#Antas Klan
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ausetkmt · 7 months ago
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Encyclopedia of American Race Riots [2 volumes]: Greenwood Milestones in African American History [2 volumes] Illustrated Edition
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2008 Ida B. Wells and Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Africana Studies
2007 Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Race riots are the most glaring and contemporary displays of the racial strife running through America's history. Mostly urban, mostly outside the South, and mostly white-instigated, the number and violence of race riots increased as blacks migrated out of the rural South and into the North and West's industrialized cities during the early part of the twentieth-century.
Though white / black violence has been the most common form of racial violence, riots involving Asians and Hispanics are also included and examined. Race riots are the most glaring and contemporary displays of the racial strife running through America's history. Mostly urban, mostly outside the South, and mostly white-instigated, the number and violence of race riots increased as blacks migrated out of the rural South and into the North and West's industrialized cities during the early part of the twentieth-century.
While most riots have occurred within the past century, the encyclopedia reaches back to colonial history, giving the encyclopedia an unprecedented historical depth.
Though white on black violence has been the most common form of racial violence, riots involving other racial and ethnic groups, such as Asians and Hispanics, are also included and examined.
Organized A-Z, topics include: notorious riots like the Tulsa Riots of 1921, the Los Angeles Riots of 1965 and 1992; the African-American community's preparedness and responses to this odious form of mass violence; federal responses to rioting; an examination of the underlying causes of rioting; the reactions of prominent figures such as H. Rap Brown and Martin Luther King, Jr to rioting; and much more. Many of the entries describe and analyze particular riots and violent racial incidents, including the following:
Belleville, Illinois, Riot of 1903 Harlem, New York, Riot of 1943 Howard Beach Incident, 1986 Jackson State University Incident, 1970 Los Angeles, California, Riot of 1992 Memphis, Tennessee, Riot of 1866 Red Summer Race Riots of 1919 Southwest Missouri Riots 1894-1906 Texas Southern University Riot of 1967
Entries covering the victims and opponents of race violence, include the following:
Black Soldiers, Lynching of Black Women, Lynching of Diallo, Amadou Hawkins, Yusef King, Rodney Randolph, A. Philip Roosevelt, Eleanor Till, Emmett, Lynching of Turner, Mary, Lynching of Wells-Barnett, Ida B.
Many entries also cover legislation that has addressed racial violence and inequality, as well as groups and organizations that have either fought or promoted racial violence, including the following:
Anti-Lynching League Civil Rights Act of 1957 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Ku Klux Klan National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Nation of Islam Vigilante Organizations White League Other entries focus on relevant concepts, trends, themes, and publications.
Besides almost 300 cross-referenced entries, most of which conclude with lists of additional readings, the encyclopedia also offers a timeline of racial violence in the United States, an extensive bibliography of print and electronic resources, a selection of important primary documents, numerous illustrations, and a detailed subject index.
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unpensadoranonimo · 5 years ago
Las noticias de los últimos días (14/6/2020)
Andalucía pide a los alcaldes que no asuman la gestión del IMV y lo deriven al Gobierno de España
Detenidos nueve supuestos integrantes de 'Antas Klan', un grupo antimusulmán que hace patrullas nocturnas en Almería
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Caso Covid19
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Caso Palau
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Caso Pujol
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Caso Tandem
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Villarejo traslada las luchas intestinas de la brigada política al juicio por el 'pendrive' de los Pujol
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canalguardiacivil · 5 years ago
La Guardia Civil detiene a los 9 integrantes de una organización delictiva por delitos de incitación al odio y a la violencia racista
A este grupo violento, de carácter juvenil e inspiración neonazi, se le atribuye la creación de un grupo autodenominado “ANTAS KLAN”, creado para tomar el control de la situación y dar respuesta, con actos fuera de la Ley, a la inseguridad que según ellos se vive la localidad de Antas
Se agrupan entorno a una ideología de extrema derecha creando patrullas clandestinas que, durante la noche, plagan de pasquines las calles con mensajes promoviendo el odio y la violencia hacia la comunidad islámica
Ha sido desmantelado un punto de venta de droga en la localidad de Antas, donde los detenidos traficaban obteniendo una fuente de ingresos ilegal para llevar a cabo sus acciones
