azurecanary · 3 months
"Daisy was a bad director"
Well if i had to deal with FuckShit's tomfoolery in Season 5b, i would've actually destroyed the world
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competitivedust · 1 year
So another thought came to me about Agents of Shield. I think we all have seen comments about how annoying Daisy was when she ordered Deke to off Freddie Malick to prevent all the horrors he would cause in the future. And yes, it's a bad decision to kill him right then. Without Hydra there won't be a shield, and chronicoms would easily take over the Earth. I have seen this opinion expressed hundreds of times. Calling Daisy too emotional, too stupid etc etc.
Compare this to how these people never mention how Fitz thought it'd be a good idea to repair the gravitonium machine to save Simmons. As if that isn't an asinine fucking decision. Is Fitz not super emotional in this scene? Is he not being illogical and stupid? Or all those words only reserved for female characters you don't like?
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samanthaswishes · 11 months
I'm bitter over the series finale bullshit plan again.
F!tz' says, "I need to tell you what we're fighting for, so we can map out a plan together and be willing to do what needs to be done, no matter what the cost."
But knowing what happens, he is basically telling them, "Me and Jemma can't risk our lives, so the rest of you have to, and it doesn't matter if you die or not."
And they were just... okay with that??? I hate the fact that they both, mostly F!tz, make plans that bank on other people on the team, particularly Daisy most of the time, to put themselves in harm's way so they may be safe, and this was even before the existence of Alya. He's basically telling them, not asking, to die for them if it comes to it (And it did which is why I bring up Daisy).
They treat others as if their entire livelihoods aren't as important or valuable. Yes, a lot of the time, the team, especially Daisy, are more than willing to put their lives on the line for the people they care about, but when they don't reciprocate it for people who have done it for them time and time again, it's sad and disgusting.
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nowifi-noconnection · 4 months
bobbi and hunter>>>>>>>>>>>> fitzsimmons
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timotey · 6 months
If you like Dorothy L. Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey series, I can highly recommend to you P. J. Fitzsimmons' series about Anthony "Anty" Boisjoly (like the wine region, not "Boys-jolly"!) wherein he goes on happy murder adventures with his senile valet Vickers and the ever suffering Inspector Wittersham. It's light, it's hilarious and just the perfect thing for when you're feeling blue!
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moonlayl · 1 year
one day soon, I'm gonna rewatch all of agents of shield (for the first time ever) and I'm gonna take note of how many conversations daisy and jemma have had over the seasons and how many of them weren’t about Fitz.
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I'm sorry, but if you're a Loki series fan, you have no right to criticize Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Like everyone can have their tastes, if you like the Loki series, fine, whatever, but you don't get the right to call out AoS on stuff when we both know full well "Loki" absolutely flopped on the same topic
Strong female characters, well-written characters overall, non-toxic relationships, queer representation that actually delivers, creative stories, stunning plot twists, continuing themes, top-notch quality, and so much more. The only thing "Loki" has on AoS is their special effects-- and that's only bc they had a Marvel movie budget behind them
AoS solos, and that will forever be a fact
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y'know what no, i'll never not be angry at how they "dealt with" jemma's trauma in 3a and turned it into a pity party for fitz bc the girl he liked was in love with someone else and having him make significant romantic advances when she's most emotionally vulnerable
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Please tag ur fic correctly on AO3. I know you have warnings all over it but it still shouldn’t be in the Fitzsimmons relationship tag if it’s anti Fitzsimmons.
Thank you for voicing your concerns and being polite about it.
I am choosing to leave it tagged as Fitz/Simmons because that is the central relationship that is being explored, and it is my understanding that relationship tags strictly tell you what relationships there are. Fics can be tagged with a relationship that is one-sided or focusing on a break-up or unhealthy relationships about a ship which aren't necessarily "pro" that relationship.
I understand where you're coming from, but seeing as Fitzsimmons tends to be the main ship in most AoS fics and the size of the fandom/number of fanworks, I don't think it is as important for me to worry over the fine print of tagging. The only thing it really affects is the likelihood of hateful comments I might get.
the fic in question
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mackie02-ffn · 2 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Phil Coulson & Melinda May & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Yo Yo Rodriguez & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons & Skye | Daisy Johnson (unhealthy), Leo Fitz & Skye | Daisy Johnson (unhealthy) Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Melinda May, Yo Yo Rodriguez, Phil Coulson, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Helen Cho (Marvel) Additional Tags: Hanahaki Disease, Friendship, Betrayal, Angst, Loneliness, Skye | Daisy Johnson Needs a Hug, Not Leo Fitz Friendly, Not Jemma Simmons Friendly, temporarily, Or not, Episode: s05e14 The Devil Complex, Post-Episode: s05e14 The Devil Complex, Really not sure where I'm going to take the Fitz and Simmons part, Unhealthy Relationships, I had this idea while in a Lidl, I was buying a doughnut Summary:
She had always had many fears. Not as many as she had had when she was a kid (earthquake powers took care of quite a few of them), but there was one that she had never been able to shake. Choking. She had been a small child in the foster system who had to move around a lot, so they started running out of families. So, they started scraping the bottle of the barrel and there was some really murky stuff down there.
