#Any Acronix ships
iloveacronix · 19 days
I love you Machia I genuinely hope you don't get hated on because 'you get in the way' of a popular Acronix ship
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juniperjellyfish · 10 months
I absolutely loved it. Here are my thoughts:
They should’ve renamed it “Fan Service” instead of Dream Team
Izzy going on a tangent about Ninjago WilFilm and the other one that I forgot is amazing
That random girl talking about the ninja and their powers, and how Lloyd, “Despite being a fan favorite, the writers haven’t really-“ was so funny to me
OMG THEY MENTIONED THE HANDS OF TIME I was about out of hope for my boys Krux and Acronix
Seeing Nya’s new samurai suit was so good. It didn’t get enough love in Crystallized
Cole’s right! They don’t say Ninjaaaa Gooooo enough.
Zane being a little pissed about the cavalry was amazing
ELEMENTAL MASTERS OF SAND AHAHAH YES!!! I want more elemental masters
Speaking of which, the ninjas’ first reaction to time power stuff being those two is just so cool to me
Same with the little nightmare gremlin things. Lloyd thought they were Oni which is just- so cool.
Jay having a crisis is so on point
Kai and Logan bickering is everything to me. Especially Logan telling Kai he has a dumb voice
Jay making fun of Kai for losing is power is so funny. So plasmacoded
Poor Kai can’t catch a break. He just wants his powers, but NOPE!
Cole hanging out with the emo chick? Gays and lesbians unite!
As soon as Pixal showed up, my little sister started freaking out. I’m so proud
A little disappointed that she didn’t have any voice lines, but at least we saw her.
Izzie freaking out over the fact that the ninja are there, and going up to Nya first just made me so happy. Because Nya, both in universe and out, gets the short end of the stick, so seeing Izzie go to her first was really sweet.
Seeing Kai and Cole on screen together reignited my passion for Lava Shipping
And seeing Jay and Nya together just made me so happy
Lloyd had a dragon!!!!! Hehehehehe
Omg I was so happy to see the og golden weapons again
I miss the bounty… the one Lloyd made just isn’t the same, it needs a dragon head and the tendency to die.
Kai taking to the kid at the end and fixing his crown was adorable
Now THIS is how you do a crossover!
So are the ninja just stuck there forever now? Are they like copies of their real selves? What’s the deal? Will Kai get his fire back?
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treatroses · 7 months
“This is Rosie, the most darling, delightful, and dangerous Overlord this side of the Pentagram.„
“Oh, always such a charmer.„
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Hello there dear, I'm Rosie this is my blog. I welcome you, as I plan to post a lot here in my little section of the community.
I was known as Mio(Mina3point0, also on this blog), Acronix(@transmina), and Alexis(@leximina), but I had a little discovery one Valentine's Day and discovered myself a little more.
Now some tag categories
Best cuts🌹my terms/flags/art - pretty much whatever I make, which includes requests
Fine grind🌹Random reblogs - could be radqueer or something like a picture
Romantic tales🌹romance - also includes general selfship stuff
Ship on Fire🌹My tag for my r!f/o Sea Hawk!
Rosie's advice🌹Tips/Suggestions
Rambles🌹Pretty self explanatory, just when a I'm talking about anything
May the princesses bless us🌹Equestriaism
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I do take requests, of course in good faith, I don't discriminate against any identities, and right now requests are open. The only thing I can't do is art requests. And I would prefer if specifics are given in your ask but no pressure for it at all.
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3rr0r-202 · 1 year
Hi welcome to me trying my best to explain why futureshipping(acronix x Cyrus) is so popular /why people like it sm.
(I'll try my best :(´◦ω◦`💧):゚゚ I'm not the best at explaining )
(Also @alanshee-keeper-of-realms tagging bc futureshipping content yaaaay! )
1. So first of all the main reason probably is the fact that both of them love technology *a lot* ! And in my opinion a shared interest is always good in **any** relationship bc both people can indulge in it together >:D at least that's what I think
In fact acronix has complimented Cyrus' tech! Despite being "enemies" in canon.
In fact he literally calls the borg pad amazing and then goes shows off different features he's fascinated by from his technology PLUS HE'S LITERALLY ALMOST ALWAYS WEARING THE BORG WATCH sure this doesn't necessarily 100% *have* to mean that acronix likes cyrus but no ones stopping you from interpreting it like that. so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
( screenshots are from a YouTube video:)
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And this shared interest can lead to making up many fun/interesting scenarios! Such as them using it together, borg explaining to him how modern tech works etc!
