#Anti OUAT writers
loststarsabove · 2 years
1. This is quite possibly the worst episode of the show so far and I wish I could bleach it from my brain forever.
2. Genuine question. Did the writers actually hate Rumbelle? Because it sure seems like it.
3. I am not here for the Belle & Hook friendship. (Bring back Ruby)
4. I love Karen David.
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chipedteacupchat · 6 days
Is it just me, or was Hook the writers' favorite and Rumple their least favorite?
Because Rumple's character gets screwed over so many times, and every time it happens, who comes out looking more holy and heroic? If you said Hook, you'd be right.
What makes it even more annoying to me is that the show tries to present Hook and Emma's relationship as the best and healthiest (because it was the writers' favorite). However, instead of showing us reasons why it's healthy, they just make the other couples worse. For example, CaptainSwan got together in season 4 and that same year, Rumbelle was ruined and OutlawQueen was ruined because of Marian!
This isn't to say I hate Hook, because I don't. I wanted Hook and Rumple to be written well together.
(I also still ship CaptainSwan but still, this bugs me)
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
like yeah, regina was bad because she committed all that genocide and child abuse and what not, but you know what?? she was also SUCH a major L, and that's the biggest crime of all. like whenever making fun of killian, she just ALWAYS targets the low hanging fruit, his disability or gender non conformity, and it's like bro, at least be CREATIVE with it. tell him that JD's calling because he wants his coat back. not only would that be ten times funnier than any insult regina's ever used (because it's not the same old recycled bs that she constantly uses), it would also COMPLETELY baffle him because he wouldn't get the reference, and that would probably hurt more than knowing exactly what he's being targeted for
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So this is not to comment on either side of the Marina vs Penelope/Lady Whistledown argument. That would be an extremely long and detailed rant that I might do later. I will say that both Ruby Barker and Nicola Coughlan seem wonderful and I have nothing negative to say about either of them (and wish to hear nothing negative of either)! This is simply because the antis are ramping up again and I keep coming across a certain video. There is one phrase people have been quoting and I cannot keep myself from saying this anymore. You are all incorrect because you can, in fact, "Disneyfy a Dichhead". *Murder, Kidnapping, Manipulation/Mind Control,Torture even Sexual Assault have all forgiven and sometimes, at least seemingly, forgotten. The worst villans have been given a redemption arc and considered good or even heroic by the end and it all started with a new look and Tale of True Love.
Whats truly insane is that It Worked! It worked so well that it ran for SEVEN season!
FOR FUCKS SAKE, It only ended 5 years ago. There was even a one season spinoff with a complete story!
And this was all done on ABC with Disney characters portrayed as adults. So maybe we're all being a little hard on the teenagers in Netflix's regency Shondaland.
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sassyandclassy94 · 10 days
I'm watching Once Upon a Time for the first time and I've reached season 2 so far! I really enjoyed season 1, but I can already feel my interest in the show decreasing after the curse was broken. Plus, I'm not sure I want to watch all seven seasons as that feels like too much. Is there any particular point that would be a good place to stop? What are the best seasons?
Hi!! I recommend stopping after they come back from Neverland. I myself have a hard time stomaching it after a particular character’s death. After Neverland they became 100% fan service, character regression, and started glorifying toxic relationships. Adam and Eddie dropped the ball when they scrapped their original plan for what loud and horny teenagers demanded. It lost its magic after season 3a
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kyliafanfiction · 5 months
I loathe how 1x11 makes Leopold seemingly perfect, and we never really get a look at any other side of the story.
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heddagab · 1 year
2x08: Characters are communicating through different worlds and rely on Rumple's expertise, trusting him to get them through whatever's going on without question
After s3: yOu CaN't TrUsT rUmPlE, hE's ThE wOrSt EvEn WhEn He'S nOt (source: because I said so)
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coalitiongirl · 2 months
Hello! Do you have any favourite Regal Believer fic to recommend (your fics or someone else's)? I find myself missing this relationship a lot these days and I need some good fanfic to keep my little heart warm 💕
i love them.......every time i see a gifset i'm overwhelmed by how dear they are to me 🩵 i feel like in recent years i've become much more interested in henry's dynamic with emma too?? back in the day i actually remember resisting even talking about it because the entire narrative was so anti-adoption and it felt like everyone had to fight just to give regal believer the space and narrative it deserved.
