#Anti pjo show
stupidsexpotflanders · 9 months
Is there anyone else who found the new PJO show disappointing and bland? My main problem is that it got so sanitized and generic. Most of the characters in the first saga were hardened in some way,but their show counterparts don't transmit the same vibe. At the same time,the books had a delightful whimsical feeling about them - there was humour,weirdness,colour. The show,on the other hand,feels more like a generic fantasy show.
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autism-alley · 6 months
ik it’s been forever in internet time but i’m gonna die mad abt the way the live action atla show got a good amount of backlash and criticism from the fanbase meanwhile the pjo show was THAT horrendous and the fanbase treats critics like they’re out to kill their mother. as someone in both fandoms am i crazy bc i keep fucking seeing people say yes 💀 like!! these shows, whose original series were both about a 12 year old boy born with godlike powers going on quests with his friends to save the world, released in the 2000s, and had a shitty movie adaptation, now reboots released within weeks of each other, both committed nearly identical crimes of character assassination, exposition dumping, dumbing down their source material, sanitizing “problematic” elements (that the characters originally had to overcome), and wasting actor potential (also at least live action atla had good action scenes CANNOT say the same for the pjo show)—and i’m seeing like mainstream(ish) social media coverage of new atla show critique by people with millions of followers all across different sites, but nothing even close to that for the pjo show?? if that coverage exists for the pjo show somebody fucken send it to me bc like!! the pjo series is Not an unpopular series, i get it’s a book series and not a tv series so i didn’t expect the popularity to be exactly the same, but Damn! i feel like i need an hours long video essay comparing the two audience reactions to these series’ first season releases bc they were WIDLY different
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Pjo movies: exist
Pjo fans: the movies are shit for inaccuracies like the actors' ages, Percy and Annabeth's romantic chemistry too early on, Annabeth's hair colour and many changes in scenes and plots from the books
Rick Riordan: hates on the movies (despite him never having seen them in the first place) and promises an adaptation more faithful to the original source material
Pjo fans: thrilled
Pjo series: exists
Some pjo fans: the actors look nothing like the characters we grew up with (and with the pace things are going, will be way older than the movie actors should the series continue beyond s2), there are Percabeth romantic scenes added in the first season that weren't there or weren't romantically charged in the books, Annabeth isn't blond (and with the way the fans treated the movie actress I am side-eying that not more people were upset Leah didn't go blonde), and many things were changed from the books
Rick Riordan: I'm the author, these are my decisions, deal with it.
Other pjo fans: the changes are great, just stop watching if you don't like it.
Some pjo fans: stop watching show
Pjo show: ratings go down, won't make it past s3 or 4 (my prediction, but still)
This is a more or less humorous take on what I've witnessed in the pjo fandom when the series ws announced to when it aired. Personally, I think Rick shot himself in the foot when he hated on the movies for not being faithful to his work and got the fans' hopes up for a more book accurate adaptation that he ultimately failed to deliver. He would've probably received less backlash and the fans would've been more open to changes if he hadn't hated on the movies for exactly that, changes to his source material.
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the-oddest-inkling · 8 months
The best sentences i've read all day:
"The Percy Jackson show is not like the books, but who the fk cares."
My brother in christ. Y'all have been giving anyone who even uttered that they liked the movies absolute HELL the last couple of years and now y'all can't accept that the show is absolutely inaccurate and the casting sucks?
Y'all have bullied Alexandra Daddario into dying her hair blonde for the second movie. But now it's all fine and dandy that not a SINGLE character looks like their book counterpart?
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ladydeath-vanserra · 2 months
love that I made a video complaining about PJO incorporating the MMC model into the Grey Sisters and some Wiccan told on themselves
jsyk Wicca is full of racism and cultural appropriation at its core foundations and was created in the 1950s by a white British man where he shoved a bunch of celtic traditions and other traditions from around the world into one new age religion where there is also rampant compulsory heterosexuality
the MMC model is ripped off from celtic traditions and Mythos regarding triplicity goddesses such as The Morrigan and Brighid and has absolutely nothing to do with greco-roman mythology
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thesebloodydays · 9 months
So, I’ve watched the first three episodes of the pjo show and I’m really not feeling it. They just gave me confirmation that I’m over these books/the franchise. Oh well.
