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ninadove · 2 years ago
We are sooo getting Chat Blanc back next season.
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paracosmicat · 2 years ago
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chickenmak · 2 years ago
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thimbleb3rries · 1 year ago
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Still thinking about Chat Blanc bghgggffff
I just. He just. When. And then yeah????? Yeah.
I have a lot of feelings I don't know how to express 💔💔
I had a lot of fun drawing Chat's hair tho :) he's my favorite little guy
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hacvek · 2 years ago
✨ highrocks Follow
when you're talking to a cute she-cat and then she mews to you she's from thunderclan :/ I even gave you a vole that i caught myself.
why does this have over 30 notes???????? this is literally anti-thunderclan bigotry and NO ONE is talking about it???????????
#i know this is a 'haha funny' post #but the hermemewtics of this post as intended depend on a clannist division of cats into Self and Other #and casting the 'Other' as something 'less than' #without which the punchline of 'she was from thunderclan' is meaningless #so idk! i don't find it really funny! #ramblings #swifty shut up
really good tags (via @swiftfoot-thoughts)
the next post down on @sunnyleaf1's blog is literally a 8K word fic where they are captured and forcefully turned into a kittypet
Can we not shame cats for their interests???
i'm not explaining to you why wanting to be a kittypet is bad lol
🙇‍♀️ twoleggirlbaculum Follow
did anyone save the fic?
Why isn't anyone talking about the fact that OP is the one who bit my ear off in the Battle of High Rock
Now OP is sending their followers to harass me on anon for calling them out
🦁 riverclansstrongestsoldier77 mewed: I'm from shadowclan and I was taught that High Rock is rightfully our territory. So actually YOU were the aggressors in this scenario. Go choke on nightshade you fish-eating pondscum.
✨ highrocks Follow
you forgot to turn on anon
🙀 clan-cats-heritage-posts Follow
clan cat heritage post
✨ highrocks Follow
this post isn't even a moon old
🙊 sendmepawpics Follow
this thread just gets worse with every reply. so glad everyone deactivated lmao
✨ highrocks Follow
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lostuntothisworld · 10 months ago
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Can we please talk about how Griffe Noire's iris and sclera colors sort of look like the reversed version of Mayura's and Argos' even tho it's supposed to look like Shadow Noir?
[Edit: I forgot Anticat!]
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valentinafoxr · 1 month ago
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I know everyone and their mom has done a Season 6 bingo at this point but I had to give it a go 💛 I'm so ready to go feral over this show again (notes below)
I've been going back and forth over this over the last few months and I've come to the conclusion that I don't want Adrinette to break up, but I think it might happen towards the end of the season
"Something Something Chat Blanc" includes Adrien's nightmares about Anticat!
I'll be honest I'll tick the Marichat and Ladrien boxes for any Marichat or Ladrien interaction because I don't think it'll happen (which is a shame 😔)
"Zoé gets a girlfriend" could be a Haruka/Michiru scenario in which the gender of Zoé's partner is changed/unclear
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halfahelix · 1 year ago
Now we know that there are billions of other universes, I think that plays a HUGE toll on Adrien in the finale. He saw the nightmare of Anticat holding a crumbling Ladybug. He knows about other universes. He knows that this is a very real thing that could have happened. And that's why he was so easily (but painfully) convinced to stay out of the final battle.
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flightfoot · 2 years ago
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Damn, it's even worse for Adrien, since he was having waking nightmares/PTSD from when Gabriel got him the night before anyway.
Also, seems like his name in this vision is Anticat, kind of like the Antibug we had before.
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princess-of-the-corner · 8 months ago
Im in a server and someone wanted to make a Kitty Noire version of anticat but messed up the colouring so now we're trying to come up with lore for the resulting Zoé variant lmao. So far we only decided that she has something to do with radiation cuz of the colours
oh dope!
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ninadove · 2 years ago
Hi. I saw your Gabriel post. While I agree, there some other points I would like to mention, in somewhat in defense of Gabriel;
First, no, I agree, he did not redeemed himself, I agree. However, in the finale, he himself stated that he crossed his own morality's line, in order to bring Emillie back. He was aware of his sctions, and somewhst of the consequences as well. It doesn't excuse it, I agree, but I would say, it's not madnes.
Secound; I think he did not "redeemed himself, but grow as a man. Minutes earlier, he was shouting about the only ones who are matters are him and his family, no matter, what the cost or who pays it. And yes, he could have brought back Emillie. Yes, he could have healed Nathalie. And yes, he could have saved himself. But at the end, HE paid the priece for his wish. My personal favorite thing was, he did not say the wish, but it was in his heart. So, yes, while I disagree with his actions and this being looked as a redemption, I rejoys he did what he did. Not because he becone a better person, but because he become a bigger one than he was before🙂
(well, it's just my oppinion, it's perfectly fine to think about this an other way, but I still like this ending very much 😊)
I kind of see what you mean, in the sense that it could have been way worse! He could have sacrified two random innocent people, or even two of his enemies (Ladybug and Chat Noir, Felix, maybe even Tomoe if he felt she was becoming a threat), healed himself, and brought Emilie back against her will.
But if you pay close attention to what Bug Noire says — this is not about sacrifice.
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This is about not using magic as a way to solve your problems — the exact infraction that got us into this situation in the first place.
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This is about facing the consequences of your actions, instead of running away from them.
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But most importantly — this is about taking the chance, even if it is tiny, to live and make it up to Adrien.
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@buggachat said it best in her Emilie VS Amelie post:
"He would rather be dead, with [Emilie], than alive and caring for his own son."
