony frowns, eyebrows drawing together in confusion. God, he’s beautiful- dark features and fair skin, its a stunning combination. It helps that Tony is like him in a lot of ways and the ways in which they differ aren’t differences that draw them apart like they had with him and Christine.
“Are you okay?” Tony asks, reading what Christine and Nick hadn’t been able to on his features.
“I’m fine, Tony. Mostly. But the man I just saved is a Nazi.” Tony looks almost more disgusted than Christine and Nick had when they discovered that fun fact.
“You should have let him die,” he says in a harsh, unforgiving tone but Stephen knows if it came down to it Tony wouldn’t have killed the man. But he probably wouldn’t have done what Stephen did either. He’s far far less vengeful than Stephen is.
There days when Tony doesn’t understand Stephen- they’re rare, but they happen. And usually when he’s confused Christine can fill him in, but this time they’re both at a loss as they watch Stephen fuss over the man who clearly wants Stephen the hell away from him. It disgusts Tony to watch the way the guy fucking cringes every time Stephen comes near him when he saved that piece of shit’s fucking life but Stephen doesn’t seem to react at all.
“I don’t understand that,” Christine murmurs, “I thought he was an asshole for requesting a male doctor. Turns out he was worse.”
Tony shakes his head, “if I were you I would have make it look like an accident,” he murmurs.
“I was almost sure that’s what Stephen was going to do, almost perfect record be damned, but I swear he tried harder to not let him die,” Christine says. She’s baffled and frankly so is Tony. Its not like Stephen could possibly have any love for Nazis but their Nazi friend decides to ask for the both of them.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks eventually, flinching as Stephen continues to ensure he’s not about to die or whatever other doctor things he’s supposed to look for. Tony shakes his head, clenching his jaw at the utter disrespect. Its painful to watch Stephen get treated that way. Tony hopes Stephen lowers the dosage on those pain meds.
Stephen stops for a moment and looks down at the man in the bed before he lets out a soft, cruel smile. “I thought about letting you die- I’ll be honest and say the world would be better for your loss. Not that I’d even call it that much. But then I thought why kill him when you can get revenge? So I kept you alive, I worked hard to do it too, and I did it because there is nothing more satisfying to me to know that for a man like you having an Asian man and a woman save his life is a fate worse than death. Every time you even think you’re superior or better you’ll have to remember my face, my race, and know that the only reason you even have a thought in that vile mind of yours is because I allowed it to happen. Welcome to your waking nightmare every day for the rest of your shitty life, asshole. I am infinitely pleased to have delivered you here,” Stephen tells him in a low, threatening tone.
Tony and Christine share a surprised look, “remind me not to piss him off,” Tony tells her.
She swears under her breath, “no shit. I knew he was spiteful but wow, that’s a new level even for him.”
“Still think the Nazi was better off dead,” Tony mumbles. But he has to admit Stephen’s creative method of revenge is... well, creative.
Tony doesn’t understand Stephen’s love for watches, they’re utterly useless, but he deserves something after that Nazi fiasco so Tony and Christine hunt down a couple rare, expensive watches for gifts. Stephen raises an eyebrow when Tony hands him the box with their spoils in it but the absolute delight on his face when he finds the watches inside is so worth the price he paid for them.
“Thank you,” Stephen says, pulling a Rolex out of its box. “I’ve been lusting after this for years but its always been just a little out of my price range.” And he’s terrible with money, Tony knows. It goes out almost faster than it goes in. But he deserved a nice gift and Christine happened to remember what it looked like when Tony only remembered that it was a Rolex. Between the two of them they managed though.
“I thought you should get a little something nice, you’ve had a stressful few weeks,” he says, wrapping an arm around Stephen’s waist. 
Stephen leans down and kisses his temple, “having you around always makes things better. And I guess you too Christine,” he adds in a far less loving tone.
Christine rolls her eyes, “typical,” she says, shaking her head fondly.
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moonfairydraws · 6 years
Watercolor Stars (Bucky Barnes x Jeni, Tattoo Artist!AU) (NSFW) part 1
Summary: When Bucky comes into the tattoo shop, she hope to god he wants a watercolor tattoo. Cause just admit it, you’d wanna color that perfect body for hours too.
Warnings: Smutty and a bit of my art history side comes out. Also apparently Jeni cusses in this universe.
Words: 1,207
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“Oh, hey Bucky. Isn’t it your day off?” Nat looked up at him.
Clint laughed. “Steve probably called him in anyway. Am I right?”
“Actually, I kinda wanted to see Jeni.”
“You’re in luck.” Nat smiled, before shouting to the back. “Hey! You almost done with that guy?”
A familiar voice answered. “That was two hours ago. I’m eating lunch now Nat! You know that.” 
“You can go back and meet her. She should be in the break room.”
The first thing he noticed about the petite artist was the fact she wasn’t wearing a bra. It was kind of obvious from the back, since she was wearing one of those crazy open Pilates shirts that showed off the bare back quite nicely. The second thing that was obvious was her amazing arm tattoo, what looked like the outline of a woman, but filled to the brim with stars and planets, which fit perfectly with her purple and pink combo hair. Although, to Bucky, the cutest part was her brunette roots, although the other tattoos he could see were good contenders. 
He smiled at one of Steve’s tattoos on her inner thigh as she turned around, a vintage Cap Coleman styled woman with a black domino mask and short cropped brunette hair, a gold hawk emblazoned on the figure’s red dress. He also noticed one of Nat’s intricate line work tattoos peaking out from the opposite thigh: a rainbow infinity sign.
“So what’s up?” Her voice snapped him out of his trance. 
“Um....I’m thinking of getting a watercolor of that.” Bucky pointed at the logo of the shop, a shield with blue and red circles, a white star in the center. “Kinda wanted to get one like the one you did for Steve.”
“You saw the one I did for Steve?” He could see her face light up. “Honestly, it’s one of my better pieces.”
