#Anti RTN Sakura
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madara-fate · 1 year ago
Hey, hope you're doing well! I just discovered your blog and you are literally a blessing to this abandoned fandom. Honestly, you're one of the few to tell it like it is without exaggerating or softening the facts and that's REALLY refreshing. Although I cannot say that I agree with all of your points of view, they are nevertheless all relevant and sobering. I left this fandom 5 years ago, recently came back for Sasuke Retsuden and I'm glad to know that their general mentality hasn't changed😑 Discovering your blog has been a real breath of fresh air for me among this sea of ​​bullshit that exists in the Fandom.
i have never seen such a toxic and ballistic fandom in my life, no wonder it has its own fucking anti-tag-
Anyway, just to tell you that I love you, never change and you are amazing.
ps: I came across some pretty funny stuff a few days ago: basically the person implied that if Charasuke's main characteristic was to be a Casanova and THEREFORE heterosexual, that means the canonical Sasuke is gay . .. sorry, but I searched and still couldn't find how the person came to this conclusion😂
On the same day, I came across another article that talked about SS/SH and basically said that even though SH is a crack ship, it actually makes more sense that I quote "a girl who spends her time stalking him and chasing him" and I was like wtf?! I know you're not interested in ship wars and baleen, but this really got me thinking about how most Hinata fans view her character. Like, I know I have no right to judge their expeditions because they do what they want but when I was still reading fanfics written about this couple (something I very quickly gave up because of…lots of things)
with insinuating CANNON COMPLIANT tags or even meta-analysis of what the ship could have been if it existed and how it would have been better for them and blablabla, I ended up wondering if they even really love Hinata for what she IS canonically or for their own fantasized vision of her?! (and that goes for Sakura and Sasuke too, which I sometimes wonder if their fans even understand their characters)
but hey…I guess given the fandom we're in, that shouldn't even surprise me anymore…
Brief! sorry for this long diatribe (initially, I was planning to do a little thank you thing but the plan went a little off the rails 😅) I wish you a good week in any case and thank you again for the joy you bring us!
Sorry in advance for my English, it's not my mother tongue😭
Many thanks for the kind words of support! ^_^
ps: I came across some pretty funny stuff a few days ago: basically the person implied that if Charasuke's main characteristic was to be a Casanova and THEREFORE heterosexual, that means the canonical Sasuke is gay . .. sorry, but I searched and still couldn't find how the person came to this conclusion😂
The RTN characters opposites to their regular selves personality wise, not sexuality wise. Hence, none of the other canonically straight characters were depicted as gay in RTN. But Sasuke who was canonically shown to ignore the advances of all the girls was depicted as a ladies man, Hinata who was canonically shown to be very shy and introverted was depicted as loud and brash etc.
On the same day, I came across another article that talked about SS/SH and basically said that even though SH is a crack ship, it actually makes more sense that I quote "a girl who spends her time stalking him and chasing him" and I was like wtf?!
Sasuke and Hinata never said a word to each other until deep into their adulthood, and they think that would have made more sense than Sasuke being with someone who he himself described as being dear to him and one of his two precious comrades? Jeez.
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naruhinaluvrx · 8 years ago
Why is it people think just because their world is opposite,Menma has to marry Sakura and Hinata has to marry Sasuke (Since they are Kishimoto's characters,and not SP's,it's not hard to tell who would actually be married together) That's like saying Minato has to marry Mebuki,Kushina has to marry Kizashi,Hiashi has to marry Mikoto,and Hinata's mother has to marry Fugaku in that world because it's opposite
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lunaneko14 · 8 years ago
Naruto related Shower Thoughts
Its really a shame the Road to Ninja plot was wasted on Sakura 
I mean how awesome would it have been if it was taken 2 movies forward and it was about Boruto understanding his father? 
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Like if Shin (another wasted character) made a genjutsu world where Boruto was an orphan and since his parents died young, Himawari wouldn’t be born
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or maybe she was born but with Kurama sealed in her and Boruto had to take care of her and not let her get bullied by the villagers for it. 
With Sakura her understanding was never that deep:
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She didn’t want any parents because she was a lazy bitch who didn’t want to do chores or listen to her parents. 
Boruto on the other hand
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Boruto doesn’t complain about Hinata’s discipline he just follows it 
What he complains about is Naruto NOT being there which means if he were there:
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He’d be happy as we see in the film AND series. 
But Sasuke also hits the nail on the head on what Boruto is missing:
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 Also, the plot was wasted on Sakura because it’s something that was already resolved in canon
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Like she says this dumb shit right here
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When Sasuke already told her ass to shut the fuck up. 
This isn’t even a valuable lesson for her like.......I grew up in a house with 7 people and not once did I think it was ok to pick on an orphan or wish my parents were dead because I didn’t want to follow the rules. Honestly, the whole movie was a waste of time and it would’ve been put into better use with Boruto
Like we can have the Boruto movie (as is) make it up to just before the chunin exams (but after Boruto has the campfire talk with Sasuke) but then Shin (or the Ootsutsuki villains) puts Boruto (and maybe the other kids) in a genjutsu.
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And Sasuke comes back either in a call back to the camp fire scene or is able to break the genjutsu and now Boruto has to rescue his father. 
There you go.
I just made RTN 10000 times better and Boruto 50% better
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shannarous · 3 years ago
Funny, how a pair of glasses and their hate for Sakura and SS was enough for antis to claim, that Sasuke supposedly cheated on Sakura with Kar!n, got Kari!n pregnant, took the supposedly "love child" away from the love of his life Kar!n, dumped it at Sakura, the girl he supposedly always hated, married Sakura, the girl he supposedly always hated, gave Sakura his clan crest, the girl he supposedly always hated and not his true love Kar!n. What is more disgusting is, that all this comes most of the time from self proclaimed Sasuke "fans" and they CELEBRATE that Sasuke is a cheater and dumped his bastard child at Sakura, who RAISED her supposedly adoptive child like her own.
But they bash SAKURA all the time. The woman, who according to them, took care of a child, that neither the supposedly true mother nor the cheater wanted!
For people, who claim to be Sasuke and Kar!n fans....they really want their faves to be the most disgusting people in the manga.
(Info: I don't want to bash Sasuke with this! He is my favorite character in Naruto! But I just wanted to show, how these fans act with these weird as f*ck claims!)
All of this!