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bluecrocss · 30 days
Adult PJO fans: "I can't relate to her if she doesn't look like me" "this is disrespectful to book!Annabeth" "I can't see her as the same character if she's black" "blonde, white women are soooo underrepresented in media. No one else can understand 😫"
Meanwhile, the actual demographic the show and books are for:
(@/walkersriptide_ on TikTok)
Caveats in the tags.
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me, when someone doesn't like percabeth: okay no problem 😁 we all have our own different ideas of what makes a good ship, I respect you don't like mine 🤝 uh huh? perachel? cool i love rachel ✨ good day to you, my friend
me, when they start talking about how percy's suicidal tendencies were increased because of annabeth and hate annabeth for not knowing about the BOO drowning incident when percy never even told her about it: ok 🫵 get out 🤬 eww eww eww 😭 do not come within a mile radius of me please 🙏 bye 👋 bye 👋 bye 👋
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greencarnation · 10 months
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I find it absolutely hilarious that after the Lotus Casino episode, we all complained that the trio having every trap and trick figured out on arrival was sucking the fun and suspense out of every scene…
…only for Episode 7 to literally begin with Percy explaining to everyone that he knows who Procrustes is and knows what his trick is in the first 30 seconds.
I literally bust out laughing.
Richard Riordan, I don’t know what you have against letting your 12 yr. old characters get deceived by something once in a while, but man, you need to let that hurt go and allow your 12 yr. old characters to get deceived by something once in a while. I don’t care how smart you want them to look; them literally knowing everything ahead of time is not nearly as much fun!
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still reading botl but like.. its so infuriating
“calypso would stare at me with her pretty eyes and then get all sad again 😔😔” WOMP WOMP. COPE. CRY ABOUT IT. WE DO NOT CARE.
I wanna read calypso saying “i have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment” so badly.
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stupidsexpotflanders · 3 months
Is it me,or does Charlie Bushnell seem to be more "Luke Castellan-like" when out of character (charming,sassy,sweet,agile,athletic-looking) than when he's actually playing Luke(way too soft,puppy-eyed,even coming across as a pampered kid of sorts)? Is it an odd choice by him,poor direction,even poorer writing?
When I see ordinary Charlie videos,I think "just make angry,bitter,hardened mannerisms and act". On the other hand,when he plays Luke,it seems like some demigod was particularly lucky to be a wealthy prodigy with loving parents and who happens to be disabled(ADHD and dyslexia).
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dusty-daydreams · 8 months
I’m beginning to get very annoyed at all the changes that are happening in the PJO show.
I get that adaption changes need to be made, but there have been so many of them big and small that they are beginning to really annoy me as they pile up.
For example, it really annoys me that they sought the Lotus Casino out. The whole point of it is that it’s a trap that lures unsuspecting people in.
It’s suppose to be a mistake they make that Percy has to use his street smarts to realise is a trap and get them out of, the Lotus Casino is supposed to show the ways that Percy is smart and perceptive that Annabeth with her book smarts is not.
Instead the way they did it in the show strips agency from these characters.
Now instead of making a mistake they are tricked by Ares into going into a time trap to delay them stopping the war.
Instead of Percy being smart and getting them out, Hermes gives them the answers.
It feels much less a story about the demigods and more a story about the Gods themselves.
It was the same last episode. While I liked Percy sacrificing himself, it became a story where the demigods need to be saved by the Gods.
Instead of Percy, Annabeth and Grover working together to save themselves from Hephaestus trap, Percy gets stuck in it and Annabeth has to plead to Hephaestus to save them.
I want to watch my favourite books - where the demigods overcome the odds often despite the help of the Gods.
I don’t want to watch whatever this is - where the demigods get themselves stuck and then have to rely on the capricious Gods to save them.
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perseas-wellyboots · 7 months
The Luke Castellan problem in PJO books and Fandom
I just finished rereading the pjo series for the dozenth time and I have so many thoughts about Luke and how the fandom woobified him.
Like no Luke did not have the right idea and executed it in the wrong way. He wasn't a misguided victim, although there is no doubt Kronos manipulated him. But him being manipulated does not absolve him of his wrongdoings. Hurt people can still hurt people, you can be abused and still become an abuser.
Most of Fandom's idea of Luke being a 'hero' because he did the right thing in the end is extremely doozy like ok he killed himself to stop Kronos but that does not absolve him the blame of killing innocent people.