“Well, I’d like something for my chest.” Bucky took his jacket off, eliciting a wolf whistle from Nat. He glared in her direction.
“I think we need a little more privacy. The office probably.” Jeni led him into the tiny office, getting up on the desk, on her knees. The sight made Nat and Clint hold in their breath from their hiding place.
“You think that’s strong enough to hold you?”
“Please, it holds Steve. Take off your shirt.”
“Okay.” He took off the red henley, allowing Jeni to see his muscles. But what made her catch her breath was the tattoo on his arm.
“I never asked you before but, who did this?” Jeni’s reluctance was stopped by the need to examine an unknown artist’s work on his shoulder. It was a simple star, black outlined, with a robotic arm look that covered his whole arm. The line work was impressive. It was colored gray with a splash of vibrant red on the star.
“An old cell mate.” He looked sullen. “Natasha did the colors.”
“Well, it’s great work,” The look he gave her said so much. “I don’t think I would be able to top it. But...what would you think of this?” Jeni grabbed her markers from her pocket. Before Nat and Clint could stop her, she started to draw on his chest. The slight, careful movements made the pair mesmerized. “It’s not as good as Steve’s work but...”
The steel look of the rough made Bucky smile. “I love it.”
“Thanks.” She tried to hide her face with her hair. Bucky liked how it brought out the numerous freckles on her tan skin. 
“No coitus in the office.” They all jerked up to see Steve in the doorway, his hand over his eyes. 
“What?” Bucky’s face flushed as he saw Steve’s face. “I wouldn’t do that!”
“So, Jeni is wearing a bra?”
She threw a book of flash tattoos at Steve, although sadly it didn’t sail very far. “You idiots!”
She found herself in the office. It was obviously past closing. Did she fall asleep?
“You still here?” A smokey voice got her attention. It was Bucky.
“What are you doing here?”
“Forgot my bag.”
Bucky cooed as he traced the rainbow curves on her thigh. The chilliness of his hand made her jolt. He pulled her closer to him, kissing her collarbone. It was a venomous kiss, making her hips roll over his. 
“Does that feel good?” He let his words dance over her ear. She wriggled as he started to neck her. “What about this?”
”Really? Being so informal.”
“What should I call you then?”
“My full name would be nice.”
“Sergeant. James.” She moaned between each syllable. “Buchanan. Barnes.”
“Good.” He moved his attention to her breasts, which was one of the few places not covered in ink. “So inviting, I just want to...”
Jeni jolted awake to the sound of her alarm.
“You had a sex dream? About that guy?” Wanda laughed.
“Almost sex dream. My stupid alarm clock woke me up before he even took off his shirt,” Jeni whined, her head slamming against the breakfast table. “I hate waking up horny.”
“Too bad I wasn’t there.” Pietro smiled, leaning over Jeni. “I could’ve taken care of your morning cravings.”
“As good as that sounds, I like my sexual partners to last longer than two minutes.”
“And they usually wear leather, Little bro.” Wanda laughed. “Speaking of which, how is your angel doing?”
“Last I heard, the Revengers were on tour in Europe.” Jeni purred. “Opening for some band called the Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Really? Their drummer Drax is amazing.” Pietro fanboyed, almost knocking the dishes off the table. “You think Val can get a signed poster for me?”
“You’d be better off asking Loki to kiss Bruce.” She chuckled. “Shoot, I need to get to work.”
Pietro and Wanda exchanged glances as she ran out the door.
“Wanna bet how long until she realizes he likes her back?” Wanda held up a bagel. 
“It might be better to bet who confesses first.”
“I’m sorry I’m...” Jeni stared at what she saw in the studio. There was Bucky, in a destroyed Nighthawk T-shirt. It really showed off his tattoos, especially the line work she’d finished yesterday. Jeni’s mind fill immediately with images of him from last night. She could feel her cheeks warm but she tried to hide it by acting normal. “Hey.”
“Good morning.” That’s when she realized. He was behind the desk, looking through the accounts. “Ready for work?”
“Yeah. I got an appointment with a old client in an hour.”
“Guess we could have some fun before then.”
“Yeah...” Jeni pinched herself. Was she still dreaming? 
“Alright, cause Steve wants us to put up a display.” The statement made Jeni sigh with relief.
“Oh, sure.” She looked down at her feet. “Um, about what Steve said yesterday.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I don’t know why he would think that.” He shuffled some papers. Jeni almost thought she saw his cheeks flush. 
“That’s okay. Would you like to go out together for lunch?”
“Yeah. I’d like that.” He looked up at her. “But I’m buying.”
“Alright, I get it. Trying to be a gentleman.” Jeni chuckled, her embarrassment gone. “But I get to pay the next time.”
@sweetievalencia @fandom-hoe101 @spiderzenslaya @agentmalfoy24601 @kxrtswagnertrash @step-into-my-office @libsybum  @panicnowandrun  @honey-im-no-angel @madelyne-pryor @saintpyro @arfrona-and-marvel @totheendofthelinepal @marvelfanfichq @full-time-fangirling @that-sokovian-bastard @ourpeachskies @fanfic-haven @thatbandchick39
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vendily-blog · 7 years
This is gonna be a long one about the Mario Timeline...
Spoilers for a large number of the games in the series, mostly for the ones that I’ve played.
So to start, I need to establish two things. First, the Paper universe is separate from the rest of the games (Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam), and I’ve only played the first one. (I really need to beat it...). Second, it get’s really hard to accurately place the timing of the Super Mario series, as well as their relation of the other RPG Mario series, so there are a few headcanons, clearly marked as such, and a lot of is is by release date, which is fun.
I realize I get more sarcastic as I get along, I wasn’t expecting the list to get this long, because kept on adding more games.
Okay with that settled let’s get to the games.
