#Anty is facing the side because I wanted to show off the nose- in other concept doodles they’re looking straight on and they have long bangs
puppy-the-mask · 2 years
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I drew Cron and Anty as humans, I added a little crimelord flair to Cron’s look though. In a world where they were never sealed away the Faction of Snow becomes the Snowfall family, a highbrow reclusive hit man group that you need an introduction to even get a meeting with. Their only other business is a BBQ restaurant called Bonfire. This would be what they’d look like with their ‘Glamour’ on to fit in with the humans. They’re called Colin and Antonio
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iamvegorott · 5 days
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt35
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Jackie was facedown on Chase’s bed, an arm dangling off the side and face buried in the pillow. Chase sat beside his legs and could somehow understand the muffled ramblings from the other. 
“So you’re crushing on Marvin?” Chase echoed. “Did you just realize this, or is it just now starting to, like, make you panic?” 
“It hit me like a truck last night,” Jackie explained. 
“I know that feeling of emotions hitting like a truck.” Chase chuckled. 
“You made out with Henrik during an argument. That doesn’t count.” 
“I mean, you and Marvin could-”
“I don’t want to get into a fight with him!” Jackie pushed himself up a bit, voice and face filled with panic. “I don’t want to be angry or have him be angry!” 
“Is…Is everything okay in here?” Henrik asked after lightly knocking on the door and opening it.
“We’re just talking, Hen,” Chase said with a smile as Jackie flopped himself back down on the bed, talking through the pillow. 
“What did he say?” 
“He said he’s okay, wanted some advice.” Chase translated. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Henrik went over to the bed. “Is it advice needed for something physical? You have not spoken to me a lot about certain things that our bodies do, and if you are confused about how parts work, I can explain.”
“You sound like you’re offering the ‘birds and the bees’ talk,” Chase said.
“I mean, if he has any questions, we can-”
“Nope, nope, nope!” Jackie quickly scrambled to sit up. “I don’t need any of that. That’s not what I’m confused about.” 
“Then what is the problem?” Henrik asked, blinking as Jackie answered with a groan, covering his face with his hands and falling back on the bed. Chase sighed as he stood, holding Henrik’s shoulder and guiding him back to the door.
“I got him, Hen. He’s having an…‘emotional discovery’.” Chase whispered the last part.
“Oh! Is it about M-” Henrik was stopped with a hand on his mouth. 
“Yes.” Chase glanced over and saw that Jackie hadn’t moved from his spot, showing he hadn’t heard or at least understood them. “I’ll call ya if we need you, I promise.” 
“Alright. Are we good for dinner?” 
“Of course.” 
“Wear something nice. No jeans.” Henrik reminded with a poke to Chase’s chest. 
“I’m still going to wear my hat,” Chase said with a grin. 
“Fine, fine, but that means you have to have a tie.” 
“I will see you then.” Henrik chuckled and stepped out of the room. Chase gave a little wave before closing the door. 
“Still alive over there?” Chase asked as he sat back on the edge of the bed. 
“Sadly,” Jackie grunted. 
“It’s not that bad.” 
“It’s the end of the world.” 
“Having a crush is not the end of the world.” Chase patted Jackie’s knee. 
“It feels like it.” Jackie sighed and sat up. “Maybe it’ll go away if I just ignore it-ow.” He flinched after Chase thumped him upside the head. “Dude?” “Ignoring it will only make it worse. Trust me.” 
“But what if I like ruin everything? I really like being friends with Marvin.” 
“It’s not going to ruin everything.” 
“How do you-” 
“Chase Brody!” A voice shouted from beyond the closed door. 
“Is that Dark?” Jackie’s question completely changed. 
“What in the world?” Chase grunted and got off the bed, leaving the room with Jackie following him. They came into the living room and saw the other Septiceyes already there, along with their sudden visitors of Dark and Mad. 
“Let go of me!” Mad snapped as he yanked himself out of Dark’s hold. He started reaching behind him and paused when JJ caught his arm, shaking his head. Mad gritted his teeth, huffed through his nose, and let his arm drop. Anti, on the other hand, didn’t have someone stopping him.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” Anti snapped, shoving Dark back. Marvin saw that Dark only had to take a step back, and that showed Anti had held back, either because he wasn’t fully in the mood to fight or seeing Chase come into the room had him trying to somewhat behave. But he did have his lips pulled back in a snarl, showing off slowly growing canines and softly hissing in a warning.
“He was eavesdropping on mine and Host’s talk,” Mad said. 
“It is not eavesdropping if I am walking through my own home and you two are speaking loudly in the kitchen,” Dark spoke directly to Mad and then turned his attention to Chase. “And I thought we agreed that you Septiceyes were not supposed to interfere with the new Iplier.”
“Night,” Marvin stated. 
“Pardon?” Dark’s voice was thick with annoyance. 
“God of Night. That’s ‘the new Iplier’s name.” Marvin stood with his arms casually crossed. “While you are preventing the other Ipliers from working, we’ve actually made progress.” 
“Putting yourself into more potential danger is not ‘making progress’. Congratulations on getting a name. And you have been beyond lucky at this point that you’ve yet to get seriously harmed. 
“Aw, do you care about us, Darky?” Anti teased, snarl turning into a toothy grin when Dark glared at him. 
“It’s not about caring about you Septiceyes: it’s about not fully exposing us to the rest of the world. Henrik and Edward may be talented doctors, but I can’t see any of you willing to let another die because you can’t get to Henrik on time and end up going to a hospital instead. A hospital where they run specific tests that will give away that we are not normal.” Dark’s words got Jackie to start curling up on himself. “While we are powerful, we cannot go against the world if we are found out. Who knows what they will try to do? They will cage us, extract everything that they can, experiment on what we can and cannot handle, use us for whatever they want because since we are not human in their eyes, we are not worthy of ethical means.” 
“Dark, stop,” Marvin said, seeing how Jackie’s eyes went wider and wider, almost looking ill by this point. “You’ve made your point.” 
“Have I? I don’t think you-” Dark stopped when he saw Jackie’s face. “I know that look.” He said to himself and then addressed Jackie directly. “Something happened to you. Did you get caught?” 
“N-No.” Jackie crossed his arms, looking at anything that wasn't Dark. 
“You have been caught.” Dark saw right through that. “When did this happen?”
“I-I haven’t. No, no, I just-I don’t-I don’t like the thought.” Jackie shook his head. 
“Drop it, everything’s fine.” Chase stepped between Jackie and Dark. 
“There is no need or use in upsetting him.” Henrik stepped in as well. He didn’t know everything but caught on enough to know this was a bad idea. JJ moved in front of Mad and looked at Anti. The movements of their faces showed that he was telling him something but didn’t allow anyone else to hear. Anti breathed harshly through his nose and took a step back, not appearing to be the happiest with that choice. 
“No need? If Jackie has been studied to any degree, we need to know. If there is any record of who we are out there, it’s only a matter of time before they start hunting us down!” Dark’s words got Jackie to hug himself tighter as he took a step back. 
“I told you everything is fine.” Chase repeated, trying to use his tone to tell Dark to politely ‘fuck off’. 
“Clearly, it’s not if that is his reaction.” Dark pointed at Jackie and then used that same hand to push Chase aside. “You need to tell me what you did, right now.” He said as he went up to Jackie.
“I didn’t do anything.” Jackie’s voice was soft, body lightly trembling. “Leave me alone.” 
“If we are in danger, I need to know everything that is going on.” Dark moved in closer. 
“Dude, let’s step out and talk about this.” Chase tried again to keep Dark and Jackie separated, but Dark stayed in place. 
“We are talking about it right now. What the fuck did you do, Jackie?” Dark’s voice gave away that he was worried, but he was certainly going about it the wrong way. 
“I didn’t-leave me alone.” Jackie’s breathing was starting to get faster as voices started overlapping with everyone's arguments-
Tell me! Calm down! This is so stupid! You’re being a dick! Stop it! Stop!
Jackie felt like he was trapped, and Dark was directing all of his anger toward him about something that was fixed, something that wasn’t his fault. He didn’t want that stuff to happen. There was too much happening. It was too much. 
“Don’t ignore me!” Dark grabbed Jackie’s arm, and that was the final straw. 
“Go away!” Jackie pulled back his other arm and punched Dark in the center of the chest, sending him flying across the room. There was a hard and solid thud of Dark’s body hitting the wall, the house shaking from the impact. The spot on Dark’s chest where Jackie’s fist had connected was now covered with a ball of swirling black smoke.
There was a pause of silence, and Marvin glanced around the room, seeing Chase holding an arm out in front of Henrik and JJ pulling what looked like a baton out of Mad’s hand. Mad’s eyes were wide and dark blue with patches of red. Anti was tense, looking like he was ready to pounce, but it was hard to tell who he was ready to grab since he kept looking back and forth between Dark and Jackie.
“Jackie?” Marvin noticed how Jackie’s eyes were glowing green, no iris, no pupils, just a bright green, and his jaw was tight from clenching his teeth. “Jackie.” He noticed how Jackie was just glaring at Dark. There was strange, powerful energy radiating off him. It was something that couldn't be seen, it was something that could be felt. “Jackie, look at me.” Marvin saw Jackie twitch a little, likely fighting himself. “Jackieboyman, I will watch the newest Marvel movie without you and spoil it if you don’t look at me.” Yes, it was an odd threat, but it worked as Jackie blinked, and his eyes slowly started changing, the green fading, his pupils returning, and his irises back to blue. 
“What?” Jackie blinked a few more times, and then it registered what he’d done. “Oh shit, oh shit! I’m so sorry! Oh my, God!” He tried to go over to Dark, and Marvin stopped him, Chase scrambling over to help. “I didn’t-I didn’t mean-I’m-I’m so sorry.” 
“Breathe, Jackie, breathe. You know he’s okay. It was just a punch.” Chase said, managing to get his arms around the panicking Jackie and pull him into a hug.
Marvin looked over his shoulder and saw Dark was beginning to get up, grunting and exposing the man-shaped dent in the wall. If he didn’t already know about the supernatural aspects of the House, Marvin would have had more questions when he watched the wall shifting and repairing itself. Dark looked beyond pissed, the ball of smoke gone, and his chest was perfectly intact and clean like nothing had happened. Marvin was prepared to fight, but Anti swept in instead. His body became that black shadow Marvin saw him being the first time they met, and he pulled Dark through the front door. Not opening the door, he had literally pulled him through the wooden surface and to the outdoors. 
Knowing that Chase had Jackie, Marvin went over to the window and peeked through it. He watched as Anti and Dark talked, well yelled, considering how aggressive they both looked. Anti seemed to be doing most of the yell-talking, continuing even when Dark tried to speak. Eventually, he saw the shift in Dark’s face. How it went from anger to confusion, to sorrow and empathy. Marvin wasn’t even aware those were emotions Dark even had. His brows went up when he witnessed Dark place a hand on Anti’s shoulder, and Anti brushed it off, both of them making some interesting faces. Marvin couldn’t fully understand them, but there was definitely something. He was going to need some more tea and gossip with JJ.
“Marv?” Jackie’s voice pulled Marvin’s attention back to the room. 
“Yeah?” Marvin quickly read the space, seeing that JJ was now talking with Mad in a corner of the room, and Chase and Henrik were doing the same in a different corner. Jackie awkwardly held his arm and had a weak smile. 
“Would you really watch a Marvel movie without me?” Jackie asked.
“Hell no. There is no way I could understand half of what was going on without your encyclopedia of comic book knowledge.” Marvin chuckled. 
“Dark’s going back to the Manor,” Anti stated as he walked back into the House. He glanced over to Jackie and then rubbed the back of his neck, sighing, “I filled Dark in, Jackie…I’m sorry. I know you never wanted me to share those details, but he wouldn’t fucking let it go. Dark also believes that Chase knows everything about it as well, but that’s up to you how much of that you’re willing to share.”
“I thought Chase did know everything?” Marvin asked. 
“He knew where I was and has an idea, but I never went into the details,” Jackie said. “Anti only knows those things because he saw them when he…when he did the stuff.”
“Details about what? What stuff did Anti do? Myself and JJ have never been told anything about what is being referenced.” Henrik said. 
“Should…Should I leave?” Mad asked, his eyes shifting between several shades of blue. “I can call Mare to take me home, and-” He paused and looked at JJ. “Why shouldn’t I tell Mare what happened here?” JJ sighed and projected his voice to everyone in the room.
“We’ve handled the problem, and it’s something we can discuss with Dark more at a later point. But we don’t need Mare trying to fight him as well because he technically brought you here against your will. The last thing we need is more arguments while we’re still trying to figure out this whole ‘God of Night’ mess.” 
“Mare wouldn’t-”
“He would.” 
“Do we just keep doing what we’re doing, then?” Mad looked at all the other Septiceyes. 
“We do.” Marvin was the first to speak. “Host said me and Jackie are supposed to deal with Night, so we will. Dark’s just being paranoid because it’s not going to your guys’ usual routine. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to like those things. We'll continue leaving him out of the loop for the most part, and we’ll drag Night’s ass to the Manor, and he can take over from there.” 
“We can discuss that tomorrow. There’s other stuff we need to talk about today. If Jackie is willing, that is.” Henrik said.
“Can we eat first or, like, have some food with it?” Jackie requested, trying to keep a chipper tone, but his anxiety was obvious. 
“Waffles?” Chase suggested. 
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Mod’s personal faves + reader taking care of them on a sick day~
since I don't have any requests right now and the blog is new... let me amuse myself with some of my faves and one of my most loved concepts! <3
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Well, now… isn’t he the lucky one today? Sure, he can’t breathe through his nose, he’s so tired he’s practically confined to bed, and he’s coughing like a smoker. Yeah, okay, all that is true. But being sick means that you will cancel other plans (say, with the other boys) to take care of him. You’re just that devoted to him, a bit of a sniffle keeps you by his side all day. That’s what he tells himself, at least. Your concerned expression and gentle kisses on his forehead are all he could ever need. He doesn’t know how to respond to such kindness and fussing, almost… except to melt into it, nestling himself in against any cuddles you offer. While he makes a comment along the lines of, “Don’t worry, my dear. I’ll be better in no time with your care.”, he secretly (and maybe not so secretly as well) wishes he’d be sick forever. He just… wants you all to himself. Is that so wrong? Watch out, because after this, he might actually seek out situations to get himself sick just so you can take care of him, and his fragile immune system will just let it happen. He could end up seriously ill if he isn’t careful.
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Darling… he needs to be taken care of! Look at him, do you really think he’s capable of looking after himself in such a state? How he got this sick, he’ll never know. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise, allowing the two of you some extra time together. Surely that’s not a bad thing, even if he spends it being a mess. Whenever he complains about looking a mess, you always tell him that he’s a very pretty mess, so as long as he’s still pretty to you, that’s all he gives a damn about. And keeping your attention on him, of course. Although he’s self-conscious about some things (in particular he hates that his gills also function like a nose), he’s a fairly good patient provided you aren’t distracted by anything else. He happily leans into your fussing, and will probably take any medicine you shove at him. Can he sleep snuggled up against you? He’s going to sleep snuggled up against you. Like Cole, you’ll have to watch that he doesn’t deliberately get himself sick just so you can take care of him. That is unfortunately peak Fabian behavior, and if he thinks it will result in more attention from you, he’ll do it.
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Wowzers, this is… it’s… it’s, ughhhh. The way this poor man feels about being sick is the closest he will ever get to hating something. Even then, he just can’t bring himself to use that word. It’s bad, and he’s miserable, but he’s faced worse in his life, hey? A little cold isn’t going to take him out, especially with his darling taking good care of him. Particularly given his history of issues with his heart and because he’s a physician assistant, he’s actually pretty good at gently instructing you on the kinds of medicines he can have. Because of his heart, traditional decongestants are off the table, as are most anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen. He gives you a little list for the store and trusts you, so that’s a plus! The biggest thing to help him is a nasal spray, so… you’ll, um… you’ll help him with that, right? All he really expects is for you to be there ready with some tissues, because using that spray makes him sneeze like crazy! There are a couple brands of low- or no-sodium soups he can have, and decaf tea, so if you bring him that, he’s so emotional from the fever he might just cry. Hugs will happen. He’s a terrific patient who doesn’t fight you, spends most of his time sleeping on your chest, and is sure to thoroughly show his gratitude once he feels better.
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Aaaah… the latest in a long line of misfortunes for him, isn’t it? Woe is him, Poe is him… ah, you know the rest. Basically. It’s certainly not the worst thing to happen to him, and at the very least, he has the sort of healthy mindset that being sick is merely a part of life. It’s just the kind of thing that happens, regardless of who you are or how well you try to take care of yourself. So, he’s pretty relaxed about being fussed over. He’ll gingerly put a stop to it if you start to go overboard, (no, babe, he does not need help blowing his nose, thanks), but mostly he takes it in stride. It beats taking care of himself or trying to get through a ‘normal’ day when he feels like shit, after all. The only thing he can gripe about is that his red cheeks and nose clash with his eyeliner. Though… he might forego it and let you see him without makeup. Talk about love! Huh. Would enough cold medicine knock him out?? Perhaps he can sleep through the worst of it. He’s glad you’re here, though. It means he gets your hand running through his hair, and kisses on the cheek, and your affectionate voice murmuring, “Aw, you poor thing.” He… didn’t know he needed something like that. He’ll write a poem about the experience once he’s lucid enough not to break his mind trying to find a rhyme for ‘thermometer’.
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Stop… stop… stop mother-henning him!!! He’s not used to it! You don’t need to do it! He’s fine…! And. Well. Mid-rant, he starts to cough so hard and for so long his face turns bright red, leaving him gasping for air. So much for denying that he’s sick in the first place, because that’s definitely what he did. He tries so hard to pretend like he’s fine, particularly because he’s got a big insecurity about feeling as if he can’t take care of himself. He’s spent so long doing fine by himself, he’s independent, and letting someone else take care of him makes him feel as if he can’t take care of himself. That’s not exactly true, but his feelings are his feelings. Thankfully, as tsundere as he acts, in reality he craves someone to take care of him. He’s strong all the time, and as soon as you give him ‘permission’ to be weak, it’s like he just falls apart from all the pressure he’s put on himself. Once he knows he’s in good hands, he lets himself nuzzle against you for support, whimpering and asking if you’ll still take care of him. So, of course, you happily oblige. You make sure to strip him down to just a T-shirt and shorts so he doesn’t overheat… hold a cup to his lips so he can swallow medicine and soup… rub his back and press soft kisses to his forehead. He’s very lazy while sick, which makes it easy for you to take care of him. As soon as he realizes he can just be sick, he leaves it all to you. He doesn’t fight after that. It’s almost disappointing when he starts to feel better… how is he supposed to ask for those kinds of things again, without an ‘excuse’ and just because he wants you to coddle him for a bit…?
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Hell’s bells, is this seriously what mortals go through every… year? How many years do humans live, again? And how many times do they have to deal with being sick over the course of that short life? … Wait, how many?! Fire and brimstone. He’s never been gladder that he isn’t mortal. Because he isn’t mortal, however, he doesn’t get ill very often. Which is a good thing, but it also means he just generally doesn’t know how to be sick. He’s terrible at just being a sick person. He’s a little over 900 years old, and he’s had a cold or flu maybe ten times total during his life. And he forgets every single time what it’s like… and, damn, it sucks. Although he tries incredibly hard not to whine, because demons don’t whine, it’s pretty clear he feels terrible. He actually growls if you try to extract him from his hoodie, and the violent shudders he gives when you try to wipe him with cold water to lower his fever are a pitiable sight. The big problem is that he doesn’t know how to properly care for himself while he’s sick, so it’s up to you. He’s grateful… and yet, he feels pathetic for needing your help. It’s as if he thinks he’s some crappy excuse for a demon just for the fact that he managed to catch a cold and struggles to take care of himself while he doesn’t feel well. That you don’t judge, you just buckle down and do what you know will make him feel better? That… helps his ego. He’ll reward you nicely for taking such good care of him the second he’s recovered.
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 For our last celebratory TENPAM anniversary post, I thought I'd do some character history. As you've seen, Lily's been around the longest, and I got Savvy worked out in math class the year before I started NPAM. Besides Lily's sporadically appearing parents, the first character I came up with for the strip was actually the Grub Guy.
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A greasy looking fellow who has the monopoly on all pop-up shops, typically selling Grub but also seen slinging coffee, sweets, squid, stuff, and milkshakes, among other things. Over the years, we've learned that his name is Mike, he has a twin (or perhaps any number of identical siblings all with one-syllable M names), and his mom is the manager of the local grocery store. She looks just like him but with a bit more hair. Though the Grub Guy doesn't show up in the comic too often, I still think his totally blank face and superhuman franchise abilities are hilarious. The Grub guy debuted on July 13, 2013.
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Just after Mike the Grub guy, Champ arrives on the scene! Everyone in his family is named after plants (his given name is Basil). When I was designing him, I was trying to go for a breezy, casual beach style. I accidentally completely designed (the yet-unnamed) Tyler, but it wasn't the right look for Champ. I pivoted at the last moment, adding the trademark hat and worn out jeans. You can see it on the far right above. Funnily enough, year later when I went back to figure out Champ's real hair, it looks a lot like those swoopy ones I started out with on the left! Champ debuted on July 23, 2013
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Another side character, Bike Shorts Guy, showed up a month later! I think he's really funny in a very bizarre and inexplicable way. His main traits are his good posture and his hobby of hunting wild pastries. He has never been seen on a bike. I don't think he's been featured recently, but he always makes me laugh. Bike Shorts Guy debuted on August 31, 2013
Tyler came next. That early Champ design stayed in my mind, and so our sensitive artist showed up on the scene. He and Savvy became unlikely friends. Imagine, he could've been named Hamlet.