This actually leads me to my next point!
2. It opens opportunities to create interesting alternative scenarios such as what if acronix bonded over cyrus with tech? What would their relationship have been if acronix wasn't evil? Etc! The thing is you don't necessarily have to make it a fully romantic scenario either for example you can make them friends/friends with benefits, queerplatonic partners etc. I'm know there's multiple people who like acronix and and sometimes wish he had a redemption arc of sorts and technically this is one of the ways you could do it!
Oh yea may I add this? you know that scene with cyrus and machia(did I spell this correctly ?) but idk if anyone else sees it this way but acronix does look a bit concerned here. Sure he compliments Machias evilness right after but in a way it's still implying that he *maybe* does care for cyrus to some extent
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(Once again the screen shot is from YouTube)
Yea so that's all I have for now. In my opinion ship anything you like as long as the ship isn't toxic, illegal or anything like it then go ahead and do whatever :33
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stellarwaffles · 8 months
Lego Ninjago ship names pt 3
Wu ships
Wu x Misako - wusako
Wu x Ray - lightfireshipping / sparkshipping
Wu x Aspheera - wuspheera
Garmadon ships
Garmadon x Misako - garmsako
Garmadon x Chen - garmachen
Garmadon x Clouse - garmaclouse
Garmadon x Ray - ashshipping
Garmadon x Libber - surgeshipping
Garmadon x Vinny - survivalshipping
Garmadon x Saeko - garmasaeko
Garmadon x Ray x Maya - bladeshipping
Garmadon x Vinny x Trimaar - tsunamishipping
Garmadon x Misako x Ray x Maya - catastropheshipping
Misako ships
Wu x Misako - wusako
Garmadon x Misako - garmsako
Misako x Aspheera - scrollshipping
Misako x Maya x Libber - absentshipping
Garmadon x Misako x Ray x Maya - catastropheshipping
Dareth ships
Dareth x Ronin - scruffshipping
Dareth x Cyrus - coppershipping
Parents / prev ems ships
Wu x Ray - lightfireshipping / sparkshipping
Garmadon x Ray - ashshipping
Garmadon x Libber - surgeshipping
Dr Julien x EM Ice - frozengearshipping
Dareth x Cyrus - coppershipping
Cyrus x Acronix - futureshipping
Cyrus x Krux - pastshipping
Garmadon x Ray x Maya - bladeshipping
Garmadon x Vinny x Trimaar - tsunamishipping
Misako x Maya x Libber - absentshipping
Garmadon x Misako x Ray x Maya - catastropheshipping
Misc ships
Dareth x Ronin - scruffshipping
Fugidove x Vinny - livetweetshipping
If I got any wrong or missed any, let me know so I can update the list!!
Here’s the masterpost
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legofemme · 1 year
12, 14 and 22
12: the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Aspheera ninjago 👍 more ppl shld like her bcuz shes hot 👍
14: that one thing you see in fics all the time
I get that ninjago fans are like. Teens and preteens mostly at this point but there is an ABSURD amount of homophobia in fics fsr?? Or if its not homophobia it swings around to "m/f ships are predatory" which is WILD. When i was first getting back into it i read SO many fics where nya was portrayed as super predatory solely for ppl to have a "reason" to ship bruise??? AND ITS STILL A PROBLEM!!! WHY IS IT STILL A PROBLEM?? . In general tho i just hate how some ninjago fans portray any ship of any kind. Do you remember that huge glacier fic that had zane as some sort of uwu sensless baby. Bcuz they needed him to be the "girl". I do. Stop treating ships like theyve got to fit into those weird straight couple tropes i BEG
22: Your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ALL OF S7 FOR SOME REASON??? PEOPLE ACT LIKE IT DIDNT EXIST. DO THE TIME TWINS MEAN NOTHING TO YOU PEOPLE??? ACRONIX IS MY EVERYTHING. Fr tho everyone acts like its the same as s6 and that it doesnt matter despite it giving the best 5 crumbs of kai and nya characterization yet. Id love for another season to focus on a relationship between characters rather than just 1 single person yk.