While Luke's main goal was the destruction of Gods, that was not because he wanted the demigods to have better lives. He actively killed demigods.
In the Sea of Monsters, when Percy, Annabeth and Tyson snuck into Princess Andromeda; they saw 12 year olds being trained how to kill a 'dummy in camp half blood tshirts'. He was actively exploiting children and manipulating them into killing other children and saw nothing wrong with it.
He only considered deflecting from Kronos when he found out that he was going to be possessed by him.
He only worked and cared for him, he was so lost into power and revenge that HE became a monster.
"Oh but he cared for Thalia and Annabeth!!" I'll get into that later too
I think Luke's fatal flaw contrary to the opinion of fandom is The Urge to Prove Himself.
He had one conversation with Hermes which made him angry and bitter and Thalia even notes that after that conversation Luke got into more and more fights with monsters like he had something to prove which Annabeth didnt seem to see as a problem since he was her hero. They got into more skirmishes because of his recklessness, fighting more monsters since Luke wanted to pick a fight with each one he came across.
(Conversation from PJO, The Last Olympian)
His fatal flaw being to Prove Himself would explain why he took the failure of his quest so hard that the night he returned from the quest was the same night Kronos started speaking to him for the first time. It didn't help that when he returned from his failed quest, the campers treated him with pity.
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He wanted to pull Olympus down stone by stone because He failed his quest that he didn't want to do because it was already done by Hercules once. 🥴
His endgame has nothing to do with wanting to help ANYBODY. He wanted to take down gods because he had a grudge against them and wanted to Prove that he could do it. Everything else comes secondary if it fits his agenda.
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This is one of the reasons why it bothers me so much when people say that Luke had the right idea or that Percy would have joined Kronos if Sally had died like you fundamentally misunderstood the character of Percy if you think he would have joined Kronos.
He talks about "driving humanity back into caves, all except the strongest - who would serve him" THIS IS LITERALLY FASCISM???
(According to Merriam-Webster, Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression)
Now onto the topic of Thalia, Annabeth and Luke
First of all, I absolutely hate that 'Thalia and Luke had a thing before she got turned into a tree bit' because Thalia was 12 and Luke was 14 when they met and Thalia was 15 and Luke was 20-21ish when they meet again in TTC ugh hate that.
Now TTC, where to begin, here I used to believe Luke had already bathed in river Styx as there are some narrations where Percy notes that Luke looked worse and like his scar was reopened and would certainly explain how he survived the cliff fall but on my rereading I realised that Thalia and Luke fought when Percy was holding the sky and Thalia injured Luke so nvm then.
It is however in this book that Luke began to realise Kronos's plan for him as it is implied by the General and he starts to fear for his life.
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Mind you, what did Luke think would happen if Thalia did agree to join Kronos when he knew Kronos was looking for a host of body...
Luke is many things, he is cunning, manipulative, a great swordsman but what he is not is stupid. If Thalia would have agreed then Kronos would have used Thalia as a vessel 😬
And oh boy the can of worms that is Luke and Annabeth. I've seen many Luke fans/apologists deny that there is no canon evidence of Luke being romantically interested in Annabeth BUT THERE IS?? they refuse to believe and call Annabeth an unreliable narrator because otherwise their uwu white boy would be a Pedophile. Even if he wasn't a Pedo, he manipulated Annabeth so many times to make her sympathise with her and use her emotions against her.
(excerpts from various books: TLO, TLO, BoTL, MoA annabeth's pov)
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^ Annabeth was 15 almost 16 or already 16 I believe when Luke asked her to run away with him in a romantic sense and he was 21-22.
also another evidence adding to the theory of his fatal flaw having proving himself.
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Now, onto the topic of CHB and Luke:
Luke being hesitant to attack camp half blood in BotL has less to do with him suddenly growing a spine (as some fans suggest) and more to do with the inevitable possession.
When Kronos informs that he will himself lead the attack, Luke advises to use Hyperion instead because he knows for Kronos to attack it in person, he would finally possess Luke.
