#Anti Kirishima Ejiro
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year ago
The reason why I can't behind any of the characters or things they do is that they're made into hypocrites.
You got Mina and Eijirou who're against bullies yet are friends with Bakugou don't do anything when he gets onto All Might.
Hawks who had a past with an abusive father and when Endeavor is exposed as one, he doesn't react or say anything about it.
Izuku with his quirkless past yet doesn't offer any sympathy towards those like him, like how he tried to make Nighteye laugh or Aoyama.
And then there's Aizawa... the guy's a walking hypocrite so I don't feel like going into any of the things he did.
All this makes it difficult to really get behind and like these characters when they contradict their characteristics this much all to make the worse characters look good.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Exactly this. Hori's characters act how HE wants them to to service the plot rather than what would fit their characters. So we have situations like this where they become hypocrites and bad things are implied about them. We have talked about Aizawa before so I'll focus on Izuku, Kirishima, Mina and Hawks.
Izuku - was quirkless, was horrifically abused by Bakugou for this as well as daring to try to help him out a river once.
Also Izuku - is NOT allowed once to reflect on the similarities between Aoyama and himself. Is NOT allowed to think one bit on his quirkless past or the horrific bullying (abuse) he went through. Does not seek to change the status quo now that he is a part of it. Or think about how HE could change how quirkless are being treated. This in my most charitable interpretation could be Izuku's self hatred coming out full force, he doesn't want to think about when he was quirkless so he doesn't. But this could also be construed as arrogance, stupidity and narrow minded-ness.
Izuku - knows in graphic detail the Todofam situation, is best friends with Todoroki Shoto and confronted Endeav for being a POS when he first met him.
Also Izuku - Acts like a fanboy of Endeavor in the agency arc and defends Endeavor to Dabi's face (another of Endeavor's victims.) - This puts a sour taste in my mouth not going to lie, this reads as Izuku thinking, 'because he's nice to me and he says he's going to change all is good now!' Also (unlike defending Shoto) defending Endeav just isn't necessary here. No one is denying Endeavor's mentorship or heroism skills. Dabi is saying he is an abuser and a shit dad which - you know - he is. Izuku reads as a naive, narrow-minded teenager at best here. There are better ways Hori could have worded Izuku stepping in - this wasn't it.
Mina and Kirishima: 'We hate bullies!' 😠 Very vocally anti bully, their heroism stories each center on it.
Also Mina and Kirishima: look on as Bakugou acts like the BIGGEST bully for all of the academic year and decide to become his besties. - This can be read as them being too thick to work out Bakugou is a bully at best. At worst... They read as cowards and hypocrites. The 'It's ok as long as he's not picking on me or my friends,' type.
Hawks: has an abusive father that was taken into custody by Endeav before being taken by the HPSC and enduring more intense training (likely abuse.)
Also Hawks: Despite his past abuse as an adult licks the boots of another abusive father, Endeav (Endeav's boots must be super shiny.) - Are we still pretending Hawks is an actual character at this point? All he is now is an Endeav Simp with some 'I killed Twice' angst sprinkled in. But I will save the major pieces of salt regarding Hawks for the ask I have about him. Least charitable interpretation - Hawks has LOW empathy thanks to his abusive childhood and latches on hard to a select few (Endeav) who he will protect, screw everyone else. Hawks doesn't care about Endeav's past child abuse, spousal abuse and literal crimes just what he means to him. Most Charitable - Hawks is an abused messed up person who never grew up past his idealisation of Endeav and clung to anything that meant he could keep the 'hero Endeav' in his mind intact.
With all of these deductions in mind, characters we are meant to root for feel flat, hypocritical, OOC and just downright bizarre at times.
Why? Because Hori bends characters to his script rather than writing the script for what works for the characters.
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 1 year ago
Okay, something I realized a while ago is how the fandom doesn't give Kiribaku enough shit like it does with the bkdk or other ships, like an anti bkdk myself that prefer Izuku ten meters away from bk, same thing that many krdk shippers want too. However, many of them likes the cliche of  “bad boy with everyone but nice with the good boy who helps calm him down (this dynamic is repeated in with kachaco but heterosexual version)” In addition the ship is to the detriment of murdering Kirishima's character in the supposed relationship, although Horikoshi murdered the character when he became bakugou follower without self-criticism or construction of why a character who hated bullies and who wanted to learn to be braver to protect the weak he still decides to persecute someone who doesn’t show kindness or compassion to others.
