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#vocaloid#vocaart#yuzuki yukari#kizuna akari#anonkanon#((i'm trying the schedule thing i hope it works;;!!))
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#ia vocaloid#gumi megpoid#camui gackpo#kizuna akari#vocaloid#merli#aoki lapis#anon#kanon#anonkanon#rin kagamine#len kagamine#yuzuki yukari#one cevio#one
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Anyone else remember Tegaki E? Just me? I'm so salty that the reboot website is essentially abandoned. The last update was in 2017 and it's still running in http aaaaaa-- 💔
#art#fan art#my art#vocaloid#anon & kanon#ugh these two are so underloved#old art#2022#anon#kanon#anonkanon#how do i even tag this#their names are also just really common widely-used terms#augh#vocaloid fanart
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Which Vocaloids have Twitter?
as twitter slowly burns to ash, a question that may have crossed your mind is "how many vocaloids are still using twitter?"
just for fun, i've put together a list of every official vocaloid twitter account i can think of! this list includes account handles, when the account was made, the language the account promarily posts in (usually the vocaloid's native language), whether the account is still active, and any other notes i think are interesting.
these are organized by vocaloid release date, not twitter account creation date.
Hatsune Miku
Japanese account (cfm_miku) created January 2010, English account (cfm_miku_en) created February 2014
both accounts are still active
Camui Gackpo
Japanese account (GackpoOfficial) created July 2023
Japanese account (GUMIfromMegpoid) created November 2016
English account (SonikaVocaloid) created July 2009
inactive since November 2012
SONiKA was the first Vocaloid to have an official Twitter account!
Japanese account (DjLily_Vocaloid) created February 2011
inactive since April 2011
there are only 20 tweets.
SeeU doesn't have an official Twitter, but a Twitter account was made to promote and celebrate her 10th anniversary (SeeU10thAnniv)! it was made in August 2021 and posts in Korean and is still active!
Tone Rion
Japanese account (tonerion) created October 2011
inactive since August 2012
English account (vocaloid_oliver) created November 2011
he also has a Chinese account (Oliver__China) created in July 2021, but that account still frequently posts in English
both accounts are active
his main English account was inactive for a while, i believe between 2017 and 2020, but he's back on the net!
Japanese account (CUL1224) created June 2021
Bruno and Clara
Spanish/English account (V3BrunoClara) created August 2013
inactive since December 2021
they shared!
this drama queen has had 4 accounts. one is IA_Official (Japanese account, created July 2019, active), another is IaWorldpage (Japanese/English account, created April 2014, inactive since August 2014), the third is the account she shared with her little sister ONE, IA_ONE_Official (apparently deleted?) and last is IA_GLOWB (English account, created July 2022, active).
these accounts are largely focused on IA as a CeVIO and Vtuber/virtual artist rather than as a Vocaloid.
Aoki Lapis/Merli
neither individual Vocaloid has a Twitter, but i-style Project, which was focused solely on them, had a Twitter account under the handle i_style_vc3. it has since been deleted.
Luo Tianyi
interestingly, Luo Tianyi has only a Japanese Twitter account (LTYjp), created in January 2018 and inactive since August 2020
none of the other Vsinger characters seem to have Twitter accounts. this is probably because Weibo, which they DO all have accounts for, is more widely used in China than Twitter. (and at this point? i'm jealous of them.)
English account (VocaloidAvanna) created August 2012
inactive since new year's day of 2014. her last tweet was: "Wishing everyone a wonderful 2014!"
English/Japanese account (YOHIOloid) created April 2013
inactive since September 2013
in case you didn't know, yohioloid was released on september 10, 2013. his last tweet (out of a total of 5) was made on september 15, 2013.
mostly English and only sometimes Spanish account (VocaloidMaika) created September 2013
inactive since October 2022
Macne Nana
Japanese account (macnenana) created June 2009
inactive since June 2020
Macne Nana was released for VOCALOID3 in 2014, so this account must have been initially made for her debut as a GarageBand and Reason plugin
Japanese account (Anon_Kanon) created February 2014
inactive since June 2015
flower has 2 accounts! both are Japanese. the first one, v_flower_jp, was made in April 2014 and has been inactive since June 2021, except for 2 tweets in April 2022 about flower's CeVIO release. flower's second account, Ci_flower_, created for the CeVIO release, was made in March 2022 and is still active.
Tohoku Zunko
Japanese account (t_zunko) created July 2011
Japanese account (rana_0909) created June 2014
inactive since September 2022
Xin Hua
her Twitter account was XinHuaOfficial, but it was...suspended for violating the Twitter Rules!? what did she do?????
unity-chan! (Kohaku Otori)
Japanese account (UnityChan_PR) created December 2013
it should be noted that the account was made when she first debuted as Unity Japan's mascot, and this account mostly focuses on promoting the Unity engine. she hasn't posted anything about her Vocaloid release in quite a while.
English/Japanese/Chinese account (quad_stardust) created December 2015
this account mostly posts in English, though the bio is Japanese and the tweets and retweets sometimes contain Japanese or Chinese. i assume most Chinese posts, like the Vsingers, are made on Weibo instead.