Baby Luigi is kidnapped and the stork is captured by Kamek and his cronies. Baby Mario and the Yoshi’s rescue them both and beat up Baby Bowser (Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island)
The Stork delivers the bros to the wrong house, and while fixing that mistake, Baby Luigi is kidnapped and the stork is captured by Kamek and his cronies. Baby Mario and the Yoshi’s rescue them both and beat up Baby Bowser, fucking Bowser comes back in time to fuck with shit, and the Adult Mario also comes back in time to help by giving you that powerup that is literally just a “you suck at this level, don’t ya”, while disguised as a pipe. (Yoshi’s New Island, which is fun. I beat the whole thing in one sitting the day I got it)
Future Kamek and his cronies kidnap all the babies so Bowser can get the star babies. Magic powers or something. Baby Mario and Baby Peach are rescued by the stork and the Yoshi’s rescue everyone, yay! (Yoshi’s Island DS, my first Yoshi’s Island game.)
The shroobs take over Mushroom Kingdom. Time is fucked because Peach wanted to ride in Professor E.Gadd’s Time Machine. The Adult Bros team up with their now toddler selves, and proceed to nearly ruin the Mushroom Kingdom. Nearly. Also E.Gadd stopped studying Thwomps after his lab is destroyed, and moves to Boo Woods in Evershade Valley to study ghosts. (Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon)
The adult Mario and Luigi move to the Metro Kingdom and do construction work (Wreaking Crew. Also Super Mario Odyssey. It’s a headcanon)
Pauline is kidnapped by Donkey Kong Sr., who latter ages poorly and goes by Cranky Kong nowadays. Mario rescues her but she loses her purse. (Donkey Kong, Super Mario Odyssey)
Mario and Pauline date, but it doesn’t work out and they have an amicable break up and stay friends (Mostly headcanon, Super Mario Odyssey)
Mario and Luigi do plumbing instead. While working, they get attacked by various creatures, including Koopas and Spinys. (Mario Bros., as well as headcanon, though Mariowiki lists an interview confirming that this game takes place in New York, so also Super Mario Odyssey)
Mario and Luigi move back to the Mushroom Kingdom. (No game here, but not really a head canon either.)
Princess Peach as well as a few Toads are kidnapped by Bowser, and the rest have been magically transformed into Question Mark blocks. Mario and Luigi go and rescue them all. A number of Toads are inspired by their bravery and proceed to do as much as they can to help them in the future, including one group becoming the Toad Brigade, led by Captain Toad.(Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy. Headcanon includes Toad Houses in all of the games that have them)
Bowser, not undeterred by his earlier defeat at the hands of the plumbers, kidnaps Peach again and puts more challenges in their way. They beat him anyway. (Super Mario Bros 2 JPN)
Mario has a trippy dream. (Super Mario Bros 2 USA)
Goddamn it, Bowser. This time not only does he kidnap Peach, he enlists the Koopalings to steal the magic wands from the smaller states within the Mushroom Kingdom and transform their rulers into various creatures. He ends up effectively defeating himself, because building a death pit covered by blocks you can destroy is a smart idea (Super Mario Bros 3, my favorite)
Princess Peach hears news that the ruler of the neighbouring kingdom, Sarasaland, Princess Daisy, was kidnapped by space monster Tatanga. Mario goes on his merry way to rescue her. (Super Mario Land)
Wario takes over a castle that Mario had, for some reason, while he was rescuing Daisy. Do I really have to include this game, it doesn’t fit any more, even if it is fun. (Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins)
Bowser, who had laid low on Dinosaur Island in the Cascade Kingdom, traps the Yoshis in eggs and kidnaps Peach again, putting the Koopalings in charge of keeping Mario away. We all know what happens. (Super Mario World, headcanon on the location of Dinosaur Island based on Super Mario Odyssey. You can’t tell me that the skeleton in Fossil Falls isn’t a giant Reznor)
Bowser and the Koopalings open  hotels and kidnap Peach (Hotel Mario)
Bowser kidnaps Peach, but gets thwarted, not by Mario (though he did give a good trouncing), but a giant sword. I didn’t beat this game, but robots happen apparently. (Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars)
Bowser kidnaps Peach in 3-D!!!!! Mario defeats Bowser after building speed for 12 5 hours and many parallel universes. (Super Mario 64, I love Pannenkoek’s videos. Did you know there’s are a number of faster routes now for the A Button Challenge?)
Paper Bowser has stolen the Star Rod, and seals the Star Spirits into cards, then, you guessed it, kidnaps Peach. Paper Mario fixes everything, but he’s overprotective, so he doesn’t let Paper Luigi help him. (Paper Mario 64)
E.Gadd at this point had captured a large portion of the Boos and Ghosts in the Gloomy Mansion, including Boolossus, a very loyal servant to King Boo. King Boo, in revenge, attack and frees all of the captured ghosts and Boos, and decides to trap all of his enemies, including the Mario Bros., who are on his hit list for some reason, into paintings. (Luigi’s Mansion, Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon)
Luigi finds the letter saying he won a mansion in the mail. Ecstatic, he tells Mario to meet him there. They don’t meet. Mario is trapped into a painting, and Luigi almost is himself if E.Gadd hadn’t come to the rescue. Luigi saves Mario, everyone’s happy. (Luigi’s Mansion)
Mario accompanies Princess Peach on her vacation to Isle Delfino. Luigi stays home because the mansion was enough excitement for now. Bowser Jr fucks shit up and kidnaps Peach, to impress Bowser. Mario saves the day in the end. (Super Mario Sunshine, which emulates poorly)
Prince Peasley from the neighboring Beanbean Kingdom warns Princess Peach that Cackletta was after her voice. Cackletta and Fawful steal a Birdo disguised as Peach’s voice, though Peach ends up getting kidnapped. Then not kidnapped through a stunt that people love to draw, Luigi crossdressing (and a fine one too). Stuff happens, Bowser get’s possessed. (Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga)
A toy company using Mario’s image creates a new line of Mini Mario’s. Donkey Kong really wants them, but they have sold out, so he robs a store. Mario was in the area and stops him, though it turns out Donkey Kong had dropped all of the toys. Enraged, Donkey Kong grabs the toads running the store and climbs to the top of the building. Mario rescues them, and in the process, knock Donkey Kong off the building onto a truck delivering the next shipment. He tries to steal those, but fails miserably. Donkey Kong is sad that he failed, but Mario gives him a free Mini Mario to cheer him up. (Mario vs Donkey Kong, which I sadly can not find a copy of.)