but then because of that (and because with ouat the only relationships that are good are the ones that happen in spite of the writers) regina and henry got this gorgeous fleshed out love story while it feels like emma and henry kind of drift apart over the years without it ever being dealt with in canon and i just wanna fix it. and tbh when i really like a canon story i find myself writing less fic to fix it, lol.
these are my personal stories that i tagged for regal believer (it's present in most fics but i only tag it when it's really central to the story!) and these are the ones that are more swan-mills family. this was one i read recently and really loved......i took such a long hiatus from fic that it's hard for me to remember titles of other ones.
but now is a FABULOUS time for people to rec others below!! i had such good fortune last time i asked for recs i know y'all have Taste
(also idk about the anon but if you rec something that features a non-sq ship then please warn me lol)
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glowyjellyfish · 2 years
I started rewatching OUAT. Apparently my brain decided it was just time. I considered doing a full liveblog with silly gifs, but that would be a lot more effort than I want to put into it.
1. I know I still have one follower from my OUAT days, but am not sure about anybody else. So to recap: I loved OUAT to pieces and probably put more thought into things like the timeline and side characters than the writers did. And I loved OUAT in Wonderland EVEN MORE and still think they did a better job on that tightly plotted story than meandering on OUAT. I stopped watching mid-season 4, after they did and didn’t do several things to my favorite characters that broke my faith in the quality, but I did keep watching and mostly enjoying through the Frozen arc and the main reason I didn’t continue was just… I never got the urge to watch a new episode again. And then I was glad I stopped when I did, because what little I heard about it sounded increasingly dumb, bonkers, and, in the case of that soft reboot or whatever that was, insulting. I’m only planning to rewatch the first two seasons plus Wonderland, but if I’m enjoying myself I will probably keep going until I am not. Probably making more fun of it than before.
2. My favorites, in rough order of when I glimpse into them, are Graham, Dr. Whale, Neal, and Will. Anyone familiar with the show will probably understand exactly how the show broke my heart. I also love Rumple and Regina, and find the rest of the main cast pretty great, but there is a difference between loving a character and A Favorite.
3. I watched through the first five episodes, and was pleased to find I still liked it, and not only that, I still felt it was pretty good overall. The cheesiest parts so far are the fairy outfits, the CG, the Cinderella parts of the Cinderella episode, and some awkward dialogue when a writer didn’t know how to write old fashioned well. It shines in its characters, and the development of Regina and Rumple has so far been the absolute highlight. Emma has never been particularly high on my list of beloved characters, but she delivers fantastic feelings throughout. I know logically that way too much focus will be given to them down the road, but Snow and Charming are so damn charming and cute. The parallels between the flashbacks and the present day are also really well done, using them for character development. That’s something I think the show fumbled a little with after season 1, and got worse and worse about over time, and I also think it’s something OUATW did EXTREMELY well. But I’ll see how it looks as I watch it.
4. I do wish the show had been a little bit more clear about the town being basically in a time loop, because man what a fucked up place to raise a child. I guess they wanted to pretend it could just be Henry’s imagination for a while there to hedge their bets, but why not have Henry say “I was in the same class as that kid last year and now he’s still 9 and in third grade and I’m 10 now, what more proof do you need??” (And then Regina starts insisting he skipped a grade or something). I’m not anti-Regina at all, but lady you cannot raise a child and have him be the only person that ages and expect him to grow up normal.
5. I was on Regina’s side re Emma not being allowed to come into Henry’s life up until Regina started doing illegal shady shit to try to force Emma to leave. That’s obviously the point, but she really shot herself in the foot.
6. …I feel so bad for Graham. Poor guy. He’s the one sticking point that I wish Regina had ever made up for or felt bad about. She’s super sympathetic until you remember she literally had a sex slave who she then murdered. I mean, she’s the evil Queen, I did not expect her to behave otherwise. They just really wanted to quietly forget about it when they wanted to redeem her. Also, was Graham’s wolf dragged along to the curse—was the wolf cursed, too? Or did the wolf spend 28 years running around the woods, trying to figure out what happened to Graham and why his brother didn’t come to the woods with him anymore? The wolf also made Emma stay in town the first night, so my gut says “the wolf knew what was up”. Ugh, if I was writing the show I would have made Graham’s spirit survive death by going into his wolf and then bring him back later, like a certain wolf-bonded man from another fandom I love, but ugh it’s fine. I feel bad for him, but the character was clearly designed to flirt with Emma and then die.