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ninja-chibi · 2 years
All of the Ninjago ships, put in a convenient alphabetical list! (Tell me if I missed one, I'll edit)
Ambershock ~ Jay/Skylor
BlueDove(JailBird)(FriedChicken?!) ~ FugiDove/Jay
Bluewire ~ Jay/Pixal
Braincell ~ Nya/Zane
Bruise(or Geode or LightningRod) ~ Cole/Jay
Citrus ~ Echo/Morro
Conia ~ Cole/Vania (name might be wrong)
Copper ~ Cyrus Borg/Dareth
Cyberstorm ~ Jay/Nya/Pixal
Destiny ~ Kai/Morro
Dumbass ~ Cole/Jay/Kai
DwarfStar ~ Mindroid/Ultra Violet
Eclipse ~ Kai/Shade
Elleven ~ Lloyd/Seven
FameandFortune ~ Clutch/Dareth/Ronin
Firewall ~ Kai/Pixal
Forgiven(GreenFlower) ~ Brad/Lloyd
Future ~ Acronix/Cyrus Borg
Garmacest ~ Garmadon/Lloyd (uhm 0_0)
Garmaclouse(Darkmagic, Snakebite) ~ Clouse/Garmadon
Garmako ~ Garmadon/Misako (might be wrong)
Gemstone ~ Cole/Plundar
Glacier ~ Cole/Zane
Glowstone ~ Cole/Kai/Skylor
Goldsmith ~ Maya/Ray/Wu
Greenflame ~ Kai/Lloyd
Green Ice ~ Lloyd/Zane
Green Wind ~ Lloyd/Morro
Green Wisp ~ Jay/Lloyd
Heavymetal ~ Cole/Pixal/Zane
Hotwire ~ Kai/Pixal/Zane
Inventor ~ Dr. Julien/Cyrus Borg
Jadewolf ~ Akita/Harumi
Jaya ~ Jay/Nya
JetFaith ~ Faith/Jet Jack
Kailor ~ Kai/Skylor
Lava ~ Cole/Kai
Lloya ~ Lloyd/Nya
Llorumi ~ Harumi/Lloyd
Lloykita ~ Akita/Lloyd
Malware ~ Acronix/Cyrus Borg/Garmadon
Mechanic ~ Jay/Nya/Pixal/Zane
Morrumi ~ Harumi/Morro
Moss ~ Cole/Lloyd
Mountain ~ Cole/Kai/Zane
Mud ~ Cole/Nya (PROBABLY wrong but can we call it that anyway?)
Mudshock ~ Cole/Jay/Nya
Nightshade ~ Camille/Tox
Opposite ~ Kai/Zane
Outdated ~ Cryptor/Zane
Overload ~ Cryptor/Jay
Phoenix ~ Nya/Skylor
Pixane ~ Pixal/Zane
Plasma ~ Jay/Kai
Polyninja ~ Cole/Jay/Kai/Zane
Polyponytail ~ Nya/Pixal/Skylor
PowerWish ~ Clutch Powers/Nadakahn
Raincloud ~ Benthomaar/Vania
Record ~ Dareth/Lou (possibly wrong)
Ronya ~ Nya/Ronin (hm)
Samurai ~ Nya/Pixal
Samuraice ~ Nya/Pixal/Zane
Scruff ~ Dareth/Ronin
Spirit(Sandstorm) ~ Cole/Morro
Steampunk ~ Jay/Echo(or Mr. E)
Stolendata ~ Pixal/Skylor
Sunshine ~ Cole/Ultra Violet (might be fake)
Survival ~ Garmadon/Vinny of NCTV News
Techno ~ Jay/Zane
Twincest ~ Acronix/Krux (erm)
UltraE ~ Mr. E/Ultra Violet
Violent ~ Harumi/Ultra Violet
Vore ~ Overlord/Pythor
Wannabe ~ Dareth/FugiDove
Waterjade ~ Harumi/Nya
Wishlocke/Shootingstar ~ Nadakahn/Flintlock
Wusako ~ Misako/Wu
This list will be edited until complete!
And it's still being edited fairly regularly so...
Please point out mistakes and remind me about any ships I forgot
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fires-of-ninjago · 2 years
I'm going to throw a wild card at you for your send a character request hope that's okay! Cyrus Borg
That's perfectly okay! I'm just sorry I'm only getting to this now!
Send Me a Character And I will tell you my:
First impression: I thought he was going to be in the running for the villain of the season. I mean: He's the smartest and most power man in the city, who could simply press a button and hold everyone hostage!
Impression now: He's a nerd who loves his kids and will casually break the law to keep them safe (because what's the mayor going to do when Borg can simply press a button to toss them all back to the stone age with a nice little message staying "...by order of the mayor"?)