Sakura will just never be enough for the haters, no matter what she does or how she develops. She could save the whole ninja world by healing them, bring them world peace, and they would still hate and bash her while at the same time finding excuses for the worst crimes of their fav characters.
How can they even call themselves Sasuke fans if they think he'd do something horrible as cheating on his wife and dumping his bastard on her to raise. It's like the polar opposite of his character. Maybe they confused him with RtN!Sasuke, lol.
And on top of that, those are often the same people who call SasuSaku abusive. Yeah, sure.
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naruchankavaii · 8 years ago
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Tfw you’re a NaruSaku shipper and just uploaded an AMV.
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pinkbarefacedbeauty · 6 years ago
NS fanfics
Listen. I just want a fanfic that ends the way it should be. Naruto ‘saved’ Sasuke at the valley of the end after the 4th war. Sasuke doesn’t remain this evil guy who seeks to separate or kill Naruto, Sakura and the village again (even though he had valid reasons for why he wanted to). Sasuke is not an obstacle between Naruto and Sakura because he was not interested in a first place. (I see a lot of SS/NH shippers say that NS seem like siblings, but that is just not the case.  When I think of SS and NH all the feelings are one sided on Sakura and Hinata’s side respectively. Even though Sakura is canonically older of the three, Sakura reminds me of a girl who has a crush on the handsome older neighbor guy who is friends with her friend, Naruto who has a crush on her, and Sasuke in the equation treats her like a little sister. Absolutely NO INTEREST. Let me get back, I want Sasuke to have not gotten off lightly, but I also do not forsee him wanting to stay in Konoha. I want the truth about the UCHIHA MASSACRE to be revealed. Itachi is dead and gone, it is time for Sasuke to have justice and not people looking at him like he had no reason for doing what he did to Danzo. Plus it would be nice if people recognized just how much Itachi sufferred to protect the village (JUSTICE!!)
I want Naruto and Sakura and whomever else to be complacent in the fact that Sasuke isn’t going to go around doing evil things and let Sasuke travel around with Team Taka until he feels ready to come back to Konoha, and when he does feel ready he adopts Juugo and Suigetsu as Uchihas and they move into a compound in or just outside the village (I do not think Sasuke would be fine mentally to go back to the Uchiha compound so maybe he gives that as an orphanage space for kids who lost their parents, ect,), but Karin doesn’t want to be adopted because she loves him and they explore their relationship and talk out their issues/feelings. (SASUKARIN) 
Also Orochimaru is NOT given a pass to roam around Konoha freely and he is not given a pass to EXPERIMENT ON HUMANS which is what he was exiled for IN THE FIRST PLACE. NARUTO and the village as a whole are NOT OKAY WITH THAT. Orochimaru is under heavy surveillance, not doubting Yamato’s prowess but maybe chakra restraints on Orochimaru, idk the dude (?) is weird.
Naruto and Sakura just as what was shown canonically hang out in Sasuke’s absence, occasionally meeting up with the other teams, squad leaders (funny Gai and Kakashi Inserts, Iruka (Iruka does not look 70, he looks as he should- younger than Kakashi). When they meet up with other teams, Naruto remembers Hinata’s confession, and feels that before he can confess to Sakura he goes to HInata to show her gratitude for putting her life on the line for him twice but tells her he cant return her feelings as his heart already belongs to one woman (just as Jiraiya did). (Also since NH like to try to spout BS about Hinata being a healer, maybe she actually healed Neji until more professional help came instead of just watching him bleed out right in front of her-a medic no matter where is supposed to heal, periodt!),  Neji is ALLLIVEEE.
After one particular outing, Naruto walks her home (not being forced but because he wants to) everything is calm and Naruto finallly confesses her feelings, he even tells her EVERYTHING, about disguising as Sasuke to kiss her. He either leaves to let her collect her thoughts but tells her he wont stop wooing her. Sakura does not need to react then and there. She starts to think of everything he has ever done for her, him encouraging her and protecting her and more, remembers the times Sasuke even told her how much Naruto cared like the gaara fight. How he is her motivation to become stronger. She thinks about how she had to revive him TWICE, how his heart was and is in HER hands and knows that they complete each other. Heaven and Earth symbols galore.
She finds him the next day (training with Kakashi/Tsunade or whomever as works on studying to become hokage (he is a good fighter, but needs to learn more leadership and hardships of a leader.-> I actually didn’t mind Kakashi as Hokage I do wish he did cooler things or was more badass as Hokage but I like the Idea of Tsunade passing down the mantle to Naruto.) SHE asks him on a date.(Now you know how symbolic this is). They walk together, Naruto fumbles/doesn’t know where to put his hands in nervousness until she uncrosses her arms from behind her back and takes hold of his hand with a blush on her face. Maybe a little clip/ image of their younger selves holding hands/walking together as they did. (I love younger Sakura’s cute little green dress).
Further down the line, Naruto reminsces about meeting Sakura’s parents for the first time and how accepting they were and no cliches about Mebuki knowing or being friends with Kushina. (Becasue i’m like why weren’t they more around Naruto even though his parentage was a secret anyone could look at his face and know that he is Minato’s child and thus Kushina’s, especially if they were close friends). OR maybe Mebuki remembers when she had invited Naruto over for dinner once or twice way when they were genin and she noticed how their personalities complimented then but said nothing because she knew Sakura was so Sasuke- focused then (I don’t like adding to much noncanon things but this is not bad). --MAYBE RTN COULD BE INPUT HERE INSTEAD to satisfy the whole meeting the parents concept.
On a Hinata note,  watanukisakuya has a good idea for rewriting the Last movie. This would show Hinata’s growth and ability to do something without thinking about n-n-naruto kun. I rather a badass mother and clan leader Hinata than a housewife (no offense to housewives but this is the ninja world hunny). I do not know who she would end up with but I admit to being biased to KibaHina ShinHina or maybe someone from within a clan. It would be cool if it was a lower branch member (not Neji they are cousins), and work to end the slavery (She sves her own family, especially out of gratitude for Neji, no help needed from Naruto).
The wedding
The night before I do want Naruto’s swing in frame (XD) think about his lonliness and the waterfall training with Bee when he thought about his anti self, to how much love he is receiving now and how happy he is. This would essentially be in Naruto and Sakura POV. This doesn’t need to take 40 minutes of characters finding gifts, but be focused on NARUSAKU’s journey together. Naruto thinks of all the people who have helped/supported him. I did like Iruka standing in as his father. I want Naruto to think about his parents and their sacrifice so that he could be here. Sakura remember’s Minato request of her to take care of his son and promises to do just that. Tsunade and Naruto thinks of Jiraiya.