7. I also think it’s fucking wild that, while cursed, Rumple somehow managed to procure for Regina a child that was both the son of the breaker of the curse and his grandson. I expect it’s a function of the breakability of the curse that Emma’s son was brought in—that perhaps Rumple was aware of that when he was going to lengthy measures to set up a trigger for his memories and everything else. I guess, within what I remember of the show thus far, Henry being his grandson and thus his downfall is the price he’s paying for constructing this elaborate curse manipulating generations of people to get his son back? Idk, we’ll see.
8. So like… if most people are cursed in a specific way that denies them what they love most, and some people definitely had details specifically curated by Regina personally, and Regina also had to go out of her way to make sure and curse Jefferson and Whale, because they weren’t in Fairy Tale Land at the time… well, I’m just wondering whether Whale’s cursed womanizer personality is because it’s amusingly apt for Dr. Frankenstein, or if it’s something Regina designed for him specifically because she saw him as breaking her heart, or something.
9. Not really feeling any ships atm. I never shipped Swan Queen, but periodically a scene between Emma and Regina will make me go “…okay I get it.” In theory I ship Emma/Graham, but mostly I shipped it because I loved him and felt so bad for him. Snow and Charming are precious, but I never found there to be much point in shipping them because they’re so canon, and they’re not the type of couple I find most intriguing. I should note that I was always actively against Emma/Hook, and really Emma/anyone; I wanted her to take more time for herself. I loved Neal, but didn’t particularly care whether he ended up with Emma, and felt that reducing him to a point on a love triangle is what made the writers get rid of him despite there being SO MUCH MORE they could do with him. I used to ship Whale/Ruby, we’ll see how I feel about that this time but I do still believe it was being set up for a while. And I still ship Rumple/Belle and Will/Ana. We’ll get there. I am sort of hoping I will spot new ships to ship as I go along, but perhaps not because I do know how things go for the most part.
And that’s all so far. I really don’t know that anybody will care, but I like giving my little reports if I cannot muster up the wherewithal to actively liveblog.
A few gifs describing Rumple because they amused me:
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poptart-cat-78 · 2 years
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I posted 10,538 times in 2022
489 posts created (5%)
10,049 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,632 of my posts in 2022
Only 28% of my posts had no tags
#taylor swift - 2,093 posts
#ouat - 1,144 posts
#fanart goals - 678 posts
#personal - 501 posts
#textpost - 386 posts
#precious creatures - 385 posts
#otp: the pirate and the princess - 372 posts
#captain swan - 370 posts
#the poptart cat speaks - 351 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 317 posts
Longest Tag: 97 characters
#say 👏🏼 it 👏🏼 louder 👏🏼 for 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 people 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 the 👏🏼 back 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
My Top Posts in 2022:
Me descending into the rabbit hole that is a ship of a fandom I’m not even in: “this is fine :)”
33 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
So I noticed something, antis of these characters be like-
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A lot of people who hate Amy Rose and Marinette have listed the same reasons why theyre a horrible character (i.e “shes annoying”, “her only personality trait is being obsessed over a guy”)
But y’all miss the reasons why they’re great characters actually
-they’re kind and sweet-natured and love their friends dearly
-they’re great leaders (look at Amy in the Archie comics, Ladybug with the other heroes)
-they have been the reasons as to why so many characters change their point of view (Amy with Shadow, E-Alpha 100 in Sonic Adventure 2, and Silver in 06’, Marinette befriending Kagami, Fei and several others)
-can hold their own, they don’t really need a man to save them but fell in love with Sonic/Adrien for their kindness (Amy being saved from Metal Sonic on Little Planet, Adrien giving Marinette the umbrella)
It’s not that they’re horrible characters, the writers need to write them better
34 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
The serotonin I get every time I hear the lyrics “I can still make the whole place
48 notes - Posted October 22, 2022
“Nothing can save us forever, but a lot of things can save us today”
-Mae Borowski
96 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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I finally got to this part in NITW and this speech that Mae gives-
“When I die, I want it to hurt, when my friends leave, when I have to let go, when this entire town is wiped off the map, I want it to hurt. Bad” I want to loose, I want to get beaten up, I want to hold on, until I’m thrown off and everything ends and you know what? Until that happens, I want to hope again and I want it to hurt. Because that means it meant something. It means I am.. Something at least. Petty amazing to be something, at least.”
ALWAYS makes me tear up, even though this game doesn’t have much action, it’s dialogue REALLY packs a punch
118 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
3, 17, 19 please!
3) what fic are you emotionally attached to?