Favorite moment: Okay, I'm going to avoid spoilers for this one in regards to Crystalized, and go with my previous scene; which is when he introduced his weight-loss pill!
Idea for a story: Hrm...well, this is a little awkward. Honestly? I've already sort of rolled my one story idea for him into my Dr. Hybrid story!
Unpopular opinion: Huh...I don't really have any that are unpopular...I'm really going to have to start thinking more about his characterization, don't I?
Favorite relationship: As cliche as it might be, I do really ship him with Acronix! I mean, the dude really does lay his eyes on a smartphone for the first time, and what does he do? He starts questioning weather it's really necessary to be evil with all of this wonderful stuff to explore! And I can also see him working with Borg to sabotage the Iron Doom, especially when Krux starts saying how they're going to use their powers to make the world just as it was 40-odd years ago! Plus, Cyrus would love to be around someone who looks at all of his creations with such child-like wonder!
Favorite headcanon: He had considered augmenting himself with cybernetic implants (like how Zane was in Dr. Hybrid) but still has a TON of PTSD from when the Overlord assimilated him during Rebooted.
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champmorado · 2 years
So uh anyways....
DNI if u ship acronix with ANY of the ninja. Acronix literally calls the ninja KIDS and uhhhh that's rlly fucking weird if u ship acronix with them!!!!
If I see any of u reblogging ships like that, it's an instant block. Mutuals are not a fucking exception
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scottishscurrie · 2 years
I’m now opening up fanfic requests! I’ll put down the ships and types of fics I’m comfortable with and the ships and types I’m not comfortable with below!! :]
I am comfortable with these!!:
Glittergolf (FNAF - Sun & Monty)
DJ Music Man & Moon (FNAF)
Glamrock Freddy & Glamrock Bonnie (FNAF)
Roxanne Wolf & Glamrock Chica (FNAF)
Codywan (Star Wars - Cody & Obi-Wan)
Rexwalker (Star Wars - Anakin & Rex)
Hera Syndulla & Kanan Jarrus (Star Wars)
Ketsu & Sabine (Star Wars)
Kalluzeb (Kallus & Zeb - Star Wars)
Bruise (Jay & Cole - Ninjago)
Plasma (Jay & Kai - Ninjago)
Techno (Jay & Zane - Ninjago)
Opposite (Kai & Zane - Ninjago)
Polyninja (Kai, Jay, Zane & Cole - Ninjago)
Samurai (Nya & P.I.X.A.L. - Ninjago)
AmberSamurai (Nya, P.I.X.A.L. & Skylor - Ninjago)
Future (Acronix & Cyrus Borg - Ninjago)
Scruffshipping (Dareth & Ronin - Ninjago)
Jay & Benthomaar (Ninjago)
(If there’s any ship that you are curious about and it’s not in my ‘No’ section then feel free to ask!!)
Types of Fanfic
Found Family
Stuff I’m not comfortable with:
Any FNAF ship outside of Security Breach
Any Pro-Ship
Any ship involving Lloyd (Ninjago)
Any Padawan/Master ship (Star Wars)
Rexoska (Star Wars)
Any Cloneshipping/Clonecest
Types of Fanfic:
Dead Dove
Mpreg, even if implied
Sensitive Topics such as SA, SH, ED even if implied
I will add to this list if I feel like it, please respect my wishes! :]
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Going to say, I understand that most people on here headcanon the ninja as adults, but I am still not comfortable with shipping any of them with Acronix
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iloveacronix · 4 months
I hate how I have to clarify to people that I don't ship timecest, especially because my blog is mainly about the twins. I should NOT have to clarify ANYTHING. It's common sense to NOT ship siblings, heck, FAMILY together.
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realityandrebirth · 3 years
there aren't many people you could ship Acronix with, tbh, although there are even less you could ship with Krux(as far as canon goes, the only one you could argue for Acronix is General Machia, and, honestly? thats a pass for me, with Krux? the list is, uh... no one, canon or otherwise)
limiting the ships to characters Acronix has canonically interacted with... yeah lol, its basically just borg & machia, and I admit the borg ship needs a lot of work to ship responsibly due to the whole Kidnapping & Imprisonment, and any vermillion ship just sucks ass. i dont like machia.
if we expand the ship possibilities to members of the elemental alliance, I do think Acronix and Libber could have had a thing in the past, but alsooo acronix is now 40 years younger so it wouldnt work post-timeportal.
if we expand to crackships: i think acronix and aspheera should kiss
krux can kiss my oc <3
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ninjakitten1699 · 3 years
But to change the topic from all the Lloyd ship thingy that’s going on…
Oh yes! I might be rewriting some headcanons but I love them so much and I just gotta write out how it’d be in my AU when I come around to it.