I'm going to be honest, I don't like Kirishima's character, I think that many of his scenes, especially with BK, end up reinforcing a toxic masculinity because even though BK's behavior is toxic, he ends up labeling them as "manly", I think there is never any self-criticism on Kirishima's part towards this and while I understand that this is more Horikoshi's fault than anything else, I think that the fandom presents Kirishima as a deconstruction of toxic masculinity but that they end up cementing themselves with bk, because Kirishima sees in bk only his confidence and talent but he doesn't react when his actions are simply toxic or cruel to others, krbk is presented as a ship where kirishima is bk's lapdog and the worst of all is that it agrees with the canon since kirishima never stands over him to point out his flaws.
I think the reason it gets less flak than the others is because for the most part KrBk shippers are quiet and do their own thing. Also, Ejiro’s not linked to Izuku in any way, which makes it easier for people to stomach.
I can see why you don’t like him. I’m neutral towards him but Ejiro’s biggest problem is his inconsistency. When Ejiro’s without Katsuki, he’s a very interesting character. He’s a character meant to embody positive masculinity. Sadly, he’s with Katsuki most of the time, and even when he’s not, Katsuki’s involved in some way. I get finding someone’s free spirit and determination cool, but Katsuki embodies the worst aspects of these traits. Ejiro doesn’t seem to get that. When Katsuki rushed in to hit Kurogiri, Ejiro followed, not once thinking about the ramifications. Neither gets scolded either for essentially putting the rest of their classmates in danger. If Mezou wasn’t there, things could’ve ended up much worse.
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frozenprincessshay · 3 years ago
Kirishima Period Comfort
Summary: Your uterus is attacking you and your loving boyfriend, Kirishima, just wants to help.
Tags: Fluff, Period Comfort, Cuddles.
Training finally ended. You clutch your stomach as the cramps in your stomach attempt to kill you. Bakugou had not for a second taken it easy on you. You usually appreciate the equality Bakugou was born and raised with, but today you really wished he was an anti-feminist. You stumble into the dorms, passing a forming group of random 1A students in the common room. “Hey, Pebble.”, you heard your cheerful boyfriend call from the sofa. You swallow, you loved Kirishima but today, you really just wanted to be on your own. “Come sit with us.” He continued. You muscle up a smile, “No, thanks. I’m just kinda tired from training, so I’m gonna go to my room.” “O-okay.” Kirishima replied, looking a little worried. You didn’t like that; you didn’t want him to worry about you. You stand as straight as you could and smile widely. As Bakugou walks by, you elbow him, “I’m gonna beat your ass next time though.” Bakugou balled his fists and waved them at you, “You wanna fucking go, Extra.” “Oh, I’ll definitely beat you up. Tomorrow.” You wink at Kirishima, noticing his worried expression dissipate into a friendly smile to his best friend and girlfriend. Satisfied, you walk to the elevator, ready to curl up in a ball of blankets and discomfort.
As soon as you leave, Ejiro’s smile drops and he looks longingly after you. Mina, who was next to him noticed, “Hey, what’s up with you?” Ejiro looks at her, forcing an unconvincing smile, “It’s nothing.” To which Mina replies with a deadpan expression and an unheard, “Really?” Ejiro sighed, defeated, “It’s just that- she’s been different since yesterday. Kinda distant. Do you think I did something wrong?” “What? No. She adores you.” Mina says with the surety that Ejiro just didn’t have right now. He asked in a small voice, “Then why is she acting like that?” Jiro, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation asked, “What’s today’s date?” Ochaco replied with the date. “Oh,” she smiles knowingly, “The red demon as arrived.” Asui inquired, “How do you know, kirro?” “Cause she gets hers before I get mine.” Mina laughed, “Aw, poor her.” Ejiro looked between the girl confused, “Sorry, what?” Everyone looked a little surprised. “You don’t know?” Yao-momo asked. Ejiro shook his head in puzzlement. Mina replied with a horrified expression, “She’s your girlfriend, Kiri. You have to know these things.” Ejiro was slowly losing his patience, “Know what, Mina?” Jiro not a fan of this drawn-out useless conversation, “She’s on her period, Kirishima.” “Oh,” Ejiro vaguely remembered the mention of periods in sex ed. He knew that meant a woman would be bleeding for a certain amount of time, but that still didn’t understand why you were avoiding him. “But why is she being distant with me? I don’t care that she’d on her period.” Mina sighed, “Kiri. The poor thing’s probably in pain.” “In pain?!” Ejiro asked, fully alert now, “Why is she in pain?” “The cramps, Kirishima, pure torture.” Jiro replied. Ochaco piped in, “Yeah, and if I know your girlfriend, she hates taking pain medication.” Yao-momo confirmed, “Yes, that’s true. I did offer her once but she declined.” Ejiro knew that well enough. Whenever you got injured, you’d never admit to being any degree of serious. You’d always attempt to deal with it without seeing Recovery Girl. You and Ejiro hadn’t been dating very long, probably a little over a month, but he wished you had told him that you were suffering. Ejiro pouted, feeling helpless in this situation where he really wanted to help, “Then what should I do?” The girls pitied the well-meaning boyfriend. Mina said, “Okay, Kiri, this is what you have to do.”