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alwaysbewoke · 7 years ago
50 Books Every Black Person Should Read...
Black Masculinity and the Cinema of Policing by Jared Sexton (get the book)
Appropriating Blackness: Performance and the Politics of Authenticity by E. Patrick Johnson (get the book)
Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America by Melissa V. Harris-Perry (get the book)
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin (get the book)
The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol (get the book)
Seize The Time by Bobby Seale (get the book)
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet A. Washington (get the book)
Dirty Little Secrets About Black History : Its Heroes & Other Troublemakers by Claud Anderson (get the book)
They Came Before Columbus by Dr. Ivan Van Sertima (get the book)
Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism by Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (get the book)
The Miseducation of the Negro by Dr. Carter G. Woodson (get the book)
Precolonial Black Africa by Cheikh Anta Diop (get the book)
Black Skin White Mask by Frantz Fanon (get the book)
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass (get the book)
Killing the Black Body: Race, Reproduction, and the Meaning of Liberty by Dorothy Roberts (get the book)
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander (get the book)
Bloods: Black Veterans of the Vietnam War by Wallace Terry (get the book)
Not in My Neighborhood: How Bigotry Shaped a Great American City by Antero Pietila (get the book)
Assata: An Autobiography by Assata Shakur (get the book)
Developmental Psychology of the Black Child by A N Wilson (get the book)
Black Labor, White Wealth : The Search for Power and Economic Justice by Claud Anderson (get the book)
The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin (get the book)
Women, Race, & Class by Angela Y. Davis (get the book)
Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust: The Rise of European Capitalism by Dr. John Henrik Clarke (get the book)
Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly (get the book)
The Hidden Rules of Race: Barriers to an Inclusive Economy by Andrea Flynn (get the book)
Ida: A Sword Among Lions: Ida B. Wells and the Campaign Against Lynching by Paula J. Giddings (get the book)
The Condemnation of Blackness by Khalil Gibran Muhammad (get the book)
The Blood of Emmett Till by Timothy B. Tyson (get the book)
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire (get the book)
The Blueprint For Black Power by Dr. Amos Wilson (get the book)
PowerNomics : The National Plan to Empower Black America by Dr. Claud Anderson (get the book)
When Affirmative Action Was White by Ira Katznelson (get the book)
Annie Allen by Gwendolyn Brooks (get the book)
The Lynching: The Epic Courtroom Battle That Brought Down the Klan by Laurence Leamer (get the book)
The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes by Langston Hughes (get the book)
The Rise and Fall of Black Wall Street by Robin Walker (get the book)
Harlem: A Century in Images by Deborah Willis (get the book)
Slavery by Another Name by Douglas A. Blackmon (get the book)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley (get the book)
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein (get the book)
Ain’t I a Woman by bell hooks (get the book)
For colored girls who have considered suicide when the rainbow is enuf by Ntozake Shange (get the book)
The Souls of Black Folk by W. E. B. Du Bois (get the book)
Yurugu: An African-Centered Critique of European Cultural Thought and Behavior by Dr. Marimba Ani (get the book)
Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism by Edward E. Baptist (get the book)
Sister Outsider by Audre Lorde (get the book)
The Philosophies and Teachings of Marcus Garvey by Marcus Garvey (get the book)
Remaking Black Power: How Black Women Transformed an Era by Ashley D. Farmer (get the book)
Soledad Brothers by George Jackson (get the book)
Happy Black History Month!