Once more, we begin with Acronix crushing on the inventor when he was kidnapped. It didn’t confuse him too much since he’s been with some guys before but none of them were really in for the romance. The only thing that conflicted his feelings was needing to go through with the plan with his brother and maybe he just buried it far beneath.
Of course he’s helping plan out Cyrus’s escape and they end up bonding over it. Cyrus is on his old spider mech chair and Acronix practically jams the auto pilot button while distracting the inventor with a short kiss. It’s a sad goodbye, but the plan still goes on which means Nix is lost in time for a while.
They reunite by pure accident and begin bonding again. Krux is happy that his brother found some joy outside of tech but he didn’t expect Cyrus to be Nix’s boyfriend. He confronts him about it but Acronix just shoots back with “At least I caught feelings talking with someone. You caught yours in the middle of getting fucked by an actual demigod. So, don’t you come at me about who I want and like when you don’t even know what you want anymore. Now excuse me, I’m going to meet up with him and hopefully he’ll help us find the Ninja to take little Wu back.”
Anyways now that’s out the way, I just want to think about the development they have together. It’s slow, sweet and fluffy. Cyrus is a literal boss of his own company and Acronix is the first to test any new tech products. He gives reliable advice to Cyrus on what to advance and what’s unnecessary. He’s just plain honest with him and Cyrus appreciates it.
Sin down below because I have no filter and I can’t be stopped:
And don’t get me started on the saucy sin with these two. Ah!
The first time was honestly nerve wrecking, at least for Acronix. He’s so used to one night stands just getting their fill and leaving, but Cyrus?.. He’s so sweet and he’s gentle. It’s just soft kisses all over and his hands roaming. Basically Nix actually gets worshipped and he’s so overwhelmed by it.
Later on, Cyrus sees that Nix is more energetic about the bedroom and basically he takes notes. Name what he’s noted and he’s got it. Positions? Kinks? How long he can last? The fact that maybe his restlessness was connected to his elemental powers? Favorite toys? Past flings? He’s got it all, even makes sure to avoid what he doesn’t like or makes them both uncomfortable.
When Cyrus can’t keep up some nights or needs to focus on work? Don’t get him wrong he loves Acronix but unfortunately he can’t meet some standards and he’s okay with it. He’s allowed Acronix to be more open with partners as long as they both were comfortable with it, which sometimes leads to Cyrus eventually joining in.
One partner was in fact Garmadon. Garm is a perfect example of a fling. He has experience, has the energy, and no strings attached. Yes his wife knows of his habits and they had a talk about it. How do you think he got to the city? She drove him there and they met up with Acronix and Cyrus. That’s probably when Cyrus brought up the idea of open partners. Acronix is embarrassed by Cyrus bringing it up but admits he likes the idea.
“We’re not looking for any adultery. It’s just I can’t keep up with him and I don’t have much to offer him in bed at the moment so.. I was thinking maybe on some occasion you can.. visit and help me tire him out?” “Let me talk to my wife about it.” “I don’t wish to put strain on your marriage.” “Oh don’t worry about it. He’s been alive longer than I have so it’s almost unfair to tie him down.” “Yeah but I need someone to help make decisions with me.” “I know you do.. Anyways I don’t mind. Besides it’s not like I’m looking for another kid anytime soon. I’m happy with Lloyd for now.” “So.. when’s the first visit?”
Did he take notes on Garm during the visit? Yes. Yes he did. Mind you, sometimes, Garm was in full monster form. Long forked tongue? Yes. Grabby claws? Yes! Horns perfect for grabbing? Yes. And if he has his Anacondrai tail? Then you bet Cyrus saw how excited Acronix was when he saw the double flesh staves. Cyrus mostly found his different forms fascinating. If Garm was still in Anacondrai form, I realize that there’s one for each of them and Acronix ends up dragging Cyrus in anyways.
And yes, Cyrus does put the notes to use and perhaps on the side, he makes some personal projects. They’re surprises for Acronix later and boy he’s happy when he sees Nix absolutely loving the toys.
