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mordredpendragon · 1 day ago
Arthuriana Quick Bites : Short Reads in 200 Pages or Fewer
Want to read some Arthuriana but short on time?
A collection of short medieval texts, poems, plays, and short stories and anthologies.
Links are provided to PDF's for free reading or to download. If a book is still in print, a link to where you can purchase will be provided. This post will be updated as necessary.
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This post was made in collaboration with and wouldn't have been possible without @queer-ragnelle! The following PDF's are supplied by the Arthurian Preservation Project, which i emplore you to go check out for yourself. My personal reccomendations are bolded and higlighted in pink, while L's reccomendations are in green.
Medieval Texts
Alliterative Morte Arthure 💖 translated by Richard Scott-Robinson
Erex Saga and Ívens Saga💖 translated by Foster W. Blaisdell and Marianne E. Kalink
Guingamor / Lanval / Tyolet / Bisclaveret by Marie de France translated by Jessie Weston
King Artus translated by Curt Leviant
Morien💖translated by Jessie Weston
Peredur 💖 translated by Meirion Pennar
Pulzella Gaia
Roman de Brut by Wace translated by Eugene Mason
The Adventure of Melora and Orlando translated by John R. Harris
The Perilous Graveyard translated by Ross G. Arthur
The Romance of Perceval 💖 translated by Dell Skeels
The Turke and Sir Gawain💖 translated by Dr. Brian Gastle
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle 💖translated by Dr. David Breeden
Sir Launfal by Thomas Chestre
Sir Perceval de Galles / Ywain and Gawain 💖 edited by Mary Flowers Braswell
Short Stories
A Camelot Triptych💖 by Norris J Lacy
From Camelot to China💖 translated by Annegret Oehme
Hunt of the Hart Royal by Cherith Baldry
In the Forest Perilous by Cherith Baldry
The Trial of Sir Kay💖 by Cherith Baldry
The Last Knight of Camelot: The Chronicles of Sir Kay by Cherith Baldry
Kairo-Kō: A Dirge💖 by Natsume Sōseki
Mordred and the Green Knight 💖 by Phyllis Ann Karr
Sir Agravaine💖 by P. G. Wodehouse
The Fortunate Island by Max Adeler
Five Arthurian Poems 💖by William Morris (Galahad: A Christmas Mystery my beloved!)
Lancelot💖 by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Merlin by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Tristram by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Maid Avoraine by R. Williams Buchanan
Post-Laureate Idyls & Other Poems💖 by Oscar Fay Adams
Six Ballads About King Arthur by Your Loving Granny
Merlin in Love by Aaron Hill
Mordred, A Tragedy 💖 by Henry Newbolt
King Arthur by J. Comyns Car
Lancelot💖 by James Bridie
The Quest of Merlin by Richard Hovey
The Marriage of Guenevere by Richard Hovey
The Birth of Galahad 💖by Richard Hovey
Taliesin by Richard Hovey
The Holy Grail by Richard Hovey
The Misfortunes of Arthur💖 by Thomas Hughes
The Birth of Merlin by William Shakespeare & William Rowley
Vortigern and Rowena by William Shakespeare (Apocryphal)
Arthurian Tales: Author's Choice by Phyllis Ann Karr
Arthur, The Greatest King - An Anthology of Modern Arthurian Poems by Alan Lupack
The Camelot Chronicles edited by Mike Ashley
The Chronicles of the Round Table edited by Mike Ashley
The Chronicles of the Holy Grail edited by Mike Ashley
The Pendragon Chronicles edited by Mike Ashley
The Merlin Chronicles edited by Mike Ashley
Invitation to Camelot edited by Parke Godwin
Other Masterposts by L @queer-ragnelle:
Beginner's Guide to Medieval Arthuriana
Hi-Lo Arthuriana
♡ Loathly Lady Master Post ���
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Happy reading! 💕
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 months ago
The robins valentines story is extra funny when you remember that, canonically, Valentines Day is the 2nd biggest crime day in Gotham.
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petermorwood · 1 month ago
Once there was a bookshop.
Its name was "Dark They Were And Golden Eyed", the title of a Ray Bradbury short story.