Beocming Hokage
They do have their son Shinachiku, Hanami and Hanako, and Lastly Arashi. (Shinachiku is already born and twins are on the way, Arashi has not been concieved yet).
We finally get to see Naruto become Hokage.  Yes, Shikamaru is his advisor. (Even though I hate the Boruto series, I love the idea of a bond between their children).
 Naruto has to deal with the after affects of the war. Addressing smaller villages concerns about 5 nations having all of the power and wars that essentially hurt small villages the most. War relief fund set up between all the big villages to help smaller villages. (I do not know how to manage the ideas of the Daimyo’s v. leaders of villages yet.) Though Hinata would have dealt with Slavery in her clan, I would like their to be some failsafe that Narutoo put in place to make completely sure. I want Naruto to make sure that there is never another Danzo.
Sakura deals with the strains of motherhood, being a wife, and the head of the hospital, helping run the orphanage w/ Team Taka and Ino in the old Uchiha compound.
Naruto the Next GEN
It would not be titled after new character. Everyone did not pair up and have babies at the SAME TIME. Sasuke would probably have had a baby first out of everyone with Karin. I think NaruSaku would follow. Maybe Ino has a baby by the time NS are on the twins. SOME Pairings babies would be the same age, give or take a few months, but split up ages amongst the rest. 
Naruto and Sakura
Sasuke and Karin
Shikamaru and Temari
Chouji and Ino
Kiba and Amaru (met on a mission)
Tenten and Rock Lee (I’ll admit I like RockTen or NejiTen, idc)
Neji and whomever, i’m still thinking
Hinata and ex-lower branch member (or Shino or Kiba, I like Amaru with Kiba too though)
Hanabi and Konohamaru
(Though there is peace times, I will think that there would be a few strangler bad guys, but nothing that they can not handle, and there is still the matter of the rest of the otosuki. NO NO ASTRONOMY. I hate it. No trains. No futurama look to the village, Leave it as the same aesthetically pleasing rustic village look)
(Ninjas will be ninjas so people will still train, if not only to just defend themselves and keep the tradition alive (like dojos) but yes some people do fall off on being ninjas. Not as many people want it.) There are more jobs though.)
For some reason, I have the impression that the world of Naruto as we know it is not the entirety of the globe, so there are still other villages (Yes, they might have been caught up in the infinite tsukuyomi as well without knowing whats going on)..I don’t know if the other villages are evil or not etc)
More to be added later...
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neblinallameante · 7 years ago
MenCharaMen Week (ESP) [6-12 ago.]
La versión de RTN de la OTP Legendaria ha sido brutalmente ignorada con el paso de los años. Sin embargo, su ahora diminuto fandom está dispuesto a lo imposible para verla crecer en contenido y fans. ¡Bienvenida sea la MCM Week!
El MCM es la abreviatura de la pareja conformada por Menma Uzumaki (el Naruto de Road to Ninja) y Uchiha Sasuke, mejor conocido en este universo como Charasuke (apodo dado por Sakura en el CD drama).
Sobre Charasuke: 
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Entendido como Sasuke con una personalidad opuesta. En el universo RTN, la masacre Uchiha nunca ocurrió, por lo que se entiende que tuvo una infancia sana, además de que su hermano está vivo y pertenece a Akatsuki, que en este universo es una organización aliada a Konoha. Es coqueto y extrovertido.
Acostumbra cargar una flor en su solapa que ofrece a las chicas que busca conquistar. Por lo anterior, es popular con las chicas (a las que acostumbra llamar “koneko-chan”), aunque es rechazado constantemente por Sakura Haruno y Hinata Hyuuga.
Sobre Menma: 
(Película RTN)
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(Relleno del anime)
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Debido a que en el universo RTN sus padres no murieron a causa del Kyuubi (sino los padres de Sakura), Menma creció con su familia intacta y grandes deseos de ser un buen ninja. Es serio, introvertido, frío y calculador; esto, aparentemente, lo vuelve un imán de chicas como Sakura y Hinata, aunque él las rechaza constantemente.
Si bien en la película posee una personalidad distinta (más violenta debido a sus intenciones de acabar con Naruto), es preciso recordar que se debe a que Obito lo tenía poseído para sus objetivos en el genjutsu.
ACLARACIÓN: La dinámica de Menma y Charasuke como pareja NO ES IGUAL a la de Naruto y Sasuke. Si bien no es un opuesto, que sus personalidades sean contrarias a sus versiones originales no implica que sólo se inviertan los papeles en su interacción.
Arte por Dackar: https://www.deviantart.com/dakcar/
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Arte por CCComar: https://twitter.com/CcConmar
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Arte por NeblinaLlameante: https://twitter.com/EnyaFeer
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Girasol por Higary: http://www.amor-yaoi.com/fanfic/viewstory.php?sid=143192#sthash.41j8q5NY.dpbs
Rose in my heart por Shiki 1221: http://www.amor-yaoi.com/fanfic/viewstory.php?sid=196473#sthash.b9g5oeg9.LL7WsLCB.dpbs
Take care of me por NeblinaLlameante: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12849167/1/Take-care-of-me
Una vez planteado lo anterior, a continuación se dan las ideas para cada día de la week:
[Día 1] LUNES - NIÑOS: Contenido que implique a Menma y Charasuke como infantes.
[Día 2] MARTES - ROSAS Y GIRASOLES: Contenido que incluya rosas y girasoles, al relacionar estas flores con Charasuke y Menma respectivamente.
[Día 3] MIÉRCOLES - CHICOS MALOS: Contenido que muestre a Charasuke/Menma con una actitud rebelde, no conformista o peligrosa.
[Día 4] JUEVES - PARQUE DE DIVERSIONES: Contenido relacionado con Menma y Charasuke en un parque de diversiones.
[Día 5] VIERNES - SEDUCCIÓN: Contenido relacionado con Menma/Charasuke haciendo cualquier cosa para “seducir” al otro.
[Día 6] SÁBADO - CITA PERFECTA: Contenido relacionado con cómo sería la cita perfecta de este par.
[Día 7] DOMINGO - FAMILIA: Contenido relacionado con ellos con sus respectivas familias, o ellos formando una familia.