Luisa and the Fox. ...I feel this one might be expected at this point, so I went through and looked at all my other fic and like. Of them all, this is still the one to which I'm the most emotionally attached. >.>;;
17) What’s the best engagement/interaction/feedback you’ve received from someone who’s read your work?
I was actually afraid of getting this question because like. How do you quantify best engagement/interaction/feedback? SO OBVIOUSLY ALL OF YOUR COMMENTS I NEED YOU TO KNOW. FIRST OFF. But actually, I honestly think it is less the comments/etc. than it is, like, getting to know other writers in the different communities and making friends? Which is...the interaction bit? So becoming friends with you and Belle and Cait through Roisa stuff (or Skylar through Agatha stuff) - and like getting to pop into people's DMs or discord or whatever and just rant and ramble about ships AND CAUSE EACH OTHER PAIN is. the best interaction I get from people who have read my stuff. ^^
19) If you could write an ideal fic, what would it include?
Pain, obviously. ;) No, it would - I've reblogged a thing about narrative distance recently, I think - yeah, this post - and my ideal fic would play with the concept of narrator as distinct from character POV so that you've got the narrator who's telling the story to you who can occasionally comment on things or speak directly to you, the reader, without it feeling weird, in a comforting sort of way. But also the ideal fic would employ second person (kind of like in What Dreams May Come with Viola or in Finding Family with Agatha (when she was stuck in Agnes)), which I'm not sure is compatible with that sort of narrative voice.... It would probably include some super in-depth world-building but not, like, Tolkein world-building, but taking our world and making one difference and then extrapolating from there (like with the soulmate timer stuff). It would be queer, but not necessarily lesbians queer (although there would probably be wlw stuff in it, tbh). A lot of angst. A snarky anti-villain turned anti-hero. A woobie destroyer of worlds. Someone who has turned evil because of tragic past reasons. One character could potentially be ALL OF THE ABOVE. Like I have a character type and I acknowledge this. But also you're gonna have the mom friend. Not the happy perky sunspot but the, like. LET ME USE MADOKA AS AN EXAMPLE. THERE WOULD BE A MAMI, THERE WOULD BE A KYOKO, AND THERE WOULD BE A HOMURA. :D ...okay, in ouat terms. There would be a Mary-Margaret Blanchard (but not necessarily Snow; I will maintain they are separate characters and I like MMB better) and there would be a Regina. ...uh, that's missing a character. There would be a Dottie Underwood. She's the closest to a Kyoko parallel. xD Lots of discussions of mental illness. ...potentially different versions of the same character - whether that's multiverse or time travel or clones or etc. (Or it would be a fairytale. Actually, the ideal fic would be a fairytale.) ...I'm gonna stop there. XD
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hrhdhead · 1 year
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INDEPENDENT ROLEPLAY BLOG FOR HENRY FOX-MOUNTCHRISTEN-WINDSOR OF THE RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE UNIVERSE. loved dearly by alex. also found @ batwirls, vaarulv, corignem & too many more. // modern royalty crossover server. // MINORS DNI. 21+ writer.
what's a bellend? look it up.
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i am, as with all my blogs, mutuals only. please do not interact with my posts etc unless we are both following one another.
i write and hang out a lot on discord, mutuals can find me there.
i love plotting, but winging it also works. memes are the best ice breakers and ways to develop, so send me a hundred!
i draw inspiration from both the book and the film so expect a bit of a merged portrayal. i do, of course, have verses solely in the movie or the book depending on preference.
i tag visual triggers, but i don’t tend to tag my writing for triggers. any potentially triggering content will always be discussed and approved with writing partners first and foremost. if i miss any triggers, please drop me and ask! 
my name is alex, i use he/they pronouns. live in the south of england so run on gmt. i work full time hours, so i’m not available 24/7, but as said, catch me on discord more easily! 21+, please don’t follow me if you are under 18. 
do not follow me if you write a genderbent muse.
it’s an instant block if i see things like racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, sexism etc. 