And yes there is a safe word for when it gets too uncomfortable or overwhelming. It’s been used a few times but for good reasons.
Anyways, with the two of them, it’s an amazing time until Acronix sub-drops. Basically, his body by then throws away the high and the adrenaline which causes him to suddenly feel vulnerable to many negative emotions. Cyrus is scared, but he basically sticks with him and feels terrible for what Acronix is going through. (Honestly subdropping needs to be brought to light more often.) He provides some aftercare and gentle words.
The aftercare itself? Oh it’s absolutely mandatory. The process of it is needed, cause the aftermath actually can lead to injuries; mental and physical. Its a red flag if anyone says otherwise. Thankfully neither possess that red flag so that’s good. It’s so sweet and gentle. Cyrus makes sure Acronix is okay and they’re just laying there and cuddling for the rest of the night. And yes, when it comes down to it, it can go the other way around for Cyrus.
I really don’t understand why the aftercare isn’t talked about in relationships because it should be about love and not gratification. And the pairing just offer that kind of love to one another.
Oh and before I forget, yes. Acronix is little spoon and if you want sin added in, then he likes it when he can just slip Cy in and proceeds to grind on him... It’s a slow and gentle and they both enjoy the change of pace.
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gracefulserpent1207 · 4 years
Futureshipping (Acronix X Borg) and JetMetal (Faith X Jet Jack) are two of the most random Ninjago ships I have ever come across. But they are also two of the most adorable Ninjago ships I have ever come across.
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I couldn't find any better pics for future. :P
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sneegsnitties · 4 years
Hold Me Close and Give Me Closure
written for @ninjaneverquit-zine
Summary: Jay and Nya talk after the events in Prime Empire late at night.
For the last couple hours, Jay’s been staring up at the ceiling in his room. His head is full of thoughts that won’t leave him. Preventing him from getting the rest he needs after everything that happened in Prime Empire.
He can’t stop thinking about what he said to Unagami. How he knows what it feels like to be abandoned by your maker, and for his case, parents.
Cliff Gordon still died even without Nadakhans influence. The only thing that changed was that he didn’t inherit all of his money and estate.
Not yet, anyway.
And as for the master of lightning, his real mom, he has no idea what happened to her. He’s tried to look her up, but could only find that she mysteriously disappeared a couple of months before he was put on his parents’ doorstep. his adoption day, what his parents considered his birthday.
He found out his mom’s name is Lisbeth during his search. That’s one thing he knows about her now.
He hasn’t worked up the courage to ask his parents about this.
But it makes him wonder. What would life be like if he was the son of a movie star and the elemental master of lightning? If he were rich instead of borderline poor. If he lived in an actual house instead of a trailer.
He didn’t hate growing up in a junkyard. He learned things that he wouldn’t have learned if he didn’t. He loves his parents, and they love him. He knows they’re proud of him; he knows they accept him for who he is, for what he is, for what he does. They love him no matter what.
Jay inhales sharply and a lump forms in his throat.
He needs to talk to someone about this. Because if he doesn’t, he’s just going to keep on thinking about it and never act on it.
Because Unagami was able to find solace, so why shouldn’t he?
He could ask his parents what they know about his birth parents, but he doubts they know a lot.
Master Wu? He would know about his mom.
He’s getting ahead of himself.
Sitting up, he takes his phone off his nightstand, blinking at the sudden brightness, and heads to the messaging app. His thumb hovers over his mom and checks the time first, 1 am. Too late for her to be awake.
So instead, he opens Nya’s. She knows this about him. She knows that he’s been struggling with bringing this up with his parents. Because there’s never been the right time to do so.
Jay hopes that she’s still awake.
Jay grabs his phone off of the nightstand and opens the messaging app. His thumb hovering over the chat he has with his parents. Then he remembers how late it is and sighs. He selects Nya instead, hoping that she’s still awake.
Jay: are you awake?
Nya: yeah?
Nya: just barely tho, why?
Jay: I’ve been,,,,,,, thinking about things
Jay: can you come here?
Jay: I need you
Nya: omw
It took a moment for Nya to respond, and when she did, that’s when the dam broke.
As soon as he puts his phone back down on the nightstand, he lets out a choked sob. Everything crashing down onto him all at once. Everything from the past few days to Nadakhan years ago comes flooding back, so suddenly and fiercely that it feels like a wrecking ball has crashed right into him, knocking down the walls that were barely there at all.