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I'd seen it advertised in the back of my "Conan The Barbarian" comics, black-and-white UK reprints of the US originals which came out on the same day - Thursday, I think - as a two-hour first period history lesson (9AM-11AM).
So I bought my weekly Conan on the way to school as a pleasant back-of-the-class distraction from such A-Level delights as "Metternich and the Congress of Vienna" or "Bismarck and the origins of the Franco-Prussian War" or "Causes and Consequences of the French Revolution".
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I was getting into fantasy at that time because British publishers were bringing it out like there was no tomorrow - Robert E. Howard "Conan" stories from Sphere, Clark Ashton Smith "Zothique" stories from Panther, and the Michael Moorcock book-of-the-month club from Mayflower.
Dark They Were was a sort of holy grail, because London wasn’t exactly round the corner or even a mere long train ride away as Dublin might have been, and my parents weren't willing to let me make a trip like that all alone. (I also suspect Dad had checked a map and found that Dark They Were was in the heart of Soho, a place with Other Kinds Of Bookshop.)
I finally went to London after getting A-levels good enough for Uni, despite my History result not being what it might have been (no idea how that happened). :-P
Dad was right about the Other Kinds Of Bookshop, a couple of which I duly investigated and found to be educational, although not in the way intended. Even though the places I ate and drank and the books and records I bought on that same trip are long forgotten, I can still remember it.
Despite having at least my usual allowance of critical-faculty-blunting late teen hormones, the shops outweighed it with their air of furtive sleaze, like the carpet in a seedy bar that sticks to your shoes - except this was an all-body experience. They certainly filled me with desire, but that desire was for a long, hot shower.
So much for the main attraction of late-'70s Soho...
Far more attractive was my discovery, just a short walk round the corner from DTW, of 58 Dean Street Records, which specialised in soundtrack albums.
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I'd been buying soundtrack LPs for years, so what with DTW and 58, I was well laden on my way home, and none of those purchases needed hidden from the parents, either... :->
Despite that, Forever People in Bristol was an even more important SF bookshop, at least to me. For one thing it was easier to reach, less than an hour away when visiting an old school friend who at that time lived in Cardiff.
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For another thing, I'd become a keen fan of fantasy anthologies, which were like samplers or tasting menus for different writers - you could call them selection boxes,and Irish / UK readers will know what I mean by that.
FP was where I found imports like Offutt's "Swords Against Darkness" series and DAW's "Year's Best Fantasy" series. I'd already got the first two in Carter's "Flashing Swords" series as UK imprints...
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...so the instant I saw the US-import Number 5 I nabbed it.
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A bit later, back in Belfast, I found a novel by one of those writers in Queen’s University Bookshop.
It was set in the same world as the short story and though the cover was, er, a less than accurate summation of the contents, those contents made for a fascinating read.
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I met that writer twice, at SF conventions in 1985.
Then at a couple more in 1986.
After that came Boskone in 1987...
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And the rest is history.
(Pedantic writer note: this has two typos. There's no apostrophe on Authors' - unless it's short for Authors Have A Wedding and I doubt that - and there's an extra O where I don't need it, a first but far from last instance of having my name misspelled in print...)
Happy soon-to-be-38th Anniversary, loved!
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smbhax · 22 days ago
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Cover illustration by Frank Frazetta
Info from ISFDB
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artisimpossible · 7 months ago
This is the place where everyone talks about wanting unique stories, interesting independent projects, all that jazz, so I want to shout out this anthology that I just found that sounds BEYOND fucking amazing.
"TELL THEM OF US" is a comic anthology that explores the last recorded voices of human civilization, witnessed through the lens of an alien crew discovering a hastily assembled digital archive of our memories: Our attempt, as a species, at both legacy and warning, created in the face of oblivion.
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Anyway, I am not at all affiliated with this project, but I did back it and would like to see it come to fruition, so please boost it and support it! (Also one of my favorite artists has a story in this and I will cry if I don't get to read it, thanks)
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esqueletosgays · 5 months ago
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V/H/S/BEYOND (2024)
Directors: Jordan Downey, Christian and Justin Long, Justin Martinez, Virat Pal, Kate Siegel & Jay Cheel Cinematography: Tapan Basu, Alexander Chinnici, Mike McLaughlin, Kevin Stewart
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aroaessidhe · 3 months ago
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read in 2024: anthologies
Everything Under The Moon
Heartwood: Non-binary Tales of Sylvan Fantasy
Inara: Light of Utopia
Fifty Beasts To Break Your Heart
Thyme Travellers
Faeries Never Lie
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uwmspeccoll · 11 months ago
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It's Fine Press Friday!