(first one is from TTC, the other two from BoTL)
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One of the last things I wanna talk about is Silena Beauregard & Luke and Luke's portrayal in the new Percy Jackson series:
Luke was 17 when Kronos started speaking to him and 19 when he left the camp. Silena was 17-18 when she died which makes her 13-14 when Luke left the camp in TLT and 11-12 when Kronos first started talking to him. Adult Luke charmed an underage girl, and promised her that she was helping the demigods and then when she tried to stop, he started blackmailing her. [excerpts from TLO]
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According to the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children UK, Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. The relationship a groomer builds can take different forms. This could be: a romantic relationship, as a mentor, an authority figure, a dominant and persistent figure. They might use blackmail to make a child feel guilt and shame or introduce the idea of 'secrets' to control, frighten and intimidate.
So canonically, Book!Luke is a fascist groomer pedophile.
Now on the new Disney+ Percy Jackson show, it seems that Rick Riordan is subtly rewriting the character of Luke and removing the more problematic aspect of him (pedophile and grooming). Let me explain why I think that:
Even though in TLT the book, Luke describes Annabeth as his little sister we know how well that lasted but I don't think they are keeping Annabeth's crush on him on the show from what I've seen (though I could be wrong).
Secondly, the casting of Dior Goodjohn as Clarisse puts Clarisse on the same age range as Luke, maybe a year or two younger but in the first book Clarisse was 13-14 and she was 17 in TLO, so they have aged her up. It is my assumption that they will also age Silena by casting a 17-19 yr old actress as her.
And they have made Luke far more sympathetic in the show than the books (him not calling a hellhound during capture the flag and no pit scorpions in the finale), but we wouldn't know how sympathetic or villainous they are making him until season 2 comes out. Charlie Bushnell gives an excellent performance imo
Though this again reflects the double standards it comes to PJO, they have given much grace and praise for the changes made to Luke's character and little to no complaint for ageing up Clarisse but the hate Walker and especially Leah are given is so cruel. Leah has been so much racially targeted though I think she's an excellent Annabeth, just something to think about.
Also, before I forget-
We don't give enough flack to Rick Riordan for writing two weird age dynamics without recognising as grooming and pedophilic nature. (Lukabeth and Caleo/Capercy)
The characters are never made to realise (especially Annabeth) that an older person having feelings for them as a minor is not a normal behaviour.
Especially in regards to Calypso who may take the form of a 15 year old but is actually more than 4612 (according to the riordan wiki) and her having a crush on 14 year old Percy and 15-16 yr old Leo Valdez, not to mention how rudely she treated Leo. Also her cursing Annabeth because Percy left her. Not only is it plain nasty but she's never called out. Its actually so disgusting🤕.
Anyways this turned into a long rant but I would love to read your opinions, especially on Luke's fatal flaw.
I know for some people it may seem like I'm too hard on him but this is just my opinion.
IMO I have no problem if you like a morally bad or gray person, an antihero or a villain as long as their bad deeds aren't swept under the rug and pretend they never happened or glorify their good deeds.
I actually think villian's bad things make them more interesting.
Luke is an antagonist and a villain of the PJO series and a part of being a villain is that some people are going to hate you and that's ok.
Me personally, I was never a fan of his and that's ok.
I know some people are going to bring up the fact that Percy in MoA sympathises but the PJO characters are complicated and Luke was very skilled at making others think of his reason to destroy the Gods the way they would sympathise the most and we see that multiple times.
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the-oddest-inkling · 8 months
For all those people who still defend this hot garbage of an adaptation. Even the movies didn't change that much!
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massiveladycat · 9 days
i honestly sigh so fucking loud when anti's decide that they should put pro tags in their posts. my friend, you are ragebaiting. you are aware that you are tagging the people who like the kind of thing you're insulting. and yes, youre entitled to your own opinions but come tf on. when i look through the pro annabeth tag, i'm not looking for endless 'anti this' and 'anti that.' i am looking for annabeth fans to talk to. i will respect your opinion, in all honesty each to their own, but this is our space and you have yours. you have an entire tag dedicated to being anti annabeth. we have an entire tag dedicated to being pro annabeth. and so, please just use the anti tags for things you're anti about. likewise, use pro tags for things you're pro about. please. out of respect for the people who are searching it up. if someone's looking for a fight and they go to the pro or anti tag and they start verbally harassing you, go for it. argue. but when they are looking to be peaceful, to interact with people who agree with them, do not interrupt that safe space with your 'anti' or 'pro' posts. don't tag things you are against. it will not be a good experience for anyone involved
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