Etiquetar su contenido con los tags #MCMWeek #MenCharaMenWeek #MenmaUzumaki #CharasukeUchiha y #MenCharaMen. No es con intención de agobiarlos el que los incluyan todos, sino para que el contenido se difunda lo más posible y llegue a más posibles interesados en la ship.
Contenido anti está prohibido. Es muy pronto para traer arena a esta hermosa pareja.
No repost ni edición de contenido ajeno sin su respectiva autorización.
Divertirse, por sobre todas las cosas.
5. Última, pero no menos importante, que todas sus creaciones sean hechas con amor.
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fuckishimoto · 8 years ago
I'm not an anti, but I wanted to rant. As much as I ship both NaruSaku and SasuSaku, I really can't with both fandoms. They are so pro-Sakura, it hurts. For me, both fandoms are just too close-minded when it comes to Sakura's unpopularity. And both are hypocritical. Kishi really didn't gave that much of a damn about pairings outside of NaruSasu. So when I see NaruSaku look at RtN as Kishi's last "true work", I cringe. It's been confirmed many times that Kishi only participated in the (1)
shadows. The only movie Kishimoto himself, in public, confirm the he was active in, that he confirm is canon, and he himself has took a huge part in the writing, was Boruto. It's laughable how they look at the movie that was never confirmed canon, had made Sakura so OOC and unlikable, and also has it's semi fair share of plotholes, as something pro-NaruSaku and Kishi's last best work, when Boruto best it by a long mile, even with some antis. With, SasuSaku, to keep it short, Gaiden. (2)
Gaiden alone. As much problems that NH have, out of all three, NH has step on the least amount of shit. And both has some sort of obsession towards popularity. Like with SasuSaku, it's always a popularity contest with NH. They keep shoving popularity. It's like no, it only makes you look insecure that you need to defend "it's popular!", to validate our ship. And NaruSaku, they blame everyone outside of our ship for it's unpopularity, like Sakura hadn't took a major part towards NaruSaku. (3)
One of the reasons I lost interest and move towards multi-shipping with NaruSaku, was with how one-sided it is. Like, I know Naruto is in love Sakura, but Sakura was so all over the place with her feeling, the only that kept getting confirmed was that she is still was in love with Sasuke after all the NaruSaku moments. Not like SasuSaku was also one-sided, either. And don't support the POAL because Kishi shut it down himself and turned it into NaruSasu moment. I hate that it took 700 for (4)
NaruSaku to see the flaws in Kishi, and it took Gaiden for SasuSaku. It took their ships to be shat on to see flaws, even though both ships where shat on way before the ending. I hate how they turn Sakura into some victim when she's just a drawing on recycled paper. I hate how express their resentment towards what they received by putting all the blame on Hinata, like Sakura was anyway likable either. I'm jumbled up with my rant but my dash literally became some anti-Hinata zone (5)
and I just want to say, what are you guys still so caught up with how NaruSaku/SasuSaku make more sense? How can you now see the flaws presented in both ships? How can you not see wasted potential in both? How did ships took preference over plot? How does everyone and their grandparents knew, outside of you both, that the only ship Kishi gave an inkling of a damn about is NaruSasu? Can't you see that there are so many better heroines outside of Naruto? I'm just tired of the pro-ship rants. (End)
I can understand why they’re still squabbling over what ships are more popular cos that’s Naruto’s major appeal, its popularity and a huge fanbase. The quality of the content of course is utter shit. But the fact is a lot of casual anime fans just want to be part of a shipping fandom that everyone knows about and it’s canon, it’s especially true for the kids who joined the fandom after the ending.
However, I honestly cannot understand what people see in Sakura and Hinata, ok they’re “relatable” cos they have a crush on a boy. But do they actually think other people would give a flying fuck about another fangirl character in a shonen? only shippers can get some enjoyment out of these two characters by shipping them with other characters. To non shippers, their characters are nuisance.
NS are so blind when it comes to understanding Kishimoto. I remember they were so convinced SS wouldn’t become canon cos SS was “unhealthy”. I don’t know what gave them the idea Kishimoto cared about what’s “healthy”, he’s the same the dude who kept writing a propaganda about how dying for your village is glorious. He’s also the dude who wrote a MC obsessively chasing another another guy and forcing him back to the village. He’s a person who cannot understand a genocide and slavery are absolutely wrong. Why would NS expect him to care about trivial things like what’s a healthy romantic relationship???
I hate victim!sakura too (she didn’t suffer cos of sasuke, she only suffered from her own infatuation, and there’s nothing sympathetic about it). But I hate victim!hinata more. I HATE how hinata fans try to emotionally blackmail people by saying “are you hating on a shy girl? you’re a terrible person”. It makes me hate all shy characters. I’m no sakura fans, but I think hinata thoroughly deserves the hate she gets from sakura fans. HInata is every bit unlikable as sakura, I started to find her character annoying the third time she said “naruto kun”. 
It’s also true hinata fanboys like forneverworld and sawyer7mage are especially resentful of sakura cos she friendzoned naruto. That’s a way worse reason to hate sakura than why sakura fans hate hinata. Friendzoning naruto is the best fking thing sakura ever did, naruto is self absorbed needy douche who lied about genocide, as selfish as sakura is as a person, she still deserves someone better than naruto. 