A Classic Representation
The Greek Portrait is an anthology of English verse translations of eminent Greek poets, from Homer to Meleager, with the corresponding Greek text presented alongside. Numerous translators provided the translations, taking on the arduous task of translating essential works from the Classical Period, including epic, lyric, and dramatic poetry.
This 1934 edition was designed by British fine-press publisher Francis Meynell (1891-1975) and printed in an edition of 425 copies by Dutch book and type designer Jan van Krimpen (1892-1958) at the Press of Enschedé en Zonen in Haarlem for Meynell's Nonesuch Press in London. The text was edited by English poet and critic George Rostrevor Hamilton (1888-1967) and printed on Pannekoek paper in Fleischman Greek and van Krimpen's Lutetia types.
The illustrations are by Mariette Lydis (1887-1970), an Austrian-Argentine painter known for her portraits, illustrations, and erotic engravings. She was a self-taught artist who began her career at a young age and had a history of creating what was considered controversial artwork during her lifetime. She gained recognition for creating lithographic depictions that celebrated lesbian and bisexual relationships. However, some critics of her work described the illustrations as "perverse.” We find these prints to be quite lovely, however.
-Melissa, Special Collections Classics Intern
View another post with illustrations by Mariette Lydis.
View our other posts with books from the Nonesuch Press.
View other Classics posts.
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the-forest-library · 11 months ago
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these books have such a pleasing shelf presence
Book Beat - Oak Pak, MI
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fieriframes · 2 months ago
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elle-p · 9 months ago
Scans of the covers and backs of Persona 3 Comic Anthologies. This isn't all of them.
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year ago
Duke not being at Damian's 13th birthday party is ooc and I will never stop grudging Truth & Justice for that.
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xiaosonlybeloved · 2 years ago
Book Request!
🪶 Wanderer
📝 5, 9
🪴 Fern Bookmark
🌸 Flowery Scent
Request sent anonymously.
Lonely Nights
Librarian's note:- I know I'm terribly late, but here you go...
Book info:- Books- ->5- Can you give me another chance? -> 9- Your love means so much more to me than you imagine.
Starring:-Scaramouche (Modern AU setting) Bookmark:- gn!reader, flowery scent:- hurt/comfort
Warning:- Scara ignoring you and treating you badly, kissing
event masterlist
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 “And have you ever considered that I might not want to spend time with you? That I might want you out of my hair?”
This night was the same as the last, and the one before, and more. Your boyfriend arrived silently in the dead of night, grabbing the cold meal you’d prepared for him hours ago and reheating it. He ignored the questions you sent his way, about how his day had been, where had he been, why was he so late, and the like. Naturally, this made you irritated. Scaramouche had been coming home very late these past few months, you barely saw him throughout the day. And when you did see him, he either gave you the cold shoulder or responded with short, clipped sentences. At this point, you felt less like his girlfriend, and more like a stranger or a servant; he only ever talked to you when he wanted something done. And this night, you’d finally had enough.
“Scaramouche.” He stopped whatever he was doing for a moment, then continued with it, looking at you over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. This time, your tone was different- firm and assertive. ”What is it now?” He drawled out disinterestedly. “I’m tired of this.” You said bluntly, bitterly. “I’m tired of waiting for you to come back in the dead of night. I’m tired of seeing you once or twice in the entire day. I’m tired of you constantly ignoring me. I’m tired of this relationship. I’m tired of us, Scaramouche.”
The indigo haired male merely looked annoyed. “Ugh, what’s this all about, [Y/N]? Come on, I’m sleepy, I’ve been out the entire day. I have better things to do than this.” He said dismissively. “That’s exactly what I’m saying!” You snapped. “You said it yourself, you’ve been out the entire day. You barely spend any time with me. Do you even consider me as your girlfriend anymore? Hell, you spend more time with that traveller Lumine than you do with me!” Now you were angry, your voice raised even more.