Otomachi Una
Japanese account (otomachiuna) created May 2016
the project they were created for, Project 575, has a Japanese account (project575) created in May 2012. this was for MATCHA and AZUKI's private V2 voicebanks.
this account has basically been inactive since late 2017, but they do still diligently post happy birthday messages each year for the main Project 575 characters
Japanese account (ava_lumi) created June 2017
inactive since June 2021
Mirai Komachi
Japanese account (miraikomachi_PR) created May 2018
this is kinda similar to unity-chan where Mirai Komachi, as a character, is essentially a mascot affiliated with Bandai Namco. but unlike unity-chan, she still seems to frequently acknowledge her existence as a Vocaloid.
Haruno Sora
Japanese account (harunosora17) created May 2022
MEIKA Hime and Mikoto
Japanese account (himemiko_jp) created June 2019
inactive since June 2021
Hime and Mikoto shared the account and would frequently sign off tweets with their respective emojis and katakana characters; Hime's was 👹 and ヒ and Mikoto's was 😈 and ミ.
#i can't actually fit all of these in the tags even when removing the ones that don't 100% count. oops.#bonus#btw sorry for the lack of links. i don't like the idea of linking directly to twitter right now.
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some under appreciated ‘loids
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Raging Storm - Anon Kanon (VOCALOID original by PuddingKingdom)
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which one of your wip models will come out first/which ones will come out and do you have any more? from what I know there's haku nero and neru, and the kiyoteru and yukis.. i mean i just want all of them they're so beautiful
to be brutally honest w u……………. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
my plan is to release the haku/neru/nero/dell set eventually………. so they’ll be soon i hope and after that maybe kiyoteru/yuki but i dont know if i want to release them considering the errors yuki actually has……. (and i gotta rename and fix her facials which is tedious and time-consuming)………………………. i also started anonkanon whom of which i plan to release with arsloid but im not 100% sure if i want to release them either hehe (the progress on the sisters is shit slow i started them like before arsloid even happened) and well IA is still shoeless and big al is still clothesless hahahahehe and then there’s rinto/lenka and then the 1925 set and maybe my gackpo who doesn’t have a partner to be released with yet and my kaito/meiko v1/v3 models that have been on hold for like 20 years not to mention the new meito/luki/kaiko set w may but yknow all that is pretty much just ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but currently i can 10000000% say that none of them will be released any time in the near future, considering i have commissions to finalise and like 19238181 uni assignments i gotta work on that are due pretty damn soon (yknow priorities) and considering my uni hours are morning to evening most of the week i have like…. 0 spare time to do stuff aside from work and sleep
so at this point i dont really want to overwork myself bc well haha……… we all know what happened last time i did that
but after that i have my semester break so if i don’t decide to drop dead during this remaining time then you can expect some of those then i guess lmao
#notmmd#ask#damn i have many wips#and ppl r still suggesting and sometimes demanding more and ppl wonder why i have started showing more nihilisitc tendencies#Anonymous
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those are definitely not in order. also i think when anon and kanon came out i was anonkanons for like .2 days
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Boy I Sure Do Love Being Into Lesser Known Vocaloids That Only Have Like 3 Good Songs
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*downloads anything and everything with anon and kanon*
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【AnonKanon】Magical Symmetry【Original MV】
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anon and kanon have separated official profiles on their official website. While they have differences in height, weight, favorite school subject and general personality, they do have the same special skill (dancing) and favorite food (bread).
(source: anonkanon website)
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Twincest is wincest.
#rinlen#lenrin#anonkanon#kanonanon#rinxlen#lenxrin#kagaminecest#remember these are fictional ships so there's nothing wrong with that.#shipping#otps#otp
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v_flower meets anon&kanon
#mikumikudance#v_flower#anonkanon#vocaloid#mmd#shy flower is best flower#the source leads to my dA upload of it#yeha
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Fire Breath
水をくれたの、赤い手で掬って。 首が重い、ふらふらと。 「だれが?」水をくれたの。 傷をつけたの、赤い手で拭って。 首が重い、ぽたぽたと。 「君が?」傷を付けたの。 激しく奏でて。いつでも奏でて。壊れても欲しいよ。 優しく壊して。どこでも壊して。壊して欲しい。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えてしまえ、君の赤い泣き顔。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えて消えて。 僕は君を許すよ。 キスをくれたの。 赤い眼で括って。 首が重い、ゆらゆらと。 「君が?」キスをくれたの。 激しく奏でて。いつでも奏でて。 優しく壊して。どこでも壊して。 激しく囁いて真赤な吐息で焼き尽くして欲しいよ。 全てをそっと焼いて、さよなら「赤色」、燃やして欲しい。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えてしまえ、君の赤い泣き顔。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えて消えて。 僕は君に焦がれた。 君は炎を求めるの? "mio......" 君の名前呼んだ... 傷をくれたの。 赤い手で救って。 首が重い、ふらふらと。 「僕が傷をあげよう」傷をくれたの。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えてしまえ、君の赤い泣き顔。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えて消えて。 僕は君に焦がれた。恋した。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えてしまえ、君の赤い泣き顔。 燃えて。 燃えて。 燃えて消えて。 僕は君を赦すよ。
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