DO. NOT. INTERACT with me if you’re friends with lilith. she’s gone by so many names before including lily, ana & nev. last found at loyaels, voynasoldat, sheadrenaline, as well as blogs like lilithmemes and nevcommissions. i don’t mind if you’re mutuals etc, i can easily block her tags. but if you’re genuine friends with her? best not to interact. i don’t want to hear about her. i have a wealth of receipts on the matter but long story short: abusive, manipulative, disgusting and lowkey predatory controlling behaviour. i dealt with her bullshit for almost a year and she made a lot of dear friends in my server feel horrific for the time she was there. i don’t fuck with her and anyone that stands by her and her bullshit actions. also she has a habit of lying about her age and timezone to Disappear from her shitty behaviour, so. :) her discord is: lilithellfire
verses to be added:
multiple harry potter/magical world aus (obvs very anti jkr)
post canon verse
ouat verse
star wars verses
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gch1995 · 4 years
No one hates OUAT more than those of us in the fandom who actually watched it and/or followed it long enough to fully realize just how disappointingly awful, hopeless, and ridiculous the writing became in the piss poor excuse for canon the show devolved into the longer it went on, even though it was supposed to “be fun” and “give us hope.” At least all of its beautiful wasted potential became an outlet for far superior writing in our headcanons and fanfiction, though, no matter how shitty the actual show got.
I always feel so bad for newbies in the fandom who haven’t yet uncovered the horrific clusterfuck of bad writing this show ultimately devolved into. A part of me always feels like telling new fans to just spare themselves the pain, and to just quit watching after the Neverland arc. The majority of those of us in the OUAT fandom agree that the show’s writing ultimately devolved into a painfully biased, cheaply shocking, cheesy, wildly inconsistent, melodramatic, nonsensical, pandering, repetitive, and wildly ooc unsalvageable mess of bad writing that made us feel angry, betrayed, bored, and disgusted more often than not after that.
However, even after the show’s writing went completely off the rails beyond all salvaging, there were still those gold nuggets of wasted potential for characters, relationships, and storylines that could have and should have been amazing, if Kitsowitz and these writers actually had been able to be consistently competent and professional at their jobs. Particularly when looking back at the first two-and-a-half seasons of OUAT, I feel a great sense of disappointment at just how much beautiful and interesting potential they ultimately wasted in these characters and relationships in favor of blatantly biased, cheaply shocking, contrived, nonsensical, mutually toxic, wildly ooc, repetitive, and thus, character destroying magical soap opera melodrama.
There’s always this deep sense of disappointment in me over the amazing show that canon OUAT ultimately could have and should have been whenever I see all of those golden nuggets of tragically wasted potential Kitsowitz and these writers showed us in those moments when they were actually being competent show-runners and writers, particularly in S1-2A before they show got too distracted by the next big contrived magical thing to actually let the characters slow down, talk to each other, hang out with each other, and grow and react like in-character and relatable human beings. If only they were able to ultimately write and stick to a consistent, relatable, gradual, realistic, and organic course of character development that actually would have ultimately made these characters, happy endings, redemption arcs, and/or regression arcs actually feel well-earned and satisfying in the end.
Instead, they ended up erasing, minimizing, and/or outright romanticizing certain bad behaviors and choices of their characters at certain points and the negative consequences and/or effects they had in regards to those they hurt and/or victimized.
Instead, they ended up outright derailing most of their characters normally and/or consistently previously established complex, intelligent, and sympathetic characterizations and/or positive development at one point or another in order to rerail them over and over and over again more and more post S3 in increasingly abrupt, cheaply shocking, contrived, disappointing, flanderdized, horrifying, melodramatically toxic, and nonsensical ways that made them suddenly come across as uncharacteristically unsympathetic and stupid out of nowhere.
Instead, they created absurdities out of nowhere to inorganically force the characters to regress in ways that contradicted all previously established canon characterization, continuity, and previously established logic on the show.
Instead, they selectively bent, broke, and contradicted their own rules of magic with less and less fairness, rhyme, or reason as every season passed the first.
If only they had consistently and fairly stuck to their own rules and limitations of what magic could and couldn’t do. If only they treated their characters as complex and relatable human beings and equals with compelling, consistent, and realistic personalities, flaws, conflicts, regressions, redemptions, and resolutions that drove their stories consistently, gradually, organically, and realistically because of who they were and/or developed into as people, rather than because nonsensical asspulled twists and/or magical macguffins demanded that these characters suddenly become whatever they needed them to become a certain way to create cheap shock value, suspense, drama, and repetitive storytelling, regardless of all previously established characterization, continuity, development, and logic in their own canon.
Instead, they decided to cherry pick favorite characters and/or ships to frame as “redeemed” in the narrative, even though they may not have actually done anything to earn it and/or regressed without any negative consequences for doing so, just because Emma and the Charmings accepted them as “family.”
Instead, they ended up slapping increasingly biased, petty, meaningless, and shallow “hero” and “villain” labels on all of their characters, regardless of how objectively and needlessly harmful their choices, behaviors, and reactions may have been to others, in spite of being on the “right” side.