“And have you ever considered that I might not want to spend time with you? That I might want you out of here? That I might enjoy Lumine’s company more than yours?” The words were out of Scaramouche’s mouth before he could think about it, his ice cold gaze turning to look at you.
And he knew he’d messed up real bad when he saw your face.
The angry expression dropped from your face, replaced by a look of utter shock and disbelief. You sucked in a shallow breath as you both stared at each other. There was an indefinable emotion in Scaramouche’s irises as he looked at you. He wanted to take back his words, but his pride prevented him from doing so.
A heartbeat passed. And then another. And another. You were the one who broke the staring contest, the surprise changing into an emotionless expression. “Alright. I can see where I’m not wanted.” You said in a freezing tone as he briskly walked past him into your once- shared bedroom. Not even five minutes later, you reappear with two duffel bags in your hands. You’d managed to haphazardly stuff most of your important belongings into them. You came out to find Scara sitting relaxedly on the couch, eating the meal. The one you’d prepared.
He sat up straight when he saw your luggage in tow. “What are you-” “We’re over, Scaramouche.” You said coldly and firmly. He stood up angrily. “You can’t just do-” “I can damn well do what I want. There’s no ‘us’ anymore. Goodbye.” You cut him again roughly, promptly walking out the door, shutting it behind you. Scaramouche made no effort to stop you, he just stared at you as if expecting you to say that it was a joke.
It wasn’t. The chilly night wind instantly hit you as you stepped outside. A tear ran down your cheek as you debated what to do next. You weren’t going back, that much was certain. There was still traffic on the road, despite the time. You walked some distance to a nearby park and sat down on the swing, pulling out your phone to message your friend group.
‘Lukewarm idiots’
Y/N_real ik its late but is anyone awake?
Haitham Go to sleep, Y/N.
Y/N_real look whos talking anyways thats exactly why im here need a place to crash tonight till i sort things out
Haitham I see. I’m not letting you anywhere near him from now on. Sorry, I’m not home tonight…
Y/N_real thats fine np
Nilou<3 why are yall awake? oh I agree with haitham
Jokemaster Send me your location. I’ll come pick you up You can stay with me tonight.
Y/N_real Omg TYSM CYNO
Jokemaster And tomorrow ill go murder sc*r*
~Kaveh~ HELP Same ngl
Haitham Count me in too, Ill be back tomorrow
Nilou Me too! How dare he do something like this to my precious N/N???
Y/N_real GUYS DONT I was the one who walked out on him T.T Anyways -insert location-
Jokemaster omw 
You were grateful for your friends, you really were. God knows what you’d do without them. Within minutes, a sleek black car came speeding towards the park, and the white haired male that was Cyno stuck his head out the window, motioning you to get in, which you did without hesitation. The moment you closed the car door, Cyno immediately said, “I’ll freaking kill him, I swear.” “Cyno NO- actually you know what, I dont care anymore. Do what you want. I’ve had enough.” Cyno scowled. “Finally you broke up with that a**hole. It’s about time. He never deserved you anyways.” There was silence for a bit, which you broke with, “Cyno, thank you so much. I really owe you one.” “No, you dont. Not at all. If you want, consider this as compensation for giving me that limited time, exclusive TCG cardback.”
The moment Cyno opened the door to his spacious apartment flat, you instantly get tackled. “Hey-ow-HEY!” You exclaimed, making out the faces of Nilou and Kaveh, hugging the life out of you. “Welcome back, N/N.”
In their endeavours to cheer you up, you all binge-watched a bunch of Netflix series the entire night with a gigantic stock of snacks. (It worked.)
Meanwhile Scaramouche was just sitting quietly, staring at the door. The fact that you’d actually left hadn’t sunk in yet. He kept expecting you to open the door, apologising for having walked out on him. How hypocritical. He should be the one apologising.
He was awake that entire night. Only when the first rays of dawn filtered through the curtains did he realize that you weren’t coming back.
His mind was blank the entire day, as he gently shut the door behind him. Even his ‘acquaintances’ seemed to notice that he was out of it that day. Heck, he didn’t even pay as much attention to Lumine as he usually did. He came home early that night.