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schaynotchan · 8 years ago
I've been through all of the anti-SS moments our fandom would poke fun of (and at times when I was a bit "meh", made fun of myself) to cheer ourselves up from our sadness. I've read respectful anti-SS rants. I don't know what happen since the Boruto movie came about (that's when I started notice and distance myself from fandom), but the Naruto fandom in general started to become very spiteful. I remember when some SS shippers drove one of their own out of the fandom because she wanted more [2/3]
SSmoments because of the lack of attention. And I also remember SNS getting intoa meaningless argument over who tops (one I didn't participate, luckily). Andsome NS shippers getting into a debate over RtN and whether it was anti-Sakuraor not. Short: I've seen people arguing and insulting their own shippers overmeaning crap that have never existed before the ending. It became that bad. Istarted distancing myself from SNS during the whole "who tops?"debate, but when 685 came out [3/4]
animated,I couldn't stay. The insults some SNS shippers had towards the SS shipperslegitimately triggered me. My personal story: I have a brother who has autism.My father, when he angry, would always talk down to my brother when he had donesomething very wrong. He would say how much he wish he could send him to amental hospital, "why is so r-slur", "look how dumb he'sbeing"...I know my dad doesn't truly mean it, sometimes life isn't great100% of the time. But man, it hurts, it [4/5]
reallyhurts to hear the names brother has been called, and my brother can't do shitbecause he doesn't understand the insults. It would cause a tear in my housewith my dad, mom and sis; my dad wants to send him away because he can't takeof him. I pray everyday that my brother would talk, and that my dad wouldn'tharbor such bad feelings. So I was WTF! when I see anti-SS, some in my own OTPfandom, call out SS shippers as "needing to go to some mentalhospital" or "how they need [5/6]
therapy",and how "they are so sick in the head". "What's in yourhead", "I only wish the worst for them, tbh". Like shit, thislow class insults over a fiction couple? It triggered me to where I couldn'tship SNS anymore (my bro is always first over fiction) becuase, like this NEVERhappened before (at least I've never seen this throughout my time in SNS,before the ending, and even a bit after the ending). Like I've seen shit withSS, NH, and NS, but it just hurts a lot more when it's [6/7]
comingfrom your own OTP's fandom. I just couldn't keep shipping, and I had to drop.Luckily, Yuri on Ice came out weeks later to cheer me up from the toxic fandom.I mean I still ship SNS (I lurk around to view art then leave), but's its myex-OTP. More so, I'm trying to move on, because the Naruto fandom has turn intoa pile of (tasteless insults, personal stalking and bashing, and at timedoxxing) shit. And to be more honest, I became more open minded to SS because Idid meet cool [7/8]
people.It's one thing I wish from the Naruto fandom; what need do have to resort topersonal bashing just to get a point across? We know how significant SNS wasfor Naruto in general. Since when do we wish for the worst for others who havea different opinion over a work of FICTION that makes them happy as well? It'snot like I've never seen the insults from the pro-enders, but that's why Istayed within SNS. So it hurts when even the place you seek for comfort is nolonger comfortable. [8/9]
I'msorry for the long winded rant. Tbh, you aren't the first shipper I told thisabout in anon, but when I saw your response, I was like "Okay! Anothershipper that isn't blinded to how bad the fandom became!" I mean, I'm herefor SNS Week because it's one of the rare times the fandom is enjoyable; beforethe ending. I wish people would have an engaging debate without the need toinsult; it's one of the major reasons why the Naruto fandom is so close mindedin opinions. If people just [9/10]
respected each other in fandom, had chapter 700 came out, we might havehad pro-enders more understanding on why the ending was flawed or why we seeSNS; we probably would have been more sympathetic towards SS's treatment withSP. But you have pro-enders simply staying so more out of spite against us, andI definitely don't feel that much sympathy for SS for the shit I've been withthem. I hope I didn't give you the idea that SNS is bad; I'm saying that thewhole Naruto fandom is bad. [End]
So I didn’t got the first ask because tumblr ate it. But because I think you send me each part right after writing it, and probably don’t have a copy of the first part I’ll try to answer all that without it!
Oh god, I actually don't really know what to answer. Idon't have any experience with answering such kind of asks. I hope that I canstill give you a more or less good answer. I knew that we and other Naruto fandoms where through a lot of toxic times. I personally didn't experience any of those (where I'm grateful for tbh) because I only joined the SNS Tumblr fandom about a Year ago.  So I can't really talk out of my own point of view, but I knew it was really bad. I know a lot of people left or distanced themselves like you back then. Although I must say... reading all this, with the examples you gave me... sounds a lot worse than I imagined... I'm always shocked when I read about these times.
I understand why you left the SNS fandom and tried to move on, especially with your personal story behind it. You know, I have always support happiness and mental health about everything else, so moving on was a good decision in your case. When I would've been in the fandom back then I probably would've also left.
I think nowadays the SNS fandom is acceptable and non toxic (although it could be better) but I also know that this is only MY experience and that some of my mutuals disagree. As I said in my game reply before, we often only see a small part of the actual fandoms content depending on what blogs we follow. I strictly unfollow people who insult too much or make fun of any kind of deeper topics like mental health, sexuality, ethnic etc. You couldsay that I somewhat turn a blind eye to the unhealthy part of the fandom. Soit's still a safe place for me. But regardingless of what I just said, I agreewith you anon. Especially with this part:
It'sone thing I wish from the Naruto fandom; what need do have to resort topersonal bashing just to get a pointacross? We know how significant SNS was for Naruto in general. Since when do we wish for the worst forothers who have a different opinion over a work of FICTION that makes them happy as well?
I wish the Naruto fandom could prove their pointswithout bashing, insulting and looking down on others. I also wish thatwe could discuss about the positive and negative things about a fictional workwithout dictating other peoples views and what they should enjoy and what not.
As you probably know, I personally am anti ending/anti SS/anti NH, but I respect other peoples opinion. As long as they are happy with their ship and their ending and respect me, they shall have it! I know that some pro Enders actually follow me so I know it is possible to get along with each other even when our opinions don't match. I don't know why this seems to be so difficult for others.  
And no, you didn’t give me the idea that SNS is bad, I was mostly already aware of all that. Even that “The whole Naruto fandom is bad”. I know that the Naruto fandom is one of the most toxic anime fandoms out there.
The thing is, Naruto was a fictional work that did go on forever. A lot of people grew up with it and it became a big part of them. Myself included. If you hold something - fictional or not - so dear to you, for so many years, you want to defend it, you are angry about some parts and you try to push everyone who tries to crush your view about the show away. Because at some point, it starts to get REALLY personal. Your feelings for the stories are real and valid. I believe that that’s one of the reasons why the Naruto fandom is like this. A lot of us take things that are about Naruto really personal and get biased about it.
I still hope that we could get along better with each other. We are all one fandom. And if we can’t get along side by side, we at least could try our best to talk with each other politely. Without insulting one another.
Thank you so much for taking your time to share your story with me!
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zotmoun · 7 years ago
Lmao well this is the most dumbest and saltiest rant I've read since the start of the year. Boy 4 years and these "invested readers" still missing tons of content written by Kishimoto then go online to show their ignorance.