Paper Mario goes on an adventure. Paper Peach is kidnapped by an evil oganization trying to summon a shadow demon, and Paper Bowser just... messes around I guess. (Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door)
Bowser kidnaps Peach again, sending a letter of invitation in her name to the Mario Bros and Wario for some cake. They also get captured. Yoshi rescues Mario, who rescues Luigi, who rescues Wario. They do stuff, and Mario beats Bowser, because Bowser asked nicely to fight him. (Super Mario 64 DS)
Bowser, irritated with all of his losses at the hands of the Mario bros gets his hands on the Vibe Scepter, which can manipulate the emotions of everyone in it’s vicinity. He kidnaps just about everyone but Peach. Peach, armed with Perry the umbrella that used to be a human or something and really abusable mood swings, fight Bowser. (Super Princess Peach)
E.Gadd reveals the Time Machine he’s been working on. Princess Peach travels back in time and accidentally messed a lot of things up.
Peach gets kidnapped by Bowser Jr while on a walk with Mario. She gets rescued, and Bowser temporarily becomes Dry Bowser. (New Super Mario Bros.)
Mario and Luigi Go to collect coins. Princess Peach is kidnapped by the Koopalings. Rinse and repeat. (New Super Mario Bros. 2)
A Mini Mario amusement park is opened in New Donk City, and both Mayor Pauline and Mario have come to see the opening. Donkey Kong attempts to woo Pauline with a Mini Donkey Kong at the same time that Mario offers her a Mini Mario. Pauline takes the Mini Mario and the heartbroken Donkey Kong grabs her and rides the elevator to the top of the building, taking presents along the way. Mario saves the day using the Mini Marios and everybody is happy. (Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis, headcanon involving Super Mario Odyssey)
Paper Mario and the rest of the crew go on an adventure in Parallel dimensions to stop the multiverse from getting fucked. (Super Paper Mario)
Bowser hasn’t done much in a while, so he fucking kidnaps Peach during the Star Festival by lifting her castle into fucking space. Mario also get’s launched into space. The Toad Brigade give Luigi a lift as they travel through space to help Mario, though Luigi get’s lost somehow and the Brigade get stranded on Honeyhive Galaxy. Anyway, an adventure happens, a Luma throws itself into a Blackhole the Bowser had created in his new galaxy, and everybody is happy. (Super Mario Galaxy)
The Mushroom Kingdom gets two Star Festivals as Rosalina had passed close by a second time during the events of the first game. Bowser, nor to be out done by a double festival, proceeds to double kidnap Peach. Yeah... (Super Mario Galaxy 2, also personal headcanon, because there’s no way this game is 100 years after the previous one.)
Archivist Toadette finds pieces of the Dark Moon in Evershade Valley and gives them to E.Gadd to study. He later finds the rest of the pieces and the restored Dark Moon pacifies the ghosts. (This is 100% headcanon.)
Bowser ends up inhaling everyone in Peach’s Castle as well as a bunch of stuff found around the Mushroom Kingdom because of a Vacuumshroom given to him by Fawful. Some random stuff happens, including Bowser turning into a giant whenever he is basically almost dead, and a ball of Dark matter being the final villain. (Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story. Also, because of Tumblr, I can’t play this game any more without thinking of fucking fetishes. Good Job.)
The Koopalings and Bowser Jr kidnap Peach at her birthday party. Mario and Luigi go to rescue her after the initial shock of the incident wears off, though not before two very brave Toads ask to join them. The rest proceeds fairly normally, and Princess Peach is rescued. (New Super Mario Bros. Wii)
E.Gadd sells the King Boo Portrait at a garage sale. (Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon)
Bowser kidnaps Peach and knocks all of the leaves off the famous Tanooki Leaf Tree that looks like it has a tail. Mario saves the day and every gets a tail. (Super Mario 3D Land. You can find that same tree in Odyssey.)
Paper Bowser becomes really powerful because he gets a sticker stuck on him. Using this power, he beats Paper Mario, kidnaps Paper Peach, and sticks a bunch of toads to the wall for the hell of it. Paper Bowser plays with tape, and we all know how this ends. (Paper Mario: Sticker Star)
Captain Toad goes on an adventure to collect Green Stars and rescue Archivist Toadette. After rescuing her, he sees a green star fall into the clear pipe to the Sprixie Kingdom.
Mario, Luigi, Peach, and a Toad are enjoying a festival until they find a clear pipe. After repairing it, a Sprixie Princess exits, telling of Bowser capturing the other princesses before being captured herself. The crew follow, and everybody gets a cat suit. (Super Mario 3D World)
King Boo puts his plan into place, shattering the Dark Moon and hiding the pieces. Fortunately, Luigi is summoned by E.Gadd and with the help of the Polterguist 5000, collects pieces of the Dark Moon. Turns out Mario was turned into a painting, as well as the Toads that aid E.Gadd in his research. Luigi defeats King Boo again, Mario is saved and the Dark Moon is restored. (Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon)
Luigi has narcolepsy. Bowser and Antasma team up to steal the Dream stone and grant their wishes. A much needed ego boost is given to Luigi. (Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, which is fun.)