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Tyler debuted on September 10, 2013
In eighth and ninth grade I went to school online. Eventually, every school subject had a main representative character, a sport/hobby, and a sidekick. (That's what happens when you spend two years at home and it's just you and your gel pens and workbooks). Zo was my science girl, with a bonus human, Nelly the assistant. Their pet friend was a plain cat named Kitty. Looks familiar…
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(The lines under their eyes are safety goggles. My mom thought they were mustaches.)
Though I risked following the formula of every ensemble-cast comic, NPAM got its own fluffy friend, the precocious cat Herriman! He's named for George Herriman, creator of the historically iconic Krazy Kat comic. I fooled around with markings, whiskers, and noses, but ultimately made him very plain, just like Kitty. Herriman debuted January 6, 2014
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I tossed out an anti-joke right around the time I was graduating high school. It was intentionally unfunny. I figured it was just a silly one-off sort of thing. I was... very wrong. Early on, I returned to the Slug every Saturday because they were an easy way to whip out that last comic as I drew them in sets of six week to week. To this day, the Slug is definitely my most popular character. The Slug debuted May 29, 2014
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I had plenty of characters, so I didn't feel moved to make another until over a year later. I developed Sera Sophia and Dart at the same time, knowing they'd be best buddies, but Sera Sophia snuck into the comic a bit earlier. I wanted her to have that sort of earthy hippy fairy look. (It's pretty common around where I grew up.) Though this was way before I decided to literally make her part fairy! Sera Sophia debuted on July 6, 2015
I posit that Dart was always around the NPAM world, living his merboy life happily unobserved by the NPAM audience. Savvy, who knows all the living creatures on land and sea, has known him for ages. But she's very discreet, and never told any of the humans about him. Dart and Sera Sophia hit it off instantly, as Sera Sophia is very accepting of unusual (magical) phenomena. Dart debuted July 27, 2015
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And that's our main cast! Savvy retired in 2020, and other characters have come and gone (anyone remember Kai, the Japanese fish?). This concludes our TENPAM celebration. I'd like to thank all of YOU, readers, for your continued support and kind words. I'm glad that this silly ol' comic can brighten your days. Ever onward we go!
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 2 months
Unlikely Places - Chapter 8 - Part 2
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*Warning - Adult Content*
Chapter: 8 - Nosy Curiosity
Within a few minutes, Marcus was back in the car driving to the closest restaurant to pick up an order of takeout while Pierce and I walked side by side towards my home.
I had tried to assure him I would be fine on my own.
I had thanked him profusely for his help and time.
I had done everything but a jig for him, yet here I was with Pierce about to enter my inner sanctuary.
It was a place I shared with few.
Of course, the guys had been and my parents but that was about it.
I was borderline anti-social.
I had my inner circle of friends and my family and had never really felt the need for more.
My relationships, though few, meant a great deal to me.
There were days though, like today, I wish I could be all by myself.
I didn't do it to hide from the world but right now, I had to admit, I really wanted to hide from Pierce.
He was very overwhelming, though I would never admit it to him.
We let Cicero walk around the grass and as soon as he did his business, I grudgingly led Pierce into my home.
I shuffled my feet a bit as we stepped in through the front door and I watched him quietly look around.
I turned and eyed it myself, imagining it from his point of view.
I had used browns and blues.
It wasn't spartan but it wasn't cluttered either.
As we walked into the open living room, he could see the various pictures and keepsakes I kept out as well as a few nature paintings on the walls.
Cicero's crate of toys and large doggy pillow sat off to the side.
It wasn't fancy nor shabby.
It was simply lived in.
"Comfy," he murmured in seeming approval as he patted Cicero's head.
He stepped further into the room.
He could see where one section led off to a small kitchen as the other led to a guest bedroom and small office.
There were stairs that led upwards.
That was where my bedroom was but I had no intention of showing him up there.
We walked into the living room and I indicated he should take a seat on the brown leather sofa.
He turned and did, seeming surprised when Cicero followed him and bounded up on the seat beside him.
He turned to look at me.
"Is this okay?" he asked, indicating the dog on the furniture.
I grinned.
"It's his house, too."
Pierce stared at me after that.
Caught off guard I simply stared back.
My eyes felt huge and I felt like my cheeks got hot.
Flustered I broke eye contact and walked towards the kitchen to get some water.
My throat felt dry again.
It had to be because of the dehydration.
Pierce followed me and Cicero followed him.
I heard the firm footsteps along with the clip-clip-clip of Cicero's nails on the hardwood floor behind me.
"Fair enough, he said.
"So, what was y-your question?" I asked giving a long-suffering type sigh making Pierce chuckle again.
"It's not that bad, I promise," he said still grinning.
"It's more just nosy curiosity," he explained.
I scoffed aloud at that.
"I kind of think all of your questions are nosy-curiosity-killed-the-cat-kind of questions but that's just my opinion."
Pierce laughed and stared at me for long moments.
"You're tired," he commented with a nod of his head.
"You're less guarded because your defenses are exhausted. You're hardly stuttering either. I don't know whether I should feel bad for you right now or lecture you."
"What?" I asked with a disgruntled frown. Pierce chuckled at my reaction; his eyes wandered over my face.
"You kind of resemble a pouty teenager right now," he teased.
I wrinkled my nose, deepening my frown, unknowingly jutting my lower lip out even more.
Pierce's eyes wandered to my mouth and though the smile remained, his eyes changed.
The teasing laughter was exchanged for something more intense bringing a new tension into the room.
The thickening atmosphere galvanized me like nothing else could.
With a burst of energy, I did not know I still had I quickly snapped the refrigerator door closed and headed back into the living room, huffing over my shoulder.
"If you're thirsty get your own dang water."
I thought I heard him chuckle again but I didn't turn around to confirm.
I kept walking.
I was in no shape to deal with what had just happened.
No shape at all.
I was tired.
I think the only reason I hadn't crashed yet was because Pierce was still here and I was starving.
I wasn't too sure if Pierce's being here would make a difference once the food landed in my belly.
I had a feeling I would be out like a light once I ate.
It had been a long twenty-four hours all told.
I slumped down on the plush sofa and set the seat back into it's recliner position with a deep sigh.
Pierce had followed me back into the living room but I was no longer watching him.
I had closed my eyes and was enjoying the moments of finally being home.
After a few more quiet moments he finally got around to asking me his question.
"Why do you live in such a small house? Don't misunderstand me. It's a cute place but I know what you make a year and I know what your bonuses look like. It's a great deal more, than the area you live in now. Why don't you move now that you can afford more?"
I popped my eyes open.
His question surprised me.
I wasn't affronted by it.
I didn't think he was insulting my house.
I knew he most likely just didn't genuinely understand my lack of need to live a ritzier lifestyle since I had the money.
It kind of made me feel bad for him.
How much importance did he put on money and things?
"It's simple really," I answered.
"We don't need anything larger. This suits us just fine," I said with a tired smile of satisfaction.
His sudden scowl caught me off guard.
His question even more so.
"We? Who is we?" 
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rubyperic-09 · 1 year
if Toa saw Nick and Charlie hold hands in heartstopper, season 1, episode 6.
someone said they wanted to see this as a fanfiction, so I tried my best to make something likable.
“Tara!? Darcy?!” Nick calls out while we all frantically check every room in the music block. God! Why is he even here? He’s obviously just making fun of Charlie. Loud banging coming from one of the classrooms interrupts my thoughts. Nick busts open the door. At least he’s good for something. “Hey. You guys are supposed to be on stage like, right now.” He says half out of breath. “Oh, Uh!” Darcy says, half stunned, half worried. We all start running towards the ‘stage’ where Tara, Darcy, and Charlie are performing with the rest of the band.
Tara and Darcy are in front, leading the group while holding hands. Nick and Charlie run behind, side by side, smiling at each other while they ... OMFG! Hold hands! Are they together?! Elle follows behind, yelling back at me to hurry up. “I’m Trying!” I yell back, in a hurried panic. We get back, and Nick helps Tara and Darcy set up while we find our seats. Nick finds his way to his seat, which just so happens to be next to mine. I look up to see Charlie smiling at someone, I turn to see who he is smiling at. Nick! Nick smiles back, a proud expression on his face. I smash my elbow into Nick’s shoulder. and Darcy, and Nick and Charlie.
“What?!” Nick says surprised but calm, as if I hadn’t just smashed an elbow into him. I stare at him to see if he is trying to joke with Charlie. He sits there, arms crossed, waiting for my reply. “are you trying to be funny?” I say quietly, but loud enough to sound angry. “Huh?” Nick stares at me blankly. “I saw you holding hands with him. You know, in the corridor.” “Oh, right. Charlie was going to tell you at milkshakes, but he didn’t get the chance.” “So, you two are together then?” I ask sternly. “Yeah.” Nick forces out. “How long?” Nick stares at me, a confused expression on his face “umm...” He doesn’t finish his sentence. “Well come on then! Spit it out.” I yell, much louder than intended. “SHH!” Elle taps me on the shoulder. “If you’re going to interrogate Nick, do it somewhere else. Elle whispers. “Fine” I say angrily.
I grab Nick’s arm and pull him out of the row, and into the corridor. “Are you going to answer me or not?!” I yell, pulling the door shut behind me. “Since Harry’s party. April 17th. Well, that was our first kiss, we have been officially dating since the 18th.” His voice slows and grows quieter with each word. “What?!” I yell angrily. Silence falls upon the room for at least thirty seconds before Nick forces something out. I’m not quite sure what because I can’t hear him over the loud applaud from the audience. I choose to ignore whatever he said and continue talking. “So at Charlie’s birthday when I interrogated you and Charlie, you were already together!?” Nick nods in agreement. “Yeah, I kind of heard that.” He says under his breath. “And When he almost broke his nose at rugby, when you just stood there in shock, you were together?” “Yeah, that’s When Isaac figured it out.” Nick’s tone changed, it was soft and sweet. I had never heard him talk like this. “I was wiping Mud off Charlie’s face when we walked in with ‘anti-septic wipes.’” Nick said this slightly laughing, and using a very Isaac like tone, to emphasis his point.
“So pretty much, I have been bullying both of you out of a relationship I thought you were using to make fun of Charlie, and you were together the whole time. I was telling Charlie to drop you for no reason. I thought I was protecting and really, I was just bullying you both.” I have to stop myself from crying. Nick just stares at me. “Pretty much.” He looks down at the floor when he says this. He doesn’t say this sarcastically, like a joke that was obvious, but in a reassuring tone to show empathy, and to show respect and compassion. I can start to see why Charlie is in love with him. He isn’t like the other Rugby boys. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions before getting to know him. “Why didn’t you just tell me. Why didn’t you just stand up for yourselves when I was pressuring you and tell. I probably wouldn’t have put so much pressure on him if I had known.” “I think that’s why he didn’t tell you. He cares about your opinion so much, that he is scared you will overreact an blow up in his face about something, or not care at all.” Nick goes to continue, but the door is opened by the very person I need to hear confirm this.
“Charlie.” Nick picks him up and spins him around twice before putting him down. “Nick!” Charlie says, surprised and annoyed, but happy. He stares at Nick before subtly nodding towards me. “Oh, yeah. He saw us holding hands earlier, in the corridor.” Nick says partially laughing, partially worried. He pulls Charlie in for a hug. “So that’s Why you’re out here? I thought you both got bored and didn’t want to watch.” Charlie starts crying into nick’s shoulder, covering his face with his hands. Nick gently pushes him out from his chest and removes Charlie’s hands from his face so he can wipe away his tears. “Charlie. I loved every second of what I heard and saw of your performance. I would’ve loved to see more of it, but I think... it’s good that Toa has figured stuff out with me before you, because I don’t value his opinion as much as you. I value what all your friends think, but i haven’t known them as long and don’t depend on their approval. It’s not a bad thing that you do either. Toa was partially upset, so I’m glad he didn’t blow up in your face and blew up in mine instead.” Nick wipes the last tears from Charlie’s face before looking back at me. “I think you two need to talk to each other. Do you want me to stay, or are you all good?” “I’m all good. Thanks.” Charlie hugs Nick goodbye before turning towards me. As nick leaves, I can see a look of ‘be kind or else’ on his face. I nod and he smiles before walking away.
I turn to Charlie and pull him into a hug. “I’m so proud of you.” He stares up at me through hair wet with tears. “Really?” “Yes. Of course.” “Why? I thought you would be ad I didn’t tell you sooner.” Charlie sounds worried when he speaks. “I was mad at first, but now I realize that you didn’t tell me because you were scared, I wouldn’t approve of Nick. Not that I made it any easier with all my comments about him, but I will always be proud of you for finding someone that gives you the amount of love you deserve.” “Yeah?” Charlie pulls back from our hug. “Of course. Charlie I am one of your best friends. I will always be proud of you.” Charlie looks up at me and smiles. I pull him back into a hug. I rest my head in his hair. “I love you, Charlie. I always will. You are the best friend I have ever had. You are the best friend someone could ask for. Thankyou.” “Love you too.” Charlie says sarcastically, but still inn a tone that I know makes him mean it.
We walk out of the music block to find Tara and Darcy making out and Nick and Elle talking. Elle sees me and walks over. Nick leans into the wall behind him. “Just go.” I say pushing Charlie forward. Nick pulls Charlie into a hug and kisses him on the forehead. “Nick?!” Charlie stares up at Nick. “We are outside.” Charlie says. “I know.” Nick says back. “I don’t think we need to keep our relationship a secret anymore. I like you so much, and I love liking you. Why do we need to keep it a secret anymore? Everyone that actually matters already knows, aside from my mum, but I’ll deal with later. We are happy together, and the world can suck Shit if they don’t like our happiness.” “Nick!” Charlie stares at him. “I’m stopping you right there, OK. I like you too and we don’t anyone’s approval to come out. If you want to come out, then come out. I will be here with you through it, No matter what. I love you.” Nick looks at Charlie with a very surprised look on his face. “You... you Love me?” “Of course, I love you, Nick. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.” “I love you too. I always will.” Nick picks Charlie and swings him onto his back. “I’m in love with Charlie spring.” He yells while running into the open area. Charlie kisses him on the cheek, and both start laughing so hard they almost cry. Nick turns his head and kisses Charlie while pulling him off his back and into a hug. “Nick!” Charlie screams out of joy, and fear. Despite Charlie's protests, Nick carries him like a baby the entire way to my house.
We celebrate with a film night. It is Nick’s first film night with us, so I’m not surprised he isn’t making make us watch avengers. Nick is in the corner of my bed. This is usually my spot, but I can make an exception this time. Charlie has fallen asleep against him, and Nick has fallen asleep leaning on the wall next to my bed. Darcy is asleep ono Tara’s shoulder and Tara has fallen asleep on Darcy’s head. Isaac has fallen asleep against my bed, the three are on the spare mattress. Elle realizes that we are the only two that are awake, and she pulls me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you.” She says. Before I can say or do anything she pulls me in for a kiss. I gently push her back, mainly to check if this is a dream. I look into her eyes. She looks scared. I kiss her and her look of worry leaves. She looks happy now.
“Eww!! I fall asleep for five minutes, and I wake up to you two making out. Gross!” Darcy says sitting up. Her cries of disgust wake up Nick. Darcy and Nick sit up in shock waking up Tara and Charlie. Charlie sits up quickly. “What, huh. Oh” He looks around and see that he has woken up Isaac. “So- “ “Nope, there will be no ‘s’ word today.” Nick says covering Charlie’s mouth. Both start laughing. “What?” Isaac sits up in shock. “what’s happening?” “I fell asleep for five minutes and wake up to these to making out!” Darcy says before mimicking a vomit sound. “Wait. Are you two together?” Charlie says surprised. I Shrug. “We are now.” Elle says. “Well, ... Congrats, but it doesn’t change the fact that I just woke up to see ‘that.’” Darcy says, still disgusted. “I guess you could call it, Payback.” Elle says dramatically before kissing me again. Darcy rolls her eyes but can’t herself from laughing.
We manage to find two spare mattresses for Tara and Darcy, and Nick and Charlie. Everyone watches the rest of the movie happily. Aside from a few questions about what happened when they were asleep, there were no interruptions from anyone. Today was great, the amazing night made the arguments worth it.
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obsidiancreates · 3 years
Born This Way (Because Of Negligence Towards Basic Scientific Safety)
(IDK how far apart the Fenton kids are in age, so Jazz is an Undetermined Age Where She's A Toddler But Also Very Verbal. Maybe it's the Genius Genes letting her learn faster. Let's go with that.)
Maddie coughs, spitting out another glob of ectoplasm. "Well, at least know it's not an issues with the cooling system."
Jack sneezes out the ectoplasm stuck in his nose, and then grins and stands triumphantly. "Still a step towards success!"
Jazz frowns from where she's playing with her doll, safe within a Fenton Anti-Ghost Toddler Chamber. "Mommy, you should cover your mouth." She points at her own mouth. "Mr. Wummy on TV says dat getting weird stuff in your mouth is bad."
"Mr. Wummy is a cartoon, dear. We're seasoned scientists, we know what we're doing." She wipes herself off, and sits down. "If there were any side-effects to accidental ecoplasmic consumption, we'd know."
"But what if Danny doesn't like it?" Jazz point at her mother's belly.
Maddie pats her belly. "The baby is still just a fetus, sweetie. It can't tell what it does and doesn't like yet. And why are you so sure it'll be a boy?"
"Because I'm your baby girl. So now you need a baby boy!"
Maddie tilts her head and smiles lovingly at her daughter. "Oh, you're adorable." Nothing cuter than Child Logic.
Maddie stands back up, and puts her hands on the workbench. "Now, let's see about that firing mechanism..."
Maddie brushes her teeth, sighing when her toothbrush comes away glowing green. "We really messed up a lot of experiments today. I think I swallowed a whole ghost's worth."
Jack spits a similarly colored mouthful of toothpaste foam out. "At least it doesn't taste as bad as it smells."
Maddie puts her hands on her belly, the bump now quite obvious. "II hope we're right about it not having side effects."
Jack's expression softens. He gently pulls his wife into a comforting hug. "The doctors all say he's as healthy as can be, Mads. You don't need to worry."
"I still worry anyway, though."
"Of course you do. You're his mom! But we'll worry together, and if you ever need me to, I'll do the worrying for us both! While you relax and give him more tips on how to avoid ghosts once he learns to walk."
Maddie giggles, and sighs. It'll all be fine... nothing to worry about.
Jazz has her arms crossed, a teddy bear hanging from one hand. "Five times!"
"Yes, and did we mention we're so proud that you can count so we-"
"Five times!" She shouts again, waving her little sticky toddler hand at them. "I saw you eat the bad green stuff five times!"
"We didn't eat it," Maddie says patiently, "It got into our mouths by accident."
"You swallowed it!"
"Only a tiny bit, only on accident, dear."
Jazz puts her hand on her mom's belly. "Danny is gonna be here soon and he's gonna be mad!"
"He won't even know it happened, sweetheart."
"Yes he will! He'll be the smartest ever, just like me and like you and like daddy! And he'll be so upset and never stop crying!"
"Babies do that anyway, sweetie." Maddie rubs her belly. It's true, Danny is due any day now. And yes... there's been some extra Ectoplasm Incidents lately. Maddie just can't stay awake sometimes, and... well. That's not exactly good when working on ghost hunting machines.
"Your baby brother will be perfectly fine," Maddie assures. "He's a healthy baby boy, and he'll be just as healthy when you meet him."
Jazz lights up at the mention of meeting him. She can't wait!
Jazz bounces excitedly in her dad's arms. She gets to meet her baby brother! Finally! She's going to read him bedtime stories, and protect him from closet monsters, and show him how to throw a tea party!
Jack chuckles. "Calm down, sweetie, you don't get to play with him quite yet! He's still very fragile."
"But he's okay?"
"Yes, he and Mommy are both okay. Better than okay."
Jack knocks on the hospital room door, and they enter.
Maddie is holding Danny, and it looks like she fell asleep. Jazz gasps, even though all she can see so far is the blanket bundle.
"He's tiny!"
"Very." Again. Ah well. Jack had always hoped one of his kids would groww up to be taller than him, but maybe it'll have to be a grandkid.
He walks over, and smiles at his sleeping wife. "Okay, let's be quiet," he whispers. "We don't want to wake mommy."
Jazz nods seriously.
Jack sets her on the bed, and Jazz carefully crawls closer to Danny. She moves the blanket to get a good look at his face, grinning widly-!
She frowns. "Where is he?"
"What?!" Jack hurriedly picks up the bundle, making Maddie startle awake. "Holy-"
"Jack? Honey? What is it?!" Maddie's tone becomes increasingly panicked.
Jack, looking a bit pale, hands the bundle back to her. She gasps.
It's empty, and freezing!
"Where- where is-"
And then suddenly. He's there.
Fast asleep, wrapped up snug and tight. His little face still red from being brand-new to the world, his tiny tongue sticking out of his mouth slightly as he snoozes.
He disappears again.
Maddie thinks she's about to pass out.
Finally, Jazz breaks the horrified silence. "I told you to cover your mouths!"
Danny sleeps all the way home, and all the way up to his room. Jazz is waiting by the bassinet, and peeks in as soon as he's placed down. She frowns. "Mommy, his hair is white. He's not old."
Maddie sighs. "No, he's not. Apparently it just... does that, sometimes."
Danny yawns, and opens his little eyes. Jazz's own eyes widen as well. "He's glowing!"
"Yes... that happens too."
Danny screws up his face, and starts crying. Maddie picks him up and rocks him. "Poor baby... he's so cold."
"Why?" Jazz tilts her head.
Maddie sighs. "Well... your father and I... we think he's half-ghost."
"... Probably... the ectoplasm," Shame burns in Maddie's veins.
Jazz, wide-eyed, reaches to to try and touch Danny. "Is he dead?" She doesn't sound sad, because it looks to her like even if he is dead, he's still alive.
"No!" Maddie shuts the idea right down. "He is a very healthy, living boy! But he's... different."
"Are you gonna trap him?"