You’d been trying to sleep for what felt like hours. But the cramps in your stomach refused to let you find any semblance of peace. You’d alternated between kicking the blanket of you, to pulling it to you neck, only to kick it back down again. You’d tossed and turned in an attempt to find a comfortable position but every one seemed to back your pain worse. You were on the verge of tears. You one hand on your lower stomach to try and bring some warmth to sooth your cramps, but it was next to useless. In the midst of changing position again, you hear a knock on the door. You ignore it in the hope that whoever it was would think you’re sleeping. However, the handle rattled and inside walked your boyfriend, Kirishima. You groaned internally, but externally you said as nicely as you could in your state, “Eji, I really can’t talk right now can you please-” “The girls told me you’re on your period.” Ejiro cut in. You groan externally now, “Is it that obvious?” “Apparently, Jiro’s period is right after yours…?” You exhale, “Right.” His expression saddened, “You could have told me you were in pain.” You look away from him, “It’s not really a big deal. I can handle it.” “I’m your boyfriend, I’m supposed to know this stuff.” He parrots Mina’s words. Your eyes flick to his and you feel guilty. The worry he’d been feeling was obvious in his scrunched eyebrows and worry etched into his facial features. “I’m sorry.” You say. He smiled. Kirishima Ejiro everyone, always so quick to forgive. “Well, I got you some stuff.” Ejiro held up a plastic packet enthusiastically before placing it on the bed to reveal its contents. “The girl’s told me you don’t like taking medication for it so I didn’t get that,” he sounded dubious about not getting the medication but nevertheless continued, “I got you the chocolate cake that you love. And burgers from McDonalds along with that iced coffee you like and-” You chuckle, so much thought must have gone into what he was buying and not everyone would go out of their way to buy their girlfriend’s favorites, “How did I get so lucky with the best boyfriend ever?” Ejiro’s face almost blended in with his hair, “I wouldn’t go that far.” “I would,” you say, then looking at all the stuff he bought, “Eji, I’m sorry but I can’t possible eat all this right now. I really just want to sleep, please.” Ejiro nods, understandingly, putting the packet down. “That’s okay. We can eat it when you wake up.” He notices your hand on your stomach and frowns, “Does it hurt a lot?” You shake your head, and lie, “Nah, I’m good.” “Then why do you have your hand on your stomach?” You huff a laugh, “You got me there. I don’t have a heating pad, so I’m trying to sooth the cramps with the warmth of my hand.” “Is it working?” “Um…” “What if I put my hand?” before you say anything Ejiro places his hand just a little down of yours so half of his hand lay on yours and the other on your stomach. You were about to protest but his hand was just so much warmer than yours. You pull your hand away from his. The warmth of his palm slowly calmed the worst of your cramps. Your eyes close from the little bit of peace and you place your hand over his pushing down gently. “Ejiro, would it be okay if we stayed like this? Just so I can sleep. You can leave after that; it just feels so nice.” Ejiro didn’t even hesitate. He says, with a toothy grin, “Of course, anything to help my Baby Shark.” You scoot a little to the edge of the bed to make room for Ejiro to shift onto it. You relax for the first time that day when Ejiro and you were comfortable situated next to each other. With your eyes already closing you say, “Thank you, Ejiro.” He kisses the side of your head, being careful not to move his hand at all, “Goodnight, Pebble.” You fall into blissful sleep, so grateful for a caring boyfriend like Ejiro.
When morning came, you shift in your bed and were a little surprised to bump into something heavy. You looked up to find Ejiro still here. You wondered distantly if he had stayed deliberately or had just fallen asleep here. Either way, you were happy to wake up surrounded by his warmth and comfort.
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twisted-lies · 4 years ago
♤Mod Kokichi Introduction!♤
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Hey! Mod Kokichi here, you can find my pronouns here and I'm Pansexual as well as Transgender!
Anyways~! More below the cut!
♤Anon Masterlist♤
Be sure to check the FAQ tag before asking certain things (Ex; what I use to edit)
Anti LGBTQ+ / Exclusionists
Anti Neopronouns
(NO)MAP or whatever you call yourselves
Fact Kin
Support Endos
Support ab/se, inc/st, ped/phillia, etc
Support Trump
Super Straight
Identify as a yandere or yandere in general
Appart of Chihiro Fujisaki gender discourse (I'll be using they/them.)