DK kidnaps Pauline for literally no reason. Mario uses toys to save her. (Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars)
Luigi drops a book and unleashes the Paper universe. Paper Bowser and Bowser team up and kidnap both Paper Peach and Peach. Mario, Luigi, and Paper Mario also team up and save the day. While they were gone, Shy guys drink paint or something. (Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam, Paper Mario: Color Splash)
Paper Mario paints stuff that the Shy Guys drank, I guess. (Paper Mario: Color Splash)
Bowser kidnaps Peach so he can marry her, and steals stuff for his wedding. Mario and Cappy get stylish. And this damn game is beautiful. (Super Mario Odyssey)
That’s the whole series, not really including the Wario games, or the Yoshi games, as well as the various spinoffs like Mario Party and the like. But other than that, if it has Mario in it, it was included.
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we-steer-the-ship · 7 years
The Five Year Journey: Chapter 15
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xyliane · 7 years
lawfully unwedded
summary: they get married fourteen times. well, they never get officially married—there’s never been any paperwork filled out, and after the third time, most people are convinced it’s just an excuse for them to have a massive party, and they’re not wrong. (knuckle still cries every single time.)
notes: I’ve been working on this thing off and on for months now, but now it’s done! it’s a very very belated birthday present for @wuzzyletoastermac who is an amazing friend and has amazing ideas. (and I am borrowing ari who is wuzzy’s wolfgirl pup and is adorable) G, killugon throughout the years, featuring friends and family and some ocs and some headcanon about parenting for killua and gon. this work is rated F for Fluff. 4400 words.
also on ao3!
The first wedding is an accident. Well, mostly. It isn’t planned, it isn’t intentional, and it never is an actual wedding. In fact, neither Gon or Killua realizes anyone would take it as anything more than a joke, not with the obvious ridiculousness of Aiai City and Greed Island providing the backdrop for an image sent to Alluka.
Their now-regular meet up with Leorio proves their judgment to be slightly flawed.
“What do you mean you got married?” Leorio demands, half of the people trying to eat their lunch at this restaurant spinning at the noise. “You’re seventeen!”
“I’m eighteen, Killua’s seventeen,” Gon says. “A summer wedding is always nice, right?”
Leorio attempts to pull his hair out, knocking his glasses askew. “You can’t get married at seventeen!”
“Age of consent here is sixteen, Leorio! I wouldn’t even need Aunt Mito to sign for anything.”
Killua rolls his eyes to try to pretend he’s not blushing. “We didn’t actually get married,” he says. “There wasn’t any paperwork, it was just some asshole in a stupid hat that wanted pictures. I don’t think anything on Greed Island is really all that legal, anyways.”
Leorio brandishes his phone, said picture zoomed in to the point of being pixelated and blurry but not disguising the glimmer of rings on their fingers. “Then what are those?”
Gon grins and digs out a square of rumpled gold foil from his pocket. “Chocolate rings,” he says. “The photographer gave them to us as payment for helping with his project. Killua ate both of them.”
His boyfriend—partner—husband—best friend chokes on air. “You kept that?”
“Well, of course!” Gon says, a far too innocent glimmer in his eyes. “It was our first wedding, after all.”
“First?” Leorio and Killua say, Leorio still trying to wrap his head around his friends and wedding being in the same sentence, and Killua with a look of oddly enthusiastic dismay.
Killua takes Gon’s hands, pale thumbs drawing circles across the callouses on his knuckles. “You know, we don’t have to get married, right?” he says, cheeks turning pink. “I don’t…you know. It’s not important to me.”
“But you’re important to me.” Gon presses a kiss to Killua’s cheek, smile widening in direct correlation to how red Killua turns. “Do you wanna get married? I’d rather do whatever you want, Killua.”
If they weren’t almost sickeningly adorable, Leorio would throttle these two kids. Kids. “Are you two getting married or not?”
The two teenagers exchange a look Leorio can’t read, and Killua shakes his head. “Not now,” he says slowly, eyes still on his best friend, who smiles.
Gon adds, “We have our whole lives, right? We can live them together however we want. It’s more fun that way.”
Killua just about bursts into flames, and Leorio can’t bring himself to be annoyed anymore. That they love each other is nothing new. They deserve each other. But some amount of revenge is worthwhile. “Well, if you’re both so intent on this. It’s time someone told you about sex.”
Both boys squawk and try to flounder out of their seats as Leorio brings up a set of diagrams on his phone, a smile growing on his face that is not at all evil or the result of years’ worth of vengeance for his friends being reckless idiots. “First off, condoms.”
The resulting screeches get them all kicked out of the restaurant.
The second wedding is more complicated. 
Leorio’s interrogation-turned-sex-talk (a conversation Killua vehemently insists never happened and makes Gon turn curiously silent whenever it’s brought up) is only the tip of the iceberg once Alluka “accidentally” sends the photo to her brother’s friends. While funny for the first few weeks, it gets frustrating to have to explain to every single person they know that, no, they’re not married, no they don’t have plans to get married anytime soon if at all, and for fuck’s sake Knuckle please stop crying, it’s embarrassing to everyone.
Which is most of the reason they’ve ended up in front of a flowered archway and a brightly colored canopy, forcibly cleaned and shoved into matching tuxes before being physically deposited in front of what feels like hundreds of their friends and family. Judging by the quantity and quality of baked goods, Killua suspects Palm as having a heavy hand in the proceedings, and Gon can easily identify Zepile’s handiwork in the eclectic but well-made decorations around the garden.
For some reason, it’s Morel who’s been enlisted as the officiant. The only thing preventing him from openly sobbing are his sunglasses.
Both Gon and Killua glance at each other, feeling incredibly uncomfortable. The only reason they haven’t bolted is because no one’s given them a proper explanation, and Killua refuses to leave without sampling the massive chocolate fondue fountain visible all the way from the other side of the garden. Gon says, “Thanks for all of this, Morel, but…”
“This is bullshit. We aren’t married. We’re not getting married,” Killua says. He grabs onto Gon’s hand as a lifeline, and Gon latches on just as tightly.