"Wh- Jasmine, why would you ask that!"
"He's a ghost."
"No! No, we never treat him like any other ghost. And he's only partly ghost, so it barely counts. Now, Mommy has to feed him so he can go back to sleep. How about you go pick a movie for tonight?"
Jazz nods. She takes that job very seriously. There's a science to picking movies.
She heads off, and Maddie looks at Danny's sniffling little face. His eyes are back too baby blue, but his hair isn't quite black yet.
At least he's still visible.
At least the side effects seem mild.
It's about 6 am when Jack bolts up too use the bathroom. On his way back, he decides to check on the kids.
Jazz is asleep, cuddling a stuffed animal. Jack smiles.
Danny is also asleep, wrapped up in a cute little onesie and floating above the bassinet FLOATING ABOVE THE BASSINET?!?!
Jack runs over and grabs Danny from the air, pulling out a Fenton Ghost-Whapping Baton!
And then he looks at Danny, who's whining, and sees sleepy glowing green eyes looking at him.
"Oh. Um, sorry, son." He puts away the baton. "I thought a ghost was stealing you."
Danny yawns. Jack sees a cold breath puff out of his son's mouth, despite the room being temperature-controlled to keep him toasty during the nights.
Jack puts Danny back into the bassinet. He leaves, and comes back a little bit later with some equipment.
He sets up a rudimentary ghost-shield to keep Danny from floating away during the night, but won't trap him. He can still float a little, if need be.
"The scariest ghost we've faced yet," Jack mumbles. He kisses Danny's forehead, and sits there until Danny falls asleep. By then, Danny is human again.
Jack leaves, and in the morning he and Maddie begin working on some upgrades for Danny's room.
Danny babbles happily as Jazz plays peek-a-boo with him.
More laughter!
"A-boo! A-boo!" Jazz can't stop grinning. She's a great older sister! Look at her go!
She takes Danny's hands, and moves them over his face. "Now, where's Danny? ... Here he is! Oh."
Danny isn't there. But his clothes are, and something's inside of them. And Jazz is still holding two chubby baby arms, even if they're cold and invisible.
Jazz stares for a second, and then speaks. "... Peek-a-boo?"
Danny reappears, and squeals with laughter!
Maddie sits down to give Danny his bottle. She's brought him out shopping with her so she can grab some replacement parts that fried in their latest invention, the Fenton Ecto-Extractor!
Jazz had thrown a fit when she'd heard the name, and it startled Jack so bad he'd turned it on too early and it completely collapsed on itself! It took half an hour to convince Jazz that they weren't trying to use it to make Danny normal, just using it for themselves now that they know it can cause... strange things, to happen.
Danny drinks the bottle with no issue, and burps as soon as she starts his back. Really, he's a pretty easy baby. Except for the ghost part.
Maddie is getting him back in the stroller when Danny's face screws up. She watches a cold, visible breath leave his mouth, and then he starts to scream. Sobbing, wailing baby screams, attracting the concerned and/or annoyed attention of most people around them.
"He's just tired," she assures loudly. His breath is still puff out in cold clouds, even though it's perfectly warm in the mall.
Maddie quickly picks him back up and hugs him, bouching and singing to try and calm him down.
Danny starts to quiet down. She puts him back in the stroller, but as soon as she does (as soon as he looks behind her with those bright, bright green eyes) he starts crying again.
She sighs and picks him up, hurrying back to the car. She'll just come back for the parts later. Clearly, something is upsetting him.
Something that she just can't see.
Jazz leans away from Danny, grinning. "There!"
Danny is propped up on her bed. Maddie and Jack needed to quickly decontaminate themselves, and so Jazz had to watch Danny for just a minute.
And in that minute, she's does some redesigning.
Danny's fluffy white hair has a little bow in it, and she's put some of her kiddie makeup on him.
Danny disappears for a second, and the bow falls. When he reappears, it's not on his head anymore. He looks at Jazz blankly.
Jazz crosses her arms. "No fair! I was making you pretty!"
Maddie stumbles into Danny's room. She flicks on the light, and turns off the Fenton Ghost-Shielding Hanging Mobile. She reaches in and pulls the crying Danny out of the bassinet, shushing and rocking him.
Danny's eyes are bright green again, and Maddie can see his breath. "Oh, you always get so worked up when this happens," she says softly. "Is the cold upsetting you?"
Danny doesn't answer, just cries more.
Maddie takes him to her and Jack's room, and lays down with him on her chest. Jack rolls over in his sleep and puts his arms around her, cradling both of them.
Danny falls back asleep soon, and Maddie sighs. She can still see his breath, but at least he's calm now.
Jazz holds up her drawing, and shakes her head. She goes back to scribbling, and moves closer to Danny. "This is black," she says to him, pointing at the crayon she's using. She picks up another color. "And this one is red."
Danny stares as Jazz keeps scribbling. Jazz assumes that means he's learning.
"I'm going to let Mom and Dad know I saw this in my closet," she says seriously. "I think people know you're special and want to steal you!"
Danny blows a spit bubble by accident, and laughs when it pops.
Jazz's eyes hold more determination than ever. She scribbles with the fury of a million warriors. "You're very valuable." She learned that word yesterday. "So you need lots of protecting."
"Do you think this will make her feel better?" Maddie asks as she closes the panel.
Jack lifts his soldering mask and nods. "If one thing can make a person feel safe, it's fifty anti-ghost devices hidden in their walls!"
"I just worry about that doodle. What if something really got in?"
"Mads, you personally handcrafted every single sensor put up in the kids's rooms! If a ghost had gotten in, we'd know! To get past then they'd need deep knowledge of exactly how our deigns work and how they detect ghost energy, and no ghost has that!"
"You're right, you're right. Still, I hate to think she might be having nightmares about something like that. It looked like it had devil horns."
"Peek-a-boo!" Jazz grins at Danny. "Peek-a-boo!"
It never gets old for him! No matter how many times they play, Danny loves it!
"Peek... a-boo!" Jazz does little jazz-hands.
Danny disappears, and Jazz grins. "Where's Danny? Where'd he go?"
Danny reappears, and-
Jack and Maddie dart into the room! Maddie swoops Danny up, eyes wide!
Danny giggles, and says it again. "Boo!"
Maddie and Jackie both tear up. In unison they shout, "HIS FIRST WORD!"
Danny gnaws on the toy with his little baby gums.
"I can't believe it. Already teething," Maddie sighs, holding him. "Seems like only yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital."
Jack wipes his eyes. "He's growing into a young man already."
"Oh, Jack, stop it, he's not nearly a young man."
"But he will be before we know it!"
Maddie pats her husband on the back comfortingly as he begins to blubber.
Maddie closes her eyes, thinking about those early months with Danny, figuring out how to prepare for his floating and invisibility, learning to not panic when his eyes and hair changed color, learning that sometimes when they do his clothes change color as well...
She's startled out of her thought by something warm and wet on her lap.
She looks down to see the teething toy on her thigh... and a whole lot of nothing where Danny's head should be.
Then it' back when she blinks, and he's beginning to whine for his toy.
She quickly picks him up off her laps and retrieves it, giving it back to him.
So... the ghost abilities are still developing, then. She'll have to let Jack know about this later.
"Daniel Fenton," Jack says, the most serious Jazz has ever seen him, "You're in big trouble this time, mister. I don't know how you did this-"
Jack shakes the empty tube of baby snacks, safe for teething babies.
"But I will get to the bottom of it!"
"Look like he already did," Maddie jokes, setting Jazz's breakfast down for her.
Jazz laughs, because it sounds like a Smart Adult Joke and she thinks those are funny, even when she doesn't understand them.
Danny babbles, smacking his chair's food tray.
"Oh no you don't, mister! You're getting regular baby food this morning and that's all!" Jack grabs the jar of food, and holds up the spoon. "Now, here comes the Fenton Ghost-Tracking Copter!"
He puts the spoon up to Danny's mouth-
-and right through his head.
He gasps and pulls back, and Danny's head reappears. He babbles, smacking the tray again.
Maddie drops her fork. "I can't believe I forgot! That's what I was going to tell you about!"
Jazz looks at her parents. "You didn't know he does this?"
They both gawk at her. "You did?!"
Danny reaches up and grabs Jazz's nose. Jazz wrinkles it, and he laughs.
Jazz sticks out her tongue and crosses her eyes, and Danny laughs even harder!
Jazz looks at her parents as they finish setting up the picnic blanket. "I'm the funniest big sister ever!"
"You sure are, sweetie!" Maddie scoops Jazz up and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "You get it from me."
Jack laughs. "It's true! Your mother could get the whole Ghost Hunting Club laughing out HAZMAT suits off all day long back in the day! ... 'Course it was just the three of us, but still, three's a crowd!"
"May as well have been doing stand-up," Maddie says, setting Jazz down on the blanket.
They enjoy the little outing, the sun shining but not beating down, the cool breeze just enough to crispen the air but not freeze.
And then Jazz looks at Danny. She sees glowing eyes, and a puff of breath come out of his mouth. "Uh-oh. Mommy! He's gonna cry!"
Maddie picks Danny up right as he starts to wail. She hugs him, and is shocked. He doesn't feel cold this time!
Is he just cold inside?
Or is there some other problem?
Jack rubs his ears. "That child wails like a Banshee!"
"He could very well be doing exactly that," Maddie points out. "We still don't know what other abilities he'll develop as he ages!"
"Or how well he'll be able to control them. ... Mads... should we homeschool him?"
"It's a little early to worry about that, Jack."
"I know that tone, you're worrying about it too."
"... We can't just keep him isolated from the rest of the world, Jack. It'll be unhealthy for him. And what if it makes him lean into his ghost side too much?"
"So you think we should let him go to school."
"Yes. ... But not pre-school. We'll teach him to not use his abilities around other kids, and then send him to Kindergarten."
"... Alright, Mads. If you think that's what's best, then that's what's best!"
"Come on, that's it! Yes, yes, WHOO!" Maddie picks Danny up as soon as he walks over. "Who's a strong little Fenton? Who's the best little boy at walking in the whole wide world?"
"Danny!" Jazz cheers from the couch.
"Danny!" Maddie and Jack both cheer at once.
Danny laughs and squeals, kicking his legs and flapping his arms. His first proper Walk! Not just a step or two and then crawling, that was real walking!
Jack takes Danny, holding him aloft. "You're a real butt-kicker in the making, son! You'll be as strong as your old man someda-"
Jack feels something bump him, hard.
He shouts as he goes down! Danny going with him!
But as Jack meets the floor, he feels Danny's weight disappear from his hands!
He lands with an "oof", and looks up to see Danny floating above him, surrounded by a faint white aura. Danny looks down and babbles, sucking his thumb. Then... he moves.
He's only ever floated in place before. But as he looks down at his dad, he kicks his little legs and moves! Moving right across the room!
And then he looks behind his dad, and his breath comes out in puffs. He starts crying and wailing hysterically.
Jazz peers at where Danny is looking. "Mommy, hit the air with the stick!"
Maddie gently grabs Danny. "Why, sweetie?"
"Danny is scared! So we have to protect him!"
Maddie grabs her Fenton Baton, and gives the area Danny was looking at a good thwack. She expects it to go right through the empty air.
Instead there's a loud zap! There's a cry of pain! And then a semi-transparent form zooming out of their house!
Maddie's jaw drops. Jack scrambles to his feet and grabs every ghost weapon in radius, forming a protective circle around the family with them!
Maddie looks at Danny, who's now calm.
And his breath isn't visible.
"We're just seeing if my hypothesis is right," Maddie assures.
Jazz sobs, clinging onto her leg. "NOOOO! HE'LL GET HURT! OR STOLED!"
"Stolen, sweetie. And Mommy and Daddy would never let that happen."
Jazz scream-sobs again.
"What if we can promise you the ghost will be in a big, big box?"
Jazz looks at her mom with watery eyes. "Like around Danny's crib?"
"Yes, like that."
"But-but he's so little."
"It'll just be a second, sweetheart."
Jazz sniffles again. "... Can I hold the stick?"
Maddie smiles softly. "Yes, sweetie, you can hold the stick."
A couple hours later, Jack and Maddie return home with a ghost in a box. It's yelling something, but the box is soundproof.
Jack sets the box down, and goes to grab Danny. He comes back, and holds Danny firmly while walking towards the ghost. Danny's eyes are covered by a too-big hood on his little shirt. He can't see, or hear, that there's a ghost nearby.
Danny's breath comes out a visible puff about two feet away from the ghost, and he starts crying. Jack steps back a ways, and Danny's breaths become normal again. He settles down.
Jack walks closer. Puff of breath, and crying.
Jack steps back. Normal breath, calm Danny.
"He can sense ghost's," Maddie says, looking in awe at her baby boy. Her face breaks into a grin. "He's his own portable ghost detector! He'll never be caught unawares, he'll be able to always defend himself!"
She runs up to Jack and hugs them both, kissing Danny's little forehead. Danny babbles.
"He'll never be caught unawares," Maddie says again in relief. "Oh, this makes me feel so much better."
"Mommy? ... Does that mean we're haunted all the time?"
Maddie's relief hardens and breaks in her chest.
All those times Danny's Ghost Sense has gone off inside! All those times!
She pulls away. "Jack, we're upping our security!"
Jack nods. "Time for FentonWorks 2.0!"
Danny giggles as his dad chases him around the house. He phases through doors and turns invisible in hiding places, always giving himself away with laughter.
Jack grabs Danny just before he phases through the next door. “Gotcha!”
Danny laughs, happy little kid squeals that you can hear through the whole house. Jack puts Danny on his shoulders and heads into the kitchen. “He’s getting pretty good at running! Say, whatcha making, Mads?”
“Meatloaf. Would you mind helping?”
Jack sets Danny down at the table and helps Maddie make dinner, while Danny eyes something on the counter.
Maddie looks over. Danny is staring at the cookie jar. “No sweetie, no cookies yet.”
“Not yet.”
Danny starts to cry. “Cookie!”
Maddie walks over, and gives Danny his binkie. Danny refuses it af first, but once he has it he calms down fast.
He looks at the cookie jar still, though.
And, slowly, he lifts out of his chair. He kicks his little legs, pushing himself forward. He plops down on the counter, and reaches into the jar with an intangible hand. 
He pulls out not one, but two cookies!
He gets so excited that he starts waving his arms, making happy noises.
Jack looks over. “What? Maddie, he’s gotten into the cookie jar!”
“I’ve got it!” Maddie walks over and scoops Danny up in his old Anti-Ghost-Phasing Blanket. Soft, warm, and totally ghost-proof.
Danny whines. “Cookie!”
“I said not yet, honey.” Maddie grabs the cookies and puts them on the counter. She safety pins the blanket around Danny like a little cape, except it takes away his powers.
Danny sits in his chair, throwing a fit! But to no avail. Eventually he just sits there, tear-faced and angry.
And then Jazz walks in. She looks over at the cookies, and then at Danny.
She walks over and snatches them off the counter as quick as she can! She casually walks over to the table, and hands them to Danny.
Danny brightens up. He shoves one cookie in his mouth, and gives the other back to Jazz. His original intention.
Jazz smiles, and scarfs the cookie down just before Maddie turns around.
“Why?” Danny looks at his mom with wide, innocent eyes.
Maddie’s heart aches. “People might get scared.”
Danny frowns. “Scawy?”
“No, no, you aren’t scary. But the... idea of ghosts, for a lot of people, can be scary.”
Danny thinks, and then walks over to the fridge. “Scawy.”
Maddie looks at the drawing Danny is pointing at. It’s Jazz’s drawing of The Ghost.
The one that’s been haunting them for months.
Black horns, it looks like. Red eyes. Deathly blue skin. It makes Maddie shiver, knowing it had direct access to her children for so long. 
Danny starts to cry. “I scawy!”
Maddie scoops him up. “No, no sweetie! You are nothing like that monster, nothing like it at all! And you never will be, I promise!” Maddie hugs him tightly. “Oh, my poor baby... how about we take a break? Do you want to help Jazz paint something?”
Danny sniffles, and nods. They head upstairs, leaving the talk for another day.
“Kindergarten, Jack,” Maddie says, packing the little lunch box. “He’s already in Kindergarten!”
Jack is already openly sobbing as he makes Jazz a sandwich.
“Do you think he understands what he needs to do?” Maddie asks no-one in particular, just worrying.
“He understands perfectly!”
Maddie jumps a little, and turns around to see Jazz smiling proudly. Danny stands right next to her, a shyer smile on his face. Maddie tears up at the sight of him with his little backpack and school outfit on. 
Jazz looks at Danny. “Go ahead! Show them what we practiced!”
Danny puffs out his chest to look strong. “I won’t go through anything, turn invi-invisi- um, turn not-seeing-me, I won’t fly, and, um... and if I feel another ghost, I’ll use this!” He pulls his little Fenton Emergency Pager out of his pocket.
Maddie wipes her eyes. “Perfect, honey,” she says, letting the pride seep into her voice. “Oh, my baby boy! Growing up so fast!” She picks him up and kisses his face. Danny wraps his arms around her neck.
“Do I have to go, mommy? They’ll think I’m scary.”
“Oh, honey. You aren’t scary, I promise.”
“... What if I need to be scary?”
“Mommy will come be scary for you.”
“She very good at it,” Jack chimes in, shivering a little as he remembers the time a ghost attacked while Maddie was buying Danny’s first pair of little shoes. By the time it was over, Jack almost pitied the thing.
Maddie gives Danny one last hug. “Remember, calls u anytime you need us, okay?”
He nods. “I love you, Mommy. I love you, Daddy. I love you, Jazz.”
“You’re just going to school, not saying bye forever.” Even as Jazz says it, her lip wobbles and her voice cracks.
Danny floats up to the car window give her a hug, before being quickly held up by Maddie to cover the power use.
“That’s the only time today you’ll do that,” she reminds him. 
Danny nods.
Eventually... the goodbyes are done being dragged out. Danny’s family drives away as the teacher leads him inside.
Danny sits on a swing by himself, not sure what to do.
Usually at home he plays using his powers. He doesn’t know how to be good at tag without making it so people can’t touch him, or how to play hide-and-seek without turning invisible.
He kicks the sand. This is stupid. He misses Jazz. He can play with her.
Danny looks up. Another young boy is standing in front of him, holding some kind of electronic. The boy holds out his hand. “I’m Tucker.”
Danny shakes his hand, focusing very hard on keeping it a real hand. “I’m Danny.”
Tucker shows him the electronic. “Want to play my game?"
Danny looks at it. It’s a coloring game. He nods.
They pass it back and forth between each other for a while, both coloring in different parts of the same picture. 
Eventually it’s time to back in. Danny and Tucker ask if they can sit closer together.
“So, how was it?” Maddie asks, gripping the steering wheel tightly as she picks Danny up. “Have fun?”
“I made a friend!” Danny yells! “His name is Tucker and he’s really nice!”
Maddie relaxes. “Oh? How did you meet?”
“He let me play his coloring game!”
“That’s wonderful!”
“We made a tower out of blocks and it was the strongest ever! And I never used my powers!”
“I’m so proud of you, sweetie!”
Maybe Maddie can stop worrying now. ... Probably not.
“What if we gave it big scary horns?” Danny says as he doodled something in crayon. “Like the thing that watches my window.”
Tucker looks at him with wide eyes. “A monster watches you?”
“My parents don’t let it touch me. They hunt ghosts.”
“Oh. Do you hunt ghosts?”
Danny shakes his head. “I’m too little.”
“Oh. Me too.”
“You should give it bat wings.”
They both look up. The quiet girl who usually sits in the back is standing in front of them, her hair pulled back in a tight black braid and her clothes perfectly pressed. 
Danny looks at the drawing, and nods. He adds the wings. “We’re drawing the monster from that story we heard today.”
The girl sits down. “I bet it had claws. And could breathe black fire!”
Danny adds them on. “You’re really smart!”
The girl nods. “I am.”
“I’m Danny.”
“I’m Tucker!”
The girl grins. “I’m Samatha.”
“Wow... that’s a long name,” Danny says, eyes wide. “My sister has a long name too. Do all girls have long names?”
Samantha thinks. “I dunno. I haven’t met all girls.”
“Oh. We don’t know all boys, either.”
They spend the rest of free time coloring. Once it’s over, Samantha moves to sit with them.
“So, how was today, sweetie?”
“I made another friend! She’s really good, and her parents make her have long hair but she wants it short, and we made this with her!” He shows Maddie the drawing.
Maddie grimaces a little, but turns it into a smile. “It’s lovely, dear. Looks... a little like Jazz’s picture.”
Danny nods.”The monster in the story lived in the window. So does this ghost.”
“... What?”
“He lives by my window. But he can’t come inside, so I make faces at him and make him mad.”
Maddie speeds up a little. “Danny, we’re going to be altering your windows when we get home. Okay?”
Danny leads Sam and Tucker to his room with his tiny arms full of snacks. He brings them inside, and proudly stands in the middle. “This is my room!”
"Cool!” Tucker exclaims. “Whoa, you have a computer?”
Danny shakes his head. “That’s to keep ghosts out. Ghosts hate us.”
“You’ve seen some?” Samantha asks, eyes wide.
Danny grins. “So many!”
“Can we see some?”
“Sure, I can even-”
They hear a gasp in the doorway. Turning to look, they see Jazz. “Danny, you didn’t let me meet your friends!”
Danny looks horrified. “Oh no!” He runs over and pulls Jazz into the room. “This is my big sister Jazz! She’s the coolest big sister!”
“I’m Tucker!”
“I’m Sam!”
Jazz grins. “Guess what I learned yesterday?” She points out of the room. “How to use the remote!”
The trio of toddler’s eyes sparkle. They cheer for Jazz as all of them descend, ready to Take Control Of The TV!
“-and this is The Box Ghost,” Danny says, showing his friends the doodle him and Jazz made at home. “He’s silly. He wants to be scary, but he isn’t.”