Everything that happened in the game was almost nothing compared to the torture he endured on Nadakhan’s ship, but to see his friends, all literally dropping like flies for the second time in his life. That took a toll on him.
He couldn’t wish that all away.
At least no one was permanently dead this time.
But the pain of being alone right now is almost too much for him to bear.
There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens slightly, Nya pokes her head in, sees Jay crying, and rushes in, a frown on her face as she gets into his bed, she pulls him into her lap and hugs him tight.
“Are you okay?” she asks him after a moment.
“Better now that you’re here,” he says with a sniffle, taking one of her hands into his.
“Didn’t want to be alone, huh?”
“N-not really. I- I was just thinking about things, about my birth parents an- and then I wanted to talk to you about it because you’re the only one who knows about this, b- but then its spiraled into remembering everything that happened in the past few days and everything with Nadakhan, and- and how I was the only one left because you and everyone else was taken away from me. I couldn’t do anything about it, I couldn’t bring you back. I… I lost you.” jay says, clinging to his girlfriend and yang like his life depended on it. “I don’t think I can be alone anymore.”
“Because all it does is remind you of when you lost everyone, right?”
“y-yeah. Can- can you stay here?”
“Of course.” she kisses his hand, “I’ll stay as long as you need me to. If you want to talk, I’m here.”
“Okay,” he says with a sniffle. It only takes him a few minutes to calm down, and he sits up. Realizing that Nya has her hair down, he’s rarely seen her with her hair down as of recently. He likes it. “You’re pretty with your hair down,” he moves a strand away from her face.
She smiles and kisses him, “I take that as you’d like for me to have it down more?”
He kisses her back, “maybe,” he lays back down, pulling her down with him, “you always play with my hair. I can’t do it with you because it’s up all the time.”
“Yours is soft,” she kisses him again, “also you're shorter than me, which makes it easier.”
“Aw, no fair.” he laughs, “I think I’m ready to talk now,” he says, much more seriously.
“What’d you want to talk about?” she asks, putting her head on his chest, to allow him to play with her hair as he talks.
“Just… about my parents? My birth parents, I mean. I did some research, and I found out the name of my birth mom. Her name was Lisbeth. She fought in the serpentine war with Wu and Garmadon and against the time twins.”
“I saw her when Kai and I went back in time to stop Krux and Acronix. She and the former master of ice seemed to be good friends. She talked about how she and Cliff were going to go on their honeymoon.” Nya smiles.
“You saw her?” he whispers incredulously, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“I forgot, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he says with a shaky sigh. “I would’ve told my parents after we told the others what happened with Nadakhan, but I didn’t know how to. There’s never a right time to do it.”
“I could come with you. Would that make it easier?” Nya offers, taking his hand in hers, squeezing it in comfort.
“Y-yeah, that would help a lot. Do you think we should go to master Wu? He knew my mom. He probably automatically knew that I was adopted when my parents showed up but said nothing about courtesy, you know?”
“If you feel like that would help. I think that’s a good idea.”
“I think it might.” he kisses her hand and then yawns. The events of the day have finally caught up to him.
“Getting tired?” Nya asks him teasingly.
“Maybe.” he yawns again. “Please don’t leave.”
“I already said I’m not going anywhere.” Nya reassures him.
“I-I know.”
Nya scoots up to face him, placing a kiss on his lips in reassurance. “You don’t have to worry about anything. I’ve told you I won’t leave. I never will. You’re my yin and I’m your yang. I’ll be here when you wake up, I’ll be with you, forever.”
He nods with a smile, kissing her back. “I love you.” he yawns again, drifting off to sleep with his girlfriend beside him.
Jay was able to fall asleep relatively quickly and easily now that Nya was here with him, and he wasn’t in the suffocating abyss that was being alone. He didn’t have any dreams either, which he takes as a good thing because more often than not, it’s a nightmare.
When he wakes up that morning, Nya is still there, arms wrapped around his torso and head by his shoulder. He can feel her breath on his neck.
Even though he did not dream last night, he still finds relief that she’s still here and still alive.
So Jay just stays still, the best he can, anyway. He doesn’t want to wake Nya up from her slumber.
But because of their unfortunately messed up internal clocks thanks to waking up at dawn for training, she’s awake not long later.
“Good morning.” she says to him with a smile, “did you sleep well?”
“Yeah, didn’t dream at all.”
“Better than nightmares,” she says sympathetically, sitting up.