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444names · 2 years ago
farbaddan names
(link to source)
Ababarra Abava Abbáta Adaban Adarann Adrad Adwallá Adwasa Agana Akal Alalaná Alall Alant Alatar Alatta Alaxan Albabarlá Albanrá Aldan Alfranka Allannaka Allaná Allata Alládasa Alládatä Almala Almalfras Alta Altannal Alva Aládab Alán Amallapan Amar Amaran Amarka Amarlan Ambal Ammanavar Ammard Amárgar Anaka Anat Annattan Anraka Antas Antá Arakan Aranaká Aravára Araxá Arkas Arlan Armagan Arna Arradallá Arradalá Arran Arravar Arránnas Arta Arála Arám Asakká Asallá Aska Asma Assanarrán Avada Avanataff Avartaw Azabaradlá Azald Azannatá Bababara Babart Babbál Bablan Baka Bakana Bakasará Bakk Bala Balassará Ballad Bana Banat Bara Baradás Baraka Baraká Baralarla Baraná Barastan Barat Barawn Barna Barnanafál Barána Basalp Bata Battand Blan Bradartan Brannan Bras Bravárat Bránn Bátan Bátas Dalaxand Dall Damala Danat Danda Danka Dankal Danta Darad Daraddárd Darandavá Darankarma Darrán Dartrattá Darvada Dasarl Datka Dattastast Dattána Davá Dwadas Dwaga Fanatkadra Fanra Fargaraska Farlaná Faránassa Flaradalap Flág Flám Fraka Fralaxan Fran Frana Frantar Frál Gaba Gabranaká Gala Galana Galann Galfranna Gallapál Garakká Garanná Garká Garlá Gart Glapana Grakk Graktarrá Grakál Gwada Gwaganá Gállá Gárál Jaffard Jafragt Jaka Jakaban Jakadaná Jakar Jakta Jaktannata Jaká Jakárá Jalvála Jama Jamamma Jamballas Janalá Janana Janaralám Jandat Jandrán Jandrána Jannasanat Janta Jara Jarada Jarawn Jarma Jarrakan Jart Jarát Jasanda Jasaw Jaslán Jass Jassaw Jasta Javá Jákarda Jánakara Jánavakar Kadalá Kaka Kakalattar Kalanavad Kalbal Kalád Kamattammá Kandrán Karanda Karbar Karbara Karda Karmakk Karmanka Karmarras Karrát Karta Kasa Kassálald Kast Kastara Katan Kattara Klaltap Klan Klandrán Klanna Klasa Klárgá Kraka Krakatrán Krakká Kran Krana Krat Kravaka Krax Ladná Lakannála Lakargará Lakatard Lakálana Lanakana Land Lannáll Lanra Lapa Lapan Laralá Larman Laráglax Lasandan Latranna Lárasa Lártava Läsarla Läsarmab Läsat Mabbá Madá Maggalantá Magt Makannaká Makk Mala Malakká Malbarda Mallandar Mallá Malláma Mallánna Mammarána Manattá Mangád Manjakamá Manna Mant Maná Maral Maralp Maras Mard Marlan Marlard Marlastadd Marládra Marman Marna Marra Marranga Mart Marátra Masarl Massamarta Mata Matana Matt Matta Mattall Mattáda Maxá Mára Naká Nata Natasta Natlan Pagabbaká Paggargara Pala Palald Pallana Palmakald Palvavana Pambarastá Pamálará Pana Pann Paran Parlafta Parnavá Pattala Pattarna Pattádá Pálan Rada Radalan Radradwan Ragalasál Raka Rakallárla Rakqál Raktant Ralandra Ralattallá Rallaraká Ranata Randas Randatarla Ranjaká Ranklád Ranránna Rant Ranál Rasan Raslá Rassabrán Rassawn Rattant Ravarlapal Ránass Ránat Sablas Sablasaná Sada Sadna Sakal Sakassák Salaw Sald Sall Salválarna Sama Samall Samarallán Sanadd Sanar Sanarag Sandarda Sandavá Sann Sapanna Sazabraka Sazakk Skala Skall Skallar Stan Stanattam Starand Starmal Startada Staw Stawn Tafalá Taffran Taka Takaravál Takk Tamagt Tamalarad Tamanda Tanda Tantánar Tapatad Tarak Taran Tará Tasan Tava Tavá Tawaná Trakarta Trakarána Trakk Tras Trastakkál Trála Trámana Tádá Tánnanastá Vaktakta Vaká Vanná Varbaslá Vark Válakká Vára Vávarada Wadna Walanakk Wallán Walánna Wandanakál Wanál Ward Wart Warán Warána Wasa Zalmakaná Zana Ádattarlá Áglap Áglarána Árannatasa Árat Árganna Árlasard Átarallá
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kiro-anarka · 5 years ago
Esvásticas, mensajes racistas, agresiones y venta de drogas para financiarse. Así era y así actuaban los neonazis españoles detenidos del 'Antas Klan' en Antas/Garrucha (Almería * Andalucia) Narco neonazis patriotas Organización neonazi, que está acusada de incitación al odio, violencia racista y narcotráfico, forman patrullas y llenan de carteles las calles con mensajes de odio En los registros les han encontrado una navaja con la inscripción de la esvástica roja en su empuñadura, 2 puños americanos, 491 carteles de contenido ultraderechista, una báscula de precisión, 232 gramos de marihuana prensada y 108 comprimidos de una sustancia psicotrópica.