Tucker and Samantha nods like it the most important thing they’ll ever learn.
Danny pulls out the next drawing. “This is Scary, the ghost from my window.” It’s a new drawing, a little more detailed thanks to Jazz being better at drawing now. And Danny having seen the face so, so many times. “I don’t see him anymore. Mom and Dad kicked him out of the window.”
“He’s ugly,” Samantha says, wrinkling her nose. 
“He looks stinky,” Tucker agrees.
Danny looks over at the window. “Shhhh! He’s here!”
Tucker and Samantha look at the window. They see nothing.
They look back at Danny. They see little puffs coming out of his mouth, and his eyes are the wrong color.
Danny pulls his pager out. “It’s okay. Mommy will come scare him away.”
“We can’t see him,” Samantha says.
Danny nods. “He’s hard to see.”
“Do you have to have glowy eyes like yours?” Tucker asks. “I have to have glasses. Are your eyes like Ghost Glasses?”
Danny thinks, and then nods. “I guess so. ... OH NO!” He covers his eyes. “You aren’t supposed to see that!”
“Why not?”
“Mommy said it’s a secret! You’ll think I’m scary!”
“But it’s not scary.”
Danny tilts his head, still covering his eyes. “It’s not?”
“No, it’s cool!”
He slowly uncovers his eyes. “... Do... you think this is scary?” He holds out his arm, and makes it invisible.
Tucker and Samantha gasp! Danny pulls his arm back, about to cry. They think he’s scary, they won’t be his friends anymore-
“That’s so cool,” Samantha says.
“I wanna do that!” Tucker exclaims.
Danny can’t believe it for a second. And then he grins. “I can do more stuff too! I’ll show you at my house!”
Maddie paces the floor while Danny sits on the couch, his little face burning with shame.
Jazz sits next to him, arms crossed. Jack stands in front of him, Maddie pacing beside her husband.
“You told your friends?” Maddie asks again.
Danny nods, keeping his head low. “I didn’t mean to. I saw Scary, and my eyes turned green, and I can’t fix that.”
Maddie sighs. “I know, sweetie, but you showed them more after! We caught you flying them around your room! How can you even carry both of them at once?!”
“It’s easy when I’m a ghost,” he says, still keeping his head low. “Everything’s easy when I’m a ghost.”
Maddie stops pacing. “Oh, sweetie... I know it must be strange for you to suddenly have to hide it.”
Danny nods. He sniffles a little.
“It’s for your own safety, son,” Jack says. “You understand that, right? We just want you to be safe.”
“Other kids can be mean, Danny,” Jazz says. “I’m smart, and some kids are mean to me for that.”
“But Samantha and Tucker aren’t mean!”
“No, they aren’t,” Maddie concedes. “... I guess what’s done is done. Danny?” She kneels down in front of him and gently lifts his head up, wiping his tears away. “We aren’t mad. We’re worried. They’re your friends, but they also don’t understand this the way we do.”
“... Can you make them understand?”
Maddie nods. “We’ll absolutely have a talk with them. You can go get them from your room right now, even. But Danny? No-one else. Okay? These two kids are the only kids you will ever tell. Promise?”
Danny nods, still sniffling. “Promise.”
Maddie puts on her HAZMAT glove and holds out her pinkie. “Fenton promise?”
Danny links her pinkie with his, letting it go ghostly. “Fenton promise, Mommy.”
“Okay. You can send your friends down now.”
Danny waits for his mom to come pick him up, Samantha and Tucker sitting next to him.
Samantha looks up suddenly. “I don’t like my name.”
Danny and Tucker look at her.
She stands up. “From now on, my name is... is Sam!”
Danny and Tucker clap, because they learned that’s the polite thing to do when someone has a dramatic moment like this. They learned it from watching the older kids do a play.
Sam sits back down. “I’m Sam,” she says happily. “Sam.”
“Sam is a good name,” Danny says. 
“Easier to write,” Tucker says. 
“Yeah.” Sam is very proud of her new name.
They wait a bit longer, and a long black car pulls up. Sam stands up, but her parents don’t step out.
A tall, white-haired man does, one none of them have ever met before. He smiles down at them. “Hello, Danny. Hello, Danny’s friends.”
“Who are you?” 
“I’m a friend of Danny’s parents,” he says, giving a slight bow (or maybe just bending over to hear them better since they’re so much shorter than him). 
“I don’t know you,” Danny says, accusatory. “Mrs. Emma told us about people like you!”
The Man shakes his head. “I’m not a stranger, I promise. Your parents and I are very close.”
“I don’t know you,” Danny says again. He steps between The Man and his friends. “I’m gonna tell Mrs. Emma on you.”
“Danny, really, your mother called and asked me to pick you up.”
“You liar! She always picks me up!”
“She’s fighting a ghost right now.”
“She leaves fights to come get me!”
The Man sighs. He grabs Danny’s arm. “Stubborn like your parents. Come on, I promise you’ll be fine.”
“NO!” Danny yanks his arm, trying to get away. “LET GO OF ME!”
“Stop making a scene!”
Danny gaps, a puff of breath coming out and his eyes turning green.
“S-Scary,” he whimpers. “SCARY! MOMMY! MOMMMYYYY! SCARY HAS ME!!! HELP!!!”
Danny yanks again, Tucker and Sam finally running inside to get Mrs. Emma! 
The Man scowls. “I’m trying to help you, little badger!”
“YOU’RE THE SCARY IN THE WINDOW!” Danny looks at him with bright eyes, tearful and afraid. “GET AWAY!!!”
Danny’s little hand glows green, and suddenly The Man is clutching his stomach instead of Danny’s arm. Danny runs inside, right into Mrs. Emma’s arms. He sobs to her as she frantically calls the police, trying to read the plate of the car speeding off into the distance.
Maddie hands Jazz a Baton. “This is in case this ‘Scary’ come after you,” Maddie says, still shaking a bit. “Okay?”
Jazz nods. 
“Danny, this is for you.” Maddie hands him a black-and-white suit. “This is to keep other ghosts from sensing you, okay? So wear it under your clothes.”
Danny nods, still crying.
Maddie looks at Sam and Tucker. Their parents were late picking them up, but with the attempted kidnapping it was decided that they’ll stay with The Fentons for a few hours until their parents could get them.
“You two get these.” She hands them Fenton Pagers, and Fenton Fun-Sized Ghost Stunners. “They can hurt people too, so only use them on ghosts. Or if someone tries to do... what you saw today, ever again.”
Sam and Tucker nod.
“And Danny? From now on, wait with Mrs. Emma until we come inside to get you.”
“Yes, Mommy.”
“And when I get my hands on this ‘Scary’, I promise you’ll never have to worry about him again.”
Danny looks around to see if anyone is watching. He, Tucker, and Sam are crouched under a desk in the classroom while everyone else is out at recess. 
He holds out his hand to the stack of paper, and closes his eyes. For a second, nothing happens.
And then it glows green, and a small beam shoots from his hand! Tucker and Sam gasp!
“You’re like a superhero!” Tucker exclaims, standing up. 
“A ghost superhero!” Sam says, standing up too. “You need a superhero name!”
Danny shoots up, smiling widely. “What should it be?”
They all think for a long, long time.
Sam perks up. “I know!”
She grabs a book from the corner. The book is a Halloween one, mostly for pictures with just a few words. She flips to a page, and points to it. “This word! It means Ghost!”
Danny and Tucker peer at it. “How do you say it?” Tucker asks.
Sam grins. “Phantom!”
“Phantom?” Maddie says, looking at the doodle.
Jack nods. “Apparently Sam came up with it! Our boy wants to be a ghost hunter after all!”
“Superhero, this says.”
“Same thing!”
“Jack, what’re you making there?”
Jack holds up the suit, one of the prototype Anti-Ghost-Detection suits for Danny. “I got out my old needlepointing stuff and am making him a superhero costume! See, it’s a P!”
Maddie squints, trying to get a better look at the outline. “It looks like a D.”
Jack looks at it. “Hmm. I guess from some angles. But it’s a P! Or, DP! Danny Phantom!”
Maddie’s expression goes soft. “Awww! Okay, you keep making that, and I’ll hang this doodle on the fridge! But no actual ghost fighting until he’s at least fourteen, right?”
Danny steps into the school “Halloween Party” with his hands on his hips and a bright grin, looking like a mini-version of his dad behind him.
“Aww, and what are you dressed as, Danny?” Mrs. Emma asks.
“A superhero ghosthunter!” Danny says proudly. “My parents made this for me!”
“It’s great,” Mrs. Emma says genuinely. “Alright, go mingle! We’re going to make paper jack-o-lanterns later so now is the time to trade candies!”
Danny walks over to his friends, still striking the pose. Tucker, dressed as a robot made out of cardboard boxes, pouts in slight jealousy as Danny comes over. Sam, dressed as a vampire, grins. “P for Phantom!” she yells.
Danny runs over faster. “Yeah! My dad put the logo on!” He shows it off proudly. “I’m gonna be the best ghosthunter ever!”
“You can work from the inside!” Tucker says, getting over his jealousy thankfully quick. “Make them think you wanna haunt stuff too!”
“Yeah!” Danny strikes another pose. “But I’m actually going to catch them all, because I’m Danny Phantom!”
Danny and Jazz are playing with dolls in the living room. “Pow! Take that!” Danny shouts, making his doll punch Jazz’s.
“Nooo!” Jazz cries out in a husky voice. “But how? I’m The Scary! Nothing can not fear me!”
“I don’t fear you!” Danny waves the hand of his doll, making laser noises. Jazz shakes her doll around, making dying noises. “I’m Danny Phantom, the strongest ghost boy ever!”
Maddie chuckles, watching them. “That Scary better watch out for more than just us.”
“Where are we going?” Danny asks again.
“It’s a surprise!” Jack says again, still as excited as when the road trip started. 
Danny huffs, looking out the window again. “Why couldn’t Sam and Tucker come?”
“Because they’re spending Summer visiting their families,” Maddie says. “And so are we, sort of.”
“I though Auntie lived in Spittoon,” Jazz says.
“She does! This is different.”
After hours (years in the minds of the kids), they pull up to a mansion. All fo the boredom washes away instantly, Jazz and Danny cramming into the window to see it!
“Are we rich?” Jazz demands to know. 
“We’re well-off, but not quite. Welcome to your honorary Uncle Vlad’s house!” Maddie cheers.
“Vlad was out best friend in college!” Jack says, grinning. “He got back in contact with us a few years ago and we’ve been thick as thieves since! He asked us too come over this weekend, and we thought we’d surprise him and let him meet your two at the same time!”
Danny and Jazz cheer! THEY GET TO STAY IN A MANSION!
The family piles out of the car, and stand in front of the door! Maddie and Jack make sure Jazz and Danny look extra nice, and ring the doorbell!
It takes a long minute, so they ring it again!
Finally, a man opens it up! “Oh, Maddie, Jack, I’m so sorry I didn’t hear-”
Danny shrieks. His eyes are glowing bright as they can, his breaths giant puffs! He holds up his hand and send a little beam right into Vlad’s side!
Vlad falls back with an “Oof!”
“Danny!” Maddie scoops him up. “What on earth has gotten into you? Oh, Danny!”
Danny is sobbing pointing at Vlad. “It-it’s him! The-The Scary! He-he tried to take me!”
Maddie and Jack freeze. Slowly, they both look at Vlad. Jazz pulls out her Baton.
“Vlad?” Maddie says coldly.
“Didn’t I only invite you two?” Vlad wheezes.
Jack points a ghost detector at Vlad. It goes off.
“Now, now, I can explai- AGCK!”
Jazz starts happening him with the Baton before he can finish his sentence. Maddie hands Danny to Jack. “Sweetie, close the door and take Danny back to the truck. I need to have a word with Vlad.”
Jack does as told, holding Danny in his lap and soothing him.
“He-he tried to take me,” Danny sobs again.
“Don’t worry, son.” Jack hugs him tightly. “No-one’s ever going to be able to do that. We’ll always keep you safe. We promise.”
“And what do we always wear while testing new devices?” Maddie asks, handing Danny a Fenton Ghost-Zapper that would use Danny’s own ghost energy to work.
Danny grins, and puts it on. “Face mask!”
“Because lab safety is very important!”
Maddie grins. “That’s right! And who do we thank for reminding us of that every time we’re in the lab?”
Danny points. “Jazz! Thank you, Jazz!”
Jazz grins proudly. 
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gashinabts · 3 years
anti-romantic | (m)
word: 4.1k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre:  Slight Angst, Fluff, Smut
Summary: celebrating father’s day without actually having kids is more fun according to you and jungkook
Warnings: hidden oral sex (fem), blow job, public sex, slight choking, riding, some roleplay (hehe)
a/n: lol this was in my drafts and was supposed to be posted on father’s day but idk if you guys liked this couple...but here it is! Might do more drabbles and stuff with this couple. lemme know what you guys think.
Read this first —> anti-baby fever
“ Happy Father's day!,” you place the bouquet of flowers on the desk before jumping on his body that was peacefully sleeping in the bed. There’s a grunt that comes out and you nuzzle your way into his neck, kissing his moles until he wakes up.
Jungkook's eyes open slowly, yawning loudly before speaking. “ How’d you find out that I have a kid? I thought I did a better job of being discreet,” he smiles when you bite his neck. His large hands hold onto your waist moving you so that you are sitting on top of him. 
“ Yeah happy father’s day...because I do be swallowing your babies,” you hold back your laughter as you try to finish your sentence. 
Jungkook barks a laugh, shaking his head at the dirty joke. “ I’m surprised to hear that coming from your mouth but I’m also proud,” he brings your head down to kiss your lips. There’s a slight gap when he pulls apart, “ So where is my breakfast in bed?” Jungkook asks, his lips barely touch yours as he speaks.
“ Damn, you're taking this roleplay too far,” you huff a laugh. “ Do you also want me to buy you a barbecue grill?” His eyes playfully roll, bringing you down to kiss him once more.
As funny as it sounds your dad is trying to convince Jungkook to buy a similar barbecue as him, they are talking among themselves, grilling some meat as you are with your mother and sister. It's a small gathering and you just want to go back inside your parents house because it is a million degrees outside. “ Auntie Y/N come swim with us,” one of your nephews comes to splash water on you. He laughs loudly when you give him an annoyed look, as the cold water drenched your summer dress. 
“ I don’t have any swim suits and if I get in there I will probably drown you in front of your mom,” you feel a pinch on your left arm from your mom giving you a disappointed look. On the other hand your sister laughs, shaking your head as she breastfeeds her daughter. The little brat taunts you sticking his tongue out then swims along to play with his cousins. “ I’m kidding,” you tell your mom. 
Turning back to drinking your ice tea, you sigh at the words your mother says next. “ So when are you and Jungkook going to get married? You are not getting anymore younger and it will be hard to get pregnant-”
“ Mom...,” your sister tries to defend you.
The thought of swimming sounds more appealing to you, anything that makes you stray away from this conversation with your mother. “ We actually got married, we just didn’t invite you to the wedding,” you look at your mom, her eyes shooting daggers at you. “ Imma go swimming. My stuff is still in my old room, yeah?” Your mom nods her head, pinching the bridge of her nose, probably at the annoyance of you. 
Stepping in your old room feels nice, the cold air hitting your slightly sweaty face, instantly making you cool down. You toss your body on your bed, closing your eyes, taking a breather before going outside and into the boiling pits of hell. “ This brings up old memories,” you hear your boyfriend. Smiling you look to the doorway, his body leaning against your door entrance, his arms are crossed and there’s muscle definition on his biceps. 
“ Yeah, because we lost our virginity on this bed,” you hold your hand out so he can come closer to you. Jungkook leans down, giving you quick kisses before giving you a suggestive look. 
“ Should we recreate it?,” his eyebrows go up and down. 
“ Okay,” you whisper, bringing his head down to kiss him again. “ That means you have to come in the first minute,” you laugh as he lets out a groan. Pushing him away you get up from the bed, and go to the drawers and grab a swimsuit. Putting it on you feel the straps digging into your hips and your top barely covering your boobs. Of course you don’t fit your high school swimsuits. 
“ Fuck,” you hear Jungkook sigh. Turning around you give him a confused look until you look down and see a boner. “ You look so fucking hot,” he comes to grab at your ass but you smack it off. Jungkook likes that you can’t fit in your bottoms, your cheeks showing making him want to bite it. Your hips look wider and he wants to hold on to it, feeling your supple skin that spills out from the thin straps. And the way your boobs spill out like they are purposely begging him to suckle on them. 
The apple of cheeks blush, your eyes widening at the intense stare. Shaking your head while looking at the door entrance nervously to see if anyone saw this scene. “ We are not fucking here, wait till we get home,” you lift your top up to try to cover more skin. 
“ Let me just taste you, baby. I’ll be quick,” his hands hold your hands kissing it, giving you his best puppy eyes. He just wants to smell you and taste you. A whole parade happens in his head when you agree, leaning against the dresser and parting your legs. 
Maybe it’s the heat that went to your head, that made you dumbly nod without thinking about the consequences that might happen. It turns you on even more, that you guys have to be careful and aware of your surroundings. Jungkook goes on his knees, pecking the inside of thigh before moving the swimsuit to the side, showing him your glistening folds. Immediately, his mouth is on you, tasting your arousal on his taste buds. One of your hands goes up to your mouth softening your quiet moans. The other hand, holds the dresser tightly, afraid that you might fall down.
His tongue lathers you wetness, looking up to see your chest heavily move and down. Your pretty eyes looking down at his mouth work wonders on you. “ Jungkook,” you moan. His rough hands lift your thighs up, stuffing his face more in, tongue penetrating in and out in your entrance. 
Lewd noises are being made by the two of you. Jungkook’s lips smack against your pussy, while your moaning has increased despite your hand muffling the noises. Your eyes widen when you notice your door is still open, anybody can pass by because the bathroom is across your room. “ Pay attention to me baby,” Jungkook smacks the outside of your thigh.
Listening to his words, you look into his doe eyes, his tongue do small licks on clit then sucking it before his lips plop off loudly. “ I don’t want you wearing this outside, because all I want to do is fuck you silly,” his finger goes to your entrance, thrusting slowly with a slight curl. “ I love the way you look in this,” his other finger joins and watches your hips ride them like it was his cock. He blows cool air onto your folds watching your body twitch at the sensation.
“ Yeah? I can barely fit in it,” you say as you toss your head back. There’s a cooling sensation against your heat, pulling your bottoms more to the side so it doesn’t go in the way of his mouth.
“ That’s why I love it, your body spilling out of it and it’s fucking hot. Look at your tits barely covered, your nipples are begging to be sucked on,” he gives you a sloppy kiss on your clit before continuing, “ Your hips look really wide, you know that means you can take my cock better.” His thumb rubs your clit fast, more wetness seeps out of your entrance making his fingers slide in faster. “ I also love it because I got to see you grow into and out of this swimsuit. Just proves to you that I’m always here,” he pecks your thigh. 
The words make you blush, insecurities washed away because you never thought that not fitting your swimsuit could be this hot and liberating. More importantly it makes you want to come all over his mouth. “ I love you,” you whisper softly.
His eyes are sparkly, looking like he holds the constellations in his eyes. “ I love you,” he says. Then placing his mouth on your cunt. Eating you up like he didn’t eat at all today. He moans into you, as your hands hold his hair tightly, the vibrations hitting your sensitive nerves making you moan loudly as you come against his wet mouth. Your hips moving against his mouth as you come down your high, finally stopping after a few seconds. Jungkook places your bikini back in place, kissing your hip. 
His hair is in his face, you tuck a strand behind his ear, “ Yeah, I’m not going swimming anymore,” you laugh in disbelief that your boyfriend ate you out in your childhood bedroom while your family is outside. Taking off your bikini you return back to your summer dress.
“ Yeah, we don’t want you flashing a nipple when you do a cannonball,” he laughs, getting up and watching you look at the mirror. There’s a slight frown on your face, he comes closer plopping his head on your shoulder. “ What’s wrong?” his hands are placed on your waist drumming his fingers. 
“ Do you want to get married?” your eyes meet Jungkook’s. His eyes widening at your question, there’s a couple seconds of silence. His body immediately leaves your, creating a small gap. Turning around to face him instead of talking to his reflection. 
Jungkook's eyebrows raise. “ Are you asking me or is it your mom?” When he was talking to your father earlier, he noticed you looking annoyed while talking to your mother. There was a small frown on your pretty face, and he wanted to kiss it off but your father was talking about which charcoal he uses for the grill.
“ It’s better to just get it over with, so she won’t have to keep pestering me,” you shrug. Which is probably not the right choice of words, since Jungkook lets out a disappointed sigh. His hand pushes his hair back in frustration. 
“ Seriously, Y/N?” As much of Jungkook would love to get married to you, he doesn’t want to get proposed because ‘you just want to get it over with’, it leaves his heart feeling heavy that you don’t see the problem in this. 
The tone in his voice sounds just like your mother, a chastising tone, and you get annoyed.“ I thought you wanted that,” you toss your head back. Not knowing what you are doing wrong. 
Jungkook doesn’t want to argue, especially now, since you guys are supposed to be spending family time. “ Not like that,” he rolls his eyes at how unaware you are. There’s a few seconds of silence, his hands push his hair back in frustration. “ Let’s go back out,” he says in defeat. Walking ahead of you, not holding your hand like he usually does.
The slider door is right in front of you, your family are talking among each other. One thing you don’t want is to be on bad terms. “ Jungkook, are you upset?” You grab his hand before he can walk outside to carry on talking to your family. 
“ Yes. Let’s talk about this later, okay?” Jungkook turns around giving you a smile. Not the kind of smile that makes your heart flutter, it’s the type of smile that you give when you don’t want to deal with someone. In defeat, you nod letting go of his hand, as he walks to the pool getting splashed by your nephews. He brightly smiles at them, wiping the water off his face before getting a water gun and chasing them with it. 