Morel sniffs and wipes his eyes. “I had a feeling,” he says, voice stuck in his nose, and waves to a few people from the crowd.
Alluka, Palm, and Knuckle are led up to the front by a bemused Leorio. “I tried to tell them this was a bad idea,” Leorio says.
Palm scowls, the gem on her forehead glinting in the sunlight. “What do you mean, a bad idea? Do you see how many people are here for these two? How many people helped us put this all together?”
Knuckle is in a similar state as Morel, eyes watering and nose running but lacking any sunglasses to hide behind. He manages to say, “No shit, Palm. It’s Gon and Killua! Alluka asked, and how could we say no? These punks deserve the wedding of a lifetime, and that means people show up for it.”
This makes both of the not-quite-grooms flush. “But we’re not getting married,” Gon says as gently as he can.
“If we were getting married, we’d decide on it,” Killua snaps. He’s been taller than Knuckle for a few years now, and it’s still weird to glare down at him. Glaring down at Alluka is only weird because of how betrayed he feels. She beams sunnily back at him, an expression that wouldn’t look out of place on Gon, reflected by the beads in her hair like a halo of grins. “Alluka, what the hell were you thinking?”
Knuckle swipes at his head, enhanced open-handed slap severely messing up Killua’s slicked-back white curls. “Don’t talk to your sister like that!”
“Fuck off, asshole!”
Before they can start actually fighting, Morel steps between them with a placid smile on his face, earning glares from everyone. “Miss Zoldyck?”
The girl in question casually brushes off her skirts, a flurry of lace and colors that bring out her eyes. “Yes, Morel?”
“Why are Killua and Gon getting married?”
Her smile widens. “For the party, of course!” she says.
The entire wedding party, attendees and grooms alike, seem to pause. “The…party?” Leorio asks into dead silence.
Alluka looks entirely pleased with herself. Herselves, more like, because Killua would eat his rented tux if Nanika isn’t also involved in this mess. “I know Brother and Gon aren’t getting married,” she says. “But they didn’t have a party the last time they didn’t get married, and Brother keeps forgetting about his birthday, so I thought this would be a good way to make up for that.”
Killua’s mouth open and closes without any noise coming out.
“And I couldn’t rent the chocolate fondue fountain without having a party,” she adds.
Gon makes a noise that might be choked laughter or might be a frog being tossed into a pond.
“Can we still celebrate them getting not married?” Ikalgo calls from the front row. He’s wearing a top hat, a blue rose tucked into the band for the occasion. Some of the people around him echo his call, clapping and whooping from the crowd.
Alluka peers up at Leorio through her lashes, a smirk on her face that looks far too much like her brother for Leorio’s comfort. Killua’s still somewhat in shock, so Leorio just shrugs. “Sure, why not,” he says.
Morel clears his throat. “I think I have the final say on this?” he says.
Gon and Killua stand straight as though electrified. “We’re not—” Gon starts.
Morel taps his pipe on the ground twice, the sound echoing like a gavel and silencing the entire garden. “I am happy to pronounce you not married,” he says solemnly. “You may now kiss each other or however you would like to celebrate.”
Gon grins brightly and before Killua can think to object, dips his best friend into a kiss. Killua makes a muffled protest against his lips, the sound lost to the cheer erupting from the crowd.
Morel and Knuckle burst into identical sobs, as do Bisky, Palm, and Zepile. If Killua had noticed, he would have yelled at them for being saps. But he’s preoccupied.
Gon pulls Killua back to his feet, both of them a little breathless. “Ready for this?” he asks.
Killua nods seriously. “Chocolate first,” he says, and drags Gon out of the canopy.
Wedding three features a second attempt at the chocolate fountain. It goes about as disastrously as at the second wedding, although Gon manages to rescue Killua early enough that no one is injured this time. Alluka rules that there is to be no more fondue until certain people can control themselves.
The fourth wedding isn’t supposed to be a wedding. It is supposed to be a party for Killua, though. Killua and his daughter Inedal.
It’s the only thing Aunt Mito’s asked in exchange for her help with the adoption process, that she and the rest of Whale Island be allowed to celebrate the adoption as well. From what Gon understands, between what Aunt Mito tells him and Killua doesn’t, Killua showing up on the island with a five year old blonde girl hanging onto his arm is much less worrisome now that any attempted assassins sent after Killua and Inedal met with an unexpected thunderstorm over open water. That there were assassins at all has more to do with who Inedal was, but Killua refuses to give her up, and Gon gets the feeling that Inedal refuses to leave just as fiercely. 
Gon’s here because Killua asked. He’s not comfortable with any of this--with having a kid, with Killua having a kid, with being anything close to a dad. But Killua asked, for Gon to be here and for Gon to help, not as a dad but as Gon, and for Killua, Gon will try.
It’s not like Gon’s good at turning down Killua if it’s something he wants. Killua asks for so little, it’s the least Gon can offer to say yes.
Aunt Mito takes advantage of Gon’s presence to make him in charge of carting all of the massive tables and platters down to the beach, helping the sailors and handiworkers and whoever else Aunt Mito’s bribed or wrangled into the job. The party is in full swing by the time Gon is able to sit down for food, wolfing down what might be four people’s worth of fish and rice before pausing long enough to take a breath.
People from all over the island are coming up to congratulate Killua and Inedal, small things from unfamiliar faces just here for the food and drink and massive baskets of chocolates and sweets from old friends that recognize Killua from the first time he came to the island, twelve and nervous about visiting his best friend’s home. But people also keep coming up to congratulate Killua and Gon. And by the time Nui the woodcarver drops off a fruit basket with a wink and vanishes before Gon can ask what’s going on, it is becoming clearer and clearer that this has nothing to do with any adoption process.
Inedal looks between the two of them, the growing pile of gifts, and then back at Aunt Mito. Her mouth opens in a little “o” of comprehension. “I thought this was my party,” she says.