At first Daisy was worried when she started coughing up flower petals, but then she remembered the fear dimension that had opened up in the basement. That was it, right? This wasn't an Inhuman thing that nobody had told her about?
Title is Rabbie Burns
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azurecanary · 1 year
If i had a nickel for every show starring a character(s) of colour who were powerful, badass and well written; but are constantly shit on to prop up the white "morally grey" characters who have rushed and/or contradictory development up to and including their ships; I'd have three nickels.
That's it. That's the joke. No "which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened thrice". Cause when it happens that many times, it stops being surprising.
It happened with Scott McCall, it happened with Daisy Johnson, why wouldn't it happen with Alina Starkov and Mal Oretsev?
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competitivedust · 7 months
The ease with which Daisy falls for Sousa is a very blatant in-universe indicator of how badly she had been treated by her "family" prior to meeting him. She was so unaccustomed to actually being treated with care that it completely floored her. Of course this doesn't intend to downplay Sousa's feelings about her, but I believe that Sousa is just decent enough to care about people whether or not he is romantically interested in them. The fact that he was attracted to Daisy was just an added bonus. Before this she has always been forced to give up a part of herself, her dignity, to feel that she was worth something to certain members of the team. It's downright horrible how easily she jumps in to save FitzSimmons with no regard for her own physical or mental health. And FitzSimmons repeatedly exploited her abandonment issues because they knew she would do anything to keep them safe and together, to remain important to them. Which she did. Sousa is probably one of very few people who wanted her to take a step back, to give herself time, and to treat herself kindly. Of course there are others in the list, but those others also kept quiet as FitzSimmons used her again and again.
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nowifi-noconnection · 4 months
“I can’t think without fitz” jemma please for the love of god STAND UP
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princelysome · 2 years
Tumblr media
A witch's curse spells death for the brides of an English castle. Or, maybe not? An entertaining story with a crow hero.
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daisyssousa · 1 year
Hi. I hope you don't mind me asking your opinion, as a disabled person, about comments I've seen about Sousa's new prosthetic. I realize no group is a monolith, so you won't provide THE difinitive answer, but I would like hear from someone who actually lives through it.
So, why is Sousa's new prosthetic considered ableist but his old prosthetic was not? Is it because his disability is no longer obvious? But if the new prosthetic works better, why is that a bad thing? Sorry, I guess that's three questions. I really hope this didn't come off offensive, I genuinely just want to understand.
I hope your having a great day and have fun blocking the anti-Dousy trolls😊
Hi there! <333 Thank you very much for the question! It's not offensive at all!
As you pointed out, we're not a monolith, so I definitely can't speak for every disabled person out there, nor am I trying to! If someone is legitimately offended, they completely have a right to their feelings. I'm also not an amputee, so I can't speak to that either.
I think there are some people who feel that because his new prosthetic made it so that he can walk completely normally, they feel like it's erasing his disability. There are a few reasons I heavily disagree with this mindset:
It doesn't erase his disability at all: He will still have to care for his leg the same way he would with any other prosthetic. He will still have to keep it clean and take care of the skin to keep from getting it irritated, injured, or infected. He will have to keep up care of his remaining leg muscles too to be able to use it. It's mechnical and electronic, so the prosthetic itself will require maintinence and upkeep as most tech does. It's not going to be like poof! His leg is magically healed! When you get down to it: his new leg is still not his real leg.
I do think there is room for criticism in the sense that Agents of Shield didn't show this on screen. In fairness, perhaps they thought in showing Coulson and Yoyo previously struggling with their prosthetics, they thought maybe it would be enough since season 7 was already crammed. I do think they should've given us at least a little something though. But still: it didn't erase Coulson or Yoyo's disabilities, so it wouldn't erase Sousa's either.