Sighing you walk to your dad who is still grilling meat, he looks at you smiling. “ Something wrong kiddo,” he asks as he flips over the meat. Typically, you never talk to your dad about your problems, only ever going to your sister sometimes but she’s not much help because she’s with your mom.
“ Jungkook and I had a...little argument,” you say, looking to the pool to see him spinning your nephew around. “ I asked if we should just get married because of mom’s bickering. Jungkook got upset,” you scratch your arm. Looking back at your dad whose face is at a grimace, your eyes widening. “ What?” 
There is playful screaming and laughing in the background, you ignore it trying to listen to your dad’s words. “ Don’t you think that’s a little harsh? I wouldn’t want to be asked like that,” he chuckles lightly. 
Replaying the conversation that you had with Jungkook, you mentally smack your palm to your head. Your mom shouldn’t be the reason why you should marry Jungkook. Jungkook is a hopeless romantic, he likes to be swallowed whole by your love. So of course he wouldn’t want to be proposed like that. Your dad pats your back in comfort before leaving you in your thoughts as you look at Jungkook making funny faces at your baby niece.
Jungkook is back in the house grabbing plates from the kitchen cabinet, you close the slider door quietly, walking behind him as he reaches for the last plate. Wrapping your arms behind his small waist, his breath hitches, exhaling your name. “ I’m a dummy,” you whisper.
Jungkook softly laughs, “ No you're not. I’m sorry for overreacting-“
“ You weren’t though,” you lay your head completely on his back, hearing his heartbeat. “ I wasn’t being considerate,” you kiss his back through his shirt. The plate makes a small clunk sound when he places it on the counter, turning around in your arms. His brown eyes look into your eyes before kissing you on your cheek. 
“ Baby, do you want me to talk to your mom?” Jungkook asks, his large hand caressing your cheek. You give him a questioning hum. “ That we don’t have to get married right now. That we are perfectly fine just the way we are.”
The silky strands are gliding in between your fingers, as you push it away from his face.“ Hmm. Maybe she will listen to you better,” you smile. Jungkook can easily make your mom's views change within seconds with his charming smile. 
Jungkook lifts you up the ground before you enter the house, crossing the threshold as he holds you in his strong arms. “ Why do you keep doing this with every house,” you laugh, holding on to him tightly. “ We don’t even know we are buying this house,” you say as he finally puts you down. Looking around the empty house, you visualize a sofa and tv in the spacious living room. 
“Exactly we don’t know, it’s bad luck not to do that,” he also looks around. “ This is nice,” he whistles looking at your hips swaying as you walk to the kitchen. “ The kitchen I mean,” he cockily says.
Turning around you playfully swat him, “ Can you imagine yourself cooking here?” The cold countertops touch your fingertips as they slide against it. You can see yourself cooking here making food for you and Jungkook, his hands on your hips as he watches you. 
Jungkook likes the way the set up of the kitchen, the granite countertops and the dark brown wooden cabinets give the kitchen an expensive feel. Compared to the first apartment he got with you in college this place is a thousand times better. His heart flutters knowing that he gets to share the rest of his life with you in this house. He comes closer to you hugging you from behind as you look inside the empty cabinets. “ Mhm, yeah I can see myself cooking here,” his nose rubs against your neck loving the perfume you're wearing. He can also see himself doing other things in this kitchen. “ And eating here too,” he says, blowing a raspberry in your neck.
Laughing in his hold you turn your head to kiss his cheek, “ Let’s go up. Before you act on your fantasies,” you grab his hand. Going up the stairs you guys checked out the three rooms and bathrooms. This house is something that you’ve been wanting for the past year, it’s spacious, has a big backyard to plant your flowers, and two hours away from your parents. “ We can put our bed here,” you point in the middle. “ The dressers here,” you point in two different directions. 
Jungkook smiles fondly as you point at random spaces, he’s pretty sure that you pointed at the same area more than once for different furniture going there. “ How about the other rooms? You don’t think three rooms is big?”
You shake your head, “ I think it’s perfect. Our room, your gaming room, and maybe a guest room in case my mom wants to spend the night,” you shrug at the end. There’s a rush of serotonin just imagining getting this house. “ What are your thoughts?” His pretty eyes look around the empty big room and smile on his face.
“ Let’s get it,” he looks back at you. Your eyes meet and you grab his shirt pulling him down to kiss him to show him how happy you are. Pulling away, he holds your chin looking at your silly smile. ‘ Yeah, this is definitely home,’ Jungkook thinks to himself.
“ Fuck Y/N,” Jungkook moans loudly his head hitting the back of his seat.  Your mouth sucks his tip lightly as your hand moves up and down his cock. His breathing is getting louder, and he wraps your hair around his hand, wanting to see your eyes. “ Couldn't even wait to go inside the apartment,” he shakes his head in fake disappointment. But this was far from disappointing. 
Moaning against his tip, you shake your head. Deciding on buying the house turned you on and you couldn’t wait to fuck him. Your lips make a plop sound as you pull apart, “ That wouldn’t be any fun,” you kiss his tip. Causing him to groan at your cunningness. “ We should fuck one last time in this parking lot,” you blow cold air on his tip before going down again. 
Jungkook wipes the foggy car window to make sure no one is here looking at you choking on his cock. You're letting guttural noises and your eyes water at his size, your hips move side to side in the air, probably itching to be touched. “ Yeah, choke on it,” Jungkook pushes your head down more, throat tightening around his cock. “ Are you crying on my cock?” Jungkook condescending laughs.
 It turns you on how mean he is being, your tears come down even more at the humiliation but you enjoy it. You can feel your panties are getting stuck on your folds and you badly want to relieve yourself. Jungkook pushes your head down one last time before pulling your head by your hair to kiss you. His tongue pushes against your exchanging moans against each other. He helps you move your body over the center console so you are now sitting on his lap. “ Wait Jungkook,” you pull apart. “ I need to take my pants off,” you look at the tight space around you. There’s not enough room to take it off where you are.
Jungkook screams at himself for not owning a bigger car. “ Uhh, just take your pants off real quick outside and come back inside the car,” he looks out to see no one out. The things you do for sex, you hurridely take off your pants and returning back to the position. His hands are on your thighs rubbing them up and down, as he makes outs with you. Your hips move against his trying to pleasure yourself. 
Jungkook pulls away staring at you with a lustful gaze, his hands moving up to caress your face, “ Can’t believe we are doing this,” he says, laughing in disbelief.
“ Mmm, same.  Something about you signing the papers and paying the deposit turned me on,” you kiss his cheek, while stroking him in your hands.
He groans, tossing his head back showing his bare neck for a quick second, “ Yeah?” He gives you a boyish smile. “ When I saw you walking up the stairs. Kinda wanted to fuck you right there,” he kisses your neck. He moans your name when you insert his cock into your tight entrance. 
“ Next time, do it. Take me anywhere in our new house,” you hold his head close to your neck. Feeling him sucking on your skin, probably marking his love for you. “ Are you gonna fuck me like your little housewife?” Smiling to yourself when you hear him groan your name. You breath out heavily, thighs shaking as you move up and down on his cock.
Jungkook's hands wrap around your waist tightly, thrusting up into you. “ My little housewife,” he whispers to himself. It doesn’t necessarily fit your image, due to the fact that you have a high paying job and you guys aren’t even married but it turns him on. There’s something a little demeaning about it and it twisted as it sounds he wants to continue with this little act you proposed. “ Gotta have you wearing nothing but an apron on,” he snarkily smiles up to you. 
His hard thrust is making you jostle in his arms, and you cry even more just imagining him fucking you from behind as you cook him dinner. “ Yeah what else would you want from me, my lovely husband,” you put your hands to the car ceiling trying to keep yourself ahold. 
His heart does a little jump at the word of husband, he knows it’s only you teasing but he loves the way it comes out of your mouth. “ Mmm, you have to be waiting on your knees when I come home from work,” he says while one of his hands trails up your neck lightly squeezing it. “ Fuck your mouth since you’re a needy slut waiting for her husband like a good wife.” 
Your walls tighten when you hear him speaking nothing but filth to you. His thrust hits the spot that makes you drool and eyes rolling back. “ Fuck Jungkook,” you whisper. The car is probably moving from how hard Jungkook is fucking. If someone were to walk by they can obviously tell that you guys are doing the nasty, but you don’t care, this is your last day in this apartment complex.
Jungkook looks at your tits bouncing and his mouth does his best at sucking at them. He moans around it loving the feeling of your nipple in his mouth. His eyes look up at you staring down at him, sucking it hard. His lips plops off your tit, “ Are you gonna come for me, my pretty little housewife?” He watches as you nod your head up and down, holding the car ceiling as your life depends on it. He wants to remember this moment forever. His hand holds your soft tit, fingers pinching your nipple, while his mouth goes back to the other nipple sucking it softly. Your walls squeeze his cock tight as you come around it while moaning his name loudly. He prays that the windows do a good job muffling your moans, but he doubts it.
Your hands come down brushing his hair back, “ Come in your wife,” your body is still shaking from the intense orgasm. “ Make good use of me,” you tell him. His eyes roll back at words. He sucks harder on your nipple and you hiss in pain and delight. He holds you tighter in his arms, thrusting in quick motions as he comes into you. 
The feeling of his come in your cunt makes you want him to fuck you all over again. Knowing that you are the only person in the world to have him inside you like this makes you prideful. The breaths die down and Jungkook is now sucking your nipples softly, humming around it. Your hands softly brushing his hair back, letting him do his thing. “ I didn’t know you would be so into the housewife role playing,” you laugh to yourself. 
His lips part from your tits, and he laughs with you. “ You're into it just as I was,” he pecks your boob one last time before taking his cock out of you. The semen slowly comes down your lips, his finger coming to massage it into your folds. His mouth waters wondering what you and him taste like together. He looks up, “ Wanna quit your job and I’ll wife you up?” he laughs when you swat his hand away.
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hamsamwich23 · 2 years
Twenty ref
Tw for: electrocution, heavy injuries, heavy scars, implied experiments/dissection, burns. If I forget anything please let me know
I was gonna make Daisy's ref first, however I really like my oc, and, although I wanted to be careful due to certain people trying to copy off of him (and if they copy off of anything here I'll have evidence) I also feel I should be able to show him to you all. So without further speaking, let's begin
Twenty (formerly Zimaki of dimension 2020) is a sixteen year old hybrid who was experimented on from the beginning of his existance. His dimension was destroyed when he was thirteen and has been living on Earth 100.5 for almost 3 years. He lives with his sister Kai (who's owned by my friend Kido!!)
Twenty's own appearance isn't actually caused by the curse, not fully at least. It's a result of what experiments were done on him. Which was mainly the empire combining his DNA with an extinct species (which I am still working on)
this is from my friend @we-dont-talk-about-kido-nonono :] (their old tumblr is here, I gotta link their new acc)
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A more recent image of Twenty's face with the four eyes done by @/elysiblu (and another few images from the same person :] )
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This was something I commissioned someone for!! By @/goldenkingyo !!!!
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Body reference for Twenty:
Head + Neck:
Twenty's hair is REAL, unlike Zims which is very obviously a wig. It started growing when he was about seven. And it is, very fluffy
Twenty is supposed to have four eyes. The two he's originally drawn with here (that's on me because I'm inconsistent with design but what I'm typing ARE the final designs. I'm done with changing Twenty's around too). His two first eyes look humanish, with pink iris's. The two eyes below his are supposed to be much smaller than his original eyes. With red iris's and the sclera being black.
His right eyes are shown to have a burn mark around them, followed by a scar on the first eye (the original one)
There's also the scar on the side of his face as shown as well.
There's also a scar that goes all around his neck (left their by an shock collar that was used during physical based experiments)
The nose doesn't actually look like a nose, as seen here. Not too much anyways
The antennas are fuzzy and have a slighter hint of pink on the tips
His teeth are sharp, sharper than irkens zipper teeth
The tongue literally looks like a worm:
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Like I can't make that up, literally.
Arms + hands:
Woah mate this dude has four arms!!! But the bottom pair of arms is optional and retractable
The hands and arms have this design on them, that reach up to his elbows (I literally pulled these from Pinterest, I have no idea WHAT that first one leads too I just hope it isn't smut/lh)
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His arms are covered in scars, which are usually wrapped in bandages if he isn't wearing his signature hoodie (his new one, he has to give the old one to Scout since it wasn't for someone with four arms. So now they have Anti-Irken hoodies to match each other :])
The scars on his arms glow and are, strangely, all capable of glowing different colors. It's a faint glow that's only noticable during night in dark areas.
His hands all only have three fingers on them. And they're all clawed, as shown
There are also scars all over his hands. Which is why he wears the fingerless gloves. But there are also scars on his fingers as well (he loves feeling the texture of certain things, so he likes to have his fingers unhidden)
Twenty's body type is at a healthier level, due to him occasionally working out whenever he wishes to (he has a gym membership and enjoys physical activities...when it's not part of an experiment), he's definitely not into sports though, nor is he super muscular. He's actually slim but with some muscle.
He is 5'5, four inches taller than Scout.
His entire body is covered in autospy scars, burns, and stitch scars from his experiences in labs with scientists. Luckily these are all decently healing. Although the burns might be more recent, due to the rainwater being toxic to his species, and being able to burn his skin
He has tattoos!!! Provided by Nick. So far he has one on his chest (where his "heart" is), that is a symbol for himself and Scout. And there is another one on his right shoulder for the Anti-Irken/rebellion symbol. There's another one that's on the left side of his stomach that's his own reminder of his mother figure from dimension 2020 (aka, Tallest Miyuki), and it's a picture of her face with the words "Rest In Peace' besides it.
He has a PAK, which is a storage tool, a weapon kit, and a lifeline all at once. The basic concept with the lifeline being "an irken only has ten minutes left before they die and the pak has to find a new host", as the pak is TECHNICALLY the brain of the irken. And once the host body dies it will seek out another. so they die, but they don't die at the same time.
(theoretically, Twenty can live without the pak. But he doesn't wish to test that theory out at the moment)
A PAK looks like this, except Twenty's is a bit bigger, due to him being taller than canon. And the circles are more of a brighter pink. With the top light being black
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Twenty does NOT have sex organs (no nips, or reproductive organs. Or an ass), in all seriousness. His species is asexual and creates offsprings via cloning blood and DNA.
He also has a tail!!! Again as seen. The tail is all black, but the end of it has a red tip. It's quite soft.
He does not have robotic limbs. His legs are very much real
His thighs, legs and feet are all covered In scars, and small burns.
His legs also have a similar pattern to what's on his arms. It starts at the feet and goes up to below his knees. The scars on there also glow different colors
The feet only have two toes and they're clawed. And somehow they aid to help him hang from high up places (aka the fucking ceiling, at three am for no fucking reason other than to terrify any poor individual who is also awake)
Preferred outfits:
Twenty's default outfit is just a Zip up hoodie (made for people with four arms) with a shirt underneath, a pair of black shorts and a pair of combat boots. Along with dark grey fingerless gloves. The back of the hoodie has the Anti-Irken symbol in pink.
He is also quite fashionable and enjoys wearing a lot of alt sort of fashions (admittedly enjoys the "e-boy' or emo aesthetic as well). And also just enjoys casual things. He isn't very picky about clothing (unless it's too bright for his taste. He doesn't like wearing certain colors)
Random facts dump!!
He is an incredible cook
He eats bugs and spiders
He's quite good at video games AND card battle games (like a certain card game series included here)
He knows how to drive a car (it's a lot easier than driving a space cruiser, he's found
He also loves sweet things
Unlike irkens he CAN eat meat.
He's also the one who made the puppets robotic legs (as he's had experience with advanced tech)
He also makes inventions that can make people's lives more convenient (however he has not shared this to the public)
His blood is hot pink
He's TRANS (ftm)
I apologize if this seems more rushed than before, I've been a bit sick today but I really wanted to get this done!! If there's anything that needs fixing I will come back to it. Thank you so much for looking!
(I also give anyone permission to draw him....but if anyone sees any questionable fanart of him being released, especially on my birthday it is VITAL that you let me know immediately)
Edited: this is what I imagine what the anti irken symbol would look like (except it's not horribly edited like this)
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Our Snowfall
Pairing: Baji x Reader
Request: OPEN
Note: I cried writing this I’m in so much pain rn 😭
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Baji slowly opened the door,revealing room of white color, with faint sent of medicines and anti-septic's.
Earlier he was playing catch with Mikey outside, but Mikey wanting to show off threw the ball too hard making the ball zoom across the sky as it breaks the window to a hospital room.
Baji was about to shout at Mikey only to find the blonde boy had disappeared without a trace. And now Baji was on a mission to get his ball back.
“I’m sorry for breaking your window.” Baji bows his head from the door.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Baji blinked in confusion. The voice was that of a young child and not an adult like he was expecting. He raises his head to see a small figure ,who looked really weak.
The person smiled. “The ball is on the table there. It would be best if you left before nurse comes back.”
Baji nods as he walks in and takes the ball. He notices that the broken glasses pieces were already picked up and clean.
Baji turns to look at you. “My name is Baji Keisuke. What is yours?”
Your lips curl into a weak smile. “My name is Y/N…”
Baji walks towards you. “Are you sick,Y/N?” His expression was somewhat worried.
You nod. “I’ve been here forever.” You laugh. “Mama told me I can’t go outside because I get sick easily so I stay at the hospital so Mr. Doctor can help me…”
Baji frowned. He was always an active kid who spend most of his time playing around so when he heard that you don’t get to go outside,it made him sad. “Is it okay if I visit you sometime.”
Your eyes widens as color appears on your cheeks,you then smiled brightly. “I would love that!”
True to his words,Baji immediately visited you the next day.
Ever since Baji entered your life,your life has been full of colors. Baji would always talk about how he spend his day,he would talk about his friends and all the crazy thing they would do.
He would always visit you,never making you feel lonely. Along the way he even introduced some of his friends. First he brought Mikey along and then the next Mitsuya and Pachin.
You were scared at first when Baji said they were in gangs but when you got to know them,they were just dorks,lovable and funny dorks.
“I heard this time we are going to have a white Christmas.” You said as you looked outside.
Baji who was cutting apples for you, stopped as he looks at you. “Are you going to be with your parents?”
You shook your head. “Both my mom and dad are going to be busy with work so they said we can’t celebrate it with me this time.”
You smiled as you turned to look at Baji. “But the nurses said they’re going to set up a Christmas tree so I’m excited!”
Baji looks at how your eyes brightened when you talked about the Christmas tree. You looked so happy talking about and that made you seem so much beautiful.
“I’m sure it would look so pretty-“ Your words came to a halt when you started coughing. The coughing never seemed to die down making Baji rush to your side and when it finally did,there were blood in your hands. He looked at you in horror but you didn’t seem to panic,rather you looked as if you were think ‘Not this again.’ As if this happened regularly.
“I’ll get the doctor real quick!” With that he rushes away.
To your dismay the Christmas tree was smaller than expected but nevertheless you enjoyed the cake your parents ordered for you,you ended up eating them with the grandma next door.
Maybe it was because you weren’t with Baji today,the day felt bit gloomier even-though it was such a joyous day. You missed Baji. 
Just when you were about to sleep,tiny knocks were heard at your door. “Psttt, Y/N.”
You look at the door confused. “Baji what are you doing here?”
Before you knew it,Baji makes you wear a thick jacket and cover your neck with a muffler not answering your question.The wide grin on his face perked your curiosity more.
He then kneels in front of you,his back facing you. “Get on!”
Baji turns to you and he gives you a grin. “I’m going to show you a huge Christmas tree.”
Baji and you then sneak out of the hospital as he carries you to the main town. You gleam at how beautifully the place was decorated. The air outside was cold but it was so fresh, so much frsh as compared to the air in your hospital room.
“It started snowing!” You shouted excited as you raised one of you hand to try and hold it,only for it to melt as soon as it touches you. “The report was right! We’re having a white Christmas!” It was your first time actually being outside when it was snowing, normally you'd only watch the snow from inside.
Places were beautifully lit, decorated with lights filled with joyful atmosphere. Some with their family others on dates. As people start to stare at the sky taking in the entrance of the snow.
“We’re here!” Baji stops walking as he nudges his head at a particular direction.
There at a distance was a huge Christmas tree, decorated with fairy lights, colorful bulbs and small other decorations. “Wow…”
“Beautiful isn’t it-“ Baji stopped speaking as he looked at your expression. Your eyes gleamed as it shone,from all the lights, you nose and cheeks slightly flushed from cold but the most beautiful part was your smile.
You burrowed you face against Baji’s neck,making him feel ticklish but he didn’t mind it rather he love it. “Thank you Keisuke …” He could feel your breath against his neck.
“I’m so glad I could spend the Christmas with you…”
“I hate school!” Baji shouts as he messes his hair in frustration. “I don’t know why I have to study this bull shit!” Baji was currently in you room as he worked on his homework while you were reading a book. A pleasant way you guys would spend your time together. It has almost been two years since you guys met.
You laugh at Baji’s expression as you set down the book you were reading. “Come on now~ Don’t say that..I think school must be fun.”
Baji stops as he realizes what he did. You were someone who could never join school after multiple incidents of you passing out or getting rushed to hospitals when you were a kid.
You couldn’t experience school like he did. Baji huffs as he goes back to his books. “Fine… I’ll aim for twenty marks this time.”
“Twenty? That’s not even the pass mark.” You laugh at him. “How about you go for thirty at least.”
“Thats not the pass mark either, Y/N!“
You were about to say something when a sudden thought came into mind. “Keisuke … I actually was watching tv yesterday and I saw someone making a pumpkin themed cake…”
“So I thought I’d want to eat that but I don’t think I can complete it by myself. So how about you join me…?” Your cheeks flushed red.
You were basically asking him out on a date.Sure you guys spend time together alone but you never once made an offer like this to him. It has been months since you figured out you had feelings so Baji but you never really acted on it.
