#Anti Zoemund
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bosesmikas · 1 year ago
Zig and Maya also for the ask game ♥️
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Otp: Zaya (Maya can (and has) done better haha but I can’t help but love them. For all their issues, I think they’re perfect together.)
Brotp: Tiny, Grace, Zoe, Jonah, Damon, etc.
Notp: Zoemund (Zoe is canonically gay, so it feels weird to ship them), Zace (It’s like Crellie (a ship I hate) all over again haha)
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Otp: Camaya. I also love Zaya and Matlingsworth. I ship her with Zoe too (blame fanfic for that haha)
Brotp: Grace, Jonah, Zoe, Zig (I love their friendship too), Tiny (I wish we got to see more of them), Shay (that scene where Shay asks Maya if she’s okay is so 😭), Goldi, Saad (I believe they could’ve had a healthy friendship in the end still), Miles, etc.
Notp: I love Zaya but there are times where they can be … (Don’t hate me zaya moots! Love you guys!)
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mayamatiln · 8 years ago
Sorry if someone asked this before but out of all of the degrassi pairings which one is your favorite and which one your least favorite and why?
no one has ever asked me this before!
Favorite pairing: SEMMA. They’ll always be my #1 OTP. They grew up together and matured together and worked through their problems and always loved each other. Spike and Snake practically were parents to Sean and it was so so sweet. Not making them endgame was the biggest mistake Degrassi has ever made. But right after that is Zaya (their journey together gives me so many Semma feels) and Bhandarco (Johnny DiMarco is my favorite character of all time but thats a story for another time) and Camaya (MY PRECIOUS BABIES DESERVED THE WORLD) which I love all of them pretty equally but they just can’t beat Semma bc let’s face it Semma is iconic.
Least favorite pairing: SPEMMA. IT MADE NO SENSE. TO ANYONE. AND IT WAS AN EMBARRASSMENT TO EVERYTHING THAT EMMA AND SPINNER STOOD FOR. LIKE EVEN STEPHEN STOHN SAID SHE SHOULD HAVE ENDED UP WITH SEAN. I also hated Craig/Ashley, Holly J/Sav, Drew/Alli, Zoe/Zig, Esme/Zig, KC/Jenna, JT/Mia, and Peter/Mia. There are so many ships that just were a waste of time and made no sense but these are just a few that came to mind.
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maya-matlin · 8 years ago
questioning-violet replied to your post SAME. This is the problem with the writers...
what spoilers?
From what I’ve heard, Esme fakes an allergic reaction all because Zig was trying to help Maya, injures him to the point where he has a sprained ankle and has to walk on crutches and nearly ruins his graduation day. Like this girl is physically, mentally and emotionally abusive to her love interests. Chelsea’s great in the role and Esme is far from dull, but where do you draw the line? 
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zayadriancas · 8 years ago
Thank you! :) (im so pissed because I was almost done answering this but then my app randomly closed out)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?* Eclare, Zoemund back when it was a thing, Matlingsworth, and Jiberty(sorry)
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?* Folly J & s14-15 Triles
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Yes I’ve had to unfollow some nasty anti-Zaya people (I don’t mind if someone doesn’t ship them of course but when people start calling their shippers delusional or calling Zig a rapist, bye)
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?* Eclare & Jiberty
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?* No not really Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?* I started liking Sellie, Beckdam, and Crash because of the DTC. I never hated them but I wasn’t into them until I was looking through gifsets of their scenes on Tumblr. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?* Alli Bhandari kind of and lowkey Camaya(I still like them but when I see gifsets of them I get kind of annoyed now and when I rewatch their scenes I’m bored)