“Did you have any?” he frowns.
“No, it was just a weird one.” she shrugs, “let’s go see if any of the others are awake.”
Since it was still less than 24 hours since their latest escapade, there’s no mandatory morning training today. So the two of them head towards the kitchen with pajamas and all still on.
“Good morning, you two,” Pixal says with a smile as she and Zane prepare that morning’s breakfast.
“Morning, Pix,” Nya says with a yawn and gets a cup of coffee for herself and then sits across from her brother and jay sitting down next to her.
Kai looks up for a second and gives the two a scrutinizing look, “hey,” he says, “you left your door open.”
Nya just shrugs at that, “and?”
“Nothing, I’m just saying.”
Moments later, Cole and Lloyd enter, just as Zane and Pixal have finished making breakfast.
“I apologize if it’s not as good as Zane making it by himself. I am still learning how to cook.”
“It’s okay, pix, its still good!” Cole grins, making the samurai shrink in on herself slightly.
“I also think you did well,” Zane says, giving her a warm smile. “Pixal and I were going to go talk to Cyrus Borg today with Milton Dyer and Unagami. Would any of you like to join us?” he glances at Jay for a split second.
“I’m not up for it today, maybe next time?” he says automatically.
“Oh.” Zane blinks. He must’ve thought he would’ve liked to come along, but there’s a bitter feeling somewhere within him when he thinks about how Unagami got their happy ending. That they and Milton could reunite. These feelings weren’t there last night. He’s… never really felt this way before. “That’s alright. Would you like me to tell them hello?”
“Sure.” a small smile on his face, but he can’t shake this foreign feeling as he eats the rest of his breakfast. Jealousy? He doesn't like it.
Nya takes his hand and squeezes it as if detecting his feelings. “I’ll join next time, too. I’ve been meaning to get some things done.”
Zane nods, though he doesn’t seem entirely convinced. They all know each other too well.
Once Jay finishes his breakfast, he waits for Nya to be done before going back to his room to change, Nya waiting by his door for him so they can talk to Master Wu. He puts his ninja gi on out of habit, not even thinking about putting on his casual clothes since there is always a chance that something could happen. He then waits for Nya to get changed, she wears her gi out of habit too.
Going up to master Wu’s door, he cracks it, “Master Wu?” He asks tentatively.
“Come on in.” Master Wu says, looking up at the two of them, “Is everything alright? There seems to be something troubling you.”
“You knew the original master of lightning right?”
A warm smile appears on Wu’s face. “I did. I was wondering when you would come to ask about your birth mother.”
Jay laughs, “of- of course, you would know.” he says, not knowing whether to be relieved or upset by this.
“I knew ever since your parents came to visit. Though I knew it was not my place to say anything.” Wu confirms what Jay had said last night.
“Right, yeah. The thing is though, my parents still don’t know that I know. Cause the whole thing with Nadakhan, and I just honestly haven’t worked up the courage to ask them.”
“That’s alright, Jay. You will one day.” he puts a hand on the blue ninja’s shoulder, “what would you like to know about her?”
“What… what was she like?”
“She was wonderful and very kind. She cared about all the other members of the elemental alliance greatly. She wormed her way into Garmadon’s heart and they were close friends. She and the former master of ice were good friends as well. I see a lot of her in you. You both talk a lot.” he chuckles. “I remember the day she met your birth father,”
“Did you ever get to meet him?”
“Briefly, she invited everyone to their wedding. He was a nice man.”
“We were planning on asking my parents about her too, were her and my mom close as well?”
“Yes. your mother, the former master of shadow, and eventually Cole’s mother when she gained her powers were good friends. I’m not sure what the extent of their friendship was, you’ll have to ask her.”
“Do- do you know what happened to her?” Jay asks, frowning, “her name was Lisbeth, right? I looked up who the former elemental masters were, and she came up.”
Wu’s smile turns into a frown, only to return a moment later with a sad look in his eyes. “Yes. that was her name. She went by Libber most of the time. Though unfortunately, I don’t know what happened to her. I did my best to keep track of all the elemental masters and their descendants, but she disappeared one day and left you at your parents.”
“Th-thank you, Master Wu,” he says, starting to tear up again. That strange, jealous feeling he had earlier has gone away. He has that closure he wanted for a while now. He, Master Wu, and Nya talk about his mother and the other former masters for a while longer. Jay may not know what happened to her, but at least he knows a little more about his mother.
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