Since the thought of you getting rejected and in turn losing a beloved friend scared you to no end.
“Sure!” You turned your head quickly at his reply. Baji was smiling as well as he continued. “When would it be?”
You smile as you brought your hands together, excited. “I was thinking of October 31..”
“Ah… I don’t think I can join you then…” Baji replied regretfully. “How about November 1?”
“Sure!” As long as you could spend time with Baji, you were happy.
But then that day never came.
That day you waited for Baji to enter the room,with an untouched cake box on the table. The door opens to reveal Mikey,Draken and Mitsuya.
“Baji…Baji died during our fight against Valhalla …”
Would it be funny if you said you ate the cake while you cried? Probably,but that’s what you actually did. Stuffing you mouth with the soft creamy treat as tears pool you eyes.
Days after were as if a curtain closed closed your window, everything felt so much dim and it didn’t help that your condition seemed to worsen.
You were losing weight at an alarming rate,coughing up more blood at frequent rates. You grew increasingly weaker as you parents even took time off their jobs to nurse you.
But at certain nights you would wake up in tears,as you could barely breathe as you searched for Baji,hoping to see him with you in the room. “Keisuke…”
It was a peaceful winter evening ,the air was cold and places were quiet as white snow gently falls in the ground.
People outside were looking and hoping that the snow would set properly. Kids were already outside as they excitedly play out, parents in their homes were making food to warm themselves up.
“Stay with me Y/N!”
People were rushing all over the room as you dad hold your crying mom.
You head felt as if it was going to burst,a strong sense of nausea filled you. Everything you hear and see seemed so muffled and blur.
Despite you body feeling limp, it was twitching. You breathing which was rapid at first seemed to now slow down,accompanied with a strong aching pain.
Then suddenly all those suffering at once disappear.
You entered into a white place,as if each and every part was covered in snow.Your body felt light with no presence of pain that you were feeling just a second before.
 You walked around too see that in a distance was a very familiar person.A person who made you life so much brighter. A person who you enjoyed every moment spend with him. A person you loved.
That person turns around as he expression turns into a frown.
“Why did you join me so early?”
You smile as a tear rolls down your face. “I guess I missed you too much,Keisuke.”
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littlemissnoname13 · 4 years
Wisps of Smoke (Draco Malfoy x Slytherin!Reader) - Part one
Summary: Draco and y/n find themselves drawn to an abandoned classroom every single night.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Slytherin! reader (implied pure blood for the storyline to work)
Warnings: Excessive smoking, mature language, mature themes, no full fledged smut till now. Also please remember that the characters have all been aged up in all of my stories.
18+ Content
A/n: A pack of cigarettes on my desk seduced me into writing this one (smoking is injurious to health)
Word count: 3000
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To say that Draco Malfoy was your friend was a bit of an exaggeration.
The two of you tolerated each other at most.
Having grown up in the same friend circle that consisted of Theo, Blaise, Pansy, you’d both learned how to remain perfectly civil.
Of course, it wasn’t always that easy.Sometimes the blonde git got on your last nerve.
Just last week, Theo had to pull him back by his robe and Pansy had to clutch tightly onto your arm because you and Draco were this close to hexing each other’s faces off.
And today Blaise looked anything but pleased about his choice of seat at your Potions class. The boy who donned a calm, cool and collected—almost condescending expression on most days leaned against the table in a bracing position while you and Draco yelled at each other from his left and right.
“You have to stir it twice. Clockwise.” Draco scoffed rolling his eyes as he watched you stir your Draught of Living Death potion.
“Clockwise y/n—No! no! No— y/n you are doing it all wrong. That’s anti-clockwise! Can you get any more stupid?! Merlin!”
“Why don’t you do it yourself instead of sitting over there, crossing your fucking arms and barking out instructions.” You shot back getting angrier by the minute.
“You should be glad I’m here to give you instructions. If it were up to you, the whole classroom would be up in flames by now.” He said icily, picking up a Sopophorous bean and observing it.
“In case you haven’t noticed already, I never asked for your help Malfoy!”
“And I did not ask to work with you and Zabini on this stupid potion y/l/n.”
“And I most certainly did not ask to be put in between two bickering children but here I am. Life isn’t fair now is it?!” Blaise snapped causing you both to retreat back into your seats.
That’s how your days usually went by.
And your nights...well your nights weren’t particularly any better. In fact, it was always the same old routine.
You stared up at the ceiling and focused on the creaking sound your bed made while your long time boyfriend Adrian Pucey chased his release on top of you.
He was always a blubbering, sweaty mess and you lightly stroked his hair and closed your eyes wondering why you felt nothing at all.
You were devoid of all emotion and pleasure—wondering if you were broken.
There was no pleasure and no pain.
And after Adrian’s quick departure, your room reeked of sex and sweat and your pillow would sometimes be wet with tears.
Sex with Adrian felt like nothing at all even though you loved him.
Adrian was gentle, almost too gentle and you had come to a conclusion that orgasms and passionate sex that left you wanting for more was nothing but a myth.
You channeled all the energy you had left into slipping your clothes back on. You lethargically wiped at your mascara stained cheeks with the sleeve of your sweater before slamming your door shut behind you.
Discreetly, you exited the dungeons and let your feet guide you all the way towards an empty and abandoned classroom with a huge window and a windowsill wide enough for sitting.
Nobody really paid much attention to the classroom and going there felt like hiding in plain sight. Going there in the middle of the night had somewhat become a night time ritual for you.
You quickly got comfortable on the moonlit windowsill and took deep calming breaths—filling your lungs up with the air around you.
The air had a stench of nicotine these past few weeks and It hurt your head at first. But now, you’d learned to ignore it.
Everything felt silent and tranquil for a brief moment until you started to hear moans and groans coming from the other side of the classroom door.
The sounds made your blood freeze and you closed your eyes, mumbling an inaudible prayer to the universe. The last thing you needed was an awkward encounter with the people making out on the other side of the door.
It didn’t take very long before the door started to creak and shake violently.
The creaking only got louder and louder. As did the moaning and groaning and cursing.
Soon, the shaking of the door came to an abrupt halt followed by a shrill post-coital giggle.
You closed your eyes and finally heaved a huge sigh of relief when you heard the pitter patter footsteps walking away from the room.
“What the fuck are you doing here y/l/n?” A familiar voice startled you and you held your breath hoping it wasn’t who you thought it was.
You opened only one eye and looked at the door that had been flung open.
Draco Malfoy stood on the other side of the now open door with the buckle of his belt still undone, his shirt all disheveled and his silver hair in a state of disarray from being yanked on.
“I would ask you the same question but it’s best if you don’t tell me.” You gagged.
The corners of his lips twisted into a typical Malfoy-esque smirk as he used his thumb to wipe his bottom lip.
“Well, would you like me to show you instead?”
“Smooth.” You muttered, letting out a sarcastic chuckle at his words while he sat down next to you on the windowsill.
Malfoy was the last person you wanted to see that night. Especially after Potions class.
Even though you were looking out the window, you felt his eyes linger on you through your peripheral vision. He was drenched in the moonlight seeping in through the large window giving his place skin a pearlescent glow.
Although Malfoy had maintained an unreadable expression on his face, his prying eyes gave everything away.
“Pucey?” He finally said.
“Excuse me?”
“You’ve been crying haven’t you?” He asked, lifting your chin up with his index finger and observing the redness around your nose and the puffiness around your eyes.
“Since when do you care?” You jeered, eyeing him suspiciously.
“I don’t.” He shrugged abruptly pulling his hand back—letting your face fall.
He turned towards the window, put a cigarette between his lips and lit it up. After taking a long drag, he tilted his head around to look at you again. “I just don’t think Pucey is worth crying over. If you’re crying over hi—”
“Merlin’s beard Malfoy! It’s you. You’ve been smoking your stupid cigarettes here haven’t you?” You cut him off with your eyes widening in realisation.
“I have.”
“And all this time I thought I was hallucinating the smell of smoke.”
“Sorry to break it to you y/l/n but I’ve been coming here since the fourth year.”
Wisps of smoke came out of his mouth and drifted all the way to the tip of your nose when he exhaled.
“I come here all the time.” He continued. “Sometimes alone and sometimes—”
“You bring a poor naive girl here for a quickie.” you finished his sentence coughing and swatting the air around you. “Who were you shagging outside anyway?” You asked, arching your eyebrows.
“Since when do you care?” He retorted.
“That poor girl you were with last night sounded like she was in pain.” You commented the next night dangling your legs outside the window as Draco stood next you, smoking.
“I am assuming Pucey is horrible in bed then.” He snickered making your cheeks heat up.
“He isn’t horrible.” You protested as he inspected the slightest amount of dust gathered in the corner of the windowsill paying little to no attention to you.
“He’s just…” you trailed off in your pathetic attempt to justify Adrian’s subpar bedroom skills.
“Go on love.” He mocked, lighting up another cigarette and extending his hand to offer you one. "Tell me."
"You are the last person I wanna discuss my sex life with.” You snapped pushing his hand along with the pack of cigarettes away from you.
You gathered your hair up and threw on a silk robe over your slip dress and walked towards your usual spot in the abandoned classroom.
You found yourself subconsciously waiting for Draco to show up as you leaned against the glass window.
After a few minutes, he was quietly standing next to you staring outside the window that overlooked the school courtyard.
He placed a cigarette between his lips and turned to look at you. “You want one?”
You shook your head as you watched him light the one between his lips up—observing the way he inhaled and the way wisps of smoke came out of his mouth.
The wisps drifted your way and you didn’t even bother to fan it away.
Instead you took a sharp breath.
It felt like your brain was slowly associating the scent of smoke with him.
“Didn’t find anybody to shag tonight?” You asked in a feeble attempt to break the silence.
This made him turn his head to look at you—the true blue specks in his otherwise grey eyes glistened in cool tones and you felt a strange ache inside of you.
“Nope. Not anyone that I’d like to shag anyway.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“I won’t be surprised if I find you loitering around the Ravenclaw tower in a few nights—considering you have been with every other Slytherin girl I know.”
He shot you a bone chilling glare before flashing a devious looking grin.
“You’re in Slytherin.” Draco drawled, taking a step towards you.
“Your point?” You looked at him quizzically, taking a step back but Draco took a step towards you for every step you took away from him until you felt the coolness of the wall behind your back.
His palms rested on the wall on either side of your face as he stared down at you with his glacial eyes— the mere intensity of his gaze made you want to look away.
It was just too much.
The way his shirt was unbuttoned at the top and the way platinum colored strands of hair fell onto his face helped you understand why girls pined over him. You tried so very hard to hold your breath but failed in miserable fashion has his face inched closer and closer to you.
He let his slender fingertips trail on your waves before tucking the stray bits behind your ears.
“I hardly think I’ll find myself at the Ravenclaw tower anytime soon.” He raspily whispered into your ears.
He was in a rather foul mood that night.
Quidditch practice in the rain had gone on for a bit too long and to top it all off, his father had paid him a visit right after.
“Is everything alright Draco?” You asked, folding your arms over your chest and turning to face the exhausted looking boy standing next to you, with his hair still damp from his shower.
“Just perfect.”
“Doesn’t look like it.” You commented running your eyes up and down his frame, earning a disdainful scoff from him. “Anyway, how was quidditch practice? Adrian was telling me it got quite intense today.”
“Well well, looks like someone is feeling rather chatty tonight.”
“Okay, nevermind the quidditch talk. How’s Narscissa? My mum owled me about the upcoming New year's ball at your Manor—something about an announcement.” You scratched your head trying to remember what the letter said as you looked at him again. The bare minimum light cast soft, fuzzy looking shadows on his angular features.
“You aren’t usually this annoying. Is there any way you will stop with your ramblings!?” He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration before fumbling with his pocket to pull out another cigarette.
You quickly stood from the windowsill and reached for a very distraught looking Draco’s hand.
“We don't have to talk if you don’t want to, Draco.” You said quietly as you looked up at him.
“Then what do you suggest we do hm, y/n?” He asked more or less rhetorically as he pulled you towards him.
You thought you’d forgotten how to breathe by the way he said your name. You weren’t particularly fond of your name but the way he said it made you want to thank your parents for picking out your name—the same name he said so smoothly and easily, with tension and emphasis on all the right places.
“I—I was thinking we could just quietly sit out here—maybe open up the window and breathe in some fresh air. It's rather pleasant for a rainy night don't you think?” You babbled.
At your mention of a pleasant night, he turned away from you to face the window, occasionally surveying the half smoked cigarette between his fingers as you opened the window.
“We could do that actually.” Draco finally said in a calm voice, taking a prolonged drag from his cigarette from the corner of his mouth and tossing it carelessly to the ground before stomping on it. “Or—”
“Or....” He said with his silver eyes muddled and darkened into an opaque grey. “We could just do this.”
You couldn't even begin to comprehend why or even how, but his nicotine infused lips softly came crashing down onto yours making your heart pound loudly against your ribcage. The way he pressed his lips to yours—the connection made you lightheaded.
What was even more surprising was the fact that you kissed him back even harder.
Compiling to all of his requests.
When he nipped your bottom lip, you parted your mouth.
When his tongue met yours, you moaned softly into this mouth.
When he cupped your face to draw you in closer as his tongue seduced, tantalized, licked, and sucked, you surrendered.
The sweetness of your lips only made him want you more as he wondered how he had gone so long without his lips pressed up against yours, his thumb gently yet possessively caressing your cheek.
And now that he’d gotten a taste, he wasn't sure he could make do without it.
He wanted this.
He needed this.
There was something so sublime, so achingly beautiful about kissing your lips that a million different thoughts encircled his mind.
Why did it suddenly feel like his thirst was gradually being quelled by the way your mouth, your breathing, your pulse melded into his?
Your fingertips intertwining with the hair on the nape of his neck pacified him.
This was unfamiliar territory.
You were both treading uncharted waters and yet, there was something soothing and familiar about the way he ran his hands up and down your sides, feeling and remembering your curves.
“That ought to keep you quiet y/n.” He whispered, his voice hoarse and saturated with yearning as he pulled away.
The rain outside had transformed into a tempestuous storm and the wind brought in splatters of rain drops inside the classroom window colliding against both of your skin and clothes.
You turned your head to look outside. “Looks like the weather is no longer pleasant.”
His eyes mirrored the flash of lighting that lit up the night sky in shades of lilac, yellow and violet back at you as the sky roared.
“But I kinda like the storm you kno—” Your attempt to finish your sentence was futile.
Lightning struck again but this time in the depths of your heart as his cold, damp, rain-soaked lips brushed against yours in an urgent fashion. The way he aggressively moved his lips made you see more colours than just lilac, yellow and violet.
Magnificent shades of cerulean, emerald, crimson, and burgundy. You could see them all.
"I have pictured kissing you a thousand times over in my mind." he murmured into the kiss while the hand he had placed on your waist trailed down to your hips.
“Draco.” You mewled as your hands found their way to the back of his shirt, gripping onto the fabric tightly for support while you let his ravenous mouth place kisses along your jaw and clavicles.
"You drive me...mmmm... fucking insane y/n. You make me.. mmm..so fucking furious" He whispered between kisses with his fingertips digging into your skin hidden under layers of fabric.
"As do you. I know..hmmmm..the difference...fuck...between clockwise and...mmhh..Anticlockwise." You said breathlessly pulling him flush against you.
Draco backed you further into the wall and his fingertips lingered on the string of your silk robe and you guided his hands through the knots and tangles of the string and let the robe fall onto the floor.
He found his way underneath your slip dress and let his hands roam around your bare flesh turning you into a whimpering mess.
Your own hands trailed to the buttons of his shirt as the aching need to feel his bare skin grew.
And when his shirt did hit the ground, you greedily ran your hands all over his firm chest and toned abdomen— your mouth watering while the flimsy fabric of your panties turned damp.
When he felt you palm the tent forming in his trousers, he smirked and the kiss came to an abrupt stop and his eyes fluttered open.
He pressed his forehead against yours—shoulders rising and falling from his heavy breathing.
"Not yet. " He murmured with his breathing still laboured.
He shut you up with another kiss before backing away and walking towards the door.
"Good night y/n." He smirked, fixing his clothes as he stood near the door.
“Uh, good night?!” You mumbled, dumfounded.
“Nothing.” He mumbled, shaking his head as he closed the door behind him.
To be continued.....
Part 2 teaser:
"Took you long enough." Draco breathed,holding you tightly against him as he desperately ran his hands along your sides feeling the fabric of your silky nightdress.
"I was going to stay away. I tried so fucking hard." You whispered, and he instantly placed his lips onto yours furrowing his brows as you fiercely kissed him back.
Tag list: @maybesandohnos ���️
Message me if you want to be on my tag list.
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
insecurities | l. juyeon
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🧸 pairing: idol!juyeon x (insecure) fem!reader 🧸 word count: 2.7k 🧸 genre: angst, fluffy end 🧸 tw: mentions of insecurities, doubts 🧸 a/n: sorry i forgot to post, i had a busy day and im exhausted, i hope it's gonna be enough! 🧸 requested: yes! thank you, it is very cliché but i hope this is what you had in mind! 💝
Juyeon came home tired but happy, excited to see you again after a long day of intense practice and a show where he participated as an MC. You, on the other hand, were not as happy as he was, but you were for sure tired of something.
You couldn’t deny it, dating Juyeon had positive points, he was everything you could ask for in a man, but there were just as many negative points. He was an attractive, sweet gentleman, and it was almost impossible for him not to attract other girls, not even doing it on purpose. And it was one of your many insecurities even if you considered yourself pretty, you couldn’t help but get insecure every time he talked to someone else.
Because let’s be honest, in the Korean music industry, every single woman looks like an absolute goddess. So, when he interacts with someone, and they’re a bit too friendly, your heart pinches in pain as he gives them the smile he keeps for you and you only.
You think that they are more interesting, prettier and funnier than you, which has the ability to send your thoughts to the dark side of self-consciousness, not feeling pretty or enough next to those women. And tonight, it was hard to watch on National TV your boyfriend being extremely friendly with the other MC.
You had tried to comfort yourself that it was just a mask, that he had to look friendly and handsome on TV. However, you couldn’t help feeling disappointment and anger as he gave attentive eyes to the other MC as she explained something, his eyes falling on her lips pressed against the mic.
Juyeon walks through the main door, tossing his keys on the chest of drawers, getting rid of his jacket and shoes before joining you in the living room, happy to see that you were watching the same channel he appeared on. Eyes glued on the screen, your thumb rubbed against your lips, feeling the skin of the cuticles you scratched while watching your boyfriend feeling rough against your lips.
“Hi love,” he said as he sat next to you, pressing his lips on your cheek. You didn’t react, only emitting a slight hum as he sat comfortably.
Juyeon frowned but didn’t raise your bad mood, trying to think what was going on inside your head. Maybe you had a bad day, or you were just tired, despite scratching his head and think, he couldn’t pinpoint what had brought you in such a bad mood.
“Did you have fun?” you bitterly spat, and Juyeon’s eyes widened, surprised by your tone, the wrinkle on his forehead deepening as his brows furrowed at your attitude.
“I did. Are you mad or something?” he bluntly asked, and you sighed, taking the remote to turn the TV off, falling in an unpleasant, uncomfortable silence.
“Oh no, I’m super fine. I really enjoyed my boyfriend giving heart eyes to another girl on national TV, it was such a nice thing to watch,” you bitterly chuckled, and Juyeon’s eyes widened even more, not expecting you to pull out the jealousy card on that.
“Babe, what are you talking about? You know-”
“Please, spare me your fake confusion and lame excuses, I clearly saw what I saw. My eyes never deceive me,” you said while standing up, but Juyeon was quick to imitate you and grab your wrist to prevent you from walking away. You tried to free yourself from his grip, but he only tightened his hand around it.
“Juyeon, let me go,” you said through clenched teeth, trying to prevent the tears from escaping your eyes. Breaking down was the last thing you wanted to do in this situation.
“Not before you explain to me what this fuss is all about,” he said, irritation replacing confusion in his eyes. You let out a mocking scoff, your eyes filled with anger and disdain boring into your boyfriend’s, holding eye contact for a few seconds.
“You really think I’m this dumb? I clearly saw the eyes you gave to the other MC when you were both animating the show. Cracking jokes, giving her smiles that could outshine the sun, your eyes ogling her lips when she was talking or smiling. Did you really think I wouldn’t catch that?” you raised your voice, letting anger take over your body.
“I never did all of that, I don’t know what you are insinuating,” he spat, trying not to show it, but your words hurt him, hating the fact that you could imagine him cheat on you or fancy another girl.
“Go on social media then, you will see what I am ‘insinuating’! Everyone is already talking about how whipped you are and how cute of a couple you would look together. Some fans are even starting to make edits!” you shouted, shoving your phone in your hoodie’s front pocket.
Juyeon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to calm his nerves a bit, a gesture that had the ability to enrage you even more. Your family used to do that when they found you annoying or wanted to belittle you, and now seeing Juyeon doing the exact same thing as them really made you even more insecure about this whole situation. Your family made you feel like a real burden during your childhood and teen years that it hurt you to think that Juyeon was probably agreeing with that thought right now.
“Y/N, I don’t know what you are talking about. I was just trying to be nice, I can’t be rude or it’s mine and the group’s reputation that I’ll take down with me-”
“No it’s okay, no need to explain yourself, the message was very clear,” you said, and you finally freed yourself from his grip, your heart breaking as Juyeon sighed in annoyance again, seeing him almost roll his eyes.
“It’s not what I meant, and you know it. Don’t react like that, please,” he started, but you waved your hand in front of you.
“No, no, I got it, you-”
“Y/N, for the love of God, stop being so fucking insecure, it’s getting so fucking annoying at this point! I can’t do anything without you getting fucking doubtful, start having faith in me and in this relationship, dammit!” your eyes widened as Juyeon eventually snapped, his mouth slowly closing as he stared at you, realisation hitting him that his words and tone made a lot of damage once he saw the tears gather in your eyes and roll down your cheeks.