“Well, it is, sweetie, for you and your dad,” Aunt Mito says. Gon’s close enough to his best friend that he can feel Killua vibrate at the sound of being called Inedal’s dad, especially by someone like Aunt Mito. She’d know if someone weren’t a good enough parent, and she knows Killua is more than good enough. There isn’t much Gon can add to that, so he laces their fingers together and squeezes.
Inedal shakes her head, pigtails bouncing arrhythmically. “But it’s their party too, right? They’re getting married.”
Gon and Killua nearly knock over the table in shock, Nui’s basket tumbling into the sand. 
“No, Inedal, we’re not…”
“Fu--Godda--Inedal how the he--heck did you get that from this?”
“The nice ladies selling sweets in the fish market were talking about how it was ‘damn time someone made an honest man out of little Mito’s kid,’ and that means marriage.” Gon does his best not to choke on air, but Aunt Mito suddenly develops a coughing fit. The little girl crosses her arms in front of her chest, legs planted and chin set with a stubbornness that is identical to Killua’s in intent if not expression. “Old man, you’re too old to get married. You’re almost eighty!”
Somewhere in the world, Gon’s sure that Leorio is laughing.
Killua strangles what sounds like a half-dozen curses in the back of his throat. “I’m twenty-five!” he screeches. “Gon’s older than me! How many times have I told you that?”
“Then why’s your hair white?” she asks. Gon bites his lip to try to keep from cackling as Killua’s face starts turning purple in a mix of betrayal, amusement, and mortification. Inedal glances at Gon through errant strands of blonde hair. “Sorry, Gon, I don’t know if you noticed. You’re too cool to see stupid things like that. I don’t know why you’re marrying this geezer.”
Killua doesn’t actually try to throttle his newly adopted daughter, but it’s a near thing. Nor does it help that the elder that runs the pharmacy and her grandchildren in the government office get wind of the “wedding” from the ladies at the fish market. Both Priya and Mata are wholly unapologetic, and they gift Gon and Killua with massive rings of flowers despite (or maybe because) of their vehement insistence that they are not and have not been and will not for the foreseeable future be getting married. Before the end of the night the party has sprawled into an unintended but not unwelcome celebration for Gon and Killua’s lack of desire to get married, the whole island turning out for dancing and a feast. If Aunt Mito gets a little teary eyed, Gon pretends to not notice.
Killua dances with Inedal almost half a dozen times, spinning her across the dirt with a smile on his face so bright it makes Gon’s chest hurt. The girl laughs, pigtails askew and flowers scattering out of where they’d been tucked behind her ears or in one of her hairties, and Killua looks like he’s flying with his feet still on the ground.
Killua dances with Gon twice, and neither of them step on each other’s toes. The second time, Gon reaches up to kiss his best friend, and it’s almost impossible to hear the music over the cheer and the blood rushing in his ears. Inedal promptly pries her dad away, informing Gon that he’s cool and all, but gross.
Shortly after, Gon is taking a break from dancing and singing and fending off well-wishers when Killua dumps a giggling Inedal onto him. “She wants to dance with you. She won’t ask, and I’m the adult so I guess I have to,” he says, face flushed and voice sounding almost drunk with laughter, happier than Gon’s heard in years.
So Gon takes her and flips her in the air, relishing how she giggles on the way down as both Killua and Aunt Mito protest, with varying levels of amusement and annoyance, that this isn’t dancing. 
Killua passes out before sunrise, not waking even when Gon carries him back to Aunt Mito’s and tucks him into bed. Inedal, who insists on walking back with her hand tucked into one of Gon’s, doesn’t resist when Gon clumsily loads her into the bed next to Killua. She passes out almost instantly, snuggling into Killua’s side.
Gon kisses Killua on the forehead and, after a moment’s hesitation, gives Inedal the same. 
The sixth wedding is cancelled because Fen gets sick. Fen’s only been with Killua for a few months, but it’s enough to decide that Pa is an appropriate term for the adult-shaped person in charge of food and welfare when he’s not training a pack of students the fine art of punching each other in the face, and that Gon is an excellent jungle gym with ample protection from Pa’s wrath. But for all Fen’s enthusiasm, and Inedal’s well-intentioned but ill-practiced attempts at healing-via-chocolate, his illness just won’t go away, and neither Gon or Killua have gotten any sleep in days. It’s not until Alluka and Kurapika show up, boxes of not-wedding gifts in hand, that anyone remembers there had been something planned for the weekend other than a sick child. This turns out to be something of a stroke of luck, because the wedding party is coming in town anyways and all of them are more than happy to keep an eye on a nauseous but rambunctious seven year old who is already starting to take after his Pa in using his cuteness for chocolate.
Gon and Killua are sent to the honeymoon suite as a “wedding present” even without the wedding, a move Killua protests because it’s his kid that’s sick, he should be taking care of him. Not that it works when he’s physically carted off to the hotel by Bisky, Gon not even bothering to hide how hard he laughs. They spend the entire weekend sleeping, playing video games, and eating pancakes, enjoying the arsenal of pillows in a bed as big as their bedroom for a knock-down, drag-out war that is interrupted briefly when they get a call from the front desk asking if two pro Hunters could help them with a thief. 
It’s a good weekend.
By the time their ninth wedding rolls around, some years after the Hunters-only party-turned-miniature-war of the seventh wedding and the relatively tiny dinner that made up the eighth, Killua doesn’t so much have kids he’s adopted as ducklings that’ve followed him home, mingling with his trainees and eating all of his chocolate. Dura and Lu, he found in the fighting rings in Begerose, twins in desperate need of a sensei and attaching to him like leeches. Ari, Mevera, Fen—sometimes they just hang onto him like monkeys, giggling as the static in his aura shocks them and stands their hair on end. And there’s Inedal, who’s been with him since he didn’t even know he could be a dad, who’s his and he’s as protective of her as she lets him be.