Discourse in general
And other basic DNI criteria
♤What I can do for you♤
Icons (Specify; Size (Default 500×500), Shape, Character, Aesthetic/Color theme. I can do circle and heart)
Reply Icons
Gif Icons (Square only, not bouncy, and only from the bolded sources)
Headers (Specify; Character, Aesthetic/Color theme)
Wallpapers (Specify; Size, Character, Aesthetic/Color theme)
Edit Sets (9 icons and 4 wallpapers/headers)
Post dividers
Sprite Edits
Kin Matchups
Flag Edits (picked from characters)
Danganronpa (1/2/3/v3 + SDRA2)
Your Turn To Die
Witch's Heart
Ayakashi Akashi
My Hero Academia
Soul Eater
Darling in the FRANXX
Corpse Party
Doki Doki Literature Club
Me You and Her
Five Nights at Freddy's
Friday Night Funkin'
I can do other sources too, just be specific. All I'd be able to do though would be Icons, Headers, Wallpapers, Moodboards, and Stimboards.
Celestia Ludenburg
Mukuro Ikusaba
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Peko Pekoyama
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Ouma
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma
Rantaro Amami
Shuichi Saihara
Bandaid (Ibuki x Mikan)
Saipeko (Shuichi Saihara x Peko Pekoyama)
Peko Pekoyama x Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x Shuichi Saihara
Super Danganronpa Another 2
Ihora Nijiue
Setsuka Chiebukuro
Syobai Hashimoto
Yoruko Kabuya
Your Turn To Die
Alice Yabusame
Gin Ibushi
Joe Tazuna
Ranmaru Kageyama
Reko Yabusame
Shin Tsukimi
Tia Safalin
Witch's Heart
Ashe Bradley
Noel Levine
Sirius Gibson
Wilardo Adler
Any variation of Claire x Noel x Sirus
Ayakashi Akashi
Kashima Akebono
Mino Naraidate
Naki Kokouriko
Tina Etuprika
Zero Manzanka
Ia Shishibe x Mino Naraidate
Rokuro Yamakagashi x Zero Manzanka
Doki Doki Literature Club
Sayori x Yuri
Soul Eater
Death the Kid
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Crona x Maka
Darling in the Franxx
Zero Two
My Hero Academia
Denki Kaminari
Ejiro Kirishima
Katsuki Bakugo
Shouta Aizawa
Shoto Todoroki
Tamaki Amajiki
Eraserhead x Present Mic
Tamaki Amajiki x Mirio Togata
Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya
Ochaco Ururaka x Himiko Toga
Katsuki Bakugo x Ejiro Kirishima
Denki Kaminari x Hitoshi Shinso
Friday Night Funkin'
Mommy Meanest
Soft Pico
Skid and Pump
Corpse Party
Ayumi Shinozaki
Seiko Shinohara
Cherry Blossoms
Hifumi Yamada
Teruteru Hanamura
Haji Towa
Junko x Anyone (Can be platonic.)
Tenko Chabashira x Men (Can be platonic.)
Toxic Ships (Ex: Junkan and Togafuka)
Mikan x Korekiyo
Super Danganronpa Another 2
Yuri Kagarin
Yoruko Kabuya x Men (Can be platonic.)
My Hero Academia
Minoru Mineta
Kirishima/Bokugo/Todoroki/Izuki x Women
Izuku Midoriya x Ochaco Ururaka
Shouta Aizawa x Ms. Joke
Eri x Anyone
Friday Night Funkin'
Sky (Selective)
Father Fairest
Mother Mariest
Boyfriend to Death
Dream SMP/Minecraft Youtubers
Any real life people
(No specific order and doubles are fine)
Celestia Ludenburg
Mukuro Ikusaba
Mikan Tsumiki
Nagito Komaeda
Peko Pekoyama
Kirumi Tojo
Kokichi Ouma (ID)
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma
Shuichi Saihara
Super Danganronpa Another 2
Kokoro Mitsume
Your Turn To Die
Shin Tsumiki
Witch's Heart
Noel Levine
Sirius Gibson
Wilardo Adler
Ayakashi Akashi
Kashima Akebono
Naki Kokouriko
Zero Manzanka
My Hero Academia
Katsuki Bakugo
Shoto Todoroki
Ejiro Kirishima
♤Can I get a promo?♤
@dynasty-of-gold @dxnganronpa-helpers @seleneaedits @ultimate-yakuza-editing @drip-drop-edits @pizzakinz @proonvedits @gremedits @nejire-chan-kins @pek-pek-editss @kinhelpfromtsu @lia-makes-trashy-edits @lilhomeroom-edits @starkinns @shsl-princess-editss @shipndkinluv @drkinedits @kinganrompa @danganronpa-edit-pals @k1n-v1bez @despairkinn @addictedkinn @ultimatekinhelpers
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urfaveisantijamescharles · 4 years ago
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Ejiro Kirishima from My Hero Academia is anti James Charles !
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