Technological advances: With all the technological advances of the Marvel world and all of Fitzsimmons' inventions, giving Sousa a high tech prosthetic is completely within reason. It isn't like the Agents of Shield writers magically pulled special technology out of nowhere to specifically "erase" his disability, there was already a precendent set with Coulson and Yoyo (and Bucky Barnes). And also LMDs. Even Daisy's gaunlets are prosthetics in a way, since they keep her bones from breaking when she quakes.
If they'd retconned his missing leg or used some kind of hand-wavy magic to get it back, then yeah I could see the argument. But that's not what happened.
Real world technological advancements are catching up too: there are already prosthetics in development that use the electrical impulses of the brain to move the prosthetic limb and allow the person to feel sensations! There are also battery powered mechnical ones. Should real amputees be barred from using these because it "erases" their struggle? No. (btw I am not aiming this at you anon, this is me speaking in general! <3)
Sousa's wish to walk again is in character: Sousa expressed in episode 2x08 of Agent Carter: "I know desperation. You know what I'd give to be able to walk again? A lot." He even uses the word "desperate." This is fulfilling a character trait he had in Agent Carter. It didn't come from Agents of Shield. He wants to be able to walk and is accepting of the prosthetic.
It grants him more freedom of movement and less pain: Especially considering they were in the middle of a dangerous mission, giving him more movement and less pain to hinder him is extremely helpful. And in general, why shouldn't he be able to use something that helps him be in less pain and do more every day? No one should be forced to struggle just to prove they're disabled! (Again not directed at you anon, in general <3)
Anyway, my brain is turning a bit mushy, but I hope this helps you anon! <333
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gregorygerwitz · 7 months
What do you mean about fate and FS and Moustead?
Hello! Thank you for falling for my lil trap!
There is so much because I'm longwinded, have fun with this I got too excited getting to put this all into words.
I've been against using "fate" as an argument for FitzSimmons, specifically, since... 2017? Yeah, that's when that half of s4 aired. I'll give you a SparkNotes version, for anyone who didn't watch Agents of SHIELD - Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, who I do love as a ship in the early seasons, I have nothing against the ship specifically, just the "they're fated to be together" argument. They met at the SHIELD academy when they were kids, when Jemma sat next to Fitz in a class and they became... friends? They both thought the other hated them and they were gonna be rivals, while secretly admired each other and how smart they were the whole time. Anyway, now they're married and have a daughter, which is cute as shit, good for them, this is not an anti-FitzSimmons post.
I don't think they're fated to be together.
I use the Framework-created alternate reality to make this point every time. In that reality, Ophelia is the one who sat next to Leopold, and that butterfly effects into them being in a relationship down the line. Ophelia specifically set it up to be that way, I get that, I know that's how the Framework arc worked. My username was HoldenDadcliffe across most social media for 4 years, I know what I'm talking about. But the argument could be made that Fitz would have ended up with anyone who sat next to him in class and engaged with him, whether as a friend or a presumed rival or what have you. That's the only point I want to make. It could have been anyone. In the real world, it was Jemma. In the Framework, it was Ophelia. It could have been Matt, my Bruises Verse OC, it could have been anyone. It was the situation that brought them together, not the universe. That doesn't make the relationship any less important or genuine, it's just a fact.
Anyway, I would argue that Moustead is fated to be in each other's lives, especially if we take the possibilities in Bolivia into account. Not necessarily in a romantic way, because soulmates, or whatever you want to call it, don't have to be romantic. I just think they're meant to exist in the world together, and the universe seems to be encouraging that.
For instance, in Afghanistan, Jay did make friends with Knox first. In canon. They were close, they built explosives together, had to rely on each other to survive, the whole nine yards. They were halfway around the world with only their team to count on and trust. They had to be a family to stay alive. And then Knox did everything he did, and that friendship was obviously completely ruined after that, which meant that one of Jay's most important relationships at the time was just... decimated. He had to find someone who he could actually rely on, someone who wouldn't murder civilians because he wasn't taught to handle his emotions in a healthy way.
Mouse wasn't exactly handling his emotions in a healthy way, either, but at least his poor coping mechanisms didn't have a civilian body count, you know? Like, the only person he hurts is himself? It's fine, he gets better, eventually. But the idea of the universe seeing Jay make a friend, and going "wait, no, not that one, come back here" is just so... *chef's kiss* It's just a coincidence, at that point, but there sure are a lot of coincidences, aren't there?
He gets attached to the one other person from Chicago. The one other person who survived that war zone with him. The one person who kept him sane - who he also kept sane - when they got home and had to navigate civilian life again.