When he opened the door, he just stood there for a good minute, as if expecting something. He slowly realized that it was Y/N he was waiting for. He had grown too accustomed to Y/N badgering him with annoying questions about his day, then smile and say that dinner was ready. He worked on autopilot as he headed towards the kitchen, just to find that there was no plate of delicious homemade food waiting for him.
You wouldn’t ever be waiting for him at home with your boundless love ever again.
Over the next few days, your absence made itself blaringly known to Scaramouche. Takeout boxes littered the floor. He stopped going out as much. Everything reminded him of you. How the shade of that tree used to be your favourite hangout spot. How you loved those stray kittens. How that restaurant was your favourite. How that couple blissfully sitting in candlelight was once you and him.
When did things start to go wrong, he wondered. When did he start leaving you on read, not show up to dates, and ignore you. When and why did he start growing distant? Why on earth did he push away the only one who’d loved and understood him like no other? Now he was left all alone, longing desperately for a single glimpse of you.
He opened the last chat thread between you and him, bitter memories resurfacing. It read:-
‘Y/N <33’
Scara: Y/N Scara: I’m so sorry Scara: I really didn’t mean that, I swear. It just slipped out in the heat of the moment.  Scara: Shit, I know you’re really mad at me, but goddamn I swear I didn’t ever mean to say that. I know I haven’t been treating you well recently.  Scara: But please, can you give me another chance? Scara: Your love means so much more to me than you can imagine.
Y/N <33 : No. Y/N <33 : You really hurt me, Scara…
 {Y/N <33 has blocked you.}
Months had passed after the breakup and Scaramouche couldn’t bear it. Regret and guilt drowned him every day; not a moment went by without him cursing himself out for having said those two damned sentences that made you snap. You too had left him like everyone else, but this time, it was completely his own fault
He missed you. He missed you so much that he wanted to go to your doorstep and beg for you to return, if only he could find you. But the stars weren’t aligned in his favour. They never were.
You didn’t miss him. You got over him. Your beautiful shared memories were something that only brought you sadness now, at what couldve been. But you knew that something like this was inevitable to happen. After all, this is Scaramouche we’re talking about.
You’d been rooming with Kaveh and Alhaitham these past few months. And you were happy with it. I mean, the liveliness (of Kaveh and Alhaitham screaming at each other at the top of their lungs) was quite a welcome change.
4 years had passed since, and Scaramouche still hadn’t seen you. He was barely holding on. For the sake of his sanity, he tried going out with others. To try to forget you. But it never worked. Because Scara knew that you were the one for him.
It was a starry night. Scaramouche idly walked past a restaurant to clear out his thoughts. It used to be your favourite restaurant, he thought wistfully.
And then he froze.
4 years. It had been four years since he’d last seen you. Evidently it wasn’t long enough for him to forget you. Because you were standing right there.
He couldn’t move; he couldn’t breathe.
He thought he’d be ecstatic when he saw you. Then why did he feel like he wanted to fall on his knees and scream his lungs out?
Because an unfamiliar man was one one knee before you, holding your hand delicately, gently slipping a ring onto your finger. 
You were happy, content. He could clearly see your joy on your face. And it stung, because you’d never worn such a beautiful expression on your face when you’d been with him. Not even once.
He saw the two of you embrace tightly, before kissing each other deeply. He turned away; this scene was too painful to watch.
He was too late. He wasn’t enough anymore. Actually, he’d never been enough. You were always the one for him, yet he wasn’t ever the one for you.
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Hope you liked it! Requests are still open till 30th july :)
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lgbtqreads · 10 months ago
Spotlight on: 2024 Lammy Finalists for Best Anthology
Today on the site we’re shining the spotlight on the 2024 finalists for the Lambda Literary Award for Best Anthology! Anthologies are pretty near and dear to my heart, having edited five of them, and I’m thrilled to help showcase these editors, contributors, and volumes before the Lammy Awards take place on June 11th! 2 Trans 2 Furious: An Extremely Serious Journal of Transgender Street Racing…
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justalittlesolarpunk · 2 years ago
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New reading material yesssss
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