The couch separated the two of you, creating the illusion of a painful wall that made you shiver, feeling like your apartment had lost all of its warmth on the spur of the moment. His words were brutal, and they bounced around your skull, your head turning towards the corridor to swallow the lump forming in your throat, trying not to break down in front of him.
“Y/N, I’m-”
“Leave me alone,” you replied, voice wavering as you walked out of the living room, slamming the bedroom door shut before locking it.
Juyeon sighed and carded his hands through his dark locks, closing his eyes as he thought of the words that had escaped his mouth too quickly. He cursed under his breath as the living room fell into a deafening silence, his hands linked at the back of his neck as he thought of what just happened.
“Why did I say that,” he muttered under his breath and collapsed on the couch, unlocking his phone and scrolling on social media to try and momentarily forget your beautiful face painted with a hurtful expression because of him, but it was to no avail.
He saw what you saw; the fiction, the edits, the collages, he saw and read everything. He already hated seeing you cry and being hurt, but he actually loathed himself for being such an idiot and not comfort you about the whole situation with what was happening on every social platform.
His heart shattered in millions of pieces as he pictured you crying in your shared bed, holding the stuffed animal he got you for your anniversary tight against your chest, letting you drown in your insecurities and intrusive thoughts. He loved you very much, but despite him trying to remind you every single day, your intrusive thoughts always managed to get the upper hand when you found yourself hanging out on your own or with some friends. It was as if your brain shut out everyone who tried to reassure you or make you feel better, letting you drown and struggle in your sorrow.
Yes, the other idols were pretty, but they were nothing compared to you. Juyeon had only eyes for you and cared about you and, of course, his members, but never had he thought about leaving you for someone else. His intentions were just to sound and appear nice and welcoming on TV because he knew that some fans, antis and media wouldn’t hesitate a second to bash him on different platforms and articles for his rudeness and insensitivity towards his idol colleague. And not only would he break his reputation, but also the group’s, and that’s the last thing he wanted.
However, he also understood that it was something hard to watch for you, even if he reminded you every single day that you were the only one that mattered in his eyes.
Sitting on the couch, he started reflecting, putting himself in your shoes for a second. How would he have reacted if he saw you being super friendly and affectionate to another man? Someone more handsome, nicer than him, cracking jokes here and there to see you smile and laugh.
He tossed his phone on the couch space next to him, where he wished you were instead of crying yourself in your shared bed, watching the device bounce, collide with the armrest and fall on the ground. He didn’t even fret checking if the screen cracked, head too high in his thoughts to bother.
Resting his elbows on his knees, he pressed his joined hands against his mouth, tongue poking his inner cheek as he realised he had really messed everything up. His knee started bouncing at the disgusting thought of losing you, perfectly knowing that he had to do something before you could slip through his hand like grains of sand.
Juyeon stood up and knocked on the bedroom door, softly calling for your name.
“Y/N?” he asked, and you didn’t respond, faintly hearing you cry on the other side of the wall. “Go away, please,” your strained voice barely making it to his ears, his fingers drumming against the surface of the door in frustration.
From your side of the bed, still holding that teddy bear close to your chest, you let your tears damp the top of its head, feeling the exhaustion of crying kicking in. Juyeon didn’t knock another time, trying not to push your buttons too much to save his chances to talk to you.
You heard a small thud on the lower part of the door, frowning as you wondered what it was. Deep breathings filled in the silence lingering in the corridor, selfishly feeling a bit relieved that you weren’t the only one hurt in this situation. Juyeon was a smart, tolerant man, he knew when to put his pride aside and not blame you for something you said or did. Well, it’s not the case for this time, and it’s probably exhaustion that spoke for him, and that, of course, doesn’t excuse anything, but he wanted to apologise and make up for everything.
“I know you probably don’t want to see me or hear my voice after what I’ve told you, but I really want to apologise for what I’ve said,” you held your breath to hear his faint, low voice on the other side of the door. You sat up and felt dizzy for a quick second, still holding the teddy bear against your chest, your face buried in its head as you let the tears keep rolling on your cheeks.
“I know it’s hard to date me, and I’m really sorry, I wish we had a simpler life, where we could hang out and go on dates like two normal people. It’s also hard for me to not be the type of boyfriend everyone wishes to have, but I’m so damn grateful to call you mine.” Juyeon marked a pause and ruffled his hair, pushing the front pieces away from his hair while thinking of his following words.
“I… you don’t know how much I’m sorry for using your insecurities against you. I shouldn’t have, it was the dumbest move I could ever do, but I just didn’t know what to answer. You are so pretty, so beautiful, amazing, and absolutely wonderful to have around to me, so seeing you this insecure makes me mad every time you compare yourself to someone you think looks prettier, thinner, or more perfect than you. It’s... really frustrating because I try my best to make you feel like a goddess and worth it every day, but those unrealistic society standards and god damn social media make you feel like you are not worth an ounce of love,” he took in a big breath and raised his knees upwards, letting his forearms rest on them.
You slowly opened the door behind him and dropped the teddy bear by his side, letting him know of your presence. He was quick to notice it and turn around to hug your legs tightly, your hands finding their way in his hair and started massaging his skull.
“I’m so sorry, Ju,” you faintly whispered, and he breathed in deeply against your skin as if he finally found you again after being separated from you for years.
He grabbed your cherished stuffed animal and stood up, holding it against your chest with a tender smile. He sat you down on the bed and gave you a proper hug, mouth pressing loving kisses on your forehead and temple as his hand caressed the back of your head, holding you as close to him as possible.
“I’m so sorry Y/N, I really am. I love you so, so much, I’m really sorry for all the stupid words I’ve thrown at you,” he said, and you shook your head, squeezing your arms around his middle tightly as an answer.
“I guess I have to accept that you have eyes only for me. But you know, it’s hard to acknowledge it and believe it when you find everyone around you ten times more beautiful than you are,” you mumbled against his chest as you sat on his lap, and he nodded, feeling a lump rising in his throat.
“I know Y/N, I know. I wish I could rid you of those insecurities, my heart breaks each time I see you so unsure of yourself. You're just so beautiful and amazing, it honestly kills me to see you like this,” he whispered, and you bitterly chuckled, gently pulling away to look at him with pearly eyes, his arms around you holding you still tight, making sure that you wouldn’t go too far from him.
“You can’t do that, but maybe you can help me soothe them by keeping loving me the way you’ve done since day one,” you mumbled, and he smiled, his eyes shining with tears just like yours.
You both cupped each other’s face and sadly smiled at the other, Juyeon feeling comforted at the sensation of your thumbs wiping the tears away from his cheeks and vice versa.
“We just need time, love, but I promise I’m going to help you realise how much you mean to me and how beautiful you are. And how much I don’t care about other girls,” he mumbled, and he gently drew your face closer to his, your lips grazing against his mouth. You closed your eyes at the proximity, feeling so much love and passion in his kiss that it was getting hard to breathe.
“I love you so much, Y/N,” Juyeon pulled away from your lips and whispered against your mouth, his hot breath mixing with yours.
“I love you too,” you smiled, burying your face in his neck, your boyfriend kissing the crown of your head while hugging you tight.
You giggled as Juyeon applied pressure on your waist, making you fall on your side on the bed. His hand gently cradled your cheek, thumb caressing your cheekbone with a soft smile on his face. You closed your eyes and pressed your forehead against his, feeling him chuckle and gently press his lips against yours.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I saw you want idea for flash. Maybe Barry falling in love with Bruce's younger sister who is justice league member. Barry has a crush on her because she is a good cook and very optimistic with a habit of making puns. Cue the cute fluffy romance with food.
P.s. sorry if it's too much. I love your works on the lanterns.
Okay, I changed it just a pinch, but I think it works well! I'm glad you love my GL works dear! -Thorne
Barry had been to Gotham more than a few times. Honestly, the city gave him the creeps and he stayed away, but he’d been a few times. He was probably the superhero besides Superman and Wonder Woman that didn’t have to call before he entered the area. That being said, his Midwestern sensibilities got hold of him more than they did most, and he couldn’t help but call ahead. Except when he didn’t get a response from Bruce, it worried him, and he got to the Batcave in record time.
“Bruce!” he called, skidding to a stop near the Batcomputer, only to find a young woman sitting in the chair with a worried look on her face. “Uh…”
She jumped at the sound out his voice and spun around, the worried look giving way to relief. “Flash! Oh, I’m so glad someone answered!” hurrying over, she took his hand and led him to the screen. “You have to help Bruce.”
He blinked, looking over at her. “Who are you?”
“Who am—” she shook her head. “That’s not important right now.” Pointing to the screen, she explained, “Joker and Harley took over Arkham Asylum and they’re unlocking the cells all across the blocks. Bruce is good, but I don’t know if he can manage that many supervillains at the same time.”
She clicked a button and the screen flashed, showing Bruce in the middle of a fight with Killer Croc and Poison Ivy. “The others are busy across the city running missions.” Turning, she took Barry’s hands in her own, tears coming to her eyes. “Please, Flash. Help Bruce. Please.”
Barry could only gape at the woman and look at the screen again, watching as Bruce took a blow to the side, and he nodded, pulling away. “Alright. I’ll help him.”
Her shoulder sunk in relief. “Oh, thank you.” She picked up some kind of device that looked like a scanning thermometer and raised it to Barry’s head, clicking the button.
“What’s that?”
“It’s a scanner. I’ll be able to get into your suit’s frequency to help you.” She turned and set down the scanner, then tapped at the screen. Immediately, directions to Arkham Asylum flooded the sensors in Barry’s cowl. “There. Can you see them?”
He nodded with a smile. “Yeah, I’ve got ‘em.”
Grinning at him, she winked. “Now run, Flash. Run.”
Barry shot her a look. “That’s original.” And he was off in a streak of yellow lightning.
It took less than thirty minutes for Barry and Bruce to reign in the asylum and make it back to the cave. And boy, was Bruce not happy to see his coworker in Gotham city, much less her who’d called him.
“I explicitly told you not to call anyone unless I ever told you to do so.”
Barry watched as she inconspicuously rolled her eyes, but he knew Bruce saw the reaction too. “I made a judgement call.”
“Your judgement was flawed, (Y/N).”
She glowered at him. “Maybe your flaw is being an anti-social jerk.”
The Flash narrowly managed to turn his snort into a cough.
“I didn’t call in another superhero to rain on your parade, Bruce.” (Y/N) grabbed Barry’s arm and yanked him forward. “I called your friend who was going to have your back when you needed it.”
Bruce looked between the two and Barry couldn’t help but blurt out, “I still have no idea what the relationship is between you two, but I’ve seen Wally and Bart argue long enough to know that you guys are family.”
(Y/N) laughed while Bruce merely grunted. “We’re siblings. Bruce is my older brother.”
“Ah, that explains it.” Barry looked between them. “So, are you not a superhero then?”
She smiled. “No. I’m just technical and moral support for the family.” Meeting his eyes, she added, “And the occasional referee whenever someone has beef with another family member.”
He chuckled. “Telling me the woman who has no martial arts training can keep up with the master detectives?”
(Y/N) winked. “It always helps to have a Superman-Stun-Gun on your person.”
Barry all but cackled, and Bruce griped, “Are you two done? I still have business to take care of.”
She stuck her tongue out at Bruce and grabbed Barry’s hand. “C’mon Barry, you’re probably hungry.”
“I’m always hungry.”
(Y/N) ushered him into the kitchen and onto one of the barstools. “Sit. I was just about to pull the chicken out of the oven.”
“What’d you make?”
Cracking the oven, she let the steam billow out before opening it all the way and reaching in with her oven-mitted hands, pulling out a glass casserole dish. Inside was a bubbling mixture of chicken and rice and the second the scent hit Barry’s nose, his stomach grumbled like a whale.
His cheeks flushed and he pressed a hand to his stomach. “Sorry.”
(Y/N) smiled and set the dish down on two wooden trivets before removing the gloves; she grabbed a serving spoon from the drawer and scooped out a good helping of rice and one of the larger pieces of chicken, setting it in front of the Speedster.
When he picked up a spoonful and brought it to his mouth, she gently laid a hand on his wrist, stopping him with a quiet, “Careful, it’s hot.”
Barry closed his mouth in a small “ooo” and blew softly, then put the spoonful in his mouth. Immediately he groaned, eyes closing as he chewed.
“Pretty good, huh?”
He swallowed and nodded. “It’s fantastic.” He stuck the spoon back in the bowl. “It reminds me of the chicken and rice my mom used to make.”
(Y/N)’s eyes flashed with a sad tone, but only for a moment. “My mother used to make this for Bruce and I when we had bad days. It was the comfort food she’d learned how to make when she was young.” She blew on her own spoonful. “I’ve spent almost two decades trying to recreate that loving feeling I used to get when I ate it as a kid.”
Before he could say a word, a shout sounded through the foyer. “AUNT (Y/N)! WHY IS THE OLD MAN ACTING LIKE AN ASSHOLE MORE THAN USUAL!”
She snorted, looking towards the doors when her nephews wandered in; the tallest one stopped and cocked a brow at Barry sitting on the barstool. “Oh. So that’s why B’s in a bad mood.”
“Jason, be nice,” she tutted, spooning the food onto plates, and passing them to each boy that walked over.
The young man glowered at Barry, who was on some level unnerved, but he met the teal eyes with his own firm baby blues. “He’s in my spot.”
(Y/N) nodded to the counter. “Then sit on the counter for now. Barry’s our guest.”
Barry speedily, ate the rest of the food and stood up. “I should actually be getting back to Central.”
“Aww,” she cooed. “But you didn’t even stay for dessert.”
That made Barry perk up. “Dessert?”
She winked. “If you gimme just a sec, I’ll have it whipped up…in a flash.”
Barry cackled while the others around her groaned and then someone cleared their throats, causing them to look towards the entryway at Bruce. (Y/N) smiled and plated some of their dinner, holding it out for him.
He took it and didn’t even cool it off before taking a bite. But the way his expression softened just a moment, told her all she needed to know; he leaned over and pecked her temple, murmuring, “Taste’s just like mother used to make.”
Bruce took the plate and walked back over to the doorway, but stopped and said, “Barry…thank you for the help tonight.” And then he was gone, leaving Barry to gape at the doorframe and (Y/N) smiling.
“I think Hell just froze over, Aunt (Y/N).”
She rolled her eyes and ruffled Tim’s hair. “And there went the loving moment.” Laughing along with her nephews, she looked at Barry. “So, dessert?”
He smiled politely but shook his head. “I really need to be getting back.”
“I understand.” She nodded and gave Jason another serving when he handed his plate over. “Barry?”
He paused, glancing back from the doorway and she gave him a look that made his insides feel warm and fuzzy. “Yeah?”
(Y/N) smiled. “Don’t be a stranger.”
Barry winked in return and was off in a flash.
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mcnuggyy · 4 years
As a white person and budding artist (that sure is. An intro) I'm always super careful to try and avoid harmful cultural and visual stereotypes in my art and practice sketches. I was wondering if you have/have posted any tips for drawing mexican people? I always do research before drawing anyone from a different culture or of a different race but it can be tricky to find things written by theae minorities themselves and I am always hesitant to take tips from another white artist on drawing other races 😅 (I also apologise if I worded anything badly here, I'm autistic and struggle to word things sometimes! Please feel free to correct me if I did!)
Heyo! I think the biggest reason there isn’t or even I haven’t ever made a how to draw Mexicans is ‘cause Mexico is very very diverse, and the majority of us are Mestizo ( “mixed race, especially one having Spanish and indigenous descent.”) There are definitely racist stereotypes to avoid such as orange skin, thick black mustache, lazy, alcoholic, poncho wearing, Mexican. Obviously. But this is just one small part of the coin, when there is a lot of anti-blackness, and anti-indigenous sentiments in our own communities, EVEN THOUGH, the majority of us ARE mixed race. This has to do with colonization, and the way the Spaniards just really fucked us over, brain washed us, and made being a White Mexican the IDEAL Mexican. So there’s a LOT to unpack there. 
Especially with Mestizos being prejudice towards their Indigenous communities WHILE STILL practicing the very same important practices that came from those communities (Dia De Muertos for example) Basically there’s an issue of still wanting to be Mexican, and have pride in your country, and culture, but not wanting be like those "dirty brown” Mexicans. To the point where the government is constantly trying to push the “we are all one Mexican race and nation” while actively trying to get people to essentially erase our Indigenous communities. Like there’s this big idea of “marrying White” that even my mom used to believe in for a while, because her own mother taught her that as well in order to assimilate and what not.  Again, lots of colorism and bigotry within our own communities. It’s a very big and complex issue, that we can thank the Spaniards for ( and the Mexican government who continues to uphold these toxic ideas), YAYY colonization!!! Weeee!!!!
( I mean I can even see it in my own family, with my dad’s side of the family clearly not being able to pass as White being severely impoverished, while my mom’s side of the family, who overall is much more White passing, have been able to hold positions of power in large companies and can even afford to buy more than one house)
Sorry to get into that very long rant, but I do think it’s very important to know this information to get started with actually figuring out how to accurately portray a Mexican, Tejano, Mex-Am, Afro-Mexican etc. Because well, anyone can be Mexican, just like anyone can be American! But I’ll get into the main communities that exist in Mexico to help you out!
So again, Mestizos (mixed-race) are the biggest group in Mexico, making up over 93% of the population! So that’s a good chunk of us jaja! So it’s good to talk about how different you can look in a mixed-race family! And what better example than my own family!
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Both my parents look very “stereotypically” Mexican by American standards, especially my dad who is the absolute definition of a macho ranchero Mexicano jaja. Both my parents come from small farming communities in Mexico, but look very different themselves! Each pueblo kinda has their own differences too! The people from my mom’s pueblo all tend to have much lighter skin, with cool undertones, some even have blue or green eyes, and red hair! While the people from my dad’s pueblo (98 people in total there, very very small jajaja) Tend to have deep red undertones, thick dark hair, curly hair, hooked noses, and very very rarely hazel eyes! So it’s no wonder me and my siblings look so different as well! (none of us are adopted I assure you) 
So I’m very lucky cause I have a HUGE family to use as reference, and reference is key!!! but there are many cool Mexican celebrities and public figures you can use as reference if you don’t happen to know anyone (tho It’s always good to have friends with different experiences from your own as always)
But here’s some examples of how different mestizos can look, including some of my own specific references!
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There is also our Indigenous communities “ Mexico's indigenous population is one of the two largest in the Americas (only Peru is comparable in size). More than one in ten Mexicans speaks an indigenous language”
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I really recommend checking out this website to learn more, as this is something I’m still learning more about myself! 
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Then of course we have our Afro-Mexican community! Mexico is cruel to it’s Indigenous communities, but even more so to Afromexicanos, who until recently were completely ignored by Mexico’s census. You can read more about this issue here.  Spaniards of course play a big part in the issues that face Afromexicanos today.  You can learn even more about this history here!
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Did you know Lupita Nyong’o is Mexican! (A fellow Lupita <3 )
And of course, can’t forget White Mexicans! Don’t think the Spaniards just left after a while, because they stayed jajaja. (Look no further than Novellas and most big celebrates for some examples fhhffhf) 
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So there really is no absolute way to represent us! (which was an issue I had with Coco actually.. with everyone having the exact same orange/brown skin) There is certainly a picture that comes to American’s heads when they think “Mexican” but in reality, things are much more diverse, beautiful, and complicating than that! 
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However I do have some small little things I personally like to do to help indicate when I’m making a Mexican / Mex-Am character design based off of all of the information above along with my family and friends as reference! 
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Moles! I don’t know why, but every Latino I know has so many moles.... from my childhood friends to my ex boyfriend, to every single cousin have... MOLES MOLES MOLES! Why? I haven’t a clue, but I always add them to my character designs jajaja! Even if it’s just a little one on the neck <3
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Thick hair! It is a curse and a blessing. My grandpa will never bald compared to a white man, but in exchange I have to deal with shaving my chin every day to compensate LMAO. So I like giving my characters thick eyebrows, dark body hair, or thicker hair than most designs! It’s cool and neat!!! But please be mindful about how you do this as there have been white artists who have done this in racist and harmful ways, such as rcdart. ( X ) ( X ) 
I also recommend checking out shows like El Tigre, and Victor y Valentino, for some more fun and simple designs that show a wide variety of Mexican characters! (Also I just love Jorge R Gutierrez’s designs in general jaja)
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Hope this helps! <3
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
youtubers: “don’t touch her” ₊˚ ⸝  corpse husband x reader
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❝i don't wanna think about, think about you. drink up, drink up i'm so fucked up, all i want is you.❞
gif credit: n/a song: lykke li - sex money feelings die
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
pairings: corpse husband x reader
warnings: angst, cursing, drinking, smoking, violent language, and minor mentions of anxiety.
summary: i can’t make summaries rn hhh just read it (:
“Sean, there is no way in hell I’m going!”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. It’ll be fun!”
“That’s what you always say!”
“Ugh, you and Corpse are so stubborn. At least I was able to convince him to show up! You know what you need? To get out of the house more often and come hang with us.”
“Uh huh, yeah, y’all have fun, I got some stuff to finish.”
“Yeah? Like what? Your ten hour nap?”
“HEY! Excuse me -”
“7PM, [club address], you’re showing up.”
“Sean - !”
With that, Sean hung up. You let out an exasperated huff, crossing your arms and pouting like a toddler who was just denied a toy. You were invited, or more accurrately forced to celebrate whatever the hell Sean and his friends achieved. With lives like theirs, it seemed like there was always something to celebrate. 
You, on the other hand.. Well, you were just little old you. You met Sean by mere chance. It’s a very long story, but you shared some things in common, like your love for video games. However, that was about the only thing you could relate to with Sean and his little friend circle. You were more passionate about writing, as well as reading short horror stories. 