Because no one matters except them, and that sadly includes their child.
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Being with his wife is what Gabriel always wanted. He won’t be around to experience the inevitable consequences of using black magic again. But Adrien will, as well as the other kids who are now forced to lie in an effort to maintain the illusion.
And you know what? This is what I like most about the finale — how unambiguous it is that Gabriel is still the bad guy, and that the choices he made, up until the very end, will continue to impact our heroes in this new era. So many abusers "see the error of their ways" on their deathbed — but it does little for their victims, who still have to live with the consequences.
Of course, I would have preferred to see Adrien confront him. He deserved it. But I absolutely see how this can lead to interesting conflict in the next season.
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purrincess-chat · 2 years ago
I used to wonder why there was so little Ladrien, but after the season five finale, I now have a scary guess as to why. The drama will require Leela to somehow tell the truth before the reveal, and she will most likely twist the truth by telling a lot of lies about Ladybug and her motives, taking advantage of Marinette being afraid to tell him even after she knows that Adrien is Cat Noir. I also think that Lilamoth will akumatize him in Anticat in this way. And the show itself will prove that not enough Ladrien in Seasons 1-5 is a problem
That's so big brained but I think it's mostly because the writers are cowards and they know ladrien is too powerful. We better get some ladrien in s6 is all I'm saying. 🔫
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uptoolateart · 1 year ago
Dreaming Wide Awake - Ch 17
In his white cat costume, Adrien stared down at Marinette in his arms. Marinette – Ladybug – Marinette again. She kept flickering, kept changing, the two images blurring until there was no difference between them.
They were the same girl…the same girl….
Dream sense allowed him to see through his own eyes…but also to see himself from the outside – to see the world around them, burnt orange and billowing with dust. Overhead, the moon had been split in two, and somehow he knew that everyone, everyone had been turned to statues.
‘I’ve destroyed everything…. It’s all my fault….’ Tears streamed down his face.
A vice-like grip took hold of his head. ‘Anticat, there is only one way to repair all of this. You are going to give me Ladybug’s miraculous – and yours.’ Monarch’s voice, in his mind, just as it must have been when he got akumatised.
But how? Why? What had broken him so badly?
Read at Ao3
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adrienettestarco4ever · 2 years ago
This scene broke my heart. Adrien still seeing himself as AntiCat 💔😭😭😭
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ericalto · 20 days ago
The stage of the bulbling RBI the economy, increased housing and land
After a long time, the MPC (MPC) financial banquet (RBI) decides to cut the RO’s rate by 25 points – brings a devious relief. As the MPC Announced the Repo Rate To Be Cut To 6.25%, AFTERGLETT IT TARTING AT 6.5% OF THE REAL Estate Sector Cheered Movenge – Anticataling The Most In Intendal for Resider for the Comming Months. According to the Vekates Agebuterishnnan, the Corporation Director of the…
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silvestromedia · 5 months ago
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SAINTS SEPTEMBER 21 "There is only one tragedy in this life, not to have been a saint."- Leon Bloy
ST. MATTEW, APOSTLE AND EVANGELIST From tax collector to Apostle and Evangelist: this is the arc of Saint Matthew's life. He was called Levi, which means “God's gift”. He was a contemporary of Our Lord Jesus. The Church celebrates him on September 21. Saint Matthew is the patron of bankers, accountants, and bill collectors.
St. Thomas Dien, Roman Catholic Martyr of Vietnam. A native of Vietnam, he entered the seminary program of the Paris Foreign Missions but was put to death before he could complete his studies. Thomas was flogged and strangled. Feastday Sept 21
St. Hieu, 657 A.D. English abbess of Northumbria, England, who received the veil from St. Aidan. She governed Tadcaster Abbey, in Yorkshire. She may be identical with St. Bega or Bee.
St. Mabyn, 6th century. Welsh and Cornish saint, with Mabon and Mabenna. All are associated with St. Teilo. St. Mabenna was the daughter of Chieftain Brychan of Brecknock, Wales. They are all revered in various places that bear their names, but no details of their lives are extant.
St. Maura Troyes, Roman Catholic Virgin. - She was nobly born at Troyes in Cham pagne in the ninth century, and in her youth obtained of God by her prayers the wonderful conversion of her father, who had till then led a worldly life. After his happy death, Maura continued to live in the most dutiful subjection and obedience to her mother, Sedulia and by the fervor of her example was the sanctification of her brother Eutropius and of the whole family. Feastday Sept 21
St. Francis Jaccard, Roman Catholic Martyr of Vietnam. Born in Onnion, Savoy, France, Francis was sent by the Seminary for Foreign Missions in Paris to Vietnam in 1826. He was martyred by strangulation. Feastday Sept 21
Sts. Chastan Chastan, who had preceded him into Korea, surrendered to the authorities. They were bastinadoed and then beheaded at Seoul on September 21. During the same persecution, John Ri was bastinadoed and suffered martyrdom, and Agatha Kim was hanged from a cross by her arms and hair, driven over rough country in a cart, and then stripped and beheaded. In 1925, Laurence and his companions and many others, eighty-one in all, who had been executed for their faith, were beatified as the Martyrs of Korea. Feastday Sept 21
ST. PAMPHILUS, MARTYR ON THE VIA SALARIA ANTICAT. EUSTACHIUS, IN HIS CHURCH Placidus was a Roman general who had a vision of the Cross between a deer’s antlers, and heard a voice revealing himself as the Christ. He converted, with his wife and sons, and took the name Eustachius. The family was separated, and only reunited on the eve of their martyrdom, around the year 140.
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