Have you received anon hate? What about?* I’ve gotten anon hate about my gifs were bad quality, I’ve also got anon hate calling me an idiot, and once got anon hate because I dislike Liberty and Jiberty.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Esme, because of the way she treats people, Miles, because of the way the writers favoritize him and because of his overratedness in the fandom, Mia, because of the way she acted after JT’s death, her modeling storyline bored me to tears and was unrealistic, she was a bad mother to Isabella, and her relationship with Peter was terrible. Hunter, Baaz, & Vijay, because they all cyberbullied and threatened Maya, & Vijay also outed Zoe online and is just super annoying and dramatic. And Baaz also because of what he said to Grace. Rick, Bobby, Leo, Vince, Dean, Luke, & Neil because they’re rapists/abusers, Katie because she’s a rapist and because of how she treated Bianca(there are times I still liked Katie like after she dyed her hair in season 12 but in s11-early season 12 pre hair-dye I couldn’t stand her). She was also tolerable in Next Class. Derek, because he was an asshole and he beat up Jane. Jimmy, because he was an asshole most of the time and the whole overratedness because of Drake is annoying. Eli, because he’s emotionally manipulative/abusive, cocky, annoying, also because of the way the writers favoritized him and his overratedness in the fandom. S11-s14 Clare, because Eli dragged her down, she became boring & her storylines became extremely unrealistic, and most of her scenes involved Eli plus she had way too much screen time. Liberty, because I found her uptight and bitchy most of the time(sorry I know you like her) I actually liked her in s4, s7, & s8 but in s1-3 and s5-6 I couldn’t stand her. Oh and Drake Lempkey cause he killed JT.
Most disliked arc? Why? JT’s death, Adam’s death, Degrassi Nudes, Clare’s cancer, Clare’s pregnancy/miscarriage, Mia’s modeling storyline, Jane/Declan affair, Spemma marriage, Drecky relationship, anything involving Eclare, Zoemund hook up/Zig cheating on Maya, anything involving Matlingsworth, Peters one day meth addiction, Jay and Silent Bob go Canadian at the end of s4 (God those episodes were boring), Katie/Drew sex storyline at the beginning of s12(because the writers didn’t recognize it as rape like it was). Why? Except for the last one, I don’t really have an explanation for most of these except they are either boring, ridiculous, or both. And JT and Adams death because they were sad obviously.
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trileszaya-blog · 9 years ago
@zayahankypanky replied to your post:
Ew, be careful. You’ll dream about Matlingsworth and Zoemund next.
And Eclare.. Ugh, let’s hope these disgusting nightmares won’t happen.
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waiting-for-fate · 9 years ago
Lmao people debating whether or not Zoe is pregnant using facts like “but it’s been months since she slept with Zig” like lol Clare was pregnant with Eli’s baby and I didn’t think they had had sex since prom which was like a year before she got pregnant. You never know with degrassi.
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thismightgetboring · 9 years ago
What…what’s this I’m seeing about a Zoe being with child? What… what’s going on there? Umm…what?
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bosesmikas · 1 year ago
As a kid I used to ship Zoemund a lot and while I still like their dynamic, I can’t ship them romantically anymore. Feels very icky to ship a canon lesbian with a man.
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mayanovak · 9 years ago
i think i hate the idea of zig/grace as much as i hate z*emund good lord
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maya-matlin · 9 years ago
crashingwavesinmyworld replied to your post:Zoemund
I hate them more than I hate any ship in the history of anything (excluding abusive ships like alli/Leo Terri/Rick etc. of course) im so glad Zoemund can never happen again.
I always and forever consider Matlingsworth/Zoemund to be one ugly beast type of thing. They’re both so despicable. :p But Zoemund was something else. Some of the stuff the writers did with them was kind of offensive and problematic and yet, as far as we know, it was never intended to be anything less than perfectly fine how Zoe tried to hit Zig, filmed him without his consent, etc. So I’m with you. I’m relieved it never got off the ground and that there is zero chance of anything coming of their hook up. 