Starting from Sasuke Uchiha , you say he's the one who came from a traumatized background of having his clan massecred. Yet in the continuous chapter Sasuke began being empathetic towards Itachi and that flew under the Radar since you put the blame on Konoha. As Konoha is the scapegoat you chosen to ignore Obito and Madara's influence surrounding the messed up state of the Uchiha clan.Now you turn around and say that Sasuke lays a follower to Konoha even though this did not happen in ending but during the war arc. Itachi's goal were mainly for Konoha's interest and Sasuke chosen to respect it. Yet I don't see one trace looking to call out how Sasuke respected his brother and family who supported the Uchiha massecre. Or did you just want to look dumb?
Ah yes the child Shinobi system, or what I like to call the "PLOT". Yes as much as shounen mangas love throwing kids in death battles from since earlier days of astro boy. It's now the era of Boruto have you ever noticed how they need to continue the plot? Wow hopefully you've stopped reading shounen mangas since all the newer one (my hero academia, black clover etc ) all feature children being placed into life or death situations.
Who cares about the Hyuuga branch system ? Not you especially lol as no matter how much Hiashi implies he's proud of changing the system that even in the war arc he stands with Neji (from the side branch ). Yeah that's right I'm sure you don't know who that chatacter was. What's that he's very supportive of Konoha and many Hyuugas will risked their lives for Konoha than the hyuuga clan , gee I wonder how that missed such a invested reader like yourself.
Sasuke would challenge the system , sure thing as he just stated he wanted to protect the system Itachi wished to preserve. Nice heading there that you are literally inserting your own fantasies upon Sasuke then claim Sasuke would do it. Boy you sure know how not notice anything that happened in the series.
Gotta know who the hell is "they" when Gaiden was written by one guy who said yeah Sasuke isn't gonna beat Shin Uchiha because I need to show how savage Sakura is. And you're complaining? Wow this is much as pathetic as watching the same fans whine that Sakura wears an apron then kept quiet after seeing that she's still running the medic team in the village.Nope need something to whine about , Sakura one upping Sasuke , there you go , chew on that bone.
We're all glad Boruto happened so that we have more content in the continuous milking that series live up to. If fans are happy and it prints money then why would shounen jump ceased all production?
Kishimoto sucked at writing a romance story but he still wants to say fuck you to fans who literally couldn't see Naruhina happening away. Have you not seen his promo for RtN he left a special present for people like you. The worse part about this is how salty fans are so delusional they think Kishimoto wants their interest. Even yet again Kishimoto jumped on another interview to say "fuck you if you still didn't get the message".Yet you can't get that processed.
In Naruto the last a movie created for Naruto and Hinata as interviewed by the media for Naruhina fans. Yet this person takes the time to not get all that to say how Sasuke and Sakura never corresponded the whole movie. Like we know The Last is like years old but really you still that desperate?
Ok so Sasuke shares his views of Naruto in Shinden series and in Sakura Hiden he goes to see Sakura in person. That's his priorities . That's what he did , sorry he's not like "oh look at how I should get everyone to do what I want and Shinobi system stuff". Nope, Sasuke turned out to be someone who wants to protect the people he cares about. So sad.
So you're an anti fan who just made up these "pro fans" reasons for supporting the materials while ignoring the real reason pro fans supported the Naruto hiden series was because they liked it. To push positivity in the hopes of looking forward to more content that shounen jump considers updating.
You're talking about investing time into a series that you mostly got into by illegally reading/watching. Now the series didn't care for your favour of shipping preferences, you don't lose any money or anything cause the author , editors , staff of the manga and anime didn't make a dime off you so really kishimoto doesnt care that you're still pushing a dead topic for years.
Why does everyone hate Boruto? Boruto is not that bad people just want give him the chance
I have deliberately avoided answering Boruto questions on this blog any longer due to the fact it gets me heated. 
However despite this, I still am sent questions regarding this shithole series and people are still curious about what I think of it now, 40 something episodes in. To the person who sends me continuous information on the series: I don’t care and never have. Please stop. To everyone else: I haven’t always been entirely honest about how I really feel about Boruto, sarcasm aside.
So here you go.
Warning: This answer is not pointed towards you individually (anonymous). Please don’t take everything I’m about to say personal or as a direct attack on you. 
Naruto might’ve “ended” fifteen years ago, and people who are still angry have every god given right to be.Because when you “end” a story in a mediocre, anti climatic, unsatisfactory bullshit way, it’s going to piss a lot of people off—as it rightfully should.Because when you disrespect your own characters the way Masashi Kishimoto did, a lot of people who spent most of their childhoods invested in the livelihood of the characters only to be told at the ending “I don’t actually give a single fuck about these characters or what they were primarily intended to represent” is a huge bitch slap to the face to the people who supported the creators work and art after all that time. It’s disgusting, it’s triggering and it’s horrifying. Sasuke’s character is primarily so popular due to how savage his creator treated him. Kishimoto started this universe off with a child suffering from traumatic loss by someone he adored with the essence of his existence—to end it by making that character not only a dog to the system that betrayed his entire clan, but rooted him to character that understood him the absolute least of all people. As an invested reader (as many of those were) this is disrespectful as fuck to do to a character. Kishimoto spent so much time reiterating to us about this broken, fucked up system only to have the one character going against it suddenly lay down and accept it, no more questions asked, silenced forever. If Sasuke Uchiha was at least handled and written correctly, people might’ve accepted the ending far easier, in time. However, this was not the case. Sasuke Uchiha represented oppression and injustice yet the ending made him even further ostracized. As in; his problems weren’t solved, his trauma wasn’t mended and his heart was still crushed. This hurt very many people, as it should. Your favorite character at the end of the story doesn’t even have a last word.