But we all ultimately sustained ourselves in the OUAT fandom by imagining just how amazing these characters, their relationships, and their storylines could have and should have been, trying to disregard the character assassinating bad writing in the piss poor excuse for canon that OUAT ultimately devolved into, taking Kitsowitz and these writers golden nuggets of tragically wasted potential for these characters, their relationships, and creating far superior works of art with those golden nuggests of wasted potential in canon with our headcanons and fan fiction.
OUAT isn’t a show that stuck with most of us because we were impressed by its writing in canon. In fact, most of us are fully aware that there were writing choices in the piss poor excuse of canon OUAT our favorite characters and relationships on the show that were inexcusably awful, biased, cheesy, cheaply shocking, gross, offensive, inconsistent, nonsensical, tone-deaf, wildly ooc, and/or repetitive at one point or another. Honestly, if the main character and/or relationship lasted past S3 in the main cast, then Kitsowitz and the writers destroyed your favorite character and/or ship with bad writing at one point or another.
After the writers unceremoniously killed off Bae/Neal, and resurrected Rumple from the show’s most consistently relatable, realistic, sympathetic, and well-earned two-and-a-half season redemption arc from S1-3A, it became clear thet they ran out of story to tell after wrapping up the Neverland arc, and had no idea where else they were supposed to go with Emma, Regina, Hook, Rumple, Belle, Snow, David, and even Henry’s individual characters or relationships anymore.
We know canon OUAT became a shitshow of inexcusably bad writing. We know it became horrifying and stupid. However, most of us didn’t actually remain in this fandom because we agreed with the writing on the show. We latched onto it so strongly because of its amazing main cast. We latched on to it so deeply because it showed us how to not completely fuck up amazing, relatable, and compelling individual characters, their relationships, and their storylines with biased, hypocritical, ableist, classist, homophobic, racist, sexist, petty, cheaply shocking, gross, wildly ooc, flanderdized, melodramatic, pandering, repetitive, and nonsensical lazy plot-driven writing. Granted, these problems were starting to show up in canon OUAT’s writing as early on as S1. However, after 3A, the show’s writing completely went off the rails for everyone in the remaining main cast that lasted past S3, and these characters and their relationships never fully recovered what made them at all coherent, compelling, magical, relatable, and enjoyable to watch and get invested in in canon from S1-S3, in spite of their obvious flaws.
Most of us have remained in the OUAT fandom because the show’s shitty writing choices and wasted potential inspired most of us to tell far better stories than Kitsowitz and their team of hacks ultimately did.
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The mental gymnastics the writers went through to say that Anastasia has more reason to hate Drizella than Ella ever did must have been fucking phenomenal.
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shewhotellsstories · 4 years
I endured four seasons of Once Upon a Time, so I can do this. I can handle whatever Bryke came up with. But writing wise I feel like we have to be careful with how we approach trauma. On OUAT there was that super gross what if episode where Emma thanks Regina for killing her parents in front of her. The twisted logic being that Emma had to spend her childhood being neglected, and shuffled around and abused or she wouldn’t be strong. Or on GOT when Sansa says she would’ve stayed a fragile little bird be it not for Ramsey. Not one of my favorite characters, but I don’t believe she needed to be raped and abused to become politically savvy, that’s just lazy writing. 
The hero suffers, I get that. My thing is that it’s just wrong and invalidating to say that the traumatizing things that happened to a character were actually good for them and necessary because it toughened them up.
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Yeah I know its been forever since I've posted ....
I've been listening to all of the Marc Evan Jackson podcasts for The Good Place and I just want to be best friends with all of the writers on this show.
And then I start thinking "hey, why didn't we have a OUAT podcast like this?"
And then I remember wait, we DID .... the first two seasons. And it was nothing but Adam and Eddy spewing their usual narcissistic crap. And just think, at the time we had NO IDEA how bad they'd get. Also I remember listening (this was even before I became fandom active) and wondering why I kinda sorta wanted to punch that Kitsis guy in the face because his voice made me stabby.
Anyhow -- this podcast made me see what a functional writing team looks like. And sad that OUAT never had that. What struck me was that Mike Schur believes that whoever has the best idea -- be it a writer or actor or the guy who cleans up the set -- that's the idea they use.
Can you seriously picture A&E working that way? Yeah, stop laughing, neither can I.
Anyhow, just wanted to say that.
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