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zayadriancas · 6 years ago
Believe makes me hate the Degrassi Nudes storyline even more. I understood why Zoe did it but the way she used her assault as a way to make it look like she couldn’t have been behind Degrassi Nudes and the fact that she convinced the rest of the team to do it despite it being child pornography sent a really bad message and it just is disappointing after how well written the storyline was in Season 13, they had to taint it in Season 14 with that ridiculous storyline. But regardless, I still am so proud of Zoe in Believe for her speech and my heart broke for her in this episode as well but I’m glad she got justice against those disgusting monsters. I also felt terrible for Becky that she was made to feel bad for telling the truth by her rotten family. And I love Drew but despite his intentions not being evil it was gross of him to basically imply that it would be okay for Becky to side with Luke. I know he just knew it would be hard for her to lose her brother but like he looked so disappointed in court when she told the truth and I was like really Drew, what the fuck?
Also I know Z*emund is completely irreverent now for several reasons and although this was like their only decent episode (despite Zoe stealing drugs from him and being aggressive in the hallway) I still can’t really comprehend how Zig basically saying she’s not the only one with problems, talking about his problems, then telling Zoe to get rid of the pills was build up to their “relationship” or how Zig telling her she should be proud (which is what anyone should be saying) + giving him money to pay off the gang which Maya already tried to do by giving money to Tiny somehow meant that they were meant to be to a lot of people for so long. Especially since all that happened after that was Zoe asking him to the dance which ended in Zoe and Maya fighting and no Zoemund build up at all and then they get back to school and it’s just sexual flirting for like 2 and a half episodes until Zoe sees Zig getting sent random nudes and gets mad and writes him off when he tells her he doesn’t want sexy pics from her even though he was looking out for her and saying it in a way that wasn’t judgmental at all? Then when she gives him a second chance she tells him he’s better off without her immediately after and Zig is clearly over it and then Zaya happens. I just don’t understand, how before Zoe turned out to be a lesbian Zoemund was somehow soulmates. And the one time they hooked up it was when they were in love with other people and Zoe did it purely for revenge with no regard to Zig’s feelings and filmed it without his consent which is another thing to be disappointed about because she clearly didn’t learn from Degrassi Nudes and it wasn’t her trying to prove she wasn’t a victim like with Degrassi Nudes either, it was purely selfish. I just don’t understand how Zoe kept doing things like that after what happened to her when she clearly knew how bad it felt. Anyway I’m sorry I’m done ranting. But Z*emund, M*tlingsworth, and D*ecky are 3 of the grossest Ships to ever happen of course excluding the obvious disgusting abusive couples like Alli/Leo, Terri/Rick, etc.
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cardinal-rivas · 9 years ago
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Me whenever I see “Zoe”, “Zig” and “baby” in one sentence.
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bloodhush · 9 years ago
Calling all shippers !
Alright, I'mma cut right to the chase : I'm at a total editing block. I have so many ideas and things rolling around in my head, but I have nowhere to start from. Sooo, I decided to open video requests ! Reblog or message me with what pairings you'd like to see and a few songs. If any of the ideas interest me, I'll be glad to do them ! no zoemund please. or anything on gmw that isn't rilaya or larkle.
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deathcitybitch · 9 years ago
I swear if Zoe is pregnant I will freak out
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trileszaya-blog · 9 years ago
@zayahankypanky replied to your post:
I still lean towards thinking they didn’t have sex. A type of sex, maybe, but not intercourse. Plus the way Maya was talking about what Zig and Zoe did. She said she imagines Zoe’s hands all over him and.. I don’t know. It doesn’t quite sound like sex to me and the fact that they continuously say making out. Still, it’s dumb to keep it a secret. However, at this point, too much time has passed for them to clear it up without it seeming awkward.
Yeah, I completely agree. I’m guessing they “hooked up” in the more literal sense without it being simply making out or full intercourse. Like what Jay and Emma did in the ravine... *shudders at the thought of Zoemund* Either way, what happened was gross. :p I really didn’t want Zoemund to get together in any sense, especially while he was still in a relationship with Maya. But you know, the writers love their drama I suppose. And like you said, I feel like the characters have moved on to the point where it’d be too awkward to address and clarify it in casual conversation.
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pandora-degrassi · 9 years ago
Why are there anti Zoemund posts in the tag?
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