It’s the way that the Boruto series despite branching off into its own supposed direction and storyline continues to rob and borrow ideals from its predecessor in horrendous ways. In a way, I’m glad Boruto happened. I’m glad that the world sees something like Boruto because it highlights in clear depiction everything the studio and the “people” care about; ships, ships, rehash, ships, rehash. These are the people who watched Naruto and Naruto Shippuden to see Hinatits collapse while talking to Naruto, to see Sakura regress significantly when Sasuke is present—Boruto: Next Generations is aiming for those people and the studio damn well knows it and they are bringing what those people want to see, what’s going to get them to keep coming back. Because who cares about a child shinobi system highlighted as brutal in the original series? Not them! Let’s romanticize missions. Who cares about the Hyuuga Clan branch system? Not them! Let’s make sure we show everyone how important Hinata truly is. Oh and Neji? Yeah let’s never mention him again except for comedic relief. Who cares about punishing criminals and imprisonment? Not them! In fact let’s continue to bring in the main villain and even better let’s give him a child that he openly experimented on and portray him as a good parent! Who cares about all of those things? The true fans did. It’s the way they wash these important issues under the rug and never mention them again. It’s the way the issues that were tackled and prevalent in Naruto are no longer even discussed or mentioned. Because that was Neji Hyuuga, Sasuke Uchiha and Yahiko’s duties. Guess where all of them went. Notice that Sasuke is never seen in the village. Want to know why that is? Because he would challenge the system. Nope! Can’t have that—twelve years out on the hunt for a make believe villain you go Sasuke! The creators seem to not understand that the series can most definitely thrive if they were not continuously shitting on the old one; they could have created this universe in the Naruto realm that everything still exists without destroying the previous characters development. Naruto and Sasuke struggling against a battle with a weak minded villain with foolish ideals was atrocious—not to mention Sasuke goddamn Uchiha couldn’t dodge kunai. If the creators had actually paid attention during the original series, they would know that the Uchiha clan were one of the clans to master weaponry. So to have Sasuke—a Uchiha—struggling against them was a massive “fuck you” to his character and everything he made of himself. It definitely shows. Then they had Sakura attack the weak minded villain with a sneak attack, despite his entire cranium was shrouded in eyeballs and not seeing that attack coming. They really want us to buy this? Oh but wait—Boruto: Next Generations can’t have logic in it, people can’t read that deep into it. It’s a show for the new generation, it needs to be kid friendly. Maybe we just won’t notice, right? Yeah. Let’s pretend we don’t notice. In another way I’m glad Boruto happened, it reiterated to us significantly how unoriginal their ideals were as well as the incompetence of Kishimoto as a writer. Want to know a secret, my friend? We could have excused shitty writing if the story was satisfactory. We could have excused improper and rushed pairings with shitty writing, if the ending were justified and believable. Oh..but..that isn’t the case. In fact, the ending outright proved to us just how shitty of a writer Kishimoto actually is. So guess what? We’re pissed. The bullshit excuses of him being a young mangaka at the time is insanely inexcusable—it’s your profession to create stories and content and you fall back on discrediting your profession as undermining your own ability? My favorite outlandish lie that Kishimoto spoke was when he admitted he could not write romance—but Naruto was a series he wrote about the essence of the budding relationship between Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuuga. 
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Wait—excuse me? But Kishimoto, you just said you are not very good at writing romance. My god..so why did you aim to write a romance story if you cannot write romance? Is it because…that isn’t what Naruto was about, perhaps?It’s the way that the authors intended dream for the protagonist became so undermined that he had to change his entire wording in order to make us believe that..it made sense. Yeah..believe it! Get this: Naruto Uzumaki an orphaned Konoha resident is ostracized due to harboring a demonic beast within him that wreaked havoc on the village years prior. Despite the sour looks and disdain of others, he perseveres on the journey to becoming Hoka—marrying Hinata Hyuuga. How fucked up would that make you feel? An average reader in the beginning would not derive that bullshit notion upon first picking that manga up. Could you imagine Masashi Kishimoto using that as his pitch? They’d throw him out the door quicker than Rock Lee’s downfall of being a relevant character. It’s the way that the own creator contradicts himself with his own wording. Stating he could not write romance and goes on to develop multiple—mutual—ships that take a back seat to underdeveloped asspull pairings. It’s the way that Boruto also fleshed out his inner shitty writing abilities by creating light novels. Here’s the thing about Light Novels; they are intended to explain situations, storyline or anything that does not initially fit in the manga itself or did not have time to be explained or developed. They are meant to help the reader themselves understand certain aspects or criteria that otherwise they wouldn’t have found in the original/initial material. Masashi Kishimoto decided now was his time to help everyone understand just how it was Naruto Uzumaki’s dream of becoming hokage was actually a fluke—it was to marry Hinata Hyuuga instead. Now this is after the disaster film of The Last. We’re still asking questions and here comes our Lord and Savior Masashi Kishimoto about to deliver us some tea!What the—there isn’t anything? There’s just Naruto boinking Hinata and..creating two children? Fine. You know what—you win this round Masashi Kishimoto. As a reader, we’re still confused about Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, though. The Last showed zero development between them—we’d like to understand how it was they got together. Bless us with your Light Novels Kishimoto. Deliver us answers!
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Okay, well so far this prologue is looking promising. Looks like we’ll be given answers regarding Naruto and Sasuke…okay, then..
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What the devil….okay. So this is Sakura and..Sasuke’s relationship? He just—returns. And says he’s back. I mean this would be acceptable if he just returned from grocery shopping but haven’t you been gone for years, man? Okay..let’s uh..see if Sakura’s provides some insight about this..relationship.
(couldn’t find pictures of her novel, I’m guessing because it was absolute trash, but here’s a video that goes through the story with hilarious commentary: https://youtu.be/_xBCABYy3qk)
For a summary, at the end of Sakura shinden, we are not provided answers regarding Sakura and Sasukes relationship in the slightest. Throughout her book she’s constantly..wet over him, that’s primarily all. In short, Kishimoto didn’t deliver us with answers to shit, except exposing his piss poor writing abilities. But wait! Wait, I forgot something! Oh that’s right—Gaiden! God how could I forgotten about Gaiden!? Maybe he provides some answers there for us?!Yeah to save you the trouble—he doesn’t. You’re welcome, I won’t torment your eyesight with the images. Kishimoto in Gaiden went on further confusing the relationship between Sasuke and Sakura. The point I am making here is that the reason those Light Novels and Gaiden became so popular was that people were expecting to read the material and gather information or answers that supported these relationships. To provide hindsight to their explanations or to at least give light as to how they started to develop that perhaps wasn’t in the manga. And the creator disrespects his fans so much that he doesn’t even give them that. He doesn’t provide answers, he doesn’t further explain information, he downright doesn’t do anything except appeal to what people want—I actually am not even sure what that exactly was for the Light Novels themselves, it all seemed like a mass of bullshit to me since they didn’t go on to explain particularly anything. People supported that man from beginning to the end and they were punched in the face repeatedly with the nonsensical explanations. Rightfully so, people should be pissed.
It’s the way the creator robbed a vast majority of people their time and investments to provide nonsensical endings with illogical pairings to support his work and art.People are pissed because he doesn’t care and all the evidence points to..he never did.
