#Anyhow tho do mind the warnings! Make sure your blacklist is on the up and up and stay safe <3
sysig · 1 year
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Star Control II OCs
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: SCII OCs (Blood/Body Horror)
2:30 PM: SCII OCs (Blood/Body Horror)
2:30 PM: SCII OCs
2:30 PM: SCII OCs
2:30 PM: Patreon promo
2:30 PM: SCII Shitpost
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messedupessy · 7 years
Fontcest=sfw? Really? Usually incest kink fans care of children and remove their blog from safe search but not you. Why? You are child? I'm sorry if the reason is in your family and distorted outlook. Although it still does not justify anything.
Ohhh finally! I have been waiting for some anon hate for so long!
No srs I have been waiting for this for months and been disappointed that I haven’t gotten any, but now I finally have!
And incest kink?? Nope don’t have that bucko, like yes I do like fontcest, though I do not ship the actual brothers with one another especially not classic or swapcest, as they just don’t work for me, nothing against ppl who do you do you after all, I do ship fellcest and swapfellcest tho, but that is mostly because they and their worlds are fucked up enough that it actually works, otherwise no, prefer to ship different au versions with one another anyhow, technically it is incest when you think about it but at the same time it is not but anyway
And yes fontcest sfw, which for me means there is no ecto dongs or anything else flying around on my blog, and my blog description saying that is a warning for ppl that if they follow me then they be prepared that I am going to both post and reblog things with fontcest in them
And I have measures making sure that ppl who does not like it does not see it, by tagging it as fontcest and not as undertale at all so ppl can black list it etc and also so my fontcest stuff does not appear in the undertale tag! as I know many people does not like it
So for people who doesn’t like it like you, have been warned, and can easily make sure you don’t have to look at it by blacklisting the fontcest tag etc!
it is not ok to send hate to people especially not over things they ship etc or for their kinks even though liking fontcest isn’t really a kink or at least I don’t think it is, like mind your own damn business and do something else than sending hate, because getting hate does not affect me at all I actually find it very funny, so if this was your attempt at trying to make me doubt and hate myself then I sadly have to say that you have failed :D though it is good you sent this to me as I can take it!
Also your grammar is absolutely horrible like dang I thought my grammar was bad but yours is just out of this world when it comes to how bad it is!
Omg this ask is making me laugh so much because the grammar and the way you have worded stuff is just so bad and just funny xD
And calling me a child and saying the reason why I like it is because of my family and some sort of distorted outlook is making me laugh so damn much omg
I actually tried not to ship any fontcest when I got into the fandom, but then I realised that Sans and Stretch would work so damn well together and the rest is history!
Anyhow, I hope sending this message to me made you feel better somehow
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