All of them love him, and he loves them just as fiercely.
What he doesn’t expect, months after the last time he sees Gon and burying the all too familiar ache of loneliness beneath work and training and the kids, is his oldest to use all of her admittedly formidable skills to kidnap him in his sleep and deposit him in front of an altar, a tux and rings and everything already at hand.
“Old man, I know you have a thing about getting married,” Inedal says, a look on her face that says that the thing could be either how much he never wants to be married or a thing that she never wants to consider her dad doing with his partner. Killua, older and more knowledgeable than she ever will be, merely raises an eyebrow and tries to ignore how he’s standing at an altar in his boxers.
She sighs. “Look, the twins found out you got married before but it didn’t count, and they told the rest of the trainees, and now they all want to watch. And I knew if I asked Gon, he’d say to ask you, and you’d say no. So I kind of. Planned a surprise wedding.”
Killua’s eyebrow arches up even higher. So that’s what she’d been sneaking around with the trainees for. Sure enough, he can feel their auras flickering nervously in and out of zetsu from the foyer. He feels an odd burst of pride. It seems like she’s wrangled all of his students plus his kids, a skill Killua himself doesn’t have most days. But as their trainer, there are some things he can’t just let slide. Sloppiness is one of them. “Four hundred extra push ups for everyone outside!” he calls, and Fen curses loudly. “Now, dumbasses, or you’re running laps for the next three hours!”
“It’s a surprise to me too,” says a voice that might as well be electricity and sunshine and home all bound up together. Killua turns to face his best friend, who’s covered in something that might be the insides of a swamprat hive, who scoops up Killua in a bear hug before he can protest.
He gives himself a moment to relish this, to rest his forehead against Gon’s and breathe. “I missed you,” he says in a tone that means I love you.
“I missed you, too, Killua.” Gon chuckles, the rumbling felt straight through Killua’s chest. “You should probably put pants on, though.”
Right. That. He takes another deep breath, then turns back to Inedal. “You didn’t kidnap him in the middle of the night, did you?”
She stares defiantly back at him. “Gon’s too cool for that, geezer. I just told him you’d meet him here now that he’s done with work for a bit.”
Killua stares at Gon, who goes a little red. “You just believed her?” he says.
“I didn’t think there was any reason not to!”
Killua flicks him in the forehead, because they might be nearly in their forties but Gon is still an idiot. Killua loves him because of that, sometimes. “Have you already forgotten the mint wire incident? Or the thing with the cheese foam?”
Inedal huffs, arms crossed over her chest and shoulders hunched inward. “Look, I’m sorry, alright? It’s not like I get to see my dad happy all that often, and I thought this would. Be okay.”
Any semblance of irritation Killua is still feeling dissipates with the words my dad. He extracts himself from Gon to place a hand on his daughter’s shoulder, causing her to look up at him. “It’s okay,” he says. His voice sounds oddly stuffy to his own ears. “It’s more than okay.”
She smiles hesitantly and hugs him, arms tight around his waist. He hugs her back as best he can. It doesn’t last long—he understands all too well not wanting to deal with emotions at seventeen, even if it was a lifetime ago—but it’s more than enough. She says, “You don’t have to get for real married. Knuckle offered to officiate—something about having called dibs last time? He knows you two are weirdos.”
That earns a laugh from both men. “He’s weirder than both of us put together,” Killua says.
“It’s not so bad. And I get to see you all dressed up,” Gon says, trailing a warm hand down Killua’s back, nails scratching at his muscles. He grins lazily and stretches a little at the touch.
Inedal makes a face like she’s bitten into a lime and found prune juice. “Gross,” she says, and Gon laughs because she sounds exactly like Killua. So Killua reaches back to ruffle Gon’s hair, grimacing at the swamp sludge coating his hand.
“You are gross. I’m not not-marrying you if you’ve got bog juice up your nose.” He wipes his hand on Gon’s jacket, which only makes the mess worse. But it gives him an idea. “You need a shower.”
Gon looks wholly too innocent at that suggestion, especially compared to what his hand’s doing. “Probably,” he says. “You know where we can find one?”
“I have some ideas.”
“Ialsoinvitedallyourfriendsthey’llbeheretonightbye,” Inedal says in a loud voice, and flees for the door before Killua can attempt to throttle his daughter who he loves very much and who certainly does not have a death wish.
(The wedding goes off without a hitch, the problem kind or the actual-marriage kind. Gon showers and Killua does not actually get married in his boxers. He pretends to get cold feet at the last minute, so Dura and Lu take it upon themselves to physically drag him up to the altar, where Gon’s laughing so hard he falls over. Knuckle doesn’t get through the vows because he starts crying again, which sets both Bisky and Leorio off, and Killua can’t get Gon to stop laughing long enough to make these idiots stop sobbing. Under the direction of Inedal, Killua’s kids uniformly declare this a resounding failure to get their dad Actually Married and go off to the party.)
“Hey, Killua.”
Gon’s brown skin has wrinkles, laugh lines so deep they might as well be canyons carved next to his eyes. Killua traces them as gently as he can, ignoring how his hands ache with old scars, content to simply lie on their bed counting the stars they can see out the window. “Hmm?”
“Do you wanna get married?”
He hasn’t heard this question in years. “That would be, what, our fourteenth wedding? Fifteenth?” he says. “Why, do you?”
Gon’s laugh is still the same it’s been since he was twelve, loud and carefree even with the weight of decades that have turned his hair almost entirely white. “Not really,” he says. He catches Killua’s hands with his own, bringing knuckles to his lips. Brown eyes dance as he asks, “Do you, Killua?”
Killua smiles. “Nah. I’m happy with us.”
“Me too.”
“But we should have a party anyways. I’m sure if we pretend we’re actually getting married, Alluka will rent that chocolate fondue fountain again.”
They should be too old for a pillow fight, but Gon smacks him with a pillow anyways. Some things never change.
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