Now, that’s where you clicked with Corpse Husband. 
He was an underrated YouTuber, whose main uploads were narration videos on creepypastas and horror stories. That’s until he blew up with his Among Us gameplays, collaborating with big names like PewDiePie, Jacksepticeye, and CrankGamePlays (EEF!!!).
You met over an Among Us stream with said YouTubers and immediately hit it off. You shared a dark sense of humor, love for horror, and music. You knew of Corpse before, but only then did you discover that he produced music, which you absolutely enjoyed (and blasted in your house for days on end).
When you found out you lived not even twenty minutes away from each other, you’d occasionally meet up, mostly at his house considering he only went out once in a blue moon. You’d sometimes even spend the night at his place, staying up late, gazing up at the stars, getting deep into conversation and opening up about things you never blurted out to people. But when you were with Corpse, everything just came naturally. You felt safe with him, and hopefully, he felt the same. 
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Night approached, the clock striking 5PM. You figured you’d get ready since Sean was dead set on you coming to the party. You showered, did a minimalist glossy makeup look, and chose an outfit, which consisted of a half neon green and black skirt that stopped mid thigh, and an oversized distressed band tee which you tucked into your belt. You slipped on a pair of ripped, striped thigh-highs with mismatched colors, (white stripes on one and neon blue on the other), and your platform boots that made you look like a Bratz Doll. You didn’t bother with your tangled hair. You teased it with a brush but didn’t put any effort into styling it, since it’d get messy anyways. To finish your look, you clipped on a choker and dangled a couple of layered chains around your neck.
Corpse would tease you, saying you had a “dog collar”, but you knew he secretly liked it.
All dolled up and ready to go, you hopped into your car and followed the GPS to the address Sean sent you. Drunk couples stumbled out of the club, dates headed inside, and old wasted guys were thrown out. Oh boy, you were not ready for this.
You were the anxious, anti social type. Not because it was edgy or cool, but you simply didn’t know how to handle social situations. However, it comforted you to know Corpse would be there by your side so you didn’t need to chat and flirt with strangers. 
It’s not like you wanted to meet anybody new, anyways. Though nobody was aware of it, you had feelings for Corpse. Cliche, right? You knew you shouldn’t have, but you developed feelings for him. It made you feel strange and weird, considering you haven’t caught feelings in a while.
You came up with the bright idea of slowly drifting away from Corpse to maybe help de-escalate these feelings, but you were going to run into him at the club, so what the heck.
You headed inside, your eyes scanning the crowd and pushing through, searching for your friend group. You spent a couple minutes cluelessly looking around the club, but to no avail. Then, it was as if a light bulb clicked on over your head; you never thought to phone Sean.
“Ugh, I’m so stupid.” You reached into your purse to get ahold of your phone when a pair of strong, manly hands and cold metal which you assumed to be rings wrapped around your shoulders, gripping you tightly. 
You felt your heart stop and ran out of the man’s grasp, spinning around to look at who it was.
“Oh, did I scare you?” 
The man’s deep, monotone voice rumbled above the sound of the music and shouts. Then you recognized that unique and distinctive voice. 
“Corpse!! What the hell?”
His nose and jaw was covered by a black mask, with a print that looked like Frank from Donnie Darko, which was also Corpse’s signature look, seen in his channel art. 
Despite Corpse being a faceless YouTuber, only very few people have seen his face, including you and Glam&Gore who he featured in his narration videos. You thought he was very handsome, his baritone voice matching his appearance. You had to admit, you were a little disappointed he chose to wear a mask. You loved seeing his facial expressions, especially his precious smile that would light up the room when he’d let out little fits of laughter. But you got over it and respected the fact that he wanted to remain anonymous.
“You dickhead,” you scoffed, smacking Corpse lightly on the shoulder. Corpse towered over you, looking admittedly both intimidating and seductive. If you were a stranger, you’d probably be running off, but you weren’t scared of Corpse. He was a big softie and a teddy bear.
Corpse chuckled lowly, slinging his arm over your shoulder and leading you to Sean’s group. He was protective like that, even if you were just friends. Now you could see why Sean, at one point, speculated that you and Corpse had a thing going on. 
“So, Sean forced you to tag along, too?”
“Pfft, yeah, that’s Sean for you.”
“Hey, there’s my favorite couple,” Sean joked, patting your shoulder. You rolled your eyes at his drunk antics.
“Shut up, don’t make me choke you like I hate you,” you mocked in return, eliciting a fit of laughter from the group. 
“Remind me to never hang out with you losers again,” Corpse mumbled sarcastically under his breath.
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The night went by in a flash. Sean, Thomas, Felix, and everyone else was blackout drunk. Luckily, Mark was there to assist them. Since Mark couldn’t drink, he would be the designated driver that night. Corpse hung out by himself, sometimes getting approached by women who he politely turned down.
You, on the other hand, were downing alcohol like your life depended on it. For you, it would take more than the average number of drinks for you to get wasted.
“Y/N, don’t you think you should slow down?” Corpse questioned cautiously, resting a hand on the small of your back.
“Does it really look like I’m thinking right now?” you drunkenly slurred, following with a giggle. You waved to the bartender, calling for another shot, which he slid over to you, but not without hesitating after noticing your state. You pushed Corpse off of you, probably more harshly than you intended, and took the shot. 
“Okay, Y/N, fuck this, I’m taking you to my place. We can’t stay here and you certainly can’t drive back home when you’re drunk,” Corpse scowled, stepping closer to you. Again, you shoved him back.
“No.. No..” You sighed, holding your pounding head in your hand. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what? Y/N, you’re drunk -”
“I’m not letting you of all people take me.”
Corpse blinked. “What does that mean?” He knew you were drunk, of course, and you were probably just blurting nonsense.
All of a sudden, tears escaped your eyes, racing down your blushy cheeks.
“No.. I’m so sorry. It’s my fault.” You began to shake and tremble as tears started to uncontrollably spill down your face. Corpse didn’t waste another second to take you in his arms, hushing you. “Your hugs are so warm.. I hate it. I hate feeling this way. It’s all my fault.”
“What did you do, sweetheart? You can tell me.”
Your heart ached when you heard his pet name for you.
“I think I may like you more than you like me.. I-I didn’t mean to! Please don’t leave me. You’re all I have,” you sobbed into his white tee, clinging onto him. “I love you so fucking much, it hurts. I shouldn’t have!”
Corpse stopped for a moment, processing your words.
You.. felt the same?
Corpse had to tell you. You were drunk, but he needed you to know. 
“Y/N, I -”
Suddenly, you had a moment of clarity. Realizing how close you were to Corpse, you backed away, wiping away the mascara tears under your eyes.
“I - I think I had too much to drink.. I just need a smoke..” 
Without giving Corpse the chance to protest, you ran off into the crowd, struggling your way through. 
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Corpse began to get worried when you didn’t come back. He waited impatiently on the barstool where you left him, anxiously playing with his rings.
He was just about to get up and look for you, when he caught a glimpse of you stumbling out the exit with another man who guided you, gripping your arm tightly.
Corpse fumed, his face going red and heartbeat speeding up. He went after you, knowing damn well you didn’t know this man. 
The man took you to his car, placing you atop the trunk, your legs dangling over the edge. He stepped in between your legs, caressing your face. Everything was a blur. If your mind was clear, you wouldn’t be stupid enough to trust this random guy, who was probably ten years older than you. 
“You’re too pretty to be crying,” he whispered, leaning in closer to your face, until a yell stopped him from proceeding any further.
“Hey, asshole, she’s drunk! Don’t you fucking touch her!”
“C-Corpse?” You hiccuped, hopping off the trunk to get a look at the approaching figure. It was indeed Corpse. His eyebrows were pressed together angrily at the sight.
“You know this dude?” the man said loudly and smugly, just to get a reaction from Corpse. “Relax, my man, I’m just tryna take this pretty girl home.”
“Well this pretty girl happens to be mine, and I won’t let you take advantage of her,” Corpse growled. 
You stood by the stranger, clinging to him as you watched Corpse’s face twist into an expression of heartbreak when you didn’t budge. He then noticed the bruises around your arms and wrist, supposedly from the man’s strong grip. He was unbelievably furious. 
“Ha, doesn’t look like she’s your girl anymore.” The man’s lips twisted upwards into a devilish smirk, only pissing Corpse off some more. Oh boy, was he ready to snap. He reached into his pocket, when..
“Wait,” you managed to slur out, breaking up the argument. You reached out towards Corpse like a child. His facial expression immediately softened. He gave you a loving smile and immediately took you into his arms, holding you protectively. 
“Now, I suggest you get in your car and never come back,” Corpse threatened.
“Oh, yeah? Or what? I’ll kill you and take your girl, you motherfucker!”
Without hesitation, Corpse took out his switchblade, looking the man in his eyes.
“Say that again?”
You watched as the stranger’s whole tough act fell apart. Without another word, he ran to the driver’s side of his car, fumbling with his keys. 
“Yeah, that’s right,” Corpse mumbled, not taking his eyes off the man until he reached his own car. You held his hand the whole way, processing what had just happened. Corpse noticed your distant expression. You got into his car, shutting the door and slumping back into your seat. He tore off his mask, taking in deep breaths to calm himself. Then he looked back to you. 
You looked to Corpse, your eyes teary. “Hey, Corpse.” You didn’t seem to be as drunk, your mind a lot clearer after the incident. “D-Did you mean anything you said back there? About the..”
“About you being my girl?” 
Corpse took your hand in his, squeezing it comfortingly. He leaned forward and cupped your face with his free hand. “Absolutely.” 
With that, you leaned towards him, hesitantly pressing your lips to his. Your lips tasted of alcohol, but Corpse didn’t care. He was admittedly taken back, his breath hitching, but he released the tension from his body and kissed you back, pulling you over to the driver’s seat atop him. There wasn’t much space, forcing you to press closer to Corpse, deepening the kiss. 
Still being a bit drunk, you were clumsy and kind of ‘out of it’. 
“I’d hold onto something if I were you,” Corpse mumbled, breaking the kiss momentarily to guide your hands to grip his shoulders. But you were impatient and reconnected your lips with his, no doubt causing him to blush even more than he already was.
You couldn’t help yourself and giggled into the kiss, causing Corpse to chuckle along with you, departing from the kiss again and resting his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry, you’re just so fucking adorable when you giggle.” 
You hummed in response, offering Corpse an innocent grin as you pecked all over his face. 
“I’m so glad you’re mine.”
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britishassistant · 3 years
The Villainous Paranoiac Has Visitors
You’re a fool.
A blind, tunnel-visioned, desperate fool.
There’s no one you can blame for this mess but yourself.
You were moronic enough to think that a promise would’ve been enough to stop Grim from going after more overblot stones.
And now where are you?
Lying in a bed in the infirmary, bandages and gauze wrapped around you from your collarbone to your chin, because the one creature in this fucked up magic world that you were stupid enough to trust unconditionally tried to rip out your throat over a rock.
Your neck aches. You’re so tired it feels like you can barely even move. Your head is a weird weight of white noise, making it hard to think about anything other than your current predicament and how you should’ve seen it coming a mile away. How you should’ve stopped it.
Maybe—maybe it was because you’d made him hold out too long. Maybe that’s it. Maybe you were wrong to make him swear not to eat any more, and him lashing out at you over Vil-senpai’s stone was just-just temptation that had been pushed too far. Why weren’t you looking after him more closely anyway? You’re his supervisor, you’re supposed to make sure Grim doesn’t get into trouble, you should’ve noticed he was gone sooner. Then maybe this whole mess wouldn’t have happened. And it’s not like Grim wasn’t working hard to uphold your deal, you were the one who wasn’t meeting his efforts halfway. After all, he hadn’t eaten anything after Jamil-senpai’s overblot, had he?
Had he?
No stone ever turned up after Jamil-senpai’s overblot.
And you were so out of it that night, riding out the aftereffects of the overblot’s venom and the anti-venom warring in your system.
Grim could’ve easily left during the night and eaten it, and so long as you never asked, never pressed him about it, you’d have been none the wiser.
And you didn’t ask. You just trusted him.
You’re a fool. A pathetic, misguided, twisted, worthless fool.
Your family was right about you.
You would grind the heels of your hands into your eyes, but even lifting your arms towards your face feels like more effort than you can spare right now. Luckily it takes no effort to stare up at the ceiling and just hate yourself for your stupidity.
You’d have thought you would have learned that trusting people is an awful idea already. Hopefully this will finally get the message through your thick skull—
You tilt your head and blink up at Deuce. He grins, blindingly bright. “Guys, he’s awake!”
You weakly smile back, ruthlessly squashing the urge to correct him.
Epel pushes the divider back as he rounds it, pretty face worried. “Prefect, how are you feeling? Nurse Kamac said you lost a lot of blood.”
“M okay.” You mumble back, your tongue feeling thick and sluggish in your mouth.
“What the hell happened to you, Prefect?” Deuce moves to pull up a chair and sit down next to you, shooting you doubtful looks. “Was it an attack by another overblot or something? Some kind of monster? Did you get jumped by some punks from RSA?”
You wonder what you should tell them. You know that all you have to do is tell him the truth, say the word, and they’ll all be off after Grim like a group of hunting dogs, just like when you used to ask Ace and Deuce to help you catch him back at the start of the school year.
But Grim might get hurt. Or he might hurt them.
Can you put them through that?
Ace collides with the foot of the bed, interrupting your internal debate, eyes wide and panting. “Guys, bad news. Crewel’s outside asking for us, he looks pissed.”
Deuce and Epel stiffen in tandem, darting nervous glances towards the door like the potions and alchemy teacher will burst in at any moment. “What’d you do?!” Deuce hisses.
“How’d you know it wasn’t you, ass?!” Ace protests. “Seriously, we can’t keep him waiting! I think he’s even madder than the time Grim turned his coat pink and green.”
All four of you shudder collectively.
Epel grabs Deuce’s arm, squaring his shoulders. “We just gotta—need to see what Professor Crewel wants right? It may not even be us he’s piss—irritated at. Just gotta man up and face him.”
Deuce nods, even though he looks like he really, really doesn’t want to. He and Ace follow Epel away from your bed and towards the infirmary exit. You loll your head back onto your pillows and resume your staring at the ceiling.
“But Ace, no one’s...?”
“What the—?!”
There’s a bang as the infirmary doors slam shut.
You look over in time to see Ace slide a mop through the door handles, and drag a chair over to prop under them. He then points his magic pen at it all and a padlocked chain loops itself around the whole affair and clicks shut. You can hear Deuce and Epel hammering on the other side, demanding he open up.
“Ace?” You struggle to sit up, your throat aching. “What—”
“Shh, sh, easy, we gotta be quick.” He darts over you, helping you to sit up and pulling up the pillows behind you to lean back against. “Do you need me to get your shirt for you?”
“W-what?” Your brain is still struggling to catch up.
Ace gestures impatiently to your chest.
You look down.
You look back up at Ace, cold sweat drenching you.
Please no. Not him too.
Ace reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls something out—!
He holds up your binder. “Figured Kamac might not have let you keep it. It hurts your ribs, right?”
Wait. What?
“H-how...?” You stutter, fumbling with the buttons at your collar.
He shoots you a look. “I basically carried you back here from Dwarf Mines. It was easy to tell something was up when Kamac wouldn’t let me or Deuce stay in the room while you were getting patched up. Plus this was kinda dangling out your back pocket when you came out”
Well. That’s. That’s...
“Look are we doing this or not?!” Ace hisses, shooting a nervous glance back at the door where Deuce and Epel’s voices are being joined by others and growing louder. You think you hear Kalim-senpai’s twittering, Vil-senpai barking orders, and Jamil-senpai’s drawl.
You begin working on your buttons with newfound determination.
Ace helps you get your head through the top hole of the binder without pulling on the bandages around your neck too much.
You struggle your arms through the arm holes, and then shrug the hospital pajama shirt back on. He’s already done over half the buttons by the time you’ve recovered from your discombobulation.
“Feel okay? Not hurting your breathing or anything?” You nod, still disoriented. “Okay, let’s just get you back under the covers, and then I’ll let in the circus.”
There’s another metallic clang from the door and a cry of pain that sounds worryingly like Ashengrotto-senpai.
“W-why?” You rasp, an odd swooping feeling catapulting in your stomach, like you’ve just jumped off the bleachers again. “Why would you...?”
Ace heaves a sigh and gives you a look normally reserved for Deuce and Grim. “Because you’re my friend, you little dumbass. Getting something like this for you isn’t a big deal or anything.”
You gape at him so hard it feels like your eyes are burning.
Something inside you feels impossibly, uncontrollably warm.
Turns out getting a lump in your throat really hurts when you’re recovering from having it slashed open.
“Aw, jeez, what’s with the waterworks?!” Ace leans over you, ungloved hand swiping at the tears on your cheeks. “C’mon Yuu, if they get back in here and see you crying, you know Deuce’ll kill me.”
“Good. ‘S a-all your fault. I won’t f-forgive you until you give me a hug, you big jerk.” You sniffle, opening your arms and holding them out.
He huffs a laugh, before following your orders. “You’re a tyrant, ya know that? You’re as bad as Vil-senpai and Dorm Head Riddle.”
“I’m worse than they could ever be.” You mumble, hiding your burning eyes in his shoulder. “Don’t you forget it.”
“Oi, you better not be wiping your nose on my jacket!” He tries to shrug you off gently. He still hasn’t stopped hugging you though. “Get your snot and tears offa me!”
You cling onto him tighter, unable to stop giggling even as a few hysterical tears slip down your cheeks. “Suffer.”
“Tyrant.” He fakes an exasperated groan, but you can feel him chuckling along with you.
There’s not many things you can think of that would ruin this moment.
“King’s Roar.”
...Being bathed in sand as the doors to the infirmary disintegrate certainly wasn’t one you had in mind, though it does the trick well enough.
Lucky you had Ace hugging you to act as a human shield for the worst of it.
He sputters once the deluge has subsided, shaking his head and rudely dumping the excess sand into your lap. “Ugh, senpai, what the hell?! Would it have killed you to wait one minute?!”
“You take too long.” Leona-senpai shrugs, pocketing his magic pen again and sauntering in to stretch out on the empty bunk next to you. “These guys wouldn’t stop whining until I did something.”
Deuce rushes over to your bedside with Epel and Kalim close behind him, kneeling down next to you. “Prefect, are you okay?! What’d he do to you?!”
“His eyes are all red an’ swollen!” Epel points out before you can say anything. “Ace, you bas—”
“Epel.” Vil-senpai stalks in, looking much better since you last saw him at VDC. Healthier, somehow. “But yes, Potato #1, what exactly were you playing at, locking everyone out like that?”
Ace stammers under Vil-senpai’s cold glare, so you take pity on him, clearing your throat weakly. “Ace just didn’t want any witnesses to him fussing over me. He’s allergic to showing kindness, after all.”
For some reason, being able to say that and have Ace elbow you playfully makes you feel...buoyant, somehow.
Everyone stares at you. The weight of their disbelief is heavy.
Kalim places his hands over yours. “Yuu, you don’t have to be afraid to tell us the truth! You’re among friends here!”
“Oi!” Ace protests.
“Who’re you calling ‘friend’?” Leona-senpai interjects, because he’s still a huge bag of dicks.
Ashengrotto-senpai has his magic pen in its cane form and is leaning on it heavily, limping. “I wouldn’t worry Kalim-san. I’m sure whatever the Prefect experienced can’t be worse than having a cauldron drop on you.”
Deuce inches closer to hide behind you and Epel sheepishly.
“Technically Azul, it was rebounded onto you off the doors of the infirmary.” Jade-senpai interjects cheerfully, switching a bouquet from one hand to the other. “Though I’m sure Spade-san would be glad to reimburse us for damages through labor if necessary~”
Deuce lets out a squeak.
“Eeeeh~~ Crab-chan, were you doing something naaauughty with Shrimy all alone in here~?” Floyd-senpai drapes himself over Ace’s shoulders, arms looping around him. “No faaaaaiiir, I wanna play too~~”
Ace stiffens, face growing to match his hair as Floyd-senpai’s arms begin to tighten. “J-Jamil-senpai—!”
Jamil-senpai cruelly ignores him. “Kalim, make sure you’ve still got your magic pen when we leave. The Prefect might try to add to his collection.”
You shoot him a look. “When are you going to let that go?”
He sits on the end of your bed and smiles sweetly at you. “When you stop making a nuisance of yourself by sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong, Prefect.”
You try to dissect that statement, then give up and settle for attempting to kick him off the bed. You only end up depositing more sand into your lap under the covers.
He laughs at you, because for all his talk about reputation, Jamil-senpai is also a huge bag of dicks.
The dust and sand irritates your nose and throat, making you cough hard. It’s not as bad as it was after Vil-senpai’s overblot, but you feel the warning tugs on your weakened lungs and torn throat. You gratefully accept the glass of water Epel hands you, gulping it down.
The sand around you gently shifts and seeps out from under and on top of your covers as you swallow, pooling into a large pile at your bedside.
Leona-senpai’s tail flickers as he tucks his magic pen back away and pretends to be sleeping again.
Deuce begins to fret over you, taking the empty cup from your hands and ineffectually trying to fluff your pillows. You let him hover as Ace rolls his eyes and playfully ribs at him for his mother-henning.
Jade-senpai places the bouquet in a small vase on the table next to you with Vil-senpai and Epel fussing over the arrangement every time Floyd-senpai delights in deliberately poking the flowers out of alignment.
Kalim-senpai promises to bring you a carpet next time, maybe even an elephant if you want, much to Jamil-senpai’s dismay. Ashengrotto-senpai begins trying to negotiate for even more presents.
Leona-senpai half-heartedly growls at everyone to shut up and let him sleep.
You’re a fool if you think trusting these people will turn out any better than trusting Grim did.
But somehow, you feel like you’d rather be a fool and enjoy the warmth blooming in your chest right now rather than anything else.
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