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lavozdelarepublica · 5 years ago
Levante Almeriense: El juzgado pone en libertad al líder del grupo neonazi Antas Klan
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lamardeonuba · 5 years ago
Operación Malaquita: la Guardia Civil desmantela en Almería una organización neonazi dedicada a la incitación del odio y la violencia racista
#Andalucía: Operación Malaquita: la @GuardiaCivil desmantela en Almería una organización neonazi dedicada a la incitación del odio y la violencia racista.
Se les atribuye la creación de un grupo autodenominado ANTAS KLAN, de carácter juvenil e inspiración neonazi, creado para “tomar el control de la situación y dar respuesta, con actos fuera de la Ley, a la inseguridad que según ellos se vive la localidad de Antas”. Se agrupan entorno a una ideología de extrema derecha creando patrullas clandestinas que, durante la noche, plagan de pasquines las…
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ara-la · 7 years ago
Prisoner Study Group Q & A from Sehu-Kessa-Saa-Tabansi (PA)
The following is from a Pennsylvania prison system study group on Black social movements from civil rights to Hip Hop. these are questions by Address This, and answers by Sehu-Kessa-Saa-Tabansi after studying "Readings for Session 1: War, Empire and Internationalism". Martha Biondi, "Anti-Communism and Civil Rights," in To Stand and Fight: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Postwar New York City (Harvard University Press, 2003) pp. 137-163. Robin D. G. Kelley, "Stormy Weather: Reconstructing Black (Inter-)Nationalism in the Cold War Era," in Is Its Nation Time? Contemporary Essays on Black Power and Black Nationalism (University of Chicago Press, 2002)  pp. 67-90. Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Toure), "The Black American and the Palestinian Revolution" in Stokely Speaks (Lawrence Hill Books, 2007/1971), pp. 97-114.
Q: What if anything, surprised you in these essays?
A: In "To Stand and Fight" I already knew about the red scare of McCarthyism but I was surprised how extensive it was just like the later COINTELPRO of J. Edgar Hoover. Also I was able to see how directly affected the individual members. The names of those who turned on Paul Robeson and W. E. B. DuBois enlighten me that traitors and infiltrators predated the 1960s and 1970s movements and need to be sought out and studied. I learned that Paul Robeson was not a communist according to the reading. The treatment of W. E.  B. DuBois was new to me and I did not expect the US to target him that early in his career as I knew about later US counterrevolutionary tactics. In "Stormy Weather" by Robin Kelley, I appreciated the more detailed history on RAM which I was familiar with by Muhammad Ahmad (Max Stanford)'s book 1965 to 1975 Black Radical Armed Struggle Organizations. I did not already know RAM California history related to Bobby Seale and Huey Newton. On "The Black American" I was surprised because I never knew the BPM put forth written solidarity back then with the Palestinians, which is historical going forward in today's terms of the same challenges exist.
 Q: Martha Biondi's article focuses on the history of political persecution of civil rights and communist activists in the 1940s and 1950s. Can you think of any other political persecutions that have occurred in US history that are similar? Please describe and explain the answer you have in mind. What makes it similar?