They just work, you know? They balance each other out in so many ways. Jay is absolutely driven by his heart - he wants to help people, he wants to put good into the world and take bad out, he wants to fall in love and have a constant presence in his life. On the other hand, Mouse is driven by his head - he's so smart, and he uses that to learn about computers and the world around him, and he has great ideas. They both rely on those opposites so much that it hurts them. Jay holds onto relationships until they tear him apart. Mouse thinks things through so much that he had to turn to drugs to keep himself from unraveling.
They even go so far as to completely reject those opposites in themselves. If Jay used his head, he'd know to let go of relationships and connections long before they hurt him the way the do. If Mouse used his heart, he'd be less untethered, he'd have more connections to his Chicago life than just Jay. Of course, all of my labels for them are just headcanons, but Jay being aspec and Mouse being arospec adds to this so beautifully.
Even if it is all coincidence, that balance is so important to their relationship. If one goes too far, the other can pull them back, and they really make up one fully functional human being together. They share a braincell, for sure, and Mouse usually has it. Jay certainly didn't have it in s5, that's a fact.
I think, with Jay leaving the show - and rehashing the same speech that Mouse gave him with only slightly different wording - the universe might be pushing them together again? Obviously, canon hasn't mentioned Mouse since s4, and we're never going to know if they're actually serving their country together again, but I can pretend. I can pretend that the person Jay called his best friend is still in his life, somehow.
But especially with how s9 went, and that whole year leading up to Jay leaving for Bolivia...
Even just starting with the Knox episode, 9x03, that had to bring up memories that he hasn't thought about in a while. I'm almost certain that he came across a few pictures of Mouse while he was doing his digging, even if we didn't get to seem them on screen.
After that, I want to bring up 9x09. Lovingly, the rushed marriage episode. (I love Upstead, but their romance arc was rushed and if they, the writers, had taken the time to develop the relationship more, they could have navigated the distance much more easily, or at least put off the actual wedding until Jay made his way through his crisis and they were both in a more stable place, but that's just my opinion and not the point of this post, ignore me) I just think about that episode a lot in a Moustead context because of what made Jay panic and rush into it like that. They had to get the FBI off of Voight and Hailey, obviously, but the steps they took had to be personal to him, at least in the context of his friendship with Mouse. A young, queer-coded drug addict, who was the same age that Mouse was when they met, using him and this weakness (that Jay canonically doesn't judge, he literally gave Mouse drug money in s1) and holding that over his brother as leverage, it's... He saw the lowest point of his best friend's life right in front of his face, something that he couldn't fix before and can't fix now, and Jay...
Jay, who just wants to help people, and put some more good into the world, and fix things because he hasn't had much control in his life and now he's older and stronger and he can do something. He used this intimate knowledge he has of people in that situation for his own personal gain, in a way, and doesn't that make him feel so dirty? But he can't think about it too hard, because he's not the one who uses his head. Mouse is his head, the one who would have actually said out loud how stupid and reckless and horrible that idea was and how they shouldn't do it. Because it was exploiting a literal child, who didn't do anything wrong beyond giving into vices. But Jay... Jay is the heart. He finds someone he cares about and he holds on so tight. And he was already engaged to Hailey, so what's the harm in moving the wedding up?
He'd already lost the person he'd been thinking about for months, and it's not like he could just call and ask Mouse to come back to Chicago, not after how things ended. But he could hold onto the people he loved who were close. He could turn an engagement into a marriage. He could insert himself further into Voight's bullshit. He could cement himself in the team and focus on what he had, not what he missed.
Then there was Adam's undercover thing, and the overdose, and even if November 2011, specifically, is from my headcanons, how many times did Jay worry? How many times did he text or call or pop by to make sure that Mouse was high but not in danger? How much did he check in after Mouse's multiple felonies and other petty crimes and make sure he was okay and alive? How many times did Jay have to worry, over their 10+ year friendship, that he'd lost someone he cares about so much?
And then there's s10, with his exit, and that entire episode doing the exact same thing to me, emotionally. 10x03, my beloved, my ride or die, my defining moment... A veteran is doing his best, getting pulled into crime just to pull himself afloat, getting hurt and getting himself killed through that. Isn't that something Jay has seen before? Just with a less tragic finale? Of course he helped clear up the guy's record, so that his family could still get the benefits, and all of that wasn't done for nothing. And then...
He left. He went back to the army, however loosely, basically quoted Mouse's reasons for why - because how else would he explain it? The logic is sound, of course it is, the head handles the logic. Jay just followed the logic laid out for him six years earlier, when his heart finally caught up with it.
And the idea that they somehow ended up in the same area again? Working together and rekindling their friendship now that they're finally on the same page? What else could that be?
It's fate.
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