As I’ve stated previously; it’s not that we hate Boruto (the character included) it’s that we hate what it did to Naruto (the character included) and Sasuke for the sake of fan service and shipping bait. None of the questions we have were answered and absolutely nothing for these poor souls were justified. They are, instead, making a mockery of our childhood.
And that is what’s utterly disrespectful most of all. 
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bokato · 8 years ago
I feel the same. I still ship naru//saku and sasu//saku, but I avoid the fandoms at all cost. I never shipped multisaku, but fandom made me hate it. I'm actually became more anti-Sakura because of fandom. Everyday it becomes harder to be a Sakura fan, because I have yet to find a ss or ns blog that doesn't undermine Hinata in anyway. Like, you'll find them, but it will just be twice as hard now than before. I understand the reason why shippers tend to be overly defensive when it comes to (1/2)
their bias/ otps, but I don't think they realize that this extremist mindset ,only is why I no longer "stan" Sakura. Unpopular opinion: I love Karin and sk, I like Gaiden, I find Hinata more likable than Sakura, I ship sasuhina, and when I was a narusaku only shipper, I didn't like RtN and I like The Last. But I keep myself in a corner because I would get bash to hell for these unpopular opinions from my own fandoms. I still like Sakura and ss is now my otp, but the pro-Sakura is getting to (2/3)
dont know where part 3 is but i totally agree. i do love ss but the fandom is really changing my opinions and i dont mean to say everyone in the fandom is gross and rude but its only the few dominant, and loud ones in the fandom are just so mean? when i speak about luna/neko as the naruhina’s extremist , which i dont think people realise majority of the naruhina fandom dislike them and i hadn't even heard of them till someone told me about them. but then in the ss fandom a lot of people scary agree with these rude and dominant people who just want to always HATE. why?? i really just dont agree with people doing sakura vs hinata or naruhina vs sasusaku. theyre both completely different ships and people, with completely different flaws. if you dislike hinata thats fine but i personally dont undesrtand why people would want to waste their time bashing on her all the time
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madara-fate · 4 years ago
Long post but tired of people claiming that Sakura fans are making things up lol. SP changing Sakura’s line in Gaiden from ‘that child of mine’ to ‘I’m a failure as a mother’ didn’t make their work easier - it just added to the anti-Sakura sentiment. The SP director admitted that it was his interpretation i.e. he prioritised his personal negative opinions about Sakura over Kishi’s writing. And he removed her from the council scene and made it look like Sasuke left without telling her anything. 1
They made Sasuke look uncaring over her kidnapping in Gaiden when in the manga we see him rushing in Orochimaru’s hideout and shout at Naruto for taking too long. SP added a scene where Sarada asks him if he’s worried about Sakura and he just gives her a blank look. They also removed Sarada’s flashback of being with her parents. Also they added that scene saying SS first date lasted for two minutes which doesn’t even make sense since they were supposed to be travelling together at this point. 2
In the manga Sakura hit Naruto for comic relief around 30 times (someone counted and it was around that figure) and only when he was being perverted/disrespectful. In the anime she hit him more than 200+ times even for really silly stuff which made everyone call her a bully. There’s also the scene in RtN movie where she complains about her parents to Naruto which every anti always bring up to hate on her. And ofc the scene you mentioned about not knowing who to save between Naruto and Sasuke. 3
And these are just the more notable examples. There are dozens of posts that compare the manga and anime added/altered scenes and the latter almost always portray Sakura negatively, especially if the scene relates to Sasuke in some way. Let’s not forget the omake SP made where Sakura bullies Hinata, even though in the manga she has always been nice to Hinata. In the omake SP even said it’s because they liked Hinata more - again allowing personal preferences to seep into the work like you said. 4
Yeah SP gave her a nice fight scene in Gaiden. But Sakura’s absolute best fight in canon happened in her novel where she single-handedly defeated a powerful pseudo-jinchuriki despite being weakened with drugs. But SP never adapted it even though it sold really well and had great reviews. It would have been a great Sakura arc since it had amazing action scenes, character growth where she sets up mental health hospitals for traumatised children, and had ship development for both SS and SaiIno. 5
And speaking of the novels, there’s also little things like SP removing the scenes of Sakura saving Temari and many others in Shikamaru’s novel adaptation. Adding in an unnecessary and frankly insulting scene where she is rudely mocked for being flat-chested in the Konoha Hiden adaptation. And giving Sakura’s line about Sasuke protecting the world like a police offer to Naruto and changing the fact that it was her words that prompted Sasuke to finally return home in Sasuke Shinden adaptation. 6
Honestly saying SP wrote Sakura/SS better than Kishi is laughable when all the best Sakura/SS moments come from either the manga or the novels. People really think that SP adding in a three or four positive Sakura/SS scenes in Boruto undoes all the anti-Sakura/SS scenes that they have added in throughout Naruto and Boruto. If antis are gonna keep using those scenes to justify hating Sakura/SS even now, then why should we ignore that one of the root causes of it is SP's extremely poor handling? 7
Yep, no disagreements there. Studio Pierrot are a competent animation studio, but some of their decisions just leave a lot to be desired.
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madara-fate · 8 years ago
Sp seems to not understand sakuras character.Have you seen road to ninja?She was completely selfish and annoying,and I love sakura.And everyone in the opposite universe had a different personality,sasuke was a playboy.But sakura dident change personality wise,her crush changed from sasuke to naruto,as if her whole character is who she likes.And she was so insensitive to naruto,I guess sp just wanted us to feel bad for him again.The sakura in the rtn movie is everything antis call her.
Meh, I’ve only seen bits and pieces of RTN, it’s an irrefutably non canon piece of material, so its importance to me is immediately zero. But from what little I did see of the movie, I know that I wouldn’t have liked it anyway, not least due to what you described here.
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lunaneko14 · 6 years ago
They also project whatever WE say in our anti Sakura rants onto her because they sure as hell had time to read those. So they copy what we said about Sakura not appreciating her parents who have never shown any sign of abusing her (if they were, I'm sure Ino would've stepped in or it would've been shown in RTN) and wishing they were dead and just change "Sakura" to "Hinata" and think it'll work but since they never read Hinata's parts in the manga like you said, they only make themselves look like morons since EVERYONE in the fandom hates Hiashi and would never want Hinata to be nice to him.
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(I found this on Facebook and figured you’d have an sensible take on it)
LN14: These people will stop at nothing to support child abuse to validate their shitty opinions.
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