 A: The FBI war against the radical left; AIM (American Indian Movement), BPP (Black Panther Party for Self-Defense), SDS (Students for a Democratic Society), Puerto Rican Nationalists, La Raza, Brown Berets, Young Lords Party, Young Patriots Party, and the antiwar activists against the Vietnam War all were persecuted and infiltrated under J. Edgar Hoover's infamous COINTELPRO. It was alleged that communists influenced the leaders of these radical organizations, and the government of the USA sabotaged and destroyed them through criminal acts, including burglaries and murder being orchestrated.
 Q: Many sectors of the civil rights movement embraced anti-Communism, believing that by throwing black leftists out of their organizations they would gain the kind of legitimacy that would enable them to earn some successes against segregation. Did this work as intended? Was the price worth it? Why or why not?
 A: No! The cultural assimilation into white supremacy integration did not work. No so-called civil rights act and 13th amendment has been the price of why New Afrikans are not considered a nation, but rather as Blacks. New Afrikan nation is about independence not dependence on US land but our own. A separate statehood is required for national identity for colonized oppressed New Afrikans.
 Q: How did larger global perspectives and events shape black social movements during World War II and the Cold War?
 A: I believe World War II influenced New Afrikans to militarily defend themselves in the South and elsewhere after they returned to Jim Crow. I believe the Cold War shaped revolutionaries to put in context global oppression, indigenous and colonized peoples internationally. The Cold War era shaped non-aligned governments' opposition to imperialism as well as revolutionary movements.
 Q: Reflecting on the history of black nationalism that Robin Kelley describes, how would you define the "nation" in black nationalism? What does "nation" mean in this context? Is it different in any way from how we usually understand "nationhood"?
 A: I would define New Afrika as a distinct group of descendants from the West Afrikan slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean that now resides in the US as a colonized people who are black. Usually integrationist assimilationists attempt to say we are all Amerikan as a nation. So New Afrikan nationhood is independent of Amerikan white supremacy and imperialism.
 Q: Think about the current global political climate in which contemporary black social movements are taking place today (including contemporary wars, occupations, and economic transformations). What kinds of shifts or changes in foreign policy or foreign relations do you think black social movements in the US should be pushing for today?
 A: New Afrikans should be striving for New Afrikan autonomy. After slavery, New Afrikans under the Reconstruction wanted a New Afrikan Republic. Reconstruction was about self-rule government for the ex-slaves, but the Ku Klux Klan and US government conspired to perpetuate modern Slavery.
 Q: Stokely Carmichael (later, Kwame Toure)'s speech in support of Palestine was an early, important statement of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. What connections, if any, do you see between anti-black racism in the United States and Israeli occupation of Palestine?
 A: There is a deeper connection in the fact the Palestinians are refugees in Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and they have been killed and dehumanized in similar ways. We have Black August, the Palestinians have Black September. We both were removed from land.
 Q: Stokely Carmichael insists that the Black power movement of the 1960s must include the demands of other Third World movements around the globe within its own list of demands. Are there any demands from justice movements located outside the US that you think we need to take up as our own today? If so, what are they, and why do you believe we need to incorporate them?
 A: Because of globalism/imperialism, the imperialist powers are united against the non--colonial countries. Therefore, there can only be success by a worldwide revolution. Dr. John Henrik Clarke summarized this up with scholars like Dr. Ben Jochannan and Cheikh Anta Diop. They stated there has to be a united Africa and a united Latin America. The proletariat has to have an internationalist perspective and approach to socialism in order to defeat capitalist imperialism.
RAM (Revolutionary Action Movement)
BPM (Black Power Movement)
Address This! Correspondence course via Books Through Bars and One Hood United in Pennsylvania
 Sehu Kessa Saa Tabansi
neo-colonial government name Alfonso Percy Pew #BT-7263
SCI Houtzdale
PO Box 1000, Houtzdale PA 16698-1000
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lavozdelarepublica · 5 years ago
Levante Almeriense: Detenidos 9 jóvenes que integraban el grupo neonazi ‘Antas klan’
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